Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 30, 1854, Image 3

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    THE GREATEST oiscoyf (WillE AGE!
Planter, Farmers, Families and others, cam.pur•
chase no Remedy equal to, Dn. Tawas Pansweas
Liartmerr, for Dysentery, Mantic, Croup, Chibnic
Rheurnatis.n, Sore Throat, Toothache, sea sickness.
Cuts, Burns, Swellings, Bruises, Old Sores:llea&
ache, Mosquito Bites, Pains in the Limbs, Chest,
Back, etc
medy.und -w as used by William
ft is an English ,Ay,anu
the IV., late King of England, and certified to by
him, as a cure for rheumatism, when every thing
else' had failed. •
Dr. Tobias has put op a HORSE LIIMINNT in pint
bottles, Whic. warranted cheaper and better than
an • r for cholic, Scratches, old sores, galls,
swellings, cuts, bruises, etc. •
• Over 10,000,0 0 0 bottles have been sold in the Uni
ed States, without a single failure, and masv have
stated they would not be without it it it was $lO p e r
bottle, in case of Croup, ss'it is as certain as it is
It cures Cholera, when first taken, in a few hours:
Dysentery in half an hour—toothache in five minutes.
It is perfectly innocent to take internally, and is re
conatnended by the most eminent physicians. in the
United States. Pi ice 25 and 50 cents.
•Dr. Tobias could till a dozen nelvapapers with cer
tificates and letters rtlasing to the wonderful cures
accomplished by his Liniment, but considers war-'
•ranunt It sufficient, as any persOn who dues not ob
tain rehef need not pay for it.
Price 50 cents. Dr. Tobias' Office, 240 Greens
,itch street, New York.
For t sale at Dr. H. C. PORTER'S Drug Stork, TOW.
anda; Pa.
SHERIFF.—Tu the Voters of Brdford
County—Fellow Citizens--Tbrough•the
,t;teitations of many friends--and not only Thar but
'rout a desire I have for the (Mice of Sheriff -I
:IA it as a favor at your hands, fur this is the first
lime I ever asked an (Ace of any kind to County.
And sheuld I he favored with a ina j or.iy of lour
r 'les. I will use my best endeavors to give general
,iti•fertirin. STEPHEN A. MILLS.
N,rrli Towanda, Aug. 15, 1854
NoTIcE.--be'nuoke'nf the Bradford
?LW Councy A nrienitural Society, will be open
o reerivine MernbcrNitip., and ilia payment of the
fve of niembyrs, at the Court House. in the
Borough of Towan&l„ on Monday events oz or''each
o eel:- of September Court. Persons desirtne to he
roe mentbers,.may do so at any nine, by calltog on
Win. Elwell, Esq , or the undersigned. at Towan-
Wm, C. BOG tt It P. see;
M ‘SONIC —The reculJr monthly Cony-
OfT.NION 4014 CE, No. Mg.
A .1". NT.; are held Wednesday on hr pieceding ,be
11: :now), at 3 o'clock, P. M., at Ma,onte Hall, in
the b•monizh of Towanda.
The meetitto for October wit! occur on W'etl
ce,rt iv, October 4th. Visiting brethren are inytt
r•bto attend. W. H. PERKIN:•t, secretary.
New :Abvcrtiocincnto
.L; "
I. • .1, rt.nioN Inu kA:I I t , lrt.) A`SOII r T,
- - 7-1 - 3
11 . 11.1. open this day, the best selected stock of
ever shown in ihis village:Among
t.n :Mork will be f•uti,l all the ile•iiralile styfes and
C•;' , os of French Xlerinoes, P,irameAss, Ala paecas,
Cloths, I.voriese Clothes. Rumba—
••"I' . A. Lk , ;nlll , , tii and Ali Wood LleLains,
co!.,rs and Sidrodel ratterni.
red and Fancy. ‘fool Long Sha 415., a rout-
!ment of hiz,lr color., I and Piain
I ties . . Drab, Thrums and Nlournmg, earrenrrd
, I.lrwlia Staaw!A-1,en,7, and Sto ire, new
he itvifol Patteru , , high Color, and warrinied
« from Coiton—qie red( Paris an I ' , rum,
tt imnfieture. f Pnrctm,ers will find rear bargairii.
k;- Delaine, t.:.l,lintere, Crape arid Titibet, in
. ry vanety,
1 - I'y Ch- , ,p...t St) k u. 7:tic 31a)
It tv State Fialelelti—Nlnced, Blue, Green, While
S. i• t. Also Pain Flatoo.l., of every vanetv
vc ; i t n an d (4,l a lily, Opt•rel and l't tot.l
armok. Also a general aisJouleut df Brick B,ue,
'ii cc
CH I Fancy C i ,, irneri Beaver
a.. • k. and Plain and Fan
kan I 1 - eke( Ve,iiiqz, Gent:+ in want rl
1, ,•;fart.. C,i and Vi trail ficd
ile , ;rali'e , ck Sekiet fr,irn. I)ri'ss Trim-
• , a ,ditp'Lle 12:1:hdns. Fall
and Bevil:re Pdterns. I.l;:ens. Embronkr—
•and Tinead .re,, fi ,,, cr% —.l larp• s.tovk ul
G,n11,-nor•n'a and Chddr,•o'a in every vane
and 11!ack ltthan. (nov,a-I,adica and
.K Beaver, tlerino, Ca.nno-re, Li•le
,1 Sety . ,?l• 4
-• • •
I, :;.hanla and Prirdq. a cry full :••• , :a of
••• L, alts. Handkerchit•fa—Li•.ra, and
I crnry varirty.
Domestic • Goods.
• of Sheeting, Tickings,' C,4tnn Fl a n_
:..• • 7s 'l re, Checks, Drdla., Denims, Yarn, liana,
It ru . p,t Yarn and (Saga, Plaid Linsey and
i•• Jean,.
4 IA
sept. 25, 1•351.,a
-.auditor's Notice
'•,• .11 ::cf ti tkc t'vrtis• Fr:nk, Dec" d
Orphan S C4-01/12 lflit t J ad Conn y—Si4
THE undeu.iatnA an Auditor, appnento by said
I Court, in niat . ,ll.ll assets and di.tribuie fund/
e hands of the Adininisirator's of said E.,taie,
attend to wild business at ho office, in rowan
, qa', on ziaiurdiy the 4 ilt day of November 1854,
, ck P. M. Wien and tvhere all prisons
;,,, .r 2 etaitns upon said funds, lutist present them
~, ,: .t..irever debarred von the 391)1P
G. H. WATKINS, Auditor.
T..watida.Sept. 2 7 ,
I.L persons iniebted to the estate, of Limes
- 1 Nich-la deceased, late of SmithfietNdwrissliip,
- hereby requested to made payment without de—
arid all persons hiring t.r . mands against said
.rte. arc requested to present them du!) , authenti
54, pi..mber 21, 1851
15 1110 W
Large and well selected assortment of
'r September 11, 19-51.
arz, o
~th f on,cr of Mercui:4 Block, Main Sired,
\" ri"'" re7ll.z their stork o( GOODS for !he
Jcni,,,.lng'a full and complete as•
rut , ..10, and of the u.oxal 'variety, which will be
.'! Al ',TO' P mall profit for Ready Pay.
Thankful for the liberal potronage of the past sea
• uwier*lgned feel a pleasure in invitin. , 's the
..c an examination of our PALL stock, be
("'•t.: that good Goods and low prices Will insure
2. a!e for ready par. TRACY dr,.. MOORE.
Sept. 12. 1F1.54. •
-ITTOIt.V.Er 4T x. ,
Williarnsport,i4coming County, Pa,
_nl rlcE—Oppbsite U. 8. Hotel-Up
'FUNS more of those cheap Sugars juil reed
and for sale by PHINNE.Y.
00 NEW BARRELS, fittfor Pork or Cider.
for sale at 75c each, S. nErros CO.
A. :. In.. 19;13.
General Sileation
WaBOAS, by an act of assembly. of the Com.
monirealth, erupted Ah fit relating to the
eleetionatif this Common4lealib,".iticek4iibted up
on meta give niitictiorptich'4lectitikto be
held And also' the eptimeratiat in suck notice what officers' ire .to be elected, I CIigISTER '7 1 110,1+1 As,
igh : OheritY of theetinalY ofLtliadrOrd; , 4lO hereby
make known 'and giv.e notice to.'the electors - of said
county ;that a general election will be held7rn said
county. on Tasanar, the - 10th . day.olOca,,*1,..i 9 the
several dietnrte in Said county', to '
In Albany, at the soh-duariti Sehuol'hoitse - near
Campbell's mill. -
In'Asyfum, at :OA' ' •
In Atheni born.' at E. S. Mathewson's. , '"
In Anthens twp, at cp ! ,school bowl, near Win.
In Armenia, at lolrn B.,Beckeria.
in Buriingtoa, at the sehool:lniasa it 'Burlington
four corners. • • =
In Clinton, at A. E . Spalding'!.
In ColumbilOiriimak
In I)urell, at the school house, called the centre
ksCht.Nal house ,flecir B.l3ecker's,
In Franklin, at Wm. Deemer's.
In Granville. at the school No. 1, at Gran
ville corners.
Legal 3 bverliamente.
In Herrick, at the 'school house near Daniel Du
In Litchfield, at Cyrus Blooagoocro.
'ln .Leßoy, at the school houseiin Leroy.
In 'Monroe. at J. P. Smith's.
In Omitll,at Francis Woodruff s.
In Overton, at the house of %yin. Waltman
In Pike, at Dehnk Llinson's., , •
In Rid,gbery, at'S.
In Roma at the Academy.
,In Sheshequin, at D. Brink's.
_ .
in Smithfirld, at A. J. Gerould'e.
'ln Springfield, at T. Wilder's.
In standing Stone. at Simon Steven's.
In Suuth Creek, at the school house near Gil--
lu 'Towanda bnro•' at the Grand Jury room in tie
Court H. , uFe, in said b. ro.
In Naval Towanda, at the house of 8. A. Mills
. In South Tunanda, at the school hones near A C.
.in Troy boru.' at the Eagle Tavern.
In Trite tarp., at the house ofIV ill Long, in the
hot - 0' of l'roy. •
In Tuscarora, at the school hi , use near James
In Ukter. at S. B. Holcomb's.
In Warren, at R. Couper'e.
In W. , l:s, at 1.. Seeley's.
In Windham, at the house or Benjamin Kuyken—
fu Wyalming. nt the hone ofJ. H. Black.
In Wilmot. at the house of James Foster.
In Wysox, at the Academy.
Ad which time and place the election aforesaid
atll eleq by ballot
One person fir (love tilOr of this Commonwealth.
One person for Judge of the supreme Court of
this Commonwealth.
One per•on fur Canal Commi.sioner of the Coin
mon wealth.
,f)fie person' o represent the 13Th Conressional
District composed of counties of Bradford, Suiluei
hating and Toga, in the house of ilupresentuff ve6 at
Wa•hingt , fn.
Two perNons to represent the county of Bradford
in the Muse of fiepreseniitites of the Common
wea!th of l'enrii•ylvania.
One per , on f r High Sheriff of said county.
One per. , n for Prothonotary, (;leak of the Court
of Over and Terminer and Quarter Sesbions, of said
One person as Register of NVills and Recorder of
Deeds for and county.
One person for eotninisvilner of sold Coun'y.
One person for Auditor of raid county.
One person for Ct•roner county.
And in ai,d by said act.f am further directed to
give notice " ti t every person excepting justices
of the peace who shall hold any office of profit and
truat under the governmeo‘of the United States or
r.f this :State, or of any incorporated district and also
that every member of congress and of the abate Le
gislature and the select and common council of any
city nr commissioners of any inceoporated district,
is by law incapable of holding or exercisingi at the
same time. the office or appotrittnent of Judge, In
spector or Clerk, of any election of this Common
wealth, and that no inspector or other officer, of any
such election, alkali be then eligible to any vffice to
he voted for.
By the 4th section of an act passed the IGth day
of Apt a. 1610, it is provided " that the 13th section
gran uctpe.,ed July '2, 1839, entitled" An art re -
Ming to the elections of this commonwealth," ' , hail
i be.) construed as w prevent Any militia officer
fr, m , ert utQ as Judge, Itimpector ur Clok, at any
grit. ral • r special election of this Commonwealth.
in ihe 61st section' of the act Ciro ahove mention
ed, it is eriPctin4 that every generil and special e
f • C t j In S i ) ,.:ll t • opened beltl CVO 8 and 10 to the
foren , i, ii. and e rustic without' u,lrrruption or ail—
pornmeLi k to the evening, when the
polls shall be rlo.ed.
By :he Idiii section of the act f.71S1:«1 Feb. 3,1816
be lawful for the iiispectors arid judges of
any general election which s ia/I be hereafter held
in the Armenia election drstrict f Bradford cciniy
to dose the polls of such election at 5 o'clock P. Al."
Ay the Ith seruon of the - act of 1853, it is prowl
vided that the polls of the election district of .Tus•
carora twp. be closed at 5 o'clock P. M.
It :is further directed that the meeting of the
r% at the Court diouse in Towanda, to make out the
ganeral return, shall be on the 3d (lay after the el
eelloll. which will he on the 13th day ref October.
Ir is also directed the meeting of the return Audit
es for the 13th Congressional district to melee out
the returns for member of Congress, shall be at the
Conti /louse, in the born of Towanda on the 7th
day after the election, which will be 011 the /7th
day of October.
.1N AC7' fin- the Sopyressioli of toe Maanfnelore and
Sale of Into., '04411,4,- Liquor., as a Beverage
b:AS, All laws to be etheient should hare
the approbation and sanction of the People :
Arid Whircas, It is represented that a large num
ber, if not a majority of the citizen , : of this Com
monwealth, ore deeply impressed with the necessi
ty of the Passage of a Prohibitory Liquor Law:
And Whereas, It to impossible to obtain a certain
indication of popular sentiment relating thereto-by
means of petitions and remonstrance: Therefore;
41. Fr it enacted by the Stnale and tara. of Re
pre+entatires of the Commonwealth of Peansoltat nig
General Assembly molt and it is hereby enacted
by authority of the some, That the qualified voters
of this Coinmonwealth are hereby authorized at the
places for holding the general elections in their re '
spective . wards, boroughs and townships, on the se
cond Tuesday of October nest, to vote fur and
again-t a law which shall entirely prohibit by pro
per and ormatitutional regulations and penallies, the
manufartuie and sale of intoxicating liquors. etcept
fur medical, sacramental, mechanical arid artistica!
42. That the officers authorized by law to hold
eltctions in each ward, borough and township, of
this Commonwealth, are hereby directed and re-
Mitred at the place fixed by law, in the several dis
tricts fur the holding of the general elections in said
district=, on the second Tuesday of October next.
whets they shall be organized as en election board,
to receive from each qualified voter of their said ch.!,
incur. a ticket' written or printed on the outside,
7 Prohibitory Liquor Law, " and the tickets in favor
of the proposed low shall contain in tir inside the
Words" For a Prohibitory Liquor Law,' and those
opposed to the propesed law shall contain in the in
stde • words, o• Against the Prohibitory Liquor
Law." which votes shall be counted and returned
to, the court house of the coqnties or city-in which
the said eleetiou shall be held, on the following Fri
day by the return indger, who shall cast tip and
certify ail the votes polled ip said county or city, to
the,office of thelSecretary of the CoMmouwealth at
' Harrisburg, directed and transmitted in the same
manner, the votes for Governer are required to be
directed ii; t •ad transmitted, and said Secretary shall
on the third friday of.lanaary next ensuing, com
municate the said returns to the Legislature, to be
opened and counted in the same manner the votes
for Governor Aro Opetter4 and counted, and consid
ercd as the prayer of the voters of this Common
wealth relative to a Prohibitory Liquor Law.
I §3. 7 . 141 111 the election laws of the - State pre.
scrit:nr, the hecr , et creawts 'iv For,'
Nem Ativenumneute. ""
—the reception of riotes,tbe punishment ot.illezal
voting, the, - -defrayint the' ;o - apposes or 'prtblieitlon.
ancf - hrlddlog of tbe,pArteral elections :Off rettaW of
thcasma. mtat! other Matters Ineklinit therelk
and the samehre declared applicable to the election
That be the duty auto Sheriffs of the
severarconniles'of this Commoriwealth to-insert a
copf of dile - 601h the proclamation for the- general
election held on the hecond Tuesday of October
next.-'.. , • ?•. ' - - .. . •
E a tfiASE i Aiister of the - noose of fleilre
sentativesi -*- .. ' r:: :J• - ",;." - 1 ,
Af.ll4 l CASitsf, - Speakeit , of the iienate.
Appriorro—Tbe twentpeighth jay of_April, oty! ,
thou:sand eight hilintrid and fifty-four.
'RESTER THOMAS - , Sheriff.
Shiiiire nrnee, Sept. 17, 1934.
WBEREA& my wife Mary. has left ray bed and
board, without any just cause or provocal
- this is to forbid all persons harboring or tins•
ing heron my account, as I will pay no debts of
er contracting
,after this date.
4114ARLES W. iItitr.YMMER.
Browntown, A ngust 2.1, 1854.
T HEREBY caution all ps,sons from purchasing
J a note, give., to Mr. SENSEBAUGH. or Bearer,
for ten dullars,dated Aug. 21at 1854, due the firFt of
April next; for I liace received no value, and 4511
not pay the same, unless I am compelled by law.
She:bet/9in, Ang. 24, 1864.
. _
114 Iff U3IL a IF E
SITUATED at Orwell centre, Brad.
ford county. Pa., containg about THREE
HUNDRED ACRES, about two hundred
and fifty thereof improved and the remain
der excellent woodland.
Thrt e are upon the promises a comforts
hie and spacious MANSION HOUSE, a sad ,efi
tenant house, fisti.barna, 30 x 40 feet each, 115.!...
or upwards, several ranges of sheds and s;
staining, and other out,buildings, with an excellent
and never•fuiling well' of water at the door of the
mansion house, and well watered generally. The
entire property forming one of the most desirable
situations for a dairyman or stock breeder to be found
in this section of the country. Terms—one-half of
the purchase money on taking possession, and the
balance on interest fur a term of years.
If the property is not sold this fall, if will be rent
ed for a term of years, if a suitable opport un ity pre.
cents. J. D. HUNIPHREY.
Orwell. Sept. 12, 1554
XYC - 20INIFe 0)81f1, DRINITOT,
FIR. J. ALLEN, late Professor in the Ohio College
-Li of Dental burgeons, has discoverer, a method
of inserting Artificial Teeth on plate, which make',
anv further improvement impossible.
it combines strength and durability with perfect
cleanliness. The gum is continuo is, and can be
made to suit any rase, however difficult. So life-
like iti the expression, th•rt the most famtlisr with
arnficial teeth fail to determine they arc false.; the
teetb appearing as if they actually grew out of the
I have secured letters patent for Eradforil Co
Office in ?demur's Block.
Towand,i, July 28, 18.54.
Pll irsrexarr & SURGEON,
Puke Strect.opposit€ the oil l'reAlitcrwn
Offe , s his profes.ional services to the people of
Towanda and t icinity. Can always he found at his
office, in Dr. POUTE!e9 Drug Store, when not pro
fessionany engaged.
-- - -
HAYING disposed of all interest in other bust
ness, is now prepared to attend promptly to
all business. in the line of his prolefsion. Ile may
be found at all times—except when absent on le
gal business--at his New Brick (Mice," THE
LITTLE UNION BLOCK," between the uld Un
ion Block and John Ilarg•r's aplendid Saloon, re
cently elected on the North side of the Public
square. Towanda, Pa
Ma" N. B.—Particular attention given to rul•
Towanda, Aug., 24, 1851
IN Towanda Borough, on the Atli of August, four
sheep and lir9 lainhe. The owner is terpreged
to prove property, pay charge , . and take them away.
Towanda. A nm. 15, 11451,
Adoainistratria's Notice
A 1.1, prr,orn. indebted to the eiztate of lieu Shay
dre'd. late of Bu-lineton tap. are here
by requester', to make payment without delay : and
all perNonb having claims apaisibt said.eht.ite will
please present theta duly authenticated f‘ , r settle -
Adminisira tut
Sept. 13, 1.51
Executor's Notice.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of John More
decea;:ed, late of tike township, are hereby
requested to make payment without delay, and sit
ner=ons having . demaada against said estate will pre-
sent them without delay, duly authenticated for set•
tterueut. °MON MOUE,
M. H. COW/INp,
`dept. 12. 1851. Executors.
Horses, Harness ik, Wagon for sale.
riptiE . MAN who wants to puichase a span of
J- Young Hor•es, Harness, and Lumber Wagon,
on very favorable terms, can hear of an opportuni—
ty. by calling at this office. June %8, 1854.
Engine .and Fixtures for sale.
second hand ENGINE and fi x tures for a
SAW MILL, capable of driving Iwo or more
saws, all in g,od order, end will be sold cheap, on
a long credit, if desired. The Engine is now run—
ning, snit ban be seen by calling on H. S. Dtvin
sox, at Ulster, or G. F. Wr.i.r.xs. Jr. at Athens, Pa.
July 19, 1954.
IFTEELEI t.3lgiltltHEßY.
T".duties of this Ochool will be resumed on the
woad Monday of September nut, urdet the
charge of Miss OLIVI• D. and Rrosces D. fisssusr,
in the ropms recently occupied by James Macfar-
lane, Esq.; in the North end of the Ward souse.
The school year will consist of
. four quarters of
eleven Weeks each.
Tenets—as formerly, st'i, 19, and $l2 per qUarter,
according to the studies pursued. No extra charge
fur the Latin Language.
No pupil will be received for a shorter period
than one Quarter.
Ref afisseen—Dev.Dr. Mactta sr, President of the
College of New Jersey, Princeton.
Hon. DAVID Wit tor, G. F. Masos. Esq., C. L.
W-sto, Esq., Hos .G.solfss utasoz, 11. F. Daanow,
Esq. Towanda. ,
Towanda, August 26, Md.
13 4 virtu e of an order of the Orphen's Growl 4f the
c ounty of Dradfurd, will be exposed to public
sale on thepremises, on Saturday, the 7th day of
October next, at I o'clock, P. M. the following pro
perty, to wit 4 -
The one-half or whole (as may agreed upon by
the Administrators) of a lot of land in Burlington
township, late the estate of Obadiah Blakeslee, deed
bounded north by lands of John Gostin. east by M.
Luther, south by. E. Overton, and west by E. Nigh.
ole and It Boothe.
Terms made known on the , lay of sale.
lolly SI.OOM,
,efr. 12, iftt. Alidl...liz,tra!ors.
~tkrcganai, Vic:
30 0 4,..713pee 211.11L113110.1011,11011prirlIallir,
Attorney at Litvi,
OFFICE WITH !Is nsotsTts AFD itCORAtu.
Towanda, Penna.
Ts now receiving all sorts of NE W OCIQDB. which
A. will be sold very low for Cash.
May 3. 1854.
NET:44. 112 /IL
TI-TouLD inform her
. friends, that alto has jug re
V V turned from the eat, with a large assortment
which she offers at reduced Legless. Prodttee of es.
cry kind taken in paymint fur gouda.
ZUJOMOV'AIts.--.DR. \ MASON has removed to his dsvellint on Pine street, Opposite
the old Presbyterian Church)
Towanda, May 13, 1854.
Incurs and Plo- castings!
ELATCHLEY. Wayne .unty, Alba or Curtis
Plows. Side hill, subsgjl and porn plows and
Castings, tor vale cheap.
I take particular pain o get good well made
plows and tough castings. I would invite particu
lar attention to the Alba, or Curtis plow.
Call and see. R. SI. WELT.ES.
• Cistern and Well Pumps !
T EAD PIPE! Hydraulic Rams ! of any' kind
size, Stu.. cheap for ready pay, for gale by
Jan. 8. 1889. 1 R. M. WELLES.
JUST received by Joseph Kinz.bury, • large and
empletesiock of NEW GOODS, for sale as
usual, Garai eon CA.n
Towanda. April 26, IRS*
Bituminous Conl.—Barelay Coal, Bed.
THE undersigned tsiitepared to furnish at the
beds. any quantity „e‘ th ., ..uperiur COAL, at
the reduced pri.Ye of $1 25 per ton for Blacksmith
coal, and,sl 75 for picked Grate coal. Payment in
cash or country produce. hut no credit will be given.
HENRY GA 1188, Agent
for the Barclay F R. and CO,ll Company.
Franklin (Old Coal Bed) May 25, 1851.
T T 0 R F. 1' L A W ,
Office with the Re::ister and Recorder.
dFFICE in the second story of the Union Blnek,
north site of the Public square, over the office
of J. C. Matto:, E q . Sept. "IL
Office removed to John •C. Adams'Otfies,
roion Block. Julv 20.
Aiministrator's Notice.
A". persons indebted to the estate of Henry
Vandyke, decd late of Albany tp., are requs
ted in make payment without delay: and here hkr:
Inv, demands agaiii,t said estate will present them
duly authenticated fur settlement,
Auf z u., Administrators.
The hanna Collegiate Institute,
ILL be opened for the reception . of Pupils.
Mole and Female, on ednesday the Gth ol
September, when the Inaugural eserctses will take
REV. S. F.COLT. A. M. Pnrxrrr
Prole.,Nor of Natural, Mental and Moral sciences
Professor of Ancient and Modern Languages and
B,lte, !.Hitt".
Prof. of Mathematics ant! Master of Norma'• tichnol
Teacher of Music and French.
'readier of and
Negolidtious ere in ploiroso; for securing the set
•ices of tiro other Lally toachors in time tot th , !
opt.n tog.
Q 7 Tice Principal will rekide in the histitude and
the PupiTs will hoard with h:s f.wm!y.
The academic year will co,sist of three terms of
fourteen weeks eaeh.
MKNSES exit Thn )1 (I , younroN INELio4
Tuition in the .11hchvoi, Eletnetitaiy Engll,a
Branches, < f no
311k.5, Higher I ngh.h litanchcF, 00
(lass, Mathematic,. Natural Science and
Classics commenced. I; 00
!NI Class. and Moral Science with the
above continued; 7 00
Tuition in Modern Languages each, a 00
Ornamental Needle Work and Embroidery, 200
Drawing, . 2 110
Oil Painting in Landscapes, • 8 001
do in Figures, I 0
In.triimental Music with use of instrument, le 00
Room Rent, I if,
Iticolebtal expense , .
Boarding in the Hall SI '6l per week, or per
'reran, 22 7!,
Wagging three shillings per dozen. Lights and
Fuel at the actual expense.
In addition to the above course, College classes
will he organized if advanced A ch ,, lnrs apply.
Especial attention will he paid to the instruction
of persona designing to qualify themselves 34 Taaeh•
era for Common Schools.
Pupils will furnish themselves - with bed.heddine.
wreck, Se. The Ililhrlor the tern . ) most ncliatd in
advance. or One half at the entrance, and the re
maining huff at the expiration of the half term.
C. 1.. WARD, President.
8. F. Cntr, Sec. J. D. MON'III.I . I
Towanda. Angnst 12, 11454.
New Remedios and Quick Cures!
A ND without the use of the scite, the Fmt , g
Iron, or any of those liquid caustics, such as
trlutiatie or sulphuric Acid, 4e., or any of
those baneful liquids so often made nee of, to the
shame of the Farrier and the torture of that useful
animal, the Horse. without any neceenary purpose
Alscf;all dirreoses of the horse treated scienitheatiy,
•Reftlences of past services can be ha.i. as also
tha bona fide Ringhones and spivins taken off 1(1, , .
es already operated od, together with several other
F minim pipes, Tumors, &c.
Applicuttous to the subscriber, who will be Wt the
nonroetoti Exchange, where he can be coosUltetl
on the subject free ofexpense.
The subscribe' would wish those likel4r 'to , estnt
his services, to call whboyt delay. as it depend
on the amount of practice the length of time ht will
remain. and as it requires about two weeks' siren•
lion to.aach hcrse, he cannot remain vase hlgets
four or eve together to operate on.
0:) , . Terms from $lO to 05. Payment in al ca.
es to be toadt before the horse leaves the stsb4.
MonroetonlAng..26, 1855.
THZ subseribers are fa Wain of a young min as
an shmtifice to the Tiontsn's trade. 11 or 18
years of, age, of good h'abita, who thee will ' bind
themselves tb)earti the boathess•
Tc-*-ania.:7 . z:y 25, P4.11A"
Tin, Japanned ,and Britannia Ware,
Carriage Triritnisge, Harness Saddlers ,
Ware, Carpenter's and Jetuer's Tools, •
_P of all kinds and sizes,
Wnutd inform theiHrieniti that these are Gr:! . 3. apart of the general headA tinder which may be classed
their extensive assnitmetit, ai.d to "hush thoy are t., , nstiltly receiving additiunal supplies, direct from the
importers and mintiractairem which "k ma L! cs I: . ;em to aft!. snch inducemer,ta in their large stock and IoW
prices, that will challenge compett itch finrr: ) quarter. We walla ask the particular attention gf
.11 1 .1a5M4SEM di.= TILSIT/5M%
to 111 examination afoot stock, which havi,, g -been selected with the gr , ateat care, we are confident Win
aati•fy (vett the . rno-t particulnr.
(TY Don't forget the place--Belith nf “luare.
Old Iron. Connor and Brass, and atl kind , of C„u Itry Produee taken In exchange for goc.ds.
Towanda, May 27..1854. HALL & 10.188 ELL.
'Fronting the Public Square.
'pH g
gtlmrriher, thankful for the Idieral rinte Ncrirt d part t err, tote:: is tit Leep constantly on
hand a of the airy beat :moles kepi in our hoe, Ni WILL dispose of on
such terms aK will he'satpifactory to all who may patroroze it,m. The purcii.iiies are made entirely with cash
in hand, find for the C• 411 our ciwtomera will receive ill- bentlit ,•1 a co.! ariwle at a low price. All wide/
Hot answriring our recommendation, will lie rheerfu//y bole), buck, anti the money refunded.
31edleal Advice gratoilooNly Os to al t he Office, rhargint Lnly for the Medirtnei.
'1 lie Muck cnosnot. of a complete and rdrct assortment o
Pure Willy Liquors, for Alediri nal nse, London Perin. Scold' Ale..
7111; it/OST i'op TE NT 3IE D WINES !
American Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant d Good.) ,
Superior TiI.OnACCO Bi STrzyrr bratfes'ei" Ptirc 1, 7 as:came, Principe
ana,Nrara CIC,IIII. S
l'ainfs, Oily, Varnlsig IVlodow ravosite4, Shia% in' Soap,
Gllo4l_,'ElliES :
131,...1;- awl Greet! Titas Poo awl Java Syrur4,
Sard.n , • , ,
t• The he4hlyle Priai/N— .4llet , lum to Crstoment—Tio
Artreltrra(inta of 17 , x)rts----Carhit.l Alt . ta 1,) Lbw .ptr„t i on 8 u , w , e .,,')
I' avrndv, N.3voinher 12, IR:11, V!. C. rOrITE,II, 11., D.
Awarded to thin Maeltlae at the Poor of the
A Diploma at the Franklin Imetllnie, Pleillyletpleht. First Premium at the Slate
Fair, Utica, New York, and at the Columbia and ltrns^elaer County • Nen' York! Fairy
and a Diploma at the Wrailchenter County fair at A% hilt Plains.
- _--:,
In lb,. p r i,t at r ,,,ng t .mmt f en,. 1.. e rrreele. e. .•u if opfli, ~.0 1 T, 1 21,1.11 r. Hurl - MO
Wx1,131.1.• • Mill, ;11.• k!, I
_j,v.r, p tee Mel,l :bee teteli it the leppicels'ere mend), enntiod.
lo break the nppir• ,l4 then I. Ito . • .4 t I , a i ere. u m aid :0111:1O■ ; I eosixte of 'll*
If. et Cylind , n , ID In . ,e lured In 1. .moan lip rrl 1,-, ::,t r oi ,- r• . ir liAlled Uj thld
14algeoleen the ut k nil Mils in llde TL.• it; rulilured n. lb. decided
T ails
The Peres in asynnged with 1 mod, I Irti•l rrr•
4 .rhie1 1 3 , . met 1 1 a 1. , :y , 14•114, .1 uv, of •! •
ifj,p.v,e4 U - 1 , 1. nll.l 11 , 'A't.1,1,e.1.• I • nt u .1! r•• •I•
liver the provii , ,, while lit -wile 114.. I In 11.1. r t, kr,
elixir and tiro nor:. ri..o I. 'Lim , w Itlt nitirii 1:.•• n
by the old Mt he .1. 'll e •:. • Lii•l 1.l Lev.•
ilh•ri 'Line. loth ou Cieir p. i ii• • th•• 1 , •
ti• ...A ell. rol w hi • 6 iii
o .! n the 31i 1 rm Pier , .
orrnitie.l with wipri•lal •ii•iv 1.. 111,4 r Can 1 1 .1;tly n 1 , 4 •-• ••
No Farm r r nl,l al • n rho• If 111 •w•••••rtill. viii it,rut rho,
to fitractionn will i.e dinsirrnlnt eel, be: on Ihr -NI. •
hail I.e atll hn•l o•itu ul Mont it iriki••ll , a .3.1
ne.whino. hu, tiro
Tire leas Wile is Ileidi• le rile IV, 'K-, •1....r0 , , 1,, , ,t i It, h. '• •... -i•,,,,,,, •.„
- c .,.! ,u; `.
~ • 3/ I It , 1 ,. •. .. , /,13 All.l
cnterr. and when thi• nr.! , ..... , ~, -,,,,„„.,,,. r, •m , .., ,I 1 ' . ~., r ~., I, ~„ , ~. u , ~ , - s., , dov tt,ud II o , within
yenta of age Veil pr'” it,. r, ',le, with all e• - ••.e. 1 the rare. it .01 ~••11 it be that any Litt Ilis,eat. Farmer
In ail former time , it we, ',; ;-cad I hot 'r /-4 ---- e , ierthiltl e redd arr .. .1. no a '
ercmcc could cud,. he nr•••: Its 1 , - n•: ~ p c" nos!•••• tit .-' i ~, ' II :r.• ui il• • i:•.., .: Vl - .11 1,, eat •11 time% • - ider (her
11..1 slowly reu"hed the ult/hinit au, :.,,z t! -. •" , ..• • ••••,t nn ,t l' .1.. •1.,. ~.•.. •,-...11 I. really hr./thy end at
'they a - ere then made hen 3 tout •11, recesw Ina .r• ~r :n •, a,' ,---, ,1 ~, to ~, a ~,,,,ii p ortion o f t h e
ot. ,t tevern and (nog t re•••tle we, r e . i to t • i t • is. , llifi n : lentil !abr..- nt Is nil lug . tote /winkling of
retho of ilo• i Orr a .., , n ,i1,,,, ,, tr ~'I el' -.... ! il - , li -- 1 , : ' i pp! r —2/ttlt rr ! : ; -.. !-, ILLS illaLbinl., and ear a cry
by the auto and the met. et' rim:urea: abri to m'arini i id. I for Ir. you sill or t 1,. I nto'cln:••d.
un,ijilf grin, resell 0 ,, :;11,11^: ii i.l I, 1..= .s II he , ii. 1.1.0., 1 1 hi, %lid it u err ..11.,1 ar. ; a.reir to any ett,..r Fors "No
and perhaps bi.ria hog Ad team awl (10,1' e u ii•.;•• .iny lb..' I "di in u • • .':•••.-6, t• I • '••• 1•...5.• ri. t, it rawly at ally trln•e,
r•-•• 11.1 bee,. ironmitre rent al ly entj•lnytO. to met " frultt 1 •-r• iron- Ceti, hs n^- t-••-•-c lin toot ft mill an Portable
,bts to eV•10 Reticle of Clier In eie late the slobeulti the ; %Jill !Inn to net no I rte. :etnent on it.
Fermata ham beret...fore labored anion, tins Machine has .h:ourtne me, ....x amain r thl • n • only Ili rROVEID
here invrnted, and the statement of s rats . re-', • i'l 1 ~.-re . 3111.1" before you buy ally other.
that it le not only the ixe.t. Mar-bine of the kind In as Iline•se, n o , e, eat the niNZ• of this machine near all ether. le.
but it 1, the most Era/gel-le that a man ...awl bunt on lit., ; Ili, it lerill toot choke up, and /1.2%1 or non afPlce
farm. The tut, are by this llerb(negrnte.l ur lute a bri. , I tun La gieual, and )e: the C; liatlais ea: ides)* seism'
Inaln. se that it rramdres hilt a e...miaratia ely le g :t rre^ are. I clear and la rriedla a 'ruler
end that but a minute nr two, to eatreet all the t`ider. it 1 All ordere will be tilled in the order In w id. It !bey Iwo
befog a:knit:Lined by peaetcni ewetiraeut .0114 t orn Fourth reset eel. mud all person.: wanting them w'o'uld do well to
mere juke can be obtained than by the old preeesa Pe , coed their order, tally, cud state al what time they want
retie ibis, It enly requires two bands to cried up and nuke the MITI ear. t r
into Cider • larger quantty of tipples than ran be permit Y Thin 31ill, attended by 2 men, will. when properly Worked
luau on the old-fieLioned niachiner.. On the, }west. 0. - 111,: qCe., , ii, $: to air. ~ tba, Lucke it L': 1 . , - harrd , Of Odor o do)
to the onelpeatne"e of the Pelllart. in the tub, and the mm- and . 111 v.:l,i alone by herte-rowrt fromlCO to 3Oobuybels
Oleo manner in which it is ground, a promise et uni t aon a apple. is day. '
15 tune — that eon easily he nl , l%lntA.l‘-oill ri"d , uce a ta...L.t C u r the Flu, f f ilte Nli'l 14 ilct, ft •A• r( fr• yht
lorot.We rteult than fifty tool mer e -. ore on the onlinart: . liincuatin, I' ‘ , )la.; • 1'6 2 . W 0 ILIC.S.::;.Y.
totered aatordtiag W Act otlCop.7cal, to tZr yy.vr 06.7. 4.11
crifint.l tic' HALT. 4. RUS*EI3.. Towand
rri WO HUNDRED TONS Cavoga Ground 'Plas
1. ter, 100 Barrels Sah, IRO Utile. ;White
Lime, 50 busheii Orwell & 'West Branch Clover ,
Seed. BO bushels Timothy Seed, 500 !ha.
County Chest.e.iust received and for sale by
13A & N EVENT.
Torran.ia'April Mt
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
....,...,._ ~...- .....,?, ~,,......,,r
.I : ' • , I PRO •
tt:.c &c
mericnn Institute. New York, Oct. R 52.
I I,•• I.:, 11 , 4 ti va, Jry' '/L.
• t'lt etimrrntr. ••1T•I ;.t n t-i•tn tut,• nud with much
i . • 14, •te.
.. yie..e ;41,.• atiec:rr CLlar t.. 1,110 any
'1 /I!1 , 1-• 4.11.• itt • to-ii.t it. tittit i% halt
, I. 414 it—dull .0141.011 k%, frOCI one to tt or 10
I ~,
ht•u, I•'• I• 1 .1 • .tn yntar ‘'‘trrltntrt,
Denies. ehre.ti /killer. /Art!. All.l
/ •11 t:tan ' , Ave one-fourth. of T.:kW
I tenet lee e•sal.lng Apple-beetle,
ith la u . c.l nt :•111 tern. , itnre Preafa
tend S sc. el C
and by r. %f. WIIIRI(4. F. rn•ri. N.,1"
OHE cn-pirtnership heretofore existing bst
the siitigrrihers. under the firm of Alezagder
Soiornor, was di:solved by mutual Consent On Ih.
Treh tiny of May. Solomon retirirg.. The
ev, will hereafter be carried on undejthe nuns I; *
f I. S. B. Alesantlar.
leivlzda, ' , fay 2•', 'Rt.& <4„