Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 12, 1855, Image 3
savatre nicn, and in the face of starvation itself, she kept her post for about six weeks. She had now eaten her last meal, of potatoes only, and seeing no prospect of any relief at home, she sets out to meet the family, or find some friendlv hut where she might obtain food. She hat! proceeded a few miles, when at Gordon's Hand she discovered the boat with her family -lowlv ascending the Susquehanna. The mo ment of deliverance from imminent peril is not oU lv a moment of pleasure, but often of pleas untrv. The father inquires—" Where are you eoimr ?" "To Wilkes-barre, to get something to eat," replied the daughter. She was taken on board with mutual feelings, which we need not attempt to describe. They now soon reach ed their home in safety, after an absence of three years. From this time they lived in comparative se curity and comfort. The Indians were some what troublesome, and the crops sometimes fail ed. At one time they were several weeks with out grain or garden vegetables. Like shepherds of old. they lived for the time upon the milk and flesh of the flock. A boat load of grain passed down the river in the meantime. Mo nev was out of the question. Mr. Fox offers to exchange a cow for a barrel of grain, but was refused. Wintergreen berries were the only fruit the forests afforded, which they oc casionally used to vary their bill of fare.— When the rye was so far advanced that it could be rubbed out of the head, they gather ed of it, boiled, and added it to their milk.— The subject of this notice was then a small boy, but remembered it well, aud was accustomed to sav, " That was the most delicious food I ever tasted ! Lessons learned in adversity are seldom forgotten. Nothing short of a famine teaches the true value of food. The deceased, to his iatcst day, could not endure to see a crumb of bread wasted. In this feeling parsi lUOIIV had no part, for in his habits he was hos pitable. None went from his house hungry, j but by their own fuult. Considering the state of the country at this j time, it will not appear incredible that he grow up without the knowledge of letters—and learned to read after his marriage ! It may not be amiss to mention in this place, that Eliza beth, the little girl who so heroically kept house while all the rest were absent, learned to read after she was 70 years of age ! One of the sisters of Mr. Fox marriedHEX KY, son of SEBASTIAN STROPE. Mr. AVERY re lates of Mrs. Wnrr.IKER, a daughter of Mr. STROPE, who had suffered the severities of an Indian captivity during the revolution, that years afterward on hearing the boasts of a cer tain torv.she was so indignant that she turned him out of doors. A small work was publish ed some years ago in New England, in which an attempt was made to make out that Ru- MILPII Fox, the father of JOHN FOX, was of the same class into which Mr. MINER has at tempted to place SEBASTIAN STROPF.. Apropos of Mrs. WHITAKKR'S feelings on the occasion referred to, was the effect of that publication lIJKIU the feelings of the family. The individu al referred to had gone to his rest, beyond the reach of detraction or malevolence—but his iumily survived to suffer as none but children can suffer on seeing the character of a deceased parent wantonly assailed ! The subject ofr this notice was unable to command bis feelings, or even restrain his tears. Charges so seriously affecting the happiness of families through the reputation of the parent, or any one of their number, should never be published on the au thority of surmise or vague rumor. Nothing short of indubitable testimony should induce any one to indulge in such publication. There were some in this neighborhood who were friendly to the British —or at least opposed the cause of the colonies. Rut such was the esti mation in which they were held, that no con sideration of family or social connection could .-'teen them from the odium which their posi tion brought upon them. But neither RuDora !'"X nor SEBASTIAN STROPE was among the number. The attack upon Wyoming seems to have been meditated for some time before it took place, and the way was gradually prepared by 'imetly removing one and then another who were known or suspected of being friendly to the freedom of the colouies. It was in pursu ing this policy, as it seemed, that Mr. AMOS HK was taken on the Wyalusing, about the >ame time Mr. R. Fox was, ou the Towanda, AND carried captive. Mr. YORK did not live '•return. And Mr. Fox would doubtless have wen recaptured when Mr. STROBE'S family was, r ud he not made a timely escape. We might -;iy much upon this subject, but let the above i suffice. He subject of this notice was a man of great rgy in business—of public spirit, apd social rtu ? s His christian character was quite as imminent as any other trait. He was early preyed with a sense of eternal things, and ! ''i'iiged hope la Christ at the age of fifteen " ir ' v Heat that time became connected with •' Methodist class, in this place, and remain f' 1 ,;T h them for a time. Whether he altcr- Mr ' s gave up that hope as unfounded, the ' ' r eunnot say ; but his views of scripture • aching underwent a great change. Thedoc 's of Westminister Assembly were what he to be according to the revelation of ' d, and were his support and encouragement many years of active service, and not " '•* of severe trials in the church. The church l was organized with members from ' '-ongregatioual (as it then was) church in , ■ x Mr. Fox, who had for many years D •* member of that church, and held the I - ,J f deacon, was one of those who united organization in Towanda. This church organized Presbyterian, and he was chosen l'l l , h f. r first ni,in S Elders. :! ' n s of this office be ever endeavored to discbarge with fidelity—always having pro per regard to the opinions and feelings of men, but a paramount regard to the will of God. — The unhappy controversy which finally rent the Presbyterian church into two bodies, was begun in this region years before it disturbed the general assembly. The peculiar trials to which it gave rise in the individual churches, may be best learned by observing the manage ment exhibited in the Assembly. We do not intend to write a history of this church ut this time, but refer to this state of affairs to say that Elder Fox, was from beginning to end, a consistent and firm friend of the doctrines and order of the Presbyterian church. At a time when the merits of that controversy were mis understood by many, and the necessity of firm ness in the cause of truth and order was not appreciated by others, our churches not enjoy ing the benefit of the weekly press as they have of later years, it required the more self-denial and stronger laith for a few to maintain the stand which the word of God and our standards required. Mr. Fox was a man of unusual vigor, both of body and mind, and while he exhibited great energy and promptness in bis secular affairs, be showed no less the cause of religion. 11 is faith fulness as a ruling Elder is a subject of grate ful remembrance to many. His first sickness, so far as is now known, was after he was over sixty years of age. Al though he enjoyed comfortable health some years after, his vigor was impaired. A fall from a horse about that time hastened the pro gress of debility and disease. But he relinquished the care of earthly busi ness with cheerfulness. Some of the first mouths of his confinement to the house were marked by very high spiritual enjoyment. lie bore the protracted sufferings of a ten years' struggle with disease, with exemplary patience and resignation. His greatest anxiety was for the spiritual welfare of his children, and the prosperity of the church. In the latter lie deeply sympathised with the Psalmist when he exclaimed, " If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning !" His end was peace. " Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY. —The excitement in Kansas has already resulted in bloodshed, and if the report be true in arson also. A leader of the Pro-Slavery party named Clark has been killed at a public meeting at Leavenworth. A dispute arose as to whicli party had the majority. Mr. Clark claimed it for tiie negro drivers, and Mcllea, one of the other side, replied that this was a lie. Hereupon Clark struck Mcßea with a club, stunning him ; but as soon as lie came to himself lie drew a re volver aud shot his assailant dead. This done he escaped, though shots were fired after him. Finally his friends gave him up to the United States officers at the fort, in whose custody he remained at our latest advices, though a desire to take him out and lynch him was manifested by the slave-drivers. It is also reported that the house of George V. Park of Parkville, Mo. whose printing es tablishment was lately thrown into the Missouri River, has been burned down by his enemies, and he himself lynched in Kansas. ANOTHER REVOLUTIONIST GONE.—NICHOLAS DEAN, of tlie town of Candor in this comity, died at his residence on the 27th ult. lie was in the ninety second year of his aire, and maintained his mental faculties until the lamp of life went out, like the flickering taper in the socket. Mr. Dean formerly lived in Westchester county, in this State, in the town of White Plains, and was twelve years of age when ludcjiendence was declared, lie remembers well the battle at the Plains. He set lire to the Hessian Camp ; but lie never went into the service as a regular soldier. He moved to this county forty-eight years ago, and took up his residence in Spencer. For the last six years he lias lived in Candor, with ltis only son John 13. Dean.— Oiccgo Gazelle. fey"' Solomon Snyder and James Jackson, negro, convicted in our court last week of attempting to kiduap a young negro named George Clark, were sentenced each to pay a fine of $l,OO0 —the costs of prosecution and undergo imprisonment in the Dauphin county prison at hard labor, for the period of six years. Before the above sentence was announced each of the prisoners made a statement to the court, disclaiming any intention to kiduap the plaintiff. Married, In Towanda, on the 6th instant, by the Rev. Julius Foster, Mr. DAVID CARLOS FOSTER to MESS MARY ANN HOGEBOOM, both of Factoryville, N. V. Died, In Monroeton, on the Bth instant, JAMES TURNBULL, in the 74th year of his age. JW FRANKLIN FIRE CO.NO. I—The members Franklin Fire Company are notified to meet 11 the Engine house, on Saturday evening, JCNK 2d, at 6£ o'clock. By order of the Foreman, May 2. N. T. BOGART, Secretary. Jg, MASONIC.—The regular meetings of UNION No. 108, A. Y. M., are held every Wed yC nesday, on or preceding the full moon, at Mao /yr\ nie Hall, over J. Kingsbery's store. All brethren in good standing are invited to attend.— The meeting for May will occur on the 30th day. H. R. A. UNION CHAPTER, No. 161, holds its regular meetings at the same place, Thursday on or before the full moon. Meeting for May on the 31st day. E. H. MASON, Secretary. RELIGIOUS NOTICE—Rev. J. M. PEEBLES, lljjEr will preach at the Court£ House, on Sabbath evening, May 13,1855, at 71 o'clock. Nero 3V.bocrtisements. The Greatest Improvement of the Age! QTODDAIID'S PATENT IMPROVED O SHINGLE MACHINE, for Riving, Shaving and Edg ing—capable of making from 12 to 20,000 per day; simple in construction, and not liable to get out of order, it is decidedly the best Machine for making Shingle ever offer ed to the public. Those wishing Rights or machines can apply to JOHN FROST, sole agent for Bradford and Sul livan counties, Pa. Rome, May 10, 1855. NEW SPRI G & SUMMER GOODS. 7 OSEI'II KINUSBERY is now receiving, •J from New York, a large, carefully selected and most desirable assortment of NDIV SPRING AND SUM ML It GOODS. Towanda, May 11, 1355. ISfcuj 2U>Dcrtisemrnts. fSsiysa STAGES will hereafter lc: r tlie - lIoUHe ' until turtliCr FOIt WAVERLY—I caveat 2 o'clock, P. M., arriving in time to take the trains, east and west. Leave after the arrival i>r the morning trains, from the east and west. FOR TUNKHAXNOCK—Leave immediately upon the arrival of the Waverley stage, about 1, P. M. Arrive at Towamla. in time to connect with the stage for Wnverlv. March 17,186 ft. SMITH A POWELL, Proprietors. ZMCPO&TAZVT TO &TJAXBERME&T A PARE CHANCE.—The un dcrsigned offers for sale his undivided half part TMBejSrS ot three tracts of laud, containing about 14U0 acres ; 1000 of which is heavily timbered with iA i White Pine of a choice quality, having on it a newly erected double STEAM MILL, just "started and cut ting finely—capable of sawing 3.000.000 feet yearly, to which is attached a LATH MILL, aud with power sufli cient to run a single maehiuc, aud pair of Burrs for chop ping feed, Ac. The land is situated in Overton township, in the centre of the Coal and Iron region of Bradford County, and on it have been found large deposits of iron ore of" a superior quality. Tiiis property to Lumbering men offers greater inducements than any other in Xoruhcrn Pennsylvania, inasmuch as the timber has never been culled out, and lying as it does within 2| miles of the Barclay Coal Com pany Railroad, now in process of construction, and con necting by said Railroad, with the River and Canal at this place. Persona desirous of viewing the premises will call on the subscriber at this place. A. EDWARDS. Towanda, May 1, 1855. NEW SPRING GOODST TOSEPH POWELL would announce to the citizens of Bradford County, that he is now re ceiving a large, rich and varied assortment of Fancy and Staple Dip Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, and Gluts ll'are. Straw Goods, Hats, Hoots and Shoes, Car petings, Yankee Notions. Paper Hangings, Fish, Paints and Oils ,- and in fact, almost every article of merchan dize which the wants of the country require*, and is offer ing them for sale for CASH at prices which defy all com petition. He would particularly invite attention to his stock of LADIES DRF.SS GOODS, consisting in part of rich plain bl'k and watered Silks ; all wool Delaines ; plain and figured mouslin delaines : plain and figured Clialli delaines; De- Berges, Lawns, all prices; printed Jacouetts, Organdies, Berazes, all colors, together with an endless variety of Ginghams, Prints, Ac. Ac. EMBROIDERIES AND LACES —Ladies embroidered and lacc Collars, Sleeves, Handkerchiefs, Skirts, Chimezetta,Swiss and Jaconette Bands and Flounces, Swiss and Jaconette i Edgings and Insertings, Maltese, Thread, Smyrna, bobbin and Cotton Edgings, all widths; Brussells, black and white silk Edgings, all widths and prices. WHITE GOODS— Plain and dotted Swiss Muslins. Jaoo netts. Bishop Lawns, India, Book and Nainsook Muslins, Striped and Plaid Cambrics, Vietoria Lawns, of all quali ties. Ladies and Gents, linen H'd'k'fs., silk and cotton blonds ; Bobhinett and fringed Laces, Irish linens at great ly reduced prices. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS— Worsted, linen and worsted Damask, double oud single fold, cot Damask, bleached and I unbleached table linens, bleached and unbleached Jacquard diaper, worsted, embos*ed and colored damask linen table spreads, bleached damask table cloths and napkins, all j sizes; counterpanes, bleached and unbleached Muslins' from |to 10-4 yards wide. Drapery Muslins of different kinds, Crash, Scotch and Russia diapers, Ac. GI.OVES AND HOSIERY —A complete assortment of Ladies ; and Misses and Chlldrens' white, unbleached, mixed and slate colored cloth Hose; Mens' and boys' unbleached, mixed and white cotton half hose ; ladies and gents black, white and colored kid gloves, best quality ; ladies kid fin ish and plain silk and lisle thread do.; ladies and misses long and short French filet mitts. SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS— A large assortment of Spring Shawls and Mantillas of new and desirable styles. CARPETING- of various styles and qualities." Rush mat tings, different widths. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES— The largest stork of plain black and fancy Cloths and Cassimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Linen and Cotton Hummer Goods for mens' anil boys' wear, ever exhibited in Northern Pennsylvania— purchased at greatly reduced prices, and offered for sale correspondingly low. Also, a good* assortment of Nestings, Hcarfs, Stocks. Cravats, Linen Collars, Ac. tfg" In purchasing his stock of Spring Goods, the sub scriber would say that the utmost care and economy has been exercised in order to please his customers in style, quality of goods, and prices, to correspond with the times. Thanking the public for the liberal patronage they have heretofore extended to him, he would respectfully solicit a call and examination of his stock by those wishing to purchase. JOSEPH POWELL. Towanda. April 10.1855. Two Companies !! v. Menagarie & Circus \ p $ S. D. Jloic.s, Proprietor. 1 A I MYER'S A MADIGAX'S /> Celebrated Equestrian Troupe Without extra charge. Forming Two Exhibitions in One! For one day only,afternoon and eve- ■j'Cfjlrjk'l i ning. J.M.Nixon, director of the fßjf Combined-. Exhibitions. At TOWANDA , MONDAY. MAY IV'/h In this exhibition will be found the InT \ yaMl two greatest Living Curiosities in the 11 \ JTMIT animal kingdom, viz a LIVING ! GIRAFFE and a LIVING IHIT'O CKROS, besides a full collection of J J£ other Wild Beasts, all in the most perfect health and condition. THE CIRCUS TROUPE L* consists of the following ackuowl- £ Clown JIM MYERS. J The fearless, graceful and brilliant ' ' i American artist, in her matchless sconces of Equitation ; Messrs.King_, gan. Master Madigan.Thompson and gjL Professor Nixon, with his talouted K j isa® pupils, in all their achievements on horseback and in gymnastics. aj The following rare and beautiful i VtlftWr Animals are am mgthe collection he longing to this Exhibition : CT\ A Brazilian Tiger or South Amcri- £*?[} YIJ) J can Juguar ; two African Leopards ; vs< tW two North American Bears; a pair of WW English Deer; a beautifully marked /ji jj! Zebra; a Peruvian Lama; u White hjji JII Camel; a Kangaroo; besides a varie ty of the Monkey tribe, Parrots, Pe licans. Swans, Birds of Paradise, Ac. ir The EQUIPMENT and general T OUTFIT of both the " I Menagerie and Circus Troupes, I , Tr*,' vSa have been got up this season in a I £ t style of elegance and a profusion of A costly decorations hitherto unprece-1 4 J The Riders and Gymnastic Artists affull description of whom will la; found on the bills, arc all belonging to the first class of their profession, of both sexes, and are known and distinguished as the "STAR TROUPE "of the United States. A lull Military Brass Band accompanies the United Exhibition, and will plav during the performances a variety of new and fashionable music. K7f The Companies will enter Town in Grand Proces sion, about 10, A. M., and after passing through the prin pal streets, proceed to their Pavilion of Exhibition. Admission to see the Combined Exhibitions, 25 cents. Children under 9 years of age half price. Doors open at 2 and at 7. Performances commence at half past two aud a quarter to 8. rpOWANDA A BURLINGTON PLANK -I- ROAD COMPANY.—Tiie President and Managers of the Towanda and Burlington Plank Road Company, have, bv a resolution passed this day, resolved to call in and collect the ballauce due on the stock subscription of this Road, payable to B. S. Ilussell, Treasurer—-at the of fice of Messrs. LAPORTE, MASON ACo., as follows: 25 per cent, on the first day of May, 1555, and the bal lauce on the first day of July, 1855. B. S. RUSSELL, Towanda, December 8, 1851. Sec. >V Treasurer 3MO JOKE. "VTINE lIUNDRED ANI) NINETY-NINE Men , in Bradford County in debt to us, that we want to pay their Judgment notes or accounts, which ever it may be, and we intend to have them do it, either by per suasion or by employing officers sufficient to collect ol ev ery man immediately, without any exception orYespcctto parsons, from the fact that the money belong" to our cre ditors, and we intend that thev shall"have it us soon as it can be collected. * HALL A P.UBSELL. Towanda, April 20 1855. I BLASTER.—IOO tons Cayuga ground plas ter—2oo bids. White Stone Lime—l'M) bbls. Extra Family Flour. SALT, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, Ac., at BAILEY A NEYJNS. Towanda. April 10, 1855. A NEW THING. BEING very desirous to get ray books set tled up, I have concluded to quit making accounts, and sell goods hereafter for READ\ PAY only, and with out adopting the dodge of a new firm, call on all those in debted to Sttile A Pay up. Now, therefore, upon the re ceipt of my AYv Spring (ivod, say about the 15th or 20th inst., I shall commence the Ready Pay system ; and if I find any leisure, shall be after those wno do not call and settle up, witha sharp stick. 0. D. BARTLETT- Towanda,April 7, 1855. /YLOVER AND TIMOTUY SEED.—A YJ quantity of each just rccci\ed and for sale by February 7,1855. J. POWELL. WAGONS & SLEIGHS.—Two or three of each fur sale cheap at _ I'EINNLY'S. flliscelluiuons. FARMERS, ATTENTION ! riant your Cora economically and scientifically! /I H. DANA'S HAND CORN PLAN VJ• TER. patented September 5. 1854, costs ON I,l' THREE DOLLARS, and is therefore within the means of every man who plants half an acre of ground. It is sim ple in its construction, and executes its work with accura cy and despatch on various kinds of soil. Unlike other planters, it has no gearing to get out of repair, but is carried in the hand like a cane, and can be worked up hill or down; as well as on level ground, plant ing as much ground in a day as five men can with hoes.— It may also be used to plant beans, as it can be guaged to drop as few or as many kernels as desired. It is meeting with unprecedented success everywhere it is introduced, having been presented at several Agricultural fairs, and always without exception received the highest premium, being the best and cheapest implement of the kind in use. The undersigned, having purchased the right of selling the said Planters in llradtord county, will canvass the county in April, at which time he will supply those who wish, or dispose of Town Rights to anv who wish to pur chase. JAS. B. SYKES. Owcgo, March '22, 1K.",.",. DAVIS' PLATFORM BEE-HIVE I f IMIE subscriber having been appointed Agent for the A counties of Bradford, Sullivan and Lycoming, has the pleasure of calling the attention of the public to this useful invention. The Hive is truly a great improvement on the old square box ; and the facilities it affords for taking out the honey are as harmless to the bees, as they are profita- j ble to the oyvuer. No resort to drums and pans is needed to hive the increase in the spring, and no resort to brim stone, fire and fagot is required to conquer the bees and i procure their honey in the fall. As tin- bees multiply, ] new sections are added to the hive ; and when the honey ] is wanted, they are removed accordingly. The arrange- i meats for feeding the bees, ior changing them to different parts of the old hive, or to a new one, for ventilation, are unqnestionqbly ahead of anything hitherto known. A description of this Hive is impossible, without refer- ■ cnce to a model, but an examination will satisfy any one of its advantages. For soje, Town and Individual Rights, with books, bill of feed, Ac., giving full directions for ma king the Hive, and managing the Bees. May i, 1835. GEORGE S. KEEN. $5OO REWARD! For an improvement on SCOTT'S PATENT BLACKSMITH'S STRIKER! j THE undersigned, having purchased the right to sell in | a number of the counties of this state, and elsewhere, I Scott's Patent BLACKSMITH'S STRIKER, respectfully ' announce that they are now stopping at BLACK S Hob f, ! in Towanda. where they will exhibit the Patent Striker. I and explain its operation. They expect to remain about ' three weeks. By the aid of this invention, every Black- ; smith can dispense with the additional hand required to j forge iron, and will consequently effect a great saving of . labor to all who become possessed of it. This is consider- ! ed one of the greate. t and most useful inventions of the age, and the manner in which it forges iron of every des cription has greatly surprised the numerous sons of Vul can who have seen it operation. W. W. FIELDS. May 3, 1855. E. S. TEAGARDFN. !S P U lIS c; G OOT)H. T lIAR\ EY PHINNY, Jr., is just re- j • ceiving a general assortment of SPRING (JOUTJS : which he offers to the public for unusually low prices, for ! Ready pay. A he is determined to sell" Goods after the ; Ist or April for READY PAY, or keep them, persons wish iug to pay cash for goods will find It for their interest to i coll and examine his stock and prices. i*All persons indebted to me by book, note or jndg- ' meut, on tne Ist of April next, unless some satisfactory arrangement is made, will be waited upon bv a geutleiuan in authorily. j. H. p. j r . Towanda, March 14,1855. SNYDER HOUSE, Waveriy, n7y. T AMES WHITTAK LR respectfully informs - •I the travelling public that he has taken the above well known stand, situated near the Railroad Depot, and soli- ! cits a share of custom. The House ia convenient and com modious, and he Is determined that no pains and attention to the wants and comforts of guests shall be spared to give j eutire March 13,1556- j GROCERIES, of all kinds just 1- received at MON TAX YES A CO. | I~ EATIIER, I'ork, Codfish, Mackerel, and I J White Fish. for sale cheap at PHIXXEY'S. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. 7 OSKPH KIXGSBERY still continues the HOOK A ST VTIONEBY business, where purchaser;! may had all the la'est School and Miscellaneous Books at reduced prices. The following School Books aie era brac ed in the catalogue, viz ; Bullion's Greek ami Latin Reader and Grammar, do. (JiPsar, d<>. Sal lust, do. Lessons. Donegan's (ireek and English Lexicon. Spencer's I.utin Lessons ; Cooper's Virgil. OlcndorfFs, Lebrethon's, Barbauld's, Fausdick's and Levizack's French Works. Parker's, Comstock's, Phelps', Smiley's and Olmsted's Philosophy. Day's. Thompson's and Davie's Works. Cutter's, Coat's and Couistock's Physeologv. Saunder's, Porter's, Bentley's and Cobb's tVnrk J . Bancroft's History. Parley's, Worcester's, Gurnsey's, Bottas, Ac. Ac. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, do Uuiversity edition, do. d Common School, do. Worcester's, Cooper's, Harper's. Johnson's, do. Corn stock's works ; Lincoln's Botany, Sweet's Elocution. Thompson's series of Arithmetic, primary to High School. Adams', Davie's, Smith's and Cobb's, do. Brown's, Kirkhatn's, Smith's and Morse's Geography and Atlas ; and all the various Primary Geography's now in use. Spelling books of all kiuds, and miscellaneous books in great variety. Also— Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Boots 4" Shoes. Hots and Caps, ipc.. New and desirable styles of Goods will be received monthly, and sold at the lowest LASH PRICES. J. K. Towanda, April, VI. 1855. PIANO FORTES. f JOSEPH 11. LOUD, intends visiting this place every Spring and Fall for the purpose of selling PI AX O* FORTES of his Manufacture .which guarantied satisfactorily. Mr. Loru attends per sonalty to his business, which of itself will be of great ad vantage to those purchasing, and avoids all difficulties which so often occur tluough buying of Agents. Citizens will find by obtaining an Instrument of him, a great sav ing in price, as well as manner in which their Pianos will be kept in order. WRITTEN WARRANTEES given for live years lor his Instruments, which stand unrivalled for easi ness and elasticity of touch, fullness and sweetness of tone. To those in want of Pianos, Mr. Loud wauld advise to await his visits. Every possible attention will be paid to Pianos, Organs, Ac., entrusted to his care, either for re pairing or tuning. Having lougexperience in the business, persons may be assured their Instruments will be put in perfect order, or no charge trill be made. Old Pianos and Melodeons taken in part payment for new I'ianos. Melo deons for sale, Ac. Ware-rooms, No. 403, Market street, Philadelphia. Gin— "VTOTICE. —The members of the Bradford it County Medical Society are requested to meet at the Ward House, n Thursday May 10th. 1855, at 2 o'clock I*. M. The transactions of tiie State Medical Society for the years '53 aud '5l, ate ready for distribution. ('. K. LAPP, Secretary. GEORGE H. WOOD'S DAGUERREAN ROOMS REMOVED to Patton's NEW BRICK BLOCK, corner of Bridge and Main street, where he lias fitted up rooms expressly for the business, with a large sky-light and side-light com bined. With tiiese arrangements he will be able to take Pictures with any shade desired. Grouping done in the best possible manner. Daguerreotypes taken equally as well in cloudy as clear weather. Particular attention paid to copying. Miniatures neativ put into Lockets, I (re as t pings, anu finger rings, Ac. Instructions given iu the art on reasonable terms. Towanda. May 1. 1855. SUMMER HATS.—Gentlemen's Elegant O WHITE BEAVERS, for sale by May 1.1855. J OS. KINGSBERV. NEW SPRING GOODS ! Burton Kingsbury, IS NOW RECEIVING, a large and general assortment of Jail kinds of GOODS, which will positively be sold for pay, TEN PER CENT. LESS than they can l>c found anv where else. Call and see. Towanda, May 5, 1855. NOTICE. —Persons wishing to make pay ments to the subscriber, can do so at any time, through Messrs. LAFOKTE, MASON A Co., whose receiptor statement of payment, will be entirely satisfactory. MICHAEL MEYLE'RT, Land Agent. April K, 1555. /UVUTlOX—."Whereas, my husband, Lester V Morton, who advertised his wife, a few weeks since, set forth a false statement, as bin wife was at home at the time, aud was done for the purpose and as a pretext to squander my property ; I therefore forbid all persons har lioring or trusting hiin on my account, as I will pay no debts of his contracting after this date. lIULDAIL ANN MORTON. Burlington, March 21, 1855, CAUTION. —Whereas my wife DorcnsTall, has left my bed aud board without just cause or pro vocation, I therefore forbid all persons harboring or trust ing her on my account, as I will net be responsible for anv debts that iibc mry contract. Burlington April 3.1?55. JACO3 TALI Ccgal LI Sf OF J r ROUS, drawn for MA Y Term and Sessions, 1855. SECOND WEEK. AUyn Sc-neca. Warren. HaLsted W. S. Riilgbery, j Brown A. G. Springfield, Hiney Timothy, Rome, I Barnes John N. Pike. Hodge James, Pike, | Ballard Chas. H. Columbia. Kinyon C. 11. Granville, I Brit-ce Henry, Winilhatn, Liomis Joaiah, Canton, | Bull Edwaiil, Orwell, Landon 11. W. Ilcrrick, i Bailoy Alansoii.<jranvillc, Lantz Wm. FrankJin, | Brown Kiijah M. Marsh I-HKL. Hvrri^k, Codding David S. Pike. " Newell John W. Canton. I Lallan Warren, Springfield.! Pratt L. A. Monroe, i Button A. R.Smithlield, ißediugton G. F. Trov Tp. Dewitt Morgan. Burlington. Stone Hiram, Wilniot I Dodd Harrison, " iStalford J. H. Asylum, i Ford Edwin, Pike, | Stephens George,"Pike', | Gardner David, Athens Tp Shepard L. C. Armenia, ■ Gord >u John.StaudingStone Smith Henry, Ulster. | Gorkam Julius, Orwell. )Titus Obodiah, Herrick, j Grace Addison, Spriuglleld.|Wood Daniel, Troy Tp. TIBIAL LIST, for MAY Term, 1855 ! A Bradford County Court. SECOND WEEK. | PLAINTIFFS. DEFENDANTS. N.ATCEE. William E. Gore, Collins M. Segar, Bci. Fa.Bail. I Ruliff Campts-11, Wm. Campbell. Sci. Fa. ! Edward Herrick. Chas. F. Welles jr. et all Ejectment, j David Barber. Josiah Heudershot, j-Scl. Fa. [ Cornelius Hiuisiker, Wm. R. Hsynes et al. Trespass. Andrew C. Craig, John Flood. 'Debt. Erastus Lovett. Joseph Seelv, Ejectment. Henry D.Euieryelal. Harvy B. Ingham, Kebt. W. Bradley A Co. Daniel 11. Crane, Case. Lather Redfield jr. ilarvy B. Ingham, Debt. Same, Same, do F. L. Ballard, -IL N. Fisher et al. do Horace Williston jr Jeremiah Driscoll et al.jEjectment. Herman W. Camp, Pochard Horton etui, i Appeal. E. W. P,aird, John M. Fox, (Ejectment. John Eighmey, Wm. Lawyer, i Appeal. M. C. Mereur, i-date Mut'l Fire lus.Co.jDi,-ht. James A. Paine, !Johu Hanson, ; Case. Rogers Fowler, O. Schrader, I Appeal. A. 1). Brown, | same, ! do 11. X. Terrett A Co.. j Richard Brower, Debt. Luke Perkins, J sines Philips, • Appeal. Margaret Roberts, John Rogers, |Ejectment. John Rogers, Ahby Ann Swain, I do Welles & Harris, -L L." Vausice, iSci. Fa. Chas. J. French, Marvilla Watson, iEjectment. Jacob Tome. Rogers Fowler, (Case. Henry Crammond. Russell Spalding, j Ejectment. Pa. Lunatic Hospital Overs'ra poor oi' Frank- Debt. Thomas Butler, E. Horton, [lin tp.jSci.Fa.SurM Hiram Hemans, sameetal. Appeal. Ezra Spalding, Brown & Rockwell, Ejectment. F. A. Saxton JiCo. John Taylor, Truepa*s. Wm. 11. Russell, Job Dean, Ejectment. Holleuback 1 Hannah Benjamin et al. do Clark Hyatt, jA. Morley A Brothers, Appeal. Adam Essenwine, P. &G. ft. Gorslinc, do H. S. Phlrmey's use. VI. M. C'oolbangh, do Mark Coinptou, ! Lewis E. Gibbs. do McCoy Craig, , fhos A Isabel Craig. do Abraham G.CarrisoniSamuel Scliofieid et al l do David Burt, David Hapemau et al. jSoi.Fa. Bail. Alx. Freaer A Co. I Win. Campbell, 'Debt. Abby Ann B.">f*-rs, ••Gilbert Rogers, iDirsrrc. Bt. Kiug.ibery's u-e.jZebulon Esselatinc, IBci. Fa. M. P. J. DeCaters, ' lames Ellsworth, 'Ejectment. B.Greenwood ACo.| Wm. Campbell, jDcbt. Davis C. Pierce, |Joaeph Edminster, !Sci. Fa. M. Peter B. Sturdevant, Geo. 0. Kile, i Appeal. James Fritcher, j.Tohn Snyder, ;Case. H.F.Burt. iKenower Wormley, (Appeal. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice jl JL is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of D. S. WATKIX9, dee'd. lato of Columbia tp., are j quested to make payment without delay ; and all persons ' having claims against aald estate, must"present them duiy I authenticated for settlement. WM. B. WATKINS, " \ April 27,1855. Administrator. f'OREIGN ATTACHMENT.—COMMON- ' WEALRN OF PENNSYLVANIA ; Bradford County, it. To the Sheriff' of Bradford C'ountv. Greeting : We com- ; —— inaiid you that you attach 6WEN DOUGHERTY L. s. late of your county, by all and singular his goods j and chatties, land 3 and tenements, monies, rights and credits, in whose hands or possession soever the same i may be, so that he l-e and appear before our court of com- I man pleas, to be holden at the borough of Towanda, in and I for said county, or. the first Monday of May next, there to ! answer James McKenua, of a plea"of assumpsit, damages not exceeding one hundred dollars, and that yon tmnmon and ali persona lu whose hands or possession the said goods, chatties, monies, rights and credits, or any of them ' may be attached, ao that they and every of them be and appear befoic- said court, at the day and place aforesaid, to answer what aha!! be objeetcj against them, and abide 1 the Judgment of the Court" therein ; and have you then arid there chia writ. Witness the Honorable DAvrn WILMOT . President of our said court, .it the Borough ol Towanda aforesaid, the 21st j day of March, A. l>. 1855. ALLEN McKEAN, Prothonotary. I certify the above to be a truecopv of the original writ. < JOHN A. CODDING, SHEliff. Sherifl's Gfilce, Towanda, March 22, 1855. The Siispnchanna Collegiate Institute. TO IV AND A, BRADFORD CO., PA. INSTRUCTORS : REV. SAMUEL F. COLT. Principal, Professor of Xatu- j ral. Mental and Moral Science ; REV. JAMES McWILLIAM, A. M.. Professor of Ancient I Languages and Belles Lettres ; CHARLES R. COBURN, A. M.. Professor of Mathema tics and Master of Norma! School ; E.ALBERT LUDWIG, A.M., Professor of Modern Lan guage", Instructor on the Piano and in Drawing ; 11. BEECHKi! MORGAN. Usher; Mrs. MARTHA A. DAYTON. Preceptress; Miss MARGARET L. KENNED AY. 2d do. fib" The Spring Term of 1855 will commence on We li ne.--day, April Ith. The Academic will comprise 3 terms, i FXTENSES REK TFKM : Tuition in the Fifth class, (primary) per term $ I 00 " Fourth,. . 5 00 ' " Third 6 00 | Second 7 (Hi i Fir.-.t 3 00; EXTRAS : French. German, Spanish or Italian, each, 5 00 i When taken without other branches, 7 00 . Drawing t.. 300 j Ornamental needlework 3ud embroidery,each.. .. 300 j Tuition on Piano Forte with use of instrument, 12 00 j do do per quarter of 11 weeks, 10 00 j Oil painting in landscapes, per term 8 00 do figures 10 00 Room rent for lodgers, 1 75 Contingent fund for each pupil 38 Board in Hall, per week 1 75 Washing, per dozen,. 3c Fuel and light at the actual expense. Pupils boarding in the Hall will furnish their own bed, I bedding, towels, >u„ and the table silver at their option, i No pupil taken for less than half a term. The bills for I the term must be paid in advance: or one half thereof at i their entrance, and the remaining half at the expiration of j the term. Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the nliscr i vance of the Regulations, and none will he admitted on ■ other tenns. Especial exercises arc arranged without extra charge for those qualifying themselves as teachers for common schools. For classification of studies and text-books, see circu lars, for which apply to C. L. WARI), President. S. F. COLT, Sec. 124 J. 1). MONTANVE, Treasurer. WAR! WAR! WAR! OLI) SOLDIERS ! Prepare for a fight with Speculator*, and Beware of them! The Bounty land bill, giving 1(50 acres of land to those who served m the war of I*l2, or any war since 17(H), has passed, and ail persons entitled to such lands should call at once upon J. R CAN FIELD, Athens, Bradford couuty, l'.i.. who lie sides having the law and the requisite fornus, has had much experience in obtaining land warrants, Ac., and will do it for old Soldiers, their Widows and Miuor children, for just what it is worth io do the business. The bill provides land for persona of all grades, hv land or sea, including Indians, wagoners and llotilla men, who have served in the wars since 1730; 180 acres in all to each person who has served not less than 14 days, except actu ally in battle for a shorter period. The widows or minor children, to receive the benefit in case of the death of the persons so entitled. The widows, officers and soldiers of the revolutionary war to be entitled to the benefit of this act,as well as volunteers at the invasion of I'lattsburg in September, I*ll. The volunteers at the attack of Lewis tow n, Delaware, in 1812 and 1815, and the Chaplains who sorted in the several wars. Post-paid communication!- promptly attended to. J. E. CAXFIELD, Pension and Bounty Land Agent.. Athens. Bradford Co.. Pa., March 8, 18*55. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. SUBSCRIBER offers for sale his J. valuable FARM, situate in Burlington towusbip,Brad ford county, Pa., containing about 'JCj ACRES, ol which about 130 acres aro improved, and in a high state of culti vation. About 70 acres of the improved part is bottom laud, aud the balance rolling land, faciDg t'uc noutb and east. About 100 acres is well timbered with pine ami hemlock, and a good mill scat the.eon. This farm is eight miles from the Elmira aud - Williamsport Railroad, and nine miles from the A&HJV North Branch Canal- It has npon it two good IXfjjßl anplc orchards, and an abundance of cherries, lyiaJt plums, Ac.; a new dwelling house, two gooddßßhsS* barna, cowshed*, A.c. Bald farm ia well celcnlatid for two farms of CJUJ! value, embracing an enual porti )n of bot tom land, upland, and timber, and wi]! be sold tcparately or together, as may suit purchasers. Terms:—A portion of the parchaae money dowc, aad the balance in yearly payments, to soil pur cist era Por farther rirt.cnltrs, enquire of tbs subscriber u *-h fare. l efc.-ua.-v7 lifts 1 SASUfTIfVfIXAr Ccgal QVbm:rti3cmcnlc. A DMINISTRATOU'S NOTICE —Notice - * s hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate ot A. I'. BILES. deceased. late of WvaluMDg township, to make immediate payment, and all persons j having demands against said estate, will present them du ] ly authenticated for settlement. B. W. BILES, I J AS. A. BILKS,) Admini-trator. j April 14, 1855. ; A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ' 11. is herebv given, that all persons Indebted to the ee , tate of ROXANA YANWRIXKLE. deceased, late of Pike twp., arc hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. C. O. G RIDLEY, Administrator. Orwell, February 17, 1855. [EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here •l-4 by given, that all persons indebted to the estate cf HOKA'TIO GAM AGE, aee'd. late of Burlington twp., are hereby requested to make payment without delay; and | all persons having claims against said estate wilTplcaze | present then: dulv authenticated for settlement. JTLIA GAMAGE. 'TW,, „„ PERRY B. PRATT.) Exccut ' J "- February 17. lid"., j \ EDITOR'S NOTlCE.—ln~the~matter of ' -a A. the estate of P. I). Havens, de< eased- In the Or phans Court of Bradiord County. The undersigned Au j ditor appointed by the said Court to distribute the pro ceeds of the sale oi real estate of said deeedent, in the 1 hands of his administrators, will attend to the duties of his appointment et hii office in Towauda borough, on Sat urd.iv the 7th day of April. A D 1855, at 10 o'clock A. if. at w hi. h time an'.l place all person - Interested are reques ted to PRESENT their claims, or IK- forever debarred from said funds. G. 11. WATKINS, Auditor. Towandu, February 2ft. 1855. \DM INI ST 11A TO K' S~XOTICE. —Notice a V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of BOUVkR PALMER, deceased, late of Canton tp, are hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. THFTIE&SA PALMER, Administratrix. Canton, March 1, 1855. 4 DM IN ISTR ATOR 'S N OTlCE.—Notice J.X. is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es tate of BENJAMIN B. SLADE deceased, late of Columbia twp, are hereby requested to make payment without dc; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them dulywutbcnticatcd for settlement. March 1, 1855. it IAL P SLADE. Administrator. "VTOTICE.—The Commissioners of Bradford 11 County have fixed upon the following days and dales respectively" for holding APPEALS, viz : Towanda borough, Burlington township and borocgh, Xorth and South Towanda. Ulster and Vfilmot, on TLui day, February 15. Canton, Franklin, Granville, Ilerrick, Lerov and Wysox on Monday, February 10, Orwell, Pike, Rome, Skesheqcin, Tuzcarora, Wvalustag, Wanen and Windham, on Tuesday, February 2(b Columbia, Ovorte-n, R'dguerry, Smithfield. Springfield, Couili Creek and Sylvania be-rough, on Wedmcsdav, Feb ruary 21. Athene township. Athens borough, Aihany, Asylum, Armenia, Darcll, Litchfield and Standing Stone on Thuni d.iv, February 22. Monroe, Troy township and borough, and Wells, on Fri day. February 23. g£"The Assessors will be punctup.! In delivering the no tices to the taxables, and in making their returns in per son on the day designated in their warrants, at which lime and place the Board of Revision will attend and hear all such as think themselves aggrieved by said assessment, and make such deductions and alterations as to them may seem just. Bv order of the Commissioners, Feb. 7,1855. F,. M. TARRAE, Clerk. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice -il-L Is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of C. P. PHILIPS dee'd., late of Burlington tp.. are hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all persons havlnglng claims against said estate will pleaso present them duly authenticated for settlement. J. M. PHILIPS, Administrator. February 3, 1856. TN THE MATTER of the Partition cf the A Rtai Estate of Barney Htbbrr, deetaxed. —Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the partition of the real estate of Barney Webber, deceased, rate of the Township of Troy, to come into Court on the first day of next term, (toeing the 7th day of May next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., to accept or refuse the'estate which war, appraised by the Jurv of inquest upon said estate, on the Sfa day of January, lios. JAMES H. WEBB, Clerk of 0. C. Tuwamla. March 18. 1555. A DM INISTR ATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice -1 V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of ALEXANDEL HAND, dec'u. 'late oi Windham twp., arc requested to make paymcul without delay ; and those having demands against said estate will present them dulv authenticated for settlement. MARTIX ELSBREE, Administrator. Marrh 23. 1855. VUDITOR'Is NOTICE. J-n iltt -matter of the estate of John Cotefes. deceased —ln the Orphans Court of Ibadfurd County. The undersigned, Auditor appointed upon exceptions tiled to the fiunl account of the administrators <>f said estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at hi office in the borough of Towards, on the 23d day of April, 1855, at 2 o'clock, P. M. All per sons interested w ill please take notice. March 23. 1855. lb lb MORROW. Auditor. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of J. V the estate of Rachel Cranmcr, deceased. In the Or pliau's Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by sa ; d C"nrt to distribute fund . in the hands of the Administrator of the %-stnte of P.ncliel Cranraer, dee'd., will attend to the duties of bis appointment at bis office in the borough of Towan da, ou Monday, the 30th day of April, 1855, at 1 o'clock, P. M., when aiid where all persons are requested to present their claims, or be forever debarred from anv share of said funds. D'A. OVERTON, Towanda. March 21. 1855. Auditor. T?XECUTOR'S N OTICE.—AII person in 1J debted to the estate ofELIAL STEVENS, deceased, late of Ridgbury township, are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them duly au thenticated for settlement. STCRGES SQL'IP.LS, WM. STEVEN'S, Ridgbury, March 20, 1655. Executors. T PROCLAMATION.—WheroasTth^IIo^ 1. DAVID WILMOT, President Judge of the 1 Vth Ju dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Bradford, Sus quehanna ami Sullivan, and Hons. MYRON BALLARD and HARRY ACKLEY, Associate Judges, in ant! for said county of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date the 20th day of February, 1855, to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Quarter Sessions of 1 the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, at Towsu da, for the County of Bradford, on the first Monday, the ' 7th day of May next, to continue two weeks, j Notice is therefore herebv given, to the Coroners and Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County of Bradford, that they 'JO then and there iu their proper per ! son, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisition-, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to be done ; and those who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to pro : aocute against the prisoners who are or may be iu the jail of said County, or who shall be bonnd to appear at the i said court, ate to be then and there to proiccute against I thcin as shall be just. Jurors arc requested to be punctual ■ in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 31st of March, in the year of our ! Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, and of ■ Cue Independence of the United States, "the seventy j JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. I R. WATROFS H. SI. REWARD. E. H. COOK. KWATROUS & Co., DEALERS IN • HEAVY S,- SHELF HARDWARE. No's. 1 A 3, Water st. Elmira, X. Y. We have recently made large additions to our extensive stock, and have now on hand a complete assortment of ev ery description of Hardware, which wc offer at the lowest cash prices; consisting of Mechanic's Tools, Building Ma terials, Iron and steel. Nails and splk.i. Ropes and Cord age, Paints, Oils and Glass, Mill saws of every size and shape, cither Malay Gang or Circular. Machine Belting", of all widths, both of India Rubber & leather. Glass at wholesale. We ave prepared to supply Merchants with Glass, Nails, scythes, Turks, Ac., at Man ufacturers prices. Tin, sheet iron, and Copper work ou hand or made to order. CORTRACTOR'S TOOLS—Wheelbarrows, Amos' Sho vels, Blasting Powder. Ac. Agents for Rich .V Wildcr's TV.tent Salamander .Vafee, Fairbank's Platform Scales, and Welch A Griffith's Circu lar saws. Large sizes up to GO inch, always ou hand and sold at Factory Prices. Particular attention paid to ordera by mail. Klmira, April 7, 1850. n-lt-PJoi FOR SALE. vMU*- A TWO HOUSEH ACK, inn on leather thorough-braces, in good running VT —OML— order, nearly new. and for sale cheap on lib eral terms. Call on Wni. C. BOGART, Esq., wm wi'J uc gociata a sale. I - "• ~ , T"wanda, April 6, 1855. n-44-dt. rro COLLECTORS —You arc hereby au- I thoriscd t-o make a deduction of f\ re per cent, upou the state tax of everv Individual who shall pay his or her state and county taxes in full, on or before the 20th day ; 0 f JUTSE next, ami the same shall he allowed you in your settlement—provided the same iB by you oaid into the j County Treasury, ou or before the list or Qiddaynof June next. Bv order of the Commissioners. | Jowauda, April 7, 1855. E. M. FARKAK. Clerk. : Xffw & DESIR ABLE SPRINO HOODS i J. w juat orenL-g at HON TAITLC 1 CO lUr h 1 1955