Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 02, 1854, Image 3

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    ficsal 21,bucrtionnents,
WHEREAS the Hon.DA.VID Witmer, President
Judge of the 12th Judicial District consisting
of the Counties of Bradford, Susquehanna and Sulli
van, and the Hons. hiTao3 BA:ILAItIi and HAIRY
Acszsr, Arciate Judges, in and for said county of
Bradfcrd have issued their precept bearing date the
Ist day August 1854, to me' directed, far holding it
Court of Oyer and Terminer,General Quarterter Sea.
,t eti of the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphan's
Court, at Tirarande, for the county of Bradford on Mon.
day the 4th day of Sept. next, to continue three weeks.
Notice is therefore, hereby given, to the Ciiiiineni
and Justices of the Peace and Constables of thecoure
ty of Bradford. that they be then and there in their
proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said
day, with their records, inquisitions, and other re
memberances, to do those things which to their office
appertain to be done—and those who are bound by
recognizance or otherwise to prosecute against the
prisoners who are or may be in the jail of said county,
or who shall be bound to appear it the said court, are
to be then and there to prosecute against them within
be just. Jurrore are requested to be punctual in their
attendance agreeably to their notice.
Dated at Towanda. the. Ist day of Aug. in the year of
our Lord, one thotisand eight hundred and fifty
four, and of the Independence of the United States
the seventy-seventh.
SOpannii.2 Gabe, by her next friend, Aaron Newton,
vs. George Reche In Bradford Com Pleas, No.
23'6', Feb. T. 1851—.415. sub. Throne.
GEORCE BEEBE, defendant in the above cause
—-You arc hereby notified that your wife Sopronia
Beebe (by her next friend Aaron Newton) has
filed her petition for a divorce from the bonds of
matrimony. And an this subpoena has been re•
turned and proof made that you are not to be found
In said county. You are therefore hereby required
to appear at the Court House in the borough o,f To.
wanda, on Monday. the 4th day of Sept next.being
the first day of Sept term of said court of common
pleas, to answer the said complaint, and show cause
if any yon hare, why the said Sophronia shall not
be divorced from you • C.THOMAS, Sheriff.
sheritl's Office, Towanda, duly 29, 1854.
1 - lir tie of writs of Vend. Expo. issued out of the
1.) Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county, and
to me directed, at ill be exposed to public sale at
the Court House, in the lon,' of Towanda, on Mon.
Jay, 4th day of SEPTEMBER, at I o'clock P. M.
.All of The f..llowino '
described lot, piece or
parcel of land situated in Sheshequin township,
bounded as follows, to wit: On the North by a roa d
known as the Hornbrook road—on the East, South
and West, by lands of lan Randell, contriving one
acre, be the same more or less, all improved, true
framed house, and a f. w fruit trees thereon.
Seized and. taken in execution at therouit of CO—
rvell 4- ("cr.. vs. Wit:lam E. Campbell.
ALSO, the following lot, piece or parcel of land.
situated in t'ilhrsherinin too n-hip. bounded in the
North by lards ofJerome B. Gillett, on the East by
lands J. S. Spencer, on the suth by Samuel Owen,
and on the West by lands of E Ora Newell and oth
ers ; containing f.l'lty acres in rc.or less, about - three
acres improved, and a log ho sr thereon erected.
Sclzed and taken in executi t at the sultrof Chas.
K. Ladd, es. Oaviil Kilmer.
AL -41), The follosstnz described lot. piece or par
rel of ;sod, situated in Troy Borough, bounded as
f •Itows the North by lands of E. Shep
bent. on the East by am h,z4way, and on
the ,•outh and west, be last !s et F. tt. 4 . I.'. 1
.Itratt; con—
taintni.t about one-hell acre. to be the same more or
less. ailimprovP..l, r. tat one fame.: house there n.
Beard and taken in execution at the suit of Ira
?-zinith SCE , ., Ts. Haman A. helps and Zephon F.
Walter. •
.NI.SO. The Coll...ring lot, piece or pimel Orland.
• • ruate,i in Monroe twp., bounded on the North by
land, i H. Scott and P.Sage and J. Coolbaugh,
on the East by lan& of John IL Scott. on the south
by J •hn Santee, and on the west by Jefferson Cool.
u::h. containing teensy-five and a half acres;
about fifteen acres improved. more or less• one
i,ard house, one board sheJ, and s o me fruit tr ee es
. and take,' in-exerotion at the suit of D
M. Buil. now to the lase of WA.Earn A. Chamber
I.n. v‘. r .I.loel Gross.
ALSO. The foll.)wing dal, piece or parcel of land
, ;inated in Springfield twp., bounded and described
:14 follows livutit—North by lands. of Li antes Mc
;,,ne.; and Charles Jakett, East by the Joel McAfee
south by J.•hri Holler and west by land of Ed
ard 11a , iow ; containing a!suut one hundred acres;
to the same more or lest; about thirty acres im
proved, one new framed how.r.. ;I. , :te old log house,
and afire f.uit trpes thereon.
Seized., and takee u execinion at the .suit of Juhn
E. Goodrith, vs. o,..hti MrK c.
ALSO, All that certain °flan& situated in the
township ot . South Creek., containing, stitydrive acres
and serenty•_siz peiches. being lot No. 2 on E.
oyerton's map, bounded on the North by warrant:
line; East by lot No. 3. late Faller and Grearcs,
s. , uth by lot No. 6, Stbrhen White's lot, and west
h lot No. I, Jesse Pew's lot ; vith a log house and
barn thereon; and a snia:l orchard and abut forty
arcs ,mprorad•
Sete ! and taken in at the suit of Ed-
Overton, rs. Samuel C. Kernel - .
ALSO, The following described lots, piece or
parcel .4 land, situated in the niwnvhip of itidgeber
ry . bs.U-Cid CAI 'AS follows, to wtt. the first lot-begin
nal; a; a post for a corner tieing the North-west
c !net . the Simons lot ; thence along said Simons
nth '.1,1°. East 117 rods to a corner ; thence
North 88e, West 91 7-10 rods to a corner; thence
N:rth 1! tleg , East 116 rods to a corner; thence
south 9rsl ° , East 94 1-10 toll, to the place of begin
ALSO. one other - lot. piece or pared of Lad sit
uated is said township• bounded and described as
follows—becinning at the North-west corner of the
above described lot, thence North li ° . West 71i
riads to a corner, thence North BS3°, We,-1 116 rods
to the place of betptuaing—being the west part of
1-• t N. 3fl. and the south half f lot Si-. 2.s—con
taining one hundred and thirteen acres. be the Same
rt eor less. (113 scres in both lots.) First lot 63 acres or there about:, with about
45 acres improved. with a log house ana log barn,
at a few fruit trees thereon. Second lot-contain
' at , at 50 ac•e<, and about 15 acres unproved.
Setred and taken in eseeouon at the suit of -H..
Vi PA:rl:k, vs. Cornelius Driscoll.
ALSO—AII that lot piece or part-v.1_0(110J situate
:a the tp. of Soutt Creek. containing about forty
*ere', sclog lot No. 6 on Edward Ovemon's
ccded on the east by Edmund Mead's lot No. S.
• !I by ',at No. la, the Nathaniel Campbell lot,
west by Tot No. 7, and north by lot No.:, Samuel
Kerne:6 1 :, eath a framed house and log barn,
s nia!: orchard. sod twenty-five acres of improved
Seize.; an,.! ta.;:eu in execution at the suit of Ed
ward Orert-n ••• s_ Charles White.
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land
satiate in Darlington tp. bounded and described as
f-Uotr s--.he ;inn in; at the centre of So sr Creek. on
the line of Jetta! Snieass and Wm. Wifean. ran
i:lag north forty-two and a half degrees west fifty
s perches to a past, thence south twelve degrees,
cast one hundred and 6te perches to a post a corner
Erastns Reach's land, thence north along the line
of Henry Eiley's land, seventy-mx and a half degs..
east treat;-nine perches to a past, thence north
iselv e degrees, a est along Jchial and Wm Mlican's
line Sfly-sesen perches to the place of beginning,
csivainit; foarteen acres, and Ane hundred and nine
perches strict measure, all improved, two framed
houses,ane shed, oae saw' mill and some few fruit
trees thereon.
in execati-la at the suit of John
Hanson rs. Wt. T. Bradford.
AI-SOL—The following described lot, piece or
rarrel of laid snouted no North 'Towanda tsp..
t . .v.l . drd as follows, trtz—beginniat at a slake oh
r•tr North-west line of Samuel Stratton's land—
thence along the hoe of the same, North 60 14 deg.
East 117 perches to a stone. North corner of said
Stratton--thence North 31°, west 106 perches to a
itaks and stone, the west corner of rot No. 22
Cuticle south 61 1-6°, West 67 , perches to the road.
Lucre along said road south 41 1-4°, East 30 perch
es—theoce south 134°. East as perches to the Se
w Creek—thence along said Creek, the several
ri-terz thereof 116 perches—thrice son's 16+ deg..
New Mantis' talents.
East 18 perches to a stake .thence south-78°. East
19i perches to,thtsbeginning l ,,conyttning fifty-eight
acres and 110 perches, being parts orlota No. 22 &
23, in survey of Shepard.* Donsuseer-be, the same
or Abettit slighter:we thereof *proved, with
two aindlfroutid houses and 'famed barn thereon
erected: . - • .
Seised and taken la exectitiMs at die -sail - of I;
Mercy,end C. M. Manville, now to the-use of Jacob
Myer. vs. Thomas Warm..
ALSO—The follOwifix deseribed lot, piece or
parcel of land *Mated- in Ulster twp., bounded on
the North by land of Edward Matson the East by
the highway leading from Towanda to Athens—on
the south by len : dant John Bowman and on the west
by lands of Edetarteldills-..-contain log one. half acre,
be the the same , More or lens—all improved, one
framed house , occupied- ma dwelling and grocery,
(a cellar also being dug.] • •
ALBo—One other lot, piece or parcel of land
shouted in said township, bounded on the Nonh by
ChSrles Holcomb and D. R. Bragg, on the East by
lands ofHorace Heath, (writhe south by the highway
leadi^g from Ulster village to Smithfield Centre, &
on the West by lands of C. F. Sweet--containine
about one half acre, be the same more or less--all
improved, one framed dwelling house, and one
stable, and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the ant of Robi,
son .dt. Shipman, vs. !oho M. Pike.
ALSO—The billowing lot, piece or pareelofland.
situated in township of Litchfield, bounded as fol
lows—On the North by lands of Samuel Davidson,
on the East by lands of Leonard Demerest, on the
south by land of Moses Wheeler—on: the west by
lands of John Layton—containing about eighty
acres, more or less—about twenty-five acres itn
proved— one log house, and one orchard of fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in eseentien at the suit of N
Mitchell ze. A. V. D. Teed.
ALSO, By virtue of snndry writs of Levari
cias, all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, Iv..
ing and being in the township of Rome. and bounds
ed as follows viz—Beginning at a stake and atones,
neatly a North east corler from the Grist Mill, on
the East hank of, Park's Creek—thence south 70°,
West ejght perches to a stake—thence south four
teen and seven-tenths perches to a stake--Cience
East 16 perches to the east branch of said creek—
thence North 26 3-4°, West 18 87-100 perches to
the place of beginning. Containing one acre and
27 76.100 perches.
ALSO—Another for a mill pond, beginning at the
North side of a rock projecting from the bank,west
of Park's Creek—thence North 61 deg., west 68
perches to a hemlock, on the south line of William
Strope's farm—thence south 881 deg., West, 22
perches to a hemlock'sapling.on the east bank ofthe
creek—thence south 871 deg., East 471 perches to
,s:stake and lines, one perch up the 'topmast of the
tlat—thence. -quth 47 deg., westl9 7-10 perches to
the beginning. - Containing 8 acres and 38 perches,
be the same uyire or less—with the privilege of
making a ract#'sufiicient to carry the water to the
mill aforesaid, on the west side of the creek—and
also the right and privilege of a road from the
mill to the highway, leading from Wysox to Owego.
Land in both lots improved and cccupied as a mill
site, the mill burned down lately.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Eliz
abeth Valentine, vs. James W. Mowat: and Maria
Mowatt, his wife.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Aug. 4t4t554.
Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to
the costs will be required to be paid upon each sale
when struck down to the bidder. and upon a failure
to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will
again be offered for sale.
.iTTOR.VEI" aT- LA n ,
Office with the Rezi;ter and Recorder, -
TowaNna. P.
OFFICE in the secon d story of the Union Block,
north side of the Public square, over the office
of J. U. Adams, Esq. Sept. 24.
Office removed to John C. Adams'Office in the
Union Block. July 20.
administrator's Notice.
A la. persons indebted to the estate of Henry
II Vandyke, deed lair of Albany tp., arr reques
ted to make payment without delay: and those has:
tag demands against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Au;,.tist .2.1, 185 , 1 Administrators.
• OWLS. D. EDI2Ealt,
.1 TTO It E r T 11,, ir
' Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pa.
.rry. OFFlCEOpposite ti. S. Hotel—Up Stairs., Al.
Executor's Notice.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of J. N. Pratt,
deed late of Burlington township. are here
by requested to make payment without delay : and
ail persons having claims against said est..te rill
please present them duty authenticated for settle-
r. B. PRATT, Executor
July IS.
The :usqut hanna Collegiate Institute,
lITILL be opened for the reception of Pupils.
10 V Male and Female, on Wednesday the ith of
iikeptember, when the inaugural exercises will take
‘5llll CTO
RF.V. S. F. COLT, A. M. Parscirai,
Professor of Natural, Mental and Moral sctences
Professor of Ancient and Modern Language. and
7 Belle , Lettres.
Prof. of Mathematics and Master of NermarSchool
Teacher of Mosic and French.
Teacher of English and Music.
Negotiations ere to progress tor licearing the sex•
viers of two other Lady teaehors in tune for the
open um.
a The Principal sill reside in the Institute and
the Pupils will board with his family.
The academic year will coasist of three terms of
fouiteen seeks each.
ixesssiS ran Till], or roue-rams weans : •
Tuition in the 4th class, Elementary English
Branches, 154 00
3d Class, Higher English Branches, 5 00
3d Class, Mathematics., Natural Science acrd
Classics commenced. 6 00
Ist Class, Mental and Moral Science With the
above continued; 7 00
Tuition in Modern Languages each. 3 00
Ornamental Needle Wort and Embroidery, • 00
Dratrior, 2 00
Oil Painting in Landscapes, 8 00
du in Figures, 10 00
instrumental Mimic with use of instrument, 10 00
Room Rent. 1 , 175
Incidental expenses, 38
Boarding in the Hall 31 63 per week. or per
Term. - 4 i 5
Washing three shillingc per dozen. Lights and
Foel at the actual expenXe. •
In addition to the above course, College classes
will be org anized if advanced scholars apply.
Especial attention will be paid to the instruction
of persons designing to qualify themselves as Taach
ers for Common Schools.
Pupils wilt furnish themselves with bed. bedding.
towels„ &e. The Bills for the term must be paid in
advance, or one half at the entrance. and the re
mainisehalf at the expiration of the ball term.
' C. L. WARD. President.
S. P. Cove,-Sec. J. D. MOIrTUT I, Treas.
Towanda, August
11 Towanda Botoogh, on the ftth of Augast, four
sheep and two lambs. The owner is requested
to pterte'peoperly, pay charges and take them away.
Tcwar.ds, Aug. 13, 11111.
C. THOM AS, Sheriff.
New 2121netusemrnts.
Register's Notice. -
NOTic.E is berebrgivem that there have bees
lied and settled in the office of. the Register of
Wills in and for the county of Bradford:. accounts
of administration upon the following estates, viz:
Partial account of Daniel Brink Jr. executor of the
last will Mid twitament of Abraham Fret:, late of
Bbeshismin, dec . eased.
Account of Samuel Davidson, guardian of Mary
Ann Demareat minor child of John N. Dcmarest
late of Windham dated.
Final account of Anna Denham and Samuel
Dunham-administrators of ttylvenas Dunham, late
of Windham, deceased.
Final account of Abram Westbrook admintstra.
for of 'hi estate of Levi Westbrook late of Athens
Final acepunt . of H. 8. Salsbury administrator of
the estate of Martin Wildeli fate of Monroe decal
Partial Account of Charles Stockwell and Betsey
Holcomb, administrators with the will annexed of
Sterling Holcomb, late of Leroy deed.
Final account of Gay Tracy administrator de bo-
nis non of Arvine Clark 2d. late of Ridgbury deed.
Final account of Benj. Park, Orson Rickey and
Maria Park administrators of Reuben Park late of
Litchfield deceased.
Final Amount of James Gordon administratorof
the estate of Samuel Gordon late of South Creek
Final account of John Vandyke and Mardatenalt
Walters administrators of the estate of Peter Wal
ters late of Leroy decd.
Final account of Josiah M. Cranmer adminialra.
tor of the estate of Rachel Cranmer late of Duren
Final account of Thomas Pyne administrator of
the estate of Patrick Pyne late of Athena dec'd.
Final account of Dcnnis McGill - and Marinda
Patterson administrators ofthe estate of Edw'd Pat
terson late of Bc:oath Towanda dec'd.
Final recount of Charles Humet and John Elliott
administrators of the estate of Humphrey Brown
late of Wyalusing deceased.
Final account of John Rogers guardian of Orrin
D Roberts, Charles B. Roberts, John Roberts, A rlet
ta Roberts and Mary E Vanderlip late Mary E. Ro
berts,children of Fleming Roberts deed.
Final account of Thomas Elliott guardian of Mary
Coolr,Slaniel Cook, Sally Ann Cook, Reuben Cook,
G. W. I ook, Emeline Cook and Adaline Cook,heirs
of Elizabeth Cook deceased.
Final account of C. o.oridley administrator with
the will annezed,of the estate of Francis V. Water•
man late of Pike deceased.
Final account of C. G. Gridley administrator of
the estate of Lydia P. Gridley late of Orwell dec'd.
Final account of Ribben Belong and Maria Seco
ville administrators of the estate of Silas Scoville,
late of South Towanda decea.ed.
Final Account of Ann E. Grinnell and Miles B.
Grinnell, administrators of the estate of William L.
Grinnell late of Burlington dec'd.
And the same will be presented to the Orphan's
Court of Bradford county, on Monday. the 4th day
of September next, fur confirmation and allowance.
Register's Office, August I, 1854.
Bituminous Coal.—Barclay Coal Bed.
THE undersigned is prepared to furnish at the
beds, any quantity of this superior COAL, at
the reduced prize of $I 2.5 per ton for Blacksmith
coal, and $1 75 for picked Grate zoal. Payment in
cash or country produce. but no credit will be given.
HENRY GA nss, Agent
for the Barela'y R.R. and Coal Company.
Franklin (Old Coal Bed) May 25, 1854.
A.thuinist.rator's Sale.
BY virtue of an order issued by the Orphans' Court
of Bradford county, will be sold on the 29th of
May next, at to o'clock in the forenoon, at the Man
sion house on the premises, all that lot of land sit
uate in Monroe tp., containing one hundred acres,
described as fellows t Beginning at a black oak, the
north west corner of the farm of which D. H. Owen
died seized, thence north 56° east 121 and 3-10 per
ches to a post, thence south 33° east 94 perches
thence south 13' west 100 perches, thence north 32°
west 148 perches to the beginning, with about 30
acres improved, and a framed house and barn there
on. terms made known -at the day of sale.
May 1,1854
Adm'rs. D. H. Owen, deed.
The above sale stands adjourned till Saturday the
10 day of.lnne, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the
house of Hiram Shaw, in Monroe.
c 7 The above sale is further adjourned until
Satunlay, September 2d, at the same plate and time
of der.
Resiiknce. on Pine Rm . , opposite the 014 Presbyterian
Offers his proll•ssional services to the people of
Towanda and - vicinity. Can always he found at his
office. in Dr. Poitrast's Drue Store, when not pro
fessionally engaged.
AL 41IC AM_ It& _p •
WING disposed of all interest in other busi•
ncss, is now prepared to attend promptly to
all business, in the line of his profession. He may
be found at all times—except ti hen absent on le
gal business—at his New Brick Office, '• THE
LIT - 11.E UNION BLOCK," between the old Un
ion Block and John Burger's splendid saloon, re
cently eteeted on the North side of the Public
Square, Towanda, Pa
Q N. B.—Particular attention given to col.
Towanda, Aug., 24, ISM
Southern Military Academy Lottery !
Conducted .111 tAt Ha rola Plan.
10,000 Numbers-238 Prizes!—all the
Prizes drawn at each Drawing.
CAPVTLLS .4;7500
In all 238 prizes, amoon tog to $30,n00
Tickets s.s.—Halres and Quarters in proportion.
Bills on all solvent banks taken at par.
AU communications strictly confidential.
SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Ilanner
Sign of Me-Bronze Lions.
Nlonignmery, Ala. Aug. 20. 1854.
THE subscribers; are in want of a young man as
an ahpreotiee - to the Titiman's trade, 17 or Ift
years of age, of good habits, who they *.O bind
themselves to learn the business.
Towanda, July 23,
D J. ViI''ACNT. OBE, Da - Iffilrttiill,
J. ALLEN, late Professor in the Ohio College
of Dental Surgeons, has discorere. a method
of insening Artificial Teeth on plate, which makes
any further improvement impossible.
It combines strength and durability with perfect
cleanliness. The gum is coutinuoas, and can be
made to suit any case, however difficult- So life
like is the expression, that the most familiar with
artificial teeth fail to determine they are false ; the
teeth appearing as if they actually grew oat of the
I hare secured letters patent for Bradford Co.
(r 7 Office in ?demur's Block.
Towanda. July 1834.
TBE partnership between E. P. and
A. Gay, ti due day dissolved by mnitial 'too
sent—the acconnts arc left in the hands of J. L.
Jones. Eq.. for settlement.
l imo'. June 11. 1354.
Horses, Harness & Wagon (or sale.
THE MAN who wants to purchase :a span of
Young Herne, Harness. and Lomeor Wagon,
on very favorable terms. can hear of an opp:munr.
ty% by , al.2:r.g at tla.a cf-r, • 3 7.e IS, 1!?Si-
illettlymbip, &c.
111", 3110.13.111110111CINEILIIMILOW.
attorney at Law.
OFFICZ ItfrX 71 . q. arxisrsa AXD *Lawman.
Towanda, Penna. •
Ts now receiving all eons of NE N GOODS, which
1 will be sold very low for Cash.
May 3, 1854.
• =al .a 0 EEO ELIAZZYZ.
WOULD inform her friends, that she has just re.
turned from the city. with a large assortment
of • 2111ISICA8T GOOD,
which she offers at reduCed prices. Produce of ev
ery kind . taken in payment for goods.
RIZEICOVILL.---DR. MASON has- removed
his office to his dwelling, on Pine street. Opposite
the old Presbyterian Church.
Towanda. May 13, 1854.
Plows and Plow castings I
B!ATCHLEY, Wayne county, Alba or Curti+
Plows, Side bill, subsoil and corn plows and
Castings, for sale cheap.
I take particular pains to get good well made
plows and tough castings. I would invite particu
lar attention to the Alba, or Curtis plow.
Call and see. R. M. WELLES.
Cistern and Well Pumps •
LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Rams ! of any kind,
size, &c.. cheap for ready pay, for sale by
Jan. 8, 18.53. :R. M. WEI.I.Esi.
JUST received by Joseph Kingsbury. • large and
complete stock of NEW GOODS, for sale as
Towanda. April 26. 1854.
Jane flood, by her 'text friend. Witham Frisbie, os
George Wood. Libel cur Divorce. la Bradford
Com. Pleas, No 119. Feb T 1854.
po GODRUE WOOD, defendant in the above
cause. You are hereby notified that your wife
Jane Wood, [by her next friend Wm. Frisbie.] has
filed her petition for a divorce from the bonds of
'matrimony. And an alias subpcena has been re-'
turned and proof made that you are not to be found
in said county. You are therefore hereby required
to appear at the Court House in the Borough of
Towanda, Monday, the 4th day of Sept next, being
the first day of Sept., term of said court of common
pleas, to answer the said complaint, and show cause
if any you have, why said Jane shall not be divorc
ed from you. C. THOMAS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office. Towanda, Aug. 3, 1851.
Trial List, For September Term 1854.
John Vanderin's adme's vs Confth of Penna.
John Ingham vs H B Ingham.
Stephen Pierce vs Jacob Harkness.
Job Shepard's use vs Athens Bridge Co.
David Bather vs John Snyder.
David Barber vs 8 R Chandler.
Sarah Ogden et. al- vs Wm H H Brown
Robert Metteer vs Daniel Webber.
Sanderson & Kinotherry vs A Weller
Hugh M'Eldry vs Gilbert Gotsline.
Stephen R Chandler vs Wen and Horace Kar
_Phebe Ann Patton vs John M Fox.
Phebe Atm Patton vs Hiram Fox.
Win Sinsebaugh vs Win Kid:
David Barber vs S S Hinman
Jorathan Royce vs Austin Farnsworth.
Davin Boughton vs John Thompson
Lyman Chamberlin vs Wm P Jones.
Win H Dell et al vs Edward Overton '
Clarissa Grace vs Chimney Guthrie
G W Marsh vs J F Chamberlin
John Ingham vs Z ¢ H Esse!tine
C L Ward's use vs Nathan Coon's Ez'rs.
Samuel HOT vs Charles Kitchen
Willis Christie vs Simon Stevens et al
Albert Van Corder vs S 8 Clark et al
Hiram A Case vs John Tomlinson
Wm Kid's use vs R L M'George
A B Smith vs Israel and Emma J Smith
E T Fox vs David Cash
Comm'th of Penn'a. vs Andrew Hand et al
D C Hayek et al vs H W Tracey
Samuel Means et al vs Win Patton. et al
Vanderworken's assignees vs R Brower
Gee F Crofut vs John and Philip M'K. et
W W Wheaton vs Lucius Humphrey
Henry Sible vs Curtis Smith
Geo W Goodell vs 8 A Tenant
Ben) T Mitidough vs John Flood
Abel Goodell vs P P Sweet
Hugh Cavenauzh vs James Realer
Wood. Grant &Co use of vs *ll - .loolbangh 2.1
John Allen vs Elliott Whitney
Chester Thomas vs 0 P Ballard
Samuel Wadi vs James Stevan. et al
J F Satterlee et al vs Guy Tozer
David Sinsebauch's &den vs W Finsetiaugh
Jacob Reel vs F H Arnold
Joseph Gaylord ct al vs Samuel Clark et al
John Sadler vs The township of Leroy
Tdl la WILE.
Josiah Pia 1106C0 va simnel licstin.
H W Tracey vs D¢ I I uyck
J B Chart vs E D Luther
randusen & laggar vs Clarissa Rus,cll -
S C Myer vi 8 W DeWitt
Hannah Smead vx Benj Clarkins ct al
John Rowe vs W Gregory
S W Alden vs R H Richard et a.l
C T Smity & Co vs John L Cranmer
Elijah Wolcott vs E H Munn, garnishee &c
E A Parsons vs The Rochester Insurance Co
J F Satterlee et al Guy Tozer.
Wm H Ellis vs Timothy Hireen
Richard Brower vs H C Porter
Ebert Dunning vs Geo Dunham
same vs H II Howe et al
Jocepn Van Kirk vs same
E S Goodrich vs Jac Thompson
Laura MeKcan vs Peter. Peck
H W Tracy vc TJaniel Huyck
Wm F. Gore vs C M Seesr
A C Moore vs Geo A Johnson ef al
Campbell v., Wm Campbell
Isaac I) Cole vs Solomon Cole
Edward Herrick vs C F Wells jr et al
Manson Ekbree et al Vs. Geor7ze itt.g.ers
David Barber vc 1 if Hendershot
Hitam C Johns & vs Corney
The Bloornstiur.; R R and Iron Co v. kaac Lamer
eau: et al
Oliver Rice vs-Richard Brower
C M Merriman vs Jrhial Ander , on et al
1 N Betts' use vs I.vcriming Int Co
II tlit Taylor •s David Farnsworth
Caleb ('armalt r• Thomas Morris
liastiors, Libbey & Forby ns R•Brower
Frastus Lo•eit vs Joseph Keeley
0 P Ballard's use TS C Fitchs'admr's
same same
%Vanier. Beardsley & ears 1) If Crane
Wm H Bran! vs Robert Tyrrell et al
J H Ransom & co vs Bowman & PhultleY'
Lyman Cooke & co vs same
Fuller dr Dattim vs same
Alt .11adill's errs. vs Nathaniel Morgan
David Barber vs Jacob Worthing et al
James A Paine vs Jobu Reed
H Withsion jr vs Jere= DeL-Coll ei it
Ridgway. Peacock & co vs Wm KIIT
E W Baird vs J For
E R Myers vs C FriAs
Subpeenas for the 2J week re:corrigible on %fowl:it
Sept. 11. at 10 o'clock A.M.; sat for the ad week
on the following Monday SAT?, 1111 b. at 1 0 o'clock
A M.
All !natters to tbe Quarter sessions and upon the
Argcsuent Lui. will be d:spo.sed of during the first
week- ALIEN &KEAN. Prut.
Engine and Fixtures for sale.
r i NE second hand ENGINE and ft LICI/P1 for a
kJ , SAW MILL, capable cf driving two or more
saws, all to good order. and will be soi , ±choap, on
a long credit. if desired. The Engine is no run
ning, and ban be seen by calling on H. S. DA:rn
sos. at OMIT. or C. F We r a. A:ben• Pa.
1 "1. , !t. 71 . :554
Tin, Japanned and Britannia Ware,
Trimmings, Can Sage Trimmings, Harness di Saddlery
Ware, Carpenter's and Joiner's Tools,
LEs2DI PIPE .11ND PUMPS, of all kinds and sizes, •
Would inform their friends that theee arc only a part of the general head., under which may he olasaed
their extensive assortment, and to which they ate con,taiely receiving ail.lirional supplier. direct (torn the
importers and manufacturers, which coahlea then) ,tich iiiducutrienia in their large aU:rk and tow
prices, that will challenge . competition frum any .inarier. We would ask the particular attehtiou of
to ,n examination of our stock, which having been selectiA n ith the care, we are confidint•Nal
satisfy even the most particular.
cry Don't forget the place—South si.le of the i uLlic square.
Old Iron, Coppor ■nd Brass, and all kinds of Country Pruduee taken in exchange for goods.
Towanda. May 27, 1854. HALL & RUSSELL
Fronting the Public Square.
sabserther„ thankful fur the liberal patronage received tLe 1 it ye,f, i, •
hand a full assortment of the very best articles tisealiy kvl.t ];) our r,! . .
such terms as will be satisfactory to all who may patrmrze
in hand, and for the Cssa uur customers will rees.;re the benefit of a
not answering our recommendation, wall be dteerfulis iGkert
Medical Advice gratuitously given at the Officr, thargir;
The stock consists of* complete and sel , sazon • .
Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal use, London Porter & Scotch Ale.
American Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant:d Good.)
Superior IrOBACCO d. SNUFF !----Choice brands o€ Pure nava nt u , 'Principe
and Vara CIG.S.RS !
Paints, 01Is, Varnishes, Window Glass, BrutSties, Perfumery. Shaving Snap,
Fancy Articles. &c. &c.
Black and Green Tea.; Rio and Java Coffee :, Syrups, Sugars, Spice., &c &c.
Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &e.
Th e b e ,l Q a d i ty o f, Go o d s —F g li Prrisils—Fundy !sta.-al to C.-slooters--,.0
Adaltcrotiosi of Goosle—CandiJi .4.lrize na k l'atent Ilemedses--antl Close :Weld:ens to Busoscss.', Novomber 12, 18"51. 11. C. PORTER, M. D.
Awarded to this Machine at the Fair at the American, Inch ante, New York, Qeti e l
A Diploma at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. First Premium at eke Stab
Pair, Utica, New York, and at the Columbia and Itensselaes County Ness York, Fairs,
and a Diploma at the ICe•tchester County Fair at hitt Plains.
Io the an:mg...Lent cf :Li: prc-le-1 cr.t • :ter Pre , .. v.., V doe a.r.“..4 ware p-wrs...l t0..13. I, en
valuable 11U1.. the ta' .ar 14 art=c...a...t. cu:*--,C ...A If tbe anple..s were =gray cnea.bcd,
Cr:nal, to break the au 4. At , tr • 11.. I •• \ 1t2.-t..ine. it retvorso Eor_.4.tre of 000 t -, t.. I. Ur it Li ' 500...17,1 et.", t re-y!txt, by tb.:4
rancenvent a. t. M. a... 9 n
The rte.. I , I--• - :• . .I_ 7_ CS • .• • I 7 ri . .,••, with
Tirraeriy. ant 41 sV., Iry - r, t• , • 4 r • r•••. •I,,titt • to • rrh - xe aMr
N dots-meg • 1,1 l ' ae ••••••••' • ' • •••• L.:se a-,1
Kerr the eye, A •: •.• • . 4 4 -.• 1 • ' a r. 1 . 1L•o ash
clew; mod the ran to •i - r. a- it% tlr tv'er 11 . - - n • • ••••••• %;:rl .
41 Lt. oral IneziAL )..5 1.5• - • A r - 5 r: . • Th.-4-- ••:,. rot-, 0 • 1. Yr` , a4'l it S.&
nor ta..ths ••• t -Le ;- I.)
to t,e. 1...1S:••• • • • • •1 ••,.•• 1., sett 111 . • .
...I LI, 'll4 ant Pr , • 5•5”.....1• 1 5 •• •-• '• r - • - elt r 1 - •-•-- ••
arrant:el lettl ,A 11.• rs
No Ylll - 11144T . 4 •A tt•••• r •,,, • 0414 -f o th of purr
Witareetirso will dlcappoi ate d. , •-• •' • • •••--- lime to ms lilts; Apple-hunter,
haunt be eel tad tho 0t,e..1 the . are .11,01,7.1 Itb la. II- r .1:1 a: a::
ate•hinee on his Gras and %tweet Cl.ler.
The weektoe to ran I -- L. r .•h -•-•-ee
vr.p . _ sod ales the series are crow.]. a n 0..-1.1 fl 4 r ose e•-h• 5 a i -r • e•
yous of Ace en pare use we... In ate 6ewee else. is , the re-e - h e•l ' oft—, n to th5A as:) .
• • wal lee,:
render Medd chit le med. •
-•5 ,•• •iir - --; • :a s
11‘..1 ees.h; s itt... si H v . "; t.t.e
Sher acne then male Int. , Me
A . - 5. - .. A• r, ;
tbzai racer, ad kmaz„ 1r0n..., 4la nos:. ,a•t " • • hard labor nate ortint: th e
renten of the Via.% aen ..nar t.:-• ppl -but ter t I •
11 the Passe end the Ca,. te,3444 , 41; u>i :has tt e ) .tit i -t -A • • •
tureetere reenit the tar - me:hal 4 a Land,. .4. )1..1 is war -t . • • -
and perhate .its-•••• tesm. am! &sato t • •l'a • 11 till!: in ,Suwon- '
maid hate torn wee reslit•hly eteulets•L to male from I -.a fear :re heel*: ..-•I• -; • .
era to .tbht ioro-fe Citer. Te nt - ...5e the dzifleolty the ; Itte: arst
Farmers bat, tete:el-re tau--el )4e..-Taihe ba.- • Farinsers.ainnto.
hewn invented, sad the flatentwot of • ire r -ts nR r”... MILL. before ) a n
th.: it 6 es,4 , ealy the toot V.42 - 1: - .:tt, tr:s3 One mem •-• •
Ira: i 1 b the twat per-feat:. that a man ova hr.- as L. 11,1 it wild not • hoke oar
farm_ The 103 • 1011 an by thi..-Nar!ane in, a f_o• •••• •. ?..;• taste •o
pa*. re that it en raires bet • ea.= teratia e/ emu Ir, =et 4A,• -• ?•••II • :
ctrl th-U - hot it minute at two, to .-.react • g. All e::. :a A•! .
bolo! sevrtainoi . et{ eelers; that fm.,. ' , , h ,th I meele,..l_ A, • •
navvy }sea he . stem than by the 44 peore.... b.- I
wirs thle.l; only require- ton ha oth to pixe. ey wed nat. 10 sent
flier • lar.-..••e qamatery than ran tel. ; .
drove ow th r ellel-Ci‘hr•nel rat hose, this Tram ererthz ' t 1 . 5:04..:4 .IV - s, 5 '•
to the ovsesetheo. 41 Pb. pounce to the hap. slat the eon- • -
elete ITIfTlak•T 1Ir! winch ti o ,t,WareL pram:Ora GI !man ILa/.4 a; • •sa ,
toru—ths.t oust - 21:11 7---rose a mete .• • 7
tiverabie result than • CAI lc.tensed en the ra•loury 1.1 l's V.
tanneel sotwoaq, et (Ayer., b tbe pa/
^,t-.F 4 .4,1 bti HAT.i. .4 RI 5...F.1.1.. /0 t•v I'. .. lE;m:ra. S.
Two mr.NDRED TONS Cacuza Green,; T HE here:, rote csistau , between
ter. 100 Barrels Sah. 100 Elbls Wh are •cb,eriber.s adder the 6n of Areisofi.v.
Lino. 50 bushels Oreell)S. we.,4 Branch vas 7.,a'03l consent the
Seed. 30 bushels Tmothi Seed. 500 ft.. .. :S das Ut May- M E. teticit a. Tb
County Chesie. juts recelre•.! asti for sale 1-• sustr, , f*s v`' hereaf•er estr - ri sr,
BALI.ET fi YLTE:V='. &
I • a "It
T''.- .
Wbcdenle and Retail:Dsakrs in
cnr.stßll . ' -
‘ WILL ..f
- entirdb
t a I•tw price. 2.1 - 1 arti‘iea
rtfunde .1.
for the Medicines.
ri: 14.
nele. a Car—
,: .ICO
W 0 H1,..3C1L
!'- lE‘i