Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 04, 1854, Image 2
Governor & Canal Coram'r—Official. Counties. 1 ll.cter. I I'll! lock. | Moll. | Ur*f. Adams' 2086 2124 3052 1152 Allegheny, 5115 10377 10191 4627 Armstrong, 1949 2689 3580 811 Heaver, 1458 2233 2319 1236 Bedford, 2019 2157 2609 1562 Berks, 8493 5143 11225 2375 Blair, 1513 2706 3303 720 Bradford, 2363 4811 4598 2020 Bocks, 5080 5198 7717 2870 Bailer, 2381 2955 3576 1613 Cambria, 1739 1627 1940 1174 Carbon, 1327 1056 1350 217 Centre, 2113 2771 4481 391 I Chester, 4 112 6544 71S i 3715, Clarion, 2173 2015 3991 139! CieartielJ, 1448 1188 2036 362; Clinton, 935 1497 2077 316; Columbia, 2180 1399 301* 115 1 Crawford, 2687 3696 4235 1667 j Cumberland, 2581 3157 4636 1115 1 Dauphin, 2221 4061 4658 1506) Delaware, 1556 2292 2301 152 j Elk, 364 401 780 4 , Erie, 2526 3637 33f.l 1875 j Fayette, 2440 3133 5316 101 Franklin, 2799 3579 4847 1500 j Fulton, 876 705 1202 330 Greene, 2006 1746 3219 2151 Huntingdon, 1500 261 1 3315 621 Indiana, 1261 3161 2116 1416 Jefferson, 988 1559 2443 128 .Juuiata, 1176 1170 1512 79! Lancaster, 4699 10962 10411 5596 Lawrence, 994 2576 1896 161 1 Lebanon, 1751 2636 2875 1163 Lehigh, 3026 3094 4342 1719 Luzerne, 4368 4884 8012 P62 Lycoming, 2269 2799 4639 231 McKeatl, 502 405 490 275 Mercer, 2550 3034 3317 1531 Mifflin, 1287 1634 2245 625 Monroe, 1917 625 2179 178 Montgomery, 5559 5144 7235 3280 Montour, 976 787 1350 237 Northamp'on 3685 3117 6185 675 Norihurnbl'd. 2182 2121 3081 737 Perry, ,1412 2121 3364 150 | Philadelpa 24936 28817 496t3 11593; Tike, 621 207 676 100 j Potter, 656 749 858 472 Schuylkill, 5388 F. 252 8390 1005 Somerset, 1268 2756 1506 23 15 Susquehanna, 2126 2819 3521 1068 Sullivan, 417 329 619 83 Tioga, 1189 2448 2763 771 Union. 1913 2881 2501 2082 Venango, 1466 1679 2683 260 Warren, 1118 1400 1543 727 Washington, 3457 4276 5187 2000 Wayne, ' 1877 1408 2600 355 Westmore'nd 3803 3773 6221 1159 Wyoming, 593 1 171 1710 218 Yoik, 4707 4777 7771 1104 Total, 167,001 201 008 274.071 83 331 Pollock's majority 37,007 ; Moil's majority 190,- 7 13. Tote for Supreme Judge---Official. Count ten > (Hack, D. ! SBJJ •* r. W | Hami. A Jams, 1952 914 1313 Allegheny, 5351 4313 5705 Armstrong, 1932 783 1663 Beaver, H0 1107 1290 Bedford, 2053 1238 836 Berks, 8356 2171 2794 Flair, 1 115 487 2205 Bradlord, 2701 2011 1885 Bucks, 5148 2618 2666 Butler, 2374 1656 1189 Cambria, 1705 761 810 Carbon, 1229 231 784 Centre, 2133 319 2341 Chester, 4564 3726 . 2670 Clanon, 2103 95 1981 Cleat field, 1391 .382 900 Clinton, 948 305 1149 Columbia, 2147 431 720 Crawford, 2609 1660 1744 Cumberland, 2651 1068 2018 Dauphin, 2292 1401 2553 Delaware, 1581 1379 Elk, 314 1 373 Erie, 2359 1491 1694 F'ayette, 2354 73 3377 Franklin, 2761 1457 21 14 Fulton, 877 308 387 Greene, 1972 201 1325 Huntingdon, 1416 585 1977 Indiana, 1223 1356 1140 Jefferson, 945 120 1 147 Juniata, 1176 811 359 Lancaster, ~ 4738 5676 5564 Lawrence, 996 15G6 902 Lebanon, 1590 1401 1209 Lehigh, 3092 1725 1251 Luzerne, 4297 1030 3573 Lycoming, 2274 260 2110 McKean, 469 281 30 Mercer, 2513 1541 331 Mifflin, 1292 6M 910 Monroe, 1891 213 223 Montgomery, 5530 3110 1951 Montour, 918 295 388 Northampton, 3785 679 2312 Northumberland, 2i85 806 945 Perry, 1462 143 1893 Philadelphia, 25416 ->872 22104 Pike, 631 88 51 Potior, 639 460 214 Schuylkill, 5377 896 3151 Somerset, 1151 1106 1113 Susquehanna, 2133 1059 1398 Sullivan, 407 114 160 Tioga, 1402 782 1474 Union, 1842 2010 707 Venango, 1413 285 1259 Warren, 1048 722 543 Washington, 3509 1931 2322 Wayne, 1769 515 709 Westmbrland, 3927 1069 2143 Wyoming, 857 237 765 York, ~ 4612 731 4044 Total. 167,010 73 571 120,596 Black's majority over Baird, 46,414. Great Fire in Cleveland. CLEVELAND, Oct. 23, A most destructive lire oc curred in this city about two o'clock this morning, entailing a loss of considerably over a one million of dollars. It originated in the stable attached to the Nvw Fngiand Hotel, destroying the hotel and tiie entire equare on the hill where it stood. The following are among the losses?:—A. & C. Loch, clothing dealers, stock lost. Conk &Althen, clothing dealers: Wendell, druggists: Treat &. Ed wards, a heavy stock of groceries and liquors; Bishop, Kensington & Co., liquors ; Melhinch k Stillman, commission agents George Sprague, gro ceries and liquors, a heavy stock ; mast ot the above lost all their books and papers. The fire crossed James street, consuming the St. Charles Hotel, and the entire row of buildings from the Canal to Superior street, occupied as fol lows : Chamberlin and Crawford, forwarders, books •aved. The Cleveland Custom House, books and papers in a vault, but supposed to be destroyed. A N. Gray, iron dealer; the Board ol Trade room; Wilbert and McDowell's, a large s'ock of grocer ies ; W. Bingham &Co , iron dealers, a heavy loss; with several clothing store® The flames then crossed Supeiior lane, entirely destroying Oviatt s block, occupied by L. F. & S Burgess, grocers and liquor dealers, a heavy stock; J. Morrison, broker, in whose safe was 820 000 in bank notes, supposed to be consumed, a. the safe was exposed to fierce flames from 25 tonsol tallow in P. Anderson's cellar. Several other stores, w<h their entire stocks were also consumed -nturmice :i heavy_ be", the amount has to: yei fcsan asce-'aired Prohibitory Liquor Law —Official. Countir*. | For. | Against Adams, 1236 2584 Allegheny, 10032 4053 Armstrong, 2322 17 U Beaver, 1955 1089 Bedford, 1252 2361 Berks, 2612' 10599 Blair, 2253 1 143 Bradford, 4353 1672 Bueks, 3778 5879 Butler. 2301 2299 Cambria, 1292 1325 Carbon, 658 1072 Centre, ' 2438 1871 { Chester, 5508 3830 I Clarion, 2148 1567 Clearfield, 1235 872 CI HI ton, 1141 730 Columbia, 1037 1933 Crawford, '2991 2125 Cumberland, 2326 3210 Dauphin, '2176 3148 Delaware, 1722 1593 Klk, 282 307 Krie, 27f> 7 1501 Fayette, 3 493 1 107 Franklin, 2539 3241 Fulton, 426 832 Greene, 1186 1782 Huntingdon. 2169 1294 Indiana, 2368 1338 Jefierson, 1385 1015 Junia'a, 1110 909 1 ancaster, 5536 R969 Lawrence, 2359 737 Lebanon, 1091 2784 Lehigh, 776 4733 Luzerne, 4283 3265 Lycoming, 2309 1869 McKean, 415 481 Metcer, 2985 1846 Mifflin, 1398 982 Men toe, 574 1718 Montgomery, 38'9 5789 Montour, 773 735 Northampton, 141 1 5093 Northumberland, 1524 2280 Porrv, 1267 1930 Philadelphia, 25330 20570 Pike, 242 458 Putter, 613 550 Schuylkill, 2762 5658 Somerset, 1740 1642 Susquehanna, 26 in 1525 Sullivan, 299 349 Tioga, 2011 1576 Union, 14 10 2614 Venango, 1836 832 Warren, 1273 975 Washington, 4276 2572 Wayne, 16t)3 868 Westmoreland, 3316 3226 Wyoming, 1191 339 York, 2336 5904 158 342 163 510 Majority against the law, 5,168. Arrest of a Kidnapper at Worcester. Worcester, Monday, Oct. 30. ( Asa O. Bu'.man, the notorious kidnapper of Thomas Sims and Anthony Bums, was discovered i " booked" at the American H<>u*e, in this city, yesterday, and immediately posted throughout the ci'y. In die evening a vigilance committee of cit izens snrroun 'ed the hotel and watched Butman'* movements, lie flourished a pisiol ai ibern and threatened to use it, whereupon a warrant was is sued, and he was immediately artested, and this forenoon brought bpfore .the Poiice Court charged with carrying concealed weapons. ' The case was postponed two weeks, and he was 1 required to give bonds for his appearance A large 1 and excited crowd gathered around the Court room and it became evident that Bntman'a life was in | danger, Mr. Geo. F. Hoar, Free-Soiler, and son of ' the venerable Samuel Hoar, who was driven out i ot South Carolina, appealed to ihe crowd to let the 1 kidnapper go i:. sateiy out of the city Tt.e crowd ; gave way, and Bu'man, occompanipd by a strong ! guard, went to the depot, followed by the popu j lace, where the colored men fell upon him, and would undoubtedly have takpn his life but (or ihe , interference of Martin Smwell, James A (lowland. | Mr. Hoar, Ilev. W. Higginson and Stephen S. Fos i ter, ail Abolitionists. Butman was hastened into acarriage, accompan ied by Mr. Higginson. ami thus escaped with his life. M' Higginson was considerably cm by the j missies thrown at the carriage, and Butman was I pelted with rotien eggs and stones, and was kicked and beaten almost 10 death. He promised never to visit Worcester again, and probably wdl not. He is now out of harm sway. Accident on the G. IV. Canada Railroad. | Bltfai.o, October 28 —The accident reported j yesterday on the Great Western Railroad of Cana da occurred through the bursting ol the head of the cylinder, wh ch direw the 'ram on- of time After a delay of two hours the tram proceeded a' the rate of twenty miles an hour, and when near Cha tharn in a dense fog, came in collision with a grav el train. The locomotive of the express cars was overturn led, and crushed two cars (first arid second class) ! into splinters. Almost every one in the second j class car was either killed or wounded—and in all | twenty three men, eleven women and eleven chil j dren were kilied. and twenty one men and twen ty women and children injured—one half of them, il is thought, fatally. The deaths were mainly among the emigrants. The horrors of the scene were bejond description. Hamilton, C. W., October 28'h —The latest ac counts from the scene of the collision sta'e that forty-eight persons were killed ins'amly, and that two of the wounded have since died. [second despatch ] Bcffalo, October 28 —lt is impossible fo get full particulars of ihis terrible railroad catastrophe, and ihe reports are so contradictory, that it is up. j certain whether the first-class passenger escaped I utvnjnred. O.e report stved that a number the first-class passertger- were among the killed and wounded, but a despatch from Detroit, received I this evening, says thai only one or two of them were liuit, but none weie killed The second- I class car was ciushed by a heavy baggage car fall ! ing upon if which the "force of'ihe "collision had i thrown upwards. It was four hours before the ; mangled remains of the kiled ard wounded could i be extricated. Kansas.—A Correspondent of the Ledger, a gen tleman who left that city with Governor Ueeder writes from Fort Leavensworth on the 12th inst. staling that the whole party had arrived, after a very pleasant trip. Governor Reeder has made Fort Leavenworth his resting place for tiie present, and has already showed his deteiminalion to 1 cute the laws, by holding some squatters to bail i who had been fighting each other. Our rorrespon ! dent says Kansas requires an incredible amount ol labor and severe privations to make it a bright par j ticular s'ar of thei'nion. | Nicholas Bkeiian. who murdered Mr. and Mrs. ! Wyckam on Long Mand, has been convicted'of • the ofience, and sentenced to be hung on the )sth of December r ext. The prisoner displayed greal callousness and insensibility daring his trial and, when the sentence of death was pronounced by the Judge, he replied : " Thank von, sir/' with an awlul affectation of poli'mess, ~* antl I will leave you my hair for a ring !" — f Many private families m New York, are said 10 be firming clubs, 10 supply themselves with provisions, fkc., to avoid the enormous profits de manded by speculators. Potatoes, it is aaid, can be tk -ighi in Massachusetts tor 2? to 30 cents ner bushe., wh e *9j sell .n New Ycr* V five :,rr.e< ha: aum E. a GOODRICH, EDITOR. Towanda, Saturday, November 4,1851. Tirmi of The Kcporttr. S*S SO per Hiinuin —if paid within the year 5 O rent* will e 'lcdncted—tc.i cash paid actually in advance 91 OO will be eilucted. No paper seulovertwo year*, uules* paid for. AnvOTTtaEmsvTs. per aqoare of tenlinea. 50 eenta for the irstnnd '25 cent* for each subsequent insertion. B"~r"Office in the " Union Work." north aide of the Public Square, next door to the Bradford Hotel. Kulrance be,ween eaara. Adam*' and Elwel)'* law offices. Disunion. The la'e elections have alarmed the Washingion L'livn. The confident and defiant tone it has been accustomed to assume, is giving way before the popular voice. It now parades the last resdrt of Slavery—ptetcndeil danger to the I'nion. It has laid down three results as likely to sever the con federacy, one ot which is, whenever an united N'crth shall refuse admission to a State because of the recognition ol Slavery in its Constitution. The National Intelligencer rebukes the treasonable cal culations of the Union in a sensible and truthful ar i tide in which OCCUIB the following paragraph : j *• The overwhelming reverses which the passage j of die Nebraska law has brought upon the Admin- j istratton party in the non-slave holding States have *et the Washington Union lo" calculating the chan ces of the continuance of the Tederal Union." This is a wretched business for any journal, but worse than all for the official journal and organ of the Government. Blighted ambition has driven many H man to treason, but we entreat our official neigh bor to leave all calculations of the value of the Un ion, and all speculations upon the nature of the events which are to destroy it, if they shall ever occur, to inveterate nuUifiers and abolitionists, who " pant for the dissolution of the Union as the hart panteth for the water brooks." We hold it little 1-ss than treason even to "imagine the death of the . Union."' - It has been uniformly the custom of the South j when their anogant pretensions have been oppos- j ed, to threaten to dissolve the Union—while their j Northern adjuncts and tools, took up the cry of j " woll," and began to calculate the danger. So often has this been done, that the North has be come accustomed to it, and has begun in turn to consider the probabilities of such an even', and which section would be the loser thereby. The inves igation has shown that the South has ail to lose, ami nothing lo gain, by a dissolution ol the Union. The value ol their peculiar property itsell, depends in a great measure, upon the security which a continuance of the Union gives. The occupation of the Union savers and of those who think to alarm-the North by pretended danger lo the Union, is gone. The patriotism of that sec lion, will abide by the Union to the last, and lo a sacred observance ol the Compromises ot the Con stitution. No recreant hand will aver bo raised lor the destruction ol either—but when our Southern brethren see fit to go out of the Union, because Slavery shall not be nationalized, they will be al lowed to depart. Such a result there is no danger lo apprehend. The South is too well aware of the advantages riiey reap from the Union—they will continue to blus'.or and threaten, but they have no erious thoughts ol separating a band uniting them to a section, which protects them in the possession of their human chatles, carries their inail*, fortifies iheir seaports, and bears the burdens of the govern mental taxation. CONVICTION or BEALE. —The trial of Bealp, of Philadelphia, for an alledged rape on Miss Mudge, terminated in ihe jury finding a verdict of guilty, and recommending him to mercy. The punish ment for the offence is confinement al hard labor, for not less than two, nor more than twelve years Divid Taul Brown,E*q., counsel for Beale, filed fifeen reasons for a new trial • amonst others, that ihe verdict was against tha law and evidence ; that the jury was prejudiced by irrelevant statements, and did not find t : ieir verdict on the evidence ad Jnced before the court; that they indulged in li quor during the trial, that some of the jury declar ed their minds were made up before heating the evidence. The argument of the counsel'will com mence on Friday next, before the Court, in banc. PROGRESS ASD PREJUDICE —Da Witt and Daven port have sent ns a new work, fresh from the pro lific pen ol Mrs. Gore, who, we are glad to say, has many reaJers among us. It may appear strange rhat we should rejoice in the success of a mere novel writer, but being compelled lo admit that the popular tas'e " ever runneth thitherward," it is merely mailer of gratutation that works sucli as every day published works Irom which the reader derives nerher advantage or profit, it merely is w;e in the press to call attention to those which are calculated to afford both. To all novel readers we would simply simply say—" If you must read novels, read good ones, and ot those who claim that distinctive title we certainly know none whose pretentions are belter founded than Mrs. Gore's, and of her works none certainly are equal to this, latest production." Sold by Dr II C. PORTER Towanda, CA frightful explosion took place at Katie's Hotel, New Voik city, on Seturday afternoon. A keg of gunpowder which had been placed near the bookkeeper's de.-k in a valise, exploded, doing great damage, but fortunately injuring no person, though many were in the immediate vicinity. An investigation was made, and it was ascertained that the explosion proceeded from an infernal ma chine enclosed in the carpet bag. VIOLATING THE XEUTRAMTY LAWS— ft is stated in the Brownsville Flag that 15 or 20 ofihe leaders of Ihe lale Mexican revolution have been arresied at Brownsville for violating our neutrality laws, by arming and equipping men on the American bank of the river. The Flag seems to be indignant that American citizens should be disturbed in their fili bustering operations. OCT The oyster panic in New York is subsiding. It is now admitted that the unfortunate bivalves have been libelled outrageously, that the deaths which occuired Irom cholera in New York were riot cw.'g ;• the eating of oysters, fur i;,e pe--ons were s cr befoie the oysters wer# ea ec. Bank Failure*. The following ia a list of Banks, reported as hav ing failed within a week or two: Knickerbocker Bank, N. V. Eighth Avenue Bank, N. Y. Suffolk Bank, N. Y. Lewis County Bank, N. Y. Bank of Halowell, Maine. Siiip Builder's Bank. Maine. Brunswick Bank, Maine Bank of Mi I ford. Delaware. Kentucky Tiust and Banking Co. Newport Safety Kurd Bank, Ky. Erie and Kalamazoo Bank. Savings Bank, Ohio. Bank of Conriersviiie, Indiana Elkhart Co Bank. Indiana. Northern Indiana Bank. Farmer's and Merchant's Bank, Memphis. The Sackett'g Harbor Bank and the Bank of Sa ratoga Couniy (N. Y ) have been reported. ANOTHER DREADFUL CAI.AMITT —Howard Col lege, at Marion, Alabama, was destroyed by fire at midnight la'ely, and the inmates being asleep in the third and fourth stories, were frighfully burned and mangled in endeavoring to make their escape One negro serrant who rushed down the stairway through the flames was so badly burned that he has since died. The boys to the number of 23 or 23 jumped from the windows to the ground, 22 of them were dreadfully burned and mangled. One of litem subsequently JieJ, arid several others it was thought could not live. DAY OF THANK-GIVING —By some means an un autftotized statement has found its way into the papers, that the Governor had set apart Thursday, the 30 h of November, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to Almighty God, in this Common wealth. It is an error. The fourth Thursday in November, bping the 23d ol the mortih, has been the customary day of Thanksgiving in Pennsylva nia, for many years, and the usual Proclamation ol the Governor setting apart that day is now publish* ed. SECRETARY GUTHRIE is ill at Louisville. While going to that city a wheel of the railroad car broke, and one side of the car was dragged about a mile before the engineer was awate of it and stopped the train. None ol the passengers were thought to be seriously injured. Mr. Guthrie was a good deal bruised, and his physician advised him to go to bed where he has remained ever since, and is not ex pected in Washington till the first ol November. News Items. —On the 10th ult.. Mrs. Guill, residing near Bay's Fork, Scott county, Ky., ahout 20 years of age,hung herself to a tree and was found dead. On 'he 1 tth, a ?Irs. Plunkett, of Grant county, about 40 years of age and mother of nine children, hung herself to death ; on the same day a Miss Wjggles, of Harri son county about 15th year* old, shot herself with a rifle, causing a shocking but not immediately fa tal wound. A young lady named Lozier, who had an interview with the unfortunate girl, just before her death, on (he same evening hung herself to a tree, but was fortunately discovered and cut down in time to save her life. —A trial in New York has brought out some singular facts touching the manufacture of New ark cider into choicest brands ofchampagne bottles arc bought at the hotels and other places, the labels arc ingeniously icif.ated, and the whole finishing and packing are in exact resemblance to the gen uine article. The effervesence is given to the ci der by forcing air Into the bottles. The spuriou* champagne is sold in great quantities to the hotels ar.d to dealers, and the quantity of it drank, it is said, greatly exceeds that of the genuine importa tion. —A passenger and a lumber train on the Cen tral railroad, near Goldsboro, N. C, came in col lision on the 17th instsnt Two passengers were severely injured, one colored man killed, and two slaves terribly crushed —Mr. Samuel Drake Sen., the venerable pioneerol the drama in the West, and the grandfather of Miss Julia Dean, the actress,died in Kentucky on the 17th inst., at the age of 86 years. —lt is proposed at Savannah to erect a monu ment in honor of the physicians who hare fallen victims to the yellow fever there, while in the dis charge of their duty. A farmer named Hughes, in Missouri, shot himself dead recently on account ot the droughts- He apprehended suffering in his family on account of a short crop, —Yellow Fever has broken outat St Mary's, Geo. and 18 deaths, and from 50 to 100 cases are report ed. Many citizens have fled the place. —His Excellency James Buchanan, the United States Minister, accompanied by his niece. Miss Lane, has left London on a continental tour.— Daniel E. Sickles, Esq. Secretary of the Legation is accredited charge d'affairs ad interim. — T IIK BF.V. MR. BABST, who was tarred and fea thered at Ellsworth, Me., instead of dying, has, it is now stated, recovered from his injuries. The scoundrels who committed the outrage on him have not yet been molested by the law. The outrage is not the less severely condemned. A meeting of abolitionists was held in Boston on Tuesday evening, to welcome back Wnt. W. Brown, a fugitive slave, who has been absent five years in England, and brings with him sufficient funds to purchase bis freedom. —The San Jose (Cal.) Telegraph states that some one, with the design of destroying by fire Mr. John Conney's grain, resorted to the following scheme: the villian got a piece of shingle, six inch es long, ir> the centre of which he fastended a small upright stick, about eight inches long, and on the top of the stick a sun glass was placed. So arrang ed lie put the instrument among the dry grass and grain. Cn cutting the grain, the mowers struck the upright slick, and discovered that the shingles had ignited, and was half consumed, and that the grass for a few feel around had been burned, but had gone out. The Foreign \'ew*. Tlip news by the Pacific, which arrived at New \ ork Monday morning, is not of special interest or importance No further intelligence has been re ceived Irom the Crimea, though the London papers continue to publish details of the battle ol the Alma, mainly Irom private letters of officers and others engaged, which will be read with interest. The position of the German States continues doubt ful, and the opinion is now expressed that the final decision of Austria in the matter need not be ex pected until next Spring. Prussia is demonstrat ing more and more clearly her resolution not to join the Western Powers against Russia, and spec ulations are indulged that the Allies may be com pelled to fight her armies on the Rhine. The hope was indulged that the Pacific mi°ht possibly bring intelligence of the arrival some vessel which had picked up the missing boats ol the Arctic. No further information of the catas trophe, however had reached England than thai conveyed by the Cleopatra which arrived on the f J' ,?er P° o1 - 'fhe wreck occurred on the •.7ih of September, and the Pacific sailed on the 18th inst. Twenty one days would be a good passage for a sailing vessel from the scene of the disaster to the English coas'. NOT SAFE ON SHORE.— The merchantsof Canton in China, sen - aboard the l T S. steamer John Han-' cook, for *%fe keepmg, some million and a half of Mexican dollar?. United State* Senator. It being now ascertained that a majority of the Pennsylvania Legislature on joint ballot, will be Anti-Nebraska, the selection of a United Slates Se- j nator in place of Hon James Cooper, whose term expires on the 4th of March next, i* beginning to be discussed. Among the Whigs, Judge Conrad, of Philadelphia, Gen William Larimer, of I ma burg, Ex-Governor Johnston, and Hon ItuuJeus Stevens, are talked of. There are many reasons why in our opinion, the Free-Soil men, without distinction of party should unite on DAVID WII.MOT tor thai office, provided he will accept n No man in die Sa'e has labored mote faithfully orefficient ly lor the cause of freedom than Judge Wilmot For his straight forward course and manly adhe- j rence to principle, he has been denounced by die hireling presses ot the Administration, and threat ened with poli'ical arunhilH'ion. When it was found that he chose to follow the guidance of pi in ciple rather than the behests of pat'y, as if a' a pre concerted signal, the pack opened upon, htm, in full cry, and evinced a fixed determination to hunt him, io death. It was even said that by deserting his party, he had already sealed his own doom But in truth, instead of his having deserted his par ty, he has only maintained the principles that made him what he is, and his party—or rather 'he party leaders—have deserted him. His oourse has been approved and ralified by the people of Penn sylvania, and most emphatically by ihe people ol his own district. Pollock's majority in this Con gressional District is 4,094! oragainover Pierce's vote ot 6 550 Does thai look like Wilmoi'e being deserted by the people? He was never so popular—never so strong as now ; and fortified as he is in his own integrity and the confidence of the j people, those pisjrny toes who have attacked him with so much vehemence, cannot injure him, but j will be themselves slain by the recoil. It is not for his own sake that we advoca'e Judge ' Wilmot's election to the Senate," but because of the effect of his taking a seat there at this crisis, and of the influence he would exert in the National coun- ; cils. The struggle between Freedom and Slavery is not at an end. The Slavocrary are playing a desperate game foi supremacy, and they will fight to the last. Every avenue through which they may seek to make further encroachments, must be guard ed, and for that purpose we must have vigilant sen j tiriels on the bulwarks of freedom. We know of no man who would be more keen-eyed to perceive ve the danger or more prompt to sound the alarm, than David Wilmot. The friends of freedom throughout the North must look to i', thattheysend such men—men true and fearless in their antagon ism to slavery—and none others, to Congress. We should glory more in the election of Judge Wilmot to the Senate now, than in that of any Whig in the S ate. It would demonstrate that the maintenance of principles, arid not the resurrection of a party, is our object; and it would tend to ce ment together 'he Free-Soil men into a great and | invincible Freedom party, with the power and the ; will to place Pennsylvania in such a position that | hereafter it can never be a question with the sla j very conspirators whether they may count on our aid or our opposition. With Pollock for our Gov i ernor and Wilmot in the Senate, they would know ; where to find us ; and should another occasion ! arise like that of the passage of the Nebraska bill, j it would then be demonstrated whether or not ' Pennsv I vania's voice can be heard and her influ i ence felt as far as Washington.— Susquehanna Reg j istcr. Our !Voxt t". S. Senator. Soon after the passage of the Nebiaska bill, the Administration papers grew insolent with success, and chnckeid amazingly over the idea that, as Se nators were chosen for a term of six years, and as a largo majority of the Senate were friendly to the afoiesaij infamous bill, the chances of its repeal were " nowhere'' for the next six years. Perhaps the results of the Northern elections will convince those editors that it is not always safe to add insult to injury, especially when the people are the in jured party. The Legislature of this S ate is anti-Nebraska in both branches by a fair majority. The House stands 74 known anti-Nebraska men to 59—®ome opposed and some favorable. As an United Sena j tor is to be chospn next winter, we hope the most efficient anti Nebraska man in the State will be the unanimous choice of that body. The national Sen ate has been a refuge of the worst kind of fogyism toe* long, and it is high time that it was thoroughly renovated These are the times that try men's principles—peculiar times, and peculiar men are wanted to represent them. Pennsylvania® need to he represented by her best and bravest spirit. She needs, and must hare a man of strong points arid deep srt free-soil sympathies to represent her.— He must be candid and feailess; imbued with a deep love of Troth, Justice and humanity. He must have proved himself an ami-Nebr-isUa man from principle, and as such, his course on that question and kindred ones, must have been strait lorward in the past, under al! circumstances. He must be neither a slave to a venal ambition, nor a cringing worshipper at the shrine of public opinion. He most he a true MAN. warm with noble impulses, shaping his actions by Reason and Intuition no less than by the experience of the past Such a man would confer distinguished honor upon the judg ments of his electors, and add another name to the list of able statesmen which Pennsylvania will re member with pride and pleasure. Such a man. and soch only, ran help reform the abuses in our legislative department, and roll bark the tide ol Southern influence which threatens to wholly cor rupt the channel® of legislation. Pennsylvania has but one such spirit—active in the Present and pro vident for the Future—that man is DAVID WIL MOf —Tioga Agitator. TKF. GOVERNOH or UTAH -—The commission nn- Jer which Brigbam Young held the office of Gov ernor of Utah, expired on the 29 h ult.. and as it is allegpd that for the last two years he virtually re fused to recognize the government of the United States having InrwarJed neither copies of the terri torial laws nor the accounts of the expenditures of the public appropria'ions, it is nppiehended by some that there will be a terrible commotion in " Mormon-dom," should he not be reappointed Young, himself, in an address to the Mormons in March last, said : "We have got a territorial government, and 1 am and tcill he the governor. and no poxcer can hin der it until the Lord Almighty says. " NEED NOT BE GOVERNED ANT T.ONGER,'' and then I am willing to yield another." He goes on in the same address to deciare that neither President Pierce nor any other President could remove him, and intimates pretty strongly that Judge Lynch world be in waiting fur any one eoming there nnder pretence ol having authority to assume I fie office of Governor. This is pretty bold talk ; but Brigham Young, like many others before him, will learn, should the President nof deem it compatible with the public interest to appoint hira that the " laws must be obeyed" despite the bia~- gadocia and united opposition of a few zealots. MARTIN VAN BCREN —An Pxtract from a private letter informs us that " Mr. Van Buren is at Vevay in Switzerland, and is earnestly at woik upon his autibiography, m which he has already advanced some two or three hundred pages. He is very much interested in the work, and so will his rea ders be when it is published, which will not be until after h.s death, and that even, judging from his present appearance and condition, will be many years hence." ' 3 LAW POINTS DECIDED.— In the case of the Boro.' York'vs. Forscht. recently argued before the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania, the following impor tant laws wem decided: Where a reward is offered ,l for the detection and ! conviction " of an offender, and a personn is de tected and convicted, the record of the convic tion is evidence, in an action for the reward, that t the person convicted was the true offender. s wth:n tiiu trgitimale province of the burges- t ees of a borough to ofler rewards for the de;ec- > boo of ofle ,ce® against the genera! safety cf i'e j Inhabitants. NEWSPAPERS. —For eighteen months past, enlstg. ing was all the rage with newspapers. Size u ihe test ol merit. But we believe without excep. lion, every publisher has burnt his fingers thereby. The New York Tribune, which was spread out ao extravagantly was the first to come down. Many papers are following its example. The Nee Yo;k Sun, we obaerve, has cutoff a column on each paga. The Indianapolis Journal has taken of! a column. The Cincinnati Dailies have increased their sub scriptions 20 per cent. The resson assigned for these changes, is the augmented prices of most items entering into the cost of newspaper holi ness. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE ! ' Planters, Farmers, Families "and others, can par. hase no Remedy equal to Da. TOBIAS' VIRETIAR LIKJMEXT, for Dysentery, Cholic, Croup, Chreoic Rheumatism, Sore Throat, Toothache, sea sickness. Cuts, Burns, Swellings, Bruises, Old Sores, Head ache, Mosquito Bites, Pains in (he Limbs, Chest, Back, etc. It is an English remedy,and was used by William the IV., late King'of England, and certified to by him, as a cury for rheumatism, when every thing else had failed. It cures Cholera, when first taken, in a few hours: Dysentery in half an hour—toothache ; n five minutes, ft is perfectly innocent to take internally, and is re commended by the most eminent physicians in the United Sta'es. Price 25 and 60 cents. Dr. Tobias could fills dozen newspaper* with cer tificates arid let'.ers relating to the wonderful cures accomplished by his Liniment, but considers war ranting it sufficient, as any person who does not ob lain relief need not pay for it. Price 50 cents. Dr. Tobias' Office, 240 Greem wich street, New York. For sale at Dr. H. C. PORTER'S Drug Store, Tow anda, Pa. Married, In Franklin, on the 24th ult., by Btuart Smiley Esq., Mr. MATIIEW MARSHALL, to Miss ELIZABETH L. DODOE, both of Franklin. * Salt! Salt! 1 p\fk BBLS. SALT, just received, and for sale, 1 tJVJ under Hall & Russel's, by Nov 2, 1854. 8. FELTON fr'Co. Towanda Female Seminary. THE Winter Quarter of the Towanda Female Beminary, will commence on Monday,Nosem ber 27. HANSON. Nov. 2, 1851. Xiist of Jurors DRAWN for December Term and Sessions,! B'4, as follows: Wysox—D P Bartlett, Tracy Dutchei, Rome—S Barnes, 8 C Mann, J D Demonia, Peter Wolf. SprinefielJ—l Burgess. Smithfield—C E Chiids. Pike—R W Coolbaugh. Standing Btone—John Huff". I.erov—E Kelly , H B Stone. Durel!—Samuel Kellum 2d. Sheshequin—Horace Kinney. Tuscarora—H A Lewis. Granville—James Mattier. Columbia —Ferdinand Newberry. Ridgbury—Geo Peterson. Troy twp.—H Spalding Jr., E Bmead, Allen Tsylor Wm A Thomas. Asylum—Mynor Terry. Canton—T M Watts. TKATLRSE JETTONS —FIRST WP.ER. Monroe—S W Alden, J B Smith. Smithfield—Win Bennett jr., W Brooks, M Pheip, Wells—J H Brink. Shesheqnin—J Brown, 8 Pflore, F Blackman. Pike— John Boles, I H Smith. Smithfield—C G Brown, J King. Wilmol—John Comislly. South Creek—G I) Coleman. Armenia—Harry Covert. Burlington—O P Calkin, J F Long. Athens tp—A Campbell, T Hirene, J F Ovenshirc, Ridgbnry—Wm Covell. Durell—Simeon Eecker. Litchfield—Samuel Davidson. Towar.da boro.—Thus Elliott. Canion—D Greenlraf. Wyalusing—G W Jackson, 13 Taylor. L.eroy —Jacob D McKee. Warren—Wm Pendleton, Philip Rogers. Granville—Hiram Kinyon. Columbia—Harrison Robbin. Somh Towanda—J J Scoville. Albany—Wells Wilcox, Standi gStone—F S Whitman. SKCOSD WEEK. Smithfield—J C Allen, Amazah Harris." Burlington—J V Ballard, Harvey Ward. Sheshequin—T W Brink. Sp'ingfield—J Barrett.Wm Chapman, Theo. L'sten, S C Garnet, Aaron Thomas, Pike—N P Bog worth, Wm Hotchinion. Litchfield—B I) Cooper, Peter Teed. Wyalusing—Homer, Chas Hornet. Ridgbery—Hevelon Cornell, S Bquires. Orwell—Jason Chaffee. North Towanda—Wm N Foster. Columbia—George Furinan. Sylvania boro.—Orrin Furman. Canton—John Gray. Ulster—Daniel Harkins, M S Warner, Warren—Geo I.inn. Athens boro—R I, McGeorge. Armenia—J G Mason. Monroe—A Mullin. Towand* boro—Russell Pratt. Troy t p.—Ebenezer Pomeroy, l.eroy—Nelson Reynolds. Granville—H Ross. Wysox—A J Record. Towanda boro.—R C Smalley. Asylum—lsaih Wilson, THIRD WEEK. Windham—Simeon Brainard, W Wheelhousc, Overton—G S Boyles, Wyalusing—Jas Beaumont, C Camp, J Relies. South Creek—C Bailey, 8 B Pettengill. Columbia—lN Crippen, J H DeWut. Towanda boro.—Jere Collins, C Manville. Athens boro.—Wm E Duell, John Greene, I> ' Keeler. Wells—Horace Dunning. Sheshequin—E G Goodwin, I Elliott, John Randal'- 1 Troy twp,—H Goddard. Ridgbery—l Hammond 2d, A Roberts. Leroy—N Kelburn,John Kelly. Albany—Joseph Lee. Athens tp.—H MeKinney, P 83-bel, J Tozer. Rome—S W Murphev. Burlington—D A Ross, Wm Westgate. Canton—B S Smiley, J Sellard, W Wright. Durell—lsrael Smith. Litchfield—Henry Vanover, CAUTION. \\ HEREAS my wife Emily, has left my bti v and board without anv just cause or provo cation, I hereby forbid all persons harboring, or trusi* ing her on my account, a I will pay no debts ofb' ! contracting after this date. Windham November 1. 1854. G. B. ADAMS. NOTICE TO ASSESSORS. r r < HE several Assessors for 1855, will make the' returns in the foliowing order, vii:— Assessors for Athent twp., Athens boro.,Ridgb" r y. South Creek, Wells, Ulster and North Towac da, on Monday, November 27th. Columbia, Sylvania bcro.,Springfield,Smithfie'it i Burlington, Burlington boro., and Towanda boro on Tuesday, the 28th. Armenia, Troy twp.. Troy boro.. Sooth Towandi ( Monroe, Franklin, Overton and Granville, on Wed nesday, 29th. Leroy, Canton, Durell, Albany, Asylum, Wilß* and Tuscarora, on Thursday the 30lh. Litchfield, Windham, Warren, P 4 ke, Wyalusin* 1 and Orwell, on Friday Dec. Ist. Sheshequin, Rome, Hernck, Standing Stone \ Wysox, on Saturday, Dec. 2d. OC/* I he Assessors will be careful in footing thr assessment*, carrying each persons valuation i® w the right hand column,and also in making their turns on the day designated in their Warrants. By order of the Commissioners. E. M, FARRAR, Clerk- 1 Commr's. Office, Oct. 20, 1854.