Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 10, 1855, Image 1

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T O W A. IST D A :
Gatnrbiin flbminn, &\axt\) 10. 1835.
|lioticcr Jftstibal.
Kir the Pioneer (in,) Historical Festiral held at (.hergo.
X. Y., February Tl. 1-jj.
Give honor to the fearless l>and
Who pierced the realm of night".
Bold forest-tamers of the land
Who came and let in light!
To village green, home, old church bell.
Xevr Kngland's hallowed ground
And misty hills, they breathed, farewell!
With stout hearts Westward bound.
i i.
Or. wild Chenango's Istnks the smoke
Of settlement uprose.
And axemen felled the pine and oak
Where swift Tioga flows:—
The Genc-ee. with torrent-dash,
A roaring welcome gave.
And camp-fires threw a reddening flash
On wave.
i i t.
The Red Man. in resentment vain.
Looked on a clearing wide.
For ended was his ancient reign.
His day of savage pride.
T -> feeble for the strife of arms
He yielded to hi- doom.
While lawn- and cultivated farms
Displaced the greenwood's gloom.
i v.
The wilderness receded fast.
And flocks and herds were seen
Where late the bugle of the Wat
Rang through a leafy screen:
And at Improvement's thrilling cry.
Eke sisters hand in hand.
Came Art and Taste to rear on high
Tail spire and temple grand.
look on the-o yellow crumbling bones
Where plough- upturn the sward -
A mighty realm no longer owus
The Red Man f<>r its lord:
Where lightly rocked ht> long canoe
Is heard the clacking mill,
v- i here h:s feathered arrow flew
M; am wakes a whistle sluilL
v I.
Then lionor to our lh*vneers.
Though hrown their hands with toil.
Far noider than the strife of spears
Their conflict with the soil
Forget n-d perils, woes and storm#
Thr-ugh which tliey forced their way—
Whiie. one by one. their sged forms
lu honored graves we lay.
lui it'wuc i'ui fcr Junes :
WRITTEN BY C. L. wear, KS^.
y li Pwmeer , Hu'cncai Frttrr<d kt!d a! Otcrgo.
X. V.. February ti. I-da.
WeTi wake a plain, oid fa.-h. vaed muse
Upon this fe-tal day.
Aad -:ng of --enes. aad talk of times.
Which Kmc -iac*- passed away:
As thus we've met. his well to tale
A retrospective view.
And n-de what changes have been wrought.
Sine* this, our Land was naw.
Then all agrrrsl with.cut drsjmte.
T deem "• West:"
And d d n->t d-eim of beyond,
But were content to rest.
\ . 1 the-* sui.img vales ivf ,wirs.
Whert the Sugar maple grew—
-■ here we rvareii our forest h"tae-..
W hca this. land was new.
i>-;> was a brave and gallant band.
Wed fitted f.r each toil.
Asd -c—n we let the sen-beams in.
l':-va a setterm* soil ;
re- <is wei* the hands, and strong the hearts.
Of Iha; w ;dei \ garnered few
Who convjutred bvr*. oad f.vr*sis grand,
t* am tk.-. cvur land a as rww
-0.-s iarcf: larked arutad each Cot.
The rtd-mea ia the,r w rath.
Lav . .*d Like -den: -e-jwcl*.
A ug each green-w wd }-ath.
i': -h.-c.ted 1 the.: luttl*-crT.
A- o'er h aai r.e= they Sew
a -s- w.-y ;he times that tmcd men's sods.""
tt hes this, our laud was new.
Tci -t v,'.f. b,' 4a d jvanther's screams.
M*je ea. h night.
Ar . > e aad roethfoi mabkms hearts.
V'- tret <-i th affright:
- • i". c.. rh they Vramed to -hare
urao: suru and tre.
' ai :i -:- vd in ea*ry breast.
* i*u tii- r hvad was new. V
Mar's < -a swept past, aad geaOe pea--*
v " -h c-.'-i-cnc- comes.
A . ; s h-,pe and giadtte.
i>tr .vsieafoMUtl Sromes;
a . vheß tcward acighUor.
: '• -mdship ekoariy drew -
s red a hand of brother*
' h*a thts. Ocr land was agw.
N rertv "cad- oe politsea.
rju-red ecr rural
* - eirrvseed each Siraaje heart.
Asd aerv.d the aac aad her*;
•'*ar a fom aim a home
> Ma they had a v*w—
- a. for*ga fnps eg fvpperws.
"'"htt thus, ocr "a4 a as new,
- v pri* all earned to make pad bcewd
- at h'te thc spinning vWeh,
wgkt aaerrT ran their sialess swnga! rat* pm.
A:-: u.iht did they daace at aighj
whea they sUted a2 tw\*-
J *wr the o*ls atc ja they made.
W-K2 this rr land was sew
V-: rc-f a Lrrfey weetsee dress.
Th aws sweet i.aad> had aaade.
' '-a a V t>ead whMg checked apnm
• vmUal tear or fade;
h hofahs aad nxlisvg a las
*T bnacghs to i <w.
: 1 "* r* t > soretis" ~ .
* --W - s
- A. RW
" Five yards were ample for a dress—''
Few ever asked for more.
And never trailed their skirts along.
The dirty streets or floor;
They looked as neat and tidy then.
As any one of you.
Who acorn the home-spun which was worn.
When this, our land was new.
We seldom saw Consumption then.
With its pallor and its pall—
'Twas rounded cheeks and Health's own bloom,
That greeted every call;
Each foot a home-knit stocking wore—
A home-made calf-skin shoe.
And there's certain things girls didn't t rear,
When this, our land was new.
Good wholesome and sul>stantiai food.
Our festive tables crowned.
No French knick-knack or luxury.
In our hills of fare was found;
But labor sweetened every dish,
And what is better too.
We needed no •' Maine Liquor I-aw,"
When this, our land was new.
Yes 1 things hare changed, there's little left.
Of plain old fashioned truth.
All dream of Princely riches now,
E'en from their very youth:
And Schuyler shifts and scoundrel schemes.
Rise frequently to view.
And make us mourn those pure " old times,''
When this, our laud was new.
To half the folks. Ohio's " Fa*t
And Missouri at the best.
A kind of half-way re-ting place.
For those who're going West;"
The Pacific States were al! the rage
I'ntil the late ado—
Xow Kansas, or Nebraska is
The only land that'- new.
Millions are blest and bles-ing now.
Where, sixty years agone.
The poor, untutored Indian roamed.
A monarch and alone;
And the " iron horse," with fire and fright.
Whirls quick the country through,
Where we wagged many a weary foot.
When this, our land was new.
Our women do not spin and weave—
In which we're all agreed.
With patent-rights and power-looms
There is no longer need;
But then for Isvad they give us Stonf.
Or do us Brows or blue—
They didn't thu- put —bloomers ua
Wheu this, ocr land was new.
But enough of Retrospection.
And the changes which have come.
To each and all around us.
Bringing joy. or bringing g! >m:
And let's raise our thoughts ia sadness.
Before we -ay adieu.
In mem'ry of our kwed and lost.
Since this, our land was new.
* The Whitneys. Platts and Robinsons.
Pumpeilies. Averys. Gores.
The Franklins. Maxwells. spaulJiag-.
The Welles and the Mores,
The >atierlee- aud HoUenbaeks,
Rosses ami Tut lies U>o.
Who biessed with dauatle-s energies.
This land when it was new.
God re< them I —in their last i"w
With all their brave compeers.
Who fought and bksl. or toiled and strove.
Through weary, lingering year-.
Thxt thus their -ms. in prosp'rv-us jeace.
Could pieasaatly review
The many change- Time has wr-.-mght.
Since this, our iaad was new.
Sflutrir fair.
The Former ami llinaiiiist.
C V.
Rofvvn 4 thr rwa<l of Tonlon. ami ivt tho tro?-
tertt L>jvr of that rKitrc of mountain# which
nnitp the j>eak of I'otJtlon with the gorsre of
Ollioulet. are U> he seen, on eaeh aide, the laost
chanuias cuuntrr booses in all Broveace. Thev
all have the same view—the ea. the rood, the
vessel—and. in hort. the nkst varied and saiil
ine tai'leati. Ia the warm ami pleasant xson
the famities Assenihlod imi the terraces of these
little Hums to mover themscires somewhat
froai the overwhelming: heat of the day by the
fresh evening btx-o/es that Wow from the sea.
The first star-, on the evenibff of the day of
M John. l"3—. were ju-t apfvearinff above
the crvy ami naked rihre of L'oudou. when, in
tie siletKx" of the country, wa- heard the t\w
of the cantx n which was j>roknml. in vx-h >s.
from the hill of into the dejtfhs of
(MliiHtfes. An electric movement of terrvvr
kej>t La<e with the eclKes. ami disturlixl the
enjoyment# ujvn cue of the uh-i lovely sum
tuer niciits.
Every where on the terrace-, where the y.-mi,g
inert and youiiff ladies w ere c-Htversiuir. was
hear*! the cry ." .4 si* or ins f.vsyrvf" It
seemed as if ea."h family expecte*i each nv>
raetit to see dropping ik'wn amonff them a t:ser
with a human face, escaped front the ar-nai
a: Toulon.
Had any observer been able to follow with
his eye the alanu. as it -wad from face to
face. on the evening of St. John's day. he
would have rvtnarkei perhaps with snrjvris*".
the serenity of one faiuily. eate.l awier a trel
lis between the harbor and the nvMintaia of
S:x-Tc>urs This feefiiur of security oc the twirt
of these few. and the jreneral tetTvw. *i- ewsi
ly exjdaineii Ma*ian>e ile Mellan and her
dauffhter Anna had arrived only a few days be
fore froai New York, in orvier to arrange an
imjxxrtant family affair, aad had hired a jeet
tv country house a short distance from the hich
roud An oki domestic ami two Creole #rvaat
pris were seated on the terrace with these two
ladies when the discharge of the caaaoo was
hemrl No ooe being: *be to explain to these
strauccrs this sicaal alarm, tbey r-xrxrded it
as a Tery natural incident in a miivtanr city,
and did not even saspend their coovervatiou
It eharnvd that the conva-l who had cs*wjv
ed turned his steps towanis the country -a:
, by Madame de Mellan. He was a
tsar who had left behind hssr a '•atne n?a . r
. oa. |w uou. tc the of vntne It
was the noted Cardan, couderaued for the crime
of bigamy and forgery. He had been employ
ed two months in sawing the iron ring that
bound him to his comrade; and one day while
the latter was sleeping in the sun, in the dock
yard of Mourillou, Cardan broke the last link
of the ring, and escajied. His comrade, after
a short sleep, concealed himself from the vigi
lance of the guard, in a cellar filled with beams
aud planks, iu order to escape in turn at some
propitious moment. But he was discovered the
next day. It was not until night that they dis
covered the escajie of Cardan. This notorious
galley slave was then thirty years of age. He
had spent four years in the galleys. His tall
and well shaped figure, his easy manner, his
pale aud haughty face, all proved him a crimi
nal who had been accustomed to good compa
ny. before the red vest, which levels all distinc
tions of rauk, had concealed the respectable j
gentleman in the galley-slave. This night Car
dan only wore his coarse pantaloons: he had !
thrown away his vest among some nettles. Ac- :
tive and vigorous, he hounded along more like J
a bird or a panther than with the deliberate i
steps of a man. Having arrived under the j
large trees alxmt the house of Madame de
Mellan. surveyed the ground with that subtle
instinct such as nature gives to a wild beast,
and climbing like a monkey along a jade that
was leaning upon the back of the house, he
entered the chambers of the first story, and in
the course of five minutes he had, iu the dark
ness. seen all and visited all. a< if he had been
lighted by his ml locks or bis eyes.
If men like him would turn to good account
the powerful faculties he devoted to evil, the
human race would soon be regenerated. Car
dan found a pile of a few crowns in a secretary
—he folded them in the first piece of jvaper
that rattled under his hands. He contented
himself with the small sum. which was suffi
cient for his urgeut wants, ami sprang at a sin
gle bound into the garden: at the earliest dawn
ho had reached the volcanic peak of Evenos.
which blends with the clouds the lava of its
extinct volcano. There he purchased some
cast off clothes of a shepherd, and some sheep,
and by some goat |vaths. stick in hand. lie de
scended into the plains of Bausset. Knowing
that a highway always leads to some large
town. Cardan followed the long path that leads
from the chapel of St. Annie to tue plain of
j Cuges. and on hi> way he saluted the gendar
mes. who were conducting some refractory re
: emits, sailors on leave of absence, sailors arriv
ing from Africa, mountebanks, organ grinder-.
i iu short, all the curious mixture of the foot
i passengers that people the road between Tou
i ion and Marseilles. He entered, aided by the
night, into Marseilles, after having altandoned
| his sheep, and hired a modest room iu the Rne
i de Baiguoir, where lodge travellers, especially
; those who journey on foot. Upon unrolling
, hi# crowns by the light of his lamp, he discov
ered that the envelopes consisted of two letter
i and he began to read them from idleness. This
reading, begun in accident, soon contracted
' the muscles of Cardan'- face, and gave to it a
singular exjTv-sion. He rose, his face bent
down, his eyes axed, his hands clo-ely jo-*-ed
like a bandit habituated to crime, and who.
by some sadden inspiration, ha- di-covered the
i means of committing a new crime Even knaves
have their sudden illuminations, and in their
i brain, even in activity, an infi-rual plan will -ud
denly burst forth, with all its black and infer
nal snares. These two letters were very long
One was dated from the Isle of Bourbon, the
other from the Cape of tloud llojie. They
' would take up too much space to give here: it
will le sufficient to analyze them in a few
words, and to reduce them to the most simple
meaning. The recapitulation w ill bo brief.—
' Madame de Mellan, a widow of eighteen
months. Lad left New York, where she had lost
her husband, and retired to Europe, after an
absence of twenty years The desire once more
to see her own country bad little e nncction
with this voyage. M. de Mellan. a native of
Brittany. wa indebted for his gnat fortune to
his noble friend. M. tie Kerbraint. asontlcmua
ruined by the revolution and never indemnified
M de Kerbriant had an only son. named Al
bert. This youtig man. had nothing to hoj>e
byway of inheritance from a po>r family, had
early devoted himself to the duties of a sailor.
Unfortunately he did not ps#->s the r '-m-t
health that is demanded by the service of the
sea M. de Meilan. on Li- death bed, made
his last w ill, regulating the marriage 0 f his
j daughter with the *hi of Lis bt to factor. oa
condition geiKT>as. that they nobly <ll- barg
ed his debt of gratitude. Tlie widow. Madame
de Mellan. blindly yielded to the dying wi-ne
i.f her husbaad; she entered uj<ea a o. rr.-jw>
• •leoe* with Albert de Kcrbriant. ami found in
! this young man an cagene>-. quite natural, to
fulfil the testamentary clause in the will of the
father of Anna. It was then agreed that the
two families should meet at T<wilon. about the
, month of July, the time at which Ahcert tie
Kcrbriant would arrive from Poudkdierpr in a
state vessel, ami that the marriage of the
j young naval ofil-er aud A na:e w :id i>e eele
-1 gated without tielay. Madame dc M ' ,an and
1 her daughter had arrived tin fir-: a; ti\n
devooi, arranged across the ivsn. A >mal!
note attached to one of these letter# announced
the death of M k Kerbriant. This was rot
ia toe handwriting of hi- Mm Albert, aad wa
p>;-marked a; Nantes,
j Cardan, after a long meditation, conceived
j one of those extra vacant ideas ikafc the ge
nius of evil alone can cause t- •*->!. by the
1 aid of infernal combinations In the first place
! 1* did not at cure change h - n>ia apparel
! bw tear lest a too sudden metainorpa. ds might
i couaproni* him in the eye- of the innkeeper,
jhe transformed himself piece by piece, buying
• and putting on his new dress gradually He
t then lodged in the most fashionable hotel tak
j ing care not only to disguise the color of his
j Kat and hi- <apiexioo. but also Ms snape h ;;
> manners, aad bus voice Sun? no* of bt-iag
able to dodge the bloodhound- of the police,
be began to kwk for a worthy associate in one
f th>** detts whkh d strra - a"' r-eas c;t : —o
concealed its its gk>* frightfc? rz
La rater and Gal! are be' rfcyr- '
wi* a gaflev slave e- T -- The
latter in rcvocaistng ow of pre- '-r**+ % w-
Ed with a sixth sense, the of
crime. Cardan observed in oue of these rum
holes in old Marseilles a young niau, al>out twen
ty-five or thirty, of a jmle aud nervous counte
nance, with eyes of a dull green, having in the
nonchalance of his manners all the symptoms
of a dread of lal>or. ami iu his look the reflec
tion of bail passions. The dress of his jterson
announced, under his tatters, a certain ease ac
quired by idleness. Each j>art of his dress had
played its jiart in the hands of a famous tailor,
at a date forgotten by the Journal <hs Modes.
But what, above all. betrayed an extreme mis
ery aud incurable idleness, was oue of those
large, coarse cravats, whose coarse, greasy folds
-o ill disguise the missing shirt.
Cardou soon initiated himself, by aid of a
few glances, into syinjjathy with this man, and
it was not long lie fore he found in him one of
; those organizations almost too indolent for
; crime, and which can be pushed into guilt oulv
! by the external influence of some ruling power.
Yet the skillful galley-slave employed several
; days in sounding thi< man before he elevated
i him iuto the dignity of an aeeomjilice; and
wheu he believed that he might trust him, af
ter a few largesse# of five-franc pieces, he un
veiled his plan# to him. From that moment
one of those two wretches was a blind slave,
and the other a sovereign master.
In order successfully to conduct his euter
terprise. Cardan needed a larger sum of money
than that which he had stolen from the secre
tary of Madam de Mellan. and which was lie
side- nearly exhausted. This obstacle was soon
overcome. The money changers of Marseilles
are not quite so imjiregnable a- their Parisian
confreres; they display too carelessly, aud even
; within the reach of the skillful hand of adepts,
their Napoleons ami Spani-h jiiastres. Cardan,
who at need could make his fingers invisible,
while changing two louis at oue of those ex
change offices, carried off two rolls, with all
the skill of a professor of slight of hand or an
Indian juggler. With this acquisition he felt
strong enough to conquer Peru. The aeeoin
jlice of Cardan was named Valentine Proghe
re; he preserved only his surname uj*ju beeom-1
ing the valet of Cardan, who had himself lie- j
j came M Albert de Kerbriant. The mission '
1 which Proghere received was very difficult to
j i xecute. notwithstanding the luminous in-true- !
tions he received from the month of his master.
He was to repair as a forerunner to the eouu- j
i try seat of Madame de Mellan. and adroitly to j
examine the ground V>efore he could commence
their scheme with safety to its author.
Proghere, clad as the confidential servant of I
a good house, set out for Toulon; and having
arrived in that city, he eudiarked on board of
a small boat and descended before the country
seat of Madame de Mellan a little before sun
set. He played his jiart to perfection. He
announced to the two ladies that M. Albert de
Kerbriant had arrived at Nantes in a Merch
ant vessel from the Cape of Good Hojve; that
the fatigues of the voyage had compelled him
to obtain a dismissal sooner than he had in
tended. and that he had returned from the In
dies a simple citizen, independent of military
service, and determined to fix his residence ae
eording to the choice of the De Mciian family.
During thi - interview. Proghere sto>l upon
the terrace, ready to spring at three I>cm;ls lu
te the fields, if the least gleam of mistrust
-hooki appear on the face of the ladies. Thi
precuutiou was Madame de Mel
lan was a kiiai woman, who had passed all her
life in a patriarchal family in the n-w world.
Sh- gave him implicit faith to all that thi-pre
tended servant of her future son-in-law told
her. aad in the extremity of her joy she ten
derly embraced k> r daughter, already much
\ moved at the idea of so j-ro pitatca marriage.
The next day. at three ir: the afternoon, a
load sound of iiecls and the rra king of a
postillion's whip, announced the arrival of a
ist-ehsL-e along the main avenue to their
country -.-at.
• It i> M de Kerbriant, my master." said
Proghere; " 1 his chaise."
A yor,:>g man. ■ ia ! in black, and of
di-tingnisHed me'n, -prang lightly fr- ::i the
•■tiai-c utxKi the terrace, and as if-uffb'-atrd by
his emotion, be j-rvssed the hand of Madame
de Median to his lips. Cardan was xi wonder
fully ill yia i? thai PrcgDre as foraiuomeni
alarmed, for he dM not recognise him.
Tlie fugitive galk y-slave Uiwed to Madennv
seile Anna, ami to hr this set q>eeeh
which he had U-eo iceparing dunng Lis ride
of fourteen leagues.
" 1 1-k-ss the mem-ry . f your father, that
gene: u- man. who La- cf:—n me for hi.- son
itelaw: but lam hippy tossy toyoa. mademoi
selle. that af" rmy v.-yage aruund the world.
l it is you, of fill others, when; 1 would have
chosen f. r i: y cvn.jian".in for life to-day."
T'i—<• w -rxLs w. r> h-slowed by along silence,
i which always f- dk-w s iwofouml emothvos; when
they had g:v,n np to sai maeffilwuirts a ea
sonabie time g -ilent mef. tiieir cvoversa! : -n
gradually assumed a gay ami lively air. e-jx
ciaily at lucai time Cardan, in the eyes of
| the ladk-s. manifo: I an exodleat tact, by
speaking'd ev rytl,d.g except h"< marriage.—
ID gave accounts hi- voyage, which he had
studied oa: ihe evening before .to a map of the
w rid. siiLgirig w;h his recaui ali ;ac iaut
■ cal urais of v t=c sailer, whkh he had fosmi in
U ks trpon such <n?j- ts At the enl. be
.vssnmod a ac d oly attitude ami arxcat. ami
• I hare traveled over five thoosaad leagues:
1 have v-l-ited all tl.v diffir-.n* quarters of tie
globe: I have -eeali :.ati'as, ai*l I ha v.- as
ceruiaed, by this cajeiitace, eqaai to that of
the aged, thongh given to a youeg man. that
happiness, if it exist at all, can only be met
with in the mjd-t U li-awtie dte. far ftwn
the worid. and in a retired faiLuy,
reiatires aad frietxls."
Madame de Mi s.a j<resse*i tbf hands of Car
dan. and her panb • uLtie expressed tlrgratuade
, she frit at heartcg such a beacriful scatimea:
from the Bps *"*f her -ot-im-law
By a d jfaily tsvanaged transition. Car:ai
I imiiiocd his u.teod* i ras-tber-iii-kw to forai a
ire-soJetio* :ha; was vt*y to tots. H*
rdatC'i sow preteac-d wfejefc h<
Ihad at Na-te- w;l .yujc ysoag c4R>-ers. hi;
t.-neer ceta- :•.• b; ad yg.t rrrnatted hire
with what they called his desertion, in terms
sharp enough to jirove an affair of honor.
" I do not fear a meeting of this kind," he
added, '"every one knows; but it is always dis
tressing to cross one's sword with old friends,
who view my resignation so unjustly. I pre
fer to leave them leisure to reflect ujxm their
proceedings. Wheu my commander, who
knows me* shall lie returned to the jiort of
France, he ean plead my cause for rne better
than I ean myself; so I have fully resolved not
to show myself in Toulon, aud thus avoid v x
atious meetings that may have deplorable con
sequences. If my mother-in-law consents, we
will make a short jouruey into the interior, ei
ther to Italy or Sjwin, which ever she may pre
fer, and when we shall have returned to France,
I shall have been already justified by mv com
rades from India, and my unjust friends in
Nantes will only have excuses to offer me."
All this w as said in a tone so natural and so
sinijile, that it would have deceived the most
experienced. The good anil simple Madame
de Mellan was so much alarmed, especially for
her daughter's sake, at the idea of those quar
rels of honor, that she was the first to jirojiose
abandoning the city, where her son-in-law had j
too many acquaintances not to find an enemy '
and an unjast duel. Even the i-ountry in which j
she lived in retirement was no guarantee 1
again-t her maternal alarms, a.- all the neigh- j
boring residences were inhabited by families of
sailors, who exchanged vi-its during the even
ings of the pleasant weather.
In the jirejiaratious for their departure that
were made by Cardan and the worthy widow,'
it was agreed that Pioghere, the pretended ra
let-de-<Jiambrr, should remain iu the country
house to take care of the baggage and the lit
tle domestic affairs that required looking after,
aud that they should leave hiia the necessary
money to meet those exjienses.
The next morniug, before day-break, Mad
ame de Mellan. her daughter, aud the galley
slave, set out by post for Marseilles. Cardan
! procured in the city a passjxirt for Spaiu. aud
a few days after he alighted with the two la
- 'lies, his victims, at the hotel of the Asturias.
] in Barcelona.
The annals of crime present few instances in
( which the incredible form so prominent a pari.
But if these events had not lieen extraordina-.
: ry. we should not have thought of relating !
i them.
Tw o weeks after the departure of Madame de
Melian. A'iiiert de Kerbriant landed on the
wharf of Toulon, near the city hall, and with
! out taking time to change hi- clothes, which he
had worn from India, be hastened in quest of
Madame de Mellan. At the office of the po?t
they directed him to her country-house, and our
. mariner leajed on the horse he could hire,
and set off at the gallop.
Coming from India, with the bright |ro#pee
• tive of an unexpected rich marriage, to touch
the ground, to see the boose in which the love
ly young unknown lady resides, all these can
happen together but once, aad certainly nothiug
can be more jdeasant. Albert exjx-rieuced much
emotion at the sight of that Italian trellis: tl ro"
the vine-leave® which covered it. he caught a
gliinj'-e of fair hair and white min-liu. Ir wa
no doubt hi.- future bride, his happines-. Li- all.
He sprang from Lis horse at the extremity of
the avenue, ami arriving at the terrace, much
agitated, he jrotK>unced the name of Madame
de Mclien and Ms own. A groti|>of ladies and
gentlemen ro-e at these words of -eif-intr--iue
tion in silence, and their looks of astonishment
seemed to question this new comer, whom no
, one knew.
For a moment, bewildered by this Strang
reception, Albert de Kerbriant sapjx-d he
ruu>! have mistaken the Louse, and in- excused
' Pardon me. iadies, if I have made a mistake,
i There arc are so many country h Hi-es on this
plain, without streets and nuiuM r. that I may
have taken this for another. Yet I Lad mo.-t
particular direction-."
A ittkkiied-ged lady rep'.ied to the young
"' Perhaps you are not mi-t-ken. sir; arch ive
lived in thi- country-house but aMt a wk.
Madame de Mellan lived here before u>; tin
farmers have so t>ki me. and they will inform
! you of the same."
• Has Madame do Mellan then returned to
the city?" imiuireu the young man seined with
! a jrc-entment >A evil.
" No. sir, she set out in a j-o-t-chaise wita
her daughter and son-in-law."
I ' Her son-ia-la*!" exdauned the sailug. iu
I dismay.
j ' Her son-in-law. or rather the y.- nig man
I who i- t marry her daughter Anna."
Aliiert de Kerbriant made a strorsg
to his nK>ral strength; ashamed to let his em<-
*i..u he vvD by stranger-. < fac
• assumed a caiianess. ami -wL:
" Excuse me, maiaiae. if I enter int-T panicu
j brs which mav n-n to roc indisereei; vt-; Oir
!:aorc qor4JoiLTTyuu jilcas*.; did vju hearthem
rwatiot the name of thi- swHB-lav. thi- yoong
man who is to marry Mixdct&o -eik Anna <k
• MeUan ?~
1" O is well known here: the dcue-; *
have oftMi repratei *st to the farmer® a
. weii a® to their wives. Miss Auaa i® to marry
M. \ ijeri de K rbriaat."
- I knew that."' sjri the rtai Ail*ert
" You see. thee. sir. we are r.ght. A: this
• nvuuefit, j*omliy the marriage has taiura
1 jdace."
, " What, to M. de Kerbriant V cried tb"
young utAD, in a tooe that cuoe ali j-rtsar'
Several beads nodded :n ;.>* aSLniiaiive ac
' swer.
J * With M de Kerbrian:!" repeated the ua
ihapj'T AHert. in the same tone >•! despair:
" why, it is impossible! 1 am Albert de Kcr
lriaiit. ami hate come for the purj:se of raar Anna de McCaa. This s -otne ;uferca'.
iEv>Tery. > Ivandl! has icter ted mykt
ters. and takes my name Wba; a frirWa'
- rweiati.TQg'
1 He ack beatrily oa the Verb of the trei!>
• and wit*®! the r-Ad fr*r his brow
j fvtsr a T>:4eg*. feelnsg of ityl'gVf j*-to
bright Ircra to hi- feet H' -aw that *' H
' •. sla>:.t aH h _ naalt a! gL~e
VOL. XV. NO. 39.
requisite to enable him to expose and chastise
this unexampled crime. He touk leave of the
ladies of the country-house, excusing himself
for having disturlved them, hastened to obtain
information from the farmers about, and when
he had learned liy eertain information the hour
and the direction of their departure, he lost not
an instant, but hastened to follow the steps of
the impostor.
At Marseille- he visited all the fashionable
hotels, and at Hotel des Etnpereurs the intelli
gent host, Caxtel, rttnemixrcd the travellers he
deaorilied. He informal Albert do Kerbriant
that the three persons in whotn he took so much
interest had pas-d two days in the house, and
that they had embarked for Barcelona. Car
tel even iidieated the hanker to whom he had
directed the false Albert de Kerbriant, who de
manded a letter of fifteen thousand franca, for
his mother-in-law, from whom he had the pow
er of attorney. The young -ailor hastened to
the notary and the banker, who had been nam
ed to him. Not only was the information of
Castel true, in every re--jeot. but Albert do
Kerbriant recognized at the banker's his own
-ignature. counterfeited with an imitative tal
ent that revealed the hand of a forger from the
galleys. This was a ray of light to the young
man. He took post horses, and in less than
five hours he was at Toulon, ax the office of
the commissary of the Bagnio, who informed
him of the escajie of Cardan, a bigamist and
a forger, and gave liirn his description. Al
bert set out that very evening for Barcelona,
furnished With other valuable information, and
a letter of introduction to the French consul.
He must foiiow up at once this horrible in
trigue; a moment lost might cause a:i irrepara
ble misfortune. Ilardiy landed at Barcelona,
Albert hastened to the house of the consul. It
was nine o'clock iu the evening. The consul
was at the Itaiiati theatre. Albert hastened
from the consulate to the theatre; they jjoint
ed out to him the 'six of the representative of
France; he entered it, apologizing for his un
reasonable visit, and je-csented his letter of in
treduction, which explained everything.
The consul requested j oung Kerbriant to
follow him to the further corner of the lxx,
where they might converse without l*ing seen
or overheard. The following was the alarming
information which he imparted to All* rt:—
" A stranger of an uncertain ag%'' replied the
consul, proeuting himself at my huo-•, about
tiiree weeks siuce. announced himself under the
name of Albert de Kerbr'aut. "He came,"'
he said, to vi-;t Spain with le-future bride and
h-r mother." At the immediate expiration of
his term of mourning, he was to be married.—
The manners ot this man had seemed to him
somewhat strange; there was a mixture of bon.
fin. good language, and vulgar habits ana
expressions. There was an appearance of
-tudied and affected caiuiDes*. contradicted bv
nervous starts. *• He called ujon me in the
first |4aee,~ he said, "to present his respects,
ami then to consult me a- to the forms to be
1 observed in a marriage in a foreign coun'rv."'
I gave him all the explanation he seemed to
| require. Since that visit 1 have —en hiia
twi<-e. and this evening, if you wish to see him,
he i- the box with the ladies aiuio-t opposite
to ns. The description you have given me of
Uii stranger is strikingly enact, with the diff
erence. however, that Ids hair L- black and long,
instead "f beiag light and short; but tiiat i-,
no doubt, owing to the aid of a hairs ires.* r,
which it will be easy to discover.-"
' Albert Kerbriant requested the consul to
allow him a seat in his I*JX, and a moment after
:he w a - a: Li- p*-c of oli-ervaiioo.
; At the fir.-t glance be wa.- convinced of the
, man's character: l t nej*x-t;ng that a scniti
i t. ring a glau-c was fixed apon him. he
I t-d a gkouiy immobility. and seemed to have
littie in common with those who were applaud
ing s" rapturonsly an Italian duet. Cardan,
•tressed in black, his 'ace of that aaliow cuke. -
i jt-cuiiar to a gaUey-slave, with his eyes fixed.
. his brow knit, his nostrils utiated. -oeroed .'Ke
! smne scjermst-jml t*.itig, above all frivolou®
•jo-upatiotis. m' op-u kok* infernal plan
By his doc. a, if -a contrast, in &li her joy .a*
• maiden simplicity. -U Anna de M Lan; you
w.-uid have compared her to a dove, igtu.raot
of her jeril. s-';hng on the -aice branch of a
tree with a faito : Albert de Kerbriaat ro--'
at the cud of the first act. ami s-ln: ug the
rnanael with a g*-;cre. as much as to aaj, jn
wil! see me agr.ln in a moment, he directed his
-tejo i< wards xtc impo-tor. Tt; vaaastl i j.-
Juwed him a: a di-t.u*.e
He knocked gently at the !<<or of the box.
awl with a dear and dirt in- *. voice he pronounc
ed the name of •• M. d< Kerbriant."
"That is I. - r," replied Cardie.
" I have a few words to ay l-y> =u in private,"
said Albert.
(*a r ;an ts-o-e. *.lies':* *.tr.r ..*y eca t.-.-i
ami came out.
" This i. then. M Ai'ert de Kerbrias:. so
whom I am now shaking V the real
"Certainly, dr." i the gai y jiave, h>
voice dightly tremulous."
" Are you sure of it V
- What a drgairr qu *=tioQ said Cardan
with a serious aui>
Albert = kkuiy boki of false ha;r
the puiey-s;ve, atai esoicd 1L shaven
j •- W!l.
; "Yd ar" a basslit '.hit es-apcl frn the
I ga'leys vf Toulon."
j Cardan uttered *TTI k the of a wild
and draw *rg h - .Uggee woni ; have r d
h"m-if the to. jhhiftsjt s r ngr
j e!d be any - *b- r s)ctat- >r of trial wnene. wfeen
J Albert. wh> nad act.dpated tuis. sftioi. very
i ajrvvth the galley-slave 'y the arm and c-i j*.
1 *d ■.•usbeii htm against a eeighhoriag- wal;,
■ .-alfemr for Mf At the cries of the mariner.
| they ma out frojg netghie>riftg boxes
Canlan. who had n; hold of bis
; d*gg r. was seized by ihe j* iwefcan. and
. AiSfb. w.xb a sar:r; ante T 4rot to
! cottar of ots o:*ii mvttdtd is teanng
| oneo an 5 exr* sre ■si z snotdder <h the
■ Mariri Mter- ocst>i-t c* a skia w kt.
Ed b* ; x sua oTTVJob A murmar iroeoa
j-} . B*it \ w#-:.dnf tfc# it • Sag
-,vt ri t rzr - -'2 T * f>
* *^T