Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 09, 1854, Image 4

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    :~ an~rwri%
Mal o.l6ll7iNgen-,
Proposing Aniendinairts' 'the Coiitti
talon of the Cloininoteweaftli.
Qt:_cTION I. Resolved. by the enateland House
1..). Representaiil{es.of the eninmimwealtb of
Penooylv`ania, in General Aseembly met—That the
tutlowmaa: amendments l e a‘hd,thei setae ird - r dtereby
ropostd to the c.onstitution orthe commonwealth,
under and in aceordanceitito the provisions - of the
tenth article thereof, to wit—
germs 1: The aggregate amount of debts here
aster contracted by the Commonwealth shall never
exceed the sum of aye hundred thousand dollars,
except io ease of war to repel invasion. suppres
inatirrection, or to redeem the public debt of the
Commonwealth, and the money so raised shad be
applied to the purpose for which the debt may be
contracted, to pay such debts, and to no other pin
plier yr
SECTI ON 2. To pay the public debt of the torri- ,- ,
raonurealth,knd debts which may hereafter be con
tracted in case of war to - repel invasion, suppress
insurrection, and to -redeem the public debt, the
Legislature shall at th it next sesiVion after the ad
option of this section into the Constitution, prOvide
by law for the creation of a sinking fund. which
shall not be abolished until the said public debts be
.wholly paid, to consist of all the net annual income
from the poplin works and stacks owned by the
C ~ m intotweilth, or any other funds arising under
any revenue law-now existing or that may be, here
:icier enacted, so far as the rams may be required
to pay the interest of said debts semi-annually, anti
annually to reduce the principal thereof by a sum
not fees than five huodred thousand dollars, incress
i-,1 c errfy by compounding at a rate of not lese than
centum per annum—the said stoking fund
shall lie invested in the (cause{ the commonwealth
which shall be cancelled from tune to time in a man
ner to be provided by las—ito porion of the sink
lag fund shall ever be applied to the debt of five
t.iindred thousand dollars mentioned in the Brit sec
t, n of this article, but the said sinking fund shall
t applied only to the purposes herein spetified.
61. e TI ON p. The credit of the Commonwealth shall
1 in any way be given or loaned to trr gb std of
vidual, company, corporation or associa
tion, nor, shall the commonwealth hereafter become
n joint owner or stockholder in any company, ass°.
ciation or corporation in this commonwealth, or
elsewhere, formed for any purposes.
SECTION 4. The commonwealth shall never as
sume the debts of any county, city. boro' or town
ship, or of any corporation or association, utile
. pitch debts shall have beon contracted in repel Inv a
Trion, suppress insurrection or to defend the Ware
.in war.
raorosivioa SECOND—TO lIH 1/ITICLI %I.
Prohibiting Municipal Subscriptions. -
.The Legislature shall never authorize any ciy,
county, borough or township, by a voe of its citi2cns
or othetOrtse, to become a stotkholder in any joint
stock company, association or corporation, or to
raise money for, 'or loan its credit tu, or in all of
any such company or association.
Speaker of the Hau l m of Rcpreseotatines.
lit. 744 q.; ASI.II •
- Speaker of the Senate.
to the Senate, April 29, 19f.14-11esoired, That
this re,'olut'on pass. Yeas, 22, Nays 6.
Extract from the Journal,
T. A. MAIJUtRE, Clerk.
In die•Tinisse of Representatives, April 2t, I A 54
—Resolved, That this -resolution pass. Yeas 7t,
Nays 20. • Extract from the Journal.
WM. JACK, Clerk.
Secretary'. Office—Flied April 23,1854.'
C. A. '81.,Af,31V.
Secretary If the Counnoraceallt
resistmrsma, ss
Emciimal'a Orrice 4
}Harrisburg. idly I, 1851.1 Ido hereby certify that the above and fore•
v. s. going is a true and Correct copy of the ori•
tr t ti Oval_ '• Resolution relative io an amend
ment of the constitution," .as the same remains cm
file in this office.
la testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my
hand end caused to be affixed the seal of the Secrer
terfa affice the day and year above written.
reerelary of the Commonwealth.
i017U1114 Or TUE YENATZ.
^Rea°lution No. 562, entitled 'ResolutiOn propo
sing amendments to the constitution of the corn_
morrwealth: was read a third tune, flu the ques
tion, Will the Senate agree to the fast proposition 7
the aye- and siclys.were taken agreeably to the con
stitution, and were IS foffores, viz—
Yeas—Messrs. Duckalew, Darlington, Dareic,
Ferguson, Foulkrud, Frick, Fry, Goodwin, Halde
ter, }Vigo, Jamison McClintock, M'Yarland, Piatr,
Quiggle, Sager, Slifer, and M'Casliu, speaker-23.
Ns: a—Messrs. Cre ssirelradrieks,Kiu
r•r, Kunkel and Shin ner-6,
Scathe question was determined in thearetrrati've.
On•the question, Will the Senate agtee to the se
e/rod proposition ? the yeas and nays were taken
agreeably to• the constitution, and were u follows,
Ytos—Messrs. Ifeckalew, Darste, Forenoon.
Foulkrod, Fry, Goodwin,. naldeman,ll. D. Hamlin,
E. W. Hamlin Hendrick's, tHrter c Hoge. Jamison,
Kinzer, ht'Clintock, WParland, Pint., Price, goig
v ale. Slifer, Wherry and M'Caslin. speaker-224
NATS -. 4tesUS. Crabb, Crestrwelt Darlington,
Hamilton, Kunkel and Skinner-4.
do the question was determined in lbeafrortaratlee.
.70VIMIL OF TVIL BOVSII OT war is twirsqrsits.
The question recurring upon the final passage°,
' the, riesolutiong, the first proposition was agreed to
es follows, viz— -
Y ess—Messrs. Abraham, Adams, Atherton, Ball,
Barton. Beyer, Bighorn, Boyd, Bush, Byerly, Cald.
well, Calvin, Carlisle, Chamberlin, Cook, Crane,
curnmins Dougherty, Davis, De France. Dunning,
Eckert, Flinger, Eldred, Evens, Foster, Frey, Gal-
Giboney, Gilmore, Gray,. Groom, Gwin,
Hamilton, Hat, Herr, Hiestaad, Hither, Hilnple,
Hero. Hummel, littneoCker, Heat er,HVilt, J4kMan,
Kilgore, Iknight, Lamy, (Lehigh) Linn, Magee,
, Maguire, l'te no erfieldi M'Contiell,WCossell, M'Kee,
I: r Iktc,r. av, an, Montgomery, Moore, Moser,
Mc , e;Paltner, Parke, Passmose, Patterson, Porter,
Putney, Rawlins Roberts,' Rowe Ballads,. Beau,
, Si dle, Simonton', utish', (Berke') amid , (ICravroulY
1, Eke wart, Stockdale. Strong, Struthers, Wheeler,
Wickleitt, Wright, Ziegler, and Chase, speaker-85.
13 , 5• the question wag detertninedt in thraffirmative.
On the question; wilt the' Howse agree to the sec
ond proposition, the ayes and nays were taken,
• agreeably to the prolisions of the 10tIvarticle of the
conetitution, and arose follows—
Yass—Measra. Abraham, Atherton. ' Ball; Warren.
Beck, Beyer, Bigharn. Boyd, Caldwell, Carliale
Chamberlain, Cook, - Crane, Cummins, Dougherty
Davis, Deegan, De France, Donning, Edinger
Eldred, Evans, Fry, Gatlentine, Gibboney, Gitinore
Gray, Groom; Gr in. Hamilton, Hiestand, Hillier
Ripple, Honkacker, Hunter, Hunt, Jackman, IFilt.
• gore, Knight,Laury (Lehigh) Lowrey (Tioga) Linn
Magee, Maguire, Manderfield, brew:well. M'Kee
Mosaahest•MoSkgstnerY, Moore, Moser, Muse, Pal
veer, Prate, Phrutlee, Passznore, Philemon, Porter
Rawlings Roberta, Rowe, Ballade; Scott. Simonton
Booth (111mirs)Bmith (era wford) , Blockdalk Wheel
er, Wicklein, Wright and'Chese speaker-7r.
Nags—Messrs.- Marna, Baldwin. -Beans, Ohs&
Byerly, Eckert; Ellis, Hart, Herr, Horn, Hammel.
M'Combs, Miller, Poulson ) Piltney, Stile; Stewart'
Strong, Struthers and - Ziegler-20:
Bathe question was determinedihrthe affirmative.-
Stearns-ea Orrice, "e
Harriaburg, July 1, 18541.5
"Ari Tdo certify that the above and furegoingis
s. s. a true and' correott copjpol the 'leas and
‘".o Nays taken on the- Rhsollition relative to
an Amerika** of the constitution of the COmmon
wealth, neihetsms appears on the Journals of the
two HOWES Of, the General Assembly of this Com
monwealth for the year 1554. - -
Witness my hand and the seal of said office this
41st day- aCickly..los4. C. A. SLACK,
LW, t. 1 0 Secretary of the Commonceeehle:
1 5 VA Xf AI 24:
- Malted. •
TS now being,reptenisbed with a full and complete
I stock of
Drugs, medicines,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Miaow Glas,, Pure Wines
'and liquors, 4., 4c.,
Together with Paints.Torßentine, Vernual, Dye.
Woods dc Dye•Stutra, Mass, Putty, choice Groceries,
pure Wines and Liquors for- Medicinal purposes.—
Also, Cigars of the best brand , and all articles con
nested with the trade.
to short, every thing connected With the trade. The
Goods have been bought extremely low, for cash,
and will be sold aecordingly.
N. D. A superior article of Tanner's and Neat's
Font Oil just received. -
Q3' Itturstzu the place-3 doors south of Mon•
tanye's corner—ssame building of the' Argus Office
All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pee.
(oriel, eichenclie ,Puldionie Syrup of Yellow Dock
Root, Ortiek'e, Robensacks, and Jaynes Vermifuge.
l'ogether smith all of the mostpopular Patent medicines
now in use constantly on band and Inc sale at
REED'S Mum litorrr.
Three Doors below Muntailye's .rorner.
Towanda, January 3, 18.13. .
I 8 nowbei ng Dß r t e lis, f a .
s r n he
LI E t c h l n E e s w
l a .. o n d e p y
a le , r
imps—soave of them new and heautiful patterns,
to short, everything advertised in his regutgr col- i
umn, has been completely filled up, with fresh Goods
from New-York 111111 Philadelphia.
‘lathewson's Horse Remedy, Hari:ling Oil, Mus
tang Linameni, and several new and popnlar Medi
cines which will be sold ettrernely low for Cash.
PaintaThls Varnishes, (Pass, Wales
dr.c., as usual.
6 rlßmutraas of old Ohio NV Yislcev just received
lf and for said wholesale and retail, at Reed's
Drug Store,
18 QUINTI.Es of Codfish, Eicettii of Herring,
te barrels of staters tas, warranted in pfime
ostler. left ott *ale at New Vork cash prices at
IttlElEtt Ilrag liftote, Towanda., Jan. 28. 1853.
I 96.E.IMPBerell: p n a a c r k r tAr tli c iab i lc it r
g o r t int l i "d o e r P :f i er r k
ate cheap at ftgr.D'S DRUG STOR E .
Sept. 4, 1833.
stands of various kinds, Chains
and Bedsteads of every description, which are, and
will be made of the beat material and workmanlike
manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper
than can be bought in any other Ware room in the
1L714.731.-DIULDri Ct:1172:11111,
on hand on the most reasonable terms. A good
HEARSE will bc farniAlted on Funeral occasions.
Towanda. June I, 1851.
Now being opened by
Cash and Beady Pay Dealer in
FMNY and Staple Dry Goods ; Cloths, e a , k i.
meres and Yestings; Hats, Gaps & Straw
Good.—carpets and co:1 cloths ; Yankee :sialinna—
Boots and Shoes—raper ilaneinge—Trarrsparen r
all of which are offered for ante (or C Axil . or i
RR ef tat thelowesi possible price.:.
Among his stock of Dry Goods will be found a ,
large assortMent of Black, Fancy and Plain Dies,
Silks--thelis, Benzes and Braze de Lames—De- i
beges, Mo stin de Laines and Lawns—Plaid and
Plain Poplios,-Plaiair black, white, pink, hlue and
corn colored Delaines—rtench, Scoteh assts Amer
ican Ginghams—English sod' American Prints—
Black, blue and white Berea* de Loins, ~ittrits.
Prints, &c.
Swiss and heartnett Edgings, Insertings and
rlouncinga, &e. Wrought Linen Edgings—Cotton
and Smyrna Edgings. Wrought and lace callers
—all prices—Lace and muslin underaleeves—Un.
der bandkerehiefs—all prices—Mourning under
bdk'fs., collars and hd'afs.—Embroidered, hem•
stivekr & plain linen. bdk'fs—Plain mourning and
I Mark late 'fells—Plain and Scored *mien and silk
laces. hconnetts, Swiss and' Book Muslin, Bishop
Lawns, Tarlton', &c.. Lace & embroidered
!Kato Window Drapery.
B'est quality of Ladies and Gents. Kid Gloves--
,whirs, black & assorted colors—Best quality silk
и kid Enish—Plain silk 4 lisle thread,do.,
sorra) colors and quatitiezt--Freneb silk mitts,long
attif strortefor bulky and Misses. Blast silk, whrte
and clouded nie ri etrbose-vW hire colbred, onble aeh
ed, mixed and black cotton Hose of every quality—
Misses white, colored 'and mixed-do.. all , sizes—
soya mixed exams half hose, assorted sizes : Men's
lambs wool', unbleactietP an* raised. cottoo. Hu if Rose,
asetrettd qualities.
Bieck Italian,- bray Mile mid linen, lawn and
ginghaurCiattata, Silk and:Satin' stocks-veounnon
and 3 ply Collars--silk and Linen liandkerelliefs.
ALSO—A large smelt c f black and colored'
11111kCiM 0174195N9i s'
Plkip bl'k doeskins, fancy caminleresamiVestiogs.
Tweeda. Kentucky Jeans, cottoned** and other rob
tossed linen Goods for men and boys wear.
Wateretiforeeds assorted cobra iihimitalr kr
curtains, lounges, ,d;c:, doable and' single .
Woratedembossed, damask linen and worsted and
couontabbi cloths. Bleached linen napkins.--
Bleacbeirand brownlinen damask table elcotth and.
Russian diaper and crash, bleached and unbleached
and colored muslin and almost every otherarticle of
family 'dry goods.
' A great satiety oft &ate and; Shoes for mens,
trot a, ladies, misses and childrens wear
broehrlimg and square Shawls. Cashmere, silk
andde s kine do., assorted collars, of all goatlike, ,
In addition to the abase enumerated' anicles,will
be foune a good assortment of merchandise, of al.
most every description, to which the attention of
the public is respectfully invi•cd.
Towanda. Apeil le, llabit.
THE subscriber would an
nounce to the public that he
have now on band, a rrd will make
to order all kinds of
Cabinet rurnitare,
such as Notas,Divaus, Lounges
Center, Card, Diming and Break
fast Tables. Mahogany, Wal-
nut, Maple and Cherry Re'reaus,
t r lnthinn
Tr - 1-1) o's
tXTOifLD respectfully tali Ilteri*htion of Ih4
public to their ldrge stock or Men? and boys°
Arnisbing Mods, canai.,ting of every vanety of
roadeloths,Cassitiveres, Doe skins. Tweeds, Kentucky
Jeans, Linens, Ehirts, Collars, Stocks, - Cravats, ,
Hosiery, Suspendere, flats, Carpet
Bags, Trunks, Canes, ,Yc •Ye.
which will be sold cheaper than the same quality can
be sold in Inv other establishment in this country.
Thei have also on band a well manufactured as•
sortmcn t of
Sondy-IVlntle Clothing,
to which vs+ invite tile attention of buyers. Our
Clothing is mostly made up in the shop—and not
-purchased le" slop-shops'—ws sane witilinatat
Orders in she Tailoring tine executed in the most
fashionable wanner, as the shortest notice; and war
j' The public will please hotitie one fact. that
so usa nnt.practicaqy acquainted with the 'sinews
it. capable of judging of the quiality and make of •
orment ; hence the teasori why the community
have been s i much imposed updn by a certain dam
of community who deal to ttte article , who, if they
were not practically and professionally cheats, could
of nece.sity• know nothing about the business.—
They are cert.:in. if the public would consult their
true interest, they would purchase cirri., of those aCi
quainter] with the buqinetss.
Towanda. April 12, 1854.
The Waverly .Heady Made Clothing
Stott & Wells, merchant Tailors,
HAVE the honor of announcing to the citizens of
Bradford County, thaC•they have just received .
the largest and most fashionable stock of
ever brought into' old Tina, .I:ottsibting in part of the
following articles:
Over, Dress,
Frock and Sack Coats ; Vests, Tanta,
Shirts, Drawers, Wrappers, Overalls, Stocks,
Cravats,Collars, Pocket hi'dkfa,&e,
Clutha and Trimmings constantly on hand—also
the fall fashion of Hats and Caps.
Our stock of Furnishing Goods is unsurpassed in
Tioga, and comprising everything necessary for a gen
tleman's outfit. Particular attention will be paid to our
(933'd V 2 LYATZllteMgrag,
Having received the latest New York Fashions, ne are
prepared to get up units on the shortest notice and in a
auperlor manner. CUTTING done on short notice,
end warranted to fit if properly made up.
Broad at.,l irst loot teat of the Post Office.
Waverly, Nov. 10, 1003.7
1. 110 JED MAL MAIL at IST Mil .
IN 41.711=110 I
sa.3 woo;
A NY man or boy, or any liody else wanting any
f CLOTHING, trill do well to call On
Prim'lts, and see bow
mg his new stock. lie has now the
Largest Clothing Store
n Athens. and his Goods were all bought cheap anj
a ill be sold cheap. Clothing is much tower in me
city', and Perkins is bound to let his customers have
the benefit flit.
TIM Storeis net* and lust fine.' ep. Two don.:
a'berve the Uttar, Nock, in At:thetas.
Ihns, Cap's, 404 yew and cheap.
Atiitas, A pri i RB, 1851.
800 mew 'mummy !!
'the subscribers have just received at iheir old
stand in %fermis's Illotk,l'owanda, a new and good
assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, consist.
mg of
Iteadir-iitafie Clothing,
ever imported into the County—an of the latest
styles in market, which are being scattered far and
wide. In the way of Furnishing Goods, we hate
Al complete assortment--;Cravats, Collars, Shirts,
Under Shirts, ITravters, Wrappers, Gloves, Buapen•
dere, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery of all binds, and a
variety of Trunks, dre.
Our Ready—Made Clothing embraces every thing
desirable in that line, and as we buy for CA*ll, we
can and will sell 20 per cent. lower than any other
Clothing Establishment in Towanda.
Tiyaranda. April D. 1854. 8. ALEXANDER.
111116SIZEIT cti XECT.Mb
south Corner of 111er-cur's Block, Plain Street,
ALE now opening their stock of GOODS for the
Spring and Kummer trade, comprising a full
and cotaptete assortment, and of the usual variety,
which will be, sold at a very small profit for Beady
haseng the assortment of
DRS' 4?0,008,
will be found a great variety of Ladies' Dress Goods
consisting in part of
Bcreges, B.rege Detains, all-wool Delaines, Lawns,
• plain and printed ; Ginghams, English,
Scotch and American • .Pwlins i
Irbil: of aft thuds and
colors 4-c ,
Mao, for men's west may bettrand Vitae Cleats,
Cassimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, Satin
• andetimmer Vestings.
Abso,•Sbeetings, Shirting% btesetted end krewn
Tick Stamter Gnu& for boys' wear, Cotton*"
Yarn, Carpet, Warp, Cotton Batten, etc., etc.
A full stock will be kept on band. Those in want
of Sugars. Teas, Coffee. Molasses, Stewart's best
Syrop.Spices. Pepper Ginger, saleratns,• ?loth,
Fish, Salt, Tobacco, or any other &Siete itrtbik
will do well to call on us before purchasing else.
A large a splendid assortment., Crockary, Glass
and Stone.ware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps—
A'aih, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty.
Thankful. for the fibers% patronage of the past sea
eon. the antfersigned Ike a pleasure in inviting the
public to an examination of our Spring , stock, be
lieving that good Goodaand low prices will insure
a speedy sale for ready pay ! TRACY & MOORS.
Towanda, May 12, 185 - ' "
n, R Writql.SlPT, to tow ,reeeirkorse Pane
ailircarefolly seteetelf stook of
'bought* for cash- einee the lite deciliter its prises,
'which he will offily ibr madly, pay at prices which
cannot to give.satisfantion—aniongother things
he invites particular. attention to his assortment of
Dress Goods.
?owaede,•A,ttf 15; 18.53'
Now opening a New Broca or Goons, consists
ing of toll and complete assortment of a l kind-
ifgirCirA. XIII ZrE,
which will be sold u cheap as the same quality of
Goods can .be bought anywhere this side of Dkw•
York. •'
Towanda, Dec. 10,1853;
30r1 NEW BARRELkI. fitlor Pork or Cider,
VI for sale at 75c each; by S. FELON ACM
'Nwantla, AVa. 10, 1055,
Innifg dalliCln•WlnUM,
Bradford County. Pennsylvania
• Straw Cutters.
HOV EY% Patent spirit knife Hay and Straw Cut
ters, of various sizes. No. 1,2, 3,4, 6 and 6.
Price—s 9, $9, $lO, $l2. $l6 and $2O. These Cut—
ters are better and cheaper than the straight knife Cut
ter, with knives set diagonally on the shaft.
The knives on Hovey's Cutter - are spiral. which
enables them to cm tit right anglesligainst the raw bide
roller. They cut steadily, with no lerking—am easily
kept in repair. tact' knife can be taken MT and shar—
pened without disturbing the shaft (or other knives)
and if necessary each knife can be set out or in, so as
to kip ttlethell.true, if one knife should wear faster
than soother. Every farmer should have one of these
labor and feed awing =thine&
cry For sale wholesale and retail—a liberal discount
made to those who buy to sell again.
Milers*. Pa. i November 10, 1856.
• Bradford County Minium Corn Shelters,
VHOLESAL? and Retail! The very best article
to be !bandit the county, and cheapest—Over—
ranted)--for sale at tile Agrieultural and stove store of
Nov. 10, 1 abl. R 74 . wtrlts.
C ook STOVES, of various and excellent patterns
and sizes--several - patterns of superior Ejevated
Ovens; amon g which is a combination of Oa. Clinton
and National Air-Tight, called the EAGLE. Also s
well selected stock of elegant parlor, hall, shop, church
and school house Stoves, both for wood and coal—of
sizes and prices to su;t all classes of customers. Call
and see. Nov. 10. IL M. WELLES.
Sausage and mince neat Cutters.
PICES $4 and $5. Every fanner shauM base one
of these escellant labor uving articles; they are
tappable of cntting from 100 to 200 pounds of meat per
hour, and are very simple, portable and easily kept in
repair, for sale by
Athens, Nov. 10, 1f 1 53. R. M. WELLES.
A"'just receiving at their large and commodious
New Store, opposite the Court Rouse, a large
assortment of
i'rovisions, Groceries, Yankee &lions, Toys, Fruit,
Confectionary; Willow ware, Arc.,
rdafting their stock the largest, most complete and best
in Northern Pennsylvania. And the very liberal pat
ronage they have received from the public during the
year past, establishes the fact that they eitherlsell
cheaper of sell goods of a better quality than any oth
er dealeid.
To merit dfid induce a continuance of so liberal pat
ronage we Stall still follow' our otd motto- 0 SMALL
raorril, ciuftr. ntvisnits, Arkii A Witglnr.NT 11111-” W.
Below we mat a 'eve of the articles Theft alweye be
found in our stock :
Black and green tea, Rio and Jail edifee. chocolate,
tacos, sugar, molasses, syrup, ginger, pepper, elk*,
cloves, nutmeg, chtarion; niece, soda, sidereal, cream
tartar, peppersauce i sperm and tallow candles, - hard
soap, vinegar, starch.
Mess park, dried beef, hams and shoulders, mackerel,
I codfish, shad, picketed boffin's, smoked herring, whcat
flour. buckwheat flour, corn meal, cheese, rice, beans,
potatoes, butter, lard, crackers, &c.
Trait di, Nuts.
Prunes, citrons. figs, Eng. currants, raisins, drier;
peachor, apples, almonds, filberts, Dratil nuts, Oreno,
bie skit Madeira walnuts, pea outs, chestnuts, &c.
Gerrnan, trench and American Toys,
Fancy Goods, An. &c.
'tin Wagons, rocking horses, boys' sleighs, China &
pewter toy tea setts, dolls, trumpets, accordions, harmog
nines, he. Glass, paper and wood inlaid work boxes
and toilet cases—toy bureaus, secretaries, writing desks
—plain and embroidered work baskets, knitting. do
pearl, ivory, papier mach* and leather port mortises,
wallets and purses, ivory ;horn and wood pocket combs
toilet combs, ivory fine combs, pocket inkstands, pock
et abd tonsil fancy mirrors, tobacco and snuff bosun,
' tigascasea, perfumery and hair oils,
. Brooms, toopsticks, clothes pins, bench screws, wit.
low clothes baskets and triaricet baskets, sugar and spice
• Candy of all kinds.
Dairy and table dandy
Salina Do. etc. etc. etc.
Country dealers supplied at a small advance from
New York prices.
Z. Most kinds of country prodpee taken in exchange
for goods. ffAILEY & NEVINS.
Towands, lanitvy 2, 1854.
racia6 31aihs:
Ttisr received, a new supply of Dr. Varwell's
*Great medicine for the tare of Consumption.
Persona threatened with the alarming disease would
do well to apply this medicine before it becomes too
late. Price $1 per bottle, sr six bottles for $5.
May 24. 1654. J. KINGSUERY.
Fartfer's Union Ingarate Compatiy.
Office ' Athens, Bradford Comity, i t a o ,
ANTAL, $2000:10, secured by bond and mort
gage on the real estate of the stockholders, fis
sures against toss by fire, houses, stores, and other
buildings, goods, wares and merchandise, on as fay
vorabie terms as any similar institution,
tons/ rimmertit •nausul Altb rAtir
Directors—Hon, Horace Williston, Francis Tyler,
George A Perkins, J T D Myer, C N Shipman. C
F Welles E Caulkld, Athens ; Bon John La
porte, Towanda; Gen. Bradley Wakeman, Lacey.
4ille; Deo: M Hiollentrack, Wiftesbarte:
Meylert, Laporte.
Vows—Ron. Horace Williston, Presiden i ;.l E
Canfield, See.; C F Welles, jr. V. Pies and ,reas.
t:CIP Addrese, G. A. GAVIORTP, Agent, W alas
ng, Bradford CO, Pa. July 1, 1.54.
THE only pasortment of Paper Banging* lippt in
this vicinity, with a fresh stock jwst corrona to
at unusually low prices. O. TY. 'BARTLETT.
Towanda, April 21 1853
AITOULD respectfully inform the citizens of To ,
V V wands and vicinity, that her he. opeue* w
4rocerf 1 1 mi:stem atom ,
on the south side of the Pattie Nititer, svlieit• he
would be pleased to wait triton these that call 'Upon
hint: Ht be aH kinds of articles kept in a conbtry
C‘rocely. earl' a'n' anti of all kind's; Oranges, Le:
mons, and Candles of Vat,ietiet and' Ansi, C.
gars of the best quality. .-
1 Fre atturdetittr to kelp oir hand' Pirovist wet &s.
&c., War which he offers cheap' for Cash' or Coun
try prodtme: His motto is, that " nimble sispenee
is better than a slow shilling."
Towanda; May l, 0354%
111 E., AM NM 711(` 0
ADOM' the last of June, a pocket MSMORJiIif-
MM, with bine black reek cover, the tuck
broken and nearly worn our. Whoever will sewn)
the same to the undersigned, at Towanda;-stiall be
liberally aewarded. B.V.BIIIPMANI
Towanda. July SW,
Para f rum !V
Agustily of Fur Vittorinevand"Cutfo of differcirt
toothier. for rak ♦r cosT by
Juo.-19, fq&i. IL S. MERCUR,
111E"' War AIL 311 ER. ;Mt AIL 411 C 11V
In the South end of the Ward House,
fp R . H. J:PORTER,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Paints, Oils, Varishes, Window Glass,
Dye Stuffs and Darninlails,
Regular Agent for the following genuine popular
Dr. Jaynes' Medicices—lAyre's Cherry Pectoral'
Alterative, Verrnifuge. Schenck's pul. syrup
EttreCtorant, Liniment Hootland's bitters
Hair Dye, &c. Pepsin (for ilysptp.sla)
De:Pitch's Medicines Acouaticpil
$ wayne's do Indian Cholagor e
do Lyon's rat pills
praises Balsam & Est Pile Medicines
Orrick's Verrnifage . Salt &hewn and 'ratter
Graefenberg Medicines ointment
Gargling Oil Trask's maff. do
Pain Killers Spavin & founder do
Galvaniebelts, -- McAllister. do
Heave & Condition p r ow. Eye waters
ROCif Rose Cephalic snuff
Uterine Catholicon Corn salve
Tooth ache drops Sticking do.
Hair in.igorator & dyes Wistar's lral. wild cherry
Bed bug poison ?eget rifls
Townsend's Sarsaparilla oil semi
Plasters and Pills of allißalsaro Life
kinds. Harlem Oil
And many others; nut enumerated, all Warranted
01 . • Rectrentber Ur. fiortrsa's Dr* and
Store is in the South end cif the Ward Noose. !rapt
ing the Public square. C. PORTER. M. D.
PEOPLE of Bradt - m - 4 Cotrify wishiag anything
nice in the way of Nlonurtrents, Headstones
Tomb Tables. Centre reire3 of Italian and A tnPr l
scan Marble, or Mack Stones of all sizes. can
have them-on the shortest notice by rending in'
their orders, cheaper and better than can Ce r at-;
chased elsewhere.
Chester Wells, Cabinet Maker and yr:feria
ker, nearly opposite the Ward I H'u'e. Towanda ,
Towanda, March, 3!, 1859.
U'MUltl . o
A Important to Uousekeepers:
THE subscriber thankful for the
liberal patronage heretofore re
-",eticeived, bugs leave to inform his
1, 17 \ q Er to friendsh
thosea a nd the commencing pu brc g en ii et a a u l s t e y :
!Lit El: :l ;t1 la n d
keeping in particular that be has
it now on hand a large assortment
of FURNITURE, which he will
sitair l ait tfi b 141 a le in a .tabstaatial manner, and of
the best materials.,
BUREAVEg, such 'as mat ofny and walnut dress
ing bureaus, marble and plain tops ; mahogany and
'Walnut washstands. marble tops. and plain, oI 111 f
ferent patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas Ccuch
es, whatnots, /fru,
BEALATEAES.—High, Field, French and low
post beadsteads, finished in handsome style and c•i
approved patterns, together with other furniture usu
ally called for, all of which will be sold on the most
accommodating terms.
(:0" The subscriber is also provided with a plain
and fashionable HEARSE, and will bold himself in
readiness to attend to all orders in undertaking.
He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid
of which the corpse may be kept for a week. COF.
N,B.—Vorniture of all kinds made to order, and'
warranted to be of the best man nark and workman.
Towanda, January 17, 1852.
rrHE subscribers respectfully inform the public that
the have taken the shop formerly occapied by
Adam Eanirine, on Main street, nearly opposite
Drake's wagon shop, where they ere prepared to do all
kinds ofBLACKRMITHINO aloe reasonable terms.
Theo are de.•erntlaed by doing their week well and
promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of
public patronage.
HORSE—SHOEING done in the best manner. All
kinds °, repairing blathinery,eteeuted in the most skil
la! manner.
- WOOD► WORT( for wagorta will also be made Jind
repaired when desired.
AU work done at tben shop, will be warranted to be
weU done, and numnfacterW" from the best materials.
The public are requested to give us a trial, and judge
for themselves. MEN WINE dr. tIEEBISCHLI.
Towanda, Ithry 2, 18'6 f.
LEAVE; Towanda for Mercer's
tnills,Burlington,East Smithfield
Ridgebery, sad Wellsburg de.
pot on t.e N. . & rr.ffr 1L.4 every Moues t, Wzry-
IMSHAT and Flimsy at II o'clock A. M., and arrive
at the depot in time to take the evening train of ears
either east Or west, same day.
Returning Tor.soxv,Tacritatimr and S'Avransv,
after the arrival of the Eastern train, and also the
Western cars from Jefferson, Elmira, &c., and ar
rive at Towanda same day.
:—Towanda to Mercries mills, 3711
•• to Burlington, 55
^ to fast Smithfield, 62i
to Ridgebery, 1,00
to Wellsburg depot, 1,25
Express packages to or from the Rail Road ear.
(ally detirered at moderate ekarges l
Towanda, Oct 8, 181%.
Saha W. ilcox
11/18 sererreed his artatdisinnent to , H. Zee store,
1.1. comer of main street and the public square, and
Will continuo the ntanufeetttre of Boots and Shoes, as
Ne has just received from New 'York a large assort
ment of Women's, CAildreri's and Misses' Shoes, which
are offered at low prices. The attention el the Ladies
is putieularly directed to his assortment, comprising
the following new sfyres :••••-Nmunelled fenny Lind W
WI boots; do. shoes;- black lasting and silk gaiters;
walking shoes, btudiins.dte. Misses gaiters and shoes,
of eVety . . ascription'. A lams assortment of Children's
(lacy gaiters, boots and shoes, of all lands.
For the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and
shoes. This stock bar been personally selected with
care,atuf he believes ho cart otter superior articles at
reasonab,la prleee.
o:3' The strictest attention paid to litanufacl uring,
and he hopes by doing work wr.ll to merit a continu
ance of du liberal patronage be has hitherto relieved.
Towanda, May p , 1953,
D. M. 8171.4
T HE Subscribers having formed a copartner4
fur c t„
under the firm of S. FELTON & CO , f
ing a general Liquur business, would resp eci r,„
ask Hotel keepers and all others in want of
thing in their lint to giva them a call. We
'keeping on hand a general assortment of Fure,4
Liquors, which we can sell cheaper than any cw
else in the county, from the fact that we buy du..,
from the irtiporters. and thereby save a large p,,,
charged by the N.Y. jobbers ; Liquors are warr ia
ed pure and free from adulteration. Also Consi st ,
ly on hand Whiskey of the best quality. W e l. ; t
made arrangements by which we can furnish ~.
customers with any quantity of Binghamton BEE 4
fresh from the Brewery. Pleaee give us a sal
The nots and accounts of the old Arm of 8. F.
'Am Sr. Co., are in our hands for settlemen.
E. T. FOX.
Towanda; Dec. I, iss7.
Saddle, Harness & Trunk Manufaelorl
JEttE CULP & Co., respectfully inform the
that they have removed tothe shop ou Main sot;
reciotly occupied by Saaith_dt Sou, Dearly opp c „ . ,,
the Ward House, whero they will Iree : . on h a w,
largo stock of
atBZUM3O4 1 341. 1 V26M3i) CgiKW:6a)
All articles in their line manufactured to order, sti
made of the best material,and for workmanship eas t ,
be surpassed in Northern Pennsylvania, They
a call from those wishing to purchase, confident tu t
they can give satisfaction both as to quality and pnr,
(al-Titles and Sheep Pelts received for work and
account; at the lowest rates,
Sale Leather, Upper Leather, Harness Leathcr 1 4
Calf Skins, for safe in any quantity.
co account of losses sustained at the late fire, o
kJ ore obliged to call on those inkebted to Os t
prompt settlement, as we are under the neeessity
having what is owing to us, we trust this notice it,! ,
be sufficient without resorting to other weans.
Towanda, Dec. 2, 1952.
Removed to B. Kingsbery's BlocV
W./. Chamberlin,
TT AS just returned from th,,,
Tat; .1.1. of New York with a 1ar
\416.C.,..,..., supply of Watchea, Jewelry ac.
, 494 1 Silver ware, comprising in
I - l 7 -C the rellowing a tid • I par
..„ ' 5 - '4: : i'E " ine and Plain r Watches , es.—."'
C ... ) e-
9 . 4 . 2,9 . ',111 - i s 4 complete P
n Mei tor
---"-- - • Jewelry, such as Ear RingS, F:::.
ger Bins, Breast Pins, B racelets,Locketa, Gold chain.
Gold Pena, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Riirerw a ,
and any quantity ofS'teer Beads—ail of which he aft;
for sale a aceeedingly cheap for CAt'iii.
lir a.t.lielf repaired on short notice, and rearrrin ,, J
to tun well,or the money will he refunded. and II s.
ten agreement given to that effect $f require.t.
N. B.—MAPLEISI - o.llt, and Country Prat
taken in jeavrier:t (oei•ork and els). learn nou.
orreer,that the Proddce must be paid when t
is done—l war agains't credit in all its forms.
W. N: CHAMEtr,FLIN, Agen
Towanda, Apri 28,
LooKING GLIM' PLATES cut ant lut•d
any size, to be had'at ihe Jewelry store. of
May 1.5, 18 W. A. CHAMBERLIN
A horse ! a horse ! my hingdi , m
a horse and customers to take avra
the goods. Notwithstanding ihe ' , s
disastrous M RN ER it
hiinseff again! •.
Arid at No. 1 Brick Ifotv you'll find
Most anything that's in his fah?,
From a casobricneedle of the finest kin
To a jewelled watch of eighteen karat (kw.
Clucks which keep time accurate and true,
Breast pm. of every style and hue,
Cold, silver, steel and plated
Selected with the greatest pains.
Finger rings, inzisosh, why what a pile
Of every shape and every style,
To suit the old, the young, thegrate. titr gs
May there be seen in elegant array.
And WilUSEri-, who is himself a " host,"
Is.always ready and at his post,
To wait upon his cuitomers and all
It'll(' chance upon 'lm to give a calf.
so with good advice make up yourmin:*l
To call or, him and there you'll findr
Stich ‘ightr,rny eyes,o f what a view A,
Jewelry of every style and hue.
6.7:J - Don't mistake the place No. f. Dti•
Where he is prepared to do all k•nds of
in his line of basi.nes,- at the cheapest rates ih, t i
poA - siblr be attortfed Fie will alai) Pt•ii hiss iwxr
at 20 per ccirt totecr,lhan was ever before oiler ,
this market . , it Call arid see. ,En
Towanda. Nov. 12, 1852. A. M. WARNER.
a_asirma 1 - earclYY, D
QURNEfOR for Bradford County, is prepared :'
►►JJ attend tothe above business in a.ll tts•
His office is at Monroeton. All letters addresse.
him at that place, will meet with prompt anent: .1
April 4, 1851.
L Z. do f. L. Z.ILMORZkAITIC dc. CO.
Tilt firm of Lamoreni, Ma& Russell,ll4% In:
taken in IL 1%. Lamoreuz as a partner, w,
coatinue the Foundry business, generally, under the
name of I. L. & H. L. .Lsazonzuz & Ca., et am(
old stand, known as the Eagle Foundry, in the sour
part of the Plurongli of Towanda, where they wi"
inanufactute to order and keep on hand a largr as
sortment of the following articles, to wit t
of all kincr&-incoding Mill irons, Mill gearing—
the Rose & Johnson Water wheels, 4z. 4e.
pox, Coal, Cooking and Furlor stoves, of all kiti
sizes and prices.
North Branch, Nos. 1, 5 and I—Blatc.hly
and 2--41inghaniton, Wayne County, Exce
Side-hill and Com Ploughs, &c.
Corn-Shellers do SOIII7 Cutters.
Wagon boxeg,Sleigh-stthes, Plot'ih points, gear r.
for Chair pimps, Or - indstones, he.; Mail other an'
des too nonaerons to inention:
Having secured the services of 1 IRVINE, o'er
known as a skillful Machinest, the Siren feel roll'
dent that they can man nfactute and repair all kind
of machinery in as workmanlike slumber, and on a
easy terms as any establihment this side of New-
Steam rn g ines wilt be repaired aatisfaetorily, p
at oft notice. Particular attention will be paid ro
Pattern Department, and all erclere fulfilled on zh,
shortest possible notice,•
CO' Particular attention is called to J. Irvine •
Celebrated Escelitior Plough•, which took the brit
premium of the rtradford County Pair, of 1853. Ali
t° the Elevated O'ven Eagle Stove, the best now IC
Old fron, Brass, Copper, Zinc, Pewter, end Cm:
and all kinds ofCountry produce taken in payment
N. 13.—A1l Notes and accounts due the firm e•
rtamoreux, Hall and Rustsll, are left in the handy e t
I. 1.. & H. L. Larnoreux for collection, and ; ,
attention is called to the same, tflitch art ar sa 1.,0.
by !Way Court neat.
D.-C. Ms fl. L. LEttonsvr,
0.8. liossra.t. H. L. la.nopit i.
Towanda, April 1, 1854
117 ANTED—aII kinds of grain & i umbc:
which some cash will be paid by
Oct. 24,1853. ---PHIN
APPLES.--4b+ bushels Dried A pplee
-1-.1 grafted fruit—or hand and for sale by
March 15.1854. DAILEY &
T(NS more of ?iv'sr c bra tv sugan. }us: rei -
an 4 kr 50.- hv PIIINYFY