RAILROAD ACCIDENT. — MiIton, Pa. Tuesday, June 26, 1855—The locomotive of the pass enger train from Niagara was thrown off the track three miles above Milton, yesterday, in { , on sequence of a land-slide, and rolling over and down a twenty feet embankment, righted itself in the canal. The engineer, fireman, and one passenger were carried down with the loco motive, but escaped injury. The baggage car was smashed and a passenger car injured, but were saved from following the locomotive by the breaking of the coupling. gag- The history of HORACE GREEI.Y'S arrest in Paris is briefly thus : —The arrest was made at the suite of LESCHESNE the scnlptor, who j, a ,l a claim against the Crystal Palace for a statue—a fuli-length Bacchante we believe, which still lies safe and sound in one of the courts of the Palace—and who thought to hold MR. GREELY personally responsible as director of the Association. The Court re fused to adopt M. LESCHESNE'S view of the matter and discharged the defendant. T.OANIXG NEWSPAPERS. —Subscribers to news papers make complaint of the non-arrival of their papers, and in some instances intimate that the loss is occasioned by the fact of the post muster loaning to his neighbors the papers of others for perusal. The papers fail to be re turned to their proper place, and hence the disatisfaetion. Postmasters are strictly for bidden to loan newspapers that are in their office for delivery. FATAL ACCIDENT AT TIIE FALI.S OF NIAGARA. — yingura Tails, Saturday, June 23.—A man went over the American Fails this morning.— He was in the act of laudiug, from a skiff just above the rapids, when he was carried away by the current, and his boat capsized. His name is unknown, but he is supposed to have been on his way from Canada with vegetables. WHEAT HARVEST. —A letter from Nashville fTcnn.) in the Louisville Times says the wheat from the Kentucky line to that place has beeu harvested, and the yield is unparalleled ; the same number of acres reaped double that of auv former year. All saved without the slight-, est blemish. RECRI'ITS FOR THE EASTERN WAR.—The po lice of New York last week made a descent upon the brig Teazcr, lying at a wharf in Kmokiyn, and found some fifty recruits for the Foreign Legion on board, together with two ; recruiting agents. The latter were taken in to custody, and also some of the recruits as witnesses. £•-if There is now living in Cataraugus Re servation, New York, a Seneca Indian War rior, named Philip Scajaquada, 101 years of i i a-.'e. bale and hearty. Ife was in Buffalo the present week, as a witness in the Circuit Court, j lie was in the wilds of New York long before j the arrival of any white settler. j , THE KLMIRA MAIL ROBBERY.—A Mrs. Pi-! anlha Phelps has been arrested dear Harris-1 burg, l'a., charged with being an accomplice in the robbery of the United States mail-bags at Elmira, N. Y., in November last. teg The peach crop in New Jersey and De laware gives promise of being the largest ever known. Contracts have already been made for the delivery of large quantities of this fruit at [ very low prices. The Markets, June 27. The prospect of abundant crops, throughout the country, has a tendency to depress the price of Breadstuff's and prices are falling off. a shade—not as much however, as might be t expected, showing that the stock of grain is small, and in the hands of those who are able [ to control the markets. N EW-Y ORK. Our latest dates quote Canadian Flour at | *9 87 "$lO 50. Southern flour has declined i sells at from $lO to $ll 75. Western 2 1-2 to $9 50, according to quality, le wheat market is dull, at about $2 50. has fallen off to 97 cents. iwanda Market—Wholesale Prices. ected weekly by E. T. FOX, Dealer in Provisions and iceries , No. I. Brick Row. who will pay Cash, at the CF- fixed, for the articles in this list :] (retail price,) BBL til 00 ® 11 50 do " 21 00 rtrj) 24 00 it. bushel, 2 25 wheat, " 1 00 @ . " so the Engine house,on Saturday evening, JULY ITH. at 6$ o'clock. By order of the Foreman, I"" -• N. T. BOG ART, Secretary. *" XAIAD FIRE CO.. NO. 2.— The memliers of this i ' V are notified to meet at the Engine Bouse, on Jrdav, July 7, 1*55, at 6$ o'clock, P. M. By order nf the Foreman, ME23. CHARLES MERCER, Secretary. A M ASOXIC— The regular meetings of UNION OLRL.OLMJR. No. 108, A. Y. M., arc held every Wcd- ON or preceding the full moon, at Maso ▼ \ nie Hall, over J. Kingsbery'S store. L - BRETHREN in good standing are invited to attend. — ®eeting for JULV will occur on the 25th day. A. UNION CHAPTER, NO. 161, holds Its regular THE same place, Thursday on or before the full Meeting for July on the 26th day. NOTICE A meeting of the "BRADFORD V COUNTY VOCAL MUSIC ASSOCIATION," AT the Court House, iu the Borough of To on Saturday, July 7, at 10 o'clock, A. M. I , By order of the President, WM. H. PERKINS, Secretary. Married, : ;' ' X ON the 12th inst., by Rev. J. M. Peebles, of EI .T,' U UoLLINS of this place, to Miss AURELIA .ofWysox. JEWELRY!! JFCWELRY!!! i\ A CHAMBERLIN has just arrived W Y " RK 1,1 C LARGEST, BEST and V R K OF WATCHBB, JBWELRY and FANCY lie woght into thin market. He has only time > j^ nounc the fact. Call and examine. p,. . riRB ! FIRE ! riRE ! PARMER'S UNION INSURANCE CO. Hon ATHENS, PA C P W?U WILLISTON, President ; J T R JR - President and Treasurer ; UANHELD, Secretary. L 1 Horace Williston, Francis V.VI, • "VRKIU*, J. T. D. Myer, C. N. Shipraan, T <■','* I '' Caufiehl, Athens ; Hon. John La ' M H, R, en. Bradley Wakeraan, Laceyville ; ''HE, IY WILKES- Barre ; Michael Meylert, La- Agent for Bradford County. Addreee, Nero CAbDcrtisemcnis. Tracy A Moore, HAVE JUST RECEIVED from N. York a large and well selected assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which have been selected with unusual care, And purchas ed at the lowest possible rates. Feeling confident that we can sell Goods for Ready Pay, as low as any establishment iu the country, we ask the public to give us a call, and examine our stock and prices. June 28,1855. ItfACKINAW TROUT.—IO bblfi. No. 1, -91 just received at TRACY A MOORE'S. TITACKEREL—whoIe, half and quarter bbls jjl- by je2 TRACY A MOORE. IRON, Round, Square, Tire, Band & Scroll, all qualities and sizes. TRACY A MOORE. FLOUR —80 bbls., first quality, for sale at the lowest CASH figure. TRACY & MOORE. SOLE LEATHER—One Ton, a prime ar ticle, for sale cheap, by TRACY A MOORE. BOOTS & SHOES —The largest, best and cheapest assortment this side of the Empire City may be found at je'29 TRACY A MOORfe'S. PAINTS, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, &c. Ac., by TRACY A MOORE^ HOUSE TRIMMINGS—every description by je2'J TRACY A MOORE. PENNSYLVANIA MAG I S TRATE'S LAW LIBRARY. 1. BINN'S JUSTICE, Ami Business Man'* I*egal Guide. New and sixth Edition, bringing the law down to 1855. A treatise on the office and duties of Aldermen and Jus tices of the Peace in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including all the required Forms of Process and Docket Entries ; and embodying not only whatever may be deem ed valuable to Justices of the Peace, but to Laudlords, Tenants, and General Agents ; and making this volume what it purports to be, A afe Isgal Guide for Business Men. By John Binns, late Alderman of Walnut ward, in the city of Philadelphia. The Sixth Edition. Revised, corrected, and greatly enlarged, by Frederick C. Brightly Esq., Author of "A Treatise on the Law of Costs," " Equi ty Jurisprudence," " Nisi Prins Reports," Editor of "Pur don's Digest," Ac. In one thick volume, octavo. Price, only $4 00. Also, Companion to Binns's Justice. 2. GRAYDON'S FORMS. Forms of Conveyancing, and of Practice in the Courts of Common Pleas, quarter Sessions, Oyer and Termfner, the Supreme and Orphan's Courts, and" the offices of the various Civil Officers and Justices of the Peace. Fourth edition, revised, corrected, enlarged, and adapted to the present state of the law ; with copious explanatory Notes and References, and a new, full and comprehensive Index. By Robert E. Wright, Esq. In one thicK octavo volume. Price only $3 50. ALSO, 3. STROUD AND BRIOIITLY'S PURDON'S DIGEST —l7OO TO 1855. A Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, from the vear 1700, to the Bth day of May, 1855. The first four editions by the late John Purdon, Esq. The fifth, sixth and sev enth, by the Hon. George M. Stroud. Eighth edition, re vised, with Marginal References, Foot Notes to the Judi cial Decisions; Analytical Contents ; a Digested Syllabus of each Title : and a new, full, and exhaustive index. By Frederick C. Brightly, Esq., Author of a "Treatise on the Law of Costs," " Equity Jurisprudence," " Nisi Prius Re ports," Editor of " Binns's Justice," Ac. One thick royal Bvo. Price only $5 00. #-The freshness and permanent value of Purdon'a Di gest arc preserved by the publication annually of a Digest of the laws enacted in each year. These annual Digests are arranged in precise conformity with the plan of Pur don's Digest. They are. each of them, republished annual ly ; are connected together by a general index (prepared anew each year,) which embraces the contents of the laws of each year since the publication of Purdon'a Digest, in one alphabet; and are bound up with Purdon'a Digest,and also sold separately. Thus the purchaser of Purdon's Digest will always be in possession of the complete body of the Statute Laws of Pennsylvania down to the very hour when he purchases it. Those who have already purchased Purdon's Digest may always complete it to date for the small sum of Fifty Cents, the price of a volume containing all the annual Di gests issued since the first publication of the present edi tion of Purdon's Digests, as heretofore stated. KAY A BROTHER, LAW BOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS, j 17 Al9 South Fifth Street, First Store above Chestnut. XiTOrders or letters of inquiry for Law Books from the I Country, promptly attended to. ow3 Barclay Railroad 6l Coal Company. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the subscribers in To wanda boro' and its vicinity to the Stock of the "BAR CLAY RAILROAD & COAL CO," that a third instal ment of five dollars per share on said stock required to be paid on or before the 14th day of JULY next, to E. OVER TON, Esq., the President, or to J. Macfarlane, Esq. the At torney of said Company at Towanda. Payments may also be made at the office of Laporte, Mason A Co. at the same place. By order of the Board of Directors, June 23, 1855. GEO. R. OAT. Treasurer. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARA TIONS. llflmbold's Highly Concentrated Fluid Extract Buchu, for Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, Secret Diseases, j Strictures, Weaknesses, and all Diseases of the Sexual Organs, whether in Male or Female, from whatever cause tlicy may have originated, and no matter of how long standing. If you have contracted the terrible disease, which when once seated in the system, will surely go down from one generation to another, undermining the constitution, and i sapping the very vital fluids of life, do not trust yourself 1 in the hauds of quacks, who start up every day in a city i like this, and fill the papers with glaring falsehoods too I well calculated to deceive the young and those not ac quainted with their tricks. You cannot be too careful in the selection of a remedy in these eases. The fluid extract Buchu has been pronounced by emi nent Physicians Tllfe GREATEST REMEDY EVER KNOWN. It is a medicine perfectly pleasant in its taste, and very innocent in its action, and yet so thorough that it annihl- I lates every particle of the rank and poisonous virus of this disease: and, unlike other remedies, it does not dry up the disease in the blood. Constitutional Debility, brought on by self-abuse, a most terrible disease, which has brought thousands of the hu man race to untimely graves, thus blasting the brilliant hopes of parents, anil blighting in the bud the glorious ambition of manv a noble youth, can be cured bv this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. And as a medicine which must benefit everybody from the simply delicate to the confined and despairing invalid, no equal is to be found, acting lmth xs a cure and preventive. HEMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla. For purifying the Blood, removing all diseases arising from excess of Mercury, exposure and imprudence in life, chronic constitutional disease, arising from an im pure state of the blood, and the only reliable and effect ual remedy known for the cure of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcerations of the Throat and I-egs. Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Tetter, Pimples on the face and all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin. This article is now pre-cri!ed by some of the most dis tinguished Physicians in the Country, and has proved more efficient in practice than any preparation of Sarsa parilla yet offered to the public. Several cases of secon dary Svphilic, Mercurial and Scrofulous diseases have en tirely recovered in the incurable wards of our public insti tutions. which had for many years resisted every mode of treatment that could be devised. These cases furnish striking examples of the salutary effects of this medicine in arresting some of the most inveterate disexscs, after the glands were destroyed and the bones already affected. NOTICE Letters front responsible Physicians and I'ro- I fessors of several Medical colleges, and certificates of cures [ from patients will be found accompanying both prepara | tions. Prices, Fluid Extract Buchu, $1 bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. I " " Sarsaparilla, " " equal in strength to one gallon Syrup of Sarsaparilla. Prepareil and sold by H. T. HELM BOLD, Chemist, 263 Chestnut st., near the Girard House, Philadelphia. To be had of Dr. H. C. PORTER, Towanda, Pa. and of Druggists and dealers everywhere. AS" AII letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent will receive immediate attention. Iy3 New Boot and Shoe Manufactory. I HOFFMAN would respectfully inform the citizens of Towanda, that he has com menced the BOOT Of SHOE business in the room over J. Gulp & Co's. shop, near the corner of Bridge street— He is ready at all times to do all work in his line in the best manner—and will make Fine Sewed and Pegged Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, in tho latest approved style, as well AS Coarse Worh. Her AIRING done in a superior man ner. He would respectfully solicit the patronage of the citi zens of this place, assuring them that he will endeavor to merit their favors by using the best stock, by careful work manship, and by punctuality. Towanda, June 18, 1855. TAKEN UP. AFLOAT In the Susquehanna River, on Monday the 16th of June, one Ark, without oars, with the name " Ridgway's Ark," marked in Red chalk in several places, a description of which is tiled in the office of the subscri ber at Wyalusing. T- HINES, J. P. June 20, 1855, IpRESH BAKED CRACKERS, received . every week, at junell FOX S. PLOVeIuTtIMOTIIY SEED.—SO bush- V-V els Clover and Timothy Seed, just received, and for by sale feb24 BAILEV A KEVINS. flhoceUcmeoita. COLLINS & POWELL WOULD respectfully inform their friends and the pub lic that they have REMOVED their CLOTHING A FUiUfISHING STORE to Patton's New Brick Block, No. 3, and will be happy to wait on ail who mav give them a call, Their stock consists of Black Broadcloth and Fancy Coats ; Fancy Cassfmere Coats, of all colore ; Black and Fancy Caastmere Pants ; Black Satin and' Fancy Vests ; Marseilles Vests. White and Fancy: Marseilles and Linen Coats, all kinds ; Linen Pants, Shirt Collars, Cravats and Hose. Hats, of all kinds. Garments of all kinds made up to order, and warranted to fit or no sale. Our stock comprises all kinds of goods adapted to men's wear, which we are hound to sell cheap er than any other establishment in town or county. CUTTING done to order as usual. Towanda, June 9,1855. CAUTION. —A man calling himself by the name of H r m. C. Smith, hxs been selling the "rights of my Improved Bee-hive in the state of Ohio without any legal authority to do so. 1 would caution all persons not to purchase ot' him. SYLVESTER DAVIS. Claremont, N. H., June 4.1855. AN APPRAISEMENT AND CLASSI FICATION of the different persons engaged in the sale of Goods, Wares and Merchandise, in the County of Bradford, for the year 1856, with the amount of license thereunto annexed : Toirn. Names. Class. Amount. Albany D. Kellogg & Co., 14 7 00 Asyluin John Horton, v l4 7 00 G. H. A J. H. Morrow, 14.... 7 00 Horton A Stone, 14 7 00 Athens Boro'. .Harris A Page, 10. .. .20 00 C.C. Brooks, 14.... 7 00 C. Comstock 14 7 00 Overton A Wheelvr, 14 7 00 W. F. Burdick, 14 7 00 Moses Sawyer 14 7 00 C. Park A Son, 12 12 50 J. M.Bell, 13.... 10 00 C. Averili, 14 7 00 George A. Perkins, 15 7 00 Joseph Parsons, 14 7 00 Athens Tp John Watkins, 14.... 7 00 A. Beidleman, 14.... 7 00 Hubbcll A Gardner, 14 .... 7 00 Burlington.... Long A Merry, 14... 7 00 Morley A Campbell 14 7 00 A. Morley A Brothers, 14 7 00 Canton Tuttle A Beardslee 13 10 00 J. Vandyke jr. A Co 13 10 00 Gridlev'A Colwell 13... .10 00 Randall,Townsend A Co 14 7 00 F.Hall A Co 13 ... 10 00 A. Doty, 14 7 00 H. Miller A Co 14 7 00 F. G. AA. S. Manley, 13.... 10 00 Mix A Hooper 14 7 00 W. S. Baker 13 10 00 Case A Rockwell, 14.... 7 00 Columbia W. H. Knapp, 14.... 7 00 A. B. Austin, 14 7 00 Durell B. Laporte ACo 14 ... 700 U.Moody 14.... 7 00 Franklin J. M. Martin, It 7 00 Granville L. D.Taylor, 14.... 7 00 Derrick A.R.Brown, 11.... 7 00 E. Tyrrell, 14 7 00 Leroy, D. I). Parkhurst, 14.... 7 00 B. B. Parkhurst, 14 7 00 Monroe T.evi Ennis 11 7 00 Newton, White A Co 14.... 7 00 O. P.Lyon It 7 00 S. S. Hinman, It 7 00 George Smith, 1t.... 7 00 Smith A Cranmer 11 7 00 Brown A Rockwell 13... .10 00 V. E. A J. E. Piollet 14.... 7 00 Orwell T. Humphrey A Co 14.... 7 00 H. Gibbs A Son, 14 ... 7 00 Potter A Lyon, 14 7 00 Pike. D. Bailey A Son 13 10 00 George H. Little, 13 10 00 Black A Pierce 13 10 00 Baldwin A Bobbins, 14 7 00 Stevens A Burrows 14 .... 7 00 Uidgberry,... .Cornell A Decker (liquor) 14 ...10 50 Charles Wilson, " 14 . . 10 50 West A Voorhis " 14. .. 10 50 B. F. Buck, . " 14 10 50 ll.C.Evans 14.. 7 00 Rome Judson Holcomb, 14.... 7 00 J. W. Woodburn, 14 .. 7 00 Wxshburn A Frost, 1t... 7 00 Stand'g Stone Henry Tracy 14 7 00 George Stevens, 14 7 00 Jared Hart, 14 ... 7 00 Sheshequin .. .Kinney A Gore, 14.. . . 7 00 Washburn A Ames 14. . 700 Smithfleld,.... J. E. Bullock, 13 10 00 L. Dnrfee 13.... 10 00 E.S.Tracy 14 7 00 J. M. Higgins, 14 7 00 Springfield... .Daily A Hart, It . 700 J. G" Blakeslee, I t.... 7 00 C. T. Murphy, (liquor) 14.. ..10 50 Hirain Spear 14.... 7 00 Troy Borough .J. K. Goodrich, (liquor) 12.. . .18 75 Calking A Howell 14 7 00 E.F. Ballard, 14 7 00 O.P.Ballard 14. .. 7 00 F. L. Ballard, (liquor) 13 .. .15 00 S. W. A 1). F. Pomeroy, 11 15 00 V. M. A H. F. Long, 11.... 15 00 W. H. Knapp 13... .10 00 1). W. C. Herrick 12.... 12 50 Newberry A Peck 12... .12 50 C. K. Spencer, 14 ... 700 S. W. Paine, 13.... 10 00 Towanda Bor. .S. Felton, (liquor)l4 .. .10 50 Hali A Russell, 13.... 10 00 Montanyes A Co 10 20 00 Joseph Kingshery 13.... 10 00 J. M. Reed, (livuor)l4. ... 10 50 H.C.l'orter " 14....10 59 O. D. Bartlett, 13 10 00 Burton Kingshery, 13 10 00 W. A. Chamberlin, 14.... 7 00 Collins A Powell 14 . ... 7 00 J. H. Phiuney, 14 ... 7 00 Tracy A Moore, 13.... 10 00 M. E. Solomon, 14 7 00 H. S. Mercur, 10 20 00 Joseph Powell IS. ... 10 00 Bailey A Ncvins, 14 ... 7 00 Ulster J. A i\ Mather 14 .... 7 00 C. Rockwell A Co 14. ... 7 00 Gibson A Gorseline, 14.... 7 00 Wells Edsall A Benedict, 14 ... 7 00 John Brown It ... 7 (Hi Warren Alva Rogers, 14.... 7 00 J. P. Rogers, 14. .. . 7 00 Marcus Tyrrell, 14 . . 700 It. Cooper, 14. .. . 7 00 G.W. Talinadge, 14.... 7 00 J. A. lde 14 7 00 Windliam W. H. Russell 14. ... 7 00 B. Kuykendall, 14. .. 7 00 Wyalusing C. Avery, 14 ... 700 E. Lewis A Co 1t.... 7 00 Augustus Lewis, 14 7 00 Welles A Bixbv 13. .. .10 50 Wysox V. E. A J. E. l'iollet,. (liquor)l4. ...10 50 Wilmot Jones A Gary, 14.... 7 00 A list and classification of the Beer Houses, Eating Hou ses, Ac., in the county of Bradford for the year 1855, under the act of Assembly of the loth of April, 1649, entitled " an act to create a sinking fund, Ac. Town. Names. Class. Amount. Athens Boro'. .Carner A Snell 8 $5 00 Cornelius Harsh, 8.... 5 00 James Wilson, (liquor)B.... 7 50 Athens Tp... .JohnSanster, 8.... 500 Burlington... .Henry Vosburg 8.... 500 Canton H. Tuttle, 8. ... 5 00 J. G. Scudder, 8 5 00 A. Cantield, 8.... 5 00 Columbia .... L. L. Griggs, 8.... 5 00 Monroe A.Mullin,... 8.... 6 00 11. Tracy, 8 5 00 Towanda 80. .J. H. Warner, 8... . 500 Miles Carter, 8.... 5 00 J. A. Record, 8.... 5 00 M.T.Carrier, .8.... 5 00 L. H. Scott, 8. .. 5 00 John Ringer, 8 ... 5 00 Troy 80r0'... D. Dobbins, 8.... 500 H.N.Fis 8.... 5 00 C. Drake 8— 5 00 Smlthfield M. B. A J. C. Geronld 8 5 00 Ulster, J.M.Pike, 8 5 00 A list and classification of the persons engaged in the sale of Nostrums, Patent Medicines, Ac., for the county of Bradford, for the year 1855, under the act of Assembly of April 10, 1849 : Town. Names. Class. Amount. Athens Boro'. -C. H. Herrick, 4... $0 00 G. A.Perkins, 4 5 00 Canton Tuttle A Beardslee, 4 5 00 Leroy D. D. Parkhurst 4 5 00 Orwell T. Humphry A Co 4 5 00 Rome Judson Holcomb, 4 5 00 Towanda Bor J- M. Reed, 4. .. 5 00 11. C. Porter, 4 ... 5 00 Stand'g Stone. Henry W. Tracy, 4 5 00 Troy Borough.E. F.Ballard, 4 500 ' F. L.Ballard. 4 ... 5 00 C. Drake, 4.... 5 00 A list and classification of the Distilleries in Bradford Co. for 1855, per act of Assembly of April 10,1849: Town. Name. Class. Amount. Springfield .. Wm. Brace, 10 $5 00 A list and classification of Bankers In Bradford County, for the year 1855 : . Town. Name. Am t of business. License. Towanda Bor.Laporte, Mason A C 0.... 11500... .$45 00 gar Notice is hereby given that an Appeal will be held at the Commissioner's Office, in Towanda, on the 23d day of JUNE next, at which time and place anv person ag grieved by the foregoing Classification can attend if they think proper. E. L- BROWN, Mircanhle Aflrraistr. Frenchtown, May 25, 1855. miscellaneous. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS ET. FOX would respectfully inform his • old friends and the public generally that he has commenced the Grocery and Provision Business, at Ho. 1, Brick Row, (opposite Mercur's store,) and intends car rying it on in all its branches. He has and will continue to keep on hand a full assortment of GROCERIES and all kinds of PROVISIONS that are obtainable, all of which will be sold on reasonable terms for Cash. Towanda, June 1, 1855. CASH paid for BUTTER, EQGS, and eve rything else in the line of Eatables, at June L FOX'S. £A BBLS. FLOUR, a superior article, for fJ\J family use, at FOX'S. DRIED PEACHES, a small quantity, very nice, for sale at june 9 FOX'S." ORANGES, Lemons, Pine Apples, Fresh Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Currants, seedless Raisins,pre served Ginger, aud a variety of articles of the same nature may be had at juue'J FOX'S. FLOUR for $ll and $ll 50 per barrel at June 20. FOX'S. OODS bought at my Store will bedeliver- T ed to any part of the Borough, FREE OF CHARGE. June 20 1858. E. T. FOX.J PAILS, Brooms, Tubs, Measures, scrubbing A rushes, blacking Brushes, Ac. at FOX'S. FRESII TEAS, both Green and Black— from 374 cents to $1 IK)—every pound warranted to suit or the money returned iu all cases, at FOX'S. O TONS SUGARS—Brown, Refined, Pow e J dered, Crushed and Granulated ; Molasses, Syrup, Rio and Java Coffee, Rice. tsuleratus, Ginger, Spenu Candles, Rice, Tobacco—in fact a general variety of Groceries, for sale cheap at june 9 FOX'S. PURE CIDER VINEGAR may be found at juneit FOX'S. ~ STAGES will hereafter . leave the Ward House, until further FOR WAVEHLY—Leave at 2 o'clock, P. M., arriving in time to take the trains, east and west. Leave after the arrival of the morning trains, from the east and west. FOR TUNKHANNOCK—Leave immediately upon the arrival of the Waverley stage, about 1, P. M. Arrive at Towanda, in time to connect with the stage for Waverly. March 17. 1855. SMITH A POWELL, Proprietors". NO JOKB. "VTINE HUNDRED AND NINETY-NINE -L v Meu, in Bradford County in debt to us, that we want to pay their Judgment notes or accounts, which ever it \ may be, aud we intend to have them do it, either by per- ( suasion or by employing officers sufficient to collect or ev- ; ery man immediately, without any exception orirespect to j parsons, from the fact that the money belongs to our ere- > ilitors, and we intend that they shall have it as soon as it j can be collected. lIALL & RUSSELL. Towanda, April 20 1855. NEW SPRLG & SUMMER GOODS TOSF.PII KIXGSBERY is now receiving, *' from New Y'ork, a large, carefully selected and most desirable assortment of HEW SPRIHG AND SUMMER GOODS. Towanda, May 11, 1855. QURVEYING.—JAMES A. PAINE,Sur k A veyor for Bradford County, is prepared to attend to j the altove business in all its" branches. His office is at j Monroeton. All letters addressed to him at that place j will meet with prompt attention. April 4, 1854. _ j ONE CENT REWARD— Rauaway from I the sulwc.il/er about the 26th nit, Wm RoWK.abound i boy to the farming business. 1 therefore forbid all persons | harboring or trusting said boy on my account, as i will pay no debts of his contracting. HENRY' CLARK. Rome, March 1,1855. mm. BE *2 ivjk m . m a , • COLLINS A POWELL have RE MO YED to PATTOX'S NEW BLOCK, where they have just received a large addition to their stock of REAI)Y'-M APE CLOTHING, Cloths, Trimmings, Furnishing Goods, Ac., to which they invite public attention. Towanda. May 24, 1855. NEW SPRING GOODS.: TOSEPJT POWELL would announce to *} the citizens of Bradford County, that he is now re ceiving n large, rich and varied assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry (roods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, and Glass Ware, Straw Goods. Hats, Hoots and Shoe*. Cur peting*, Yankee Xot'ns, Paper Hangings, Fish, Paints and Oils ; and in fact, almost every article of merchan dize which the wants of the country requires, and is offer- | ing them for sale for CASH at prices which defy all coin- i petition. He would particularly invite attention to his stock of j LADIES DKKSS HOODS, consisting in part of rich plain bl'k j and watered Silks ; ail wool Delaines ; plain and figured J mouslin delaines : plain and figured Challi delaines ; De- I Berges, Lawns, all prices ; printed Jaconctts, Organdies, \ lie razes, all colors, together with an endless variety of j Ginghams, Prints, Ac. Ac. EMBROIDERIES AMI Lacks—Ladies embroidered and lace I Collars, Sleeves, Handkerchiefs, Skirts, Chimezetta,Swiss i and Jaconctte Bands and Flounces, Swiss and Jaconette Edgings and Inserting*, Maltese, Thread, Smyrna, bobbin and Cotton Edgings, all widths; Brussells, black and white silk Edgings, all widths and prices. WHITE Goons—Plain and dotted Swiss Muslins, Jaco nctts. Bishop Lawns, India, Book and Nainsook Muslins, Striped and Plaid Cambrics, Victoria Lawns, of all quali ties. Ladies and Gents, linen H'd'k'fs., silk and cotton blonds; Bobbinett and fringed Laces, Irish linens at great ly reduced prices. Hoi'.SK FI KMSHISO Goons—Worsted, linen and worsted Damask, double ond single fold, cot Damask, bleached and unbleached table linens, bleached and unbleached Jacquard diaper, worsted, embossed and colored damask linen table spreads, bleached damask table cloths and napkins, all sizes; counterpanes, bleached and unbleached Muslins from 4to 10-4 yards wide. Drapery Muslins of different kinds, Crash, Scotch and Russia diapers, Ac. GLOVES AND HOSIERY—.V complete assortment of Ladies and Misses and Childrens' white, unbleached, mixed and slate (adored cloth Hose; Mens' and boys' unbleached, mixed and white cotton half hose ; ladies and gents black, white and colored kid gloves, best quality ; ladies kid fin ish and plain silk and lisle thread do. ; ladies and misses long and short French filet mitts. SHAWLS AM> M WTILLAS—A large assortment of Spring Shawls and Mantillas of new and desirable styles. CARfKTix.JS of various styles and qualities. Rush mat tings, different widths. CLOTHS AND C ASSIMEKKS —The largest stock of plain black and fancy Tothsand Ciissimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Linen and Cotton Summer Goods for mens' and boys' wear, ever exhibited in Northern Pennsylvania— purchased at greatly reduced prices, and offered for sale correspondingly low. Also, a good" assortment of Nestings, Scarfs, Stocks, Cravats. Linen Collars, Ac. *" In purchasing his stock of Spring Goods, the sub scriber would say that the utmost care and economy has lieen exercised in order to please his customers in style, quality of goods, and prices, to correspond with the times. Thanking the public lor the liberal patronage they have heretofore extended to him, he would respectfully solicit a call and examination of his stock by those wishing to purchase. JOSEPH POWELL. Towanda, April 10, 1855. TOWANDA A BURLINGTON PLANK ROAD COMPANY.—The President and Managers of the Towanda and Burlington Plank Road Company, have, bv a resolution passed this day, resolved to call in and collect the bnllancc due on the stock subscription of this Road, payable to B. S. Russell, Treasurer—at the of fice of Messrs." LA PORTE, MASON ACo., as follows: 25 per cent, on the first day of May, 1855, aud the bal lauce on the first day of July, 1855. B. S. RUSSELL, Towanda, December 8,1*54. Sec. A Treasurer. 1 BLASTER. —100 tons Cayuga ground plus ter—'2oo bbl. White Stone Lime—loo bbla. Extra Family Flour. SALT, PRO VISIONS, GROCERIES, &c. # at * BAILEY" A KEVINS. Towanda. April 10, 155. Fair Warning to those Indebted. 1 lIIS TIMELY NOTICE is hereby given I to all persons indebted to TRACY A MOORE, that all accounts on their Iwoks must he settled, and all debts due them he paid by the 25th day of May. This means just what it says, without respect to persons, as every per son neglecting this warning will ascertain. May 16,1555- TRACY* A MOORE. DR. PRATT HAS REMOVED to the residence of Mrs. J. W. MERCER, on Second street, directly above and opposite the Methodist church. *yoffice in the north room. ay He would also inform those indebted to him, that ail accounts of more than one year's standing, must be settled, by payment or otherwise. June 9,1855. LABORERS ANITTBAMS WILL 6nd employment on the Upper North Branch Canal, by applying to the Foremen on the line. nuyl7 W. R. MAFFET. Supt. THE highest price paid in CASH, for Hide 6 and Skine. by JOHN W. WILCOX. June 2d, 1355. •fllmlnmbije, SZt. IMPORTANT TO BUMCBHRMBN. A RARE CHANCE—The un dersigned offers for sale his undivided half part of three tracts of land, containing about 1400 acres; 1000 of which is heavily timbered with White Pine of a choice quality, having on it a ted double STEAM MILL, Just started and cut ting nnely—capable of sawing 5,000,000 feet vearly, to which is attached a LATH MILL, and with power 'snffi pin f*d°Ac machlu *- antl pair of Burrs for chop ofTu n tn< i 18 in , township, In the centre of the Coal and Iron region of Bradford County, and on it have been found large deposits of iron ore of a superior quality. This property to Lumbering men offers greater Inducements than any other in Noruheru Pennsylvania Inasmuch as the timber has never been culled out and lying as It does within 2} miles of the Barclay Coal Com pany Railroad, now in process of construction, and con necting by said Railroad, with the River aud Canal at this place. JW There have been opened upon this property three beds of IRON ORE, of a very superior quality and rich ness, two of which are ten feet in thickness each, yielding about 35 to 4D per cent, pure metal, aud one smaller yield ing a much greater per cent.; all extending through W0 acres of the property. This ore is easy of access, and can be procured at a very small expense. Persons desirous of viewing the premises will call on the subscriber at this place. A. EDWARDS. To wanda, May 1, 18 05. LIST OF LETTERS remaining iu the Post Office at TOWAXDA Mav 15. 1845. Allen, Edward. M Cord, Susan. Baiiey, Jeremiah. Munn, Bowen. Butler, James. Mosher, Stella. Barnes, Alex. M'Carty, William. Bowman, Geo. Metcalf, Henry. Blackmail Frank. Morse, C'athariue. Boyle, Miss Ann. Madigan, John. Baidnmn, O. M. Meeker, Lute. Beeman, Miner. M'Donell, Maurice. 2 Burdick, Abr'm. Meeker, E. W. Cloud, F.liza M. Newman, Henry. Copaspurker. Ceo. O'Leary, Arthur. Cramer. Josiah, Overton, Levi. Crane, Josiah. Pease, Nathaniel. Califf, I). E. Pratt, Salome. Cowlea, W. W. Pierce, Roda A. Coakly, Daniel. Pulver, Bartholomew. 2 Coleman, Mary. Patterson, Marinda. 2 Dohorty, Jatnes. Pialett, George. Dennis, Mary. Place, A. J. Dellum George. Piatt, Christopher. Downes, Mary. Panaker, Silas O. Dohorty, Daniel. Roberts, Milton. Doborty, Mary. Ray, Jonn. 2 Dorsy, Margaret. Smith, Riley. Easterbrooks, W. W. Smith, Cynthia J. Eastcrbrooks, Amelia. Swain, Mary. Foster, Frank M. Stevens, Jonathan. Forbes, Charles A. Simmons Julius J. Fowler, R. Shed, William C. Grosh, Joel. Skinner, D. S. Grenell, Rev. R. Safford, B. C. Granger. Roderick. Stevens, Miss C. H. Hemau, Catherine. Slocum Dr. E. M. 2 Hamilton, G. S. Spencer, S. S. Harrington, Mrs. Hannah. Spencer, W. H. Johnson, James. Stevens, Celinda. Jones, Sarah M. Sandy, William. Jackson, Charles L. Sullivan, Micael. Juiison, Jeddiab. Kpees, Roda A. Kilmer, Cynthia. 2 Schott, Meliha Knowlton, E. S. Trout, A. J. Kromer, Emanuel. White, Guy 11. Keen. George L. Wilson, A. R. Lyon, Miss Augusta. White, Joseph X. Little, William P. Welton.M. S. Lewis, Morga S. Milson, Julia Ann. Lewit, Miss F. E. O. Webb. Andrew. Landon, William H. Wells A Bixbv. tsn~ Persons inquiring for letters will please sav adver ted. . H-C. PORTER, P. M. The Greatest Improvement of the Age! SJTODDARD'S PATENT IMPROVED ; kA SHINGLE MACHINE, for Riving, Shaving and Edg ing—capable of making from 12 to 20,000 per da\; simple in construction, and not liable to get out of order, it Is ! decidedly the best Machine for making Shingle ever offer ed to the public. Those wishing Rights or machines can { apply to JOHN FROST, sole agent for Bradford and Sul livan counties. Pa. Rome, May 10, 1855. CUMMER llATS.—Gentlemen's Elegaut 13 WHITE BEAVERS, for sale by May 1, 1855. JOS. KIXGSBERY. RICH SUMMER DRE S S GOOD S A large assortment just received at MONTAXYES & GO'S, AT REDUCED PRICES. Towanda, June 14,1855. CUMMER lIATS"—The Newest Style of 0 SUMMER HATS—where every style and fashion is always kept, and where Goods of aft kinds are guaranteed to be sold as cheap as at Elinira or Owego. ('all aud see, at_ juneU MONTAXYES & CO. Notice to Collectors of 1854. C COLLECTORS who have not previously received exon / erations on their duplicates of Militia taxes, are noti fied that by nn act recently passed by the Legislature, the Commissioners are permitted to grant exonerations to such as make make legal application previous to the first of July next. The Commissioners will be in session on Saturday the 2tith of May, for the purpose of hearing such as mav applv. By order of the Commissioners. May 16. 1855. E. M. FARRAR, Clerk. X\TAGOXS & SLEIGHS.—Two or three Tt of each for sale cheap at PIIIXNEY'S. A NEW THING. BEING very desirous to get my books set tled up. I have concluded to quit making accounts, and sell goods hereafter for READY PAY only, and with out adopting the dodge of a new firm, call on "all those in debted to Settle 4" Put/ up. Now. therefore, upon the re ceipt of my A'etc Spring Goods, say aiiout the 15th or 20th inst., I shall commence the Ready Pay system ; and if I find any leisure, shall be after those who "do not call and settle up. witha sharp stick. O. D. BARTLETT. Towanda,April 7, 1855. GEORGE H. WOOD'S DAGUERREAN ROOMS REMOVED to Pattou's NEW BRICK BLOCK, corner of Bridge and Main street, where lie has fitted up rooms expressly for the business, with a large sky-light and side-light com bined. With these arrangements he will lie able to take Pictures with any shade desired. Grouping done in the best possible manner. Daguerreotypes taken equally as well in cloudy as clear weather. Particular attention paid to copying. "Miniatures neatly put into Lockets, Breast pings, aud finger rings, Ac. lustructious given in the art on reasonable terms. Towanda. May 1, 1855. DRIED BLACKBERRIES—a quantity for sale at june 9 FOX'S. FRESH GROCERIES, of all kinds just received at MONTAXYES A ('<>. "VTOTlCE.—Persons wishing to make pay ments to the subscriber, can do so at any time, through Messrs. I.apoktk, Mason A Co.. whose receiptor statemeut of pavment. will be entirely satisfactory. " MICHAEL MEYLE'RT, I-aiul Agent. April 26. 1855. FOR SALS. - A TWO HORSE HACK, hung yafeJfrsße on leather thorough-braces, in good running taT order, nearly new, and for sale cheap on lib eral terms. Call on Win. C. BOG ART, Esq.. who will ne gotiate a sale. D. M. BULL. Towanda, April 6, 1855. n-44-3t rjU) COLLECTORS.—You are hereby au -1 thorised to make a deduction of five per cent, upon the state tax of every individual who shall pay his or her state and county taxes in full, on or before the '2oth day of JUNE next, and the same shall be allowed you in your settlement—provided the same is by you paid into tlis County Treasury, on or is-fore the 21st or 22d days of June next. By order of the Commissioners. Towanda, April 7, 1855. E. M. FARRAR. Clerk. Cheap Boot, Shoe and Leather Store. 1 T D. HUMPHREY is just F] tf • receiving next door to H.S. Mercur's store in Towanda, a large and well selected IL stock of BOOTS, SHOES & FINDINGS, from New York, which with a constant supply of HOME MANUFACTURED WORK, SOLE & UPPER LEATHER, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF SKINS. MOROCCO, Ac. lie is desirous to sell at small profits. Feeling grateful for post favors, he hopes to merit a continuance of public pa tronage. Iff Measure IVork and Repairing done on short no tire. CASH paid for Hides aud Skins. Towanda, June 11,1855. GROCERY AND RESTAURANT. YiJ'ILLARD PRENTICE respectfully iu v T 'Jorms the public that he taken the room in 'he basement of the "Union block," north side of the public square, where he intends to keep a GROCERY AND EATING SALOON, and hopes to receive a share of public patronage. He will endeavor by strict attention to business, and by providing such eatables as are in season, to make it an acceptable place of popular resort for the refreshment of the " inner man." The public are invited to give me a call. Towanda, June 9,1855. FRESH SALAD OIL, Maccaroni,"Ver micilli, English and French Mustard, Sago Cheese. Maoe, Nutmegs, Cloves, Spices," Worcestershire Sauce, Nuts, Candy, &e., for sale cheap at I OX S. _ Cegal CHLRIFF'S SALE—By virtue of sundry out of the Court Jf 9 , 0 / "dford County, and to me directed. ? U1 f )e , e *I >09ed J t0 P ub > c sale at the Court House, in the JwTe S L owai ? a ' °- n Monde >' Jul - V - 2