Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 10, 1855, Image 2

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    Mai lam do Meihu and her daughter had j
listened v.i'i: anxiety to the alarming sounds s
i i the corridor, and they dared not Venture out
v itli curious crowd that thronged there. All
a l once the French consul, followed by a
s ranger dressed in tlie uniform of the royal
navy entered their box and said to them,"
" I beg you to accept m v idhii, ladies, and to
follow me to my house, for it belongs to every
child of France.
Mndnm de Mellan and her daughter, who
were too much disturbed to seek an explanation
of so many mysterious incidents, followed his
advice without hesitating. The widow took
the arm of Albert, and Anna, that of the consul.
]>v the eandelabras which diffused a bright
light in the entrance of the theatre they cOtild
see as plainly as in mid-day, a pale and bald
headed man, with bare shoulders, carried off
by the police, amid the outcries of the mob.
" Mv God!" exchuned Madam de Mellan,
" that is Albert!"
" No, uiadame," replied the consul, "that
is not Albert de Kerbriant; he is a miscreant,
who plotted against you and mademoiselle an
abominable snare. He is a galley-slave, escap
ed from the galleys of Toulon; he is marked on
the shoulders with the letters T. F. f as you
could see if the crowd would let you approach
Madame de Mellan and her daughter were
both so moved they could make no reply.
In the house of the consul there was an in
teresting change of mutual explanations and
surprises, which brings our narrative to a very
natural and legitimate denouement. All the
rights usurped byjhc iinposter were restored to
the real Albert de Kerbriant.
The emotion that succeeded to this evening
of alarm prevented the ladies from giving
Albert de Kerbriant. the reception lie deserved;
but the next day Madam de Mellan and her
daughter could hardly find praises strong
enough to give their young and agreeable res
cuer; and that very day, at the dinner tabic of
the consul of France, it was decided that the
marriage of Anna and Albert should be cele
brated at the chun4i of St. Louis, in Toulon,
mid that the admiral should himself lie invited
to witness the contract.
Pioneer Festival.
We have already given our readers an ab
stract of the business transacted at the Pioneer
and Historical Festival, held at Owego, on the
22d of February. The last number of the j
Owego papers contains an extended notice of j
the speeches and incidents of that interesting
occasion, from which we make the following
extracts: Oil our outside will be fouud the
O-les prepared for the occasion.
The old settlers present were railed upon to
announce such as had deceased, in their respec
tive counties, during the past year; but the
call was not generally responded to. John
Jones, an early settler of Chemung, was named
by a gentleman from that county; but none
were named as having died in any other of the
counties included in the association, except
Hon. C. I*. AVERY, of Tioga, responded to
this call, in behalf of Tioga county, as fol
Here approaches one of the most melancholy
duties of our Annual Festivals,. Recording
the names of the deceased. Tioga List:
MASON* WEBSTER. Died Dec. 20th, 18.")t.
aged 8(i years. T)at° of his settlement in this
comity, 1701. He was from Lenox. Berkshire
Co. Mass. A worthy man and good citizen.
CIIABI.ES PUMPEI.I.V. Died Jan. 6th 1855,
aged 75 years. Date of settlement here, 180'*;
from Salisbury, Connecticut. He was a mem
ber of the convention, *as a delegate from
Broome county, this village being then within
its limits, which framed the Constitution of
1821. A man of great energy of character,
mild disposition and hospitable feelings.
Wn.LiAM Pi. ATT. Died Jan. 12th, 1855
aged 63 years. From West Chester county in
this State. A man of rare christian virtues.
JAMES CONKT.IX. Died Jan. ffth, 1855, at
the venerable age of 92 years. A worthy
Goodrich. Died June 29th, 1854, at Buffalo,
while on his way home from his sou's house in
Illinois; aged fid years.
A I.ANSON GOODRICH —Son of Captain Flia
kim Goodrich. Died Nov. 6th, 1854, aged 61
years. Both from Glastonbury, Ct., and both,
men without reproach.
MRS. SAI.I.F.Y SARl.f.B —Widow of Richard
Sarles, a revolutionary pensioner. Died Jan.
22d, 1855, aged, by some accounts, 9f>, by
other computations 105 years.
ROSSITKR PARMET.E. Died at the honse of
one of his sons in this county, aged 72 years;
of Guilford, Ct. Not a permanent resident
here, but a worthy gentlemen and deserves a
JOB SHEPARD. Died Jan. 26th, 1855, at
Athens, Bradford co., near the line of this
county; aged 53 years.
EBHRAIM WOOD. Died Feb. Bth, 1855 in
his 82d year. Date of settlement here 1799;
from Rutland eo., Vermont. A man of mark
ed integrity.
EBHRAIM Lf.ACH. Died on Monday last, the
19th inst. aged 66 years. He came, with his
father, Caleb Leach, from New York City to
this village in 1806, and removed in 1808 to
the town of Tioga, where he died. Ilisnative
place, Plymouth county Mass.
Mr. Leach was a man of scientific attainments,
of a native mechanical genius and of a great
worth of character.
Mr. A. announced that his funeral takes
place this day from his house in the town of
Tioga, and that the funeral procession would
reach the grave yard of the Presbyterian Church
of this village at half-past three o'clock HI the
afternoon, when his acquaintances and friends
would have an opportunity of paying the last
tribute of respect to his memory.
Among other venerable persons present we
noticed the following:—
Hugh E. Fiddis, of the town of Tioga, aged
90 years in August last. Date of immigration,
1794-5. Also Mrs. Fiddis, his aged and
excellent wife.
Joseph Gaskill, aged 75 years. Date of im
migration to this town March 20th, 1789.
Jesse MeQuigg,whose father, John MeQuigg,
became a resident of the village of Owego in
1789. Mr. MeQuigg recollects Owego well
when it numbered but three families, his father's
Jas. Mr Master's and Amos Draper's.
Jonathan Piatt, aged 71 years. Date of
immigration to Nichols, iu company with his
father, 1793.
The venerable Elisha Forsyth, who passed
over the site of Owego from Wyoming, iu 17*7,
v.'beu it boa-ted of but one white family, (Amos
Draper's.) His lather hehl a Connecticut title j
;u Wyoming. which proved worthies Mr ;
Forsyth helped to erect afterwards the first I
frame building in Owego.
The aged William Ferguson, of Owego, son
of the pioneer and pensioner, Daniel hergu-
Judge Briant Stoddard, son of Orringh
Stoddard, one of the leading "proprietors of the
Boston purchase. Date of immigration to the
old town of Union, 1788. Was associate Judge
of Broome county, Member of the Legislature,
Ac. Now in the 81st year.
The venerable Judge Willscy, of Candor.
ltcv. (J. Grcatsinger, of Cliemung.
The venerable Parley Coburn, now in his
81st year. D ite of immigration to Warren,
Bradford eo., 1800.
Klder Dimoek, of Montrose, an aged and
venerable gentleman.
The aged Mrs. Forsyth and Mrs. Willis,
daughters of the pioneer, Thomas Parks, who
took a lively interest in all the proceedings of.
the day.
Daniel Mills, of Barton; Eli/.ur Taleott, of
Owego; John F. Satterlee, of Athens; llusseli j
Gridley and Salmon Mead, of Candor; Messrs.
Hunt, Coryell and Forman, of Nichols; Dr.
Joel S Paige, formerly of this village, who'
came from liis home in Genesee eo., to attend
the Festival; the venerable Wm. Hoffman, of
Chemung; Judge Mcßurney, of Steuben; j
Judge Robinson, of Broome; JudgeLa Porte, '
of Towauda; and very may others whose names, j
owing to the shortuess of the time and the |
great amonut of business to be done, the See- j
retarics did not obtain.
Curious and valuable relics of theoldeu time !
exhibited at the Festival;
An old family Bible printed in 1716 at j
Amsterdam, Holland, containing records of the
Van Yalkciiburg family, reaching back to 1810.
Several members of this family were living at
Wvsox in May 1778, when the houses of the
settlement were destroyed by the Indians. —
The wives ofSebastion and John Strope, whose ;
maiden names were Van Valkenburg, Eva
Van Valkenburg, their father and mother and
several children were captured. The houses
and every thing of value that could not be
carried away as plunder, were consumed. The
B.ble would have shared the same fate of the
building but for the resolute heroism of the
family, in rescuing it from the flames. 'The
captives were taken at once to Tioga Point, '
were there when the English rangers and
Indians, under Butler, embarked in their
canoes for Wyoming; and were there when
they returned with their booty and scalps from
that desolate valley.
The captives were soon after ordered np the
Susquehanna, under an Indian escort, to
Maughantowano, Owego, Bainbridge and Una
dilla, and in tho fall retraced their steps to
Tioga Point. Part of this journey was made
upon the trail upon the bank and partly bv ,
water in canoes. Upon the victory of Hartley
that fall near Shesheqnin, and upon the appre
hension of Sullivan's approach the next season,
they were marched with many other captives, i
up the Tioga, Canisteo and down the Canes-1
arga creek and Genesee river to Fort Niagara;
thence to Laehine and other points in Canada,
where they were detained for over two years. j
At the end of this time they were exchanged by
cartel and sent to Skenesborongh, now White
hall. and thence to Catskill, where they remain- '
cd until peace was fully established, after which
they again emigrated to Wvsox and rebuilt.— '
During all their wanderings this Bible was
with tlieni—a treasure beyond all price
enabling tlmm to rise sublime above their dark
fortunes. It is a very large and heavy. The
sides and back are of white oak, nearly, if not
quite half an iueh in thickness and covered
with leather the corners and edges tipjedwith
brass, and the covers held together in front by
moveable and massive brass clasps. Its length
a foot and a half and in thickness nearly
six inches. Upon the leather and wood are
marks of the tire from which it was saved.
When we realize the toil of a captivity, upon
foot by the Indian trail, the great distance
this family travelled, and the supplies which
their natures required and which they were
obliged to carry to keep from starvation, we
may well believe that the captives required
what the venerable old lady, Mrs. Willis,
said, when Judge Jessup was speaking of its
weight in the afternoon exercise—"The lore
of God in their he iris made the burden light."
For the facts connected with the captivity
of this family, we are indebted to those publi
cations by Judge Avery, entitled the "Sns
quelinnua Valley;'' and for the presence of this
valuable relic at our Festival we are ilidebted
to Mr. Harry Strope, a grandson of Sebastion
Strojie, who lives ujton the storied ground, and
who had the kindness to make a journey with
his daughter, of nearly forty miles, to be present
on this interesting occasion.
Another interesting article exhibited was
the original document, signed by the Indian
Chiefs, in 178(1, ceding the Owego half town
ship to Ainos Drajier, whose Indian name was
Ogh gwe-sau, meaning l'utridge. This was
exhibited by Mr. Avery.
Another—a spy glass of some two feet in
length. A *r>phy of the border warfare of
the Susquehanna, taken by the intrepid Col.
John Franklin. Exhibited by Mr. Gore, a
descendant of Obadiah Gore, whose name i*
identified with Wyoming anutds.
Another—a bass drum, used by the Forsyth
Military Band, who culivened the Festival
with their music, the shell of which was used
in some of the hard-fought fields of the revo
This band and also the excellent Brass
Band in attendance, who discoursed capital
music through the day and evening, gave their
services through the whole Festjjal, as a free
will offering, without fee or reward, to the
pioneers; for these old veterans are popular
with everybody.
In arranging and preparing the music, Mr.
Hosford, of the Music Emporium, was active
and public spirited.
Independent Engine Company No. 5, had
decorated the Hall a few days previously for
one of their own assemblies, and courteously
left their pictures and tasteful drapery and
trimmings for the Festival, for which they had
the thanks and best wishes of every one in
Nor should special mention be omitted of
the numerous and highly resectable attend
ance of Ladies and Gentlemen from Bradford
county. That County was not only admirably
represented by many of her best men from
Towanda, Alliens and other points, but also by
the fairest of her fair ladies, who graced the
occasion with their presence, adding life, bril
liancy and intellectual enjoyment to the pro
ceedings of the day and evening.
Ax INSINUATION*. —A late number of an In
diana paper announces the destruction of the
editor's hut; who re upon a neighboring journal
expressing the hope that there were not mann
p7t : tu-i
iVaiifort ilqjortcr.
Satnrbug fllornmn, fllairl) 10. 1835.
The New Post Office Bill.
We find in the Globe a synopsis of this bill,
which is likely to work many important changes,
not to say improvements in onr postal system.
Everything is to be prepaid after July, and
the postage to California is to be ten cents
instead of six.
The bill provides that, in lion of the rates
now established by law, there shall, after the
commencement of the next fiscal quarter, be
charged for every single letter in manuscript,
or paper of any kind in which information shall
be asked for or communicated in writing, or
by marks or sigus, conveyed in the mail for any
distance between places in the United States
not exceeding three thousand miles, three cents;
aud for any distance exceeding three thousand
miles, ten cents. For a double letter the
charge is to be double, for a treble letter,
treble, and for a quadruple letter, quadruple
these rates.
Every letter or parcel not exceeding half
au ounce In weight is to be deemed a single
letter; and every additional weight of half an
ounce, or less than half an ounce, is to be
charged with an additional single postage. —
Upon all letters passing through or in the mail |
of the United States, except such as are to or
from a foreign country, the postage is to be
prepaid, except upon letters and packages ad
dressed to officers of the government on official
business, which shall be so marked on the
And from and after January 1, 1856, the
Postmaster-General may require postmasters
to place postage stamps upon all prepaid letters
upon which such stamps may not have been
placed liv the writers. All drop-letters placed
in any post office not for transmission through
the mail, but for delivery only, are to be charg
ed with postage at the rate of one cent each ;
and all letters which are hereafter advertised
as remaining over, or uncalled for, iu any post
office, are to be charged with one cent each, in
addition to the regular postage, both to be ac
counted for as other postages now arc.
No postmaster or other person is to be al
lowed to sell any postage stamps or stamp en
velops for any larger sum than that indicated
upon their face, or for a larger suin than that
charged therefor by the Postoffiee department;
and any person who violates this provision is
to be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on
conviction, is to be fined in any sum not less
than ten, nor more than five hundred dollars.
responded to the call of the War Department,
and increased the army by four regiments of
the line—two cavalry and two infantry. The
cavalry to be organized under the law of 1846,
, creating the regiment of mounted riflemen, aud
the infantry in conformity with existing laws.
This is right; and we applaud the measure.—
It was demanded by exising necessities on our
| expanded frontiers, from which daily comes to
us the startling intelligence of continued Indian
massacres, stamped with more than usual mer
ciless barbarities. We are of the undoubting
belief that the iucrease of the regular forces of
the regular forces of the country was called for
by every consideration of humanity, policy, aud
expediency. There are at this time large num
| hers of recruits at the depots in New York and
Boston, intended, as we understand, for the
' organization of the infantry regiments, aud
j about one thousand cavalry recruits at Jeffer
son barracks (Western men) that can till one
of the cavalry regiments without any delay.
Da?- Among the votes given for SIMON CAM
ERON in the Convention on Tuesday, 26th iust.,
will Ije found recorded the name of the Sen. -
tor from this district. We regret to announce
that upon every ballot, Mr. PIATT voted for
Mr. CAMERON. Participating in the nomina
tion of Mr. BUCKALEW, he voted for him at the
first meeting of the Convention—but in the
meantime, a " change has come over the spirit
of his dream," and lie voluntarily plunges into
the abyss from which there is no return. His
misrepresenting the wishes of his constituents,
might admit of palliation, but the dark cloud
which now settles upon his name aud fame,
time will never dissipate.
J6S?" We call the attention of our readers to
a letter in another column from Judge WII.MOT,
in regard to the publication and alteration of
his letter to CAMERON by Ex-Speaker CHASE.
It is sonic what severe, but not more so than
the occasion demands. We are somewhat anx
ious to see what excuse Mr. CHASE can give
for a trick so contemptible as that practised by
him iu this case. The mutilation of a letter
to change its meauiug, purposely to misrepre
sent the author, is a crime but little short of
forgery, aud which should damage the perpe
trator in public estimation.
Those of our citizens having Pianos
which require tuning will do well to avail them
selves of the stay of Mr. Lorn, whose adver
tisement appears in another column. The in
struments which lie furnishes have a celebrity
equal to any in the Union.
SENATOR BADGER, N. C. —lt is stated that
the U. S. Senate, on Saturday night, in execu-
I tive session, unanimously adopted a resolution
! expressive of the deep regret of the body at
, the retirement of this distinguished Senator,
; whose term has expired.
United States Senator.
At twelve o'clock, precisely, the Speaker
and members of the Senate being introduced
into the Hall of the House of Representatives,
both bodies went into convention, pursuant to
adjournment, for the purpose of electing a U.
S. Senator in the place of Hon. JAMES COOPER,
whose term of service expires on the 4th of
March next.
The Speaker of the Senate presided.
On motion of Mr. Frailcy, the convention
proceeded to a third ballot; when
Messrs. Crabb, Cresswell, Frazier, Fry, Hal
deman, Hendricks, Iloge. Killingcr, Piatt,
Quiggle, Sellers, Shaman, Barrv, Boal, Cald
well, Carlisle, Clover, Crawford, Criswell, Cum
inings, (Phila. Co.) Cunmiiugs, (Somerset,)
Donaldson, Eyster, Fletcher, Frailey, Free,
Gross, Guy, Haines, Hubbs, King, Kirkpat
riek, Krepps, Lane, M'Coukcy, M'Counell,
Morrison, Muse, North, Palmer, Reese, Rit
tenhouse, Rutter, Snllade, Shercr, Smith, (Al
legheny,) Smith, (Blair,) Steliley, Stockdale,
Sturdevant, Weddell, Wood, Yorkes, Zeigler,
and Strong, Speaker —ss, voted for SIMON
Messrs. Browne, Goodwin, Hamlin, Jamison,
M'Cliutock, Sager, Walton, Wherry, Iliester,
(Speaker,) Baker, Bush, Christ, Craig, Dough
erty, Dunning, Edingcr, Fry, Johnson, M'Clean,
Maxwell, Or, Thompson and Wright—23, vo
ted for C. R. BUCKALEW.
Messrs. Ball, Clapp, Foster, M'Coinbs, Ma
gill and Stewart—6, voted for JOSEPH BLFFING
Messrs. Darsie, Frick, Price, Skinner, Chatn
berlin and Whitmcr—6, voted for THOMAS WIL
Messrs. Ferguson, Franklin, Ilerr, M'Cul
longh and Page—s, voted for JAMES YKKCII.
Messrs. Jordan, Avery, Fearon, Leas, and
Lowe —5, voted FOR J. V*'. MAYNARD.
M essrs. Baldwin, Holoomb, Lnporte, M'Cal
niont and Wickcrsham—s, voted for DAVID
Messrs. Lewis, Hodgson, Maddockand Pcn
nypackcr—4, voted for WM. It. IRWIN.
Messrs. Taggart, Harrison, Liiidennan, and
Menglc—4, voted for J. P. JONES.
Messrs. Gwinner, Smith, (Phila. city) Steel
and Thorn—4, voted for R. T. CONRAD.
Messrs. Pratt and Waterhouse —2, voted for
Messrs. Mellinger and Downing—2, voted
Messrs. Bowman and Simpson—2, voted for
Messrs. Lott and Powell—2, voted for JOHN
Buckalew—l, voted for J. S. BLACK.
Flenuikeu—l, voted for J. S. BRADY.
Bcrgstresser—l, voted for J. C. KUNKLE.
Foust—l, voted for J. TODD.
Morris—l, voted for 11. M. FULLER.
There being no choice, a fourth and fifth
ballots were had, with the same result.
Mr. Browne moved that the Convention do
adjourn to meet on the first Tuesday of Octo
ber next.
Mr. Ilaldeman moved to amend by inserting
to-morrow at 12 o'clock.
The previous question was called and sustain
ed, aud the amendment of Mr. Haldcmau was
disagreed to—yeas 63, nays 66.
The question then being on the motion of
Mr. Browne, it was agreed to —yeas 66, nays
65, as follows:
Yeas—Messrs. Browne, Buckalew, Darsie,
Ferguson, Flenuikeu, Frick, Goodwin, Hamlin,
Jamison, Jordan, Avery, Baker, Baldwin, Ball
Bcrgstresser, Bowman, Chambcrlin, Christ,
I Clapp, Edinger, Fearon, Foster, Foust, Frank
j 1 in, Fry, Gwinuer, Harrison, Ilerr, Hodgson,
| Holeomb, Hubbs, Laportc, Lewis, Mellinger,
Pratt, Price, Sellers, Skinner, Taggart, Wul-
I ton, Wherry, Leas, Linderman, Lott, Lowe,
M'Calinont, M'Clean, M'Combs, M'Cnllough,
Maddock, MegilJ, Mengle, Morris, Orr, Page,
Pennypackcr, Powell, Simpson, Smith, (Phila.
city,) Steele, Stewart, Thorue, Waterhouse,
Wickcrsham, Witmcr, Wright—66
N'avs—Messrs. Crabb, Cresswell, Fraizer,
Fry, Haldeman, Hendricks, Hoge, Allcgood,
j Barry, Boal, Bush, Caldwell, Carlisle, Clover,
Craig, Crawford, Criswell, Cuiumings, (Phila.
Co.) Cummings, (Somerset) Dougherty, Dou
j aldson, Downing, Dunning, Eyster, Fletcher,
Frailey, Free, Gross, Guy, Haines, Johnson,
King, Kirkpatrick, Krepps, Lane, Killinger,
M'Cliutock, Piatt, Quiggle, Sager, Shuman,
Iliester, ( Speaker ,) M'Conkev, M'Counell,
Maxwell, Morrison, Muse,North,Palmer,Reese,
Ritteuhousc, Rutter, Sallade, Sherer, Smith,
(Allegheny,) Smith, (Blair,) Stehley, Stock
dale, Sturdevant, Thompson, Weddell, Wood,
Yorkes, Zeigler aud Strong, Spe/tker —6s.
This vote disposes of the question for the
present session, being equivalent to au adjourn
ment sine die. It was understood that the pre
siding officer had some doubts about the regu
larity of a motion to adjourn sine die, hence the
postponement to the first Tuesday of October.
Upon that day the Legislature may meet in
two ways: by adjourning until the day; or by
being called together by the Governor. Either
of which contingencies is not likely to occur.
Or the Legislature, by joint resolution, might
resolve again to go into Convention, aud re
considering the vote to postpone, proceed to
an election.
In the meantime there is a probability that
the seat occupied by Mr. COOPER will be for a
time vacant. Congress meets in December,
and until the election by the next Legislature
Pennsylvania will have but one U. S. Senator.
Some of the newspapers are investing Gover
nor POLLOCK with the power to appoint. Such
is not the case. U. S. Senators are only ap
pointed to fill vacancies occasioned by death
or resignation.
THE WHEAT CROP. —The Milwaukie Daily
Sentinel says the weather, thus far, has been
favorable to the Winter Grain, and we hear
good reports from our own as well as the ad
joining States. In Ohio, the farmers say that
the erop sowed last fall looks well and that the
prospect of a heavy crop is a flattering one.—
Like assurances are given in the Illinois pajiers.
Respecting the crop in Michigan, the Detroit
Free Press says :
" From all sections we hear that the wheat
is looking exceedingly well. The quantity up
on the ground is greater than in any former
year, and with no intervening calamity, the
crop will be unprecedented."
WASHINGTON CITY, Feb. 20, lb'ss.
Editor Eejorlcr — Slß : — ln your paper of
the 17th inst., you call the attention of your
readers to the remarkable circumstance, that
Maj. K INGSHURY had taken captive, on his farm, j
a pure white crow, which was now on exhibi
tion at Towanda. After perusing your remarks
I called at the Patent Office, where every des
cription of the feathered tribe, from the Hum
ming Bird to the largest Ostrich, of every va
riety of color and form, brought from almost
every portion of the Globe, are on exhibition,
free of access to citizen and stranger. There
I found a beautiful pure white crow, the pcr
souilicatiou (except color) of the real Llack
crow, which was taken on the waters of the
Potomac liny, below this city, where I was in
formed bv the gentlemanly conductor Of the
Patent Ofliee, the white crow is quite common.
I was also shown a beautiful white Blue Bird,
which was caught near Gape May. I am not
familiar with ornithology, nevertheless I look
iqioii this sjK'cies of creation with admiration ;
and although I am not able to throw much
light upon the history of the white crow, la]>-
prchend that it*is a distinct and original spe
cies of the crow, assimilating in all respects, ex
cept color, to the black crow. I infer this from
the fact that we find no cross or mixed colors
as in fowls or other races. The pure white aud
black crow, although of the same paternity,
presents the anomalous fact of retaining tlic:r
distinctive and unchanged colors 1
If this view of the question held good in the
human race, I should have less confidence in
practical abolitionism ! Science and careful
investigation of chronology, however, has cs- j
tablishcd pretty conclusively the phenomena j
that in the eighth generation, the dark shade \
has exhausted itself, and the pure white man,
" RiEluml. r to him elf again I"
" But, mix and turn, as you will,
The black and white crow is the same, still!"
I). M. BULL.
mittee on Vice and Immorality, have made a
long report upon the subject of restraining the
sale of Intoxicating liquors. The Commitee,
after viewing the various propositions suggest
ed, propose a stringent law, as the best mea
sure of reform the Legislature can adopt, with
any regard to the demands and the aggrava
tions of an evil they dare not disregard. It
adopts the machinery of the existing general
laws, requiring all who would sell under five
gallons to take license from the court in all
parts of the State, after full advertisement of
their application, and subject to objection and
contest by their neighbors, and the decision of
the court after hearing all parties as to the oc
casion of the license. All are tojje put under
bond, with warrant of attorney to enter judg
ment for a faithful observance of the law; the
license fees are increased threefold, aud none
can sell under H quart who is not licensed to
keep an inn, and all inns must have at least
six rooms and twelve beds for the exclusive use
of travellers. In addition to this, in the city
of Philadelphia, there is to be a Board of three
Appraisers, whose certificate must lie necessa
ry before a license shall be granted. Violators
of law are to be punished with fines, imprison
ment and forfeiture of license. Intoxication in
public places is fined and punished as an of
fence ; the furnishing of liquor to those who
drink on the premises of intoxication, is pun
ished as a distinct offence ; besides a responsi
bility enacted for all resulting damage. The
Committee do not present this as a final mea
sure of reform, but as the best which can be
obtained under the present public sentiment
upon the subject.
THE BOUNTY LAND BILL.— The old soldiers'
Bounty Land Bill as passed and sigucd by the
President, is very much changed from the ori
ginal bill as it passed the Senate. The estimate
of the amount of land required by the Senate
bill, as communicated in an official report of the
Commissioner of the Land Office, was over
200,000,000 of acres. That quantity is reduc
ed by the operation of Mr. Richardson's amend
ment to one-tenth, or about 20,000,000 acres,
and includes only the surviving soldiers of the
wars front 1790 to this time,their widows, and
children who arc now minors. This description
embraces a conqrara lively small number of per
sons. The vast majority of the soldiers are
dead, their widows have followed them, and
tlieir children are advanced in life. The bill
requires the holders of warrants granted under
the act, to pay the fee of the "Registers for its
location, which is about a dollar and a half.
Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont,
Wisconsin, Connecticut, Indiana and Illinois,
have adopted laws, entirely prohibiting the sale
of liquor.
Ohio has adopted one punishing the adulter
ation of liquor, and prohibiting the sale of all
except wines from the native grape, beer, aud
New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey
Pennsylvania, lowa ami California are the only
Northern States in which no such law exists.
No Southern State has yet adopted any\ pro
hibitory law.
West India white squall occurred in Euuiraon
Tuesday night last, which occasioned much
damage in blow ing down chimneys, unroofing
houses, Ac. The ear house of the Williains
port and Elmiru Railroad was blown down and
destroyed. Three engines that were in the ear
house were much injured. The signs, tree
boxes, Ac., throughout the town were scattered.
Mr. M'COY'S hotel near the depot, took fire
during the storm and received considerable
[From the Independent Republican of March 1
Letter from Judge Wilmot.
TOWANDA, Fcb'y. 24, 1355
To the Editors of the liepubliran:
GENTLEMEN; —I hare just read, iu theMo-t
rose Democrat of the 22nd inst., a letter 1/
porting to have becu written by me to
Cameron. " ' Jn
The letter published is GARBLED and FA I.sp
I u thut part blazoned iu capitals, there U
most material emission.
Mr. Chase in bis insane desire to do me an
injury, has gone far to verify the truth of r],,.
portrait draw n of him last fall by a democrat
ic cotcmporary. It will be recollected, that
one of the papers published at the State (V,\
tul, zealous iu the supjiort of Governor liigl.. r
presented a dag tier rottjpe under the title of
" ROERBAOK"—"'-a name the very imjiersona
tion of falsehood. Tlie efforts of Mr. Chase to
misrepresent to hi£ readers, the position of (j (JV
Biglcr upon the Nebraska question, obtaincj
for him the complimentary notice, in the col
umns of one of the Governor's metropolitan
I now charge him with having published
over my nan c, a garbled leJfee; omitting a m
terial part , with a view to change i's sense
and to falsify my language aud position.
The paragraph published by Mr. Chase, in
italics and capitals, reads thus:
" In respert to yourself I huee erprrtsrd no trord of dit.
rouragtment or unkindness. ON TIIF, CONTRARY I
Fi >R YOU OVER ALE YOUR R1 VAI.S, (Buchanan,
I am here made to express on the 22d of
January last, the date of the letter, a prefer
ence for Mr. Cameron over all his rivals—that
is, over the gentlemen, ATTII AT TIMK. pub
liely and generally known as candidates f..r
United States Senator. That flie publication
is carefully designed to convey tiiis meaning j.
apparent from the language; but it will lie
made more clear from the comments of Mr
Chase. Iu commenting iipOn the above gar
bled extract, Mr. Chase says:
" Men of Susquehanna County! can yon
read the above letter ami believe your senses?
Would you have believed that David Wilmot
could sink himself so low—could show himself
the unprincipled demagogue who has not hesi
tated to denounce Simon Cameron in public
and private, as a man void of all moral and po
litical integrity, as a " pro-slavery hack'' who
had endeavored to bribe him to his support—
we ask could you have believed him capable of
the baseness, while taking such a position here,
to sit down and write Gen. Cameron that to
wns his preference over all other ea adulates fur
Ended States Senator/"
Thus it is fixed beyond evasion, that Mr
Chase designedly so published my letter, as to
make me declare myself in favor of the elec
tion of Gen. Cameron. Herein consists the de
liberate and wicked misrepresentation—a
shameful suppression of a part of the letter,which
if published, would have effectually precluded
any such construction.
I expressed in my letter, no preference for
Mr. Cameron over the candidates then Mori
the public. By 110 fair or even possible con
struction of the k'ttcr I wrote, could it be tor
tured into an expression of my desire for hi
election. Yet this is the foundation upon
which Mr. Chase pours ont upon me denunci
ations and revilings—iterating ami re-iterating
charges duplicity, baseness, intrigue, dishonesty
—a desire to sell my principles to the highest
bidder—until his pure sonl takes affright, and
lie contemplates the picture with " sadness rev
i a/arm."
Immaculate man ! Paragon of truth,integ
rity and honor ! Can you not make another
public appeal to the spirit of a sainted father
—invoke once more the endearing tics of do
mestic life, as an evidence of the high value yon
place upon a spotless character? The sacred
recollections of the one, and the holy obliga
tions of the other, should have constrained you
to the observance of that law, which declares
neither shalt thou bear false witness against
thy neighbor.'' I)o you know the penalty God
has affixed to the crime of bearing fake wit
| ness ? Hear and tremble:
" And the Judges shall iuak-e diligent inqui
sition : and behold, if the witness be false wit-
J ness, and hath testified falsely against his broth
er ; then shall yc do unto him, as he hath the!
to do unto his brother : so shall thou {Hit the
evil away from among vou.''
Be assured, foolish man ! that God will in
time vindicate His high enactments. In lbs
benificent providence it is ordered, that a pit a
man diggeth for his neighbor, therein, he thai
diggeth it, shall lrinxett' fall.
I preserved >0 copy of my letter, and can
not therefore give its words ; but the emblaz
oned paragraph, in which the grass fraud i~
perpetrated, by the omission of an important
part, reads substantially thus:
" In respect to yonrself I have expressed no wr.r.i •?
disparagement or unkindness. On the contrary I iuw
frequently expressed a preference for you overall ymirn
val.s of the old litte democracy. Buchanan, Forney, Hirst.
Dawson. Ai\. Ac., and tins when it was suppo.-eii tit
" party" woukl have the undisputed power to make an <!•
'llie words OF THE OLD LINE DEM
MOCRACY," or words of this import, ar
j OMITTED ; and those words, clearly df> :
and limit to a particular class, those rivals, ou:
whom 1 hail given -Mr. Cameron a prcfcreikt
I was not referring to the then present star
of the Senatorial question, as would clearly ar
pear by a correct reading of the letter: hut to
the subject as it had presented itself before t"
political character of the Legislature
known. I say in the letter when speaking -
having repeatedly expressed a preference for
Mr. Cameron—and this when it was supp -
ed the " part //" would have the {xover to unike
an election." What PART Y was it, that it
was supposed would have the power to make
an aleetion, when I expressed a preference for
Gen. Cameron over his rivals, Dawson, Fr
ney, Hirst, Buchanan, Ac ? A reference 1(1
the OMITTED part of the letter would show,
that it ivas the " old li ne democratic part*
No one supposed, that party would hare t!
power to make an election, at the date of ®. v
letter, nor indeed, at the time after the rrsiii
of the October election had become known
Again, if 1 had been referring to the then pres
ent time, with what propriety could 1 l' ave
' named Dawson, Fornev, Hirst and Buchanan,
as his rivals? Not one of tbem was then i"
the field as a candidate for the office of 1
ed States Senator. To have referred to F
prescnt rivals—men then before the puldic tor
the office—l should have named Curtia, Joiiu
ston, Cooper, Conrad, Ac.
It is well known that for more than a yen
before the present Legislature was. clcctcy.
and when there was every prospect that nm
administration party would retaiu its asccudu.-
cy in this State, that the names of I>a ff *' n ;
Forney, Hirst, |l>uchnnau, and others of
party, had been from lime to time, spokeu