prayer was not antrivered; that she was not spared to clear up a matter that might have proved advap litmus to you." )1 " To me!" said Veronica, in "autpylie. - u Yes, ray ahild, to you. Had lite ofliy had time id reply to my last letter," sighed 'the : priest, as he thought of the swiftness with rititicti the un fortune aunt of Laura had bees bturied tuttlaterni• ty' Ah, me," sail Veronica,." in my excitement i111.4.k Al.Pelfet_that.Lalmnst fcnotten4rs it me only lialf ati hoer tieforelier7ex: motion." The priest took the' letter, and, actor he -Ala Mail., he looked sorrowfully at Verrill ea, and said, "..My daughter you have camas forpgriel: the lady you condemned to death was your grand aunt." "My grandaunt !" exclaimed the young girl, perplexed and confused. "Yea r ' answered the priest. And he briefly firirlbetrtintenteof the letter he had leze. iled,lintliikewite informed her of erthet circumstances connected with tier -history. A week after this, the priest himself was eon dneted before the revolutionary tribndal. Ills sit. werbaii, his feebler step, his bent form, awakened pity in even those who hated the priesthood. Ve niece was among the observers in the haltir-' With joy she remarkekthat the judge who presided was not the mercileisi man who hail condemned her grandaunt, but , the younger inspedtor of the prisons, who hart pity for :the prisoners This gave her hope. " Your name!" began the President. ".Alphonse fletrand." "Your age I" 4,l 4ven ty. four." "Your Immer place of residence ?" " Tours," replied the priest. - " Why did'you leave that city ?'' "To end my days in quietude, itpimisible." " I understand you refused to lake the oath The priest was silent for a moment, then paid, audibly, 4 ' it is not because we prietts militia to take a certain oath, that our conntry suffers Blood fa shed, but not by us. Never ehall the fear of death forte one word Irom me cnntrary toithe cause of !fob, and.of that religion of which 1 am a Per yam." "Olt} man, - stn not abuse my patience," said the President,-who evidently wished to favor him it he could, and tried hard to induce the aged priest to make tome confession that might be a plea for set ting him at VbertY. But he tried in vain ; the priest Was inflexible, and his Teplies became more dan gerous and bold. Sn, to give him still a chance, the president-abruptly broke up the sitting, with out waiting for another answer, by telling him he most appear eight Jays from that date, when he trusted he would see the propriety of being obeli emir() the laws of his country. The guards again surrounded the priest,and he was led back to his dungeon. Veronica bewailed the determination of her be nefactor, and made us of all sorts of argnnients to induce him to give in, and yield to the wishes of the President. " No, my child, no," was his answer. " What can be expected from others. if a priest turns aside from the burden of sorrow ! Were Ito prove weak in the face of the scaffold, mane wonld follow my example and draw back. Blood is needed for the fertility of the field of Christianity, as well as the sweat of labor. It is right to say to the soldier in the van of the army to spare himself fur the good -of the country. "Alt, lather," said Veronica, wringing her hands when she listened to such repl;es, " you will then leave me ; and what then shall become of tne ?'' " Fear not, my daughter : God will raise np a protector for you.. To morrow, my child, soon al ter sunrise, bring me what is requisite for the eele. bratioril of the holpaacrameut ; it may be my last celebration on each, and you shall partake of it." Veronica fulfilettihe request, and next morning entered the dungeon at the appointed hoer. Her voice trembled with emotion as she said, " Rever end Lat h er, I have executed .‘ our wish as fares cirri cumstances permitted me. - Here is bread, and here is what, and a few ornaments and vestelii,l Her hinds shook, for she seemed to behold only a pre• patetion for death. The pr' at prayed aloud, while she knell at his Nile. He then partook of the holy sacrament himself,. and gave it to Veronica, utter. Mg at the same time • the words of Christ. The young girl continued for a a few minutes in *lent prayer,-then rose, when, to her amazement, she found the door of her dungeon open, and the keep. er standing before her, with a countenance hill of anger and indignation. " Wretch!" he exclaimed, " what have you been doing!" The priest was first to speak, as Veronica was trembling with agitation "We thought we could not be wrong," he calmly said, " its following the dictates of our conscienze." " How V' cried the keeper, in kindling rage— " in this prison you continue to tin what will bring you to the az! And you," h 4 exclaimed, with in creased tory,,turning to Veronica—" you, at your age, can show such imprudence and hypocrisy ! Bet I have found you out ; I have heard everything. and know your trnks. The time Inc, deception is past; you need no innger call yhurself a youth, when I know you are not. Yes I' kriow all. At your years to praztise such knavery is shocking But you shall not esespe. The anthorities shall be told, or I may myself be condemned." And, speaking in this strain, he dragged Veronica away, `in spite of the remonstrances and statements of the priest. For a week `previ v taus to this incident, greater severity had been shown to the prisoners, and a stricter watch kept over the subordinates of the a law. The keeper.knevr this. and had of late even watched Veronica He had found a small bundle of female attire belonging to her, and he had over heard the priesrcall her daughter. As a Matter of course, he put the worst possible construction the deception of the- ruing girl, and tha usage we have mentioned put the finishing stroke to his doubts. He would 'not endanger hie own safety in hour, so heitpeedily made a report of the case. The tact—the disgraceful fact, ai it was called became known to the public, and was in:common circulation when the priest again appeared before his accusers. The, hall of judgment stas conse quently more crowded than on the previous ocean sion. Public opinion was as woe!, divided: Some were delighted with .the boldness of the priest, who had defended his faith with so 'much daring before the agents of ,government. o:hers, again, blamed the President for his leniercy in :granting a judicial examination to a theological oflender.— Thecircumstances, which had occurred in the don germ added to the ex:itement of the. curious. As the aged priest entered, every eye was turned to. wards him widt eager expectation. He was calm and dignified in his bearing, and appeared uncon 7 canted as to„the issue of his trial. "gland op," began the President: (The griest obeyed) " Are you now willing to take the oath you have hitherto refused ?" demanded the inter rogator. " t am not ; my resolution is unchanged." "Then you tame not availed yoursett of my in dulgence, nor during the respite which was grant. eJ altered your opinions V' " I have not," was the answer. (' I am, on the contrary, more confirmed in my resnlutine, and shall remain true to my duty; until the last hour of my life." The Judges looked at each other, as if angry at the pettinanity With which the old man manifested his oploiodis in defiance of them. " You are likewise accused " paid the Presi. deal, "of having received in your prison a girl dfeseed in the habit of a youth. What have you to say in defence of such shameless conduct ? Does your attachment to that yonne, person arise from a ialsirstep of your early life?" " No, President," replied the priest, firmly, while the paleness in his cheek changed to red, and the Walk stood in his eyes. aMy life has presented nothing which could give grounds for such accusation or enspicirm. It was not my intentions to speakiintificly orthe girl ; now, however, it is my dote is do so." And the priest related ow he had become the protector of the helpless child, and how the noble girl had acted from gralittide. Thia,",he ended by saying," is my grim. , and hat of the generous tertian The President became visibly agitated, and commencedasking a stories of questions relative in thi grid*ofj Vetfrnica:;F We„Wetri; n3trieificat efitei question Of .'2,0011f144, §Otee ;la% when ended, the Priaideitt of, a minding iiiiiezatnination of thiti ieu, soildenly j on the Ittea of indisposition, left:his seat, ant; hastened fron“he hall to his own p .. Otitis reiklenCe. -1;oon after this - eirrartritinary 'examinatinn,(as the public had sought it,) Veronica was in the house of her fattier, the President of the Deputation of the !Vivi - offal COO To adih ti► ishment of the President, he war ilea long of being informed of the death of his daughter's grand aunt, and it grieved him that he had not earlier known such singular facts, when, perhaps, he might , have had the pleasure of returning :100i1 for AT I ing the life ol the unfortunate hlaillime Dobelle Veronica almost,leared to ark af er her mother; she dieeilitrii - painlul reply Irani - the Janke other lather. is he iltd not mention bier. .The presenti meat was too true.; Poor ;Aunt hat% al•er sever..l Teruo of anxiety and suffering,, found a grave When their afisirs hail taken i 1 seine pmsperou. turn, she hastened with her halitsind in Tours, to claim her child. But .she was Inn late the .iesn minim had fled, no 'tine knew whetc,,.attil Veronica also had disappeared. The disappointment was keen, and the mother ol Veronica suitlciatneath it tier husband took an active. partib public and, having ability. rove to the po-ition in which he became known to Veronica and her benefactor. The joy of Veronica at having found her father, was greatly damned by the knowledge.. that she never could have the happiness of seeing her moth er—that mother who had suffered en much. The rezollection of the dead threw a Amble.• ove r b o: h the President and:hie dartgh, ter. However, anxie'y for the fate of the priest, to whom they on ed so deeep a debt of.gratitetle, furnished, for the present, ether sotiects. As may naturally be suppfted, t h e President felt now doubly anxious for his safety, and resolved to risk a great deal to effect his Idler -shots, as a proof ! of the depth rif his esteem and heart-fell admiration of the - Ivrorthy servant of God " Do you think you are in a position to save asked Veronica "It so, wear father, do not let us delay; let us go instantly in search of him. In these dark times, a few hours may be of the greatest consequence. Remember how (rick ly our poor aunt was deprived of lilt." A dark shade paSsed over the lice of the Presi dent : "Wu are right ; we shall at owe an to the pri son, and contrive some plan for his eseape." When on their way, they reached the .tree) which led to the spot where the executions gene• rally took place. Veronica found herself in the midst of a restless crowd with which she was tar. vied backwards and, forwards, as its waves away , et' to arid fro. Loud cries Ot ‘• lit the tin ion live," "Away with traitors," "Let their blood water the tree of liberty," resonntlird from every sidr;. The President knew to well what these exclamation. intimated, and seized wi h sodden fear for the fate of the priest, he ran toward. the place of F.:Creation. without waiting for his daughter He vras trio late ! He saw the bead of the venerable priest at that instant severed horn the body by toe axe of the Veronica saw it alsn. With the cry " Rai barians, give me back my benefactor !" She sprang close to the edge of the scaffold The executioner, as was the cu.tom when any one of ion was he headed. held up the head, to show it to the people. Executioner," again exclaimed the nnhappv Ye. runic* " give me back my faller !" A few drop. 01 blood fell on her upturned countenance. She could endure her agony of feeling no longer, and fell " Seize her " Cried some Of Om bystander.. and the gnarls hastened towards her. The agitated talker saw the whole scene, and knew the danger his daughter was In. He rushed to the guards, saying " Let her alone; she is. my dangh'er, hut she has lost her sense*" And, indeed, it was the tmth, for when the young girl again opened her eyes, her reason arievneri_to have fled She was conveyed to the house of the President, where, for weeks she lay dangerously ill with a violent fever, Her lather trembled, lest the onblo.mi n dea g i r l. so lately restored to him was to becomes the prey of madness or death. By degree,' she rallied , and waft able to remem her clearly What half happened. When enifficient ly recovered, her father rear.' veil in leave France, and they embarked. for t South America. By right of encecteanion, Veronica inherited the property of her unfornnate.grand aunt They dioposed of it, and bought with the rum obtained a farm, with the cultivation of her father occupied hirovelf. The people in the neighborhood called Veronica "the angel of the valley," as her whole life' we. dewy. ed to work,' of charily and mercy. She never for. grit thii worthy priest of Tour•, but endeavored to follow his bright Pxampla as a Christian. She led a tranquil life, the joy of her father, and, the ad• miration of all who knew her, either as a friend or as the recipient of her bhunty. CROPS IN ENGLAND AND TILE UNITED STATES.- The last advice,' from England represent that the grain crop+ of that country, ho , h in gnrsntity and quality will be superior to the produce of any sea son for a long time past. Nor has the potato rot spread far enough to impair that crop in any great degree. The probability, therefore, is that pric^a will rule low in British markets, and that there will be little or no call for the imporiation, of Brain!. stuffs, even for' provisioning the armies. The crops in France are also represented as sufficient for do mestic consumption. In the United States, both wheat and corn have been greatly affected y drought, and in many dirt. tricot nearly cut off. Bni the provision crops or this country were planted with a view to an extra ordinary European demand. The great grain growing region of the Black Sea was the scene of actual war and commercial interdict, anti no Cup ply could be furnished from that quarter to the markets of Western and Southecri Europe. The surplus must come exclusively from the United States, and it was confidently predicted that prices would rule very high, and the demand npnn this country be unprecedented. Under this conviction. a greater breadth of land was planted in bread_ stuffs and provisions thaii ever before, and by this means the country has been saved from a serious deficiency of food. REMIIIIIAELE COINCIDENCE IN DEAD LETTER NICIN- F.Y.—ln the first quarter of 1852, the number of dead letters sent to the Dead Letter office, and found by the openers to contain money, was 1,701 —the amnnnt *a. $lO 239 ; second quarter ; 1,736 letters, and 511,176 ; third quarter 1.781 levers, and $10,863 ; fourth qnarier, 1 842 letters, and 511,. 713 ,, In the quarter ended March 31, 1854—awn years afterwards—the number of valuable (lead letters reached 2 323, containing $14,401. The smut(' qnarter yielding 2,187 letters, and $14.325 in money. We have from the the third quarter— ended 30. h September last-2 ; 354 letters, in which were, found.sl4.oBB in cash. lionnist.c 'DEATH—Two BROTHERS BURIED AuvE.—Two brothers, named Patchen, respects. ele citizens of. Constantia, Owego county, New York, met a horrible death on the 25th ultimo The Owego Palladium says they were dinging a well, and when they reached a depth of 25 feet, the quicksand in which they were working, caused the earth to fall in, burying them at the bottom.— Every exertion - was made to remove the earth, but eight hours elapsed before they were reached—the earth being eleven feet above them.' When found, they were standing in an upright position, with their arms around each other, cold and lifeless. 1164L7 OF Comitau.--The cholera ha'entire ly salmi/led in Columbia. Only' three new cases were reported - since last Friday afternoon. - The SpOrays that on Saturday the absentees commenc ed returning,.and now the town has resumed its wonted appearance. The total norobir of deadi°, from the breaking out of the epedimii t - tolaist Tues. day, was 130 antic hand that. Dr. Graham had been found Godly - nt Man-Slaugbier in the second de. tree ! . Mrettsfotl• ,;.'4lepottet'• E. O.: 1 GO0OltIOH, EDITOR. Sathrday, -- Oitobirl4, 1554: %Perms of The noporter. $2 50' per onnom—if paid with ta the yet* 00 rent, witt re deducted—tot cash paid actually in advance •l 00 will be educted. No paper sent over two years, unless paid for. AnecicrUnuer.m. per square of ten lines,so cent* , for the aro end 'LS cents for each .nbeequent instertrok 11 - 7 .- Oilier in the " Union Blocia," north side of the Public Square, ilex door to the Bradford lintel. Entrance heorren alters. Adams' and Elvrelftlaw offices. ;- odlclal Vote of Brainerd County. ran GOVERNOR, William Bigler.. James Pollock., Pollock's majority, 2442 VOX JUIIGI Of TRR F COURT, Jeremiah 8. 81ack...-. Daniel M. tlmvser. Triarnas If. Baird, FOR CANAL Henry 8. Mott, George Darsie, Motes majority, 2578 016131021 Galu•lia A. Grow, R EPRES TTTTT ITIF, Barlerdomew Laporte, John V. Daniels.. Jud.on Holcomb, Eli 13. Tarsons,.. SHERIFF. Nathan Edminster, Johu A. Codding C(nld i ng's majority, rnoTprolrotAit T. ' John M Wattles, Alien ' M'Keau,. M'Kean'a majority, RECOILEIR. Imes H. Webb.. Nathan C. Elabree Webb's majority, 1090 cox,: ISSIONIII. , George IL Bull Albert Newell Bull's majority, 546 ArTITOR, Jonathan But tles,.. . William Gorseline... Buttes' majority', CONON 1111. William W. Easterbronka, 9523 Ezekiel Curry. 1945 Sidney Hayden, 1605 'nom lIITO*T LI4LCO9 LA W For Against, Majority F0r,.... The Election. The following are the reported majorities for Governor in the counties heard from, composed with the majorities for and ilithimt Governor MG LEa in 1851, when he was elected by a majority of 8 465 over Johnston. Pollock is doubtless elect ed by a large majority : ---1851--- , ,--1851--. Connors, Bigler, Pollock Bigler, Johnston Dam. Whig. Dem. Whig. Phila., city a co. 3100 241 Bucks, 100 230 Berk., 4000 4725 Lancaster 6000 5838 Dauphin, 1500— 5838 Carbon 100 587 Lehigh, 100 377 I.4ehuylkill, 2000 731 ' l lfOrthampton 100 1523 Wayne, , 500 1142 Westmorland,, 1000 2025 Allegheny, ' 4000 2814 Centre, 300 1091 Lnzerne 100 1438 Blair, 1500 591 Huntingdon, 800 411 I.awtenee, , 1000 - 1058 York GOO 1012 Montour, 250 ' 508 Clinion, 250 285 Lycoming, 600 668. Bradford, 2442 38 Timm 500 373 .-- finisquebanna, 727 892 Wyoming, 100 . 223 — Sullivan, • 100 231 Union, 1200 Fmnilin, , 500 Chester, 1200 Delaware , 400 8,550 25 929 13,614 33 Counties, Pollock's majority " Johnston's mai in 1831. Pollock's gain, The Congressmen elected as far as we have learned, are as follows: I. Tho's B. Florence, Nebraska dem., re-eleeted. 2. Jnb Tyson, whig. 3. Wm. Millward, Whig. 4. J. Broome, native. 7. S. C. Bradshaw. whig. 11. W. L Dervart, democrat. 12. H. M. Fuller, whig. 13. Asa Packer, democrat, re-elected., r 4. G. A. Grow, anti Nebraska' dem., reelected. I. Lemuel Todd, whig. With regard to the Legislature, it is uncerialri uncertain which arty will have the majority, or whether . the Mai law temperance men will have the control. The city and co ly of Philadelphia gave a ma jority in favor of a prohibitory liquor law, as tar as the returns are received, of 3,869. From Susquehanna Con*, 'We hear that ,the In dependent Anti-Nebraska cagdirfates for County Offices are all elected,. by majoritiee ranging from 500 to 1000. TURRCLL ie defeated for Represen tative, and LATHROP and'Sntunesser elected. to Tinga, BALDWIN, Independent, 'beats Throe, 'tat Representative. 'ln Erie'nitq Bigler'sinajorily is 800. Henry S.. Mbit, the democratic - Candidate for Canal Oommittsiciner;lad bier 23'600 majority in Philadelphia alone. ' 1 , 1)&8 Fifth Congressional listriet John Cadwal landerolemoerst, is probably elected. Returns from the Westmorlsnd Congressional district elect Mr. Cased!, whig, over Drum, dimo. trek, by a heavy majority. - Tctal Loss of the lactic. - - w *i ‘?4' . 41On v o ood rout' Ilmaired j" - • /orals tertobed t • ' skt t• At a late born last evening We received the heatt• reeding intelligence of - the - loss'of theCollinerstesin ship Arctic. Captain Luce, the wife, daughter and son of F. K. Coll ins,..Mr. Sandford„aritt-: many cit. ieeits - eirthis bestdetiiiicife - than Vol; bandied of the passengers and crew have met a watery grave. The noble steamer, with her heights- of stalk corpses, is now surging to and tro beneath the surface of the billows of the Atlantic. Leaving more extended,rentatks upon theewla cetestrophe. for e letureoccasion, We hasten 'to' intrbduee the amount furnished us by Mr. George H Burns, the - eipiilits"iitiiisenger - Adeinsi It Co , 'Who 'was. on board, and fortunately escaped the terrible perils; of the disaster. ,S 1 ATEMENr OF MR. BURNS. The steamship Arctic, with 226 passengers, ex• elusive of children, .175 employirs a valuable cargo and heavy mail, is lost. Of Ihe more than lour bandied souls who tell Liverpool of the 2011 ult.. full , of hope, gaiety and health, many returning from an European tour olpleasure, only thirty-two are known to have been saved, and certainly not more than one bundled can, by any possibillity, have es 'coped a watery grave. In addition to all this, another large steamer, freighted with hundreds of human beings. bas, in all inobabillity, met, a like late. The details of the horrible disaster are as tollum 011 Wednesday, September 27, precisely at 12 o'clock M., in a dense log, we came in contact with a bark -rigged iron propeller, with black hull, salmon colored bottom, lead colored poop and boats, and blar•k pipe. S'.e was bound eastward, and had all sail set, with strong , lair wind. The speed of the Arctic at he time was about thirteen knots an hour- The shock to os appeared 'slight, but the damage to the other vessel was frightful.— Captain Luce instantly ordered the quarter boats cleared away, and the chief mato, boatswain and three sailors went to her relief; before other boats left, the , order was countermanded The Arctic then described a circle twice round the wreck, dur ing which lime I caught a glimpse of more than two hundred people clustered on her hurricane deck. 2369 4811 2701 2014 1885 4598 .. 2020 ECU 4091 24Et2 3698 3225 At thisjuncture it was first ascertained that we turd.susiemed injury, and the water was pouring in lit our bows. When 10 first officer came alongside to report, the captawas unable to take him up, but headed N N 4V. in the hope of making land. Our position on the previous day, at 12 o'clock, was latitude 48 39, longitude 45 27. We had run about three bond red and ten miles horn the time of this observation until the moment of collision, and were were supposed to be forty miles from Cape Race The pumps were vigorously worked, and the anchor chain thrown overboird ; but, in spite of all exertions, the engines stopped, anJ the water ex tinguished the fires. Four of the five other life boats believed to have been well provisioned, containing the engineers, sailors, a few passengers, and all the officers except the captain and third mate, left the stop at en early stage. The majority of the pas s-ngera were working at the pumps—some firing the signal guns. and others launching spars, under the direction of Captain Luce and Mr. Dorian, the third mate, to form a raft. .. 3340 EEM la 2306 4520 2020 ... 3735 ;• . • 2655 3378 2832 In order to facilitate this latter work the sixth and lasi boat was lowered. Dorian, one or two firemen, three of the other passengers saved, and myself, were busily engaged lashing wafer casks and settees to the main yard, two topgallue yards, and several smaller spars—the Captale, with a number of g entlemen , protecting the work by keep ing back th e crowd—when a panic seized all on board, a rush was made, passengers and firemen precipitated themselves headlong over the bulwarks on to the raft, and in a moment our little boat was full, and in imminent danger of being sunk. It this emergency, Dorian ordered the rope which held us to the steamer to be cot, and with our hands arid axes we paddled from the raft's side. The mate, who throughout preserved great presence of mind, and labored with heroic energy cried out: " For God's sake, Captain. clear the rah, so that we can work, I won't desertlihe ship - while there's afimber above water," But the sea was now flush with the dead-lights. In less than three minutes from the time he spoke, the steamer sunk—the loam went boiling over the trembling heap of human beings—many were dashed forward against the pipe. I heard one wild yell, (still ringing in my ears,) and saw the Arctic and the wriggling mass rapidly engulphel. Num• bers yet clung to the imperfe - cRy constructed raft; bur, alas, we could render them no aid. Our own situation was no less precarious; end cruel as it seemed, we were forced to abandon them to fate. ilsaven forbid that I should ever witness such an other scene. We however picked up two more men; and then, with an overloaded boat, without oars, dinlepins, food or drink, avoiding with diffi culty the fragments of the wreck, and passing many dead females, prepared for a night upon the ocesn. We secured a floating pnmkin and cabbage to guard against immediate starvation, lashed a spar to the bow of our boat to keep her head to the wind and sea. and thus (hired until daylight; the night was Old and foggy, with a heavy swell, and, in a crimped, drenched and half naked condition, we suffered terribly. -Without dwelling upon our miseries, alleviated much by the consciousness that we had endeavor. ed to do out- duty to our fellow men, suffice it to say; that at five o'clock on the afternoon of the 28th we/espied a sail, and raisedo handkerchief to at tradt atteetion. We Were successful With the, rude substitute for oars which we had constructed daring the day by lashing planks to capstan bars,' with a view of attempting to gain land when the sea subsided, we pulled towards the ship. On our way we passed the remnant of the raft, with one man on it apparently alive. The hark'proved to be the Huron, of St. An drews, N. B, Capt. A. Wall, bound for Qnebec.— Our men safe on board, the noble heaved Dnria . with some of the Humn's erew, returned to the rat and rescued the poor fellow who for twenty-a' hours had clung to the spars. He states that after the steamship sunk, he counted seventy two melt slid four women on the raft, but at 81 o'clock he was the only one alive. ' In the morning two hod, ifir were beside him, much eaten by fi shes, and Wl the time he saw our boat he was on the point -of voluntarily dropping into the sea to end his agony ; Coming from the raft Dorian encountered and ex• amines; the life car of the Arctic. It contained a bottle of water, some cheese and a lady's garment. By the humane captain of the Huron, and Mr. Wellington Cameron, a son of the owner, we were received with great kindness, our wounds dressed, fires kindled, and food and clothing provided in abundance. During The night of the 28th, Captain Wall hung out extra lights, fired rockets, and kept a horn blowing, in hopes of falling in with thi. remainder of the boats. But his endeavors were 1 fruitless. On the !fie evening of the 29th he spoke., this ship Lebanon, Captain Story, bound for New York, by whom eighteen of our number were tak en 01, kindly welcomed and well treated. We hattk this moment reached New York, by pilot boat ChtiPtian Berg, No. 16, to which we were transfer red from the Lebanon, and to the crew of which we are under great obligations. The fate of the propeller and our five boats is unknown. if the steamer was, 'as I have reason to think, the Charity, from Liverpool, she is, I believe bnilt with water tight compartmenls, or bulkheads, and will float. notwithstanding the damage to her bows. The fact that a boat left. her, which was capsized by our paddles, augurs ill for her buoyant condition, though Captain Wall, of the Huinn, on the morning of the 28th saw a singular looking craft far to,leeward, but was unable to tell whether she was a steamer or a sailing vessel. He says she had a nondescript appearance, and may have been the wreck of the propeller. Among those whom blast saw on the quartet sleek, whilst fastening ;life, preservers on thefp. males, anti who must haver sank with the ship or. perished on the raft, were Capt. Luce and nth, Mrs. E K. comp, Master Coit Collins, Miss Collins, 3079 2983 4353 1672 2681 868 619 1009 553 14 GBB 25.929 1,044 24.885 Mr. Brown and family, (connexion of the senior of, the firm of Brown, Shipley & Co, Liverpool,) Mr. TOllmetrullrOf hosiery, New letlrT,l4r. AOr . ionkljn; Mr. Mown, Cincompatifitfmeti Muir , Tr i yettliiribu g, Va. ;Mr !H AI, Eanirldrisbore, Va.; Mr. , New ItOrk ; riskiAlr. Schmidt, Mils rppmh ; lailephent of Mr. Oldraliiipl, titki tei keeper, rtillad*shia, resitting itiAlbany ; 414 Duke de OramMont, of the French Embassy; 2 steward, wife and child : Annie, a coloryd and MarKinewarttiktreiTtlisCl64l l ; filvA r effie ttuf lady, Stewart Hollins ' Washington, D. C ;.f Cook, Opelonsas, La ; with n.any More whose names I did not know, bat whose features are indelibly im printed on my memory. - A ..Mr.,CArnstock t , brother to the commander of the Bilie.,;Wasididou'rurd by the capsizing of a boat whilst being powered. oGrivernmenr despatches" frorrtfrift 'Engt lend, entrusted to, nay care by .Mr. Buchanan, I could not save. ' The boat in wttich we eicapoil wart one of Fran cis's patent metallic, No= 127,' from whieb her ea pacify can be ascertained, and compared with the number re.scued. RePperilplll% . GP.0.11. BURNS, Adam's & Ca.'s tipresi, New York, Oct. to, 1851. Philadelphia. .-Neto Pak Fiesta, Oct. 11. • -• Mr From Ohio the returns received indicateea decided anti-Nebraska majority, and the defeat of Old. (Nebraska democrat,) in the Cohnnbos In Indiana anti•Nebravka members of,Ctmgreart have been elected in every district heahs from, by hamipome majorities The moncipal election in Baltimore hes revolted in the choice of Hinkv, the Know Naihing cancli datti4of Mayor, by a majotity of 2:711. (Cr The List of premiums and account of the Agricoltural•Fair, will be given in our next. married, Be the Rev: Julips Foster. at Monroeton, on the 20th alt.. Mr. Jima J.. Fcaocraox. of Elmira, N. Y., to Alma MAar Asa Roocas, of the former place. In Smithtield, Sep , . 28th, by Wm. E . Barton, Esq., Mr. Colorrsm-r MATIIEWFON. Esq., of Athens, to Mrs. LYDIA HA/Inures, of the former place. Obituary. DIED-1n this boro' October 6,1854. of Consump tion, preceded by Itemorthage of the lungs, CHAR- Larte GRARAX. daughter of Daniel and Jane S. Bartlett. and sister of Orrin and Harriet. By the decease of this dearly beloved young per son, how strongly are we again reminded that " in the midst of life we are in death !" But a few weeks since, in the enjoyment of her usual-health—and by her friends deemed increasing health—at a moment when life seemed radiant with hope, and every pro mise of future enjoyment, that stern messenger, which has borne so many of earth's young and love ly to the spirit land, Was silently approaching, and the first touch of the shadow of that wing which was so soon to fo Id itself around her, came, in a mo ment so sudden, so unexpected, as to cast a gloom over our entire village and paralyze those hearts which in her recognized their strongest tie to earth. To a mind of far more than ordinary strengiti,and a purity of heart and nobleness of purpose which always characterized and rendered her the idol of her immediate friends. the subject of our remarks added an inherent and stern love of right which ever rendered her strictly just in all her thoughts, acts and feelings ; and of her it may truly be said, she loved the entire human family, and towards every m4mber of it entertained the utmost kindness of feeling ; and to a signally self-forgetting nature the joined that indomitable energy of spirit which knew no bounds, and far exceeded her strength, and led to those social exertions which proved the imme diate cause of bringing down the frail casket to the silent valley and of freeing that gem immortal which while still with us sighed to "go Horne,"—sighed kw that rest prepared for those that love Him. Far above all other considerations in Point of consolation to her bereaved friends, must ever arise the memory of that thorough knowledge of the great and cardinal principles of Christianity, and of her firm reliance upon the hopes held out in the gospel —hopes which enabled her, strongly attached as she was to life, and surrounded by the many attractions whiel render life desirable, to meet andismayed,and with bright antipations of future glory, the last summons of-hdk-Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Devotedly attached to the Episcopal Church, of which she was an active and efficient member, and to its rpirit.enlivening forms, yet ever liberal in her views, she failed not to recognize the tie of Christian fellowship wherescver found, and regardless of all sectarian considerations, to rove those who clad in the armor of light, were pressing onward for the crown of Life. May her virtues be emulated. and the fragrance of their memory distill a balm. kealing to those hearts whieli in their great affliction have left to them far more than ordinary consolation. DIED—In Leßaysville, on Saturday,Beptember.23, 11154,,Ernnust H. Baowslitli.aged 36 years. At a meeting of Leßays Lodge, No. 416,1. 0. of 0. F., the following preamble and resolutions was offered by L. B. Pierce, and were unanimously adopted With truth mart may say— “ My days are swifter than a weavk's shuttle The living of to-day, become the dead of the morrow.” In as much as it bait pleased the alwisl disposer of human events, to remove from among us one of our members, the late Ell. Browning, in the prime of life, and in the midst of a course of usefulness— it clearly demonstrates to us that Death is no re— specter of persons. And when we reflect upon the many v:riuk.s, and the sterling integrity of the de— parted, thus taken from us by the relentless band of death, we feel that the community at large, as well as the Order of Odd Fellows, have sustained ate imparable lose, and one that demands our pub lic tribute of respect. ITherefare Resolved, That we dteep'y and , sincerely mourn the death of one who we have so long been wont to look upon, as one who could be trusted alike in ad. versity or prosperity; one with whom the Lodge could trust its dearest interests. Relished, That we as a Lodge. folly sympathize with his late partner and family, in this truly affliec tive dispensation of Divine . Providence. and that we tender them the warmest sympathies of the fro, ternety. Rooked, That the members of this Lodge, wear the usual mourning badge thirty days, in iespeot to the merno,iy of the deceited. Retolved,' That the foregoing be published in the County papers. Auditor's Notice. • In the Orphan's Court. of Rratlfirrd County. In the matter of John Rogers , guardian for the minor children of Fleming Roberts, &ceased. The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court toiexamine•the accounts of John Rogers, guanlian of Arlettejohn and Orrin D. Roberts and Mary E. Vanderlip, minor children of Fleming Roberts, dec'd upon exceptions Sled, will attend to the duties'of - hrs appointment at his office in Athena Borough, on Tuesday. the 14th day of November nett: at • one o'clock, P. M., when all parties can attend if they, think proper. Octobers, 1854. H. C. RAMO, Auditor. Ncto 'Abvertiscmente rz vizir a ()_!, (0 19, 01 JHARVY PHINNY, JR., FEELS (Mat pleasure in announcing to the prn . , lie thati)he liberal patronage he has receic c d , tbiiir bandi..lias enabled him to offer them a laig t nd complete assortment of GOODS, as c an I . x round in Towanda, and for unprecedented low p r y_ dottarelteowipetitioe.--Pentons'rwishi ng 16 purchase Goods for Cash or Ready Pay, will ['oda to their interest is call and examine his stock, at the Corner of Main and Bridge streets. Hatter, Pork. Grain, Lumber and Hay, taken in payment of old debts, or in exceange for Goods. Oct. 11, 1954, EATHER, Pork, Codfish, M a ckerel and White -s-Plah;forsate - etielp at " PHTNNY'S. CROCKERY .4 LIARDWAIIRE, a goal asson merit, at' PHINNY'S. C L"K K. G, may be.had chea"tPFIINNIP4 SZEIIIWZrgi, WWI -Y virtue Of s eed of Vribdi Espniins issued ou t B of the Orion of tojnmon Pleas of Bradford Counts, and to me dirst, will be exposed to pub. Ile sale at the boort HAse, in the 'bum' of Towan. da, on Saturday the-Alh day of November, at o'clock P. M. , the following described lot, piece o r parcel of land, situated in Albany twp.,, bounded on the North by lands of J.' W. White fomerly owned by the Defendant, on the East by lands of Wells Wilcox; on the South by ',ands of John Hatch and Jones, and on the West by lands of James Hatch—containing fifty acres more or less, about fteen acres improved,and some fruit trees thereon. ALSO—AII the Deft. interest in one other cenain , lot, piece or parcel of land, bounded on the North' by lands lately the property of this Defendant; on the East by the South branch of Towanda Creek ; On the South by lands belonging to Hiroo Wilcox', estate, and on the West brati!d lands—containin g about tact hundred acres, more or less, about one hundred and twenty acres improved, two dwelling houses, three framed barns and sheds attached. one blacksmith shop; one saw Mill, and an orchard of fruit trees fheteott ; loom' as the hornestea,r, property of !helve Roflin Wilcox, deceased, situaG" ed in Albany twpr Se:zed and taken in eseention at the snit .ofF.S Wilcox & Co., now to the use of Ira Smith" & Co. vs. Benjamin Wilcox. A LSO—The followingdescribed tot, piece or par eel of land, situated , in Troy twp., bounded on th. North by lands of Alfred Parvons and Uel Porter. on the East, 8 oath "end West, by lands of Eliza Tay lor, the estate of *bee C. Tay or deed., contain-. ing seventeen acres more or less, all improved, ton framed &Telling houses. one steanVgrist mill and appurtenants theitonto belonging, one framed barn and ;bed attached, one hog pen, and some fruit tree; thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wil son Ager, to the use of C. M. Manville, vs. Jacob J. Veile and Giles F. Veile co-partners &e. Also 'Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wilson Ager to the use of Wm. Lawrence re. J. J. &G. F. Veile, copartners &c. A LSO—The following described lot, piece or par. eel of land, situated in the township of Standing Stone, bounded on the North by lands of John Park and Haswell Coleman, on the East by lands of Mar garet Parks, on the South by the bighwey 'radio; from Wysox to Herrick, and on the West by lan& in possession of George A. Sterens, containing fifty acres, more or less, about thirty acres improved. one log house and fog barn a few fruit trees thereon. tieired and taken in execution at the suit of H. W. Tracy, vs. Charles Dixson and Juhn Hurley, tr , re tenant. ALSO—The following tor, piece or patcg of laud situated in Pike twp., bounded on the North by Daniel Camp, on the East by Josiah Wond an Judson Slocum, on the South by Abraham Warden, and Reed Bosworth, and on the West by Atrratrers Warden and the highway—containing' about sev enty acres, about fifty-five acres improved, on• plank house, one framed barn and shed apache_', and one old framed corn house,and some fruit teem thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the sail of James W. Bosworth vs. Mallory Tyrrell. ALSO-L-The following described lot, piece orpa , cel of land, situated in Itidgbery twp., bounded on the North and West by lands of John Dean an,l Wiliam Miller, on the East by Giles Mandeville h Howell Burnhain, and on the South by Bingham lands and lands occupied by Hiram Mason—con taining about one hundred and fitly acres, more OT less, about one hundred acres improved, one fram ed house, one log house, one framed barn, and tyro orchards of frnit trees thereon. Seized 'and taken in ezeention at the suit of Wm. Sample to the use of Samuel Sample ra. Peter Mil ler. ALSO—The following described lot, pier or pi , cal of land situatell in Albany twp.. bounded on the tionh by landelonging to the estate of Horan,. " A mid, deed, on the East by lands belonging I, , on the tic,uth bv lands of S. Wilco:. Jacob Jackson et al. on the South-Rea by lands of Jacob Revert)... and on the west by land• of C. Maloney, D. English and Myron Kellogg, con• taint= four hundred acres more or less,end known as the Rollin Wilcox lot. Seized and Taken in execution at the 'nit orEc nice Lewis and Mary Wilcox •a. Ralph R.Carpen ter ALSO-The following lot, piece or parcel of land situated in Smithfield Lep., bounded ott the North and East by lands belonging to the heirs of Enos Smith deed.—on the South and West by the turblac highway ; containing one acre, be the same more or less, all improved, one framO konse and few young fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Charles Avery for the rise of C. E. Pierce vs. 8. A. Walker. ALSO—The -following described let, piece r parcel of land situated in Litchfield limp., bound& on the North by Alanson Monn's land, on the East by Cyrus Merrill's land ; on the South by William Parks' land, and on the West by the estate of Res ben Parkseofec'd,—con taming one hundred and Out ty-one acres more or less, about one hundred acres improved, one framed house, one framed bath and an old log house and as apple orchard, thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Orsos Rickey, now to the use of H. W. Patrick vs. L. ty" Hart. guardian of Lucy A. 0. Newman. ALSO—The following described lot, piece r parcel of land, situated in Granville twp., bounded as follows viz c—On the North by lands of O. P. Ballnnl, on the East and South by the highway, en the West-by lands of Daniel Duart and 0. F.Spal ding—containing ,thirty-eight acres, be the same more or lcss—cbout twenty-five acres improved. one framed hoase, one framed barn and a small or chard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the.suit of liam Gorsline vs. Francis Gorham, Joell 3. Gorham and Lathrop Gorbam. ALSO—The following deicribed lot( piece or parcel of land, situated in Monroe twp.. bounded on the North by Timothy Alden and Joseph Bull, on the Eact by J. 12.fryine, on the Booth by Eleazar and Hiram tewee, on the West b' the Towanda Creek—containing one htindred acres, more or leg —about fifty acrca improved, one framed dwelling house, one framed barn and a corn house, and an apple orchard thericon, Seized and taken in ereT.ution at the suit of James H. Phinny Jr., use ca. H. 8. Salsbury. C. THOMAS, Sheriff'. Sheriff's office, Towanda, 0ct.,14, 1854. Notice is hereby 'given i .4filit an amount egos! to the costs will be required to be paid upon each sale when struck down Ito the bidder,and upon a failure to complvirith this regulation, the tract el land wilt again be offered for sale. Bade of Real - NOTICE -is hereby given, that the - Real E.tate of Wm. MYERS. who assigned for the benefit 01 Creditors, will be sold at public Auction to the high est bidder, on MONDAY, the - 4th of November. 1854—by order of.the Court of Common Pleas e: Bradford County. N. C. HARRIS. J. SATTBR LET H. McALPIN. Athenti, Sept. 30, 18.54 21