Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 07, 1855, Image 4

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    /arnur's gqjartmeut.
[From the New England Farmer.]
0N K ACR } 3 IA AX* M :
Or, Cure for Knrd Times.
" llow nnicli laud have you got here in your
lot, Mr. Briggs ?"
" I have one acre."
" One acre ! and litre yon arc taking t'u
New England farmer ; the Cultivator, Tlovcy's
Magazine and Horticulturist, and all because
you have one acre of ground? How many
such papers would you have to take if you
had a hundred acres ?"
"If I shouldn't probably need more than 1
take now : you know, Mr, Chapman, one can
"go through with all the motions," on one aort
as well as on a h'undj-ed."
" A man can throw nwav money without
any, if he is a mind to. For all the good you
got from sneh periodicals, you might as well,
probably, throw the money they cost iuto the
tire ; they are nothing but humbugs."
" I pay two dollars for the New England
Farmer, otic dollar for the Cultivator, three dol
lars for the Horticulturist, and two dollars
for Hovcy's Magazine—in all eight dollars."
" Eight dollars ! euough to buy a " tiptop"
barrel of flour, and a leg of bacon ; and then
if yon read these periodicals, there is twice the
amount of money spent in time reading them."
" I do usually read or hear read, almost
every word there is in them ; my boys and I
take turus in reading, and one reads aloud
while the rest work."
" Complete nonsense ! no wonder vour shop
don't turn out any more boots in a day than it
" Perhaps we don't do as great a day's work,
some days, as gome of our neighbors, but 1 I
gltess that in the course of the year, we turn
out as many, according to the hands at work,
V most do." I
" I suppose it is out of these publications
you get your foolish not ions about so many
kinds of fruit trees. One of my boys came
home a while ago, and said Mr. Briggs had
got lots of fruit trees and such tilings, that
cost, I don't know liow much, and wanted me
to buy some grape vines, pear trees and so on.
1 told him it was all foolishness, and not to let
him pay anything about sjiending money so
foolishly. You have I dare say, laid out ten or
fifteen dollars, this spring."
" Yes nearly as much again ; I have laid out
twenty-five dollars for trees mid garden fruits."
•• Twenty-five dollars ! I wonder you are
not on the town, or in jail at least, before
" I'm not afraid of either; I'll bet you the
twenty-five dollars, I'll sell yon that amount of
fruit from these things for which I paid the
twenty-five dollars, in five years !"
" I >ooc ! I'll stand you ; so your trees will
cost fifty dollars sure, in money, besides the
time thrown away in setting them out and
taking care of them."
" As for the time spent in setting them out,
• or taking care of them, it is a good exercise as
as playing ball, wicket, or anything else.— i
While we were setting them out, one of your
boys came to get my boys to go over to Mr.
Moody's where he said was to be a great time
playing ball ; and I have no doubt your boys
spend just as much time playing as mine do
with our trees and so forth ; and then sonic
thing is done, but in playing, the strength is
all laid out for nothing."
" Well, it don't cost anything to play ball,
but trees cost money."
The foregoing conversation occurred in the
shop between two neighbors, both boot makers,
in a town not more than thirty miles from
Mr. Briggs, in whose shop the conversation
took place, was a man of more than ordinary
intelligence f>r one of his advantages and
circumstances in life. lie had been a poor
hoy, and by industry, observation and economy,
had worked his way on in life and reared and
well educated a family of children, who like
himself, were industrious and steady. For the
few years past, lie had become interested in
horticulture, and both for exercise and amuse
ment, had turned-his attention to- cultivating
his " one acre firm." His attention was first
called to this hv means of a " back number"
of the New England Farmer which was put
round some things bought at the store. Mr.
Briggs found this so interesting, that he pur
chased another number at the periodical depot,
and then lie became a regular subscriber.—
His sons soon became interested in the same
direction, and the interest of the father and
sons increased to the pitch indicated i: the
foregoing conversation,
Di time, every inch of that acre of ground
w8 " brought uudcr the spade," and almost
every " best" variety of fruit trees had a place
there, and the father and sons found pleasure
and profit in the garden after being cooped up
in the shop till the "stent" was done, and the
exercise was far more profitable than the
epasmodic, violent exercise taken in games.
Mr. Chapman, the other neighbor, was a
man of the "common stamp." He looked
upon everything uew or uncommon as " folly"
and " nonsense," and was ready to sneer at
every one who stepped aside from the common
track. It looked simply silly to liiiu to see a
man stay at home from " muster," or " training,"
or " shows," spending his time in cultivating a
gardcu ; or, instead of loitering away the
evening at the store, K tnoking, ami hearing and
telling a deal of nothing or to spend the even
ing at home, reading such " nonsense" as the
Fanner and Horticulturist affords.
Years pass, and Mr. Briggs' " one acre farm"
•hows that lie and his boys have not read " the
papers" in vain. They- have learned to "set
oot" a tree,, and how to " take "care" of it
after it WHS set out. Everything showed it
received the right kind of food and care,
straightway began to bring forth fruits
meet for good cultivation. In a short
time the wants of the family wore more than
supplied, and the surplus found a ready market
with the neighbors at good prices.
Those early apples, so rich and tempting,
whey all other upples were so green and hard !
and then sneh pears ; they went as fast as the
sun and house (,-ould ripen theiu at three, four
aud five cents apiece. Then such clusters of
rich, ripe grapes—too tempting for the coldest
to puss without a watering mouth. Mr. Chap
man's family were among the best customers
for the tempting fruit —first having learned
their excellency by the liberality of Mr. Briggs,
who never failed "to send a specimen of his best
to his neighbor.
The fifth season came. It was a fruitful
year. Apples, j>eur, peach, pluin, and all
other trees were loaded with fruit. Keeping
in uiiud his conversation with Mr. Chapman,
Fir liriggs had directed his family to set down
•very aviu't worth f fruit *old to Mr. Chap-
mau or his family. Thin year it as it happened,
was a year of "extreme hard times. lne
hoot business was at its lowest ebb ; little
work and VCTV low wages —and yet the pi ices
of c-vcrv kind of provisions were up to the
•• highest noteh" and money extremely " tight."
ifut there was one family that did not seem
:ohe in the 1.-a.-t attccted by the hard times,
mv.- prices of labor, high prices of provisions,
,>r the scarcity of money ; Mr. Brings and his
wo oldest sons, all of them had a little " spare
change" to let on short " time with interest" to
their needy neighbors.
One day Mr. Chapman, who was short,
applied to Mr. Briggs for a "half' for a
" quarter" meaning fifty dollars for three
" Ves," said Mr. Briggs, " I have a " half
or a " whole," just as you like."
" What a hundred dollars by yon these hard
times ! I don't see how it comes. You and
vour bovs don't work any harder than than 1
and my boys do, and we can hardly get along ;
we are saving and pinching as can be, too:
times are so dreadful hard, and every thing a
family has to buy is so dreadful high, and
wages so low ; potatoes, a dollar a bushel,
beef, fifteen cents a pound, pork sixteen cents,
eggs, twenty-five cents a dozen, and flour, ton
or twelve dollars a barrel! llow can a man
live ?''
"It wont be hardly fair for me to ask for
that twenty-five dollars now will it ?"
'• Twenty-five dollars ! What do you mean ?
I dou't understand you 1"
" Dou't you recollect we have a bet between
us about the price of some fruit trees I bought
five years ago last spring?"
'• Ah, I do remember something about it.—
You were to give me twenty-five dollars if you
didn't get your twenty-five dollars back from
me for the products of those trees and things !
It will couie very handy just now."
" Don't be too fast neighbor ! I am afraid
it won't "eomc very handy just now." That
was what I was duuuing you for, that tweuty
five dollars."
" What ! you don't pretend to say we have
had twenty-five dollars worth of stuff from your
garden ?"
" More than that from that very twenty
five dollars worth of trees and other things !
Here is an account of everything you have
brought and paid for ; of course it dou't in
clude what I have sent you gratis ?"
'• And you have certainly not been stingy.—
Why, this bill amounts to thirty-seven dollars !
it is possible ?"
"It is just so ; you have had over twenty
bushels of apples, and three bushels of pears,
and those alone come to twenty dollars."
" 1 own up the " corn draw up the note
for seventy-five."
" No, 1 guess we will let that twenty-five go,
I only mention it to show you that there may
be good sense in new things, sometimes. Now
I will bet the twenty-five dollars over again,
that mv store-bill lias not been, the past sea
son. half as large as your, though I have had
one the more in my family."
"If I had not been so badly taken in be
fore, I would stand vou ; but I guess it won't
lie safe."
" We have raised our own potatoes, corn,
peas, beans, and all other garden vegetables.—
Our eggs are always fresh and in abundance
from the nest, and for more than two years
we have not been without ripe fresh fruit"
" How can that be ?"
" Well by the first of June we have straw
berries ripe, soon after cherries ; then raspber
ries, currants, gooseberries, and so forth : and
long before these are gone, the early apples,
pears and peaches ; then grapes, later pears
and apples ; and these continue all winter, and
apples till July, when the early fruits again
connect the luscious circle !"
" Well, I declare, that is something I never
thought of : but it takes so much time and
bother to get these things started—then it is
an everlasting job to take care of them."
" It needs uo more time and money than you
throw away on things that amount to nothing
at all, and with abundance of fruit you save
the expense of a heavy meat bill, which is not
healthy in hot weather. No doctor has been
called to step foot into my door for over four
years past ! Fresh ripe fruits are sure remedies
for all ailment, and they are not hard to take."
Mr. Chanymau put the " fifty" into his
" weasel-kin," and left with a " flea in his ear."
Seed Corn - Bira3—Wermr,
For the past ten years I have succeeded in
preserving my corn from the depredations of
birds and worms, by a very simple and easy
process. 1 throw about half a bushel of seed
ot a time into an iron kettle, and then add
about, three half gills of tar, stirring the mass
briskly in the meanwhile ; then continue stir
ring until every grain looks as if it had receiv
ed a coat of varnish. To know when the pro
cess is completed, throw the corn into a heap
against one side of the kettle, and if right it
will creep slowly back again, and in time re
gain something approaching a hard suface.—
This part of the operation, which need not at
any time occupy ten* minutes, is faciliated by
doing it under a hot sun
Next sift about a quart of dry lime over the
corn, and then stir until every grain is coated
with lime and rendered perfectly dry. Three
minutes will suffice to do this. In the absence
of lime, wood ashes will answer very well.
Birds cannot or will not eat corn so treated.
They may pull up a stalk or two, but when
they find how matters stand, they leave for
a true other field.
It was to guard against the depredations of
birds, that I adopted this device ; but I found
by experience, that it not only preserved corn
aga nst them, but that worms would not cut
stalks springing from tarred seed. Doubtless
some, slight truces of the tar is taken up by
the yomig plant, and being as is well known,
highly offensive to all animals of that kind,
the plant escapes from the attacks of this
enemy also.
The seed germinates as quickly, and the
plants come up as uniformly and vigorously, as
if planted bare. Indeed, ever since I adopted
this method, I have had neither loss, trouble
nor anxiety from birds or worms ; and if I
could have my way, uo one should kill a crow
or blackbird on iuv premises, or in my neigh
borhood. JOSIAH CoPLEV.
Armstrong Co., Pa., Feb., 1855.
NATCTUI. MISTAKE.— An agricultural gentle
man while reading a fashionable newspaper, a
few days since, was perfectly horrified at the
description of u "marriage in high life," in
which the reporter stated, "we have been fa
vored with a peep at the bride's trousseau." 1 —
He indignantly exclaimed, "To have them
made beforehand showed her full determination
to irrar them after marriage." He hud evi
dently read " trousers" for " trousseau."
Assisted bv a corps of the best practical farmers in Penn
sylvania. 'the Fifth volume of the FARM JOl'RNALwill
commence January 1, In; s. Each number will contain
Thirty-two or men Super Royal Octavo pages, printed on
superior paper, witli new type, and will be filled with the
best Agricultural Reading, origiona! and selected, that can
be produced. The editor and his assistants are determin
ed to render this the most
and will utterly discard all theories not attested by prac
tical experience. They have obtained the aid ni many of
the liest farmers iu Pennsylvania, New Jersey. Dclaifiaie
and Maryland, who will give their experience through iis
ILLUSTRATIONS Each unmber will contain several en
gravings of Improved Stock, New Agricultural Imple
ments, Choice Fruits, Ac.
Single Copy, $1 00 J Twenty Copies, ?11 00
Five do" 400 I Sixty do 40 (Hi
Ten do 7 501 500 do 250 00
The Journal will hereafter, every case, be discontinued
at the end of the period paid for unless the subscription lie
previously rcnowed.
SREMIUMS. —The success attendant upon onr offer of pre
miums la-t year induces us to offer the following premi
ums for Volume 5.
1. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS will he paid to the per
son who will procure lis the largest murtlier of subscribers
in any county in the U. S., before the first of April.
2. SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS to the person who will
procure us the second largest list as above.
3. FIFTY DOLLARS to the person who will procure us
ihe third largest li.-t as above.
4. T WEN T V-FI YE DOLLARS to the person who will
procure us the fourth largest list as above.
5. TEN DOLLARS to the person who will procure us
the fifth largest list as above.
CLUBS Any person sending us Ten subscribers, at our
club rates, will be entitled to receive one copy gratis, or
one copy of either of the following works, viz :• — Buist on
the Rose, Gitenon'3 Treaties on Milch Cows, Nefflin's
Treaties on Milch Cows. Waring's Elements of Agricul
ture, Norton's Elements of Agriculture, Ynuall on the Pig.
Any person sending ns Twenty subscribers, at our Club
rates," thill be entitled to receive two copies of the Farm
Journal, or one copy of any of the following works, viz:—
Horticulturist for 1N55, Johnson's Agricultural Chemistry
and Geology, Dr. David's Modern Ilorse Doctor. Yonatton
the Horse, Yonatt on Cattle, Youatt's Shepherd's Own
Book, Thomas' Amerieon Fruit Culturist, Downing's Fruits
of America. Elliott's Fruit Growers Guide, Fessendcn's
Complete Fanii-.T ami Gardner.
We have just made arrangements with JAMKS VICK, JR..
Publisher of the Horticulturist, which enables us to furn
ish one copy of that elegant w orkand one copy of the Farm
Journal for Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, and two copies
of the Horticulturist and two of the Farm Journal for four
dollars, and larger numliers at the latter rates.
Specimen numbers sent to all post-paid applications.
Money on oil solvent Bauks, mailed iu the presence of
a Postmaster, at our risk.
All orders addrssed to the subscriber will be promptly
attended to. J. Al. MEREDITH A CO.,
West Chester, Pa.
X —AGENTS WANTED in every section of the U. S.
The most elegant and useful volume of the vcar.
Just published, an Illustrated description of the RUS
SIAX EMPIRE. Being a Physical and Political History
of its Governments and provinces. Productions. Resources
Imperial Government, Commerce, Literature, Educational
Means, Religion. People, Manners, Customs. Autiquity.
etc., etc., from the latest and most authentic sources
Embellished with about 200 Engravings, and Maps of Eu
ropean and Asiatic Russia. The whole complete in one
lare octavo volume of about 7(H) pages, elegantly and sub
stantiantially bound. Retail juice, $3.
This work has been several years in preparation, and
will, it is believed, meet in the"fullest acceptation of the
word, the want so universally felt for reliable information
on the history and internal resources of a country occupy
ing so large "a portion of the Eastern Hemisphere, aiid
holding so formidable a position at the present time to the
rest of Europe and Asia ; but of which far less is kuowu
than of any other European nation.
KIT Also, a deeply interesting volume, entitled " THE
PERSON S." embracing the Romantic Incidents and Ad
ventures in the Lives of Sovereigns, Statesmen, Generals,
Princes, Warriors, Travellers. Adventures. Voyagers. Ac.
eminent in the History of Emrope and America, including
Sketches of over fifty oelebratod heroic characters. Beau
tifully illustrated with numerous engravings. Oonc vol.
4<)o pages, royal 12uio. cloth, gilt. Price, $1,25.
The subscriber publishes a number of most valuable Pic
torial Books, very popular, and of such a moral and reli
gions influence that while good men may safely engage in
their circulation, they will confer a HI 111.1L 1 benefit,and re
ceive a fair compensation for tlielr labor.
g-a* To men of enterprise and tact, this business offers
an opportunity for profitable employment seldom to be met
£- Persons wishing to engage in their sale, will receive
promptly by mail, a Circular containing full particulars,
with " Directions to persons disposed to act as Agents."
together with terms on which they will be furnished, by
addressing the subscriber, post paid.
DI SSOLUTION.—The co-j>art utrship here
tofore existing between S. FKLTOX and K. T. Fox is
this day dissolved by mutual consent. The notes and ac
counts of said firm are in t lie hands of E. T. Fox. who can
generally be found at S. Fcitoii's store, or at the " Ward
House." Those interested will please take notice that the
accounts, Ac. must be settled immediately.
November 11,1854. E. T. FOX.
S. FKLTOX would most respectfully inform liis old cus
tomers anil the public generally that he will still continue
tlie LIQUOR BUSINESS at the old stand, and that lie is
now receiving large additions to his stock, direct from first
hands in New-York, which lie will be most happy to sell
on the most reasonable terms. He is also agent for the
sale of •• Binghamton Ale," a supply ol' which he keeps al
ways on hand and for sale cheap.
Towanda, November 11, 1854.
John W. Wilcoz,
HAS located bis establishment on Main Street, on door
North of tiie '• Ward House," and will continue the
manufacture of BOOTS A SHOES, as heretofore.
He has just received from New-York a large assortment
of Womans" Uhildrens' and Misses' Shoes, which are off-r
--ed at low prices. The attention of the Rnlies is particu
larly directed to his assortment, comprising the following
new styles: Enamelled Jenny Lind gaiter boots; do.
shoes ; black lasting anil silk gaiter : walking shoes, bus
kins, Ac. Misses' gaiters and shoes, of everv description.
A large variety of Uhildrens" fancy gaiters, boots A shoes
of all kinds.
For the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and
shoes. This stock has been personally selected with care,
and he believes lie can offer superior articles at reasonable
The strictest attention paid to MANUFACTURING,
and lie hopes by doing work well to merit a continuance
of the liberal patronage he has hitherso received.
Towanda, Feb. 1,1855. ,
At the New Store, opposite tfie Court House.
and most comprehensive assortment., and the longest ex
perience of an; .kalcrs In Northern Pennsylvania. We
have arrangement-by which we can take advantage of the
city and Western Markets, and are thereby enabled to of
fer good bargains. Call and try us.
Below we name a few of the articles that may always
be found in our stock :
Flour. Buckwheat Flour. Rye Flour, Corn Meal, Feed,
Pork, Hams A Shoulders, Mackerel, Oddish, Shad, Lake
Trout, Picketed and Smoked Herring, Cheese, Rice, Beans,
Potatoes, Butter. Lard. Crackers. Ac.
Black and Green Tea, Rio and Java Coffee, Chocolate,
Cocoa, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Ginger. Pepper, Spice.
Cloves, nutmegs. Mace cinaiaon. Ground Mustard. Pepper
Sauce. Soda. S.ih-ratu-i, Cream Tartar, Sperm and Tallow
Candles, Bar Soap. Vinegar, Starch, Ac.
Prunes, Citron, Figs, Eng. Currants, Raisins. Dried
Peaches, Dried Apples. Almonds. Pecan nut*, Frazil nuts.
Grenoble and Madeira Walnuts, Pea nuts, Chestnuts. Ac.
German, French and American Toys, Fancy Goods. Tin
wagons, rocking horses, boys' sleighs, China and pewter
toy tea setts, d->ils. trumpets, accordions, harmonicas—
Glass, paper and wood inlaid work boxes and toilet cases,
toy bureaus, secretaries, writing desks—plain and em
broidered work baskets, knitting, do. pearl, ivory, papier
maciie and leather port inoniaes, wallets and purees, ivory,
horn and wood pocket combs, toilet combs, ivory fine
combs, pocket inkstands, pocket and small fancy mirriore,
tobacco aud sunff boxes, cigar cases, perfumery and hair
oils, Ac.
Brooms, mopsticks, clothes pins, bench screws, willow
clothes baskets and market baskets, sugar anil spicc boxes.
Dairy and table Salt, Salina, do., etc. Country dealers
supplied at a small advance from New York prices.
Most kinds of country produce taken in exchange'
for goods. * BAILEY A NEYINS.
Towanda. Februar 1. 1y855.
/ 1 ROUERIKS—CaII and see our Brown.
vX Cm-Led, Coffee and Pulverized Sugars ; Fine Young
Ilyson & Black Teas —warranted a superior article, or the
money refunded—for sale cheap hv 11. KIXGKBKRY.
T FATHER—2OO Sides sole Leather just re-
J ceived and for sale by B. KINGSBKRY.
Ip LOUR ! FLOUR !—SO barrela Superfiue
FLOI'R. just received and for sale bv
Jau. 31.1855. MOXTANTFX A CO.
-A. A lowing remedies are offered to the public as the best,
most perfect, which medical science can afford. AVKK'.S
CATHARTIC PILLS have liecn prepared with the utmost
skill which the medical profession of this age possesses,
and their effects show they have virtues which surpass
any combination of medicines hitherto known. Other pre
parations do more or les good ; but this cures such dan
gerous complaints, so quick and so surely, as to prove an
ellicacy and a power to uproot disease U'yond any thing
which men have known lieforc. By removing the obstruc
tions of the internal organs and stimulating them into
healthy action, they renovate the fountains of life and
vigor—health courses anew through the body, and the
sick man is well again. They are adapted to disease, and
disease only, for when taken by one in health they pro
duce but little effect. This is the perfection of medicine.
It is antagonistic to disease, and no more. Tender chil
dren may take them with impunity. If they are sick they
will cure them, if they are well they will do them 110
(Jive them to some patient who has been prostrated with
bilious complaint; see his hent-up, tottering form straight
en with strength again ; see his long-lost appetite return ;
see his clammy features blossom into health. Give them
to some sufferer whose foul blood has burst out iu scrofula
till his skin is covered with sores ; who stands, or sits, or
lies in anguish. He has been drenched inside and out with
exery every notion which ingenuity could suggest. Give
him "these "Pills, and mark the effect; see the scabs fall
from his body ; see the new, fair skin that has grown un
der them ; see the late leper that is clean. Give them to
him whose angry humors have planted rheumatism in his
joints and lames ; move him, and he screeches with pain ;
he too has been soaked through every muscle of his body
with liuameuts and salves ; give him these Bills to purify
his blood ; they may not cure him, for olas! there cases
which no mortal power can reach ; but mark, he walks ,
with crutches now, and now lie walkes alone ; they have
cured him. Give them to the lean, sour, haggard dyspep
tic, whose gnawing stotJlaeh has long ago eaten "every
smile from his face and every muscle from his bodv. See
his appetite return, and wit 11 it his health ; see the new
man. Pee her that was radiant with health and loveliness
blasted and too early withering away ; want of exercise,
or mental anguish, or some lurking disease has deranged
the internal organs of digestion,assimilation, or secretion,
till they do they do their office ill. Her blood is vitiated,
her health is go„e. Give her these Bills to stimulate the
vital principle into renewed vigor, to cast out the obstruc
tions. and infuse a new vitality into the blood. Xowlook
again—the roses blossom on her cheek, and where sorrow
sat. joy bursts from every feature. See the sweet iufant
wasted with worms. Its wan, sickly features tell you
without disguise, and painfully distinct, that they are eat
ing its life away. Its pinched-up nose and ears, and rest
less sleepings. tell the dreadful truth in language which
every mother knows. Give it the Bills in large doses to
sweep these vile parasites from the body. Xow turn again
and see the ruddy bloom of childhood. Is it nothing to
do these things ? Nay. are they not the marvel of this
age ? And yet they are done around you every day.
Have you the less serious symptoms of these distempers,
they are the easier cured, jaundice, Costiveness, Head
ache. Sideu -lie. Heartburn, Foul Stomach, Nausea, Bain
iu the llowels. Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, King's Evil,
Neuralgia. Gout, and kindred complaints all arise from the
derangements which these Bills rapidly cure. Take them
perseveringly, and under the counsel of a good Bhysician
if you can ; if not, take them judiciously by such advice
as we give you. and the distressing, dangerous diseases
they cure, which afflict so many millions of the human race,
are cast out like the devils of ohl—they must burrow in
the brutes and in the sea. Brice 25 cents per box—s boxes
for #l.
Through a trial of many years and through every nation
of civilized me, AVER'S CHERRY BKCTOKAI. has been found
to afford more relief and to cure more rases of pulmonary
disease than any other remedy known to mankind. Cases
of apparently settled Consumption have lieen cured by it,
and thousands of sufferers who were deemed beyond the
reach of human aid have been restored to their friends and
usefulness, to sound health and the enjoyments of life, bv
this all-powerful antidote to diseases of the lungs anil
throat. Here a cold bad settled 011 the lungs. The dry,
hacking cough, the glassy eye, and the pale, thin features
of hint who was lately lusty and strong whisper to all but
him CoxsntiTiox. lie tries everything ; hut the disease
is gnawing at hi.- vitals, and shows its fatal symptoms
more and more over all his fame. He is taking the Cher
ry Pectoral now : it has stopped his cough and mada his
breathing easy : his sleep is sound at night: his appetite
returns, and with it his strength. The dart which pierced
his side is broken. Scarcely any neighlmrhood can be
found v Licit has not some living "trophy like this to shad
ow fortli the virtues which have won for the Cherry Pec
toral an imperishable renown. Influenza, Croup, Bron
chitis. Hoarseness, Pleurisy, Whooping Cough, and all ir
ritations of the throat and iuiigs are easily cured by the
Cherry Pectoral if taken in season. Every family should
have it by them, and tliey will find it an* id valuable pro
tection front the insidious prowler which carries ofl the
parent sheep from tuany a llock, the darling lamb from
many a home.
Prepared by !>r. J. C. AVER. Practical and Analytical
Chemist, Lowell. Mas.-., and sold by all Druggists every
AGENTS— Dr. TL C. Porter and at Reed's Drug Store,
Towanda : Newton, White A Co.. Monroeton ; .1. Holeomb.
Rome ; Dr. C. Drake, Troy ; and by all Merchants every
<9XfaI£A2B fffisaa
SRI II would respectfully inform the citizens of Brad
• ford county that lie lias opened a branch establish
ment in Towanda, for tin—ale of READYMADE CLOTH
ING, comprising the usual stock of < tver. Dress, Frock and
Sack Coats ; Vests. Pants, Shirts. Drawers, Wrappers,
Overalls. Stocks, Cravats, Collars, Pocket h'dkfs, Ac.
Air. Rich positively assures the public, that residing in
New-York and buying always for cash, enables him to take
advantage of the market, "so that he can and will seil
Clothing 25 per cent, cheaper than any other establish
ment in the country !
CALL AND SEFI 1 examine and price the stock, be sat
isfied yourselves that it is ntore extensive, of better manu
facture and style, and sold much cheaper than ever before
offered in this market.
1 have appointed as my agent in Towanda for the sale
of Clothing. M. K. SOLOMON, formerly of the firm of
Alexander A Solomon, who is well and favorably known
Location, for the present, over Tracy A Moore's Store,
Main street.. Upon the completion of Button's block, the
stock will be removed to one of the new stores, corner of
Bridge street.
Towanda, January 8,1855.
M. E. SOLOMON respectfully calls the attention of his
old friends and the public generally to the above announce
ment, and invites all who may be in need of Clothing to
give him a call, assuring them that lie can furnish them
with woods at the lowest prices, and that 110 pains will be
spared to merit their patronage. 2m31
AAT respectfully call the attention of the public to
> V their large stock of Mens' and bovs' furnishing
Goods, consisting of every variety of Broadcloths, Cassi
mercs. Doe-skins. Tweeds. Kentucky Jeans, Linens, Shirts,
Collars, Stocks, Cravats, Hosiery, Suspenders, Huts, Car
pet Bags, Trunks, Canes, Ac. Ac.", which will be sold cheap
er than the same quality can be sold iu any other estab
lishment in this country.
They have also on hand a well manufactured assortment
of READ! -MADE CLOTHING, to which we invite the at
tention of buyers. Our Clothing is mostly made up in the
shop—and not purchased at " slop-shops"—as some we
wot of.
Orders in the Tailoring line executed in the most fash
ionable manner, at the shortest notice, and warranted.
tar The public w ill please notice one fact, that NO ONE
not practically acquainted with the business is capable of
judging of the quality and jnake of a garment; hence the
reason why the community have been so much imposed
upon by a CERTAIN CLASS of community who deal in the
article, who, if they were not practically and profession
ally cheats, could of necessity, know nothing about the
business. They are certain, the public would consult their
true interest, they would purchase only of those acquain
ted with the business.
Towanda, Jan. 1, 1855.
JOSEPH POWELL is now receiving, as usual, a large
stock ol \\ INTER GOODS of every description, con
sisting of Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Cjoekery,
Bonds and Shoes, Leather. Shoe Findings, Hats and Caps'
Ac., which he is now offering for Ready Fay at unusually
low prices.
He would invite particular attention to his stock of LA
DIES' DRESS GOODS, consisting 111 part of French Me
rinos. French Plaids. Parmettas, Thiliet cloths, ail prices,
C anton cloths, Ronipaziues, wool Delaines, all colors, plain
and figuered Mouslin delaines, Persian twills, Ac.
LUXES CLOTHS. —A variety of Cloths, with Galloons,
I lushes, and other trimmings to match.
SHAWLS—A large assortment, all qualities and prices.
LsißKoimcKEn Goons.—Chemisettes, sleeves, collars,
handkerchiefs, Swiss and jaconet )>ands ami (louncings.
edgings and iusertiugs. Also, a lot of stamped embroide
ry patterns.
There will also be found among his stock a good
assortment of Gloves and Hosiery. Ribbons, \V hi to Goods,
bleached and unbleached Table Linen*, Scotch and
Russia Diaper, bleached and unbleached Muslins of everv
quality and width, Tickings, Stripes, Denims, Canton
Flannels, Ac.
Towanda, January 1.1855.
/ LA. LI COS—A liirire stock of Merrimack
" Coehece and Fall River Prints- also good calico for ti
cts. per yard. Warranted good Madler color*, for sab- by
Fronting- the Public Square.
rrtHK snbaoFtlier, thankful for the liberal natrouage of the past year, intends to keep constantly on hand a full as-
A sortmcnt of the eery liest articles usually kept in our line, which UK wn.t. dispose of on such terms as will lie sat
isfactory to all who may patronize him. The purchases are made entirely with cash in hand, and for the CASH our
customers will receive the lienefit of a (rood article at a low price. All articles not answering our recommendation,
will be cheerful/>j taken back, and the money refunded.
(£7 Medical Advice gratuitously given at the Office, charging inly for the Medicines.
The stock consists of a complete and select assortment of
Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal use, London Porter & Scotch Ale.
American Pocket Cutlery, (Warranted Good.)
Superior TOBACCO 6l SNUFF! —Choice brands of Pure Havanna, Principe
and Vara CIG ARS ! *
Palais, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glaus, ilnisiics, Perfumery, Abat ing Soap,
Fancy Articles, <S.c. &c.
Black and Green Teas; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, &c kr.
Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &c.
" The best qualify of Goods—Full assortment—Moke rate Profits —Ready attention to customers—
No Adulteration of Gocds—Candid advice as to Patent Remedies—And dose, attention to
business M. C. PORTER, M. D.
Towanda, February 1,1R55.-
-iil Wholesale and Retail Dealers rn
Tm, Japanned and Britannia Ware,
House Trimmings, Carriage Trimmings, Harness <k Saddlery
Ware, Carpenter's and Joiner's Tools,
LEAD PIPE AND PUMPSI of all kinds and sizes,
Would inform their friends, that these are only a part of the general heads under which niav be elated their extra.
Hive assortment, and to which thev are constantly receiving additional supplies, direst fn.m the importers ami maim
faeturers. which enables them to offer such inducements in th.-ir large stock and low price* a, will d-fv comnrtitira
from any quarter. M e would ask the particular a Kent ion of * 4 '
to an examination of our stock, which having been selected with the greatest care, we arc confident will satwfv ever
the most fastidious.
#" Hon't forget the place—South side of the Public Square.
Old Iron, Copper and Braas, and all kind* of Country rroduce, taken in exchange for G-x>ds.
Towanda, May 2< t if \I I ItCi^SPTI
discovery of the FORKST WINK is the greatest bles
sing f the age. I'iit up in Quart Bottles, ;i single liottle
of which (iiiPs more pood, and goes furtlicr in tlie cure of
Disease, than ton bottles of any Sarsaparilla in use, and
warranted to cure Without an unpleasant or weakening
Tiie method by whicli all Sarssaparillas.aiid other -simi
lar medicines are prepared, is bylioilitig the Roots of |>lants
to obtain the extracts. Their medicinal virtues are thus
principally evaporated and destroyed.
It Ls not to be wondered at then, that 10 and even 20
bottles of these SarsapariTas are sometimes taken without
any perceptible benefit. Not so with the Forest Wine.— I
By" tlie invention of a wonderful chemical apparatus, a per
feet wine is produced without beating: retaining, at the
same time, ail the primitive healing properties of the rare
medicinal plants of which it is composed, thus rendering
, the Forest Wine the most efficient medicine tlie world ever
produced, at the same time time the most agreeable.
This is to certify, that I haVe used Dr. Ilalsey's Forest
Wine in my family with the most entire success. My wife
was badly "afflicted witli Neuralgia, affections of the Spine
and Kidneys, and general Debility. She found speedy re
lief. and regained her health by the use of the Forest
From my own knowledge of this excellent medicine, I
confidently recommend it for the good of others who may
be suffering from similar complaints. It is the best medi
cine with which 1 am acquainted, and those who are afltic
ted with the above, or any similar disease, tniiv safelv re
ly on its virtues. E. G. MUSSEY.
DR. O. W. HALSKY— Dear Sir : My wife last autumn was
reduced to a low state of Debility." My family physician
advised her to take your Forest Wine. Accordingly I
went to Mr. Terry's, your agent in this town, and procur
ed a bottle of it, winch restored her in a very short time
to perfect health.
Cohoes, April 1.1. 1850. HENRY DONALDSON.
DR. HAI.SEY: Hempstead. Dec. 1.1847.
A bottle of your Forest Wine and box of Pills, which
I procured of James Carr, (yotir agent for this place,) has i
done wonders for me. 1 had been in a state of decline for 1
more than at year, afflicted with a dreadful cough, pain 1
in the breast, general debility, and loss of appetite. I he- i
came almost a skeleton, and had been unable to leave mv
room for more than two months; my friends told me *1
had the Consumption and despaired "of mv recovery. 1
rould not obtain any permanent relief from anv medicine
I had taken, or mv" physician, until your Wine and Pills
were procured. The firat dose of the Pills brought up from
my stomach, much phlem and greenish matter, and my
stools were perfectly black. I then commenced taking
your Forest Wine three times a day, my appetite began to
return immediately, my cough left me, and in less than
two weeks 1 was almost well. 1 now enjoy better health
than I ever did before, having increased twenty-five pounds
m seven weeks. Your Forest Wine and Pills are highly
valued in this vicinity, and 1 owe my recovery entirely to
their virtues. Yours, respectfully,
Mr. T. .1. (Jillies, a highly respectable Merchant of No.
108 Broadway, New York, cured of a severe affection of
the Kidneys by the Forest Wine and Pills.
Dr. G. W. HAI.SEY : New-York. March 12,1813.
Dear Sir—ln the summer and fall of last Year 1 had a
severe complaint of the Kidneys, which rendered me quite
unfit for business. I procured your Forest Wine and Pills
which cured me in a few weeks time, and 1 have since en
joyed better health than 1 had for many years previously.
From their efficacy in my oan case, and from what I know
your medicines to have done for others, 1 am induced to
recommend them as the best medicines with which 1 am
acquainted. Yours, respectfully,
There are thousands cured every year of this disease bv
the Forest Wine and Pills; Dyspepsia, Costiveness and
Indigestion, are kindred complaints, frequently existing
together, and the eure of one is generally the < are of all.
The Forest Wine and Pills above all remedies are pre-emi
nent in the cure of Dyspepsia.
Testimony of J. N. Verinile, of New York Citv dated
July 8, 1852.
Dr. (1. W, HALSEY Dear Sir—Having been enredof
Dyspepsia by the use of your Forest Wine and Pills, 1 take
the liliertv to offer you my name, believing many who
know me may be lamented by vonr excellent remedies,—.
For mam years 1 have been afflicted with this malady so
bably that nearly one-third of my time has lieen lost from
business. The h orvet Wine and Pills have restored me to
excellent health, and 1 cheerfully recommend them, as 1
an convinced the discovery of these remedies are a bles
sing to mankind J. N. VKKMILE,
New-i ork. July 9. ls,V2.
I'be Giiut seated Fo*t Pill are desigmd to accompany
I the Forest Wine in tlie cure of Disease, their combined *o
' tion I icing more searching and effective. Tlicr arc infinite
j ly better than any other Pill or Cathartic, producing in all
cases when this class of medicines are useful, a most chant
, ing effect. They are purely vegetable, never gripe, may
lie taken at any time without fear oftakingcold.liiiidr.ini*
| from business, or disagreeabl? effects. iuid pass off, leav
j ing the bowels perfectly natural, which is all important
I tor the perfect recovery and continuation of good health '
1 housands can testify to tlie great excellence ol these PS!
I above all others.
The Forest Wine accompanied with the Forest Pills.are
j ui"ist effectual in the cure of all the follow ing complaints:
j Dyspepsia. Habitual ( ostivencss, Liver Com plaint. Astir
. ma. Piles. i.Mistinate Headache. Pintples, Blotches uidun
. healthy color of the skin. Jaundice, Ague and F""*er. Salt
| Rheum. Erysipelas, Complaints incident only to Fenia!re
languishing weakness. Night Sweats, Nervous Disorder?.
General ill Health and impaired state of the Constitution
The Forest Wine is put up in large square bottles, with
Dr. Halsey's* name blown in the glass. <m - Dollarpn
bottle, or six bottles for Five I loHars. Gum-coated Forest
| Pills. 25 cents per Box. For Sale bv the appointed Agent
at Wholesale and Retail. General* Depot, li'.l iHiaueA.
| one door from Hudson. New York, appointed Agra* s
! Bradford county. Dr. H. C. IV.rter.Towanda ; C. 11. lie.'
G'k. Athens ; Drake A Allen. Waverly, N. Y.
500 MEN WANTED ! !
THE subs,-riliers have just received at their oh! stand s
Mereur s Block. Towamla, a new and goodassnrtnu'Ct
of Spring and Summer < mods. consisting of RE A DY-ll Al'E
ever imported into the County—all of the latest styles it
market, which are being scattered Tar and wide, 'in th> |
nay of r uriiishiug Goods, we have a complete assort
—Cravats, Collars, Shirts. Under Shirts, Drawers. Wra>
tiers, Gloves, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs. Hosiery of -
kinds, and a variety of Trunks,
Our Ready-Made (Tothiug embraces every thine desin*
that line, and as we buy for CASH, we can and w
sell 20 |hm* cent, lower than any other Clothing KstaMfct
: ment m Towanda. t ). ALKXANB-'IL
. Towanda, January 1,1855* ALEXANDER
KJ veyor for Bradford County, Ls prepared to attend t
the above business in all its branches. His office
Monroe ton. All letters addressed to him at that 11*- 1 ' i
will meet with prompt attention.
April 4, 1854.
igsßgsfc' the puMic thai hi 1 luts n. .
BinittrSrcwl 1<- ;uu ' will make to or,Or • ;;
kinds of CABINET FUUN'IF W |
ImIMHHBI I*l i>"'B'h as Sofas. Divans,*
I It Card, Dining and Brc.ikf.i-l ■
Lie. Mahogany, Walnut. Maple* j
EB Cherry Bureaus, Stand- of v;,r •' )
*— ——B-Jj kinds Chairs and
oescription, which are,Jand will lie made of the l "'■" [
tonal and workmanlike manner, and which thev will"
for cash cheaper than can be bought in any other \D.i" j
room in the country.
READY-MADE COFFINS, on hand on the tn-et p*
sonable terms. A good UEAItSE will He furnished* t
Funeral occasions. JAMES MACHINE
Towanda, January 1.1855.
AOKNCV.— Policies i-sued in the best e-tj IE' 4
torn patties in the United States, h itn capital to t
000 to 1,000,000. Apply to I*. (. MOOVI,
Faist end Spaulding Block, Waverly. N. Y.
Ilartford City F'ire Insurance Company.
Bridgeport Insurance Company, Connecticut- 1
Empire Insurance Company.
Granite F'ire Insurance Company.
I tica Live Stock Insurance Company.
Susquehanna Life Insurance Company.
Fhoenlx lire insurance Company of Brooklyn-
Excelsior Fire Insurance Company of New Y,ul>-
All orders from the country promptly filled
( \NE CENT REWARD.—Ran away JJ
V / the subse.iber about the 2iith ult, W K<iwK.a ! "" f '
jHiy to the fariniug business-. I tlieret'ore forbid all ! 'A\
harboring or trusting -aid bov on utv account, a
pav no debts of his contracting. HKNKY • l-AO
ltome, March 1.1855. -
* assortment, at j