trins the ; "and, n#renver, if you give me the lie again— by St. Luke, I will brerk your unbelieving jaw." As the Effeiuli happened to oe alone with Demetrius, (for he had dismissed his interpreter,) and as there was something exceedingly men acing in the stalwart frame and clenched teeth of the (ireek, his interlocutor judged it expe- ( dicnt to lower his tone. " Can you remove the spells you have laid 011 the ships?" he asked. "Those that are launched are past praying , for." * " Will the next float ?" " If I choose." " And the next ?" " If I choose." "Name your own reward, then," said the ■ Effcndi, immensely relieved. " How many j piastres do you require ? Will ten thousand I do ?" " I want much more than that," answered Deinetrins the Diver, with a grim smile. " More ! What rogues you Greeks are ! llow much more ?" " I want," pursued the diver, "mv wife Kutinka hack from Stamboul. She was torn j away from Seio, and is in the hareni of the j Captain Pacha. I want my three children, ' my boy Andon, my boy Yoroth, and my girl Eudoeia. When I have all those* here at ; Aassalian, (Marseilles,) and twenty thousand piastres to boot, your frigates shall be launch- i ed in safety." "All well and good," said the Effcndi ; " I will write to Stamboul to-night, and you shall hive all your brood, and the piast res as well, | within two months. But what security have 1 j that you will perform your part, of the contract? The word of a Greek is not worth a para." j " You shall have a bond for double the : amount which you will hand over to me, from two merchants of Marseilles. You cannot give me nil I should like," concluded the Diver, j with a vengeful frown. " You cannot give me back my aged father's life, my sister's, my youngest child's ; you cannot give me the heart's blood of the Albanian wolf, who slew them." Within a quarter of a year, Demetrius the was restored to his family. He in sisted upon receiving the stipulated reward in advance, probably holding as poor an opinion of the word of a Turk as the Effcndi did of the word of a Greek. The momentous day arrived when the third frigate was to be launched ; a larger crowd than ever was collected ; every body was on the tipto of expectation. Deme trius the Diver, who, during the past three months, had had free access to the ship-builders' 1 yard, was 011 board. The doghorses were knocked away, the frigate slid down her ways, 1 and took the water in splendid style. The ; launch was completely successful. The Effcndi j was in raptures, and believed more firmly in ; the power of the evil eye than over. A few 1 days afterwards the fourth frigate was launch ed with equal success. " Marvellous man !" cried the envoy of the j Sublime Porte, "by what potent spell wert | thou enabled to bewitch the first two fri- ! gates?" ' Simply by these," answered Demetrius the Diver, in presence of a large company assem bled at a banquet in honor of the two success-< fu! launches, " five years ago my father was one of the most extensive shipbuilders at Scio, and I was bred to the business from my youth. We were rich, we were prosperous, until we were ruined by the Turkish atrocities at Scio. I arrived in Marseilles alone, beggared, my father murdered, wife and children in captivity. How I lived, you all know. While the first two frigates were being built, I watched every stage of their construction. I detected several points of detail which 1 was certain would pre vent their being successfully launched. When, however, I had entered my contract with this noble Effcndi, 1 conferred with the ship wrights ; I out to them what was wrong ; I convinced them, by argument and illustration, what was necessary to be done.— They did it. They altered, they improved.— Behold the ships are launched, and the evil eye had 110 more to do with the matter than the amber mouthpiece of his excellency the Effeudi's chiboqnel. I have done." The Effcndi, it is said, looked rajlier foolish at the conclusion of this explanation, and waddled away, muttering that all the Greeks were thieves. Demetrius, however, kept his piastress, gave up diving for a livelihood, and, commencing business 011 his own account as a boat-builder, prospered exceedingly with Katinka his wife, and Adon, Yorglii and Eudoeia, his children. As to the frigates, they were equipped for sea in good time and were, I believe, knocked to pieces by the allied fleets at the battle of Navarino.— ]Aden's Household Words. ' [Oorrespondeiu-e of the Evening Pout.] WASHINGTON March 10, LR.J'>. Perhaps a reconstruction of the Cabinet may be necessary. Of that, however, there is no thing absolutely known, but the appointments of late clearly point to a new and better state of things at hand. When Col. BENTON was lieing tried in the furnace of affliction, the Pre sident called 011 him and tendered to liini a home and the hospitalities of theAVhite House. This was too much for the stem old Roman, who could defy a world in arms against him, but melted to tears at such consideration ami kindness from the President. He declined, with suitable expressions of gratitude, accepting, however, the proffered use of the library and manuscripts. The Supreme Court lias decided the Fremont case in his favor, confirming his title to the lands, but reserving the question of minerals, it was ably and eloquently argued by Mr. JONES, the counsel, and brother-in-law of Col. Fremont, and by Mr. CRITTENDEN in favor, and by the Attorney-General against him. This will make to Col. Fremont some amends for the serious injury which lie had suffered from the neglect of the government to provide for the payment of large sums disbursed by Col. Fremont, in California lor the government, and for which he was arrested and detained for a long time in London. The appointment of solicitor to the board of claims is a very fortu nate one. FATAI. BRAVADO. —A man, named Stcdman, a cabinet-maker, at Aurora, Portage countv, Ohio, one day last last week, remarked to a honuepathie physician there : —" I could take any quantity of your pills without injury." The doctor replied—" If yon were to take such a quantity of this," pointing to a special medi cine, "it would kill you." The foolish man swallowed the inedieine before he could bepre \ented, and died the same day. I ME GAINES < ASK. —-The application of Mrs., ■ uxrs for probate on a lost will of her father, j r -bised Oil the ground of insufficiency of .v ! ic is tl,ought another hearinsr in the case w.-.. be granted. * ; Four Days Later from Europe. EMPEROR NICHOLAS DEAD! HALIFAX, March 15. The Royal mail steamship Africa, Capt. i Harrison, has arrived at this port, en route fur I Boston. She left Liverpool on her regular day, i the od instant. lLer advices are consequently 1 four days later than those received by the j Pacific. The news is of the most important : and start ling character. The emperor of Russia is dead. He expir |od suddenly at one o'clock 011 the morning of j Friday, the second instant, and the event I created the greatest excitement. No details ; have been received, but there can be no doubt | of the fact, as it was announced in the House of Lords 011 Friday night by Lord Clarendon, and in the Commons by Lord Palraerston. Surmises were afloat that he was assassinated, but it is thought he died of apoplexy, after an attack of influenza. His illness was known in England before the news of his death was received, and caused a slight rise in the funds. The effect of his I death, of course, had not transpired when the | Africa left Liverpool. The Vienna conference was to open 011 the | sth instant, and peace expectations were daily ; growing stronger. LONDON, Friday night, March 2, 1855. This evening in the House of Lords, the Earl of Clarendon rose and said : " 1 think it | my duty to communicate to your lordships the j contents of a telegraphic despatch which I received half an hour since from her Majesty's j minister at the Hague, that the Emperor | Nicholas died this morning at one o'clock of Pulmonary apoplexy, after an attack of in fluenza. I have also received a despatch from her Majesty's minister at Berlin, stating that! the Emperor of Russia died at twelve o'clock j this morning. An hour before this despatch arrived, 1 received accounts from Lord John Russel at Berlin, stating that the Emperor was 011 the point of death, and had already 1 taken leave of his family. Although this ! event occurred so short a time ago, as between twelve and one o'clock this morning, there can 1 be no doubt, under these circumstances, of its . authenticity.' In the House of Commons, Lord Palmer-ton made a similar statement. ! FRANCE. —The Emperor was at the Camp of St. Oilier. Nothing further was known res pecting his intended visit to the Crimea. , There were rumors of some important arrests for political causes having been privately made in Paris. Persons of high distinction are said to be implicated. The Mcni/eur announces the loss of a French frigate, with troops, in the Straits of Bonifacio. All perished—(soo or upwards. THE'AISTRAUAX INSURRECTION*. —Great Bri tain is iu dager of losing another of her distant colonies. Australia lias exhibited, for two years past, a disposition to throw off the au thority of the mother country as exercised by the Colonial Government, and to setup a gov ernment better adapted to the genius of the colony and the spirit and wants of its people. Similar in character to the first emigration to California, the people are not accustomed to control, or willing to submit to the restraints of law in which they have so small a voice in cre ating. The democratic representative element would sit easier upon such a population, and the wants of the community l>e legally embodi ed more promptly, than through a Colonial Government, whose acta are subject to confir mation and modification by another Govern ment thousands of miles distant. Abuses will always exist where the authority to correct them is not present and immediate in its ac tion. The repeated complaints of the Austra lians prove that the Colonial Government of that country is not an exception, and these abuses, with the oppressive character of much of the legislation, have t nded to alienate the affections of a large portion of the most ungov ernable part of the population. They have several times made hostile manifestations against the enforcement of the laws, particular ly the exaction by the Government of a license fee to dig in the mines. It was the attempt to enforce this law which has produced the last outbreak. The English papers give the fol lowing intelligence respecting its success : By the arrival of the Marco Polo we have dates from Melbourne to the 2d December.— From the papers brought by this ship we learn that a serious riot took place at Ballarat on the 3ftth of November, which was not quelled when the vessel left, though 1000 soldiers, sai lors, and mariners had been sent to quell it.— The cause of the riot was the attempt of the government authorities to collect the pay for the diggers' licenses, the said diggers having at a monster meeting, come to the resolution to resist payment. On Thursday the commis sioner in charge sent out a party to search for unlicensed miners. A body of the police went to the gravel pits, and then attempting to make an arrest, t hcv were pelted with stones and forced to retire. The resident commissioner then returned with a large reinforcement of police and troops, and, having read the riot act, required all quietly-disposed persons to re tire. A large mob had by this time collected, but on this notice very many persons withdrew and then the military proceeded to disperse the remainder. THE RECIPROCITY TREATY. —The President has announced that the reciprocity treaty has gone into effect. The proclamation says : From this date, the following articles, being the growth and produce of the said provinces of Canada, New Rrunswk-k, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward's Island, to wit:—(irain, flour, and bread-stuffs of all kinds; animals of all kinds; fresh, smoked, and salted meats; cot ton-wool; seeds and vegetables; undriedfruits; fish of all kinds; product* of fish and all other creatures living in the water; poultry, eg-s, hides, furs, skins, or tails undressed; stone or marble in its crude or uuwrought state; slate, butter, cheese, tallow, lard, horns, manures, ores of metals of all kinds; coal, pitch, tar, turpen tine, ashes, timber and lumber of all kinds, round, hewed and sawed, unmanufactured in whole or in part; fire-wood, plants, shrubs and trees; pelts, wool, fish oil, rice, broom-corn and bark; or unground; hewn or wrought or unwrought burr or grind-stones; dye-stuffs, flax, hemp and tow, unmanufactur ed; unmanufactured tobacco; rags—shall be introduced into the United States free of duty, so long as the said treaty shall remain in force; subject, however, to be suspended in relation to the trade with Canada, on the condition mentioned in the fourth article of the said trea ty ; and that nil the other provisions of the said treaty shall go into effect and be observed on the pnrt of the I'm'ted Slates Ikubforbilqwrtcr. E. O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. TOAYA X 1 ) A : Srttnrimn fllorning, ittarcl) 2Y 1533. MEETING OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE. The Democratic Standing Committee for Bradford County are requested to meet at the Ward House, in the Borough of Towanila, 011 Wednesday, April 4, 1855, at 1 o'clock, P. M. The members of the Committee are urgently requested be be present. The following named gentlemen compose the Standing ComnVittee : —E. O. GOODRICH, CHESTER THOMAS, H. S. SALSBURY, FRANCIS HOMET, FRED. OKW.VX, MILO MERRILL, lIENKY Gums, JOHN ROWLEE, EUGENE KEELER. CHASE ON PRIVATE LETTERS. Our friend, the Ex-Speaker, seems to have a very decided penchant for publishing private letters. Generally, correspondence, written in the confidence of friendship,is considered sacred not even to be exhibited to others, and partic ularly not to the injury of the writer. But CHASE seems to hold different ideas of the sanctity of private correspondence. His maxim is, we presume, that the end justifies the means, and so he does not hesitate to descend to that which gentlemen are very careful to avoid. llis latest exploit in this line, is the publi cation of a letter written by the editor of the Reporter to him, some two years since, asking him for a friendly letter to the Canal Board, to accompany a bid for work. This letter Mr. CHASE finds in his '• files," and parades in his paper, for some object—known only to himself. Strange as it may appear after his late per formances, the letter is correctly copied, to the best of our recollection ! If we could adopt Mr. CHASE'S code of mor ality and gentlemanly intercourse, we have no doubt we could produce from our " files" let ters written by him, which would not appear particularly gratifying in print. But we eau assure Mr. CHASE that no provocation can make us so far forget what is due to the cir cumstances under which those letters were writ ten as to give them publicity in any shape or manner. They were written in t lie confidence of friendship—and we shall never so far trans gress the bounds of common decency as to make them public. In the meantime, Mr. CHASE has upon Ids " files" other letters from us. We do not sup pose that lie has any compunctions in the way of his publishing them, if by so doing he could gratify his malvoalenec—but we give him en tire liberty to do so, if he see fit. We never yet wrote a letter which we would regret to have made public. When we do, we shall be very careful not to place it in the possession of a man whose ideas of propriety and honor are as lax as those of the editor of the Democrat. TIIE MONEY MARKET. —The financial article of the Evcnin,000; insured $7,000. Letter from Harrisburg. H.ikkisbctkj, March 21, 1855. The bill to increase the capital stock of the Honcsdale Hank, vetoed by Governor BIGLKK early in the session, and lately passed the Sen ate over the veto, was passed in the same man ner by the House; but thirteen members voting to uphold the veto. There can be 110 better illustration than this of the power of the Hank combination in the Legislature. A bill pass ing over the Governor's veto is an occurrence which has not happened for years. Every Hank triumph like this increases the force in favor of all applications, by creating obliga tions which must be reciprocated. Thus far 110 such application has met with disfavor. — The City Hank of Philadelphia is the only one that has met with the slightest obstacle, an opposition which will in all probability be re moved or conquered. There is little room for faith in the steadfastness of this opposition. — Besides passing this vetoed bill, the House passed the Mauch Chunk Bank Bill. The Committee 011 Education, in the Senate, reported, with a negative recommendation, the bill to abolish the office of County Superinten dents in certain counties. The Committee are decidedly of the opinion that it would be im politic at this time to repeal the law of last session, creating the office ot County Superin tendent, particularly as the system has not been fairly tried ; and that it would lie still worse to exempt certain con: 1 ties from its operation ; uniformity being essential to a good common school system. No doubt the bill will be call ed up for consideration, and voted for by Sen ators who feel themselves bound by local feel ing to take this course; but the general senti ment seems to be in favor of giving the new law a fair trial. The Committee Appointed to investigate whether money had been used to efleet the elec tion of U. S. Senator have almost -been lost sight of siuee the postponement of the election for Senator, and the partial report that 110 dis coveries had been made. The labors of the Committee did not cease after making this re port, (a minority dissenting,) but have continu ed since that time. They are expected to make a final report before long, but 110 surprising disclosures are anticipated. Had the time for the election of a Senator not been changed from the second Tuesday of January to the second Tuesdav oi February, there is little doubt that a choice would have been made at this session. The evils of so long a period after the meeting of the Legislature, and the manner in which business is retarded by a Senatorial excitement, were obvious at this session. Mr. LEWIS some time ago introduced a bill repealing the law fixing so long a time after meeting, and restoring the original time for an election—the second Tuesday of January. The House has passed the bill introduced by Mr. CI'MMIXGS to repeal the tavern license laws. The bill provides from and after its passage, it shall be unlawful to keep or main tain any house, room or place where vinous, spirituous, malt, or brewed liquors, or any ad mixtures thereof, are sold and drank, and all laws or parts of laws, inconsistent with the pro visions of the act, are repealed. The bill also provides for attempted evasions of the law of the "striped pig" character, un der very severe penalties—imprisonment from three to twelve months and a fine of $lOO. It is also the duty of every constable at eve ry term of the Quarter Sessions to make re turn, under oath, whether, within his knowl ed, there is any place within his bailiwick, kept and maintained in violation of this law; and it is tiic duty of the Court to see that this return is faithfully made. And if any responsible ci tizen of any county shall make known to such constable the name or names of such person or persons who shall have violated this act, with the names of witnesses who can prove the fact, it shall be his duty to make return thereof to to the Court: and upon his failure to do so, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon indictment and conviction, shall be sen tenced to imprisonment in the jail of the coun ty for a period not less than one, nor more than three months, and to pay a fine not ex ceeding soo. It will ho agreed, by the friends of Temper ance Reform, that this is a most excellent bill, and goes as far as the Legislature would be justified in going after the vote of the people adverse to total prohibition. This bill contains 110 search clause, no prohibition upon the manu facture of liquors, 110 interdict upon the social glass in a gentleman's dining room, but it strikes at the most flagrant evils of the liquor traffic— the retail trade in bar-rooms, groggeries and groceries, where liquors are drank on the pre mises. These sources of evil once suppressed, there will be an end to the largest proportion of evil results flowing from temptations to drink liquor at every corner. COMMON* SCHOOL STATE CONVENTION*. —The Superintendent of Common Schools of this State has issued a call for a State Convention of County Superintendents at llarrisburg on Wednesday the lltli day of April next, for mutual consultation, and the discussion and adoption of such measures as may tend to a more complete and effective organization for the advancement of Common Schools, and the cause of popular education. This is decidedly a good movement. OUR "RELATIONS WITH SPAIN*. —The Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, in the session of the Cortes on the 10th of Febuary, is reported to have said, that " the Spanish government had ordered a new examination of all the questions pending with the United States, to the end of deciding sjieedily what is just." This is probably a preliminary step to expect negotiations with our new Minister. LOCAL NEWS. RISQCEHANXA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE.— The Winter Term of this institution closed on Thursday last, and the examination of the sev eral classes connected with the school commenc ed on Monday previous, at 9 A. M. occupying until Thursday noon. The examinations were attended by many of our citizens, and others interested in the school, who were highly gra tified at the evidence of progress made by the scholars, and by the manifest thoroughness with which every branch is taught. The evi dence of skill and experience on the part of all the Teachers connected with the Institute, and the success which has attended their efforts was particularly gratifying to those who have taken an interest in the success of this impor tant undertaking. At the close of the exam inations, on Thursday, appropriate remarks were made by C. L. WARD, President, and Messrs. MACFARLANK, BOOTH, COBIR.V, COI.T, WILLIAMSON, CORSS, and others. The closing exercises, consisting of original essays, music, Ac., were held at the Court House on Thursday evening. The order of ex ercises was as follows : ORDER OF EXERCISES — Thursday Keening, March 23 , ls*>s— Close of Winter Term. L. MUSIC. 2. The Future of the United State*, E. T. ELLIOTT. 3. Influence of the Present Age, Miss W. Lung. 4. The Seeker after Fame Miss S. BBAKDSLEY. 5. The Brotherhood of Man O. L). SCOTT. 6. MUSIC. 7. Value of Time, W. M'AKFKE. S. Meuioria —Latin, Miss X. COKSS. 9. America J. T. Pit ATT. 10. MUSIC. 11. Sunset Reflections, —Poeui Miss IL X. HOKTON. 12. Passing Away, Miss M.P. DAYTON. 12. The Bible, 11. X'. CH.VMPLIN. 14. MUSIC. 15. Vashti, Miss E.C.COLT. 16. The Aims of Life, 11. L. BKAOSLEY. 17. Un Morceau de I' Historic—French Miss J. L. TRACY. 15. MUSIC. 19. The World as it is Miss M. WATKINS. 20. VALEDICTOKV, Miss C. H. COBI KX. 21. MUSIC. 22. Valedictory E. T. ELLIOTT. 23. MUSIC 24. BENEDICTION". The Court House was filled at an early hour to overflowing, with an attentive audience, who were highly pleased with the evidence of talent | and discipline exhibited by those who took part in the exercises. It would be invidious to particularize, as all did well, but several of the essays possessed uncommon uierit. The ave rage was much above the usual ability of such occasions. This is the first examination of the classes connected with the Institute, and consequently | the first opportunity the public has had to i judge correctly and cctainly of the utility and j progress of the school. We hear but one judg ' incut,the expression of the most unbounded sat | isfaction. The School, established under un favorable circumstances, has already taken a high rank. The confidence of all who have had an opportunity of judging is firmly estab lished. It should be the pride, as it is undoubt edly the duty of our citizens, to encourage and • support it. Better advantages are not to be met with, in this section of the country, and there can certainly be no place where public necessity more urgently demands a good school I than in this Countv. Connected with the Institute, is a Normal Deportment designed to thoroughly educate Common School Teachers in the several brauchesjtaught in the District Schools of the Commonwealth, and also in the science of Teaching. This department has been particu larly gratifying in its results. Very many persons designing to become teachers have availed themselves of the advantages there to be secured. We understand that the In stitute has sent out several teachers and that the demand for them, has always exceeded the supply. The Spring Term of 1855, will commence on Wednesday, April 4th, and continue until July 4th, when the summer vacation commen ces to continue seven weeks. The Anniversa ry exercises will be held at the close of the Spring Term. The first catalogue has been issued at the close of the second term in order to meet the frequent applications for information. From it we learn that the total number of students attending during the two terms was Males 180; Females, 90, total 270. Certainly a very flat tering commencement. From the "Success which has hitherto attended the school, and the esti mation in which it is now held, we may look upon a large additiou to the number of students as certain. The jury and trial lists, and advertise ments for May Court, will appear in our next. Mr. J. I?. SYKKS, of Owego, advertises in another column a Corn-planter, which is cer tainly reasonable enough in price. Ileinteuds to oiler it to our farmers, and they can judge of its utility for themselves. Mr. S. is engag ed in business at Owego, and is certified to us as entitled to confidence. The types upon which this paper is now printed, are from the Foundry of J. CONNER & SON, New York. They speak for themselves. For elegance of appearance, for durability and all the essentials which printers desire in pro curing type, those made by COWERS take pre cedence. Their establishment is oue of the oldest and best knowu in the country, and in all their dealings they are careful and agreea ble. \\ e can with confidence and pleasure re commend to our brothers of the " art preserva tive" to give them a call, when in want of ma terials. JKar The weather—(that fruitful theme of comment) —has during the present month been of that sort usually denominated " March wea ther." One day sunshine and warmth—the next, blustering and cold. At this present writing, " Winter lingering iu the lap of Spring," does not show any indications of desire to va cate his seat, lleforc this reaches our readers however, the blast of Iloreag may have given way to balmy breezes, and the ice-locked streams feel the quickening power of old Sol. \v e would advise our readers not to calculate upon any such thing. e are requested by W . C. I>, /''c; teen dvllo rs end let J J all g" ■'