Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 21, 1854, Image 3

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4 , ‘, ()‘ xi 01
• •
FEEL 9 great pleasan t in announcing tto the-ptsho
lie Mat the liberal patronage he basiveitred at
their hands, has enabled himto offer_ thein •It large
and complete assortment of GOOBS, asttan• be
found in Towanda, and for unprecedented low pri
ces, hi dafiee all competition. - Persons )11rinhing to
purchase Goods for Cash or Ready Pay, will find it
w theirinteresua call and examine his stock, at the
corner of biaill.and Bridge streets.
Butter, Pork. Grain,. Lumber and Ray, taken in
payment of old debts, or in exceange for Goods. — _
Oct. It 1854,
_ -
lEATHE4; Pork, Codfish, Mackerel and . White
4 Fish, for sale OttemP at . PHINNVI
CAROCKERY & LIARDWARE, a good assort—
ment,at PHINNrB.
CLOTHING;inay be "bait Cheap at •
PHINbIr 6:
TMINTB, Naito, Otos and Oils; cheap at
HATS, Cars, foots and. Shoes, a iarge assort—
meat at e, INNY'B.
AY: OlLS—Lamp & Linseed Oil—White
per Keg—Glass by the Lifht. or Box, at
COCKEBY—A large assortment just received
T EATIIER-200 Sides sole-Leaitiee—just receiv
ed and fox Sal; by
Et. - S. M R.CUR,
is, 3Ui LiCEMANC.
A. Large andinell selected assortment of
Towanda. September 14, 1854.
• •. 6 1EC3,4,1E5,1 - 9
_south Corner _ Mercur's Block, Main St fed,
A KE now opening their stack of GOODS for the
-FL Full trade, Comprii-ing a‘ , .19 . 11 and complete as
sortment, and of the usual- variety, which will be
sold at a very small profit fur Ready Pay.
ThanVfol , for the liberal petronage of the past sea
son, the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting
public to an examination of our FALL stock, be
lieving,that good Goods and low prices will ; insure
a speedy sale fur readL pay. TRACY dr. M-OGRE.
Towanda, Sept. ,12.11854.
- LT As just received a laritre Stock of. New Goods
trtrielx are offered for sale, for ready pay, a
uau.ually low prices.
Towanda, Sept. TR.- I t.
i`g.(= .Llrrs . grUL.ZJIM9
_\l open this day, the best selected stock of
Dry - Goods ever shown in this village. Among
their Stock wrli beilmild all the desirable styles turd
f - !olors of Freitea Merinoes t Paramettas, Alapaccas,
Poplias.Thibet Ctoths. hyoneso Clothes. Ilionba—
Zef VICh 'Detains, Plans and -Ali Wool DeLains,
all colors and Splendid Patterns. Saks . Black,
:Colored and eancy. Wool Long Shawls, a corn . —
pleie.assortment of high tours, I'iuid and Plain
Centres. Ural,, Mixtures and Momming, warrented
all Wool. Brocha Shawls—Long and Sluare, new
and beauliftil Patterns, high Colors and warranted
Free from Uottun-- , -the real Paris and Varna
MantliACtOre. Purchasers will find great bargains.
Also Stlk Dolaine, Cashmere, Crape and Tlithei, in
every variety.
Drculcilly the lies( 15- (_ , , , ,rent So k in litir Itinteti
Bay State Flanni.l4—]Tined, Blue, Green, White
anti Scarlet. Also Plain Plttiin4ls, of. every ritriety
of colors, Width - and Quality. Openi_ and Printed
Flannels. Also a aneral a•sortntenl Of Black nw,
Brun•n and Mixed
\O :0 "q 1 C
'` Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Doeskins, Braver
Ctoths.Tweeds, and Petershams: Plain and Fan
cy SO ic and Velvet Vestings. ' Cents in, want of
()Ter Coats, Cost., Pants. and VeAs, will find th i s a
- incest desirable Stock to Select from. Dress Trim
mings, a complete assortment- Ribbons, rail Style,
New and Beantifol Patterns. Linens, Embroider
ies nni Thread-10os. IlosirryA large stock of
Ladies', (gentlemen's and Children's in every varie
ty. Fancy and Black Italian. altives.l,inffes anti
(tents Zciltr. Kid, BeaVer, Merino, Cashmere, Lisle
Thread and Cumin. Mitts• Sewing Silks, ohg 4
Short. , ainghams and Prints. a very full s ock of
the late•tstyles. Handkerchiefs—Lintn, Sit ( and
Cotton in every variety.
• Domestic goods.
A large stock a Sheeting, Tickings, • Coito Plan
nels,6l.`ripcs, Checks, Drills, Denim!, Tar Dana,
Wicks, Carpet Yarn and Bags, Plaid Lin rya and
4Centurky harm.
• Owego, Sepr2B, iBLA.
Horses, Harness & Wagon foi, sale.
THE MAN who wants lb puichaseA,span of
Young Horses, Harnesi, and Immtrft 'Wagon,
on very favorable terms, can heay of an opportuni
ty‘ by calling at this of ( Jane zB, 1854.
NOW & Desirable
03aaVa L 32032132%
Is now prepared to o ff er lo his customers and Ric
Public generally, a lurce and complete stock
of FALL & WINTER GOODS. Iliiv,stoek has been
selected with unusual great care,- and is superior
for style and quality than have ever before offerato
the public—and such a combination of very low
prices that we are sure cannot fail to please the
closest observer. Amongst his stock may befound
French Mirenos, DeLains, Cashmeres, Thibet—
cloths, Ginghams, Fine Worsted plaids, Silk Pop—
lin, Alapagas, Calicos Fine and heavy Irish Ism
ens, Cotton Pillow Casings. Brown and Bleached
Muslin, Sack Flannel, Broad Cloths Cassimem
4c. &e.
ALICQS—A large assortment of Merrimack,
- Poebece & Fall River Prints—also good cali
co fur 6 cts.' per yard. Warranted good Madder
rotors, fur sale by RIN(MBERY.
fiROCERIEH—CaII and see our Brown, Crush
ed, Coffee and Pulverized SugUars—Pine
Young Hyson ie Black Teas—warranted a Superior
article or the money refunded—tor sale
~Rcheap by
1811—Codfish Mackerel -- a superior article.-
(orsale :heap by • .- - KISGSBERY.
BOOTS & SHOES—Hats & Caps—A splendid
assortment just receiired at
THE subscribers sue in want of a young man as
an shistenties to the Tinman's trade, 17 or 18
years of age, of good habits, who they will bind
themselves to leant the tinniness.
Towanda, July 25, 1864.
‘..),,Cirk NEV DARREIAL, fit for Pork or Cider,
C-1‘...M.1 for sale at 75c each, •b. FELTON 4 , CO.
Toy/alai', Aug. 10, 1•1333.
Et Old (24vatisements
In the Matter of the Estate of Curtis h" rill; Deed.
In the RllhoWte PetFY:Srgreferd - geTtY — -
701f10w..` yf,
rpfir -- -piai r #o4 . Maddonap_pointelliky said
fUourVfoAaratialf assets Au4disirirni*- funds
in thohaniLfentirt Administrator -Estate.
in Towan
da bote,"4o VLO the 4th day-or Nitieniaer 11354.
at 2 01 0 1 4 1 CA!..M;WhGtt ,Altd.vorliere all persons
haviagetihqs,apistkitilif iiinds;:ttust . o:tioent thorn
or be foieser:ddiiiiitficuk itteritathe - T"' •
1. --tiewATKENikl'•
;- 1
ALt Orions eststas of-)ames
&coined; late.of Smithfield tolooni p,
Ire he reby relitins* 4,inade Payment wlttuAt de
lay,4i4 sat 11 - soaks& againit,said
estate,' grOesttaitiodta"present theirt 011,r a nih e n ti
Eleptieloe - r - 2, 1854.
' !Latter — IN Notice.
In the mid er of tht,EstatoN.Datid H Owens, deed
.In the Orphan's COurt of Brndford.Coubty.
rrliE atidemigited having been appointed an iiku—
diiar, by the Court, upon eremptions filed to
the confirritation of the Administrator's sale, of said
estate, and to-the division and appraisment, setting
apert43oo, 00 worth of thisame--will attend to
the duties assigned him, at his office in the Boro' of
Towanda on the 9th day of November next, at one
M.—of which all persons interested will
tease take notice.
Towanda. Oat. 1, 18541.
Auditor's Notice.
la the Matter of the f;date of Joan Fee Deceased
rtHE undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by the
1 Court tainarshlll assets and distriaute funds
in the hands of the Administrator's of said estate,
will attend to the duties assigned him, at his office,
in the Boro' of,Towanda ' on the 6th day of Novern.
_ber nest, at 1 o'clock P.lll'. When and where all
persons neglecting to present their claims upon
said fund will be forever debarred from the same.
P. D. MORROW, Auditor.
Towanda, Oct. 1, 1854.
Auditor's Notice.
In the Matter of the Estate of Sterling Holcomb,
Dec'd. In the Orphan's Court of Bradford Co.
THE undersigned-Auditor appointed by the Court,
upon exemptions filed to the partial account of
the Administrator's of said estate, will attend to the
duties assigned him, at his office in the Boro' pf
Tow'anda. ou the 7th day of No7ember next, at one
o'clock P. M.. of which all persons interested will
please take notice.
P. D. MORROW, Auditor.
October 1. ISM.
In Ordinance Relative to the Running at Large
BE it Ordained by the Town Council of the Bp
rough of Towanda, That swine shall riot be al
lowed ta run at large within the squares, streets,
lancspor alley' of this borough. It shall be the duty
of the High Constable. either by himselt or some
persons wham he May employ, to seize andshut up
in some secure place 41 swine which may be found
running at large upon.the public squares or in any
opened street. alley or lane within this hdrough.—
And he shall on the samed ay upon which be shall
make such seizure, advertise the said swine for
sale at public vendee, givin2 not less than six nor
more than eight days notice of said sale, by at least
three notices thereof posted up in as many public
places in said borough. At the time and place sip
pointed, the said Constable shall expose said swine
to sale at public 'endue, and shalrsell the same to
the highest and best bidder in the same manner
that Constables are by law authorized to make salsa
by virtue of executions issued by Justices of the
Peare. And the money raised by all such safes.
after,dOducting, costs and charges, shall be by the
said High Constable immediately_ paid over to the
Treasurer of the Borough, for the use thereof.
And the said High Constable shall be e ntitled to
charge and receive for crecuting this ordinance as
tollows—For every hog . shoat Or pig seized by him
as aforesaid . 25 'cents ;for advertising the same each
25 cents ; for keeping the same each 123 cents for
everyday the same hall be kept; for selling, each
26 cents. it ts provided however, that if the owner
of any soch swine dial' at any time before the same
shalt besold pay to the said High Constable his fees
for seizing, 'advertising and keeping as hereinbefore
mentioned. that the 'said Constable shall not sell, but
delitrrt the same to such owner or upon his order.
2. It shall be the duty of said High Constable to
file in the dillet'orilie Secretary of the Boro' within
three days after each seizure, a statement or des - .
minion of the swine seized, as neat as may be, to
gether with the date of the seizure, and to mention
the square. street, lane. or alley where 'wiled, and
such statement shalt be prima (ante evidence tof the
facts therein Stated.
, By order of the To 'n Gobncil:
October 9.1654.. A. D. MONTANY E. Bee.
In the ttrphan'Ort 11rnirfort1 rowdy. In the
matter of inhig• Rogers, guardian for the minor
children ,f Fleming R oberts, ciccenseil
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court
to examine the at counts of John Rogers, guardian
of A klette, John and Orrin B. Roberts and Mary E.
Vanderlip, minor children of Fleming Itobeits; dec'd
npon exceptions tiled, Will attend to the duties of
his appointment at bis otilce , in Athens Borough, on
Tuesday, the 14th day of Noireintier next, at one
o'c*.k. P. M., when all parties can attend if they
think proper.
October:, 1854. H. C. BAIRD, Auditor.
Sale of Real Estate.
OTIC2 I. Hereby given, that the Deal Estate of
Wm..MYERS, who assigned for the benefit of
Creditors, will be sold at public Auction to the high
est bidder, oh MONDAY, the 4th of fluvember,
1834—by order of the Court of Common Pleas of
Bradford County
Athena, New. : 1 .0, 185.1.
LIST OP LIPPRILTaiI, Remaining in the
Post Office at Towanda, Sept. 30,1854.
Atigden Sarah Misr Harden Th P
Ackla H _keel*. David
Ames Emily Mrs Keen Dennis 2
Brack Peter Kinone Jamei
Whiled Nancy Miss Kennedy David
Bach Daniel G I.ind M D Mrs
Braden 13 Lent H B
Ballard M Lantz Geo
Brown Augusta Miss 2 Lynch Marlin
Bennett 8 Mcarath Mary
. . _
Butler 8 fl McCall James
Coolbaugh Harry Mead E K
Carpenter R R Drs Miller D 8
Carpenter Arm inda 2 Monhon Daniel
Campbell Jerome Nichols Samuel
Corbin S P Neymaw Henry
Cot Inhn Nrily Peter
Craft George Pratt Robert 1..
Chamberlin 0 D Peterkio Joshua Mrs
Clark Perry B Parkhurst J P & P
Deppold John Quigley Wm
Greiff's& Simon Ray Sarah E Miss
Davis E M Swain Parvis --
Ertel Anna Maria - Swain Hiram -
Eldred Wm J 2 Smith Hester 8 ,
Font FII , = Shrader Elizabeth -Fr
Grannis.Chas Smith Geo B
Green Man M H Starks Samuel
Grahatn Wm Somers Angeline
Nicker Joseph P Santee Catharine
Harding Thomas Smith James Jr 2 i
Heilman M Perils Amelia -
Hooker R Thompson George or Z
Horton Amanda Mrs • G-H Latham S
He;reran James . Carob Maria
Heveran Michael Yenriess Eliza Miss
Holtman Patrick • White Olive Miss
Hanaway Bernard Webber Mack
Young John
witl li
Cil Plea ers
se o ay e
c they w e r e f
advertised,ani of the above letters
t4l/Ne of TriOa.B.el*ExP9Patt Issued : . oat
Court , of. Opp Mao Pleat' of Diadriorii
Couniti,lid in meiireted, will big eiltnied
to pfil#-
lic sale at the Court House, in the horo' of Towan•
da, Ql:Caaturdety the 4th :day of November, at 1
o'clock .P4M.4thst: fotkiwirittleseribed lot, piece or
parcel of land;altiateit in Albany
lkr twp., bounded
on die WOrtti lands, of J. W. Wltite„ fdrmerly
ownpidiophe 'Defendant. on the cast r loilltads of
WellirWijcokohHie Raul!' by latttla of lobbilateh
and lottestilltid'itia -- the s West ity.lande- of lames
Hatch7'igitutalitjag 11(titicres writ:: Or- '44. about
ti fteen acres iiipreeed,and,sOmelfrOit trees thereon.
A LSOL-M1 lye:Deft: intereat:iti'rane other-Certain
lot, piece or parcel of land, bounded on the-- North
by lands lately the prOpertyeif thiS Defendant; on
the East by, the South brauch.lfTotrip,cla Creek;
On thilifritith hi/ land belongingit; Mirbn Waimea
estate; and on the ''Weit wi'. l l laqs—containing
abourt we hundreitraireti, twine Ir s , about one
hundred indlwerity acres improved,' two ilsieiling
houses, three • framed barns and sheds attached,
one blacksmith shop, one stlw mill, and an orchard
cif fruit trees thereon; known as the homestead
property of the late-Rollin -Wilcox, deceased,. situat•
ed in Albany twp.
se:zed and - taken in execution at the suit of F.N.
Went & CO., now to the - ttse Of "Ira Smith & Co.'
Benjamin'Wlleox l
A LSO—The following'deseribed lot, piece or pa r
eel of land, situated in Tmy twp., bouhded on the
North by lands of Alfred Partons and Uel Porter,
on the East, S oath and West, by binds cif Eliza Tay ,
tor, the estate of Sebee C. Taylor deed., cotitain--
ing seventeen acrekmore or less, all improved, two
framed dwellitr , a houses. one steam grist mill and
appurtenants thereunto belon g ing, one framed barn
and shed attached, one hog pen, and some fruit trees
them eon.
Seized and taken in execution at the soft of Wil—
son Ager, to the use of C. M. Manville, vs. Jacob
J. Veile and Giles F. Vella co-partners
Also Seized vnd taken in execution a! the suit of
Wilson Agar to the use of Wm. Lawrence vs.
J. J. & G. F. Voile. copartners &c.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or par
cel of land, situated in the township of Standing
Stone, bounded on the North by,lands of Park
and Hoiwell Coleman, on the East by lands of Mar
garet Parks. on the South by the highwey leadtng
from Wysox to Herrick, and en the West by lands
in possession of George A. Stevens,containing filj
acres, more or iesS, about thirty acres improved. one
log house and log barn a few fruitlrees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the, suit of H.
W. Tracy, vs. Charles Dizson and John Hurley, ter
re tenant.
ALSO—The following
_lot, piece or parcel of
land situated in Pike twit., - bounded on; the North
by Daniel Camp, on the East by Jusiah Wood and
Judson Slocum, on the South by Abraham Warden,
and Reed Bosworth. and on the West by Abraham
Warden and the highway—containing about sev—
enty acres. about fifty—five acres improved, one
plank house, one framed barn and shed attached,
and one old framed corn house, arni some fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
Jamee W. Hoswoith vs. Mallory Tyrrell.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or par
cel of land. situated in Ridgbery twp., bounded on
the North and West by lands of John Dean and
Widinm Miller, on the East by Cliles Mandeville &
Howell Burnham, and on the .South by Bingham
lands and lands occupied by Hiram Mason—coh—
taining about one hundred and fifty acres, more or
less, about one hundred acres improved, one fram
ed house, one lug Louse, one framed barn, and two
orchards of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at fhe suit of Wm.
Sampleto the use of Samuel Sample vs. Peter Mil•
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or par
,cel of land situated in Albany twp.. bi , unded on the
'North by lands belonging to the estate of Horatio
Ladd; deed., on the Ea3t by lands belonging to
, on the South by lands of
S. Wilcox, Jacob Jackson et al, on the South-west
by lands of Jacob Heverly, and on the West by lands
of C. Maloney, D. English and Myron Kellogg, con
taining four hundred acres more or less, and known
as the Rollin W ilcox lut
Seized and taken in execution at the ,uit brEu—
nice Lewisand Mary Wilcox vs. Ralph R. Cartzen
ter •
ALSO—The following lot, piece 'or parcel of
land situated in Smithfield tap , bounded on the
North and EaSt by lands belonging to the heirs of
E k rolls Smith dec'd.—on the South and West by the
public highway ; containing 'Ale acre, be the same
more or less, all improved, one framed house and a
few young fruit trees thereon.
Seited and taken in execution at the suit of
Charles A very for the use of C. E. Pierce vs. S. A.
ALSO—The following (*scribed lot, piece or
parcel of land situated in Litchfield Iwo., bounded
on the North by Alanson Mn'iens land, on the East
by Cyrus i Merrill'siand Jot the South by Willtain
Parks land, and on Ole West by the estate of Reu
ben Parks,dec'd.—contauniug one hubdred and 'll4
ty-one acres more or less, about one hundred acres
improved, ohe framed house, one (ranted barn and
an old log house and an apple orchard thereon.
Seized and token in execution at,thtb suit of Orson.
Rickey, now
I to the use of H. W. Patrick; vs. h. D.
Hart, guardian of Lucy A. 0 - . Newman.
A I.Bo—The following described lot, piete or
parcel of land, situated in firanvilluittp., bounded
as fullotks wiz :=.on tht North hArandd of 0. P.
Ballard, on the East and South by the highway, on
the West by lands of Daniel Duart and O. Spal
ding—containing thirty•eight acres, be the same
More M . lesl—bbont twenty-Five' adt'Es improved,
one framed house, unc framed barn S'tld a small or
chard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution M the knit of Wil
liam Gorshue vs. Francis Gorham, Joel B. Gorhatti
arid Lathrop Gorhatn.
ALSO—T. 4 following ilhscribcd lot, piece of
parbel of land 7 ;sithated ib Mohroe twp., bounded on
the North by Timothy Alden and Joseph Bull. on
the East by J. R. Irvine, on the South by Eleazar
and Hiram Sweet, on the West by the Towanda
4:reek—containing lane _fituadred acres, more or less
—about fifty acres impruied, one framed dwelling
house, one framed barn and a corn house, and an
apple orchard Thereon,
Seized and taken in execution at the Suit of Jaynes
H. l'itinny Jr., use Vs. H. Balsbuty.
THOMAS, Sheriff.
Sheri Its Office, Tewantla, Ver. 14, 1854.
cO• Notice is hereby
. given, that an'atnotint equal
to the costs will be required to be paid up•in each
sale when struck down Ito the bidder,and upon a
failure to comply with this regulation, the tract of
land will again be offered fir late.
li. McALPIN.
drainis, trat's Notite S
A lor rsong indebted tothe eintie of Geo Way•
, deed. late of Eu-lingtob twp, aro here
by requested to make payment without delay : and
all persons having claims against Said estate wilt
please present them duly authenticated for settle
Sei Administratris.
Executor's Notice.
A"persons indebted to the estate of John More
deceased, late of tike township, are hereby
requested to make payment without delay, and ali
oersona hayjng & demaads against said estate will pre
sent them without delay, duly authenticated fur set.
Administrator's Notice. -
it IX persons indebted to the estate of Henry
Vandyke. dec'd late of Albany tp, are reques
ted to make payment without delay: and those bav:
ing demands against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Ticpartnership between E. F. Dawson and
A. Gay, is this day dissolved by rnutnal con
sent—the accounts are left in the bands of
Jones, Escp,, for settlement.
14 ilmot, June 22.1351.
• TONS more of thoue cheap Sugars just re&
-and for bale by PHINNEY.
Et9at , Uuglimmts.
Sept. 1%. 1854
August 25. 1854
11131 NAT IMEI P4 EILMI .t 411 R"9 1 1 4 .
^--!:`-- - iiLttorsitiif- sit Law
0/1 1 5 1 *l l l4"Flmtri, Psef" 1 °all•
• ; ,Arinvalkds. howl: , , - ,
TS now reeeiVing all sorts:of SE 01 0001>3. which
I will he sold very low for Cash.
May :i s 1854.
WOULD inform her friends, that she bas just re
turned 4pir,,Fitb A large I tossortment
arhich she offers at reduced prices. Produce of ev.. ,
cry kind taken in payment 'fur goods.
31133111101711.1 i.— --DR. MASON has removed
his office to his dwelling. on Pine street. Opposite
the old Presbyterian Church.
Towanda, May 13.' 1854.
Plows and Plow castings 1,
B!ATCHLEY. Wayne county. ,Alba or Curti,'
Plows, Side hill, subsoil arid corn plows and
Castings. for vale cheap.
• L take panicular pains tp get, good well made
plows•and„tough castings.,
_I would invite particu
lar attention to the Alba, or Curtis plow.
SCall and see. Lt. AL.W 41. P-
. . ---
Cistern and Well ',vs J r
LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Rams .• of 'airy kind,
size, dcp.ockeay for rrdy pay for saletliv
Jan. 8, 1R53. - ' %V. WE at ES.
SPRING coops.
JUST received by Joseph Kingsbury, is large and
complete stuck of NEW GOODS, for sate as
usual, eon CASK
Towands, April 26, 1854.
Bituminous Coal.-4arclay Coal Bod.
TE undersigned is preptred to furnish at the
beds, anyiqualitity of this superior COAL, at
the reduced Erizo of St 95 per ton far Blacksmith
coal, and $1 Ia for picked Grate dOal. Payment in
-cash or country produce, but no credit Willbe given.
for the Barclay R.% and Coal Company.
Franklin,(Old Coal Bed) May 25, 18 1 34.
T T 0 R E 1r ; IL A IF ,
Office with Ow Regater and Recoedet,
IV]: OWS EY A'l' LAw.
OFFICE in the second story of the Union Block,
north side of the Public square, over the office
of J. C. Adams, Esq. Sept. 24.
S Now opening a New STOCK or Goons, consists
in; of full and complete assortment of all k tnd•
which will be gold as cheap as the same quality of
Goode can be bought" anywhere this side of Neu-
Towanda, Dec. 10.11;151
. At the New Coal 'ed.
rrilt subscriber hoeing leased the New COAL
JL BED, in Franklin township, would inform the
public that he is now, and shall continue to
and keep fur sale, Coarse and Fine Coal, of the
very best quality. The article which tbey are now
mining, ie far superior in 'quality to any ever offer
ed at this lied. The mad to the bed is in first rate
repair, and will be kept so: Fersolis wishing coal
for stove or blacksmith use, will do well to boy of
me. The bed is located only Wren Mites from
cry All kinds of Prodn'ce Miren in eietiatige for
coal at the market price.
New Coai Bed, Sept. 16, 1854.
TT 0 E T L .91 fri
Walhanuiport, Lycnming County, Pa.
rj"OFlFlCE—Oppolcite U. 8. Hotel—Up BmittAl
Engine and Fixtures for sale.
(ARE se'ebbd hand ENGINE and hirtures for a
V/ SAW MILL, capable of, driYing two or more
kaAis, all in genii order, and will tib soul cheap, on
a long credit, if detired. The En - gint IS now run—
ning, and ban be teen by calling on H. S. DAvin
sot. at Ulster, or C. E. It. at Athens, Pa.
Ulster, July 19, 1854.
do._ 4c AK_ kik IL* •
HAVING disposed of ell interest in other busi
ness, is now prepared to attend promptly to
all business, in the line of his profession. He may
be found at all tune.—except trheh absent oh le
:al business—at 'his New Brick Office, '• THE
LITTLE UNION BLOCK," between the old Un
ion Block and John Barer's splendid Saloon, re=
dotty meted on the North side of the Poblit
Square, Towanda, Pa
(r) - - N. 11.—Particular attention siiett to col
Towanda, Aug.. 24, 1134.._
N Towanda Borough, on the Bth of August, tour
sheep and two lambs. The owner is tequested
to prove property, pay charges and take them away,
'ttivranda, Aug. IS, Itil&A,
WirilIEAS, my wife Mary, has left ray bed and
board, without any just cause or provoca—
tion, this is to forbid all persons liv boring or (WS*
ing her on my account. as I will ej nu debts of
cr contracting after this date.
11ratintown, August 91004.
JHEREBY caution all persons from purchasing
• note. give.. to hir.l3EiNgEtrAlloll, or Hearer,
for ten dollars, tiatrilAug. flit 1834, tine the first of
April next. for I hare received novafife, and Atoll
nut pay the same, unless lam compelled I. w.
Sheshequin. Aug. 21. IBM
Residence. on Pine Stmt." opposite thr iiI•11 3 1 - eJsyteriaii
°frets his professional servirts to the people a
Towanda pnd vicinity. Can alWays he found at Ilia
office, in Dr. Powtseii Drug Store, when nut pro
fessionallv engaged.
.4. I .AIV.Ike•RfB- BIN.;7121e1
ypio: virtue of art order of the Orphan's iloun of the
II county of Bradford, will be exposed to public
sale on the premises, on Saturday, the 7th day of
October nest. at I o'clock, P. M. the Mowing pro
perty, to wit;
The one-half or whore (aa may agreed upon by
the Administrators) of a lot of Mild ih Burlington
township, late the estate of Obadiah Blakeslee, dec'd
bounded north - by lands of John Gustin. east by M.
Luther, smith by E. Ovation, end - nest by E. Nkh
oh; and N. Boothe.
Tarps made known on the day of sale.
Sept. 12,1859. Administrators.
Cr 'lle above stands postponed until November
I ith, at t o'clock, P. M. at the house of J .0. FUr
maan, in Burlington borough.
e- 7.3-7:r
. ,_. , Wholesaleapo Retail Dealers iii
--DA A-RE -. : IND ~...STOVES,
- :::'-i - -.Tin, Japanned and Brliannia Ware,
. ;
id*rliesninrs, Can tag:o Tiinitnitiv, farness & Saddlery
(~:; Ware,arpo.uter's and Joiner's T00i5,4,, ,
. 1 -Ei..4ND P VMPS, of all kinds and skies,
!.:-:.--zino)r, sgittlir,, 1,1:.'1' t I Eli li EL'ill -NG% k: - ' &e. . .
. . - -.• i i-: , :r-,
11i'valld info-id iittlif ilriendit t ilist. - theiteare .to 'y il ran ,i.l t km- gene ra l head. Wider which mai' be, elatleil
t h e i r e x iteroiee assoirimeiKand to ninth they are ron-tinily r e eeis tug Ant - tont! •tipplie4; rliteetfrorn'thet
i trqu i r ,te m aud:iwniihactrrent., which enable:. them to ttger vuttt intfaueirtent4 in their large stock and lui
prices, t,haVotrill elialfenilti 414Peliti6n•from zit,y i:ittlit 'IV e would soli the pa rucula r attentibii of
, J .
to an ezatriiiialloii of otitsdnik. Whiih hiving brt-ti tilt-Peed with the greatest care, we are contldeat i fivill
.sati,fv everkilie tit* partlettrat. - -- ;_
g -- j• Don't forget theplace--Rotith-side-'.iirthe pit bite siiti ar e.
Old fnonieontoi. sod BisSitt; and all kinds or c, until- Produce %lien itt etcharige fur goods.
Towanda. May 'it'„ 11154. ..7.' ... i . HALL & RUSSELL.
Fronting the Public - Square.
Trg srbscri bet, thankful for-the liberal Ritrorisee receitrtl the past-yt ir,inteiitla to keep &Martially on
hand a full assortment of the very best arttelea usocny kept tri our line, which its WILL dispose of on
such terms as will he satisfactory to all who may pinnate him. The purchases are made entirely with ash
in band, and for the (.:10111 our customers will receive the fameflt of a g00.4.07t - title at - a law pries. All'artiaes
not answering our recurnmerulaudn, will be cheerfully taken hulk, and the: mono refunded.
Medical Advice gratuitously given at the Offter i charging testy for the Alcditlacs.
The stuck consists of acompletiatid select assortment o
Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal nse, London Porter & tleotch Ale.
•1 sPLEstfin Assoirrvig3l , _
Anierican - -Pocket Cutlery,, (Warrant :d Good,)
Superior TOBACCO di. SNUPT'!---Choice braudg of Pure Valrahrus, Principe"
and Yara CIGARS
Paints; 01h, VarniSheS, Windom . Mass, lartiShes, Perfumery. Shaving Soap,
Fancy Articles. S.C.
Black Greek Teas ; Rio and , Java Coact: ; Molassrs, Svnips, Sugtirs, Spices, Ate &c.
Salmou, Mackerel, Sardines, &e.
7*€ best Quality of floods—Full Aliiirtmeat—lii;daratt I'o#ftl,—ltcady Attention to CrslomErt—no . „--
Addicraticm of Goods—Con Ails ice a 4 to Eitent Rcutedzes—and Clow Attention to ItuAivess.”
Towanda, Nnvomher 12, 1851. 211. C. PORTER, D.
Awarded to this Ditiehitie at the Pair of the American last itut e, New York, 0ct.' ,
A Diploma at the Franklip Instittetes Pliiiadelphia. First Premium, at the Stall.
Pair, Utica, New Tort, and St the Caitint bin and Rensselaer County .Noto York Fairy
and a Diploma at the Westchester County P • it at AVldle Plains.
In the prevent arrangement of tids mod, n p venie ,d No d
geleattle 111% the labor in dt. idol by arranging a rutting
Cylinder to Meek the apples. no.l then deliver them to the
lower ryliedern to be renineed to ponmee. tit thin nr--
retwement the work LI performed toter and sith much
Imo labor.
Tho Pron. in &ruing.' will, a no‘h lor t rer crew Iltne
formerly. and by a eery loirettiout drum the nor or th. tog
is diV.1. , 1 With anti the TOt, mate to open .1 will to do
t liver the pomace. while rat the omit time the Cider le left I
TidAlr toml the work on be done h lens lehor than
1.. the old method. TI Il linder.• nee mieroi with heavy
nisei 'fine. both on tittle perlottertnn and end,: the wood
in them in errsopit en as not to and ells whole sore
ou the Mill and Prret made in the s cry lost tonnmer and
arming , ' with enierial shot to their ilanddilty and owl-.
Ke Petrnmeg the Atilt carefully and areerdlng
to Merriam.. swill be dieappolloted. Lemon the other
hand he n ill and I bit one of amuses vainableend efficient
insehlnen on his hon.
The madame in MARIA to run t.r her....
rower. anti ahem the optic. ore :round, n etnoll bey el' 14
yen. of, age am prom the pont:toe with all roe.
Is all former time. it weir supposed Lind &dogs. quantity
of Cider mould only be-mnde by ening n pontieroul machine.
that ntoely crashed the apple , without grinding Omni tine.
They went then manly into u noon's'. chats. in .taw, end-a
toot revere nettl tong pro.-aura woo require,' to extract
1i1.141111 . 14 the Vide?. a nnusideralletpantlteheing ehlayrked
by the Wane and the anon of prontare,.:... atittan elooffrAhis
onettinfactory remit the farmer bud to take all ilk. hands.
met pothole Ida stsdlorse testa_ and devote a whole day that
torn more prolitably emplOyini. to make tam
rig to eizht barrels of Chien To obviate the thiltrullt the
Formers have henttettoe labored coler. this Machine has
loon inventol, and the thderuent of a few tem will prove
t h at It b and roo t t hen maritime elate kind In salatenee.
bat it Is the meet .yeridltattly that a =an can have an too
:ann. Tle option are by this Itaeldnemntol op Into a fin.
pulp. en tho• it esquires hut a comperstirely promote..
anti that but v minute or two, to extract all the Citirk•it
being ennertninol by prantined experiment that One Fourth
more joke con be oblation! than-by the old promos. Pe
nults this. it only requires two hands to grind tip end make
Into Oder a lame, r quantity of apple* than tea Iss powiltly
abate an the obi flothiannol machine.. Ile this pst s ok owing
to the enutparlatew of the remnee in the tad.. and
_tee com
plete enanner in which it is ground. • immure of from 3 to
6 tnnon-that eon easily he obtained—will produce a more
fanurabla result than fifty tons pressure on the ordinary
Entered seeentlas to Act sf gesiyeesa In the yeu ltd:t.
altiokt by HAW. Tftwand
TWO HUNDRED TONS Cayuga Ground Plat- . T HE r n-pirtnership hereinfori existing ,- belvveen
L ter, 100 Barrels Salt. lee Obis. White Stone 1 the sub,.eribers. under the firm of .41exander.&
Litne,so buShels Orwell & West Brandt . Clover I \
Solomon, was dis•subterd by mutual consent ori the
"seed, SO bushels Timothy Seed, 500 lbs. Allegany ::"rtb day of May.' M. - E. Solomon reririrg. The
Cciunty Cheese. just received and for sale by : business will hereafter be carried on underthe nuns
BAILEY & NEIVENO. ,ofl. & S. Alexander.
" Towanda, Apulia!, tEt.5.l. . 'f,..wanda, May '27 IS - :.
-AND.4n - s MOTTO
/817 ^
:00J:( 1 ):41 , .1.4034 67i
Iti:',..' RUSSELL,:
rider Pkvia. oven If applesiiere &remit!! as Gorily
tin iminovial Mill; and If the wens nerdy crabs"; '
fu. Ott the \ ut Martino. It would require a pressure of onis
hnielred teal to produce the result iavonsidished trylkda ,
Patolit Mill. The folioe iug may le adduced as the doidod
adiantagss of this
First—lt a ill maks morn Mar atoll any other I'mm:with
,nven qneintley of pirploii, hi a given time, and with inueh
less labor and expert....
Fecceid—li will make chatter and sweeter Cider than any
other MM.
. . . .
111411-I(nu num make the Cider as you want IL and when
you wind 11.--arul la quulditles from ulaa fialluu to 6 or 11.1
bursuls. •
•• .
Fourth—With It yon ran per.rr your Currantry Moak;
Llorrhot, 1, we,. Buthrr, L.tra , and Tni
Fifth — flint ft Nou ran out-fourth or r
than/ In malt Ling Apple-butter.
ittatb—With it+ you mu .t tat tkitet bare Fresh
and Sweet Cider.
Willi all the ado outages moulting Imm the possession and
use a IL.ncla n machine—it n prl an to* that it is within
the mach of all—can It N that any intelligent Varna
wou/d do without it?
Po you wish to hare Insoyour house at all tlmas Cider that
I, garret nod fresh, the only time It La really 10-aitby and fit
For use—and do you WI to t•nd3 it great portion of shoe
hard labor attending the making of
Apple-butter! It to. buy this machine, god our wool
for lt. you will not iso dioniminted.
This Mill Ls warranted atiparior to any other portal le
Mill in existence, and the Prapriciar is ready at any shoo.
- inn fair notice being given.) to toot it with any Portable
Mill that is not an infringement no It.
Farmers, etc...mine this newly IMPTIOVEra_
MILL, before you buy any other.
One.gresst mientdage of this machine (her all Others. IS
that It will not choke up, sod hard or mon APO , " '•
can Lc rromet. and yet. the Cy Radars nal always grAltaill
chat and in grinding order.
ill orders will be tilled in the order In whirls thew are
received. and all persons wanting them would do watt to
send their orders early, and state at what tint° they Want
the - Min soot.
This Mill. attended by 2 man. will. when properly worked
nmonlinf to direct bone, male ti to 12 barrels of eider a dmiy—
and will grind abut by bora.powei from 100 to 31:10 battle!,
of apple. a day .
SO - The Price or the Mill Is $4O, free of frehb
litemsaran. I's. W. a MONDE
lb* DiaLract Court at tae Rilata Dlar.t or Falba
a. by C. M. WiIIMG. Elmira—N. V