Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 28, 1855, Image 3

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    Nco SUoerliecmcnlo.
i n-o PIT POWELL wouU announce to
I' " ~F Radford County, that he i MW re
-01 the ' ! tried aortmut of Fane.. and
1 V; i. .I! ■ Crockery, and
( Hats hunts and Shoes. Car
\otwts. finer Hangings, Fish. Paints
, ill ii. t, ■' m< >-t every article of mere ban
van! - of the country requires, and is offer
- de f. r CASH at prices which defy ail com
! ' | particularly invite attention to his stock of
!l 'i, J-- Coop-, consisting in port of rich plain bl'k
1. silk--; nil wool Delaines: plain and figured
' ! V' ' liiii* -; 'plain and ft gored Cballi delaines; Dc
:i 'i "-ci all prices; printed Jaconetts, Organdies,
Jii t ohcr.c. together with an endless variety of
<■ ' \s'.> iivens—Ladies embroidered and lace
' i. Handkerchiefs, Skirt-. Chinn-zetls,Swiss
,''te Band- and Flounces, Swiss and Jaconette
I |, -, riin -' • Maltese. Thread, Smyrna, bobbin
IvL'inirs. all widths; Brus.-oils, black and
!( " i ■. > jit"-- all widths and prices.
'' ',;'o,.ns Haiti and dotted Swiss Muslins. Jaco
-1 * j.awu'-. India, B >ok and Nainsook Muslins.
U • ...i Phid C. •nbrics. Victoria Lawns, of all qunli-
r ' 'i , l n, s rid tit nts. linen H'd'k'fs., silk and cotton
' •■ B Mhu-tt and fringed Laces, Irish linens at great
"Frnvt'-nixo 'loons—Worsted, linen and worsted
| i single fold, cot Damask, bleached and
' V >.', l table linens, bleached and unbleached Jacquard
' i. v t' <1 i inbos-ed and colored damask linen table
!\ nieachcd damask table cloths and nankins, all
ilt , riMtics, bleached and unbleached Muslins
' t 10-4 V ,Ills wide. Drapery Muslins of different
4 < ra-h. Scotch and Russia dia|K-rs, Ac.
i'-V'.vr- IMI Ho.sir.KY—A complete assortment of Ladies
i ii, -t- ami Chiidre-us' white, unbleached, mixed and
" dored cloth H'-c; Mens' and boy-' unbleached,
: :.,j white cotton lull hose ; ladies and gents black,
colored kid gloves. best quality : ladies kidhn
. a i plain silk and lisle thread do.; ladies and misses
and Miort French filet mitt*. .
-I \.V I-- AND MANTILLAS —Aktrgea>-'>rtiiicntof Spring
- ,iv!- and Mantillas of new and desirable styles.
i' \ii PET i sos of various styles and qualities. Lush mat
• ditfercut widths. . , .
I • OTHS AVOCis.-iitr.BES —The largest stock of plain
Kind f.incv ( 1 -.thsand Cassimere.-. Tweeds, Kentucky
I inen and t'ott-ui Summer Goods for mens' and
, 'weor. ev-r exhibited in Northern Pennsylvania—
- t,.i.-ed it greatly reduced prices, and offered for sale
. nondiagly low. .... _ _ .
j assortment of A estings, Scarfs, Stocks,
, n' ,t- l inen Collars Ac.
• la pi rciiasing hi- stock of Spring Goods, the sub
. r ,-r would say that the utmost care and economy has
~ in ori'-r to please his customers in style,
iv'of goods, and prices, to correspond with the times,
'p'.inking the public ft r the liberal patronage they have
!. r .-'t'i;..r* 'At id. d to hhn, he would respectfully solicit
. i aiid examination of his stock bv tiio.-e wishing to
' f.ivvtuda, kpril 10.1855.
Two Companies !!
Monnsarir k Circus \fa hi
,V B. Noire. Vroprieter. \ )'i tI
Celebrated KquPNtrian Troupe
i . li -v only. afternoon and eve
xill be found the
a fenowi-
Die tries, gra • fnl and brilliant .
American aiti-l. in her matchless
\!- are aueeigtlie colle tion I.*- s~r^.
l c.ii,: to this Exhibition : /VA QT\
A II: i/i!ian Tiger or South Ameri- \PfR
i S : tli iiv-ii'an Bears; a pair of Xi
1. igii-li Deer; a beautifully marked /J j J
/••'■r.i; a IVruvian Lama; a White . rM ..j J
1 :1 ' ' ' % :l •*" Jfrj
ty e: tlie M mkey tribe, Parrots, Pc
li ai-. ."-.van-. Birds of P.irndi-e. k ■.
Sir The KqrirsiEVT and general
(J'T IT of both the
Menagerie and Cirrin Trtmpes, y —* -jg
have been got up this sea-on in a• £ ' "k
style of elegance and a prot'nsion of A •;. , 'ijSCs
■ i-ilv decorations hitherto unprcce- lil i ':*•
dented. k;
riie Riders nnd Gymnastic Artists -~
a/ell deseription of wh '1 be. found on the bills, are
aU i.elougiug to the (i. i- of their proh isio i, of b<ttli
- .\es, and are known itiguished a - "i. •• S'IAR
i itOUPE "of the ;.io . A full lory Brass
baud accompanies the United Exhibition, and will play
daring the performances a variety of new and fashionable
Kii' The Companies will cater in Grand Proces
sion. about lb. A. M., and after passing through the prin
pal streets, proceed to their Pavilion o Exhibition.
Admission to see the ( ombined Exhibitions, '25 cents,
t hildreu under ft years of age half price. Doors open at '1
ami at 7. Performances commence at half past two and
a quarter to 8.
a\ i- hereby given. Cut all persons indebted to the es
tate o !>■ S. WA I'KINS, de al. late of Columbia tp., are
que 111 m tke payment without delay ; and all persons
hiv i; ' iaim- agah-t said estate, mu-t present tlieui duly
authei.t. -.ted for settlement. WM. B. WATKINS,
(' ilmnbia. April 'il. lsdj. Administrator.
-L UO \D COMPANY.—The President and Managers
ftheTowanda and Burlington Plank Road Company,
have, i y a re-i lotion passed this day, resolved to call in
as i .illi -t the ballau'*e due on the stock subscription of
this I', d. payable t > B. S. Russell, Treasurer—at the of-
Ufj of Me—r.-. LAPOUTE, M ASUN A Co., as follows:
-i per sent, on the lir-t day of Ma}', Isid, and the ba!-
iui e on the lir-t dav of July,
Towandi, December 8. 18.V1. Sec. A Treasurer
no JOKE.
' Men, in Bradford County in debt to us, that we want
to niv their.l■ldgmeiit notes or accounts, which ever it
wiy he, and we intend to have them do it, cither hv per
siu-ina or hv employing officers suflicient to collect of ev
ery inaa iaimcdiately, without any exception or'respeet to
;or-.n-, -'roui the fact that the money belonir.s to our ere
ct >rs, anil we intend that they shall"have it as soon as it
can be collected. IIALL A RUSSELL,
r aada, April '2b IS jo.
1)1- AST KB.—loo tons Cayuga ground plas
- ter—'d'Kj hiiis. White Stone Lime—lot) bids. Extra
Towanda, April Ift, 1855.
on leather thorough-braces,in good running
' rder. ueailv new, and for -ale cheapen lib
,-r:' Una-. Cdl on Win. C. BOGART, Esq., who will nc
g" -He a sale. 1>- M. BULI*
*• XATKOr-,. H. . SKWARD. E. 11. COOK.
0 HP .try fy SHELF HARDWARE, NOV. 1 &
J Water st. Elmira, N. Y.
'Gh -ve re -s-piv made large udditioim to our extensive
""I have now on hand a complete aasortmohtof sv
' • dc< ription of Hardware, which we otter at the lowest
''' pr e,; , of Mechanic's Tools, Building Ma-
Irnti and steel. Nails and spika, Ropes and C'ord-
I'aiiii-. oil- and Glass, Mill sa-.vs of every sue and
■ tjae,either Malay Gang or Circular.
, A' l 'line Bdting. of all widths, both of India Rubber A
/ at whole-ale. We are prepared to supply
'T Mil with G!a-s. Nails, acytfce*, Fork '. Ar., at Man
si hirers prices. Tin, sheet iron, and Copper work on
"r made to order.
' 'MtTU.Vt TOR'S TOOLS—Wheelbarrows, Ames' Sho-
Hla-ting I'owder, Ac.
Agents for Ki> h k WilderV Patent Salamander Safes,
, "r'lank's PUtform Scales, and Welch A Griflith's Uircu
ljr mws.
Urge si<.-s up to 60 inch, alwaya on hand and sold at
'•u I * >rice - s Particular attention paid to orders by
_E®ira. April 7, 1-70. n 11-12 m
KIX(; very desirous to get my books set
!'f,d up. I have concluded to quit making accounts,
a,' ,be r -;tt'ter for READY PAY only, and with
j... *'i'* P t; ug the doftge of a new firm, call on all those in
..."4' Pay up. Now, tfluei'ore, upon the re
®.v -sew Spring Hoods, say about the 15th or 20th
j. '■■■ 1 -stall commence the Ready Pay system ; and if 1
• any lei- Te, shall be after theke who do not call and
•' U P. with a sharp stick. O- D- BABTLET f
'-Wandji, April 7, Itjo,
Novo 2\.iiuer!iccmeiits.
(CAUTION —.Whereas, my husband, Lester
J Mo-tnr.. who advertised his wife, a few weeks since,
set forth, a :';Jae statement, as his wife was at heme ut the
time, and was done for the purpose and as a pretext to
squander my property ; I therefore forbid all person* har
boring or trusting hint i>n my account, as 1 will pay no
debts of Lis contracting after this date.
Burlington, Mareh 21.1855.
Plant your Corn economically and scientifically!
V' 77.' R. patented September 5, 1x54, costs ONLY'
THREE DOLLARS, and is therefore within the means of
every man who plants half an acre of ground. It i- sim
ple in it- construction, and executes its work with accura
cy and despatch on various kinds of soil.
1 'ulike other planters, it li is no gearing to get out ot
repair, but is carried in the hand like a cane, mid can le
worked up hill or down; as well as on level ground, plant
ing a- much ground iu a day as five mini can with hoes. —
It may also be used to plant" beans, as it can be imaged to
drop as few or as many kernels as desired. It is meeting
with unprecedented success everywhere it is introduced,
having been presented at several Agricultural lairs, and
always without exception received the bight .-t premium,
being the best and cheapest implement of the kind in use.
The undersigned, having purchased the right of selling
the said Planters in Bradford county, will canvass the
county in April, at which time he will supply those who
wi-h, or dispose of Town Rights to any who wish to pur
chase. J AS. B. SY'KES.
OwegO, March 22, 1855.
Vv' Nos. 29, 31, and 33 Beekman st. New Y'ork.
The undersigned beg to inform the trade that they have
recently issued their A'ctc (Quarto Specimen, and that it is
now ready for delivery to their old patrons, as well as to
all wht> patronize their Foundry.
In it will lie found a new seric-s of Faces from Pearl to
Pica, surpassing if possible, their celebrated series of
Scotch cut faces.
The Fancy Type department exhibits an unsurpassable
variety of licautiful styles, selected from France, Germany
and England.
Tbe Scripts and Bordering aren<tw for the first present
ed to the printing public, and are the productions of the
best European and American Artists.
An entire New Series of German Faces, both for News
Paper and Job Printing, of a very superior style, is now
nearly completed and for sale.
The Metal from which our type is made, will he found
peculiarly adapted to the SEVI'KE USAGE of Machine Press
They beg to return thank- for past favors, and to solicit
a continuance. Their well known liberal manner of doing
business for the past thirty years, is a guarantee to their
new patrons of their disposition and ability not to allow
themselves to be surpassed lor fair dealing, whether orders
are by letter or otherwise.
N. B. Proprietors of newspapers are requested to insert
the above, provided they will trade out three times the
amount of their respective bill- in materials of our manu
facture, and forward us one copy of the paper containing
the advertisement. " fit 41
f IIARVEY PHINN Y, Jr., is just re-1
*t • ceiving a general assortment of SPRJJVG HOODS
which he offers to the public for unusually low prices, for ,
Ready pay. As be is determined to sell Good- after the j
1-t of April for READY' PAY", or keep them,persons wish- i
ing to pay cash for goods will find it for their interest to i
coll and examine his stock and prices.
Air AII persons indebted to me by book, note or judg- ;
meat, on the Ist of April next, unless some satisfactory ;
arrangement is made, will be waited upon by a gentleman !
in authorily. J. H. P. Jr. j
Towanda, March 14, 1955. i
V'-0i735f > -*TE2?leave the Ward House, until further
\•. , m f ' low."
FDR WAVERLY—Leave at 11 o'clock, A. M.. arriving 1
in time to take the trains, east and west. Leave after the j
arrival of the morning trains, from the east and we.-t.
FDR TUNKH ANNOCK—Leave immediately upon the |
arrival of the Waverley stage, about I, P. M. Arrive at
Towanda, in time to connect with the stage for Wuverlv. i
March 17, lsf.s. SMITH & POWELL. Proprietors.
SNKDER HOUSE, Waver-y, N. V. '
TAMES WHlTTAKEßrespectfullyinforms ;
*' the travelling public that he hits taken the above well j
known stand, situated near the Railroad Depot, and soli- ;
cits a share of custom. The House is convenient and com- '
modious. and he is determined that no pains and attention .
to the wants and comfort- of guests shall be spared to give ,
entire satisfaction. • March 15, 1-55. j
17 RES 11 GROCERIES, of ull kinds just
J_ received at MONTAN Y'Kri i CO.
I EATIIFR, Pork, Codfish, Nrackt uel. aud I
I I YVhiteFish, for sale cheap st I'HINNEY"S. i
Tilt; Suspuchaiina Colleiiiate !ustiiulc,
REV. SAMUEL F. COLT, Principal, Professor of Nutu- j
rid. Men r f' and Moral Science ;
REV. JA M : - McWllil.f AM, A. M.. Professor of Ancient '
I :'iguaac and Belies Lettres ;
CI! . RLLS U. CO BURN, A. M., Professor cf ilathcma
ti'-s and Master of Normal School ;
E. ALBERT LUDYVIG. A.M., Professor of Modern Lan
guages, lu.-itructor <>n the Piano and in Drawing ;
Mrs. MARTHA A. DAYTON. Preceptress;
gtfThc Spring Term of 1-55 will commence on YVod
| nc-sday, April 4th. The Academic will comprise 3 terms.
KXPEXSKS i'l.R Ttnn :
I Tuition in the Fifth class, (primary) per term i 1 00
" Fourth, " 5 00
Third ft 00
" Sec rid 7 00
" First 9 00
| EXT it AS :
1 French, German, Spanish or Italian, each, 5 09
j When taken without oilier branches, 7 00
: Drawing 3 Oft ,
1 ornamental needlework and embroidery,each 3 00
Tuition on Piano Forte with u.-e of instrument,... 12 00
do do per quarter of 11 weeks,.... 10 00
Oil painting in landscapes, per term 8 00
do figures 10 00
Room rent for lodgers, 1 75
Contingent fund for each pupil, 38
Board in Ilall, per week, 1 75
Washing, per dozen, 38
Fuel and light at the actual expense.
Pupils boarding in the Hall will furnish their own bed,
bedding, towel-. Ac., and the table silver at their option.
No pupil taken for less than half a term. The bills for
the term must be paid in advance : or one half thereof at
their entrance, and the remaining half at the expiration ol
the term.
Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the ob-cr
vance of the Regulations, and none will be admitted on
other terms.
Especial exercises are arranged without extra charge
for those qualifying themselves as teachers for common
For classification of studies and text-books, see circu
lar-, for which apply to C. L. WARD, President.
S. K. COLT, Sec. "f24 J. D. MOVTAXVE, Trea- irer.
WAGONS & SLEIGHS. —Two or throe
It of each fur sale cheap at PHINNEY 8.
OLD SOLDIERS ! Prepare fur a fight with
Speculators. and Bcu-are of them! The Bounty land
bill, giving 160 acres of land to those who served in the
war of 1812, or any war since 1790, lias passed, aid all
persons entitled to sueh lands should call at once upon J.
E. CANFIELD, Athens, Bradford county. Pa., who be
sides having the law and the requisite form.-, has had much
experience in obtaining laud warrants, &c., and will do it
for old Soldiers, tbeir widows and Minor children, tor just
what it is worth io do the business.
The bill provides land for persons of all grades, by land
or sea, including Indians, wagoners and flotilla men, who
have served in the wars sinee 1790; 160 acres in all to each
person who ha- served not less than 14 day.-, except a' tu
allv in battle for a shorter period. The w idnws <>r minor
rhiMrcn, to receive the benefit in ensc of the <itwth et the
persons so entitled. The widows, officers aud soldiers of
the. revolutionary war to be entitled to the i'ciietit of this
act.xs well as volunteer- at the invasion ot* Plutt-hurg in
September, lsl 1. The volunteers at the attack of Lewis
town. Delaware, in 1-12 and 1815. aud tha Chaplain-who
served in the several wars. Post-paid eommunirtttions
promptly attended to. J- H. CAN'!- IF.LD,
Pension and Bounty Land Agent..
Athens, Bradford Co., Pa., March 6, 1 *■>■■
IMJE SUBSCRIBER offers for stile his
valuable FARM, situate in Burlington township, Bra
d ford county, Pa., containing about 225 ACRFS, ot which
about 130 acres are improved, untl in a high state of culti
vation. About 70 acres of the improved part i- bottom
land, atul the balance rolling land, facing the. south and
east, About 100 acres is well timbered with pine aud
hemlock, aud a good mill seat the.eon.
This farm is eight miles from lue Elmira and , .
Willi tmsp .rt Railroad, and nine miles from the /fL--A
North Branch Canal. It has npon it two good > a f f
apple ore-hard-, and an abundance of cherries, 1f i/dßf
plums, Ac,: a new dwelling house, two
barns, cow-sheds, Ac. Said farm is well calculated tor two
farms of iKiual value, embracing an equal portion ot bot
tom land, upland, and timber, and will be srid separately
I or together, as may suit purchasers.
Termsi—A portion of the purchase money down, and
• the balance in yearly payments, to suit purcnafers. For
further parUsular-, enquire ol the tubecriber at the farm.
I February 7,5855 1 SiAMIfLL M KLAN.
Cc3al CA.bpcrtiacmcntg.
CnERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of sundry
0 writs of Fieri Fa ii 8, issued out of tht court of rotu
m 'it pleas of Bradford county, and tome directed, will l.e
expo-cd to public sale, as the Court House, in the boro. ot
Towa ida, on SATURDAY the f>th day of MAY. 1w55, at
1 o'clock r. St., the following lot, niece or parcel of lam!
situate ia the town/ hip of Leßoy, bounded and described
as follows, to wit: on the north by lands of Edmund Kel
ly, ea-t by lands of. Alpha Stone, south by the Towanda
creek, and west by lands belonging to the estate of Ira
Crofut—containing about 47 acres more or less, about 20
improved, a framed house, log baru and an orchard of
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suir of Charles T.
Merry vs. Truman Merry.
ALSO —The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land, situate in Pike two., bounded on the north by lands
of Stephen H. t'autield, ea-t and south by lands nl'B" Black
mail, and west by the public highway. Containing one
acre and a half more or less, with a framed dwelling house,
a framed shoe shop, and outbuildings and some fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Shelden
Payne vs. Orrin Moore.
Towanda, March
SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry
k. writ-of Vend. Exponas, issued out of the Cour tof
Common l'leas of Bradford County, and to me directed,
will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the
borongh of Towanda, on MONDAY', the 7tli day of May,
1865. at 1 o'el .ek P. M.. the following described lot, piece
or parcel of land situate in Pike township, bounded as fol
lows to wit: North by lauds of Thomas Jones Id, East
A South by lands of Richard A-hton, ami west by land, of
Ileman Cogswell. Containing fifty-two acres, mdreorless,
about forty-two acres improved, with one log house,
and framed baru, and a framed corn-house, aul an orchard
of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken iti execution at the suit of Caleb C'ar
malt vs. Thomas Morris.
ALSO —The follow ing lot, piece or parcel of land, situ
ate in Franklin twp., bounded and described as follows, to
wit : cast by lands of vVe-ley Anderson, south by umeat
ed land-,warrantee name unknown .west by lands of D. An
derson, north by the public highway <>u the south side of
Towanda ("reek; containing about tweuty-two acres mote
or less, all improved, one framed house, one framed barn,
and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Harriet A.
Mercur. vs. Oliver Rockwell.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in W'ysox twp.,bounded on the north by lands
of Charles Ncwell", east by lands ofYVm. Carl, south by
the state road, and west by lauds of Curtis Frink dee'd.--
Coutaiuing 25 acres more or less, with about seven acres
improved, a log bou.-e, a small log tarn, aud a few small
fruit trees thereou.
Seb.ed and taken in execution at the suit of Stephen
Yoiight vs. George Bump.
ALSO— -The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land, situate iu Orwell township, bounded as follows :
north by the north line of Orwell town-.hip, east by lands
of Harry Billings and -Sidney BruinarU, south by lands of
J. D. Newell and Humphrey Beck with, and we -.t by the
public highway. Containing ninety acres be the same
more or less, about forty acres improved, with one framed
house a framc-d burn anil one orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Henry Gibbs
vs. Sewell S. Luthrop and Simon it. Lathrop.
ALSO—The following described 1 >t, pie e or parcel of
land, situate in Troy twp., bounded on the North by lands
of Horace Long. ea.-t by lands of Timothy Roe. south by
lands o! J. \V. Williams and O. P. liailaru and west by land
of Putnam Baxter. Containing 100 acres more or* less,
about 25 acres improved, one framed house, one framed
barn with a board shed attached, and an orchard of fruit
trees thereon.
Seized aud taken iu execution at the suit of C. C. Paine
vs. John Sadler.
ALSO—Too following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate iu the township of Herrick, bounded on the
north by lands of A. It. Brown, east by lauds of X. B. Wet
more, south by lauds of George Perkins and wc.-t by lands
of Nelson Marsh. Containing about three-fourths of'an acre
more or less, ail improved, with a framed house, a black
smith shop and a few small fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Johu 11.
Bogart vs. Volney D. Rosengrant.
ALSO—The following described lot. pierc or parcel of
land situate in Ulster township, bounded on the tenth by
the highway leading from Milan corners in Ulster, to
Smithftehl. on the east by Darius Myers,on the south and
west by lands of Charles F. Welle s, Jr. Containing about
two acres more or less, all improved, with a framed two
story dwelling house, one framed barn and a board sired
attached and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Win. M'Car
tv vs. Butler Vincent.
" ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land, situate in Rome twp., bounded on the North by laud
of Emetine Strable and Hiram Drake, east by lauds of H.-
Drake, south by lauds of Lucius Eastman, and west by the
highway. Containing 22 acres aud 27 perches, be tint same
more of less, about fourteen acres improved, one framed
house, one framed barn and a framed blacksmith shop and
a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Iliratn Drake
now to the use of John Drake vs. Silas Gore.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land, situate in Franklin twp., bounded on the north by
the Towanda creek, on the east by lands of ( lurries \V.
Stevens, on the south by lands on the west by
lands of Win. Williams. Containing one hundred and thir
ty acres be the same more or less, about 40 acres improv
ed, one framed hou. e, one framed building u.-edfor a barn
and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. K Fow
ler to the use of R. Fowler vs. Ransom Payne.
AlSO—the following described lot. piece or parcel of
land, situate iu the township of Wt 11-, bounded u the ;
north by kinds of Johu Moore, west by lauds of Benjamin
lug.iils, John Roberts and Humphrey Williams, soatlr by
loiids of John Roberts, east by kinds*of Geo. Wilcox end
Wm. Ingalls. Containing about S7l acres, more or less,
about 8 acres improved, one board Ir ru .o- and small board
shed thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles In
galls vs. Nehemiah Rathbone.
ALS )- The following lot, piece or parcel o lend situ- 1
ate in the twp. of South Creek, bounded on the north by
lauds o! Mahalon Herrick,west by land of Wm.Ward,south
by the highwav leading from South Creek to Wells, and !
east by lands of Alexander lielyae. Containing about luti !
acres more or less, 2b acres improved, one framed house,
one framed barn and some fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of I.uther
Whitinarsh to the use of Wni. S. Ingalls vs. John "Watson.
ALSO —The following lot, piece or parcel of laud, situ
ate in Athens twp., bounded on the north by lands ol
James Thompson, cast by lauds of J. I". Sattence, jr.. on
the south by the road leading iroui Athens to Litchfield !
and lauds of John F. 6'atterlee, jr., on the west by
lands oi Julius Tozer. Containing fifty acres more or
less, all improved, one framed hou-e,one framed barn, one j
framed horse slied and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Solomon j
Cummings, adtn'r. of Clark Rice, deceased vs. James M. i
Tozer. , j
AL^O—The following descril>ed lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Burlington boro., bounded as follows
Beginningut th" centre of the turnpike, thence south 54
dcg., west In 5-10 perches to a post ; thence north 22deg
west 10 7-10 perches to a post; thence north 11 3-4 deg.
west 7 8-10 perches to the centre of the state road; thence
north 54 deg. ea-t 12 4-10 perches to the point where the
turnpike and state road intersect each other; thence south
39 deg. east 17 9-10 perches to the place of iieginning.—
Containing one acre and 92 perches, mure or less, (except
ing therefrqin two pieces of land, one conveyed to Coryell
and Gee by L. D. Taylor and wife, containing 9 and 5-10
perches, the other conveyed by 11. Pultz to Wm. Coryell,
(3 perches) all improved, with a two story framed tavern
house and a framed shed attached, two framed barns aud
other out-buildings aud a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of U. Mercur,
Win. El well and J. H. Phinney jr., vs. John H. Funuan.
ALSO A certain lot. piece or parcel ol' land situate in
Ridgbury twp.. bounded on the north by lands belonging
to the heirs of J-din Buek. deceased, we.-t by lands of if.
and L. Chamberlin, south by lands of Wm. Pierce and Par
vine Covell, east by lands'of Win. Huston. Containing
about sixty acres, more or less, about 50 acres improved ;
one saw mill, one framed or plank house, one log house
one framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Abiram
Pierce's use vs. Abner Graves.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Windham tp.. bounded on the the north by lauds
belonging to the estate of James Demerest, dee'd., on the
ca-t bv lands of Frederick Jake way. on the south by W.
L. Hartshorn, and on the west by funds of James Smith.
Containing (15 ar res, more or leas, about 15 acres improv
ed, one framed bouse, one framed burn, and a young or
chard fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of Asa 1 ark
vs. Milton Wood.
ALSO—lite following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Wysox twp., bounded on the north by lands of J.
E k J. I*. Pi'dett, west by lands in possession of Hogline,
on the south by lands of Alvin Whitney, and on the east
bv lands of lVrmeuus A Napthu YAoodburn -containing
about thirty-five acres more or less; about twenty acres
Improved. , „ . .. ,
Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of Myrr and
Spalding now to the useot W. A. Park vs. Alvanson W hit-
The defendants intcre-t,supposed to be the undi
vided one-seventh part, of the following h>t, piece or par
cel of land, situate in Ulster twp., bounded on the north
by lands of Ira Elsbree, on the east by lands of Daniel
Parker & Ephraiin Minier, on the south bv landsof Henry
Smith A Abraham Minier, and on the west by lands of Eb
enezer Koelcr A Spalding. Containing about three
hundred and fifty acres, more or less; about sixty acres
improved, one framed bouse, one log house, two framed
baron one saw mill, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the Buit of W ellti and
Harris vs. Andrew Bnrnside.
ALSO—The following deenbed piece or parcel of land,
situate in Franklin twp., bounded .follows: fn tee
north bv'snds of Samuel Annable and John McDowell,
on the oast and west by lands of Horace AVilley, and on
the south by Towanda Creek—containing abont 100 acres
I be the same more or less, about twenty-five acres improv
ed one framed house, one blacksmith shop, and a email
orchard of fruit trees thereon. ..etc- a
i Seized and taken In execution at the suit of IwGrand
j Banoratt to the use of John C. Adams vs. Mm. L. Gore
! A' SO—Tbe following lot, piece or parcel oi laud sito
' ate in South Towanda Towaada rewn.-hip,) bounded
Ccnul CAMicrtisbnunts.
as follows ; on the north t>v lands of Edward Overton and
0. Moore's lot, ou the :>t by lauds ot Willi mi and Michael
Dreslain, on the south by lands of Hiram )■": aud liirain |
McGill and lands helongfng to the estate of Benj. Wilcox,
dee'd., and on the west hv 10-rid- of Uennls McOill—con
taking aliont 125 acres more or less, about twe lty-tive
acres improved, one framed house, one framed barn, and
a few fruit trees thereon.
F-Beiced and taken in execution at the suit of Win. M.
I'umlxiugh to the use of Edw. Overton vs. James Ne.'t >r
and Kdw.ud Welch, doing business In the name of Nestor
(V Welch. Also at the suit of James Dcwew to the use of
Edward Overton vs. James Vest or and Edw. Welch doing
business in the name of Nc-tor it Welsh.
ALSO—The following deo-tibed lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in ABriiny twp., bounded ou the north by
lunjs belonging to the e-tnie of H. Ladd. dee'd.. on the
I ea-t by other improved l.i:ids--warr.iiitec unknown—on -
j the south bv lands of S. Wilc ox, J. Jackson and others. J
on the aoulh-west by lands of Jacob lleverlv. and on the [
j west by lands of ,M jlouev. D. English ami M. Kellogg ;.
' ciuitaing about 100 acre-, more or less; known its the -
! Kollin Wilcox lot.
i ALSO—One other lot piece or parcel of land situate in j
( Albany twp..bounded on th< north by lards of Augustas
Steriger. cc..-t by lands of J Ira Sieriger and 1 Morris <o ■
unseated lands, south by lands of Win. Shar|>. and west by )
Elijah (ireen and it. 0.-iuby; containing atiout luOacre.-, j
more or less, about 15 acres improved. Know n as the j
Freeman Wilcox lot.
ALSO—One other lot piece ojgparcel of land situate in .
Albany fwp., bounded ou the north by lands lately deeded
1 to K. It. Carpenter, by F. Wilcox, east bv unseated lauds;
i warrantee's name unktiowu, south by land; J. Jackson :
! and Win. Sharp, and west ly 1). Orinsbv and Win. Sharp;
containing abor.t 75 acres, more or less, about 15acres iiu
! proved; one log hoa-c, one long barn, and a few fruit
1 trees thereon. Ku ova as the James Wilcox lot.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. Wilcox
naw assigned to John C. Mer- reau vs. It. It. Carpenter.
Sheriff"s Office. /
j Towauda. Much 31. 1-55.1
Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to the
I costs, will be required to be paid upon each sale when
j down to the bidder.ami upon failing to comply with this 1
' regulation, tract of land will again be offered for sale.
_ JOHN A. Oopnixo.
| IST OF J L'ROIW, drawn for MAY Term
-I J. and Se -sions, 1.-55.
Arnrmt G. W., Dur-11. U\f irrow J. H. Asylum,
j Ardwav, Wni Burlington tp [Merrill Cyrus, Lftchtield,
; lirainard A. Litchfield, Plainer D. W. Athens tp. <
Biainont W. Herrick. ;P.irkcr J. S. Rome.
Chandler Speiii cr. Litchfield'Parry Win. Athens tp.
Deifenbocki-r Overton, j Juimby J. L. Albany,
| Foster J. M. Canton, jKoss J" If. Granville"
Gates Herri' k. Springfield, T. T. Franklin,
, Hopkins J. F. Troy liOro', [ iteveus Seth, Albany,
Eilcnberger M. Wiluiot, ! -bores Stephen.Sheshequiu,
Lillev George. Cant >n, ! Vanci-e Samuel, do
M'Kiuney D. Litchfield. | Wcstbrook H. Staud'gStone.
Adams Joel, Springfield. HI >rton Wm. B. Shcehcquin, j
Adams Jiines, Troy b TO', i Kreler X. J. Towanda Boro',
Brink Stephen, Hike, | Kinney W. W. Rome,
Babcock J. B. O. Windham. .Lewis Eli.-ha, Wvalusing, j
Ballard J. A. R. Trov lor/, [ Morse Ileman, Litchfield,
Bloodgood C. Lit'Silicld, • Moody John A. Rome,
H i.-,worth L. L. Hike, [Overton W. JI. Athens bora' '
(liamberlin John, SmitiificldiFierce Amoa Trov Tp.
Coleman O. I'. iiidgb rv. [Quick Riley, Asvlnui,
i Catlin Or urge, Granviiie, Rogers H.ld. Ulster,
i I'loyd Holmes, Wells, [Rockwell N'irnm, Canton,
French (.'ha -. Springfield, j Scott Ansel, Smltlrfield, !
l oss A. lb Le Ray,' [Smith Whitfield. Tuscaroro, j
< lerouhi Sun 1. W. Smith field [Spencer G. W. Windham,
! Gilbert Richard. Derell, Wilcox Freetnan, Albany, '
Griswold 11. A. Leli >y, I Williams Johnson, Troy, Tp.
Heaverl v Jume .. <ive'rtou, I Wilcox Daniel, Granville,
; Harris N. (J. Athens Broro',| Ward Henry, Burlington Tp.
srcoxD WEEK.
Allyn Setrco, Warren. -flal-le-d W. S. Ridgbery,
j Brown A. G. .Springfield, Ilitiev Timothy, Rome* i
Barnes John N. l'ike, Hodge James, Pike.
Ballard elms. H. Coi.nubia. Kinyon C. H. Granville,
Briece Henry, Windham, Lootni* Josiah, Canton,
Bull Edward, Orwell, ILand n G. W. Herrick,
j Bailey Alansou,Granville, jl.antz Wm. Franklin,
Brown Elijah M. Ridgbery j Marsh Isaac, Herri k,
Codding David S. Pike. iNewell John W. Canton, <
CalUn Warren, Spriiuriield | Pratt 1.. A. Monroe,
Dutton A. li. Smith field, jßedington G. F. Trov Tp. j
; Dewilt Morgan, Darlington.(Stone Hiram, Wilmot,
' I 'odd Harrison. " jStali'ord J. 11. Awvluin,
i Ford Edwin, Pike, ; Stephens George. Pike,
1 Gardner David, Athens Tp jShepard L. C. Armenia,
Gordon John, Standing Stone Smith Henry, Ulster,
Oorhara Julias, Orwell, [Titus Obcdiah. Herrick, j
Grace Addison. Springfield | Wood Daniel, Troy Tp.
I 1 RIAL LIST, for MAY Term, 185."
. Bradford County Court.
John M. I'ike, !George L. Nichols, Appeal.
, David Barber. (John Snvder, do
William Sample. ii'eter W'ilber, Issue.
I)..vid Barber, iStephen K. Chandler, iSc.i. Fa.
Sarah Ogdcn. [W. U. H. Brown et al. Ejectment.
Robert Mcttcer, ' Irani. Wilber et al. Trespass.
George Fritchcr, Iv. 11. To/.er et al. . Appeal.
Jonathan Uo>vi, i.Yu-tiu Farm-worth, igjectiur nt.
| Geo. W. Mar-h. j.L K. Chatnlierlin et al. do '
John Dougherty, j\. J. Gorging et uL Issue.
Myitis Christie, [Simon Stevens, Case.
William N. Coleman J John II Brace, Appeal,
i Wm. Kiffsuse, [R. 1.. McGeorge, do
Uymau Kiff id. C. Moore, Case. | Coolbaug'u 2d.'Sci. Fa.
i James Simmons, Edgar Itarnca, Act. Read'd.
John Allen, [Elliott Whitney, rrespass.
Chester Thomas, "rriu P. Ballard, |Ca.e.
Jacob Reel, [Francis 11. Arnold, i Appeal.
! Jno. Towlinson &Co:Benj. B. Blade's AdmV.! Debt.
J. B. Clark. IE. B. I.uther, I Appeal,
i William Coonrod, ,S. S. Hinman Garnishee VUach't Ex
J. F. Satlcrlee et al [Guy 'l'ozer, [Ejectment.
' William E. G'>re. i'' dllns M. Segar, Sci. Fa.Bail.
, I'uliffCampbell, [Wm. Campbell, Sci. Fa.
! Edward Herrick. I'Tus. F. Welles jr. et a' Ejectment.
David IHr cr. b'dah ITender diot, js i. Fa.
! Cornelius Hunsiker.j Wm. R. llaycca et al. 'fre-pasa.
j Andrew C. Craig, John Flood, [Debt.
; F.ratus Lovett, Joseph Scely, [Ejectment.
: Henry iilarvy B. Inpfcum, lUe'-t.
iW. Bradley A Co. [Daniel H. Crane, Jc.i-e.
Luther Rcilfield jr. | Uarvy B. Ingham, I Debt.
Same, ' Same. I do
I F. L. Ballard, j H. N. Fisher et al. do I
I Horace Wilß.-ton jr ; leremiali Driscoll et al.'Ejectment, j
i Herman VV. Camp, iiiclmrd Horton et al. [Appeal.
| E. W. Baird, jjoitn M. Fox, lEjectment. '
John Eighmey, iWm. Lawyer, (.Appeal. i
I M. C. Mercur," st ite Mut 1 Fire loa. Co. Debt.
I Jamea A. P.duc, fohn Hanson, Case.
| Rogers Fowler, 0. Schrader, j Appeal.
i A. D. Brown, same, I do
j 11. N. Terrell ACo., Richard Browcr, Debt.
I Luke Perkins, James Philips, I Appeal.
[ Margaret Roberta, John Rogers, [Ejectment.
| John Rogers, • { ALby Ann Swain, ; do
! Welles & Harris, .J. L. Vaoisice, [Sci. Fa.
| i,'has. J. French, IMarvilla Watson, 'Ejectment,
j Jacob Tome, [Rogers Fowler, t.'a>e,
i Henry, ißussell Spalding, Ejectment.
1 Pa. Lunatic HospitaljOvcrs'ra poor of Frank Debt.
l'homa.- Butler, IE. Horton, [iiu tp. Sci.Fa.SurM
i Hiram Hemans, | same et al. Appeal.
! Ezra Spalding, [Brown A Rockwell, Ejectment.
F. A. Buxton A Co. (John Taylor, Tru-pas*.
i Win. H. Russell, [Job Dean, Ejectment.
[ Geo. M. Ilolicnback [Hannah Benjamin et al do
I Clark Ilyatt, [A. Morley & Brothers, Appeal.
: Adam Essenwine, iP.AG. H. Gorsliue, do
H. S. Rhinnev's use | \L M. Coolbaugh, do
Mark Compton, {."wis Gibbs. do
I McCoy Craig, j I'lms A la.lbel Craig. do
AbrahamG.Garrisorijßaiiiuel BchoSeld ft H! ! do
David Burt. David llapeman et al. !Sci.Fa. Bail.
[ Alx. Kreaer A Co. IWm. Campbell, j Debt.
| Abby Ann Rogers, [Gilbert Rogers, (Divorce.
I Bt. King-Tory's use jisebub>n K-. c c!-tine, Sci. Fa. V.
i R. J. DcCaters, lames Ellsworth, Ejectment,
j B. Greenwood ACo.j Win. Gampbell, Debt.
I Davis C. Pierce, iJoseph Ikuninstcr, sci. Fa. sf.
: Peter B Htnrdevant.jGco. (b Kile, Appeal.
• James Fritchcr, IJohu Knyder, Case.
[ 11. F. Bait, 'Kenower Worinley, I Appeal.
I. WEALTH OR PKNN-AI.VAMA ; Bradford County, .
To the Bin-riff of Bradford County, Greeting: We'com
— • mand you that you attach OWEN DOUGHERTY
i i.. s. late of your county, by all and singular his goods
! ••—' and chattka, land- and tenements, monies, rights
| and credits, in whose hands or possession soever the same
' may be, so that he be and appear before our court of eoni
lnan pleas, to be Imldenat tin; borough of Towanda, in and
for said county, on the first Monday of May next, there to
j answer James McKenna, of a pica of assumpsit, damage -
| uot exceeding one hundred dollars, and that you summon
| and al! persons iu whose bauds or possession the said
! goods, chattlr-, monies, right.-and credits, or any of them
I i may be attached, so that they and every of them he and
[ i appear before said court, at the day and place aforesaid.
! to answer what shall be objected against the n, and abide
[ I the judgment of the Court therein; and have yon then
[ and there chis writ.
' | Witness the Honorable DV\ in WILMOT, President of our
' j said court, at the Borough of Towanda aforesaid, the Hint
I ' day of March, A. D. 1b.:5.
ALLEN McKEAN, Prothonotary.
I certifv the above to he a true copy of the original writ.
| ] Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March 23, 1&55.
[ I pLOVER ii' TIMOTHY SEED.—sobubb
i i v^ 1 <lb Clover and limoihy c*-cd, just received, and for
I I by sale fcbiM BAILEY A NEVINB.
.lit juet opening at MONTANYES A CO.
I j March 1, 1655.
£coti! 9Vi>Bfrti9-*nicnlo.
ATi. fa herebv giun tliat all persons indebted to the ea
tute of A. I'. BILES, ib-ci.i-eii, late uf Wvalusing
township, to urake ixnniesliat* payment, and all persons
having dkninind-- * ;aiii-l said e-Lite. will prtscut themdu
ly uutUeuticate-d for settlement.
Sifil Administrator.
April it, 1655.
V DM IN ISTR A Toll's NOTlCE—Notice
J V- is lieieDy given, that ~11 persons indciued to the e.
tatc of Rt'XANA VANAA ItiVKi.B, deceased, Ute of Psk<
twp., arc hereby requested to luakt payruent without de
lay; and all iiaving eUiuis against -Ad estate v. ill
please- pie eat thciu d'dv aoDu iitie.-ii il j-. r .etth icelit.
G. GRIDLEY, Adaiini-trator.
Orwell, February 17. Isa 6.
J^XKCrTf >I*'S NOTlCE.—NolctriTu^"-
1 J by given, that a'l pi r-rns inde'-tfd to the state of
HORATIO GAM AGE, dee'd. late of Burlington twp., ar
hereby requc-ted t > make payment withotd delay; ami
ail person' having claims against said estate will"] lease
present them dul> aat n-r.tieated for .-s-ttlement.
RERRY B. PRATT, { I ' t< - LUtoM -
February 17. ,1655.
y EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter ot
fx. tlie estate of P. D. Havens, deceased, in the Or
ph:ULs' Court of Bradford County. The under.signe-J Au
ditor appoihted ) \ the ca d Coutt to di-ti ibute the pro
Cee-ds of the -al- of real estate of said decedent, iu th'
hands of his administrators, will attend to the duties of
his appointment at bis office in Towanda borough, on Sat
urday the 7th day of Ami!, A 1) 1655, at It) o'clock A. M.
at which time H id place all persona interested are reques
ted t-> present their cl-rhus, or be forev' r ii*barred from
said funds. G. H. WATKINS, Auditor.
Xov.-nnda, Februsry 20. 1-55.
a is herein- given, that all ptra uis indebted to llie es
tate of BfLl\*Eß PALMER, deceased, late of Cnjitoa tp,
are hereby requested to make payment without delay;
and all persons having claims again t said estate wiii
please- preocot th ■ a d ly authenticated for -r-ttlc-mcnt.
TIIEIIESSA I'AL.MER, Administratrix.
Cant an, .March 1, 1-55.
J. V. Is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the cs
t tie of BENJAMIN B. BLADE deceased, late of Columbia
twp, are- hereby requested to make payment with ut d--
1 v; and all per. on- hiving claiuis against said estate i
please pre -cut them dulv authenticated for settlement. i
Mar-h E 1-55. .'JI.AL P BLADE, Administrator. J
V^OTICi*. —Tilt; Commisslouors of Rradford
it County have fixed upon the f. dlowiug days and date-e
re-peetively, for h Iding APPEALS, viz :
Towa'.dv borciiigh, Buriiiiuton township and borough, [
North and South Tov.anda, Ul-ter and Wilmot, on Tuura- j
day, Febreaty 15.
(.'anion, Franklin, Granville, Herrick, Leroy and Wysox !
on Monday. February );.
Orwell, l'ik. R'-me.Bhe dieqnin.Tuacarora. Wyalaalng,
Warren a:ul M'indiiiuw -.n Tuesday, February 20."
Columbb, Ovrrt-.n. R.idg' crry. Binithtield. SpriDgfield, I
South Creek aad Byivania borough, on Wedne-wLiy, Feb
ruary 21.
Athens town-hip, Athens borough, Albany, Asylum,
Armenia.Dur dl, Litchfield and Standing Stone on 'fhurs
dav, February 22.
Monroe, Trov towiiiliip and borough, and Wells, onFri- i
day, February 23.
id*The A-.-, ; :.ors -a ill be punet ;al in delivering the no- t
tices to the taxxbles, nd in making their returns in per- 1
tan on the day designated in their warrants, at which time -
and place the Bjarei of Revision will attend and hear uii
such an think t!i :n-elves aggrieved by said a-;e-sincr.t,
and make cti' h deductions and alterations as to them may [
beem just. By order of the Uominis.-ionera,
Feb. 7, 1655. E. M. FAItRAit-( !< ik. ;
a Y is hereby given, that a'.l peraons indebted to the es- ,
lute of C. P. PHILIPS dee'd., late of Burlington tp., ere
hereby r -qneiteil to make payment without delay; and all
persons havlD,;ing chinus said e tatc wiii please j
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
J. M. PHILIPS, Administrator, i
Fel r'l&ry 3. 1655.
I~N THE MATTER of the Partition cf Me!
1 Rrul Kitutt of U onfy II ebber, deceased. —Notice is
hereby given to ail pi r>n-i interested in the pi.rtit: .:i of
the real e-t.itc of Barney Webber, decea ed, late o. th-. |
Township of Troy, to come Into Court on the tint day of j
next term, (being the 7th day of May next, *t 2 o'clock, i
P. M., to accent or re i'uiC the estate wideh was a;.-praired )
by the Jury of inqee-t upon said estate, on th- Vth <1 .v cf 1
January, l"o65. J A' EB fi. WEBB, Clerk of OC. i
Towanda, March 11, Lijj. j
1 JL is hereby given, that til persons it.-l' bt- d to the es
tate of aLLX A.N Dl'R HAND, dee d. !!■ cf V.'i;Jha T a !
twp.. ar- req.-e to make payment without delay ; and 1
those having demands again-t aid estate will present them .
duly autheuti' uted for sett'.-anient.
M.vß'i'lN LLBBREE, Administrator. [
March 25. ICAS.1 C AS. j
y EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of i
i Y the est:ttf of John C'c-ic.'e*. dece-i*c t —ln thy Orphans [
Court of Bradford County. The undersigned. Auditor j
app -itiled upon ex eptiona tiled to the final account iff th..
ndiniui.trator- of said estate, will i>tte*id '. t! Aduties of i
hit appolntms :t nt his o'fi- c : n the bore ;gh ■ f i wir.da,
ou the 2.'id d.iv ot Aj.:.i, isss, at 2 o'clock, P. M. All pri
son ; intcre-ted will please take not;- e.
March 23, IS-55. lb lb MGRRQVfi. Auditor.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE. —A: Mitchell vs.
at A I'. I). Tied.-- In the Coutt of Common Pit-as vi :
Bradford County; No. 336. May T. 16>4.
The undar.-igi.ed, an Audi to. appointed by sevd court to i
distribntv for.d- raised by Sheriff a sale of uefend : t's real
estate, will attend to tLe dut;--.i nf his appointment at
Ids office in the borough of Tow-mda, on .Saturday, the
21st dav of April, 1655, at 2 o'clock, P. JL, w.:en and
where all person-; hiving claim; upon -a.d fund moat pre
sent them, - v 1; forever debarred trom the - in..
Mar,.a 21,1865. P. D. MORROW, A-.Jitor.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE. — In the matter cf
1 Y f'i cstu'.r cf Itache! Cranmcr, deceased. In the Or
phiui'tt Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned, an Auditor appolnt-d ty ii.l Court to
distribute funds in the hands of the Administrator of the
estate of Rachel Cramner, dee'd , will attend to the duties
of his appointment at his office in the borough of Towan
da, on Monday, the 30th day of April, 1655, at 1 o'clock,
P. M., when aiid where ail persons are requested to present
their claims, or be forever'debarred ir ruub. -hare <f said
funds. D'A. QVEB.TON,
Towanda, March 24, 1a55.l a 55. Auditor.
ECU TOR'S NOTICE.—AII perso's ic-
X J d;V-t( J to the estate of KLIAL STEVENS, deceased,
late of Ridgbury townrhip, are hereby notified to niek .
payment without delay, and a'.l persons having demands
ay'aiuit said estate are* requested to pr. ent th m duly au
thenticated for settlement. HTURGI'.s SQUIRLS,
Ridgburv, March 20. 1565. Executors.
i >ROCLAM ATlON.—Whereas, the lion.
L D AVID WILMOT, President Judge of the 12th Ju
dicial District, consisting of the Counties ot Bradb-. d, Sue
i qnehanua and Sullivan, and Hons. JUt.dn BCLLSKD Hud
HAIUSV ACXI.LV, Assoeiate Judges, i ti and foi .sai'i county
j of Bradford, have fasucd their precept bearing da'" the
20th day of February, 1-55. t'> mc dire 'ted, for holding a
j Court of Oyer and Terminer, Genera! Quarter Sessions of
! the Feuce,"Common Pleaa and Oqdian's Court, at Towaa
| dfor the County of Bradft id, on the fln-t Monday, the
I 7th day of .May next, to vont.nue two weeks.
N dice i- th'im-fore hereby given, to the Comrers and
j Just ice* of the Peace and Constables, of the County of
' Bradford, that they be then and there in their proper ner
-1 soil, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their
j records. Inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those
tilings which to their office appertains to be done ; and
tiioi-e who are bound by recognizance or othcrw i-uto pro
, -ecute against the prisoners who are or may be in the jail
of said County, or wh - shall be bound to appear at the
said court, are to be theu and there to prosecute against
ijieoi as shall be just. Jurors are requested to be punctual
in their attendance, agTeeably to their notice.
Dated at Towanda, the .'Hat of March, in the vear of our
j Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty five, and of
the Independence of tiie United States, the seventy
ninth. _ JOHN A. CODPLVO, Sheriff.
REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Noticeislierel.y
i given that there hive i-en filed arid settled iu the
office of the Register of Wills in and for the county ot
Bradford, a-couats of adniiufatrMioo upon the followiaj:
( c.ffau-s. viz.: -
i Final aceo nit c-f Thorn if Eiliott and Wm. Coolbang'i
2d, Administrators of the estate of David 11. Owens, of
Monroe, deceased.
Final account of Leonard Uplinm, snn iving adminis
trator of the estate of Beriah Rratt late of Troy, deceased.
Final account of Amos Spalding and Owen Spalding,
administrators with thr Will annexed, of John Spalding,
. late of Athens deceased-
Final account of l'aul Quick, Aaron Ely and Sarah Gor
man, formerly Sarah Bantee. executors "of the estate of
WiUism Bantec, i ite of Asylum deceased.
2d Partial account of Joseph Menardi. surv ivioqailmir
istrafor -if the estate of Huratio Ladd, late of Albany ta p.
I And the same will be nrwatt lto the Orphans' Court
of Bradford County, on Monday, the 7th day of May next,
, for confirmation and allowance.
TAMES 11. WEBB, Register.
Regi-ter Office. March 30, 1655.
COI .LECTORS.—Yoi! are herebVa'.t
--.1 tborisrd to make a deduction of five ?cr ctni. uroa
; the. state t-.x of every individual who "shall pay his her
i r-ute and e nrety taxes in full, on cr Ix-fv re •3 2hth day
; of JUNE next, and the r .me shall be allowed yon in your
settlcmeut—prcvided the nam' is by you pa.d into the
[ County Treat ary, on or before the list or 224 daystf JUL S
. next- By order" ej the Uoiumitsioncrv
1 Towanda. Appl 7,1655. E. M. FA Kit Ml, Clerk.
rp.'llS -.Loo!, under the charge of the Mioses II AN SO I *.
X in held in the north end of the Ward House, in the
room former!/ necajded by Lap-He. Mason A Co.
Miss KM MA HANSON vuil '.u L>-: nit*-rs ih afewday*
•tad i: f-iturt will give instruction iu the French language
in the school."
The school v'-nr will ccn. bt of four quartern, ol el<v*n
weeks sab. "The summer vacation commencing In July,
and eliding in September.
TERIH. I RK t>rnrTE :
KTrsf t'lau— To include till luncntary Eugli-h ) .. ea
IUWO' IK-- -no ih'- .-.tudy of the Latin language, j
St'ona < 'lus. — A Include the more advanced stc- /
die .of the Vagli-hLi.'.u" _c, with Mathematics, t'i 04
.end the study oi Latin nu French J
Third t'h'-. -T> iuolj'le Mathematics. Mental}
and Moral Philosophy. Uh-.i no, Lot any, Ac., ■ >l2 00
v,-:tu I-ti.i and French, )
V. u h pupil will K-ri: c with her a desk and chair. There
w.ll !• no <\\'ru • h r>.fc- what. ver.
Af'iiic.-- Instruction on the Piano, v. ;th use of Instru
ment, villi ho given by Mi-s Rv;<-cO\ 1). Havox, at 110
p-r quarter. and us fvm a arrun'-prnnits now in progress
can be completed.a rliss in roeai music will be formed.
IdiCl'UUfcij on Rhetoric. Moral and laielleitual Philo
sophy. and the Higher branches oi English composition,
will also be deliver d once or twice in each week.
The aim of the Teachers will he t • luipart a IftorougA
of tin -• niie- pnr.eed, and ta give a tone and
character to their X m<->! which will recommend It to the
cj'ifideitce of the con. acuity.
The next Quarter will commence en ME Jay, April
They beg leave to refer to the following named gentle
men :—lit. Ki V. Al.oxr.o I'OTT: . Li-hop ol'the Diocese of
Petiu'a, Puituk-lnhia ; Lev. L>r. MACIXA.V, President ot THE
flullege of New Jersey, Princeton.
Hon. DXVID WILMOT, <l. F. Mi : ON. lain, L. Ward,
Mop. Hon. GEOROL SANDAASO.V, D. F. liaaa^ruv. , Lu.,
Cot. J. F. ME/.xh. Towandt.
Towemds. March 21. 1*55.
Important Scientific ZJJscovory!
BUT Si AN'S POLYTROPHE, for iialtiocsa
and thinness of Hair, a magic restorative of the hu
man hair on bald head—removing and preventing dan
il re if. and tasdug the hair ta grow luxuriantly, and nre
vcntiiig it fro:. turning gray. Containing no Alcohol or
Oil; of any kind.
1 hi ■ Is tlie ino-t valuable discovery for the purpo rrer
: introduced into this place. There are a number of gentia
• tueri of this B 'rough, who Lav. used it. and are trifling to
J testify to its ex .client re-torative quxlitica. lam wilhrgf
; ta warrant it to give satisfaction to those uaing it accord
i lug to direct; a.s.
; For -.ale by S. COOPER. Berber and Hair Dresjcr, la
ihe lute men t of the Ward 11.iu.-e, T^wanda.
; Towanda, March 23, ldi-6.
j To cho Citizens of Bradford Corsnty.
fully informs, the inhabitants of Bradford County that
! he itlll continues the B'JOK BINDING Lusiress, in the
; vill u-e of and is re dy to attend to anything
! iu hi • lice that may U. entrusted to his care.
Particular attention will be given to the biuding of Mn
i sic. Magazines. Law D icks, Ac. Everything will be done
pro:.!; tly. and iu the ; • ctrst and nio-t durublr- manner.
Hr.- b.t.dery in the- Third Story, over ilcssrs. llarrlng
. tons' Eton, opposite the PosLOllicr.
tj"As th re 1< no binderv in Bradford county, for the
ace-mniodali'n of the public arrsmmmentd have beca
:nado by which Books lctt at the efiko of the " Bradford
! lu-poritr ," will be fjrward- dto me, ma retarned, without
; extra expense.
llinghamton, Mfcrch 31, l'J66. n-*3
soowc OUT roa ao2BZ!as!
i 1 I> GOODENuL'GJI respectfully ia
; *7 * forin.s ail thi-e that are entitled to Land Warranta
under t!i- act of Mir'h i, 1;65, that he is now prepared
with all o'.wesari" forms to nieet every ca-e. lie would
i also ,y to th' -fc who can:: t co::veui< nt!v cooie to To wan
da, that by .s- nding Lid a statement of tfiu nature of their
! cluii:. i h - wilt :n:ike out the nece.vary papers thut can ho
j exec.tcd by t'::e:a before the nearest Justice of the I'aace.
S He would aleo sav, beware of travelling ifeculatora.
' lUs terms, are reut d'.in, and t : , after the warrant
jji re 'eived. Towanda. March 21. 1- 'l.
DISSOLUTION*. —TheUorartntrship here
tof-irc existing between the cbscril-crt, under ths
name >j: L. aH. L. LAMLREAUX, & Co.. Is this day
! diaeolvi Iby mntualconsent pa: .< iuo huaireai
jcf s'i!' <'rt i - -ill her ..:er be ccrrita en by I. L. A H. L.
j LAMEP.EAUX, at the old stand. Notes and Bock accounts
, *>' the laic iirta urt Ifcft in the hands of I. L- & 11. L. Lam
orcaux. and :T 'st be settled forthwith.
11. L. I.AMERi:..L*\', C. 3. EUSSELL.
Towallda, J.m. "il, IfeOo.
DkWj'JST, HAS RETCRNED. Ofi ce next door
to Merour'a store, f:. i over Alex&ndct'a Clothing Stor^
Main ifreit, Tov.utcca. Febraary 24. I*os.
i tJ AT LA. ?P, TUW/\DA, Pa. Uccupicfl-the Office, In
i the V ninn B!o:k, formerly ov-.d by John C. Adams Esq.
' will t. procuring Bounty Land Warrant*
| and Ptr.?io;is. March 22, 13iS.
IA I A.VI) C(,i;: SELLORS AT LMV,- Ofßi*
! over M'-rcar's Store, Towar.da, Pi.
| 1 ow2jmßl, .f-rli 2, If-hS. c-43-tf
'! " LAIV. OfH-o in the second story of the Unloa
J Li.iek, over the office of Jame.s Macfarlane.
SUTGEO?', cheta his profcslotial sf niecs to tha
people of TIJV ids Aid vl lr:tv. WOcc at h'sresiieac#
on Pine street, v. here lu- can always !>e fownl when nut
pr-ifi-c-i '.iv enuagoil. *
BURTON KINGSBERY, W row prepared to oiler to Li*
customers and ti.whir? gi nersllv, a lartre and com
plete -stock of FALL A WINTER GOODS. His stock ha*
icen selected with nnucual preat cre, and is superior for
style and quality than have ever kef- re fcten offered to tha
public—and such a ccmtlnt-tion of vrry low prices that
we are sure earnot fail to pita e the closest obserrar.—
Aiao.oge .t his assertirent may be found French Merino*,
Delaines, Cashmeres, Thibet-cloths, Oighams, Fine Wcr
ted plaids, Silk Poplin. Alapacae, Calicos, Fine and heevy
Iri-h Linen*, Cotlou Pillow Casings, Brown and Bleached
Muidm. Kuek Flannel, Broad Cloths ft Caaaimccs.&c.
i / CLOTHING —An iiiav be had
\ / .hfttpot PHINNEY'S
\ Lli I'EKSGNS indebted to Moiitahres &
A Co .will do well to call an Jjmake payment, otherwu#,
necessity will compel them to teed u call that will t*
ra< re expressive. March 1, IS6S.
x. i*. <& h. i>. Xj/i.?*xoa2iAtrx,
HAYING purchased the entire interest of the other
irrmV-crs of the Ite firm -f 1.1. iH. L. Lamoreux
,v, Go. in the " Luglc Foundry," in the sooth part of the
borough of T .wand*, will still c-artinue the businc a of
,t:d firm, and manufacture to ord< r and keep constaatiy
on hand a Luge assortment of the following articles :
MACHINERY of ail kinds, including Mill Irons. MIL
Gearing-: the- Rose and Jubnaon V.'atcr-whecl, Ac. Ac.
STOVLS—Box, Cval, Cooking and Parlor Steves, of all
kind-', aires and prices.
PHOUGJIS—North Branch, Ncs. 1, 5, sad 7; Bldcth'ey
N -. 1 and 2 : Biogh&mton. Wayne County, Exccßlor,
idc-hill and conr ploughs, Ac.
born Shellcrs and Straw Cutters; Wagon boxes, alcigh
shota. j)lough {w-ir.t-;. gearing for chsln punsns, grind
stones, and uther article- t(>o n'imerouK to mention.
' Having secured as Superintendents, J. B. IRVINT. in the
j ma hine sh -p. and r.oßt ut McCiri. urox in the moulding
department, the firm feel confident that they car. Mann-
I fjrture and repair ali kinds of machlx:ery in as wmkman
j like a manner and on as easy terms as any establishrnfcnt
j this side of New York.
tti-Sff.m Engi.u.i will "le repaired satufact rily on
| sh rt notice.
Particula- attoution will be paid to the Pattern d*parV
m> nt, and all orders fulfilled on the rhortori notice.
Ihe attention of Farmers is oftll'.-l to J. B. Irvine's cele
brated LXCfiI.SIOH PLOUGH, which took the fir t pro
miitin . t. the Bradford county Agricultural Fair f 1
Also to the elevated oven EAGLE . TOYE. the best stov*
in uso.
With the above the firm have connected a
Tin, Shtrt Iron and C< jftr Estxllishnunt,
and will be at all times ready to manufacture, repair acd
d > job work. and will keep constantly on hand asjortnocta
in all brancbe.-i r.f tht-ir business.
We call the public i.ttertiou to the f 'Rowing fs- ta
Wc use the Jt-dstoT) Iron, which is acknowledged to lie
ni'.n durable and etreng than any other.
Our -t ve phte are thicker and stmrper than any of
foreign manufacture, aol persons prrcha. ing stoves of n
run have ti;em rep-iired on short r.ritice hy ealiltig on v..
without going to the expenee of bavimr new patterns.
Fanners would s:ve time ar.d expse by purchasing
plongfcs of us, as they would not be troubled for points, as
it. the case of foreign ploughs.
Old Iron, Brasc. ■' upper, T'ewter, Ac., taken iaexesarge
for manufactures or work.
Xifr'Ali would do well to call and examine before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Towandi, February 15. ICNS.1 C NS.
LOT T Fw IOO bMfo chot-- brands, super
fine -AMILY FT ?T' Ti ' Jusl - r V ,t"v' l° r vTn **
.ale - T retail! " fo!'T2 F ■■'LA A NFAINS.
KOCERIKS. —A lurqe,stock iust received
*_>' —cvjsistiag * Sugaie. Ten.
k~ Ac., of n; rlor quslltv for sc.'e at reduced rrir*e.