Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 14, 1855, Image 3

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    \ V MONEY MARKET. —The financial article
.. *t! u , post says : —The abundance of money
; nucs very scnsiby to increase. "Wednesday
' fii-rnoon, offerings of "money on loans, some
"vn at four per cent., were made very freely,
i with very little success. All the brokers
m ed to have money over, and the demand
f or jt on the decline.
Monev rates are easy at 5 to 6 jier cent, for
11 loan's : and at 6to 1 for discounts. The
; tin not find the applications for discounts
, . , r |v equal to their ability to lend.
Tlii' prices of wheat and flour continue to
p.,nee, and are not likely materially to
ij.vlhK' when the canals open in May. This is
it,,, time for seed-sowing, and we learn that in
w of the absence of adequate stocks re-
,fining from last harvest, a very enlarged
breadth of land in all parts of the West is
l„,j lur put under cultivation for corn and wheat.
The mluced price of labor and the high prices
i'nr all eereal produce, induce this additional
ai . t ; v iiv in agriculture, which can hardly be
W o much stimulated at present, as we are now
siitTering from the short crops of last year.—
Our high prices limit exports.
A FRAN KI.IN FIRE CO. NO. I.—The memlerH
' 1 Franklin Fire Company are notified to meet
'ijjjgrir', t the Engine house, on Thursday evening, April
* "jnth. at (I o'clock.
Ity order of the Foreman,
Ap! il 12. X". T. BOG ART, Secretary.
6 MASONIC.—The regular meetings of UNION
/\ LODGE. X<>. ins, A. Y. M., are held every Wed-
V jTnesday, on or preceding the lull moon, at Maso-
Hall, over Kingsbury's store.
,\U brethren in good standing are invited to attend.—
p , for April will occur on the 25th April.
H.!!. A. IN ION CHARTER, No. 101, holds its regular
v at the same place, Thursday on or before the full
, Meeting for April on the 26th day.
K. 11. MASON. Secretary.
| )[.ASTER. —-100 tons Cavugaground plas-
I ti i - 200 I-M-. White Stone Lime—lnO bbls. Extra
Towanda, April 10.1855.
"" leather thorough-braces, in good running j
I-, 1 '■A7 ~nler. nearly new, and for sale cheap on lib- ]
, terms. Call on Win. C. BOGART, Esq., who will ne- j
, i itii H -ale. 1). M. BULL. I
rmvaiiila. April 6, 1®5.. " li-44-3t. ]
, mors H. M. SKWAKII K. H. COOK.
i\. HEAVY ff SHELF HARDWARE, No's. 1 A :
Wuterst. Elinira, X. A'.
uv hive re- ititlv made large additions toonr extensive <
-! k. and have now on hand a complete assortment of ev- J
, l. -cripti')!! of Hardware, which we otter at the lowest I
- i,; ■ consisting of Mechanic's Tools, Building Ma- |
i, Iron and steel. Nails and spiko, Ropes and Cord- j
■ . I'aiitt-. < tils and Glass, Mill saws of every size and ;
- either Mulav Gang or Circular.
M.-chin.- Belting, of all widths. lxith of India Rubber A
itii.-r, Glas- at wholesale. AYe are prepared to supply j
V-r iiant, with Glass, Nails, scythes, Forks, Ac., at Man
: irturt-rs prices. Tin, sheet iron, and Copper work on j
ml or made to order.
roRTRAt TOR'S TGGl.S—Wheelbarrows, Ames' Sho-
Blasting I'owder. Ac.
\_-eiit-f--r Rich A IVilder's Patent .Salamander .S'afes. I
i lirCink's Platform Scales, and Welch A Griffith's Circu
lar saws.'e s'/cs up to fiO inch, always on hand and sold at |
1 -ry Prices. Particular attention paid to orders by
Ehnira, April 7, 1x56. _n-44-12m
!)KIN(i very desirous to get my books set
-3 thsl up. I have concluded to quit making accounts,
... -I -*!1 goons in tea Iter for liE AHA I'AA only, and with
it adopting tin- dodge of a new llrin, call on all those in- j
: t.-il i.i Sttllr 5* Pay up. Now, therefore, upon the rc
of my AVi" -tyring Hood*, say about the 1 th or 20th .
;.-L. I -lull commence the Ready Pay system ; and if I j
1 .1,.v 1- isiire. .-hall he after those Wun do not call and
srttle up. with a dwpatiek. O.D. BA UTLETT.
T -waiida, April 7. 1x55.
Important Scientific Ulscovery !
j) IT MAN'S rOLYTROI'HE, for lhildness '
13 and thinness of I lair, a magic restorative of the bu- j
iii hair on bald heads—removing and preventing dan- 1
and causing the hair to grow luxuriantly, and pre
iting it from turning gray. Containing no Alcohol or
liß of any kind.
This is the most valuable discovery for tin- purpose ever
•iirodu.ceil into this place. There are a number of gentle
i :i of this Borough, who have used it, and are willing to
-lify to its excellent restorative qualities. lam willing
- warrant it to give satisfaction to those using it accord
to directions.
For sale by S. COOPER. Burlier and Hair Dresser, in
basement of the Ward House, Towauila.
Towanda, March 28,1855*
To the Citizens of Bradford County.
J>ool\ RINDING.—S. WELLS respeet
-13 fully informs the inhabitants of Bradford Comity that
i---continues the lIOGK BINDING business, in the
' ige of Itinghamton, and is ready to attend to anything
bis line that may be entrusted to his care.
I'arti-uilar attention will be given to the binding of Mu
• Magazines, Law Books, Ac. Everything will be done
1>: aptly, and in the neatest and most durable manner.
t~ lim-l-ry in the Third Story, orer Messrs. Harriug
t-n-' store, opposite the Post Olfice.
A- there is no Bindery in Bradford county, for the
i aimiHluti-m of the public arrangements have been
su-leliy which Books left at the offiee of the " Bradford
trier" will be forwarded to me, and returned, witliout
i dm i-Xp-U-e.
Hiughaiuton, March 31, 15.75. n-42^
'' AT LAW, Tmr vvni, PA. Occupies the Office, in
h>-' 'lion Block, formerly owned by John C. Adams Esq.
s lb- will attend to procuring Bounty Land Warrants
ami IViisii-n-. March 22. 1855.
I>. LOODENOUGII respectfully in
•l • firms all those that are entitled to Land Warrants
i ti-W the act of March 3, 1855, that he is now prepared
" tii all necessary forms to meet every case, lie would
•" - iy to those who cannot conveniently come to Towan
't i.taat hy sending him a statement of the nature of their
J HI- he will make out the necessary papers that can lie
* nt-il l-v them liefore theTiearest Justice of the Peace.
•> " el also -ay, beware of travelling speculators.
H - term- are .io cents down, and $5 after the warrant
1 wj- Towanda. Man-li 21.1855.
jm&m SEMiffJMT.
I ils sclinit!, under the charge of the Mi-es HANSON,
I Ishl in the north end of the Ward House, in the
■ i ir'in-riy o'.-luiieil l-v Uiporte, Mason A Co.
'MAW || \\S'IN wiil join her sisters ih afewdays
1 ''dure will give instruction in the French language
>- ax SI hool.
t "-' h'H)| year will consi-t of four quarters, of eleven
r l ' ' n, ° sunnncr vacation commencing in July,
' sing in iH'ptenibor.
/. rt , . TERMS, PEII qrARTER :
■a I--include the elementary English i tc 00
.5,,.; , the of the laitin language,)
' , " To include the more advanced stu- f
" R'gli-h brandies, with Mathematics, - #9 00
7,,' a;' .( ' ,i "l>' "f Latin and French,. I
, T - include .Mathematics. Mental i
'1 -r.ii Phil,, ophv. Rhetoric, Botany, Ac., sl2 00
; '' n hatiu and French, I
( P'u-i! -„ il| bring with her a desk and chair. There
ao extra charges whatever.
ir ", bi-truction on tlie Piano, with use of instrn
. "hi Is: given hy Miss RMBKCCA I>. HANSON, at $lO
. . ' rt *' r - a "'l as soon as arrangements now in progress
wh-d.a in vocal music will lie formed.
! | . * s "it Rhetoric. Moral and Intellectual Philo
-1 higher branches of English composition,
"I ne delivered once or twice in each week.
I---. . the T, a, hers will tie to impart a thorough
-hulies pursned. anil to give a tone and
" to their School which will recommend it to the
T , l '"' community.
T :,.,.,"i' x ' y ,Jr tcr will commence on Monday, April 30.
. av ''''' cch rto the following named gcntle
u{- Ai/INZO I'OTTKK, Bishop of the Diocese of
m-iiMiiliia : Rev. Dr. MACI.EAN, Presidentof the
11. i,' 'W .lersi-v, Princeton.
*j|, ViLgOT, (',. F. Masox, Esq., C. L. WARD,
2 I- ';, {;l :mi: S.vNDKiUiOX, D, I, IIAKSTOW, ES-i.,
, U ,; NS ' T °wanU.u
" rrh 21, i-,
I I ' ''l b!— ioq 1,1,15. choice brands, super
r u 'l[,\ n OPR, just received, for sale wholt
""''o tvhl'J BAILEY k N'EVIN'S,
Nero 3lbDertiscments.
W A ai wa .\9t
"U ... ilt/H u3889r r ■ T T
SEALED PROPOSsA 1/5 wi" he received at the office of
" The Barclay Railroad and Coal Company," in Tow
anda. Bradford County, Pa., until SATURDAY, the 14th of
April next, for the graduation, masonry, bridging, cross
ties, Ac., of about sixteen miles of Rail Road, extending
from Towanda to the Coal mines, in Frankliu Township.
linns. Specifications and profiles will lie exhibited at
the office for three (lavs previous to the day of letting.
The work will la* allotted either in separate sections of
alsiwt one mile each, or the whole in a single contract as
shall be determined alter the bids are opened.
THOS. T. WIERMAN, Engineer.
March 22,1855.
/^AUTlOX—.Whereas, niy husband, Lester
x J Morton, who advertised his wife, a few weeks since,
set forth a false statement, as his wife was at home at the
time, and was done for the purpose and as a pretext to
squander my property ; I therefore forbid all persons har
boring or trusting him on my account, as 1 will pay no
debts of his contracting after this date.
Burlington. March 21, 1855.
rAß.csß.ft, Attention i
Plant your Corn economically and scientifically!
TER. patented September 5, 1854, costs ONLY'
THREE DOLLARS, and is therefore within tlie means of
every man who plants half an acre of ground. It is sim
ple in its construction, and executes its work with accura
cy and despatch on various kinds of soil.
Unlike other planters, it has no gearing to get out of
repair, but is carried in the hand like a cane, and can be
worked up hill or down; as well as on level ground.plant
ing as much ground in a day as five men can with hoes.—
It may also lie used to plant beans, as it can le guaged to
drop as few or as many kernels as desired. It is meeting
with unprecedented success everywhere it is introduced,
having beeu presented at several Agricultural fairs, and
always without exception received the highest premium,
being the best and cheapest implement of the kind in use.
The undersigned, having purchased the right of selling
the saiil Planters in Bradford county, will canvass the
county in April, at which time he will supply those who
wish, or dispose of Town Rights to an v who wish to pur
chase. jAS. B. SY'KKS.
Owego, March 22,1855,
V_y Nos. 29, 31, and 33 Beckman st. New Y'ork.
Tho undersigned beg to inform the trade that they have
recently issued their .Veto Quarto Specimen, and that it is
now ready for delivery to their old patrons, as well as to
all who patronize their Foundry.
In it will lie found a new series of Faces from Pearl to
Pica, surpassing if possible, their celebrated series of
Scotch cut faces.
The Fancy Ti/pe department exhibits sin unsurpassable
variety of beautiful styles, selected from France, Germany
and England.
The Scripts and Bordering are now for the first present
ed to the printing public, and are the productions ol' the
Iest European and American Artists.
An entire New Series of German Faces, Imtli for News
Paper and Job Printing, of a very superior style, is now
nearly completed and for sale.
The Metal from which our type is made, will be found
peculiarly adapted to the SUVEHK USAGE of Machine Press
They beg to return thanks for past favors, and to solicit
a continuance. Their well known liberal manner of doing
business for the past thirty years, is a guarantee to their
new patrons of their disposition, and ability not to allow
themselves to lie surpassed for fair dealing, whether orders
are by letter or otherwise.
N. H. Proprietors of newspapers are requested to insert
the above, provided they will trade out three times the
amount of their respective bills in materials of our manu
facture. and forward us one copy of the paper containing
the advertisement. 6t41
r HARVEY I'll INN Y, Jr. } is just re
• eeivirig a general assortment of SPRIJVH GOODS
which he offers to the public for unusually low prices, for
Ready pay. As he is determined to sell Gftods after the
Ist of April for READY PAY', or keep them, persons wish
ing to pay cash for goods will find it for their interest to
coll and examine liis stock and prices.
fta'All persons indebted to me by book, note or judg
ment, on the Ist of April next, unless some satisfactory
arrangement is made, will be waited upon bv a gentlemaii
In authorily. 3. H. I*. Jr.
Towanda. March 14, 1855.
ft I" A (J E S will hereafter
the Ward House, until further
FOR YVAY'ERI.Y—Leave at 11 o'clock, A.M., arriving
in time to take the trains, east and west, la-are alter the
arrival of the morning trains, from the east and west.
FOR TUXKHANNOCK—Leave immediately upon the
arrival of the Waverley stage, about 1, P. M. Arrive at
Towamla, in time to connect with the stage for Waterly.
March 17,1835. SMITH & POWELL, Proprietors.
SHTTDER BOUSE, Waverly, N. If.
I AMES \VHITTAKER respectfully informs
•J the travelling public that lie has taken tlie above well
known stand, situated near the Railroad Depot, and soli
cits a share of custom. The House is convenient and com
modious. and he is determined that no pains and attention
to the wants anil comforts of guests shall be spared to give
entire satisfaction. March 15,1855.
FRESH GROCERIES, of all kinds just
received at MOX'TANY'ES A CO.
I FATHER, Pork, Codfish, Mackerel, ami
I j WhiteFfeh, for sale cheap at PHIN'NEY'S.
The Suspuchanna Collegiate Institute.
REV. SAMUEL F. COLT, Principal, Professor of Natu
ral, Mental and Moral Science ;
REV. JAMES Mi WILLIAM. A. M., Professor of Ancient
Languages and Belles L-ttrcs ;
CHARLES R. CO BURN, A. M., Professor of Mathema
tics and Master of Normal School ;
E. ALBERT LUDWIG, A. M-, Professor of Modern lan
guages, Instructor on the Piano and in Drawing ;
Mrs. MARTHA A. DAYTON. Preceptress j
The Spring Term of 1855 will commence on Wed
nesday, April 4th. The Academic will comprise 3 terms.
Tuition in the Fifth class, (primary) per term,.... $4 00
" Fourth,... 5 00
Third 6 00
" Second 7 00
First 9 00
French, German. Spanish or Italian, each 5 00
When taken without other branches 7 00
Drawing 3 00
Ornamental needlework and embroidery,each 3 00
Tuition on Piano Forte with use of instrument,. . 12 00
do uo per quarter of 11 weeks,.... 10 00
Oil painting ih landscapes, per term 8 00
do figures 10 00
Room rent for lodgers 1 75
Contingent fund for each pupil, 38
Board in Hall, per week, 1 73
Washing, per dozen 38
Fuel and light at the actual expense.
Pupils hoarding in the Hall will fjirnish their own bed.
bedding, towels, Ac., and the table silver at their option.
No pupil taken for less than half a term. The bills for
the term must be paid in advance ; or one half thereof at
their entrance, and the remaining half at the expiration ol
tlie term.
Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the obser
vance of the Regulations, and none will be admitted on
other terms.
Especial exercises are arranged without extra charge
for those-qualifying themselves as teachers for common
For classification of studies and text-books, see circu
lars. for which apply to ('. L. M ARD, President.
S. F. COLT, Sec. f24 J. I>. MONTASYK. Treasurer.^
\\f AGON'S A SLEIGIIS.—Two or three
H of each for sale cheap at PHINXKY'S.
\J quantity or each just received and for sale by
February 7, 1855. .?• POWELI*
OLD SOLDIERS ! Prepare for a fight trifh
Speculators. and Beware of them' The Bounty land
bill, giving 160 acres of land to those who served in the
war of 1812, or any war since 1790. has passed, and nil
persons entitled to snch lands should call at once upon J.
E. CANFIEI.I), Athens, Bradford county, Pa., who be
sides having the law and the requisite forms, has had much
experience m obtaining land warrants, Ac., and will do it.
for old Soldiers, their Widows and Minor children, far just
what it is worth io do the business.
The bill provides land for persons of all grades, by land
or sea, inducting Indians, wagoners and flotilla men. who
have served in the wars sinre !7!H); 100 acres in all io each
nersfln who has served not less than 14 dnvft, except aetu
ally in battle for a shorter period. The widows or
children, to receive the benefit in cat-c of the death of the
persons so entitled. The widows, officers and soldiers of
the revolutionary war to tie entitled to the benefit of this
act, as well as volunteers at the invasion of PlftttsburjT in
i Sentemlier, 1*14 The at the attack of
! town, Delaware, in 1812 and 1815, and the Chaplatns who
served in the several wars. l*ost-paid eommunications
, promptly attended to. J. E. CAN HELD.
Pension and Bounty Pand Agent-.
I Athens, Bradford Co., Hp., Mafrh 6,1856.
SHERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of sundry
writs of Fieii Fa il a issued out of the court of coni
-111 m plena of Bra,lf ;rd county, and tome directed, will be
•xoosed to public sale, as the Court House, in tlie'ooro. of
Towanda, on SATURDAY the otli day of MAY, 1b.35, at
1 o'clock P. R., the followiug lot, piece or parcel of land
situate in the town'hip of Leßoy, bounded aud described
as follows, to wit: on the north by lands of Edmund Kel
ly, ea-.t hy lands of Alplia Stone, south hy the Towanda
creek, and west by lands belonging to the estate of Ira
Crofut—containing about 47 acres more or less, about 30
improved, a framed house, log l-r.ra and uu orchard of
fruit trees thereon/
Seized and taketi in execution at tlie sufr of Charles T.
Merry vs. Truman Merry.
ALSO —The following descrilied lot, piece or parcel of
land, situate in Pike twp., bounded on the north by lands
of Stephen H. Canlield, east and south by lands of B. Bluek
inan, aud west by the public highway. Containing one
acre and a lialf more or less, with a framed dwelling house,
a framed shoe shop, and outbuildings aud some fruit trees
. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Shelden
Payne vs. Orriu Moore.
JOHN A. CODMXO, Sheriff.
Towanda, March 28, 1855.
SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry
writs of Vend. Exponas, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Bradford County, and to me directed,
will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the
borongh of Towanda, on MONDAY", the 7th day of May,
1855. at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described lot, piece
or parcel of land situate in Pike township, bounded as fol
lows to wit: North hy lands of Thomas Jones 3d, East
A South by lands of Richard Ashtou, and west by lands of
Hcinan Cogswell. Containing tifty-two acres, inoreorless,
about forty-two acres improved, with one log house,
anil framed barn, and a framed corn-house, and an orchard
of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Caleb Car
malt vs. Thomas Morris.
ALSO —The following lot, piece or parcel of land, situ
ate in Franklin twp., bounded and described as follows, to
wit: east by lands of \Vesley Anderson, south by unseat
ed lands.warrantee name unkuown.westbv lands of D.An
derson, north by the public highway on the south side of
Towanda Creek; containing about twenty-two acres m<ux
or less, all improved, one framed house, one framed barn, i
and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Harriet A. i
Mercur, vs. Oliver Rockwell.
ALSO—The following descrilied lot. piece or parcel of \
land situate in Wysox twp., bounded on the north by lands •
of Charles Newell, east by lands of Win. Carl, south hy
the state road, and west by lauds of Curtis Frink dee'd.— '
Containing 25 acres more or less, with about seven aores i
improved, a log house, a small log barn, aud a few small '
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Stephen
Yougtit vs. < leorge Bump.
ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of ]
land, situate in Orwell township, bounded as follows :
north by the north line of Orwell township, east by lands 1
of Harry Billings ant! Sidney Brninard,south by lands of j
J. I). Newell and Humphrey Beckwith, aud west by the ;
public highway. Containing ninety acres be the same
more or less, about forty acres improved, with one framed ■
houses framed barn and one orchavd of fruit trees thereon. !
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Henry Gibbs
vs. Sewell S. Latlirop and Simon B. laithrop.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land, situate in Troy twp.. bounded on the North by lands j
of Horace Long, east by lands of Timothy Roe. south by j
lands of J. W. Williams and O. P. Ballard and west by land
of Putnam Baxter. Containing 100 acres more or less, j
about 25 acres improved, one framed house, one framed j
liaru with a board shed attached, and an orchard of fruit 1
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. C. Paine j
vs. John Sadler.
ALSO—The following descrilied lot, piece or parcel of |
land situate in the tmvnsliip of Herrick, bounded on the j
north by lands of A. It. Brown, east by lands of X. B. Wet- j
more, south by lands of George Perkins and west by lands
of Nelson M arsli-Jt "ontai 11 ing alsiut three-fourths of an acre
more or less, all improved, with a framed house, a black- !
smith shop anil a few small fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at tlie suit of John H.
Bogart vs. Yolney I). Rosengnuit.
A i-SO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in Ulster township, bounded on the north hy
tlid highway leading from Milan corners in Ulster, to
Sinithfield, on the east by Darius Myers,on the south and
west by lands of < 'harles F. Welles. Jr. < 'ontaining about j
two acres m-ire or less, all improved, with a framed two
story dwelling house, one framed barn and a board shed j
attached aud a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wm. M'Car
ty vs. Butler Vincent.
A I/SO—The folluwing described lot. piece or parcel of
land, situate in Rome twp., 1 smutted on the North by land j
of Emeline Struble and Hiram Drake, east by lands of H.
Drnke, south by lands of Lucius Eastman, and west by the
highway. Containing 22 acres antt 27 perches, 1-C tlie same
more or less, about fourteen acres improved, one framed ;
house, one framed barn and a framed blacksmith shop and j
a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Hiram Drake j
now to the use of John Drake vs. Silas Gore.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of j
land, situate in Franklin twp., bounded oil the north ly j
the Towanda creek,on the east by lands of Charles Yv.
Stevens, on the south hy lands —on the west by ,
lands of Wm. Williams." Containing one hundred and thir
ty acres be the same more or less, about 40 acres improv
ed. one framed house, one framed building used for a barn i
and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. K. Fow- j
ler to the use of It Fowler vs Ransom Payne.
ALSO—the following descrilied lot, piece or parcel of
land, situate in the township of Wells, boui.d -<1 on the j
north by lands of John Moore, west by lauds of Benjamin j
ingalls'john Rolierts antt Humphrey Williams, south by j
lands of John Roberts, east by lands of Geo. Wilcox and I
Wm. lugalls. Containing about S7i acres, more or less, j
atsmt 8 acres improved, one board liouse ami small board
sited thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles lu
galls vs. Nehemiah Hathbone.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel o'' land sitn
atc in the twp. of South Creek. Itoundcd on the north by
lands of Mahalou Herrick,west by land of Wm.Ward,south
by the highway leading from South Creek to Wells, and
east by lands of Alexander Itelyae. Containing about 106
acres more or less, 20 acres improved, one framed house,
one framed barn and some fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Luther
Whitmarsh to the use of Win. S. Ingalls vs. John Watson.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land, situ- j
ate in Athens twp., bounded on the north by lands of !
James Thompson, ea-t by lands of J. I'. Sattcrlee. jr., on 1
the south by the road leading from Athens to Litchfield
and lands of John F. Sutterlee, jr.. on the west by
lands of Julius Tozcr. Containing titty acres uioreor
less, ail improved, one framed house,one framed barn, one
framed hor. e -lied and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Solomon
Cumniings, adrn'r. of Clark Rice, deceased vs. James M.
Tozer. |
ALSO—The following descrilied lot. piece or parcel of |
land situate iu Burlington boro., bounded as follows|
Beginning at the centre of the turnpike, thence south 51 j
(leg., west 16 5-10 perches to a post; thence north 22 dcg. j
west 10 7-10 perches to a post; thence north 31 3-4 dcg. '
west 7 8-10 perches to the centre of tlie state road: thence j
north 54 deg. east 12 4-10 perches to the point where the ;
turnpike and state road intersect each other; thence south
3 i deg. east 17 9-10 perches to the place of beginning.—
Containing one acre and 92 perches, more or less, (except
ing therefrom two pieces of land, one conveyed to Coryell
and Gee bv L. D. Taylor and wife, containing 9 aud 5-10
perches, tfie other couveyed hy 11. I'ultz to Win. Coryell,
63 perches) all improved, with a two story framed tavern
bouse and a framed shed attached, two framed Imrus and
other out-buildings and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution ai the suit of U. Mercur,
Wm. F.lwell nnd J. 11. l'hiuney jr., vs. John 11. Furmau.
ALSO—A certain lot. piece or parcel of land situate in
Ridgbury twp., hounded on tho north by lands belonging
to the heirs of John Buck, deceased, west by lands ot M.
and L. Chamberlin,south by lauds of Win. Fierce and I'ar
vine Covell, east by lands* of Wiu. Easton. Containing
about sixtv acres, more or less, about 50 acres improved ;
one saw mill, one framed or pUmk house, one log house,
one framed barn, and a few iruittrees thereon.
Seized and taken ill execution at tlie suit of Abirani
Pierce's use vs. Abncr Graves.
ALSO —The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Windham tp., bounded on the the north by lands
belonging to the e-tate of James Deniore-t, dee'd.. on the
east by lauds of Frederick Jakewav. on tlie south by \Y.
L. Hartshorn, and on the we-t by lands of James Smith.
Containing 85 acres, more or less, about 15 acres improv
ed, one framed house, one framed barn, and a young or
chard fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the s.uit or Asa Park
vs. Milton Wood. , , ,
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Wysox twp., bounded on the north by lands of J.
E. V J. K. Piolett, west hy ! mils in possession of llogline.
on the south by lands of Alvin Whitney, and on the east
by lands of Permeutis A Naptha Woodburn — containing
afiout thirty-five acres more or less; about, twenty acres j
improved. , '
Seized and taken ill execution at the suit of Myer and
Spalding now to the use of W. A. Park vs. Alvauson \\ hit
Ut ALSO—The defendants interest,supposed to be the undi
vided one-seventh part, of the following 1 f, 4, piece or par
cel of land, situate in Ulster twp., bounded on the north
by lands of Ira Elsbrce. on the cast by lands of Darnel
Parker A Kpbraim Minior, on the south by lands ot Henry
Smith A Abraham Minier, and on the west by lands of Kb
enezer Kccler A Jesse Spalding. Containing about three
hundred and fifty acres, more or less; about sixty acres
improved, one framed h .use, one log house, two framed
barns one saw mill, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ot Welles and
Harris vs. Andrew Burnside.
AI SO—The followiug decrtbed piece or parcel of land,
situate in Franklin twp bounded as follows: On the
north bv lands of Samuel Annablc and John McDowell,
on Uie oast and west by lands of Horace WUky and on
the south bv Towanda Creek—containing about 100 acres
be the same more or less, about twenty-five acres improv
ed, aue framed house, one blacksmith shop, and a small
orchard of fruit trees thereon. . , .
Seized and taken in execution at the en it of LcGrand
Banoraft to the use of John C. Adams vs. ™ in. h. 'ore.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land titr
ate iu South Tuwanda <uow Towanda township.) bounded
Ccgal Slboertiebmcnte.
j as follows : on the north by lands of Edward Overton aud
C. Moore's lot. on the east by lands of Willi.imaud MicLirl
I Dreslain, on the south by laud* of Hiram Fox and Hiram
j MeGill and lands belonging to the estate of Benj. Wilcox,
| dee'd., and on the west by lands of Dennis MeGill—con
. taicing about 125 acres more or less, about twenty-five
j acres improved, one framed house, one framed burn, and
a few fruit trees thereon.
I Sluiced and taken in execution at the suit of Wm. M.
I Runt ban gh to the use of Edw. Overton vs. James Nestor
I and Edward Welch, doing business in the name of Nestor
I A Welch. Also at the suit of James Dewew to the use of
j Edward Overton vs. James Nestor and Edw. Welch doing
I business in the name of Nestor A Welsh.
| ALSO—The following described lut, piece or parcel of
: land situate in Albany twp., bounded on the north by
j lands belonging 4o the estate of 11. Ladd, dee'd., on the
j east by other improved lands —warrantee unknown—on
the south by lands of S. Wilcox, J. Jackson and others,
on the south-west by lands of Jacob Heverly, and on the
west by lands of C. Maloney, I>. English ami M. Kellogg ;
contain# about 4<o acres, more or less; known as the
Itollin Wilcox lot.
ALSO—One other lot piece or parcel of land situate in
Albany twp.,bounded on the north by lands of Augustus
Kterigor, east by lands of John Stcriger and I Morris or
unseated lands, south by lauds of Wm. Sharp, and west by
Elijah Green aud D. Orrrrsby; containing about 100 acres
more or less, about 15 acres improved. Known as the
Freeman Wilcox lot.
ALSO—One other lot piece or parcel of land situate in
Alluin v twp.-. hounded on the north by lands lately deeded
to R. f{. Carpenter, by K. Wilcox, east bv unseated lands;
warrantee's name unknown, south by lands J. Jackson
and Win. Sharp, and west by D. Orinsby and Wm. Sharp;
containing about 75 acres, more or less, about 15 acres im
proved ; one log house, one long barn, and a few fruit
trees thereon. Known as the James Wilcox lot.
Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of J. Wilcox,
i now assigned to John C. Mereereau vs. R. It. Carpenter.
Sheriff's Office, j
j Towanda, March 31, 1855. j
4T Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to the
I costs, will be required to be paid upon each sale when
i down to the bidder, and upon failing to comply with thb
| regulation, tract of land will again be offered for sale.
LIST OF J ERORS, drawn for MAY Term
and Sessions, 1855.
Arnout G. W.. Durell, lMorrow J. H. Asylum,
Ardway, Wm. Burlington tp. Merrill Cyrus, Litchfield,
Brainard A. Litchfield, Blunter D. W. Athens tp.
Boamont IV. Herrick. Barker J. S. Rome,
Chandler Spencer, Litchfield Barry Wm. Athens tp.
Deifenboeker C. Overton, Quiinby J. L. Albany,
Foster J. M. Canton, ltoss J. 11. Granville,
Gates Herrick. Springfield. Smiley T. T. Franklin,
Hopkins J. K. Troy b.iro', Stevens Seth, Albany,
Kilenberger M. Wilmot, Shores Stephen, Sbeshequin, j
Lilley George, Canton, Vaneise Samuel, do i
M'Kinney D. Litchfield, Westbrook 11. Stand'g Stone. :
Adams Joel. Springfield, |Horton Win. B. Sbeshequin, •
Adams Jaincs, Troy boro', j Iveeler N. J. Towanda Boro",
Brink Stephen, l'ike, I Kinney W. W. Rome,
Bahcock J. B. (*. Windham, Lewis Elisha, Wyalusiug, j
Ballard J. A. P. Troy boro', i Morse Woman, Litchfield,
Bloodgood C. Litchtield, Moody John A. Rome,
Bosworth 1.. L. Pike, Overton W. H. Athens boro'
Chamberlin John, Smithlleld Bieree Amos Troy Tp.
Coleman O. P. Ridgbury, Quick Riley, Asylum,
Catlin George, Granville, Rogers H. lb Ulster,
Floyd Holmes, Wells, Rockwell Nirain, Canton,
French Chas. Springfield, Scott Ansel. Smithlleld,
l-'oss A. D. Lc lfiiy, Smith Whitfield, Tuscitroro,
Gerould Sam'l. W.Sniithfield Spencer G. W. Windham,
Gilbert Richard. Durell, Wilcox Freeman, Albany,
Griswohl 11. A. Lelloy, Williams Johnson, Trov, Tp.
Heaverly James, Overton, Wilcox Daniel, Granville,
Harris X. C. Athens Broro', Ward Henry, Burlington Tp.
AHyn Seneca, Warren, Halsted W. S. Ridgbcry,
Brown A. G. Springfield. Hiney Timothy, Rome,
Barnes John N. l'ike, Hodge James,"l'ike,
Ballard Chas. H. Columbia, Kinyon C. H. Granville,
Briece Henry, Windham, Looniis Josiah, Canton,
Bull Edward", Orwell, London G. W. Herrick,
Bailey Alun-on, Granville, Lantz Wm. Franklin,
Brown Elijah M. Hidgbery, Marsh Isaac, Herrick,
Codding David S. l'ike, (Newell John W. C'anton,
Callan Warren, Springfield.] l'ratt L. A. Monroe,
Dutton A. R.Smitiifield, Redington G.F. Troy Tp.
Dewitt Morgan, Burlington,(stone Hi rain | Wilmot,
Dodd Harrison. " Ktalford J. 11. Asylum,
Bonl Edwin. Bike, . (Stephens George, l'ike,
Gardner l)arid, Athens Tp. Shepard L. C. Armenia,
Gordon John, Standing Stone Smith Henry, Ulster.
Gorharn Julius, Orwell, (Titus Oliediah. Herrick,
Grace Addison. Springfield,| Wood Daniel. Troy Tp.
rpRIAL LIST, for MAY Term, I
A Bradford County Court.
John M. Bike, George L. Nichols, Appeal.
David Barber. folin Snyder, do j
William Sample, i'eter Wilbcr, issue.
David Barber, Stephen It. Chandler, |Sei. Fa.
Sarah Ogden, W. H. H. Brown et al. Ejectment.
Robert Metteer, Dan!. Wilber et al. Trespass.
George Fritehep, A. H. Tozer et al. Appeal.
Jonathan Boyel, Austin Karnsworth, Ejectment.
Geo. W. Marsh, J. F. Chani'ierlin et al. do
John Dougherty, \. J. Gorsline et al. Issue.
Wyllis Christie, Simon Stevens, '.Case.
William N. Coleman, John H Brace, Appeal.
Wm. Kid's use, R. L. McGeorge, do
Lyman Kiff , \. C. Moore, Case.
Wood, Grant ACo use William Coolbaugh 2d, Sci. Fa.
James Simmons, Edgar Barnes, Act. lleiid'd.
John Allen, Elliott Whitney, Trespass.
Chester Thomas, On hi I'. Ballard, Case.
Jacob Reel, Francis H. Arnold, Appeal.
Jno. Towlinson ACo Benj. It. Slade's Adrn's. Debt.
J. B. Clark. E. I>. Luther, Appeal.
William Coonrod. S. S. Hiuman Garnishee Attach't Ex
J. F. Satterlec et al.'Guy Tozer, Ejeetiueut.
William E. Gore, Collins M. Segar, Sci. Fa.Bail.
Ruliff Campbell. Wm. Campliell, Sci. Fa.
Edward Herrick. ( has. F. Welles jr. et al Ejectment.
David Barber. iJosiali Hendcrshot, Sci. Fa.
Cornelius liun-iker, Win. R. Haynes et al. Trespass.
Andrew C. Craig, John Flood, Debt.
Erastus Lovett, .Joseph Secly, Ejectment.
Henry D.Emery etal. Ilarvy B. Ingham, Eebt.
W. Bradley ACo. Daniel H. Crane, Case.
Luther Reillield jr. Ilarvy B. Ingham, Debt.
Same, Same, do
F. L. Ballard, 11. N. Fisher et al. do
Horace Williston jr. J< remiah Driscoll ct al.]Ejectment.
Heruiaii W. Camp, Richard Horton etal. (Appeal.
E. W. Ilaird, John M. Fox, Ejectment.
John Eighmey, Win.Lawyer, (Appeal.
M. C. Mercur, State Mut 1 Fire Ins.Co.(Debt.
James A. I'aine, John Hanson, Case.
Rogers Fowler, O. Schrader, I Appeal. |
A. D. Brown, same, do
H.N. Tcrrett 4C0..j Richard Brower, (Debt.
Luke Ferkins, j lames Philips, Appeal.
Margaret Roberts, John Rogers, |Ejectment.
John Rogers, \!J.y Ann Swain, j do
Welles & Harris, !J. L. Vausice, Sci. Fa.
Chas. J. French, Marvilla Watson, Ejectment.
Jacob Tome, Rogers Fowler, Case.
Henry Craminond, Russell Spalding, Ejectment.
I'a. Lunatic Hospital Overs'rs poor of Frank- Debt.
Thomas Butler, E. lforton, [lin tp. Sei.Fa.SurM
Hiraut I L ilians, same ct al. Appeal.
Ezra Spalding. Brown .V Rockwell, Ejectment.
F. A. Saxton A Go. iohii Taylor, . fruspass.
Wm. H. Russell, Job Dean, Ejectment.
Geo. M. Ifollenback. Hannah Benjamin et-al- d >
Clark Hyatt, jA. Motley A Brothers, \ppeal.
Adam K--e!iwine, I'. A G. H. Gorsline. do
H. S. l'hinney's use. M. M. Coolbaugh, d<
Mark Coiuptoii, Lewis E. Gibbs. do
McCoy Craig, Thus A Isabel Craig. do
Abraliaiu ti.Garrison Samuel Schotield et al. do
David Burt, David llaperoan ct al. Sri.Fa. Bail.
Alx. Kreuer A Co. I Wm. Campbell, Debt.
Abby Ann Rogers, . ;illicit Rogers. Divorce.
Bt. Kingsbery's use /.elealon KsseLstinc, S< i. Fa. AT.
I*. J. IH'Caters. jinnies Kllsworlh, Ejectment.
B. Greenwood ACo.j Wm. Campbell, Debt.
Davis C. l'ieree, Joseph Edmlnslcr, Sci. Fa. M.
Fetor 11. Sturdcvant .'Geo. O. Kile, j Appeal.
James Friteller, (John Snyder, Case.
H.F.Burt, 1 Keiiotver Wonnlcy, (Appeal.
WK TI.Tn OF PENNSVI.VANIA : Bradford County, ss.
To the Sheriff of Bradford County, Greeting : We'com
'— maud you that you attach OWEN DOUGHERTY
i.. s. late of your county, by all and singular his goods
—• and chatties, lands and tenements, monies, rights
and credits, iu whose hands or possession soever the same
may be, so that lie be and appear before our court of com
mon pleas, to be hidden at the borough of Towanda, in and
[ for said county, on the first Monday of May next, there to
answer James ilcKenna, of a pica of assumpsit, damages
not exceeding one hundred dollars, and that you summon
and all persons in who-e hands or possession the said
goods, chatties, monies, rights and credits, or any of them
may he attached, so that they and every of them be and
appear before said court, at the day and place aforesaid,
to answer what shall be objected against them, and abide
the judgment of the Court therein; and have you then
and there t his writ.
Witness the Honorable DAVID WILMOT, President of our
said court, at the Borough of Towanda aforesaid, the 21st
day of March, A. D. 1855.
ALLEN McKEAN, Prothonotary.
I certify the above to be a true copy of the original writ.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March 22, 1855.
! \J els Clover aud Timothy Seed, just received, and for
jby sale _ fe1.21 BAILEY A NEVENS.
I _L\ just onsumg at MONTANYEij ic CO.
I Ma .eb 1 , V'JO-
£egal SViroerttseineiitP.
ia hereby given that all persons Indebted to the es
tate of A. P. BILES, deceased, late of Wyalaring
township, t-> make immediate payment, and all persons
having demands agVm-t said estate, will present them du
ly authenticated for settlement.
Adn,i,i ' istrator -
April 14,1855.
JJL is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of RON AXA VAN'W RINkLK, deceased, late of Pike
twp., are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present (hern duly autlieuticaled for settlement.
GRIDLEY, Administrator.
Orwell, February 17. 1 *56.
IP XECI'TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice h here
-J by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of
HORATIO GAM A OK. deed, late ot Burlington twp., are
hereby requested to make payment without delay; and
all persons having claims against said estate will please
present theui duly authenticated for settlement.
JULIA GAMAGE, Eiecutor!4
PERRY B. PRATT. f tx e cuwr!4 -
February 17, ISSS.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the matter of
; -I V the estate of P. I>. Havens, deceased. In the Or
| plums' Court of Bradford County. The undersigned Au
j ditor appointed by the said Court to distribute the pro
ceeds of the sale of real estate of wild decedent, in the
hands of his administrators, will attend to the duties of
his appointment at his office in Towanda borough, on Sat-
I urdav the 7th dny of April. A D 1855, at 10 o'clock A. M.
at tv!ii' - h time and place all persons interested are reques
ted to present their claims, or l*e forever debarred from
said funds. G. 11. W ATKINS, Auditor.
Towanda. February 20. l'sj j.
I~\ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of 1101.1 \KR PALMER, deceased, late of Canton tp,
are hereby requested to make payment without delay:
and ail persons having claims agaiust said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
THEitESK.Y PALMER, Administratrix.
Canton/March l. 1855.
a V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of BEX J A.UI.V 15. SLADE deceased, late of Columbia
twp, are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; and ail |>ersons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
March 1. 1555. MIAL P SLADE, Administrator.
"VrOTKTJ. The <Tommiouotters of Bctdfwd
A. 1 County have fixed upon the following daya and dates
respectively, for holding APPEALS, viz
Towanda borough. Burlington township and borough.
North and South Towanda, Ulster and Wilmot, on Thurs
day. February 15.
Canton, Franklin.Granville, Herrick. Leroy and Wysox
on Monday. February If.
Orwell, Pike. Rome, Sbeshequin, Tuscarora, Wyalutonj,
Warren and Windham, on Tuesday, February 70.
Columbia. Overton. Hidgberry, Stnithllelil. Springfield.
South Creek and Sylvania borough, on Wednesday, Feb
ruary 71.
Athens township, Athpns borough. Albany, Asylum,
Armenia,Durell. Litchfield and Standing Stoue on Thurs
day, February 22.
Monroe. Troy township and borough, and Wells, on Fri
day, February 23.
e'i'The Assessors will he punctual in delivering the no
tices to the taxables, and in making their returns in per
son on the day designated in their warrants, at which time
and place the Board of Revision will attend and hear all
such as think themselves aggrieved by said assessment,
and make such deductions and alterations as to them may
seem just. 15y order of the Commissioners,
Feb. 7, 1855. _ E. M. FARRAR, Clerk.
V. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of C. P. PHILIPS dee'd., late of Burlington tp..are
hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all
persons havinging claims against said estate will please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
J. M. PHILIPS, Administrator.
February 3. 1855.
I N THE MATTER of the Partition of the
1 Ileal Estate of Harney Wilier, deceased.—'Soitice is
hereby given to all persons interested in the partition of
the real estate of Barney Webljer, deceased, late of the
Township of Troy, to come into Court on the first day of
next term, (being the 7th day of May next, at 2 o'clock,
P. M., to accept or refuse the estate which was appraised
by the Jury of inquest upon said estate, on the fin day of
January. 1*55. JAMES 11. WEBB, Clerk of O. C.
Towanda. March Hi. 1855.
J.X is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of ALEXANDER HAND, dee'd. late of Windham
twp.. are requested to make payment without delay ; and
those having demands against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
MARTIN ELSBREE, Administrator.
March 28. 1855.
\ EDITOR'S NOTlCE.— lathe mailer of
the rstafe of John Covles. deceased —ln the Orphans
Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, Auditor
appointed upon exceptions tiled to the final account of the
administrators of said estate, w ill atteud to the duties of
his appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda,
on the 23d day of April. 1855, at 2 o'clock. I'. M. All per
sons intere-ted will please take notice.
March 2:;. 1855. P. D. MORROW. Auditor.
4 EDITOR'S NOTICE.—A T . Mil,Ml vs.
fx A. r. f>. Teed. —In the Court of Common Pleas of
Bradford Conniv; No. 33fi, May T. 1854.
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by said court to
distribute funds raised by Sheriffs sale of defendant's real
estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at
his office in the borough of Towanda, on Saturday, the
21st day of April, 1855, at 2 o'clock, P. M., when and
where all persons having claims upon said fund must pre
sent them, or be forever debarred from the same.
March 21, 1855. P. 1). MORROW, Auditor.
\ EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In tie matter of
the estate of Rachel Cranmer, deceased. In the Or
phan's Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by said Court to
distribute funds in ihc hands of the Administrator of the
estate of Rachel Cranmer, dee'd.. will attend to the duties
of his appointment at his office in the borough of Towan
da. on Monday, the 30th day of April, 1855. at 1 o'clock,
P. M.. when aiul where all persons are reqne-ted to present
their claims, or be forever debarred from anv share of said
funds. D'A. OVERTOX,
Towanda. March 24,1855. Auditor.
l J delited to the estate of El.l AL STEVENS, deceased,
late of Kidgbury township, arc hereby notified to make
payment without delay, and nil persons having demands
against said estate art requested to present them duly au
thenticated for sett lenient. SURGES SQUIRES,
Rldgbury, March 20, 1855. Executors.
PROCLAMATION. —Whereas, tlie Hon.
DAVID WII.MOT, President Judge of the 12th Wu
dieial District, consisting of the Counties of Bradford, Sus
quehanna and Sullivan, and Hons. MYRON BAM.UIO and
IIAKUY ACKI.KY. Associate Judges, in and for said county
of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date the
20th day of February, 1855. to me directed, lor holding R
Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Quarter Sessions ot
the Peace,"Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, at Towan
da. for the t 'oiinty of Bradford, on the first Monday, the
7th day of May next, to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and
Justices of the Pein e and Constables, of the County of
Bradford, that they be tlien and there in their proper per
son. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their
records, inquisitions.and other remembrances, to do those
things which to their office appertains to be done ; and
those who are hound by recognizance or otherwise to pro
-rcute against the prisoners w ho are or may lie in the jail
of said County, or who shall lie bound to appear at the
said court, are to he then and there to prosecute against
them n shall lie just. Jurors are requested to be punctual
in their attendance, agreeably to their notice.
Dated at Towanda, the 31st of March, in the year of our
Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-live, and of
the Independence of the United States, the seventy
ninth. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff.
REGISTER'S NOTICE. —Notice is huruliv
i given that there have lieou filed and settled in the
office of the Register of Wills in and for the county of
Bradford, accounts of administration upon the following
e.-tates, viz.:—
Final account of Thomas Elliott and Wm. Coolbaugh.
2d. Administrators of the estate of David 11. Owens, of
Monroe, deceased.
Final account of Leonard I'nham, surviving adminis
trator of the c-tate of Berlah Pratt, late of Troy, deceased.
Final account of Amos P. Spalding and Owen Spalding,
administrators with the Will annexed, of John Spalding,
late of Athens deceased.
Final account of Paul Quick, Aaron Ely and Sarah Gor
man, formerly Sarah Santee, executors of the estate of
William Santeo, late of Asylum deceased,
i 2d Partis] account of Joseph Menardi, survlvlngadmin-
I istrator of the estate of Horatio 1-add, late of Albany twp.
! deceased.
And the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court
of Bradford County, on Monday, the-7lli dayot May next,
for confirmation and allowance.
JAMES If. WEBB, Rcgi.-tcr.
Register Office. Match 30, 1855.
TO COLLECTORS.—You arc hereby au
thorised to make a deduction of fire per cent, upon
i the state tax of every individual who ahali pay his or ner
i state and county taxes iu full, on or before the 20th day
1 of JUNE next, and the same shall be allowed von in your
settlement—provided the same is bv you paid into the
( County Treasury, <>n or before the 21st'or 22d days of June
j next. Bv order of the Commissioners.
1 Towanda, April 7, 1855. E. M. FARRAR. Clerk-
T IST OF LETTERS, remaining ki the P,
-Li O. at TOWANDA, I'a. Marcb 32, 1855.
A mes Levi or John >Holloa 1) O
Ackley Perriu K 3 Jones Mia J M
Allen Da via Johnson I'hu
Burdoe Jacob Kennedy Johu
Barnes B C Kceny Miss Lovics
Beardslcy II S Knapp Hannah
Biles Jolni Kenedy Daniel
Itennis Martin Latbrop J C
Bowman L I) Lace Stephen
jlcnnett Eliiba l.eabey Jamea 2
Baxter A T Lynch James
jlndd Albion Morgan II B
Brail v John Mace IIH 2
1 Brown D C Malison Henry
Bowman J M Murphy Catharine
1 Buckley John McAffee B L
Blnker Agnes iMcGill James
Benjamin Mrs Hannah jMingis J
Barrett John Moore PoMy
Council John [McCole l'hoeba
Crane Josiah [ Moody Daniel
Clarkson Matlicw i Matlier Sybil
Cbambcrliu Irene McDonell M
Crowly David Miller Edwin jr
Crtmmell Joseph Newell Eliza J
Chaffee Miss Fauny Northrop Abijah
Coiinell Johu Nester Mary
Carpenter Uiuopert O'Boite Owen
Cole Jamas E Overton Napoleon
Comstock Chandlir O'Brien Michael
Cramer A Bert Pratt I.emuel
Cinna le Michael Pulver Bartholomew
Cook Itu'.h Post Aaron
Caunada Michael Power Franklin
Cow lis Amanda Paine Jainea A
Delmarter Jacob Park W A
Dorset Miss Mara Piatt Christopher
Davidson O L jßarker Win
Dunn Thos | Paine Chns
Decker Mrs Petf t Piorccli Ellen
Deuel-Chas Roberts MiUou
Funis 1-aac Smith Jane
Fnice John Sweet Jamea
Eldred N J Sloeum B F
Funis Miss Mary Swaiu Mary
list ell 11 J .Smith Abagnil
Edwards Hamilton iStover JJ
Fox William Sweet J W
Fox Miss Chariot! Starkweather A G
Furgason O V Shores Freeman
Foster Mary E Smith Jamea jr
Fuiites Thos Sweet Chirk
Greene IV S Simmons James
Gidds Daniel Terry Criah
tie!) Wm F Thomas Margaret
Goli Mavia il Cpwright Jane il
Gofl'G W Vandyke James
Greene Nathan L Welsh W W 2
IlutVMiaria L Wilson Eliza
Howe John Wil ..on James
Herons Benj Wilcox Samuel
Hurkuess Jacob Wood Caroline
Hardin Thos Wells Wm S
Hazolton Roswell D j Wing S
Hageion J i Watts Catliarine
Persons calling for any of these letters will please
." i they are advertised. H. POUTER. P. M.
DISSOLUTION. —The Copartnership here
tofore existing between the subscribe re, unuer the
name of 1. L A 11. L. LAMEBEAL'X, A Co.. is this day
dissolved by mutual consent of all parties. The business
of said firm will hereafter lie carried on by 1. L. A H. L.
LAMEBEAL'X, at the old stand. Notes and Book accounts
of the late firm are left in the hands of I. L. A 11. L. laua
ereanx. and must be settled forthwith.
H. L. LAMEBEAL'X, C. 6. liUtibELL.
Towanda, Jan. 2J, 1155.
DENTIST, HAS ItKTCKNED. Office next doo:
to Mercars store, and over Alexander's Clothing Store,
Main street, Towanda. February 24, 1155.
11. J. MADU.I. P. D. MOKKOW.
over Mercnr's Store, Towanda, Pa.
Tow.mda, April 2. 1855. n-43-tf
LAW. Office in the second story of the Union
Block, over the office of James Macfarlaue.
SUE(I EON. offers his professional services to lbs
people of Towanda and vicinity. OClte of Iris residence
n Fine street, where lie can always be found when not
professionally eneaecd.
SBjgpfili situated in Overtoil township, Bradford coun-
OTBBK ty, containing 211 ACRES, with 25 acre:- irn
proved, and 8 acres seeded down with clover
last spring. A good house, and a new barn,
30 bv 50 erected on the premises. Possession will le giv
en the Ist of April.
Also, a good HOUSE to rent for one year, to a steady
and industrious man, to whoin steady employment and
goo<l waxen will be given. EIIWAUD M GOVERN.
Hevi-rieyville. January 11.1855.
. valuable F ARM, situate in Burlington township.Brad
ford county. Pa., containing about 225 ACHES, of which
about 130 acres are improved, and in a high state of culti
vation. About 70 acres of the improved part is bottom
■land, and the balance rolling land, facing the south and
•east. About 10'J acres is well timbered with pine and
' hemlock, and a good mill sent the.eon.
This farm is eight miles from the Elmira and w „
Wiliiamsport Railroad, and nine miles from the
North Branch Canal. It has upon it two good
apple orchards, and an abundance of cherries.
plums, Ac.: a new dwelling house, two good
barns, cow-shcds, Ac. Said farm is well calculated for two
farms of equal value, embracing an equal portion of bot
tom land, upland, and timber, arifi will be sold separately
or together, as may suit purchasers.
Terms:—A portion of the purchase monev down, and
the balance in yearly payments, to suit purchasers. For
further particulars, enquire of the snbsoril or at the fin in.
February 7, 1855. SAMUKI. M'KKAN.
BURTON KINGSBEKY. is now prepared to offer to hi
customers aud the public generally, a large and com
plete stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS. Hisstock has
been selected with unusual great care, and is superior for
style and quality than have ever before Is-en offered to the
public— anil such a combination of very low prices that
we are sure cannot fail to please the closest observer.—
Aniongeot his assortment may be found French Merinos,
Delaines, Cashmeres, Thtbet-i loths, Gighams. Flue Wors
ted plaids, Milk Poplin, \lapaeas. Calicos, Fine and heavy
Irish Linens. Cotton Pillow Casings. Brown and Bleached
Muslin. Sack Flannel. Broad ( loths A Cassimeres.Ac.
(CLOTHING —Au assortment, maybe had
J cheap at I'HIXXKV'S.
A LL PERSONS indebted to Montttjmtfc
T.\. Co.will do well to call andjmakepavnient,otherwise,
necessity will compel them to send a call that will be
mere expressive. March 1, 1 *55.
HAVING purchased the entire intern-t of tJe other
members of the late firm of 1. L. & H. L. Lamnrenx
& Go. in tin- " Eagle Foundry," in the south part of tho
borough of Towanda. will still continue the business of
said firm, and manufacture to ord>-r and keen constantly
on hand a large assortment of the following ni tidis :
MACHINERY of all kinds, including Mil! Irons, Mill
Gearings: tin- Rose and Johnson Water-wheel. Ac. Ac.
STOY ES Box, Coal. < 'ooking and Parlor Sloven, of gil
kinds, sizes and prices.
PHOUGHS—North Branch. Nos. 1.5. and 7; fSlartliley
Xos. 1 audi; Binghaint'ii. Wayne County, Excelsior,
side-hill and corn ploughs. Ac.
Com Shelters and Straw Cutters; Wagon boxes, sleigli
sl'.-ves. plough point*, gearing for chain pumps, grind and other articles too uuincrous to mention.
Having secured Superintendents, J. B. IKVIXE in tho
machine .-hop, ami UOEI ht MCCi TCHKOX in the moulding
department, the linn feel confident that they can mann
fai tore and repair all kinds of machinery in as workman
like a manner and on .is easy terms as any establishment
litis side of New York.
fir St mm Engines will he repaired satisfactorily on
short notice. _ r
Particnlas attention will he paid to the Pattern depart
ment. and all orders fulfilled on the shortest notice.
The attention of Farmers is called to J. B. Irvine's cele
brated EXCELSIOR PLOUGH, which took the first pre
mium at the Bradford county Agricultural Fair ot 1853.
Also to the elevated oven EAGLE STOVE, the best stive
in use.
With the above the firm have connected a
Tin, Shrrt Iron and Copper E.tfablishhicnl,
and will lie at all times ready to manufacture, repair am!
do job work, and will keep constantly on band assortments
in all branches of their business.
We eall the public attention to the following fads :
We use the Rilston Irop, which is acknowledged to b
more durable and strong than any other.
Our stoic plates arc thicker and stronger than any of
foreign manufacture, and persons purrhasing doves of us
can have them repaired on short notice bv calling on n,
without going to the expense of having new patterns.
Farmers would save time and expense hy purchasing
ploughs of n e , as they would not be troubled for points,as
in the case of foreign ploughs.
6. Old Iron, Brass. Copper, Pewter, Ac., taken in exchange
for manufactures or work.
*jr All would do well to call and examine before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Towanda. February 15 1*55.