TOWANDA: SaturiMD Riorums, Jioocmbtr 5, 1834. Stletltlt llottqr. THE SOUTHERN CROSS II J, SWETT. When man first traversed Southern seas, Which wash the cold antarctic pole, And spread (he sail to favoring breeze Where the Pacific's blue waves roll, From unknown wastes he turned bis eye To the blue ocean, hung above, And saw upon the star-lit sky The symbol of a SAVIOR'S love. 'The Cross ! the Cross !' burst from each lip, As gazing with delighted view, Thev pressed the deck of their lone ship, And crossed themselves, believers true. The wanderers, filled with doubt and fear, Beheld upon the Heaven's broad dome, Far in that Southern Hemisphere, The emblem of the Church at Home ! The hardened sailor's gaze was turned, Amid the lightning's lurid glare, To where the holy emblem burned, And courage triumphed o'er despair: He saw no more the polar star ; Another guide to him was given ; The {Southern Cross, that beamed afar, Symbol of home, and hope, and Heaven ! Ye brightest stars on Night's pale brow, Flooding the sea with silver rays, Before the INFINITE I bow, Upon whose throne thy glories blaze! Thus shall j-e shadow to the soul A cross inwrought on Heaven's bright floor, While ages' noiseless surges roll Upon Eternity's dim shore. Ye altar-fires! whose watch-towers stand Upon the confines of those spheres. Where through the galaxy's broad band, A glimpse of unknown worlds appears ; Stars of the Cross ! where man may trace, Upon the temple of the skv, An emblem of redeeming grace. Whose holy light shall never die ! Ulisttllincoas. I'rom tlie Hostoii Traveller ot Monday. Tea in China. HONG KONO, Tuesday, May 23, 1954. MY DEAR BROTHER: II is pretty difficult to find out anything by the Chinese about the culture or manufacture of tea. They seem to think that it is against their interest to allow foreigners to know an) thing of their arts ; therefore they use all means to prevent them from obtaining any information You ak them questions, arid it is one chance in fifty, if they do not tell you a lie in every answer they give you, and if ifiey cannot tell the lie, they v ill purposely mislead you in some way. As long as they do not consider lying to be a vice, you may easily judge of the extent to which they may be capable ot lying. I believe they consider it a tal ent or a fine accomplishment, to be able to tell a lie that cannot be detected—the only disgrace in it being the detection. You ask one of them about teas, ar.d he tells you this and that, but you do not know if he is telling the truth or not. You ask another in order to ascerlain if the statement iicor rect, and you get an answer different from his; and the third man perhaps gives an explanation differ ent from the other two. So you may go on, and get information from them, and when yon come to observe for yourself, you will find that you must dispossess yourself ol (hat, and adopt something eie. 1 would not say that they always lies, but I do believe they lie oftener than they tell the truth Whenever a Chinaman tells me anything that I have before known about, I do not take it into full belief until it is confirmed in some other way.— You will think this, perhaps, ra'her a severe com ment upon the Chinese; bnt I did not adopt the opinion until I had 6een the fact verified many times. It is just the reverse with the European I always believe them, until something appears which is inconsistent wfh the belief; it is only then that I change my opinion ;so that I think there is no prejudice in it. But you will say, I know, thai you do not con fine yourself to your subject. Well, I admit it, and will endeavor to keep frem running off the track for the luture. Tea is raised now, you know, in other places beside China. Whether it is generally a*good as China tea I cannot say. That in Java, Sumatra, Hindostan, &c. ; was, of course, originally from China. In Java, I have drank lea which they said was raised there, and which I could not distinguish from China lea. They have, at all these places, Chinamen to overlook the raising and curing, so that il the soil or climate has no peculiar effect, it ought to be quite as good. I saw a notice in a paper that a trial was to be made in America. 1 think they will there Jail, there is so much difference in the price of labor.— Probably it would grow and flourish as well there a ' in China, say no lurther north than New-York, though it would no doubt do well in Massachu setts. it raised as far north as Japan, the same latitude of Connecticut and Massachusetts. But to cultivate lea in America with the expectation ola remuneration for expenses, is, I think, out of the question, until the population shall have so increas ed that labor can be had from one to ten cents a day. Iho tea-plant is a pretty shrub, growing from 'wo to six feet high, though if not molested, I think, u *Uains to the height of even thirty feet. The height to which I have seen it growing in the island Chusan and back in the country from Ningpoo, "1# latitude ot 30° north, in which the greater part 8 ows, is two und three feet, and in Java four and Bl *- But it is cropped down every 6eaßon, tor the reason that from the new sprouts a greater quantity cf ieaves are produced. One shrub, 1 think will ."eld, upon average, Irom five to ten ounces It 1 r'at'ed to'h in rows lue hedges, and in hills THE BRADFORD REPORTER. like corn. The blossoms look and smell like the ap ple blossoms, though the odor is quite light The view of a large field, where you see thousands of these little hedges stretching along for a milt parallel to each other, is very interestiag. But small farmera also cultivate patches of tea, selling the produce to the dealers. There is hardly any person among the Chinese trom the beggar to the rich man, but who will have tea to drink in some shape or other. The rich of course, have the best; the poor man will buy the large coarse leaves, and will even sleep them over the second or third lime; the beggar will drink tea made from the stems, and the refuse leaves thrown away from the manufactories. I have tasted, trom curiosity, some sickening infusions of tea If a Chinaman wishes to be polite to a person in his house, he will offer him tea to Jrink. Once, on an excursion back about fifty miles in the country, I went up to a quarry where were some stone-cut ters at work. Passing soon alter, one of their : houses, and it commencing to rain, the man asked me in. Alter sitting a short time he offered me some tea. It was made in an earthen bowl, hold ing several quarts, and from which he frequently dippej out and drank himself. It was ofa yellow, turbid color, and to the taste was warm, like water that has been standing in the sun, and nauseous.— j Had it been in an apothecary's shop, I should have | laken it for an infusion ofsenna. Notwithstanding I did drink a little from lime to time, but was glad when it had stopped raining, that I could leave.— The man however, drank it as if it had been the best of lea; in fact, they will not drink water as long as they can have their teapot by thern. That is from a curious notion they have, that on account of the stomach being warm, and the water cold, | the two coming in contact will produce a conflict and make them sick. The quality of all teas depends upon the time when the leaves are gathered, and the manner and success of preparing. To produce the best quali ties. the leaves must be gathered early in the sea son, properly and thoroughly diied, and securely packed. The young leaves have the strongest and riches! flavor, and according as they are gathered, sooner or later, will be the quality of the tea; and if they are no! well dried, so that no moislure islelt in them and so put up that no air comes to them, i the quality will be affected, i! not spoiled. There are not, in reali'y, so many species of tea \ as we should, fiom the number of their names, in ter. lam told that the plant is the same through all China, Iherefore it can only differ slightly by the variety of location, by the soil and ciimate, or some analogue cause. The leaveß do not differ from each other more than those of the rose tree do. The kinds are two, the greeo and the black, and arise from the different periods of gathering, that is, early or later in the season And the va rieties are many, and arise mostly from the differ ences in manufacturing or preparing—a few varie ties only from mixing and scenting. • Under these two heads or kinds may be arrang ed all the other varieties. In America, we are apt to suppose that Hyson, Green, Black and Sou chong are so many distinct species. The following are the principal variefies of the two kinds : Green Trm. Btaek Teas. Hyson, or Young Hyson, Souchong, Hyson Skin, or Old Hyson, Powchong, Chulan, or Imperial Pecco, Gunpowder, Orange Pecco, Twankay, Congou, Oolung, Ning Yong, Bohea. Then there are some other unimportant varieties and only known by name as " Lolus Kernal," " Princess' Eye Brows," " Carnation Hair," " Spar row's Tongue," " Dragoon's Whiskers," fcc. The names have been collected mostly by Mr YVIL- I.IAMS. The names seem to be given without re gard to system, something as our apples and pears are named at home. Hyson tea is so called from the Chinese word " Hyson," which signifies " belore the rains."— Therefore, being gathered before the rain if is also in the early part of the season, and being the gath ering, while the leaves are very small, it is called Young Hyson. Old Hyson,or Hyson Skin,is mere ly that which is left, after selecting the smallest and best leaves for Young Hyson. This, therefore, from the skin or refuse, is called Old Hyson, or Hy son Skin. Chulati lea is green tea scented with Chalan flowers. It is called also, Imperial lea. Twankay is green tea, but cemes from a partic ular location, I believe from the banks ofa river ol that namo. Gunpowder tea is also green lea, and is so nam ed because the form of the leal, aller it is prepared, resembles ihe kernels of gunpowder. Ol ihe Black teas, Souchong comes first, as be ing a principal variety of black lea—then I'ow chona—then Fecco —then Orange Pecco, which is Pecco scented wiih orange flower. Congou and Ning-young I understand as having but little differ ence in the variety. Pecco is so called from the Chinese word pevco, which signifies "white down." At a particular stage ol the growth, a white down forms on the leaves, when the leaves are immediately gathered —the down indicates ihe proper time for gathering If the leaves arc not gathered al that particular lime, the white down falls off, and the leaves mwt go lor one ol the other varieties of black tea. Oolong i? a black lea, flavored like green tea. — How is is flavored Ido not know; it may be given by a particular firing, or it may be scented after it is dried. It is likely that the Souchong scented would make the Oolong. A vety Utile will make a difference, and it will then become a new vari ety. Ningyong is a black tea, so called from the place where it grows. It is considered one of the finest varieties. It may have a flavor, differing from the other#, which gives it sometimes the preference. Bohea, a black tea, is so called trom the Chinese becauM it is raised on two hills, called Bohea h:!!s The difference between this and other black ieas ; PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUiNTY, PA., BY E. O'MEARA GOODRICH. " B.E6ARDLESS OF DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER." is from its being gathered very late in the seasons; that is, alter the rains. The leaves are large and coarse, and it is, therefore, the poorest quality ot tea. I have understood that spurious green tea ha? been manufactured from these leaves, by cutting them to about the size of green tea leaves, drying and coloring them. The time for gathering the lea leaves depends upon the particular kind of lea to be manufactured. The season is between March and August, and in cludes four periods,that for"tle green teas is March, April or May, and that fur the black teas is in the months of June, July and August; immediately fol lowing. Mandarin tea, I had almost torgotlen. This is a kind rarely seen, (and I think I have heard that it is forbidden to be made.) It has a green color and is twisted up, something like email skeins ol silk twist. I sent home a sample ol it. I had an opportunity of trying some of it at Mr. Bush's. It was nice, but not more so than that I sent you in the little canister?. It is very expensive, four and five dollars a pound, and is called Mandarin, be cause the Mandarins usually or often drink it. Mr. William? ha?spoken of a kind of tea that cos's, I think, from ten to a hundred dollars a pound. That is from a supposed particular virtue in the place or soil in which it grows. In some parts of China they make tea cakes These are made by pressing the leaves very hard, while green, into the form of a brick, and then dry ing them. This is tor the convenience of persons who are traveling. A L. B. CAN'T ANSWER. —Jim Wilson was a lazy scamp, was never known to do a day's woik in his lile, and Nobody could ever find out how Jim succeed ed in the world, though many are of the opinion that he does a little stealing.occasionally. Jim was well known to the old police, and so was never ar rested, being allowed the freedom of the city. But the new police coining into office, like the new Pharaoh, they knew not Jim. and so yesterday he was" pulled," by one of the recently appointed of ficers, a? a dangerous and suspicious character.— Being brought before the Recorder, the first ques tion the " oIJ man" asked, " What do you Jo lor a living]" rather startled Jim : for be it known, that question had never been propounded to him before; however, af'er a moment's reflection, no h ing daunted, boldly replied Jim. "Ifyour honor pleases, I can't answer that question." " Why so asked his honor. " Because, as how you see, I can't answer it without criminating myself and the constitution of the United States expressly de " "Nevermind what the constitution declares, it has nothing to do with the vagrant act: I shall send you down for thirty days, James Wilson, and may the Lord have mercy on your soul " —N. O. Delta. THE SERF? OF RUSSIA —In many parts of Russia the peasants believe themselves to belong to the soil a condition of existence which appears to them natural. Not untrequently, when about to be sold, they send a deputation to some fu-ofl"maMer, of whose character for kindness reports have rea died them, imploring hiin to buy them, their lands, their children, their cattle. And if this lord, so celebrated for his gentleness, be without money, they provide him with it, to be sare of belonging only to him. In consideration, he exempts them from taxes lor a certain number of years, and thus indemnifies them for the price of their bodies, which they have paid to him in advance, by fur nishing the sum that represents the value of the domains to which they belong, and to which they obliged liirn to be their proprietor. The greatest mislortune than can happen to these vegetating men, is to see their native fields sold. They are always sold with the glebe, arid the only advan tage they have hitherto derived from the modern ameliortion of the law is, that they cannot now be sold without "The fortune of a wealthy man is com puted by the heads of his peasants. The serf is coined, and is equivalent, on an average, to ten ru bles a year to his proprietor, who is called free, be cause he is owner of serfs.— Marquis de Custine. ANECDOTE OF TOM CORWIN. —Some years ago, when Tom Corwin and Tom.Ewing were on a po litical pilgrimage to the northern part of the state, they were invited to tarry over night with a distin guished local politician. The guests arrived rather late, and the lady of the mansion being absent, a niece undertook to preside on the occassion. She had never seen great men, and supposed they were elephantine altogether, and all talked in great lan-' guage. "Mr. Ewing, will you take condiments in your tea, sir," inquired the young lady. " Ye*, mis, it you please," replied the qnon.lotn salt boiler. Corwin's eye KvinkUd—here was fun for him. Gratified with the apparent success of her first trial at talking with big men, the young lady addressed Mr. Corwin in the same manner: " Will you take conJiments in your tea." " Pepper and salt, but no mustard," was the prompt reply of the facetious Tom. Ot course, nature must out, anil Ewing and the entertainer roared in spite of them selves. Corwin essayed to mend the matter, and was voluble in compliment, anecdote and wit.— Bnt the wound was immedicable. The young lady to this day declares that Tom Corwin is a coarse, vulgar, disagreeable man.— Toledo Blade. PI.ANT TREES. —This is the season for planting fiuit and ornamental trees ; and who that has the ground would be without either? What so profita ble to the pocket as a tree laden with good fruit, or what is beautiful to the eye, or so grateful to the sweltering brow in midsummer as the silver-ting ed and wide-spreading branches of the maple, or some other tree of ornament or shade?- Nothing. See to rt, then, and plant them. A NEW RE Arms —The Boston Herald favors us with the following new reading ofShakepere: " When Dutch .mee: Dutch, then comes the— lager bier. ' Tbe Fate of Sir John Franklin. The reported discovery of the remains of Frank liri's unfortunate Arctic expedition, seems to be confirmed by the despatches from Mr. Rae to Sir George Simpson, of the Hudson's Bay Company- Mr. Rae went out in June, 1853, on a land expedi tion lo find some evidences of tho fate of Franklin. He returned in August last to York Factory, bring ing certain information that the expedition lost their ships by being crushed in the ice, while mak ing their way to Fish'river, one of the tributaries of the Back river, near the outlet of which the parties appear to have perished. The place designated is in about latitude 68, and longitude 95 west from Greenwich. It is nearly seven degrees ol latitude south of Wellington channel, where the last traces of Franklin were found four ypars ago, in the graves of several of his men, buried in 1845-46. It was through this Channel that Sir John was sup posed to have forced his way North into the Polar Sea. Nearly all the various expeditions filled out, hare, under this belief, explored regions too far North The land expedition which went out in 1848 was too far west, having followed the Mackenzie river from the same Like which the Back river starts from running east. Capt. Auslin, who inves tigated the region of Lancaster Sound in 1859, co ncluded that the missing expedition had not been to the southward and westward of Wellington Chan nel. Yet at this very time Franklin's party were suffering the pangs of starvation some 7° sou-h of Lancaster Sound, having probably been carried down Prince Regent's Inlet past Lancaster Sound by the ice. The evidences of the destruction of Sir John Franklin are said to be certain, as the natives had in their possession various arti cles belonging to the expedition, including silver spoort3 and'foiks, with the commanders initial up on them. Death by starva'ion is the fate that has been generally predicted of the party, though it was not believed that they had perished so early. The expedition left Sheerness, England, on the 25 h of May, 1845, with a full complement of 13S men. The firt expedition which went in search of it was in 1848. It was in three divisions; one westward by Behring's Straits, under Capt. Kelle't ; anil Lieut. Moorp, which surveyed from Point Bar- ■ row to the Mackenzie river. Another, the eastern t division, under Sir John Ross, reached Liverpool i harbor, mouth of Prince Regent'? Inlet, where it I wintered. The succeeding spring it was drifted out by ice through Laricas'er Sound into Baffin's Bay. The third division was a boat expedition, i under Lieut John Richardson, which followed the j course of the rivers and lakes through the Hudson Bay territories, and penetrated to the mouth ot Mackenzie rivpr. Mr. John Rae, who has made the recent discovery of the lemains of the expedi tion. was engaged lor three successive years in ex ploring the lands and Islands north of Coppermine river, lurther west. Captains Collins and McClure was despatched in 1850 to Behring's Straits. McClure was trozen in near Baring's Island, and compelled to abandon his ship. Kellelt, who had become attached lo another expedition, reached Melville Island, hav ing penetrated by Davis' Straits. There a travel ling party from Kellett's ship discovered McClure ( jnsl as he was about to abandon his vessel. It was this expedition which demonstrated that the long! sought for northwest passage was no delusion. j In the same year, (1850 ) an expedition sailed j of four vessels, two steamers and two sailing ves sels, under Captain Austin, who investigated the , region round and beyond Lancaster Sound. Two! other vessels left the same time, under Captain j Penny, on the same expedition. Simultaneously j with th#?e, three o her expeditions, fitted out by ! private enterprise, entered Lancaster Sound. One j was the American expedi ion, sent out by Mr. | Grinnell; the second a vessel under Sir John Ross j —the third one, exquipped by Lady Franklin, un- i tier Capt. Forsyth. The next expedition (1852) was ol five vessels, fitted out under ihe impression that Franklin had passed through Wellington Chan nel. The Prince Albert was also spnl to explore Prince Regent's Inlet, as half way down that inlet a large depot of provisions had been stored for Franklin, and it wassnpposej he might have gono down for provisions. Tl\p Albert was drifted into Barrow's Strait, bm land expeditions wete made south anJ west without accomplishing any discov ery. Four other expeditions sailed in 1853; but dissensions among the officers rau-ed one to return to England. The second, the Kane expedition is still pursuing i s investigations ; the third returned lo England with despatches hotn McClure; and the fourth, under Mr. Rae, which was despatched to make investigations on the North American coast, in the neighborhood of the Isthmus of 800 thea, has there made the inteicsting discovery of the unfortunate fate ol the long missing expedition Ihe cost of the various searching expeditions lias been over four millions of dollars. THE TERM "BENDER." —The term "going on a bender" was found lo be an axiom and is in the cars of all,lamiliar as a household—in many house holds 100 familiar—made most plain by the tact of its members indulging in practices that correspond ! with the received measures. The term bender i derived horn the line of Shakspere that describes a procedure, as "going of it," according to the modern vocabulaiiy to the " lop of the beril," hence " bender," the derivation from " bent," the repre sentative of the " going of it," the synonyme ol brick. A NEW COMMANDMENT —Thou shall not carry off the editor's exchanges unless thou art sure he is done wnh them, neither shall thou talk to him when he is writing or reading " prool," lest he get angry and kick thee out of hi? sanctum. Beautiful is the love, and sweet the kiss of a sister ; but if you haven't a sister handy, try your cousin; it isn't much worse. N. B—!! you haven't a cousin o.' your owr, fy somebody else's; there is no difference. From the Detroit Advertiier, September 2C. Doc-slicks Goes to Church in Kew York. SEVENTY HUNDRED AND ONE, NARROW STREET. Having seen the Opera with detestation, the Theatres with approbation, George Christy with cachinnation, and No. 2 Dey street with affi listion; having visited Castle Garden, the Model Artists and the American Museum, in fact, know ing something of almost all the other places ol amusement in the city, I resolved to complete and crown my knowledge by going to Church, and I hoped I may receive due credit lor my pursuit of amusement under difficulties. I made known my heroic determination to my new lound friends, and they instantly resolved to bear me company—Bull Doggo byway of variety and Damphool from force of habit—(Bull Dogge seldom goes to church, and Damphool always does ) Sunday morning came, and the aforesaid individuals presented themsel ves— B. D. looking pugnacious and pugilistic, and D.imphool perfectly marvellous—in fact, majestic as this latter-named personagehad ever borne him self, arid importantly huge as he had ever appear ed—his coat tails were now so wonderlully short, his collar so enviably large, and so independently upright, and his hat so ■nusnally and magnificently lofty—that he certainly looked a bigger Damphool than ever before. Passing up Broadway through a crowd ol people of all sorts, sizes, colors and complexions; coun trymen running over evpry third man they met; New Yorkers threading their way through appar ently un-get through-able crowds without ruffling their tempers or their shirt collars (By the way, I have discovered that no one but a genuine New Yorker born and tied can cross Broadway upon a dignified walk ) Firemen in red shirts and their coats over their arms; newsboys with a very scanty allowance of shirt and no coats at a!!; Dutch emi grants, with dirty face*, nasty breeches, and long loppy look ing pipes; Irish emigrants, with dirtier faces, nastier breeches, and short, stubbier pipe spruce looking darkies and wenches arrayed in rainbow colored habiliments—we at last reached the dnor ol the church. Everything looked sogran dly ginserbready, that I hesi'aie.l about going in Little boy in the corner (barefooted, with a letter in ' the poatoffice ) told rs to " go m," and called us " Lemons'' Did not perceive the force of hie po mologicai remark, but ''went in" nevertheless Man in a white cravat showed us to a pew ; floor j covered with carpel and sat core-red withdamak, | with littlo stools to kneel down upon—(Bull Dog- | ge says so the faithful will not dirty their panta- j loons ") Pretty soon, music—organ—sometimes grand ' and solemn, but generally fast and lively enough for a contra dance. (B D. said the player got a big salary to show off the organ, and draw a big house ) He commenced to play Old Hundred, (Damphool suggests Ancient Century ) At first, majestic a* it should be, but soon his left hand be gan to get unruly among the bass notes, then the right cup up a few monkey shines in the treble ; left threw in a l uge assortment of quavers, rigid Ic I off with a grand flourish and a few Jozen va nations; left struggled manfully lo keep tip, but soon gave ou', dead beat, and after that went back to first principle?, and hammered away religiously at Old Hundred in spite of the antics of its fellow ; right s'rnck up a march, marched into a quick s*ep, quickened into a gallop ■ left still kept at Old Hun dred ; right put in al! sorts of lantatic extras, lo entice the left from its sense of propriety ; left still unmoved ; right put in a few bars ola popular waltz; j left wavers a little ; right strikes up fvorite polka ; I left evidently yieldir g ; right dashes into a jig ; left j now fairly deserts i's colors goes over to the ene- j my, and both commence an animated hornpipe, leaving poor Old Humlied to take care of itself At length with a crash, a squeak, a tush, a loar, a rumble and an expiring groan, the overture con cluded and service began. First, a prayer; then a response; prayer ; re sponse by the priest and people alternately, like the layers of bread and butter and ham and mustard in a sandwich ; then a little sing, anil then a little preach, then more petitions and tnore responses. — Damphool read the entire service, minister's cues included, and sun™ all ihe hymns I noticed that 801 l Dogge gave all the responses with a great deal of energy and vigor. Ho said he always liked to come to this kind of chntch, because when they jawed religion lo him. he could jiw back. Kepi as cool as I could, but could trot help looking round now and then to see the show Klderlv lady on my right, ve-y devout, gilt-edged prayer book, gold-covered fail, leathers in her b#tt net, rings on tier fingers, and for a I I know, " bells on her toes." Antiquated gentleman in same slip, well preserved but somewhat wrinkled, smells ol Wall street, gold spectacles, gold headed cane, put three cents in the plate. Fashionable liitle girl on the left—two flounces on her pantalctts, ar.d a dia mond ring er her glove. Young America looking boy, four years old, pa tent leather boots, standing collar, gloves, cane, and cigar ca>e in his pocket. Foppish young man adolescent moustache, pumps, legs a la spermaceti candles, shir! fiont embroiJeied a la 2 40 race horse, cravat a la Jullien, vast a la pumpkin pie, hair a la soft soap, coat-tails a la boot jack, which when parted discovered a view of Ihe Crystal Fa lace by gas light, on the rear of his p-intaloons wristbands a la stove pipe, hat a la wild Irishman cane to correspond : total effect a la Shanghai. Artificial young lady, extreme of fashion, can't properly describe her, but here goes: whalebone, cotlon, paint and whitewash : slippers a la Ellsler, feet ala Ja( anese, dress a la Parts, shawl a la eleven hundred dollar, parasol a la mushroom, ringlets a la corkscrew, arms a la broomstick, bonnet a la Bowery gal, (Bull Dogge says the boy without buitons on him brought it in a teaspoon fifteen minutes after she entered the house.) neck a !a scrag of mutton, boaom a la barebones, com plexion a !a moiher of pear!, (Damphool say# she oongfi; it a; Pnaiof.'e,) appearance generally nam- bug. (Bull Dogge oflers to bet his hat she don't know a cabbage from a new cheese, and can't tell whether a sitloin steak is beet, chicken, flesh or fish ) At length, with another variette upon the organ, and all the concentrated praise and thanksgiving ol the congregation, sung by four people up stairs, the service concluded. I thought from the manner of this last perfomnnee, each member of the choir im agined the songs of praise would never get to hea ven if he didn't give them a personal boost, in the shape ol an extra yell. Left the church with a confused idea that the only way to attain eternal bliss, is to go to church every Sunday, and to give liberally to the foreign missionary cause. Bull Dogge tried to convince me that one-halfthe people present thought that Filth avenue runs ( straight into Heaven, and that their through tickets are insured, their front seats reserved and that when they are obliged to leave this world they will find a coach and four and two servants in livery ready to take thern right through to the other side of Jordan. Yours, reverentially, Q. R. PLIII.ANDER DOESTICKS, P B. HAD A WINNING WAY.—A wayward son ol the KmeralJ Isle " left the bed and board" which he and Margaret had occupied lor a long while, and spent his time around rum shops, where he was always on hand to count himself " in," whenever anybody should " s'anJ treat." Margaret was dis satisfied with this state of things, and endeavored to get her husband home again. We shall see how she succeeded ; " Now, Patrick, me honey,will ye come back V' " No Margaret, I won't come back." " An' won't ye come back for the love of the children ?" " Not for the love of the children, Margaret " " Will ye come for the love of meself?" " Niver, at all. 'Way wid ve." " An' Patrick, won't the love olthe church bring ye back ?" " The church to the divil, and then I won'tcorne back " Margaret thought she would try some other in ducement Taking a pint bottle of whiskey from her pocket, and holding it up to her truant hus band, she saij : " Will ye come lor the drap of whiskey ?"' " Ah, me darlint," answered Patrick, unable to withstand such a temptation, " it's yourself that'll always bring me home again—ye has such a win ning tray wid ye. I'll come home, Margaret!" Margaret declares that Patrick was" reclaimed'' by moral suasion ! DERIVITIVES.— Dr. Gibbons, an eminent physic ian in the latter end of the seventeenth century, had a brother, a sea captain, who was the first that brought from the West Indies some mahogany logs to London in ballast. The doctor was then building him a house in Covent Garden, and his brother, the captain, thought they might be ol service to him ; hut the carpenters found the wood too hard for their tools, and it was laid aside as useless.— Soon after, Mr. Gibbons wanted a candle-box, and got a cabinet maker to make it oql ol the useless wood lying in the garden. The box was made, and the doctor was so pleasedjwith it, that he got a cabinet maker to make him a bureau of it. ftsfino color and polish induced him to invite a great num ber of his friends to see if, and among them the Duchess of Buckingham. Her grace begged the doctor for some ol the wood, and got Walloston, the cabinet maker, to make her a burean also, on which the fame of mahogany and Walloston were much raised, and it became the rage for grand fur niture. No other wood excels it. UNDER THE ROSE. —A floating paragraph ex. plains the origin of this expression :—The term un der the rose implies secrecy, and had its origin dur ing the year B C. 418, at which time Pausanias, the commander ol "the confederate fleet, was en gaged in an intrigue with Xerxes, for the marriage of his daughter and the subjugation of Greece to the Medean rule. Their negotiations were carried ou in a building attached to the Temple of Miner va. called the Braren House, the roof of which was a garment forming a bower of roses ; so that the plot, which was conducted with the utmost secre cy, was literally matured under the rose. It was discovered, however, by a slave, and as the sancti ty of the place forbade the Athenians to force him out or kill him there, they finally walled him in, and left him to die of starvation. It finally grew to be a cufom among the Athenians to wear roses in their hair when ever they wished to communicate to another a secret which they wished to keep in viola'e. Hence the saying sub rosa among them, and now among almost all Christian nations. A Soi. EMN THOUGHT —It lias been observed with much significance that every morning— this Mon day morning, it you please—we enter upon anew day, carrying still an unknown future in Its bosom. How pregnant and stirring the reflection! Thoughts may be born to-day which never die. Feelings may be awakened to day which may never be ex tinguished. Acts may be performeJ to day which may not be reaped till eternity. MISTAKES. —To suppose a clock strikes with its hands. That a tissue of falsehood may be puiChased at so much per yard. And that the cloak of Hypocrisy is made of a manufactured texture! (&- An old lady being late at church, entered as the congregation were rising for prayer; " La! ' ! S a.d she, courtesying,' don't get upon my account.' THE homely phrase, " Foot, hog, or die," IS now rendered as follows Penetrate the soil, my porcine friend, or early expoei an obituary nonce on your untimely dtmi6e." SJOTGIBISIB SN