Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 02, 1854, Image 4
iiusccilatuono. TOWANDA mw\m mmmmr. 1 ffHE duties of this School will be resumed on the -i- second Monday of September nfzt. tindei the chirge of Miss OLIVIA D. and REBECCA D. HANSON. 10 the rooms recen'iy occupied by James Macfar lane, Esq., in the North end of the Ward House. The school year will consist of four quarters of, eleven weeks each. TERMS —a formerly. £6, $9, nnd sl2 per quarter, according to the studies pursued No extra charge for the Latin Language. No pupil -il| be received for a shorter period than one Quarter. REFERENCES —Rev. DR. MACLEAN, President of the College of New Jersey, Princeton. Hon. DAVID VVILMOT, G. F. MASON, Esq., C. L. WARD, Esq., HON.GEO.SANDERSON, D.F.BARSTOW, E.-q. Towanda. Towamli, August 2G. 1851. Thp lisqmhanna Coilrgiatc Institute; be opened fur the reception of Pupils, Male and Female, on Wednesday the Cth of September, when the Inaugural exeiciscs will take place. tvsrntCTons. REV. S. F.COLT, A. M. PnixctrAL, Professor of Natural, Mental and Moral sciences. REV. JAMES M'WILLIAM, A. M. Professor of Ancient and Modern Languages and Belles Lettres. CHARLES R. COBURN. Prof, of Mathematics and Master of Normal School. Miss FAN ME BILES, Teacher of Music and French. Miss PIIEBE DAYTON, Teacher of English and Music. Negotiations are in progress for securing the ser vices of two other Lady teachers in time for the opening. 'XJ* The Principal will reside in the Institute and the Pupils will board with his family. The academic year will co.isist of three terms of fourteen weeks each. EXCESSES rr.n TERM OF FOURTEEN WEEKS: Tuition in the 4th class, Elementary English Branches, $4 00 31 Cla-iS, Higher English Branches, 5 00 2d ("lass. Mathematics, Natural Science and Classics commenced, 6 00 Ist Glass. Menial and Moral Science with the above continued; 7 00 Tuition in Modern Languages each, 3 00 Ornamental Needle Work and Embroidery, 200 Drawing, 2 00 011 Painting in Landscapes, 8 00 do in Figures, 10 00 Instrumental Music with use of instrument, 10 00 Room Rent, 1 75 Incidental expenses, 38 Boarding in the Hall $1 63 per week, or per Term, 22 75 Washing three shillings per dozen. Lights and Fuel at the actual expense. In addition to the above course. College classes will be organized if advanced scholars apply. Especial attention will be paid to the instruction of person* designing to qualify themselves asTaach ers for Common Schools. Pupils will furnish themselves with bed,bedding, towels, &c. The Bills for the term must he paid in j advance, or one half at the entrance, and the re- i maining half at the expiration of the half term. C. L. WARD, President. S. F. COLT, Sec, J. D. MOSTANTE, Treas. Towanda, August 12, 1854. ; THE WORLD CHALLENGEDTI XVew Remedies and Quick Cures! RI.\G POSES ASD POSE SPAVISR CUR ED. ASD IV4RRASTEI) TO RE TAKES 1 orr SOLELY ASD ENTIRELY WITHOUT IS JURY TO THE ANIMALt! AND without the use of the Knife, the Firing j Iron, or any of those liquid caustics, such as Nitric, M nriatic or sulphuric Acid, or any of those baneful liquids so often made use of, to the shame of the Farrier and the torture of tnat useful animal, the Horse, without any necesaary purpose Also all diseoses of the horse treated scientifically. Refetences of past services can be had, as also j tha bona fide Ringbones and spavins taken offhors es already operated od, together with several other Fistules, pipes. Tumors, &c. d-c. Applications to the subscriber, who will be at the Monroeton Exchange, where he can be consutieJ on the subject free of expense. Qrj* Term* from $lO to $25. Payment in all cas es to be made before the horse leaves the stable. ORRIN C.TAYLOR. Monroeton, Aug. 26, 1854. ~v a Us'sr FCR SALE. SITUATED at Orwell centre, Brad w|ES|f.>rd county. Pa., cotituing about THREE HUNDRED ACRES, about two hundred and fifty thereof improved and the remain der excellent woodland. Thete are upon the prantisesa comforta- O—JX ble and spacious MANSION HOUSE, a tenant house, five barns, 30 x 40 feet each, j ' 'ikJR or upwards, several ranges of sheds stabling, and other outibuildings, with an excellent and never failing well of water at the door of the mansion house, and well watered generally. The entire property forming one ot the most desirable situations for a dairyman or stock breeder to be found in this section of the country. Terms—one-half of the purchase money on taking possession, and the balance on interest for a term of years. If the property is not sold this fall, if will le rent ed for a term of years, il a suitable opportunity pre sents. J. D. HUMPHREY. Orwell, Sept. 12, 1851. 2m _ J.ESriCTSPQSJFf, $) ~ DR. J. ALLEN, lato Professor in the Ohio College of Denial Surgeons, has discovered a method of insetting Artificial Teeth on plate, which makes any further improvement impossible. It combines strength and durability with perfect cleanliness. The gum is continuous, and can be made to suit any case, however difficult. So life like is tha expression, that the most familiar with artificial teeth fail to determine they are false; the teeth appearing as if they actually grew out of the gum. I have secured letters patent for Bradford Co. q3* Office in Marcur's Block. Towanda, July 28, 1854. NEW AND CHEAP "GOODS. OD. BARTLETT, is now receiving a large • and carefully selected stock of NSW GOODS, bought for rash since the late decline in prices, which he will oiler for leady pay at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction —among other things he invites particular attention to his assortment of Dress Goods. Towanda, April 15, 1853 NEW FALL GOODS. South Corner of Mercur's lllock, Main Street, ARE now opening their stock of GOODS for the Fall trade, comprising a full and complete as sortment, and of the usual variety, which will be sold at a very small profit for Ready Pay. Thankful for the liberal petronage of the past sea ■on, the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the public to an examination of our FALL stock, be lieving that good Goods and low prices will insure a speedy sale for ready pay. TRACY & MOORE. Towanda, Sept, 12, 1854. DR. E. H. MASON, PHTBXOIAN dt BURGEON, Residence, t on Pme Street, opposite the old Presbyterian Church. Offers his professional services to the people of iowandajand vicinity. Can always be found at his, .n Er PORT*R' Ersg '3:.*; whet r.c: pr> fssio:.BtiT ervtgej Xilcbital- D RIJ C "s TOR E ! IIH—WUWI ■ |" |p C£R |j^ IS now being replenished with a full and complete siock ot Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Vurmslus. Window Gins*, Pure Wines and Diquors, ffc., Together with Paints, Turpentine, \*urni.-h, Dye- Woods (St. Dye-Stuffs,Glass, Putty,choice Groceries, pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.— • Also, Cigars of the best brand , and ail articles con nected with the trade. 1 In short, every thing connected with the trade. The Goods have been bought extremely low, for cash, j ant! will be sold accordingly. N. B. A superior article of Tanner's and Meat's Foot Oil just received, j QCy REMEMBER the place—3 doors eouth of Mom j ! lanye's corner—same building of the' Argus Office.' All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. AyreaCherry Pec torial, >'chencks Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow D->ck 1 Root, Orrirk's, Hohensacks, and Jaynes* Vermifuge. Together with all of the moat popular Patent medicines i now in use constantly on hand and for sale at REED'S Drug Store. Three Doors below Montanye's corner. Towanda, January 3, 18.33. REED'S DRUG STORE IS now being refurni-hed with a new and splendid Siock of DRUGS & MEDICINES, Fancy Goods, Limps—some of them new and beautiful patterns. In short, everything advertised in his regular col umn. has been completely filled up, with fresh Good* i from New-York and Philadelphia. Mathewson's Horse Remedy, Gargling Oil, Mus tang Linament, nnd several new and popnlar Medi -1 cines which will be sold extremely low for Cash. Paints, Oils Varnishes, Glass, Wines Liquors, i &c., as usual. /"•/"tBARKELS ofold Ohio Whiskey just received j Uv7 and for said wholesale and retail, at Reed's ! Drugstore, 1 O QUINTLEB rf Codfish, 20 boxes of Herring, J. O 5 barrels of Saleratus, warrented in prime ! order, left on sale at New York cash prices at REED'ft Drug Store, Towanda. Jan, 28, 1853, i : i_ 1 QLi EMPTY Barrels, suitable for Cider, Pork -1 t/V/and Beef packing, &c, in good order, for ! sale cheap at REED'S DRUG STORE. Sept. 4, 1853. THE OLD STAND STILL IN OPERATION? THE subscriber would an "ounce to the public that he have now on hand, and will make jJHSMjf to older all kinds of Cabinet Furniture, such as Sofas, Divans, Lounges vi Center, Card, Dining and Break- II A\ fast Tables. Mahogany, Wal- J nut. Maple and t'herrv Bureaus, Stands of various kinds. Chairs and Bedsteads of every description, which are, and 1 will he made of the best materia! and workmanlike ! manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper ■ than can be bought in any other Ware-room in the country. READY-MADS COFFINS, | on. hand on the most reasonable terms. A good | IIUARSE will be furnishedon Funeral occasions. JAMES MACK IN SON. j Towanda, June !, 1854. s a© m s | £ LEAVE Towanda for Mercur'e ' m ill s, B a rlington.East Smithfield and Wellsburg de j pot on the N. Y. & E.R. R.. every MONDAY, WED NESBAY and FRIDAY at 8 o'clock A. M., and arrive at the depot in time to take the evening train of cars : either east or west, same day. Returning TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, after the arrival of the Eastern train, and also the Western cars front Jefferson, Elmira, <Stc., and ar rive at Towanda same day. FARE: —Towanda to Mercur'a mills, 37$ • j "to Burlington, 50 " to East Sutithfield, 62$ " to Ridsebery, 1,00 " to Wellsburg depot, 1,25 Express packages to or from the Rail Road care fully deliveredat moderate charges. D. M. BULL, Towanda. Oct. 8, 1*52. Proprietot BOOTS fc SHOES! John W. Wilcox, [ T TA3 removed his establishment to H. Mix's store, j O corner of main street and the public square, and : j will contiaue the manufacture of Boots and Shoes, as | heretofore. | He has just received from New York a large assort ment of Women's, Children's and Misses' Shoes, which are offered at low prices. The attention cf the Ladies is paficularly directed to his assortment, comprising ! the following new styles :—Enamelled Jenny Lind gai j ter boots; do. shoes ; black lasting and silk gaiters; | walking shoes, buskins, fee. Misses'gaiters and shoes, l of every description. A of Children's I fancy gaiters, boots and shoes, of all kinds. For the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and shoes. This stock has been personally selected with care, and he believes he can offer superior articles at reasonable prices. 03* The strictest attention paid to Manufacturing, and he hopes by doing work well to merit a continu ance of the liberal patronage he has hitherto received. Towanda, May 8, 1853, SURVEYING. HT SURNEx'OR for Bradford County, is prepared to attend to the above business in all its branches. ! His office is at Monroeton. All letters addressee to i him at that place, will meet with prompt attention. • April 4, 1854. DISSOLUTION. THE co-partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of Alexander & Solomon, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 27th day ot May. M. E.Solomon retirirg. The business will hereafter be carried on under the name of J. & S. Alexander. Towanda, May 27. 1854. IN WANT ! THE subscribers are in want of a young man as an ah prentice to the Tinman's trade, 17 or 18 years of age, of good habits, who they will bind themselves to learn the business. HALL it RUSSELL. Towanda, July 25, 1854. fx ROCKERY-—A !?.rge assortment just received i ' I\ "BURTON (Tlothinn. "iiw COLLINS &. POWELL, TT7OULD respectfully call the atfntii-n of the V public to their large stock of Mens' and boys' irnishing Goods, consisting of every variety of roadcloihs. Cassimeres, Doc skins. Tweeds Kentucky Jeans. Linens, Shirts, Collars. Stocks. Cravats, Hosiery. Suspenders. Hats, Carpet Bags, Trunks, Civics, ifc Ire. which will be sold cheaper thau the same quality can be sold in any other establishment in this country. They have also on hand a well manufactured as sortment of Ready-Made Clothing-, to which we invite the attention of buyers. Our Clothing is mostly made up in the shop—and not purchased at " slop-shops'—as some we wot of. Orders in the Tailoring line executed in the most fashionable manner, at the shortest notice, and war ranted. Q3* The public will please notice one fact, that so ONE not practically acquainted with the b sines* is capable of judging of the quality and mako of a carmerit; hence the reason why the community have been so much imposed upon by a certain class of community who deal in the article, who. if they were not practically and professionally cheats, could of necessity- know nothing about the business.— They are rertcin. if the public would consult their true interest, they would purchase only of those aci quainted with the business. Towanda. April 12, 1854. LATEST NJEWS T FROM The Waverly Ready Made Clothing, AND GENT'S FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. Mott A Wells, Merchant Tailors, HAVE the honor of announcing to the citizens of Bradford County, that they have just received the largest and most fashionable stock of FALL &. WINTER CLOTHING, ever brought into ' old Tioga,' consisting in pare of the following articles: Over. Dress, Frock and Sack Coats ; Vests, Pants, Shirts. Drawers, Wrappers, Overalls, Stocks, Cravats, Collars, Pocket h'dkfs, Are. Cln/lis and Trimmings constantly on hand—also thp fall fashion of Hats and Caps. Our stock of Furnishing Goods is unsurpassed in Tioga, and comprising everything necessary for a gen tleman's outfit. Particular attention will he paid to our Having received the latest New York Fashions, we are prepared to get up suits on the shortest notice and in a superior manner. CUTTING done on short notice, and warranted to fit if properly made up. MOTT & WELLS. BroaJ St., first door east of the Post Office. Waverly, Nov. 10, 1853.y ML M 1W SNC 9 CLOTHING STORE, IN ATHENS I \NY man or boy,or any body else wanting any kind of CLOTHING, will do well to call on GEORGE B. PERKINS, and see how VERY CHEAP he is selling his new stock. He has now the Largest Clothing Store in Athens, and his Goods were all bought cheap na. will be sold cheap. Clothing is much lower in :ne city, and Perkins is bound to let his customers ha-e the benefit of it. The Store is new and just fitted up. Two doirs above the brick block, in Athens. Ilats, Caps, <£c., new and cheap. GEORGE B. PERKINS. Athens, April 26, 1854. WAVERLY &. TOWANDA R. ROAD! 500 MEN WANTED !J The subscribers have just received at iheir old stand in Mercur's Block,Towanda. a new and good assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, consist ing of Ready-Made Clothing-, GENTLEMANS' FURNISHING GOODS ever imported into the County—all of the latest | styles in market, which are being scattered far and wide. In the way of Furnishing Goods, we have ; a complete assortment—Cravats, Collar--, Shirts, [ Under Shirts, Drawers, W rappers, Gloves. Suspcn ! ders, Handkerchiefs Hosiery of all kinds, and a | variety of Trunks, &c, Our Ready-Made Clothing embraces every thing desirable in that line, and as we buy for CASH, we can and will sell 20 per cent, lower than any other Clothing Establishment in Towanda. J. ALEXANDER, Towanda, April 20, 1854. 8. ALEXANDER. OWEGO MARBLE JACTORY, PEOPLE of Bradford County wishing anything nice in the way of Monuments, Headstones, Tomb Tables, Centre Tables of Italian and Amer ican Marble, or Black Stones of all sizes, can have them on the shortest notice by sending in their orders,cheaper and better than can be pur-1 chased elsewhere. dj* Chester Wells, Cabinet Maker and underta-j kcr, nearly opposite the Ward House, Towanda, Agent. G.W. PHILLIPS. Towanda, March, 31, 1853. "NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that they have taken the shop formerly occupied by Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite Drake's wagon shop, where they are p-epared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITHING upon reasonable terms. Thev arc determined by doing their work well and promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of public patronage. HORSE-SHOEING done in the best manner. All kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the raostskil* ful manner. WOOD WORK for wagons will also be made and repaired when desired. All work done at their shop, will he wairanted to be well done, and manufactured from the best materials. The public are requested to give U6 a trial, ami judge for themselves. ESENWINE <sc SEEBISCHH. Towanda. May 2. 1851. At the New Coal Bed. fPHE subscriber heving leased the New COAL JL BED. in Franklin township, would inform the public that he is now, and shall continue to mine and keep for sale, Coarse and Fine Coal, of the very best quality. The article which they are now mining, ie far superior in quality to any ever offer ed at this Bed. The road to the bed is in first rate repair, and will be kept so. Persons wishing coal for stove or blacksmith use, will do well to buy of me. The bed is located only eleven miles from Towanda. (jy All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for coal at the market price. JOHN WAGGET. New Coai Bed, Sept. 16, 1854. Bituminous Coal —Barclay Coal Bed. THE undersigned is prepared to furnish at the beds, any quantity of this superior COAL, at the reduced price of $1 25 per ton for Blacksmith coal, and $1 75 for picked Grate coal. Payment in cash or country produce, but no credit will be given. HENRY OAITSB. Agent for the Barclay R.R, and Coal Company. Franklin (Old Coal Bed) May 25, 1854. Purs! Ftirs!! Aqantity of Fur Victorinea and Cuffs of different qualities, for n!e IT COST by Jar, 1, if£t. H. 7. MERCUR, UtiacelJanfonß. ATHENS AGRICULTURAL, TIN AND STOVE STORE. ADVERTISEMENT Bradford County. Pennsylvania. Straw Cutters, HOVEY'S Patent spiial knife Hay and Straw Cut* tcrs, of various sizes. No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 6. Price—fß, $9, $lO. sl2. sl6 and S2O. These Cut ters are better and cheaper thin the straight knife Cut ter, wilh knives set diagonally on the shaft. The knives on Hovey's Cutter are spiral, which enables them to cut at right angles against the raw hide roller. They cut steadily, with no jerking—arc easily kept in repair. Each knife can be taken off and shar pened without disturbing the shaft (or other knives) and if necessary each knife can be set out or in, so as to keep them all true, if one knife should wear faster than another. Every farmer should have one of ihese labor and feed saving maehincs. (& For sale wholesale and retail—a liberal discount made to those who buy to sell again. R. M. WELLES. Athens, Pa., November 10, 1855. Bradford County Premium Corn Shillers, TT7HOLEBALE and Retail! The very best article v V to be found it the county, and cheapest—(war ranted) —for sale at the Agricultural and stove store of Nov. 10, 1853. R. M. WELLES. STOVES! STOVES! CIOOK STOVES, of various and excellent patterns ' and sizes—several patterns of superior Flevated Ovens, araon; which is a combination of the Clinton ami National Air Tight, called the EAGLE. Also a well selected stock of elegant parlor, hall, shop, church and school house Stoves, both for wood and coal—of sizes and prices to suit all classes of customers. Call and see. Nov. 10. R. M. WELLES. Sausage and Mince Meat Cutters. PRICES $4 and $5 Every farmer should have one of these excellent labor saving articles; they arc capable of cntting from 100 to 200 pounJs of meat per hour, and are very simple, portable and easi'y kept in repair, for sale by Athens, Nov. 10, 1853. R. M. WELLES. Cistern and Well Pumps ! LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Rams ! of any kind, size, <Src., cheap for ready pay, for sale by Jan. 8. 1853. R. M. WELLES. TO THE PUBLIC ! BAILEY A NEU'INS, ARE just receiving at their larg c and commodious New Store, opposite the Court House, a large assortment of Provisions. Groceries, Yankee Notions, Toys, Fruit, Coijeclionary, Willow ware Ifc., making their stock the largest, most complete and best in Northern Pennsylvania. And the very liberal pat ronage they have received from the public during the year past, establishes the fact that they cither sell cheaper or sell goods of a better quality than any oth er dealeis. To merit and induce a continuance of so liberal pat ronage wc shall still follow our old motto — "SMALL PROFITS, AUICK HETUBXS, AX D A FREQUENT REX E W AL OF STOCK." Below wc name a few of the articles that always be found in our stock ; Groceries. Black and green tea, Kio and Java coffee, chocolate, cocoa, sugar, molasses, syrup, ginger, pepper, spice, cloves, nutmeg, cinamon, mace, soda, salerattis, cream taitar, peppersauce, sperm and tallow candles, bard soap, vinegar, starch, $-c. Provisions. Mess pork, dried beef, hams and shoulders, mackprel, codfish, siiad, pickeled hcrrine. smoked herring, wheat fl.uir. buckwheat flour, corn meal, cheese, rice, beans, potatoes, butter, lard, crackers, &c. Fruit A Nuts. Prunes, citrons, figs, Eng. currants, raisins, dried peaches, apples, almonds, filberts, rirnzil nuts, Grcnoi ble and Madeira walnuts, pea nuts, chestnuts, &c. German, French and American Toys, Fancy Goods, Ac. Ac. Tin wagons, rocking horses, hoys' sleighs, China & pewter toy tea setts, dolls, trumpets, accordions, harmo, nicas, &c. Glass, paper and wood inlaid work boxes and toilet cases—toy bureaus, secretaries, writing desks —plain and embroidered work baskets, knitting, do pearl, ivory, papier mache and leather port moniaes, wallets and purses, ivory,horn and wood pocket combs toilet combs, ivory fine combs, pocket inkstands, pock et and small fancy mirrors, tobacco and snuff boxer cigar cases, perfumery and hair oils. Brooms, mopsticks, clothes pins, bench screws, wil low clothes baskets and market baskets, sugar and spice boxes. Candy of all kinds. Dairy and tablr Salt, Salina Do. etc. etc. etc. Country dealers supplied at a small advance from New York prices. Oy Most kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods. BAILEY & NEVINS. Towanda, January 2. 1854. Pacific Balm. JUST received, a new supply of Dr. Farwrll's Great medicine for the cure of Consumption. - Persons threatened with the alarming disease would do well to apply this medicine before it becomes too late. Price $1 per bouie, ar six bottles for $5. May 24, 1854. J. KINGSUERY. Farmer's Union Insurance Company. Office, Athens, Bradford County, Pa. piAPITAL, $200,000, secured by bond and mort gage on the real estate of the stockholders, in sures against loss by fire, houses, stores, and other buildings, goods, wares and merchandise, on as fa vorable terms as arty similar institution. LOSSES PUOMI-TLT ADJUSTED AND PAID. Directors— Hon. Horace Williston, Francis Tyler, George A Perkins. J T D Myer, C N Shipnian. C F Welles jr. J E Canfield, Athens; Hon John La porte, Towanda; Gen. Bradley Wakeman, Lacey. ville; Geo. M. Hollenback, Wilkesbarre.- Michael Meylert, Laporte. Officers —Hon. Horace Williston, President; J E Canfield, See.; C F Welles, jr. V. Pres and Treas. (L/* Address, G. A. GAY LORD, Agent, Wyalus ng, Bradford Co. Pa. July 1, i 854. PAPER HANGINGS. THE only assortment of Paper Hangings kept in this vicinity, with afresh stock just coming in at unusually low prices. O. D. BARTLETT. Towanda. April 21 1853 THE .NEBRASKA BILL A LAW. M. T CRRIER, WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of To wanda and vicinity, that he has opened a Grocery A Provision Store. on the south side of the Public Square, where he would be pleased to wait upon those that call upon him. He has all kinds of articles kept in a countrv Grocery. Such as Nuts of all kinds; Oranges, Lc mons, and Candies of all varieties and shapes, Ci gars of the best quality. He also designs to keep on hand PROVISIONS, 4-C. ate., all of which he offers cheap for Cash or Coun try produce. His motto is, that ' nimble six-pence is better than a slow shilling." Towanda, May 1, 1854. - MfM SB T* 0 A lhe - I,st -' une - a Packer MEMORAN- M, with blue black tuck cover, the tuck broken and nearly worn out. Whoever will return the same to the undersigned, at Towanda. shall be liberally izwarded. 8, V.SHIPM4N Tewands, July 20. 18M. ' fttcbiral. JB HC ABE. *4* JVM "SFCF O In the South end of llic Ward House, TOWANDA. DR. H. c"7~P OUTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRUGS, MEDICINES, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, 6c c. Paints, Oils, Varislics, Window Glass, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES Dye Stuffs ami Burning Fluids. Regular Agent for the following genuine popular PATENT MEDICINES: Dr. Jaynes' Medicines— Xyre's Cherry Pectoral Alterative, Vermifuge. >chenck's pul. syrup E-peetorant, Liniment Hoofland's bitters .•air Dye,&c. Pepsin (for dyspepsia) Dr. Fitch's Medicines Acoustic oil Dr.Swavne's do Indian Cholagogie Dr.Keeler's do Lyon's rat pills Brant's Balsam & Ext Pile Medicines Orrick's Vermifuge Salt Rbeum and Tetter Graefenberg Medicines ointment Gargling Oil Trash's mag do Pain Killers ISpavin & founder do Galvanic belts, <Src. I McAllister's do Heave & Condition pow. Eye waters Rock Rose Cephalic snuff j Uterine Catholicon Corn salve Tooth ache drops Sticking do. ; Hair in v igorator &. dyes Wistar's hl. wild cherry- Bed bug poison Female Pills Townsend's Sarsaparilla Bullard's oil soap Plasters and Pills of all Balsam Life kinds. Harlem Oil ' And many others, not enumerated, all warranted ! genuine. ; (Lj* Remember Dr. PORTF-II'S Drug and Chemical j Store is in the South end of the War 1 House. fr-nt i ing the Public square. H. C. PORTER. M. D. Removed lo B. Kingsbery's Block! K\L Chambertin, TJ AS justreturned fromthecity gUS? 4 J of New York with a largt su pp!y of Watches, Jewelry and If/*\ w are, compri-irig in part, lf n JBhk the following articles:—Lever, L'Epine and Plain Watches, with jRjI-Y \ay'-ataD.** a complete assortment of Gold ■ Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Fin ger Rin js,Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets. Gold chains. Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which he effer for sale exceeedingly cheap for CASH. Wa'ches repaired on short notice, and warranted to run well,or the money will be refunded, and a wri' ten agreement given to that effect if required. N. B.— MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produe taken in payment for work; ami also, team now, an or ever, that the Prod ore must be paid when the war is done —l war against credit in ill its forms. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. Towanda, April 29. 1852. IOOKING GLASS PLATES cot and fined or J any size, to be had at the Jewelrv store of May 15. 1858. W. A. CHAMBERLIN HANG OUT THE BANNER.! fln A horse ! a horse ! my kingdom for a horse and customers to lake awat i jthe goods. Notwithstanding the lan | JAM disastrous fire, A. M. WARNER i himself again! And at No. I Brick Row you'll find Most anything that's in his line, From a cambric needle of the finest kind, To a jewelled watch of eighteen karat fine. Clocks which keep time accurate and true; Breast pins of every style and hue, Gold, silver, steel and plated chains, Selected with the greatest pains. Finger rings, my gosh, why what a pile Of every shape and every style. To suit the old the young, the grave, the ga May there be seen in elegant array. And WIHSER, who is himself a " host," Is always ready and at his post. To wait upon his customers and all Who chance upon'im to give a call. So with good advice make up your minds To call on him and there you'll find Such sights,my eyes,O! what a view Jewelry of every style and hue. (TTDon't mistake the place No. I. Brick row where he is prepared to do all kinds of J O B-W O K in his line of busines, at the cheapest rates that can possibly be afforded He will also sell his jewelry at 20 per cent lower, than was ever before offered in this market. (Fff Call and see. <£o Towanda. Nov. 12, 1852. A. M. WARNER. NEW ARRANGEMENT! X. L. 6c H. L. LAMORIIAUI 6c CO. 'THE firm of Lamoreux, Hall & Russell, having -L taken in H. L. Lamoreux as a partner, will continue the Foundry business,generally, under the name of I. L & H. L. LAMOREUX & Co., at their old stand, known as the Eagle Foundry, in the south part of the Borough of Towanda, where they will manufacture to order and keep on hand a large as sortment of the following articles, to wit:— Machinery, of all kinds, including Mill irons, Mill gearings the Rose & Johnson Water wheels, >fc. Stoves. Box, Coal, Cooking and Porlor stoves, of all kinds sizes and prices. Ploughs. North Branch, Nos. 1, 5 and 7—Blatchly Nos 1 and 2—Binghamton, V. ayne County, Excelsior, and Com Ploughs, <&c. Corn-Shellers 6c Slraw Cutters. V\ agon, Plough points, gearing for Chain pomps, Grindstones, sc., and other ami cles too numerous to mention. Having secured theservices of J. B.IRVINE well known as a skillful Machinest, the firm feel confi. flent they can manufacture and repair all kinds of machinery mas workmanlike manner, and on as easy terms as any establishment this side of New i orb. fc-team Engines will be repaireJ satisfactorily, on ort notice. Particular attention will be paid to the 1 attern Department, and all ordcre fulfilled ou the shortest possible notice, CT Particular attention is called lo J. B. Irvine's celebrated Excelsior Plough, which took the first pre nium of the Bradford County Fair, of 1853. Also, to he Elevated Oven Eagle Stove, the best now in US* . Old Iron, Brass, Copper, Zinc, Pewter, and Grain an i ail kinds of Country produce taken in payment. N. B. All Notes and accounts due the firm of Lamoreux, Hall and Russell, are left in the hands of I. L. & H. L. Lamoreux for collection, and immediate attention is called to the same, which MOST BE pun by May Court next. D.C.HALL, > f!. L. LAMOREUX, 0.8. RraariuJ r B. L. I-.w-mrx. 1 cwanda, April 1, 1854 ecus. Saddle. Harness & Trunk Manufactory TERE CULP A Co., respectfully inform t he public that they have removed to the shop on Main sireeV recently occupied by Smith & Son, p-rly opposite the Ward House, where they will kef... on hand large stock of TRUNKS, VALISES, WHIPS, ETC. All articles in their line manufacturedV) order, arid made of the best material, and for workmanship canno be surpassed in Northern Pennsylvania, They solici a call from those wishing to purchase, confident tha 'hey can give satisfaction both as to quality and price (jj"Hides and Sheep Pelts received for work and CR, account, at the lowest rates. Sale Leather, Upper Leather, Harness Leather n Calf skint, for sale in any quantity. PARTICULAR NOTICE. ON account of losses sustained at the late fire, w ore obliged to call on those inkebled to us foi , prompt settlement, as we are under the necessity & having what is owing to us, we trust this notice tu be sufficient without resorting toother means. Towanda, Dec. 2, 2952. GREAT EN Cr&ISB REMEDY! The most valuable Spriog & Summer Mrdiciot IN THE WOULD. DR. HALSEY'S FOREST WINE!! PA riIONIZED by the nobility and Medical Fac) ulty of England, and esteemed the most eitr> ordinary medicine in the world. Medicines containing molasses or liquorice, like the boa-ted Sars.iparillas, require many large bottles to produce the slightest change in health. The FOREST WINE is altogether a different article. It contains no syrups to give it consistency, but ac quires its excelhnt flavor, and powerful medicinal properties from the vegetable plants of which it is composed. The Forest Wine combines the virtues of the Wild Cherry, Eandelion, Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla! with other valuable plants whose properties are still more effective. Its high concentration renders it one of the most efficient medicines now in use. Sometimes less than a single bottle restores the lingering patient j from weakness, debility, and sickness, to strong and vigorous health. Every dose shows its good effecti on the constitution, and improves the state of the health. The Forest Wine is recommehded, in th strongest terms, for all complaints of the Stomach Liver, Kidneys, Nervous Disorders, Bilious Affec tions, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Jaun, dice, Female Complaints, Scrofula, and all Disor ders arising from BAD BLOOD and impure habit 01 the system. SAVED FROM DEATH! Testimony of Mr Nathan Mathews, a highly respc.t able and wealthy citizen af Newark. N J. Dn. G. W. HALSET : —I believe your Forest | Wine and Pills have been the means of saving m? life. When I commenced taking them I laid at the point of death, with Dropsy, Piles, and Asthina- My physicians had given me over as past cure, and my family had lost all hopes of my recovery.— j While in this d eadful situation, your Forest Wine j and Pills were procured for me. and before I had j finished the first bottle of the Wine and box of Pills, I experienced great relief; my body and limbs, which were greatly swollen, became sensibly redo ccd. Hopes of my recovery began now to revive, and after continuing the use of your medicines fr about a month, the Piles and Asthma were coc pletely cured. The Dropsy, with which ntv lifs was placed in such great danger, was also near'r gone. I have continued the use of your until the present time, and I now enjoy as perfect health as ever I did in my life, although I am mate ' than sixty years of age. Yours, respectfully. Newark! N. J., Dec. 19. '47. N. MATHEWS. j SHE AT CURE Or LIVER COMPLAIIfT HI TEX TEltl STANDI NO . NEW YORK. Jan. 9th. 1818. i DR. HALSEX—Dear cSir:—Hiving taken vonr Forest Wine and Pills to remove a disease of the Liver, from which I have suffered severely for on wards ol ten years ; and hinng adhered closely to the directions which accompany the medicines, I have tecovered my health notwithstanding il, who knew me thought my case incurable Previous U taking the Wine anil Pills. I had recourse to thr i best medical treatment, but continued to grow worse |to an alarming degree. Some of my friends sprke ! despairingly of my case, and tried to persuade me | from making use of any advertised remedies; aoi i I doubt not, but what there are hundreds who are ! dissuaded fiom taking your excellent medicines,in j consequence of the deception and inefficiency of j many advertised remedies put forth by unprincipled I men. in flaming advertisements. But, what a pry ! it is, that the deception used by others, should I* 1 the means of dissuading many laboring under dis j ease, from making trial and being cured by your ; excellent remedies. Humanly speaking, they have saved my life; when I commenced making use of them. I was in a wretched condition, but begin to experience their good effects in less than three days, and in six weeks from the time I purcba-ed the medicines, to the great surprise of all my friends.! was entirely cured, and had increased filtcen pounds in weight, having taking one box of the Pills.and two bottles of the Wine- Would to God that ever; poor sufferer would avail himself of the same rea dies. Yours, &c., JAMES WILSON. NERVOUS DISORDERS Are diseases of the mind as well as of the; usually brought on by troubles and aißietion. as: are most common to persons of delicate constitu tions and sensitive minds. Low spirits. melanch> ly. (rightful dieams, and fearful anticipations ot evil from the slightest cau-es, generally accompa l "' nervous disorders. The Forest Wine and Pills art an energetic remedy in these complaints. Extract of a letter from Joseph G.Paulding, dated Philadelphia, Sept. 7, 1849. Dr. G. VV. Halsey--Dear sir—Your Forest Wine and Pills have cured my wife of a dreadful Nervous disorder, with which she had been affected for man' years. Her body was almost wasted awav . Was frequently disturbed in her sleep by frtghti dreams, awakening quite exhausted and covert: with perspiration, and at times laboring under tfc delusion that something dreadful was about to ha? pen to her. By the use of four bottles of the win:, and a box of the Pills she is now in perfect health. !>hehas regained her flesh and color, and enjovs so ciety as well as ever. Dr. David Martin, a celebrated practitioner of N Y. declared publicly, that one bottle of Halsey'sft j rest wine contained more virtues than fifty of tht large bottles of sarsaparilla. Messrs. Lampman 4 Co. one ol the largest and most respectable druggie in Syracuse, in a letter say ■* From what we ho heard and seen of Halse/s Forest wine, it is an cellent and good medicine, and will undoubted ! I* come the leading and best medicine of the day." '1 he Foiest wine is put up in large square bottle with Dr. Halsey'sname blown in the glass ; 41 pet bottle, or six bottles for st>. Gum coated Pills. * ; cents per b-x. Agents are authorized to ret * well as wholesale on as favorable conditions as '* jj proprietor. No. 161 Dunne st. corner of Hudson.X" York. Apdointed agents, H. C. PORTER. Towa*' da, C.H. Herrick, Athens, Drake & Alien, VVav ] ley. 1m", CAUTION. my wife Emily, has left my - { ' * * and board without anv just cause or pW' j cation. I hereby forbid all persons harboring, or | tng her on my account, as I will pay no debts oft contracting after this date. Windham November 1,1854. G. B. ADAV& Engine and Fixtures for sale. ONE second hand ENGINE and fixtures 'or* SAW MILL, capable of driving two or f° rt saws, all in good order, and will be sold cheap - a long credit, if desired. The Engine is now r" ning.and ban be seen by calling on H. S. Sos, at Ulster, or C. F. WELLES. Jr. at Albenv' Ulster, July 19. 1854. DRIED APPLES.—4O bushels Dried Applf' I grafted fruit—on hand anJ for sale by March 15, 154. PMT.EY A- NFY' N