Nero 2Lsoertieemcnto. ssEßirrs saib. r-iv vinne of a writ of Fi. Fa. issued out of the B Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county, A - me directed, will be exposed to public sale, afthe Court House, in the boro' of Towanda on i 2d dav of December, at 1 o'clock P. M.— Throwing described lot, piece or parcel of land .n.£S in Athensßoro\ bounded as follows, to wit; mtat l lEnh hr lands of c. F. Welles, Jr., on the ?" i hvMain Street, on the South by lands of J. B. s ,i"> •!> w - "r u " d >. ° r f""°H Roaers—about fifty feet front on Main St., and fbout 100 feet deep, be the same more or less all improved, one framed two story building used as a ° S ALSO-0 piece or parcel of land aitualed in said boro.' of Athens, bounded and de scribed as follows to wit—On the North by lands OTJ.B. Brock way, on the Fast by Main at. on the South by lands of Thomas Evans, and on the V| es , h - h-irs of Davia, d* Containing about 60 perches, be the same more or less-all improved with a two story framed dwelling house thereon Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. N. ShiDman vs. A. O. Hart and Nancy B. Hart. Shipman JOHN a. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Nov. 1, 1854. Register's Notice. "\ t OTICE is hereby given that there have been 1\ filed and settled in the office of the Register of Wills in and for the county of Bradford, accounts of administration upon the following estates, viz : Final account of Daniel Beardslee, Executor of ; the last will and testament of Michael Phillips, late , of Smithfield, dee'd. ) Final account of Johnson Cowles and Parley Coburn, Administrators of John Cowles,late of Or well, dee'd. Final account of Harvy Gore and Geo. C. Gore, Executors of Avry Gore, late of Sbeshequin dee'd. j Final account of lames Bagley, Guardian of Ma-J rv Rogers, minor child of Charles Rogers, late of! Canton, dee'd. Supplementary account of Emily Rogers, Ad | irunistratrix, of the estate of Charles Rogers, late of ! Canton, dee'd. Partial account of A. L. Cranmer and Philinda | 8, Smith Executors of the last will and testament | of James P. Smith late of Monroe, dee'd. Final account of John W. Martin, Guardian of > William 1.. Martin, minor child of James Martin, dee'd. Account of William Keeler, surviring Adminis- j trator of the estate ol Garner Carpenter, late of To- j wanda, dee'd. Final account of Charles Chaffee and James B. ; Demony, Administrators of the estate of Ric lard ! N. Horton, late of Sheshequin, dee'd. Final account of Daniel Holmes, Administrator of the estate of Josiah Holmes, late of Pike, dee'd. ! Supplementary account of Ephriam Brink, Ad ministrator of the estate of Jonathan Brink, late of Pike, dee'd. Final account of James Elliott, Administrator of the estate of John Lewis, late ofL'lster, dee'd. Final account of Robert Bull, Administrator of the estate of John Welsh late of Durell, dee'd. And the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court ol Bradford County, on Monday, the 4th dsy of December next, for confii ination and allowances. H. LAWRENCE SCUI'T, Register. Register Office, Nov*. 1, 1854. ESTRAY. t . /"lA.ME to the enclosure of Subscriber in Wy on o*" about the first of Lll\vKl September,a Yearling BULL, VfW dark hrindle.small star in the aGBSSKSwHVSWHfiaF* forehead, and a slit in the left ear. The owner is requested to prove property, and pay charges and take himawav. W.M. HOAGLI.V Wysox, Nov. 1, 1851. Lotting—North Branch Penn'a Canal. OEALED PROPOSALS will be received nt the O house of George Lazarus, in Pittston, until sun set of Thursday, the 23d of November next, for completing the Weigh Lock and building a Collect tor's Office at t'pper I'iitston. Plans and specifica t.nns will be exhibited three days previous to the day of letting. W. R. MaFFET,'ineer and Sup'l N. B. Canal. Engineer's Office. Towanda, Oct. 28, 1854. JAM US MACFAHLANS ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOWANDA. removed to John C. Adams' Office in the Union Block. July 30. ail J. HARVY PHINNY, JR., great pleasure in announcing to the pub' lie that the liberal patronage he has received at their hands, has enabled him to offer them a large and complete assortment of GOOD"*, as can be found in Towanda, and for unprecedented low pri ces, he dafies all competition. Persons wishing to purchase Goods for Cash or Ready Pay. will find it to their interest ts call and examine his stock, at the corner of Main and Bridge streets. Butter, Pork. Grain, Lumber and Hay, taken in payment of old debts, or in exceange for Goods. Oct. 12, 1864. I EATHER, Pork, Codfish, Mackerel and White 4 Fish, for sale cheap at PHINNY'B. pROCKEKY Cotton Pi Mow Casings, Brown and Blaached *t!s!in, Sack Flannel, Broad Cloths 4 Cassimers, ♦e. Ac. PALICOS—A large assortment of Merrimack, Coehece & Fall River Prints—also good cali for 6 cts. per yard. Warranted good Madder ww*, fur sale by B. KINGSBERY. —Call and see our Brown, Crusb- Jr ec L Coffee and Pulverized . Bogoati—Fine . °. ai )6 Hyson 4 Black Teas—warranted a Baperior *'!icl cr the money refunded—for sale cheap bv BURTON KINGSBERY. £?gal Qlboertisemcnts. Auditor's Notice. In the Matter of the Estate of Curtis Frink, Dee d. In the Orphan's Court of Bradford Coun.y—Sept Term, 1854. THE undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court, to marshal! assets and distribute funds in the hands of the Administrator's of said Estate, will attend to said business at his office, in Towan da boro'.on Saturdry the 4th day of November 1854, at 2 o'clock P. M. When and where all persons having ciaims upon Said funds, must present them or be forever debarred from the same G. H. WATKINS, Auditor. Towanda, Sept. 27, 1854. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE A LL persons indebted to the estate of James a *- Nichols, deceased, late of Smithfield township, 1 are hereby requested to made payment without de lay. and all persons having demands gainst said j estate, are requested to present them duly authenti cated for settlement. T. M. BEACH, September 21, 1854. Administrator. ! Auditor's Notice. In the matter of the Estate of Duiid II Owens, dee'd , In the Orphan's Court of Bradford County. j undersigned having been appointed an Au- j ditor, by the Court, upon exemptions filed to j the confirmation of the Administrator's sale, of said , estate, and to the division and appraisment, setting apart S3OO, 00 worth of the same—will attend to i the duties assigned him, at his office, in the Boro' of I'owanda, on the 9th day of November next, at one I o'clock P. M.—of which all persons interested will ( lease take notice. PAUL D. MORROW, Auditor. Towanda, Oct. 1, 1854. Auditor's Notice. Ia the Matter of the Estate of Jonn Fee Deceased ; ' PHE undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by the J- Court to marshal! assets and distribute funds in the hands of the Administrator's of said estate,' will attend to the duties assigned him, at his office, j in the Boro' of Towanda, on the 6th dayofNovem. • her next, at I o'clock P. M. When and where all persons neglecting to present their claims upon said fund will be forever debarred from the same. ! P. D. MORROW, Auditor. ; Towanda, Oct. 1, 1854. Auditor's Notice. In the Mutter of the Estate of Sterling Holcomb, \ Dee'd In the Orphan's Court ol Bradford Co. \ undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court, j -L upon exemptions filed to the partial accountof the Administrator's of said estate, will attend to the duties assigned him, at his office in the Boro' of Towanda. on the 7lh day of November next, at one o'clock P. M., of which all persons interested will please take notice. P. D. MORROW, Auditor. .j October 1. 1854. An Ordinance Relative to the Running at Large OF SWINE. BE it Ordnined by the Town Council of the Bo rough o( Towanda, That swine shall not be al- j lowed to run at large within the >quarcs, streets, latics or alley.' of this borough. It shall be the duty of the High Constable, either by himselt or some persons whom he may employ, to seize andshut up J in some secure place alt swine which may be found running at large upon the public squares or in any | opened sfree I, alley or lane within this borough.— ; And he shall on the samed ay upon which he shall make such seizure, advertise the said swine for: sale at public vendue, giving not less than six nor ; more than eight days notice of said rale, by at least i three notices thereof posted up in as many public places in said borough. At the time ami place ap pointed, the said Constable shall expose said swine to sale a: public vendue, and shall sell the same to the highest and best bidder in the same manner that Constables are by law authorized to make sales j by virtue of executions issued by Justices of the j Peace. And the money raised by all sueh sales, j after deducting costs and charges, shall be by the said High Constable immediately paid over to the j Treasurer of the Borough, for the use thereof. And the said High Constable shall be entitled to charge and receive for executing this ordinance as ( tolloWa—For every hog. shoator pig seized by him as aforesaid, 25 cents; for advertising the same each 25 cents ; for keeping the same each cents for every day the same shall be kept; for selling, each j 25 cents. It ts provided however, that if the owner of any such swine shall at any time before the same i I shall be sold pay to the said High Constable his fees ' for seizing, advertising and keeping as hereinbefore mentioned, thnt the said Constable shall not sell, bu' ; deliver the sure to such owner or upon his order. | 2. It shall be the duty of said High Constable to file in the office or the Secretary of the Boro' within three days after each seizure, a statement or des • cription of the swine seized, as near as may be, to gether with the date ol the seizure, and to mention the square, street, lane, or alley where seized, and such statement shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated. By order of the Town Council. October 9, 1854. .4. D. MONTANYE, Sec. Auditor's Notice. In the Orphan's Court (f Bradford County. In the matter of John Rogers, guardian fir the minor children of Fieining Roberts, deceased The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court to examine the accounts of John Rogers, guardian ;of Arlette, John aud Orrin D. Roberts and Mary E. j Vanderlip, minor children of Fleming Roberts, dee'd ! npon exceptions filed, will attend to the duties of i his appointment at his office in Athens Borough, on Tuesday, the 14th day of November next, at one | o'clock, P. M., when all parties can attend if they | think proper. October 5, 1854. 11. C. I3AIRD, Auditor. Sale of Real Estate. : ATOTICE is hereby given, that the Real Estate of jiN Wm. MYERS, who assigned for the benefit of : Creditors, will be sold at public Auction to the high est bidder, on MONDAY, the 4th of November, 1854—by order of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Countv. N. C. HARRIS. J.T. SATTERLEEi H. McALPIN. Athens, Sept. 30, 1851. Orphan's Court Sale. IN pursuance of an order from the Orphan'* Court of Bradford County, there will be exposed to pub* i lie sale at a small bunding or shant"e, on the prem ises. at one o'clock in the afternoon, of Tuesday the i 2!st day of November next, the following described : Real Estate, to wit:—The South halfof a lot ofland j situated in Burlington twp., in said County, fortner j iy purchased by contract by Joseph H. Dudley and | John Bwecaev, of Stephen Pierce, and the whole lot i being bounded, beginning at a post, the south east | corner of John G. Blakeslee's land, thence south 152 7-10 perches io the northeast corner of a lot, ' heretofore conveyed to Abiram Pierce, thence west, I 101 perches to a post, thence north 152 7-10 perches i to a post, and thence east TOl perches to the place ! of beginning—containing in the whole 96 acres and 63 square rods of land, and the part to be sold being , the south ealf of the above described lot, with about j ten acres partly improved, and the above named ■ y Hiram Mason—con taining about one hundred and fifty acres, more or less, about one hundred acres improved, one fram ed house, one log house, one framed barn, and two orchards of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wm. Sample to the use ol Samuel Sample vs. Peter Mil ler. A LSO—The fallowing described lot, piece or par- j eel of land situated in Albany tup., bounded on (he ' North by lands belonging to the estate of Horatio , I,add, dee'd., on the East by lands belonging to) , on the South by lands of 8. Wilcox, Jacob Jackson et al, on the South-west by lands of Jacob Heverly, and on the west by lands of U. Maloney, D. English and Myron Kellogg, Con- j taimne four hundred acres more or less,and known as the Rollin Wilcox lot. Seized and taken in execution at themit oFEu nice Lewis and Mary Wilcox vs. Ralph lt.Carpen- j ter. AI.SO—The following lot, piece or parcel of : land situated in Smithfield t.vp, bounded on the North and East by lands belonging to the heirs of I Enos Smith dee'd.—on the South and West by the j public highway ; containing one acre, be the same ; more or les, all improved, one framed house and a few young fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of| Charles Avery for the use of C. E. Fierce vs. S. A. Walker. AI.SO—The following described lot, piece or i parcel of land situated in Litchfield 'wp., bounded j on the North by Alanson Mann's land, on the East ! by Cyrus Merrill's land ; on the South by William j Parks' land, and on the West by the estate of Reu- i ben Fark,dee'd. —containing one hundred and thir ty-onc acres more or less, about one hundred acres improved, one framed house, one framed barn and an old log house and an apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the sun ofOrsou Rickey, now to the use of H. W. Patrick vs. L. D. Hart, guardian of I.ttcy A. O. Newman. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land, situated in Oranville twp-, bounded as follows viz:—On the North by lands of O. P. Ballard, on the East and South highway, on the West by lands of Daniel Duart and O. Spal ding—containing thirty-eight acres, be the same more or less—cboul twenty-five acres improved, one framed house, one framed barn and a small or chard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wil liam Gnrsline vs. Francis Gurham, Joel B. Uorham ' and Lathrop Gorham. ALSO —The following described lot, piece or parcel ofland, situated in Monroe twp., boundedon the North by Timothy Aldrn and Joseph Bull, 011 the East by J. R. Irvine, on the South by Eleazar and Hiram Sweet, on the West by the Towanda Cretk—containing one hundred acre*, more or less —about fifty acres improved, one framed dwelling house, one framed barn and a corn house, and an apple orchard thereon, Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Jamas H. Phinnv Jr., use vs- H. 8. Sa.sbnrv. (.'. THOM AS, Sh'riff. Sheriff'* OiTice, Towanda, Oct. 14, 1854. (fj* Notice is hprehy given, that an amount equal to thp costs will be required to be paid upon each sale when struck down to the bidder,and upon a failure to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will again be offered for sale. Administratrix's Notice. ALT. persona indebted to the estate of Geo Shay lor, der.'d. late of Bu'hneton twp, are here by requested to make payment without delay : and all persons having claims against said estste will i please rresent them dulv authenticated for settle ! mPnt . OLIVE BIIAYLOK, Sept. 13, 1c54.l c 54. Administratrix. Executor's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of John More deceased, late of Pike township, are hereby 1 requested to make payment without delay, and all 1 oersons having demaada against said estate will pre i sent them without delav, duly authenticated fr b! ; llement . ORKIN MORE. I • M. H- CODuING, Sept. 12- 1854. Executors. Administrator's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Henry Vandyke, dee'd late of Albany tp., are reques ' ted to make payment without delay: and those hav } ! ing demands against said estaie will present thetn i dulv authenticated for settlement. | 3 SAMT EL VANDYKE. JOHN HATCH ! August 25, 1854. Administrators. DISSOLUTION. THE partnership between E. F. Dawson and A. Gay, is this day dissolved by mutnal con sent— the accounts are left in the hands of J. L. Jones, Esfl., for settlement. Wi/mot," June 22, 1354. 3' TONS more of those cheap Sogers just ree'd and for sale by PHINNEY. fllcrct)anbi)e &"c. M X> HKORRC'ftr 9 Attorney at Law. OFFICC WITH THE ItEOISTIR ASI> RECORDER. Towanda, Penna. new Spring & summer goors^ BURTON KINOSBERY, IS now receiving all sorts of NE W GOOD?, which will be sold very low for Cash. May 3. 1854. ELftSS-' USo ISi EelitiSsS/'ST-j TT7OULD inform her friends, that bhe has just re- VV turned from the city, with a large assortment of BXXLLXNA&ir GOODS, which she otTers at reduced prices. Produce of ev ery kind taken in payment for goods. REMOVAI.-DU. MASON has removed his office to his dwelling, on Pine street. Opposite the old Piesbyterian Church. Towanda, May 13, 1854. Flows and Plow castings! B LATCH LEY, Wayne county, Alba or Curiis Plows, Side hill, subsoil and corn plows and Castings, for sale cheap. I take particular pains to get good well made plows and tough castings. I would invite particu lar attention to the Alba, or Curiis plow. Call and see. R. M. WELLEH. NEW SPRING GOODS. JUST received by Joseph Kingsbury, a largp and ! complete stock of NEW GOODd, for sale as J usual, CHEAP FOR CASH ! Towanda. April 2R, 1854. XI. J. MAxiiu TTOR.r EI" .T I: Alf , I Office with the Register and Recorder, TOWAHDA, PS. D'A, OVERTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW J TOWANDA, PA. OFFICE in the second story of the Union Block, j north siJe of the Public square, over the office | of J. C. Adams, Esq. Sept. 24. | MORE NEW GOODS BURTON KINGSBERY IS Now opening a NEW STOCK OF Goons, consists ing of full and complete assortment of nil ktitd- M i:itcii 4 xdi/r, which will heboid as cheap as the same quality of Goods can be bought anywhere this side of New- York. Towanda. Dec. 10,1853. CHAS. 73. EIWEER'iT, •fTT Oit J% % I* .IT I. .I If, Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pa. (^OFFICE —Opposite tJ. H. Hotel-Cp Engine and Fixtures for sale. ONE second hand ENGINE and fixtures for a SAW MILL, capable of driving two or more saws, all in geod order, and will be sold cheap, on a long credit, if dpsired. The Engine is now run ning, and ban be seen by calling on li. S. DAVID SON, at Ulster, or C. F. WELLES. Jr. at Athens, Pa. Ulster, July 19, 1854. jwk. g u -m n wr> m E. W. BAIRD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAVING disposed of all interest in other busi ness, is now prepared to attend promptly to all business, in the line ol his profession. He may be found at all times—except when absent on le gal business—at his New Brick Office, "THE LITTLE UNION BLOCK," between the old tJn ion Block and John Burgar'a splendid Saloon, re cently eiected on the North side of the Public Square, Towanda, Pa 03* N. B—Particular attention given to col lecting. Towanda, Aug., 24. 1854. TAKEN UP. IN Towanda Borough, on the Bth of August, four sheep and two lambs. The owner is icqucsted to prove property, pay charges and take them away. WM. H. WBLLMAN. Towanda, Aug. 15. 1854. C A U T I O NL TTTIEREAS, mv wife Mary, has left my bd and j YV board, Without any just cause or provoca tion, t'ni is to forbid all persons harboring or trus ! ing her on my account, as I will pay no debts of er contracting after this date. CHARLES W. BREYMEIEP.. Browntown, August 21, 1854. CAUTION* I HEREBY rautiou all persons from purchasing a note. give.i to Mr. SENSEBAUGH, or Beater, for ten dollars,dated Aug. 21st 1854, due the first of April next, for 1 have received no valne, and shall 1 not pay the same, unless I am compelled by law. GEORGE KI.NNER. Sheshe7:Tn r c, aarroara ssss UX virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of the L) county of Bradford, witl be exposed to public *ale on the premises, on Saturday, the 7th day of October next, at t o'clock, P. M. the following pro perty, to wit ; | The one-half or whole (r\a nrny agreed upon by I the Administrators) of a lot of land in Burlington j township, late the estate of Obadiah Blakeslee, dee'd j bounded north bv lands of John Gustin, east by M i Luther, yiuth by E. Overton, and west by E Nich ! ol* and H Booth*. Terms made known on the dav of sale. .1. V. DANIELS, JOHN BLOOM. Sept. 12# 1854 . Administrators. u3*The above stands postponed until November tltb, at t o'clock, V. M. at the hooe of J. H. P'ur maan. in Burlington borough. NEW FALL GOODS. TH&LCTS a HteCJßUts South Corner of Mercer's fihek, Main Street, \ RE now opening their stock of GOODS for the fx. fall trade, comprising a full and complete as sortment, and of the usual variety, which will be sold at a very small profit for ReaJy Pay. Thankful for the libera! petronage of the past ra •on, the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the public to an examination of our FALL Hock, be lieving that good Goods and law prices will insure a speedv sale for ready pay. TRACY & MOORE Towanda, Sept, 12, 1854. Orphan's Ccart Sale. BY Tirtuje of an order of the Orphans Court of Bradford County, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, oi> Saturday, 18th November, at 1 o'clock F. M., upon the premises, the following property to wit:—One undivided half part, of about one-third of an acre of land in Canton twp., u*d as * tanery, with a tan house and tan vats and e bark tu'dl thereon, bounded on all side* by lands of Dr. Baker—late ibe estate of S. H- Bullock dee'd. SARAH BULLOCK, HIRAM HOLCOMB, 5 Oct. 28, 1854. FISH— Codfish 4 Mackerel —a superior article— forsale aheap, by B. KINGSBERY. HARDWARE & IRON STORE. „ HALL" fc RUSSELL, Wholesale and Retail Dea'er? in rrm^mHARDWARE AND STOVES, T ,n * Japanned and Britannia Ware, Konse Tiimmings, Carriage Trimmings, Harness & Saddlery * Ware, Carpenter's and Joiner's drools, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, FARMERS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS LEAD PIPE AND PUMPS, of all kinds and sizes, IRON, STEEL, LEATHER BELTING, fee. See. Would inform their friend* that these are uri'y a part of the general !ieatis under which ffiny he classes! their extensiv? assortment, and to which thay are constantly receiving ad'Tittoiia? supplies. direct from the importers and manufacturers, which enable; them to otter such inducements in their largo stock ar.d lose prices, that trill challenge companion from soy quaiier. We w mid ask the particular attention of asEcasAsrass gixßacMe a to an examination of our stock, which having been .elected with the great, st enre we are coi sdent will satisfy even the most particular. ijj* Don't forget the piece— South side of the public square. Old Iron, Copper sod Brass, and all kinds of Country Produce taken exchange f< r good*. Towanda, May 27, 1854. " HALL A RUSSELL. DR. A. SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE, fronting ill 2 Public Square. 'Pill'. Hvhserlber. thankful for the li!**ra' p"tr< riage rtreived the past year, intends to keep constantly on J hand a full assortment of the veiy beat articles usually kept in our Ijne, which ns wn.t dispose of on such term, as will be satisfictory to a;l who rnav pa'ronize him. The purchases are made entirely with cash in hand, and IJT the CASH our cu.-turners will receive the benefit of A gn.ul article at a low price. All articles not answering our recommendation, will l>e cheerfully taken L :rk, and the money refunded. TP* Medical Advice graluHinsly given l lice Oiflcr, eliargiiig .nly for Hie Mwlicints. Tiie stock consists of a complete and sel. ct assortment a DRUGS, iViEDICIfyES, AMD GROCERIES, •Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal nsr, London Porter k Scotch Ale. ALL HIE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES! FRESH CAMFHENE St BURNING FLUID-LEW & CEAUTTLL PATTERNS OF LAMPS! , A setesnin ASORT>IK*T ct American Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant.d Good.) Superior TODACCO £c EUTJiTT! —Choice trnrds of Pure ilavaiina, I"riucipo and Vara CISAIkS ! Paints, OiU, Vartililieß, lVhidoM Liaw. lirtiShes, Perfamery, Simviitg; Soap, fattty Articles. &c. &c. FAMILY GROCERIES: Black and Green Teas ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, s*o Sec Salmon, Mnekerel, Sardines, Ace. REMEMBER THE STORE—SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE! AND ITS MOTTO —- " The best Quality of (rood.*—Full Assortment—Moderate Profits —Bendy Attention to Crstomcrs—na Adulteration oj Goods—Candid Advice us to Patent Item'dies—and Close Attent ion to Business." Towanda, Novombcr 12, 1851. 51. C. BOBTrB, "1. I*. Id r y "godds n | MillPita's IUCH, FVSHIIIS AP'.K AM) CI'MTLrTE AfSOHTMKST, ! WELL WORTH THE ATTENTION OF P3RCHAEF.S. SDDBIiJiIi : hZV. ITT ILL open this day, the best xeiected stock of > V Dry Goods ever shown iit Ihi~ village. Among ! their Stock wil| be f mud ail the desirable stvles and Colors of French Mennoes, Paramettas, Alapareas, Poplins.Thibet Cloths, I,yonee Clothes, Hnmba- | zenea, Kich Deiains, Plain and All Wool ])e! 1 Centres. Drab, Mixtures and Mourning, warrented 1 all Wool. Brocha Shaw's— and Square, new ! and beautiful Patterns, high Cofuts and warranted : tree froin Cotton—the real Paris aid Viena Manufacture. Purchaser* wt'l hnd g'ca! barsains. , Also Siik Delaine, Cashmere, ('rape and Thibet, in , every variety. Decidedly iht Itr*t (f Chi.'pest St-> k in 7/ is Mr rift.' Bay State Flannels—Mixed, Blue, 'lreen, White and Scarlet. /also Plain Flannels, of eveiv variety of colors, Width and LJoalitv. < f>er* and Printed t Flannels. Also a general ass rinient of Black B ue, Brown and Mixed v :r, o tv tc 3 Plain nnd Fancy < hissirnrres. I 'c'-kin -. T'ruvor ■ Cloths, Tweeds, and Petershams. Plain and Ftn cy Si'k and Velvet Vesting*; Gen's in want •>? Over Coats, Coats. Pants, and Vests, will fu.d ibis a most desirable Stock to Select fr- ro. Drr*r Trim- } nnngs, n complete assortment Hibbou*. T oil Stv*. . j New and Beautiful Patterns, Linens. Emboiid r j ies and Thtead Teres. H si rv—A large stock "t ; Ladie*',Gentlemen'* and Children'.- tn every on"" j tv. Fancy and Black Italian. Glows —Duli*. and i Gents Silk. Kid. Beaver, Merir.o. Ca-hine e, l,;-|r : Thread arid Cotton. .Milts' Se Silks, lame e- Shorf- Ginghams an .' Prints,a very ful' sock rd | the late t stvles. Handkerchiefs—l.t vn, K i!k. and j Colton in every variety. PcfVHe Good?. A large Htock of Sheetine. Tickings. Cotton T* ! an- s ncls.Stripes. Checks, Drills, Denims, Vnrn, Batts, ' Wicks, Carpet Y.rn ant! Big-. F aid I.ti > and ' Kenturky Jeans. Owpjto, rSept. 3ft. 18.VI. PLASTER, SALT, &.C. rp\VO TIUNDRID TONS Caytigt Ground Piar. JL tcr. 100 Barrels Bait, 100 Bbts. Whit® Rome Lime, *0 bushels Orwell & Went Branch Clover Peed, SO bushels Timothy Heed, *CO lbs. A! eynry County Cheese, "jst r<-oejv*ed and for ra'e by BAILEY & NEVEN.-l Towanda, April 37, tsst. DISSOLUTION. THE co-partnership heretofore exisbng bet.seen the subse •ihers. under the firm of Alexander At Solomon, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 27th day ot May. M. E. Solomon The business will hereafter be carried on under ihe name of J. &. B. Alexander. Towanda, May 27. 18.'4. IN WANT! THE anbacribers are in want of a yootig nosn as an ah prentice to the Tinman's trade, 17 or 'd years of age, of go->J habits, who they will bind themselves to learn the business. HALL d* RUSSELL. Towanda, July 25, 1864. Auditor's Notice la the MaUtt of the Estate of Rathe! Cratimcr, Deceased. VHB undersigned appointed rn Auditor, ly the I OiphanV C.-urt ofHradford County, upon ex ceptions it the final account of the Administra tors of the 0-tatP of Rachel Cranmer dee'd.. wiil at-, tend to the duties of his appointment, at his office, in the born of Towanda. on Wednesday the 15th day of November, A- D. 1554, at 1 o'clock P. M.— t.l whichjall persons interested vriil please lake nci tice. * D'A. OVERTON, Audi'ot. Od. tS, 1554. XSzecutor's Hotico. \ LI, persons in debt- (I to the estate of Atonal* - x\ I.add, dee'd., late of Albany twp., are hereby reqiie.-ted u make immediate payment, and those h vtng claims against said estate, will please pre i-eni them duly authenticated fir settlement ' WELLS WII.CJHX, > „ P. H.WLCOX, $ E " cuto ' s - Oct. 13, IS.M. DRIED APPLES.—M BA*MS D*il APPLE.— grafted trui—on lian-1 and for sale by March 15. tts4. TLX I LEY s Harden 1 -5- P XcUa II Keefe Dsrid Vntes Emily Mrs Ke-ffa Peru, s 2 | Brack Peter Kinone Inutes i Hri tol Nanrr M.S.. Kennedy David 1 Hush Dnntei G Lind M I) Mrj Braden R I-t nt II U Ballard M Laatz Geo Brown \ugusta Mtsa 2 Lynch Martin 1 Bernrit s McGrath Mary ' Butler S D McCall James j Coo'-baugh It-rir Mead E K • Carpenter R R Liri Miller D S i Carpenter A rmmda - Monltrn Damel | f'ampbell Jerome Nichols Samuel ; <'or!,n S P Neymaw Hen y [ Tot L.Hn Noilv Peter | Craft ficerpe Fran Robert I ' < hsmbrrlin f> P Peterkin Joshua Mrs -Park Perry b Parkhurst J P 4 T Ppr>oid John Q-tig'ey Wm ' Preifo-s Simon Kay Pjrah E Miss Davis K M Swain Parvis . Lnel Anna Marts Swain Hiratn Fldred W'm J 2 S.-nrh Hesu r 8 Ford F F FSrader Elizabeth Granris Chas Smith Geo B : Greenman M H Brarks Samuel Graham Wtc Comers Angelir.e H idler Joseph F Eantee Catharine Harding Thomas Smith James Jr 2 Heilman M Tenle Amelia i Hooker K Thompson Gaorze or > , Horton Amanda Mrs G H Latham v Heffcran James TJnrath Maria Heveran Mich el Vanness Ehza Miss ! Iial:-nan Patrick White Olive Miss : Hanaway Bernard Webber Mack YOUT John WM. H. rFRKINS. P. V. ~Z? Fersec.s calling for any ot the nbtve letters will ple:.e *av they were advertised. BOOTS