New York Markets, cc. 'JO. FLOUR- —Holders of Western and Htate Flour n j rest increased firmness. The cold weather linearis strength to the market, and the arrivals are not so large. The better grades of extras are quiet heme held at extreme rates. The sales of Western Canal are al $8 1-i to $8 fi2 i ffir common to very good State; #8 68 and $9 " i for mixed to good brand* Michigan, Indiana and common to good Upper Lake and Ohio, and klO 75 to#' 1 60 forextra Gcnessee. GRMN-— u heat is quite firm, the inquiry mode rate Hales of good Michigan white, at $2 20, and Southern at s'2 10 per bushel. Rye is less abun dant at $1 40 per bushel. Oats are still freely dealt in at 54c and 58c lor Htate and Western. Corn is less plenty at 94c and 95c for Western mixed, and 96c and 97c ror round yellow a bushel. PROVISIONS. —Mess Pork §l2 75. Prime *>l2 25. Lard lc and 10$ c for piime. Beef at from $5 50 to §ll ft r Country prime to mess, and §ls to §l6 for extra Chicago repacked mess. WHAT A LAWXR LOST BV NOT ADVERTISING —A gentleman called at our office lasi Saturday ami ask ed io look ai a Lebanon paper We handed him ihe Courier Alter scanning ns columns lor some time, he threw it down with a disappointed air, and ex claimed. " Well, some one's ihe loser by ihi " We looked np inquiringly, and he explained: '• I was trying to hod out the name of some lawyer in Lebanon."whom I might empiov to aiieml to a little law business therethat requires looking alter imme diately : but it seems the Lebanon Lawyeis don't advertise— l canh find the card of a single one of them in thia paper." So, by " saving" lhe expense of 53 orS4 a year, a Lebanon Atiomey has lost a fee ol—peihaps 550 pe'haps more Does any person still live, in thi< of universal newspaper circulation, s'upid enough to believe that there's no use in advertising —Reading Gazette. NATCR>L CURIOSITV —The Lancaster Examiner savs lew persons are aware of the existence of a natural curiosity, to tie lound on the Urm of Mr. John Baasler, near Pequa valley, in that county.— [t is a mammoth cave, nearly one hundred leet deep. The entrance is about thiee feet wide at the narrowest places At the boitoin there is a large sand bank, and space of about fifty feet, and run ning siream ol water, so broad that 110 man can throw a stone across. The attempt has been made, and ia no instance was it successlul. Judging by the sound ot stones drnpppd in the water it must be veiy deep. It has been tried about ten leet from the bank and lound to measure eleven lee 1 , and the supposition is, that it is much deeper fur ther cfl. IN NEW YORK there appears to be little change in the money market, but the leelmg is deciJediy more cheerlul. Paper ol first character goes at 12 p*r cent., with a lew transactions ai 10 percent and IS per cent. There is no pressure of paper on the maike : . Money on call is easy among ihe regular stock fiouses. but lime loans are still difficult lo negotiate, excepting at large rates. PETER ROBINSON and FRANK LEWIS, alias Jesse H dlisier. have been arrested and lodged in the Wayne County Jail, charged with having broken iom and robbed ihe office of die Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, in June last. THE nextS a e Educational Convention convenes a: Lewis'own Mifflin county on li.e 26 h inst., to coi'tinue for thiee days Teachers from ail pans ol l ie Staie are cordially irivned by 'he Lewistown people to be present. Ni:W ARRANGEMENT. HE DICTION IN PRICE ! An experience of fifteen years in publishing a newspaper, has satisfied us that the Credit *ystem is radically wrong, both to the Pub lisher and to the Subscriber. Under its ope ration a large amount is constantly due from subscribers located in everv part of the coun ty, which at best can be realized only by j waiting years, and in two many cases is ut- 1 terly worthless, the person receiving the paper | having deceased, or left the county, and the ; printer has the vexation of finding that he is \ not to receive anything for the labor and ex pense of years. On the other hand, we arc obliged to charge promptly paying subscribers a mm sufficient to make up these losses. Having become thoroughly satisfied that the system of advance payments is better both for publisher and subscriber, we have j determined to adopt it. Hereafter the ' lie- ' porter' will be furnished to subscribers at : ONE DOLLAR per annum, payable invaria- j bly in advance, and will be sent no longer I than paid for. These terms will be inflexibly adhered to. Those of our present subscribers who are indebted to us, and wish to avail themselves of these terms, can do so upon settlement 1 We shall continue to send them the paper until the close of the present vo'rme, (which will lie about the first of June next.) upon the [original terms, when we shall positively dis- j ontinue sending the paper to every subscri-! 1 or in arrears, and proceed to collect the am- J ount due us. I Subscribers who have paid in advance,and I whose t'me expires before the close of the pre- j I sent volume, wi'l have To i weeks notice of l "he expiration of their subscription. We shall give this plan a thorough trial.— Me be'-eie w v.'"" meet the approbation of i "1 those who desire to take, and pay for, a j County paper ; and we are certain it will re-1 lucve us from mi ny of the vexations and dis- i appointments for wl 'c'.i the business i* pro-' v. rbial. We shall at least have the satisfac- 1 rdon of knowing that we have pay for every i Paper sent; and, we tru .t, of feeling that we : have given to every subscriber th%full value i jut his Dollar. j lo any person sending us five new : pab*critiers, with the cash, ($5) we will 6cnd | ■he Reporter gratis, one year. i j. Married, Br. On'egn, Octobet 28th, by the Rev. C,. H. Corning, | I WV* Y. ROGERS and MARICM B. CHAFFEE, both 1 I of Orwell. in , Died, to Orwell, November 22i1, MATILDA, wife of Aaron j k iubbuek, K*q., aged 65 years. Jo the life of this estimable woman, the graces j ihe Christian religion were daily exemplified. 4 1 ' J at her death it- power to avert the sting of death 1 i i fully illustrated. Huffering through much of j ! 'fe with disease nd pain, she bore all with that I f fret resignation and humility which marks the ' I fj '-fristian, recognizing in all her afflictions the ! I c [J" ''g hand of HIM "who dueth all things I* ■ ■ - s he has now departed to enjoy the rewards I hh.c.i await those who are ready to avail themselves sufferings and intercessions of our precious V ,f m r. A large circle of relatives and friends ■' ' ier decea.-e ; but they sorrow not as those If ''" ll h"pe, (or ih*y have an assurance that her V r ' 1 hh* lef. lts f ra p an( j gu ff enn g earililv taber- W ic 14 "T that ' better land ' where pain and sorrow y f u " nown.] TICE—Rev. Mr. DOOLITTLE, of Phi- BK, ia 'felphia, will preach in the Court House, ■. r ' a U December 31st, forenoon and evening, ■'u;ua! hours. * ' f3Vd?'" 1 LO-OF O. F —The regular meetings of ; ES*> BRADFORD ESCAMPMI;.NT, NO. 41, I. O. of O. F., are held in the Hall over J. Kingsbefy's store, , on the first and third Thursday of each month. tpisS®** MASONIC.—The regular monthly Com | munications of UNION I.WDGE, No. t<;B, ■ A.Y.M., are held Wednesday on or preceding the 1 lull moon, at 3 o'clock, P. M., at Masonic Hall, in j the borough ofTowanda. The meeting for December will occur on Wed j nesday, December 29. Visiting brethren are invit ed to attend. W. H. PERKlNS,Secretary. " EDUCATIONAL.—The School Direc. tors, Teachers atid friends of Education in | the several townships of Bradford county, are re quested to meet at the Collegiate Institute in the bo rough of Towanda, on '"riilay If Saturday, the Gih and 7ih days of January next, at 10 o'clock. A M.- for the purpose of organizing a County Teacher's Association, whose object shall be, the" mutual im provement of those engaged in Teaching, and the ; elevating and improving the schools of the coun'y. An Address may be expected, and discussions | upon various matters connected with the cause of Education. A general attendance of all who feel an j interest in the education of the rising generation is [ earnestly solicited, and all should be on the ground iat an early hour. No efforts shall be wanting to , make the meeting doth profitable and interesting.— As many of the Teachers of the county are Females ! it is hoped that measures will be taken by the friends | of the cause to secure their attendance. E. GUYER. Co.Superintendent Nov 23, 1851. of Common Schools. j Ncto SlbocrUsemcnts. ATHENS HOTEL, J. B. HUTffT, Proprietor, HAS been refurnished, and will bo conducted in a manner to suit the most fastidious. The ta -1 ble will be always supplied with the very best the market affords, and everything d.>ne to make the traveller comfortable. A share of patronage is i solicited. Dec. 19, 1854—3 - THE GREEK SLAVE! BACCHANTE, FLORA, VENUS, NEBE, DANCINB GIRL. THE above celebrated statues, together with 15 STA lUE lIUS IN BRONZE, and several hun' dred magnificent OIL PAIN TINGS,form the prizes to be distributed among the members of the Cosmo, politan Art Association at lhe first annual distribu. j tion in January next. The Cosmopolitan Art and Litrrary Assotialion, i Organized for the Encouragement and General Dif fusion of Literature and the Fine Arts, on a new and original plan. The Committee of Management have the pleas ure of announcing that the first annual distribution 1 will take place on the 30th day of January next, on which occasion there will be distributed or allotted to members several hundred works of Art. among wh eh is the original and world-renowned Statue of the GREEK SUAVE, by Hiram Powers, costing | over five thousand dollars ! together with the beau j tiful statues of Venus, Bacchante, Hebe, Flora,and | the Dancing Girl ; and fifteen statuettes in Bronze, imported from Paris; also.alaige collection of Oil Paintings, comprising some of the best productions 1 of celebrated American and Foreign Artists. RTAS FOIL THE CUIIBKXT TEAR The payment of three dollars constitutes any one a member of this Association, and entitles him to ; the Knickerbocker Magazine for one year, ai d also a ticket in the distribution of the Statuary and the Paintings which are to be allotted to members in January. j Persons taking five memberships are entitled to five of the Magazines one year and to six tickets in ! the distribution. Persons, on becoming members, can have their 1 Magazine commence with an}' month they choose, and rely on its mailed lo them promptly on i the first of every month, direct from New York. The net proceeds derived from ihe sale of mem ber.hips are devoted to the purchase of works of i art for the ensuing year. Bonks open to receive nam"s at the Eastern of- j lice, or Western office, Sandusky. The Gallery of Art is located at Sandusky, (the Western office of the Association) where superb granite buildings have been erected for it, and in whose splendid saloons the splendid collection of Statuary and Painting is exhibited. The *2dva:iicfffes Secured by becoming a member of this Association are j Ist. AH persons receive the lull value of their j ! subscription at the start, in the shape of sterling ; Magazine literature. 2d. Each member ia contributing towards pur- ! | chasing ch.dee Works of Art, which are to be dis- 1 : tributed among themselves, and are at the same 1 time encouraging tire Artists of the country, disburs ! tng thousands of dollars through its .agency. Persons remitting funds for membership, should mark letters ' registered,' and the month with which they wish their magazines to commence, and | also Aastr post 'fin address in full, on the receipt of j which, a certificate of membership, together with the magazine desired, will be forwarded to any part of the country. Those who purchase Magazines at Bookstores will observe that bv joining this Association, they receive the Magazine and he Free Ticket in the Annual dis tribution a'l at the same price they now pay for the Magazine alone. Illustrated Catalogues of the whole collection ent on application, tree of charge. Cj* Offices of the Association, at the Knickerbock er Magazine office, 318 Broadway, New York, and at No. IS6, Wuter street. Sandusky, Ohio. Address (> either office) for membership. C U. DERBY. Actuary C. A U. A. NEW WINTER GOODS! Latest arrival in Towanda this season. JOSEPH POWELL is now receiving, as usual, a large stock of WIN TER GOOD- - * of every des criptlon. consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Crockery, Boots and -"hoes, Leather, Shoe Findings, Hats and Caps. &c., which he is now of f-ring for Ready Pay at unusually low prices. He would invite particular attention to his stock op I liadics' Frcss Goods, consisting in pan of French Merinos. French Parmettas. Thibet cloths, all prices. Canton cloths. Bombazines, wool Delaines, all colors plain and fi gured Mousftn delaines, Persian twills, ic LADIES CLOTHS.—A variety of Cloths, with Gal loons, Plushes, and other trimmings to match. SHAWLS.—A large assortment, all qualities and prices. EM B HoiDEncn Goons.—Chemisettes, sleeves, col lars. handkerchiefs, Swiss and jaconet bands and flouncing*, edgings and insertings. Also, a lot of stamped embroidery patterns. (£j"J'here wiil also be found among his stock a good assortment of Gloves and Hosiery, Ribbons, W|nie Goods, bleached and unbleached Table Lin ens, Crash. H'cotch and Rtisia Diaper, blenched and ' unbleached Mu*l>nsof every quality and width, Tic kings, Stripes, Denims, Canton FlanneN, &c. Towanda, December 19, 1854. Oniffi LEATHER—ISOO lbs. Sole Leather just CJ received by di 9 .1. POWELL. hi the matter of the partition rf lands late belonging to Harney IVebbcr. deed. ; situated in Troy tp. "VTOTICE is hereby given to the parties inteiest i-\ ed. that by virtue of a writ of partition, issued out of the Orphan's Court of B adford County, to me .iiracted, an inquest to make partition of said land, on the premises ia said township of Troy, as ihe law in such cases direct*, on Tuesday the 9th day of January next, at 1 o'clock P. M., at which time and place all parlies interested will take notice. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. December 12, 1854. LEATHER— 200 Hides sola Leather—just receiv ed and for sale hy BURTON KINQBBERY. PAINTS if OlLS—Lamp & Linseed Oil— Whin jadKeg—Glass by the Light or Box, at BURTON KiNWSBERY. S'TOVES.— Two or three second hand Btoves for > sale t nv23 PHINNY*S Ncra Auditor's Wotlce. David Barber, 1 In the Court rf Common vs. / Pleas rf Bradford County John Post ) No. 148, May Term 1851. THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court, to distribute funds raised by Sheriff's Hale of defendant's real estate, will attend to said duties at his office, in the Boro' of Towanda, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Tuesday, the 13th day of January, A. D. 1855. at which time and place all persons having claims against the said fund are requested to present them or be forever debar red from said fund. Deo- 19.J854. O. H WATKINS. Auditor. Auditor's Bffotiae. In the matter of the Estate of Rachel Cranmer, dec'tl Orphans C'rnrt of Bradford County. r PHE appointment of the undersigned, an auditor 1 upon exceptions filed to the final account of the administrator of ihe estate of Rachel < ranmer, dee'd having been continued by said court, he will attend to the duties assigned him at his office in the borough of Towsnda, on 'Tuesday, the 30th dav of January, 1855, at 1 o'clock, P. M. when aud where all persons interested are requested to attend. Dec. 19. ies4. D'A. OVERTON. Auditor. Auditor's Wctice. William Gorsetine vs Francis Goreham, et al —ln the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county. HAVING been appointed on Auditor by saiJ court to distribute funds in the hands of the Sheriff, raised by the sa'e of the defendant's real estate, the undersigned will attend to the duties as signed him at his office in the borough ofTowanda, on Monday, the 20th day of January, 1855, at one o'clock, P.M., when and where all persons having claims on said fund are requested to present them, or be forever debarred therefrom. Dec. 19. 1854. D'A. OVERTON, Auditor. Orphan's Court Sale. IN pursuance of an order from the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, there will he exposed to public sale at the house of J. A . Kingsley. in Smith field, at 1 o'clock P. M., of Tuesday the 23d day of January next, the following described Real Estate, to wit: —'The South half of a lot of land situated in Burlington twp., in said County, formerly purchas ed by contract by Joseph H. Dudley and John Sweeney, of Stephen Pierce, and the whole lot be ing bounded, beginning at a post, the south east corner of John G. Blake-lee's land, thence 152 7-10 perches to the norih east corner of a 'ot, heretofore conveyed to Abiram Pierce., thence west. 101 perches to a post, thence north 152 7-10 perches to a post, and thence east 101 perches lo the place of beginning—containing in the whole 96 acres and 03 square reds of land, and the part to be sold being the south half of the above described lot, with about 10 acres partly improved, and a small build ing or shantee thereon erected. Which said lot so to he solJ, is of the estate of the late Geo. Shay lor, dee'd. OLIVE SHA YLOR, Administratrix. Burlington, Dec. 12, 1854. Administrator's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Malvin Wooster, dee'd late of L-Roy tp., are reques ted to make payment without delay : and those havj ing demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. EDMUND KELLY, CALVIN W.CHURCHILL, Dec. 12, 1854. Administrators. I Auditor's notice. Wilson Ager. to the use of) So 150, Sejdember T. j C. M Manville vs J j j In the Common Pleas j Vide If Giles F I tele j of Bradford Co. "VfGTICE ia hereby given that the undersigned 1 \ has been appointed an auditor to distribute funds in the hands of iho Hheriff, raised by sale of the defendant's real estate, and that he will attend to ttie duties assigned him. athi* office in the boro' j ofTowanda, on Monday the 224 day o: January i 1855—when and whero all persons having claims j upon said funds, must present them or be forever j debarred from the same. P. D.MORROW, Auditor. | Towanda, Dec, 15, 1854 . Auditor's ZUotice. Adam Esenwine, j Li the Common Pleas vs / of Bradford County. P GjrAine if A J. Gorshne ) So 376 Scpl T. 1854 VTOTICE. is hereby given that the undersigned ! i. v Auditor, appointed by the Court to distribute j funds in the hands of the SheriiTj raised hy the sale : of lhe defendant's Real Estate, will attend to the ! duties of his appointment, at his office in ihe boro' 1 of Towanda, on Tuesday the 23J day of January, j 1855—when and where all persons having claims I upon said funds must p.esent them, or else be for- \ ever debarred from the same. P. D. MORROW, Auditor. Towanda. Dec. 15, 1854. Auditor's X?oticc. Brown If Rovkwell 1 lti the Com t of Common Pleas [ vs > of Bradford County. So 34, j Wm T Bradford \ Sept Term, 1853 r PHE undersigned an Auditor, appointed by the *• said Court, to distribute fund sin lhe hands of the >heriff', raised bv Hheriff's sale of the real estate "f said Wm T. Bradford. Will attend to the said j distribution, at his office in Towanda bor at nine o'clock in the forenoon, of Monday the 22d day of j January, 1855. At which tnd, are requested to present the same or he forever debarred from said ; fund. (4 H. VVATKINS, Auditor. Towanda. Dec. 19. 1854. Administrator's jtfotice. VLL persons indebted lo the estate of Tanner; C-andail dee'd. late of Rpriofielu tp. are here-I by requested to make payment without de'ay : and j all persons having claims against said estste will ■ please present them dulv authenticated for settle- j men!. HANSON CRANDALL, Dec. 13, 1854. Administrator. John G. Adams' Office, 1) EMOVED to the room over Burton King-bery'a Y store, Ma in street. Towanda, December I. 1854. WINTER, GOODS! TUST RECEIVING .4 7' PHISSETS a new a,- I J sortrnent of WINTER GOODS, which will he : solJ as usual for Cash, 15 per ceut. cheaper than can be bought elsewhere. ffij-AII persons indebted to me of over one year's slinding, must call and see to it, or I will see to j them—quick too. Towanda, Nov. 25, 1854. TT7AGONS AND HLEIGfIS—Two or three of W each for sale cheap at PHINNYU. ADMINISTRATOR l NOT!CE A LL persons inJebied to ihe estate of Joseph C. i A Powell, deceased, late of Norih Towanda twp. j are hereby requested to made payment without de lay, ami ail persons having ur.mands against said estate, are requesieJ to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. JOSEPH POWELL, November 21, 1854. Administrator. [ Executor's notice. A LL persons indebted to the estate of John More i /JL deceased 'ate of * ike totrnship, rre hereby requested to make payment without de'ay, and ali oersons having demaads against saiJ estate wiil pre sent them without delay, duly authenticated for set tlement. OIIRIN MORE, M. U. CODDING, Hept. 12. 1854. Executors J " IN WANT ! THE subscribers are in want of a young man as an 'ahprentice to the Tinman's trade. 17or 18 years of age, of good habits, who they will bind themselves to learn the business. HALL & RUBSLJ.L. Towanda, July '26, 1854. ______ Furs! Furs!! Aqantiiy of Fur Victorines and Cuffs of different ouslities, for sale AT COST by Jan. 18, 1851, H, H. MERCt R. Hlcrcljanbite, Sre. JE IVSN R U.A MW Attorney at Law. OSTICK WITH Tax Rf.GtSTSR A!tD IttCOßnXll. Towanda, Penna. NEW SPRING k SUMMER GOODS! BURTON KINGSBERY, IS now receiving all sorts of NE vV GOODS, wh,ch will ho sold very low for Cash. May 3. 1851. scsas- &<> me heardr, "TTTOULD inform her friends, that she has just re v V turned from the city, with a large assortment of MILLIWARr GOODS, which she offers at reduced prices. Produce of ev ery kind taken in payment for gouds. REMOVAL. -"DR. MASON has removed his office to his dwellftjg, on Pine street. Opposite the old Presbyterian Church. Towanda, May 13. 1854. Flows and Flow castings! B LATCH LEY, Wayne county, Altia or Curtis Plows, Side hill, subsoil and corn plows and Castings, lor sule cheap. I take particular pains to get good well made plows and tongh castings. 1 would invite particu lar attention to the Aiba, or Curtis plow. Call and see. R. M. WELLES. kVE W SPRING GOODS. JUST received by Joseph Kingsbury, a large and complete stock of NEW GOODS, as usual, CHEAP FOH CA-II ! Towanda. April 26, 1854. H.JI^ADILL .1 TTOltjr t: 1* .IT Wj 4W , Office with the Register and Recorder, To WASH A, PA. I D'A, OVERTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. TOWANDA, FA. ! ' OFFICE in the second story of the Union Block, north side of the Public square, over the office i of J. C. Adams, Esq. Sept. 24. NOTICE TO ASSESSORS. FjPHE several Assessors for 1855, will make their J- returns in the following order, viz: Assessors for A then* twp., Athens boro., Ridgber ry, South Creek. Wells, Ulster and North Towan da, on Mrnday,November 27th. Columbia, Sylvania bcro.,Sprirgfield, SmiihfielJ Burlington, Burlington boro., and Towanda boro., on Tuesday, the SSth. Armenia, Troy twp.. Troy boro., South Towanda, Monroe, Franklin, Overton and Granville, on Wed nesdny, 20th. Leroy. Canton, Durel:, Albany. Asylum, W;imot and Tuscarora, on Thursday the 30th. Litchfield, Windham, Warren, Pike, Wyalusing and Orwell, on Friday Dec. Ist. Sheshequin, Rome,, Standing Stone end Wysox, on Saturday, Dec 2d. (Ej* The Assessors will be careful in fooling the assessments, carrying each persons valuation into the right hand column,and also in making their re turns on the day designated in their Warrants. By order of the Commissioners. E. M. FARRAR, Clerk, Commr's. Office. Oct. 20. 1954. -TL OL: v 44 EiU B9 E. W. BA!RD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAYING disposed of all interest in other busi ness, is now prepared to attend promptly to all business, in the line ol his profession. He may he found ut all times—except when absent cn le gal business—at his New Brick Office, "THE LITTLE UNION BLOCK," between the old Un ion 3!ock and John fffgw's splendid Saloon, re cently eieeted on the North side of the Public Square, Towanda, Pa ffjr" N. B.—Particular attention given to col lecting. Towanda, Aug., 24, 1854. New 6c Desirable FALL AND WINTER GOODS!! 23333333^9 IS now prepared to offer to his customers and the Public genernllv. a lurge and complete stock of FALL Sr WIN PER GOODS. His stock has been selected with unusual great care, and is superior for style and quality than have < verbeforeoffered to the public—and such a combination of very low prices that we are sure cannot fail to please the closest observer. Amongst his stock may be found French Miieno.. DeLains, Cashmeres, Thibet cloths, Ginghams. Fine Worsted plaids. Silk Pop lin, Alapacas, ("aliens. Fine and heavy Irish Lin ens, Cotton Pillow Casings, Brown and Blaached Muslin, Sack Flannel, Broad Cloths 4 Cassimers, 4c. &c. (riALICOS —A large assortment of Merr mack, J Coehece A Fall River Prints—also good cali co for 6 cts. ppr yard. Warranted good Madder co'ors, for aa'e by B. KINGSBERY. /riROCERTEB—CaII and see our Brown, Crush- YJ ed, Coffee and Pulverized Suguars—Fine Young Hyson S- Black Teas—warranted a Superior article or the money refunded —for sale cheap by BURTON KINGSBERY. xf m w J. HARVY PHINNY, JR., great pleasure in announcing to the pub l lie that the l.beral patronage he has received at their hands, lias enabled liim to offer them-a large and complete assortment of GOODS, as can be found in Towanda, and for unprecedented low pri ces, lie dufies all competition. Persons wishing to purchase Goods for Cash or Ready Pay, will find it to their interest s call and examine his slock, at the corner of Main and Bridge streets. Butter. Pork. Grain, Lumber and Hay, taken in payment of old debts, of in exceange for Goods. Oct. 12, 1854, IEATHEK, Pork, Codfish, Mackerel and White J Fish, for sale cheap at PHLNNY'S. CROCKERY & HARDWARE, A GOOD AWON PHINNY'S. CsLCTHING, may be had cheap at > PHLNNY'S. Letting—North Branch Peini'a Canal. QUAhEL) PROPOSALS will be received at the O of George Lazarus, in Pittston, until sun set of Thursday, the 23d of November next, for completing the Weigh Lock and building a Collec tor's Office rt Upper Pjttston. Plans and specifica tions will be exhibited three davs previous to the day of letting. W. R. MAFFET, Engineer and Snp't N. B. Canal. Engineer's Office, Towanda, Oct. 18, 1854. Postponement. The above Letting is po-tponed until Saturday, the 23d day of December next, at the house of I B. Stark, in Upper Pittston. Until sunset of which day, sealed proposals will he reccivfd, as above. W. R. MAFFET, Engineer and Sup't N. B. Canal. Engineer's Office, Towanda. Nov. 27, 1854. Esecutor's JVoticc. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Arcnalk Ladd, dee'd., late of Albany twp., are hereby requeued to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate, will please pre ent them duly authenticated for settlement- WELLS WILCOX, -i r P. 11. WLCOX, 5 Elcc u'"s- Oet. 13, 1551. HARDWARE & IRON STORE. HALL $c RvJSS&iLLj 1 _ M!i !;• Wholesale and Retail Dealers in jgMHARDWARE AND STOVES. Tin. Japanned and Britannia Ware, T/\ House TximmiDgs, Cariiagc Trimmings, Zlarness 6c Saddlery r Ware, Carpentcr'3 and Jciner's TOOI3, V —-—O BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, FARMERS TOOLS AND AORiCOLTORAL IMPLEMENTS LEAD PIPE AND PL MPS. of all kinds and sizes IRON, STEEL, LEATHER BELTING, fcc. &c. Would inform their frienda that these are only a pan of the general heads under which may be classed their extensive assortment, and to which they ate r..ji,u o ily receiving additional supplies, direct from the importers and manufacturers, which enables them to oiler such inducements in tlirir large stock and low prices, that will challenge competition front any quaitcr. We would ask the particular atieatiuu of IffIKDIBiiHIKES £22 m 2ft&£Qa&lßSa to an examination of our stock, which having been selected with the care, we ore confident will satisfy even the most particular. (O* Don't forget the place—South side of the public aqoare. Old Iron, Coppor end Brass, and al! kinds of Country Prc-dme taken in exchange f <• goods. Towanda, May 27, 1854. HALL 6c RUSSELL. DR. SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE, Fronting the Public g^unre. r PHL subscriber, thankful for the iilKral patronage received toe past t ear ntends to keep constantly on -I- hand a full assortment of the very best articles usually kept tn our line, which it's WILL dispose of on such terms as will he satisfactory to all who may patronize him. The purchases are made entirely with cash in hand, and for the LASH our customers will receive the benefit of a good article at a louv price. Ail arliciea not answering our recommendation, will \*> cheerfully taken hack, and the money refunded. Oy Medical Adrift gratniloasly jivtn al the Office, charging inly for Ibc fflcdiciacs. Ihe stock consists ola complete and silect assortment o DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, Pure M ine kLiquors, for Medicinal nsc, London Porter tkotrli Ale. ALL TiII:MOST POPULAR PATENT FRESH CAMPHENE & DURING FLUID—NEW & CE/iUTiFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS! J. latNDXn ASSORTM LNT OP American Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant, d Good.) Superior TC2ACCO 6c ZTSTJTT ! —Choice brands cf Furc IZavanca, Principe and Yara CIGAS.S ! Paints, Oils. Tariilsttts, Window Glass, Brushes, Perfuiiiery, Shaving Soap, s'aiicy Articles. &c. &c. FAMILY GROCERIES: Black find Greeu Teas ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, Sen See. Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, See. REMEMBER THE STORE—SOUTH END OE THE WARD HOUSE! AND ITS MOTTO " Tne best Quality of Goods —Full Assortment—Alodinate Profits—Ready Attention to Crstomers—iw Adulteration of Goods—Candid Advice as to Pale,it lUmrdies—and Close Attention to Business." Towanda, Novomber 12, 1853. 11. gj. PORTER. M. ID. NEW FALL GOODS ! JCSEriI POWELL, HAS jus! received a large Stock of New Goods, which are of.ered for sale, for ready pay, at unusually low prices. Towanda, Sept, 28, 1854. JAMES MACFABXAJJE ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOWANDA £j"Office removed lo John C. Adams' Office in the Un'oa Block. July 20. Salt! Salt! 1 DDLS. SALT, just received, anJ for sale, -I tJ\J under Hall & Russet's, hv Nov 2, 1854. s. FCLTON if Co. Towanda Female Seminary. THE Winter Quarter of the Towanda Female Seminary, will commence on Monday, Novem ber 27. O.D.HANSON. Nov. 22. 1851. T)AINTS, Nails, Glass and Oils, cheap at FHINN VS. MORE NEW GOODS. BURTON KINGSEERY IS Now opening a NEW STOCK OF Goops, consists j ing of full and complete assortment of all kind j .11 E It C 22 4 \ 2> I Z E, which will beeoid as cheap as the same quality of | Goods can be bought anywhere this side of New- York. Towanda. Dec. 10,1853. fire and Life Insurance. WAVERLY AGENCY. 1 JOI.ICIES issued in the best established Coin- XT panies in the United States, with carxtil from aojio.ouo to 5i.000.000. Apply to P. O. MOODY, East end Spaulding Block, Waverly, N*. Y. j l Aor.sT roil TUB FOLLOWING COM FA Sirs; Hartford City Fire Insurance Company. Mohffvk Valley Fire Insurance Company. Ran-alaer Fire Insurance Company. Empire Insurance Company. Granite Fire Insurance Oornpmy. Uiica Live Stock Insurance Company. Susquehanna Life Insuranre Compact*. Phoenix Fire Insurance Co. of Uronkh-n. ExceNinr Fire Insurance Cn. of New York. CF/'AII orders from the country promp'ii filled. T3 • SIP ©U3 S ! LEAVE Towanda for Mcrear's j N.r'l'T > mi 11 s, B u rlington,Ea.-.t Smith field Ridgebery, and WelUburg de pot ou the N. Y. & E.K K., every MOXHAT, Wm. NKSRAT and FIIIDAT at 8 o'clock A. M., and arrive j at the depot in time to take the evening train of cars , either east or west, same day. Returning TCKSDAT, TIIL HSDAT and SITRHBAT, t after the arrival of the Eastern train, and also the . Western oars from Jefferson, Elmira, &c., and ar rive at Towanda same day. FAKE Towanda to Mercur's mills, STi 1 4 ' to Burlington, 50 " to East Smithfield, 6SJ " to Ridgebery, 1.00 " to Wailsburg depo'. 1.25 Express packages to or from the Rail Road care fully delivered at moderate charges. D. M. BULL, Towanda. Oct- 8, 1852. Proprietov CROCKERY—A large assortment just received at BURTON KINGSBEKY. Southern Military Academy Lottery! (I ACTHOkITT or THE ST4TE OF UiIUMA,) Conducted on the Havana Plan. 20,000 Numbers— 501 Prizes!—all the Prizes drawn at each Erawing. CLASS G—TO RE DKaWN 30HI NOV'BER. Capitals SISOOO " 4000 I " 1500 I " 1100 5 of SIOOO 5000 In ell .'Ol prizes, amounting to $60,000 Tickets $lO. —Halves and Quarters in proportion. Bills on all solvent banks taken at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN. Agent and Manager Sign of the Bronze Liona, Montgomery. Ala. Nov. 2, 1854. ~ Iwumiow "IT 7 HERE AS, the Hon. Davit> Wilmoi, Presi j * dent Judge of the 12 h Judicial District, eon sifting (l September, 1831. tome directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer. General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas and j are or maybe in the jail of sa.ikcoutuy, or who shall be bound to appear at the saiii court, aie to be then and there to prosecute ! against them as shall be just. Jurors are request | ed to be punctual in their attendu ice, agreeably to | iheir notice, Dated at Townnda, the 4sh of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, ami of the Independence of the United b'tates, the seventy-ninth. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff ! NEW FALL GOODS; ir. S. MEKCUR, IS SOW EFCEIVIXO, A Lsrje and well selected assortment cf FALL G-OGDS! TtHrain'a, fccptrmlwr 14,1854. I A LL persons are hereby r.oi.fied not" to take a j /l certain NO TE against Cot.:*ei.ics D. Dwo . ni. sr. payable to the subscriber or bearer, for Four . H"udrcd Dollars, and date.! on or about the thirti eth day ot March. 1854, payable in one year after ! the date thereof, for value received, which said note h'.s been lost out of the posses ion of the subscri- Her. nv23mS JOHN DEMOREBT. BOOI'S & SHOES— Hats