Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 11, 1854, Image 1

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    T O.W A N I) A :
Suturdan fllornino, 2Cocmber 11, 1834.
Shltfftb |lottrn.
1 hear the far-off voyager's horn,
I see the Yankee's trail;
llrs foot on every mountain pass,
On every stream his sail.
He's whistling round St. Mary's Falls,
Upon his loaded train ;
lie's leaving on the Pictured Flocks
His fresh tobacco staiu.
I tear the mattock in the mines,
The axe-stroke in the dell.
The clamor from the Indian lodge,
The Jesuit's chapel-beil!
I see the swarthy trappers come
From Mississippi's springs,
And war chiefs with their painted brows,
And crests of eagle wings.
Behind the squaw's birchen canoe,
The steamer smokes and raves ;
Arid citv tots are staked for sale
Above old Indian graves !
By forest-lake and water-fall
I see the pedler's show;
The mighty mingling with the mean,
The lofty with the low.
I hear ihe tread of pioneers
Of nations yet to be;
The first low wash of waves where sou a
Shall roll a human sea.
The rudiments of empire here
Are plastic yet, m.d warm ;
The chaos of a mighty world
Is rounding into form !
Each rude and jostling fragment sooti
Its fitting place shall find—
The raw materials of a
Its muscles and its mind!
AnJ, westering stiff, ihe star which leads
The new world in lis train.
Has lipped with fire the ie.y : pire*
Of many a mountain -chain.
The snowy cones of Oregen
Are kindled on its way ;
And California's golden saw,ls
Gleam brighter in its ray !
Stittltir Calt.
TM IB'PrDraiHiEM'ir.
In one ol die northern counties of England, at
the distance of a mile and a hall from the sea, and
fittlrer removed from h well known military sta
tion. there stands an old fashioned red brick man
sion, the aiclutectuie and exieol ol which hardly
entitled it to be regarded as belonging to the class
nl manor-houses; at the same time that they may
bespeak its proprietors as moving in a sphere con
siderably ab ivo that of ordinary yeomen. For up
wards ol iluee centuries, it was the tesideiice ola
family, of the name ol Wilmot: a race, which,by
some accident or another, contrived never, by ex
ertion on one hand, or misconduct on the other,
ei her to rise or fall in the world. One generation
received it from another, in precisely the same
cjadilioa in which the first had received it from
lite generation preceding ; Ihe lands attached to it
were not increased, neither were they diminished ;
no rooms were added, neither were they any lak
cm away ; in a word, among the continual changes
which sublunary things, it appeals as if lite Toll
arid the Toil alone, remained stationary.
The last ot the name which inhabited that man
sion, were a father and his daughter. The former,
after serving many years in the navy, married in
some distant part of the kingdom, a young wile;
who lived only long enough lo present him with a
pledge of her affection, and to make him leel {tow
much he had lost, in being thus deprived of her.
Whether his domestic affliction had any effect in
producing the measure, is nol known, but Captain j
Wilmot went no more vo sea, alter he became a |
widower. On the contrniy, he withdrew himself
entirely from public fife, and taking possession of
the Toll, devoted his undivided attention to the
education and nurture ol his child.
In this retired spot, Rose Wilmot grew up, to be
the idol ol her father's affections, and an object of
love and esteem to all the surrounding neighbor
hood. She was Laantifnl; yet her personal beauty
Constituted the least valuable ol her attractions
Artless, gentle and generous, Rose was pever so
happy, as when, by chance, she found an oppor
tunity of adding to the happiness ol others. To the
poor, she was a warm, and yet a judicious friend :
! o her equals, a lively and cheerful corppanion;
Wd to her parent, the very apple oi an eye, with
out which, life would have no value. Rose was
oot, in the ordinary acceptation of the term, accom
p tshed; that is to say. she vyas no classic ; and
>.io only modern tongues with which she was ap
I iuainted. wete the French and English. She play-
I "J, indeed, and sung with taste and feeling; bul
j >•'-" sole instrument was the piano lotle, and her
I collection of music consisted almost entirely of
I * 1 and simple national airs. Bul Rose was pos
| messed of higher gifts (Ran can be conferred by the j
I Cillers. Her heart was good, her j
I * ::dmg was clear, and her disposition just so far j
I 'Otnantic, as to giye 4 zest to the enjoyment of
I - titmon life, without contributing, in any very se-
I ' ,OUB degree at le4sl, to manifest its petty gneyan-
I ces.
As it generally understood that Captain Wil-
I rr,ol ) in adduton 10 the Toll property, possessed
I'■orne.htng considerable, which he had acquited in
I e shape 0! prize money, suitors were not wanting
dose , soon as she had arrived at the first dawn of
I -manhood Many advantageous offeie wtre made
to her, bul she declined them all; tor her feelings
were not interested.and her father had too much re
gard for her society,to look forward to the period ol
her marriage wiih anything like impatience. Rose,
accordingly, continued to lead a single life, anJ
she actually attained her nineteenth year, without
having experienced the slightest symptoms of the
tender passion.
Things were not, however, to be thus forever.—
It wa6 at the close of a September day, that a par
ty, which had assembled near the Toll, lor the pur
pose of celebrating, by a sort of fete champetre,
the sixty ninth birth day ol Captain Wilmot, deem
ed it prudent to take shelter against a threatening
thunder storm, under his hospitable roof. The rain
had begun to fall in torrents, and the first flash of
lightning had passed, when a loud knock at the
outer gate gave notice, that others, besides them
selves, were in need of shelter. The signal being
answered, there was ushered into the parlor a per
son arrayed in the gaib of a sportsman, of whom
nobody present knew any thing, bul who entered
with that air of perlect self-command, which, wide
ly removed Irom impertinent assurance, can be as
sumed only by the men of lashion and the gentle
man. His age appeared to be about six or seven
and-twenty ; he was remaikably handsome; had
a fine, open, manly, expressive countenance, and
altogether, impressed the little party with a persua
sion, that he was, at least, qualified to remain
among ihem as an equal. He apologised for hav.
ing disturbed the privacy of a family citcle, by
stating, that he iiappened to be sporting in the fields
adjoining, when the storm overtook him ; and the
apology being readily received, he speedily
look part in the conversation, as if he came an ex
pected and welcome guest. Being pressed to par
take of their evening meal, he did not decline the
invitation ; and the moon was shining bright in a
cloudless sky, when he rose to depart. Nor did
he go anregretied. In the course ol one shori and
accidental visit, lie contrived to make himsell so
agreeable to his new acquaintance, that the Cap
tain permitted him not to retire, till alter he had
given a promise that no great while should elapse
eie his vise was related.
The gentleman, whom accident had thus intro
duced to die family at the Toll, wan the Honorable
Major Elliott, commanding officer of the re- i
gimeut of foot, at that time quartered in the neigh
boi nig barracks. Being a keen sportsman, he spent
much of his lime in the fields; and, as he after
wards confessed, had seen and admired llose, in
situations, when she little dreamed ol being an ob
ject of curiosity to a stranger. He had now seen ,
her under circumstances which enabled him to
judge whether the impressions, made by his form
er stolen glimpse, were justifiable ; and his behavi
our 60on gave proof, that tie did thus regard it
Major Elliot was not forgetful of his promise. He
repeated his calls at the Toll, not sooner, certainly, |
than his company was desired, but, as certainly, a I
great deal sooner than it might have been expect- i
ed. He called again and again ; he was again anJ '
again urged to stay to dinner, and he stayed. In :
short, his visits became, in a very little while ev I
eiy day occurrences; and, before a month had ex- j
piled, he ofloieJ himself to be the husband of ■
It has been stated, that, in Rose's disposition, !
there was just so much romance, as to give a pecu
liar zest to the ordinary occurrences of cord mon fife
Such an occurrence it surely was, to be addressed
in the language ol love; but to experience (hose
sensations which her lover described, was, to her,
new and delightlul. For, in truifi, Rose had fixed
her affections upar. Major Elliot, irretrievably and
inevitably, many days before his words, at least,
i justified her in so doing. They bad met under cir
cumstances so peculiar; he was, in his habits,
language and taste, so different from other men
with whom she was wont to associate, that if ever
love did occur at first sight, it tnusi have occurred
with her. Rote had no dissimulation about her;
she did not, therefore, pretend to an indifference, <
which she fell not; but releriing Elliot to her fatli
er, hankly acknowledged, that, so far as she was
concerned, no obstacle would be thrown in the way
to their union.
Captain Wilmot was a plain, honest man ; a gen
llemari by profession and descent, and'too honora
ble himsell to suspect others ol being otherwise
He was not, therelore, so minute in his inquiries
respecting the circumstances of Major EH'Ofi a
greater degree of prudence or knowledge ol the
world might have led Jiirn tp be. Frorp the Ma
jor s brother officers, lie learned, that the lover of
Ins daughter was a brave and good soldier; the
army-list assured {nip,dial lie was, truly, the son of
an Earl ; and, as the individual himsell never pro
fessed to be rich ; as he avowpj, on the contrary,
tli4t his portion was but slender, and that there was
no other probability of its being increased, except
by promotion in the army; Captain Wilmot saw
no gouiqj lot suspicion. H Reply gaye his con
sent to the proposed marriage, and freely received
Elliot into his house, on the fooling ola /uture son
ui law.
The faith of the ioverß had been bul a short t.ruc
plighted, \yhen, among many other utile pledges
ol unalterable affection, the Major presented Rose
with a beautiful Arab pony. '1 he animal, as a
matter of course, became a prodigious tuyorjte with
its mistress, ft was gentle and traetaole, not only
permitting her to mount with the most perfect safe
ty, but corning to her call, and eating pieces ql
bread from her hand. Upon it, she was in the
habit pi daily riding abroad with her lover; anil,
truly, it would be a hard matter in discover a pair
more lovely, or more manifestly formed for each
other, than Rose and her pony.
Such was, now, tfip order of the lovers'existence
—and time appeared, at last, to fly on in that state
ol holy and pure enjoyment, which never fajls to ,
accompany the progress of an honorable attach
But " the cojf.-e of true love never JiJ run
smooth," as poor Rose soon found 10 her cost. The
wedding-day was now but or. p short week dis',
when Rose, who had agreed to meet Elliot, hall
way between the barracks and the Toll, set out,
one morning, unattended, upon her Arab. Having
reached the place of rendezvous, and finding thai
Elliot had uol arrived, she determined to ride on a
little farther; she accordingly proceeded, almost
unconsciously, though lull of apprehension, she
knew nol why, till at last, the bartacks themselves
lay before her. Observing that the troops were on
parade, her delicacy would not allow her to ap
proach nearer; so she reined in her little steed,
and partly concealing herself behind the branches
of a tree, she resolved to wait there, till thesoldiers
should be dismissed.
In the meanwhile, the battallion formed itsell in
to a hollow square ; a piece of timber, of a triangu
lar shape, was erected in the midst ol it. All was
now silence ; and Elliot, mounted on a black charg
er, took his station without ihe ranks. A moment
• r two had only passed, when there came, from a
part ol the buildiug, a guard ol soldiers, conducting
a man handcuffed, and arrayed in an undress, to
wards the battalion. This last body had hardly
entered the square, when a wild shriek, and in a
woman's voice, struck upon Rose's ear. A lemale,
at the same instant, rushed from one of the houses
with her hair dishevelled, and garments disorder
ed ; she held up her clasped hands, and falling
down upon her knees, before Elliot's horse, seem
ed to urge some petition, with all the energy of
prolound griel. But Elliot turned away from her,
and rode within the ranks. The woman rose, ut
tered another wild scream, and began to tear her
hair; when suddenly, as it would appear, her eyes
fell upon Rose, and §he ran tuwaids her. Rose
trembled exceedingly.
"Oh, Lady," cried the woman, franticly seizing
Rose's bridle ; " Lady, surely Heaven has heard
my prayer, and sent you hither! Bave him! For
the love of (Jud, save him ! 1 know you have only
to speak the word, and it will be done."
" Save whom, my good woman ?" replied Rose,
deeply affected. " IVhom am 1 to save ? and from
what am I to save him ?"
" My husband! My husband!" exclaimed the
unhappy petitioner, now dropping upon her knees;
" Save him from the lash ! They are about to flog
him for a fault which he never committed. He
j never did it, lady! Indeed, indeed, lie did not! O
lady, save him ! 1 know the Major can retuse you
nothing—speak for ium, goodjady, and Ciud will
bfis-t you for it!"
Rose was quite overcome, and burst into tears
'• Heaven's blessing be upon those dear eyes !"
cried the soldier's wile, as Rose put her pony to
speed, and made towards the square. But there
was no need to enter h—Elliot saw, and flew to
wards her.
" Rose," cried he, reining up his horse, when '
they met, " this is no place for you. (Jo, my love
| —go Irom the ground ; you cannot stay to witness
what is going lorwatd."
" Nay, Elliot," replied she. " 1 will not go. I
' beseech you nol to hurt that poor woman's bus
ba id. He is innocent; he must be innocent! lu
' deed, indeed, 1 cannot go, tdl you promise me, that
| he shall not be punished!"'
" You know not what you a*k, Rose," rejoined
j Elliot. " Believe me, love! lam not cruel; 1
' would not willingly injuie a hair of Ins head. But
the nun is a criminal; he has been found guilty by
a coo it martial, and discipline must be'preserved.
1 would refuse you nothing, and that you know,
which I could grant consistently with my honor;
but you would not have me to sacrifice that ?"
'' So. Elliot, { would not have jou sacrifice your
honor; lor that is dearer to me than hie ; but what
is there dishonorable in pardoning even a guilty
fellow creature? Is it nol the noblest use we can
make of power? Oh, Elliot, remember how much
we ourselves stand in need of pardon : And as you
hope to be forgiven you own sins, lorgive the of
fences ol this criminal. Look to his wile, dear El
liot, and think what I should feel were her and my
► position revetsed."
" Rose, you have prevailed," answered the
Major; "but, in truth, I wish it had been other
wise—you have exposed us both. But, yet, I will
do as you desire, 4ml Inflow yon."
So saying, he lurried his horse's head, and gal
loped back to the srjuare.
As lo Rose, her very braht swam round Tine,
she hail performed a humane aequo, and for thai,
her conscience rewarded her; but she had hurl, or
pffcndpd Elliot; and even an approving conscience
was incapable of compensating for ifiat Besides,
had shu nol, in some degrue overstepped the liitc
ol female dejicgey, in appearing belore a parade
ofsoidiers, and openly exerting her influence ovpr
the commanding officer. Such were Ihe liioughis
which Holered across her mind, as she roJe leis
nrely lowaids home ; but she was nol suilered |o
pass lliqs. The nojse pf persons running was be
hind her; and in a moment, the woman and her
husband were at her side.
" That is the lady, Will," cried the poor wile ;
" that is she thai save you. Bless her, Will; thank
her and bless her, as she deserves! '
" I cannot thank you, US you deserve, young la
dy," said the man," but Heaven will reward you.
Ay, and even 1 may yet do ybu service. Lady,
Jiave a pare ol what you are about. I have seen
you olten, where 1 would nol see you again ; and
have heard of you, what must not be again spoken
Farewell, lady ! Your goodness shall not go unre
quited ; bul beware of—"
The soldier looked as it he were about to givp
utterence to something of importance, when his
speech was interrupted by the coming up of Major
" Begoqe, 6ir !" said the Major, addressing the
man, in a lone more harsh and authontive than
appeared to Rose, to be requisite. " Begone, to
your quarters; arid take care how you gel into a
scrape again. There may not always be a friend
at hand lo save you." The man touched the point
o! hie foraging cap, and casting an anxious glance
at Rose, walked away.
What was :t:e fellow saying r ' arffed Elliot,
in a tone of voice which indicated not only a con
siderable degree ol agitation, but an evident de
sire that the agitation should not be observed.
"Nothing," replied Rose at least, nothing
which is worth repeating. He only thanked rne
for having pleaded in his favor. But he might have
said something worthy ol being listened to," added
she, with a smile, " had you not ser.l liiin away so
" Indeed!" replied the Major; "and to what
might the communication tend, which 1 unfortun
ately interrupted ? '
" That," answered Rose, " I cannot tell; 1 only
know that the broken sentence was one oleaution ;
but whether against people or things, or witches,
or hob-goblins you gave me no opportunity to dis
"Humph!" said Elliot. A considerable pause
here ensued in their conversation, during which,
Rose cast a timid glance towards her lover; and
beheld with dismay, an expression ol violent, and,
as she judged, painlul anxiety upon his counten
ance ; suoh as it h3d never belore exhibited.
" What is the matter?" cried she, greatly alarm
ed, " You arc ill Elliot, or you are offended with
me; and, indeed, I feel that I have done wrong."
The anxious look departed, instantly, from his
visage, and his old sweet smile look its place.
" Not so, dear Rose; i cannot be offended with
you though 1 may wish that (his had occurred
somewhat differently. But no matter; llose had
her way; and she is convinced, there is nothing
whicli Elliot would not do to make her happy
Let me, however, obtain one promise from you.—
Never act again, as you acted to day; and take no
lurther notice ot the persons whom you have oblig
ed. He is not a good man; and she is a very bad
woman; and they may impose upon you"
" I promise," answered Rose, restored, once
more, to her accustomed composure. The remain
der of the ride passed, as their rides usually
and Elliot spent the day at the Toll
There was one member of the lamily at liie
Toll, of whom no mention has yet been made;
bul who, if long and faithful services entitle a
domestic lo notice, ought not to be passed over
Old Bligh, like his master, had speril his best days
in the navy. He was originally a cabin boy, in
the frigate ol which Captain Wilmot was fiisi lieu
tenant, and, as such, waited upon his officer.—
When iieutenanl obtained promotion, Biigh
followed him to his own ship, where he filled the
situations, first, of ooxswatu to ihe captain's barge
and, afterwards, of steward in his cabin ; and,
when the captain himself abanJoned the service,
lliigli did not forsake him. He now executed the
joint offices of mailro d' hotel, footman, and head
gardener; and was as sincerely attached to I,tose,
and her father, as if he had been their relation. It
is a curious fact, thsl, whilst others treated Major
Elliot with confidence the most boundless old Bligh
could not be prevailed upon to cttgatd him without
something ot suspicion. Civil and attei.iivelo him,
he invariably war; because lie saw that a contrary
line of conduct would have been displeasing to his
master; but fie took no libeiues wj'li him, nor ail
diessed him in that familiar tone, which old sei
vauls are apt to employ, when they believe that
they ate addressing those who have the interests
of the family really at heart. Of ifii<, the Major
himself was not unobservant, and he more than
once complained of it lo Rose.
There was another singularcircumstance remaik
ed, at this time, by the friends of the family. Ma
jor Klliot had lor some weeks back, been more
grave and thoughtful than appeared natural lo him ;
and the nearer the wedding day approached, (he
more frequent, and decided, his fi's of abstraction
became. Since the adventure with tha soldier and
his wile, in particular, his manner exhibited symp
toms the most marked, of a stale of mind very far
from being composed. He would drop into fits ol
musing, even whilst Rose was by; and wfien she
was not present, fie fi tnlly attempted to speak a
wpfd- For this behaviour, many reasons were
assigned. Some imagrneJ that, now, when the
moment ol tiial was at hand, his family pride, or,
perhaps, the posiijve interference o! his relations,
began to throw impediments in tiio way, others
fancied that his own inclinations were changed,
and that he repented of an engagement too rashly
entered into. The only individuals, indeed, who
neither observed the c'icuiiistance, nor hazarded a
conjecture respecting it. were Rose and her lather.
Their minds were too busily occupied in eontem
platiug their approaching separation, to per
mit ilieir seeing wnh eyes as clear as those ol !
persons far loss deeply interested; arid they weio j
lop conscious of being themselves liable lo iris ol
musing and kirgelfqlip!*#, to look, wuli alarm Oi
suspicion, upon (fie musings and iorgeitulnecs ot
the Major.
And, now, but one day stood between the w.sites
r.f (he Joyets. ami their aecomplishmujit. It so hap
pened, that, on that dqy, 4 sn;all paity,—the curate,
of the parish, with tus mother and sister, —had
been invited to meet Major Elliot at dinner
Between the Curate jjthe reverend Abraham UTl
liarnsj and Captain Wilmot, a close intimacy sub
sisted, and Miss Williams and Rose were bosom
friends. The party weie pi ihe apt o| discussing
ceitaiu arraugetnenis, which weie tp fake place
subsequent to the wedding;—the cirecnun of the
marriage janrit was under consideration, —whan
old Bligh made his appearance, and informed !
Rose, that a person in the kite lien desired lo see j
her. Rose, instantly obeyed the summons, and ;
had teached the parlor .lour, when the j'rigling of'
spurs in the hall, beyond arrested her. Major
Elliot entered ; he seemed heated, and a good deal
" Whither go you, love ?"cried he, 111 a hurried |
lone, seizing Rose by the hand, and leading her i
bapk to her chair.
'• Some 0,10 desires to see rne," replied Rose,!
smiling sweetly, and gently disengaging herself;,
" I shall be with you again in a minute."
" Do not go, love," exclaimed the Major, forci- j
ply detaining her. and yet struggling ;c appear I
calm ; '• 1 know who has asked to see ynu. J saw
her enter by the back way, as I came up the ai enue.
t is the woman with whom you promised to hold
110 lurther erilercourse. .You will not go, now."
"No certainly," answered Rose. " Tell the
woman, Bligh, that I cannot fee her; bnt, it she
lias anything to communicate, let her tend in her
message by you."
The awkwanluess attendant upon such a scene
had, in some degree, passed away, and all pnities
were recovering their wonted composure, when
Bligh again entered:
"The woman would hardly be persuaded to go,
Miss," said he ; " and though I told her how you
were engaged, she was only the more desirous, on
that account, to see you. At last, when 1 positively
assured her you could nol be spoken with, she
asked for pen, ink and paper, and wrote a little
note which is here."
" Read it not, Rose," exclaimed Major Elliot,
starting from his chair, and grasping at the bit of
paper. "It is some infernal petition, some impos
ture, to deceive your goad nature; —read it not."
Bligh, however knew his duty better, than to
permit a note, addressed to his mistress, to pas
into other hands. He shrunk back Irom the Major's
clutch, and held it tight.
" Nay, Elliot,'said Rosa," this is absolute folly.
You must look apon me as 110 belter than a child,
if you imagine that a single note, or any other single
communication, either with the husband or the
wife, must necessarily expose me lo danger. But
I have no desire her billet. Give it to my
father, Bligh, or to Mr. Williams—he is beside
" Give it to me," cried the Major, in a voice of
thunder; at the same time grasping Bligh fiercely,
by the collar, " as you value your lite."
Hie whole party were struck with astonishment;
Captain Wilmot half rose Irom his chair; whilst
Rose trembled excessively, the color coming and
going upon her cheeks, in rapid succession. A6
to Bligh, he shook off the Major's hand with the
coolness of a veteran, and delivering the note note
to the Curate, stood, bolt upright, between him
and his own late assailant.
" Read, Mr. Williams," said Rose, in a tone of
womanly dignity; "and read aloud, ihat all may
hear you. There must be something singular,
indeed, in that piece ol paper, when it produces
such effects.
Mr. William did read; but, before lie came to
an enJ, M jor Elliot was gone. The letter ran
" 1 have toiloweJ you, d-ar lady, far and near,
lor the purpose ol putting you upon your guard;
but nc opportunity of speaking has been afforded
me; even now you will not see me. But, per
haps, you may read this, and, if so, (he kind office
which you rendered to me and iny husband, will
not go unrewarded. Oh, lady, beware of Major
Elliot—lie is a villain and will betray jou. They
say you ai lo wed him to morrow. Wed hi 111
not, tor he is married already; his wife now lives
in the very count) hom which 1 and my husband
It were impossible to describe the effect which
the perusal ol the above note produced upon all
who listened lo it. It seemed a? if deep had sud
denly fallen upon tl'cni ; for all sat, or stood,
motionless, as it the Arabian taie had been veidied
in them, and they had all been changed into marble.
Two seconds, perhaps, el.rpscJ, tie their senses
w ere suddenly and painfully recalled. Rose, who
had been s'andiug in the middle ot lire apartment,
drooped, like orje smitten by a deadly wound : not
a sounJ", or motion, niaiked the workings ol her
feelings, but, at once, she lell flat upon the carpet
"My child, my child!" shrieked the Captain
roused by the situation of his daughter; " my Rose,
my own darling child! Help! help! run! ride!
fly 1 fly tor medical assistance!—look to her:—arid
you, Bhgh, letch me my pistol*! 0 the villain—
letch me my pistols, j say !—saddle the horse, and
let me Inflow hitn. lam old, but there is strength
enough left to Jiaw a tiigger, and he shall (eel it "
Thus the old man raved, alternately lamenting
over his daughter* Isle, and cursing Imr betraye-.
Nor was it without great exertions 0:1 the part of
the clergyman, thai he was prevented hoin imme
diately carrying his plans of vengeance into effect.
Bul the situation of Rose was even more pitiable
than that of her paient—she was borne to her
chamber in a state not of absolute in-tmsibil* v, lor
her eyes opened and pjitsed, and her hands oc
casionally moved, but no sleep cants (o refresh
her; and the only woul which she Uttered, was,
one# or twice that the 114010 ol Elliot passed, a* it
■ appeared, invojutiianly across her hps.
Our tale is drawing lo a close, and 11 is a melan
choly one. The lirst dawn ot lire following day
no sooner appeared, than Captain Wilmot, intern
upon chastising the treachery <>l Major Elliot, set
out, attended by Bligh, towards the barracks. It
secured as it, on the present oceassion, the old ;
man's strength, toth ol baJy and mirul, were su- j
pernaturaljy rp perved. But the pursuit was huit J
le-s; Elliot had not returned lo lus quartets, li
was afterwards discovered, thai, immediately 0:1
quoting ihe T°D> he took the road fot London ; j
bom whence, having obtained pettniosion to join
the portion ol his corps employed on foreign ser
vice, he unibaikcd for the East Indies. What be
came ot hini, whether he fill by die sword, 01
whether a pestilential climate earned htm off is
not known The only intelligence respecting
hirn, indeed, which ever reached Ins til la eJ mis
tress, was conveyed in a letter from himself. It
bore date ten days posterior to the discovery of his j
baseness, and was thus worded .
" How, or in what terms. I am to addre-s you,
motrl beloved and most injured of women, I know
not. That you will condescend to peruse ihese
lines, knowing from ;yhorn they come, I am doubt
ful; and it you do peruse them where will be the
benefit? Ro&ecanst thou forgive me? I deserve n
no:—that I know; but yon were ever a of
pari'y arid mercy Can that mercy extend even to
file? I acknowledge ffiyaelfto c.e r. villain, out i
am no! a heaitless one. I know that { couhi have
betrayed ami seduced you; and thai, had not Pro
% i..tri.ce iri'erfered to save you, you would hate
been ere this, miserable as lam now. All this I
ai know ledge, and so offer no excuse for it. 1 only
| wri'e (o say that, go where 1 will, your linage shall
i accompany me
. have juved but one; thai one is yourself—
My marriage was entered into as a means ol ex
tricaring myself fiotn pecuniary emburrasmenls
but the woman, with whom the hated connection
is lormed, I loathed at the time, and she has long
ceased to be treated as my wile. You. Rose, you
only have I loved. Clod is my witness, that I pro
| ceeded in rny villainy step by step ; that, when
| first [ saw you. I dreamed ndl ol your ruin ; that at
each visit. your influence over me became greater
I 3d greater;—that at last, 1 f|; how worthless life
j would be without you : that —but why all ibis?
j Do 1 seek to palliate my wickedness ? No, no, no !
I farewell, dear Rose, for ever! Your miniature
I hangs upon rny bosom, and there it shall remain
j tdl that bosom cease to beat. To-morrow. I
j embaik for a distant land, from which I shall never
return. But may you yet be happy ! May the im
age of one, who would have been to you all that
tnan ever was to wotnatt, cease to retain a place in
your memory; and may another, and a more
worthy lover, restore to you that peace which 1
have basely taken away. For pie my only rest
ir.g place is the grave."
llose, whose health had seriously suffered from
the shock winch her nerves experienced, had just
quilted her room, ami was able to appear, as usual,
in the parlor, when the preceding letter reached
her. It had a powerful, but not an agonizing effect
upon her feelings. She wept bitterly over it ; but
never, except at the moment, was she observed to
allude to its contents. The name of Elliot, indeed,
soon ceased to be heard ut the Toll; and to ueiran.
ger, it might have appeared as if no such person
had ever visited it. The only remembrance of
him and of the scenes connected with him, not
positively set asije, was the Arab pony. That
little animal, at Ins mistress's express desire, was
still permitted to browse and play about lite pad
dock ; he was still as great a favorite as ever, and
still cantered up to the gale, at the sound of her
voice, lo receive his Utile portion ol bread irotn her
hand; but she never mounted him again. No
saddle, indeed, was put upon his back, till after the
last scene in this sad drama hud been acted.
Ruse Wilmot was a strong-minded and pious
girl, but she was a girl of deep and enthusiastic
feeling. She never complained, and she did her
best to assume that cheerfulness which she no long
er experienced. But the exeition necessary to lha (
end was too greaf, not to be apparant: and at no
moment was she an object ot livelier commissera
lion, than when she strenuously endeavored to ap
pear happy. l'oor Rose ! she was smitten where
wounds are always the mosl severe; and her'.*
were mortal.
For several months strong hopes were entertain
ed that youth, a naturally good constitution, and
change ot air and scene, would woik their custo
maiy results, and res'ore her to herself. To tec tiro
for her the lust mentioned benefit, Captain Wilniot
chalked out, and cat tied partly into effect, a lout
through several of the most interesting counties oi
England. But all wou'd not do. The maiden be
came daily weaker and weaker, and at length en
treated to be conveyed home, that she might Ji£ n.
the abode ot her fathers.
Alas ! what a change was now vicible in Rose 1
The delicate hue, which was wont to tinge hot
cheek, had given place to an alternate hectic
flush and deadly paleness Her tine hazel eye
was still bright and expressive, but the brilliancy
was that which consumption never tails to produce
and the expression was one of unchanging peu-ive
ness. bite was no longer the lively and cheeiful
creature, whose very step gave evidence ola con
tented mind, and whose playful conversation com
uiunicateJ happiness lo those with whom she was
associated, but "the ghost ot what she was," she
could only crawl from her chamber to the parlor,
j and trom thence, when the >nir shone warmly ott',
Ito a seat upon the lawn. Boot Rose! The fust
I autumnal leaves were beginning to tall, when site
j returned to her home; the last wete still noon fhe
j trees, when she was earned to her grave.
It is useless to continue such a initiative much
, tnrther; nay, were there not a lew details rti pos
j session ol the writer, which we e enmmutneatod
i by the clergyman who attended Rose during hct
| last illness, it might justly conclude here. But
I these, we arc tempted to give ; and wo give litem
HI the language ot the Reverend Abraham Wil
liams, Irotn whom they were received
" The disease,"' said our itiforijian', " gained
' ground upon her very rapidly; and tn a hole while
j she was no longer able lo quit her room. A sofa
j was then placed lor her near the w itidow, on which
[ for an hour or two e?ch day site reposed. But e\eu
| tins—the cxeiitou oi being lifted tr<>m oue place U
| another—became soon too innch lor her ; and tho
kept wholly her bed. Tlte calmness am', fortitude
which distingin.-hed her Irotn the never, how
ever, left her. Feeling indeed, that the hand of
ileal h was upon hci, she riu longer scrupled to speak
ot Elliott; but it was invariably as end she httdlov
! Ed, ami could stil! love, to idolatry.
• Surely (F'd w ill forgive him,' sgid >!}c,on one
occasion, when the sacrament was about to be ad
rmmsteicd to her. ' 1 say not that he was guilt
less; oh! no, mi! Hut I lorgtve htm, Ircelv ! oh,
most freely ! and here'—clasping her thin whita
hands together— I pray that he may be forgiven
by linn who knoweth whereof wo are nude, ant)
who i not extreme to mark whai is done amis*.'
Mortal man could not witness such a scene, and
restrain his tears.
" I had eat with hei till a lata hour, one evening
in the latter end of October, and aha appeared tuoiti
easy and chee.tul than usual Oar Jevoirous being'
ended, we had talked, as wo were accustomed to
talk, par tiy of the unhappy cause of nor sorro w,ir.d
partly ol ..its poor enitd.ou at ia scuoo', md ..a