Jrtrmcr's Drpuvtincat. Remedy for tlie Weevil. V'e noticed in the last week's Reporter , that it was stated, as the experience of farmers who had tried it,that lime would prevent the ravages of the wcev il. We see in almost every paper testi mony as to this fact,an Iwe .-u-Ti-e tto our furm < rstliat the experiment is worth trying. It will cost but little time or expense to give it a thorough trial, and if successful, it may save many dollars to those who otherwise would have found their wheat crop nearly or entirely ruined by the weevil. Tito paragraphs below are from the Akron (Ohio) J Ueueon, which seem to indicate that the remedy is a certain one : We are informed by Mr. Chambcrlic, of the City Mill, that the farmers of Vermont are in the habit of heading the movements of weevil by a very simple process. The next season filter it makes its appearanee they go through their wheat fields, about the time when the wheat is heading, immediately after a shower, or while the dew is on it. and scatter newly slackened lime broad cast, so that it will ad here to the stems of the grain. They use about i bushel to the acre. Good lime should be secured, and slackened by sprinkling a little water over it, so as to retain all its strength. A paddle may be used in scattering it. The remedy has, it is said, been so effectually tried, as to leave no doubt of the result. Strips in large wheat fields left untouched by the lime, for experiment, have been entirely destroyed by the weevil, while the grain on each side was all saved. Cilice this intelligence was received, Mr. Jesse Allen, of the Centre Mill, has received corroborating information from a Muskingum county farmer, who had sceu the same practice and the same result. ABOUT BUCKWHEAT.— Few crops can be turned to better account on a poor, light, gravelly soil, than buckwheat. It possesses a chemical action on the soil, by which the coarser particles are discntograted or rendered liner, and the soil is thereby improved. Pure, in organic earth—that is. earth unmixed with animal or vegetable matter—is produced by the disintegration of pulverizing rocks. Silex, or sand, is the oxide or rust of siiicium ; or, to make it more familiar, it is pulverized quartz. Clay is produced by the decomposition of feldspar. Now all the quartz and feldspar in the world, while existing in the form of rock, will not produce a blade of grass ; it is only when decomposed or pulverized ; and the finer the particles the better the soil. If a soil, then, is coarse, the object of the farmer should be to pulverize it. which can only be done by some chemical application, or the growing of some crop which lias that chemical power. Buckwheat, by a process yet undis covered, has that power, and the longer it is cultivated, on a given piece of ground, the finer will be the particles of the soil. It injures land for corn, but leaves it in finer order for potatoes, and is the best crop to kill out bushes, wild grass and mellow greensward. To tit the land for the next succeeding crop, in rotatiou, plough in a crop of buckwheat in blossom. As food for man, except in small quantities, we could not reeomm u 1 it. as cakes made from it, though light when hot, and heavy as cold liver when cold. A constant us ■of it has a tendency, also, to produce cutaneous disease ; but, boiled with potatoes, apples or pumpkins, it is first rate for hogs. When ground, it is excellent for milch cows. Fed raw, or left standing in the field, it is great for Shanghais, (they being allowed to harvest for themselves.) The blossom- afford material for the very best honey, and at a season of the year w hen other flowers are gone. It should over be given, in any form, to horses, as it bloats them, rather than fattens ; and what appear-; to he fat, put upon horses by buckwheat in a week, will disappear by hard work in a day.— Ohio F nwr. TRAPPING GRUB- AND CUT WORMS.-—'• LAST spring,"' says C. Q., in the Michigan Farmer, " I tried an experiment with the "varmints," which I relate for the benefit of whom it may concern.'' He planted his corn on a clover sod ploughed in the spring. While planting lie found plenty of the small grubs. The corn was planted about the 20th of M :v, and as soon as it cam-- up they "commenced their mis chief. Knowing no reliable or certain way of saving the corn, he concluded to trap tbeui. For this purpose he took a round stick, three or four feet long and about two inches in diameter, and making one end sharp, and taking two rows at a time ho made from two to four holes, four or live inches deep, in or close by every bill. After fixing several rows in this way he waited to see the result. On examina tion he found that almost every hole had one or more worms iu it. In one hole he counted as many as six. lie then went over the whole field iu the same way, and the result was that hardly a hill of corn was destroyed after the holes were made, while hi.- neighbor's corn just over the fence, which was on ground plough ed \ery early, was more than half cut off with the worms. " It might be supposed," says C. Q., " that when the fellows tell into the traps thev would bore into the side and escape : but on watch ing them I found they would try to climb up the side, but the side being smooth they alwavs fell back again, when twenty-four hours of sun shiue and starvation will finish them. They usually commit their depredations in the night, and while crawling re md to find the corn they tumble in." An ad tional recommendation of this method is, that iie birds will not pull up the corn, when they find plenty of grub already provided for them. C. (J states further, that a portion of this field of corn looked green, and flourished luxuriantly, while another portion looked pale and yellow. To this former he had applied (a table-spoonful to each hill) a mixture of two parts lime with three parts of ashes. The latter had no such application. FOR THF POOR HORSE.—A strong solution of alum with some whiskey mixed iu it, is said to be a most excellent remedy for the galled shoulders of horses. Apply it three times a day until the wound is healed. To RESTORE PORK. —In warm weather, the nine 011 pork frequently becomes sour and the pork tainted Boil the brine, skim it well, and poor it back on the meat boiling hot Ihw will restore it even when it is much in- XlUsrciianeons. TO WA NDA IREMMffi |MM¥. ; r pHIS school, nmlrv the charge of the Mies HANSON, i I is held in fb" north end of the Ward Hnnse, in the room fonneilv <■< copied la Lapnte. Mason k Co. Mi- KMM.i H ANSON will join her sister* ih a few days j and i:i future will give instruction iu the i-'rencli language I in the school. The sclio .l ye-r will consist of four quarters, of eleven we'Us each, i'he summer vacation commencing in July, j and ceding in September. TKHMS. M R Q! AI'TKR I I'.Vm—To include the elene-ntury English) . nfl | brauche .ami the -tody of the I. tin larigwge. f ■ Second ('l i.,:—To include the in re advanced stu-) die- oi tin English brunches, with Mathematics,S'J 00 ami the study of Latin and French . \ 'l'.'iii ' Ch.*—T.i im lnde Mathematics. MentalJ and Moral Philosophy, Rhetori", llotany, Ac., £l2 no with Latin and French, \ Each pupil will bring with her a de.-k and chair. There will be no extra charge s whatever. JH'isir Instruction on the Piano, with use of in-tra mcnt. will be erven by Mi-s RKUKCCA I). HANSON. at ?10 p ;, r quarter, and t- soon as arrangements now in progress can be completed.a class in vocal mti-ic will It formed. LECTURES i :i Rhetoric. M ra! and Intellectual Philo sophy, ami the higher branches of English composition, i will also lie delivered once or t vice in each week. Tim aim of the Teachers will be to impart a thorough knowledge nl the studies pursm d. and to give a tone and ducat te-r to their School which w ill recommend it to the confidence of the community. The next (gcarter will ronimener on Monday, April MO. They Iter leave to refer to the following named gentlo rneii : —lit. Rev. ALOSZO POTT tat, Hi-hop OF the Diocese of Penn'a. Philadelphia : Itev. Dr. M A u: vs. President of the College of New Jersey, Princeton. Hon. D.win W'II.MOT, <5. F. Mason. Esq., 1,. Wutp, Iv a.. Hon. Gkokgk S ANPUKSON, p. I'. BAUSTOW, Esq. Col. J. F. MEANS. Towanda. Towuuda. March 21, 15.").",. Important Scientific discovery! I >UTM AX'S POLYTROPIIE, for Baldness 1J and thinness of Hair, a magic restorative of the liu ' man Im:r tut bald head removing and preventing ilan j draff, and causing the hair to grow I ixuri uitiv. and pre ; venting it from turning gray. Containing ao Alcohol or j ()ils of am kind. This i- the most valuable discovery for the purpose ever introduced into this place. There are a number of grntle j men of this Borough, who have used it. ami are wiiliugto tctify to it-cv'client restorative qadities. lam willing ■ t A warrant it t" give satisfaction to those u.-ing it aceord- I ing to directions. I For -deby S. COOPER. Barber and Hair Dresser, in tiie basement of the Ward House, Towamla. Towand i. March 2S, l-oa. To the Citizens of Bradford County. I >() OK BINDING.—S. WELLS rospect ; JL> fully informs the inhabitants of Bnidibrd County that j lie still continues the BOOK BiXDINti business, in the I vi! 1 it' a Binghamtaii, and i- ready to attend to anything i in his line that may be entrusted to his .-are. Parti -; lar attention w ill l.c given t" the binding of Mu- I Magazines, Law Bo to, Ac. Everything w ill be done j promptly, and in the neatest and most durable manner, i ir.r Bindery in the Third St ry. over Messrs. Harring tons' Si.ire, opposite the Post Offi e. u.., As there is no Bindery in Bradford county, for the | aee nn a idation of the public arrangements have been j in n!e by which Books left at the otlice of the " Bradford 1 R'ltortrr," will be forwardc-Jto me, ami returned, without i extra expeu-e. j Binghamton, March SI, IBsfi. n-42 i XiOOK OCT FOB. ROBBERS! D. GOODEXOT'G H respectfully iu l • forms all those that are entitled to l.aml Warrants ; under t lie act of March 3,1.155, that lie is now prepared with all necessary forms to meet every case. lie would al.-t say to those who cannot conveniently come to Towan da. that by sending him a statement of the nature ol their claims he will make out the necessary papers that can be executed by them before tho'nearest Justice of the Peace. He would al-o say. beware of travelling speculators. 1 lis terms are AO cents down, and ?•"> after the warrant i received. Towamla. March 21. ls'so. Of SSOIiI'TIOX.—The Copartnership here tofore existing between the subscribers, under the name of 1.1,. AIL L. LAMEREACX, A Co., is this day 1 dissolved by mutual consent of all parties. The business of said firm will hereafter be carried 011 by I. L. A 11. L. !. A MEKEA! "X. at the old stand. Notes and Book accounts j of the late linn are left in the hands of I. L. A 11. L. Lain ereaux, and must l.c settled forthwith. ; I. L. LAMEREAPX, P.C.HALL. 11. 1.. LAMEREACX, C. K. RUSSELL, t Towamla. Jan. 20, 1R55. DR. JOHN M'INTOSH, SURGEON f> F .XT/S'T, HAS RETURNED. Osib e next door to Mercir's st are, ami over Alexander's Clothing Store, j Ma 11 street, Towamla. February 24. i 5." ,.5. TAMES MACFARLANE, ATTORNEY •J AT LA 11', Tow ASHA. PA. Occupies the Office, in the Union Block, formerly ow ned lay John C. Ailains Esq. it cite will attend to procuring Bounty Land Warrants and Pensions. March 22. ls.aj. H. J. .MAI it.i p. p. Moiiuow. M'ADILL & M OK ROM', A TTOR.XE YS A XI) Cor.XsEU.oHS A T i.A IT',—Office i over Meretir's Store. Towanda, Pa. Towanda. April 2. is.a.a. n-43-tf OH. E. H.MASON, PHYSICIAN AND Sl R(iFOX. offers liis professional services to the people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at his residence , 011 Pine street, where he can always I.e found when not professionally engaged. I FALL AND WINTER GOODSM Bl RT t)\ K !.\t iSRERV, is now prepared to offer to his customers and tin public generally, a large anil com- I I'iete stock "f l'.\LL & WINTER I.OODS. His stock has j been .-elected with unusual great care, and is superior for ! !e and quality than li ,ve 1 vcr before been often d t" the 1 -'be—ami :cli a comi.innti nof verv low prices that ; we are-ure cann t fail to phase the closest observer.— Am >nge-t hi assortment may be found French Merinos, :Di i 'in' -, t'as'i;ni.| Thibet-cloths, (iighams. Fine Wi *s | 1.-d plaids. Silk Poplin. Alaja<-as, Calicos, Fine and heavy Iri li Lii.cn,-. 1 "tton Pillow Casings. Brown ami Bleached I Mitslin, Sack 1 hvnuet, Broad Cloths A C.i- imeies,Ac. ( LOTH ING—Au assortment, may be bad dwpd PHINNEV s. VKL PERSONS indebted to Mont&nyesA . Co.will do well to call andjmake payment .otherwise, necessity will compel them to send a call that will lie more expressive. March 1. lr's6. NEW ARRANGEMENT AT THE EAGLE FOUNDRY! I. li. <&. H. It. IAMOREAUX, U AMINO purchased the entire interest of the other members of the late firm of I. L. A 11. L. L.-tnnreux | & Co. in the " Eagle Foundry." in the south part "f the ! borough of Towanda. will still continue the business of j said Grm. and manntacture to order and kcej> constantly 1 on hand a large assortment of the following articles : MACHINERY of all kinds, including Mill Irons. Mill ; Oe ning- ; the Rose and Johnson Water-wheel. Ac. ir. > s F' 'V I '*• { " Cooking and Parlor Stoves, of all 1 kinds, -i/c- and prices. I'll 1 H T t!l<—North Branch. Xos. 1, s. and 7; Blai tlilev 1 Nos. 1 and 2 : Binghaiutnn, Wayne Countv, Excelsior, j side-hill and corn ploughs, Ac. iCorn Hhellers and Straw Cutters: Wagon boxes, sleigh shoes, plough points, gearing for chain pumps, grind stones, and other articles too numerous to mention. Having socored as S inrrintemlents. J. B. IHVINI: in the m tchine simp, and ROBKUT Mci i TriiKON in the moulding j department, the firm feel confident that they can inanu ; f.icture and repair all kinds of machinery in as workman ! v,> *' manner and nas easy terms as any establishment this side of New York. Bi>-Strum Engine* will be repaired satisfactorily on -hort notice. P.irticnlas attention will be paid to the Pattern depart ment, and all orders fulfilled on the shortest notice. The attention of Farmers is called to J. B. Irviue's cele brated EXCELSIOR PLOI'OH, which took the first pre i uiium at the Bradford county Agricultural Fair of ISJ3. Also to the elevated oven EAGLE STOVE, the best stove in use. \\ ith the above the firm have connected a Tin. Shed Iron and Copper Establishment, and will la- at all times ready to manufacture, repair and do job work, and will keep constantly 011 hand assortments 111 all branches ot their business. We call the public attention to the following farts Me use the Ralston Iron, which is acknowledged to be more durable and strong than any other. Our stove plates are thicker and stronger than any of ; foreign manufacture, and )arsons purchasing stoves (if us , can have them repaired on short notice by calling 011 us without going to the expense of having new patterns fanners would save time nnd expense bv purchasing ploughs ,1 us, as they would not 1-e troubled "for points ms in the rune ot toreijrn ploughs. Old Iron. Brass. Copper, Pewter, Ac., taken in exchange tor manufactures <ir work. * All would .1., well to call and examine before pur chasing elsewhere. 1 Towanda, Fehruap* 1 r Jft.V*. F, 100 Uiis. choice bronffx, soMr- L tine FAMILY FLOUR, just received, for sale whole sale or retail by 1.1.22 BAILEY A KEVINS. G GROCERIES.—A large,stock just received ' consisting of Snenrs, Tea, Coffee,'. Molasses, Fish . wc.&o. ot superior quality lor sale at reduced prices, j _ Man n 15,185a. BURTON KLNi.SUKRY. ; ( 1 LOVER AND TIMOTHY~sI:KD.— A I V quantity of each just received and for sale bv I Febr.-.ity ~1-55. . J. PO'eTFLL. lUCVlljMibije, &T. m js.* ©injurramiLirsf, 0m riLOCK & WATCH REPAIRER—The V undersigned is constantly receiving from New-York by Express, new additions to his Stock of Watches. ( locks. Jewelry, Silver ware, and Fancy Goods, rnmprMne in part—Gold and Silver Lever. L'Epine and Plain Watches, with a full and complete assortment of Fine Gold Jewelry, such as Gold chains. Lockets, Bracelets, Gold Pens, Keys, Breast-Pins, Far Rings, Finger-Rings, etc. etc. Also, a large variety of Silver ware,such as Table and Tea Spoons, (.'ream spoons, Butter knives. Salt spoons. Spectacles, to gether with an extensive assortment of Plated Ware—All of which will be -old very low for GASH. CLOCKS.— A large assortment flocks just received, of all deserintions, ranging in prices from 7> cents to Fiftv Dollars. tip. Watches repaired on short notice, and WARRANTED to run well. Also, all kinds flocks repaired. W. A. ('. would beg leave to say, that he is prepared to execute the most difficult Jol , such as can lie done at no other Shop short of New-York citv. W. A. CHAMBERLIN. Towanda. February i. isss. T OOKING GLASS PLATES CUT AND I J fitted for any size, to he liad at the Jewelrv Store of Feb. 1, D-.TT. W. A. CHAMBERLIN. HANG OUT THE BANNER!! n A HORSE! A HORSE! my kingdom for a horse and customers to take away the goods. Notwithstanding the late disastrous I* Jl) ''T'IN i' M " WARN 1S HIMSKU '" And at No. 1 Brick Row you'll find Most Anything that's in liis lino. From a cambric needle of the finest kind. To a jewelled watch of eighteen karat tine : (jocks which kc -p time accurate and true ; llrea-t pins of every styie and line, Gold, silver, steel and plated chains, Selected with the greatest pains, Finger rings, MY COSH, why what a pile Of every -hope and every style, To suit the old. the young, the grave, the gay, May there be seen in elegant ana v. And WARNER, who is himself a " host," Is always ready and at his post. To wait upon his customers and all Who chance upon "im to give a call. So with good advice make np VOID- minds To call on him and there you'll find Such sights, my eyes ! Of what a view ! Jewelry of every style and hue. Don't mistake "the "place. No. 1, Brick Row, where he is prepared to do all kinds of JOB-WORK, in his line of business, at the cheapest rates that can pos sibly he afforded. He will also sell his jewelry at 20 run CENT, LOWER than was ever before offered in this market. isn- Call and see. A. M. WARNER. Towanda. January ls. r >o. TO PERSONS OUT OF EMPLOYMENT! JL —AGENTS WANTED in every section of the f. S. The most elegant and useful volume of the vear. SEARS' GREAT WORK ON RUSSIA. Ju.-t published, an Illustrated description of the RUS SIAN EMPIRE. Being a Physical and Political History of its Governments and provinces, Productions. Resources Imperial Government, Commerce, Literature. Educational Means, Religion, People, Manners, Customs, Antiquity, etc., etc., from the latest and most authentic sources Embellished with about 200 Engravings, and Maps of Eu ropean and Asiatic Russia. The whole complete in one lare octavo volume of about 700 pages, elegantly aud sub stantiantially bound. Retail price, fJ. This work has been several years in preparation, and will, it is believed, meet in the fullest acceptation of the word, the want so universally felt for reliable information on the history and internal resources of a country occupy ing so large a portion of the Eastern Hemisphere, and holding so formidable a position at the present time to the rest of Europe and Asia ; hut of which far less is known than of any other European nation. u. #T Also, a deeply interesting volume, entitled " THE REMARKABLE ADVENTURES OF CELEBRATED PERSONS,"'embracing the Romantic Incidents and Ad ventures in the Lives of Sovereigns, Statesmen, Generals, Princes, Warrior-, Travellers, Adventures, Voyagers, Ac. eminent in the History of Emrope and America, including Sketches of over fifty uelehruted heroic characters. Beau tifully illustrated with numerous engravings. Gone vol. -I'M) pages, royal 12m<>. cloth, gilt. Price, $ 1,2.7. The subscriber publishes a number of most valuable Pic torial Books, very popular, and of such a moral and reli gious influence that while gooil useu may safely engage in their circulation, they will confer a liruLic benefit, and re ceive a fair compensation for their labor. Ri>~ To men of enterprise and tact, this business offers an opportunity for profitable eniploynieutscldoni to be met with. ge" Persons wishing to engage in their sale, will receive promptly by mail, a Circular containing full particulars, with " Directions to persons disposed to actus Agents." together with terms on which thev will be furnished, by addressing the subscriber, post paid. ROBERT SEARS. PCKI.ISHER, 181 William Street, New-York. DISSOLUTION. —The co-jrartnorsltij) here tofore existing between S. FKLTON and F. T. Fox is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Tin notes and ac counts of said linn are in the hands of E. T. Fox, who can generally be found at S. Felton's store, or at the " Ward House." Those interested will pie ise take notice that the accounts, Ac. must he settled immediately. * S. FKLTON, November 11, ISSI. E. T. FOX. S. FKLTON would most re-poetfully inform his old cus tomers and the public generally that lie will still continue the LIQUOR BUSINESS at the old stand, and that he is now receiving large additions to his stock, direct from first hands in New-York, whi -li he will be most happy to sell on the most reasonable terms. He is also agent for tin sale of" Binghainton Ale," a supply of which he keeps al ways on hand and for sale cheap. Towanda. November 11. lso-L BOOTS AN I) SHOES. John W. Wilcox, HAS located his establishment on .Main Street, on ilonr North of the " Ward House," and will continue the manufacture of HOOTS & SHOES, as heretofore. He has just received from New-York a large assortment of Woutans' Childrens' and Misses' Shoes, which are offer ed at low prices. The attention of the Ladies is particu larly directed to his assortment, comprising the following new styles:—Enamelled Jenny Lind gaiter boots; do. shoes : black lasting and silk gaiter : walking shoes, bus kins, Ac. Misses' goiters and shoes, of every deseripti >n. A large variety of Childrens' fancy gaiters, boots A shoes of all kinds. For the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and shoes. This stock has been personally "elected with care, and he believes he can offer superior articles at reasonable prices. The strictest attention paid to M ivrr uTrutso, and he hopes l>y doing work well to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage he has hitherso received. Towanda. Feb. 1, 15.'.,",. GB EAT BA RG A INS!!! At the Aiew Store, opposite the Court House. BAILEY A NEYINS, Wholesale A Retail Dealers in Pkovisioxs, Guoclkiks, Yankee Notion's. Toys. Fiii it. Coni ei'tion\ry, Wn.r.ow \V auk, Ac., the largest and most comprehensive assortment, and the longest ex perience-of any dealers in Northern Pennsylvania. We have arrangements by which we can take advantage of the city and Western Markets, and arc thereby enabled to of fer good bargains. Call and try us. Beloiv we name a few of the articles that may always be found in our stock : PROVISIONS. Flour. Buckwheat, Flour, Rye I'lour, Corn Meal. Feed, Pork. Hams A Shoulders, Mackerel, Codliish, Shad, Lake Trout, Pickelcd and Smoked Herring, Cheese, Rice, Beans, Potatoes, Butter, laird. Crackers, Ac. GROCERIES. Black and Green Tea, Rio and Java Coffee, Chocolate, Cocoa, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Ginger, Pepper, Spice, Cloves, nutmegs, Mace eiuamon. Ground Mustard, Pepper Sauce. Soda. Sileratus, Cream Tartar, Sperm and Tallow Candles, Bar Soap, Vinegar, Starch, Ac. FRI'IT. Prunes. Citrou, Figs, Eng. Currants, Raisins, Dried Peaches, Dried Apples, Almonds, Pecan nuts, Prazil nuts, Grenoble and Madeira Walnuts, Pea nuts, Chestnuts, Ac. German, French and American Toys. Fancy Goods, Tin wagons, rocking horses, boys' sleighs, China and pewter toy tea setts, dolls, trumpets, accordions, harmonicas— Glass, paper and wood inlaid work boxes and toilet oases, toy bureaus, secretaries, writing desks—plain and em broidered work baskets, knitting, do. pearl, ivory, papier louche and leather poit moniacs, wallets and purses, ivory, horn and wood pocket combs, toilet combs, ivory fine combs, pocket inkstands, pocket and small fancy mirriors, tobacco and snuffboxes, vigar cases, perfumery and hair oils, Ac. Brooms, mopstioks, clothes pins, lien oh screws, willow clothes baskets and market baskets,.sugar and spice boxes. CANDY <*' ALL KINDS. Dairy and table Salt, Salina, do., etc. Country dealers supplied at a small ailvanc?from New York prices. Most kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods. BAILEY' A NEYINS. Towaiula, Februar 1, 1y855. PHOCEIIIES—CaII and sec our Brown, Crushed, Coffee and Pulverized Sugars ; Fine Young Hyson A Black Teas—warranted a superior article, or the money reftmded—for sale cheap by R. Kl\( ISHEUY. IjMjOUli 1 FLOUR !—5O barrels Superfine FI.OUR, just received and for sale bv Jan. .11 1*35. A CO. lUcbirni. AVER'S PILLS. \ Nil CHERRY PECTORAL.—TV fol- I -*■ Y lowing remedies are offend to the public as tile best, i most perfect, which medical science can afford. AVEK S | CATHARTIC PILES liave teen prepared with the utmost J skill which the medical profession of this age possesses, and their effects show they have virtues which surpass I any combination of medicines hitherto known. Other pre | parations do more or les good ; but this cures such dan gerous complaints, so quick and so surely, as to prove an j efficacy and a power to uproot disease beyond any tiling | which men have known before. By removing the ohatrne -1 lion.- of the internal organs and stimulating them into healthy action, they innovate the fountains of life and vigor—health courses anew through the body, and the sick man i- well again. They are adapted to disease, aud disease only, for when taken by one in health they pro duce but little effect. This is the perfection ol medicine. i It is antagonistic to di-ea.-c, and no more. Tender chil- I dreu may take them with impunity. If they are sick they j will cure them, if they are well they will do tlicm no harm. (live them to some patient who ha.- been prostrated with i bilious complaint: see his lient-np, tottering form struight j en with strength again : see his long-lost appetite return : j see his clammy features hlossom into health. Hive them to some sufferer whose foul blood has hurst out in scrofula i till his skin is covered with sores ; who stands, or sits, or j ies in anguish. He has been drenched inside and nut with | rxery every potion which ingenuity could suggest, Give | hint these Pills, and mark the effect: see the scabs fall | from his body ; see the new. fair skin that has grown un j der them ; see the late leper tlmt is clean, (live them to | him whose angry hiiinor> have planted rheumatism in his | joints and bones : move him, and he screeches with pain : ! he too has been soaked through every linisele of his body , with linanients and salves ; give him these Pills to purify j 1 his blood ; they may not cure him, for nlas ! there ease-, I which no mortal power can reach : but mark, he walk- I ! with ernte'nes now, and now he walkes alone : they have | j cured him. (live them to the lean, sour, haggard dyspep- I j tic, whose gnawing stomach has long ago eaten every j smile from his face and every muscle from his body. See j 1 his appetite return, and with it his health ; see the new j j man. See her that was radiant with health aud loveliness j blasted and too early withering away : want of exercise. I | <>r mental anguish, or some lurking disease has deranged ! the internal organs of digestion,assimilation, or secretion. | till they do they do their office ill. llcr blond is vitiated. : 1 her health is gone, (live her these Pills to stimulate the : ! vital principle into renewed \ igor. to cast out the ohstruc- j j tious. and infuse a new vitality into the blood. Now look I again—the roses blossom on her cheek, and where sorrow sat, joy bur-ts from every feature. See tin sweet infant j ' wasted with worms. Its wan. sickly features tell you j j without disguise, and painfully distinct, that they are eat- ] ! ing its lift. away. Its pim hed-up nose ami ears, and rest- 1 j less slcepings. tell the dreadful truth in language which j every mother knows, (live it the Pills in large doses to ! 1 sweep these vile parasites from the body. Now tiun again ; j and see the ruddy bloom of childhood. Is it nothing to j do these things Nay. are they not the marvel of this j age ? And yet they are done around you every day. Have yon the less serious symptoms of these distempers, | ! tliey are*the easier cured. Jaundice. Costiveness. Head- i j ache, Sidcache. Heartburn, Foul Stomach, Nausea, Pain j in the Bowels, Flatulent v. Loss of Appetite. King's Evil, j Neuralgia, Gout. and kindred complaints all arise from the \ • derangements which these Pills rapidly cure. Take them 1 j perseveringly, and under the counsel of a good Physician j ! if you can ; if not, take them judiciously by such advice I as we give you, and the distressing, dangerous diseases ' j they cure, which afflict so many millions of the human race. | are east out like the devils of old—they must burrow in | the brutes and in the sea. Price 2."> cents per box—6 boxes for #l. Through a trial of many years and through every nation ! of civilized me, AVKK'S CHERRY PECTORAL has been found ! to afford tnore relief and to cure more cases of pulmonary disease than any other remedy known to mankind. Cases ; of apparently settled Consumption have been cured by it, | and thousands of sufferers who were deemed beyond the J reach of human aid have been re-tored to their friends and | usefulness, to sound health and the enjoyments of life, by I this all-powerful antidote to disease- of the lungs and j throat. Here a cold had settled on the lungs. The dry. I hacking cough, the glassy eye, and the pale, thin features j of him who was lately lusty and strong whisper to all hut | him CONSCMI'TION. He tries everything ; but the disease j is gnawing at his vitals, and shows it- fatal symptoms J more and more over all his fame. He is taking the C'her i ry Pectoral now : it has stopped his cough and mada his ! breathing easy : his sleep is sound at night : his appetite j returns, and with it his strength. The dart which pierced his sill*- is broken. Scarcely any neighborhood can be I found which has not some living trophy like this to shad ow forth the girt ,es which have won for il ■ Chi rry IV toral an imperishable renown, Influenza, ('roup, llron : chiti-'. Hoarsene.--. Pleurisy. Whooping (Vugh. and all ir i ritations of the throat and lungs are easily cured by the j Cherry Pc toral if taken in eason. Eveiv" family -bo 1.1 j have it l.y them, and tin y will find it an idv.i! able pm- I tection from the insidious prowler which carries off th( | parent -beep from many i k. the darling limb I'r m many a home. Prepared by Hr..l. C. \'i .11 I'ra II -1 \ 'ui .' Chemist, Lowell. M - . ~o :1 by ..! I I fvc ■>- I where. ACESTS— !>r. H. c. Portei and at Reed's Drug St re, , Towanda : Newton, White<k Co., M -nroi ten ;J. Holcomb, | Home : Dr. ( . Drake. Troy ; and by all MerehauLs evcry i where. rARnftSRS, ! J Plant your Corn economically and scientifically! j ( 1 li. DANA'S //.LTD COICY PL LV- 1 ! v '• TER, p tented September 3,1854, cost ONLY J ! THREE DOLLARS, and i- therefore within the means of i every man who plants half an acre of ground. It is sim- I pic in it construction, and executes its work with accura j cy and despatch on various kinds of soil. Unlike other planters, jt has no gearing to get out of I repair, but is carried in the hand like a rune, and can be | worked up hill or down; as well as on level ground, plant- i ! ing as much ground in a day as live nu a can with hoes.— I it may also he u.-i d to pl.ini beans, a- it can be gauged to j drop a> few or as many kernels a> desired. It is meeting I with unprecedented success everywhere it is introduced. | having been presented at several Agricultural fairs, and I always without ex- option received the highest premium, being tin lie-t and cheapest implement of the kind in use. The undersigned, having purchased the right of selling the said Planters in Bradford county, will canvass the county in April, at which time he will supply those who : wish, or dispose of Town Rights to any who wish to pur chase. jAB. B. SYKES. Owego. March 22, 1555. DAVIS' PLATrORXVI BEE HIVE. (TRIE subscriber having been appointed Agent for the j | I counties of Bradford. Sullivan and Lycoming, has the j | pleasure of calling the attention of the public to this useful ; j invention. The Hive is truly a great improvement on the I old square box : and the facilities it affords for t.ikingout ; i the honey are as harmless to the bees, as they are protita- ! | bh- to the owner. No resort to drums and pans is needed j to hive the increase jn the spring, and no resort to brim- j stone, lire and fagot is required to conquer the bees and I procure their honey in the fall. As the liees multiply, new sections are added to the hive ; and when the Imncy | ! is wanted, they are removed accordingly. The arrange- ' | meets for feeding the bees, lor changing them to different parts of the old hive. <u- to a new one, for ventilation, are unqucstionqhly ahead of anything hitherto known. A description ol this Hive is impossible, without refer- - ence to a model, but an examination will satisfy anv one | 10l its advantages. For sale. Town and Individual Rights, j j with lamks, bill of feed, Ac., giving full directions for ma- 1 i king the Hive, and managing the Bees. .\la> 1,1855. GEORGE S. KEEN. . $5OO REWARD! For an improvement on SCOTT'S PATENT BLACKSMITH'S STRIKER! r I"MIK undersigned, having purchased the right to sell in J. a number of the counties of this state. a:id el-ewhere Scott's Patent BLACKSMITH'S STRIKER, respectfully announce that they are now stopping at BLA< 'K 'S Hotel, in Towanda, where they will exhibit the Patent Striker, and explain its operation. They expect to remain about three weeks. By the aid of this invention, every Black smith can dispense with the additional hand required to forge iron, and will consequently effect a great saving of Jul tor to all who become possessed of it. This is consider ed one of the greatest and most useful inventions of the age, and the manner in which it forges iron of every des cription has greatly surprised the numerous sons of Vul can who have seen it operation. W. \V. FIELDS, May 3, 1855. E. S. TKAGARDEN. PIANO FORTES. JOSEPH R. LOUD, intends visiting MyffPßuthis place every Spring and Fall for the purpose of selling PIANO FORTES of his Manufacture,which will be guarantied satisfactorily. Mr. Lorn attends per sonal/y to his business, which of itself will be of great ad vantage to those purchasing, and avoids all difficulties which so often occur ttuough buying of Agents. Citizens will find by obtaining an Instrument of him, a great sav ing in price, as well as manner in which their Pianos will be kept In order. WRITTEN WARRANTEES given for five years for his Instruments, which stand unrivalled for easi ness and elasticity of touch, fullness and sweetness of'tone. To those in want of Pianos, Mr. Loud would advise to await his visits. Every possible attention will be paid to Pianos, Organs, Ac., entrusted to his care, either for re pairing or tuning. Having long experience in the business, persons may be assured their Instruments will he put in perfect order, or no charge will he ituide. Old Pianos and Melodeons taken in part' payment for new Pianos. Jfelo deons for sale, Ac. Ware-rooms, No. 400, Market street Philadelphia. 6m— -900 SALT, just received and for A-V'Vf "ale by May 16 TRACY A MOORE. j V. &jt& *s '^rvi. Dl!. PORTEIPSOFFICE & DRUG STORE SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE, Fronting the Ptiblic s*<;aare. : rpnK subscriber. thankful for the literal patronage .t tin- past year, i' tend-" to keep constantly on hand a full a- I X sortment of the very In st articles usually kept in our line, which he wii.i. dispose of on such term- as will be sat isfactory to all who may patronize him. '1 he purchase s ate made entirely u ith a.-h in hand. and for the C \SII oui customers will reecive the I enetil -fa good article at a low price. All arth hs ij t answering o■ r re. ornm, n.t .ti, n , will be cheerfully taken hack, and the money refunded. amnion. Mfdital Advice ratuilonsly fiiven nt Ihc Offirc, rlinrsini .n 1 y for the Medicines. The stock consists of a complete and ■(■ let as-ortment of DRUGS, IYIEDICISVIES, AND GROCERIES Pure Willi* k Liquors, for Medicinal use. Loud- ii Purler & Sc irh Ale. ALL 7HE MOST POP TLA Ii PATENT MEDICINES! FRESH CAMPHENE k BURNING FLUID-NEW & BEAUTiFLL PATT.RNS OF I AMPS! A SpLEVDin ASsftRTMKVT OF American Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant d Good.) Superior TG3ACCO 6l SNUFF !—Choice brands cf Pure Havanna, Principe and ITara CIGAES ! Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glsim. RriiMtcs, Peiftimrry. Shaving Soap, Famt Aiii l< s &.<■ F AM ILY GIIOCERIES : Black and Green Teas; Rio and .lava Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, Ac &o. Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, Ac. REMEMBER THE tTORE—SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE! AND ITS MOTTO ! j " The lest quality of Goods-—l-'vlt assortment—Male rate Profits —Ready attention to customers jXo Adulteration of Goals—Candid advice as to Patent Remedies—And close attention to business." ' 11. C. PORTER, M. I), i Towanda, February 1, l*. r >.l. 1 „ HALL c RUSSELL, p n J* UA ;jj 1 Wholesale and Hetail Dealers in HARDWARE AND STOVES, r P"N Jupanncd ;in<l Brilaiinia Ware, PC? House Trimmings, Carriage Trimmiugs, Harness 6l Saddlery Ware, Carpenter's and Joiner's Tools, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS. FARM'RS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS LEAD PIPE AND PIMPS, of all kinds and sizes, IRON, STEEL, LEATHER BELTING, Ac. Ac. Would inform their friend-, that tin-r .'.re only a part <.t the general head- under which may he classed their eva sive assortment, ami t win- ii they are con-t. ntly receh i additional -applies. direct ''rotn the importer- am! huv ■ he t'uci -. which canities them to offer such ind ements in their large stock and low prices ts will ,lefv compctit a, from any quarter. We w . ilil u-k the part;, ular attention of " ' i •- f-T"t- *;•. to Ln examirtsti nof• :r -took. wh: -h having lieen ode -ted witll V>■ gre testcore, we .■* aiderttwill aatuffera lite rr t fa-t di ' #3"* !> t • ,-t the .lie - .•'. Tie the? MVS.; TO <Hd iron, C°lP" • •'■c! ! - id di ki I > f • taker aev hair rtlo ids. t *v i it . m v i i n \i.i. v r- nu. II \LSKYS' FOIIFnT WIVE.—T di- ov> rv U'tlie Foil >T W XL i the gr. aiot ' !e - j sing of the n-.-c. 1' it n; :.i O rt B t*! . isi ttk lof MMI dors more good, and ,r oes further in the cure •: •] j Diseww iii iM im of any SartapariOa in use, mfl , warranted to core without an nnttleasaiit or weakening | effect. The method by which nil RmnngOh u'nl ofher Moil- j hir medicine-arnpri pared. i>by !i.iliii:_-the Roots of pl.t; N to obtain the extract-. Their medicinal virtues are thus | principally evaporated and d.-troy.-d. It is not to he wondered at then, tli.it 10 mid even 20 bottles of these Sarsaparillas are sometimes t tken without 1 any Mreeptihle btotfit* Not se with tire Forest Vine . By tiie invention <.( .1 wonderful chemical apparatus. a per | led wine is produced witln-nt heating : retaining, at the same time, ail the primitive healing properties of the rare i medicinal plants ot which it i- m inpo . d. thus rendtriiy j the Forest Wii e the loos! e' ■ t • ii. hie the u .rid <\ ei i produced, at the same time time the most agreeable. TESTIMONY. This is to certify, that 1 have used Dr. H tlsey'- Forest Wine in my family with the m-t entire success. Mv wife was badly ailiii ted with Neuralgia, a (lections of the Spine and Kidneys, and general Debility. She found ~ ,ly r> - : lief, and regained her health by the use of the Forest Wine. From my own knowledge of this excellent medicine, 1 i confidently recommend it for the good of others who may jbe -adoring from similar complaints. It is the be-t mcdi i cine with which I am acquainted, and those who are nffli. - : ted with the above, or any similar di-en.-e. may - a !v re ly on it-virtues. K. MtTSSEY. MOiiE TESTIMONY I BUM COHOES. ■ Dk. G. W. II tun —Dear Sir: My wile! is! antumn was ; reduced to a low state of Debility.* My family phy-ieian : advised her to take your Fore t Wine. Accordingly I went to Mr. Terry's, your agent in this town, and pr r ! Ed a bottle of it. which restored her in a very short time | to perfect health. Coh ics. April l.'S, !sr,o. HEN BY DONALDSON'. DREADFUL COUGH. DKBlLl'i i . AND LoSs OF AFFhiTiE DK. HALSKV: Hemp-tead. Dec. 1. 1 47. A bottle of your Forest \\ iue and b>x o Fill • who h I procured of Jaine-Carr (your agent for thi 1 • >L, i done wonders I r nu . lhd tea in a t.teo, idt liue i ; more than a year, attibtni wth a dread.nl c>, . fi. oain in the breast, general dcnilitj. ,uol 1 m appetite, it e i came almost a skeleton, and "had been unable t It >v< mv | room for more than two months; my friend- t ltl me "i i had the Consumption and tie-paired of my rceovcav. 1 ! could not obtain any permanent relief from any lucdici ,e i I laid Uken, or my physician, until your Wiue and Bills were procured. Tue first dose of the Fills brought up from mv stomach, much phlem and greenish matter, and my stools were perfectly black. 1 then commenced taking your Forest Wine three times a day, my appetite began to return immediately, my cough left me, and in less than two weeks 1 was almost well. 1 now enjoy better health than I evt r did before, having increased t went v-tive pounds in seven weeks. Your Forest Wine and Fills are highlv valued in this vicinity, and I owe my recovery entirely th their virtues. Yours, respectfully - , MAKTIN" CALDWELL. AFFECTIONS OF THE KIDNEYS. Mr. T. J. Gillies, a highly respectable Merchant of No. I lit)- Broadway, New York, cured of a severe attention of the Kidneys by the Forest Wine and Fills. Dr. G. W. IIALSEY : New-York. March 12, 1*73. Dear Sir -In the summer and full of la-t year 1 had a severe complaint of the Kidneys, which rendered me quite unlit for business. 1 procured your Forest Wine and Fills i which cured me in a few weeks time, and 1 have since en- j joyed better health than I had for many years previously. ' From their efficacy in my o.wn case.and from what I kno'w your medicines to have done for others. I am induced t.. recommend them as the best medicines with which I am acquainted. Yours, respectfully, "T. J GILI.IL3B. 1 DY'SPEPSIA. There are thousands cured every year of this disense bv the Forest \\ ine and Fills; Dyspepsia, Costiveno— anil Indigestion, are kindred complaints, frequently existing i together, and the cure of one is generally the cure of all. ; 'I lie Forest Wine and Fills nlmve ail remedies are prc-cmi- 1 nent in the cure of Dyspepsia. Te-timony of J. N. Vermilc, of New York City, dated July 9, Is.VJ. Dr. G. W. H ALSEY :—Dear Sir—Having been cured of Dyspepsia by the use of your Forest Wine and Fills. 1 take ! the liberty to otter you my name, believing many who ' know me may be benefited by your excellent remedies, For many years I have been "aftfictcd with this malady so bahly that nearly one-third of my time has been lost from business. The forest Wine and Pills have restored me to excellent health, and I cheerfully recommend them, as 1 aia convinced the discovery of tiicsc remedies are a hies sing to mankind. J. N. VKKMILK. New-York, July 9, IS.>2. FB. G. W. HAIJSEY'B GUM-COATED FOREST FILES. The Gntn-coatd Fbjet Fills are designed to accompany IT .1 RE IRVHIHG AND EFFECTIVE, FTIEY R INTSBC ■ II .. AY OTHER MLWOAIHARTIC, PRODUCING FL C . VHCTI THL DA- BFMEDICINES ARE USEFUL/A MUST DAMS J I - ;G EB .1 I HEV ARE P RELY VEGETAL-!- NEVER GRIPE, NAY J '<• TAKEN ' II Y * ;NE WITHMT TEAR OI TAKIUGI 'ID.LIIUDRAIKE J ING THE bowels PERFECTLY ITATNRAF, WHICH I- ALL IMP THAT 1 R THE PERTI T VERY AND CONTINUAL: U•: G„ 1 L.ES.TH. TIL : HI TESTIFV P. TILE GREAT CXCI I.TIN T)L ULT-TRI'-J above all others. THE L-'.RE-I WINE MPANIED -WITH TIIE F"RC=T P.I'S IT? MOST EIIT, U IL IN THE EURO OT ALL THE FELL W IM; CONYIUKI D;> • H I. IL I ISTIVCIIE--. LIVE 1 TNJ.IA T. A-TI MA. P lES. II -T I T; HE IDM-HE. PIMPLES. BUT HT-ANDNA HEALTHY COLOR OI THE SKIN, JAUNDICE. AGUE AND FEVER, M ULIT-UNI. IHY-IPC 1.1-. T.'OII!]D.FIATS INCIDENT IDY T • I •811 JO, LANGUISHING WEAKNESS. NIGHT SWEATS, N RVOAS DIS • GE ICIAL :LI HEALTH and IMPAIRED STATE O ■ CMSHUBN THE FOREST A lUE I- PUT UP IN LARGE SI .ARC FI >TTIRS MILL DR. II D-EVNAME BL IVN IN THE GLASS. ON ILOH.TRPER (•UTILE. -IX LIOTTLES TBR FIVE DOLLARS. GUM-E RTTNL FCD I'IIL-. 2', CENT-PER BOX. FOR SALE BY THE APPOINTED AGRAFC AT \\ LI-DESALE UIOI RETAIL. GENERAL DEPOT. I'D .ILUADT !', •ME DOOR FRONT HUDSON. NEW Y ORK, APPOINTED ARVIB H BR. ILIBRTL -OUNTV. DR. 11. C. PURTER.TOWAIIDA : (. H. TIO RIC K. ATHENS; DRAKE A ALLEN, WAVERLY, X. Y. (CONNER'S U. S. TYPE FOUM)RI - - X'l> . 2;, :>l, AND .'!!! LTEEKMAN ST. NEW YORK. TO FRINTERS AND PI'BLI>HKRS. THE lIRIDEI-SIGNOD BEG TO INFORM THE TRADE THAT THEY BIN RE CUT!Y I- > D THEIR AT IC (QUARTO Specimtn. AND TK' ' NOW READY FOR DELIVERV TO TIN IR OLD PATRONS, A- WC!E- ; ALL WHO PATRONIZE THEIR FOUNDRY. IN IT WILL LIE FOUND A NEW -CRIES T Q" FACES FROM REAR ' PICA, SURPAS-ING II POSSIBLE, THEIR CELEBRATED ART FC SC D II CUT FACE-. 'l'lir F'ti't'i 'J' IT ILENARTN CUT EXHIBITS AR: AT :N>A-S ,K - V RUTYO !CT T1...L TIE LEU .R AN FI.IU I.CNC— AND ENGL; D. THE SI R:S T .| F. -TERIN .' RE NTW ' R THE FIR-' ••*•* ED T ' THT [IR TIILA O O . T ■PI D TIME ! * LIE-T I: R E . D !,.I ; IT. I-. V C: TRE NEW . .... R, I -E- . T.-TH . THE VET 1 RM WH H R TYPT : - NRITDE WH ' PE II IRLV D.IOIODT TI.. S ~ „ L A , T . ..1 MA> UI !I< * PI : ti . * THEY EG T RET R TL; !; R T'V R . MDT - A CONTHI AM E. THEIR WELL K W.. LIUTI. L lUA:.UE ' 1. .SINESS FOR THE PAST THIRTY V< R-. I- A G AR 1 NEW PATRONS OI THEIR DI 1* .-.11 M .MD A IL.'.Y RT: THEMSELVE-- TO BE SURPASSED FOR FAIRDCALING WLIRIHER ARE BY LETTER OR UTHERWI-E. , X. B. FROPRIET'IS OF NEW -PAPERS ARE RE I-T.J' THE ABOVE, PROVIDED TBEV WILL TRADE OUT THREE T lUE ANUMNT OF THEIR RE.-POCTIVE BILLS IN MATERIALS OF A R TACTURE. AND FORWARD US ONE COPY OI THE JIAPCR O'l;U\ • THE ADVERTISEMENT. Tim OLD STAND STILL IM OPL RATIO.V lo ™k --"--■UZ,S-*T P ' " HAND, AND WILL MAKE T OI ( A BIN I : ISA' | SUCH AS SOLAS.DIVANS. L.OUNI<R ; FT, J TIE. CARD. DINING AND . rJFE. (LIE. MAHOGANY. WALNUT. M'l I () PCHERRY BUREAUS. STAND.- ~! U F .-. .W V KINDS. CHAIRS AND BED-'CAU-"'''D I DESCRIPTION, WHICH ARE, AND WILL BE MADE >( TM ' [ TERIAL AND WORKMANLIKE MANNER, AUD W HICH TLI.'J *; | FOR CASH CHEAPER THAN CAN BE BOUGHT IN ANY E> CR ROOM IN THE COUNTRY. ! REAI>Y-M.\HE COFFINS, ON HAND ON THE A ! : -"LIABLE TERMS. A GOOD HEARSE WILL HE : T FUNERAL OCRASIORIS. JAMES MACKLNS 1- Towanda, January 1.1855. . -- I LIE I-' INSURANCE w A Aukscy — POLICIES ISSUED IN THE BE-T <'ONIPANICS IN THE I NITED STATES, WITH CAPITA] U' ... J (MM! TO LJKMI.OOO. APPLY TO P. O. SW UW |1 EAST END SPAIIHLIUG BLOCK, WAVERLY. N. Y. AGENT KOU THE FOLL.OWI.NG HARTFORD CITY FIRE INSURANCE CON PANY. Bridgeport Insurance Company, Conuccta''". EMPIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. GRANITE FIRE INSNRANCC COMPANY. Fti.-a Live Stock Insurance ( ompany. SUSQUEHANNA LIFE INSURANCE COIN .ANY. J FHOENI.V FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOK'- EXCELSIOR FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW || - fS~ ALL ORDERS FRONT THE COUNTRY PROMPTLY " ( 1 ROCK ERY & 11AUDWAj asrortmeat, at |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers