Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 23, 1854, Image 3

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    Mr. SHERIFF.—To tha Voters of Brdford
County—Fellow Citizens—Through: the
solicitations of many friendo—and notlonly afar but
front a desire I have for the 0111ce,of Sheri&-I
ask itas a favor at your hands, for this is , :the flrst
time I ever asked an offibe of any kind in County.
And should I be favored with a majority of your
votes, I will use my best endeavors to give general
satisfaction. STEPHEN A. M1L141. 2
North Towanda, Aug. 15,1854.
NOTICE.-,The Books of the Bradford
County Agricultural Society, will be open
for receiving Memberships, and tha payment ofahe
annual fee of members, at the Court House, in the
ilorough of Towanda, on Monday evening of each
week of September Court. Persons desiring to be
come members, may do so at any time. by callingon
Wm.Elwell, Esq , or the undersigned, at Towan-
WM. C. BOGARI . , Sec.
MASONIC—The regular monthly Com
munications of UNION LODGE, No. 108,
A .1' .M., are held Wednesday on or preceding the
- full moon, at 3 o'clock, P. M., at Masonic Hall, in
the borough of Towanda.
The meeting for October will occur on Wed
nesday, October 9th. Visiting brethren are invit
ed to attend. W. J-1: PERKINS, Secretary.
gar SHERIFF.—To the voters of Bradford
County;4—Felloor Citizens—Through the
urgent solicitations of many friends, I hereby most
respectfully offer myself as a candidate for the office
of Sheriff, at the next election ; and earnestly solicit
your support. If, through your partiallity, I should
he elected, I pledge myself to prof ;qtly and faithfully
discharge the dthiei of the office.
North Tovrand . June 23, 1834.
Ncuo 12Incrhscmcnts.
A Large anFALL d well se GO l t eeted a*sortment of
• Towanda, September 14, 1854.
mu/La: L .slr
South corner of Mercer's Block, Alain Street,
ARE now opening their stock of GOODS for the
Fill trade, comprit=ino a full and complete as.
sortment, and of the usual variety, which will bn
s,old at a very small profit for Reaily Pay.
Thankful for the liberal petronage of the past sea
son, the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the
public to an examination of our FALL stock, be
lieving that good Goods and low prices will insure
a speedy sale for ready pay. TRACT & MOORE.
Towanda, Sept, 12. 1R54.
!lEDAIL siLi.ftA2Yo
THE duties of this Sehlol will be resumed on the
stew el Monduy of Sr pt e mbrr nrtl, motet the
charge of Miss OLIVI• D and RO.HF.CCA D. HA NSO7,
is the rooms recently occupied by James Macfak-
Line. Es r; , the North end of the Ward liou•e.
The school year will consist of four quarters of
ten weeks each.
TERMS—r.q formerly. $6, fig, and SI2 per (parer,
n,-cording to the 'studies pursued. Nu extra charge
f r tie Latin Lang uage.
pupil be received for a shorter period
171 In one (barter.
REr. ea eNer.s— Mat cr. t a, President of the
r !leer of New Jersey, Princeton.
Hon. Divin Wiyen T , G. F. Masgar. Esq., C.
Wane. Est.. HON .GEOMLN 61E.RSON, h.F. BA ucTow,
T.wandi, A naust 26, 1851
HAVING tVsposed of all inter esdin other busi
ts prepared to attend promptly to
business, in the hue of his profession. He may
he I uud at all tin , rs—except u ben absent on le—
gal business--at his New Brick Office," THE
T.ITI'LE UNION BLOCK," between the old
'a Block and Lill a irg•Ci grit:mini Saloon, re—
cently etectcd on the2igrth side of the Public
o are. Towanda. Pa. ,
N. 8.--Particular attention given to col
Ttotranda, 21, tB5l
I TN Towanda Enrough, on 11 8? of August. four
sheep and tu,j lambs. T I:iwner is requested
r.o prove property, pay charge a I lake them away.
N'll. . WELLMAN.
Towanda, An. 15. 1851,
Administratries Notke
ALT. per' on. indebted to he estate of (leo Sltay•
ler, due'd. late of Burlington lull. are here
by tequr..l4-0. to make paythent *ithout delay : and
it prrmns hrivimz claims agair, , A said est.te will
p'ea , e pre , ent theth dole a tithimileated for gettk-
Sept. 13, 1,,51
Executor's Notice.
ALT, persons Indebted In the estate of John More
Deceased, late of t ike township, are hereby
tcquested to male payment without delay, and ali
oerimns having demaOs agni est said estate will pre.
sent them without May, duly authenticated for set•
Element. ORRIN MORE,
Sept. 12. 1651
81T1'ATED at Orwell centre,
lord cooky. Pa., contain about THREE
4"" IHUNDRED ACRES. about two hundred,
and fifty thereof improved and the remain
der excellent woodland.
There are upon the promises a comforts-
Lle and spacious MANSION HOUSE, a i m
tenant house, five barns, 30 x 40 feet each,4
or upwards, several ranges of sheds and = I •
stabling, and other outbuildings, with an excellent
and never failing well of water at the door of the
mansion house, and well watered generally. The
entire property forming one of the moat desirable
- situations for a dairyman or stock breeder to be found
in this section of the country. Terms—one-half of
the purchase money on taking possession, and the
balance on interest for a term of years.
If the property is not sold this fall, if will be rent
el for a term of years, if a suitable opportunity pre
sents. J. 1). 111131P1111ZY,
Orwell, Sept. 12, 185 t.
r o . I. ALtEN, late Professor in the:Ohio College
-EY of Denial Surgeons, has discoverer, a method
of,inserting Artificial Teeth on plate, which makes
ant , further improvement impossible. '
It combines strength and durability with perfect
cleanliness. The gum is continuo's, and' can be
made to suit any case, however difficult. igo
like is th• expression, th it the moiit familiar with
artificial teeth fail to determine they are false; the
teeth appearing as if they actually grew out of the
I h.. ve , ecured letters patent for Bradford CO
Office in Mercur's Block.
Towanda July 28, 1854.
P /3 CIA ig ok SURGEON,
Reslitenceon Pine Strect.opposite the oil Presbyterian
Offers his professional services to the people of
Towanda and vicinity. Can always be found aline
°dice, in Dr. POIITIIII ' S Drug store, when not pro
frssionally engaged.
300 i'''-oTs*ale Ba t
5 11 c E e
1 1, c 1 ; t s fo r y. P .E q.
4 7 N C 4 1 te c t;
l'..anda, Aug. 10, 1653.
Gonerai Mpation
.1 1 FoOinkation.
WHEREAS, by an act ofilsembly of . the Coin.
monlrealth, ediltled eg An sktlehttiug to the
election" ethis eomittonweAlthr.hisi - enjoined up
on me to notice of ancVelection to be
held Sod alio the enumeration - % such disks toilet
officers areto tiecketed; I CHESTER THOM AB 4
High Bheriffof the ctinoly-of Bradford, do hereby
make known - and give notice to the electors of said
county that d general election will be held in said
county, on Timis", the 10th day, of October, in the
several district's% said county to wit
In Albany, at the sub.district school house near
Campbell's mill.
In Asylum, at !ao ob Frutchey's.
% Athens boro.' at E. 8. Mathewson's.
In Authens twp.; at the school house near Wm.
Scotts. '
In: Armenia, at Johtilk.Beeker's. •
In Burlington, al the school house at Borliitton
four corners.
In Carlton, silt. E. Spalding's. ,
In Columbia, at James Morgan's.
In Dorell, at the ochool house, called the centre
school house,near 8. Decker'''.
In Franklin, , at Wm. Deemer's.
In Granville. at the school house, No. 1, at Gran.
vi:le corners.
In Herrick, at the school house near Daniel Du—
In Litchfield, at Cyrus Bloodgood'►.
In Leßoy, at the school hciuse in Leroy.
In Monroe. at J. P. Smith's.
In Orwell, at Francis Woodruff's.
In Overton-, at the house of Wm. Waltman.
In Pike, at Dennis Johnson's. •
In Ridgbery, at 8. Harman's.
In Rome at the Academy.
In Shesbegnin, at D. Brink's.
In Smithfield, at A. J. Gerould'e.
In Springfield, at,T. Wilder's.
In Standing Stone,. at Simon Steven's.
In South Creek, at the school house near A. Gil—
In.Towanda bone' at the Grand Jury room in the
Court House, in said bvro.
In North Towanda, at the house 01 .. 8. A. Mills.
In South Towanda, at the school house near A C.
In Trey horn' at the Eagle Tavern.
In Troy twp., at the house of V M Loh, in the
bor.,' of I'roy.
In Tuscarora, at the school house near James
In Ulster, at S. O. t4olcnmb's.
In Warren, at N. Cooper's.
In •
Welts, at L. Seeley's.
In Windham, at the house of ,Benjamin Kuyken—
In Wyalugmg, at the hohse ofj. H. Black.
In Wilmot. at the house of James Foster.
In Wyaox, at the Academy.
At which time and place the electors aforesaid
will elect by ballot
One person for Governor of ihi. e.,mmonweaith.
One person fpr Judge of the 'Supreme Court of
this Commonwealth.
One person for Canal Commissioner of the Com
One person to represent the 13th Coogressiunall
District compp.ed of counties or Bradiord, Susque.
hanna'and Tioga, in the house of Representatives at
Two persons to represent the county of Bradford
in the House of Representatives of the Common
wealth of Penn•ylvania.
One perßon for Prothonotary, Clerk of the Court
of Over and Terminer and Quarter Sessions, of said
con my.
One person as Register of Wills and Recorder of
Deeds fiar said county.
One poison for Commissioner of said County.
One person for Auditor of r aid county.
One person for Coroner county.
And in and by said act, I am further directed to
give notice" that every 'persitu excepting justices
•f.f the peace who shall hold any office of profit and
Rust under the government of the United States.or
of this State, or of any incorporated district and also
that every member of congress and of the State Le
'cl:lature and the select and common council of any
city or commtsConers of any incooporated district,
is by law incapanle of holding or exercising, at the
same time. the office or appointment of judge, In—
spector or Clerk, of any election - of this Common—
wealth, and that no inspector or other officer, of any
such election, shall be then eligible to any office to
be voted fur.
By the 4th section of an act passed the 16th day
of April, 1810; it is provided ~ that the 13th section
of an act passed July 2, 1839, entitled'• An act re
lating to the elections of this commonwealth," shall
'n9t be so construed itS to prevent any militia officer
frilm serving as Judge, Inspector or Clerk, at any
general or 'pecial election of this Commonwealth.
In the 6lsf section of the act first above mention—
ed, it is enacted that every general and special el
ection shall be opened between 8 and 10 in the
forenoon, And continue Without interruption or ad—
journment until 7 n't lurk in the o.rening. When the
pollsshall be closed.
lily the 18th Section of the act pas zed Feb.:3,1846
it shall be lawful for the inspectors and judges of
any general election which a tall be hereafter held
in the Armenia election distribt of BiaJlord county
to close the polls of such election at 5 o'clock P.M.
By the I !th section of the act of 1851, it is provi
vided that the polls of the election district Of Tus.
uarora twp. be closed at 5 o'clock P. M.
It is further - directed that the meeting of tile Judg
es at the court Honse ih Towanda, to Make out the
gaper:ll return, shall be oh the 3d day after the el—
ection. which will be on the 13th day of October.
It is also directed the meeting of the return judg,
es for Th e. 13th Congressional district to mrke out
the returns for Member of Congress. shall be at the
Court House, in the born' of Towanda on the 7th
day after the election, which will, be on the 17th
day of October.
AN A CT for the_.S'uppressiou of toe Attlanofudure and
Side of infatuating Liquors, as a Beverage. ,
WHEREAS, All laws to be efficient s hould hare
the approbation and sanction of the People :
- And Whereas, It is represented that a large !WM•
bar, if riot a majority of the citizens of this Com
-monwealth, ore deeply impressed with the necessi•
' ty of the Passaeo' of a Prohibitory Liquor La 4 I
And Whereas; It is impossible to obtain a certain
indication of popular sentiment relating thereto by
means of petitions and remonstrance: Therefore,
gt . Be it snarled by the &nal, and House of'Re—
presentatires of Me Comnionwrafth of Peanatilean;a
in General Assembly mot, and it is hereby enacted
by authority of the. some, That the qualified voters
of this Commonwealth are hereby authorized at
places for holding the general elections in their re
spective wants, boroughs and townstips, on the se
cond Tuesday of October nest, to vote for and
against a law which shall entirely prohibit by pro
per and constitutional regulations and penallies,the
•man n facture and sale of into: icating liquors, except
for medical,sacramental, mechanical and arti.tical
pu 'looses.
§2. That the o ffi cers authorized by law to hold
elections in each - ward, borough and township, of
this Commonwealth, ire hereby directed and re—
quired-at the place fired by law, in the several dis
tricts fur the holding of the general elections iro said
districts, on the second Tuesday of October next.
when they shall be organized at an election board, 1
to receive from each qualified voter of their said die.
tricts. a ticket written or printed on the outside,
" Prohibitory. Liquor Law, and the tickets in favor
of the proposed law shall contain in the inside the
words •' For a Prohibitory Liquor Law," and those
opposed to the.propesed law shall contain in the in
sie!e 'word., " Against the Prohibitory Liquor
Law;' which votes shall be counted and re turned
to the court house of the counties or city. in- which
the said election shall be held, on the following Fri
day .by the return judges. who' shall cast up and
certify all the votes polledxn said county or city, to
the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth at
'Harrisburg, directed and trensmitted in the same
manner, the votewfor Governer are required to be
directed and transmitted, and said Secretary - shall
on the third Friday of January next ensuing, com—
municate the said return. to the Legislature, to be
Opened and counted in , the same manner the voles
for Givernor are opened and counted, and consid
ered as the prayer of the voters of this Common—
wealth relative to a Prohibitory Liquor Law.
§3. That all the election laws of the Stzte ' pre.
scribing the bouts of opening and the polls
Vgal rAbit;t*natta.
One person f4 ,- r
High Sherif!' of said county.'
hem latv
—thereception.of votes., the punishment of Weal
voting. the defraying - the Izpeisef of ptiblication,
and holding of the...general elettion* - Ind return,of
the sante, and all other matters intidtot flteretcrv.he
and the same are declared applicable to the election
above, authorized.
Q 4. That it shall be the duty of the Sheriff: f the
several einintierrof this Commonwealth to. insert a
copy of sib% set in the proclamation for the general
election held on the r d Tuesday of October
nest. -
E. B. CRAB , Speaker of the House of' Repre
ht. WCABLIN„Speaker of the Senate .
Arent:melt—The twenty-eighth day of April, one
thousand eight hundred and fifty-four.
Sheriff's Office. Sept. 17, 1954.
WHEREAS, my wife Mary, has left my bed and
board, without any just cause or provoca—
tion, this is to forbid all persons harboring or tun
ing her on my account. as . I will pay no debts o
sr contracting after this date.
Browntown, August 21. 1854,..
THEREBY caution all persons from purchasing
I • note, give,. to Mr. SENSEBAUGH, or Bearer,
for ten dollars, dated Aug. 21st 1854, due the first of
April next, fort have received no value, and shall
not pay the same, unless I am compelled by law.
Sheshequin, Aug. 24, 1864.
4.. X
„_ jr:f
A. ' •
The Two Largest d. Most Popular
Equestrian Establishments
In the world, viz . the well known Companies,
DROME, of Philadelphia, and LENT'S NEW
YORK CIRCUS! Forming two distinct Exhibitions
blended together, and both given under one immense
Pavillion for a single price of admission—reports
of inferior companies to the contrary, notwithstand
ing, These Conwlidated Companies will exhibit
at TowAN DA, Oli ' TH CRSDA IC, Sept. 29. Doors
open at 2 and 7 o'clock P. M. Performance will
commence half an h •ur after opening. Admission
25 cents—no half price.
The only leg itimate circus now travelling, compos
ing upward - . of 200 men and horses 1 and requiring
30 Carriages and Baggage Yans, for the convey
ance of this truly Cullussal Establishment. Tile
Ne plus ultra
Drawn by Ten beautiful Creant Colored Harrier.,
containing 14 select NlCiciarts, and led by the ce
lebrated S. V. W. POST, Esq., will precede the
grand entree in each town, which .will take , place
at 10 o'clock in the morning of the day of Exhibi
The great English Clown. LINTON, has been
added to this concern, will appear in conjunction
with the celebrated BILL WORItELL.
The greet resource obtained by combining these
two Extensive and well known Troupupe, will al
low of a degree of Brilliancy being produced in their
entertalnm•-nts unparalleled in this country, and
unsurpassed in any other. A great Variety of Per.
formances now in this country, and peculiar to this
establishment, will be found comprised in the bill,
and it is confidently believed that the Novel Bril
liant, and exciting representations of the Double
Troupe. will form a feature in the amusements in
America, which will be remembered with gratifies.
lion for years Le come.
The bright array of talent attached to the Con
solidated Establishment includes a great number of
the most distinguished names in the Equestran Pro.
fession, most of whom are as well known in Europe
as up on this side of the Atlantic. Among the most
prominent of the Equestran Stirs, are Maine Min
na, the great Prussian Equestrienne ; Mad'lle
the youthful, fearless,and (anointing rider—Mad'lls
Angeline. ophie, Irene, and Jenny—Worrill the
Pest , best blown of the-age—Hiram W. Franklin,
S. P. Suckney, H. F. Nichols, 1. Harkins, W. Kin•
cade, D. Stevens, Master Willie, and numerous
others, all knoUrn to fame. and nneaqualed in their
respective department. Per a full description of
the Magnificent Entertainnients !o be given the lea.
der is referred to the aef T criptive billsat the princi
pal hotels, as it *mild be impossible to give an
adequate idea of -their vast extent and Variety in
the limits of a newspaper ad ve rtisement.
E'ach Afternoon's Exhibition will terminnie with
the extremly laughable French Equestrian Bar—
le:tque. entitled LE JOCKEY—while at night, the
Performance will Conclude with the great Legenda
ry, Hippodramstit litriectaele of
Bt. George and the Dragon,
produced with all the Original Mnsic. superb Dres•
see Appointments and Machinery, employed at the
National Ampitheatre, in Philadelphia, when it had
an iinprbtedentel run, The piece abottnds In
Grand Combatse Terrible Encounters, and startling
incidents--coucluding with the grand Proceitsion,
t ry tor further particulars see large and small
bills at Hotels
o zyb This Company will eloo exhibit at Coving
ton the 211, Troy 27. end Waverly 29111 of 'September.
J. W. BANKS, ft. P. HOWES,
F. J. HOWES, L. 11. HOWES,
Towanda, Sept. 9, h:l4
Horses, Harness & Wagon for sale,
THE MAN. who wants to poichase a span of
Young Horses, Harness, and Lumber Wagon,
on very favorable terms, can hear of an opportuni—
ty, by calling at this oilier. lone gB, 1854.
Engine and Fixtures for sale.
riNE second hand ENGINE and fixtures for a
V SAW MILL. capable nf driving two or more
saws, all in trod order, and will be said cheap, on
a long credit, if desired. The Engine is no run—
ning, and bans be seen by calling on H. S. Dkvirn
sox, at Ulster. or G. F. Wir.u.s.s. Jr. at Athens, Pa.
Ulster, July 19, Mt
CM GS. Z. mom,
Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pa.
OPFlCH—Opposite U. 8. Hotel—Up Stairs.
AnnilllTlo s g/Riattiall'hs aßaal'
Bx. virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of the
county of Bradford, will be exposed, to public
sato on the premises, on Itaturday, the 7th day of
October next, at" I o'clock, P. M. the following pro
perty, to wit ;
The one-half or whole (as may agreed upon by
the Administrators) of a lot of land in Burlington
township, late the estate of Obadiah Blakeslee, dec'd
bounded north by lands of John Dustin. east by M.
I.uther, south by E. Overton, and west by E. Nich
ols and H. Boothe.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
Sept. 12,1854 . . Administrators.
TONS more of those cheap Sugars jgst reed
QJ And for sale by PHINN. Er.
lops- Was Bmaa,ll3,lamar,
ay at Law. ' -
Towanda. Peoria,
111 now receiving all sensor NE W GOODS, whir h
I will be sold very low for Cash.
May 3, 1854.
MUM IEO lEL 21.4122DZ'
WOULD inform her friend', that sha has just re
turned from the city, with a large assortment
which shtoffers at reduced price's. Produce of es.
ery kind taken in payment for goads.
REMOVAL.---DR. MASON has removed
his office to his dwelling, on Pine street. Opposite
.e old Presbyterian Church.
Towanda, May 13, 1854.
Plows and Plow dastings!
P LATCHLEY, Wayne county, Alba or Curtis
▪ Plows, Side hill, subsoil and corn plows and
Castings, for sale cheap.
I take particular pains to get goort well made
plows and tough castings. I would invite particu
lar attention to the Alba, or Curtis plow.
Call and see. R. M. WELLES.
Cistern and Well ramps I
LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Rams ! of any kind,
size, &c., cheap for ready pay, for sale by
Jan. 8, 1853. • R. M. WELLES.
TEST recessed by Joseph Kingsbury, ■ large and
complete stock of NEW GOODS, for sale as
CRiAP roe C• 511!
Towanda'. April 28. 1854.
Bituminous Coal.—Barclay Coal Bed.
THE undersigned is prepared to furnish at the
beds, any quantity of this superior COAL, at
the reduced pri,:e of $1 25 per ton for Blacksmith
coal, and $1 75 for picked Grate coal. Payment in
cash or country produce, but no credit will be given.
for the Barclay R.R. and Coal Company.
Franklin (01(1.0,1 Bed) May 25, 1854.
Office with * Resister and Recorder,
Tnw*sn•, PA.
OFFICE in the second story of the Union Block,
kl north side of the Public square, over the office
of J. C. Adams, Esq. Sept. 24.
Office removed to John C. Adams' Office in the
Union Block. July 20.
. _
Administrator's Notice.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Henry
Vandyke, decd late of Albany tp., are reques
ted to make payment without delay'l and those haw:
Ina! demands spins; said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
August 95, 1854. . Administrators.
The ,fisquthanna Collegiate Institute,
WILL be opened for the reception of Pupils.
Mule and Female, on Wednesday the 6th
September, when the Inaugural exercises will take
Professor of Natural, Mental Moral sciences.
Profetsoi or Ancient and Modern Languages and
belles Letiros.
Prof. of Mathematica and ►taster of Normal School
Tbaeber of Mosta end Frendh.
Teacher of English and Music.
Negotiations ere in progress for securing the set.
vices of two other Lady teachors in tune for the
(ry. The Principal will resiao in the Institute and
the Pupils will board With his family.
The academic year will co.isist of three terms of
fourteen weeks each.
Tuition in the 9th class, Elementary Eugh.h
Branches, PI 00
3.1 Clas9, higher English Branches, 3 go
2d Class, Mathematics, Natural aktence and
Classics commenced, 0 00
Ist Class. Menial and Mural Science with the
above continued; 7 on
Tuition in Modern Langnaces each, 8 00
Ornamental Needle Work and Embroidery, 200
Drawing, 2 00
Oil Painting in Landscapes i 8 do
do in Figures, , 10 00
Instruittental %sic With use of instrument, 10 00
Room Rent, 1 73
Incidental expenses. 33
Boarding in the Hall $1 02 per Week, or per
Term, 22
Washing, three shillings per dozen. Lights and
Fuel at the actual expense.
In addition to the above course, College classes
will be organized if advanced scholars apply.
Especial attentionsral be paid to the instruction
of persona designing to qualify themselves u Taach•
era fbr Common Schools,
Pupils will forniah themselves with bed,bedding.
towel; &c. The Bills for the term must be paid in
advance, or one half at the entrance, and the re
maining half at the etpiration of the half term.
C. L. WARP, President.
8. F. Corr, Sec. J. D. MPIIITAN T 6, Treas.
Towanda, August 12, 1854.
Stew Remedies and Quick Cures !
AND without the-use of the Knife, the Firing
Iron, or any of those liquid caustics, such as
Nitric, Mari:tile or sulphuric Acid, Fre., or any of
those baneful liquids so often made use of, to the
shame of the Farrier andthe torture of tnat useful
animal, the Horse. without any necessary purpose
Also all diseases of the horse treated scientifically.
Refeiences of past services can be had. as also
tba bona fide Kingbones and apsvins taken off hors
es already operated od, together with several other
Fistoles, pipes, Tumors,
Applications to the subscriber, who will be at the
Monroeton Exchange, where he can be consutted
on the subject free of expense, • •
The subscribet would wish (hose likely to want
his services, to call withovt delay, as it will depend
on the amount of practice the lenfith of time he will
remain, and as It requires about two weeks' alien•
Lion to each hem, be cannot remain vnleqii tie - gets
four or five together to operate on.
cr:r Terms from $lO to $25: Payment in sit cas
es to be made before the horse leaves the stable.
Monroeton. Aug. 20, 14155.
THE subeeribeis ere in want of a young man as
an ahpraotiee to the, Tinman's trade. 17-or 18
years of age, of good habits, who they will bind
themselves to learn the business.
Towanda, July 25, 1854.
X 4l) PIPE' .AND P (-MPS, of all kinds and size,.:
dirk i.fiep,dit thirt. : theee are on'y J part of the general head .{ under which may h• '
assortment, avid - ra-whicrt they are immtantly receiving additional •witilllica. direct !;-•
manufac(tirera.aehich enable. them 1,, tier quph induceinenta in their large stock 1•••,-e
11 chakenie,enintietition from any quarter. We would aak the particular anemia!,
ma AV8213 A.\ .Vl2 Ini-`.1, 6 ,1aT ,5 113.3 0 .
',ion or onC stock. -hich having been •ieleeied, with the greatt-st, rare, we are
e mo.t particular.
rgett the plaCe—South side atl
I,e pn is . f oare.
.ppor and Brass; and all Yrodtice taken in exchaLge L,r goods.
ay 27, 11854. HALL & RUSSELL.
Would infor
their extensiv
importers an
prices, that
to an ezamin
satisfy even I
al. Don't 1.
Old Irnn,
THE FlAlber, that-Air:ll for tbe liberal reitretiß e e received the past year, intends to keep constantly 0
hand a cull fifegoiltnetit of the very best articles usually kept in our bne, which Ili wits. dispose of o
such terms a will be satisfactory to all who may petrotqr,o bun. The purchases are made entirely with ca.
in hand, and or the 1;0111 wir'cu4omerm sill receive th- b-neiii of 3 g ood article at a low price. All ail/clt
riot answerin our recorn inf•Mlation , will be cheer/obt, / token back, and the mow 1 , refunded.
1;- - ;
rdical Advice gratuitously given at the 11111rP, ehargiut , only for the Medicines..
1 The stock consists of a corn to and select assortment .1
Pure Wine & Liquors, Medicinal nse, London Porter & Scotch Ale.
IA Set P:11111) B‘ ,, IITMI.NT vr if
American ' Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant:d Good.)
Superior FOItACCO & SPITIPP !----Choice brands of Pure Eavanna, Priacir 4
' and Yara CIGARS !
Paints, IS, Ilarnislnt%, Window edampt. Brutillte%, Perfumery. Sim% lag Soap.
! fancy Arlieles. &c. &c.
Black and l',reeti Tea'; Bin rind Java ('ufl;•i
; 4 alrrion, Mackerel,' rd Ines, &c.
" Vic bed '"?onlity of Goods—roll fm , ot—Mod•zr,Jte .4r)rtinn fn Crvfnmel v
Altalteratioo of Good,--Comini Att—rce as to Poleol Run edtes—uoil A trod ion
Towanda, Novornber ,12,- 1853, H. C. PORTER. D.
Atrar4d to this Machine at the Fair of the A mericnn Iro.Otote. Nev. Vork. Oct. I F 321.
A Dipl oma at the 'Franklin 'institute, Philadelphia. Fir,' Premium at the Slat
Fair, I flea. Newyork, end at the Columbia and Rensselaer County .Nevr Tack Pairs,
and a ilitplornis at the 'Westchester County Fair at While Plains.
- "i - - -- -
111 11t» present terresegetnent tisi• bLld, seeress:A soh
Tesslush). 1111, the lobor is dh dee by en nnet,l
Cyl4tit/tr to break the apples. nlad then (lell,er tbom In the
lower rylltelers in he srsleeest yonotre inn 11.14 or
santtement the work is j‘erforuted faster not n.tth n e e .),
less latter.
The 'lssees I, srennttesl ni h n te Is. fee orrvv.
fermerty. end by it yen ineeol.ols des rec. the 11F1. t ,•••.
is dlepenetel with tool the no, nook to open to .111 to
liner the pont:tee w tole nt .1.1..0110 Ib. t I.', I. let ,
deer and the work enn .1n1,.• ithi
by thwobi method. The Cylinders Ow n.,err oh Iten•N
sheet '4itte, both on their lel iph.•rots end enni. the o: eat
In them 1. nes:lege) n. nut t“ ••11.1 L.
en It'll ere, l'rees tootle to the, ern 1-..• to-noer nett
arranged with CITIVIIII lit•K I I anal wri
No FRIFIVIer wln. 11 4 .1% o ,111.1
to dlrrettons will tor dlaappol oil rd. I;11( .01 t,t
hand he will tirot thi, roue( the um.t. I:diLlU*, and Pliirienal
machines on his farm.
The 4mnd:dun la snide to run by horfe. ste,tn. or bend
power. and vrtun the tug b e pry ~rottntl. n ton:111 boy aLI 14
yearn of age rem pees the mania a'with nil VA
in nil former flaw, it WI , L4 n ant that n .7,an n lit,
Of I 'later MUM only he male by a-mg n iamdei no. r., whine ;
that slowly entailed the elides a p ball grinding them tale.
They wore then made into a mrsaite eh,a, in ore,. and
most revere and long pres,•ure WWI reit:tired to ex m•-t a
portion of the Osier. a mn.idhirable phi nuts bring 0 - , 44rtnni
ley thn straw and the me.. of potn.n, an I , n
um" tisfactory result the (Arnim. hial to take all hi. hands.
and perhaps his six-borne temni and devote aw hole day that
could bale born mere profitably emplei ed. to make teem
Fix to eight barrels of ebnr. To obviate the difficulty the
Eminent tunes heretofore laboroil under, this linehin• tom
been invented, and the otatarnent of a few note will prate
that it'to not only the best Ilerhine a I Le kind in ex mien',,
bat it I the moor profitable flint a min can have on his
farm. The apples are hi thin 31achine grated up into a fine
pulp. ro that it require but a ocimparatisely light prenaure.
and that but a minute or two, Weitrart all the ( idcy. it
being tirrertaloid by pmeticat exptiritnent that ore-Fourth
more juice oari bo obtained than by the old prem. tie-
• eiderth3n.ln this.only requires two hewn to grind tip and make
Into Cider a larger quantity of arrtis than earl be pordbly
date on the old-fashioned marAinew. (In thin peers, owing
to the, osinpletnass of the pnleace in the tub. and the cola
plate taunter In which it is ground; a pet—Fury of from 1 to
it tans that ran costly Fat Obtained—will produce a more
fate rable result than fifty tens preserve on the ordinary
Uttered weer/lag te Ant at , 0 We year 1114. in
(rj-R, hi by HALT. er RT";SF.I.I.. Tower,:,
TTWOHUNDRED TONS Cayuga Ground Pla, &E co-partnership heretofore extAtng betsref
ter, to° Barrels Salt. 100 Bbls. White Stone Inc subscribers. under the firm o' Alexalider bushels Orwell & Ww‘t Branch Clover I Solomon, was dissolved by mutual e'pasent on !ti
Bleed, so hi:theta Timothy Seed. 600 lbs. Allepay 27th day of May. M. E. Solomon retirir a. Ty.
County Cheese. just received sod for sale by ! .Iwrinses will hereafter beearrted oa trader the our.
BAILEY & NEVENer. of I. &S. Alexander.
Towanda; April 27. t 854. '1 otvanda, May 17, 18:4.
Wholeiale and Reinik - beaters is
Tin, Japanned and Britannia Ware,
Trimmings, Carriage Trimmings, Harness egi
Ware, Carpenter's and Joiner's Tcolg
Fronting the Public Square.
t i.L r l'et,t, es en it the nitt.hve were gr..,11,1 tittelt T• en
tht itel4.tto.l rl,l the :1,1 tett NV..., Mr,..1 • .1.
1 , I, but N 11141.111, it %could .1 a 11.•
',..11.1ret1 I. l+ S., tle• rt,tolt .rtuttlt•hetl hr 11,1*
.11,11 The f.'', 0,1.; tr..) t.. 1 MO detttlett
m;ltttettltte. of tI I. •1:11
lint— It uOl mu t, a l e., fulaa Ihnn pna eth., "re.a. a c_h
burn qaA t/ tit, ••i At plea, 111 n e nnu 111 lie. nud .ith Mu! h
r 3t ;
Thinl nr) I! /1)•.` • •, r f,ff. • ,o, f
011 !! 7111 la f ‘ f .f. mato- f ,, ul ti ff of
Iron With ft lo af . fit pr, 'our . orray 4 2. 4lf
rim, -11, rpn NI
one-fourth of your
Into lu Inokic Ing A pple.but tr.
amid Sverel Cld. m.
lt 1.11 311 rl, ~;11•••,•• rr...n the. rf . .•,•.*•1• 011 , 1
1, , t1 .111 n Inn • aprien Is-w I 1 r." I. . -
, tnl , ll • nll •nn il lc lliaL an. in... 111 rent I .L.l :a cr
..otll .10 ,ilr.oll
VII you Wi , l1 R
iohale in anttrltnuto nt a.I ( Orr that
•utat and 11. , h, the vainlnn,' it ol rUall I ,, tatil(s and f t
for ty..• • amt. (In stt i n ,rrat tr..
bard Inbar • ni iviroillog the making, of
A ppir.butier If and nur word
an It. 1.n3 tr(i;l n.PI polvt. , l
'Ti.,4 Mill I. n - nr(ttit.l onia• - tnr ta at, (tiller pnrintlw
(..11aNtrtre. aart Ono Itroprattnr to rraglr at any dine.
•inn sir n , afite bran,: Fern.. to tad it with .n•: poriatti t .
% 1 111 (hal n(1( an (Idly C . 01:11 - nt in
Our great nal:kr/tag, of Una .11.•hit.e r.s• r all other,.
that It tint clitol4e up, act , 4a rrl or not .401
rap hr ground. null vet the I.'7,A:oder- a ill always rematu
dome and la plialmg ..rder•
This 11111, .tton4l.l ty men. sill. uheu pre., crly reerked
2,111 , 11,1 g to direct intie. make n to 12 kirrele of rbier a der—
:lod trill grtud alpine by home -terror from 100 to WO biletiiila
of &pries n (lay.
CEO- The Price of the 1 11'1 is :tn. free of freight
Tr ARM:Ii or, . 31ny, 1' as". W. 0. HICXCX
the District Coact Of the rILIOOtO DlitriOt Or rl.ol3aylvsuta.
: - " : •upt Spo - c;, &c Sc.c
It r 01 . m,6.• , l. , anrrnit •oro.•Ir-^ an♦
h r
ut s.l tom.. Precis
thts-nessly IMPROVED
MILL, before you buy utay othes.
111 un;ei , he filled in thP -2, h they Are
nrvivv.l. end nil pererrtv, "renting thrm would do well to
rend thrir priers early, and atate at what time they want
he Mal cent.
011 , i hr 1. . H. TDNG 1711'