ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. TOWAN I) A : Satnri>ap JNarninn. Dccrmbct 23, 1854. jjtUdtii I'octrg. Everybody loves to read WHITTISB'S verse; and k we art glad g lVf our readers the following, which we Bnd in the Saficnal Era, dedicated to Senator l" Sraxsa. It has reterence to ih si-rring scenes of last session, tn which the distinguished and eloquent Senator bore so pro nir.ent and chivalrous a part.} TO C. S. If I have seemed more prompt to censure wrong Than praise the right; if. seldom to thine ear My voice hath mingled with lb" exultant cheer, Borne upon all cur Northern winds along ; If I have failed to join the fickle throng j In wide-eyed wni.te the Python of his land and time, Fes.- the monster born of Cnssa's sitme, the blind bard who in CastaStan springs Tempered the steel that clove the crest of kings. And on the shrtne of England's freedom laid The it Its of (.'unue and of Delphi's shade-* stma.i need hast thou of words of praise from me. Thou km west my heart, dear friend, and we!! : canst guess Thst. even though silent. I have u.t the less Rejoiced to see thy actual life agree. With .he large future which I shaped for thee, \\ hen. vetrs ago. beside the summer sea. White ia the moon, we saw the long waves fall Baffled and broken from the rocky wall, i hat. to the menace of the bra**.tag flood, Opposed alone its massive quietude. Cam as a fate; with not a leaf aor vine Nor b.rch spray trembling in the brtgti moonshine, C.-v vising tt like God's peace. 1 sometimes think That night-scene by the sea prophetical— (For nature speaks in symbols and tn signs, A d through her p ctuies human fates divines) i'tat roc*. 'here from weaw the btiiows sick la murtnut mg reu'. uprising clear and tali fa ice wh te ! sh: of heaven tne type of oce Who, m cuec ly by Error's host assayed. Sur; >ti\ s*s T"r..tb, in greaves of granite mailed; And. t a- qu -tVcntef. I :enic over all The *umult, hears 'he snge s sty. Weil done ! Europe ani tbt (Star. " ~ * t Great Speech of Kossuth, THE EUROPEAN AVAR. AND THE ERRORS OF THE ALLIES. _ L S.s Tutted as 1 am to grief, s ill . is w• h sen- T-r s a friend, is lew are l.v.rg Ike b m. Poland loaf a fiend, as Tift a> core rro.e devoted and sincere P-.- ii e ro la- one. S r. I can bear, and prcuuly raise .TV uljer under he .oad o sorrows maryteid if ~ ~g on rex ; bu o see suffering human y dep" ved c. s g-j ne pores of. s 'nerds, is oc *m o w even for me. The rer.aa of h.s * .:? secu-ed to h m be es.eem of a I good tree W * T.S TV tee.irgs te. afer 1 have seen s ns associating him.selt pub c y .o rr e—to me. w- -- he aiis rcracy o; E tg'.aad artx.ously sbon -f oc>.-a.:se 1 c- y-oor shore# nol w :tt a 4 - -cub pu-c-ised w: - pub ic per ;• r anj p* vat cr' —e ba ape secured exile ;* .-"iv v T. o the cc tea ol t pa r.o ? They >~j-".ed rr? He s-i up airy s; e. a.nj ci>t ? In*"? of b. s v r c* oter ~e Ex e's band >V' ha ba* se-ve-d *.;?.• Poiaal -?a at. so "each i* sarw. ha: Poland asJ op b boTto r r?vff fi~ have a ere mo e .?' ?- -4- b s To me S * "as bee - a sconce -" b ? oo soa oc tr T.T ruble tr. scare arc - ; : ae ras o bate bee *b e o bcas. of - s.on r nan ?as yt 4 #. Sr.SsrJ.u4ea.and ? i*Lxti Dad ley He Baa departed. 1 may Ata *• 0 1 oc S-. adec:.-ra I OTC O.T. Ye u 'rb u LibttrtoißiM tray yescoo isao o -'"C :i 0 - ant w j be as ana* 00 waca tie pere ? **J. "i-ue otgrmtit*i neversial. cease v San? 0 r * aabes a i kccoe to h.S uoex xy I "* 0 toe ia aat Jie day Ait 01 t sere pre •F ti'toc re .c, ae aec ,ser t P-or pec by TOO yC' :>e aeraswa AU SA C-A TA aa '"a* sni-e ;a p.J - • PE •? b e O. ?ri -ra a* sexto - j or.ota nuc-e eior. d v.-se tjra e bat* tMohiei to eeeavsonv ao-o 1 •' os aw we m gv tended 10 rouse the spin of the living by recoilec tonof a glorious past It is a solemn warning for seii p-vservsnon addressed to British S a - e w.sdcm —it is a query by which he ge i-jsof 'he fc u-e is abou to est the vi aiy of r ne B i t*:. Emp e Po land m*aes he query. England has .0 ans*e\— E".g and. gen lemeo, ami no: hts assembly The transactions ot he day will no: be wound up by words spoken within these wail*, nor by :ne pass ing cheers some o; hem may have me: This is no ques ion Eg.and might dispose ofby passing and over it. No answer will be an answer likewise. And such wih be E gland'e hu ure as England's snswer wili be. As to curse res rep-esenta ives of other nations ; tes e win e wa; mg that the hoar for our cwa battle strikes, (and while preparing for it pe-hap* ) we recline on cc - arms ar.J wa ch. and witness, and warn. in keeping w: NM the iimi'.s of .bis sphere. I would address mysei: H:T to yea. iry b.-E nren in M.sfortune, P.iish ex es. and then 10 F.NG ar.J. Sir, ifyoa GIVE me leave. To you dear BTE in exi e I have a word 0; thanks :o spe..k. ar.J an assurance ogive. ANl an advice to IMPORT it is y-one yea s *.~.ce Poland firs- was qoarered by a nefarious AO. of comb:-ED Roys' Y. WNICH r.e BW * L"J<- US MI E*. we I chi-ac e'.l --ED by Jiyng ha. •• GtJ permitted be ac. to show fo h THE mors., yot K •gs ' And 1: is twer. y-focr years since dow-.'redden Pow'.and rr.sJe the g*eat e* (r he .1* 4 m*- ies.a ion of her isa--er.ha- V / bev a'.y. "■eCab.-eso Er*cpe we-e .00 narrow minded o under# a-d. 0: .0 corrup* o ap precia e—e g" v-cne years c: s .ii urre' mi ed crime, ar.d wer, y foor yea** or m *e r y in ex -e ! It is a Icr.g time to suffer and r.ot :o despi t And all aio-g this nme. you p-osenbe pa'-tots of P. lard you we*e sufferirg and dJ not despair. You s'ood up b*f ore G2'r.r? v *?- 0 suffer ard to hope. Wherever oppressed t e?Jrm rex-ed a ba.--e- vro -1 ec arcs- j—re v -g a •uecra-ged oingr gre-o Jlcv c ? c-s fe t and w er. m gn; • a-r-"ed coce tree nv- v rce md tiic . > :u re-ome.. be wande.TEGex.'e's * k r* ict anu d,d -ot de*pa r M-y '>f y'•o who w?-e yeong when jiey a*? w r.e *4: l rs? over P. .*r.u * trou- i -5 and pa r.s. rave he r ha— w~ e-e.t ari - tenets tvok-'n ■r. age win argois-h and warn *erv bat re pa - ore bea x>*ep* he fresh~es ot s y-a h ts \on~z if owe o: F.- and young a asr a >.- tor her f ee icm. yca-i ki h-pe a-rd yea htalty fresh in ie e*- nai'ise tc beak Pc acd s chairs Wkst a -wh sch re 0 r.t e deed* pa ■ > *t. ract be g r r us erg 3*o T.nch :o strfie- a-d nee* 0 . ?*par Ym save g:verr to a of a* yos-ge- c-e:b --:ts ia tne Uns yof ex es Yc# have ; ver *f 2U-b*e exaxp.e. vktk *. j be fv#"c. tr v.:e J me Wa## re ra ec: Us--te was est. ar j Hts* 111 was reit: mi hi be*' e * se ot *e e- Rrtar sc: es -# be-a eof R.T? vrveu tha-ks sCtesi. Txitsim VIM*. - s* sot fsv -g . e*- p -ec c: 3'" P-we-.bed pa r o-s oi P--anki' I bark you. asj bsstc-y w*i. tnsnk in. thai y->a oave art de*pa!-e\i o£ rrss-ec cn asi ..twey Tt# J tie ti.-xio I ogve Tae time craws r gh wbea 'be oppressed ra :a? wdi cad (bet r opctec- oa mn accx-n and be mi oi R-vern e :. M lb# faffaan ot "Bet? rigk a. d c 4 se.t-coewemwf wirrg-s. pas* paegxe on a-rrgao- cocqwoa. p>-v ; ;-eg#U Bi#me-er. ard ' XPR-NI tegs la '?* ssp-esne Ni be crpes ae t ratios wdt s"*nd he aJI and * ace F****. #.-r#C. aad OI 2t# p'. VES sat ts. vara, h w# a nesr M lifftil schrol ha: t scrnc! ;i.u Aaof s nsve .earned s-r-x#b 'i ao-i \z* hew; of vu: we bar# ea-eec s. A* be pone p.# O 2-*Lr3c* majtrss y * SOOE SBc • pa-i-aa .insp* : XOCJCC—S: to LB# !K.*V G-*M ?* O: *±A- PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT TO WANDA. BRADFORD COUNTY, PA.. BY E. O'MEARA GOODRICH. " B.ESARDLES3 OF OENUXCIATIOX FCOM ANY QUARTER." freedom which we have to conquer. Let England and Americe, proud in their preaent security let all those whom it may concern mind my warning while it is yet lirr.e to mind it. Those who will not have contributed to the triumph of ireedom, while they had the power to contribute 'o it, shall have forfeited their claims to a share in that muiua' guaructee If all the signs do not deceive us. ye. men ot Poland, may be the firs' called to batter a breach. Many will s and by you, and others will fight the common banle elsewhere. But though many days be, nearest is dearest and close Cy is best. It is no l in vatn '.hat Xa'.ure—and Nature is GOHl —made Hungary a neighbor to Poland and Po land a neighbor 10 Hungary Our enerrne* are the same, and our cause is identical. The much I feel, the little I may know a-id a 1 I can—my h"art, my brain, my arm—shall be wnh Poland Remem ber this. Yet, though I may have learnt some thing, the pledge of my own internal a*sistance is but a small matter. And even that liitle may be I ijt too soon. We are mortal men, ami I grow oi 1 arid am careworn. However thai is not worth wtiile apeakmg ot. I may t> nothing, bot Hungary is much. And it is the genius of Hungary which assures you, through my lips, Hungary will aland by reviving Poland ! Remember my words. This is the assurance I had to give Last comes the advice The present complies tions of Europe—a necessary result of the errors and crime# of the pas:—cannot be brought to a de fini e end withoa: Poland's acting its part O! two things, one: either an insufficient arrangement, ' leav ing the next future urset led. and the war to recur again, more dangerous to some, more Light tul to ah who are parties ;o it j cr the war is car ried on to a Jefin tiTe issue The next time it re curs, I app-ehend it shall be England's turn to present tn her fa e a second Poland in his'o*v May be even here a: home, who knows' But ; ee-'ainiy in and about Atretic* and in India. Eng. land's proud s'anding presents many a vulnerable point So far there is a difference between Russia and the B- !,sh Empre. not to the advantage of :he la 'er England h*s many a vulnerable poi.v ; F.u-ia has but crte —Poland \V > 'o th -e who, though a" war wi-h R is.a. still disregard ha: tact io the second a, why 1; is perfectly aburd ta be'..eve that ma: ers run be earned or. wrhout Poland. Those who mird this toe la ?, will be brought to remember it with regret. The.-efo.-e I say to you. men o; Poland, g :J your loi-s, slum ber in your armor, bu: from this rrome-' never sleep. Remember the French proverb •' Jide t:i tl Dtni t'aiderz " He p thyself a'-d God wili he p hee. The moment iscri'icai. It requires all the w-adom. a I the discretion, and a . the resolution of every Po ;#h pa'riot. I have heard some vh per.rg aboa. tracss discuwe-J in the da-k recesses of secret dip>omacy. O;.! ;he nii wonJ—:hat workshop of cor.sp.racy against mankind, more and ieaci.e: crimes than ever were brounh to right by tribunals and police courts. I wan t e Poosh nation to be or. a goarJ Cabrr.e! diplo macv call cn ou- ot di e ■ eces* y but 0: Poland, the Nattoo. axe* sot, i#:..r.e a stand to revind ca e ber persona tv and ;o rei-en apt: lion ot an equal who as we< ra* I** s a: ce to give as 0 not rcerelf an cbject of. bo a par y tn, the r*n*ac;ion—you may c :e expe* • er.'e wa you have a eady experienced i r c aa _ e sec e: ransactiona oi tne Cv.g-ess 1515, where he rame of na .on has been made use oi to secure coocess.oa we-e not of yon concern. and he concess : * or e aecc-ei Pc:*"d has beet: thrown overts-a d and sac- Deed to ex ped.ercy You may see he trick perfd-re! cce mu-e. Ncbody ia he wc-r.u r.asa r gh' a ",-pase of Poland's deetinte*. bet Poland a arte i ca on , L.e P j-h Na on to take in time such a stand in* . cn he ore bird, roixhy sfcai da-e to cn-o he- •gh s -d, ce. ~-.e c rer hard snb-xiy *na ca-e ;c igp-or# her. I wee d say 3 the re P.- uh Nation : Be p-erared O' ♦ ♦ *'-■? -e eve- • mav CTT.f. bo b#wa- ho* :c pt: ?s 'hy fcr r K gs Tney c-->. te P -J becicse they DON't ke .CE*-y Tr :* ,s TT cir u Now to E"h'ard. S- ' ' fe *ssTh'v de -* rr.e 0 g- 4 on—:f nor I car. sop F.:s: rice :e a. I des- e a pay r.e rr ooe- L-.oc eV? my r.igh e* aom.i-a ion to ihebetcac rmy t~ v e Ei*", 0 ch w h sc rrnc" e'"-y n ks -e pa H c' b*x'. of ca-ce*. a-d 3'dea h. -0 r -g di e- by re tisn vbirt cm! "*v> evrare -em-- , o i mi r hem oe jvi"fh -." o■h e v V ev bare bee- sent s cera. -y nol tr- he*: w- ch 1 ght have been chosen o rrri a ■ar aga-s R:- II : S. arc h # w *e- :y by rr- f?" those anx : a-v e err.ezt rvi : -::T I-C? RE - p#r* ve y adv sei j-ecur 0 ro ght have epa-ei -seen of re-r tie-o c b -xv r a' m p--e so • c e resu s S-. I car e.l t?--g of v: is heto- STI Ts saraxsd i?x of ilurga-y. wao vcjh' 'he s s*n'c s • of lot? rr *v < c 1 1 place c; -nxsoral renown m the -ark* sf: ? ravf* o; the b are. A-i I *!tj r.ave • re-*-: :2. isar h i UCT TUS." gc - e* tod a ata e te na: or I; .cenaaeur. * .ue.-e IA d-" men -e*jced c 0- on# y ce vj --ccs a t.t or .vC *t cjc p utfti troops ar d where a T.CT eve-v man hofo#gfi o® ad tow cr rf te r?tsT T'f ba eot A'mi ie'ec ve as 111 - i.o.;s c; t xr _ cte voe ca ren ,r s -- • #i. s. hx# been |iorei c exec* c an- cc-? ?u wnh a !i -e :? tie renew- of *e "$f ■:s4 ao-i F-eo-ch s.? d.ery he: be o* If of Irk iraKO. fmrr re c *-' * -art 0 tie ia*-. *i a prc*J of va sea-re y :-*e-:rr to 'be s •*.<:' Ajrcccr. Toe :cr-T of f514 ba ever tray re rs r*co-us aboc re taeaad x -of ice# vv r->. w ihaxd ;:w; wii ;Tpe-ac*:-e -rm u is tfaii KC of K he ITO her I jbt 1 .2 rc#Kh\.e esi • ac-i jchec c uta b. o_e no s yvy* T3e.acy as 'Jha: oi Irieroni-.3, aod if a-osy ioac It ii • ad cccecacooc *0 kr-ow ha' he | verba of the r'orrrus dai a.-rnri behuo rro{ ccr gij, like those ofTherrropy'ffi " Wanderer, teli I Engia'J thou has; seen us lain obedience to our country's laws '' The English public have been told of !a;e that there never was a position of more pressing necessity, that demanded so imperiously a mind that can forestall instead ©f wading on even s and can avert evils which it may be impossible to repair, than the preseri position. That is perfect')- 1 ju-i, though somewhat of an after fact wisdom, | come out too late. But it it be just, then there is r.o good service to England in lulling public opinion to sleep by a iv:*ing it to let bygor es be bygones A forestalling mind must look to the past lor ins ruction. The s-eaf lesson ofaccom p!i-hed fact is, tha' England's policy in relerence *o the present war ha* been wrong in i s direcion. and tn**ffi,-i-n'. unsocce*tul. and Ji*a*trous in details L-m us analyze the shannon. Your g gantic arma da in ihe Biltic is neariy without a laurei to rest; its head upon. To do something efTec ive there, the cooperation of Sweden was a matter of prime necessi y. England did not get it, because Eng land's policy was wrong. I told England nx months ago that the cooperaion of Sweden is to be got only by calling Poland to arms And tb3t wa* the answer which, three months later, K : g o*csa gave to General BASAGCAY D HILUCRS You have taken Bomarsund—a small matter for soo h—yet when the t me comes, when necessity will force you to remember Poland, andshaii have to thank her for the a.ivan'age of getting Sweden ever to your side, then Bomarsor j have prov ed an acceptable offer to Sweden ; but yoo tiew i; up. as if af-aid of yoar own victory—a* if bent , on the pmpose no: to have anyhiog to offer to Sweden. What a gigantic blunder! England pre tended 'o s'rike a b.'ow at the commerce of Res# a by blockading her coast, and Eng and just socceed ed to turn R i**.an commerce to Prussia England ben: her mtnd on bringing Aas rii over to herself —she ha* sacificed to this one aim every hing —numerous mili.ons spent in va.u ; the hie-blooj of tne flower of England spil: in vain; pr.tictplea. repu aoon, ihe !bbra!e r a! charac er of the wa* and the very issue of toe war—erery.hir.g—r.ea ly her na * onor included—and ha* you: Government gar ed Ati*- a? Ha* ' gamed tha Aosria to wa jen 1 ha* jtc: Seed everyh.rg?— ha Aa* ria. of whom ever, the Tines (ee November 10} 1* hound, a: ia*'. to acknow edge 'ha: •• yen are /v':r.g ner bitile mure than yfsr omV U'oat a p-o ; i sueer r i there was ,n official quarers wr.ea three mor.'h* ago, 1 oid 'he good people of England, that i he tes >0 pay, and to bleed for freedom. ! w- ~e, m rea Iy, it s made to fight for As* Now it came cu\ at las: T-a:h wsl! come cu. ;u* a murder w.l Wei! his yoar government game j Ac? ia ? Go ar.J read he *? loon Jed iarrer. a'tons in he cga.-.s, even .he rr, :..* e ai o-£-.r.s o? puo.ici"y. about the treacherous a .u. e it 1 the vetDea-.-.g irscieace o:'na: Ar*;:i your Guvernmea' has coc ed w h so rr.ach sub- T. ;t". a r .J w:.:h, .a rcur::. facih .e* the e te:-* R.<* a IOSU ;s you: All es. a d c.ut. er a-:* yoc comb "it tons ?It is r.o; or. y t!,a* yoc hire :o ga -tied over Ac*:: a be: here oo hive the To S* i- e* e a be midst of tfceir con**# ; there yoo have ihe fru.t of their here* s ru£g : e—peer Wa achia. placed over .u.o the trearh®r:-us Mad* rf despo Aus r.a —cere .? he Tark:-". army pa*i jij cn the one ban.:.and -ere ia, o-. "e other nanj, ne Czar trade a.-j eft ;ree to hrow ove g-ov g noxh-ers cp">- the flank ar.J the -ear nf y ou-ga'.iA". .a-k :a theC .xea T"e _ e yoo have ",e sp sof r.e Ta-kisa army, high flown* as y we-e a ne v.cto-;?* a S.*-a a - . : G j ;?o rmw the >p * ot' he P.u** i~ arrrv. dep-e*?J as hev we e. n w re*tor?J A". J oil I I 'e : yuo wna: 1 .* to r.e_ ec ue tnonseni o' sp r ej exc. e . m *"* n a v*c onoo# army,—anJ Ki i e>! you *N *to z ve • TS O a dexor zed euexy 'o r-*uTe **p s ar.d o *xe o-rea a. Of *- " m.-'r er.: * m a wa-—arc . :* - . n V* ;e ; lexer—r :t 11 les "u' eip -es .h* may tem? h;. Ami i*—a**'.—-r .ei*-' r.ere .* Seci* pEw-t 3 ♦: e.-. riswa "- e. -re j-eu L y mat re-e - m. •-.? a*tx Ie v lax not war eg to e yea re J? • f jr.- net- lam not war. e "o Je*c-;b ar# yoco ive save u: i e ear. ecrreoereff CAT: • a- a - ar v —*: 4 : : *e*.s *1 r £•*-- a* v r • U'ICT; *rp j * - ARE - *.->*• - w-E* a-tr e* are c "Z op"*J T jr HX rered -4-4* A* j :u* G .ve- rr.e-. appear* -r. iC r ; Ar pi ec' or w-c - T-e can ewer o *c" a* :.ey d : AI I r.ave *1- ed is to coofe fx--n psh c -.♦>' fe W S * T* e : e* .* - - . - ■' an-r er we *** , *ase Ser-aaropc cr •> e *E z* :">?:•A? :: t oxgh "r -E : r.t :• 'eg 4.-, e a* x a ir:*' L We are recuce-d . ■ i-N-r#ive." Sacr W :fce :; :e ?ir* tii? ■ si;*4.i s,* .r.e #* yru a*e tie HE RE>E-C- A" - A WSA PR -C TIF S * ': :#e- 1 Ge - exer. ce he o 5 c" J. y en -vert- :e*:-e Eg excwkeJ on .1 ex ?ed . a .*.*#<: as *e. 1* ih-r-epared 1 - a s ::■ Tv i •?* T •*: My SA_ an anpa .res i ? eA. y * Ed AT .e*e a koea' W;j here he :r:ss:!s...ii ; 3 hhau* a;p j g iu •.. : : *i : .- i ; j : I". !C'd S3:'- * re pee g*r. .tries. No*, nth ho. p:s "tsi'iy:? ' a cc cn-ex;rty age au-i oc -*O.-7 3 say w:e re- ! *u nqgtri.m rc LCC he-sr.. . sajtxg -.10: Eag'arJ's po-. cy ua? .s sad ertrcgh.. such a* T' IS To LE sure t'R.ere may have been some *"a a.— VAC LA X stakes M the opera .ors tnemselves, sixh as trey are S'. I have not the pre entioc to say na rry Pl* po* cn cc-C.d imp*- AU HC-r.ty :C my remarks aSou: rr.ILI a-y ma: e:s I HAVE R.c: been br: jgh ap a *-C.D.E'; se. ".er car. I c.a tn RE honor ST R. **lGha :-C ac: R.e part of a -C—IER IR. cut G > r oc* war My . U .es were high and g-?i'. r-C: scntewrta: of a different CAVE Trey were JUS* AHA he UJ IES 0: ycc: GOVERNMENT are RTOW ot.,y na: M.:E were a grea: DEI. more D.FFICC We fead R right two g-eat POWE-S dene You are rree z-ti p : •?• cr :D C or'.y ere of them An J I rai zi -eady money — no R ch :-ea*A.-Y — ar.d NO IRARCI- y CRED a-*ena . and a free ccxxo :a MR, a . ne aor.J I NAU to c?I ? every T -G. ca: c: no hrg rccoey : s-M es I-J arms, a-d all x . *T .xp?-: S— sec oded a* we were irem aL :e *c-J . ar. : IR ne .C ER.or W. r. the UE NEED ~.E- :..-D CF our P % PA aAO tre: *: n £"E a- J rr.E JE-, ia ac-rn: .or- wcr* ban OE VEA-*E WIS O France, or Ire.arff seme xes sy-E These ;■? - R Jc r ; r:> .? scy _ U v na DEER C ce* G-.a E 'he crpect of ~ IRY C pe t C-s A: ::C D.rec -•**- - -;R* A*"*E ."J E# : y .• J-VE — re-' a*E. Ye aS.J er I w** sv. a 'IA !-* . . re, I ERA ~ N>:dr*w .r.e p-ar. :CV a HI • of us ee: ; rcy-E/ B-t ne tac S. had I ueer a: Eto & TNE AF A SOOJ e- :U PI -- c UE*:•:-■- no reason woold nave crepe r , ej OP— 3 *e ve my c:R :Y J T*E - *"' :e . **' - -E r : xrex e MA; :E bev exp ryej .*. : ?:R : - P '** : e -XER NERC-ES bv .eax. - ' : : ;T'?.y I Iis rv K owa BEFI*- ar _ XOIE* 1* TT nnxn E*; -es *-e. I ee-'a !y U'a-e SAY : I* A r.s SPR RI 00 I" F I SC - e :c. GO ..ei ry exp-E -:? •*• *Y tr xsZc ~e myrer.e* of an a", I ax. a S. n>er C:*R. A*J FEE R-X>E en to JUDGE of es ATT M% * W O THA cesse. COS-ess I sar. ;?•* ' ive re* T - 5 :ee-. - VE.-T SE* r-ns S sikes cr-- E: e w. HE op* : he CRIMEA. a nmcitn.n.- a: e M.*-:x£? •> navee gige: 10 ie s-TEGE a: Se :a*~ rpc ■ W. nrc ■" IK -? ? V **"* 'ne P-'ti'jni? r.J U J RRAAI.T *; 1 d :JNE :y C: Se: ISM sr. :NE ?I *•: A* "O pE *en'. c- V .eas-N irarj _E re.s. Igccesn s vn cn ; WAS easy :> F:"SEE na E;W t? *ENI A* : -. EG ec : XR? C.VRU red ! rera -'V ra- : C D--*an: ne L—C cf sn f *g ne :..♦ C R-E a .'. * - U NE A: ; nam, NO# N-nxe- :i ePM -.v su.a n:S -A NG ne ■::# af ne la. . rea ,IUS;X es ;) SIBASTP- AS i .exr.-z -e HASSANS sot Wyen .E Y a nery :SE . : * 'T# C'.xea. TO. .EAR-nj o cce a ne *..#. :*'jcc J "HGE: AND FCNASP#ODEVI rEN er S?:* 'NO:.; a-geurssna. TTRXNE-* Y_* NS ' ney My *. na yr<-.- :E_RG WHA A CA_EF A R. IEIH-< :-a*US L_A zee- . JR. ENNH. ennse AA X X-N*G it ::U- VIX; *A* 3# nes. N :_;O- Tne nc tei ynnr a..E. W,NM :r AM: a y NOR TN; Roi SERA* :o:- ITLACA* A, :-' nrrhn r TEBTS:XT oc BE Siscm "N'ny n: •- man *:n ne arsv -t e z* *oe '• 'Any n ERA* nil GEAN *g ct ne - ec. *F- TaiKJSEB ' fonlir.g more or !?* pro'ect.on again?! cavalry?— There, with a well provided redoub', at ihe point , where the only rcaJ from the interior splits in two i toward? Sebas opoi and Balaklava, you, by yocr I po?i inn, already had restricted theconnmar.icatiooa ( of Sebss'opol to that narrow corner, where ilia now i your rni*fortor.e 10 be pern op. Yoo would ha ; cut ott all 'he supplies from the in'error, and no , rein force merrs could have entered Sebaatopol, without having had to fight first separately an open j field baole, wherein the Russians a-e. certainly, jno ma-ch fir yoo: heme*. Ins'ead of iha', your army Laa been established so as "0 leave Sebasto poi perfee iy free to communicate with the empire of That is a s'ra'egica! error, in my hum ble opinion, not even justified ty tactical consider ations By bee 12103 the nor'b, instead of its sou hof Sebastcpol, yoo would have encoon'ered more of permanent fortifications, which are DO dif ficulty fcr ingenui y, bat would h ?e encountered less of an entrenched camp, with a less numerous I garrison, which make your real difficulty. arid at , la?', once the north side of fortifications taken, yea woold at ence have become masters of the tcw-i alike; whereas, on the conre-y, the taking of the ! town will not make you masters o! the nor hern forts—yr>u would have to re-urn for beeeiging them ; to where you had bet er begun, which : rot more likely than ih_a: afer taking the town, yoa shail either have but to do what yoa did at Bomarsond, and sa l off. and swiftly too. or shall have, in your turn, to * and a serge, with the, that whtie you were the bese.gers Russia had to stacd a ia a fortified place, yoo, on the contrary, woold have to s and it amidst the rain", yawning, ►barered, and smouldering. Een a: the bahie < f Alma, gloricas as 1 has ticen 13 personal gal ar ;ry, from the Commander ia ch:! down 'o the lett in rar.k ar.d fie, I can't betp thinking that it L> been a vi: on sacr.iice of vi.,abie .iie, and very j vie ec ive in p n. A strong posi'ion shook} never be avacked when it can be carried by 'ofoirgit ; ~J thai a< evider. !y the A march cd two English rr e? up she Alma must have forced ire Res# art* e;'ne* o re'reat c-r to charge 'heir froo", wrh -he!??? of a 1 be adva-.'ages r f the position .W .he wing-, but r.e pos. ion had to te 'urr.ed ; and as to the oa: ie 1 setf. why. the turning of loth the wings of a ime of ba"le is cer'alr.'y the worst p'an which could be imagined. I >s condemned by theory, as we. a? by al. he history of modern warfare. A'so it dtd rot eocceeJ on the right w.r.g of the enemy, where it woa J have been of irpor ace. The success on the other wing was ;cs; so mo. h as ;f ;.e F*ercu had been ben! or. the gecercsi'v of preserv ng he Russians from be ing i-.ves In o hr sea, in case the £ g .aa Banc movement woo l hare succeeded. And 'hen the &a i was re 'ace,! to a para! e! a'tack in froct, wf, ch w, *0 rr.uch as a perfect absence of any plan a: a!L I. was * bol. fight—b-es*: aaa.n* breast —ho-n amvr.**. horn; impenMias u*:i C- tea *e *e* of ne u. an £m;- nen, tit og my • fvj * j rati 3 body :* my f -re* .2 •cm - xi v*- - * • iff C.v-i —sir:, cm ex re*, mg : - i*r ne*n tcurmp at cu :u.t. ace* were cp to ne x uo.e o: Sec .em r**, —! v -jr c j -'a'v i" * • too si" 1 me -a ale Sebarop-:" who e re* is rey •-, w. i a gii i&t aau e . ge.-.t and eipe sencevl Cuvr*. is L---- Rich* s. wet u five cote the tek op to - * iiy a-i wee . r*ve vzizz >*£* sc.-..1 7T c: :3 firm rve-y nrpe 3:'-r r 2gu . g 1 em* t- tar at . wry repsata .00 u Grtr i. Ca**E J *i ' Awep 5. o he rsei" *r .'■* ! *tc j nave been pf"• net j enn en- * -c 1 ; Ras*v*n dee. pe-. Ec y : iiyi; ;y ;< iff : t: ye .- vast y srpe- *. .. -or - 'ne 3 art bev 'iz easy Ist n arm ;t m. i.rt a tg. xx*) I*on _ nave nein ranne; giaj to tor w -.1 ne rsetat y ti' tee: -g Se:u;-:c. we;' p*. rre: urtes at tea J vers rc :y teepx-g so mncn iner fine xino Rn*- 11 arm*, : I e- i e pgtu -r nefea --g Bet tejrce :e*\ -g ec.* re yno one fie*J un; ru-e w;u.. 1 mrj erif. my n epceime iu-cee ujoa i-. by scpuan -g ->; m i ac lit Dannre. .1 m rase w.i n ! ntve r isoec £.:a~i .0 btiog :rv: r; :n my : v >: :: re IX me- a 1 pre...uc mo tens: a.ra: iger a o ten 11. !ii i aadvar tgerns my:-;. a ce-coamiy s*be*apofw lo no —a*-? w ~~" I rive :r<-f m ma . m—ss-ans r fcir-mjc*: 1.11 ugii - -< ' .- .i-a . :-s r ii rii. * :-m :r mem a mast -.?* at. _ arma*rfo-r w of me - st" me sn■ * ix*! : m I *rr.-- 'U'r fnmej *ie B;• ans e.- ne- ighn w mnc. _es* amvim age*, xmg; ni t - aaie mew w-aaost m j mem be naee wjc.4 I toes pe-noate: ne-n