Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 11, 1854, Image 3

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    JCcro SUluertisements.
TT t the Hon. DAVID WILMOT, Presi-
VV dent Judge of the 12th Judicial District, con
citine ofihe Counties of Bradford, Susquehanna
and Sullivan,and the Hon. Myron Ballard andHar
rvAcklev Associate Judges,in and for the said co.
of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date
.he "oth dav of September, 1854, tome directed, for
holding a Court of Oyer and Te,minor Gone,.l
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas and
Orohan's Court, at Towanda, for the County of
Bradford on the first Monday, the 4th day of Decern,
ber next, to continue three weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners
and Justices of the Peace and Constables of the
county of Bradford, that they be then and there in
their proper person, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
of said day, with their recos, inquisitions, and
other remembrances, to do those things which to
their office appertains to be dona ; and those who
are bound by recognizance or otherwise to prosecute
against the prisoners who are or may be in the jail
of said county, or who shall be bound to appear at
the said court, are to be then and there to prosecute
against them as shall be just. Jurors are request
ed to be punctual in their attendaace, agreeably to
their notice.
Dated at Towanda, the 4th of November, in the
vear of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and
fifty-four, and of the Independence of the United
States, the seventy-ninth.
BV virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Expo, issued
out of the court of Common Pleas of Bradford
counly, and to me directed, will be exposed to pub
he sale, at the Court HOHSC, in the borough of To
wanda, on Saturday, the 4th day of November, at 1
o clock, P. M., the following property, to wit—
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or par
cel of land sifuaied in Albany twp., bounded on the
North by lands belonging to the estate of Horatio
Ladd,dee'd., oil the East by lands belonging to
, on the South by lands of
S. Wilcox, Jacob Jackson et al, on the South-west
by lands of Jacob Heverly, and on the west by lands
of C. Maloney, D. English and Myron Kellogg, con
uinlng four hundred acres more or less,and known
as the Rollin Wilcox lot.
Seizedand taken in execution at the suit of Eu
nice Lewis and Mary Wilcox vs. Ralph R.Carpen
ter .
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of
land situated in Pike twp., bounded on the North
by Daniel Camp, on the East by Josiah Wood and
Judson Slocum.oti the South by Abraham Warden,
and Reed Bosworth.and on the West by Abraham
Warden and the highway—containing about sev
enty acres, about fifty-five acres improved, one
plank house, one framed barn and shed attached,
,uid one old framed corn bouse, and some fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
James VV. Boswoith vs. Mailory Tyrrell.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or j
parcel of land, situated HI Monroe twp., bounded on
the North by Timothy Alden and Joseph Bull, on
the East by J. K. Irvine, on the South by Eleazar
and Hiram Sweet, on the West by the Towanda
Creek—containing one hundred acres, more or less i
—about fifty acres improved, one framed dwelling
house, one framed barn and a corn house, and an '
apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James
H. Phinny Jr., use vv 11. 55. Saisburv.
C. THOMAS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Oct. 14, 1854.
(£_/• The above sale, stand* p istponed until Mon
day, the lilt day of December next, at the same ,
place and time of Jay.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda. Nov. 4, 1851.
Southern Military Academy Lottery!
Conducted OH the Jlacuna Plan.
10,000 Numbers— sol Prizes!—all the
Prizes drawn at each Drawing.
• 1500
1 100
" 5 of $lOOO 5000
In all 301 prizes, amounting to ...$60,000
Tickets# to.— Halves and Quarters in proportion.
Bills on all solvent banks taken at par.
All communications strictly confidential.
SAMUEL 55WAN. Agent and Manager
s>ign of ihe Bronze Lions.
Montgomery, Ala. Nov. 2, 1854.
ViniEREAS my wife Emily, has hft my bed
* and board without anv just cause or provo
cation, I hereby forbid all persons harboring, or trust
ing her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her
contracting after this date.
Windham November I. 1854. G. fl. ADAMS.
r p!lE several Assessors for 1855, will make their
J- returns in the following order, viz:—
Assessors for Aihenr twp., Athens boro., Ridgber
ry, Suiuh Creek, Wells, Ulster and North Towan- !
•da. on Mcnday,November 27th.
Columbia, 5-ylvania boro.,Springfield, Smithfield
Burlington, Burlington boro., and Towanda boro., i
on Tuesday, the 28th.
Armenia, Troy twp.. Troy born., -South Towanda, 1
Vlonroe, Franklin, Overton and Granville, on Wed- •
nesday, 29th.
Leroy, Canton, Dureli, Albany, Asylum, Wilmot
and Tuscarora, on Thursday the 30th.
Litchfield, Windham. Warren, Pike, Wyalusing
and Orwell, on Friday Dec. Ist.
Sherhequin, Rome, Hcrrick, Standing Stone and i
Wysox, on Saturday, Dec.2d.
Ctj'The Assessors will be careful in footing the j
assessments, carrying each persons valuation into i
the right hand column,and also in making their re
turns on the day designated in their Warrants.
By order of the Commissioners.
E. M, FARRAR, Clerk.
Commr's. Office, Oct. 20, 1854.
11. S. MERCUR,
A Larjc and well selected assortment of
Towanda, September 14, 1854.
L| Vs just received a large Stock of New Goods, |
ti- which are offered for sale, for ready pay, at I
unusually low prices.
Towanda, Sept, 28, 1854.
f AAME to the enclosure cf :
Subscriber in Wy
ifm ,!0X ' on or a^out 'Be first of
Septembcr.a Yearling BULL,
dark hrindle.smatl etar in the
lotchead, and a slit in the
'a <-r " ' ' le owner ' s requested to prove property,
and pay charges aud take himawav.
"ysox, Nov. I, 1854.
, , Auditor's Notice.
" >ne Matter of the Estate of Sterling Holcamb,
r r\ K I' l the Orphan's Court o/ Bradford. Co.
J HE undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court.
upon exemptions filed to the partial account of
•' e Administrator's of said estate, will attend to the
•u'.ieg assigned him, at his office in the Boro' of
uwacda, on the 7th day of November next, at one
0 clock P. M„ of which all persons interested will
take notice.
r D.MORROW, Auditor.
Deleter 1, lfoi.
£egal SVbuerlisrmcnls.
Dy virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. issued out of the
-D Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county,
and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale!
at the Court House, in the boro' of Towanda, on
Saturday, 2d day of December, at 1 o'clock P. M._
The following described lot, piece or parcel of land
situated in Athens Boro', bounded as follows, to wit-
On the North by lands of C. F. Welles, Jr.,'on the
East by Main Street, on the South by lands of J. B
Brockway, and on the Wet by landa of Martin
Rogers—about fifty feet front on Main st., and
about 100 feet deep, be the same more or less, all
improved, one framed two etory building used as a
cabinet shop 4c. thereon.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land
situated in said boro.' of Athens, hounded and de
scribed as follows to wit—On the North by lands
of J.B. Brockway, on the East by Main st. on the
South by lands of Thomas Evans, and on the West
by the heirs of—- Davis, dee'd. Containing .about
50 perches, be the same more or lees—all improved
with a two story framed dwelling house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. N.
Shipman vs. A. O. Hart and Nancy B. Hart.
Sheriff's Office, Nov. 1, 1854.
Register's Notice.
TVTOTICE is hereby given that there have been
fi ! ed and !6euled in ,hc office of the Register of
Wills in and for the qounty of Bradford, accounts
I of administration upon the following estates, viz :
Final account of Daniel Ueardslae, Executor of
the last will and testament of Michael Phillips, late
of Smithfield, dee'd.
Final account of Johnson Cowles and Parley
Coburn, Administrators of John Cowles,late of Or
well, dee'd.
I tnal account of Harvy Gore and Geo. C. Gore,
Executors of A vry Gore, late of Sheshequin dee'd.
Final account of lames Bagley, Guardian of Ma
ry Rogers, minor child of Charles Rogers, late of
Canton, dee'd.
Supplementary account of Emily Rogers, Ad
ministratrix, of the estate ot Charles Rogers, late of
Canton, dee'd.
Partial account of A. L. Crunmer and Philioda
S. Smith Executors of the last will and testament
of James P. Smith late of Monroe, dee'd.
Final account of John W. Martin, Guardian of
William L. Martin, minor child of James Martin,
Account of William Keeler, surviving Adminis
trator of the estate of Garner Carpenter, late of To
wanda, dee'd.
Final account of Charles Chaffee and James B.
Demony, Administrators of the estate of Ktcwiard
N. Hor ton, late of Sheshequin, dee'd.
Final account of Daniel Holmes, Administrator
of the estate of Josiah Holmes, late of Pike, dee'd.
Supplementary account of Ephrtam Brink, Ad
ministrator of the estate of Jonathan Brink, late of
Pike, dee'd.
Final account of James Elliott, Administrator of
the estate of John Lewis, late ofUlster, dee'd.
Final account of Robert Bull, Administratorof the |
estate of John Welsh late of Dureli, dee'd.
And the same will be presented to the Orphan's
Court of Bradford Couuty, on Monday, the 4th day
ot December next, f>-r cunfinnation and allowances, i
Register Office, Nov. I, 1854.
List of Jurors
DRAWN for December Term and Sessions, 1854,
as follows:
Wysox—D P Barilett, Tracy Dutchet,
Rome—S Barnes, S C Mann, J D Demonia, Peter
Springfield—l Burgess.
Smithfield—C E Childs.
Pike—R W Coalhaugh.
Standing Stone—John Huff.
Leroy—E Kelly, H B Stone.
Dureli—Samuel Kellum 2d
Sheshequin—Horace Kinney.
Tuscarora—H A Lewis.
Granville—Jantes Mattier.
Columbia—Ferdinand Newberry.
Kidgbury—Geo Peterson.
Troy twp.—H Spalding Jr., E Smead, Allen Taylor ;
Wm A Thomas.
Asylum—My nor Terry.
Canton —T M Watts.
rnxvcßSK jrnons— FlßST WEEK.
Monroe—S W Alden, J B Smith.
Smithfield—Wm Bennett jr., W Brooks, M Phelps.
Wells—J II Brink.
Shesheqnin—J Brown, S P Gore, F Blackmail.
Pike— John Boles I H Smith.
Smithfield—C G Brown, J King.
Wilmot—John Comistly.
.South Creek—G D Coleman.
Armenia—Harry Covert.
Burlington—O P Calkin, J F Long.
Athens lp A Campbell,'!' Htrene, J F Ovenshire.
Rnlgbiiry—Wm Covell.
Dureli—Simeon Eecker.
Litchfield—Samuel Davidson.
Towanda boro.—Thos Elliott.
Canton—D Greenleaf.
Wyalusing—G W Jackson, B Taylor.
Leroy—Jacob I) McKee.
Warren—Wm Pendleson, Philip Rogers.
Granville—Hiram Kinyon.
Columbia—Harrison Kobbins.
Sou.h Towanda—J J Scoville.
Albariv—Wells Wilcox,
Standi gStone—F S Whitman.
Smithfield—J C Allen, Amazah Harris.
Burlington—J V Ballard, Harvey Ward.
Sheshequin—T VV Brink.
Sp inglield—J Barrett,Wm Chapman,Theo. Eaton,
S 0 Garnet, Aaron Thomas.
Pike—N P Bosworth, Wm Hutchinson.
Litchfield—B D Cooper, Peter Teed.
Wyalusing—Homer Camp, Chas Hornet.
Ridgberv—Hevelon Cornell, S Squires.
Orwell—Jason Chaffee.
North Towanda—Win N Foster.
Columbia—George Furman.
Sylvania boro.—Orrin Furman.
Canton—John Gray.
Ulster—Daniel Harkinn, MS Watner.
Warren—Geo Linn.
Athens boro—R L McGeorge.
Armenia—J G Mason.
Monroe—A Mullin.
Towanda boro—Russell Pratt.
Troy twp.—Ebenezer Pomeroy,
Leroy—Nelson Reynolds.
Granville—H Ross.
Wysox—A J Record.
Towanda boro.—R C Smalley.
Asylum—haih Wilson,
Windham—Simeon Brainard, W Wheelltouse,
Overton—G S Boyles,
Wyalusing—Jas Beaumont, C Camp, J Relics.
South Creek —C Bailey, S B IVuengill.
Columbia —IN Crippen, J H DeVVitl.
Towanda boro. —Jere Collins, C Manville.
Athens boro.—Wm E Duell, John Greene, L S
Wells—Horace Dunning.
Sheshequin—E G Goodwin, I Elliott, John Randall.
Troy twp,—H Goddard.
Ridgbcry—l Hammond 2-1, A Roberts.
Leroy—N Kelburn.John Kelly.
Albany—Joseph Lee.
Athens tp.—ll McKinney, P Sybel, J Tozcr.
Rome—S VV Murphey.
Burlington—D A Ross, Wm Westgate.
Canton —B S Smiley, J Sellard, W Wiiglit.
Dureli —Israel Smith.
Litchfield—Henry Vanover,
Administratrix's Notice.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Geo. Shay
lor, dee'd. late of Bu-'ington twp, are here
by requested to make payment without delay : and
all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them dulv authenticated for settle
Sept. 13, 1854. Administratrix.
Executor's Notice.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of John More
deceased, late of Pike township, are hereby
requested to make payment without delay, and ali
persons having demaads against said eatate will pre
sent them without delay, duly authenticated for set
tiemeot. ORRIN MORE,
Sept. 12. 1854. Exccutots
| Cegal CA&oertismrots,
ALL persona indebted to the estate of James
Nichols, deceased, late of Smithfield township,
are hereby requested to made payment without de
lay, and all persons having demands against aaid
• estate, are requested to present them duly authenti
cated for settlement.
September 21, 1854. Administrator.
Aii Ordinance Relative to the Running at Large
BE it Ordained by the Town Council of the Bo
rough of Towanda, That swine shall not be al
lowed to run at large within the squares, streets,
laucs or alley.' of this borough. It shall be the duty
of the High Constable, either by himselt or some
persous whom he inay employ, to seize andslrat up
in some secure place all ewiue which may be found
running at large upon the public squares or in any
opened stree l, alley or lane within this borough.—
And he shall on the samed ay upon which he shall
make such seizure, advertise the said swine for ;
sale at public vendue, givinS not less than six nor !
more than eight days notice of said rale, by at least !
three notices thereof posted up in as many public
places in said borough. At the time and place ap
pointed, the said Constable shall expose said swine
to tale at public vendue, and shall sell the same to |
the highest and best bidder in the same manner !
that Constables are by law authorized to make sales
by virtue of executions issued by Justices of the j
Peace. And the money raised by all such sales, j
after deducting costs and charges, shall be by the j
said High Constable immediately paid over to the '
Treasurer of the Borough, for the use thereof.
And the said High Constable shall be entitled to
charge and receive for executing this ordinance as j
tollows—For every hog. shoat or pig seized by him t
as aforesaid, 25 cents; for advertising the same each
25 cents ; for keeping ihe same each 12J cents for !
every day the same shall be kept; for selling, each
25ceuts. (t is provided however, that if the owner
of any such swine shall at any lime before the saute !
shall be sold pay to the said High Constable his fees :
fur seizing, advertising and keeping as hereinbefore
mentioned, that the said Constable shall not sell.bu' j
deliver the some to such owner or upon his order. '
2. It shall be the duty of said High Constable to !
file in the office of the Secretary of the Boro' within j
three days after each seizure, a statement or desj |
cription of the swine seized, as near as may be, to- j
geiher with the date of the seizure, aud to mention ,
the square, street, lane, or alley where seized, and j
such statement shall be prima facie evidence of the j
facts therein stated.
By order of the Town Council,
October 9. 1854. A. 1). MONTANYE, Sec.
Auditor's notice.
In the Orphan's Court of Bradford County In the '
matter oj John Rogers, guardian for the minor \
children of Fleming Roberts, deceased
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court
to examine the accounts of John Rogers, guardian '
of Arlette, John aud Orrin D. Roberts and Mary E. |
Vanderlip, minor children of Fleming Roberts, dee'd I
upon exceptions filed, will artend to the dunes of 1
his appointment at his office in Athena Borough, on
Tuesday, the 14th day of November next, at one ;
o'clock, P. M., when all parties can attend if they ;
think proper.
October 5, 1854. H. C. BAIRD, Auditor.
Sale of Real Estate.
OTICE I S hereby given, that the Real Estate of,
x\ Win. MYERS, who assigned lor the benefit of
Creditors, will be sold at public Auction to the high
est bidder, on MONDAY, the 4th of November,!
1854—by orJer of the Court of Common Pleas of j
Bradford County. N. C. HARRIS.
Athens, 55epl. 30, 1854.
Orphan's Court Sale.
IN pursuauce of an order from the Orphan's Court
of Bradford County, there will be exposed to pub* j
lie sale at a small buiiding orshantee, on the prem- '
iscs, at one o'clock in the afternoon, of Tuesday the
21st day ofNovember next, the following described '
Real Estate, to wit:—The South half of a lot of land
situated in Burlington twp., in said County, former- I
iy purchased by contract by Joseph H. Dudley and ;
John Sweeney, ofStepnen Pierce, and the whole lot
being bounded, beginning at a post, the south east !
corner of John G. Blakeslee's land, thence south !
152 7-10 perches io the northeast corner of a lot,
heretofore conveyed to Abiram Pierce, thence west,!
101 perches to a post, thence north 152 7-10 perches j
to a post, and thence east 101 perches to the place I
of beginning—containing in the whole 96 acres and I
63 square rods of land, and the part to be sold being
the soutli ealf of the above described lot, with abour
ten acres partly improved, and the above named
small building or shantee thereon erected. Which
said lot so to be sold, is of the estate of the late Geo. i
Shayh r, dee'd.
OLIVE siH WLOR, Administratrix.
Burlington, Oct. 16. 1854,
Auditor's Notice.
In the Matter oj the Estate cf Joseph Kingsbcry, |
THE undersigned having been appointed an Au
ditor, by the Orphan's Court of Bradford Co., j
upon exceptions filed to the second partial account
of the executors of the last will and testament of ;
Joseph Kingsbery dee'd, w.ll attend to the duties of j
his appointment, at his office in the boro of Towan- j
da, on Monday the 13th day of November next, at 1
one o'clock P. M. When and where all persons
interested arc requested to attend.
D'A. OVERTON, Auditor.
Oct. 13. 1651,
S&2LB !
BX virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of the j
county of Bradford, will be exposed to public ;
sale on the premises, on Saturday, the 7th day of •
October next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. the following pro
perty, to wit;
The one-hair or whole (as may agreed upon by |
the Administrators) of a lot of land in Burlington ;
township, late the estate of Obadiah U lakes lee, dee'd J
bounded north by lauds of John Guslin. east bv M. j
Luther, south by E. Overton, and west by E. Nich
ols and H. Boothc.
Terms made known on the day of sale,
Sept. 12,1854. Administrators. |
Cy"The above stands postponed until November j
11th, at 1 o'clock, P. M. at the house of J. H. Fur.
maan, in Burlington borough.
Orphan's Court Sale.
BV virturc of an order of the Orphans Court of.
Bradford County, will be exposed to public I
sale or vendue, on Saturday, 18th November, at 1
o'clock P M., upon the premises, the following
property to wit: —One undivided half part, of about
one-third of an acre of lano in Canton twp., used
as a tanery, with a tan house and tan vats and a ,
hark DI'I) thereon, bounded on all sides by lands of
Dr. Baker—late the estate of 8. H. Bullock dee'd.
SARAH BULLOCK. \ Adminislrato „
Oct. 28,1854. ____ I
Administrator's Notice.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Henry,
Vandyke, dee'd late of Albany tp., are reques
ted to ntake payment without delay : and those havj
ing demands against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
August 25, 1854. Administrators.
THE partnership between E. F. Dawson and
A. Gay, is this day dissolved by mutnal con
sent the accounts are left in the hands of J. L.
Jones, Esq., for settlement.
Wilmot, June 22, 1354.
3 TONS more of those cheap Bugars just ree'd
__ and for sale by PHINNEY.
(FjOffict removed to Jchn C Adams Office in the
Union Block- Julj
IHercl)ani>i)e, ftc.
*Jc hkorhow 9
Attorney at Law.
Towanda, Penna.
IS now receiving all sorts of NE W GOODS, which
will ha sold very low for Cash*
I May 3, 1854.
scmsii&isc SCALS©SJ,
• TTTOULD inform her friends, that she has just re-
V turned from the city, with a large assortment
i which she offers at reduced prices. Produce of ev
-1 ery kind taken in payment for goods.
REMOVAL.- -DR. MASON has removed
| his office to his dwelling, on Pine street. Opposite
i the old Presbyterian Church.
Towanda, May 13, 1854.
Plows and Plow castings!
B LATCH LEY, NVayne county, Alba or Curtis
Plows, Side hill, subsoil and corn plows and
Castings, for sale cheap.
I take particular pains to get good well made
plows and tongh castings. I would invite particu
lar attention to the Alba, or Curtis plow.
Call and see. R. M. W~gLf.ES.
JUST received by Joseph Kingsbury, a large and
complete slock of NEW GOODS, for aale as
usual, CHEAP roil CASH !
Towanda. April 26. 1854.
Office with the Register and Recorder,
OFFICE in the second story of the Union Block,
north side of the Public square, over the office
of J. C. Adams, Esq. Sept. 24.
[S Now opening a NEW STOCK or Goons, consists
ing of full and complete assortment of all kind.-
which will be sold as cheap as the same quality of
Goods can be bought anywhere this side of New-
Towanda, Dec. 10, 1853.
.iTTORjer jmt jL.fir,
Williamaporl, I.ycoming County, Pa.
(^/"OFFICE —Opposite U. S. Hotel-l.'p StairsJ,^*!
Engine and Fixtures for sale.
ONE second hand ENGINE and fixtures for a
BAVV MILL, capable of driving two or more
saws, all in good order, and will be sold cheap, on
a long credit, if desired. The Engine is now run
ning, and ban be <oen bv calling on If. S. DAVIII
sun, at Ulster, or C. F. Welles. Jr. at Athens, Pa.
Ulster, July 19, 1854.
.'a. at : a MR MJ •
HAVING disposed of all interest in other busi
ness, is now prepared to attend promptly to
all business, in the line ot his profession. He may
be found at all times—except when absent on le
gal business—at his New Brick Office, "THE
LITTLE UNION BLOCK," between the old Un
ion Block and John Burger's splendid ?Saloon, re
cently elected on the North side of the Public
Square, Towanda, Pa
OfF N. B.—Particular attention given to col
Towanda, Aug., 24, 1854.
Residence, oh Pine Street, opfmsile the oi l Prcsl/ytrrinn
OfTets his professional services to the people of
Towanda and vicinity. Can always be found at his
ollice, in Dr. PORTEU'S Drug Store, when not pro
fessionally engaged.
South Corner of Me inn's Block, Main Street,
ARE now opening their stock of GOODS for the
Fall trade, comprising a full and complete as
sortment, and of the usual variety, which will be
sold at a very small profit for Ready Pay.
Thankful for the liberal petfonage of the past sea
son, the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the
public to an examination of our FALL stock, be
lieving that good Goods and low prices will insure
a speedy sale for ready pay. TRACY & MOORE.
Towanda, Sept, 12, 1854.
Slew &. Desirable
IS now prepared to offer k> his customers aud the
Public generally, a Inrge and complete stock
of FALL if WINTER GOODS. His stock has been
selected with unusual great care, and is superior
for style and quality than have ever before offered to
the public—and such a Combination of very low
prices that we ate sure cannot fail to please the
closest observer. Amongst his stock may lie found
French Miienos, DeLatns, Cashmeres, Thibet
cloths, Ginghams, Fine Worsted plaids, Silk Pop
lin, AUpacas, Calicos. Fine and heavy Irish Lin
ens, Cotton Pillow Casings, Brown and Bloachrd
Muslin, Sack Flannel, Broad Cloths 4 Cassimcrs,
4r. Ac.
CALICOS —A large assortment of Merrimack,
Coehece & Fall River Prints—also good cali
co for 6 cts. per yard. Warranted good Madder
colors, for sale by B. KINGSBERY.
GROCERIES —Calland see our Brown, ('rush
ed, Coffee and Pulverised Suguars—Fine
Voung Hyson Ir Black Teas—warranted a Superior
article or the money refunded—for sale cheap by
iiw mimw¥*
great pleasure in announcing to the pub'
lie thai the liberal patronage he has received at
their hands, has enabled him to offer them a large
and complete assortment cf GOODS, as can be
found in Towanda, and for unprecedented low pri
ces, he dtfiesall competition. Persons wishing to
purchase Goods for Cash or Ready Pay, will find it
to their interest ts call and examine his stock, at the
corner of Main and Bridge streets.
Butter, Pork. Grain, Lumber and Hay, taken in
p.ivment of old debts, or in exceange for Goods.
Oct. 12, 1854,
I EAT HER, Pork, Codfish, Mackerel and While
J Fish, for sale cheap at PHINNY'S.
CLOTHING, may be had cheap at
PAINTS, Natla, Glass and Oils, cheap at
HATS, Cape, Boots and Shoes, a large assort
ment at PUNNY'S.
1 TM^H—Codfish $ Mackerel —a superior article—
iJu forsale a&tap by B. KINGSBERY.
K? W: !lliai _ Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
IMBBjjMlllj Tin, Japanned and Britannia Ware,
House Trimmings, Trimming;!?, Harness A Saddlery
r - Ware, Carpenter's and Joiner's Tools,
LEAD PIPE AND f 1 I.JIPS, of nil hinds and sizes,
Would inform their friends that these are only a part of the general heaE under which may te classed
their extensive assortment, and to which ihey are constantly receiving additional supplies, direct from th
importers and manufacturers, which enable* them to ofier such inducements in their large stock and low
prices, that will challenge competition from any qua iter. We would a.-k the particular attention of
to an examination of onr stock, which having been selected with the greaust care, we are confident will
satisfy even the most particular.
(fj* Don't forget the place— South side of the public equcre.
Old Iron, Coppor and Brass, and all kinds of vounti v J'r Ju-.e taken in exchauge far goods.
Towanda, May 27, 1854. HALL A RUSSELL. 1
Fronting the Public Square.
THE svbscriber, thankful for the liberal pnltonage received the pact year, intend* to keep constantly on
hand a full assortment of the very best articles usually kept in our line, which us WILL dispose of on
such teruis as will be satisfactory to all who may patronize hini. The purchases are made entirely with cash
in hand, and for the CASH our customers will receive the benefit of a good article at a Tow price. All article*
riot answering our recommendation, will he cheerfully taken Lack, and the money refunded.
Medical Advice graluiloosly given at lite Oilier, charging gdlv for the Muliciaes.
The stock consists of a complete and select assortment o
Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal nse, London Porter k Scotch Ale.
American Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant:d Good.)
Superior TODACCO <&. SXffUXF ! —Choice brands of Pure XXavanna, Principe
and Yara CIGARS !
Paints, Oils, VantiNbes, H'itujovv GIaNN, ElruSlics, Perfumery. Slmvitig Soap,
Fancy Articles, &c. Ac.
Block and Green Teas ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spic&s, &sc &c.
Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, Ac.
" 7Tic best Quality of floods—Full Assortment—Modarntc Profits —Ready Attention to Customers—nu
Adulteration oj Goods—Candid Advice as to Patent Remedies—and Close Attention to Business."
Towanda, Novomber 12, 1853. 11. CI. POKTLIC, M. I>-
DRY _GO 0]) S !
££3W> &®£3JFBcIM 9
\T7 ILL open this day, the Lest selected slock of
* V Dry Goods ever shown in this village. Among ;
their Stock wtl| be found ail the desirable styles and .
Colors of French Merinoes, Paraniettas, Alapaccas, |
Poplins, Thibet Cloths, I.yonese Clothes, Boruba
zenes, Rich Delains, Plain and All Word DeLaius, .
all colors and Splendid Patterns. Silks . Black, j
Colored and Fancy. Wool Long Shawls, a com- j
plete assortment of high colors - , Plaid and Plain j
Centres, Drab, Mixtures and Mourning, warrented
all Wool. Brocha Shawls—Long and Square, new |
and beautiful Patterns, high Colors and warranted !
free from Cotton—the real Paris and Vtens
Manufacture. Purchasers will find great bargains.
Also Silk Delaine, Cashmere, Crape and Thibet, in
every variety,
DcrulciVy the Best <V Cheapest St otic in 7,'tis Market
Bay State Flannels—Mixed, Blue, Creen. White ,
and Scarlet. elso Plain Flannels, of every variety
of colors, Width and Quality. Opera and Printed i
Flannels. Also a general assortment of Black Blue,
Brown and Mixed
(0 ;l © W M B ,
Plain and Fancy Cassiinercs, Do".kins, Beaver!
Cloths, Tweeds, and Petershams. Plain and Fan- i
cy Silk and Velvet Yestings. Cents in want cd
Over Coats, Coats, Pants, and Veal?, will find litis a
most desirable Stock to Select from. Dress Trim
mings, a complete assortment" Ribbons. Fall Style,
New and Beautiful Patterns. Linens, Embroider
ies nn<l Thiead lores. Hosiery—A large stock of
Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's in every varie
ty. Fancy and Blaek Italian. Cloves —Ladies and
Gents Silk, Kid, Beayer. Merino, Cashmere, I.isle
Thread and Cotton. Mitts- Sewing Silks, Long A-
Short. Ginghams and Prints,a v-ry full stock <•!
the laie-t styles. HanJkerchirfs— Linen, Silk, and
Cotton in every variety.
Domestic Creeds.
A large stock of Sheeting. Tickings, Cotton Flan
nels. Stripea, Checks, Drills, Denims, Yarn, Balls,
Wicks, Carpel Yarn and Bags, I'latd I., Obeys and
Kenturky Jeans.
Owego. Sept. 25. 1854.
rpWO HUNDRED TONS Cayuga Ground Plas-
L ter, 100 Barrels Salt, 100 Bbls. White Stone
Lime, 50 bushels Orwell & West Branch Clover
Seed, 30 bushels Timothy Seed, 500 lb*. Allegany
County Cheese, just recetveJ and for sale by
bailey & nevens.
Towanda, April 27, 1851.
Letting —North Branch Pcnn'a Canal.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the
house of George Lazarus, in Pulsion, until sun
set of Thursday, the 23d of November next, for
completing the Weigh Lock and building a Collect
tor's Office at Upper Piitston. Pians and epecifica
tione will be exhibited three days previous to the
day of letting. W. R. MaFFET,
Engineer sad Bup't N. B. Canal.
Engineer's Office, To*nd, Oer "8,1??*.
Auditor's Notice.
j In the Mutter of the Estate of Rachel Crammer,
| Deceased.
THE undersigned appointed rn Auditor, by the
Orphan's Court of Lrad.foid County, upon cx
| ceptious filedU the final account of the Adminivtra'
j tors of the estate of Rachel Cranmer dee'd.. will at
tend to the duties of his appointment, at his otiice,
j in the buro of To wan da. on Wednesday the 15th
I day of November, A. 1). 1854. at 1 o'clock P. M.—
\ of whicMall persons interested will please take noi
lire. "* D'A. OVERTON, Auditor.
: Oct. 13, 1854. •
Executor's Notice.
A I.L persons indebted to the estate of Arcnatf*
A l.add, dee'd., late of Albany twp., are hereby
■ requested to make immediate payment, and those
{ having claims against said estate, will please pre
enl them duly authenticated for settlement-
- P. H. WLCOX, 5 E * ecutori "
; Oct. 13. 1854.
DRIED APPLES. —40 bushels Dried Apples—
grafted fruii—on band and for .sale bv
March 15.W51. BAILEY & NEVINS.
Horses, Harness & Wagon for sale.
I r MAN who wants to putchase a span of
JL Young Hor-es, Harness, and Lumber Wagon,
, on very favorable terms, can bear of an opportuni
( iv. bv calling at this olflee. June -8, 1854.
lIS® OF ZiETTEES, Remaining ir. tho
A J*iut Otiice at Towandft, Sept. 30,1854.
Atrgden Miss Harden I'd P
Aekla H KeefeDavid
I Ames Emily Mrs Keelfe Dennis 2
' Brack Peter Kmono James
! Bristol Nancy Miss Kennedy David
■ Bush Daniel U Lind M 1) Mrs
Brmden H Lent H B
| Ballard M l.anl* Geo
Brown Augusta Mis 2 Lynch Martin
Bennett K Mcdraib Marv
Butler S D McCall James
Coolbatigh llsrrv Mead K K
Carpenter R R Drs Miller D S
Carpenter Arm aula 2 Monbon Darnel
Campbell Jerouie Nichols Samuel
Corbin 3 P Neymaw Henry
Cot luhn N'eily Peter *
Craft George Pratt Robert i<
Chauiberlm O D I'eterkin Joshua Mis .
Clerk Perry B Pavkhurst J P & P
Dnppotd John Qu'glcy AVm
llreifuss Simon Ray Sarah F. Miss
l Davis E M Swain Parvis
' Ertel Anna Maria Swain Hiram
Eldred Win J 2 Smith HesterS
| Ford F B Shrader Elizabeth
i Grannis Chas Smith Geo B I
' (Ireenman M H Srarks Samuel
! Graham W-m Somers Angeliue
Hick<T Joseph P Samre Catharine
! Harding Thomas Smith James Jr 2
Heilman M Tenle Amelia
Hooker R Thompson George or >
! Horton Amanda Mia G H Latham S
i HetTeran Jaihes Unrath .Maria
' Heveran Michael Vanness Ebra Miss
I Haliman Patrick White Olive Miss
Hanaway Bernard Webber Ma Ir
Young John
Persons calling for a"V of the above letters .
will o'e.i-e anv they were adver ined.
800 rs <tk SHOES—Hats & Caps—A splendid
assortment just rec. i e,i at
L~~ EATHER— 200 Sides sole Leaiher—just tcceiv
ed and for sale hv