Mass Meeting of freemen. l'ursuant to the published call, a large number of the citizens of Susquehanna county, opposed to slavery extension, as.-embled at the Court House in Montrose, on Monday evening, Nov. 27ih. The meeting was organized by the election of the fol lowing officers: D. 1). Warner, President; John Bradshaw, eL A. Newton, Robert Griffis, J. C. Dush nell, John Youngs, Caleb CarmaM, Amos Will iams, S. B. Wells and cfilasF. McKune, Vice Pres idents; and J. T. Langdon and Dr. E. Patrick,jr., Secretaries. On motion a Committee of five were appointed to dratt Resolutions, viz : C. F. Read, \>\ illiam Jes> Mip Jos. W.Smith, B. L. Canfield and Benjamin Thomas. In the absence of the committee, Judge V> il.nol was called upon to address the Meeting, which he ■ did in the masterly, forcible and eloquent manner, tor which he is distinguished. Ihe evils of s.a\e ry, the wide departure of the national Government from the policy of our Fathers in telation to that institution, and the unjust and uangerons spiiit ot aggression that actuates the Southern loaders o( the present day. were all very ciearly demonstra ted to his hearers, ami ho advised the union and co operation of all the friends of freedom, in resisting any further extension of slavery. At the conclu sion of his long and very interesting address, tise Committee, through their chairman, C. F. Read, re ported the following resolutions : Ist Resolved, That this Meeting in connection with, end as the representatives of the majority in this county at the late election, dean it proper to organize the Republican Party. 2d. That we pursue this course from the convic tion that the late elections in this Slate and in the other Northern and Wesiern Slates have determin ed that the Old Parties, Democratic and Whig, are both superseded, and that the people expect and demand a new organizition. 3d. That the irinciples upon which we stand are first and primarily, decided, unswerving, and uncompromising hostility to slavery extension, in whatever guise it may be presented. Second, a modification or Repeal o! the Fugitive Slave Law, so tiiai full and entire preservation shall be given 10 the Rights of the citizens of the fiee States. 4ih. That we will sustain no man for any office whose views are nt beyond any dispute or ques tion on this great subject. sth. That the members of the State Legislature from this District, are hereby requested to vo ; e for no man under any circumstances whatever, for U. f. Senator whose position as a friend of freedom is in the least doubtful, hut they are hereby reques ted and urged to vi.te only for known, tried and in corruptible opponents of the policy of Slavery ex tension and aggrandizement. 6th. That tho Public Domain belongs equally to all the States of this Union, and ought to be used for mutual benefit of the whole, —as a means of car rying out this principle and ol securing the early and permanent settlement of the Public Lands, — "The Homestead BUI," so called, meets our most fullaod entire approbation. 7tli. That we holt" most fully by the great prin ciples of equal rights and equal privileges, and proscribe no man cr set of men for the exercise of their religious principles or conscientious scruples Libertyof conscience being an inalienable Right. Bth. That we hold to Universal Education for all, of eveiy class and nation, and that we shall use all proper efforts to promote the diffusion not only of elementary knowledge in Common Schools but the ( pening of the higher schools to the Poor and Rich alike. 9th. That an economical administration of the Geneial and State Uovernmen's are indispensable to the purity and well being of the country, and we look with alarm at the progress of corruption, pec ulation and fraud, practiced by the employees of the Sta'e and Nation. Thai we will seek as the surest means of prevention, a proper reduction of the exorbitant patronage of the General Govern ment, and the speedy sale of the public works of the State. 10th. That we hold ourselves bound by no previ ous party ties or obligations,—we organize anew, and cordially invite all who hold by our principles to unite with us in this organization. 11th. That the compromising which secured Territory ,o Freedom, having been abrogated by the Nebraska Kansas Bill, we are released from all compromises with slavery, and we shall claim not only the annulling of the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, but shall oppose any further slave Territory, or slave States, as a party of this Union. 12;h. That William Jessup, Franklin Praser, O. G. Hempstead, Charles F. Read. Urbane Smith, John Biadshaw and Seward B. Miller, be a Com mittee to prepare an address to the citizens of ihis State, upon the subjects embraced in these Resolu tions, and to report at adjourned meeting lobe held on the first Monday of January Court, and that said committee also report a plan for the effectual or ganization and ac ion of the party in this county. 13th. That we earnestly solicit the friends of our principles who so fully triumphed at the late elec tion, to organize the Republican Party in their sev eral counties ai as early a date as practicable. The meeting then dec ided to take up and discuss Resolutions seperately. Judge Jessup support!d the eecond Resolution in an able and eloquent speech, wherein he expressed his conviction that both the old parties are practically dead, and de clared himself decidedly in favor of the organiza* tii nof ihe proposed party. He was followed by C. L. Ward of Towanda, who opposed iho formation of a newpaityas uncalled for, and defended the Nebraska Bill and the Administration of President Pierce. Judge Wilmot then spoke in favor of the Resolution. Ail the Resolutions reported by the Committee were adopted. On motion. Resolved that the proceedings of this Mee'ing be published in the county newspapers. . The Meeting then adjourned to the first Monday of next January Term of Court. Kaauas and Slavery. The Missouri Compromise prohibited Slavery from Kansas forever. Its repeat permitted its in troduction. Apologists for that repeal urged that it could have no practical effect,—that it only gave to the people the right to do as they should choose about it, —that the settlers were all opposed to Sla very, and that Kansas would inevitatdy be a Free State. Senator DOUOLVS, 'he nominal author of the movement, said that this would be the result. The election for a Delegate to Congress, lately held, has resulted in the choice of a Pro-S/avery Democrat of the ATCHISON and DOUGLAS school by a large ma jority. This shows of how little value were the qui*iing assurances by which the advocates of the Nebaeka bill have endeavored to allay the public sentiment asainst that measure. Of course it has not been brought aboHt without effort; and the char acter of that effort, and the success which attended i', illustrate forcibly ihe real nature of the popular sovereignty pretext upon which the justifications of the biil is based. The President appointed Gen. RCF.DER Governor of the Territory. The Governor divided ihe Terri tory intosixteen districts, appointed Election Judges for them all, and gave them instructions to exclude the votes of all who they should hare reason to believe had come into the Teritory for the purpose of voting. This gave a single Judge, appointed by a Governor who held office at the will of the President, full i power to disfranchise voters a*t his discretion ! This' is the style of popular soveeeignty that prevails in Kansas. Its practical operation is illustrated in the following paragraph ; Fiorn t!;e rarkesvitte (Missouri) Luminary. UironTANT MOVEMENT. —Justbefore goingto press we are informed that immense crowds of Missourt ans have, within the last two or three day 3, been going over into Kansas Territory. The numbers are estimated to teach 3,000 cr 4,000, most of whom have passed through Independence, Kansas City, and Westport. A deputation was sent to Governor UEKDER, to request him to open a polling place at the Shawnee Mission ; and he was to take the mat ter into consideration. DKEP SNOW —lt snowed, steadily for three days in Rochester Nothing like it has occurred for many year?. The snow is three feet deep in the woods, w here there are no Jul s Trains ofcars were em bedded in 'he drift® in every dnect.on The block udo was perf-.-t irorn Monday W®tr,e?Jay morning J E. O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. Towanda, Saliinlay, December IG.ISJ J. ESPECIAL NOTICE. I The REPORT kit tr ill be furbished at Onf. Dnj.un j per annum invariably in advance. and will be sent no longer than paid for. ■ Subscribers will hive four weeks notice previous to the expiration of their subscription ; when, if it is not i renewed, the paper will be stopped. \ Those in arrears can avail thouse'ves of hesc terms by settling. \Yc shall give them until the close of the present Volume, when we shall stop sending the pa | per to every subscriber iu arrears. | Any person sending us five new subscribers, with the Cash, will receive a copy gratis for one year ; or Six Copies will be sent to one address a year for S5. ] As the success of the Cash system depends upon its strict i observance, cur Terms will be impartially and in- I flexibly adhered to Our New Terms. We have yet to find iho siist subsctiber, who is ■ not pleased \ ith our new terms. During thu pres. ! ent term of Court, we have had an opportimi y of learning personally from many ol our oldest and ' best palions, their opinions, and in every ease n i has been highly satisfactory It needs no argument to convince a subscriber who intends to pay /lr his I paper punctually, that it is cheaper for him to pay One Lollar in advance, ra;her than One Dollar and ■ a half or Two Dollars, according to the length ol | ume which payment is delayed. For our part we j are satisfied that the ptice we have fixed upon, will be bettei for us than the old prices, with their i inevitable delays and bad deb's. M ny ot our su'osciibers who ire in arrears have promptly paid op, and taken advantage of the re j Juctiou. We tiustthat the remainder will speedily jdo so They can avail* themselves of our new ; terms at any lime, by paying arrearages. We have j many subscnbers who are owing us Irom one to I ten years subscrip ion. If their accounts are not attended to, by the tust of June next, we shall be i compelled to part company with them. We tiusl j there is not one of the number who is not willing j to do us justice, by paying whal we have waited for, so long and so patiently. Very many ot ihe Country papers are adopting the Ready-pay system. Indeed, (hey will all be i forced to do so, or be " crushed out" by the City Weeklies. Under the credit system of the country press, the cash tor newspapers goes to the city and the promises are all the country printers have to live upon. The incubus which hangs upon all ihe Country papers,like the Old Man upon the back oi Smbad, is the papers they issue lor which they j never get pay, ami the tardiness of many ot the very ablest of their subscribers. If they could have their pay promptly lor their labor, ihey would be enabled logive such time and expense to their pa pers, as would renJer them mora worthy cf pa tronage. Having seen ihe operation of this never get-your pay system tor the lasl fifteen years we are convinced that no newspaper ever did, or would thrive as it should 1 , under its operation. We are determined to have our pay for every paper we issue, and il it leaves us but one hundred sub*cri bers we will en leaver to give them the full vvoith of their money. We have often in the course of our type and-ink career, heard the surprise expressed why a paper could not be printed in tire country as cheap as in the city. Such a surmise may perhaps be natural in those who are in no degree acquainted with 'he modus operandi We will take the case r.l ihe Phil adelphia D. llur Newspaper as an illustration. This is a piper whicli finds its way into many families i in Bradford County, is a very readable paper, and is furnished at very extraordinary low prices. The proprietors o! that paper are also the publisher ol a daily newspaper, coiled ihe Ledger which is sold tor one cent. This price of course, does not pay for the labor expended upon each issae, al hough its circulation is 50 000 daily ; but it is filled with advet i err.etits, which make up the deficit arid af. ford a handsome fortune. The reading matter con tained in the Ledger is taken'every week, to make up the Dollar Sew spa per, requiring but little, if any , alteration. The establishment of course, has a large number ol steam presses, which are as much ex pense or neaily so, idle, as running. It will be readily seen that the only item of expense, of any importance, in issuing that newspaper, is the cost of paper. It must bo remembered, that while ive have but a single County to depend upon, that paper has the whole continent lor its fit-11. With an immense circulation,it requires but a very small profit on each paper la make an immense income. The propria ors of the Dollar Newspaper can afford to furnish iheir paper at the price each sheet of whi e paper cos's us,and yet make princely fortunes. Our readers will observe at once, why such a thing as competing with the ciiy press cannot for a moment be'en'erlained. Bui ijriunately for U3 poor printers, the ci'y paper does not supply the wants ot our in habitants. There are local matters of the utmost importance, which they can only obtain through iheir coun'y paper. The belter that is patronized, the more able it will be'io minister to their wants— to gather up and "report, the facts and occurrences which are interesting. In this light we trust that every subscriber will promptly do his own duty, anJ when done, it will ! not require any great amount of time or exertion, for iiim to procure the name o! some neighbor, and send it to us, accompanied by the money. The following is the evidence ol some of our contemporaries who have adopted the advance pay ment sys'em:— We observe that many of our country exchanges j are adopting the advance pay system,and vv hope jit R ill soon be the only one practiced. It is an in variable rule with those city papers that the coun | try press has to compete wiih, and is the n-ain se cret of their success in " crushing out" the latter; they have no bad debts to lose, nor good on ?s to be swallowed up in the expense of collection. The old system of credit, and two or three prices for a newspaper, (according to the Ume payment in made) is a miserable one, and the sooner it is who !y done away with, the better it will be for all partier. The publisher who has pay in advance for his paper, has the money to use in his business, and is saved the time and expense of running after it; while the man who agrees to pay $1,50 at the end of the year, may be worthy of credit for a small amount, but he cannot do a very extensive business on that plan without being speedily "wound up." We adopted the rule of advance payment on the first of September, and are sati; fied with it* work ings thus far. We have not lost a dozen subscri bers whom we would wish to remain With their way of doing business; but have got rid of quite a num ber who always owed for their papers, and proba bly always wilt.— Onondaga Gazette. We adopted the rule of advance payment some eighteen months ago, and it has worked so well that nothing would induce us to return to the old credit system. In tact, we could not have kept the Jour nal ali\e till -his time, if we had not made the change. We have lost some good sub.-cribers by it, which we regret, and think our friends ought to have prevented any decrease in our circulation, by personal etfors in every Township to increase our list.— Poller Journal. Ths Towancla Post OlSce. The public was astonished, last week, by the announcement that WM II PERKINS was removed from the I'ust Office at this place, and Dr. II C POUTER app tinted. Mr. PERKINS has been Post Master since May last, and in the performance ol the ardin us, responsible and deltea'e dtt'ies of the office, lias given the most universal satisfaction Giving up to the office his whole time and ailen ixi, he has # always been found at his post, ready, accommodating and courteous. It is no disparage ment to his predecessors to say, that so general sat isficion lias never before been given in the Pott Office. It is no' surprising, in view of the popular appre ciation ot his official conduct, that the ci izens of this place should hear with feelings of astonishment and indigna'iou thai he has been removed, without a charge being made against his chatac er as a man or an officer, without reference to the p >pn!ar voice, and in express opposition to the feelings and wishes of nine-tenths ol the persons doing business at the office. h is not because one man is removed from of fice (even though injustice is done thereby) and another appointed in his place, hat we deem the matter worthy of comment. It is because we be lieve tfw outrage which has been perpetrated here, should be fully understood by the Democracy of lite county, as a blow aimed at nine-tetuhs of thai Democracy, and which should have a lasting effect upon their political action hereafter. Mr. PERKINS is a young man, and never has been a violent partisan, though agreeing in senti ment with the Democracy of the County He was appointed Post Master at this place in May last, his opinions upon all the political questions of the day, being as well understood then as now. In the election which has just passed, he was the sup porter of the State and County Democratic Ticket, ami we are not aware that his political orthodoxy has ever been questioned, unless opposition to the Repeal of the Missouri Comptomise is held as a sin. Notwi hstanding all this; notwithstanding the faithful manner in which lie discharged the duties of his office, he is removed. And lor what? As the ' powers thai be," assign no reason for the act, we can only judge by the best lights we can obtain. Mr. Perkins sutlers for the action of ihe Democ racy ol Bradford. Despite the claim that the gub ernatorial contest diJ not involve the Nebraska question, there can now be no doubt that the de feat in Pennsylvania has exasperated anddiscour aged the National A laiinistratior, more than the disasters in all the o her States combined If we had persuaded ourelves thaf ihe question would not be aflecte.l by the result, we frank !y confess we were mi-taken. To this Sla e, above ail others. the National Administration, though despised and forsaken everywhere ek-e, looked for consolation and support. If Pennsylvania, which lias never belore faltered in sustaining the cause of Slavery P.opagandisrn, failed, there was no hope. The result has maddened this puerile Administration, and in its desperation it looks around for victims upon which to wreak its vengeance. The Post Master at this place, unfoitunately, has always been a friend of Judge WILMOT. At least he is not one cf those who have been doing the despicable and dirty work of Mr. W.'s traducers In tfie impotence of their malice, they fancy they can reach him, and through him the Democracy of the County by removing the Post Master at To wanda! Glorious achievement! Worthy of be ing recorded on the page of history beside the bom bardment of Grey'own! Fit deed for an Adminis tration ol lit le deeds! The Union is now safe, arid he Democracy ft l> adfoid, who dare lo be in dependent, are dreadfully rebuked and puni-hed! The lesson which this teaches us, and should teach the Fieemen ol this County, is never her'at 1 ter to aid or abet in the elevation of a doughface to office. II we are to be proscribed and outlawed fur the consis'ent advocacy of our principles, .at least let it not be done by men who owe their position and their power to our support arid exenions We would support a slaveholder cheerfully, if occasion sliou'd require; but your contemptible, noncom mittal dough lace, never! We will never again as sist to place in power any man, ot whom there is the least danger from tr- achery, or who will use the patronage of the.Government to advance the designs of Slavery, requiring us to become equally disgraced in falsehood and treachery, or be declar ed out of the pale ol the party. "We have ha 1 enough of POLKS and PIERCES. Th J littleness and meanness ol this attempt to punish somebody lor the result of the late election, as well as the political and pecuniary importance of the Towanda Post Office will be understood from die history of its journeying* to and fro, under i s new possessor?. On Saturday evening last, Dr PORTER took possession, and moved the concern into his drug store ; on Sunday the mail was deliv ered there; and on Monday morning belore day light, it was moved b.ick to its old locution, given up to, and placed under the control ol BAILEY & NEV INS, the former of whom was postinas'er under TY LER and FILLMORE, and both of whom are Whigs! We believe that in this matter Judge CAMPBELL has been misled and deceived, by men in whose integrity ami confidence he has placed too much confidence. We do not believe that he intended by changing the Postmaster here, to remove a com petent and worthy Democrat, for the purpose of placing the office in the hands of Whigs. If it was designed merely to oust Mr. PERKINS, we can as sure the Post Master General that he has done no thing to deserve it; and the act is an exhibition of smallness, malignancy and injustice, of which we did not believe him capable. (fcir The " Uauman House/' at Portage Falls, N. V., was totally destroyed by fire, on Tuesday evening last, Chase for Beulon. Our esteemed friend cd the Montrose Democal has just issued a pronunciamento in regard to the next Presidential election. He is sensible to the last. We welcome him back to the common ground upon which we have fought. Whatever maybe the cause of his returning saneness, we will not stop to enquire. He is for BENTON, first last, and all the lime! (He should have added '• and for SAM HUSTON next.' ) Glorious old BEN TON, faithful among the faithful he stands, pre em inent irt the towering grandeur ol his moral and independence aid integrity. The patron age of succeeding Administrations has failed to coriupt him, or seduce him from the pa'h of princi ple, nor have the a'tarks of enemies daunted him under circumstances when the bravest would liave quailed. With him for President, how the rascals would tly horn Washington, how thoroughly the Augean stables would be cleansed, how the moral atmosphere of office would be purified. Gsfphins and Garays, Gardners and Chickasaws would 100-e their hold upon the Treasury, and give up the ghost in very flight. Next to him, our choice would be SAM HU-AON Perhaps, under all the circumstances, he is the most available candidate, and availability in the nejt contest should only be second to merit.' He possesses many points in common with Old Bull ion. With either tor President, we cou'd never have cause to blush for tire imbecility ol the Ciriel Executive of our Republic. Below will be found CHASE'S remarks. We place them it our columns, that we may have them handy. We trust we shall never have occasion to reier to them. But we give him notice that wa shall hold him to his text, and no dodging:— •' The country in its present political condition, now presents an anomalous appearance. The next Presidential campaign will solve a mystery which now rests as dark as gloom upon all. In diat con test men who have never beh re acted together po litically, and who hold no other opinions in com mon save upon the subject of Slavery expansion, will be found laboring and voting together; and this whether they form themselves into any distinct ive organization or not. There will be a coining together, because circumstances have so fixed it, und whether they act under rrsy political organiza tion we do not regard as of importance, because such an organization, composed of discordant ele ments, will have no essential element of perpetuity beyond the question of Slavery itseii". W tether such an organization be formed or not, She men— the voters —will act together so far as voting is concerned, until the question shall be settled, and will act together no longer at any rate. The only difference that the organization can make, is in possibly giving more force and efficiency to the re sistance of slavery aggression, while it may con tinue. ' as we are concerned, our position was lone ago taken, and this movement will not alter or amend it. There will be no elections previous to the Presidential election In 'SO, in which we feel much interest. We regard the present as the most important and dangerous crisis in the history of this government, and we also regard the next Pres idential election as that which shall settle, for weal or woe, the destinies of the government for future years. For that contest our tiag is unfurled, and our action decided upon, if we shall be spared to participate therein. Regardless of any present po laical organization, we are for THOMAS H. BEXTOX for President, and expect to vote for him if wo shall live to vote at all. We have made up ottr mind to do it, because we regard Mr. BEXTON as the purest living embodiment of those great princi ples upon which the Democratic party was found ed, and winch were exemplified in the administrai lions of Jefferson Madison and Jackson. Tho-e great and bfller lights of the Republic have gone nut —while Benton who has placed the m i t pro found and consistent expositions of their policy, in its purity, upon the history of the country, during his long public service, remains behind. We fol low him as a light of the glorious past, preserved to ailume the more darkened present. The very quintessence of radical American democracy is to be found in his doctrines. There is a substance in them, and that substance we are after. It is ' worth more to the nation and the world, than all , ihe modern dogmas of all our modern political phi— j losophers. It is the vital spark of republicanism, iof living, breathing, God-created Democracy. It is the pure metal—the unalloyed " Old Du'lion." " This is (he platform on which we stand, and where we shall stand, and we therefore look upon all organizations with very much of indifference.— We expect that die next Presidential campaign will be pretty much of a "scrub race." in which every body will be "on their own hook." We have start ed on ours early—and those who are for Denton we shall work wttth—those who are against him we shall work againsr. We have not. nor shall we abandon or compromise a single democratic idea that we have ever advocated, or which has formed a distinctive article in the creed of a Democrat.— Denton embodies them all—we are for him and for them a!!. Those who have democratic principles at heart, have no excuse for not going for him, and those who have not, we want nothing to do with.— This is just where we stand—just what we feel and think. Oihers may make the best of it—it is a mat ter of indifterence to us." TIIE SU-QVEIIANNA MEETINO.—We invite the attention of our readers to the proceedings of the Mass Meeting of Freemen, lately held in Mont rose The resolutions of that meeting are such as almost every Fieeman will approve. Parly lines are broken down ; partizan distinctions obliterated irt the new issues forced upon the Country, by the Slavery Nullifiers to detain the preponderance o( Slave Power. Sooner or later there must be Union of Fieemen to meet ihe issues thus forced upon us. The lime is last hastening, when we shall be oblig ed to meet the question, or succumb to the plans ol ihe Slavery-Popaganda. It is no time for Northern Freemen to allow old and obsolete issues to divide 4 md weaken them, when Southern men are unit, without regard lo parly. We tru-t that belore the next Presidential contest we shall see such a fusion of Freemen, under one common banner, and in a common cause, as will foiever stop the spread of Slavery,and by determin ing i's boundaries, and saying to the institution "thus far shalt thou go, and no farther," allay the dircussion of the question, and remove it from the Halls of Congress, and trom the politics of the Country. DOUBTFUT.— The Washington correspondent of the Evening Pout tells us the following story of Gov. BIGLEK, during the late canvas 3, which we are somewhat inclined to consider apocryphal: '•To show how completely the Know Nothings have humbugged the candidates of other parlies at the late elections, I may mention a story which is told hereabouts, that Gov Bigler, when stumping the state ol Pennsylvania, was. according to the cus tom, there, escorted from county to county by a committee ot what supposed were leading and ac credited democrats, who would, on his going into the next county, pus him into the hands of another •uch committee. Of course, their business was to advise, encourage and apptaud him, and they did this particularly when he most severe on the new party. What was his surprise at the end of the campaign when he found that he had been con ducted all over the state not by democrat, but by the disguised Know Nothings!'' £otal |tnns. To the Editor of the Bradford Reporter:— QUERIES.— 1. Iluve we a Post Office amongst us? 2. WoulJ it not be weli to adverse the alterna tions of the Post Office, so that our citizens would not be at the trouble of hunting it up? 3. As i: is a traveling Post Office, should not the Department appoint a Route Agent to accompany it in its peregrinations? 4 As every body ■ wears that every body e!-e had nothing to do with trie removal of Mr. PERKINS, and as no body Knows Nothing about it, may it not have been accoinpli-hed by that übiquitous and mysterious gett'lemati called " Sam. ' He tr is been cutting up some strange pranks la'ely, and :his may be his work. Interrogatively, yours, K. N SNO-.V AND SLEIGHING —Tiicre 1- a fair prospect that the neglect to lurnish us wnh a. single day sleighing last winter, will be more lian repaid this season. O-i Sunday week, a violent snow storm set in, continuing all day Monday, and covering the ground with a fleecy mantle, 10 the depth of | nearly or quue eighteen inches. It was, to all in tents and purposes a tegular old fashioned Decem ber storm, such an one, as in past years, might be safely calculated upon about December Court. On Fiiday morning Bth in"., at 7 A. M. the thdremorn eter stood precisely ai Zero. The cold wea her has app iran !y fastened the sleig ing upon us, andpiot withstanding ihe sun's rays endeavor lo dissipate it, there is every indications of its being a pennon en 1 inslitu ion. The ice has also frozen in -he river to sucn a thickness that it has been used for cross-, ing, for a week past, affording an excellent substi tute for our unfortunate Bridge. LUMBER FRO/EN lie.—Tnera is lying in the wa ter, in the pool formed by the dam, a large amount ofiumber, estimated at a million and a hall feet, rafted in expecta'ion ola fall he-net, and ready for a trip down the river. The recent cold wea'her had frozen this into die ice, in such a position that it was in danger of becoming a total loss. For some days past, the owners have been engaged in sawing a canal in the ice just below the Bridge, through which to tow their arks and rafts to the East side of trie River, avail themselves °f -he pro tection from ice Ire.-hets afforded by the Bridge Embankment. Their efforts have been surcesslul, arid a large am >u it of lumber tias been placed in situation where it is to be hoped i! will be safe. MASONIC —At the'annual election for officers ol Union Lodge. No 108, A. Y. M , the following persons were elected officers for the ensuing year: JV H —GEORGE E. Fox. 5 W—HENRY J MADILL. J IV —WILLIAM LEWIS. Secretary. — E. H. MASON. Treasurer —GEOßGE C.GORK. At the annual election lor officers of Bradford Chapter, N >. 167, the following persons were el elec ed officers for the ensuing year;— II P— H LAWRENCE SCOTT. K.—GEORGE E FOX. S E. O GOODRICH Secretary —E. H. MASON. Treasurer. —HENßY J MADILL. ArTnr. MEETING for the election of officers of Franklin Fire Company, iVo. 1, the following per sons were chosen for the ensuing term:— Foreman —GEOßGE E. FOX. IST Assistant —E. O. GOODRICH. 2