Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 20, 1855, Image 1
o,€ DOLLAR PER ANNUM, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. T O AV A N I) A : PttlnrtJan fflorninn, Janiwrn 20, 1833. Stlttftlt |]ocfnr. the first fall of snow. 11l JAMES UCSSELL LOWELL. The snow had begun in the gloaming, And busily all the night, Had been heaping field and highway With a silence deep and white. Every pine and fir and hemlock, Wore ermir.e too dear for an Ear! ; And the poorest twig on the elm tree Was rigged inch deep with pearl. From sheds new roofed with Carrara, Came Chanticleer's muliled crow; The stiff rails were stiffened to swan's down— And still Buttered down the snow. I thought of a mount in sweet Auburn, Where a little headstone stood; How the flakes were folding it gently. As did robins the babes in the wood. L'p spoke our little Mahet, Saying '• Father, who makes the snow And I told him of the good All-Father, Who cares for us below. Again I looked at the snow fall. And thought of the laden sky, That arched o'er our first great sorrow, When that mound was heaped so high. I remember the gradual patience That fell from that cloud like snow; Flake by flake healing and hiding The scar of the deep-stabbed woe. And again to the child I whispered, " The snow that visieth all; Darling, the merciful Father Alone can make it fall!" Then with eyes that saw not 1 kissed her, And .-he kissing back, could not know That my kiss was given to her sister. Folding close under the deepening snow, i ■ ■ .§ 111 rll It fait. From the.* United Service Magazine. -J"u:K YJjvmjjz am A TRUE NARRATIVE. lathe summer of last year, 1 was proceeding home to Britain, on a ieuve of absence from my regiment, the th Highlanders, which were then and are still laying in garrison at Malta. Favored by the friendship ol Iter commander, and my good triend and old school fellow, Lieut. John Hall, I had a passage given me in her majesty's ship Blonde, of twenty-six guns ; and. after a pleasant run of a tew days, a smart breeze, which we en countered oil Almanecar, when sailing along the coast of Spain, brought down soma of our top ham per, and we tun into Malaga to repair damages. It was a beautiful and sunny evening, when our anchor plunged into the shining waters of that depp bay, which presents a superb line of coas', arid the back ground of which is formed by the undulating line of Sterria de Mija, into the pure, blue'sky of Spain, and bounding in the distance, the flat and fertile Vega. From the quarter deck ol the Blonde, we had a magnificent prospect of Malaga, with its stately mansions, its domes, spires and stately kiosks, bathed in a warm, yellow tint, as the sun's rays fadeJ along the Vega, and its shadows deepened on its hills, clothed with vineyards arid plantations of orange, almond, lemon and olive trees 'lhe gaudy Spanish flag descended Irorn the dark ram parts ol the Moorish fortress of Gibral Faro, as the evening gun was fired from the guard-ship; arid then, as the sun sets behind the mountains, the beds tolled for vespers in the lofty steeple of the - square cathedral, and a red lambent light began to giimmer on the tall brick chimneys of that exten sive iron foundry, which (alas for romance!) a thoroughly practical Scotsman had built in Malaga, where it finds lood and wo.-k for hunJreds, in .-melting the ore of the adjacent hills, while it po. lutes the cerulean sky of Granada. Bent upon a ramble or sdventuie, the seconJ Lieutenant—Jack Hall—and I, took the fowling pieces, and leaving our swords behind us—at least, 1 only took my regimental diik—we pulled ashore in the dingy, which landed us at one of those piers tnat project hum the city to the sea, lorming part o: that nobie mole which measures TOO y.<rds in length. Leaving our guns and shooting aparatus at the nolel, we wandered about the town, visiting the Alcazaba, which must have been a fortess of ol ra-t strength ; then the old Roman Cathedral and dishop's Palace ; but we lingered longest in the Alameda— that beautiful promenade, which is SO -eet w iJe, E nJ is bordered by rows ol orange and vieander trees, and in the centre a fountain wag tossing its spatkling waters into the starry sky. Bete we saw some dark-eyed Spanish women. • a 'heir bright manlilUs and veils, and not a few in ; ' lf cr homely and assuredly less gracelul bonnet -•J shawl of LonJon and I'aris, whose fashions are gradually, and I think, unfortunately superced ■'s ihe more captivating dress of Spain. We saw ferocious looking soldiers, in datk dresses, "earing yellow sashes, red forage caps arid enor mous moustaches; old priests gliding stealthily '• :i 3 with an aspect ol meekness, and apparanlly cashed in spirit—for the present government pres sei with a heavy hand upon the celestials ; citizens "ti ii n S [ U (| S of bright colors, wi'h red sashes " u ' ow crowned hats, have black silk tufts at each "Ja: queer-looking cabelleros in large brown -oiks, like that of Don Diege de Meridozas— ',) or Hidalgo," and wearing hat 6 ala Kossuth.— — 5 every man was 6moking as if his salvation de . -tided upon his vigor, the whole air was redolent with cigars. •'ad on my undress—-a lot aging cap and plain THE BRADFORD REPORTER red jacket, with tartan trews, my sash and dirk— for i have found that the British uniform always in sures the wearer attention and respect in almost ev ery part ot the globe. We wandered long in that lovely AlampJa, un til the last of its lair promcnaders, had withdrawn ; and then we returned lo our hotel rather disappoin ted, and that of all black eyes we had seen Hash ing under veils of Madeira lace, not one had giv en us a glance of encouragement; that of all the pretty lips that had b?en lisping Juleet Spanish, mixed with Arabic of Granada, none had invited us to follow ; that of all the sombre personages,not one appeared to be an assassin or a Grand Inquis itor ; and that of all the hideous old duennas whom we had seen cruising around us, not one approach ed, and with linger on her lip and an impressive glance in her eye, placed a mysterious note in eith er of our hands, and " disappeared in the crowd." Nothing remarkable happened—save that llall had his pocket pickeJ ol his handkerchief and ci gar case—and we returned to our hotel, where we supped on devilled turkey and the wine of the dis trict—Tierno and Malaga—alter which we turned into bed, ordering the waiter to summon us early, have a guide to lead us towards the neighbor ing hills, where we intended to make some havoc among the game next day. Punctually at 5 o'clock in the morning, the mo /ode, aroused us, and after our coffee, we shoul dered our double barrel rifles, accompanied by a young gamin, named Pedrillo, our little guide. He was about twelve years of age; but hardened by indigence and sharpened by privation, his per ceptive faculties w ere keener than those of many men. His sallow little visage wis shaped with more of the animal than of the human being; his eyes were black, glossy, and glittered with cun ning and intelligence. His sole attire consisted of a dilapidated shirt, a p tir of knee-breeches and a cowl, which confineJ his luxuriant black hair; he had zinc rings in kis ears, and bore altogether the aspect of a little lazzarone. He was intelligent withal, and told us a vast num ber of anecdotes, which increased in wonder and ferocity as we paid hirn one present after another. But he dwelt particularly on the achievements of a certain Juan Rosa, otherwise called D' Antequera, who was then prowling in that savage range of mounlaiiis.fiom whence fie descended—sometimes alone, sometimes with many followers—especially when the Solano blew irom Africa, to commit out rages among the quiet villages and quintas of the fertile Vega, where he was said to be in league with every ocsada keeper for thirty miles around Malaga. About mid-day we rested under the cool shadow of cork wood, about ten miles from the city ; it was a beautiful place, where the sward was soft as vel vet, and where a thick border of blushing rose trees and wild barangiss flourished near us. Here we shared our provisions with a paisano and two aimed contrabandistas whom we met, and who shared wj h us their wine in turn. The two smugglers had strong and active horses and carried blunderbusses and pistols to guard their bales of chocolate, soap, tobacco and cigars; they were fine, merry fellows, gaudily dressed, and lull i of fun and anecdote; for in Spain the contraban dists is a species of travelling newspaper. Now all their news was of the last feat of the outrage c/ Juan Rosa. I would give a guinea to meet this interesting vagabond, the interview would tell famously in some of the monthlies," said Hall, with a heedless laugh. 41 I think I should know him," said I. for we saw at least twenty colored prints of him in the i shops on the Alameda, fast night, fie is a fero cious looking dog." The conlrabandistas looked round with alarm, and then laughed immoderately. 44 Ferocious? Indeed, senor'!" said the paisa do: 41 1 beg to differ from you, having rriysell seen Juan of Antequera, face lo race ; and so think him quite like other men.'' 1 gazed at die speaker, whom, by his green vel vet jacket, adorned by four dozen brass buttons, his sombrero, with its broad yellow ribbon, his black plush breeches, red scaif and shoe buckles. [ sup posed to be the substantial farmer of one of the ad jacent quintas. He had a fine dark face, a pow erful figure, and two black eyes that seemed to be always looking through rne. Over one eye brow , he had a latge black patch. He carried a riding j swi h, tiad a knife in his girdle, and altogether, as he lolled on the sward, smoking a paper cigar and sipping rej wine, f thought he wojuld make a line and striking sketch, and equal to any by I'inelli. 44 Juan Iloa," said he, 44 has committed many outrages in the Vega of Grariada. The Duke of Wellington has there an esta'e, having on it about three hundred tenants, who yielJ some fifteen (hoasanJ dollars of" rental: but Juan lias thrice drawn every duroof it from the old abagado, who acts as steward to the Duke. The contrabandiftas again laughed at this .in moderately. 41 You have seen this Juan, or De'Antequera, have you not said I. " And so have I,"' said our little PeJrillo. 44 And where was this, my little fellow? ' asked Jack Hall. 4 On the night old Barradas, the muleteer, was murdered." The Spaniard with a patch over his eye knit his brow. 44 Carajo!" said he, ''Ah I remember that." '■ Tell us all about this murder," said Jack Hall 44 You must know, senor," said Pedrillo, 41 that at the foot of the Sierra de'Mijt, about five miles from this, there stands a wayside inn, called La Posada del Cayallo, lor the keeper, Martin Secco had a great horse painted ort the sign board. This man is the uncle of Juan Roa, or De'Antequera.— He lias a wife and had two daughters. Ihe place I is lonely, and it often happens that those who put j up thcro lor the night forget the right path—for they are lost among the mountains, or fall into the PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT TOWAND.I, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E. O'MEARA GOODRICH. " REGARDLESS OF DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER." sand pits—at least they a e seldom heard of here. You understand, senors ?'' The Spaniard with the patch smiled grimly, and played with his knife. " One night last year I guided Pedro Barradas, the Cordovan muleteer, to the Posada when it was dark as pitch. Pedro was very old and hall blind, and had never been that way before. A storm came on, and he desired rite to remain with him, saying that he would pay me well; old Barradas was rich ; he had money in the war of indepen dence, and in the last civil war between the Car lists and the Christians, and had given three silver images to the Church o( his native puebla in Jean. 44 We supped on bacallo, raisins and plain bread for the season was Lent. While we were at sup per, in the common hall of the Posada, 1 heard the rain pattering on the wooden shutters, (there is no a glass window in the house :) I heard the thunder grumbling among the hills, and wind howling as it swept over the fields and vineyards af the Vega. It was a lonely place for a poor boy who had nei ther father or mother; but then I was not worth killing, though many fears flitted across my mind, for Martin's wile—an ugly and wicked looking Basque provincial—put some alarming questions to old Pedro Barradas. She told him that neighbor hood was infested with banJidos and contrabandis tas, and asked if he was a heavy sleeper. 44 No," said Barradas, " in the war against Jo seph Bonaparte, 1 learned the art of sleeping lightly." 44 But what will you Jo tl you are attacked ?" " That is as may be; but 1 have only twenty duros, and so I shall sleep soundly enough." These questions alarmed me very much; visions of murder and slaughter came beiore trie. I crept close to Barradas, who, as I have said, was very old and very frail; but his presence seemed to pro tect me for a lime. " When the hour for bed had arrive.!, we who were the only guests, were somewhat imperafively requested to retire to our rooms, by the woman. " Barradas saw his danger, an.l he said that 1 should sleep in the same roctrt with him. " But Inez Secco told him roug'.ly that lie must be content to sleep alone. Then the poor old man was hall led and half dragged away. As for me, I was but a boy ; so they thrust me into a dark closet, where some straw lay on the Hoor, and de an ing me to sleep there and be thankful, they left me. " I lay down on the straw, and finding it wet, arose in horror, tearing it was blood; and so 1 re inained in the dark, praying to our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, arid trembling listened to the howl ing of the storm for more than an hour, when all the other sounds in that Pesala died away. 44 I was just beginning to dose, when a ray of light streamed through the key hole ol die door f heare it opened, and lo! Martin's wile. Inez Sec. co appeared, with a long at\! sharp cncillo in her hand. A man accompanied her. He was Juan Rosa De'Antquera! Terror para!) zed me; and she believed me lo be asleep, foi she felt all over my clothes, that is my poor shirt and breeches pockets, from which she look two quarter duros--all I pos sessed in this world,and then passing the light twice across my face to asure hersell that I slept, the hag muttered : 44 Caramba ! only a half dnro: this little wretch is neither wotth lodging or killing" 44 Immediately alter this, 1 heard them whisper with M irtin Cacco; and then they knocked at the door of old Pedro Barradas, who, like u cautious man, had fas'ened it on the inside. " Get up,"' said they, " Senor Barradas, you are wanted." 44 But old Pedro Barradas either slept like a top or he was to weary to open, for he heeded them not. " Then I heard Juan and Martin mutter curses, as they deliberately forced open the door; next there was a terrible cry of— ''Help! Pedrilo, help ; AyuJa por amor de nes Ira, Senora Santissima!" " This was followed by sounds like those made by a sheejJJ when the knife of the carcinero is in its throat ; and, in the meantime, Martin's two daughters were singing and dancing in the passage, lo conceal these terrible sounds, whice Iroze the blood within me." Here Pednllo paused. " Go on," said Hall, impatiently ; '• how did you escape 44 if the noble senors woulj help lo reiresh my memory—" " Ah, 1 comprehend," said I, tossing a peseta to him : " now fire away, Pedrillo." " You should not encourage this young piearo, Senor Caballero," said the Spaniard, whose face was now daikened by a terrible frown ; " fur i is my belief that he was the mere decoy, who led poor old Pedro Barradas to that villainous Po soda." Instead of being angry, PeJrillo lifted up his. hands, and prayed that Heaven anil onr Lady ot the Seven Sorrows, would forgive the speaker for his vile suspicions. 44 I never closed my eye? that night In the morning, 1 was told by Inez phe Patroria, that old Barradeas had departed across the hills of Ante quera without me. Martin Secco asked me how 1 had slept. I sanl like a dormouse; and as soon as I was hee, I ran like a hare back to Malaga, arid to make up for the last night's lack of rest, slept like a torpedo under the trees of the Alame da" " Your acquainted the magistrates—the algula zils. of course," said Hall knocking the ashes fiorn his cigar. " 1 was only a poor, raged little ; icara." replied Pedrillo, in a whining voice; ' and who would believe me? Besides old Barradas wa6 a stranger, from Cordova or Jean ; and a man, more or less is nothing in .Granada; but since that time, Muiiin's two daughters have been sent to the gal.ejs at Barcelona, by the Captain Geaeial ol the Cutg dorn, for intriguing in many ways \i h coutraban distas ol Joan. Now, senors, the noon is past, and if it please# you, 'tis time we are moving, if you with to reach the Sierra." While we were placing fresh caps on our rifles and preparing to start, the Spaniard with the patpb., who had listened to I'edrillo's story with great im patience, now seized the young gamin by the arm, and grasping it like a vice, gave him a savage scow| and said something in Spanish, but so rap idly that I could only make nut that he was repre hending him severely, for telling us 44 a succession of falsehoods." So 1 thought at that time; afterwards I was en abled to put a different construction upon his in dignation, at which Pedillo was considerably alarm ed. Bidding adieu lo him and the contrabandislas, we departed under I'edrillo's guidance, and (sans leave) shot along 'he mountain range, on the slope of which stands the small but ancient city of Ante quera, so noted lor the revolt of the Moors in the sixteenth century ; an J had some narrow escapes fiom failing into those remarkable pi:s, where the water settles into the low places, and is formed into salt by the mere heat of ttie sun. We did not see much game; but knocking over a few braces ol birds, and with these and two red (oxes, our little guard Pedrillo, was quite laden.— So he seemed to'think. Taking advantage of the concealment afforded by the olive groves, and the scattered remnant of an abandonment vineyard, amongst which we had become entangled, the young rogue slippedaway with our game and made oil either towards Malaga or Antequera ; at least we saw n-> more of him, or his burden at that time. This was just about the close of the day, when Hall and I were draining the last drop of our flask, and surveying from the mountain slope, the mag nificent prospect of the verdant Vega, spreading at our feet like a bright tinted map, having that warm and roseta glow which well might win it the name of Tierra Calicnte. Malaga, the ancient bulwark of Spain against Africa, yvasjshining in the distance with its towers and gates, flat-rooled houses, and vast cathedral"; its Moorish castles and Gothic spires all bathed in a warm and sunny yellow while beyond lay the broad blue Mediterranean, dotted by sails, and changing .from. gold to'purple anJ blue. This was all very fine; but our pleasure was lessened by the conviction that our little rascal Pe drillo, was absconding with our game; and we knew it would never do to relate to the gun room mess how vre had been outwitted on returning to the Blonde next day. The foreground of this beautiful Panorama was btoken by innumerable small hillocks and clump? of vrood of many kinds, that grew on the slope of the g r eat Sierra : and though the sky and landscape darkened fast after sunset, we instituted astiicland angry search for Pedrillo, shou'ing and whistling as we stumbled on, we not very well knew whither, looking, looking for our lost spoils—two foxes, with gallant btushes, and eight braces ol bitds. No moon had risen; the wind began to whistle among the groves and hollows; the night was very ilaik. 44 What d vre should meet Master Juan of Ante quera," said I. If we had our" game, 1 should be very well pleased," replied Hall; l; but I wish that little Pe dtillo had been with the old scratch when we hired him yesterday. If i had ihe little lubber on board the Blonde, 1 would show him the maintop " 44 Spain is a land of mishaps and events," said I " Yes erday we were wishing lor an adven ture ! ' " And to night wa hare one with a vengeance !" said I. 41 Belay : I see some one moving in that hollow. Let us jump down—ahoy below there !" 44 But we may lose our track," I urged. 4 - True*; so Jo you remain where you are while Igo dowu'into the'hollow. Haloa, now and iben> to let me know whereabouts." With his rille in his hand, Hall who was a fine active lellow sprang down into a ravine that sud denly yawned before us, and 1 remained with my rifle cockeJ, and stooped low to watch what might follow. Hall appeared in the obscurity below. I halloed but lite night wind tossed back my own shout upon me. Then 1 thought I heard his voice and sprang after him, but fell upon a point of rock, and sank completely stunned to the earth. There I lay for nearly a quarter of an hour un able to move, or rally my senses. When 1 arose, I found myself at tiie bottom ct the hollow, and upon a narrow mule track : the rnoon was rising brightly* at the south end of the ravine, silvering the masses of rock, tufts of laurel trees, and wild vines that grew in the clefts ot the basalt. 1 shouted, but received no reply; and a long arid fruitless search could discover no traces of Hall in any di rection. Considerably alarmed for his safety as well as my own for to lie at nighl those lulls ol Antequera with the devilish stories ol Pedrillo ami the contrabaudistas haunting one's memory, was anything but pleasant—l tried Ihe charges of my rifle, looked again to the percussion caps, and set ofi in that direction where, by the rising of the moon, I knew that M.ilaga must lie; but frequent ly paused to hallo for Jack Hall and received no answer save tlje echoes ol the rocks. The ravine descended and grew more open.— Again I saw the' Vega sleeping at rr.y leet in the haze; and on turning an angle cf the road, found myself close to an inn ortaberna, which I approach with joy and concluded t!;al my I.iend Jack roust have gone that way, and would probably bo there Like alt Spanish inns, it was a large and mis shapen edifice, the lower story of which nothing better than a great open elitsd iof mules and vehicles ; ascend thence by a stair, I reached a gallery, at the door ol which f was received by the host, who carried in his hand a stable-lanlein. "Enirar," said he, bowing profoundly entrar, senor." •' I have been cut shoo ting en the mountains," said I, "and have lost my companion, a Biitish naval officer. He as passed this"way !' " No, sertor," replied the host (whose face I could not see.) as he led me np another stair. 44 Then get supper prepared ; for he must soon be here, as I have no doubt he knows the direction of Malaga. And now," said I drawing n long breath as I seated myself what place is this?" 44 Lo PosaJo Del Cavalla." (!) 44 Eh! ah—and you?" I asked in a thick voice. 4 - Martin Secco, at your service. Senor Ca ballero !" „ Here was a donouemenl. "Good Heavens!" thought,!, mechanically re suming my rifle; 44 If the stories ol Pedrillo should be true!" I scrutinized my host and hostees. Martin had a broad and open visage, with keen eyes, and a black beard as thick as a horse brush , a wide mouth, that frequently expanded in grins ; but no radiance ever lit up his glassy eyes. The mouth laughed; but they remained immoveable— invariably a bad sign. His forehead receded and his ears were placed high upon his head. At first glance I concluded that my senor patron was an j unmitigated brute. His figure was somewhat portly, and encased in a brown jacket, brown knee breeches, and black stockings, he wore his hair, confined in a caul, anJ had a yellow sash round his waist. His wile was, as Pedtillo baj described Inez Secco, a Basqe, for her Spanish was almost unin telligible ; and her coarse black hair was plaited in in one thick tad, which teached her heels. Her gown was of rough red cloth, with tight sleeves and a short skir', displaying a pair of yellow worst ed stockings and leather sandals, fas'ened by thongs above the ankle. Her face was coarse and bloated ; but the expression of her eye was terrible ft hovered between the bright ferocious giare of a B B snake, and the glazed otb of an arrant sot. She scanned me closely; and I thought the old devil (she was a Spanish woman and past forty.) was accurately appraising the value of everything I had on. 4 -Well, senora palrona,'' said !, "what can 1 have for supper ?" " The senor has come at a very bad rime, for we have little or no provisions in our laider." (The ; lender of eveiy Spanish inn has been in the same , condition since the days of Cervantes and Congo- | ra.) 44 For now this road between Malaga and! Antequera is but little frequented alter noonday, owing to the terrible robberies and the fourassassi- , nations committed by Juan Rosa, during the last Salona. Caraba! 'tis very hard that we should suffer for him." 44 What can I have, then V' 44 A roasted galina.drcssed with a few beans,'said the palrona. 44 And a glass of good aqnadient," added the host: 44 Our Tiorno has soured in the wineskins.' 44 Tis poor fare this, for hungry men. I have said that I expect my friend's en rival momenta rily." The host gave'aeold smile,,and said, 44 We have had nothing ourselves for a week past but Indian corn and boded garbanzos, (beans.) but ihe.besi we have is at the disposal of the senor caballerro." The inn was old and crazy; ihe wind came in at one cranny and went out at the other. The roof, walls, and floor of the large apartment in which we three were seated, consisted of a multitude ol beams and boards placed horizontally and diagon ally, without regard to design or appearance, for in mechanics, the Spaniards are behind every other nation in civilized Europe. There was but one candle in the house, (as the host assured me,) arid it was rapidly guttering down in the currents of air The patroua translerred it from the lantern to an iron holder, and it vras placed on the table to light the room and my supper. An ostler, or nondescript servant, wearing fustain knee-breeches, without braces, with a muleteer's embroidered shirt, and having a yellow handker chief tied round his head, spread a (not over-clean) cloth on the table ; knives, forks and covers were laid for two,wi h acold fowl, a loaf of while bread, a dish of bear.s, garlic, and a bottle ol aquadiente. I observed this wild looking waiter frequently glancing at my rifle, and the jewelled dirk that dangled at my waist-belt; became suspicious of everything. 44 You are well armed, Senor," Laid he. 41 It is natural; for arms are my profession/' said I. I looked at my watch ; the hands indicated elev en o'clock ! Two hours had elapsed since Hall and 1 had separated, still thete was no appearance of him. Twenty times f opened the shutters of the unglazed windows, and listened intently ; but the night wind that swept down the dark river of the Sierra, brought neither shout nor looMep : so I resolved lo sup, go to bed and trust lo daylight for discovering Jack, if fie did notainve at die posaJe before morning. I had just concluded supper, when ihe iasi re mains of ihe last caudle in this solitary inn sank into its iron socket, and left us in darkness—at icast in no other light than the red.- wavering gloom that came fiorn the hearth, where a few roots ol pine and corkwood smouldered beside the brown puncheto. in which the amiable patron had boiled the beans for my repast. 44 Here is a pretty piece Di business?" said Mar tin Seco ; 4; we have not another candle, were it to light the blessed altar; and the senor caballero must go to bed in the uaik." 4 /feed not that, senor patron," said 1, 4 for 1 am a soldier as you may see, and am useJ to dis comfort." 44 Tis well ; for I ain sure the senor has experi enced nothing but discomfort in our poor posada. When f am rich enough, senor, I hope to have a hotel in the Alemeda; and then should the cabal lero ever come to Malaga again, he would remem ber Martin Seco." At this remark I beard the palrona utter a low chuckling laugh; but whether at the prospect of the fine hotel, or the doubtful chance of my evej visiting Malaga, I could not say. <: Now sermr patron," said I, rising, and taking up my liflo, <• | fhould like to reach the town be times to-morrow ; so show me to my chamber, and should my friend arrive, fail not to call me." " Will you not leave your gun here?" suggested the host. " riiank you—no, ' said I, while my undefined U"picions grew stronger vyithin me. "Do you lead the way senor, I shall follow, good night, se nora patrona." "Bucno Xoche, senor," said she, stirring up the embers, and we separated. To follow Martin was perhaps the most unpleas ant part that 1 hail yet acted : lor 1 haJ to grope my way after him through a long dark passage, about forty leet long, at the enJ of which he ush ered me into a room where there was no light but that given by the moon, which shown through a small window glared with little panes of coarse glass. Here he bade me ll ßueno Nocfit," and af ter many apologies for my poor accommodation, left mji. The apartment was small. In one. corner stood a French bed, having light colored curtains; this with a basin-stand, two chairs and a minor, made up the. furniture. I.ike a true soldier I tinned to secure the door. Destitute of lock or bolt, it had only a small thumb latch. Dismounting tfje ewer arid basin, 1 placed the stand end wise between the Jour and ihe bed, firm ly living it, and thus forming a barricade, which none could forey without awaking me. To make ail sure, 1 again dropped the ramrod into each bar rel of ny title, pis-ed a finger over the caps, un buckled thy heit by which my diik dangled, and without undressing, for every moment I expected to hear Jack Hall lialooing outside the house, in short, to be prepared for anything—l threw myself down on the coverlet,'and weary and worn ty a long day's ramble among the mountains, prepared to sleep. For a long time a species ol painful wakefulness possessed rne; the moans of the passing wind, tho flapping of a loose board in the external gallery, the waving shadows thrown ty the moonlight on the damp and discolored walls—even the ticking of my watch di-tmbed me, and kept me thinking ot poor Hall's unaccountable absence, with many tears that he might hive (alien into hands o! Juan of Antequera, and not a few reproaches for my having, perhaps, too easily relinquished my seatel; for him. i hese thoughts completely obliterated any 6ense ot rny own immediate danger; and i was aboul to drop asleep, when something moist, that 00/ erf about my lace and neck, aroused me. I started— lully awake in a moment, and passing a hand across my cheek, looked at it in the moonlight. " Blood!" said f,springing off the bed, while a tijiill ;an through me. i had not been wounded or cut by rny fall , then from whence came this terrible moisture ? 1 examined the pillow and found it quite wet; J turned it, an J lo' it was sat urated with blood! This was the reason that Martin Seco had de clined to give me a candle. My heart beat thick and fast; apprehension of something horrible came over me, anJ 1 remembered the stories of Pedrilio. 1 also recollected that I had some excellent cigar tuse*, and teaiiug three or four blank leaves horn rny note book, I twisted them together—lit thetn, and surveyed the dingy chamber. Ttie boards in J.-out of the ued were by recent spots of blood. I raised the little fringe of curtain, and guided by some terrible instinct, looked below, and saw—what ? Poor Jack Hall, lying there in tins naval uniform, with his epaulette torn off, and his throat litual'jr cut from ear to ear! Almost paralysed, I continued for half a tnii uie to gaze at the terrible speclacleptill the paper burn ed down to my fingers and expired. 1 heard my heart beating, and my head spun round as I ligl {• ened my belt and grasped my loaded rifie. Be fore I could adopt any plan of operations, 1 heard a rustling and whispering in the passage near my door ; and looking through a crack in the panels, saw within a yard of me, Martin SecOj bearing in one hand the rifle of my poor friend, aaJ in the other a DghteJ candle, although he had made to toe so many apologies about two hours befoie for not having another in the house. Ashe approached he handed it to a boy, in whom 1 discovered Fe- Jiilio , and then the light flashed on two other per sons. in one ol whom I recognized the ostler, and in the other, our acquaintance of the noon, with the patch on his face, and weaiitig a greeu velvet jacket and a sombrero. This worthy had a pistol in one hand anJ a knife in the other. The patrona was also there, with her wolfish eyes and enor mous Basque queue. Outrage and assassination were impressed upon the hard lutes of all their cruel and savage visages, and I perceived at once that, without a vigorous effort, I was los , that my life was forleiled ; and all lite anticipations of newspaper paragraphs, a mysterious disappearance, in the Times and Mili tary Gazette Hashed upon my n;iuj. I had a no ble profession, many kind irienJs, my regiment and home, with " the best expectations," as old dowagers say, on one hand : a horrible and sudden death—a lonely scene of unknown butchery on the oilier! I cocked the locks of my rifle, and resolutely removed the barticade lroin the door* " Take time, Juan Uosi," said the patrona. "Hold your tongue, old pnra, I know well what I am doing," growleJ the personage in green, whom 1 now knew to be ilia! terrible outlaw, who, Since the Catlist war, had laughed at the carbirie ros and alguazils, and kept all Malaga, the Sierra Jo M ja, and tha Vega of Granada astir arjd m ter ror. Including the patrona and the treacherous young rascal JPedrillo, J had five desperate enemies, and only two bullets at their service. " Let u? prove whether the Lgiese is as.'eop bo-