VKTO OK TWO BANK BILLS.— The Governor ,n TuesJa v returned to the Legislature, the HILLS incorporating the Mercer County Bank, . | ,1 the hill to increase the Capital of the York FONNTY. I* ank ' wi,h his o,J j ections " 15oth of bills were taken up in the House and negatived. " Owego Gazette, of the 26th in f r ,„, „s that I). C. McCallum, Esq., general < ,t of the N. Y. and Erie Railroad, after ri'vin" ' ( ecn confined at his residence in that V !| pre for some two or three weeks by indis position found himself able to go to New York on Monday last. FRXNKLIN FIRE CO. NO. I.— The members of Franklin Fire Company are notified to meet T THE'Engine house, on Saturday evening. MAY C'I o'clock. Bv order of the Foreman, , „ ' N. T. BOGART, Secretary. May 2. - —- MASONIC.— The regular meetings of UNION ,JK J ODGE, No. 108, A. Y. M., are held every Wed- Y NE SDAV on or preceding the full moon, at Ma-o /V\ nic Hall . over J. Kingsbcry's store. ' IN brethren in good standing are invited to attend— n, MCI TII:" for May will occur on the 30th day. N K V T'N'ION"'( lIAPTER, No. 161, holds its regular ... ..iiii -- at the SAME place. Thursday on or before the lull U' "Meeting for May on the 3lst day. 111 E. H. MASON, Secretary. RELIGIOUS XOTIUE- Rev. J. M. I'KKMO RFJGJ? W IU preach at the Court. House, on babbath JWIMG. May 13,1855, at 7£ o'clock. NCUI &Bo*Tti9OltCKtS. IMPORTANT TO LUMBERMEN. A RARE CHANCE —The un- j dersigned offers for sale his undivided half part of three tracts of laud, containing about 14' 0 acre- : 100 Dot which is heavily timbered with I J\ White Pine of a choice quality, having on it a ! r TU erected double STEAM MILL, started and cut- j RI A'finelv— capable of sawing 3,000,000 feet yearly, to WBI his attached a LATH MILL, and with power SUFH- J ur.it to run a single machine, and pair of Barrs for chop- j ' THI 'laud is situated in Overton township, in the centre ] of the Coal and Imn region of Bradford County, and on it j have been found large deposits of iron ore of a superior , (J iality. This property to Lumbering men offers greater ! indu'-ements than any "other in Noruhern Pennsylvania, , inainach AS the timber has never been culled out, ami j i'.TNA IT DUES within 2i miles of the Barclay Coal Com puiv Railroad, now in process of construction, and con- | IV t:ug bv .-an] LL.'.ilroud, with tiie River and Canalutthiis | place. , . . | Persons desirous of viewing the premises will call on the SUBSCRIBER at this place. A. EDWARDS, J Towanda. May 1, 1855. I riArro roRTES. xfC., JOSEPH R. LOUD, intends visiting i .' THIS place every Spring and Fall for the purpose of j E". selling PIAN'O rORTIISoI his Manufacture .which I NA'.L i E guarantied satisfactorily. Mr. LOUD attends per- J timally to his business, which of itself will be of great ad- j vintage to those purchasing, and avoids ail diili ulties j which S often occur thaough buying of Agents. Citizens nil! find by obtaining an Instrument of him, a great say- I ir.g in price, as well as manner in which their Pianos will j be kept in order. WRITTEN WARRANTEES given lor five j CUR* for his In-truments, which stand unrivalled foreasi- ] in— and elasticity of touch, fullness and sweetness of tone, I To tho-e in want of Pianos. Mr. Loud would advise to await his visits. Every possible attention will be paid to PIANOS, Organs, Ac., entrusted to his care, either lor re pairing or tuning. Having long experience in the business, PERSONS may be assured their Instruments will be put in J erfoft order, or no charge trill be made. Old Pianos and Mel >de ins taken in part payment for new Pianos. Melo deons for sale. Ac. Ware-rooms, No. 40J, Market street, Philadelphia. 6M N r OTICE.—The members of the Bradford ■ County Medical Society are requested to meet at the Ward House, on Thursday May 10th, 1-FOA, at 2 o'clock P. M. The transactions of the State Medical Society for the years '53 aud '54. arc ready for distribution. 'C. K. LADD. Secretary. GEORGE H. WOOD'S DAGUERREAN ROOMS REMOVED to Pattin's NEW BRICK BLOCK, coiner of Bridge SND Main street, where he has fitted up rooms expressly ior the business, with a large sky-light and side-light com bined. With these arrangements he will be aide to take Pictures with any shade desired. Grouping done in the best possible manner. Daguerreotypes taken equally a-> iveli in cloudy .is clear weather. Particular attention paid to copying. Miniatures neatlv put into Lockets, Breast pings, and finger rings, Ac. Instructions given in the art on reasonable terms. Towanda. May 1, 1855. (J UMM E R H ATS.—Gcatlcmea's Elegant 0 WHITE BEAVERS, for sale by May 1,1855. JOS. KINGSBERY. DAVIS' PLATFORM BEE HIVE. R PHE subscriber having been appointed Agent for the 1 counties of Bradford, Sullivan and Lycoming, has the pleasure of calling the attention of the public to this useful invention. The Hive is truly a great improvement on the old square box ; and the facilities it affords for taking out the honey arc as harmless to the bees, as they are profita ble to the owner. No resort to drums and pans is needed to hive the increase in the spring, and no resort to brim .-tone, fire and fagot is required to conquer the bees and pro-urc their honey in the tali. As the bees multiply, new sections are added to the hive ; and when the honey is wanted, they are removed accordingly. The arrange ments for feeding the bees, for changing them to different part-, of the old hive, or to a new one, for ventilation, are uuqiiestionqbly ahead of anything hitherto known. A de-criptfon of this Hive FS iinp-wsible, without refer en e to a m >del, but an examination will satis y any one 1 F it- advantages. For s ile, Town and Individual Right-, with books, bill of feed, Ac., giving fall directions for ma king the Hive, and managing the Bees. .May 1, 1855. GEORGE S. KEEN. NEW SPRING GOODS! Barton Kingsbury, T-T NOW RECEIVING, a large and general assortment T of all kinds of GOODS, which will po itively be sold forpav, TEN PERCENT. LESS than they can be found anv Where else, fail and see. Towanda, May 5,1855. SSOO REWARD! For an improvement on SCOTT'S PATENT BLACKSMITH'S STRIKER! THE undersigned, having purchased the right to sell iu a number of the counties of this state, and el cwhere. >"itf> Patent BLACKSMITH S STRIKER, re-pe tf lty announce that they are now stopping at BLACK'S Hotel. •uTovrandi, where llioy will exhibit the Patent Striker, AND explain it ; operation. Thcv expect to remain about turee weeks. By the aid of this invention, every Black smith can di-peu-E with the additional hand required t> LRGE iron, and will consequently effect A great saving of LAF >r TO all win become possessed of it. This is consider ed one of THE groate-t and MOD useful inventions o. the AGE, and the M inner in which it forge? iron of every des cription has greatly surprised the numerous sons of Vul- CAA who have seen it operation. W W. W. FIELDS, ™Y 3. K- S. TEAGAKPEX. \ <> rrCE.—Persons wishing to make pay .T, LNF :IT ' S *' L ' LE subscriber, can do so at any time, through Messrs. LAPOKTE, MASON A Co., whose receiptor STATEMENT of payment, will be entirely satisfactory. , ~ MICHAEL MEYLERT, Laud Agent. _Apnl 25, ]53. books and stationery. JOSEPH KI NGSBERY still continues the BOOK A STATIONERY business, where purchasers ' "-'D A |L THE I ite-T School and Miscellaneous Books at •' LCED prices. The following School Books are embrac- M he catalogue, viz : CREEK aud Latin Reader and Grammar, DO. CIC-ar, do. Sillust, do. Lessons. "MEGAN'S Greek and Engliffi lexicon. })'*? i* r " T-TTIU Lessons ; Cooper's Virgil. ITCIL irffs, Lebrethon'S, Barbauldhs, Fausdick's and P'"L . S T'FCICH Works. KILLPH*' otn " >toc k'B, Phelps', Smiley's and Olmsted's HI.V S. -fnompson'S and Davie's Works. ATER, Coat's and Comstock's Physeology. RI'I. 8, SORTER'S, Bentley's and Cobb's Works. Btt ' v A HWTOR y, >AR ' E Y' B Worcester's, Gurnsey's, ' V -. Cnabridged Dictionary. University edition, do. Common Hchool, do. "T- K - E ", T4> T S ' tlooper'S, Harper's, Johnson's, do. Com- TH M" R • ' LINCOLN'- Botany, Sweet's Elocution. N HII S SFCRIEA OF Arithmetic, primary to High ' r L ivie ' s . Smith's and Cobb's, do. I.ID Kirkbam'S, Smith's and Morse's Geography in USE, ' A ' A " THE various Primary Geographys now FELLING books of all kinds, and miscellaneous books in TI RlE ty. dnti r ' ood ' , ' Groceries, Crockery, Boots if Shots, Sen ■ /T l . AC., Hfr. anaihlß . j S '. r styles of Goods will be received tae loweat Ca?H Paicre. J X April, 21 ISFH. 2Ccu) xVbncrtiscnu'nts. NEW SPRING GOODS. JOSEPH POWELL would nnnouncc to the citizens of Bradford County, that lie is now re ceiving a large, rich and varied assortment of Kauri/ ait-1 Staple Dry Clouds, Groceries, Hardware, Crorkeryl and Glass Ware. Strati' Goods, Hats. Boots and Shoes, Car peting*. Yankee Notions, Paper Hangings, Pish, Paints and Oils : and in fact, almost every article <d' nu nliau dize which the wants of the country requires, ami i- <!l'-r --ing tbeui for sale for CASH at prices which defy all com petition. He would particularly invite attention to bis stock of LADIES DRESS (loons, consisting in part of rich plain lil'k and watered Silks ; all wool Delaines : plain and formed nionslin delaines : plain and figured Chaili delaines ; De- Bcrges, Lawns, all prices; printed Jaconetts, Oi randies. Tterazi-s, nil colors, together with an endless variety of Ginghams, Prints. Ac. Ac. RMBROIDKHIES AND LACES —Ladies embroidered and l ice Collars, Sleeves, Handkerchiefs, Skirts,Chimezett .Swiss and Jaconettc Bands and Flounces, Swiss and Jaconette Edgings and fn?erting3, Maltese. Thread. Smyrna. bobbin and Cotton Edgings, all widths; Baossells* black and white silk Edgings, aJI widths and prices. WHITE GOODS—Plain and dotted Swiss Muslins. Jaco netts, Bishop Lawns, India, Book and Nainsook Muslins, Striped and Piaid Cambrics, Victoria Lawns, of all quali ties. Ladies and Gents, linen Il'd'k'fs., silk and cotton blonds ; Bobbinett and fringed Laces, Irish linens at great ly reduced prices. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS—Worsted,linen and worsted Damask, double ond single fold, cot Damask,bleached and unbleached table linens, bleached and nnbleaclied Jaequard diaper, worsted, embossed and colored damask linen table spreads, bleached damask table cloths and napkins, all sizes: counterpanes, bleached and unbleached Muslins from to 10-4 yards wide. Drapery Muslins of different kinds, Crash, Scotch and Russia diapers, Ac. G LOVES AND HOSIERY*—A complete assortment of Ladies and Misses and Childrcns' white, unbleached, mixed and slate colored cloth Hose ; Mens' and boys' unbleached, mixed and white cotton half hose ; ladies "and gents black, white and colored kid gloves, be-t quality ; ladies kid fin j ish and plain silk and lisle thread do.; ladies and misses long and short French filet mitts. SII.VWLS AND MANTILLAS—A large assortment of Spring Shawls and Mantillas of new and desirable styles. CARPKTINOS of various styles ami qualities." Rasli mat tings, different widths. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES—The largest stock of plain black and fancy Cloths and Cassimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Linen uiid Cotton Summer Goods for mens' anil boys'wear, ever exhibited in Northern Pennsylvania— purchased at greatly reduced prices, and offered for sale correspondingly low. Also, a good' assortment of Vesting?, Scarfs, Stocks, Cravats. Linen Collars, Ac. ti" In purchasing bis stock of Spring Goods, the sub scriber would say that the utmost mire ai.d economy has been exercised iu order to please his customers in style, quality of goods, and prices, to correspond with the times, thanking the public for the liberal patronage they have heretofore extended to him, lie would respectfully"solicit a call and examination of his stock bv those wishing to purchase. JOSEPH POWELL. Towanda. April 10. 1855. Two Companies ! ! , - Mennsarie k Circus \p R S. B. timers. Proprietor. \ I J At MVER'9 A MADIGAN'S fd fj Celebrated Equestrian Tronpe K*% /*] Without extra charge. Forming Two Exhibitions in One! '• *vYf For one dav only,afternoon and eve L* ning. J. M. Nixon, director of the Vvij üßt| Combined Exhibitions. • aPSft At TOWANDA, MONDAY, MAY U|fyAH In this exhibition will be found the || two greatest l iving Curiosities in the ' animal kingdom, viz :—a LIVING £3r*/' •/r.'A GIRAFFE and a LIVING RHINO CEROK. besides a full collection of __ other Wild Beasts, all in the most ** perfect health and condition. THE CIRCUS TROL'I'E consists of the following ackuowl edged talent; cbfefVv Clown JIM MVERS. / D M iss ROSE M ADIG AN, The fearlc s, graceful aud brilliant 1 —' American artist, in iier matchless scences of Equitation ; Mc.ssrs.King, Leßue, W. Armstrong, H. P. Madi gan, Master Madigan.Thompson and Vv®Ui tjt.• Professor Nixon, with his talented k { pupils, in all their aciiievenient- on nor-ebaek and in gymnastics. I ir The following rare and beautiful 'y -">*• Animals are amongthe collection be- r' __ longing to this Exhibition : XAJN sm\ A Brazilian Tiger or South Ameri- ) fultfi can Jaguar ; two African Leopards; )i , y two North American Bears; a pair of \ v JXjJ Engli-h Deer; a beautifully marked /j nl Zebra; a Peruvian Lama;"a White -//[ , Camel; a Kangaroo; besides a varie- , ty of the Monkey tribe. Parrots, Pc- Ho. —frirV Means, Swans, Birds of Paradise, Ac. eT The EQUIPMENT and general zT*. f]SS OUTFIT of both the Menagerie and Circus Troupes, I /■ — have ljeeu got up this season in a I £ i ij&'f/Ji'W style of elegance aud a profusion ol j 0L costly decorations hitherto unprece-II 1y "*?£W a D a A„u, a.full description of whom will be found on the hills, are all tielonging t > the first class of their profession, of both sexes, and are known and distinguished as the " STAR TROUPE "of the 1 nited States. A full Military Brass Band accompanies the United Exhibition, and will play daring the performances a variety of new and fashionable music. RST The Companies will enter Town in Grand Proces sion, about 10. A. M., aud after passing through the prin pal streets, proceed to their Pavilion of Exhibition. Admission to see the C unbilled Exhibitions, 25 cents. Children under 9 years of age half price. Doors open at 2 and at 7. Performances commence at half past two and a quarter to 8. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice L\. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate o D. S. \VATKINS, dee'd. late of Columbia tp., are quested t > make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims aguiu-t said estate, mast present them duly authenticated for -ettlement. WM. B. WATKINS, Columbia, April 27, 1555. Administrator. TOWANDA & BUR LING TO NPLANK ROAD COMPANY.—The President and Manager of the Towanda and Burlington Plank Road Company, have, by a resolution passed this day, resolved to call in and collect the ballance due on the .•"lock subscription of this Road, payable to B. S. Russell. Treasurer—at the of fice of Messrs. LAPORTE, MASON ACo., as follows: 25 percent, on the first day of May, IsSS, and the bal lance on the first day of Jillv, 1855. . " B. S. RUSSELL, Towanda, December 8, 1854. Sec. A Treasurer j ETO JOKE. VINE HUNDRED AND NINETY-NINE it Men, in Bradford County in debt to us. that we want to pay thrir Judgment notes or accounts, which ever it may be, and we intend to have them do it, either by per suasion or by emp! tying officers sufficient to collect oi ev ery man immediately, without any tx option or'rcspectto persons, from the fact that the money belongs to our cre ditors, ami we intend that they shall"have it as soon as it can be collected. " HAI.L & RUSSELL. Towanda, April 20 1*53. I BLASTER.—IOO tons Cayuga ground plas ter—2oo bbls. White Stone Lime—loo bbl-. Extra Family Flour. SALT, PRO VISIONS. GROCERIES, Ac., at BAILEY A KEVINS. Towanda. April 10, 1855. l o a SAZiE. . JW"B V, A TWO HORSE HACK, hang r l^- -fjk* on 'eather thorough-braces, in good ruuning DJ u der, nearly new. and for sale cheap on lib eral term-. Call on Wm. C. BOGART, E=q.. who will ne gociate a L. M. BULL. Towanda, April 8. 1'55. n-44-3t. R. WATROL'S H. M. SEWARD E. 11. COOK. RWATROUS & Co., DEALERS IN >• HEAVY fy SHELF HARDWARE, No's. 1 A 3, Water st. Elmira, N. Y. We have rccontly made large additions to our extensive stock, and have now on hand a complete assortment of ev ery desiription of Hardware, which we offer at the lowest ca-h prices; consisting of Mechanic's Tools, Building Ma terials, Iron and steel, Nails and spiko, Ropes and Cord age, Paints, Oils and Glass, Mill saws of every size and shape, either Mulay Gang or Circular. Machine Belting, of all widths, both of India Rubber A leather, Glass at wholesale. We are prepared to s rpply Merchants with Glass, Nails, scythes, Forks, Ac., at..lan ut'acturers prices. Tin, sheet iron, and Copper work on hand or made to order. CORTR.VCTOR'S TOOLS—Wheelbarrows, Ames' Sho vels, Blasting Powder, Ac. Agents for Ri h A Wilder's Patent Salamander Safes, Fairbanks Platform Scales, and Welch A Griffith's Circu lar saws. Large sizes up to 60 inch, always on hand and ROid at Factory Prices. Particular attention paid to orders by mail. Elmira, April 7,1855. n-44-1 „m A NEW THING. BEING very desirous to get my books set tled up, I have concluded to quit making accounts, and sell goods hereafter for READY PAY only, and with out adopting the dodge of a new llrm, call on all those in debted to Settle Pay up. Now, therefore, upon the re-, oeipt of my Neio Spring Goods, say about the 15th or otb in-t., I shall commence the Ready Pay system ; and if I find any leisure, shall be after those who do not call and tcttle up, witha sham stick O D- HART—IT. T-w l= di Apr.! •* I#<s.1 # <5. fßiercllanrong. CTAUTION — .Whereas, my husband, Lester s Morton, who adverttscsi his write, a tew week- fouce. set forth a false .statement, as his wife was at home at the time, and was done for the purpose and as a pretext to squander my property ; I therefore forbid all person- har boring or trusting him on my account, as I wiU pav no debts of his contracting after "this date. HULDAH ANN MORTON. Burlington. March 21,1855. FASMraS, ATTEWTIOIff! riant your Corn vconomlcnlLj atid sdi ntijlcnlly! I A IT. DAN AS HAND CORN PLAN v /• 'PER, patented September 5, 1564, costs ('\LY THREE DOLLARS, and i- therefore within the nicaim of every man wire plants hall* an acre of ground. It is sim ple iu its construction, and executes its work with accura cy and despatch on various kinds of soil. Unlike other planters, it has no gearing to get out of repair, but is carried in the hand like a cane, and can be worked np hill or down; as well as on level ground, plant ing as much ground in u day a- five men can with hoes.— It ruay also be used to plant beans, as it can he guaged to drop as few or as many kernels as dc-irwl. It is meeting with unprecedented siicce-s evervwhere it is introduced, having been presented at sc-vera! Agricultural lairs, and always without exception received tin? highest premium, being the best and cheapest implement of the kind in use. The undersigned, having purchased the right of rclling the said Planters in Bradford countv, will canvas- the county in April, at which time he will supply those who wish, or dispose of Town Rights to any who wish to pur chase. ~ J AS. B. SYKEB. Owego, March 22,1855. CONNER'S U. S. TYPE FOUNDRY- Yfo Nos. 29, 31, and 33 Beekman st. New York. TO PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. The undersigned be*- to inform the trade that they have recently issued tlieir - >V(C Quarto Specimen, and that it is now ready for delivery to their old patrons, as well as to all who patronize their Foundry. In it will be found a now series of Faces from Pearl to Pica, surpassing if possible, their celebrated series of Scotch cut faces. The Fancy Tyjie department exhibits au unsurpassable variety of beautiful styles, selected from France, Germany and England. The Scripts and Bordering arc now for the first present ed to the printing public, and arc the productions of the best European and American Artists. An entire New Series of German Faces, both for News Paper and Job Printing, of a very superior style, Is now nearly completed and for sale. The Metal from which our type is made, will he found peculiarly adapted to the SEVEUE USAUE of Machine Press Printing." They beg to return thank- for past favors, aud to solicit a continuance. Their well known liberal manner of doing business for the past thirty years, is a guarantee to thoir new patrons of their disposition and ability not to allow themselves to be surpassed for fair dealing, whether orders arc by letter or otherwise. N. "B- Proprietors of newspapers arc requested to inscit the above, provided they will trade out'three times the amount of their respective bills in materials of out- manu facture, and forward us one copy of the paper containing the fldverti-ement. Wit SPRING GOODS. T HARVEY PHINNY, Jr., is just rc •l • ceiving a general assortment of Si'HI.S G GOODS which he offers to the public for unusually low prices, for Ready pay. As he is determined to sell Goods after the 1-t oi' April for READ Y PAY. or keep them. persons wish ing to pay cash for goods will find it lor their interest to coll and examine his stock and prices. AS* All persons indebted to me by book, note or judg ment. on the 1-t of April next, unless some satisfactory arrangement is made, wdi be waited upon by a gentleman in autnoriiy. J. H. P. Jr. Towanda. March 11, 1855. SDrYDEJt'HOUSE, Wavcriy, N. V. T AMES WHITTAKER respectfully informs •J the travelling public that be has taken the above well known stand, situated near the Railroad Depot, and soli cits a share of custom. The House is convenient and com modious, aud ho is determined that no pains and attention to the wants and comforts of guests shall be spared to give entire satisfaction. . March 15,1555. FRESH GROCERIES, of all kinds just received at MONTANYES 1 CO. LEATHER, Pork, Codfish, Mackerel, aud WhiteFii.il, for sale cheap at PIIINNEY'S. The f oilcgiale Institute, TOW Ay DA, BRADFORD CO., PA. INSTRUCTORS : REV. SAMUEL F. COLT, Principal, Professor of Natu ral, Mental and Moral Science ; REV. JAMES MctVILLIAM, A. M., Professor of Ancient Languages and Belles Lettrcs ; CHARLES R. COBURN, A. M., Professor of Mathema tics and Master of Normal School; E. ALBERT LUDWIG, A.M., Professor of Modern Lan guages, Instructor on the Piano and in Drawing ; 11. BEECHER MORGAN, Usher; Mrs. MARTHA A. DAYTON. Preceptress ; Miss MARGARET L. KENNED AY. 2d do. AS-The Spring Term of 1855 will commen-o on Wed nesday, April 4th. Tin; Academic will comprise 3 terms. EXPENSES rtn TEHiI : Tuition in the Fifth class, (primary) per term, ... $4 00 " Fourth 6 00 Third 6 00 " Second • 7 00 First 9 00 EXTRAS: French. German. Spanish or Italian, each, 5 00 When taken without other branches, . 7 00 Drawing .. 3 00 Ornamental needlework aud embroidery,each 3 00 Tuition on Piano Forte with use of instrument,... 12 00 do do per quarter of 11 weeks, 10 00 Oil painting in landscapes, per term S 00 do figures 10 00 Room rent for lodgers, 1 75 Contingent fund for each pupil, 38 Board in Hall, per week, 1 75 Washing, per dozen, 38 Fuel aud light at the actual expense. Pupils boarding in the Hail will furnish their own bed, bedding, towels, Sc., and the table silver at their option. No pupil taken for less than hall a term. The bilLs for the term must be paid in advance ; or one half thereof at their entrance, and the remafoing half at the expiration of the term. Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the obser vance of the Regulations, and none will be admitted on other terms. Eipecial exercises are arranged without extra charge for those qualifying them-elves au teachcra for common schools. For classification of studies and text-books, see circu lars, for which aoplv to C. L. WARD, President. S. F. COLT. Se"c. "f24 J. D. MQNTAXYK. Treasurer. WAGONS A SLEIGHS.—Two or three i 1 of each for sale cheap at PIIINNEY'S. WAR! WAR! WAR! OLD SOLDIERS ! Prepare fcr a fight vith Speculators, and Reicarc of them! The Bounty land oili, giving 160 acres of land to those who rcrved in the war of 1812, or any war since 1790. has passed, aid all persons entitled to such lands should call at once upon J. E. CANFIELD, Athens, Bradford county, Pa., who be sides having the law and the requisite forms, has had ranch experience in obtaining land warrants, &c., and will do it for old Soldiers, their Widows and Minor children, for just what it is worth io do the business. i The bill provides land for persons of all grades, by land or sea, including Indians, wagoners and flotilla men, who have served in the wars -incc 1790; 160 acres in all to each person who has served not less than 14 days, except actn illv in battle for a shorter period. The widows or minor children, to receive the benefit in case of the death of the per.-ons so entitled. The widows, officers and soldiers of the revolutionary war to be entitled to The benefit of this act, as well as volunteers ut the invasion of Plattsburg in September, 1814. The volunteers ut the attack of Lewis town, Delaware, in 1812 and 1315, and the Chaplains who -erred in the several wars. Post-paid commuyiicutions promptly attended to. J-E- CANFIELD, Pension and Bounty Land Agent- Athens, Bradford Co., Pa., March 6.1 Q 55. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER, offers for sale his valuable FARM,situate in Burlington township, Bra dford county, Pa., containing about 226 ACRES, ol which about 130 acres are improved, and in a high state of culti vation. About 70 aens of the improved part is bottom land, and the balance rolling land, lacing the south and east. About LUO acres is well timbered with pine and hemlock, and a good mill seat thc.eon. This farm is eight miles from the Elmira and WHliamsport Railroad, and niue miles from the fjLoHK North Branch Canal. It has upon it two good jJ J E apple orchards, and an abundance of cherries, Ji- 9 5(02$ plums, Ac.: a new dwelling house, two b:irus, cow-sheds, Ac. Said farm is well calculated for two farms of equal value, embracing an equal portion of bot tom land, upland, and timber, and will be sold separately or together, as may suit purchasers. Terms:—A portion of the purchase money down, and the balance in yearly payments, to snit purchasers. For further particulars, enquire of the subscriber at vhe farm. February 7, 1865. SAMI vL M K.RAN CAUTION. — Whereas ray wife Dorcas Tall, has left my bed aud board without ju-t cause or pro vocation, 1 therefore forbid all persona harboring or trust ing her on my account, as I will not be responsible lor any debts that she may contract. Burlington, April 8, 1865. JA Gr lALL. C 1 LOVER AND TIMOTHY oEFD.—A J quantity of each iast received and for sale by February 7, J. POWELL. £e<}{t! SHERIFF'S SALES.—Bytirtue of suiwiry wilts of Fieri Fa -iae, it-sued out of the court of n>m raoii pleas of Bradford county, and tome dirt-ctf-d, will l,c pxpo-t dto pulilic a!i-. a- tlie Court House, in the I* wo. of Towanda, 011 SATURDAY the sth day of M.W. 1 •:">;>. at 1 o'clock r. H.. the fallowing lot, piece or parcel of 1 u.d situate in the town .hip of Lt-liny, bounded and dereribed as follows, to wit: on the north bv lands of Edmund Kel ly, ett-t by lands of Alpha Stone, "south by the Towanda creek, and west bv lands belonging to the estate of !ro Crofut—containing about 47 acres more or less. about JO improved. a framed house. log barn and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suir of Charles T. Merry vs. Truman Merry. ALSO —The following described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate in Pike twp.. bounded on the north hydatids of Stephen lf.Onnflold. east and south by lands ofß. Black man, and west by the public highway. Containing one no IT and a half more or less, with a framed dwelling house, a framed shoe shop, aud outbuildings and some fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the .suit of Shelden Paviie vs. Orrin Moore. JOHN' A. CODDING, Sheriff. Towanda. March 2*. lsf>6. OHERIFFS SALE.-By virtue of sundry UD wTits of Vend. Exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Comity, and to me directed, will be exposed to nut-lie sale at tlse Court House in the borough of Towanda. ou MONDAY, the 7th day of May, 1.*55, at 1 o'clock I'. M.. tliC fallowing described lot, jpece or parte! of land sit rat- m Pike- township, bounded as fol lows to wit: North by lands of Thomas Jones 3d, East A Sooth by ianti-i of It: iiar-i Ashton. aud west by land- of Heiriau Cogswell. OJtitsdtilug fifty-two acres, more or leas, about forty-two acies unproved, with one log house, and framed barn, and a framed corn-house, uiul an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of Caleb Car malt vs. Thomas Morris. ALSO —The fall .wing fat, piece or parcel of land, situ ate in Frankiin twp.. bounded and described as follows, to wit : east by lands of \Veslev Anderson, south by unseat ed lands.warrantee name unknown,west bv lands "of D. An derson, north by the public highway on the south side of Towanda Creek: containing about twenty-two acres more or less, Ml improved, one framed house, one framed barn, and fruit trees thereon. Seized and t'k'< n in execution at the suit of Harriet A. Mcrcur, vs. Oliver Rockwell. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parrel of j i.trul situate iu Wys x twp.,bounded on the north by lands j of Charles N'ewell, east by lands of Wni. Carl, south by i the t ite road, and west by lands of Curtis Friuk dee'd.— j Containing 25 acre:-, more or less, with about seven aores i improved, a log house, a small log barn, and a few small j fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Stephen . Vought vs. George Bump. ALSO- -The firiii rwine described lot, piece or parcel of j land, situate iu Orwell township, bounded as follows : j north by the north line of Orwell township, ea*t bv lands i of Harry Billings and Sidney Brainard,south by lands of ; J.D. Newell and Humphrey Beckwith, and west by the j public highway. Containing ninety acres be the ante ; more or less, about forty acres improved, with one framed house a framed barn and one orchard of fruit trees thereon. • Seized and uken in execution at the suit of Henry Cibbs vs. Seweil S. Lclhrop and Simon B. Lathrcp. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of! land, situate fro.v iwp., b . on the North by laruU j of Horace Lony.ei-t by lands cfTimothv Roe, south tv I lands of J. W. William* an d 0. P. Ballard and west by land j of I'utuam Baxter. Containing 100 acres more or leaa, about 25 acres improved, oue framed house, one framed ! barn with a board shed attached, and an orchard of fruit i trees thereon. Seized aud taken in execution at the suit of C. C. Paine vs. John Sadler. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate iu the t wu*Lipof Derrick, bounded on t'.ie north by lauds of A. K. Brown, east by lands of N. B. Wet- i more, south by lands of George Perkins and west by lands ! of Nelson Marsh. Containing about three-fourths of an acre ! more or less, all improved, wiih a framed house, a black- : smith shop ai d a few small fruit trees thereon. Seized am! taken in execution ct the suit of John H. Roger! vs. Yolnev D. Rosen grant. ALSO—The f 'il • vint described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in L'btcr t vuship, bounded on the north DV j the highway leading from Milan corners in Ulster, to 1 Smithneld, "on the east by Darius Myers,on the south and we-.t by land ;o, Charles F. Welles, Jr. Containing about two acre? more or k-. a. all improved, with & framed two i story dwelling house, ore framed barn and a board shed attached and a fe-v Rait trees thereon. Seized and token i t execution at the suit of Wm. M'Car ty w. Butler Vincent. " ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of laud, situate !n Rome twp., branded on the North by land j of Etneiiue Struble ar.d Hiram Drake, east by lands of fl. Drake, so tit by Isuds o: Lucius Eastman, arid we. t by the j highway. Containing ?2 acres and 27 perches, be th> same 1 more or less, about fourteen acres Improved, one framed ] house, one framed barn and a framed blacksmith shop and * a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit oflllram Drake ; now to the use of John Drake vs. SIU3 Gore. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of j land, situate In Franklin twp., bounded on the north bv the Towanda creek, ou the east by lands of Charles W. i Steven >, on the <nith by land- — : -on the west by lands of Win. Williams." Containing one hundred ty acres be the same more or less, about 40 acres i/nprov- j e"d, one framed house, one framed building used for a barn J and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and L ken In execution at the suit of 11. K. Fow ler ti the use of fl. Fowler vi. Ransom Payne. Al.SQ—the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate in the township of Wells, bounded on the : north by lands of John Moore, west by land* of Benjamin Ingulfs, John Roberts and Humphrey "Williams, south by lands of John Roberts, east by lands*of Geo. Wilcox and Wm. Ingalls. Containing about 87* acres, more or less, - about 8 acres improved, one board "house and small board shed thereon. Seized and taken in executiou at the suit of Charles In- , galls vs. Nehemiah Rathbonc. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel o land situ- j ate iu the twp. of South Creek, bounded on the north bv j lauds oi Mahalui Herrick.west by land of Win.Ward,south | by the highway leading from South Creek to Wells, and j east by land.-; of Alexander Relyae. Containing about loti ! acres inore or k -s, 20 acre- improved, one framed house, ' one framed-, barn and some fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Luther j Whitmarsh to the use of Wm. B. Ingalls vs. John Watson. ! ALSO —The foil-, wiug lot, piece or parcel of land, situ- j ate in Athens twp., bounded on the north by lands of i James Thompson, cast by lands of J. F. Satteri'ee, jr., on i the south by "the road leading from Athens to Lit ihfleid and lands of John F. .Sattcriee, jr., on the west by j lands of Julius Tozer. Containing fifty acres more or I less, all improved, one framed house,one framed barn, one . framed horse -bed and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Solomon '< Cummiugs, adm'r. of Clark Rice, deceased vs. James M. ! Tozcr. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of \ land situate in Burlington boro., bounded as follows : Beginning at the centre of the turnpike, thence- south 64 deg., west 16 5-10 perches to a post; thence north 2*2 deg. west 10 7-10 pmfhes to a post; thence north 31 3-4 deg. west 7 8-10 perches to the centre of the state road; thence north 54 deg. east 12 4-10 perches to the point where the turnpike and state road intersect each other; thence south 33 deg. east 17 &-10 perches to the place of beginning Containing one acre and 92 perches, more or less, (except ing therefrom tw o pieces of land, one conveyed to Coryell and Gee by L. D. Taylor and wife, containing 9 and 6-10 perches, the other conveyed by H. Pultz to Wm.-Coryell, •33 perches) all improved*, with a two story framed tavern house and a framed shed attached, two framed barns and .other out-buildings and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized ar.d token in execution at the suit of U. Mercur, Wm. Elwell and J. II- Phlnney jr., v.s. John 11. Furmaa. ALSO—A certain lot, piece'or parcel of land situate in Ridgbary twp.. bounded ou tho north by lands belonging ,to the heirs of J hn Bu K, deceased, west by lands ci M. and L. Chamberlin, south by lands of Wm. Pierce and Par vine Covell, ea>t by lands of Wm. Easton. Containing about sixty acres, more or less, about 50 acres improved ; one saw mill, one framed or plank house, one lag house, one framed baru, and a few trait trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Abiram Pierce's use vs. Abner Graves. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate iu Windham tp.. bounded oa the the north by lands belonging to the e tale of James Demerest, dee'd., on the cast by lands of Frederick Jakcway, on the south by W. L. Hartshorn, and ou the we.-t by lands of James Smith. Containing 66 acres, more or less, about 15 acres improv ed, one framed house, cue framed barn, aud a young or chard fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Aaa Park i vs. Miitou Wood. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ- 1 ate iu Wvsox twp., bounded on the north by lands of J. ' E. AJ. iu. Piolett, west by lands iu possession of Hogiine. ou the south by lauds of Alvin Whitacy, aud on the cost i by lands of Permeuus & Naptha Woo'dburn—containing! about thirty-five acres more or less; about twenty acres j improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Myer and ! Spalding now to the use of W. A. Park vs. Alvancon Whit ney. ALSO—The defendants interest .supposed to be the imd;- { vided one-seventh part, of the following lot, piece or par cel of land, situate in Ulster twp., bounded on the north { by lands of Ira Ekbrec, on the east by lands of Daniel Parker A Ephraim Miuicr, on the south by lands of Henry ' Smith A Abraham ilin;er, and on the by lands of Eli- ; enezer Heeler A Ju-se Spalding. Containing about three hundred and fifty acres, more or locs ; about sixty acres j improved, one flamed house, one log house, two framed j barns, one saw mill, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the Buit of Welles and Harris vs. Andrew Burnside. AL23o—The following dccribed piece or parcel of land, situate in Franklin twp., bounded as follows: On the north by lands of Samuel Aunable and Jehu McDowell, on the east and west by lands of Horace Willey, and on the south by Towauua Creek—containing about 100 acrea ! be tbe same more or less, about twenty-five acres ltnprov- 1 ed, one framed house, one blacksmith shop, and a email . orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and uken in execution at the suit of LeGraad . Ban oral tto the use of John C. Adams vs. Wm. E. Gore, i ALSO—The following lot, niece or parcel of land situ- | ate in rc-icii (Lew re nda^tewnrbip.) bounded Ccnal CUDuertisbmcntg. a- follow -: ou the- r. ith by land" of Edward Over (•'; J Mm ire's lot, ou tlie va-tuy lands of Willi maud Micba-l Iks-?!.tin, ou the aouth by i a lids of Hiram Fox and Hiram McGii! end laud" irt'longini to the e-.tate of lJciij. V-,. x, dec d.. aud on tli we -' by land* of Dcnui- McGil!—co;i taieHiir piv.nv jog m,.re or lees, u'oout tweuty-jive ai res improved, one frai ied house, one framed barn, and a few fruit tree* then on. , IFSelecd and token in "xeentlon at the suit of Win. M. j Rnmbaugh m tbe urt of Kdw. Overton vs. Jaine Ne-t -r and Edward Welch, d<Mn't bosiriess in the name of Ne*tor A Welch. Alo at tlie -uil of June.! Dcsrew to tin- u-e of Edward Overton v>. James Nestor and Edvv. Welch doing business in the name of Nestor A Welsh. ALSO—The fallowing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Albany twu.. bounded on the uortb bv lauds belonging to the estate of H. Ladd, dee'd., on the east bv other Improved lands—warrantee unknown—on j the south bv land* of S. Wilcox. J. Jackson and ot'ier-. on the south-west bv lands of Jacob Heverly. and on the I wet by lauds of G. Moloney. D. English ami M. Kellmrg ■ | coiititinp about 400 acre*, more or less; known as the j Uolliii Wilcox i' t. i ALSO —One other hit piece or parcel of laud sitoat'- in ) Albany twp..bounded on the north by lands of Augustus i Sterigcr. cast by lands of John Steriger audi Morris or ; unseated lauds ."south by lands of Win. Sharp, and west by I Elijah Crceii and D. Ormsby; containing übout 100acies more or less, about 15 acres improved. Known as the Freeman Wilcox lot. ALSO—One other lot piece or parcel of land situate in ■ Albany twp., bounded on the north by lands lately deeded to R. il. Carpenter, by F. Wilcox, east by unreal) d lands; warrantee's name unknown, sooth by land; J. Jackson and Win. Sharp, and west by D. Ormsby and Win. Sharp: containing about 75 acres, uiore or less, about 15 acres im proved ; one log hoc e. ouc long barn, aud a few fruit trees thereon,* Known as the James Wilcox lot. Seized and taken iu cxccntiou at the suit ol' J. Wilcox, now assigned to John C. Mer- ereau vs. R. P.. C'arpeutcr. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriff,- Office. I Towanda, March 31, 1365.1 • UTT Noti-e is hereby given, that an amount equal to the costs, will be required" to be paid upon each pale when down to the bidder, and upon failing to comply with tbif rcguiatlon, tract of land will again be offered for sale. Jons A. CODOISC. I IST OF JURORS, drawn for MAY Term -Li and Sessions, 1355. CUASD JUROES. Arnoirt G. W., Durell, I Morrow J. 11. Asylnm. Ardway, Wm.Burlington tp.lMerrill Cyrus. Litchfield, Braiuard A. Litchfield, Pluuicr li. W. Athens tp. Buamoiit W. Derrick, Parker J. S- Rome, • Chaudler Spencer, Litchfield ( Parry V.'rn. Athens tp. Deifeubock- rC. Overton, j Quiniby J. L. Albany, Foster J. M. Canton. j Ross j! 11. Granville", Gates Herri, k, Springfield, Smiley T. T. Franklin, Hopkins J. F. Trey boro', jSt evens Scth. Albany, Eli, überger M. WiLuot, j Shores Stephen, Shcsheqaln, Lillet* George, Canton. Yancise Samuel. do M'Kiuney D. Litchfield, 'Westbrookll. Stand'gStone. T.TAVF.-RSC .rcßcnr— FllS C T wi.r.K- Adams Jcel, Springfield, j Hortcn Y.'m. B. Lheshcqoia. Adams James, Troy boro', Keelcr N. J. Towanda R iio'. Brink Stephen, P:ie, {Kinney Yv. W. Rome. Bibcock a. R. G. Wlndhaai,, Lewis Eli.-ha, Y> vai ising, Ibillard J. A. P. Troy boro", {Morse Hcmzn, L'tshfieid, Bloodgood C. Liicl'.neUl, j Moody JcLa A. Rome, Ru.ivvoith L- L. Pike, lOveiion W. 11. Athens boro' Chamberlin John. Sui'thficld' Pierce Amou Troy Tp. Coleman O. P. P.idgbn y, jQaick Ri'iev, Ac ,lum, Catlin George, Granville, j Rogers 11. D. U: -tor, Floyd Hoiines, Wells, i Rockwell Niram, Canton, freccli Chan Spriugfleld, Scott Ansel, SmUhllcU, Fczs A. D. I.e P.ov, 'Smith Whitiield. Tuacaroro, Gerould Sani'l. W". SmUhfield Rieneer G. W. Windham, Gilbert Richard, Durell, :ilcox F reetnaa. Alba: y, Griswold 11. A. Leßoy, ■ Williams Johnson, Trov. Tp. Heavcrlv Tame*. Overton, |Y'ilcox Dahiel, Granville, Harria N. C. Athens Broro : ,|Ward Henry. EarlingtonTj. . SECOXD WZZK. Allyn Seneca, Warren, illalsted W. S. Lidgbery, Bro'wu A. G. Springfield, ! Hiney Timothy, Rome", Barnes John N! Ptke, Hodge James. Pike, Ballard Chaa. 11. Columbia.) Kinvon C. H. Granville, Brieve Henry, Winn ham, iLoc'ais Joriah, Canton. Bull Edward". Orwell, jLandon G. W. Ilerrick, Bailey Alansou, Granville, iLaatz Wm. Fr.u.kiin, Brown Elijah M. Ridgbery.iMarsh Isaac, litnick. Loddiug David 3. Pike, " (Newell John W. Canton, CAllan Warren, Spring ueid.j Pratt 1.. A. Monroe, Dutton A. R.Sniithfield, J O. F. Troy Tp. Pewit: Morgan. Burlington !Stone Hiram. WllinM, Dodd Harrison, " IStalford J. H. Asyl'.ra, Ford Edwin, P,ke, !Ste 4 ,h.aa George, rlke, Ga?3::er Dftvii, Athene Tp ( She pare? L. C. Armecia, Gordon John.Standlcgotont Smith Henry, Ulsttr, <>oriiam Jehu : , Orwell. iTitua Ooediab. tlcrti-.k, Gra:-: Add;sea, Spnatieid,] -Voci Daniel, I: y Tp. TRIAL LIST, for MAY Term, 1355 Bradford County Court. FIEST wrtK. PLAIXTirFS. CEFEMIANTS. j XATOtE. John M. Pike, George L. Nichols, ' Appeal. David Barber, John Snvder, ! do William Sample, Peter V.'liber, j Issue. David Barber, Steuben R. Chandler, iSri. FA. Sarah Ogdcn, W.TI. fj. Brown et alEjectment. Roliert Metteer, Danl. Wilber et al. Tieapase. George Fritcher, A. H. ct al. | kppwd. Jonathan Boyel, Austin Famswortb, Ihjuinmi Geo. W. Marsh, iJ. I-". Chamberlin et al. j do John Dougherty, j J. Gorsllhc et al. Issue. Wvllls Christie, I Simon Stevens, Case. William N. Coleman,i John H Brace, Appeal. Wm. Klfl".* use, jR. L. McGeorge, do Lvman Klfi" A.C.Moore, |Cacc. Wood, Grant ACouse! William CeMbaugli 2d Sel. Fa. Jamca Simmons, ! Edgar Barnes, Act. Reud'd. John Allen. riiliott Wliitoey, Trespass. Chester Thomas, {Orrin P. Ballard, Cue. Jacob Reel, I Francis H. Arnold, (Appeal. Juo. Towlinson ACoißcnj. B. Slaue'a Adm'g.jDebt. J.B.Clark, IE. B.Luther, {Appeal. William Coonrod, |3. S. Uinman Garnishee; ttlach't Ex J. F. Satteilee et al.jGuy Tozcr, j Ejectment. SECOND WEEK. CLAINTTFES. DEFUNPANTS. ! NATTRr. William E. Gore, Collins M. Segar, iSci. Fa.Bail. Ruliff Campbell, Wm. Campbell, _ ! S<*i. Fa. Edward Derrick. Chas. F. Welles jr. et al • Ejectment. David Barber, Josiah Hcnder.shot. S:i. Fa. Cohjelius Hunsiker, Wm. R. Waynes et al. j frespass. Andrew C. Craig, John Flood, (Debt. Erastus Lovett, Joseph Seely, (Ejectment. HcuryD.Emcrvetal. Harvyß. Ingham. i feet. W. Bradley ACo. Daniel 11. Crane, Care. Luther Reilflcld jr. Harvy B. Ingham, Debt Same, " Same, do F. L. Ballard, H. N. Fisher et al. ! do Horace Williston jr. Jeremiah Driscoll et al-!Ejectment. Herman W. Camp, Richard Horton et al. (Appeal. E. W. Baird, John M. Fox, jEjectment. John Eighmey, Wm. Lawyer, i Vppeal. M. C. Mercur," State Mutl Fire Ins.Co.iDeLt. James A. Talue, John Hanson, Case. Rogers Fowler, O. Schrader, {Appeal. A.D.Brown, same, | " do H. N. Terrett ACo., Richard Brewer, {Debt. Luke Perkins, James Philips, Appeal. Margaret Roberts, John Rogers, (Ejectment. John Roger*, Abby Ann Swain, do Welles A Harris, J. L." Van sice, Sri. Fa. Chas. J. French, Manilla Watson, Ejectment. Jacob Tome, Roger* Fowler, Case. Henry Crammond, Ru -seil Spalding, Ejectment. Pa. Lunatic Hospital Overs'rs poor of Frank Debt. Thomas Butler, E. llortoD, (Jinfip Sei.Fa.SurM Hiram Hc-mans, aame et al. Appeal. Ezra Spalding, 3rown A Rockwell, Ejectment. F. A. Saxton ACo. John Tsylor, Iruspasa. Wm. H. Ruarcll,. Job Dean. {Ejectment. Geo. M. Holleuback Hannah Benjamin ct al do Clark Hyatt, A. Morlev A Brothers, Appeal. Adam Elsenwine, iA AG- ft. Gordinc, do H. S. Phinney's ue yTX. Coolbaugh, do Merk Compton, Lewis E. Gibbs. do McCoy Craig, Thoa A Isabel Craig. do Abraham G.GarrUon Samuel Schofieid ct si. do David Burt, David Hapcman ct (J. 3' i.Fa. Ball Alx. Frcaer & Co. Wm. Cauapbeil, Debt. Abby Ana Rogers, Gilbert Rogers, Divorce, lit. Kingibery'a uee, dcbalon EsceLtine, Sal. Fa. M. P. J. DeCaters, James ElLworth, Ejectment. B. Greenwood ACo. Wm. Campbell, Debt. Davis C. Pierce, Joseph Fiuninstcr, S< i. Fa. M. Peter B. Sturdevant, Geo. O. Kile, [Appeal. James Fritcher, John Snyder, ;Caoe. ll.F.Burt, 'Kenowei* lYormley, 1 Appeal. FO REIGN ATTACHMEN T.—COMMON WZALTU OF PKNNSTLVANIA ; Br alfor d Cov .ty, is To the SlierJT of Bradford County. Greeting: We'com- —■ —. maud you that you attach OWEN DG"CGiIi.F.TY L. s. late of your county, by all and sing iar HU good —•—* and chatties. land"* andteuementa, monies, rights and credits, la whoee hands or posscaeion occver the pnrne may be, so that he be and appear before our court of com mon pleas, to be holdeuat 1 ho borough of Towacia. iu and for said county, on the first Monday of May next, tlifrc to answer James*McKonnsi. of a nlca of assumpsit, damage* not. exceeding one hundred dollars, and that you aommon aiid all persona in whose hands or nr.sreea'ion the raid goods, chatties, monies, rights aid credit' , or any of tbiru may be attached, so that they and every of them be and appear before said court, at the day and place aforesaid, to answer what shall be objected against them, and abide the judgment of the Court therein; and have von then and there oliis writ. Witness tbe Honorable Divin WILMOT, President of enr said court, at tbe Borough of Towanda aforo-idd, the "Ist day of March, A. D. 1855. ALLEN McKEAN, Prothoaotary. I certify the abovo to be a tree copy of the original writ. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Towapda, March 22,1355. pLOVER & TIMOTHY SEED.—SOb DS h vG els Clover and Timothy Seed, j ;st received, and for by sale feb2t BAILEY & NEVTNS. "\T EW & DESIRABLE SPRING GOODS a-l just qaenlog at MOrTANYES &■ CO Mar'h I*J"S5^ £?gct! Qlfsocrtisrtticnt9. !; ADM IN ISTR A TOR'S NOTICE Not! ; !s W V giv. i',. at all p<:.~- ,t iiiu'-lAert to llk t •>! A. I'. BILEi, deceased, late of Wvalu in | t"W!isln|>, to iii.ike i rained' t, payment, end all h iviu ■ -loniand* aguir: t said estate. will t) resent toeiri u • i. aulLt aucan-il l< i ..0.-'. Sw. HUE*. - , . . J AS. A. BILLS. > x ' r. April 14, I&SJ. i \ DM INIBTR ATOR'S NOTICE.-—Not L i-; litre! v -riven, that all !*?rs"ns iuUC ted to tfcr- I ate of ItOXAA! A VAX WRINKLE, deceased, late of i i tv.-p., art hereby i••■p e:-ted to make payment with j lay; and all persons having claim- against - a: J estate • please present them dniv authenticated fur aettlcme: t. C. G. G RIDLEY, Adminiitrst ,c. J Orwell, February 17, 1 NOTICE.—Notice is herc i I A by given, that all persons indebted to ihec-l. * - i HORA'TIO GAMAGE. -'d. late ol Burlington two., nr : hereby requested to make payment without- del y; an j all pe.-sonn havingciaimt against saiu elate will plea. ; i-rest.it then-, on!', a- t'lCJificstted for sctt'.err.ent. JULIA GAM AGE. -jv t i'EKRY B. PRATT, j LxeCLl February 17. Isj - ,. j A EDITOR'S NOTICE.—-In the mati I -LA- the estate of P. D. Ilavcns, deceased. la th r phona Court of Bradford Count v. q'ho cndcr^ignec : dilor appointed by the *tid Court to di tribute the eeeus of tlie sale of real estate of said decedent, i hands of bis administrator.!, will attend to the d-1" ■ his appointment at lib office in T Wanda borough, n> urdav'the 7th day of April. A 1) 1355. at 10 oYlmk . . ; . at wLich time t:d place e'.i sor .on n.t : :v. ted are j. :cd to present their claims, or be ; -rcver debarred tr- - raid funds. (J. 11. WATKiNi, Auditor, j Towanda, February 23, 1556. A DMINISTE AT O ITS NOTICE Notice { IjL IS berei-v given, that all persons indebted to the < : late of BOl.lt'l R PALMER, decca-ed, late of Cant-it j are hereby reque-ted to make payment without d -by and all persons having claim * amain t s. id c-stete v.Y i please present them duly authenticated for ottlemeut. T HER ESS A PALMER. Aduaiuibtratrix. Canton, March 1, 1356. \ DMINISTR ATOirS NOTlCE.—Notice x V. is hereby viven. that r,.i rorscas indebted to the ec ! late of BENJAMIN B. SLADK deceased ! xtc of Columbia ' twp. are hereby requested to make pertnent without de ; i ry; and all per sons having eiaims a -aln-.t .-aid estate will ' please present them d ;ly anther, tirated for retiicmeq?. March 1, 156 L .Ml AL P SLAi-il, AdmiuUtralixr. "V"OTIOE.—The Counrtisslcwrs of Bradford JL- \ County have fixed upon trie '"How::, 7 days and date 3 ceipectirely", for holdiog APPEALS, vi 2 ; " . To vr audi borough, Burlington township and borough. North and South Towanda. t.'LUr and Wfimot, on Thute day. February 15. C-mt-on. Franklin, Cranvllie. Htrrlcii, Leray and Wyaox i on M mday. February 1' . Orwell, Piko, Pome, She?iteqola,T•tscarcn. Wyalusinj, I Warren and VV'indlatm, oa Tac=d?~, February 20. j Columbia. Cvc*. u. Filds'.-erry.'Ssiillifjol-j". Springfield, So-'-th Crock and Syl rcnia Lorough, on Wedue. dav" Feb ruary 21. AUirns town hip, Athens torougb, Albany, Acylam, i Artr.tn.a.Daif .:. L.tckdeid and Standing Stone on 'ih-;rs • -i?", Fc .-ra:;v 22. Monrce, l'rov town-dup and borocgh,and Weils, oa Fri j day. February' 23. j jgrThe A-• tcsors will be punctual ir. delirerlag the no ; ticei to the taxable.;. a.d in making their returns in per* ! son ou the day designated in thai: warra .ta. at irhi'h time • er.d place the Board of Revision vrii! "tter-1 and hear all I such as think themselves a.irriev<-.d by said r.sae=-:ment, : and make such deducthinaami aiteratione c? t. therj ratty seem J t-t. Bv order of the Comm; j=:o:;cr.i, Feb. 7, 1175. * E. M. FARRA?., Clerk. | A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice 21 is hereby even, that all persons indebted to the es ! late of C. P. PHILIPS dee'd., late of Bariiurton t?., ire | hereby reque ted to make payment without delay; and all ■ person - havingiug ctslms 'Tin A 1: Id it '"Li pic a.; 2 I juetent them duly autlonticeicd I T scttkeest. J.M.PHILIPS. AdntinLUator. February 3, 157.5. 1 N THE MATTER of the Partition of the ' Rial Eilxtecf Zar.ieu H tbbf.-. d<&c;ej. —Notice 1B ' hereby given to .11 perc;a. iuior?:ted In t v c partition of the rcai e tite of Barney Webber, deceased, icte of the 7CiTvr.ehip of Troy, to coxae ir-to Court ox; tae hrst day of 1 • "it teim. (U-ing the 7iU yay of May text, at 2 o'clock, I'.to s.c:ept or rc'a-te the'c t r te wr'eh ws attpraiied ' by the Jury of icqscct e -on said e data, cn the Stb day of Jarr.aty, 1156. ' JA.-ILS 11. WilBE, Cl-trk of 0. C. I T~ T.'ud- Marsh 13. iCk.f. ; A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice ■ i is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es | tate of ALEXANDER HAND, dee'd. bte of Wiadhsa j ttrp., are reque tc-d to make payment without delay; and tbo -c baring demands against said estate will present titein • -J.Jy authenticated for settiement. MARTIN ELSBREE, AdmlaLtrater. I March 23. 1555. 1 A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— in the witter of L D. X thr f.talf v f J-sh-n Cvwlc, UCC.D.M Ln tWO.yLiud ' Court of Bradford County. The undersigned. Auditor appointed upon exceptions Sled to thefiuol account of the administrators of safd estate, will attend to the duties of Lb appointment at his office in the boringh cf Towanda, on the 23d day of April. 1?55, at 2 o'clock, T. M. Aii per nors interested will please take notice. March 23,1565. " Fu 9. MORROW. At ultor. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.—A". Mitchell vs. il. A. V. D. Tted.— ln the Court of Common Pleat of Bradford C'ouutv; No. 336, May T. 1554. The undersigned, tin Auditor appointed by raid court to distribute funds rai-cd by Sherifl's sale of defend or. t's real | estate, wiil attend to tlie duties of his appointment at I his office in the borough of Towaud i. on b.ttur lay, tbo 21st dav of April, 1565, at 2 o'clock, P. M., v.hoh and where all persons having claims upon said fund must pre sent them, or be forever debarred from the same. 1 March 21, 1355. P. F>. MQltflPW. Auditor. A EDITOR'S NOTICE. — In the matter cf ; I. V the (dale of Ruchcl Crnuwcr, decco-eJ. In the Or -1 phan's Court of Bredford County. ! The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by said C-mrt to diatributc fuxids iu the hands of the Adnhnlstrntor of the , estate of Rachel Cr&ntner, dee'd., will attend to the duties , of his appointment at hia office in the borough of Tcwan i da, oa Monday, the 30th day of April. 1355, at 1 o'clock, j P. M., when and where all persons arc requested 10 present 1 their claims, or be forever debarred from anw shire of E'.id < funds. . D'A. OVERTON, Towanda, Mar-h 24, 1555. Auditor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.—AII pereo a in debted to the estate of LLIAL STEVENS, dccea-ed, late of Ridgbury township, are hereby ctiCed to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to prevent them duly au thenticated fc-r settlement. STCRGFS SQCIRL3, WAI. STEVENS, Ridgburv, March 2D, 1555. Executors. PROCLAMATION. —Whereas, the Hon. DAVID WILMOT, President Ji igc of the 12th Ju dicial District, cr.r.siiting of the Counties of Bradford Sur | quehauna and Sullivan, and ih-ns. Mifios B.\nL.tKi> and HARHY ACSLUY, Asaociate Judges, In end for said county of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date the | 20th day of February. 1355, to mc dirr -ted, for hiding a ! Couxt of Oyer tr.d Terminer, General Quarter Serious of j the Teace,"Common Picas and Orphan's Court, m Towan ' da, for the County of Bradf rd, oil the fir t Monday, the ! 7th day of May ne'xt, to continue two weeks. Notice U thfrci--re hereby given, to the Cor-rer? and | Jneticciof the Pel e and Constablea. of the Ccunty of Bradford, that they be then and there in their t r ;KT pcr son. at 10 o'clock 111 the loreaoon of said uay, with their records, inquisitions,and other remem v rancea. to d thore thingi.which to their office appertains to tc d"cc ; and : those who are bound by recognizance or otherwi eto pro- J -ecetc against the prisoner - who are or mcy be in the jail . of slid County, or who shall be bound to "appear at the 1 said court, are to be then and there to prose.ute against 1 them as shall be just. Juron are reqee ted to be pi actual | in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towauda, the 31 at of March, in the year of our Lord, one tk'<u.,a.id eight hundied -nd fifty-five, and of 1 the Inclopi.nucnce of the United :ft : "the seventy riinth- JOHV A. CODDING, SceriT. REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that there have been filed and settled in the office of the Register cf Will; ir. .and for the county of 1 Bradford, accounu cf administration upon the following ; estater., viz.:— j Final account of Thomas Elliott and Win. C^l'iaugh, • 2d, Adtnini.nratora of the estate of David 11. Owens, cf ' Monroe, dccea-cd. 1 mal account of Leonard Fpham, surviving adminip -1 trator of the estate of Bcri h Vro't late of Tr' y. deceased. I f iual .i"count of Amo> p Spalding and Owcu Spaldmg, ! adinmi-trniois with the Will annexed, of John Spalding, I lata of Athens dacca -d. Fine! account of Pa il Quick, Aaron Ely ard Saroh Gor ! raao, formerly Sarah San tee, executors of the toUte cf ! WilliamSantee, late cf A-ylntn deeca ed. i 2d Partiol account of J vxph Menard!, sumdvings imin j istrator of tne estate of Hcratio LadJ, late of Albaxy twp. deceased. ! And the MTTIC will be nrereated to the Orpby n s' Covrt of Bradford County, on Monday, the 7th day of May next, for confirmation and allowance. „ J A MPS D. WEBB, F.ogi-tter. Register Office, March 30, 1-55. TO COLLECTORS. —You are hereby au thorised to make a dedncticn of/r< ptr cent, ur-on the state tax of every individ tal who shall psy his <tr tcr ' 6tite and county taxes iu full, 02 or before the 27th day ; of JUNE next, and the sense shall be allowed vor. in yonj ! settlosaeut —provided the eaaae Is by you paid into tho i'C'-nuty Treasury, r u or befort the iletor I2ddoytcf Jt&a I utxt- By order cf the C-'-amiuisio jers. * -Ind. April 1.1?55 E M. PABBAR. f?erk.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers