Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 12, 1855, Image 2

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Nine Days Later from Europe,
Bombardment of Sebastopol.
The steamship Atlantic, Capt. West, lias
passed here on her way up to the city, where
she will arrive about 1 o'eloek. She brings
Liverpool dates to the 21st ult.
The news is highly important.
The Emperor and Empress of France have
been in England for a week.
The Vienna Conference has broken up. Russia
has refused the demands of the Allied Powers.
Onlv twelve sessions of the Conference were
There are strong indications that Austria will
refuse to act against Russia.
Lord John Russel and M. Drouin Uluys
have left Vienna.
The bombardment of Sebastopol by the
Allies, with 500 guns, commenced on the 9th
ult., and continued incessantly up to the 15th.
England assents to Louis Napoleon's taking
command of the allied army iu the Crimea.—
This is considered doubtful.
The conference are in their last agony.—
Russia absolutely refuses to assent to the limi
tation of her power in the Black Sea, but offers
to permit the maintenance ofaTurkish arnament
equal to her own on Black Sea waters, provid
ed the fleet of no other nation have the right
of entree. France and England, after vainly
insisting on the unconditional reduction of the
Russian power, admit that Russia's propositions
are " worthy of consideration," the more so
that Austria has definitely refused to second
the Western powers in their " humiliating
demands" on the Czar. It is now generally
confessed, although reluctantly, that the utmost
to be expected from Austria is the maintenance
of a strict neutrality. Lord John Russell
and Drouyn de I'Lluys, had been ordered
The now British loan of J. 16,000,000 ster
ling, has been taken by the Rothchilds, on the
terms of AlOO in 3 per cent, consols aud a
terminable annuity of 14s. 6d. for thirty years
for every AlOO subscribed. There is already
a deficiency of JL23.000,000 sterling to be met,
on which account additional taxation is to be
laid on sugar, tea, coffee, ruiu, British spirits,
stamps, and incomes.
Austria rrfuses to r rge. thcC'la ims of the Allies
against Russia. — All hopes of Austria taking
the field against Russia appear to be at an end,
for the present. Amoug the conflicting rumors,
that which appeared to bear the most con
sistency was, that Austria refuses to demand
from Russia any concessions, further than these
three : —lst. The Russian fleet iu the Black
Sea to remain in statu quo. It is said at
present to consist of three ships of the line
and four steam frigates. 2d. The Western
powers to have Consuls at Sebastopol, who are
to be under the immediate protection of their
Ministers redding at St. Petersburg. 3d. The
Allies to have the right to construct war ports
on some part of the Turkish coast.
The Her— The long-talked of general Bom
bardment of Sebastopol begun. —Fire from all
the Freuch aud English batteries was opened
upon Sebastopol on the 9th. On the 10th,
both French and English viewed the bombard
ment as effective ; 'out nothing decisive had
occurred to warrant a conclusion as to the imme
diate issue. The French left batteries had
made a breach iu the indented wall ; the two
fronts of the last erected Russian battery were
much injured, aud one of the Russian works of
counter approach, near the careening harbor,
was silenced. During the first two days,
the besiegers' tire was superior to that of the
The progress of events is thus narrated.
From St. Petersburg!), April 16th, we have
a despatch wherein Prince Gortschakoff
announces, from Sebastopol, that at 5 o'clock
on the morning of the 9th of April, the Allies
opened a cannonade from all their batteries,
which lasted till evening and was carried on in
a lesser degree throughout the night. On the
10th the bombardment was resumed. The
Russians replied with success, causing sensible
loss to the besiegers, but with a loss to the
garrison of 833 killed and wounded.
The "Wiener Yettung publishes that, during
the night of the 13tb, the left attack of the
Allies obtained considerable advantage over the
Russians, who were twice dislodged from a
fortified position, which renfaiucd in the hands
of the French. The possession of this position
enables the Allies to fortify the summit of the
ravines, which is of great importance.
Of date April 15th, Prince Gortschakoff
reportsfrom Sebastopol :—" The bombardment
of the city continued without interruption siuee
April 9th. Damages are repaired during the
night. Sebastopol is to-day in almost the
same state of defence as on the 9th. The loss
sustained by the garrison, considering the
tremendous fire of the enemy, is but small.
There is nothing new from other parts of the
LATEST.— Bp Telegraph from Vienna. —The
12th conference was held on Saturday, the 21st
April. It lasted four hours and a half, and
concluded by adjourning sine die, Russia having
absolutely rejected the demands of France aud
England. Lord John Russell and M. Drouvu
de Lhuys immediately took leave of the Empe
ror, aud were to leave ou Sunday, the 22d. It
now remains to be seen what course Austria
will pursue.
Advices from Balakava have been received
to the 17th. The fire of the allies had done
considerable damage, but the Russians display
extreme activity in repairing the injured works.
Several French mines hud been sprung, which
did considerable damage to the place.
A Russian lady had been captured making
drawings of the French trenches. She will be
sent to Malta. She said her husband, named
Boninoff, was killed at Alma, and she had siuce
acted as a volunteer spy.
Mehemet Ali notifies the Turkish Govern
ment that he lias put down the Kurdish insur
rection ; has kilied 1400, and taken 500 pri
Rhodes and Sinopc are to be fortified.
Ihe annual caravan of pilgrims was about
to .set out from Constantinople for .Mecca.
THE \ Er.v LATEST.— JIy Telegraph from
Tendon. —April 23—Half past 1 o'clock.—
General Canrobert telegraphs, under date of
11 tb, that the fire on the city coutiuues unabat
ed. It is chiefly by the artillery, but the
engineers are operating and huve established us
much nearer to the place.
Another report says that the loss-of life on
both sides have been very great.
A Council ot \\ ar has-been held: The fire
K to be couUuued another week, and then the
assault will be attempted. * ■
LATER —By the arrival of the Asia at j
Ilahlax. on Monday last, we have five days
now from Europe . Ut it is not so im-1
portaut as was expected. The bombardment
of Sebastopol continued, without material
progress towards reducing the town. There is
a ruuior that the Allies had suspended their
fire, but the story wants confirmation. It is
stated that there was a severe passage between
the French and Russians at a sortie on the
14th, the hottest fight since Inkermann.—
Another sortie, on the 18th was promptly
repulsed. The French say that thev have made
some important advances near the Malakoff
tower, while Prince (Jorchukoff says the fire of
the Allies was slacking up ; that he had
destroyed some of their advanced works, and
that the Russian losses were diminishing. The
Grand Dukes Michael and Nicholas have gone
to the Crimea. Menchikoff is not dead.—
Prussia appears to be siding with Austria in
favor of Russia. From Japan we hear of the
ratification of the Treaty with the United
States, which took place at Simodaon the 21st
of February. The Chinese insurgents have
left Shanghai. The opening of the Universal
Exhibition at Paris had been postponed to the
luth or loth of May.
The Markets, May 9.
FLOUR AND MEAL. —Breadstuff's of all des
criptions are firm since the receipt of the for
eign news by the Asia, and prices are higher.
The only ofl'eriugs are small lots for home con
sumption at $lO 25 a $lO 50 for common and
good brands. Sales at $lO 50 a $ll 50 per
barrel for extra and fancy brands.
GRAlN. —There is more demand for Wheat.
Red is worth $2 52 ; and Penn'a white $2 63.
Rye is scarce ; sales at $1 48 alloat. Corn is
higher. Sales of Southern aud Penu'a yellow
at $1 00 afloat. Oats are selling at 63 cts.
FLOUR AND MEAL. —There is a fair demand
I for Western at $lO 31 to $lO 50 ; Domestic
! $lO 25 to $lO 50 for common ; aud $ll 25 to
$l3 for extra Genesee. Canadian is in request
at $lO 50 to $l2 00 for extra brands.
GRAlN —Wheat is Arm at $2 55 to $2 65.
Rye is held at $1 75 ; Oass are more plenty at
i 65c to 84c. Com is a shade better ; sales at
$1 15. Included iu the sales arc 40,000 bush.
I Western mixed for July delivery, at $l.
Know-Nothiug State Council has been in session
j for the past two days, at Harmony Hall, in
; this city. Nearly two hundred delegates from
j various portions of the State have been in
: attendance.
We understand they had a very stormy time
: yesterday afternoon. The Council is divided
ion the Jonathan and Sam question. The
Jonathans, who were first started in this city
j by a gentleman who was a candidate for a high
official position, at the late city election, appears
to be in the ascendaut.
The Sams are Anti-Foreign and Anti-Catho
lic. The Jonathans are Anti-Slavery, but not
against foreigners. They will admit all foreign
| ers who disavow temporal allegiance to the
; Pope.
; The Sams arc backed up by Judge Douglas,
i who was yesterday visited by large numbers of
the members of the Order of Pro-Slavery ten
; dencies, who are delegates from the southern
part of the State. He evinces a great interest
iu the progress of Sam, on account of what
that gentleman has already done iu making
Kansas a slave State.
The Jonathans, however, are taking the
lead in this city. Already large numbers of
Germans, English, Scotch, aud Irish, have join
! Ed them, and they promise to swallow up Sam
' completely, who is now chiefly supported by
; Old Hunker Whigs, Old Hunker Democrats,
| aud old fogies generally, with Judge Douglas
| to cement the whole if possible into one mass,
lin order to revenge himself upon foreigners,
who are instinctively opposed to his Pro-Slavery
principles, and who can never be got to sanction
J the iniquity of making slave States out of soil
ouce consecrated to Freedom.— Chicago De
A great battle has been fought, and a
glorious victory won. The fight that has been
going on in the Know-Nothiug Grand Council
for the several days past resulted iu the complete
discomfiture of Judge Douglas, who was a
lobby member and pulled all the wires in his
power for Atchison and the armed band of assas-;
sins who are illustrating" popular sovereignty"
in Kansas. Jonathan has done well so far.—
Let bis next move be to take off the secrecy to
| his proceedings and let us have an open field
and a free fight against the men who have
violated the freedom of the Press and the
sanctity of the ballot box in Kansas.
Judge Douglas hoped to keep up the Know
Nothings, who were the tools of the slave
power. This would secure him the influence
of the foreigners in the free States, while his
friends in the slave States would give him the
Know-Not hi ngs. But, in Illinois, Kuow-
Nothingism is as " dead as Douglas."
THE THREE BABES."— Last Wednesday
night the parents of a family, near the depot,
having occasion to be absent from home du
ring the evening, put their three children to j
lied, in an upper apartment, and departed.—
Shortly after a couple of men standing on the i
railroad track, discovered an exceedingly bright
light through the window of the house, and
immediately repaired to the spot, suspecting
something must be wrong. They found a fire
in the kitchen, that had already burned about
four feet square of the wall and was shooting
up rapidly between the plasteriug and the
boarding. They succeeded in extinguishing it,
and probably saved the lives of the three
children asleep in the room above. The dis
covery was timely.— Dlniira Republican.
Columbia (Pa.) Spy states that the largest
raft of boards ever run upon the Susquehanna
river, was taken through to Peach Bottom by
the celebrated tide pilot, Captain Abraham
Barron, of Steuben county, N. V.. on the 29th
uit. lhe raft consisted o't twelve platforms of
thirty-one boards, and contained nearly 100,000
teet of lumber. It belongs to a gentleman in
Chemung county, N. Y. The Spy says :
" Some of the lumber in this raft, we under
stand was made from trees marked by the
Mahopony trappers, and which afterwards
served as guides to Gen. Schuyler, in his cele
brated expedition against the Indians, through
that section, at the close of the Revolutionary
war." J
Small sales of lumber are reported in the
Spy at from two to three dollars per thous
and below last year's prices. The receipts of
lumber continue unprccedently darge at Co
Saturban IXilornmn, Ulan 12, 1855.
The legislature of this State adjourned on
Tuesday last. B. LAPORTE, Esq., oue of the
members from this County, arrived home on
Thursday, and from him we learn that the bill
for the formation of a Company to build a
bridge across the Susquehanna at this place,
passed the House, but failed to go through the
A section in the Claim bill appropriating
$BOOO for the purpose of re-building the bridge
was also passed by the House, but was lost in
the Senate, on account of the failure of the
In the Senate, the Speaker, Mr. II FASTER,
having resigned, W.u. M. PIATT was elected
Speaker, on the ninth ballot.
The bill for the sale of the Main Liuc was
referred to a Committee of Conference, who
fixed the price at seven and a half millions of
dollars, and if purchased by the Pennsylvania
Railroad, one million dollars is added to the
price, in consideration of the repeal of the ton
nage tax.
A resolution was introduced thanking Gov
ernor REEDEK of Kansas, for his faithful adhe
reuce to the old landmarks of republican liber
ty, in defending the purity of the ballot-box
against a lawless mob of Missourians, and bid
ding him a cordial welcome to his family and
After a brief debate, iu which Messrs. LA
j PORTE, CHAMBERLIN and CUMMINGS participated,
' the resolution was agreed to unanimously—yeas
| 75, nays none.
I HON. G. A. GROW. —Our distinguished and
! able member of Congress, contemplates speud
| iug the summer iu Europe, and will leave New
| York ou the steamer Atlantic , which is advertis
ed to sail ou the 16th inst. We find in a late
! number of the Baltimore Patriot , a new name
applied to him referring to the unanimity with
which the people of his District have returned
him to Congress, which is certainly very ap
i priate. No member will take his seat in the
i next Congress under circumstance more gratify
ing to himself than GALUSHA A. GROW. We
j trust that his brief sojourn abroad, will so
benefit him physically, that he may return with
renewed strength to resume his career of use
fulness in Congross.
1 public man in England is frequently distinguish-
Icd by a soubriquet applied sometimes in satire
but ofteuer for some prominent hit he has made,
i The Hon. Galusha A. Grow, of Pennsylvania,
lias been thrice elected to a seat iu Congress.
His last majority was over thirteen thousand !
which is greater than any member of the next
i or probably any preceding Congress can show.
I This tremendous demonstration of the renewed
j confidence of his constituency would seem to
mark him as Mr. GREAT MAJORITY GROW ! lie
; has proved himself an able, energetic,industrious
member, ever ready to " face the music" on a
I vote or a speech, lie intends to enjoy the
recess mouths of Cougress in a visit to the
" Old Couutrie," where his taleuts and attain
ments will find ample scope for pleasure and
I valuable observation.
WASHINGTON NEWS. —George P.Scarburgb,
[ principal Professor of William and Mary's Col
' lege, Virginia, has beeu appointed Judge of the
Court of Claims, vice Lumpkin, declined.
A. Dudley Mann has resigned the Assistant
Secretaryship of State, and Wm. Hunter, Chief
Clerk, will provisionally officiate in his place.
There are no dissensions in the Cabinet. Nei
ther Reeder's case nor the Kansas affairs have
beeu before that body.
The Union deuics the report that Mr. Wise
has appealed to the President to remove Gov.
The number of applications for laud war
rants during the past week, amounted to 12,-
600. The number of applications thus far is
VIRGINIA ELECTION.— This election in Vir
ginia takes place on Thursday, the 24th of the
present month. The Governor, other State
officers, members of Congress and of the Legis
lature, are to be elected. Mr. WISE, in a late
speech, stated that he had spoken 148 hours in
the canvass, and expressed his conviction that
he would be elected by 12,000 majority. The
Know-Nothings claim a majority of 30,000. —
Mr. FLOCRNOY, the Know-Nothing candidate
for Governor, makes no speeches, but leaves
the whole matter in the hands of his party
tors on the link of road between Northumber
land and Milton are at work with a strong
force, grading and preparing the road for the
rails. Work upon the heavy sections between
\\ illiamsport and Lock Haven is also progres
sing. Arrangements are being made to go on
with the two bridges across the Susquehanna,
so as to have them completed and the road
finished to the eastern terminus, Sunbury, be
fore the close of the year.
THE LIMBER TRADE. —The Port Deposit cor
respondent of the Elkton Whig says, that the
supply of lumber and timber this year will be
greater than in any previous year for some time
past, and adds : "Of timber there will be an
unprecedented quantity, the high price of that
article for the past year having caused unusual
exertions in getting forward supplies this sea
son. Prices of both lumber and timber are re
Democratic Co. Convention. I
Pursuant to a call of the Democratic Stand
ing Committee of Bradford County, delegates
from the several election districts assembled at
the Court House, in the Borough of Towauda,
on Tuesday Evening, May 8, 1855, in County
Convention, and organized by the election of
HON. HARRY ACKLEY as President, and
On motion, HON. JOHN LAPOKTE and
HON. MYRON BALLARD were unanimous
ly elected Representative Delegates to the De
mocratic State Convention to be held at Ilar
risburg, on the 4th day of next July.
HORTON, were elected Conferees to meet others
from Susquehanna and Wyoming, to select a
Senatorial delegates.
On motion, the Delegates and Conferees were
empowered to substitute ; and the Convention
The following bill passed the Legislature and
has become a law. Should Mr. MAFFET accept
the office, the public have every guarantee that
all that a faithful discharge of its responsibili
ties, combined with great experience can do to
make the North Branch navigable, will be per
formed by him. We are rejoiced to see a plan
adopted, in regard to this work, which will re
move much of the mismanagement experienced
by other portions of the public improvements,
by creating a responsibility which is to be as
sumed by a man who has some regard to his
reputation—by removing every inducement to
prostitute the Canal into a piece of political
machinery, and giving the office a permanency
which the appointees of the Canal Commission
ers can never feel. We are satisfied that the
interests of the Commonwealth and of the pub
lic concerned in the operation of the North
Branch, (particularly the dealers in coal) de
manded some inovation upon the old manner of
conducting the public works—and if Mr. MAF
FET but half sustains his previous reputation,
he will realize all the expectations now formed
of his ability.
An act to provide" for the repair* and completion of the
North Brunch canal from I'ittston northward.
§ 1. Be it enacted \c., by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly
met and it is hereby enacted by the authority
of the same, That William R. Maffit be and is
hereby appointed superintendent and engineer
of the North Branch extension of the Penn
sylvania canal, from Pittston Northward, for
the term of live years from the passageof this
act at an annual salary of $3OOO, liable to be
removed at any time for cause by the Legisla
ture, and in the event of a sale of said canal,
the appointment hereby made shall cease from
the time of such sale.
§ 2. That the said superintendant shall have
the appointment, control and removal of all
agents and employees on said canal, except
collectors ; be shall cause such alterations of
said canal and its appurtenances as may in the
opinion of the Canal Commissioners and said
sujx'rintendent lie requisite to give full efficiency
to said improvement ; ho shall without delay
with the approval of the Canal Commissioners
cause the erection of reservoirs, and prepare
feeders to supply the southern part of said
canal with water, and to facilitate the passage
of laden boats northward, Provided : That
the cost thereof, together with land damages,
does not exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars,
which sum is hereby appropriated for such
purposes ; he shall draw moneys for repairs,-
and the money hereby appropriated iu the
maimer now practiced, "and under like bonds
and surety as are now given by him ; he shall
make annual reports to the "board of Canal
Commissioners as other canal officers are re
quired to do, showing in detail the operations
on said canal for the preceding year, and specific
estimates for repairs for the ensuing year, and
any proposed changes and alterations of said
improvement, and generally as to the manage
ment and improvement of said canal.
§ 3. That the Canal Commissioners may for
official misconduct, during the recess of the
legislature, suspend the appointment hereby
made, and supply the place of the said superin
tendent until the meeting of the next legisla
ture, and shall then report to said legislature
their action with the causes thereof.
§ 4. That the said William R. Maffit shall
within twenty days after the passage of this
act, notify the Canal Commissioners of his
acceptance of this appointment.
COL. KI.VNKY DISCHARGED.— In the case of
Kinney and Fabens, at New York on Monday
last, the Government asked delay to bring up
material witnesses. After a spirited argument
Judge Ingersoll decided that the trial must go
on ; wherenpou the counsel for the Government
threw himself upon his reserved rights, said he
was not ready, and refused to call the case.
The Judge then discharged the sureties of the
defendants, and let them go upon their own
bonds of $l,OOO each to appear for trial at the
next term of the Court.
THE HISS COMMITTEE.— -The Hiss Investiga
ting Committee of the Massachusetts Legisla
ture, made a report on Tuesday last. They
find uothing in the conduct of Mr. Hiss at
Roxbury or Worcester deserving of censure,
but are quite severe on his conduct with " Mrs.
I atterson" at Lowell, and recommend his ex
pulsion from the House. The report was ac
cepted, aud is yet to be acted upon.
lishes a letter in the New York papers, express
ing his conlidenee that his expedition cannot be
delayed but for a lew days in consequence of
the legal proceedings against him. He disclaims
contemplating any violation of the neutrality
laws, saying that no preparations of a military
nature have been made ; aud that he has strict
ly complied with the instructions contained in
Secretary Marcy's letter to him.
MONDAY, May 7, 1855.
Court was called at 10 o'clock, A. M., Judge
WILMOT, President, and MYON BALLARD and
HARRY ACKLEY, Associates. After transact
ing the usual business, Court adjourned until i
2 o'clock, P. M., when the Grand Jury were
called and sworn. The returns of the consta
bles of the several townships were then re
COM. VS. J. M. FURMAN —This was a charge
of Perjury.—Grand Jury return a true bill.—r
Defendant gives bail in sum of $5OO to be and
appear at the next Court of Quarter Sessions.
COM. vs. V. M. LONG —Charge, Assault and
Battery.—Graucfjury return a bill Ignoramous,
and that the Prosecutor, O. V. Grans, pay the
costs—and is sentenced by the Court accord
COM. VS. CYRUS 11. WIIKELER. —Charge, For
gery.—Grand jury return three bills. Defen
dant as to the iirst pleads not guilty. Jury
called, and after hearing the evidence, return
with a verdict of guilty. On the second iu
dictuient the deft, pleads guilty. The district
attorney does not urge the third. Defendant
is seuteneed by the Court to two years aud a
half in the Eastern Penitentiary.
COM. VS. GEO. ALVORD —Surety of the Peace.
After hearing the evidence, the Court direct
and decree that the deft, pay the costs of pro
secution and cuter into a recognizance to keep
the peace and be of good behavior towards all
the good citizens of the com'th. for six months,
and especially towards Putnam Baxter.
COM. VS. 11. J. MADlLL —Charge, Assault and
Battery.—The Grand Jury return " no bill,"
and that Samuel Coolbuugh, the prosecutor,
pay the casts.
Coxr. vs. HIRAM WlLSON* —Assault and Bat
tery—The Grand jury return true bill. Deft,
pleads not guilty. Jury called and sworn.—
After the evidence was heard, the deft, with
draws his plea of not guilty, and pleads guilty.
He is sentenced by the court to pay a fine
of $5 to the com'th. and the costs of prosecu
tion, and stand committed until the same is
complied with. Smith & Peck for deft.
COM. VS. 11. 11. KlKF—Fornication and Bas
tardy.—Grand jury return true bill. Defendant
gives buil in the sum of $5OO to be and appear
at the next court of Quarter Sessions.
Assault and Battery. Grand jury return true
bill. Defendants give bail in the sum of $3OO
to appear at next term.
COM. VS. JOHN* SHOEMAKER —Indicted for an
Assault aud Battery with iutcnt to kill. Set
tled by consent of parties.
COM. VS. HENRY MERRlLL —Larceny.—Grand
jury return true bill. Defendant pleads not
guilty. Jury called, and after hearing the
evidence, returned a verdict of not guilty, with
out leaving the Box.
BRADFORD COUNTY: —The Court direct that Na
thaniel Boughton be brought from the jail of
said county, to make and execute a bond.—
Bond filed and approved by the Court, and the
said Boughtou was discharged from custody.
MAHALA RANSOM by her next frieud, Ac. vs.
ELIHU RANSOM. —After reading aud tiling de
positions, the Court decree a divorce a vinculo
matrimonii to the said Mahala, aud that the
next friend pay the costs.
ESTHER CORBY, by her next friend, SILAS
RICE VS. CORNELIUS CORBY. —After reading de
positions, ou motion of James Macfarlanc, Esq.
the Court decree a divorce a vinculo matrimo
nii, and direct that the next friend pay the
On motion of WM. ELWELL, Esq., HENRY B.
M'KEAN is admitted and sworn as an attorney
at law to practice in the several Courts of Brad
ford Couuty.
Ou Thursday, May 10th, Court adjourned
over until Monday next.
Du. GLEASON has been lecturing, during the
present week, in the Court House, to very large
aud apparantly well pleased audiences. The
course will close on Saturday, with a lecture
at 3 P. M., to Ladies only; and to Gentlemen
only in the evening.
1\ INTER has been " crowding the season,"
somewhat unceremoniously, for a few days past
So rough has he been with the gentle maiden,
Spriug, that her tears have flowed profusely ;
moistening the somewhat thirsty earth, and
chilled by the breath of Winter, whitening the
tops of the adjacent mountains. Present ap
pearances, however indicate a return of milder
weather, aud an opportunity for our farmers '
to plant and sow.
We copy the following paragraph from
the Athens Gazette, on a simple act of justice
to our townsman, reports having been circulat
ed prejudicial to his reputation as a physician :
Oue day this week, Dr. GI.EASON was called
upon to amputate a man's arm at Owego. It
seems that while on a raft at Towanda, he hurt
his hand, aud called upon Dr. LADD, of that
place, to bleed him ; and then returned home.
The hand grew worse, owing as some said to
the carelessness, or incompetency, of Dr. L,
till his arm had to be taken off. We are in
formed by Dr. GLEASON, that upon dissecting
the unfortunate limb, he fouud that the ojiera
tion of Bleeding was done by a competent
person, and in a careful manner, and that no
blame could be attached to Dr. LADD."
VENTION is to he held in Philadelphia in June
next. The Grand Councils in the different
States arc appointing delegates, and from the
instructions given, there evidently will be a
fight in the Convention over the subject of
slavery, which the opposers and supporters of
that institution will want to put upon the plat
form. 1
an ©lb jscttltr.
Died, in Towanda township, Penna., April lxL >,
JOHN FOX, in the 77th year of his age. '
As the family of the deceased was the first
that settled in this town, some account of their
early experience may not be uninteresting p,
the community : especially as the subject of
our first settlers is now receiving increasing and
merited attention.
RUDOLPH FOX, the father of the deceased
came to this place and settled near the mouth
of the Towanda Creek, about the year 1770
The precise date eaunot now be ascertained
He had no white neighbors nearer than Tier, a
Point. An Indian village was situated a mile
or so distant, up a beautiful ravine through
which a small stream found its way into the
Towanda near its mouth.
The trials and privations incident to theset
tling of a new country were somewhat aggra
vated by the proximity of the Indians. As Mr
Fox, however, purchased his land of them at a
satisfactory price, they were disposed to be
friendly. But when the revolution broke out,
; this feeling of the Indians began to change.—
| This change was promoted, if not originated
| by adventurers from the North, who were em
! ployed or encouraged by the British goveru
| meut. It is supposed to have been some of
the latter who took Mr. Fox prisoner andcar
| ried him to Quebec. This was iu March, pro
bably 1777, as he was in search of his strayed
cattle. For nine months his family were inig.
noranec of his fate. At one time the Indians,
who were now quite frequent visitors, and with
! al very troublesome, iuformed the family that
| Mr. Fox was killed, because he was not a good
King's man. Mrs. Fox was uow compelled to
! secrete whatever the Indians might fancy, in
order to keep it from their depredations -. espt
j ciallv was this the case with provisions. In
-1 deed, so watchful were they of an opportunity
to plunder in this line, that the family were
compelled to pass the whole day without food:
aud at uight partake of their refreshments in
the cellar,
Iu December, at the commencement of a ve
ry cold night, a call was heard from the oppo
site side of the river, which Mrs. Fox instantly
recognised as the voice of her husband! But
how should he cross the river ? A boat or a
canoe was a luxury which the ludiaus did no;
allow the family to keep. To force a raft thro'
the ice that was running, would be impossible
j He was compelled to encamp for the nigh:
! within cull of hisfamily ; the most painful night
probably, to them all, that they suffered during
the whole separation. In the morning, so in
tense had been the cold, the ice was froze;:
quite across the river, so that lie ventured over
on it, and reached his family in safety.
But such was the temper of their Indian
neighbors that they had no peace. Iu the en
suing spring they left their forest home to seek
a place of safety. The family weut by boa:
1 down the river—Mr. Fox and nu assistant
went by land, with a number of horses and
j cattle. The difficulties aud dangers they en
countered can scarcely be imagined. It was
about the time of the massacre at Wyoming.
: That they escaped discovery, seems almost mi
' raculous ! The erics of the babe (Rudolph)
added to the danger, so that more tlmu once
the mother took him up to throw him over
board, desperate, but apparently onh) means of
escaping discovery, and the massacre of the
j whole family. But the mother's feelings pre
; dominated over every sense of danger. She
| could not consult safety at such a sacrifice !
: They succeeded in passing the Indians andcon
j tinned their flight to Suubury—where J ms,
j the subject of this obituary, was born. Of the
nine horses with which they set out, they ar
rived with two, those upon which Mr. Fox and
his assistant rode.
After remaining a year or two in Sunbnry,
they returned as far as Wilkes-barre, whence
Mr. Fox and four of his children proceeded to
their old home on the Towanda. They found
the ashes of their buildings. Where they had
left their stacks of grain, there lay also a bed
of ashes, from which they could stir up the re
-1 mains of charred straw. A bark covered cab
i in was constructed and such other preparation
made for bringing the family as circumstance!" j
permitted. When ready to return for the re*
: maiuder of the family, the question arose, who J
, will remain and take care of the house ?
leave it unoccupied appeared the sure way w
j find it destroyed ou their return. The only w
of the children that would consent was the
daughter Elizabeth, afterwards Mrs. Muss
I then thirteen years of age ! A more heroic
undertaking could scarcely be proposed. J
young maiden of thirteen years, ou the sj lo '
where their former dwelling had been laid in
j ashes by a savage foe, surrounded by neighbor.'
I of the same character and blood, offers to be
j the sole occupant of the premises for ten days
- time supposed to be necessary for bring* ,
ing up the family. But it was cheerfully un
dertaken, aud trials unexpected and unproviik j
ed for except by Him who is the l
poser of all events, awaited her. The im'"' r j
was found too ill to be removed, and a de ,:l )
1 of more than a month was unavoidable.
, visions ran short with the little girl. A boa l '
crew from Newtown, called, and urged her v
accompany them. She obtained of them a sniab
supply of provisions and waited for the arrival
of the family. The visits she had from the I ll '
dians, and the expedients she adopted to keep
her small store of provisions safe, we cairn l ' 1
now detail. One night she was surprised by
a fierce attack upon her bark-covered cabin-''
Nothing daunted, she immediately set abo
kindling a fire. The unceremonious viiW HK)l j
departed. From the marks upon the root 01
her dwelling, it was supposed to have beef *
panther! Thus in spite of sax nee •