Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 16, 1854, Image 3

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    XXXIIH Congress. —Second Session.
WASHINGTON, December 11.
q ESAT E Mr. Badger presented ihe credentials
r David S. Reid, senator elect from North Caroli
na for six years from March 4. 1853
Mr- Reid 'hen appeared, and the oath ol office
was administered lo him.
Numerous petitions wero ihen presented.
Mr Adams introduced a bill lo establish a uni
form rule of naturalization throughout the Lulled
The bill extends the term of naturalization to
twenty-one years, and acts, prospectively, upon
ihnse foreigners only who may enter the United b a
tea after the passage ot the act. .
He addressed the Senate, reading his remarks in
a tone of voice which rendered (hern atmos unin
telligible in the galleries. He was understood as
aramng that in one hundred yeais Irom 'his time
every inch of the American comment would be te
qu red lor the support ol the Amei.can peop.e
Sell pieservaiiori then required ihat no induce
merits should be held MIL TO emigration. He de
nied any connection wi h '• Know No hing ' gocie-
LIE< or with any other political association.
He disclaimed all hostility to foreigners, and
read hum one ol his former speeches lo show thai
he had rio uriknul feeling towards them ; but he
did think immigration WAS dangerous, inasmnch
as loreigners arranged themselves with abohtion-
When he learned that a band ol Germans had
burned an Ameiican senator ineliigy he de ermii
e.l o iniroduee this bill. S > far as he understood
the principle of the Know Not.'rings he agreed tt idi
He agreed wi h dn'se propositions lo px'end the
lerm nt naturalization and believed m their prefer
ence of American Protestants for office to loreigners
and Catholics.
a'k-d leave to offer a resolution requestor; ihe
President to tender the media'ion of the United
Sia'es in such manner a< his judgment may be
most hkeiy to lead to the pacification of the conflict
now raging between die allied arrives and Russia
Mr Hamilton, from a sense of du'y, objected to
the introduction ot the resolution.
MR Sobers asked whether it would be in order
to niuve to lav tt on the table.
The Speaker said it was not yet before the .House
Mr. Clinsman moved a sTi-pension ef the rules
Disagreed to—ayes, 47 ; nays not counted.
COAI. — A month before the session began, we
took occasion to remark, upon information which
we had obtained, thai Congress would riot be long,
this winter, in making coal duly tiee We are
now satisfied of the correctness of this opinion,
from conversation with many members from all
quarters of the Union Two-thirds of the House at
least appear to us to be favorable to the project ol
ihe total repeal of die du'y. The effects ol die Re
ciprocity treaty, which is very soon to be in ful
operation, will be to admit Pictou (Nova Scotia)
coal duty free, leavirg coal coming l'rom England
only, practically excluded by the present duty
upon it. Though it is not judged that the quantity
that would be impeded bom the ether side ol the
Atlantic, were it in the free lis!, will be large still
i! ihoueht that to admit it duty fiee will opera'e as
a heal'hy check upon the disposition of the mining
capitalists to combine fiee speculation on the consu
mer. And, to effect that end, we confidently Iok
forward to early action on the pari of Congress upon
ihis subject. Unfortunately, no such legislation can
have a direct effect the anthracite coal mining bu
siness, inasmuch as we are itsoniy miners in large
quanti les ft i< an article that is never imported
mio our conn'ry at any s'ate of the market. Ye',
if Congress will legislate so as loenable the const),
nier to procure bituminous coal without paying an
a fiih'inal price through " pro-ection" accorded by
the Government to the miner, the practical effect
U ill be 'o prevent the community from hereafier
being as much at the meiry of the capitalists engag
ed in mirrng the anthracite as heretofore.
We trust that General Walbridge will push his
proposi'ion from the start, ami know well that the
sympathies of the great ma=s ol the country are
earnes!y with him — Washington Star.
THE NEWS FROM ECU PF. Ihe steamer Union,
a! New York, brings four days later news Irorn
Europe. Sebatopol is not taken, and there i
nothing new in the way ol figh'mg Great ef? iris
are being made to get forward English and French
reinforcements, and one Cunard and some o her
mail steamers are taken up tor transports. It will
be seen that the loss of the allies was terrible—no
ie-s lhan five Ger prals being killed, and six m re
wounded, with 173 o'her prominent officers killed,
wounded and missing. They also admit the io-s
and disabling of rno-e than 4 000 men English
accouu s put die Russian loss a: 9 000. The com- j
bat raged with great fury for eight hours The
Li imbardmen' of Sebasiopol continues Allied re
ir.i uceinems were ariivmg at the rata ol one ihous
a. I per day Large bodies ol Russians are also
sa.d io be pouring in lo help fie t>eieged, lut he
I, lon papers nil *ci to discredit div s ory. There
is another rumor from Vienna ihat Rns.-ia intima e
a wdnnguess nt negodate on ihe basis of the lour
points We do 1101 see anydimg aboui Mr. Sonle.
rnecooon anil grain marke s are gready depress
ed. Consols, CL >sing pi ice. 91J
PIIE-IDESTIAL —THE Burlington (Inw.) Tele
graph closes a long editorial revie w ol the political
condition of die conntrv as lollows:
• Hiving said thus much—believing die old is
Eies dead,'' and considering die whig pary HS ob
solete idea, and the re union of die Democra'ic
pu y not onlt unnecessary but impossible, under
ex -'nig ci,-cures ances— ll is scarcely noce-s iry to
aid thai we f,,| ihe new orgar iz-t'ion, whether
it be called the people's party, or the mfomi par y.
or ihe republican par y—provided always Ihat no
ab di 'iomsi. riuibfier or Nebraska man fie ai the j
masi head of it. The history ot the canny, ami o i
leading public events, past nod present, would pon> j
to Col Benton as die man upon whom the peorlo '
might and should uni-e as ihrir standard-bearer t i
their con'est against abnres and humbugs—but, ml
default of him. we, for one, will be glad io lake no j
"1" universal favori'e. Gen Hous'on. the riglufui
heir to Gen. Jackson's popularity and lo Col Ben !
'o.i * policy He is " sound' 1 on all trie live qnes j
inns of ihe day, am! would sweep the conntrv widi
a whirlwind ot majorities. There is no better re
publican than " old San Jacinto/'
NOW Ycik Chamber of Commerce on Thursday
EVENING ADOPTED a resolution requesting the Presi-
P 'l' ol tiie Board to prepare a memorial to Con-
REQUESTING an appropriation of sufliceut sum
TO OFFICER, man, supply, equip and to purchase, if
NECESSARY, A steam propeller and a E!orehip, with
SUPPLIES, to sail under ihe orders and direction o!
DE Secretary of the Navy* to such places in the
" Ia: SEA AS may be thought proper, for the pur
poe of affording relief lo Commander KANE, his
officers and crew, who left this port, [New York]
IN May. 1353 in the brig advance, for scieri ifiu
Purposes, AND also with a view to itie Discovery of
J"IIN FIIA.VXI.IN and the crews ol the vessels
' V "" < had previously left England, arid were ihen
CJ!| ST ierej missing, with the whole expedition.
PETRIFICTION — The Frank tin Ad
- says dia' Mr. Sinclair Sirnih, of Venango
FC :' U "-Y W bile DIGGING for ore in Scrubgrass town*
C.une across die petrified remains of several
'"'AI human bodies. Unfortunately, a landslide
' R;( curred, and they were considerably broken.
:II,S ) however, nearly one man complete, and
F () f others. There seems to be no doubt dial
ARE actually human bodies turned to 6tone.
M "L-o A piece ot buck's horn, in the same state,
JJ '"PPOSCD that more are in the Vicinity. Henry
'* , C K;ON, Esq., of itiis place, fias IRI his posses
■Oß ona o| the peices ol petrified matter found by
• R - 'NIDI, supposed lo be a part of the '.high.—
' Demc'raf,
Slew York Slarkcls, Dec. 13.
FLOUR.— Holders of Western and State Flour
manifest increased firmness. The cold weather
imparts strength to the market, and the arrivals are
not so large. The better grades of extras are quiet
being held at extreme rates.
The sales of Western Canal are a! $8 12$ to §8
62$ for common to very good State ; $9 68 and $0
12$ for mixed to good brands Michigan, Indiana
and common to good Upper Lake and Ohio, and
<lO 75 to $ll 60 for extra Gt nessee.
GRAlN.—Wheat is quite firm,the inqniry mode
rate. Sales of good Michigan white, at $2 20, and
Southern at $2 10 per bushel. Rye is less abun
dant at $1 40 per bushel. Oa'.s are still freely dealt
in at 54c and 580 lor State and Western. Corn is
less plenty at 94c and 95c for Western mixed, and
96c and 97c ror round yellow a bushel.
PROVISIONS.—Mess Pork s'3 12$. Prime $l2
25. Lard 10s and 10$ c for piime. Beef at from
$5 50 to Si I fir Country prime to mess, and $l5 to
Sl6 for extra Chicago repacked mess.
INDIAN OUTRAGES — The mail from Sab LAKE
which arrived at Independence, Mo, on the sth,
repur s ihat the mail had been attacked by Indians,
near Fori Laramie, and four men killed No eecon
eoold be granted from the Fort for the mail nut,
waul bound for November, therefore diey cmild go
no furihpr ihan Fort Laramie, while that of ihe Ist
of December had returned to Independence. This
occurie ce gives add tonal force to S creiary Divi>'
lemark in hi* l ee message ihat our eflec <ve force
is certainly inadequate for the purpose l'>r wtijefi
we maim.tin a standing army The iinmedia ein
crease of the army D demanded a: a sufficient
| in give some degree of security to 'he Indian fron.
! ler Each month brings intelliget.ce of hke out
! rages w iih 'he one we now chronicle, anJ yet
j Congress liesi-a'es to increase the army. L is to
| be hoped thai immediate action will be had upon
i 'he sugge-'ions of the Secretary.
THE H'-C MARKET. — The number killed around
I the stall* up to last evening was rising 150 000
! head, and add in ihis the number in pens, the total
| arrived will reach 160 000 head lis now thought
that the number lo be killed hn season wi!' hardly
reach 250 000 head against 307 000 fiend I is: vear.
The fallmg off in weight is a! the lowest calculation
2 per cen\ so that the en'ire deficiency in the pro
duct wi .l come within a fraction of one-half of lasi
year's yield around the falls — Louisville Journal,
l)cc 5.
FATAL ACCIDENT.— VVe learn from ihe Venango
Spectator, ihat Mr James F. McCalinont. of thai co.,
came to his death on the 22d u 11., in the following
ma ner: He, iti company wi h two o hers, was
felling- a tree, which in r.s descent s'tuck against
another iti such a manner as io cause tfie bun io be
come smhlenly detached from the sump an 1 slid
ing back struck him on the breast, knocking him
down and crushing him between it and the ground
in a horrible manner. He was conveyed to his
home, but expired iri about five hours.
An expcrieuce of fifteen years in publishing
a newspaper, lias satisfied us that the Credit
system is radically wrong, both to the Pub
lisher and to the Subscriber. Under its ope
ration a large amount is constantly due from
subscribers located in every part of the coun
ty, which at best can be realized only by
waiting years, and in two many eases is ut
terly worthless, the person receiving the paper
having deceased, or left the county, and the
printer has the vexation of finding that he is
not to receive anything for the labor and ex
pense of years. On the other hand, we are
obliged to charge promptly paying subscribers
a sum sufficient to make up these losses.
Having become thoroughly satisfied that
the"system of advance payments is hitler
both for publisher and subscriber, we have |
determined to adopt it. Hereafter the ' Re- j
porter ' will be furnished to subscribers at
ONE DOLLAR per annum, payable invaria
bly in advance, and will be sent no longer
than paid for. These terms will Lie inflexibly
adhered to. •
Those of our present subscribers who are
indebted to us, and wish to avail themselves
of these terms, can do so upon settlement
We shall continue to send tliem the paper
until the close of the present volume, (which
will be about the first of June next.) upon the j
original terms, when we shall positively dis- j
continue sending the paper to every snbscri- 1
her in arrears, and proceed to collect the am- ;
ount due us.
Subscribers who have paid in advance,and j
whose time expires before the close of the pre- •
sent volume, will have four weeks notice of i
the expiration of their subscription.
We shall gfve this plan a thorough trial.— |
We believe it will meet the approbation of j
all those who dt>ire to take, and pay for, a
County paper ; and we are certain it will re
lieve us from many of the vexations and dis
appointments for which the business is pro
verbial. We shall at least have the satisfac
tion of knowing that we have pay for every
paper sent; and, we trust, of feeling that we
have given to every subscriber the full value
ol his Dollar.
To any person sending us five new
subscribers, with the cash, (>o) we will send
the Reporter gratis, one year.
jp 1 * I. O. OF <>. F—l he regular meetings of
BiiAiiFOnn ENCAMPMENT, NO. 41, I. O. of
O. F., are het! in the Hall over J. Kmgshery's store,
on the fir c t and third Thursday of each month.
V*^ 3 ** M XSONIC —The regul ir monthly U'oin
£l*3* mini cat ions of UNION LODGE. So. 108.
A.Y.M., are held Wednesday on or preceding the
lull tnooa, at 3 o'clock, P. M., at Masonic Halt, in
the borough of Towanda.
The meeting for December will occur on Weil
nesday, December 29. Visiting brethren are invit
ed to attend. W. H. PERKINS, Seen tary.
EDUCATIONAL—Th School Direc.
tors. Teachers atid friends of Education in
the several townships of Bradford county, are re
quested to meet at the Collegiate Institute in the bo
rough .if Towanda, on '"riday ff Saturday, the Gih
and 7ih days of January nex', at 1(1 o'clock. A.M.,
for the purpose of organizing a County Teacher's
Association, whose object shall be. the mutual im
provement ol those engaged in Teaching, and the
eltvatir-.g and improving the schools ol" the county.
An Address may be expee'ed, and discussions
upon various matter* connected with the causo of
Education. A general attendance of alf who lee lan
interest in the education of the rising generation is
earnestly solicited, and all should bo on the ground
at an early hour. No efforts shall be warning to
make the meeting doth profitable and interesting.—
As many of the Teachers of the county are Females
it is hoped that measures will be taken by the friends
of the cause to secure their attendance.
E. GUYER, Co.Superintendent
Nov 23, 1951. of Common Schools.
In the matter of the partition of lauds late belonging
to Barney Webber, dee d. ; situated in lroy tp.
"VTOTICE is hereby given to the parlies interest
iN ed, that by virtue ofa writ of partition,issued
out of the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, to
me diracted, an inquest to make partition of said
land, on the premises iu said township of Troy, as
the law in such cases directs, on Tuesday the 9ih
day of January next, at 1 o'clock P. M., at which
time ar.d place all parlies interested will take notice
December 12, 1851
Nero AimcrtiGcmcots.
Orphan's Court Stale.
IX pursuance of an order from the Orphan's Court
of Bradford County, there will be exposed to
, public sale at the house of J. A. Kingsley, in Smith
! field, at 1 o'clock P. M., of Tuesday the 23J dav of
I January next, the following described Real Estate,
to wit:—The South half of a lot of land situa'ed in
Burlington twp., in sai <1 County, formerly purchas
ed bv contract by Joseph 11. Dudley and John
Sweeney, of Stephen Pierce, and the whole lot be
ing bounded, beginning at a post, the south east
corner of John G. Blake-lee's land, thence south
152 7-10 perches to the north east corner ofa lot,
heretofore conveyed to Abiram Pierce, thence w,-si.
101 perches to a post, thence north l£27!0 perches
to a post, and thence east 101 perches to the place
of beginning—containing in the whole 96 acres
and 63 square rods of land, and the part to be sold
being the south half of the above described lot, with
about 10 acres partly improved, and n small build
ing or ehantee thereon erected. Which said lot
so to be sold, is of the estate of the late Geo. Shay
lor, dee'd.
OLIVE SHAYLOR, Administratrix.
Burlington, Dee. 12. 1854.
Administrator's Xtfotice.
\ LL persons indebted to ihe estate of Malvin
il Wooster, dee'd late of Lt-R iv* tp., are reques
ted to make payment without delay: and those havj
ing demands against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Dec. 12, 1854. Administrators.
Auditor's notice.
Wilson A per to the use of) No 150, Sep'ember T.
C M. M nivilie vs J J > In the Common Pleat
Vide £ Giles F Vile ) of Bradford Co.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed an auditor to distribute
! funds in the hands of the Sheriff. raised by sale of
the defendant's real estate, and that he will attend
to the duties assigned him, at his offica in the hero'
ofTowanda, on Monday the 22 J day of January
1855—when and whero ail persons having claims
upon said funds, must present them or be forever
i debarred from the same.
P. D. MORROW , Andilor.
Totvanda, Dec, 15,1854 .
Auditor's Notice.
Adam Esenwine, j In the Common Fleas
vs. > of Bradford County
•P. Gorsline AJ. Gorsline ) No 37G Sepl T. 1851
j "TVTOTICE, is hereby given that the undersigned
! i\ Auditor, appointed by the Court to distribute
! funds in the hands of the Sheriff, raised by the sale
j of the defendant's Real Estate, will attend to the
, duties of his appointment, at his office in the boro'
j ofTowanda, on Tuesday the 23d day of January,
1855—when and where oil persons having claims
upon said funds must piesent them, or else be for
ever debarred from the same.
P. I). MORROW, Auditor.
Towanda, Dec. 15, 1854.
Auditor's Notice.
Brown fy RovkwcH j In the Court of Common Pirns
vs. > of Bradford County, No 31,
ll'm T Bradford ) Sept Term, 1853
fPHE undersigned an Auditor, appointed by the
*- said Court, to distribute funds in ihe hands of
the Sheriff, raised by Sheriff's sale of the real estate
of said Wra T. Bradford. Will attend to the said
distribution, at his office in Towanda borV- at nine
o'clock in the forenoon, of Monday the 2-d day of
January, 1855. At which time and place ail persons
having claims against the said fund, are requested
to piesent the same or be forever debarred from said
fund. G H. \VATKINS, Auditor.
Towanda. Dec. 19, 1854.
Administrator's Notice.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Tanner
Oandall dee'd. late of Sprinfield tp. are here
by requested to make payment without delay : and
all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them dulv authenticated for settle
Dec. 13, 1851. Administrator.
John C. Adams' Office,
EMOVED to the room over Burton Kingsbery's
\ store, Main street.
Towanda, Dtetober 1. 1854.
J sortment of WINTER GOODS, which wiil he
sold as usual for Cash, 15 per cent, cheaper than
can he bought elsewhere,
per.-ons indebted to me of over one year's
st mdine, must call and sec to it, or I will see to :
them—quick too.
Towanda. Nov. 25, 1854.
TI7AGONB AND SLEIGHS—Two or three of
* each for sale cheap at PHI\.NY'S.
STOVES. —Two or three second hand Stoves for
sale at nv23 PHINNY'S.
List of Jurors
DRAWN for December Term and Sessions, 1854,
as follows:
SmiihfielJ—l C Allen, Amazah Harris.
Burlington—J V Ballard, Harvey Ward.
Sheshequin—T W Brink.
Sp ingfield—J Barrett,Wm Chapman, Then. Eaton, J
S (' Gamci, Aaron Thomas.
Pike—N P B'uwnrth, Wm Hutchinson.
Litchfield—ll D Cooper, Peier Teed.
■Wyalti-dng—Homer Camp. Chas Hornet.
Riilgherr—Hevelon Cornell. S Squires.
Orwell—Jason Ch'ffee.
North Towanda—VVm N Foster.
Columbia—George Furman.
s ylvania horo.—Orriti Furman.
Canton—John G ray.
I : |ster—Daniel llarkin, M S Warner.
Warren—Geo Linn.
Alliens horo—R L McGeorge.
Atmenia—J (J Mason.
Monroe—A Mullin.
Towanda horo—Russell Pratt.
Troy twp.—Ebenczer Pomeroy,
Lrroy—Nelson Reynolds,
Granville—ll Ross.
Wysox—\ j K,.c<>rd.
Towanda horo.—lt C Smalley.
Asylum—lsaih Wilson,
Till no WEEK.
Windham—Simeon Brainard, W Wheelhcuse,
Overton—G S Boyles,
Wyalusing—Jas Beaumont, C (tamp, J Relies.
; South Creek—C Bailey, 8 B Pettengiil.
(Columbia—lN Crippen, J H DeVVitt.
Towanda boro.—Jere Col'ins, C Manville.
Athens boro.—Wm E Duel), John Greene, L 8
Wells—Horace Dunning.
Sheshequin—E G Goodwin, I Elliott. John Randall
Troy twp,—ll Goddard.
Ridgbery—l Hammond 2d, A Ruber IF.
Leroy—N Kelburn, John Kelly.
Albany—Joseph Lee.
Athens tp.—ll MrKinnev, P Sybel, J Tt-zcr.
Rome —S W Murphey.
Burlington—D A Ross, Wm Westgate.
Canton—B S Smiley, J Sellard, W Wnglit.
Dnrell—lsrael Smith.
Litchfield—Henry Vanover,
\LL persons indebted to the estate of Joseph C.
Powell, deceased, late of North Towanda twp,
are hereby requested to made payment without de
lay, and all persons having ormand* against said
estate, are requested to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement.
November 21, 1851. Administrator. j
Executor's Notice.
VLL persons indebted to the estate of John More
deceased, late of t ike township, are hereby j
requested to make payment without delay, and all |
oersons having demaads against said estate will pre- |
sent them without delay, duly authenticated for set
dement. ' OERIN MORE, <
Pent. 12. 185|. Exccutots
ffler£l)cmbi)f t &"f.
Attorney at Law.
Towanda, Penna.
TS now receiving all sorts of NE A' GOODS,
_L will bo sold very low for Cash.
| May 3, 1854. '
ssiS lia Sfe ,
TTTOUI.D inform friends, that she his just re-
I \ turned from the city, with a large assortment
which she offers at reduced prices. Produce of ev
! ery kind taken in payment for goods.
RSaSOVAIs—UR. MASON has removed
| hie office to his dwelling, on Pine street. Opposite
: thn old Presbyterian Church.
; Towanda, May 13. 1851.
Plows r.nt! S?iow castings!
BI.ATCHI.EY, Wayne county, Alba or Curtis
Plows. Side hill, subsoil and corn plows 2nd
j Castings, lor sale cheap.
| I take particular pains to get good well made
: plows and tough castings. I would invite particu
lar at'ention to the Alba, or Curtis plow.
Gall and see. R. M. WELLES.
sssa w
JUST received by Joseph Kingsbury, a latpe and
complete stock of NEW GOODS, for sale as
usual, Cheap fou Cash >
T owanda, April 26. 1854.
a. J. esadilzT
! s?tton .r r. i' .it e. ad ,
Office with the Register and Recorder,
Tovvaxea, Pa.
OFFICE in the second story of the Union Block,
north side of the Public square, over the office
| of J. C. Adams, Esq. Sept. 24.
PpIIE several Assessors for 1855, will make their
T returns in iheTollowing order, viz:—
Assessors for Athens twp., Athens boro., Ridgber
ry, South Creek, Wells, Ulster and North Towan-
I da, on Monday.November 27th.
Columbia, Sylvauia boro.,Springfield, Smilhfield
j Burlington, Burlington boro., and Towanda boro.,
| on Tuesday, the 28th.
Armenia, Troy twp., Troy boro., South Towanda,
Monroe, Franklin, Overton and Granville, or- WeJ
: nesday, 29th.
Leroy, Canton, Dure!!, Albany, Asylum, Wjfmot
ami 'i'tiscarora, on Thursday the 30th.
Litchfield, Windham, Warren, Pike, Wyalusing
and Orwell, on Friday Dee. Ist.
Sheshequin, Rome, Hcrrtck, Standing Stone and
Wysox, on Saturda}*, Dec 2d.
OCT The Assessors will be careful in fooling the
assessments, carrying each persons valuation into
the right har.d column,and also in making their re
turns on the day designated in their Warrants.
Liy order of the Commissioners.
E. M. FARRAR, Cleik.
Commr's. Office, Oct. 20, 1854.
-'* Y. mtzz -Bk H. IB •
HAVING disposed ofall interest in other busi
ness, is now prepared to attend promptly to
a!! business, in the line ot his profession. He may
be found at all time.' except when absent on le
gal business—at his New Brick Office, "THE
LITTLE UNION BLOCK," between the old Un
ion Block and John Birg-w'a splendid Saloon, re
cently eiected on the North side of the Public
Sq u a re, Tow an da, Pa
ffj* N. B.—Particular attention given to col
Towanda, Aug., 21. 1854.
Ncvr& 3>osirablc
TS now prepared to offer to his customers and the
1 Public generally, a Inrge and complete stock
of FALL 4' WIN I'EK GOODS. His stock has been
selected with unusual great care, and is superior
for style and quality than have ever before offered to
the public—and sucli a combination of very low
prices that we ate sure cannot fail to please the
closest observer. Amongst his stock may be found
French Mirenos, DeLains, Cashmeres. ThibPt
cloibs. Ginghams. Fine Worsted plaiJs ; Silk Pop
lin, Alapaca®. Calicos. Fine and heavy Irish Lin
ens, Cotton Pillow Casings, Brown anil ldlaachtd
Muslin, Sack Flannel, Broad Cloths 'V Cassimers,
dc. <Src.
CTAI.ICOS —A large .assortment of Merrimack,
■i Coehece & Fail River Prints—also good cali
co for 6 cts. per yard. Warranted good Madder
< I *. for sale by B. KINGSBERY.
/GROCERIES—CaII and see our Brown, Crush-
T ed, Coffee and Pulverized Sugunrs—Fine
Young Hyson Ar Black Teas—warranted a Superior
article or the money refunded—for sale cheap by
Wmw~m ©¥ © s
EELS great pleasure in announcing to lite pub'
licth.n the libera! patronage he has received at
their hands, has enabled liim to offer them n large
and complete assortment tf GOODS, as c-n be
found in Towandi, and for unprecedented low pri
ces, lie defies all competition. Persons wishing to
purchase G-tods for or Ready Fay. will find it
to their interest is call and examine his stock, at the
corner of Main and Bridge streets.
Butter, Pork. Grain, Lumber and Hay, taken in
piv'nent of old debts, or in exceange for Goods.
Oct. 12, 1854,
J BATH FIR, Pork. Codfish, Mackerel and White
1/ Fi.-h. for sale cheap at PHINNY'S.
/CROCKERY A- HARDWARE, a good assort-
V> inent,at PHINNV'S.
/~tI,CTHING, may had cheap at
Letting—North Branch IVntt'a Caaal.
PROPOSALS will be received at the
1 house of George Lazarus, in Pit imoii, until sun
>et of Thursday, the 2-IJ cf November next, for
completing the Weigh Lock and building a Collec
tor's Office at Upper Pittston. Plans and specifica
tions will be exhibited three days previous to the
day of letting. W. R. MAFFET,
Engineer and Sup't N. B. Canal.
Engineer's Office, Towanda, Oct 28, 1851.
The above Letting is pu-tponed until Saturday,
the 23d day of December next, at tho house of J.B
Rtatk, in Pittston. Until sunset of which
day, sealed proposals will he received, as above.
Engineer and Sup't N. B. Canal.
Engineer's Office, Towanda, Nov. 27, 1854.
Executor's Notice.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of ArenatF
Lsdd, dee'd., late of Albany twp., are herehv
requested to make immediate payment, and those
having claims against said estate, will please pre
ent them duly authenticated for settlement-
P. 11. WLCOX, S *' xccu,rr - s -
Oct. 13, ISbl.
po" Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Tjd. Japanned and Britannia Ware,
"■ f/A 2?iimrr:n£s, Trimmings, Harness 6l Saddlery
Ware, Carpenter's and Joiner's Stools,
LEAD PIPE AND PUMPS, of all kinds and sizes,
Would inform their friends that these arc c.nly n pan of the g-me-a! head* nnder which may be classed
their extensive assortment, and to wlvch tii-w Rre constantly receiving cd-'.itional supplies, direct from the
importers and manufacturers, which enables tl.ern to offer such inducements in their large stock and low
prices, that will challenge competition from any r.unil r. We w..u! 1 n.-.k the particular attentiou of
to an examination of cttr stock, which having been telec'ed with the great's* care, we are confident will
satisfy even the mot particular.
03* Don't forget the place—South side r.f the public square.
Old Iron, Coppor and Drass, and all kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods.
Towanda. May 27. 1854. * HALL & RUSSELL. RE,
Frontlitg the rub lie Square.
r svbscrib'T, thankful for the liberal patronage received tee past year Mends to keep constantly on
hand a lull assortment ol the vrrv best articles usually kept in our Jute, which iik win dispose of on
such terms ns w ill he satisfactory to all who may patronize him. The purchases are made entirely wjth cash
in hand, and for the O.isn our customers will receive th ■ henefit of a s<>o ! article at a low price. All article*
not answering our recommendation, will bo cheerfully taken back, arid the money refunded.
*i)~- Tirdicnl Advice pralnitonsly fiven at the Office, culy for the Medicines.
The Efock consists of a complete and select assortment o
Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal use, Loudon Porter & Scotch Ale.
American Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant:d Good.)
Superior TOSACC9 &. S23"i7Z : £*! —Choice brands of Zuro Uavanna, Principo
and Vara CIGfxHS I
Faints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Cilavs, Crushes, Perfumery. Shaving Soap,
Fancy Articles, &c. &c.
Black and Green Teas; Rio and Java Codec ; Molasses Syrup", Sugars, Spices, Ac Ac.
Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, <Sce.
'■ The bed Quality <j Goods—Full Assortment—Modarate Profits—Ready Atte/.tion to Customers—no
Adulteration oj Goods—Candid Advice as to Patent Remedies—and Close Attention to Business. 1 '
Towanda, November 12, 1853. |J. F. FORTES*. .11. I>.
HA3 j'sst received a large Stock of New Goods,
which are offered for sale, for ready pay, at
unusually low prices.
Towanda,Sept, S3, 1834.
Office removed to John C. Adams' Office in the
Union Block. July 20.
Sart! Salt!
1 A SALT, just receiveJ, and for sale, '
J <t)yJ under Hall & Hussel's, by
Nov 2. 1834. s. FELTON ry Go.
Towanda Female Seminary.
THE Winter Quarter of the Towanda Female-
Seminary, will commence on Monday. N >vem- !
her 27. O. D. HANSON.
Nov. 22. 1851.
1 ) AINTS, Nails, Glass ant! Oils, cheap at
IS Now opening a New Stock or' Goons. consists
L ing of full and complete assortment of all kind
H3 R It t SB 4 X B> 3 Z K.
which will be sold as cheap as the same quality of
Good* can be bought anywhete this side of New-
V ork.
Towanda, Dec. 1P,1%.">3.
lire and Life Insurance.
PILICIE-3 issued in the best established Com
panies in the United States, with capital from
2004,000 to 51,000,000. Apply to
East end Spaulding Dlock, Waverly, N. Y.
Ar.r.s T rou thk vo comm si r< :
Hartford City Fire Insurance Company.
Mohawk Valley Fire Insurance Company.
Ran-alaer Fire Insurance Company.
Empire Insurance Company.
Graniie Fire Insurance Company,
lltica Live Stock Insurance Company.
Susquehanna Life Insurance Company.
Phoenix Fire Insurance Co. of Brooklyn.
Excelsior Fire Insurance Cn. of New York.
XJ*AII orders-from the couiorv promptly filled. 23
PTD i\ {Pi. 552 IN
is -s-s vj? bE cs)
LEAVE Towanda for Mercnr's
Vr&'&r-fV' •-Sff mills.Bnrlingion.East Smith field |
-y jllitL'chery. and VWRsburg de
pot on the N. Y. & E.R. R-. every Moxnsv, Wed
nf.sbay and Fribay at 8 o'clock A. M-, and arrive i
at the depot in time to take the evening train of curs
cither east or west, same day.
Returning, TnrnsD it and SavrnnAT,
after the arrival of the Eastern train, and also the
Western cars from Jefferson, Elmira, Ac., and ar
rive at Towanda same day.
Fake: —Towanda to Mercur's mills, 37$
" to Burlington, f 0
" to East SmithCeld, f>2s
" to Ridgebery, 1.00
" to NVellsburg depot, 1,25
Express packages to or from the Rail Road care
fully delivered at moderate charges.
Towanda. Oct. 8, 1852. Proprietra
C 1 ROCKERY —A large assortment just received
Southern Military Academy Lottery !
Conducted en the Havana Plan.
ID,OOO jM umbers—sGl Prizes!—all the
Prises drawn at each drawing-.
Capitals $l5OOO
.. .. 1100
6 of $lOOO 5000
Tn all .'Ol prizes, amounting to $60,000
i Tickets —Halves and Quarters in proportion.
Bills on all solvent banks taken at par.
All communications strictly confidential.
SAMUEL SWAN, \gent and Manager
sign of the Bronze l.ions.
Mnn'gorrtcrv, \la. Nov. 2, 1854.
"ITT HERE AS, thp Hon. Pivin Wilvot, Presi
| V dent Judge of the 12th Judicial Di-trict, con
sisting ofihe Toanlirs of Bradford, Susquehanna
atnl Sullivan..and the Hon. Myron Ballard arid liar
: r vAck'ey, Associate Judges, in and fnrthe said Co.
of Bradford, have issued thfir precept bearing date
I the 20tht!ay <! September, 1851. to me directed,for
j holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer. General
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas and
i ' >ri han's Cotrt, at Towanda, for the County of
j B:! on the first Monday, the 4th day of Decern,
her next, to continue three wp> ks.
Notice is t!ier. f< re hereby given, to the Coroners
and Justice- of the Peace and Constab'es of the
county of Bradford, that thev be th> n and there in
their proper person, at 10 o'clock tn the forenoon
of said day, v iih tli< ir records, inquisitions and
other remembrances, t> do tho-e things which to
their office apperta'ns to be done; nnJ those who
■ are bound by recognizance or otherwise to prosecute
' again>t the prisoners wh • are or maybe in the jail
of sa <1 county, or who shall be bound to appear at
the said court, ate to be then anil there to prosecute
against them as shall be just. Jurors are request
ed to be punctual la their attendu ice, agreeably to
their notice.
Dated at To wand.i, the ltd of November, in the
veir of our Lord, ttne thousantl eight hundred and
fifty-four, and of the Independence of the United
States, the seventy-ninth.
11. 8. MKROUR,
A Large ami well selected assortment of
To wand a. September 14, 1554.
\LL pcrsrns am hereby notified not to take a
certain NOTE against ConvFiii'S D.
rvst. pavalde to tin* subscriber or bearer, for Four
Hundred Dollars, and dated on or about the thirti
-1 eth day ot March, 1854, payable in one year after
the date thereof, for vaiuc received, which said note
Iv.s been lot out of the posses-ton of the subscri
ber. nv-3m3 JOHN DEMORE9T. -
BOOTS & SHOES—Hats & Caps—A splendid
assortment just received nt
HATS, Caps, Boots and Shoes, a la~ge assorf
ment at P INNY'S •
1' "MIRK'S ISLAND SALT—A quantity jM re
reived by n -R 1 FO\SLLt