Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 05, 1855, Image 2

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    not soon lulled, the storm will raise to such a
pitch, that a vacancy in the gubernatorial chai**
of Kansas will be the result."
This man Strougfcllow is reported to have
said, in a speech made at St. Joseph, in Buchan
an county, Missouri, that in this struggle to
♦ tablish slavery in Kaunas neither the federal
nor -tate laws were to he regarded, and that he
advised those who were present to enter every
• lection di-trict in Kansas, in defiance of
Reeder and his myrmidons, and to vote at the
point of the J.oVi i Iviiifi' and the mouth of the
revohti*. After tin election the following;
significant paragraph appeared iuhi.-. paper, the j
Squatter .
■' The election in this district pa.--.-oil off very j
quietly. Ereescilcrs, as o general thing, acted j
viscly and kept ah int f rem the pells. '
We are saved all necessity o! looking for
proofs, In the barefaced confession of the
scoundrel.- who perpetrated these outrages.—
The federal exeouia* will not be embarrassed
by any doubt a- 10 their existence or their
Meantime the Atchison parly, by whom
this villain* was planivd aud carried into effect,
have attempted to commit the President in its
favor. As soon as the news of the election of
pro-slavery candidates to the Kansas legisla
ture had time to reach Washington, a letter,
purporting to be written from Washington,
on the 11th of April, was published in the St.
Louis Republican, a paper friendly to the in
terests of Atchison, and in favor of the exten
sion of slavery, iu which was the following
passage :
As it is, however, the seal of slavery g
fixed upon Kansas, and the Nebraska portion
of the administration is in high glee at the
result. Quiet a rejoicing came off at the White
House on the day the news readied us, and
tiie toast, the song and the wine, were the order j
of the evening. Yen know that our excellent'
Chief Magistrate, onc-c on a time, was fond of'
3 glass of good brandy and water, as many
other gentlemen are. I don't say that he ever !
indulges uow-a-days, but I do know that he
frequently visits the heights of Georgetown
for his health, and the day succeeding the
festivities incident upon the result of Kansas
election it became necessary for him to pay
another visit."
We are willing to believe to what is assert
ed by the Washington correspondent of the
Courier and Enquirer , in its sheet of this
morning, that this story is false. We quote
the denial of the calumny from that paper :
" Among otucr outrages perpetrated by the
Atchison division of the Nebraska party is that j
of originating and circulating the infamous ;
dander that the result of the late riots iu i
Kansas, called au election was celebrated by a j
drunken debauch at the White House iu which
the President participated.
* * * * * *
" To illustrate the falsity of such allegations, j
I may repeat that I have been assured by
ardent supporters of the Nebraska bill, and
consistent adherents of the administration, that
the President was indignant on hearing of the
violence and fraud which had been practised in
Kansas, and so expressed himself to Judge
Johnson, a member of the Territorial Court,
uow here.
"That a portion of the Cabinet was well,
pleased with the result, and not at all concern- j
ed at the mcauc by which it was effected, is :
not unlikely. Bui they had no carouse at the ;
White iioa.o to give expression to their satis- j
faction. The time for that indecency has not
arrived, though I would by no means charge
that any member of the present government
is capable of so outraging public propriety."
Wo have said already that the course which
Mr. PiartM* tx>u pursue iu t'tiia tester isobvi
ous. There is but one course for him as a just
aud honest man, but oue course which can save
Lis administration from the charge of the
basest and most abject lack of spirit, but one
course which can enable it to vindicate itself
from the suspicion of an understanding with
Atch ; .6o?4 and his hired bailies, and of having
intended, from the very first introduction of
the Nebraska bill, to make it the means of
taking forcible possession of Kansas in the
name of siavery. Oar readers will remember
that the friends of Mr. Pierce ail along
vehemently contended that the repeal of the
Missouri Compromise would not introduce
siavery into any part of tiie region then called
Nebraska. Mr. Cass in a speech delivered at
a democratic convention in the st3teof Michi
gan, stated that if there was any likelihood of
Kansas becoming a slave state, he would sur
render the whole question. The papers in his
interest took the same ground, and the Michi
gan State. Journal declared the Nebraska act
to be " a glorious enactment for freedom."—
We now see the territory on the point of pass- j
iag into the haudi of the slaveholders by au
act of villainy tbc most foul and shameless,
which nobody denies and nobody seeks to ex
tenuate. If the administration does not inter
fore to redress this wrong, it will take upon
itself ail the iufamy with which it is sure to be
atteuded, both now aud hereafter.
Reception of Governor Reeder at Easton,
EASTON, (PA.) Monday April 30,1555.
The Hon. A. H. REEDER, Governor of Kan
sas, arrived here to-day from the West, and
met a very enthusiastic reception from his
friends and neighbors He reached Phillips
burg at noou, and was there met and escorted
to the Cotirt-House-squaro, in Easton, by a
large concourse of the citizens of all parties,
accompanied by the Easton Band. On arriv
ing at the Coart-House, Gov. HEELER was
welcomed by the citizens with hearty cheers,
and a formal welcome theu extended to him, in
au eloquent and impressive speech, by the Hon.
J. PORTER, who complimented Gov. REEDF.R on
the manly and courageous as well as able man
ner in which he had discharged the duties of
his difficult and responsible office. He went
into a hasty narrative of the growth aud pro
gress of the Slave question, attributing its dau
gerous and threatening character at the pres
ent time to the fanatical Abolitionists at the
North, but adraittting also that Slavery men
had in their turu become as fanatical and wrong
as the abolitionists themselves. He went thro'
the old routine of apology for the South, say
ing that they had Slavery entailed upon them,
and asserting in full the broadest Pro-Slavery
claims, declared that Gov. REFDER had done
his duty ably, and that lie would aud should be
sustained by Pennsylvania aud the country at
Gov. REEDER, in reply, expressed iu feeling
and eloqueut terms the grateful impression made
upon him by the warm and enthusiastic recep
tion given to him by 30 large an assembly of
his fellow-citizens. He referred to the reports
of fraud aud outrage upon the part of Slavery
nun iu the Kansas election, and einphaticallv
confirmed the very worst statement of/them
wh*eh bad preceded Lis arrival. He said his
oybdo&i on :be subject of pepc.Hr sovereignty
had undergone no chauge, but that the conduct
of the people of the border counties ot the
North of Missouri had astonished and amazed
him by their reckless disregard of all laws, com
pacts and constitutions : that the 1 erritory of
Kansas, in her iute election, had been invaded
bv a regular organized army, armed to the
teeth, who took possession of their ballot-boxes
and made a Legislature to suit the purposes of
the pro-slavery party. Kansas was subdued,
subjugated and conquered by armed men from
Mi.--ouri, but her citizens were resolved never
to give up the fight for their freedom and the
independence of their soil from foreign control
or interference. The State of Missouri would
be called upon to disavow all sympathy with
these border ruilians. If she refused, the South
would be called on to discountenance her. If
the South refuse, the solemn duty would de
volve upon the North to take up the matter so
that the rights of her sons who had settled in
Kansas in the faith of solemn compacts, shall
be vindicated and sustained. He declared that
the accounts of the fierce outrages and wild
violences perpetrated at tiic election, published
in the northern papers, were in no wise exag
gerated. lie concluded by saying that Kansas
was now a conquered country —conquered by
force of arms—but that her citizens were re
solved never to yield their rights, and relied
upon the North to aid them by demonstrations
of public sentiment and all other iegal means,
until they shall be fully and triumphantly vin
During his speech Gov. REEDER was frequent
ly and enthusiastically cheered by the large au
dience present.
Mob at Parksville, Missouri.
We have an account of the destruction by a
mob of the office of the Parksville (Mo.)
Luminary, published by George S. Park and
W.J. Patterson. It appears the editors did
not comment upon the emmigration from the
North to Kansas in terms suitable to the mob,
and hence the destruction of their office,
accompanied by other indignities. The St.
Louis Intellligeucer, after referring to the
proceedings of a meeting, these mobites, says :
They proceeded to the office, tore the press
from the building, mounted it with a cap labeled
Boston A id," marched it deliberately through
(he streets of the town, and tossed it into the
Missouri river. They had determined not only
to wreak their vengeance on the mute wheels
and levers of the priuting-press, but to give the
owners thereof a taste of their wrath, also.—
They dragged Mr. Patterson, one of the editors
of the Luminary, into the street, forced him to
witness the destruction of his property, and
then prepared to tar, and feather, and ride him
oa a rail. But a guardian and protecting
angel was sent to save the unresisting man
from the mortifying disgrace and degraded
puuislunent ready tu be inflicted upon him by
the enraged populace. His devoted wife clung
to him to the last—" stuck to him like a leech,"
as a brutal eye-witness and narrator of the
scene expresses it—and endeavored to defend
him, by her feeble strength, from the fury of
the crowd. She succeeded. Her frail form
was au effectual shield and saved her husband
from the infliction of a personal outrage
supposed to be fit only for villains.
But while he was spared the disgrace of tar
and feathers, he was given to understand that
he could remain no longer in Parkville. The
mob resolved itself into a committee, and re
solved that if he and his colleague, Mr. Park,
were found in the county at the end of three
weeks, they should follow their press and find
a grave in the waves of the Missouri. Mr.
Park was absent at the time, and is, perhaps,
indebted to that fact for his exemption from
the same humiliation visited on his associate.
Th<f Luminary was not an Abolitionist paper,
nor were its owners, Messrs. Park & Patterson,
freesoilers. One of them—Park, we believe
—is the owner of slaves, and not at all likely
to publish opinions which, while endangering
the slave property of others, would also jeop
ardize the safety of his own. But the Luminary
spoke no hard and bitter words agaiust the
eramigrants to Kansas from the North. I did
not call them " hirelings" and " white slaves,"
bought up and sent out by northern capitalists
to plant the staudard of Free-soilism on
the soil of Kansas. It welcomed all settlers
with opeu arras, and encouraged emigration to
the new territory from all quarters, because its
owners kuew that the rapid settlement of Kan
sas by industrious and thrifty emigrants would
augment'the trade, and advance the interests
of the border towns aud cities of Missouri.—
For this they were " spotted," tried by a self
constituted jury, found guilty, condemned and
ordered to leave the State.
Another account states that while Patterson's
wife was clinging to him, and beseeching the
mob to spare him, they took a vote as to
whether they would tar and feather him, and
and a small majority decided to let him off.—
Among the resolutions adopted by them was
oue, that Park or Patterson must leave the
State, but if they went to Kansas they (the
mob) pledged themselves to go there and hang
them wherever they found them. Another re
solution was to this effect:
" That we will suffer no person belonging to
the Northern Methodist Church to preach in
Platte county, after this date, under peualty of
tar and feathers, for the first ofl'ence, and a hemp
rope for the second."
This outrageous conduct of the mob, we
are pleased to see is denounced by the St. Louis
" The citizens of Geneva," says the
Geneva Gazette, of Saturday, " for two days
past been considerably interested, and some of
them a great deal excited, in reference to a
strange, and thus far inexplicable, phenomenon,
that has occurred in the waters of Seneca
Lake. During the whole of Wednesday, and
yesterday, the waters would rise and fall, in
spaces of time varying from ten minutes to
half an hour, continuously through those days,
from five inches to two feet in height."
THE OXFORD RIOT. —The Times published at
Oxford, Chenango Co., says the story seut
abroad by telegraph reporters of a riot in which
a Catholic priest was engaged, was apocryphal
—that the press had been badly hoaxed in the
affair, by some person whose passion for the
! marvelous got the better of his discretion.
lin, informs us of a case in his practice, which
is worthy of notice. On the 19th inst., h£ was
called to visit Mrs. Isaac Toft, of Tioga, who
on that day, gave birth to a sou ; and two days
afterward, he was sent for again, when she gave
birth to another sou. We are happy, also, to
add, that the mother and all the children were
doing well when lat heard from.— Qvxeo
iUairfort) llejjorter.
Satnrban itlornmn, iittan 5, 1555.
In this number of the Reporter, we enclose
to such of our subscribers as are in arrears,
bills of the amount, made out to the close of the
present volume —June 9th. We do this to
give those in arrears notice of the amount they
are indebted to us, aud fair warning that, in
pursuance of our new arrangements, the paper
will in every instance be discontinued where
proper attention is not paid.
These bills are made at the rate of $2 50 in
every case, except where the time is less than
one year. This has been the price of the Re
porter since its establishment; but as we arc
anxious to make a settlement of every account
upon our books, we stand ready to deduct at
the rate of $1 a year upon these accounts, un
til the 9th of June, when we shall hand them
over to an officer for settlement; and as that
will involve further expense, no deduction will
be made.
Some of our subscribers to whom we send
bills are less than one year in arrears. As
they are generally the best and most prompt
of our subscribers, we make them this offer :
By sending us one dollar they shall have credit
for one year, covering the time in arrears.—
Many of the accounts are small—aud we do
this for our mutual accommodation.
Mistakes may have occurred in making out
these bills. If such is the case, we shall take
pleasure in making them straight. We have
also upon our books an amount of indebtedness
for advertising, &c. We shall also expect that
persons indebted to us in that manner, will
promptly square their accounts.
We have the utmost confidence that those
now finding themselves in arrears, will give the
matter their speedy attention. The terms which
we have adopted are better for all, and we now
ask those upon whom we have waited for years,
to come forward, and do us justice. If this
appeal fails, we shall next try what virtue there
is in Constables.
AKREST OK COL. KINNEY. —On Friday last
Col. Kinney was arrested by au U. S. Marshal
on a bench warrant, found on an indictment of
the grand jury of the United States District
Court. The indictment is understood to have
originated with Attorney-General Cushing, but
the names of the signers of the affidavits
authorizing the proceeding have not transpired.
The Colonel at once surrendered himself to the
custody of the Marshal, in which he remained
for the night.
At the opening of the court Saturday morn
ing, Col Kinney appeared to answer the in
dictment, which charges him with fitting out a
military expedition within the United States.
He answered to the charge by his counsel,
Messrs. Fancber & Eager, and offered any bail
which the court might require, asking through
his counsel, an early trial for the case. The
court (Judge Hall, presiding,) ordered the
prisoner to be discharged from the bench
warrant, upon giving the recognizance of him
self and two sureties in the sum of SIO,OOO ;
the sureties being residents of the district, and
to justify before the United States Commissioner
in the sum of $20,000 each.
The Colonel then left the court and proceed
ed before the Commissioner and gave the
required bail. The second Monday in May
was assigned for the trial. Warren Leland,
Esq., of the Metropolitan Hotel and Capt.
John Graham, owner of the steamer Uuited
States, are the sureties of Col. Kinney.
LONGSTRETH, formerly an Associate Judge of
Philadelphia, and Canal Commissioner of this
State, and who was beaten for Governor by
WM. F. JOHNSTON, died, April 26, at Philadel
phia. He had been an active member of the
Democratic party. Mr. LONGSTRETH was a re
tired merchant of Philadelphia, who had loca
ted himself, with his family, iu Valley Green,
Montgomery couuty, to spend the evening of
his days in peace aud rural comfort. Whcre
ever known, he was respected and esteemed.
In him, all the virtues so gently mingled, that
even his fiercest political enemies could find no
room for censure.
OMISSION. —Upon an examination of a correct
copy of the new License Law of this State, we
noticed that a clause relating to the granting
of Licenses to Merchants, Brewers, and Lager
beer sellers, was omitted in our publication of
last week. It does away with the power
formerly invested iu city and county Treasurers,
of granting license from this time forward.—
The following is a copy of the clause, &ud
should follow after the end of Section 4.
" Provided further. —That so much of any
act or acts of assembly, as requires a license
from a city or County Treasurer, to authorize
the sale of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors be
and the same is hereby repealed."
Massachusetts, by an ovewhelming majority has
concurred in the vote of the House in favor of
reqesting the Governor to remove Mr. Loring
from the office of Jndge, which he holds under
that State. Of course he will be removed
Dr. GLEASON'B lecture on Wednesday
evening, did not take place, the Dr. having a
professional call at Owego. He will, however,
deliver & free lecture this (Friday) evening, as
the iqlrodnetion to hfe tegnlar cotsrae.
Letter from Harrisburg.
• HAKRISBVKO, May 1, 1865.
The House of Representatives have had the
Appropriation bill under consideration. The
section paying members a salary of five hun
dred dollars for the session, in lieu of the per
diem three dollar pay, was adopted by a close
vote, having, as one gentleman asserted, the
fervent prayers of many who voted against it.
This act of members increasing their own com
pensation will doubtless occasion some clamor,
but in fact there is no injustice in the measure.
Five hundred dollars is nothing more than a
fair com|ensation to men who are detained four
months from home, away from their ordinary
business, and compelled to live at the very high
est rates. In fixing a permaneut salary instead
of daily pay, there are advantages to be gain
ed hereafter. No inducement will be held out
to protract the session, and the interest of the
legislators will accord with the interest of the
State, in making short sessions.
The House increased the appropriation for
the support of Common Schools to $300,000,
by a large majority. The sum appropriated
last year and fixed in this bill was $230,000.
Previous to lant year, but $200,000 was annu
ally appropriated. This sum was given from
the very commencement of the Common School
system, and has remained without any material
increase, while the system has expanded and
developed, and more than doubled its capacity
for good—owing to the financial embarrass
ments under which the State has labored. An
amendment was engrafted upon the section
which would have a disastrous effect upou the
county superintendency of Common Schools if
it should become a law. It makes it lawful
for School Directors in the several counties of
the State State to assemble in Convention on
the first Mouday of June next, to decide whe
ther they will continue to employ a County
Superintendent ; and iu case they decide not
to employ such officer, then the amount of his
salary to go into the county school fund. This
would cause a contest in most of the counties
in the State, would destroy the uniformity of
the school system, and would so mutilate it
that the balance would hardly be worth pre
serving. There is no probability that this sec
tiou will pass the Senate.
The bill to forfeit the charter of the Erie and
North East Railroad Company, and to provide
for disposing of the same, has passed both
branches of the Legislature, finally, aud, with
the Governor's signature, will become a law.
The Governor is authorized to take possession
of said road, until some disposition is made of
it by law. He is authorized to restore it to
the company, on condition—First, That they
extend their road to the harbor of Erie. Sce
oud, That this extension shall commence with
in three mouths after the passage of this act,
and to be finished by the time when the Cleve
land, Painsvile and Ashtabula Company, are
required to finish their road to Erie harbor.—
Third, That tlie company shall change the
guage of their road, either to four feet, eight
and a half inches, or to the six feet guage, and
maintain it thereat. Fourth, They must leave
the ground, streets and alleys, at, and in the
city of Erie, free from all bridges, embank
ments, and superstructures. The bill further
provides that a tax shall be levied by the State,
of five cents for each passenger, and two cents
for each ton of freight, passing east, on said
road. This coucludes the Erie controversy, for
the present Bession, at least.
The House of Representatives was in session
on Tuesday night until eleven o'clock, again
considering the Appropriation bill, without
making much progress in it. The great point
of controversy, which has delayed the bill, is
the salaries of the Judges. The committee in
creased these salaries to an average of S2OOO
per annum for Common Pleas Judges through
out the State, and S3OOO for the Supreme
Judges, which in the latter case was to be in
lieu of the usual per diem allowance lor time
actually occupied iu the trial of cases. The
House refused to increase the salaries of the
Supreme Judges, keeping them where they are
at $2200 for the Chief Justice, and S2OOO for
each of the Assistants. The salaries of such
of the Common Pleas Judges as have been ac
ted upon,were reduced from S2OO0 —the amount
fixed in the bill—to SI6OO, what they now re
ceive, and from the temper of the House, there
is a poor prospect that any of these salaries
will be increased. As the Legislature has de
termined to adjouru on the Bth of May, but a
short time is left for the passage of the Appro
priation bill through both Houses—in addition
to which, tho Claim Bill is of the greatest in
The resolution providing for the removal of
the seat of government from Harrisburg to
Philadelphia, was discussed at length in the
Senate, and escaped indefinite postponement
by one vote. This looks as if the Senate might
give it a favorable consideration.
The bill to re-charter the Tradesman's Bank
of Philadelphia was passed on Wednesday in
the House. It was defeated some time since,
re-considered, as usual with unfortunate bank
bills, and was called up on this occasion for
final action. The House also passed finally
the bill to repeal the tonnage-tax on coal and
lumber passing on the Pennsylvania Railroad
and on the Harrisburg and Lancaster Rail
The Committee of the House of Representa
tives appointed to investigate the alleged
attempt at bribery of the members of the legis
lature to vote in the election for United States
Senator, have reported.
They arrive at the following conclusions :
" It is proved by the testimony that John
F. Herr, a member of the House of Represen
tatives from Lozerne county, was corruptly
approached by Dr. Jayue himself, and also by
hi* friends, Pshelman and Priper, and that the
only reason why said member was not bribed
to vote for Dr. Jayne for United States senator,
was because he promptly and firmly resisted
and resented the attempt to seduce him from
the path of rectitnde.
" It inay be suggested, in palliation of this
manifest attempt at corruption, that Dr. Jayne
was inexperienced in polities, and was betrayed
into this violation of both law and inorals, in
the excitement of a heated contest, and acted j
under an impression that rival candidates were 1
using the same means.
" The Hon. Lewis C. Levin was also a candi
date, for the United States Senate ; or at least
intended to liecome one, upon a certain con
tingency referred to in the evidence. It seems
by the testimony, he intended to raise some
thirty or forty thousand dollars, partly in con
nection with this object, and partly for other
purposes, but how much of the fund for each,
docs not appear.
" Railroad bonds to the amount of 4,000,
and letters of credit for others and less sums
were raised by him,prior to and not long be
fore the time fixed for the election of United
States Senator. The railroad bonds were taken
in payment of a debt he had a right to con
tract, but was received with declarations re
ferring to the contingency of his becoming a
candidate ; but there is no evidence that any
portion of the fund so raised was used corruptly
by him, or that any attempt was made so to
use it by any one, except it may be inferred
from whaf is said to have transpired at the ap
pointed interview between John F. Herr, of,
the House, and Mr. David Mullinger, of the
" As to the other candidates whose names
were before the legislature for the office of
United States Senator, there is no evidence
calculated to implicate either of them in the
fairness of any efforts that may have been made
by them in connection with this high and hon
orable office."
The bill to erect a new county out of Luzerne
was lately referred to a committee of confer
ence, as the two branches of the legislature dif
fered. But the Committee was in like manner
unable to agree, and so the bill fell. Mr. DUN
VINO then introduedd a new bill into the House
which passed that branch through all its read
The House had disposed of the general Ap
propriation Bill, after incorporating it in an
appropriation of $200,000 for the re-laying o
the south track of the Columbia Railroad, and
authorizing the Huntingdon and Broad-Top
Railroad Company to build a basin and weigh
lock, at Huntingdon, and reeeive a draw-back
on tolls, on the Pennsylvania canal, not exceed
ing $25,000. The salaries of the Judges of the
several Courts remain undisturbed.
' DESTRUCTIVE STORM. —On Friday afternoon
last, Perry county was visited by one of the
most destructive storms of wind, rain, and hail
that has probably occurred during the last thir
ty years. Fences were prostrated, and scat
tered in all directions in some places. Thespire
surmounting the dome of the Court House, was
quite perceptibly bent towards the east. At
the Juniata Furnace the ravages of the storm
are seeu on every hand. The wheel-house,
bridge-house, coal-house, carpenter shop, black
smith shop, office and store room, and the large
substantial barn were all blown down. Of the
barn, which was well constructed, the only
thing remaining in their former position is the
foundation of stone. A large number of trees
were prostrated.
RAIL ROAD ACCIDENT. —The six o'clock
accomodation train from Rochester, on the
night of the 30th ult., when near Syracuse, run
over a horse, which threw the hinder car off
the track, causing it to roll down an embankment
of twenth feet. The car containing eight
passengers was crushed to pieces, aud most of
those within it seriously injured.
Mr. O. Wilder, a lawyer of Canandaigna,
was instantly killed, and the following persons
badly injured :—S. H. Ingersoll and Clinton
Brainard, of New York ; William Hall aud Z.
Farman, of Skaneatelas ; Charles Isenring and
Joseph Leib, of Syracuse ; Mr. Becker, of
Rochester, and the brakesman.
ROAD AND POOR LAWS. —The Road Laws of
Bradford, are peculiar to this county, and are
scattered through several volumes of the pam
phlet laws. For the convenience of* Township
officers they have been carefully collected, and
printed in pamphlet form, and can be obtained
of JAMES MACFARLANE, Esq., of this place.—
Four copies will be furnished to township offi
cers for sl. Every township should procure at
lea6t that number to be given by the Road
Commissioners to their successors in office. It
will be economy in the township.
of applications under this law now amount to
101,800, and are stilleoming in at a rapid rate.
The Union of "yesterday says :
It is probable that the Pension Office will
commence the issue of warrants about the Ist
of June next, as the engraving of the plates is
rapidly progressing. Already has a copy of
the portrait of the Secretary of the Navy lieen
complete^for the 160 acre warrant, that of
the Secretary of the Interior for the 120 acre
warrant, and that of the Secretary of War for
the 80 acre warrant. The portraits of the
President and others are still in the hands of
the engravers. The engravings already exeftit
ed are greatly admired by all who have seen
them, and are proud evidences of American
skill and genius in this department of the fiue
The commissioner has decided that the rights
of a widow of a deceased soldier are lost in a
second marriage, but are revived again on the
death of the second husband. If, however,
there be minor children living of the first hus
band, they may claim in right of their father
daring the second marriage. A power of
attorney cannot be executed until after the
warrant has been i C! med.
Important Post-Office Regulations Unde,.
the New Law.
The Post Master General has issued a num
bcr of instructions for the guidance of postmas
tcrs and the public generally, under the new
law of Congress. We subjoin such as are of
general interest. .
Books not weighing over four pounds may
be sent in the mail prepaid, at one cent an
ounce any distance in the United States under
three thousand miles, and at two cents an
ounce over three thousand miles, provided they
are put up without a cover or wrapper, or in
a covered wrapper open at the ends or sides
so that their character may be determiued with
out removing the wrapper. If not prepaid,
the postage under three thousand miles is one
cent and a half, and over three thousand
miles in the United States, three cents per
Letters enclosed in stamped envelopes may
be carried out of the mail, provided such stamps
are equal in vatye and amount to the rates of
postage to which letters would be liable if sent
in the mail ; and provided, also, that the en
velopcs are duly sealed, Ac.
A letter bearing a stamp, cut or separated
from a stamped envelope cannot be sent thro'
■ the mail as a prepaid letter. Stamps so cut
or separated from stamp euvelopes lose their
legal value. Stamped envelopes, as well as
postage stamps on prepaid letters, should be
j cancelled immediately on the letters being plac
! Ed in the post-office.
Contractors and mail carriers may carry
I newspapers out of the mails, for sale or distri
j but ion among regular subscribers ; but wheu
i such papers are placed in the post-office for de
livery, postage must be charged and collected.
, Contractors and other persons may also convey
books, pamphlets, magazines and newspapers
(not intended for immediate distribution)done
up in packages as merchandize, and addressed
to some bona fide, agent or dealer.
Publishers of newspapers may, without sub
jecting them to extra postage, fold within their
regular issues a supplement, provided the weight
j of the whole does not exceed one and a half
ounces, within the State where printed, or three
ounces, when sent out of the State. But in
j all cases, the added matter must be a genuine
| supplement or appendage to the newspapers in
i question, and of the same essential character,
! conveying intelligence of passing events of gen-
I oral interest.
Money and other valuable matters sent bj
! mail, are at the risk of the owner. Dagoer
-1 reotypes when sent in the mail should be rated
and charged with letter postage by weight.
Paymeut of postage on newspapers, periodi
cals and magazines, quarterly or yearly in ad
vance, may be made either at the office of mail
ing or office of delivery.
It is in violation of law to enclose or conceal
! a letter or other thing (except bills and receipts
for subscription,) or to make any memorandum
in writing, or to print any work of communica
tion after its publication upon any newspaper,
! pamphlet, magazine or other printed matter.
In all such cases legal letter postage should
be demanded, and if the person addressed re
fuse to pay such letter postage, the package
i should be returned to the postmaster from
whose office it came, to prosecute the sender for
1 the penalty of $5 ; and all transient printed
matter should be distinctly postmarked at the
mailing office.
Postmasters are allowed one cent for the
delivery of each free letter, except such as
come to themselves, and two mills each on
newspapers (to subscribers) not chargeable
with postage.
Letters mailed in the cars can he prepaid
only by using postage stamps or stamped en
velopes ; and when not thus prepaid, it is the
duty of postmasters to treat all such letters as
unpaid, although marked "paid"—no route
agent being permitted to receive pre-payment
in money.
Circulars, advertisements and business card?,
not weighing over three ounces, sent any dis
tance in the United States, are charged with
one cent postage each when prepaid, and two
cents each when not prepaid. The same rates
apply when sent in packages, unless the pack
age be sealed, so as to prevent the contents
from being ascertained. If sealed, they are
chargeable with letter postage by weight.
Properly franked mail matter, or mail matter
addressed to a person enjoying the franking pri
vilege, is entitled to be carried free in the mail
when forwarded" to the person elsewhere as
well as in transportation simply to the office to
which originally addressed.
I ostmasters receiving letters referring to bu
siness not connected with the department, but
designed to promote private interest, without
payment of postage, must return said letters to
the parties sending them under a new envelop*
charged with letter postage.
Bona fide subscribers to weekly newspapers
can receive the same free of postage, if they
reside in the county in which the paper is prin
ted and published, even if the office to which
the paper is sent is without the county, provid
ed it is the office at which they regularly re
ceive their mail matter.
Postage cannot be prepaid on regular new
papers or periodicals for a less term than one
quarter ; aud iu all cases postage must he pa d
on such matter at the commencement of the
Bills of lading and unsealed letters re biting
exclusively to the whole or any part of tbc car
go of a vessel or steamboat, may be sent on
such vessel or steamboat outside the mail, un
less they are placed in an envelope with otbe f
matter. In the latter case, the whole package
is subject to letter postage.
Under no circumstances can a posim* l3 -'-'
openTi fetter not addressed to hitmelf