Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 18, 1854, Image 2

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    Arrival of the Steamship Atlantic,
Sspalsioa cf 2&r. Scale from France !
Promts cf the American Ministers!
Tlie Collins mail steamship Atlantic. Captain
West, arrived at Now oik as two ucbik on Sun
day afternoon. Sue let Li verpnol at a quaiter pa>i
nine o'clock on Wednesday momttig. the l-t in*t
Oa Saturday, ttie 4it ttist., at 4 o'clock 1' M., ff*
passed the steamship Bal ic in tat. 51 10, lon 26
12, hence for Liverpool
The news is four days later, anJ very in'ere*t
The refusal of Louis Napoleon to allow Mr
Soule to pass through Fiance, on h w„y to Mad
rid, has produced a de- p seiiMuitin among the
Atneticans at L>n ion and Paris. Mr Mason has
deinanded explatia'ion* ol the French Government
or his passports, it is spmi t liicially anirotiticed.
in the London Times that Louis Napoleon will not
reply to our Minister's note. Messrs Buchanan,
Mason and Soule agree that the aflair to national in
its character and must be heated as such.
The latest telegraphic which has
been received by the French and K ijii-h wovern
irients is dated from itie Crimea, on the 20 h Oct
At that time the siege, according to the London
Times , was going on favorably ; the bombardment
from the trenches of the besieging armies had been
resumed on the 19 h, with efleet ; but the enemy
is not reported to have sustained the loss of any es
sential part of the fortress From the moment that
it was clearly ascertained that Sebastopoj could not
be reduced, even horn the sou h side by land,
without the operations ola regular siege, there
esased to be reason to be surprised HI the length r>f
the proceedings. It is reported that the Russians
had made a successful sortie, cap'uiing a French '
batieiy and Lord Dandellin, son ot die Alarquta of
The London Ckroiiicle ot the 31st ult s'ates thai :
on the 22d of October a note was despatched b) 1
Baron von M niteuflel, on the PARI o| p,u-ia. HI
which he again earnestly pressed upon the Czar
the acceptance ol the four points. No'hing further
of the document lias transpired ; but there are no:
wanting those who say that the no e was dictated
by the Czar himself, to aflord a pretext for renew
al of negotiations.
Advices from Vienna oon'iuue to express j
dence that the Germanic States will take part with j
Austria. It is noticed, as an indication, that the 1
Betlin A'cic Prussian Gazette has been ordered, un |
der threat ol confiscation, to cease its attacks on the !
French Government.
Rumors are again current in Vienna that a Diva- I
ran army will occupy • lie Austro-lialtan provinces, I
for the purpose of enabling Austria to have her !
whole force available, in case ol hostilities with i
MenschikofT's carriage, taken afer the ba'tle ol
Alma, was on public exhibition at Constantinople,
as a trophy. It seems it is the identical vehicle iri
which he drove through the ci ; y during his insolent
embassy of last year. This is what Emerson would !
Call " compensation."
We learn from the Ba'.ticthat Sir Chailes Napier !
who had recovered from his recent indisposition, j
arrived at Hamburg on the 30lh ult, as,J unmedi- i
stely proceeded to Ailona.
Correspondence of tlie New York Daily Tlincp
Wtr. Soule's Expulsion from Franco.
LONDON, Friday, Oct 27, 1554.
The steamer o! to-morrow will cariy the startling
intelligence that His Excellency the Minister of the
United States of America at the Court of Madrid I
has been expelled from France, through which coun- I
try he was remitting to his je-sl. Tiie simple nar !
ra'ive ol such art event is, 1 think, the best manner j
of letting: you know the ex ent ul the indignation ;
felt by aery Ameiican, without d stinc ion olpaily, !
and to be Icli, no doubt, by all the citizens of our j
intentionally tti.-ulied R-pubuc ; so 1 give you the
following details:
Air. Soule, having spent two days in London,
set out last Tuesday tor Alardrul via France. On j
arriving at Calais, he was a-Ued to show his pass i
ports, and, having done so. was reqoe-h d to step !
into an inner room of the Bureau de Police. Here j
he was told that he must leave tire country bv the |
next steamer, and that he woulJ not be allowed in i
ins meanwhile to go anywhere out ol Calais, being
in fact placed under surveillance.
" There must be a mistake, sir," said our Minis- j
ler; " do you know who I am V'
" 1 here is not the slightest mistake, sir," was'
the iepiy ; '■ you ate Mr. Soule, the Ambassador oli
the United States of America at the Court ol Spain, J
and 1 have orders not to let you pass."
" Where a*e your orders, sir ]" a-ked Mr. Soule.
" That is no business ol yours, sir ; these orders j
are for me, artJ I am acting upon them," saiJ the !
This happened at Calais. Something more was j
6aid, but of no public concern. Mr. Soule left by i
the next steamer, and reached London late in the '
evening day before yesterday The news being
made known in American circles, the greatest ex
citement prevailed, and, as mav be imagined,
measures of all sorts were suggested amidst great
The Legation partook, of course, of the general
excitement. I have not had the honor ol seeing !
Mr. Buchanan since fits return, but from all I hear !
he maintained throughout thi* Jimtaiing aflair, a !
dignified resolution to concur in every step to re- 1
quire due apologies for an insult against our nation- j
al honor, ihe whole morning of yesterday was j
•pent in consultation, the result of which was the j
decision to send over Mr Sickles, in order that he I
might obtain a real knowledge of what that proceed- |
ing really meant. It was thought that the act might i
have been a mere personal alfatr, capable ol such
a construction as not to assume the menacing as- i
pect ot an insult trom one Power to another. The j
mission of Mr. Sickles was, acco dirigly, to be one !
ol inquiry He was not to push matters to an ex- j
treme it the insulting party should offer explana !
lions that might be accepted, at least for lite mo- ;
ment, as an apology to the United S a es. It was j
in this spirit of moderation, that Mr. Sickles was to j
go yesterday evening to Paris, in order to commu- i
nicate the views and the aJvice of the Legation in J
London to that in Paris. I must not omit to say j
that this modera'ion was deemed to be out of sea- !
son by many. The outrage was palpable, direct, !
not to be explained away, anil consequently not ad- j
mining any other step, it immediate satisfaction i
should not be oflereJphan that of the withdrawal of
Mr. Mason and the whole Legation from France, j
That act is the ansicer ol European despotism to the |
Congress of American Democratic Diplomats. If!
it were a personal aflair, Mr. Soule, would not have
been allowed to enter France on his leaving Spain j
but he was suflered to do so. He went ail over the j
country—nay more, he anJ his diplomatic conjrers
held one of their consultations on French Territory
—at Boulogne, so it was not the man, Mr. Soule,
but the Minister Soule, to whom the affront has
been oflered. Among the many persons who hold
this opinion is Air. Reverdy Johnson, of Balti
more, who wrote in that spirit a rery long letter to
Mr. Mason.
These were the arrangements yesterday mom
ing. But, Sir, Mr Sickles did not go after all. He;
was prevented from doing so by a messenger who \
came over yesterday at noon. Your correspondent |
from Paris will probably send you his report about !
what he knows, but I give you, at all event", my
Mr Mason—the news of the Calais outrage hav
ing reached him —went to the Foreign Office and
wished to see AL Dronyn de I'H.iys immediately.—
He left within two fill hours.' Admitted at last,
he remarked first of all, npan his tardy reception.
Some apologies were made, but in atone and man
ner that convinced Mr. Mason that he had been
leit watting purposely. He dropped that matter.
tTV , ! ,a w l . pa . 8 " J the ob i' ct 0( his official
call- ar.J a?kej the reason why Mr. Soule had not
been permitted to pass through France en route to
Well," said M. Drouyn de I'Hoys, in a very
irnpeitmcnl tone, "there are reasons for that "
Being pressed for the reason, Air Mason wastolJ
that there were three of them :
First, the trea mem of,M. Dillon, Ftench Con
sul in California.
Secondly, The letter ci Ali Saudere to tlie French
j neople. And,
! Thirdly. Cuba!
j The French Foreign Secretary said that the Itn
j peria! Government cannot be expected to treat in
he usual Iriendly way the citizens ola S a:e thai
i has behaved in such a hostile manner towards it
I am told that Mr Mason replteil in the way
j that will have occurred to any one else on
told these teasim* He said that the aflair ot Mr
Dillon was. in tlie wost possible constit.elion, but
I the mete blunder of the coutt of jus ice, and that
■ it c annot, accordingly, be made parallel with a case.
; HI which the United States are insulted by order ol
j the highest authoify of another S ate Toe letter
; ol Mr Sanders was the act o! an unlit idual, who
tiad, moreover, been recalled trom ar official po-i
, iron to lore he published anything Amciicans
: have the riirfit to *uj wiiat they like, and the Gov
; eminent has no control over their pens ami pie**-
j es. T.ii* is a personal matter, which could, per
! haps, have excused a discourtesy toward* the Cit
zeo'Sanderspf he *h< uld have pie-ented himself m
; the fioniier* of France, but it certainly dirt no au
i thoii/e a step like that against the United States
! Minister As to Cuba, Mr Mason absolutely de-
I nted—if I atn well informed—the right ol any
Rowei to meddle wi h difficulties that may have
j arisen between Strain and the United Stales. He
1 at all even s could not see how questions of foreign
• policy Can be ttealed by aflron's offered to a friend
• ly Power. The two Ministers parted very much
; excited, ami Mr. Al ison was fully prepared to ask
; for his passpoils He sent, however, the special
I messenger to Air. Buchanan, before deciding upon
' that step. THUS stands the matter now.
Congress of American Diplomats al Brussels.
From tho New Yoik Daily Tune*, Nov. 13.
We have received intelligence through private
( European channels, of considerable inteiest, con
cerning 'he result ot the recent Congress of Arneri
;l an Diplomatist*! at BHISMJIS. Our informant
j comes from a quarter wheie huge expectations
j w ere originally entertained concerning the itifluen
' of thi- meeting ; but they have evideutally not been
j justified ty the i**ue.
J The project of the meeting was due mainly to
J the outbreak of he B,MIIISII Revoln ion. The hopes
| cherished in consequence ol that event led to the
j dispa'ch of Air. SKKI.F.S to \Va*hing'on. tar insiruc
, tions as to the line of policy to be pursued on be
; half ol American intsie.-ts a- hkely to be affected
:by it. The Administration had meantime been j
j wa'ching the progress of European po'o'tcs, and j
sent the Assistant Secretary of Sue abtoad lot j
j more accurate info, mat ion. Air SICKLES followed j
i him soon, and both these gentlemen weie iustiucl
■ed to make iiiqnoie* nptiti the foliowiii" points: j
1. Wiieiher Cuba cotrlil be purchased horn any!
Cabinet which the Revoluiuu was likely to bring
into power
2. Whe her if he purchase of Cuba should be
found impracticable, the diplomatic independence
ol the Governor Geneta! of hat Maud might riot be
3 What was the general state rf feeling among
the people, and what were Lie strength and pros
pects of the Democratic element in the several
Sta'es o! Continental Europe
To defray tlie expenses of .his mission, a credit
of SBO 000 was opened wi ha banking house in
London, —a .-urn too large for mere inquiry, and
not large enough for the more important movement
which was probably in contemplation.
It was soon found impossible to effect any ar
faugemeut with the new Spanish Government
I'NCAUTERO gave a very distict refusal to the over
tures for the [ urchase of Cuba The diplomatic in
dependence ol the Captain General ha t no better
chances. It was we I understood in Madrid that
such an independence would, under present eir
cu r.slances, only offer opportunities (or comfortable
quarrels to a Cabinet that lives upon pretexts. '' As
long as I am at she head of the Queen's Govern
ment," EPARTE!IO is said to have replied to Mr.
SOULE, shortly before he left Madrid, •' there shall
be no unwillingness nor any delay to settle difficul
ties with, and even to offer due apologies and sat
isfaction for unforeseen greviauces to tlie United
Sta es Government. The Cabinet of Madrid can,
theretore, not be required to abdicate it* authority
in favor of a local Administration, which, from
being under the excitement of events passing in its
immediate proximity, would complicate rather than
settle such international .iifficubies as i.-.ay arise '
—individual acions not being always controllable,
between any two couultiee."
Having failed on the first two points of the spe
cial mission, the Congress of Ambassadors was
called together lor the purpose of preparing a re
port on the condition of popular sentiment in
Europe We have received what we believe will
be found to embody an accurate summary of the
report on that subject, which was to have been for
warded to Washington by the lust steamer.
The Ambassalors agree in reporting the titter
absence of Democratic leeling in Europe. In Spain
there are no republicans. M SICKLES went pur
posely to Madrid and reports this as the re*uli ol
fns observation. Fiance is lost in admiration of its
prudent and practical Government Revolution in
Paris is out ot the question. Aus'ria has succeeded
in gaining the frear.s of her subjects. Even KOS
SUTH himself is qut'e torgotlou by the people, the
Magyar aristocracy beinji his only adherents. Pu
land has no chances, except in the suite of Monar
chic combinations. and 1 aly is completely tiled of
lite madness of Mazzuiism So of the rest. Eu
rope is satisfied The peop c are ot the old continent
are not ripe for freedom.
Such, we are told, will be the spirit hat will per
vade the intelligence sent or to tie sent home by
our Ministers in Europe, and these opinions ate
given as tfie explanation of the beli-d tha l our Gov
ernment would meet no support horn any part of
Europe in the attempt to gain po*-es*ion of Cuba
Spain will not sell the Island, and there is no feel
ing of democratic sympathy with thiscounry which
would suppoit u* to seeking to effect ns conquest
by any other means.
The Herald, a few days since, professed to give a j
statement of the result of this conference quite tho j
opposite of those reported above. following is
its version:
" We are not surprised to learn that Alessrs
BUCHANAN, MASON, and SULK agreed to recommend
that the Government of the United Sta e* should de
dare, ir. effect, that our safety demanded and our
interests required, we should putuhase or take Cuba
at once.
" Alessrs BUCHANAN, MA'AS. and SOCLE have
!*o expressed their conviction that France and
England are favorable to tha sale ot Cuba to the
United States—a marked change having recently
taken place in the policy of those countries in this
respect. The tune of the English and French press
would lead to a supposition that this w as the case ; i
but this is rendered more important by the official
character of the information no w in possession of
our government"
Knowing the source from which our information
is derived, we are quite willing that time should j
test the respective accuracy ol the two statements. I
OfT*" Hon. Thos. H. Benton left Baltimore yes- j
teulay morning, by the Baltimore and Ohio tail- j
road, for Cincinnati, on his way to St. Louis
The Baltimore American understands that the i
Colonel has consented to deliver an address before
the Maryland Institue, on Tuesday evening, the
sth of December, upon the subject of the Pacific
(£7- The Arctic is reported 10 have been plank
ed wiih pine instead ol oak. Pine is exceedingly
brittle, and has little or no elasticity in it, whereas
there is a rebound in oak plank, which nearly fills
up a hole made by the passage ot a cannon ball
through it. F-*ide? ; the strength of oak farexeeds
that ot pir.e.
-".Avabfurf) %%(potUv.
Towanda, Saturday, November 18,1854.
Terras of The Reporter.
S'-i 50 per annum—il'paiil within tlie year SO ren; will
ip deducted—fist paid Helually in advance $ I OO will be
educled. No paper sent overtwo years, miles* paid lor.
AUVKETISEMKNT*. per square of ten lines. 50 cents lor the
first and 'IS cents lor each subsequent insertion.
ID* Office in the'• I'mon Block." nottli side ol the Public
Square, ilext door to ihe Bradford Hotel. Entrance beiween
essrs. Adams'and liiwell's law offices.
All experience of fifteen years in publishing
a newspaper, has satisfied us that the Credit
system is radically wrong, both to the Pub
lisher and to the Subscriber. Under its ope
ration a large amount is constantly due from
subscribers located in evcrv part of the coun
ty, which at best can bs realized only by
waiting years, and in two many cases is ut
terly worthless, the person receiving the paper
having deceased, or left the county, and the
printer has the vexation of finding that he is
not to receive anything for the labor and ex
pense of years. On the other hand, we are
obliged to charge promptly paying subscribers
a sum sufficient to make up these losses.
Having become thoroughly satisfied that
the system of advance payments is better for
both for publisher aud subscriber, we have
determined to adopt it. Hereafter the 'Re
porter ' will be furnished to subscribers at
ONE DOLLAR per annum, payable invaria
bly in advance, and will be sent no louger
than paid for. These terms will be inflexibly
adhered to.
Those of our present subscribers who are
indebted to us, and wish to avail themselves
of these terms, can do so upon settlement.—
We shall continue to send them the paper
until the close of the present volume, (which
will be about the first of June next,) upon the
original terms, when we shall positively dis
continue sending the paper to every subscri
ber in arrears, and proceed to collect the am
ount due us.
Subscribers who have paid in advance,and
whose time expires before the close of the pre
sent volume, will have four weeks notice of
the expiration of their subscription.
We shall give this plan a thorough trial.—
We believe it will meet the approbation of
all those who desire to take, and pay for, a
County paper ; and we are certain it will re
lieve us from many of the vexations and dis
appointments for which the business is pro
verbial. We shall at least have the satisfac
tion of knowing that we have pay for every
paper sent; and, we trust, of feeling that we
have given to every subscriber the full value
of his Dollar.
UF- To any person sending us five new
subscril>ers, with the cash, ($5) we will send
the Reporter gratis, oue year.
THE EUROPEAN NEWS which we publish this
week, is of more than usual importance. The
Siege of Sehastopol is progressing slowly, with no
prospect ol its immediate reduction. In laet, it
may be doubted if the place is not impregnable.
We publish Irom the New York Daily Times,
what purports to be the result of the deliberations
of the Congress ol American Diplomats lately
held at Ostend. Of its reliability, of course, we
cannot judge. The movement itself is of signifi
cance, and we have no doubt its conclusions will
soon be made apparant in some shape.
It the expulsion ol Mr. SOIJLK from France, is
made a National matter, it may be attended wiih
the gravest consequences, unless France shall apo
logise for the insult. We observe, however, that
ii is reganled by the English papers, and by a por
lion of our own press, as a personal matter between
NAPOLEON 111, and Mr. SOULK, and that his expul
sion is of no more moment than would be that ol
any citizen of the United States, desiring to travel
through France. It cannot be denied that the com
ments of the American press and the expressed
opinions of trios; Americans in regard to NAPOLEON
and his acts, have embittered him towards this
Country. Just now, however, he has quite as much
on his hands as he can conveniently attend to.
CATAWISSA RAILROAD. —We are informed, says
the editor of the Evening Bulletin, that the business
on the Cattawissa Railroad, which was only open
ed a few weeks since, already exceeds the highest
anticipations of its iiiends. F rorn na i ure an ,j
wealth of the region it passes through a heavy trade
was expecteJ, but not equal to what has been real
ized within a short time. As railroads always
make business, this may be expected to increase
rapidly Irom natural caues. But when the uncom
pleted link of the railroad chain into New York
State is finished, a very heavy and important addi
tion to the business of the road will be made.—
Philadelphia cannot la l to feel sensibly the value
of the woik to her trade, and its success, at this
eatly petiod ol its history, is most encouraging.
ion, says this structure has been completed, and the
water will be lei in, and navigation resumed.—
The three spans have been built permanently, and
the remaining three temporarily, to seive until the
close of navigation, when the temporary work will
be removed, and the whole structure permanently
erecteJ, to be in readiness for the opening ol
spring. _
THERE is a manufactory in Elmira, N. Y., where
the boxes in which the West India planters pack
their sngar, are sawed out from the rough boards,
trimmed off, and shipped for the Havana market
The business, we are told, is a profitable one.
Fire at Montrose.
We learn, by a letter from Montrose, that our
sister village has been visited by a most destructive
fire, sweeping away nearly halt of the business por
tion of the town. The fire occurred on Friday, lOffi
inst., breaking out early in the morning, and orig
inated from a stove-pipe.
The following is a list ol the buildings burned, as
nearly as can be ascertained from what infotma
lion we have.
On Turnpike Street— M S Wilson's More: the
large building known as the ElJridge house ; A1
fred Baldwin's Harness shop; the stores of Bentley
& Heed, Abel Turrell, D. R. Lathrop Si Co ; the
biick dwelling of I L Post, and the dwellings of
fsaar Post, D. Hinds and Alfred Baldwin.
On Main Street, East Side —Boot and shoe store ;
Dwelling and Harness shop ol Henry Turrell ; and
dwelling ot E. M. Hawley.
On Main Street, H est Side —Singleton's Watch
and Jewelry shop ; the large building belonging to
D. Post, containing two stores, the second story oc
copied as dwellings; Tin and Stove store; besides
valuable barns, stables, kc.
The loss is estimated at 860,000, which is we
presume partly covered by insurance. Searle's
Hotel and the buildings on the opposite corner
were in great danger The pole in front ol Searle's
was burned off some distance from the ground and
lell upon the tavern. During the fire, a young
man wi s precipitated from the roof of Searle's, fall
ing upon the sidewalk, and severely injured.
The Eleetionr.
The contest for Governor in New Yoik is so
close that it can only be determined by the Official
Can vass.
The Herald of Wednesday gives SEVMOUR 350
majority ; the Tones of Wednesday afternoon elects
CLARK by 247 majority. Several counties remain
to be heard from, officially, which may elect eith
The remainder of the Whig State Ticket is elect
ed bv latge majorities, and the Legislature is very
strongly Whig, and comprises a majority of SEW
ARD men.
MASSACHUSETTS. —The election in th ; s State took
place on Monday last. The result is, that the Know
Nothings have swept the State,electing their candi
da e for Governor, GARDNER, by a large majority.
The Members of Congress elected, are all Ami
Nebraska Know Nothings. The Legislature is all
one way. In the Senate, every member elected,
was on toe Know Nothing ticket. Of the 349 mem
bers of the House elected, 6 are Whigs, 1 is a De
mocrat, and 342 Know Nothings. The Legislature
will have the election of a U S. Senator.
I—Robert B Hall,* 6—Timothy Davis,*
2—James Buffington,* 7—N P Banks, jr.f
3—Wm. S.Damrelhf B—C L Knapp.?
4—Linus B.Comins,* 9—A L DeWitt.-j
--5—A. Burlingame,| 10 —Henry Morris,*
11—Mark Tafton.j
•Whigs, [-Democrats. All Anti Nebraska K. N.
1 Wm. A Howard, I 3—D S Walbridge,
2—Henry Waldron, | 4—Moses Wisner. *
All Anti Nebraska Whigs.
I—E B Washburne, I 5—A Williams,
2—J A Woodworth, I 6—Richard Yates,
3—J A Norton, I 7
4—James Knot, J B—Lyman Trumbull.
All Anti-Nebraska Whigs.
I—J Thorington,* | 2—Augustus If all.f
"Anti Nebraska Whig; Dem.
I—Smith Miller,| 6—Lncien Barbour,?
2—Wm H English,7—Harvey D Scott,*
3—Geo G Dunn,* B—Daniel Mace,?
4—Wm Uumbach.? 9—Schuyler Colfax,*
5—D P Halloway,* 10—Samuel Bunten,*
11—John U Petlit,?
I—Wm W Valk,* 17—F E Spinner,f
2—J S T Stranahan,* 18—T R Horton,*
2—Guy R PeltoD,* 19—J A Hoghston,*
4—John Kelly.-j- 20—O B Matteson,*
s—Thos R Whitney,* 21—Henry Bennett,*
6—John Wheeler,? 22—A C McCarty,*
7—Thomas Childs, jr * |23— W A Gilbert,*
B—A H Wakeman,* j'24—A P Granger,*
9—Bayard Clark,* i25—E R Morgan,*
10—A S Murray,* 26—Andrew Oliver,?
11—Rufus H King,* 27—John M Parker,*
12—Killman Miller,* 28—W A Kelsey,*
13—Russel Sage,* [29 —John Williams,f
14—S H Dickson,* 130—Benj Pringle,*
15—Edward Dodd,* 121—T T Flagler,*
16—Geo E Simmons,* |32 —Solomon G Hauen,*
33—F S Edwards.*
* Anti Nebraska Whig ; ?do: Dem.; -fNeb. Dem.
MRS ELIZABETH HAMILTON, the venerable relict
of Alexander Hamilton, died at her residence in
New York on the morning of the 9th inst., at the
advanced age of ninety-seven years and three
months. She was the second daughter of General
Philip S. Schuyler, of Revolutionary memory, and
was born Aug. 9th. 1757. She married Gen. Ham
ilton, then one of the Aids of Gen. Washington,
with the rank of Lt. Col , 9:h Dec 1780 ; lived wiih
him in all the enjoyment of a happy wedded life
abont twenty-four years, when he fell in the unfor
tunate and lamented duel with Col Burr, and sur
vivod him as his widow more than hall a century.
FIRE —The dwelling house of Mr. Jeremiah
Hockman. in Lycoming township, attached to the
Lycoming Mills, and belonging to Mr. Thomas
Hepburn, of Williamsport, was burned to the
ground, on Tuesday last, 9th inst. The property
was worth about 81500 on which there was an in
surance ol §SOO. The fire broke out early in the
morning, and we understand the greater part of the
household furniture ol the occupants was destroy
ed. The fire is supposed to have originated from
a defective flue, but the cause is not certainly
BANK SUSPENSIONS. —The Merchants' and Me
chanics' Bank ot Chicago, suspended Monday.
The notes of the Napersville Bank and the Bank
of Elgin are refused in Chicago
The Farmers' Joint Stock Bank has closed its
doors A cird published in the Buffalo Commercial
Advertiser, by persons interested in the stock, states
that the bills will be redeemed in real estate or oth
er property at fair prices.
A CONVENTION of the survivors of the war of
1812 is to be held at Washington, on the Bth of
January, " to adopt such measure? as will induce
Congress not only to do justice to them, but also to
the widows of those who have gone to their last
SAMUEL P. COLLINOS, late editor ol the Wilkes-
Baire Farmer has been appoin'ed Consul to the
Empire ol Morocco, and will sail for Liverpool,
thence to his destination, in a lew days.
Terrible Shipwreck and Loss of Life!
Loss of 300 Xiivcs !
About the 22d of Sep'ember last the emigrant ship
New Era, sailed lrom the port of Bremen, under
command of Capt Heiny on her first voyage, for
the port of New Yoik, liaiing a heavy insurance
effected in Badi. (Me. ) and Boston, with charges
amounting to neatly six liou-aud dollars, secured
in Wall street, in New Yoik.
She was consigned to Messrs Charles C Duncan
& Co., of 52 South street.
The emigjatits were all Germans.
After a somewhat tedious passage, the New Era
came lull in sight of land about midday of Sunday,
the 12 h instant, and continuing her course in a
dense fog. site tan ashore between Deal and Long
Branch, during the same night.
TtieNewEiais aground on the Jersey shore,
about fifteen miles below Sandy Hook and neatly
thirty-five miles trom New York. The beach is
sandy, bleak, and at this season ol the year very
dangerous. Shrewsbury Inlet is on one side ol the
vessel, and Shark Inlet and the rugged beach ol
Squau on the other
At an eany hour Monday morning she was per
ceived lying with broadside to shore, with a very
heavy sea on. which was bteaking over her and
washing her decks.
At 12 o'clock noon, there were perceptible signs
ol her breaking up.
From the moment she WRS seen every eflorl was
made by the people on shore to save the passen
gers. Early in the afternoon they had succeeded
in passing lines to the ship, and in a cdiort lime
aiier, Cap'ain Henry, with twenty of the passengeis,
was lauded tn safety
From them it was teamed that before they left
the vessel, over one hundred and fifty ot the re
inainirig passengers were dead, having beet either
smothered between decks, drowned by the flow ot
water, (which was cont'nually surging over them,)
or been t-wepi overboard.
Renewed exeilions were made from the beach
to save the balance of the people on board, but up
to the moment of our last accounts, they were at
tended with very little success.
As the emigrants 011 board were all Germans it
is most likely ihat we shall never be able to find
out the list of the people who have been suddenly
los 1; and this falai shipwreck will, in all probability,
have to be classed among the sorrowlul teminiseri
ces at'ending the lossol the Powhatan, on the same
shore, when not even one human being was left to
tell the sad tale ol the calamity.
mains in the same position as before repor'ed,
broadside to the sea which which runs moun
tains high, and renders it impossible for the tug
boats to rendei any assistance. The sea is break
ing over the wieck and before du-k we could see
every available space in the rigging filled with
probably some two hundred prisons Not less
probably than seventy five have already been wash
ed overboaid, ami from present indications a great
many more w ill be hutled into the sea before any
effecual assistance can be rendered
All ol the balls at the station were shot ov*Pr the
ship without being able to send a line on board
from the shore, except in one case, when a life
boat was immediate!} sent oui to the wreck, and
Capt. HENRY arid eigfit or ten others got into it, but
it was instantly capsized, and turned completely
over twice. Captain HENRY and four others clung
to the boat, arid succeeded in reaching the shore.—
Unfortunately, at the time the life-boat capsized,
the cable from the shore to (tie ship gave way. and
there was then no remedy but to send to another
station and procure more balls, lor the purpose </
throwing another line over ilie wreck; and not an,
instant was lost in sending to the nearest lile-boat
sta'ion for this purpose.
The ship is a perfect wreck, and there is not the
least hope ol saving anything
Should the heavy sea continue during the night,
it is scarcely possible that more than a very few of
the passengers, now on board or holding on to the
r'gging can be saved, and it is not at all improbable
that every soul wdl be washed overboaid bt lore
All the passengers are Dutch or German, ami as
there is no one here who understands their lan
guage, we are unable to obtain from those who
have reached the shore any information in regaul
to the condition of things on board, which undoubt
edly is bud enough.
Capt HENRY is active and energe'ic in efforts
to extend relief to his suffering passengers and
TUESDAY, NOV 14—The scene on the beach to
day beggars description. The citizens of Long
Branch, Red Bank and all the adjacent towns and
villages of New-Jersey, have gathered here to the
number of hundreds, to witness the last scenes and
to render such assistance as may be in their power.
The sea, however, ran so high during the day and
night yesterday, that i: was u terly impossible for any
boat to brave the waves and live. Agonizing as
was the spectacle of hundred-of human beings per
ishing within sight, and almost within reach of the
voice, it would have been but an act ol madness to
risk life in the attempt to rescue others.
I ftis morning, the sea having partially subsided,
the boats were put off, arid one hundred and fifty
persons were taken lrom ort board the A'cir Era
and safely brought to shore. About fifty more re
main on board as this dispatch is preparing We
can seethe rigging covered with the bodies ol those
who lashed themselves to the ropes and spars last
night, in order to prevent bding washed away by the
This morning, for the first time, it became prac
ticable to launch the sutf boats and the labor ol
transferring the pas-engers from the shin 10 the
shore was begun, and carried lorwrd with great ac
tivity. The sea is now quite calm, and hopes are
entertained that all the survivors now remaining on
board will be rescued Ii is to be feared, h<>\vev
er that nearly Two hundred and Fifty lives have been
lost by this g shipwreck. We have no
lime to add full particulars.
Among those saved this morning was one ladv,
a German, who stales that she had two brothers
and sisters on boaid of the ship.
The rescued passengers are accommodated with
lodgings and food, clothing. &c.. at the house ot
M R BI RTON and Mr AI.I.EN. It is intended todis
patch them to New-York as soon as possible on
board of one of die steam-tugs.
Nine of the bodies, which were washed a>hnre
last night, remained upon die beach this morning
uncared lor. They will be buried as soon as posi
sibie. 1
FROM KANSAS. —The fifth and last party of emi
grants to K-insas, fcr this season, lelt Boston Tues
day Mr BKANSB MR, who has recently returned
to Massachusetts, having pilo ed the fourth party of
pioneers to their destination in the Territory,
advises ihat no more go out previous to the getting
in of winter. He thinks that those already there
will be obliged 10 endute some privations during
the cold season, and suggests that material aid be
offered to help them to maintain their position there
as die advance guard of Freedom
We learn from the Conneau'ville (Pa) Courier
dial a company numbering about a hundred and
hhy, left that place on the 27th ult for Kansas ex to meet and uni'e with another company
from Cambria county, a' Rochester, on the Ohio
river Pennsylvania is destined to send out a con 1
Mderable portion of the first population of the Ter
A SLAVER CONVICTED— The trial at New York
ol Captain JAMES SMITH, master of the Julia Moul
ton. on a chaige • f piracy, for being concerned in
the slave trade, has resulted in a verdict of guilty.
James Wills, the chtel ma'e ol the brig, swore po
sitively to the carrying of six hundred and forty six
slaves from Africa to Cuba, and burning the bri" He a!o mentioned the names of per'-
§ons in New York who are supposed to be owners
of the br.g, and who fi led her out for the Have
irade n Febuary lac
A TRAGEDY.— The Cincinnati Enquirer relates a-]
event that transpired near CLhorne, on the railroad
between Dayton and Springfield, onThurdax ever/,
ing last. About three years since, a young farmer
named Ricketls, left his family to seek bis fortune
in California. Seven months ago a man by u,g
name YVm. T. Gaylord called upon Mrs. Ricke;t s
and informed her that her husband died a short
time since in California, of the chronic diarrhais
The wile manifested much distress at the announce,
rnent. Gaylord stayed in the neighborhood, arnl
after a time, proposed marry the widow. She re.
fused at first, but finally consented. He took her
letters from the po*t office, and destroyed those that
came fom Ricketts. Alter marriage he proposed
to sell the farm, which was a valuable one, and re.
move to Kansas She consented, and it was aj.
ver ised in the Dayton and Cincinnati papers. Rick,
etts happened to see this, in a paper in San Fran,
csco. Surprised, and enraged, he at once Waned
for home Arrived in the neighborhood he learn,
ed these tacts. He armed himself and went to his
old home at ten o'clock in the evening His wife
seeing him screameJ arid fainted. Gaylord came
out of a room, when Ricketts seized him and stab,
bed him in the side He then cut ftis wife on >h
neck and shoulder, and lef, and has not since been
heard 01. Gaylord was alive at last reports.
A sad accident occurred to day in this city, about
10 o'clock this morning, by which the family ot
JOHN HAZE, residing in Almond-street, were nerj.
ously and dreadfully burned through the boiling
over of a can of Varnish, which had been place}
on the stove. A child aboot two years old is dead
and Mrs HAZE is not cxpec ed to recover. Mr'.
HAZE and two odier children aie badly, though not
dangerously burned.
(- Canada. New Brunswick, and the United
Sta es have confirmed the reciprocity trea y be
tween the United Sia'es and Great Britain, it
no-v die law of the land All foreign coals, bread
stuffs, salted meals, and molasses, it will be seen
pas 4 into New Brunswick ftee of duty.
say the Russian smugglers on the frontler have
been made honest men by the war ft has cause}
a reduction of the tanff and increased the price lor
carry ing goods, so that they can make more money
as carriers than smugglers.
A Laborer on section 25 of the New Porta.
He Railroad, on Friday last quit work an<i waited
111*0 the woods close bp the road. Not re uming
search was made for fnrn some hours afterward*'
and lie was found dead, his head having been spin
open by a fragment of rock thrown by a blast.
The Scientific American expresses, the
opinion, based, it says, upon a thorough mves
tion of the subject, that wood will never be em
ployed for making gas on a large scale in any pa r t
of our country, where coal, oil, lurd or rosin can be
There was a great lire at Lick port. Ny
j on Thursday night, which licked up the old Jen'.
| nigs Hotel, the Trtmori! House, the congregational
! and Methodist churche*, Houghton's block anj the
I whole square of buildings.
; A White Squirrel was shot on Monday in
! the woods near Corn wall. Lebanon county, bv Mr.
| Charles Brotherhne. The Advertiser sax s its ca:
j is almost pure xvhi'e, and that u is the fLst of the
, kind ever .-eea ih the neighborhood.
" HEAVY AS Sis."—The Addison Steuben Co,
| Democrat says there is a yosng man by the name
i of THOMAS SANDERS residing in that town, who U
! only I!.' years old, arid weighs 236 [rounds Hit
; loot is over 18 inches in length. Beat ihis wl.a
SEVERAL HEAVY FAILURES have occurred in Cin
cinnati within the week past. The bankiii" house
ol Ellis &. S urges, closed oo the Bth; with liabi! , rj
outstanding ola million of dollars The Ci'.z-ns
Bank, F. S Goodman & Co and J din R MROI
i & Co., have also suspended. All however claim
an excess ol assets.
CO" A difficulty occurred on Sun.l iy in a Gar-
I man Catholic chuicli in U ica In couseriur nee oi
I a legal decision recen ly made against the pries ~
• lavor of the St Joseph's Socie'y, he u<ed language
I in his pulpit that led to a and four of the oar
j ticipauis were altered and held lo bail.
" HAVE You SEEN SAM?"— The Tribune says,
j " yes"—and that he is not good looking Sam h
übiquitous and he his been seen hereabouts Hit
] is good or bad looking as viewed from diffeienl
j points.
(ty- Charles W. S ewart an officer of the H >u<e
! of Representatives commute.! suicide in Wasbiitg
| ton Siturday, by taking poisoa.
Accounts Texas sta'e that Gen. bam
Houston was organizing the Know No lung pa: v
| throughout that State
MASONIC.—The regular monthly Con
! mimical ions of UNION LODGE. No. 108,
A.\ .M. t are held Wednesday on or preceding the
, j full moon, at 3 o'clock, P. M., at Masonic Hall, in
( i the borough of Towanda.
1 he meeting for November will occur on Wed-
I nesday, November 29. Visiting brethren are invit
cd IO aitenJ. W. H. PERKINS. Secretary.
Profitable and Honorable Employment !
i HE subscriber is desirous of having an ager.*.
j A in each county and town of the Union. A en
pita, of firun sto s'o only will be required,and
anything like an efficient energetic man can makf
, 'rora <hree to five dollars per day—indeed some of
j 'he "gents now employed are realizing twice that
l suin. Every intormation will be given bv address*
I tng, postage paid, WM. A. KINSLER.
1 Nov - ,7 ' Bo * f, OL Philadelphia P. 0.
J ire and Life Insurance.
. "pOLICIES issued in the best established Com
|J- panies in the United States, with capital from
7200,01)0 to $1,000.000. Apply to
East end Spaulding Block, Waverly, N. Y
Hartford Ciiy Fire Insurance Compariy.
Mohawk Valley Fire Insurance Company.
Ran-alaer Fire Insurance Company.
Empire Insurance Company.
Graniie Fire Insurance Company.
Utica Live Stock Insurance Company.
Susquehanna Life Insurance Company.
Phoenix Fire Insurance Co. of Brooklyn.
Excelsior Fire Insurance Cn. of New York.
li"'" ers from lhe country promptly filled. Li
rpHEco-partnership heretofore existing between
S ■ FELTOS and E. T. Fox is this day dissolved
y mutual consent. The notes and accounts"!
satd firm are in the hands of E. T. Fox. who cas
generally be lound at e*. Felton's store, or at
v> ard House. Those interested will please take
notice that the accounts 4c. must be settled imme*
dl^ F,v - S. FELTON.
November 11, 1854. E. T. FOX.
S. FELTON would most respectfully inform k' 4
old customers and ihe public generally that he : -
still cor-tinue the LIQUOR BUSINESS at the $
stand, and that he is now receiving large addition
to his stock, direct from fust hands in New Yf'k
which he will be most happy to sell on the m" s '
reasonable terms. He is also agent for tie sale d j
" Binghamton Ale," a aupply of which he keep' a
ways on hand and for sale cheap.
Towanda, November 11, 1844.
T Towanda Female Seminary.
, tuter tj'iarter oP the Towanda Keiu' ;
Seminary, will commence on Mondav, N.w f '
bcr 27. O.P.HANSON
Nov. 2, 51,