Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 14, 1854, Image 3
Ncto (Abuertioumesto. An Ordinance Malin to the Running at Large OF SWINE. BE it Ordained by the Town Council of the Bo rough of Towanda, That swine shall not be al lowed to run at large within the squares, streets, lanes of alleys of this borough. • It shall be the duty ()filmlgh Constable, either by himself or some persons wham he may employ, to seize andahtt up in some secure place all swine which may be found running at large upon the public squares or in any opened street, alley or lane. within this borough.— And he shall on the sawed ay upon which he.shall make such seizure, advertise the said Swine for sale at public vendue, giving not less than six nor more than eight days notice of said rale, by at least three notices thereof posted np in as many public placei in said borough. At the.time and place ap pointed, the said Constable shall expose said swine to sale at public 'endue, and shall sell the same to the highest and hest bidder in the same manner that Constables are by taw authorized to make sales by virtue of executions issued by Justices of the Peace. And the money raised by all such salts. after deducting costs and charges, shill be by the said High Constable trrimediately_pai'd over to the Treasurer of the Borough, for the use thereof. And. thrt said High Constabl' shall be entitled to charge and receive for executing this ordinance as, tollows—For every hop . shoat or pig seized by him as aforesaid, 25 cents ;for advertising the same each 25 cents; for keeping the same each 124 cents for every day the same shall be kept ; for selling, each 25 cents. ft is provided however, that if the owner of any such swine shall at any time before the same shall be sold pay to the said High Constable his fees for seizing, advertising and keeping as hereinbefore mentioned, that the said Constable shall not sell, but deliver the same to such owner or upon his order. 2. It shall be the duty of said High Constable to file in the office orthe Secretary of the Boro' within three days after each-seizure. a statement or des— cription of the swine seized. as near as may he, to gether with the date of the seizure. and to mention the square, street, lane, or alley where seized„and such statement shall he prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated. By arder of the Town Conreca. October 9, 1554. A. D. MON rANVE, See Auditor's Notice .To the molter of the Estale.()) Dam! II Owens, dec'd In te Orp lton't . Court of Bradford Cout.ty. THE undersignedtaving been appointed an An -11 by the Court. upon exemptions filed to the confirmartion•of• the Admini:trator'q sale, of said estate; andlo the aiyision and apprakment, setting apart $3OO, 00 worth of the same—will attend to the duties assigned him, at his office, in the 'Hero' of Towanda. on the 9th day of November next, at one o'clock P. M.--of which all persons interested will please take notice. PAIjL D. MORROW, A uihtor Towanda, Oct.], 18:4. Auditor's Notice fa the Matter of 114 e F_-,lute of JOun Fee Deceased r rHE undersigned, an A y(litor,i •appointed by the Comt to marshal! as•iets and distribute funds in the hands of the Administratc;r's of said estate, will attend to the duties axcigned him, at his office, in the Born' of Towanda, nn the 6th day of Novem.. her next, at I o'clock P. M. %Vhep and where alr persons neglecting to present their claims upon said fund wiil be forever debarred from the same. P. 1). :MORROW, Auditor. Towanda. , 00. 1, 15454. Auditor's 'No tice in thr Matter if the Estate of Sterling llale o i n h, Der'il la The Orplinds• Cone( of [inn/brit Cu. 111113 undersigned ittaitior app , dliied by the Court, upon , exemptlons Med to die partial ar..connt of the Adminititrator's Quid estate, will attend to the ditties ass.igned htrrt. offl, e in the liorn' of TosVanila. on Ilft• 7th day a No -ember next, atone ;:r!ra-k P. M., of Athich all prisons interested will please take notice T. D. MORROW; Atklitor October 1 . 1 tzt, 1. NEW FALL GOODS ITOSEtii rownzz, _ 1,- ITAR just received a large Stock ~r Nr ew 4014,, 11 which are °tiered for sale, for ready pay, at unusually lots prices. . . Towanda.seni,tn, 014. . LIST. or LEITWELS, 'Remaining in the POst Othcb at towarida, Sept. 30, IRA. A ligilen Sarah Miss Harden T 4 P Ackla H • I Keefe Dien! Ames Ernfly Mrs 1 - ; •Keehe Dennis 2 Brack Peter Kinone Jones Bristol Nancy Miss Ectinedy David Bush Daniel 0 fiiiiii M D Mrs Leak* 1:0 Ballard M Braden 0 I ..frr&?Geo _ . . Brown Aitgitsta Miss 2 Lynch Martin Bennett S ' McGrath Mary . Butler S V McCall James conlbanch Harry Mead 1,-K , - carpenter R R firs -'• Miller D S Carpenter A rminda 2 Alonhoti Daniel I'a inpbell Jerome N ichols Samuel ' Corbin 3 P Neymaw Henry Cot John Nerly Peter Craft George Pratt.Robeq T,, Chamberlin 0, D Peterkin Joshua Mrs Clark Perry 0 Parkhurst J P & P . Dcppoid Johrl Quigley WM Dreifiois Simon Ray Sarah EMiss Davis E M . Swain Parvis Ertel Anna Maria Swain Hiram ' Eldred Wm .1 2 Smith Hester S Ford F B Shrader Elizabeth Grannis Chas Smith Geo 11 Greenman Si H Starks Samuel Graham Wm Somers Angeline flicker Joseph P Santee Catharine Harding Thomas Smith James Jr 2 Heilman AI • 'revile Amelia. Hooker R .- Thompson George or Z Horton Amanda Mrs 0 H Latham S 'Teheran James L'nrath Maria . Heveran Michael Vanness Eliza Miss Hallman Patrick White Olive Miss Hanaway Bernard Webber Mark --'-: Young John WM. H. PERKINS, Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say they were advertised, Horses, Harness & Wagon for sale, THE MAN who Trams to puichaso a spne of Young Horses, Harness, and Lumber. Wagon, on very favorable terms, can hear of an opportuni— ty, by cod Urn! at this office. June 2P, IRS{: New & Desirable FAL AND WINTER GOODS !.! aaa - ea untaaavaway TS now. prepared to offer to his customers and the Public generally. a Jorge and complete stock of FALL 4- WINTER - GOODS. His stock has been selected with unusual greet care, and is superior for style and quality than have ever before offered to the public—and such a combination of very low prices that we are surer-Clinnot fail td please the closest observer. AmongsMiis stock may ,be found French Mirenos. PeLains, Cashmeres. Thibet cloths, Ginghamd: Fine Worsted plaids ; Silk Pop lin, Alapaca , , Calieut Fine and heavy Irish Lin ens, Cotton Pillow Casings, Brown and flinched Muslin, Sack Flannel, Broad Cloths 4 Cassimers, 4-e. &e. ALICOS—A larze aietciriment of Merrimack, C COsheCf & Fall River -,Printaalao good cali co for 6 cts. per. yard. Warranted good Midder coking, for sale by ~_ ,B. KINtiSBERY. CIROGERIEB--cail and sio' our Brown, Crush. ed, Coffee and Pulrtrized Sagoars.—Fine Young Hyaena ft Black Teas--warranted a Superior article or the money refunded—,for sale cheap by BURTON RINGSBERT. VlSH—Coasb 4 Mackerel—a snperior ankle--; ors ale cheap by B. KINGSBENPre B OOTS & SHOES—Hats & Caps—A splendid assort melt just received at BURTON KINGSBERY, New 14Detlitsements. D=RY .:G.0:0130S1 . 1120111 D— '''INFAUPSiNs Watf WORM DE MEM OF - PURCHASERS. %-toopatictir.tato.' "TILL open.. jhigtdwthe - best selected stock of Dry Goods eier. shown in thia village. Among their Stobkwilube fonod alt the desirable styles and Colors of French Merincias i raramettati,Alipaccas, Poplins.Thibet Lyonese Clothes, Bomba zeneic Rich Delsins, Plain and All Wool Detains, all Colors and Splendid Patterns.' Silks Black, Colored and Fancy. - Wool - Long ,Shawls; a com pleiwassortment of- high colors, Plaid and Plain Centres, Drab, blister's ind Mourning, warrented all Wool. Brocha Shawls—Long and Square, new and beautiful Patterns, high Colors and Warranted free, from Cotton—the real Paris c; sod Viena Manufacture. Purchasers will find great bargains. Also Silk Detail:fa, Cashmere, Crape and Thibet, in every variety, Deeded% the Best 4. Cheapest Mork in This Market,: Bay State Flanneli—Mixed, Blue, Green. White and Scarlet. Also Plain Flannels, of every variety of colors, Width and quality. Opera and Printed -Flannels. Also a general assortment of Black Blue, Brown and Mixed IV 23 ( LIT MI et Plain end Fancy -.Cassimerea, Doeoins, Beaver Cloths,Tweeds, and Petershams. Plain and Fan cy Silk and Velvet Vestings. Gents in want of Over Coats, Coats, Pants, and Vesta, will find this a most desirable Stock to Select from. Dress 'Trim mings, a complete assortment. Ribbons,Eail Style, New and Beautiful Patterns, Linens, Emhoider ies and Thread Laces. Hosiery --RA large- atock of LadiePr', Gentlemen's and Children's in every varie ty. IFancii.and Black Italian. Gloves--Ladies and Gents Silk, Kid, Beaver, Merino, Cashmere, Li.le Thread and C..tten. Mitts• Sewing Silks, Long 4 . Short. Ginghams and Prints.a very full stock of the late.t itsOes. Handkerchiefs—Linen, Milk, and Cotton-in every variety. ' Domestic Goods. A large stock of Sheeting, Tickings, Cotton Flan nels, stripes, Checks, Milli., Denims, Yarn, Betio, Wicks, Carpet Van and Bagv, Plaid Leasers and Kenturky Jeans. Owego, tept. 25, 15451. Auditor's Notice. In flee- Matter of tke Estate of - Curtis Frink, Dec'd. In the Orphan's Court of Bradford Coun y,f-Sept term, Tile undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court. in marshall assets and distribute funds in the Minds of the Administrator's of said Estate. will atfend to said business at his office, in Towan da bow', on-Isaturdry the 4th day of November 1854, at 2 o'clock P. M. When and where all persons havimciaims upon said funds, must present them or be ftirever debarred from the same U. H. WATKINt 7 4, Auditor. Towanda, - -Bent: 27, 1854. 4 .. . - A ONIINISTIUTOR S NOTICE: A W. persons indebted to the estate of James Nichola deceased, late Of Smithfield township, are hereby requested to made payment without de— lay. and all gereons having c.rmanda against said estate, art requested to present them duly authenti cated fur settlement. Seplemher 21. 18'44 NEW FALL GOODS. s, MLR(' R , Il "OW EVCEIVING, A Large I antwell L selected GOODS assortment of AL Tosteihet. Reptember 14,1854. NEW FA LL GOODS. 1 - U4W - sir S3_ EC',,a,Mas-0 . - Souk Corner of Merenr's Block, Main Street, Artnpw opening their stock of GOODS for the Fall trale; .einnprising a full and complete as sortment, and of the usual variety, which will he sold at a very small profit for Really Pay. Thankful for the liberal petronage of the Foist sea sort, the undersigned fee/ a pleasure in inviting the public to nn examination of our FALL stock, 6e. hey me that . good Goods and low prices will insure a speedy saie for ready pay. TRACY 61. MOORE. Towanda, Sept, 12, NU. Southern Military Academy Lottert (IIT AUTOORITT OP THE IPTATIS OF ALABAMA ,5 Crattnetret MI the Havana Plan.. 10,000 Numbers-238 Prizeil—all the Prizes drawn at each Drawing. CLASR E--TO Bt: t/RAWN 20TH SEMBER. CAPITATS <7 iOO 5000 3000 - " 1500 In all 238 prizes, amounting to 510 000 Tickets $ - s.—Helves and Quarters in proportion. . Bills on ill solvent banks' taken at par. All communications strictly tonfidential. eAMITEL SWAN, Agent and Manager sig n of the Brunie Lion... 141ontaomery, Ala. Aug. :A 185-1 THE ORWELL SELECT SCHOOL, RESUMES int sessions on Monday, the I Ith of September. In the classical, scientific and mathertatical de— partments df this seminary, very desirable advsnta• ges will be given to the studiously inclined, espe cially if well grounded in the all importaht elements taught in our district schools . A faithful• account will he kept of each student's attenclanct, conduct and scholarship,lbr the benefit of parents, .school districts and all•whom it may rightfully con eCrn., The school is not sectarian, but free ; and a class in Theology would always have been, right cheer fully, allowed its share of time and attention. Tlition,iler . term of II weeks : • Gengtinphy, grammar and $3 00 Higher English. Latin and Greek languages, 5 00 No pupil received fcr lees than one term. Pay ment in advance. Board mat be obtained at front $1 50 to $2 00 per meek. HI✓NTINC,T)N Jr., Principal. Orwell. Augnet 10, 1854. DISSOLUTION, T"partnership between E, F. Dawson and A. Gay t ts this day dissolved by !nutria, con sent—the acconnts are left In the hands of J. Jones. E.q., for settlement. Wilmot; June 22, 1.354. • MORE NEW GOODS. BURTON KINGSBERY TB Now opening a Nato &rocs. or Goons, eon;ists L ing of full and complete assortment of all kind- MIERCU A %MIZE, which will be sold as cheap as the same quality of Goods can be bought anywhere this side of New- York. Towanda. Deck 10.18h3. n RiED APPLES.-40 bushels Dried Apples— :l.r grafted 11-cit.-or' hand - and for sale by Mar4h BAILEY & NEVINS.. IN WANT ! THE subscribers are in want of a young man as an Arnaldo" to the Tininan's trade. 17 or 18 years of age. of gnat habitsf who they will bind themselves to lean, the*kasineas. , .L HALL & RUSSELL. Towanda. Jfily 21). 1654. 300 NEW BAR ' EL:4, St for Pork or Cider, for sale at 7gteased, S. FELTON *CO. Tosenda, Aug. le, f 1153. T. M. BEACH, Administrator illtectUttecntsb r.: CAUTION : AITHERB4B, flaY wlfe" Mary, baeleforny tied MO board,xvittiont isny , just eattie4 premoto r . (ion; this IS to '&64 all-persOns haitio'iing or ing her on my account. as 1 will pay no debts of er ,00titracting after this date. • - CHARLES W. DREYMEIER. BrotrotimbLAngtist 21; ,1854. CAUTION. T neligareantion all persons from purchasing A a note; gime to Mr. B,I3IqBESAUCIII, or Bearer, for leit'dollani.dated - Ait; 21st 1854; doe the firm of April next, for 1 havetreceiced no value, and shall not pay the same, unless I am 'eonipellitrhy law, GEORLir. ItINIS ER. Sheshequin, Aog. 24, 1884. C~®~c4Pm~L~a~ I~'~II~~I FCR SALE. - SITUATED at Orwell centre, Brad 's. ford county. Pa., eontaing about THREE - • HUNDRED ACRES, about two tiundrrd and fifty thereof improved and the remain der excellent woodland. - There are upon the promises a comforts- . . ble and spacious MANSION HOUSE, a 'l ag tenant house, fire barns, 20 x4O feet each, s: or upwards, several ranges of sheds and _ stabling, and other ont,buildings, with an excellent and never-failing well of water at the door of the mansion house, and wefl watered generally. The entire property forming one of the most desirable situations for a dairyman or stock breederittbe found in this ,section of the country. Terms—one-half of the purchase money on taking possession, an the balance on interest for a term of years. If the property is not sold this fall, if will be rent ed for a term of years. if a suitable opportunity pre sents, J. D. HUMPHREY. Orwell, Sept. 12, 1851. 2m ITAN'MBV, r)R.,J, ALLEN, late Professor in the Ohio Cobege LI of Dental gargeonsr, bas discoverer, a method of inserting Artificial Teeth on plate, which makes any furthlr improvement impossible. It combines strength and durability with perfect cleanliness. The gum is continua., and can be made to suit any ease, however difficult. Ilk) life like is ths'expression, Hist the most familiar with artificial teeth fail to determine they are false; the teeth appearing as if they actually grew out of the gum. I have secured letteis patent for Bradford Co. cC7Otlice in Mercur's ahick. • Tovinnda. July 28, 054. , • DR. E. H. MASON, PZITSICIANA SURGEON, ReAnience, on Pine Street . .apposite the old Presltytrrion Ch trdt, Offers his professional services to ihe people of Towanda and vicinity. Can always be found at his office. in Dr. Poryssa l s Drug Store, when not pro fessionally engaged. Ab,_ Il iIIL Ink IC. • E. W. BAIRD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAVING disposed of all interest in other busi ness, is now prepared to attend promptly to all business. in the line of his profession. He may he found at all times—extero when absent on le gal business—at his New Brick Office," THE LIT'T'LE UNION BLOCK," between the old Un ion Block and John Burgir's splendid Saloon, re cently elected on the North side of the Public Square. Towanda, Pa cia• N. B.—Particular attention given to col lecting. Towanda, Aug., 24. 1851. TAKEN UP. IN Towanda Borough, on the Bth of August, four sheep and two lambs. The owner is tequested to prove property, pay charges and sake them away. WM. H. WELLMAN. Towanda, Aug. 15, 1854. • Adniinistratrix's Notice. ALLpersona indebted to the estate of Gen Shay lor, deed. late of Bielington twp. are here by requested to make payment without delay : and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settle ment. OLIVE SHIVI,OI2, Sept. 13, IQSI. • Adm Weirs tri v. Executor's Notice. ALLpersons indebted to the estate of John More deceased, late of tike township, are hereby requested to make payMent without d e l a y, a n d a ll persons hnving demaads ag ainst said estate will pre. y, sent them without delay, duly authenticated fur set- Clement. ORRIN MORE, M. H. CODDING, Sept. 12. ISM. Executors. CEAS. D. EMMY, ATTOR.rEV Jr Lair, Williamsport. I.yeom ing County, Pa. c• - l'OFFlCF.—Cipposffe V. 8. Hotel-1)p Stairs::„n Engine and Fitures for sale. O lt second ha.nd ENCEtE and fixtures for a tl SAW MILL, capable of driving two or more saws, all in geod order, and will 6e said cheap, on a long credit, if desired. The Engine is now run— ning, and ban be seen by calling on H. 8. DAT/I n sox, at Ulster. nr C. F. Wst.Les. Jr. at Athens, Pa. Ulster, July 19, ISM. TOWANDA IFIEMIII,IE Mg3lil[ll.lllßY. THE duties of this School will be resumed on the mrrond Monday of Srptcmber or_!, undet the charge of Mice OLIVIA D. and Raaeec• D. HANSON, in the rooms recently occupied by Jantes Macfar• lane, Esq., in the North end of the Ward Duu , e. The schodl year will consist of Jour quarters .. of eleven weeks each. 'Feasts—as formerly, Sri, ag, and : 1 12 per griarter, according to the stndiel pursued. Noextra charge for the Latin Language. No ftuptl will be receitcd fot a shorter period than one Quarter. Revert Esc es—Rev.Dr. %lie LE 1,1, President of the College of New Jersey. Princeton.. Hon. HAVID WILMOT . ; 0. P. At►sne. Esq., C. L. Wann, Es q ., Hos .Geo.Ellatrotasol . , D.F.l3aasTow, Esq. Towanda. Towanda, August 26. 1 t 353. ' baskg.i)g B x virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of the county of Bradfortr, Will be exposed to -- publio sale on the premises. on 'Saturday, the 7th day of October nett, at 1 o'clock, P. 111. the following pro perty, to wit ; The one-half or whole (as may (greed upon by the Administrators) of a lot of land in Burlington township, late the estate of Obadiah Blakeslee, dee'd bounded north by lands of John Dustin. east by Luther, south by E. Overton, and West by E. Nich ols and H. Boothe. Terms made known on the day of sale. J. V. DANTET,S, JOHN BLOOM, Sept. 11, (SOL Administrators. . The above stands postponed until November lthi at I o'clock, I'. M 6 at the house of J.H. Fur mean, in Burlington borottgh. fic•ap Auk:NE. I caip_zakAr_. At the New • Coal Bed, flan subscriber having leased die New` COAL BED, in Franklin township, would inform the public that he is now, and shall continue to mine and keep for sale, Coerce and Fine Coal, of the very best qnallty.' The article which they are now ie far superior in quality to any etee offer ed at this lied. The road lo the bed is in first rate repair. and will be kept so. - Persons wishing coal for stove or blacksmith use, will do well to bay of me. The bed is -located only eleven miles from Towanda. Ze All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for coal at the market price, SOWN WAGOET. New Coai Bed, Sept. le, 1854. .ffletAcittbig, • 3iciPtclintitiommintacikw, - 44taratity-af orriu ! WITIVIIIIII, Ittolllllll AZ? 111111KORD49. .70114tIda,41fltli. NEW SPRING & SIMMER GOODS ! BURTON KINOSBERY, Ts new receiving all norm of NEW GOODS, whaCh will be sold very low for Cash. May 3, 1854. ECIBZ 320 at, 14 . 4fIZZDYI, WOULD infotm her friends, that she has just re turned from the city, with large assortment of attzrammer Goo*, which she otters at reduced prices. Produce of eeo cry kind taken in payment fur goods. 1121211101TALL.-•-DR. - MASON has removed his office to his dwelling, on Pine arm. oppoaite the old Presbyterian Church. Toaravids, May 18, 1854. Plows and Plow castings! BLATCHLEY, Wayne county , Alba dr Curtis Plows, Side bill.pubsoit and corn plbswo and Castings, for Pale cheap. I take partictilar pains to get good well made plows and tough castings. I would invite particu lar attention to the Alba. or Curtis plow. Call and see. R. M. WELLES,' Cistern and Well rumps I LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Rams ! of any kind, *iv', ckg.. cheap for ready pay. for sale b'y - Jan. 8, 1F153. •R. M. WELLES. N INIF SPRING GOODS. UST received by Joseph Kingsbury, a large and J complete stock of NEW GOODS, for sale as usual, CHEAP FOR CARET Towanda, April 28, 1654. Bituminous Coal.—Barelay Coal Bed. THE undersigned i; prepared to furnish at the beds, any quantity of this superior COAL, at the reduced pri,v of $1 25 per ton for Blacksmith coal, and $t 75 for picked Grate oal. Payment in cash or country produce, but no credit mill be gtrsn. BEATY" GA 11881. Agent \ for the Barclay R. R. and evil Company. Franklin (Old Coal Bed) May 25, 1854. IL 3. BTADZIara 47TORA - Er AT LAM'. Office with the Register and Recorder, • TOWA NDA, P►. D'A, OVERTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW TOWANDA, PA. OFFICE in the second story of the Union Block. porch side orthe Public square . , over the office of J. C. Adams, Esq. Sept. 24. . : 4 1' ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOWANDA. Office removed to John C. Adarns'olfice in the Union Block. July 20. administrator's Notice. ALLperam;F indebted to the estate of Henry Vandyke, dec'd late of Albany tp., are reques ted to Make payment without delay : and those hal ing demands agaiust.said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. SAMUEL VANDYKE. JOHN HATCH August 25, Administrators. The.,:usquihanua Collegiate Institute, VV Mal e be o n p d en r e e d nm fo te r , t o h n e reception Wednesday th e 6 f Putph oft)s September, when the lorlogural exercises will take place. iserrareTops. Rr.v. Q. P. 001.1% A. M. PEITNCIPAT. Professor of Natural. Mental and Moral sciences Rev. J AMtSM'WILLIAM, A. M. Professor of Annient and Modern Languages and Belles Lefties. . CHARLES R. COBURN. Prof. of Mathematics and Master of Normal School. Miss FANNIE BILE:!4, Teacher of Music and Frenct. Mica FHEEE DAYTON. Teacher of English and Movie. Negotiations are in progress for secnring tfie ser• vices of two other Lady teachors in time for th.. opening. - ' a The Principal will rtiside in the institute and the Pupils will board with his family. The academic year will coJsist of three terms of fourteen weeks each. =11i.I=IMM!Ell=!!!!!1!1!I Tuition in the 4th class, Elementary English Branches, $4 00 3d Class, Higher English Branche., 2d Class, Mathematic', Natutal tSclente saint Classics commenced, 00 Ist Class. Menial and Mural Science tea - the above cemtinued; 7 00 Tuition in Modern Languages .each, 3 00 Ornamental Needle Work and Embroidery, 200 Drawing, 2 00 Oil Painting in Landscapes, 8 00 do in Figures, 10 00 Instrumental Music with use of Inattriment, 10 00 Room Rent, 175 lucidental expenses, 35 Boarding , in the Hall $1 63 per week, nr pet Term, Washing three aliillingN per dozen. Lights and Fuel at the actual expem.e. In addition to the above course. College classes will he organised if advanced scholars apply. Especial attention will be paid to the instruction of persons designing to gurlify themselves as 'roach • era for Common Schools. Plipils will famish themselves ttith beil,bedding, towels, &c. The gills for the term must be paid in advance, or one half at the entrance, and the re maining half at the expiration of the half term. C. L. WARD. President. 8. F. COLT, Sec. J. D. Al us r• rE. Tread. Towanda, August. l 2 1851 THE )1 7 01t0 CIIALLENGE[r! ! New Remedies and Quick Cures ! RING PONES AND BONE SP:I)INR (TR ED. AND WARRANTED TO BE TANEN c)TV. SOLELY AM) ENIIREI.I" . WITHOUT INOTRr TO . TIDEANLvAL!! AAn without the use of the knife. (he Firinp Iron, or any of !hose ligatd caustics, such as Nitric, Mariatic or sulptitirte. Acid. 5e., or any of those baneful liquids so Often made nae of, to the shame of the Farrier A hnd the torture or that ritefnl animal, the Horse. without any necessary purpose Also all diseases of the horse treated soiaintealty. References of past services can he had, as also tha bona Tide Itingbones and sp,rins taken off hors es already operated ad, together with seteral other Fistules, pipes, Tumors, &c. ttc. • Applications to the subscriber, who will he at the Monroeton Esehange, where he tan be conoutied on the subject free of expen s e. a Terms from $lO to 825. Payment in all cas C 9 to be made belle the horse leaves the stable. ORRIN C. TAYLOR. Monrooton, Aug. 2G, 185.1. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. Ob. EIARtLETT , is rniir receiving a largr . and carefully seiected stock of XXIV, GOODS, bought for cash since the late decline -in prices. which he wilt offer for teinly pay at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction.-among othitr things he invites particular attention to his assortment of Dress Goods. Towanda, Ap 15, 18 8 3 TONB tpora itiOsti 'cheap Sugars just recd and for save by PAITNNEY. !HARDWARE & EDIVARE. AND` STOVES, 2 Tin, Japanned and Btliannia Wate, trim m ings, Cart Inge Trimmings, =when & likddlery Ware, Csarpenter's and joiner's !Nobs, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, - TARMERS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ',RAD PIPE. AND PrilIPS, of all kindsiend, sizes, IRON; STEEL, I . .E.VIIIER BELTIN6, &:c. Would inform . their blends that these ere on'y ft part of the general tritadgi ttnder which may toe classed their etvetisitie agiortment, and in which th-y are e.rt.tantly receiving additional aapplies, direct from the importers and mannfacturepi, which enable , 11,19 inthirehtents in their large atock and lore prices, that Will ctiallingccoinpetition from any (11l A' ift. We . would ask the partiettlar attention cif_ /11/§.o2l.&tnej , sl eia=t 17&17:121111§g to an examination of our Muck, which having been elected with the greatest tare. we are confident wile satisfy, even the moo. particular. o:3'Dotet forget the place—South %lee of the r :o.dic .‘, ; 11n,", Old Iron, Coppor and ltrass, and all k i ad, ul i'odniry Produce taken in ett6rige for goods. Towanda, May 27, 1E154. HALL. & RUSSELL. DR. PORTER'S OFFICE & DRUG STOM SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE, THE sylaterfber, thankful for the liberal pi tr oh n e reeiit•eil the peat year, intends to keep constantly on hand it full aimortntrotpt the very hest aT I it . kl4 tiatially kept in out line, which - Us vita. dispose of on surf) teeing 5.4 wilt be satimfni-tory to all who may pltronizo him. The purchases are made entirely with rash in hand, and for the GAM n our citgorriers dill receive the benefit of it goodiet-tichiat tow p rice. All article* not amrwering our recommendation, will be ehee-rfulty taken kick, and the money refunded. Medical Advice, grotnitoniily given at the Office, charging only for the Medfclort Th.. Frock cmiltidg of a complete and select assortment o DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal use, London Porter ti .. Seotth rff,/, 7HE 111087' pprUL.IR 1'.17:E57 1 ME DIVINES ! FRESH CAMPRENE & BURNING FLUIC-NEW & BEAUTRL PATTERNS OF LAMPS ! American. Pocket Cutlery, (Warranted Good.) Superior TORACCGIii. SNUIT !----Choice brands of Pure Earanna, Principe! and "Cara CIGARS I rainim, Oils, Varnbobes, Windo Glam.+, IllruSheo, Perfumery. Sliming Seam Fancy Arl Iclem. &c. &c. FAMILY GROCERAEB : Black and Green Teas : Rio and Java Coffee : Syrup, Sugars, Arc &c Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &c. • • REMEMBER THE , TORE-SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE! — AND IT,S MOTTO— " Me belt Qualll , l of (nods—F,tll ne , ,t—.llol , 7nltt Prr!fle—Ren, 7 y Attontinti to C. nstromert—nd Adnlierolinn of Goode--Candid .4(11:ux l'atevt Remedies---imil Close Attentwn to Bysine“." Towanda, Novomher 12. 1451. 11. C. ronTca, M. 11. Awarded t• this Machine at the Fair of the American Institute. Seir York, Oct. 1 1 159. A -Diploma at the Franklin Inalli s tute, Philadelphia. First Premium at the Stat. Fair, Utica, New York. and at the . .01nmbla and Rensselaer County (Seta' York)Fallrin and a DipleMani the WestchestFr Cotintg Fair at White Plains. MM:i /MIT lIICKOICS PATENT IX Ift lbw premet artanewmant of rt bizhiy notanevell and taletwhi• ?WI, the labor Lo d. ar,ranarisig rutting LO break the end th e n .Lehrer them to the Eer.r Cylindere to r.. rednend to lemihro ity title or• rainnement the work le te.l formed tutor and ..lib mnrh lea labor. ' TN , Pre.. I. arranged with n much hort ,- .0 ere , * then formerly, 0.1111 he R eery t ogrninrta ,ierio, the nee of the Log is dbponeed with awl 1119 lat. :mule to open nt WIN to .to Herr the ponisee. elate ,t ,mc time tio• left clear and the work ran ho Iloilo with much Icee labor than by the did method. The C)lttniere at, va.N nob bew .hoot Xtnr, tedtt on their petn.herioe anti V 0,1.. Ih. wail In thorn to arranged a. na not h, .w 141: mil the wh.,le work on the 31111 and Prow made in the von heel manner rind •rrangod with erpecial vow to their dur.d.ility and he. Vilirtiler Who uy.e the Mill enrefoll) mot hee..nlirte hi directions %till he. li stititt eft; hot on the 1 , 1 her Lout be will burl thr... ono ol the atio4 valuable wad ellielenl tinwhinei on hii Emu,. ttla niachtne he made to tun 11 bore...deem;nr hood power, and when the Bale. ore s grotattd. n email boy of jT3n of age can prima theipoome a anti nit ease. .eittah former timex it 4 111. tbot a btegai gynnllty of rider could only hr mode In inneq a r..lerim. trtv that ehmly ern:died the apple. wit hoot diudlug them rm.• then made tato 111 -4 , rp rilkomp in cian, and [ROA NIVOtb and long preamere wan required to extraet a , portant - Id the Vidcr. n soloutil Laing ley tif. erne, sad air mn of pn111 , 1...; and In obtain that oneueticfnetrirc rarettlt the farmer had to iota all hie handt, sal perhapa hie (ii-horse temp, and devote a a hole day that could hate hewn more preditably emplosett, to make fr.ori eta to eight barrel. of Cider. obviate the the Eartnere hare heretokre labored umier. this garbine ha. hero ientantoil, and the statement o 1 a hie farm will pont. that it 1. not only the loot ttai l in a of lb. kind in ex W ow ,. hut it to the moat prtetitahle that a man can yate on Ms farm. The apples are by thee tlarlana grated ttp to a hoe ro that h relulres hut a entoporatirely light pr.:tura and that hut a minute, tr 1.11 . 0. to e•tract nil the liter. ." hieing arrortalnal by practical apartment that Outtekattellb more Juke ran hr °blamed than h- the old precept 13. shies fine, it only require, two halals to grim! kip and in eke Min Cider a larger quantity of apples than can tee peruitly done on the old-fashioned madam,, on , thy; pra-y on tag to !be commas's' of the portiere in the tut., and the rat. Pieta manner in whirh it a, 'MGM, a pie-aura of from tt in tono—that ran rarity F. obtainet--will pzteinclea none favorable moult than Ally tons propane on the ordinary Entered ucoraisi Le Act et -Centre" is h 0.2, hr HAIL dr RUPSET.L. Turand PLASTER i _SALT, &C. .1)ISS()LI T IO ) N. TWO HUNDREB TOM; Cairura Ground Fla,-' T liE en-partnereinfoif.. existing bet Ween I ter, 100 Barrels Salt „ 100 Obis. White Stone ■ the oubscrtkirs. under the firm of Alexander ilo larne,:io bushels Orwell & Weal Branch Clover Solomon, was dissolved t y mutual consetit on the Seed. SO bushel' Timothy Eked, 500 lbs. Allegany '27th day 01 May. M. E. Solomon retirira. The County Cheeses. just received and frr sale by. . business will hereafter be carried on under the name BAILEY & NEV ENS. of J. *Et Alexander. - Towanda, April 21, 1854. Towanda, May a, 111:,. IRON STORE. HALL & RUSSELL; Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fronting the Public Square", Cl3ll=l SILVER MEDAL PROVED CIDER MILL tlter l'renAg, ere° if the nprlen we, renal) as finely sit net_ the ‘lOl. mot if the apples wen mewl! crolhest. anon the Nut Mnrhine, it wool.) molars a pritnatiio cmo hotelrol tel. to omdlies the result nerompliAhed by ;IA! Patent Mill. Thy following may hu efl•lueed ns the dolled attrantnire. of tilt* MIT,. itna It will woke tonne rider than nor ether lies, with ;Lite! , quality)} ui 14.1.11 , .., to • &1,11 much few In: , .‘r and etreo..• !woad-1t wall make cleaner nal narn,t, Cller than env nth.: r Hill Thin etto rant., the Cider sot ,nn Waal ?Laud On rot I•ltttt it MO ttl from gnu gallon to ti or IQ Fourol)--11 lilt it r , a rein preini Cvrrany, Iterripa.ll).,4 4 . Boltvr. 1,r4, Fink-1t ithttlf eau saris ont.." tart Ili ; rdllar ttmc , In making A pple•-bsattes :AA 41. 11,itt yi a Lau at all tirm, have Fresh tenAl Rweell V. Jib nil tbe nil VIM Liigitit rmulting from the rele.natirn zed uac et such a imicksisto- a that It L., thr reirh of tit It t. 11.i3t nay 111141(gent Fikruter would • it o c ci. L.,OU wieh to imee in rhetwe at all thaw rider that l. -went and f: rah. the o time It u roan) hea/th:r and ft for fmr 7 -31 - 01l Ro you tri-la !tree a groat meth'''. r 4 Sim hard labor titteudtug the malsAnte et Apple-butter I It this notr-hine, mud to+, wont he it. you will rrt lm thatiphollited. , That Mill hi warranted ettparior to any abor pro.t4s Mill in axistanee. and the Proprietor In ready at any tied,. ism fair notice bting love.D.l to 10.1. it C ith any rartahlw Itill that to not an infiingement ..0 it borrnitira,, exami n e. this neurlylnenoven MILL, before you buy any other. tine grelr adcantage a thltem.rhlne corer all otborr. that It vein not ',helms u and barti or loft opplal .-413 be ground, and yet the Cybudrri wVI ahrayi rentals , leer and in grinding order. MI Orders 'ern be fi11.4 in the writer ,In obit+ dial'? Of* nrehrad. and ell perrons trito trig them wocad 40 .41 to 1 . 1 10 1 their orders wall. and Oats at *dial time tb.y want the '3111.1 FenL This Nl/11. eteeireeitei by 2 nmn, will, when trawl! 'sub.'' , . 1 6 0 . 1 .11 mg to dm...416n5. duke 6 b 12 bevels of ci.firr is day— and o. ill grind 1.16ue by hcruspolur fruml%.k, SOO buduls -f nn6l6. 6 • '47,4' the !lice Nt . the Mill IT ;in, free of freight. nelitetePt in, PA. May. 1543. W. O. HIOZOIL tie DIM I 'let Court at the Cutup ittetrtel of reantehetete. PTO by WTTIMG, Eltnirl: II '? i