Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 20, 1855, Image 3

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; |rtiALMANA?aSSj
v 7 1 ?i 3?s' ► :® sU'<=* 25 #
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■" 21!2::126!27!^8i-29j30 - 30'3! 'I I
X I<T OF LETTERS, remaining in the Post O'
L* fice at Towanda, December 31. IS 15.
\rituui Geo E Lynch Dennis
Ailoway W H Leman Michael
UlondeM Alfred L'ltle W I
Brann Miss Ann McGaman James
Piackman Judson S Madden Mary
15.', wen Timothy McElwain Robert
llennet John M McCann David
Brown Thomas O'Keefe Patrick
p.-iri-lev R L 2 Owens John W W Patterson Abraham
Browning Eli Patterson Mary E
Hoard-lev Raiido'ph Powell Samuel
Dcnnet S Pratt Mortimer 2
Pah Charles Potter Nicholas
(Vie Wm F Patterson Marinda
Puhurn A W Quiglcy Mrs G
frummeli Joseph Rtppelh Amanda
(Vnley Isadora Reggies Homer or J II
Pro-s Nan V Smith James jr
Cnmm'ings Clark jr Swain Parris
Portniija Jane Spcnglcr Augusta
Rickerman S M Stone Geo \\
liurrin Henry Bprague Parker A
Decker J W Henry
Dickinson Phoeba Shat.ahan James
Dansher Hendrick Scott Miss Ann
EverhartJG Smith Carrol H
Eldred W J 2 Seaman Randolph
Fester Charles Santee John J
Foote Chaancey 2 Smith Jesse
(Tilpiii Daniel ' Simmons G G
(iiibert Samuel Somers Adgeline
(ijtiss John H Strickland M D
ii. fi" Wells G Seovilte Harriet
Pile Caroline F Sprague George
Goodwin John St.-rrig. rc Geo W
Griffin John Sweet Daniel
Harvey Samuel Tillottson Palmer
Hdllev Mrs C Turner E'izabeth
llardv '' F Trumbull Daniel
Kelly E imuud A\ ard C H
K liner Joshua Wilbox Mary E
Kerwin Mi.hael West Walter
Kn nvles Fiancis Whitworth David
1.-nt Wm J Westbrook John
I.unnnt Betsy v 'e ed •)!'? us,a
Lvnch Bridget M alsh 1 homas
bent Harriet X Williams Duvid
Luce Stephen H. C. POSTER, P.M.
list of Jurors
DRAWN for February Terra and Sessions, 1855,
as follows:
CRASH jenons.
Athens twp.—Samuel Ovenshire, Ij A Gardner, E
Curry, Francis Tyler.
Athens boro*—Chester Park, Thomas Minicr.
Umeuia — II W Miller
Burlington twp. —Robert Kendall,
beroy—Robert McKee.
Monroe—E B Coolbaugh.
tirwell—Samuel Ca-s.
I'ike —Perley 11 Buck.
Kidgberry—George Pure;ll. Henry Peterson.
Smhlifield Rufus Calif!', Newton Wood, L King.
Shorh-'quin—Charles Ames.
Tu-carora—Edward C V.'ells, I. Ackley.
P'—Jacob Swarts.
W ,-rer;—John Smith.
U i l'nam U il'iam C Peck.
Wyalusing—Washington Taylor.
Albany—William Martin.
,\rni?nia—C H Webber.
Burlington—Win Roycc. Samuel B McCord.
thdumbia—John W Besley, Alfred Furuian.
Djrell—James D Cole.
Franklin—Samuel Gregory.
Granville—Miner T Porter, Ziba Morse.
Li chfield—John Rogers.
Monroe—Jerome S Salsbury.
Orwell—Simon B Lathrop, Zcbulon Friebie, J D
Humphry, Clark Smith.
F;ke—Jackson K Bosworth, Benj tmin Pierce, Thos
Brink, 3d.
Bneshequin—George W Kinney.
Sniithfield—lra C Bullock.
Springfield—Martin Cuniinings, Alexander Leon
ard, O A Vincent.
s 'outh Towanda—ll I, Scott, Wm II Decker.
Troy twp.—A W Thomas.
Tnscarora—Chir!es Smith, I. L Keeney, Judscn
Stevens, oliver Culver.
M'indham—Stephen B astwick.
A'arren—E E Buffington, Wm Arnold.
Wells—Theopilus Moore.
Wyalusing—J A Biles.
Armenia—L W Gardner.
Albany— .Miller.
Polumbia—N Morgan, C M Super.
Pan ton— James L Both well.
Granville—L I) Fowier.
Derrick—Wm Knapp.
beroy—llvn ;,i in in Holconr.b.
LtehfieM-L D Hart.
M; nroe—E Kel'ug, D Decker, G Irvine.
" 1 " —lair'-s Clev.dan 1.
iV-e—Cyrus Stevens,
f igbury—R Chamberlin, S D Herman,
h 'ir.e—b Eu>tman. Danu Russeb
Springfield—O W Pitts, Amos Knapp.
s a f, -heqnin—Zebolon B Spalding.
> in; - bfield—James Gerould.
s, -nding Stor.e—A Taylor, R Depew.
Preek—Geo Dunham, J F Gillet.
.vania bore—James Nash.
'/ay boro.—V M Long.
' r "? tp.—John Porter, Simeon I'atrick.
. : ?r —B J Chubbuck.
it'dhain— Geo G Smith.
Alvah Young.
••arret;—N Newman jr. Andrew Dewing,
f Easlabrooks.
Administrator's Sale.
JJ' virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of
1 Bradford county, will be exposed to public sale
"J 'be house on the premises, on the 29th day cl
January next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., the interest of
j J ">cr McNeal dee'd at the time of his death in the
• wing described piece of land situate in Durell
r * r;o tip, to wit—About three-fourths of BP. acre
' l! 'd bounded east by the Susquehanna river and
Gy the highway, embracing all the land be
id river and highway, immediately eest of
■oiJ occupied by Emma Jane Smith. All im
wiih a small plank house thereon. Terms
• '"town oa the day of sale.
'•> I?*'. Ad 7:sit(rafor.
Ccgul Qlbocrtisrmcnts,
Administrator's Sale.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of
Bradford county, will be exposed to public sale
at the mansion house on the premises, on the 29th
day of January next, at 2 o'clock. P. M. the follow,
ing described property, late of P. D. Havens, dee'd.
situate in the township of Standing Stone, to wit—
Twenty two acres of land bounded on the north by
lands of Deborah Havens, on the east by lands of H.
W. Tracy, 011 the 6ouih by lands of Alexander En
nis and Wm. Kingsley, and on the west by lands of
Asa Stevens, all improved, with an old framed dwel
ling house thereon. Terms made known on the day
of sale. S. W. BII.ES,
Jan. 1,1855. Administrators.
BY virtue of writs of Vend. Exponas issual out
of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford :
County, and to me directed, will be exposed to pub
lic sale at the Court House, in the boro' of Towan
da. on MONDAY, the sth day of February next, at
I o'clock P, M., the following lot. piece or parcel of
land, situated in the Township of Burlington, boun
ded on the North by Luther Rockweli, E t-t by lands
of Jebial McKenn, South by lands of Morgan De-
Witt & Oliver Calkins deed., and West by lands of
Jehial &. Wm. McKean; containing about 114
acres more or less—about ten acres improved, one j
log house and a long shanty thereon.
Seized and taken in execution the suit of E.
S. Tracy vs. Jeremiah Baker. .
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land !
situated in Asylum and Wilmot Townships, bound- j
ed on the North by the highway and land of C. Fis- J
den, East and South by lands of S. (J. Strong, and
West by lands of James Dull and Uriah Terry—
containing about sixty two acres, more or less— i
about two aeres improved, with the body of a log
house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Brown & Rockwell vs. S. W. Patterson.
ALSO —The following described lot, piece or
parcel of land, situated in Wysox twp., bounded on
the North by lands of Charles Newell, East by lands j
of Wm. Carl, South by the State Road, and West
by lands of Curtis Frink, dee'd. Containing twen
ty five acres, more of less, with about seven acres j
improved, and a log house, a small log bars and a
few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John i
M. Furuian vs. George Bump.
,\l,SO—The following described lot, piece or par- |
eel of land situated in Tuscarora twp.. bounded and
described as follows, to wit:—On the North by
lands of George Dusenbury, east by lands ol Ed
ward Overton, South by lands of Hiram Taylor,!
and west by lands of Alor.zu Snell, Containing fifty 1
acres more or less.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Phi- I
landr Hurlburi vs. Hiram L. Hurlburt and David j
W. Hurlburt.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or j
pn eel of land situated in Ulster twp., bmnded on :
North by lands of Ira Elsbrec, on the East by lands
of Daniel Parker d' Ephriam Minier, on the South 1
by lands of Henry Smith (V Abraham Minier, and
on the West by lands of Ebenezer Keelnr & Jesse
Spalding. Containing about three hundred and
fifty acres, more or less—about sixty acres improv
ed, one framed house, one log house, two framed 1
barns, one saw mill, and an orchard of fruit trees
thereon. The Defendant's undivided interest only,
is levied upon. ;
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Cor- j
neltus Hun-iker vs. Andrew Burtiside.
ALSO —The following lot, piece or parcel of land
situated in the township of Ridgberry, bounded on
the North by lands belonging to the htirsof John
Back dee'd., West by lands of Man-ir and Lucius
Chantberiin. South by lands of Wm. Pierce 4" Par
vin Covel', East by lands of Wm. Easton. Con- j
taining about sixty acres more ot less. About fif
ty acres improved, one saw mill, one framed or
plank house, one log house, one framed barn, and j
a few fruit trees thereon.
Seiz-'d and tikelt in execution at the suit of Abi
rarn Piercevs. Abner Graves.
ALSO —The following lo', piece or patcel of land
situated in Ulster twp-, bounded on the North and j
West by lands of Edward Mills, South by lands of j
John Bowman, and East by the public highway—
j containing about one-half acre more or less, all im
proved, one frame building now occupied as agro- j
eery store, with a shed attached, and one ice bouse j
thereon: I
Seized and tiken in execution at die suit of Isaac
Shepard vs. John M. Pike, Mary Pike and Miami j
Pike. I
ALfO—The following lot, piece or parcel ofland j
situ.ded in Standing sbtone twp., bounded on the i
North by lands of John Keen and Jacob SchoonoVer |
East by lands of John Swackhamer, South by j
lands of Wm. Wright, and West by lands of Tlteo- !
phtltts Schoonover and Isaac Vosburg. Contain- !
ma one hundred and seventy acres, mre or les^— j
ah >ut eighty acres improved, three log houses, one !
long barn and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of!
George W. Goodell vs. Samuel A. Tenant.
ALSO—The following described lot piece or par- j
ce! ot laud, situated in South Creek twp., bounded
as follows to wit; —By line beginning at a stone. J
corner ofland conveyed to Wm. Decker, June 6tb, ]
Ig;,o—t tence by same, North 884°. East 160 perch- j
es to a post and stones, in line of lot No. 4—thence
i South 39 perches to the post South west corner of !
lots No. 4 & 9—Thence South 75° West 70 4 perch- i
es to a white pine corner—Thence South 52° West j
27 perches 10 a post and stones —ihence North 75° ;
West 62 perches to a white pine corner,and thence j
North 53 perches to place of beginning. Contain- j
ing fifty.three and sixty-five perches, more or less, j
About fifteen acres improved, one framed house and j
a young orchard of Iruit trees thereon. j
ALSO —One other lot, piece or parcel of land, j
situated in said township, bounded and described j
as follows to wit:—By line beginning at a post
South east corner of lot No. 4, Flower survey of :
Govett lands—thence by the above described lot, j
South 75° We-st 76 1-2 perches to a whi e pine— j
Ihence South 52° West 27 perches to a post—thence ;
North 75° Nest 10 1-2 perches to a post in line of 1
lot No. 11 —thence South along said line 91 perch- j
er to a post—thence 103 7-10 perches lo a post, j
corner of lot No. 9—(hence North by the same 131
5-10 p rehes to the place of beginning. Contain- '
in" seventyfive acres and sixteen perches, more or
less. About ten acres improved, one framed barn
Seized and taken in execntion at the suit of t-. r.
Wilson vs. John Hilhnan.
ALSO— The following lot, piece or pan el ofland
situated in Burlington twp., bounded and described
as follows, North by lands of Horace Pr tt, and C.
F. Welles, East by lands of Dani-1 P- rry,South by
lands of John Piatt, and West by lands ot Jesse Mc
i Kean—Containing about foity-two and one half
acres. About thirty acres improved, one framed
house, one framed barn, an 1 an orchard of frutMrees
Seized and taken in execution at toe sun ot
George Morley vs Peter Vroinan.
ALSO— The following described lot piece or par
cel of bind situated in Hie township of Burlington,
bounded and described as follows, 10 v.-it, On the
North and East by lands of John F. Means, on the
South by lands of Samuel Strope, and J.-hn F.
Means, and on the West by Imds of Milton Bailey.
Containing one hundred acres, be the same more or
less, about seventy acres improved, one framed
house, one framed barn and an orchard ihereon.
S. ized and taken in ezecution at the suit of Elea
z;r T. Fox, to the use of John C. Adams, vs. Jona
than Thompson.
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel or land
situated in the townships of Lerov ami Granviile,
bounded on the North by lands ofO. D. Perry.cast
by lands of Henry Nelson and John Herbert, South
by lands of Henry llolcomb and Cyru. Holcomb,
and West by Harry Holconi Mothers. Containing
about one hundred and eighteen acres, more ot less,
about twenty acres improved and one log house
thereon. .
Seized and laken in execution at the suit or Oli
ver M. Nelson vs. Charles Drake,
ALSO—The defendants interest, supposed to be
the undiviJ.4 one.seventh part of the following d to
cnbed lot, piece or parcel of land, situated in Uls
ter twp., bounded on the North by lands of Ira EU
bree. on the East by lands of Daniel and
Ephriam Minier, On the South by lands of Henry
Smith and Abraham Minier, on the West by lands
of Ebenezer Kceler and Jese Spalding, containing
bcct th'ee hundred ar.d f.f'y acrer, wrc c> .f *,
about sixty acres improved, one framed house, one
log house, two frame saw mill aud an
orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Welles and Harris vs. Andrew Buruside.
ALSG—The following described lot, piece or
parcel of land situated in the township of Albany
bounded as follows, beginning at a past. South-east
corner, thence by lands of the late Ralph Peier*
ilec'd.. North 88 1-2° West l(i9 perches to a post—
(hence by a lot contracted to Nathan Hurley, North
30 3-4° East 155 perches to a post —therce by lot !
No. 12, South 88 1-2° East 109 perches to post— ;
(hence by lands of Nelson Lilly, South 3'J 3 -4 deg.. •
West 155 perches to (he place of beginning. Con
luining eighty-neven ceres and sixty-four perches,
more or less.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Charles Hodge, Benj. F. Biche and Catlvarine W.
Bache vs. Samuel H. Moore.
ALSO—AII (he defendant's right and interest (it
being one undivided third part of a piece or parcel
of land situate in Canton twp., bounded ncrth by
land* belonging to themtate of deacon Parsons, ded
east by 1 tnd of Solomon L Gillet,south by the high
way leading from Towanda to Canton corners ami
lands of Rai'nbone.Socese and Landon, and we..t by
the highway lending from Canton corners to Troy,
and lands of Harding and, Manly,, Geo.
VV. Griffin, Charles Stockwell, Rose's estate, Sam'l
Owens, N. Tuttle and Dr. Baker, excepting thereout
lots sold to different persons, to wit—Lots No. 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 16, 16, 17. 18 19,
25, 33, 31, 37, 38, 80, 83, 81, on a plot of lots laid
out by Kingsbery, Newman & Co., and also excep
ling some small lots in rrar of Geo.VV. Griffin, C.
Stockwell, Sam Owens a d Manley Giilam. Con
taining about twenty acres of land, more or lees,all
irnproveJ, with a framed tavern hou<e, one framed
barn and fruit trees tfiereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Sam
uel Huston vs. Henry Kingsbury.
ALSO—A piece of land in Cauton twp.bounded
north by lands of James Stanton, east by lands of
Wm. Wright and Joel Wright, south by lands of
Isaac Williams, west by lands of G. P. Channel and
N. 11. Hickok. Containing about thirty acres, be I
the same more or less, about fifteen acres improved ;
framed house, framed barn, and some fruit trees !
Seized and taken in exeoution at the suit of S.H. !
Newman & Co. vs. W in. H. Smith.
ALSO—A pieee of land in Litchfield tp. bounded
north by lands of Samuel Davidson, east by lands 1
of Leonard Demerest, south by lands of Moses j
Wheeler, and west by lands of John Leeton. Con
taining about eighty acres, more or less, with about j
twenty five acres improved, one log bouse anJ an
orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of G.H.
Barstow and G. M. Cadv. administiators of George i
Wilson, dec'J.v--. A. V. D. Teed.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Litchfield tp. j
bounded north by lands of Eleazar Wright, east by i
lands of Jonathan Hunt and Samuel Davidson,south
by the public highway and Leonard Demerest, and
west by land of Moses Wbeeler and John Dayton. [
Containing about eighty acres, m:re or less, about
twenty five acres improved, one log house, one log
barn and stable and a stnall orchard of fruit trees 1
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of N. '
Mitchell vs. A. V. D. Teed.
ALSO—A piece of land in Rotne twp., bounded j
north by the Litchfield town line, east by Meylert's
lands, and south by Robert Struble's land, west by |
the road leading from Rome village to Athens. Con
taining sixty two and a half acres, more or less,with j
about forty acres irnproveJ, one framed house and
framed barn and orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Geo.
W. Goodell vs. Vincent Gibbs.
ALSO—A piece or parcel o( land in Wysox twp.
bounded north by lands of John Johnson, east by j
lands nf Lyman Trumbull, south by lands of Ber- I
trsnd and Alvin Whitney, west by lands in the pos- j
session of Gilbert H.Gorseline. Containing eighty
four acres and nine-tenths perches, be the same
more or less, about forty acres improved, one log '
house, one framed barn, and a few small apple tries 1
Seized and taken in execution at the <.uit of Peter
Johnson's adm'rs vs. A. J. Gorseltnc and Potncroy
Al.Bo—Tne following described lot, piece or par- j
eel of land, situated in Ulster twp., bounded on the
Nor h by lands of Harry Linchen, on the East by 1
the post road leading from Towanda to Athens, on 1
the .South by lands ofWm, Walker and on -he we.-1 i
by lands of Charles llolcomb—containing one- |
fourth of an acre, be the same more or loss, All
improved with one new framed house and a few
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution ut the suit of Isaac
Shenard vs. Aaron Peckham.
Sheriff's Office, P
Towanda, Jan. 2, 1855. 5
rry Notice >s hereby given, that an amount equal .
to the costs, will he required to be paid upon each !
sale when struch down to the bidder, and upon a |
failure to comply with this regulation, the tract ol
land will again be offered for sale.
Auditor's notice.
David Barber, ) In the Court of Common
vs. > Pleas of Bradford County'
John Post \ No 118, May Term 1851.
r fTHE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
JL Court, to distribute funds raised by Sheriff's
Sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to said
duties at his office, in the Boro' of Towanda, at 10
o'clock in the forenoon of Tuesday, the 13th da}'of
January, A. D. 1855, at which time and place all
persons having claims against the said fund 1
are requested to present them or be lorever debar
red from said fund.
Dec. 19, 1854. G.H WATKINS, Auditor.
Auditor's Notice.
In the matter of the Estate of Rachel Cranmer, deed
Orphans Com t of Bradford County.
UI"MIE appointment of the undetsigned, an auditor
x upon exceptions filed to the final account of
the administrator of the estate of Rachel Cranmer.
dee'd having been continued by satJ court, he will
attend to the duties assigned him at his office in
the borough of Towanda, on Tuesday, the 30ih (Jay
of January, (855, at 1 o'clock, P. M. when and
where all persons interested are requested toatlcnJ.
Dec. 19,1984. D'A. OVERTON. Aaditar.
Auditor's Notice.
William Gorseline vs Francis Goreham, el al —la
the Court of Common Pleas of Braiford county.
HAVING been appointed an Auditor by said
court to distribute funds in (he hands of the
Sheriff', raised by the sale of (he defendant's rial
e>tate, the undersigned will attend lo the duties as
signed him at his office iu the borough of Towanda,
on Monday, the 20thHay of January, 1855, at one
o'clock, P.M.. when and where all persons having
claims on said fund are requested to present them,
; or be forever debarred therefrom.
Dec. 19. 1851. P'A. OVERTON, Auditor.
Auditor's Notice.
| Adam Escmcinc, I / ' the Common I'lcis
Vs ' of Bradford County.
P. Gorslinc (f A J. Gorsliac \ No 3its Scjil I 1851
NOTICE, is hereby given that the undersigned
Auditor, appointed by the Court to distribute
funds in the hands of the Sheriff', raised by the sale
of the defendant's Real Estate, will attend to the
duties of his appointment, at his office in the boro'
of Towanda, on Tuesday the 23d day of January,
1555 when and where all persons having claims
upon said funds must p.esent them, or else be for
ever debarred from the same.
P. D. MORROW, Auditor.
Towanda, Dec. 15, 1854.
Auditor's Notice.
Brown & Rockwell, 1 In the Court of Common Pleas
V 3 v of Bradford County, No 34,
Wm T Bradford. ) Sept Term, 1853.
ritHE undersigned an Auditor, appointed by the
JL said Court, to distribute funds in the hands of
the Sheriff, raised by Sheriff's sale of the real estate
of said Win T. Bradford. Wiii attend to the said
, distribution, at his office in Towanda bor A at nine
o'clock in the forenoon, of Monday the 22d day of
January, 1855. At which time and place all persons
having claims against the said fund, are requested
1 to pieseut the same or be forever debarred from said
I un d. (r H. WATKIN'f, Auditor.
1 Tcwanda.rec. 19, 1654.
J. 3. SIUTST, Proprietor,
HAS been refurnished, and will be conducted in
a manner to suit the most fastidious. The ta
ble will be always supplied with the very best the
market affords, ar.d. everything to make the
traveller comfortable. A share of patronage is
solicited. Dec. 19, 1834.—8 -
f |MI E shove celebrated statues, together with 13
X STATUETTES IN BRONZE, and several hun
dred magnificent OIL PAINTINGS, form the prizes
to be distributed among the members of the Cosmo,
politati Art Association at ihe first annual distribu
tion in January next.
The Cosmopolitan Art and Literary Assoeiatiou,
Organized for the Enc->•tragement and General D'f
fusion of Literature and the Fine Arts,
on a new and original plan.
The Committee of Management have the pleas
ure of announcing that the first annual distribution
will take place on the 30ih day of January next, on
which occasi-m there will be distributed or allotted
to members several hundred works of Art. among I
wh : ch is the original and world-renowned Statue ot j
the GREEK SLAVE, hy Hiiam Powers, costing :
over five thousand dollars ! tof ether with the beau
tiful statues of Venus, Bacchante, Hebe, Flora,and i
the Dancing Gii I ; and fifteen statuettes in Bionze,
imported from Paris; also, a latge collection of Od
Paintings, comprising some of ihe beat productions
ot celebratrd American and Foreign Artists.
The payment of three dollars constitutes any one
a member of this Association, and entitles him to
the Knickerbocker Magazine for one year, and also
a ticket in the distribution of the Statuary and the '
Paintings which are to l>e allotted to members in |
Persons taking five memberships are entitled to '
five of the Magazines one year and to six tickets in j
the distribution.
Persons, on becoming members, can have theit
Magazine commence with any month ihey choose, ;
and rely on its mailed to them promptly on '
the first of every month, direct from New York.
The net proceed* derived from 'he sale of mem- j
bersbips are devoted to the purchase of works of j
art for the ensuing year.
Books open to receive names at the Eastern of
fice,or Wesfierii office, Sandusky.
The Gallery of Art is located at Sandusky, (the '
Western office of the Association) where superb
granite buildings have been erected for it, and in j
whose splendid saloons the splendid collection of i
Statuary and Painting is exhibited.
The *ld.K(intagcs Secured
by becoming a member of this Association are— !
Ist. All persons receive the full value of their !
subscription at the start, in the shape of sterling ;
Magazine literature.
• 2d. Each member is contributing towards pur
chasing choice Works of Art, which are to be d:>- j
tributed among themselves, and are at the same '
time encouraging the Artists of the country, disburs
ing thousands of dollars through its agency.
Persons remitting funds for memt-ership, should
mark letters ' registered,' and state the month with j
which they wish their magazines to commence, and ;
also la-sir post office address in full, on the receipt of •
which, a certificate of membership, together with j
the magazine desired, w ill be forwarded to any part i
of the country.
Those who purchase Magazines at Bookstores will j
observe that by joining this Association, they receive ;
Ihe Magazine and the Free Ticket in the Annual dis- ;
tribulion all at the same price they now pay for the
Magazine alone.
Illustrated Catalogues of the whole collection sent ;
on application, tree of charge.
Cfij Offices of the Association, at the Knickerbock
er Magazine office, 318 Broadway, New York, and
at No. Hi(s, Wuter street, Sandusky, Ohio.
Address (at either office) for membership.
C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. <Sr L. A.
Administrator's Notice.
\ LL persons indebted to the estate of Tanner
fx. Oandall dee'd. late of Sprinfielfl tp. are here- !
by requested to make payment without delay : and j
al! persons having claims against said estate will '
please present them duly authenticated for settle- '
Dec. 13. 1®54. Administrator.
John C. Adams' Office,
{j EMOVED to the room over Burton Kingsbery's
V store, Main street.
Towanda, December I, 1834.
t' sortment of WIN TER GOODS, which will be j
sold as usual for Cash, 13 per cent, cheaper than
can he bought elsewhere.
tjj\\ll per-ons indebted to me of over one year's i
standing, must call and see to it, or I will see to ,
them—quick too.
Towanda, N.iv. 25, 1854.
"VI7AGONS AND BLEIQH8 —Two or three of
YV each for safe cheap at PHINNY'S.
\ LT. persons inJebted to the estate of Joseph C. j
I v Powell, deceased, late of North Towanda twp, I
are hereby requested to made payment without de- j
lay. and all persons having demands against said
estate, are requested to present them duly authenti- |
cated for settlement.
NovemT er 21, 1854. Administrator.
Executor's Notice.
ALT, persons indebted to the estale of John More
deceased, late of 1 ike township, are hereby
requested to make payment without delay, and aii
persons having dernaads against said estate will pre-
I sent them without delay, duly authenticated for et
tieuient. ORRIN MORE.
Sept. 12. 185 I. Executors
i In the matter of the p irtition of lands Lite belonging
| to nanny 1! Mcr. deed,; situated in hoy tp.
"VTOTICE is hereby given to the parties interest-
X\ ed. that hy virtue of a writ of partition, issued
out of the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, to
me diracted, an inquest to make partition of said
land, on the premises in said township of Troy, as
j the law in such cases directs, on Tuesday the 'Jib
| Jay of January next, at 1 o'clock P. M., at which
' time and place all parlies interested wiM take notice.
December 12, 1854. *
Orphan's Court Sale.
IN pursuance of an order from the Orphan's Court
of Bradford County, ihere will he exposed to
! public sale at the house of J, A. Kingsley, in Smith- ,
j field, at I o'clock P. M„ of Saturday the 3.1 day of ,
j February next, the following described Real Estate, !
Ito wit: The WEST half of a lot of land situated in j
! Burlington twp , in saiJ County, formerly purchas- j
| ed by contract hy Joseph 11. Dudley and John j
j Sweeney, of St phen Puree, and the whole lot be- i
! ing bounded, beginning at a post, the south ea>t |
J corner of John G. Blake*lee's land, thence south !
I 152 7-10 perches to the norih east corner of a lot, j
I heretofore conveyed to Abiraci Pierce, thence west, j
( 101 petches to a post,thence north 1527-10 perches i
, to a post, and thence east 101 perches to the place j
I of beginning—containing in the whole 96 acres •
| and 63 square rod* of land, and the part to be sold j
! being tiie west half of the above described lot, with
| about 10 acres partly improved, and a small build
j ing or shantee thereon erected. Which said lot
su to he sold, is of the estate of the late Geo. Shay
lor, dee'd.
OLIVE SHA VLOR, Administratrix
Burlington, Dec. 12, 1854.
PAINTS if OlLS—Lamp & Linseed Oil—White
jadKeg—Glass by the Lighter Box,at
DRIED APPLES.—4O bushels Dried Apple* --
grafted fruit— on hand and for sale by
i March 15, 1831. EAILL'Y A NEVUS*?.
fUcriljanbiK, &-r.
Attorney at Law.
Towanda, Penna.
IS now receiving all sorts of NE .V GOOL> J ,
will he sold very low for Ca:*h.
May 3. 1334.
mSsTso'aii mLsss,"
TTTOUI.D inform her friends, that he ha* ju.t re-
V turned from the city, with a large assortment
.f xvuLiiircAHir goods,
which she offers at reduced prices. Produce of ev
ery hind taken in payment for goods.
REMOVA2i.-"L>. M A SON has remove.l
his office to his dwelling, on Pine street. Opposite
the old Presbyterian Church.
Towanda, May 13. 1854.
Flows and Flow casting-;.!
BT.ATCHI.KY, Wayne county, Alba or Cutti*
Plows, Side hiil. sulwoil and com plows and
Castings, lor sale cheap.
1 take particular pains to get good well made
plows and tough c-ungs. I would invite particu
lar attention to the Alba, or Curtis plow.
("all and see. R. M. WEU.E3,
11 £ W
JUST received hy Joseph Kingsbury, a large and
complete stock of NEW GOOD.ti, for sale as
usual, CHEAP roii CASH !
Towanda, April -1, 1834.
TT. I. X&ADZ&'ii
.f TTo ii .4" ;; r .it t. i n ,;
Office with the Register and Recorder,
OFFICE in the second story of the Union Block, \
north side of the Public square, over the office j
of J. C. Adams, Esq. Sept. 24. j
J*OL. ccz: MS. ES
HAVING disposed of all interest in other husi- J
ness, is now prepared to attend promptly to ,
all business, in the line ol his profession. lie may
be found at all time; —except when absent on le
gal business—at his New Brick Office," THE
LITTLE UNION BLOCK," between the old Un
ion Block an i J >hn Burger's splendid Saloon, re
cently elected c-n tbe North side of the Public
Square, Towanda, Pa
(Xjf* N. B.—Particular attention given to col
Towanda, Aug., 24, 193 T.
New & Desirable
33-3333 £2333332^
IS now prepared to offer to his customers arid ihe
Public generallv. a lurge and complete stock
of FALL 5- WINTER GOODS. His stock lias been
selected with unusual great care, and is superior
for style and quality than have tver before offered to
the public—and such a fotnbinaiion of very low
prices that we ate sure cannot Gil to p'.ease the
closest observer. Amongst his stock may be found
French Miienos. DeLains, Cashmeres. Thibet
cloths, Ginghams. Fine Worsted plaids. Silk Pop
lin, ALpacas, Calicos. Fine and heavy Lin
ens, Cotton Pi llow Casings, Brown and Biaached
Muslin, Sack Flannel, Broad Cloths dr Cassitncra.
CtALICOS —A large assortment of Merrimack,
' Coehrce & Fall River Prints—also good cali
co for 6 cts. per yard. Warranted good Madder
i colors, for sale hy B. KINGSBERY.
i f"t ROCERIES—CaII and see our Brown, Crush
i Vjf e d, Coffee and Pulverized Suguars—Fine
i Young Hyson a- Black Teas—warranted a Superi'-r
] article or the money refunded—lor sale cheap by
I niw ©© mWl
IT'EELS great pleasure in announcing to the pub'
lie that the liberal patronage he has received at
! their hands, has enabled him to offer them a large
' and complete assortment tf GOODS, a can be
j found in Towanda, and for unprecedented low pri
ces, be defies nil competition. Persons wishing to
i purchase Goods for Cash or Ready Pay, will find it
; to their interest ts call and examine his stock, at the
j corner of Main and Bridge streets.
I Butter, Pork. Grain, Lumberand Hay. taken in
! p irment of old debts, or in exceange lor Goods.
I Oct. 12, 1854.
IEATHSR. Pork, Codfish, Mackerel and White
J Fish, for sale cheap at PH IN NY'S.
CROCKERY & HARDWARE, a good assort
ment,at PHINNY'S.
CLCTHING, may be bad cheap at
Executor's Notice.
\ LI, persons indebted to the estate of Arena! 1 "
| AT- I.add, deck)., late of Albany twp., are hereby
1 requested to make immediate payment, and those
j having claims agauist'said estate, will please pre
i ent them duly authenticated for settlement-
P. H. WLCOX, 3 Executors.
Oct. 13. 1854.
Administrator's Notice.
ALT. persons indebted to ihe estate of Malrin
W.mster, dee'd late of L- Roy tp.. are rcques
' ted to make payment without delay : and those havj
! ing deminds against said estate will present them
! duly authenticated for settlement.
Dec. 12. 1854. Administrator*.
Auditor's Notice.
| Wilson .-Leer, to the use of) So. 130, Sep'ember T
C. M. .4Janville. vs J J. j In the Common Pitas
| Viele N" Giles F. Viele. ) oj Bradford Co.
! "\TOTICE id hereby giveu that the undersigned
! 1 v has been appointed an auditor in distribute
! funds in the bands of the Sheriff", raised by sale of
! the defendant's real estate, and that he will attend
j to the duties assigned him, at his office in the boro
!of Towanda, on Monday the 22d day of January
! 1803 —when and whero all persons having claims
upon said funds, must present them or be forever
j debarred from the same.
P. 1). MORROW , Anditor.
Tow an da. D. e, 15, 1334.
To Creditors.
, "VTOTK'E i* hereby given that I have applied m
i 1\ the Honorable the Judges of ihe Court of Corn
i mon Pie is of the County of Bradford, for the benefit
| of the Insolvent Laws of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, and they have appointed Monday.the
j sth day of February next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. for
i the hearing of me and my creditors, at the Court
i house in the bo-oogh of Towanda, when and where
you tnav rftiend if you think proper.
Jan. 1, 1833. G. M. BOWMAN.
! In the mutter of the estate of J) II Owens deceased.—
In the Orphan's Court of Bradford County.
"VTGTICE is hereby given, that the undersigncJ
| IN Auditor appointed by the court to distribute
funds in the hanJs of the adnuuistiators of said es
i tate, will attend to the duties of his appointment on
ihe lOtn day of February, at 2 P. M., at his office in
the borough of Towanda, and all persons interested
must present their claims at that tune and place, or
' elre be forevv debarred from said fund;.
1 Jar. 4, I?'?. !' p. MORROW, Auditor.
*" mm. a. ■ jm. :- "w •
d it. h. cT toutLr,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
G3LOCEiII233 f LI£XJ"£ILS, £.c.
Paints, Oils. Varishcs, Window (.iiass,
L't,c i>lojfs iiiut Burning Fluidls.
Regular Agent for ihe foil nving genuine p pular
Dr. Jiynea' Mediciies— Vyre's Cherry Pectoral
Alterative, Vermifuge. "chenck*s pof. syrup
Expectorant, Lini-nen: n>< darnl 1 * bitters
Hair Dve, Ac. Pepsin (fur dyspepsia}
Ur.Fitch's Medicincj Acoustic oil
Dr.Swayrie'a do jladiatr Cbolagog e
Dr. Keeler's do if.von"s rat pills
Brant's Balsam & Ext iMe Mnliciues
Orrick's Vermifuge 'Salt Riwum and Tetter
Graefenbt-rg .Vftdicinta \ oritmeni
Gargling Oil j''rush'* ma® do
Pain Killers [Spavin & founder do
Galvanic belts, &c. iMcAiiimer'* do
Heave & Condition pow. Eye waters
Rock Rose Cephalic snuff
Uterine Catholicotr Corn salve
Tooth ache drops ."flicking do.
Hsir inig>rator & dyes A'istar's !>!. wild cherry
Bed bug n | Female Pills
Townsend's Sarsapariila'.Buliaid's oil soap
Plasters and Fill* of all'BalsHin Life
kinds. Hiarlem 0:1
And many others, not euu.ncraied, all warranted
gen uine.
(Tj Remember Dr. Po rfstt' t Drur end Clien;'cl
e-tore is in the S..iuh eiiil of the War I nt-.
ir-g the Public square. If. C. PORTER, M. D.
HAS jot received a lerge Stuck of New Goods,
which are olfeied for sale, fur ready j ny, at
unusually low prices.
Towanda,Sept, 23, 18*4.
.fj Office removed to John C. Adams' Office in tho
Union Block. July "0.
0 *jj 'J £ IB S ™ £> C IS 3
0 RICH would respectfully inform the citizens
tO of Bradford county that he ha* opened a branch
establishment in Towanda, for the sale of READV
MADE CLO THING, comprising ihe usual stock .
Over. Dress, Frock and &>ack Coats; Vest-, Pajit*,
Shirts, Drawers. Wrappers, Overalls, Stocks,
Cravats.Collars, Pocket h\ikfs.&c.
Mr. Rich positively assures the public that resid
ing in New York and buying always fur cash, ena
bles him to take advantage of the market, so that
he can and will sell Clothing 25 per cent, cheaper
than any other establishment in the country !
CALL AM) SEE ! examine and price the stock,
be satisfied yourselves thl it is more extensive, of
beiti r nianu'acture and style, and sold much cheap
er tiian ever before i tTeied in this market.
1 have app' iut'.d as my agent in T. Wanda for tho
! sale of Clothing, -M. U SOLOMON, formerly of the
1 linn of Alexander* >L Solomon, whui: well and !a-
I vorably known.
Location, for the present, over Tracy A. Moore's
store, Main street. Upon the completion of Pat
ton's block, the stock w ill be removed to one of the
new sloies, corner of Bridge sited.
Towanda, Jaiiuary 8, ls. r >s.
M F. .SOLOMON respectfully cabs the attention
of his id J friends and the public generally to tho
above announcement, and invites a.l who may be
in need of Clothing to givehim a ci:l!,a-sming them
that he can furnish them with goods at the lowest
prices, and that no pains will be spared to merit
their patronage. Cm3l
"IT7IIEREAS, the Hon. D.oin W'u.wor, Prcsi-
V dent Judge of the 12'h Judicial Dist'ict, con
sisting of ihe Counties of lDadford, Susquehanna
and Sullivan,and ihe Hon. Myron Ballard and Har
r \ Ackley, Associaie Judges, in and for the said co.
of Bradford, have is-ued their precept bearing date
the "Oihday of September, 1S Gt. tonic directed, for
holding a Court of Over and Terminer. General
Quarter Sessions of 'tie Peace, Common Pleas and
Orphan's Court, at Towanda. for the County of
Bradford on (lie first Monday, the lih day of Dscem.
ter next, to continue three weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroner*
and Ju>tices of ihe Peace and Constables of the
county of Bradford, that they be thm and there in
their proper person, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
of said day, with the ir records, inquisitions, ami
other remembrances, to do tho-e things which to
theirußice apperiains to bo don' . and those who
are hound by recognizance or otht rwiac to prosecute
' against the "prisoners wh > are or maybe in the jail
! of sa.d county, or who shall be bound to appear at
1 the said court, are to he then and there to prosecute
•' against them as '■hail be ju-r- Juto.s *ic request
ed to he punctual in their auenJr. ice, agreeably to
their notice.
Dated at Towanda, tho 4ih of November, in ihe
year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and
fifty-four, and of the Independence of the United
States, the seventy-ninth.
a. s. >i unci: it.
A X-irro and well selected asscrtircHt cf
FALI. goods i
Towanda. September 11,1551.
VI.L persons indebted t> the undersigned, lato
Register and Recorder and Clerk of the Or
phan*' Court of Bradford county, for Fee*, a-e re
quested to make immediate payment. Thoe bav
in® deeds. Ac., not paid f>r, can find thc.n in t>e
Rvcmdtr's Offic.e until after the eypmotion of I eb
ruaiy Court, afer whice u-rie luey i 1 be placed ta
! ' "■
CAB. J).
DR. J. E. INGHAM, of the University of Penn
svWania, orTer.-- I is professional services to the
tize rs'of U'ysoz ar.d vicinity ■ Jan 1. lE."*.
IE ATHFIR—2OO Sides sole Leather—just receiv*
J ed and for sale by