.13,1 - 31,111)oritn . - Y.IMS'O7;IITADA4 IM Proposing Amendments to ,the Consti tution of t4 O QECTION I. theAolved, by the Senate and House I`l. of Jlepru.entatives of thePnratiiniwealth et PennoYilfanta in General Am t errildy init—That the tollowing amenanient , he and the:s[Lin_e are hereby, proposed to the conhtitution ul I!.e comenaowe d hh, under and in accariLtacewitn the toovisions of the tenth article thereof, to wit— TII/ST=LER ISE ARTICLE 'XI SECTION I. The aggregate ittlotlnt ul'd, his here l iner 4 04 1 1 -acted ihe Gum axon weah h shall neliv exceed the sum of five howl.e l d i o u ,ny.l except irtedlBo of war to repel invaahm, r.uppre•• insnrrectinn, or to redeem the public debt r f Commonwealth, and the money sota..eri 0/a I be applied to . the purpose for which .he debt mav he contracted; to pay such debts, and 1,, no other pur pose. Sr.crioa 2. To pay the poyie debt the row mon wealth, and debts hi.lt may heicaficr be coo tracted to case of war to repel tuvasion, suppres, Insurrection, and to 'caret,' the public iloht, the Legislature shall at lii it mixt se-sian .dicr the ad. option of this section into the !hat:ill - lotion. provide by law for the creation of a sinking load. which, shall not lSe abolished until the said public dchis Le wholly paid. to consist of -all the net annual income from the public works and stocks owned by the Commonwealth, or any other, funds arising under any revenue law now exitting or that may he here after enacted, so far as the same may be required to pay the interest of said debts semi-annually, and annually to reduce thr. principal thereof by.a sum not less than five hundred . thousand dollars, increas ed yearly by compounding at a rate' of nut less than five per ceutum per annom—tha said sinking fund shall be invested-id the loins of the commonwealth which shall be cancelled from time to time in a man tier to he provided by las—no portion of the sink ing fund shall ever be applied to the debt of five hundred thousand dollars mentioned in the 'first sec tion of this article, but the said sinking fund shill be applied only to the purposes herein specified. SEcrion 3. The credit of the Commonwealth shall not in any way be given or loanetrto or in aid of any individual, company, core-ration or associa tion, nor shalt the commonwealth hereafter become a joint owner or stockholder in any company, asso elation or corporation 'in this commonwealth, or elsewhere, formed fur any purposes. tilccricrc 4. The commonwealth shall never as sume the Betts of any county, city. boro' or town ship, or of any corporation or association, unle s such debts shall have beau - contracted to repel inva siun, suppress insurrection or to defend the State in war., I . Ip3PO7:ITION CErnilD—TO Prohit.fing Met a.r:pal Su lqter;pi ions: - The Legi.:attire shall rev...r authorize any city, county, tiot.mgh at by a vo e of.its citizens or othtt wt_e, to bccon.,e a .1 .ekholder in any joint i•toclit company. o- corporation, or In rAtse monPy for, ...E . : •-redit to, or in aid of any such cimpar . or a.bociation. B. B. CIT.IBB, HulaC o f I:,prev!diatirci. M. AFC ABI,IN, Speaker of the Senate. In the .ctto.nate, April 28, 185 I—Resolved, That this rez'oltzi.: , e pass. Yeas, 22, Nays 6. Extract from the Journal, T. A. MAGUIRE, Chrk. In the rfause of Representatives, April 2:, IS'54 .--Resolved, Thal this resolution pass. Yeas 71, 20. Extract from the Journal. WM. JACK, Clerk.' Secretary's Office—Filed April 29, lB'4. C. A. BLACK. . Sett:eletry of the Cenvenorocealth: pesssiLvvii‘, ,S r. ET/ lII ' S OFFICE, H,atnsburg, July I, 18:4:5 I do hereby certify that the above and fore• orm,,,,going is a true and correct copy of the orii gloat " Resolution relative to an amend ment of the constitution," as the same remains 'on file in this office. In testimony whereof,`[ have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the Secre. Wry's Gffice the day and year above written. C. A. BLACK. Secretary nj the Commontoralfh. 101711NAL OF TIIE BEN ATE "Resolution No.-562. entitled 'Resolution pupa sing amendments to the constitution of -the com monwealth,' Was read a third time . On the ques tion, Will the Senate agrt e to the first proposition aye- and nays were't iken agreeably to the con ,,titut.on, and seeress follows, viz— YEAS-•-•Messig. Buckalew, Darlington, Darie, Ferguson, Foulkrod, Frick. Fry. ()Jot! trill, Halde- man, Hamilton, D. B. Handin, E. W. Ha !I, :- ter, If oge, Jamison NlcChntock - , M'Farland, Platt, Quiggle, Sager, Slifer, and M'Cusl in, spe.rker-23. N♦r s—Messrs. Crabh, Cris., well, Hr ridaicks,Ktu zr.r, Kunkel and Stunner-6. t-tn the gue,,tion was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senite agree to the se eand proposition? the yeas and nays were tAten a;reeahly to the constitution, and were u follows, DEM YEAS—Messrs. Bucksfew, Dams. Furguson, Fouhrod, Fry, Cror Litwin, Haldeman, 13. D. Hamlin, E. W. Domini .Hendriclis, Hiester, Hoge. Jamison, 'Kinzer. WClnitock, Arra Hand, Piat', Price, Quig— gte, Slifer, Wherry and M'Caslin, speaker-22. Nmrs--. Messrs. Crabb, Cresswell, Darlington, Hamilton, Kunkel and Skinner—G. So the queStion was determined in the affirmative. JOURNAL OF FAL norsp. OF REPRESLMTATIVSN. The question recurring upon the final passage of the Restitutions, the first proposition was agreed to as follows, viz— Y As—Messrs. Abraham, Adams, Atherton, Ball, Barton, Beyer, Bigham, Boyd, Bush, Byerly, Cald. well, Calvin, Carliale, Chamberlin, Cools, Crane, Cummins. Dougherty. Davis, De '''ranee, Dunning, En:ltem Edinger, Eldred, Evans, Foster, Frey, Gal lentine, Giboney,lutore, Gray, Groom, 6' win, BanalltOn, Hill, Herr, Hiestand, Hillier, Hilpple, Horn. Hummel, Hiansucker, Hunter, Hurt, Jakman, Kilgore, Knight, Laury, (Lehigh) Linn, Magee, Maguire,Mannerfield, AFConnell, Al'Connell, Al 'Kee, Miller, Monaghan, Montgomery, Moore, Moser, Muse, Palmer, Parke. Passmore, Patterson, Porter, Putney, Rawlins, Roberts, Rove, Sallada, ~, , eOll, Siddle, Simonton,Smith,(Berks,) Smith, (Crawford) Stewart, Stockdale, Strong, Struthers, Wheelq, Wicklein, ,lArright, Ziegler, and Chase, speakce—S3. NA So the question was determined in theaffirmative. On the question, will the House agree to the sec ond proposition, the ayes and nays were taken, agreeably to the provisions of the lath article of the conetitution,and are as follows— Irsas—Meirrs. Ab l iaharn, Atherton, Ball, Barton Beck, Beyer, Bighorn. Boyd, Caldwell, - Carlisle Chamberlain, Cook, Crai,e, Cummins, Dougherty Davis, Deegan, De Franc.,2, Dunning, Edinger Eldred, Evans, Fry, Goikat‘he. Gibboney, Gilmore Gray, Groom, GWII3. 11.1.:;11!"11, Hiestand, Hillier Hippie, Hunsucker. H : le r, fl rm. Jackinan, Kill. gore, Knight, Laury (1..:1i5.h) Lowrey (Tioga) Linn Magee, Mago.re, Maod,:rtield, M'Counell, M'Kee Monaghan, MontgJ , :nry, Mos", Muse, Pal. m et , Park”, l'aVerSOn:Tiliter R..); , erg, S,ott, Simonton F.c.,!l(licrk,) .tt;intilt (C. aiwt . ..r i) Stcrizdale, Wheel er. Wickirtn, Wright an.l il.l .-111,:rs. .'t.tiant.t, Baldwin , •Benns, Bpsh 11,prly, Eckert. 1:11.:, Hart, Herr, Horn, Hammel Po , ifson, Putney, Sidle, Stewart Stru!itcr., and Ziegler-20. Ihe que.stim way determined in the aiTirmative rexSZI'LVA.NI.I, SS &camas's Omer., Harrisburg, July 1 , 1854. ("ilk" Ido certify that the above and fiaegoing is c. s. a true and correct copy of the Yeas and I.nr-sso Nays taken on the Resolution relative to an Amendment of the constitution of the Common wealth, as the same appears on the Journals of Mit two Houses of the General Assembly of this Com monwealth for the year 1854. Witness my hand and the seal of said office this first day of July, Mt. C. A. BLACK, July t. na V.:err/dry Comma mma/di. "7 ~ i ttcbical. IE2EI 9 D:RUC &TORE ! C RA:Jet-RIES: ;. E ~~ DRUGS 9 4:7 . -7-::•• • 11 4 I NT OSH 1 Asi g-D F RTisr, 44,441,, ....4-41.4...!:.,. TSnow . being:repleuisheJ wilt' a fail am! complete stixk of —Zrugv, Paints, Oils, nanihites, Window P ,sc and Diquors;, - Together with Paints. Turpentine. Dye• Woods Lic 8 t Lifts, Glass, Putv, choir c Groceries, piire Wines and Liquors for Medicinal I, ur lso, Cigars of the best brand , andall articles con . fleeted with the trade. - In sham, every thing connected .with the trade. The Goods have been bought extremely low, for cash. and will be sold accohlingly. N. U. A superior article of Tanner's cod Neat' F. - tot Oil.just received: . co- Ren emeen the place--3.doors south of Mon. tanye's corner—same buildingof the' Argo ()that.' All of Dr. D. 'Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Oh,rry Pec• 'oriel, Se4encke Pulmonic Syrup . of Yellow Duck Wow, Orrick's, llobensacks, and Jaynes' Vermiluge. Together with all of the most popplar Patent medicines now in use constantly on hand and for sale at REED'S Drng. t•:tt“re. Three , Doors below Montanye's Towanda. January 3, 187,3. REED'S DRUG STORE sli now bein" refurni-het with a new and vplendid tork of ,& MEDIt•DIEs, Fancy G„ ,:d;, Imps—same Aelhem new and beautiful pattern , . In short, eyerpliinz advei tisvd in hi; r.gidar col umn. has been completely filled up, with fre.Al Goods from New•Yorkt and Philadelphia. NI a the wgnies flor,e Remedy, Garedine, Oil, Mus tang Linament, end several new and popular Medi• tines which will be sold extremely low fur ea. , h. paipi s ,oils Varnishe•, Glass, Wines I.iTtoi=, &c., as usual. 6(113.11 - au La orold obi° -NV just received k) and fur said wholesale and retail, at Iteed'.l e. ci QUINTLES I.f fkriri , l., to boxes of hierring, C 5 barrels of Saleratur, warrented in prone order, left on sale at New Y,rk (Nail pricrA at REED'S Drug Store,' Towan d a. Jan, 244, 1 )[• I.llll' suinible .1 and Reel paelon, &c, in eon,' eider. fur sale cheap at REED'S DRUG STORE. elept. 4, 1853. . TEM OLD STAND STILL. IN. OPERATIONt TUE subscriber would an . ( ....". " nourice to the public that he - ' . have now on haul, and will make ) •... 1 to order all kind, of • •:" .4... t.t, ; . ! - Cabinet r urniture, .-- .• , : sllcb as Sof....Divans,,Lnunges (..; ,, u ier, Card, Di ti iii t:! and ) Li retlk i tu ,i 'Tildes. 111.1huszank.„ Wal nut, Maple and Cheri v lin rents, Stands of various kinds, Chairs and Beck leads of every .:ascription,-which are, arid will be made of the hem material and workmanlike manner, and which they will sell itir cash cheaper than eau be bouelit in any utlicr Warc-room in the country. lELEILDY-IILE-1311 COFFINS, ~n hand on the in,' reasonable terms. A HEARSE will be furill+lled FIT !It' rarocca , ions. J I.MES MACE LASON. Towanda. June 1, I dr, SPRIN6 k SUMMER (MODS Now being opened by JOSEPH POW ELL, Cash and Ready Pay Dialer in FANCY ind staple Dry ; meres and Vet.l.inf!.•; Hat , . Caps & straw Good--carpets and o:1 cloths ; l'ankre Noto,ll-- [hots and Shoes—Paper Ilatv;tng.i—Tran,part nt Window Shad;:s,&c. HARD-WARE, CROCKERY, GROCERIES ; DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, 4.r., 4r all of which are olTered for sale (or CASH or READY P. 4 rat the lowest possible Among his stock of Goods will be found a large assortment of Black, Fancy end Piero ,llres, Berazes and Blaze d e Lames—Des Moualin de Laines and La.wni—Plaid and Plain Poplins—Plain black, white, pink, ;due and corn c dored Delaines—French. Scotch arid Amer: ican Gingharns—English and American Prints— Black, blue and white Bereza Lain, Lawns Prints, &c. Swisstand Jaconnett Edgings; Inserting,: arid Flooncings, &c. Wrought Linen Edgings—Cotton and Smyrna Edgings. Wrought and lace collars —all prices—Lace and muslin underaleeves-I'n. der handkerchiefs—all prices—Nlourning under collars and' hirkfa.—Embroidered, hem. sirtrh & plain linen hilk'fa—Plain mourning and black lace Veilii—Plain and figurid cotten and silk jace.r. Jaconnetts, Swiss and Book Muslin, Bishop Lawns, Tarltons, &c., Lace & embroidered jTnslin Window Vrapory. Best quality of Ladies and Gents. Kid GlovesA. white, black & assorted colors—Best quality silk gloves, kid Gnish•—Plain silk lisle thread, do., as• sorted corm and qualities—French silk mitts, Ion; and short, for Lilies and Misses. Black silk, white and clouded merino hose—White colored. unbleach , ed, mired and black cotton Hose of every quality— Misses white, colored and mixed do.. all sizes— Boys mixed cotton half hose, assorted sizes: Men's lambs arisol, unbleached acid mixed cotton half hose, assorted qualities. Mack Italian, fancy silk and linen, lawn and gingham Cravats, Silk and Satin stocks—common and 3 ply Collars—silk and Linen handkerch:efs. ALSO—A large stock cf plain black and colored - 1721ESFADEEE 0111.19dEE-1. Plain bl'k doeskins, fancy cassimeres and . yestings. Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, cottonades and other cot. tun and linen Goth's for men arid ooys wear. - Watered Moreeas, assorted. colors Damask for curtains, lounges, &c., double and single fold.— Worsted embossed, damask linen and worsted and cotton table cloths. Bleached linen napkins.— Bleached and brown linen damask table /Scotch and Russian diaper and crash, bleached and unbleached and colored muslin and almost every otherarticie of family dry goods. • A great variety of Boots and Shoes for mens, bol s, ladies, misses and childrens wear. Brocha long and square Shawls. Cashmere, silk and de'laine do., assorted colors, of all qualities. In addition to the above enumerated articles, will be foune a good assortment of merchandise, of al most every'description, to which the attention of the public is respectfully invi ed. Towanda. April 18, 1859. ENO .1 - efai - gt Goa= • COLLINS & POWELL, OULD respectfully call ..the ntt.:ntion of the public In their pir4e stack of Megs .and boy s ' . nikliinitlorit. elev." iyftanity co•tdrktlis, Cassimeres,-Dat- skins, Tweeds. Kentucky ,Plift‘,l.o3l/eirs, .Skdais Cravats) .116siery„Suspenders, Hals, Carpet . • Ity,f,is,runks, Canes, 4 . c which will he rnial cheaper than the same qualitY can in any other eqattlishinent in this country. They ha ve also 04 hand-a well insuufactured as• •oritaent of IM lIRI *bl tfA,; vo, flowly-Tilado Clothing, 10 which we' invite theattandrin of . ..buyers. Our Clothing is mostly made op in the shop—and not p urc.lvised nt " idop-shops"—aa some we wot of. Orders in the Tailoring line executed in themoat fashinotatle inanner, at the shortest notice, and war rat:N.J. - 1 The public will please. notice one fags, that NO ON K not practicilly acquain;ed with the h .siness is capable of judging of the quality and make of a garment; hence the reason why the commtmity have been so much imposed upon by w, . a certain claws of community who deal in - the article, who. if they were not practically and professionally cheats, could of necessity• know nothing about the business.— They are certain. if the public would consult their true interest, they would purchase only Alf those act quainted with the bd'iness. Towanda. April 12, 1851. The .11 1 aver1y Bendy Madc Clothing Mott & Wells, =orchard Tailors, HAVE the honor of announcing to the citizens of Bradford County, that they have just received the largest and moat fashionable stoic of FALL & WINTER CLOTHING, ever brought into ' old Tioga,' conskting in par, of the following. articles: Over. Dress ' Frock and Sack Coats ; Vests, Pants, Shirts, Drawers, Wrappers, Overalls, Stocks, Cravats,Collars, Pocket h'dltfs, &c. Collis and Trimmings constantly on hantl7—also the fall fashion of Huh and Caps. Our stuck of Furnishing Goods is unsurpassed in Tioga, and comprising everything necessary for a gen tleman's outfit. Particular attention will he paid to our (33'2'2,Dra v:eaalpamsar% Hiving received the latest New York Fashions, we are prepared to get up suits on the shortest notice and in a superim manner. CUTTING done on short notice, and warranted to fit if properly made up. CLOTHINC STORE, NV inaii r:r buy, or any body else wanting any 11 hind of CLOTHING, will do well to call on GM/UGC IL l'EnaUfS, and.see bow Largest Clothing Store in Athens, and his Goods were all bought cheap an. ill be sold cheap. Clothing is much lower in tue city, and Perkins is bound to let his customers ha - •e the benefit of it. The Score is new and just fined up. Two &or ah..ve the brick block, in Athens. 11a , s, Caps, 4c., new and cheap. GEORtiE B. PERKLNS. A:liens, April 26, 1854. WAVERLY & TOWANDA R. ROAD The su: , scribers have just received at their old stand in Mercur's Block, Towanda, a new and good ~s.:nriment of Skin; and Summer Goods, consist ing of GENTLEMANS' FURNISHING GOODS evcr.imported into the County—all of the lates t ( ,tyles in market, which are being scattered far acid wide. In the way of Furnishing, Gond.i, we have a cornidece a .i3ortment—ersvats, CollarA,Es, Under :Shirts, Drawers, Wrappers, Gloves, Suspen ders, Hchndkerchiefs Hosiery of all kinds, and .a variety..of Trunks, Ace, Our Ready-Made Clothing embraces every thrng, tic•icable in that line, and as we buy for CASH, we can and 'will sell 20 per cent. lower than any other Clothing Eitabli.huient in Towanda. J, ALEXANDER, Towanda, April 20, 1854. S. ALEXANDER. SPRING GOODS 1:20.aa'1110 swillt Corner of Alercur's Block, Main Simi, A hE now opening their stock ,of GOODS for the spring and Summer trade, comprising a full and complete assortment, and of the usual variety, which will ho sold at a very small profit for Rattly Pay. Among the assortment of DRY GOODS, will be found a great variety of Ladies' Dress Goods rnncisting in part of .ficregc, B•rcge De!aims, all-wool De!allies, Lawns, plait; and printed ; Gnighams, English, Scotch awl American ; Poplins, Prints of all shades and colors 4-c , AI o, for men's wear may be found Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, satin and Summer Vestlnvs. Also, Sheetings, Shirtings. bleached and brown, Tick trizq, Summer Goods for boys' wear, Cotton Yarn, Carpet, Warp, Cotton Batten, &c., &c. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. _ - - A full Flock will he kept on hand. Those in want of sugars, Teas, Coffee, Mdlasses, Stewart's best Syrup,Splees. Pepper Ginger, Saleratus, Flout, Fish, Salt, Tobacco, or any other article in this line, will du well to call on us before purchasing else , wh,trv. A large a splendid assortment. Crockery, Glass and SionF-ware, Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps-- Nails. Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty. Thankful for the liberal petronage of the past sea son. the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the public to an examination of our Spring stock, be lieving that good Goods and low prices will insure a speedy sale for ready pay. TRACY & MOORE. Towanda, May 12, 1854. CV D. BARTLETT, is now receiving a large V. and carefully selected stock of NEW GOODS, bought for cash since the late decline in prices, which he will offer fur ready pay at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction—among otherthings he invites particular attention td his assortment of Dress Goods, Towanda, Aril 15, I9:41 MORE NEW GOODS. rs Now opening a Nsw STOCK OF Goons, consists 1 ing of full and complete assortment of all kind• MERCIEILNDIZE, which will be sold as cheap as the same quality of Goods can be bought anywhere this side of New- York. Towanda, Dec.lo, 1853. 300 NEW BARRELS, fit for Pork or Cider, for sale at 75c each, by S. FELON 4 CO. Towanda, Aug. 10,1253, . Clothinp.. LATEST NEWS MEI AND GENT'S FURNISHIN3 ESTABLISHMENT, MOTT & WELLS. flr st., first door east of the Post Office Vaverly, Nov. 10, 185:1.y _ra-i.' aur. .tea. Nok - s% -- 9 - I,W -TEENS VERY CHEAP he is selling his new stock. He has now the 500 I'rIEN WANTED ! ! Ready-Made Clothing, rcAßDw.aaz. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. BURTON KINOSBERY itharellanecins. .AS.T MEMM IMBZCALMUIX., TIN IANDISTOVEHSTORL • ADVERTISEMENT Bradford County. Penusylvapila Straw Cutters. t -l OVEY'S Patent spisal knife Ilay and Straw Cut. tors, of various sizes. No. 1,2, 3,4, 6 and 6. Price—sB, $9, $lO, $l2. $l6 and $2O. , These Cut ters arc bettor and acaper thin the straight knife Cut ter, with knives set diagonally on the shaft,. The knives on Hovey's Cutter are spiral, which enables them to cut at right angles against &he rew,,hide roller. They cut steadily, with no jerking—areasily kept in repair. Each knife can be taken off wad shar pened without disturbing the shaft (or other knives) and if necessary each knife can be set out or in, so as to keep them all true,_if ono knife should wear faster than another. Every farmer should have ono of these labor and feed saving machines. For sale wholesale and retail—a liberal discount made to those who buy to Sell again. IL M. WELLES. Athens. Pa., November 10, 1855. Bradford County Premium Corn Milers, WHOLESALE and Retail.! The very best article. to be7found it the county, and cheapest—(war— ranted)—fur sale at the Agricultural and stove store df Nov. 10,1853. R. M. WELLES. STOVES! STOVES! COOK , STOVES, of various and excellent patterns and sizes--several patterns of superior Flevated Ovens ; amon g which is a combination of the Clinton and National Air Tight, called the EAGLE. Also a well selected stock of elegant parlor, hall, shop, church and school house Stoves, both for wood and coal—of s i zes a nd prima to suit all classes of customers. Call and see. Nov. 10. R. M. WELLES. Sausage and !I/Since =eat Cutters. - DRIVES $4 and $5 Every farmer should have one 1 of these excellent labor saving articles; they are capable of cntting from 100 to 200 pounds of meat per •hour, and are very simple, portable and easily kept in repair, for sale by Athens, Nov. 10, Is9l. R. M. WELLES. ' TO THE PUBLIC ! 31 , 144 r al!" A"'just receiving at their largo and commodious New Store, opposite the Court House, a largo assortment of Provisions, Groceries, Yankee Notions, 7oys, Fruit, Confictionary, Willow ware, 4.c., making their . stock the largest, moat complete and best in Northern Pennsylvania. And the very liberal pat ronage they have received from the public during the year past, establishes the fact that they either sell cheaper or sell goods of a better quality than any oth er dealers. To merit and induce a continuance of so liberal tiat• ronage we shall still follow oar old motto—" SMALL PROFITS, quirK RETURNS, •SO A FREQUENT RENEW . AL OF STOCK." Below we name a few of the articles that always be found in our stock : Groceries. Black and green tea, Rio and Java coffee. chocolate, cocoa, sugar, molasses, syrup, ginger, pepper, spire, cloves, nutmeg, cinamon, mace, coda, saleratus, cream tartar, peppersance, sperm and tallow candles, hard soap, vinegar, starch, 4 c. Provisions. Mrss pork, dried beef, hams and shoulders, mackerel, codfish, shad, pickeled herring, smoked herring, whea t flour, buckwheat flour, corn meal, cheese, rice, beans, potatoes, butter, lard, crackers, &c. rruft Nuts. Prunes, citrons, figs, Eng,. currants, raisins, dried peaches, apples, almond; filberts, Brazil nuts, Greno, ble and Madeira walnuts, pea nuts, chestnuts, &c. German, Trench and American Toys, Fancy 'Goods, &c. &c. Tin wagons, rocking horses, boys' sleighs, China & pewter toy tea setts. dolls, trumpets, accordions, harmo. nicas, &c. Glass, paper and wood inlaid work boxes and toilet cases—toy bureaus, .ec retaries, writing detk —plain and embroidered work baskets, knitting. 110 pearl, ivory, papier mache and leather port moniacs, wallets and purses, ivory, horn and wood pocket combs toilet combs, ivory fine combs, pocket inkstands, pock et and small fancy mirrors, tobacco and snuff boxes cigar cases, perfumery and hair oils. Brooms, mopsticks, clothes pins, bench screws, ail• low clothes baskets and market baskets, sugar and since boxes. Candy of all kinds. Dairy and table Salt, Salina Do. etc. etc. etc. Country dealers supplied at a small advance from New York prices. 0 - Most kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods. • BAILEY & NE VINS. Towanda, January 2. 1854. Pacific Balm. TUST received, a ,pew supply of Dr. Farwell's •Great medicine for the cure of Consumption. Persons threatened with the alarming disease would do well to apply this medicine before it becomes too late. Price $t per bottle, ar sii bottles for $5. May 24, 1b54. .1. KINGSTERY. Farmer's Union .Insurance Company. (Vice, Athcns, Bratifird County, Pa. (lAPITAL, $200,000, secured by bond and mort— .l gage on the real estate onthe stockholders, in— sures against loss by fire, houses, stores, and other buildings, goods, wares and merchandise, on as fa• durable terms as any similar LOSSE4 PRONIPTLT •DJtSTED AND PAID. Direelors—Hon. Horace Williston, Francis Tyler, George A Perkins, J T D Myer, C N Shipman, C F , yVelles jr. J E Canaeld; Athens ; Hon John La- porte, Towanda; Gen. Bradley Wakeman, Lacey, vilte; Gen..M. Hollenback. Wilkesbarre: Michael Meylert, Laporte. Officers—Hon. Horace Williston, President; J E Canfield, See.; C F Welles, jr. V. Pres and Treas. n" . • Address, G. A. GAYLORD, Agent, Wyalus ng, Bradford Co. Pa. July 1, 1854. PAPER HANGXNGS. THE only assortment of Paper Hangings kept in this vicinity, with a fresh stock just coming In at unusually low prices. 0. D. BARTLETT. Towanda, April 21 1853 THE NEBRASKA. BILL A LAW. M. T. CARRIER, WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of To— wanda and vicinity, that he has opened a Grocery & Provision Store. on the south side of the Public Square, where he would bo pleased to wait upon those that call upon him. He has all kinds of articles kept in a country Grocery. Such as Nnts of allirind4; Oranges, Le. mons, and Candies of all varieties and shapes, Ci gars of the best quality. He also designs to keep on hand Pnovistonsdic. &c., all of which he offers cheap for Cash or Coun try produce. His motto is, that " nimble six-pence is better than a slow shilling." Towanda, May 1, 18.54. ABOUTthe lir last of June, a pocket MEMORA DUM, with blue black tuck cover, the tuck broken and nearly worn out. Whoever will return the same to the undersigned, at Towanda, shall be liberally 'awarded. 8. V. SHIPMAN. •-• Towanda. July 20, 1054. Furs ! Fars !! A qantisy of Fur Victorious and t uffs of dif f erent qualities, for sale •T cost by Jim 19, 11354. 11. 8. NIERCITII. lfld ifat. Wm' ...ESILL Mir* En the South end of the Ward House, TOWANDA. fDlt. li. C. PORTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in OORIMIMOIDOOOIII GROCERIES, LIQUORS, exc. Paints, Oils, Varishes, Window Glass, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES Dye Stuffs and Burning Flhids. Regular Agent for the following genuine popular PATENT MEDICINES I Dr. Jaynes' Medicines— Ayre's Cherry Pectoral Alterative, Vermifuge. Schenck's pill. syrup Expectorant, Liniment Hoofland's bitters Hair Dye, &c. Pepsin (for dyspepsia) Dr. Fitch's Medicines Acornitic oil Dr.Swayne's do Indian Cholagogue Dr.Keeler's - do Lyon's rat pills Brant's Balsam & Ext Pile Medicines Orrick's Vermifuge Salt Rheum and Triter Graefenberg Medicines ointment Gargling Oil Trask's mag 4. do Pain Killers Spavin & founder do Galvanic belts, &e. McAlliater's do Heave & Condition pow. Eye waters Rock Rose Cephalic snuff Uterine Catholicon learn salve Tooth ache drops Sticking do. Hair invigorator & dyes Wistar's bal. wild cherry Bed bug poison Female Pills Townsend's Sarsaparilla Bullard's oil soap Plasters and Pills of all Balsam Life kinds. Harlem Oil And many others, not entimerated, all warranted genuine. (0• Remember Dr. POIITCII . S Drug. and Chemica Store is in the South end of the Wari House. front. inr, the Public square. H. C. PORTER, M. D. OWEGO MARBLE FACTORY, PEOPLE of Bradford County wishing anything nice in the way of Nfonuments, Headstones, Tomb Tables, Centre Tables of Italian and Awn ; ican Marble, or Black Stones of all sizes. can' have them on the shortest notice by sending in' their orders, cheaper and better than can be Pur chased elsewhere. Chester Wells, Cabinet raker and underta ker, nearly opposite the Ward House, Towanda, Agent. G. W. PHILLIPS. Tovvanda n March, 31 , 1853. yuawirrec - tre clv_al - R:_, - Pla 0,,1V. Important to Ifousekeepers: ....., . THE mnbseriberthankful for the ""...M6-. 117 1. -. liberal patronage heretofore re . AkSsigite ceived, begs leave to inform his A'''', r ,l -- ; ... ,friends and the public generally, - ~..N 1 1 - ! and those commencing House , _.. 'keeping in particular that he has 'll, Alt . ow on hand a large assortment '" Il of FLIZINITI;I:E, which he will warrant to be made in a substantial manlier, and of the best materials. BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut dor ss ing bureaus, marble and plain tops - ; mahogany and (walnut washstands, marble tops, and plain, of dif ferent patterns, Card and enitables, Sofas Couch es, whatnots, arc. BEADSTEADS.—High, Field, French and low post beadsteads, finished in handsome style and of approved patterns,together wish other furniture usu ally called for, al of which will be sold on the most accommodating ms. cri The subscrib is ako provid.-d with a plain and fashionable HEA • and will hold himself in readiness to attend to all orders in undertaking. He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid of which the corpse may be kept for aweck. ('OE FINS READY MADE. CHESTER WELLS. N. B.—Furriiture of all kind: male to order, and warranted to be of the best matt rtals and workman %hip. ' Towanda, January 17, 1812. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that they have taken the shop formerly occupied by Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITHING upon reasonable terms. They are determined by doing their work well and promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of public patronage. HORSE—SHOEING done in the best manner. All kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the most skil ful. manlier. WOOD WORK for wagons will also be made and repaired when desired. All work done at their shop, will be warranted to be well done, and manufactured from the best materials. The public are requested to give us a trial, and judge for themselves. ESENWINE do bEERISCHH. Towanda, May 2, 1851. g3l - .7.L(D3 , aa3 LEAVE Towanda for meteor's mills,Burlington,East Smithfield Ridgebery, and Wellsburg de. pot on the N. Y. & E. R. R., every Mosrm, Wxn- NIESBAY and Fumes at 8 o'clock A. M., and arrive at the depot in time to take the evening train of cars either east or west, same day. Returning TUESDAY, TIMISIDAT and SATURILAT, after the arrival of the Eastern train, and also the Western cars from Jefferson, Elmira, Sic., and ar rive at Towanda same day. FARE :—Towanda to /demur's mills, " to Burlington, 50, " to East Smithfield, 62} " to Ridgebery, 1,00 " to Wellsburg depot, 1,25 Express packages to or from the Rail Road care fully delivered at moderate charges. D. AL BULL, Towanda. Oct. 8, 1852. Proprietor BOOTS & SHOES! Sohn W. Wilcox, H AS removed his establishment to H. Mix's store, corner of main street and the public square, and will continue the manufacture of Boots and Shoes, as heretofore. He has just received from New York a large assort. ment pf fromen's, Children's emd Misses' Shoes, which are offered at low prices. The attention ct the Ladies is paricularly directed to his assortment, coMprising the following new styles :--Enamelled Jenny Lind gai ter boots,. do. shoes • black lasting and silk gaiters; w lking shoes, buski4,&c. Misses' gaiters and shoes, a every description. A large assortmentof Children's fancy gaiters, boots and shoes, of all kinds. Foe the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and shoes. This stock has been personally selected with care, and he believes be can offer superior articles at reasonable prices. 17. The strictest attention paid to Manufacturing, and he hopes by doing work well to merit a continu aace of the liberal patronage ho has hitherto received. Totianda, May 8, 1853. illisteltAtiout. LIQUORS. I . LIQUORS ! THE Subscribers having formed a cepartnership under the firm of S. FELTON & CO , for do. ing s genera) Liquor business, would respectfully ask Hotel keepers and all others in want of any. thing in their line to giv.) them a can e We- Intend keeping on hand a general assortment of Foreign Liquors, which we can sell cheaper than any one else in the county, from the fact that we buy direct from the importers, and thereby save a large profit charged by the N.Y. Jobbers ; Liquors are warrant ed pure and free from adulteration. Also constant ly on band Whiskey of the best quality. We have made arrangements by which we can furnish our customers with any qnantity of Binghamton BEER fresh from the Brewery. Please give us a call. The notes and accounts of-the old firm of S. Fe ton & Co., are in our hands for settlemen. Towanda, Dee. 1, 1852 I~~I~YO=T.tIL~ Saddle, Harness & Trunk Manufactory JERE CI J LP & Co., respectfully inform the public that they have removed to the shop on Alain streei, recently occupied by Smith & Son, nearly opposite the Ward House, where they will keep on hand a large stork of ataufauo., laalFauo TRUNKS, TMaas, WILJPR, aTC. All articles in their line manufactured to order, 'and made of the beat matcrial,and for workmanship canno be surpassed in Northern Pennsylvania, They solidi a call from those wishing to purchase; confident the they can give satisfaction both as to quality and price G:7Hides and Sheep Pelts received for work and ot, account, at the lowest rates. Sale Leather, Upper Leather, Harness Leather an Calf skins, for sale in any quantity. PARTICULAR NOTICE. ON account of losses sustained at the late fine, w ore obliged to call on those inkebted to us lot prompt settlement, u we arc under the neeessity of having what is owing to us, we trust this notice will be sufficient without resorting to other mein.. Towan.da. Dec. 2, 1952. Removed to B. Kingsbery ' s Block ! r, Ira. fhamberliss, irj A 8 just returned from the city 4 1 .: -11. of New York with • large ik supply of %Vetches, Jewelry and 7 „ 17,F Silver ware, comprising in • part, ~ ~\.:: )(, the following articles:—Lever, !\. -. IA L'Epine and Plain Watches, with 4c L ),V1 1 ,::" e .,, y, l ae a complete assortment of Gold - - Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Fin- ger Bin ;;Breast Pins, Bracelets, Locket; Gold chains, Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Sil verware, and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which he offers for sale exceeedingly cheap for CA 81f. Weches repaired on ahbrt notice, and warranted to run well,or the money will be refutided, and a writ ten agreement given to that effect if required. N. B.—NI API,E SUGAR, and Country Produc • taken in payment for work; and alas.' learn now, an ",rruer, I hal the Produce must be paid whin the tour g is dune—l war against credit in all its forms. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. I Towanda, April 28, 1852. LOOKING GLASA PLATES cut and fitted or any size, to be bad at the Jewelry store or May 15, 1852. W. A. CHAMBERLIN HANG OUT THE BANNER! A horse ! a horse ! my kingdom fot horse and customers In take away the grinds. Notwithstanding the late disastrous fire, A. M. WARNER in ` himself again ! And at No. I Brick Row you'll find Most anything that's in his line, From a cambricneedle of the finest kind, To a jewelled watch of eighteen karat fine. Clocks which keep time accurate and true; Breast pins ()revery style and hue, Gold, silver, steel and plated chains, Selected with the greatest pains. Finger rings, my gosh, why what a pile Of every sape and every style, To suit the old, the pang, the grave, the ga May there be seen in elegant array., And Wanxta, who is himself a " host," Is always ready and at' his post, To wait upon his customers and all Who chance upon 'im to give a call. So with good advice make up your mind* - To call on him and there you'll find , Such sights, my eyes, 0 ! what a view Jewelry of every style and r'j - Don't mistake the place No. I. Brick row where he is prepared to do all kinds of JO B — W K in his line of busines, at the cheapest rates that can possibly be atTorded He will also sell his jewelry at 20 per cent haver, than was ever before offered in this market. 'Call and see. Towanda. Nov. 12, 1852. A. M. WARNER. SURVEYING. S • . 7.8, 1 NEE:6 7 TArigAs t URNE YOR for Bradford County, is prepared to attend to the above business in all ittchranches. His office is at Moriroelon: All letters addressed to him at that place, will meet with prompt attention. April 4,18 M. NEW ARRANGEMENT ! I. L. & U. L. LAZITORILELITX tQti CO. T HE firm of Lamoreuz, Hall & Russell, having taken L. Lamoreuz as a partner, mill continue the Foundry business, generally, under the name of I. L. & H. L. Lamonucx & Co., st their old stand, known as the Eagle Foundry, in the south part of the Borough of Towanda, where they will manufacture to order and keep on hand a large as. sortment of the following articles, to wit t Machinery, of all kinds. including Mill irons, Mill gearings— the Rose & Johnson Water wheels, 4c. 4c. Stoves. BOX, Coal, Cooking and Porlor stores, of all kinds, sizes and prices. Ploughs. North Branch, Nos. 1, 5 and 7—Blatt.hly Nos. 1 and 2 —Binghamton, Wayne County, Excelsior, Side-bill and Corn Ploughs, tkc. Corn-Shellers dc Straw Cutters, Wagon boxeg,Sleig.h-shoes, Plough points, gearing for Chain pumps, Grindstones, 4-c., and other artir, cies too numerous to mention. Having secured theservices oil. B. IRVINE, well known as a skillful Machines!, the firm feel contio dent that they can manufacture and repair all kinds of machinery in as workmanlike manner, and on as easy terms as any establishment thirr side of Newt York. - Steam Engines will be repaired satisfactorily, on al on notice. Particular attention Will be paid to the Pattern Department, and all oraerc fulfilled on the shortest possible notice, t;i• Particular attention is called B. IrviAe's celebrated Excelsior Plough, which took the first premium of the Bradford County Fair, 91' 1853. Also, to the Elevated Oven Eagle Stove, the beat nuw in use. ' • Old Iron, Brass, Copper, Zinc, Pewter, and Grain and all kinds of Country produce taken in payment. N. R.—All Notes and accounts due the firm of Lamoreux, Hall and Russell, are left in the hands of I. L. & H. L. Lamoreux for collection, and immediato attention is called to the same, which MUST as CUD by May Court next. D. C. HALT., I. L. I. AMOIIVITX, C. S. Russita.. 5 H. L. Lotoszvx. Towanda, April 1, 1854 6 .4 TONS more of those cheap Sugars jest recd and for sale by PHINNEY. _ _ 11AANTED—all kinds of grain & lumber for V V which sonic cash will be paid by Oct. 24,1853. PHINNEY. DRIED APPLEr3.-40 bushels DriedApples— grafted fruit—on hand and for sale by March 15, 1854. D.IILEY Ss NEVINS. S. FELTON. E. T. FOX.