Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 14, 1854, Image 4

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'.; NUMBM.O3 1
,71 1 ,1C0W
I'roposing dmervhmenta•p, the Consti
tution ofithe:OnininO lth.-
QucTioN 1. Itesolied;,lty the efen -and House 1
• I....7.44• 7 ltetireactitett vas of the .Coni mw ea llip o f
l'ennlfva'Uta4 iu Oeneral jet—That the c l
tollontik Amendments: he anti did ss e are hereby ;
propostd to the constitution
..of.thec ntnotteealill,'
under and in aecordatice with the p , r i.tious of thel'
tenth article thereof. to.
ruorioni'vtost.• : ,et .ter—ro-me2 evicts U. • -• •
flcaggrepte, amount of,dehtsbere
eiltei ernittreeted i tl ihe.Canimvnws-11.11h shah meter
,esceed the sum of live hundred thousand dollars,
except .itil l elise of W3r'tu repel invasion, suppre
tosttrrectien, or to redeem the public debt of the
Commonwealth. and the rai;mtl shall be
applied to the'Purpose for which the debt may 1w
contracted, to pay etch; debt., and to no other put
pose. •
S'ecvinv t To'pay the public debt of dip Corn
inonwelith, And debts which may hereafter he con
tracted ILo, case of war to repel invasion, suppre-s
insurrestion, and--to ,sedteln the .public dobt. the
Legislature shall at ill it next session after the ad
option cif this section into the ConAtittition. prllVide
by law for the creation of a sinking fund. which
shall not be abcilisbed until the said public debt- Lc
wholly paid. to-consist of all the net animal income
- frbin the publiclyn.rka and socks owned by the
Commtinweit or an - y
either funds arising under
1 ' any revenue-lasi:now exirting or that-may be here
after enacted, sollir as • the same may be required
to pay the interest of said debts semi-annually, and
annually to seduce the principal thereof by a sum
not less than five hundred thousand dollars, increas
ed yearly by:Compoanding at ;exam of not less than
five per centuni per annum—the said sinking fond
shall be it:meted, in the loans of the commonwealth
which shall baciincilled from time to time in a man
ner to be provided by la it 7 --ito portion of the sink
ing fund shall ever be applied to the debt of five
hundred thousand dollars Mentioned in the first see--
'ion of this article, but the said sinking fund shall
be applied onlit,to the purposes herein specified.
Bsc-rzois - .l`The credita the Commonwealth shall
not in saf:way be given or or in aid Of
any individital, company. corporation, or amino;
tion, nor shall•the commonwealth hereaftlr become
a joint owner cir . .stockholder in any company, asso
ciation or 'corAioration in this commonwealth, or
elsewhere.fortried for any purposes.
Szertos 4. The commonwealth shall never as
sume the debts of any county, city. boro' or town
ship, or of any corporation or association, unle a
such debts shall have beon contracted to repel in va
sion,suppreikinsurrection or to defend the State
in war. , • --
Prohibiting Municipal Subaeriptiong.
The Legislature shall never authorize any city, - .
county; borough or township, by a vo• e of its citizens '
or othetarise, to become a stockholder in any joint
..fatuclrcompany, association or corporation, or to
-.raise money for, 'or loan its credit to, or in aid of
any.such company or association.
Speaker• of the House of Itepresentatirea.
Speaker of the Senate.
In The Senate, April 28, 18A—Resolred, That
this resolution pass. Yeas, 22, Nays 6.
Extract from the Journal,
T: A. MAGUIRE, Clerk.
In the Bousc of Representatives, April 21, 1854
—Resolved, That this resolution pas.. Yeas 71,
Nays 20. Extract from the Journal.
1K M. JACK, Clirk.
Secretary's ,01TiceFiled - April 29, 1834.
. C. A. BLACK,
Secretary of the Couvaoniceallh.
SErnr.Tinx 4 o Orstrr,
Harrisburg, July S
an hereby certify that the above-and fore.
r. 4. going is a true and correct copy of the ori•
Wti ginal ,• ResolutirM relative to an amend-
ment of the-constitution," as the same remains on
file in this office.
In testculony whereof, I have hereunto set nit
hand io he affixed the seal of the Secre
tsars GThee the day and year above written. _
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
"Resolution No. pB.l. entitled ' liesolutiompropir
sing amendments to the constitution of the com—
monwealth: was read a third time. On the ques-
Lion, Will the Senate agree to the first proposition !
thcayes and nays were taken agreeably to the con
stitution, and were 45 follows. viz
- YEss—Messrs. Duckalew, Darlington, Dareie,
Ferguson;sFoulkrod, Frick, Fry. Goodwin, 'Heide:
man, Hamilton, D. B. Hamlin, E. W Alarnlin,H ies
ter, Hoge, Jamison McClintock, M'Farland, Pia'
4.4,uiggle, Sager, Slifet, and M'Caslin. speaker-2;
IN:Ars—Messrs. Crabb,Cresswell,Hendricks;K,
zer, Kunkel and Shinuer-6.
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
On the question. Will the Senate agree to the se
cond. proposition? the yea , and nays were taken
agreeably to the constitution, and were as follows,
Tres—Ntessrs. Iluckaleiv, Darste. Ferguson
roulkrod, Fry, Goodwin,
.Haldeman. B. D. Hamlin,
0 E. W. Hamlin Hendricks. Iliester, lime, Jamison,
Kinzer, M'Clintock, M'Farland, Plate. Price Quig
gle, differ, Wherry and Ni'llastin. speaker—VV.
Nays—Meits-r . Crabb, Cresswell, Darlington,
Hamilton, Kunkel' and skinner—O.
do the question was determined in the affirmative.
JOURNAL OF TUE norsa OP nutsissxtrrsytvss. -
The question reCurring,upon then final passage of
the lieeolation•, the first proposition was agri.ed to
Y ass—Messrs. Alarshant,•Adams, Atherton, Ball,
Barton, Beier, Btgham, Boyd, Bush, - Byerly, Cald
well, Calnit, Carlisle; Chamberlin, Cook. Crone,
Crimminougherty,-;Da vie, De '.'nrice, Dunning, '
Eckert, Edinger, Eldred, Evans, Foster, Frey, Gal
tontine, Gihnney, Gilmore, Gray, Groom, Gwin,
• Hamilton, Hart, Herr, Hiestand, Hither, Hilpple,
Horn. Hum Mel, Hunsucker, Hunter, Hurt, Jahman,
Kilgore, Knight, Laory. (Lehigh) Linn, Magee,
Maguire. Manaerfield, M'Cun nell, McConnell, McKee,
Miller, Monaghan. Montgomery, Moore, Moser,'
Mdse. Palmer, Parke, Pasemore, Patterson, Porter,
Putney, Rawlins, Roliiits,, Rowe, Sallada, Brim,
Riddle, Simonton, Smith. ( 'Berk s,) tam ith, (era wford)
Stewart,' Stockdale, Small:, Struthers, Wheeler,
• Wieklein, Wright, Zaigler,'and Chase, speaker-85.
So the question teas determined in the affirmative.
- On the
; question, will the House agree to the see •
and propiwtion, the ayes and nays were taken.
agreeably td the provisions of the 10th article of the
conetituticut. and areas follows—
• Yeas--Messrs. Abraham. Atherton, Ball. Barton
Beck, Beyer, Bigbam, Boyd, Caldwell. Carlisle,
Chamberlain. Cook, Crane, Cummins, Dougherty
. 1 Davis. Deegan. De Famine, Dunning. Edinger
Eldred, Evens, Fry. Gallentine. tiibboney, Gilmore
Gray, Groom, Gwin. Hamilton, Hiestand, Hillier
Ripple. Hunsucker. Hunter. Hunt, Jackman. Kill.
gere,Snight. Luny (Lehigh) Lowrey (Tioga) Linn
Magee, Maguire. Manderfield, McConnell. M'Kee
Monaghan, Montgomery, Moore, Moser, Muse, Pal
mer, Parke, ?armlet), Passmore, Patterson, Porter
Rawlins. Roberts. nuwe, Ballads. Scott. Simonton
Smith (Ber)tsySmith (Crawford) Stockdale, Wheel
sr. Wicklein, Wright and Chase speaker 7-71.
Nara—Messrs, Adams, Baldwin... Beans. Bush
Byerly. Eckert, Ellis, Hari, Herr, Horn, Hummel
McCombs. Miller. Poulson., Putney. Sale. Stewatt
Strong, Struthers and Ziegler-20.
So the qtlestion waj - determined in the affirmative.
s 4.
•j: illErnrrAnes 0'1.1(.1... 2
llarri.burg, !Illy I, 1854. S
1"4:A/1 Ido eertify that the above and foregoing is
z. s. a true and correct copy of the Yeas and
1 / 4 ""J Nays taken on the Resolution relative to
Atriendinent Of the constitution of the Common
'wealth, as the samit appears on the Journals of the
Mallon/es of the Ceireral Assembly of this Curil•
Inouvrealth for the year MA.
Witness my hand and the; 3rsl nCaaidßtriefb this
f,r4 day of Joly„ 1954. t A. trr,AcK.
J ttly :' lke et, rn*runtr-Pilii:
~,,••• •-1, ,:,,,,rii,„,-kair: 7 - ,r.i . 7 - ;•, - .., - ,• 44 - - 4:- .
..;:i'e: -:•-- 44 •Pustmts• 1.-"• --I • - 4'-::- - 4 '
. _ -.4 4 ,, _ ,4t , 4:-
wir.]mi . :i...ars94o ll
isnow being replenished with a fun and complete
stock of
Drtigs, blediaines,
Paints, Oils, Ilinushes, Wiiidoir . Glass. Pure Mars
and Diquors,
Tether with Paints. Turpentine, l'artii.h, Dye-
Woods & Dyeadtuffs, Glass, Putty. choice Groceries,
ptire Wines and Liquors foi Medicinal purposes.--
Also, Cigars of the best brand and all articles con
fleeted with the trade.
In sh.ot, every thing connected with the trade. The
Goods have been bought extremely low, for cash,
and will be sold accordingly.
N. B. A superior article of Tanner's and Neat's
Foot Oil lust received.
(IC? REAs.misn the place-3 doors south of Mon•
tanye's corner—same building of the • Are us Office:
All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pec
toris:, schencks Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow Dock
Root, Orrick's, Hobensacks, and Jaynes' Vermifuge.
Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines
-now in use constantly on hand and for sale at
I REED'S Drug Store.
Three Doors below Muntanye's ;inner.
Towanda, January 3. 18:.3.
I s s n to o c ar k b o e f in u g n r u cf&rith m et E l
D with lt y r t c n E e s w ,
F a:1 ,1 ,1 , 7 G ] e:n nx il l i s d ,
L imps—some of them new and beautiful patterns.
In short, everything advertised in his regular col
umn, has been completely filled up, with fresh Goods
from New-York and Philadelphia.
Mathewson's Horse Remedy, Gargling Oil, Mus
tantg Linament, and several new and popular Medi•
eines which will be sold extremely low for Cash.
Paints,Oils Yarn.ishes,.Olass, Wines Liquors,
&c., as usual.
6OBARRELS ofold Ohio Whiskey just received
and fur sold wholesale and retail, at Reed's
Drug Store.
Q QUINTT.Es of Codfish, '2O boxes of Herring,
110 5 barryls at Saleratus, warrented in prime
order, left on • Rale at New York cash prices at
REED'S Drug Store. Towanda, Jan, 28,
Ull EM rry Barrels, suitab le for Cider.. Pork
and Beef packing. &c. in gond order, fur
sale cheap at REED'S DRUG STORE.
Sept. 4, 1853.
Lands di various kinds, Chain
and Bedsteads of every• description, which are, and
will be made of the hest material and workmanlike
manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper
than can be - bought in any other Ware-room in the
on had on the most reasonable terms. A good
HEARSE willbe furnished on Funeral occasions.
Towanda, June 1, 1831.
g g
LEAVE Towanda for Mcrcnr's
4 ' 4 ? rnills.lll,rhngton,Ea , t Smithfield
- Ridgebery, and Wellbburg de
pot on the N. Y. & E.R. R.. every MoNn iv, Wan.
ESII AT and Frit DAT at 8 , A-lock A. 34., and arrive
at the depot in time to take the cvcnin; train of ears
either east or west. 'tame day.
Returning TrasnAr, TIIVHSDAT and SA - rynn‘y,
after the arrival of the Eastern tram, and also the
We.terri carts' from Jefferson*, Elmira, &c., and ar
rive at Towanda same day.
6 FARE :—Towanda to Mere.or's mills,
" to Burlington, n()
" to East timitlaiettl, (tgi
" to Ridgebery. 1.00
to Well.burg &pot, 1;25
Express packages to or from the Rail Road carp
fully delivered at moderate charges.
M. BU LT.,
Towanda, Oct. R, 1852
Williamrport and I lmira Railroad=!
New Daily Stage Line !
ON and after Mtinday, the 2lst
• of August, a stage will be ran
• daily between TOWANDA end
C.ANTON, connecting at the latter place with the
trains on the Williamsport and Elmira Railroad.
Passengers desirous of going to Harrisburs ' , Phi
ladelphia. Baltimore or Washington, will fin d this
a cheap, comfortable and expeditious route.
~ T he hours of starting and arriving will be govern ,
Id by the time tablesoi. the Railroad—particular al
tention also being paid to connections with the sta
ges up and down theriver froierowanda.
C . For seats apply to S. OwEss. Canton, and at
The Ward House. Towanda.
12 S. OWENS & CO. Proprietor*.
John W. W'ilaoz, •
HAS removed his establishment to H. M ies store,
corner of main street and the public square, and
will continue the manufacture of Boots and'Shoes, as
heretofore. •
Ile has just received 'from New York a !age assort
ment of Women's, Children's and Misses' Shoes, which
are offered at low prices. The attention of the Ladies
is paricolarly directed to his assortment, comprising
the following new styles :—Enamelled Jenny hind gsi
ter boots- do. shoed ; black lasting and silk ;paters ;
walking ;hoes, buskins,&c. Misses' gaiters sul shoes,
of every description. A large assortmenfof Children's
fancy gaiters, boots and shoes, of all kinds.,,
For the Geellomen, almost every style of gaiters and
shoes. This stock has been personally selected with
care, and he believes be can otter superioearticles at
reasonable prices.' -
o:"The'strictest attention paid to Manufacturing,
and he hors by doing work well to merit a continu
ance of the libetuF patniesge be has hitherto received.
Towanda, May 8, 1853.
, 7 1,5avirAS ZIASCIVIi 9 •
SI7IINE YOR for Bradford County , is prepared to
attend to the above birsineva in dl itti.brandhea.
11:. Glee it at Monroeton. All lettere iddieeied to
kind at that plarP, will islett with promptatteaDon.
,Apri 4, 1554
TAT: subscriber would an
nince to the public that he
ye now on hand, and will make
older all kinds of
Cabinet Furniture,
ich as Sofas,Diyans, Lounges
'enter, Card, Dining and Break
tst Tablek. Mahogany, Wal
ut, Maple and Cherry Bureaus,
• - _
Allir, - ;Se(
‘lTOlLTlM—respectrutly call the ottentilm of the
public iiitbetylergc sloe*. of hl,en!" anil bop .
smishitig Goods. coOsisting of every ranetioi -
roodelotiss. Cassimeres,nereds. Kentucky
Linton; Shirts,' Ciillarr. 046, Crorals t
hosiery, Sarspniders liars, Carpet '°
Bop, l'ettoks, C anes, §e 4c. a .
which will besot') chcaper than the same quality eau
be sold in any other establishment in this cOuntry.
They have also on hand a well manufactured as
sortment or
,Pocatiy-DlCade Clothing," . "
to which we invite the attention of buyers. Our
clump:: is mostly made up in the shopand not
pi.rchase.l at" slop-shops"—as some we wot of.
Orders in. the Tailoring lire executed 'in the most
fashionable manner, at the shortest notice; and war
crj The public will please notice one fact, that
so us IF. not practically acquainted with the. b..siness
is capable of judging of the quality and Make of a
garment; hence the reason why the community
hate been so much imposed upon by a certain class
of qouitunrsity who deal in the article, who. if they
were not practically owl professionally cheats, could
of necessity. know nothing about the business.—
They 'are rencin. if the public would consult their
true interest, they would purchase only of those act
qua inted with the business.
Towanda. Arril 12, 1854.
t rtrox
The Waverly Ready Made Clothing'
Mott & Wells, Merchant Mailers,
HAVE the honor of announcing to the citizens of
Bradford County, that they have just received
tho largest anti most fashionable stock of
ever brought into ' old Tioga,. consisting in pars of the
following articles:
Over. Dress, Frock and Sack Coats ; Vests, Pants,
Shirts, Drawers, Wrappers, Overalls, Stocks,
Cravots,Collsra, Pocket h'dkfa,&e.
Oaths and Trimmings constantly on hand—also
the fall fashion of Hats and Caps. '
Our stock of Furnishing Goods is unsurpwsed in
Tioga, and comprising everything necessary for a gen
tleman's outfit. Particular attention illbe our
102 4 2Dra Daeauaratrograt,
Having received the latest New York Fashions, we are
prepared to get up,suits on the shortest notice and in a
superior manner. CrITING done on short notice,
and warranted to fit if properly made op.
Broad at., first door east of the Post (Mice.
Waverly, Nov. 10, 1853. y
111:". ALT:: 1i 114 L. = NV f_gisi 9
ANY man or boy, or any body else wanting any
kind of CLOTHING, will do well on
Gamma U. PERKINS, and, see how
he is selling his new stock. He has now the
Largest Clothing Store
in .Ithens, and his Goods were all bought cheap an..
will be sold cheap. Clothing is much lower in me
city, and Perkins is bound to let his customers ha'e
the benefit of it.
The Store is new and just fitted up. Two dom
above the brick block, in Athens.
Hats, Caps, 4c., new and cheap.
Athens, April 2R, 1854
L-FFP J c 111
The subscribers have just received at their old
stand in Mereur's Block, Towanda, a new and good
assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, consist-
ing of
Ready-Made Clothing,
ever imported into the County—all of the latest
styles in market, which are being scattered far and
wide. In the way of Furnishing Goods, we have
a complete assortment—Cravats, Collars, Shirts,
Under shirts, Drawers, Wrappers, Gloves, Suspen
ders, Handkerchiefs. Hosiery of all kinds, and a
variety of Trunks,
Our Ready—Made Clothing embraces every thing .
desirable in that line, and as we buy for CAan, we
can and will sell 20 per cent. lower than any other
Clothing Establishment in Towanda.
Towanda, April 20, 1851. S. ALEXANDER.
important to lionsekeepers:
THE subscriber thankful for the
;liberal patronage heretofore re•
ceived, begs leave to inform his
friends and the public generally,
and those commencing House
keeping in particular that he has
;now on hand a-large assortment
_ of FURNITURE, which he will
warrant to bemade in a substantial manner, and of
the best materials.
~BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut dress
ing bureaus, marble and plain tops ;
mahogany and
(walnut washstands, marble tops, snil plain, of dif
ferent patterns. Card and end tables, Sofas, Couch
es, whatnots, &c.
BEADSTEADS.—High, Field, Frendh and - low
post beadsteads, finished in handsome style and of
approved patterns, together with other furniture usu
ally called for, all of which will be sold on the most
accommodating terms.
ao- The subscriber is also provided with a plain
and fashionable HEARSE, and will holdkimself in
readiness to attend to all orders in undertaking.
He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid
of which the corpse may bekept for a week. COF
_ - "= I
N. B.—Furniture of aft kinds made to order, and
warranted to be of the best matt rials and wochman
Towanda. Jarman , 17, 1157.-
DEOPLE otHradford County wishing anythin
' nice in the way of Monuments, Headstones
tomb Tables. Centro Tables of Italian and Amer
ican Marble. or Slack Stones of all sizes. can
have them on the shortest notice by sending in
their orders,cheaper and better than can be par
chased elsewhere.
Q .Chester Wells, Cabinet Maker. and underta
ker, nearlpopposite the Ward House. Towanda,
IA gen t. • G. W. PHILLIPS.
Towanda, March, 31, 1853.
inhaeribers respectfully inform the public that
they tiro taken the, sho p formerly occupied by
Adam Esenisine, on Maio street, nearly opposite
Drake's wagon shop; where they are prepared to do all
kinds orIMACKSMITHING up6n reasonable' terms.
They are determined by doing thek work yell quid
promptlY, to merit, ait tliey hope to receive a share 01
public patronage. '
HORSE-SHOEMerdimein tithed manner. All
kinds of mailing Machinery, executed in the taostskil-
ff= WOOD WORK lummox. will also be made end
repaired - when desired. - • •
AU work done at their shop, will be wuranted to be
well done, and mannfeetared from thry,beet materials.
fOr.thiturdini, r.SIVINVINr Aoirrorsonn.
Town,* m•av 2 185
Amsziwis AszietrziwiUL;.,
TIN - -,ANQ . . - sTon - ITORE ,
County. renusylynnta
HOV EY S,Patent 'Thal knife Hay anirStros Cut
tern, of various sizes. No. 1,2, 3,4, 6 and 6.
Price—sB, $9, $lO. $l2. $l6 and $2O. These Cut—
ters are letter and eaeaper than the straight knife Cut
ter, With trnives set diagonally on the shaft.
The knives on liovey's Vuttcr are spiral, whiat
enables themto cut at right angles against the raw hide
roller. They cut steadily, with 'no jerking—an. easily
kept in repair. Each knife can beillten off andshar—
pened without disturbing the shaft (or other knives)
,and if necessary each knife can be set out or in, so as
to keep them all true, if onp knife should wear faster
than another. Every fanner Anna have one of these
labor and feed saving machines.
cC For sale wholesale and-retail—a liberal discount
made to those who buy to sell again.
Athens, Pa., November 10, 1855.
Bradford County Premium Corn Shelters,
Air HOLESALE and-Retail! The very best article
V V to be found it the county, and cheapest—(war
ranted)-:-for safe at the Agricultural and stdie More of
Nov. 10, 1853. R. M. WELLES.
COOK STOVES, of various and excellent patterns
•‘.l and sizes—several patterns of superior Elevated
Ovens, smon g which is a combination of the Clinton
and National Air Tight, called the EAGLE. Also a
well selected stock of elegant parlor, ball, shop, church
and school house Stoves, both for wood and coal—of
sizes and prices to suit all classes of customers.
and see. Nov. 10. IL M. WELLES.
Sausage and mince Meat Cutters.
PRIDES $4 and $5 Every farmer should here one
of these eseellant labor saving articles; they art
capable of cntring-from 100 to 200 pounds of meat per
hour, and are very supple, portable and easi'y kept in
repair, for sale by
Athens.. Prov. 10, 1853. IL M. WELLES.
RE just receiving at their largo end commodious
flew Store, opposite the Court House, a large
assortment of _
Provisions. Groceries, Yankee Colim ,Toffs, Fruit,
Confectionary, Willow ware, lec.,
making their stock the. largest. most complete and best
in Northern Penney !venni. And the very liberal pat
ronage they have received from the public during the
year past, establishes the fact that they either sell
chraper or sell goods of a better quality than any oth
er dealers.
To merit and induce a continuance of so liberal pat
ronage we shall still follow our oki motto —" SM•Lt.
Below we name a few of the articles that always by
ound in our stock :
Black and green tea, Rio and Java coffee. chocolate,
cocoa, sugar. 1111010BICS, syrup, ginger, pepper, spice,
clown, nutmeg, cinamon, mace. soda, Balmily:, cream
tartar, peppetsauce,. sperm and tallow candles, hard
soap, miler, starch, 44c •
- Mess pork, dried beef, hams and shoulders, mackerel,
Codfish, shad, pickeled herring, smoked herring, whea t
flour, buckwheat flour, corn meal. cheese, rice, beans,
potatoes, butter, lard, crackers, &c.
Fruit & Nuts.-
Prunes, citrons, figs, Eng. currants, raisins, dried
peaches, apples, almonds, filberts, Brazil nuts, Greno,
ble and Madeira walnuts, pea nuts, chestnuts, &c.
German Trench and American Toys,
Fancy Goods, &c. ace.
Tin wagons, rocking horses, boys sleighs, China &
pewter toy tea setts.dolls, trumpets, accordions, harmo,
Mess, &c. Glass, paper and wood inlaid work boxes
and toilet cases—toy bureaus, secretaries, writing desks
—plain and embroidered work baskets, knitting. do
pearl, ivory, papier macho and leather port moniaes,
wallets and purse's, ivory, horn and wood pocket combs
toilet combs, ivory tine combs, pocket inkstands, pock
et and smaltfan - cy mirrors, tobacco and snuli boxe,
Ligar cases, perfumery and hair oils.
Brooms, mopsticks, clothes pins, bench screws, wil
low clothes baskets and market baskets, sugar and since
Candy of all kinds.
Dairy and table ban, Salina Do. etc. etc. etc.
Country dealers supplied at a small advance from
New York prices.
a Most kinds of country produce taken in eichanee
for goods. BAILEY & NEVINS.
Towanda. January 2. 1854.
Pacific Balm.
TUST received, a new supply of Dr. Farwell's
. Great medicine for the cure of Consumption.
Persons threatened with the alarming disease would
do well to apply tbis medicine before it becomes too
late. Price $1 per bottle, ar six bottles for $5.
May 21, 1654. J. KINGSBERr.
Farmer's Union Insurance Company.
Office, Athens, Bradford County, Pa.
rIAPITAL, $200.01r, secured by bond and mort—
%_.l, gage on the real estate of the stockholders, in—
sines against loss by fire, houses, stores, and other
buildings, goodi, wares and merchandise, on as fa.
vurable terms as any similar institution.
Direclors—lion. Horace Williston. Francis Tylsr,
George A Perkins, J T D Myer, C N Shipman, C
F Welles jr. .I E Canfield, Athens ; Hon John La
porte, Towanda; Gen. Bradley Wakeman, Lacey.
•i(le; Geo. M. Holleoback, Wilkesbarre: Michael
Meylert, Laporte.
Officers—Hon. Horace Williston, President; J E
Canfield, See.; C E Welles, jr. V. Pres and Treas.
co- Address, G. A. GAYLORD, Agent; Wyalus
ng, Bradford Co. Pa. July 1, 1854.
7HE only assortment of Paper_ Hangings kept in
this vicinity,_,Witlk a fresh stock just coming in
at unusually low prices. O. D. BARTLETT.
Towanda, April 21 1853
M. T. C R RIE R,
`WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of To—
wanda and vicinity, that he has opened a
Grocery it Provision Store.
on thesouth side of the Public Square, where he
would be pleased to wait upon those that call upon
him. He has all kinds of articles kept in a country
Grocery. Such as _guts of all kinds; Ora'nges, I.e.
mobs, and Candies of all varieties and shapes, Ci
gars of the best quality. .
He also designs to keepon hand PaovistoNs, 4 c.
Esc., all of whickhe offers Cheap for,Ca - sh or Couu
tty produce. His motto is, that " nimble six-pence
is better than a sloW shilling "
Towanda, May 1, 1854.
'• ME-a 1111:11VINS "31r 1 a
A.BOUT thelast of June, a pocket MEMORAN
DUM, with blue black tuck cover, the tuck
broken and nearly worn out. Whoever will return
the same to the undersigned, at Towanda. shall be
liberally rewarded. . B. I I.I3RIPSIAN:
Teased'. July 20, 1854.
.. .
.. .. -
S t ars! ruts!! ...,
Aquail of. Fur Victotinerona Cutts of dllfluen
crlotities, 14.4 tale ..7 re.vr ty .
137, 19, 19',1 :1 q mr:ncrr
Ir. "Jur. .110.1131. = Jak le:11
In the_Sofith end of the Ward Hoop,
fDR., 1 - 1: C. PORTER,
Paints, Oils, Yarishes, Window Glass,
Dye Stuffs and Burning Fluids.
Regular Agent for the following genuine popular
Dr. Jaynes' Medicines— Ayre's Cherry Pectoral
Alterative, Vermifuge.Schenek's pal. syrup
Expectorant, Liniment Hoolland's bitters
Hair Dye, &c. Pepsin (for dyspepsia)
Dr. Fitch's Medicine.: Acoustic oil
Dr.Swayne'a ' do Indian Cholagog,le ~
.Dr.Keeler's , do Lyon's rat pills •
Brant's Balsam & Eft Pile Medicines
Orrick's Vermifuge Salt Rheum and Truer
Graefenberg Medicines ointment
Gargling Oil Trask's mac do
Pain Killers Spavin & founder do
1 Galvanic belts, &c. iMke.Allister's do
I Heave & Condition pow. Eye waters
Rock Rose Cephalic snuff
Uterine Catholicon Corn salve
Tooth ache drops Sticking do.
Hair invigorator & dyes ; . W isle r's bal. wild cherry
; Bed bug poison ' 'Female Pills
'Fownsend's Sarsaparilla Bullard's oil soap
Plasters and Pills of alllßalsain Life
1 kinds. Harlem Oil
i And many others, :riot enumerated, all warrantbd
I genuine.
azr Remember Dr. PonvEnis Drug and Chemical
Store is in the South end of the Wan House. front ,
in.' the Public square. H. C. PORTER. AL D.
I Removed to B. Kinufsberv's Block !
. .
- Ira. Chain rrer/in, .t .
'!".", TT AS just returneSfrafh the chy
fat; .1-1. of New York with a largr
/ 3 1 4 i supply
ye silver ware , of Wa c t c c r h ; i s Jewelry
in i in part, and
1 - '',': 1) k. the following articles : —Lever
r . :\ . 4 4 • y. ,S L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
%.,...„)1 )„._,,A- - ;? . : a complete assortment of Gold
Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Fin
ger Rin;s 4 B renal Pins, Bracelbta.Lockets,Gold chains,
Gold Pena. Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silver
and any nuantityofSteel Beads—all of which he o n.
for sale exceeedingly Cheap for CASH. ,
Watches repaired on short notice, and tcarranica'
to run welLor the money will bo refunded, and a writ
ten agreement given to that effect if required.
N. 11.—MAPLESUGAR, and Country Sciatic
taken in payment for work ; and also, learn now, an
oreeer,that hue Producepust be paid when the woe
is dons—l war against credit in all its forms.
Towanda, April 28, 185 1 2. 1 „ '
LOOKING GLASS PLATES cut and fitted or
any size; to be bad at the Jewelry store of
May 15, 184. W. A. CHAMBERLIN
- .
=- ~taltt[f:
Vaolegate and Retail Dealer in
- A horse ! a horse ! my kiii7dom fin
a horse and customers to take away
. the goods. Notwithstanding the at
dissistrohs tire, A. M. WARNER i
himself againi
And at No. 1 Brick Roar you'll find
Most anythin thht's in his line,
From a camlirte needle of the finbst kind,
To a jewelled watch of eighteen karat line.
Clocks,which keep time accurate and true;
Breast! pins of every style and hue,
Gold, silver, steel and plated chains,
Selected with-the greatest pains.
Finger rings, my &adz, ,why what a pile
Of every shape and every wyle,
To suit the old. the young, the grave. the ga
May there be seen in elegant array.
And W•RNER, who is himself a host;
Is always ready and at his pest.
To wait upon his co,toniers and all
Who chance upon 'itn to give a call.
So with good advice make up sour minds
To call on him and there you'll find
Such sights, my eyes, 0 ! what a view
Jewelryofriery style and hue.
n - Don't ftristake the place No. I. Brick row
where he is prepared to do all kinds of
in his line ofbusines, at the cheapest rates that can
possibly be afforded He will also sell his jewelry
at 20 per cent hm'er, than was ever before offered in
this market. 7 ' Call and see.,Cl)
Towanda. Nov. 12, 18.52. A. M. WARNER.
THE firm of Lamoreur, Hall & Russell, haring
taken in 11. 1.. Lamoreux as a partner, will
continue the Foundry buZiness, generajly, under the
name of I. L &B. L. 1, 15T011 EU & Co., at their
old stand, known as the Eagle Foundry, in the south
part . of the Borough of Towanda, where they will
manufacture to order and keep on hand a large as.
sortment of the following articles, to wit:—
of all kind. including Mill irons, Mill gearin,gs—
the Rose & Johnson Water wheels, 4-e. 4-e.
Box, Coal, Cooking and Porlor stoves, of all kinds,
sizes and prices.
-North Branch, Nos. 1, h and 7—Ma ti.hly Nos. I
and 2—Binghamton, M ayne County, Vscelsiur,
Side-hill and Coin Ploughs, Sic.
Corn-Shellers & Straw Cutters.
Wagon boxeg, Sleigh-shoes, Plough pointA. gearing
foi Chain pothps,Grindstones, he., and other ant,
ties too nnmeronc to mention.
Having'secured theserviges old. B. IRVINE, well
known as a skillful Mach&est, the firm feel confi.
dent thzt they can-manufactore and repair all kinds
of machinery in as workmanlike manner, and on as
easy terms as any establishment this side of New-
Steam Engines will be repaired satisfactorily, on
sl oit notice. Particular attentien will be paid to the
Pattern Department, and ell ordere fti!filled en the
shortest possible notice,
0:7 . Particular attention is called to J. B. Irvine's
celebrated Excelsior Plough, which took ,the first
premium of the Bradford ,County Fair, of telt Aldo,
to the Elevated - Oval Eagle Stove, the best now On
Old Iron, Brim, Copper, zinc, Pewter, and Chain
and atl kirAs of Country produce taken in payment.
N. Bo—All Notes and accounts due the firm of
Lamoreux, Hall and Russell, are lett in the bands of
I. L.& H. L. Lamoreux for collection, and immediate
attention is cal'ed to the same, which mein as PAID
by May CotirVitelt.. '
D. C. HALL, T. r t LA , (OII . CCT.
e. R1:5..t1.7- . /T. ..
April 1 I°ll
THE Subscriberi - ' : linving formed a copartnership
under the firm of S. FELTON & CO, for do
ing a general' thitior business, - *onld respettfully
ask Hotel keepers and-all others in want of any
thing in their line 'to giva them a calf. We intend
keeping on 'hind a general assortment Of Foreign
Liquors, which ire can sell cheaper than any one
else in the county, frdin the fact that' we buy, direct
from the importers, and thereby save a large profit
chargedAty the N.Y. Jobbers ; Liquors are 'warms.
ed pure and' free from adulteration. Also constant
ly on hand Whiskey of the best quality. W have
made arringements by which we can furnish our
customers with any (pawky of Binghamton BE=
fresh from the" Brewery. Pleaee give us a call.
'The notes and accounts of the firm of S. Fe
ton:& Co., are in our hands-for settlemen. •
E. T. FOX.-'
Towanda, Dec. 4,1852
Addle, Harness lc Trunk Manufactory
JERE GULP & Co., respectfully inform the public
that they have removed to the shop on Mainatseet,
recently occupied by Smith & Soh easily opposite
the Ward House, whore they will keel on hand a
large stock of
LEL.Mildlaaa, o.taa0 9 DIAItaNOIO2
?RUSKS, If *Luca, waits. MT.
All articles in their line manufactured to - order. and
made of the best material,and' for workmanship clime
be surpassed in Northern Pe`nusylvania, They solici
a call from those wishing to purchase, confident tha
they can &ire satisfaction both as to quality end price
caliidis and Sheep Pelts received for work and at,
account, sitlhe lowest rates.
Sale thither, Upper Leallicr,Harness Leather au
Calf skins, for sale in any quantity.
N account or losses sustained at the late fire, w
4 .-1 ore obliged to Canon those inkebtetrto us fur •
srompt settlement, as we are under the neeessity .01
having what is owing to us, we trust this notice wilt
Le sufficient without resorting to other means.
Towanda, Dec. 2, 19:i2.
The most valuable Spring & Snmmer Medicine
fRONIZED by the nobility and Medical Fac
1. nity of England, and esteemed the most extra
ordinary medicine in the world. -
Medicines containing molasses or liquorice, like
the boasted Sarsaparillas, require many large bottles
to produce the slightest change in health.. The
Fol:EsT WINE is altogether a different article.
It contains no syrups to give it consistency, but ac
quires its excellent flavor, and pow'erful medicinal
pynperties froM the vegetable plants of which it is
composed. The Forest Wine combines the virtues
of the
Wild Cherry, Dandelion, Yellow Dock,
and Sarsaparilla!
with other valuable plants whose prelpertics art
still more effective.
Its high concentration renders it one of the most
efficient medicines now in use. Sometimes lc,,
than a single-bottle restores the lingering patient
from debility, and sickness, to strong acd
vigorous health. Every dose shows its good effects
nn the constitution, and improves the state of the
health. The Forest Wine i's4ecommended, in the
strongest terms, for all compfeints of the 5t0mmh,,,,,, - .
Liver, Kidneys. Ner,votis Di.orders, Bilious Affec='
tions, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Toss of Appetite. Jane.
dice, Female Complaints, Scrofula, and all Disor
ders arising from BAD BLOOD and iuipure habit of
the system.
Palimony of Mr. aallurii Maiketes, a highl . y revert.
a ble and wealthy celizea af Seteark; J:
DR. G. W. HALser :—.l believe' your Forest
Wine and Pills have been the means of savinc my
life. When I commenced taking them I laid at the
point of death, with. Dropsy; Piles, and Asthma.—
My physicians had given me over at past cure, and
tow family had lost all hopes of my recovery.-
lA'hile in this d-eadful situation. your Forest Wine
and Pills were procured for me. and heft* I had
fini•hed the first bottle of the Wine and hoi-of
I experienced great relief; my body and - limbo,
which were greatly swollen, became sensibly redu•
cc?. Hopes of my/recovery began now to rewire.
:and after continuing the use of your medicines for
about a month. the Pike! and Asthma were corn. ,
pletely cured. The Dropsy, with which my life
was placed in such great dancer, was alsc nearly
gone. I have continued the use of your medicines
until the present time—and I now enjoy as •perfect
health as ever I did in my life, althuuGtuJ am more
thin sixty years of age. Yours, respectfully.
Newark, N. J., Dec. 19, '.17. N. M tTHEWs.
• •
Da. ll►v.ssx—Dear Sirt—Having taken your
Forest Witte and/Pills to remove a disease of the
Liver, from which I have FutGed severely for up
wards 01 ten years ; and hiving adhered closely t o
the directions which accompany the meilicine , .l
have recovered my health notwithstanding 11. wit,.
knew me thought my case incurable. Previour
taking the Wine and Pills, I had recourse to the:
best medical treatment, but continued to grow worse
to an alarming, degree. Some ofmty friends spoke
despairingly of my case, and tried .to persuade n
from ntaking use of any advertised remedies ; and.
I doubt not, but what there are hundreds who are
dissuaded from taking your excellent medicines, in
consequence of the deception and inefficiency of
many advertised remedies [ln t forth by unprincipled
men, in flaming advertisements. But, what a pity
it is, that the deception used by others. should Iv
the means of dissuading many laboring under di'•
case. from making trial and being cured by your
excellent remedies. Humanly ipesking, they hare
saved Imy life - ; when I commenced making use v.
them, I was in a wretched condition; but begin to
experience their good effects an less than three days.
and in six weeks from the time I purcha•-r the
medicines, to the great surprise of all my friends, I
was entirely cured, and had increased fifteen pound•
in-weight ; having taking one box of the Pills...and
two bottles of the Wine• Would to God that every
poor sufferer would avail hintself'nf the sante reme•
dies. Yours, &e., J AMES WILSON.
:NERVOUS DtbilAllllEllB
Are diseases of. the mind as well as of the bistly.arr
usually brought on by troubles and affliction, an,:
are most common to persOns of delicate constitu
twos and sensitive minds. Low spirits. trielanch,•-
ly, frightful dreams, and fearful anticipations :
evil from the slightest causes, generally accompany
nervous disorders: The Forest 'Wine and Pills are
an energetic remedy in these complaints.
Extract of a letter from Joseph U.Paulditig; deed
Philadelphia, Sept. 7, IBM
Dr. G. W. Halsey—Dear sir—Your Forest Wine
and rills have cured my wife of a-dreadful Nervous
disorder, with which she had been affected for many
years. .Her body was almost wasted away. She
was frequently disturLed in her
sleep by frightful
dreams, awakening quite _exhausted and eoyete.:
. perspiration, and at times laboring under the
delusion that somdthing dreadful was about to bar
pen to hey. By the use of four bottles of the wise.
and a box of the• Pills she-is now in perfect health,
Shehrislegained her flesh and color, and enjoys so
ciety A 5 well as ever.
Dr. David — Mania, a celebrated practitioner of N
Y. dee.lared rulilicly, that one hottle,of p—
rest wine containrd more virtues Than fifty of the
large bottles of sarsaparilla. Messrs. Lampman
Co. one of the largest and most respectable druticig.
in Syracuse, in a letter say-•• From what we ba"
heard and seen of Maisel:B Formt wind, it is as e+"
cellent and good medicine. and will undoubtedly br
come the leading and best medicine of the day."
Thg Forest wine is put up in laige square betu.:3
with Dr. Hnlsey's name blown in thil glass ; Si Pcr
bottle, or six bottles tot $5. Gum coated Pills.
cents per box. Agents are authorized to retail IS
wellies wholesale on as favorable conditions as
, tae
proprietor, No. 161 Duane at. cornet of Hudson.Nex
York. Apdointed agents, H. C. PORTER, Trial'
la, lier:.•
NEw Ironic, Jan,, 9th, tRIFt