It is certain that during the nijrht between , ! i s t and 22d of February, the Russians \f' UJ , and armed a redoubt on the Hank of \l\ fortification of Scbastopol : and on the ht between the 24th and 25th it was attacked stormed by the French. So far only is >ure. Mcdins of the Yienna Conference Gorchal*/T ' Inducted to negotiate. Telegraphs from Vienna, of date Tumlay, t r ,th inst.. state tliat Prince Gorchakoff ! ,!'(. diplomatist) had received orders from the J 'iirfTor Alexander to ]roceed with the , Initiations. and confirming the instructions he Hd originally received. . . The first meeting of the plenipotentiaries k place on the 6th. Their debates had for I',;, t the precise meaning of the third of the guarantee points. _ TERKIBI.E COAL PIT EXPLOSION.— The Rich i, ml Despatch contains the particulars of an plosion at the Midlothian Coal Pits, in Chesterfield county, Va., on Monday. The Dispatch says: " The explosion, when it took place, caused the earth, for miles around the pits, to wave and rock as a twig in the wind. One gentle man, who was crossing the railroad, about a mile from the pits at the time, said he felt the rails reel under him ; and another, who was passing the road on horse-back, declared that his beast staggered and trembled, us if suddenly shocked by a tremendous galvanic battery. — The centre boards around the shafts were Mown off as if they had been paper, and at the western shaft two large cable chains were broken in two as easily as if they had been pipe stems. It is supposed the explosion was caused by an accidental ignition of gas. Ot 50 persons in the pit at the time, 34 were taken out dead or in the agonies of death, of whom 28 were slaves and 6 white persons. The names of the latter are Thos. I hum, John Evans, Samuel (Jouldin, John Lester. J. Jewett and Jos. Howe. Four whites—John Howe, S. Hunt, N. Ham and Thos. Kennedy—were badly burned, as were also twelve slaves. The dis patch adds : Some of the dead men, the flesh charred on their hones, held their shovels in their hands— others were holding to their picks and drills ; ami Samuel Hunt, a small boy, who iiad been deprived of reason for the time, by the con dition, was calling loudly to the mule he had been driving to go along. Those who were not dead, as soon us they heard the voices of their friends, begged earnestly not to Vie left, ami then prayed loudly for a few drops of cold water to quench their burning thirst. New-York markets. WEDNESDAY, March 28—2 P. M. FLOES—' Western and State Flour is tirmer, and the d< - •iiand is fair. The receipts by river and railroad are equal lv -mall: the sales of Western Canal arc at s;)(tss'. *>o for common to choice State, and $1 37(!45" 8l for mixed t> pood Michigan. Indiana and common to flood Ohio, and •i I .VKbilJ for extra Genesee. Canadian Flour is held with increased firmness, espc f'.i'.ly pood brands. The sales are at s' 25<7®510 75 for wry common to extra brands, duty paid. id; \in - Wheat is tinner, the arrivals are quite light; the .'iquirx for milling is good; sales of 10, nop bushels white ( auadian on terms not made public, and fair white South ern at $2 25- ltye is steady at $1 31. Oats are firmer, the arrival--mall; sales of Jersey and Southern at 5404 . v. and State and Western at 64(7c68c. Corn is firm, with an Ka-trrn demand for white ; there is little doing for >hi|itni tit; -ales of 30,000 bush. at fMj(ffc'J7c. for Southern mixed, and !>7. Press ed Hogs are in good request at 7(7^7Jc. Lard is firm at yP'Cliip-. for common to choice. Obituary. DlED—TnXVyalusing. March 11th. Mr. BENJAMIN ACKLEV, aged 85 years, 5 months and 21 days. Thus has passed away, at an advanced age, another of the gray-haired pioneers of Bradford County. Another of the connecting links between the past and the present centuries, lias iiecn snapped asunder. Mr. ACKLEV was horn in Litchfield county. Conn., December 20,170' J. In the year 17114. at the age of 25, lie emigrated to I'ennsyl .-yivaiiia, and settled on the Wyalusiug creek, and shortly afterwards removed to the farm he occupied at the time of his death—then a wilderness. He lived to see that wil derness fall before the woodman* axe, and thrift and com fort spring tip on every side. His habits were rather of a 'lorn, -tic kind, though a man of much influence in his own neighborhood. There are many, who, when they read the alwve notice, will rcmemlier that under his roof was found nnirh hospitality and kindness. He was twice married, and an aged partner still survives him to mourn his 10-s. He reared a large family of sons and daughters, who are occupying useful stations, and some "f them stations of honor and public trust. (If children he had fifteen, eleven o r whom are still living. Of grand cii-.dren fifty-five, forty six of whom still live. Of greatgrand children, thirty-sev en. and thirty-five are living. The number of his descen dant-, all counted, is one hundred and seven—living at his j death, ninety-two. In his last illness was shown the truth j "f the wise man. when he says " The days of our years arc i three score years and ten ; and if by reason of strength, | they be four score, yet it is their strength, labor and sor- j row. for it is soon cut off and will flee away." His suffer- j ings in his last illness, were of the most intense kind, and | greatly protracted, yet he bore up under them with much patioine and submission, longing for the hour of his re •aseto come; and when nature could hold out no longer. ; he fell asleep without a struggle or groan. " Peace to his j a-hes." " C. I At his residence, in Burlington, on the 11th inst., Hon. j JOHN MCKEAN, in the 75th year of hi.- age. The subject of the foregoing announcement deserves in 'hi-place a more extended notice than the simple state nient that he was horn, that he lived and died. His name stands prominent among the early settlers of the county ; (i ' loss of persons who arc fast disappearing from among living. A few only remain -and very shortly the sto- j eyufi'ic hardships encountered in the early settlement of j country, as well as the fortitude and heroism with; * ai, 'h those hardships were borne, will become a tradi- I 0 "u. No living eye-witness will remain to relate it. The individual whose decease we have recorded, came into this pan of the State while yet a lxv, with his father several brothers, and settled on Sugar Creek, within 'heprc-cnt limits of Burlington township—and while the 'Trite ry which now forms Bradford County, was part of ' f'ounty of Lycoming. In 1*01). he received from Gov. * '. V| l- r a commission as Justice of the Peace for Burling- j ' township, Lycoming County. Three years later, upon j organization of tips County, he was commissioned by j svne Governor, as one of the Associate Judges, which ' i'-t he continued to fill with ability and undoubted integ- ; r ! . v until 1841, a period of twenty-nine years. Few per- j '"copying positions of public trust and responsibili- j '•"ring a long course of years, have acquitted them- I with greater credit, or preserved a more unsullied • putation than the subject of this notice. As a Judge, a "" ' r - a ' i'i/en and a man, he aimed to discharge his duty k ' w "*i>ti ly and fearlessly, yet with all gentleness aud ■ l,n e--. The single object of bis life was to do good • fimatcd by the common low standard, his life was a ; ■ -ire f„ r ho accumulated no wealth, and was content to i ' .r.t . when jeeged byhislrlrin 'ji . i. r, and the benign influence be shed . around him for tlic elevation and improvement of others, his was an eminent instance of success. Men in general do not appreciate a success like this, which depends upon personal excellence only and has no relation to the ac cumulation of riches; their vision is too gross to perceive the highest order of success. Judge MCKEAN, in early life became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and contiuued in that com munion until the time of his death. For inauy years he was a local preacher. The consolations of the christian religion sustained him amidst the increasing infirmities of age, and in the full enjoyment of his mental faculties up to the hour of his departure, he died In the glorious hope of a 1 >etter life. COM. g-k FIt.VNKLIX FIRE CO. NO. I.—The tncmliers Franklin Fire Company are notified to meet ]&&& 'I 'he Engine house, on Saturday evening, April 7th. at fii o'clock. By order of the Foreman, March 17. . N. T. 800 ART, Secretary. A MASONIC.—The regular meetings of UNION LODGE, No. 108, A. Y. M.. are held every Wed nesday, on or preceding the full moon, at Maso nic Hall, over J. Kingshery's store. All brethren in good standing are invited to attend.— The meeting for April will occur on the 25th April. H. R. A. UNION CHAPTER, No. Hil, holds its regular meetings at the same place, Thursday on or before the full moon. Meeting for April on the 28th day. E. H. MASON, Secretary. ftcro SUmertiscnKtits. Important Scientific BRcovery! BUTMA NTS POLYTROPiI E, for Rulduess and thinness of Hair, a magic restorative of the hu man hair on bald heads—removing and preventing dan druff, and causing the hair to grow luxuriantly, and pre venting it from turning gray. Containing no Alcohol or Oils of any kind. Tlii- is the most valuable discovery for the purpose ever introduced into this place. There are a numliero* gentle men of this Borough, who have used it. and are willing to testify to its excellent restorative qualities. 1 aiu willing to warrant it to give satisfaction to those using it accord ing to directions. For sale by S. COOPER. Rarlier and Hair Dresser, in the basement of the Ward House, Towanda. Towanda, March 28,1855. To the Citizens of Bradford County. BOOK BINDING.—S. WELLS respect fully informs the inhabitants of Bradford County that he still continues the BOOKBINDING business, in the village of Binghaniton, and is ready to attend to anything in bis line that may be entrusted to his care. Particular attention will Is? given to the binding of Mu sic, Magazines, Law Books, Ac. Everything will be done promptly, and in the neatest and most durable manner. f. Bindery in the Third Story, over Messrs. Harring tons' Store, opposite the Post Office. *' As there is no Bindery in Bradford county, for the accommodation of the public arrangements have been made by which Books left at the office of the " Bradford Reporter," will be forwarded to me, aud returned, without extra expense. Riugliamton. March SI, 1855. n-42 TAMES MACFARLANE, .I TTORNE Y • I AT I.A IV, TOWANHA, PA. Occupies the Office, in the Union Block, formerly owned by John ('. Adams Esq. i!-ile will attend to procuring Bounty Land Warrant* and Pensions. March 22, 1855. BOOK OUT FOR ROBBERS! T I). GOODENOUGJI resjiectfully in • forms all those that are entitled to 1 .and Warrants under the act of March 3,1855, that he is now prepared with all necessary forms to meet every case, lie would also say to those who cannot conveniently come to Towan da. that by sending him a statement of the nature of their claims he will make out the necessary papers that can be executed by them before the nearest Justice of the Peace. He would also say. lie ware of travelling speculators. His terms are 50 cents down, and $5 after the warrant is received. Towanda. March 21, 1855. If OR EIG X AIT A (.'IIM K N T--C. .MMON WK.VLTH OF PENNSYLVANIA ; Bradford County, ,t.. i To the Sheriff of Bradford County, Greeting ; We com ' —in and you that you attach OWEN DOUGHERTY i.. s. late of your county, by all and singular bis goods and chatties, lands and tenements, monies, rights ! and credits, in whose hands or possession soever the same may be, so that he lie and appear ls-fore our court of coin man pleas, to be holden at the borough of Towanda. in and j for said county, on the first Monday of May next, thereto answer James Me.Kenna, of a plea of assumpsit, damages not exceeding one hundred dollar*, and that you summon ; and all persons in whose hands op possession the said : goods, chatties, monies, rights and credits, or any of them : may lie attached, so that they and every of them he and appear lie fore said court, at the day and place aforesaid, to answer what shall be objected against them, and abide the judgment of the Court therein; and have you then and there chis writ. ' Witness the Honorable DAVID WII.MOT, President of our j said court, at the Borough of Towanda aforesaid, the 21st day of March, A. 1). 1855. ALLEN McKEAX, Prothonotary. I certify the above to lie a true copy of tlie original writ. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. I Sheriffs Office, Towanda. Match 22. 15,;.",. TOWANDA . 'mm MM mm HMY. ' r rMIIS school, under the charge of the Misses HANSON, A i- held in the north end of the Ward House, in the | room formerly occupied by Laporie, Mason & Go. Miss EMMA HANSON will join her sisters ih a few days and in future will give instruction in the French language i in the school. The school year will consist of four quarters, of eleven I weeks each. The summer vacation commencing in July, and ending ill September. TERMS, I'ER QUARTER : - First Class —To include the elementary English i s , nf . branches.and the study of the Latin language, ( I Second Class —To include tlie more advanced slu- f dies of the English branches, with Mathematics, $3 00 and the study of Latin and French.. . \ ' Third Class —To include Mathematics, Algebra,) ; Mental and Moral Philosophy, Rhetoric, Rota- $l2 00 , ny, Ac., with Latin anil French, \ Each pupil will bring with her a desk and chair. There , will be no extra charges whatever. Music. —lnstruction on the Piano, with use of instru ! ment, will be given by Miss RERF.CCA I>. H VNSOX, at $lO per quarter, and as soon as arrangements now in progress can he completed,a class in vocal music will lie formed. LECTURES on Rhetoric. Moral and Intellectual Philo sophy, and the higher branches of English composition, will also lie delivered once or twice in each week. The aim of the Teachers will ! to impart a thorough i Icuowlcdge of the studies pursued, and to give a tone and I character to their School which will recommend it to the I confidence of the community. ! The next Quarter will commence on Monday. April 30. They lx-g leave to refer to the following named gentle | men :—Rt. Rev. AI.ONZO POTTER, Bishop of the Diocese of Penn'a, Philadelphia ; Rev. Dr. MACLEAN, President of the | College "of New Jersey. Princeton. Hon. DAVID WII.MOT, G. F. MASON, Esq.. ('. L. WARD, Esq., Hon. GEORGE SANDERSON, D. F. BARSTOW, Esq.. Col. J. F. MEANS, Towanda. Towwuda. March 21, 1855. NEW ARRANGEMENT AT THE EAGLE FOUNDRY*! X. TJ. & H. Is. LAMORUAUX, HAVING purchased tlie entire interest of the other members of the l ite firm of I. L. k H. L. L-imoreux k Co. in the " Eagle Foundry," in the south part of the Isirougb of Towanda, will still continue the business of said firm, and manufacture to order and keep constantly on hand a large assortment of the following articles ; MACHINERY of all kinds, including Mill Irons, Mill Gearings; the Rose and Johnson Water-wheel. Ac. Ac. STOVES—B>x, Coal, Cooking and Parlor Stoves, of all | kinds, sizes and prices. PHOI'GHS- North Branch, Nos. 1. 5. and 7; Blacthley ! Nos. 1 and 2 ; Binghaniton. Wayne County, Excelsior, i siilc-hill and corn ploughs, Ac. Corn Hhellcrs and Straw Cutters; Wagon boxes, sleigh shoes. plough points, gearing for chain puinws, grind , stones, and other articles too numerous to menTThti. Having secured as Superintendents, J. B. IRVINE in the machine shop, and ROBERT MUCUTCHEON in the moulding department, the firm feel confident that they ran manu facture and repair all kinds of machinery in as workman like a manner and on as easy terms as any establishment this side of New York. nostrum Engines will lie repaired satisfactorily on short notice. Particnlas attention will be paid to the Pattern depart ment, and all orders fulfilled on the shortest notice. The attention of Farmers is called to J. B. Irvine's cele brated EXCELSIOR PLOUGH, which took the first pre mium at the Bradford county Agricultural Fair of 1853. Also to the elevated oven EAGLE STOVE, the best stove in use. With the above the firm have connected a Tin, Sheet Iron and Cojrper Establishment, and will be at all times ready to manufacture, repair and do job work, and will keep constantly on band assortments in all branches of their business. We call the public attention to the following facts We use the italston Iron, which is acknowledged to be more durable and strong than any other. Our stove plates are thicker and stronger than any of foreign manufacture, and persons purchasing stoves of us can lwvc thein repaired on short notice hy calling on us, without going to the expense of having new patterns. Farmers would save time and expense by purchasing, ploughs of us, as they would not be troubled tor points, as in the ease of foreign ploughs. i.old Iron, Brass, Copper, Pewter, Ac., taken in exchange for manufactures or work. Ed-All would do well to cs't and examine before Fur cluMog cue where. Towanda, February 15, 1855. Nero Sl&Dcrtisemente. TO CONTRACTORS. OEALED PROPOSALS will lie received at the office of 0 " The Barclay Railroad and Coal Company." hi Ton anda, Bradford County, Pa., until SATIRDW , the lith of April next, for the graduation, masourv, bridging, cross ties, Ac., of about sixteen miles of Rail Road, extending from Towanda to the Goal mines, in Franklin Township. Plans, Specifications and profiles will be exhibited at the office for three days previous to the day of letting. The work will he allotted either in separate sections of about one mile each, or the whole in a single contract us shall be determined alter the bids are opened. THOS. T. WIERMAN. Engineer. March 22,1855. C'AUTIOX —.Whereas, my husband, Lester ' Morton, who advertised his wife.'a few weeks since, set forth a false statement, as his wife was at home at the time, and was done fr>r the purpose and as a pretext to squander my property ; 1 therefore forbid all persons har lioring or trusting him on ray account, as I will pay no debts of his contracting after this date. HULDAH ANN MORTON. Burlington, March 21,1855. FARMERS, ATTENTION! Plant your Corn economically and scientifically! P 11. DANA'S HAND CORX PLAN- V '• TFR. patented September 5, 185t. costs ONLY THREE DOLLARS, and is therefore within the means of every man who plants half an acre of ground. It is sim ple in its construction, and executes its Work with accura cy and despatch on various kinds of soil. Unlike other planters, it has no gearing to get out of repair, but is carried in the hand like a cane, aud can lie worked up hill or down; as well as on level ground, plant ing as much ground in a day as five men cau with hoes.— It may also be used to plant beams, as it can is- guaged to drop as few or as many kernels as desired. It is meeting with unprecedented success everywhere it is introduced, having been presented at several Agricultural fairs, and always without exception received the highest premium, being the liest and chea|iest implement of the kind in use. The undersigned, having purchased the right of selling the said Planters in Bradford county, will canvass the county in April, at which time ho will supply those who wish, or dispose of Town Rights to auv who wish to pur chase. „ Jo.S. B. SYKES. Owego, March 22, 1855. (CONNER'S U. S. TYPE FOUNDRY— V. Nos. 28, 31. and 33 Bcekman st. New York. TO PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. The undersigned beg to inform the trade that tliey have recently issued their .Vein Quarto Specimen, and that it is now ready for delivery to their old patrons, as well a- to all who patronize their Foundry. in it will be found a new series of Faces from Pearl to Pica, surpassing if possible, their celebrated series of Scotch cut faces. The Fancy Type department exhibits an unsurpassable variety of beautiful styles, selected from France, Germany and England. The Scripts and Bordering are now for the first present ed to the printing public, and are the productions of the liest European and American Artists. An entire New Series of German Faces, Is-th for News Paper and Job Printing, of a very superior style, is now nearly completed and for sale. The Metal from which our type is made, will be found peculiarly adapted to the SEVERE USAGE of Machine Press Printing. They beg to return thanks for past favors, and to solicit a continuance. Their well known liberal manner of doing business for the past thirty years, is a guarantee to their new patrons of their disposition and ability not to allow themselves to lie surpassed for fairdeuliug, whetherorders are by letter or otherwise. N. B. Proprietors of newspapers are requested to insert the above, provided they will trade out three times the amount of their respective bills in materials of our manu facture, and forward us one copy of the paper containing the advertisement. " tit4l SPRI \(; GOOI >s. J HARVEY PHINNY, Jr., is just re al# reiving a general assortment of SI'RIX(i GOODS which he offers to the public for unusually low prices, for Ready pay. As he is determined to sell floods after the Ist of April for READY PAY. or keep them, persons wish ing to pay cash for goods will find it for their interest to coll and examine his stock and prices. ♦5" All persons indebted to me bv book, note or judg ment. on tlie Ht of April next, unless some satisfactory arrangement is made, will be waited upon by a gentleman in authority. J. H. P. Jr. Towanda. March 14. 1855. S T A G K S will hereafter leave the Ward House, until further FOR WAVERLY -Leave at 11 o'clock, A. M-, arriving in time to take the trains, east and west. Leave after the arrival of the morning trains, from the east and west. FOR TUNKHAXXOCK—Leave immediately upon the arrival of the Waverley stage, about 1, P. M. Arrive at Towanda, in time to connect with tlip stage for Waverlv. March 17,1855. SMITH k POWELL, Proprietors. SNYDER HOUSE, Waveriy, N. Y. 1 -V M ES \YH ITTAK ER respect fully informs •I the travelling public that lie has taken the above well known stand, situated near the Railroad Depot, and soli cits a share of custom. The Hortse is convenient and com modious, and he is determined that no pains and attention to the wants and comforts of guests shall lie spared to give entire satisfaction. March 15. 1855. GROCERIES, of all kinds just 1 received at MO.NT AN YES A CO. I EATHER. Pork. Codfish. Mackerel, ami I I WhitcFieh. for sale cheap at PHIXXKY'S. The Suspuchanna Collegiate Institute, TOU'ASDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. INSTRUCTORS : REV. SAMUEL F. COLT, Principal, Professor of Natu ral. Mental and Moral Science ; REV. JAMES MrWII.LI AM, A. M.. Professor or Ancient Languages and Belles l.ettres ; f'HARLES R. COBUKN, A. M-, Professor of Mathema tics and Master of Normal School ; E. ALBERT LUDWIG. A.M.. Professor of Modern Lan guages Instructor on the Piano and in Drawing; H. BEECH Kit MORGAN. Usher; Mrs. MARTHA A. DAYTON, Preceptress; Miss MARGARET L. KKXNKDAY, 2d do. #VThe Spring Term of 1x55 will commence on Wed nesday, April 4th. The Academic will comprise 3 terms. F.XPKNSKS PER TERM : Tuition in the Fifth class, (primary) per term. ... $1 00 " Fourth 5 00 " Third f. on " Second 7 00 " First a 00 EXTIi v.s : French, German. Spanish or Italian, each 5 00 When taken without other branches 7 00 Drawing 3 00 Ornamental needlework and embroidery,each . 3 00 Tuition on Piano Forte with use of instrument. . 12 (Ml do do per quarter of 11 weeks,.... 10 00 Oil painting in landscapes, per term s 00 do figures 10 00 Room rent fur lodgers I 75 Contingent fund for each pupil 38 Board in Hull, per week, I 75 Washing, per dozen 38 Fuel and light at the actual expense. Pupils Imardiug in the Hall will furnish their own bed, bedding, towels, Ac., and the table silver at their option. No pupil taken for less than half a term. The bills for the term must lie paid in advance : or one half thereof at their entrance, and the remaining half at llie expirat ion of the term. Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the obser vance of the Regulations, and none will be admitted on other terms. Especial exercises are arranged without extra charge for those qualifying themselves as teachers for common schools. For classification of studies and tcxt-liooks, sec circu lars, for which apply to C. L. WARD, President. S. F. COLT, See. fit J. D. MOSTANVK, Treasurer. WTAGONS&, SLEIGIIS.—Two or three It of eacli for sale cheap at PHiNXEY'S. TTLOVKK AND TIMOTHY SEED"— a N. J quantity of each just received and for sale liv February 7, 1855. .1. POWELL. WAR! WAR! WAR! OLD SOLDIERS ! Prepare far a fight trifh Speculators, rind Beirnre of them' The Bounty land bill, giving 180 acres of land to those who served in the war of 1812. or any war since 17'.(0, has passed, and all liersons entitled to such lands should call at once upon J. 3. ("AXFIELO, Athens, Bradford county, Pa., who be sides having the law and the requisite forms, has had much experience in obtaining land warrants, Ac., and will do it for old Soldiers, their VVidowsand Minor children, for just what it is worth io do the business. The bill provides land for persons of all grades, by land or sea,including Indians, wagoners and flotilla men, who have served in the wars since 1790; 160 acres in all to each person who has served not less than 14 days, except actu ally in battle for a shorter period. The widows or minor children, to receive the benefit in case of the death of the persons so entitled. The widows, officers and soldiers of the revolutionary war to be entitled to the benefit of this act, as well as volunteers at the invasion of Plattsbnrg in .September, 1814. The volunteers at the attack of Lewis town. Delaware, in Ixl2 and 1815. and the Chaplains who served in the several wars. Post-paid communications uromutla' attended to. .I.E. CAN FIFLD, r nr I v .jr.ty " sr.g Agent. Allien'-, Bradford Co-. Ft-, MRP !} 6, k-jA- Ccgnl O HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry 0 writs of Vctid. Exponas. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Brndtoid County, and to rue directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Imroiigh of Towauda. op. MONDAY, the 7th day of May. 1-55. ut 1 o'clock I'. M., the following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Pike township, bounded as fol lows to wit: North by lands of Thomas Jones 3d, East A South by lands of Richard A-difon, and west by lands of Ifcuiau e.'ogswell. Containing fifty-two acres, more or less, i about ft rty-two ai res improved, with one log house. [ and framed barn, and a framed corn-house, and nu orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized aud taken in execution at the suit of Caleb Car malt vs. Thomas Morris. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land, situ ate in Franklin twp.. bounded on the North by lands of Roliert Metteer, on the east hv lands of Hiram Borrouglt, on the south by lands of John Webber, and on the west by Jcdiah Cranmer. Containing fifty acres more or less, about twenty acres improved, one log house and annul fruit trees therein. Seized aud taken in execution at the suit of Joseph M. Griggs to the use of W. A. Park vs. Daniel Ingham. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate in Orwell township, hounded as follows: north by the north line of Orwell township, ea-t by lands of Harry Billings and Sidney llrainard,south by funds of J. D. Newell and Humphrey lleckwith, and we'd by the public highway. Containing ninety acres he the same more or less, about forty acres improved, with one framed house a framed birn and one orchard of fruit trees tliereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Henry Gibbs vs. Sewell S. Lathrop and Simon B. Lathrop. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of laud, situate in Troy twp., hounded on the North by lands of Horace Long, east by lands of Timothy Roe, south by lands of J. W. Williams and <>. P. Ballard and west by land of Putnam Baxter. Containing 100 acres more or less, about 25 acres improved, one framed house, one framed .barn with a board shed attached, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. C. Paine vs. John Sadler. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Herriek, bounded on the nortli by lands of A. 11. Brown, east by lands of N. B. Wet more. south by lands of George Perk ins and west by lands of Nelson Marsh. Containing about three-fourths of an acre more or less, all improved, with a framed house, a black smith shop and a lew small fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Johu If. Bogart vs. Volney D. Rosongrant. | ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Ulster township, bounded on the north by [ the highway leading from Milan corners in Ulster, to I Smithliehl, oil the ast by Darius Myers, on the south and west by lands of Charles K. Welles, Jr. Containing about two acres more or less, all improved, with a framed two storv dwelling house, one framed barn and a board shed attached and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at thesuitof Win. M'Ciir tv vs. Butler Vincent. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land, situate in Rome twp., bounded on the North by laad of Emelinc Struhle and Hiram Drake, east by lands of 11. Drake, south by lands of Lucius Eastman, and west by the highway. Containing 22 acres and 27 perches, he the same more or less, aboht fourteen acres improved, one framed house, one framed barn and a framed blacksmith shop and a few fruit trees thereon. £ Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Hiram Drake now to the use of John Drake vs. Silas Gore. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land, situate in Kraukliu twp., bounded on tin- north by the Towauda creek.on the east by lauds of Charles W. Stevens, on the smith by lands on the west by lands of Win. Williams. Containing one hundred and thir ty acres he the same more or less, about 10 acres improv ed, one framed house, one framed building used for a barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 11. K. Fow ler to the use of R. Fowler vs. Ransom Payne. ALSO—the following described lot, piece or parcel of 1 land, situate in the township of Wells, bounded on the north by lands of John Moore, west by lands of Benjamin lnga lis .John Roberts and Humphrey 'Williams, south by lands of John Roberts, east by lands of Geo. Wilcox null Wm. lngulls. Containing about 87i acres, more or less, about 80 acres improved, one board house aud small hoard shed thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles lu galls vs. Nehemiuh Rath hone. ALSO —The following lot. piece or parcel o" land -itu ate in the twp. of South Creek, bounded on the north hv lauds of Mahalii Herriek. west by land ot Win. Ward.south by the highway leading from South Creek to Wells, and east by lands of Alexander Relvae. Containing about Ink acres inorc or less, 20 acres improved, one framed house, one framed barn and some fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Luther Whitniarsh to the nse of Win. S. Ingalls vs. Johu Watson. ALSO -The following lot, piece or parcel of land, situ ate in Athens twp.. hounded oil the north by lands ol James Thompson. ca->t by lands of J. F. Satterlee, jr., on the south by the road leading from Athens to Litchfield and lands of Julius Tozer. Containing titty acres more or less, all improved, one framed barn, one framed horse shed and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Solomon Cumuiings, adiu'r. of Clark Rice, deceased vs. James M. Tozor. ALSO—The following doscrilied lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Burlington boro., hounded as follows : Beginning at the centre of the turnpike, thence south 24 deg.. west l. Taylor and wife, containing 9 and 5-1(1 , perches, the other conveyed by 11. Fultz to Win. Coryell, ; 03 perches) all improved, with a two story framed tavern i house and a framed shed attached, two framed barns and I other out-buildings ami a few fruit trees thereon. j Seized and taken in execution at the suit of I". Mcrcnr, Win. El well and J. H. Phinuey jr., vs. John H. Fnrman. ALSO— A certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in ' Ridgbury twp.. liounded on the north hv lands lloiiging to the heirs of Johu Buck, deceased, west by lands of >l. | and L. Chamlici lin, south by lands of Win. Fierce and Far vine Covell, east by lands of Wm. Eastou. Containing , about sixty acres, more or less, about 50 acres improved ; one saw mill, one framed or plank house, one log house, one framed barn, aud a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ahiram Pierce's use vs. Abner Graves. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Windham tp., hounded on the the north ly lands I belonging to the estate <>f James I>emerest. dee'd.. on the | east by lands of Frederick Jakeway. on the south by W. L. Hartshorn, and on the west by lands of Jumes Smiih. Containing i>s acres, more or less, about fifty acres improv ed. one framed house, one framed burn, and a young or chard fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Asa Park vs. Milton Wood. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. I Tnwanda, March 31, 1855. ( a!}- Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to the costs, will he required to he paid upon each sale when down to the bidder, and upon failing to comply with tbi; regulation, tract of land will again be offered for sale. Joiis A. Coitnixo. I IST OF .IEIIORS, drawn for .MAY TVrin J J and Sessions, 1855. nn.vvn .tpkors. Yrimnt G. W., Dirndl, I Morrow J. H. Asylum. Ardway, Wm. Burlington tp.(Merrill Cyrus. Litchfield, Brainaid A. Litchfield, Plainer D. W. Alliens tp. Burnout W. Herriek. Parker J. S. Rome, Chandler Spencer. Litchfield Parry Wm. Athens tp. Deifetibncker C. Overton, | Quiuihy J. L. Albany, Fo- ter J. M. Canton, (RossJ. H. Granville", Gates Herriek, Springlieid. 'Sniilev T. T. Franklin, Hopkins J. F. Troy horn', |Stevens Seth. Albany, Kilenbcrger M. Wilmot, (-bores Stephen,Sheshequin, Lilley George, Cant >n, i V'ancise Samuel, do M'kiiiney I>. Litchfield, | West brook H. Staud'gStone. TKAVERSE .U'ltons —FIRST WEEK. Adams Joel, Springlieid, (Gorton Wm. B. Slieslioqtiin, Adams James, Troy boro", ICceler N. J. Towauda Boro". Brink Stephen, Pike, Kinney W. W. Koine. Baiicock J. It. G. \\ indham. Lewis Kli-lia, Wyalusing, Ballard J. A. P. Troy boro', Morse liemaii, Litchfield, Bloodgood C. Litchfield, Moody John A. Rome, I toe worth L. L. Pike, Overton W. 11. Athens boro' <'hatnherlin John, Smithficld Fierce Amos Troy Tp. Coleman (I. F. Ridgbury, Quick Riley, Asylum, Uatlin George, Granville, lingers H. D. Ulster, Floyd Holmes. Wells, Rockwell Niram, Canton, French ('has. Springlieid, | Vott Ansel, Sniitliliehl, Foss A. D. Le Roy, [Smith Whitfield, Tuscaroro, GeronldSain'l. W.SmithlleldjSpcnccr G. W. Windham, Gilbert Richard, Durcll, I Wilcox Freeman, Albany. Griswold H. A. Leßoy, I Williams Johnson, Troy, Tp. Heaverly James. Overton, j Vilcox Daniel, Granville. Harris X. U. Athens Broro",|Ward Ilenry, Burlington Tj>. f*KCOXI> WEEK. Allyn Seneca. Warren, lllulstcd W. S. Ridgbery, Brown A.G. Springfield, lliney Timothy, Rome, i Barnes John N. Pike, (Hodge James. Fike, Baiiard Clias. H. Columbia. [Kinyon C. It. Granville, Briece Henry, Windham, |la)oniis Josiali. Canton, Bull Edward', Orwell, (Ism doll G. W. Herriek, Bailey Alanson,Granville. (Lantz Wm. Franklin, Brown Elijah M. Ridgbery.Alarsli Isaac, llerrick, Codding David S. Pike, !Newell John W. Canton, Callau Warren. Springfield.ll'ratt L. A. Monroe, Dutton A. R-Sinithrteld, Itedington G. F. Troy Tp. Dewitt Jlwgan, Burlington, Stone Hiram, Wilmot, I>odd Harrison, " Stafford J-H. Asylum, Ford Edwin, Fike. j Stephens George, Fike, Gardner David, Athens Tp.|Shepard L. C. Armenia, Gordon. T ohn.StandingStoneiSmith Henry, Ulster, Gorham Julius, Orwell, (Titus ObedUb, llerrick, Grace Addison, Springfield,! Wood Daniel, Troy Tp. 4 DMINISTRATOIi'S NOTICE. —Notiee XJL is hereliy given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of ALEXANDER HAND. deed, late of Windham twp., are requested to make payment without delay ; and those having demands against said estate will present them dulv authenticated for settlement. EL3B3LT, .March E55. £egal Qldocrtiscjnente 4 DMiMSTRATOIES NOTICE Notice | -L jL is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of ROXAN.Y VAN WRINKLE, deceased, late of Pike twp., are hereby requested to make payment without do ! lay; and nil persmw having claims against said estate will please pie-cut thciu dulv authenticated for settlement. C. G. GKIDLEY, Administrator. Orwell. February 17, 1855. jPXECDTOR'S NOTICE.-—Notices is here ! +-A by given, that nil persons indebted to the estate of , 1 lOft A 110 GAM AGE, dee'd. late ol Burlington twp.. arc hereby requested to make pay merit without delay; and j nil person- having claims against said estate will please , present thcui dulv authenticated for settlement. .It Li A GYM AGE, , .. PERRY B. PRATT, ( Executors. I February 17. 1855. 4 EDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the matter of I ix the estate of P. 1). Havens, deceased. In the Or- I phans' Court of Bradford County. The undersigned Au ditor appointed by the said Court to distribute the jiro ' ceeds of the sale of real estate of said decedent, in the ] hands of his administrators, will attend to the duties of ' his appointment at his office in Towauda borough.on Sat urday the 7th day ot April, A D 1855. at 10 o'clock A. M. at which time and place all persons interested are reques ted to present their claims, or be forever debarred from said funds. G. 11. WATKINS, Auditor. Towauda. February 26, 1865. 4 I).M IN ISTR A TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice -4 4. i.-, hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of BOLIVER PALMER, deceased, late of Cant in tp, are hereby requested to make payment without delay; | and all persons having claims against said estate will i please present them duly authenticated for settlement. Til KRESS A PALMER, Administratrix. Canton,' March 1,1855. ' 4 D.MINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice i i l is hereby given, that all persons indebted to ttie es | tate of BENJ.Y MIX P.. SLADE deceased, late of Columbia ! twp, are hereby requested to inake payment without de ; lay: and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them dulv authenticated for settlement. March I, is.-,5. Nil Yl. PELADE, Administrator. ! 4 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—N otioc | 4.4. is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es ; tate of THONf.YS TH ATCHER, deceased, late of Orwell ! township, to make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate, will present them du ly authenticated for settlement. CYRUS I'H.YTCIIER, February 7, 1855. Administrator. V' OTICE. The Ceamaksioaers of Bradford ! A..1 County have fixed upon the following days and dates | respectively* for holding APPEALS, viz : Towauda borough, Burlington township mid borough, | North and South Towauda. Ulster and Wilmot, on Thurs 1 day, February 15. Canton, Franklin. Granville, llerrick, Lerov and Wysox on Monday, February 19. Orwell,"Pike, Rome, Sheshcquin.Tiiscarora. Wyalusing. Warren and Windham, on Tuesday. February 20. Columbia, Overton, Ridgherry, Smithfiehl, Springfield, South Urcek and Sylvania borough, on Wednesday, Feb j ruary 21. Athens township, Athens Iwrough, Albany, Asvluni, Armenia. Durcll. Litchfield and Standing Stone on 'Thurs day. February 22. ! Monroe, Troy township and borough, and Wells, on l-'ri ! day, February 23. i £B"The Assessors will be punctual in delivering theno , tices to tlie taxable*, anil in making their returns in pcr ; son on the day designated in their warrants, at which time I and place the Board of Revision will attend and hear all such as think themselves aggrieved'by said assessment, I and make such deductions and alterations as to them may seem just. By order of the Commissioners, j Feb. 7, 1855. ' K. M. FARRAR. Clerk. 4 DMINISTKATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice s V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of ( . i'. PHILIPS dee'd.. late of Burlington tp., are hereby requested to make payment without delay: and all pcr-ons havinging claims against -aid estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. J. M. PHILIPS, Administrator. | February 3. 1855. IN THE MATTER of the Partition of the I Heat F.A.ite of Itnrnry It'i bltrr, dercitttd. - Notice is hereby given to all parsons interested in the partition of the real estate of Barney Webber, decc i.-cd, late of the Towusltip of i'roy. to come into ("ouit on the lir-t day of next term, (biing ihe 7tli day of May next, at 2 o'clock. P. M., to a • ept or refuse the estate which was appraised hv the Jurv of inquest upon -aid estate, on the fith duv of January. 1855. JAMES H. WEBB, Clerk of O. C. Tow:uidn, March 16. 1-55. 4 UDITOR'S NOTICE.- In the matter of il- the estate of Arvine Clark 2d, deceased : In the Or phan's Court of Bradford County. The undersigned Auditor appointed by said Court, to mar-hall assets aud distribute funds in the hands of the Administrator of said decedent, will attend to the duties assigned him at his office in the borough of Towauda. on ' Tuesday, the 3d dav of April. 1855, at one o'clock. P. M., when and where nil persons interested are requested to i present their claims, or la- forever debarred therefrom. March 5. 1 55. D'A. OYERTUN, Auditor. 4 EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of 4 4 Ihr vtntf nnderaignrd is constant!l v receiving from New-York by Express. new additions to his Stock of Wat.hes, flocks, Jewelrv, Silver ware, and Fhncy Good*. comprising in part—Gold and Si her Ltver, L'Kpine and Plain Watchea, with a full and com]tlctc H.SMirtment of Fine Gold Jcwelrv] such as Gold chains, Lockets, Bracelets. Gold Perm, Kara' Breast-Pins, Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings, etc. etc. Also, a luge variety of Silver ware .such as Tabic and Tea Spoons. Cream spoons, Butter kuives Salt spoons. Spectacles, to gether with an extensive assortment of Plated Ware—All of which will be sold very b w for f ASH. < LOCKS. — V lafjro use •rimcnt flocks just received, of all descriptions, ranging in prices from "5 cents to Fifty Hollars. *■>. Watches repaired on slmrt notice, an J WAI;HAS;IO> to run well. Also, nil kinds Clocks repaired. W. A f. would beg leave to say. that he is prepared to execute the mo.-t diltieult Jobs, sueji us ean be done at no other Shop short of New-Yolk city. U\ A. CHAM BERLIN'. February 1, 1*55. I OOKING GLASS I'LATES ( i t AM) I J tittiM for any size, to lie had at the Jewelry Store erf Feb. I,l*oo. W. A. CHAM BERLIN*. HANG OUT THE BANNER!! A HORSE! A HORSE! inv kingdom f" r horse and customers to take uwavtiio Roods. Not withstanding the late disastrous JgF—' jl tires.i A. Al. WARNER IS HIMSELF And at Xo. 1 Brick Row you'll lind Most anything that's in his line. From a cambric needle of the finest kind. To a jewelled watch of eighteen karat fine ; Clocks which keep time accurate and truu ; Breast pins of every stvie and hue, Gold, silver, steel and plated chains, Selected with the greatest pains. Finger rings, MV GOSH, why what a pilo Of every shape and every stvie. To suit the old, the young, the grave, the gay, May there lie seen in elegant array. And WAKSKK. who is himself a " host,'' Is always reudv and at his jiost, To wait upon fiis customers and all Who chance upon 'itu to give a call. 50 with good advice make op your minds To call on hhn and there you'll find Such sights, my eyes! I? what a view ! Jewelry of every style and hue. *TL. Bon't mistake the place. N'o. 1, Brick Row, wLcro he is prepared to do all kinds of JOB-WORK, in his line of business, at llie cheapest rates that can pos sibly be afforded. He will also sell his jewelry at 20 put c'KNf. low Kit than was ever before offered in this market. Fa- Call and -co. A. M. WARNER. Towanda. January 1855. DISSOU TION. The Copartnership here tofore existing between the subscribers, under the name of I. L. A 11. 1.. I.AMEREAUX, A Co.. is this day dissolved by mutual consent of all parties. The business of said firm will hereafter be carried on by 1.1.. A 11. L. LAMERKAI'X, at the old stand. Notes and K tok accounts of the late firm are left in the hands of 1. L. A 11. L. Latu ereaax, and uiu>t he settled forthwith. I. 1.. L.VMEUKAL'X. D. C. HALL. 11.1.. I.AMKREAI'X, f. K. KI'SSKLL. Towanda, Jan. 20, 1555. I IST OP' LETTERS, remaining in the I\ J O. at TOWANDA. l'a. Eebruan 15, 1*55. Bsirtch George .M Lynch Bridget Barnes Mary 2 Afadigtin Michael Brown Samuel Mcfrorsin Joiucs llrown Harrison Miugns Joseph Buckley William Murphy Daniel Bennett John M McNiei William Burlingante Lcandcr L Morgan John Butter'ii ld Sarah Mnrtagh Mary Burke Bridget Mantiaban Daniel .Culver, Daniel R l'utlersou William 2 furreu Daniel Pierce Whitman L Connelly John Preston Charles A < 'ornmoics Wni Pie-tee ( he-ter Chaffee Fanny 2 Runmn Laytoa Parmari Eliza Bobbins Isaac Campbell Friend Stevens John 2 C'omstoek Chandler Sage Philander Coolbaugh William Strickland M D Corby Joseph Summers Sally Dickennait S M Specs Rhoda A 2 Dricfus- Samuel Sullivan James Demarest Roetta Stevens Diana David Charles Slum. John Driukwater (> II Specs Angelina It Davis Francis Smith John Davidson George L Sullivan Hannah Dohertv James Stuerd Luther 1, Depeu Mrs A J Smith Myron Durrin Henry 2 Kantee John Kliish William Scott John 11 Ennis Levi Smith Jes. e Fox Mrs H Thomas Dunham A Co Fenouirhty James Trumble D Gould Kpitraiiu Vandyke James Gleasoti Oweti White Michael Hatch James Wolf Gurrick M 2 Harden Thomas W alsh John Harrington A Son White David G Hoi Put Elijah II Wiggins Ezra Hill Stephen A Westgato Bet ear Irvine James It Watkins Maav J Jackson John Weld E S Iverrirk Frederick Walsh Morgarel Kilmer Joshua 2 Wheeler P J Lewis William White Rev John Lathrop Jacob Wvkoft Sarah Lynch James ■ 2 While Miss Margaret Liebig R Young 11 E Ah Persons calling for any of these letters will pi i tattaa they are advertised. 11. C. PORTER, p. M. DR. JOHN MTXTOSH. SURGEON lti:.\TlST. HAS RETURNEI'. Office next door to Mercur's store, and over Alexander's Clothing Store, Main street. Towanda. February 2-t, 1*55. T) I) MORROW, ATTORNEY AT I • /.All'. Office with the Register and Recorder.— Towauda, Pa. February 10.1856. DM. OVERTON, ATTORNEY AT /.A IP. Office in the second story of the L'uiuu Block, over the office of James Macfurlane. DR. E. h. MASON. /•// YSiciA v and 51 IWh'.OX. offers his professional services to the people of Towanda and virinitv. Office at his re-idence on Pine street, where he ean always be found when not nrotessi inallv engaged. mi u'O Sfi^r'V ~~ FOR ONE OR TWO YEARS, i situated in Overton township, Bradford coua -1 ty. containing 211 ACRES, with 2.5 acres im- WY/wP jii oved, and 8 acres seeded down with clovt* spring. A good house, and a new barn, 30 by 50 erected on the premises. Possession will be giv en the Ist of April. Also, a good HOPSK to rent for one year, to a steady and industrious man. to whom steady employment and good wages will be given. EDWARD M'GOYERN. Heverieyvillc, January 11. 1855. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale his valuable FARM.situate in Burlington township, Bra dford county, l'a., containing about 225 ACRES, oi which about 120 acres are improved, and in a high state of etilrt vation. Alsmt 70 acres of the improved part is bottom land, and the balance rolling Innd. facing the south and east. About 100 acres is well timbered with pine and hemlock, and a good mill seat the.eon. This farm i-ight miles from the Klniira and , „ Williamsport Railroad, and nine miles from the North Branch Canal. Jt has upon it two good apple orchards, and an abundance of cherries. Jin|js plums, Ac.: a new dwelling home, two gooet-rloths, Gighems. Fine Wors ted plaids, Silk Poplin. Alapaeas, Calicos, Fineand heavy Irish Linens. Cotton Pillow Casings, Brown and Bieachid Muslin. Rack Flannel, Broad Cloths A Ca-sUnere.Ac. !—100 bbls. choice brands, super fine FAMILY FLOI'R. just received, for sate whole sale or retail by fehl'2 BAILEY A XTMNS. jp ROCERIES.—A largo,stock just received xJT —consisting of Sugars. Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Fish. Ac. Ac., of superior quality for sale at reduced prices. March 15. 1865. BFRI'OX KIN'GSBEKV. VLL PERSONS indebted to Montimye? A Go .will do well to call an-ljuiake payment,otherwise, aeceasitj w ill compel tlKa to c?ad a call that w ill l a mere exffesrive * Karch 1. 1P55.