Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 26, 1854, Image 4

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4311 . -Mdbatitil. "1.;
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Proposing dinendniensii to the Codott
tution of the Comniontorealth.
QECTION I. Resolved, by_the Renate add House
of Represeetatives of the Coinmonwealth el
Pennsylvania. in General i'sserriblt mei—That the
tollowing amendments be and the same are hereby
propustd to the constitution of the commonwealth,
tinder and in accordance with the provisions. of the
tenth article Mecca. to wit -
Sterros I. The aggregate amount of debts here
after contracted by the Commonwealth shali never
exceed the sum of five hundred thousand dollar*
except in case of war to repel invasion, suppress
insurrection, or to redeem the public debt of the
Commonwealth, and Atte money to raided shall be
applied to the purpose for which the debt may be
contracted, to pay such debts, and to no other put.
Stems To pay the public debt of the Com
monwealth, and debts which may hereafter be con
tracted in case of war to repel invasion, •uppress
insurrection, and to rtiltem the public dobt, the
Legislature shall at th it nett session after the ad
option of this section into the Constitution, provide .
by law for the.creation of a sinking fund, which
shall pot be abolished until the said public debts be
wholly paid, to consist of all the net ttliAttal income
from the public works and stocks owned by the
Common-wealth, of any other funds arising under
any rune law now ezi4tiog or that may he here
ia.:*.eil, so far as the dame may he required
• . interest of said debts semi•nanually, and
.• ~ to reduce the principal thereof by a sum
:...L.,Ls thsn five hundred thousand dollars, increac.
ed ye , r:r by compoidding at a rate of not less than
ti ..e p:r centuni per annum—the said sinking fond
1,11. V. e.e invested in the loans of the commonwealth
‘vhich . tall bP cancelled from titne to time in a man
lier to he provided by Jaz—no porion of the sink
ing fund shall ever be applied to the debt of five
hundred thousand dollars mentioned in the first see
fion of this article, but the.paid sinkiWg fund shall
be applied only to the purposes herein sliecified. - ,
Sccrtort a. The credit of the Commonwealth ahal
not in any tray he given or loaned to or in aid. f
any individual,.coinpany. corporation or , associa
tion, nor shall the commonwealth hereafter becomp
a joint n wner or stockholder in any company, aw n
elation or corporation in thls commonwealth, dr'
elsewhere, formed for any purposes.
Samoa 4. The commonwealth shall never as.;
come the debts of any county, city. born' or town;
chip, or of any corporation or association, unto ti
such debts shall have been contracted to repel ihra
sion,suppreas insurrection or to defend the State
in war.
ruorostriosr riscoln—TO •IIIr!CLZ
Prohibiting Wunicipal Subscriptions.
The Legislature shall never authorize any city,
county; borough or township, by a vo, e of its citizens
or (A b et wise. to become a stockholder in any joint
stuck company, association or corporation, or to
raise money for, 'or loan its credit to, or in aiJ of
any such company or association.
, Speaker of the House of . 'Reptisentatioes.
M. 114:CASLIN.
Speaker of the Senate.
In the Senate, April 28, 18:4—Resolved, That
this rei..oint;on pass. Yeas, 22. Noy. ft.
Estract_from the Journal,
- T. A. Nt VIRE, Clerk.
In the House of Representatives, April 21, 1854
—Resolved, That this resolution pens. Yeas 71,
Nays :10. Extract from the Journal.
WK. JACK, Clerk.
Secrets 's Office—Piled April 29, 1854.
Secretary? the Cowenonarealth.
Ilarri!.burg. '.luly I, 18.31.5
e•-•A" I do hereby certify that the above and fore
L. a. going is a true and correct copy of the ori.
ginsl Resolution relative to an amend
ment of the constitution," as the same remains on
Me in this office.
In testimony whereof, I have herefinto set my
hand and caused 10 be affixed the seal . of the Seere.
tary's Office the day and year above written.
Serretariiof the Comnicmacea/th.
**Resolution NO. 662, entitled ' Resolution ; propo
sing amendments to the constitution of the com
monwealth,' was read a third time. On the ques-
tion, Will the Senate agree to the first proposition
the aye- and nays were taken agreeably to the con
stitution,q4and were as follows, viz—
Vass—Messrs. 13 ockalew, Darlington, Parsie,
Ferguson, Foulkrod, Fpck, Fry. Goodwin. Halde.
man, Hamilton, D. B. Flamlin, E. W. Hamlin,Hie--
tcr, Hoge, Jamison McClintock, M'Farland, Piatt,
Quiegle, Sager, Slifer, and M'Caalin, speaker-23.
NATll—Messrs. Crabb, CressweU,Hentlrieks,Kin
ser, Kunkel and Shin ner-8.
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
On the question: Will the Senate agree to the se
cond proposition the year and says were taken
agreeably to the constitution, and were as follows,
Yx•s—Mess s rs. Hucksters, Dante. Furguson,
Foul'trod, Fry, Gond win, Haldeman. B. 11 . . HaMHO,
E. W. Hamlin Hendricks. Hiester, Hose. Jamison,
Kinzer, M'Clintock. IWFarland, Nat'. Nine,
Miter, Wherry ana M'Catlia. speaker-42,
NA Is—'Messrs. Crabb, Cresswell, Darlington,
7.amition, 'i:unket and Skinner-6.
!ues!ion w•as determined in the affirmative.
cst ion recurring upon the final passage of
itions, the first proposition was agreed to
- • Nlessrs. Abr.tbam, Adams, Atherton, Ban,
e,, ...glum, Boyd, Bnsh, Wed?. Celt!.
is, Car Hole, Chamberlin, Cook, Crane,
C.l.nrni .I:Dougherty, Davis, De Franca, Dunning,
Ec.zert, Edinger, Eldred, Evans, Foster, Fre,y,
lentine, Othoney, Gilmore. Gray, Groom, Gwin,
Hamilton, Hart, Herr. Hiestand, Hillier. Hilpple,
Horn. Hummel, Hunsucker. Hunter, Hurt, JakMan,
Kilgo'rg, Knight, Leary, (Lehigh) Linn. Magee,
Maguire, Manoerfield, WConnell,WEannell,M'Kee,
Miller. Monaghan, Montgomery, Moore, Moser,
Muse, Palmer, Parke, Pasamore, Patterson, Porter,
Putney, Rawlins, Roterts, Rowe, Ballade, Scott,
Biddle, Simonton, Smith, (Berks,) Smith, (Crawford)
Stewart, Stockdele„ Strong, Struthers, Wheeler,
),Viekleip, Wright, Ziegler, and Chase, speaker-85.
Na vs—None.
8o the question was determined in the affirmative.
Oa the question, war the House agree to the sec•
and proposition, the ayes and nays were taken,
agreeably to the provisions of the 10th article of the
conetitution, and are as folloa•s
YZAS—Messrit. Abraham, Atherton, Ball, Barton
Beck, Beyer, Bigham. Boyd. Caldwell. Carlisle
Chamberlain. Cook. Crane, Cummins, Dougherty
Davis;' Deegan. De Prance, Donning. Edinger
Eldred, Evans, Fry. ()alkaline, Gibboney, Gilmore
Gray, Groom, Gwin, Hamilton, Hicstand, Hillier
Nipple, Hunsucker, Hunter, Hunt, Jackman, Kill.
gore. Knight, Laury (Lehigh) Lowrey (Tioga Lion
; Magee. Maguire, Mamierfield, M'Connell, M'Kee
Monaghan, Montgomery, Moore, Moser, Muse, Pal.
mer, Parke, Parmlee, Pesemore, Patterson. Porter
Rawlins, Roberts,ittre, Sallada, Scott, Simonton
Swath (Berk') Sail* (Crawford)Stockdale, Wheel.
er, Wickielii,Wright and Chase speaker —7l.
Aises—Messra. Adams, Baldwin, -Beaus, Bush
Byerly, Eckert. Ellis, Hart, Herr, Horn, Hummel
M'Combs. Miller, Poulson, Putney, Sidle, Stewart
Strong, Struthers and Ziegler-20.
Botha question was determined in the affirmative.
Harrisburg, July I, ISM.
eNsitses Ido eert:fy that the above and ?,regoing
s. • true and correct copy of the Yeas and
%sevNsi Nays taken on the Reavlution relative to
20 Anseadmenfof the constitution of the Common
wealth, as the same appears on the Journals of
: the
two Hamm of ate General Assembly of this Cum
manwealth for the year tRS4.
Witness my hand and the seal of said office this
C - 4 day of Jali. C. A. BIiACK•
I. ri.:l S . r-lar . y of Mi. rommotatrial.h.
TP, now being:replenished with a full>antl complete
sleek of
Drugs, littedfaites, -
Paints, Ode, Varnishes, Window Glass,...oare Wine,
and Diquors r #, _tc.,
Together with Paints,Torpentine, Vernii.h, Dye-
Woods & Dyri-Stnirs;Glass,Putty choice Groceries,
pore Wines and Liquors for Medi cinal purposes.—
Also, Cigars of the best brand , and all articles con
nected with the trade..
In ghat', every thing connected with the traJe. The
Goods have been bought extremely low, for
and will be sold accordingly. -
N. B. A superior article of Tanner's and Neat'a
Foot 011 just received. •
ocl. USN KM num the place-3 doors south of Mon•
tanye's corner—same building of the' Argus Office.'
AU of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. AyreaChcrry Pec
toris;, Schenck' Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow Dock
Root, Orrick's, Hobensacks, and Jaynes' VertoiftNe.
Together with all of the moat popular Patent medicines
now in use constantly on hand and for sale at
REED'S Drug Store.
Three Doors below Montanye's :orner.
Towanda, January 3, 1853.
I s s n t
o n c w k being r u e
o f u s r n a l h m e d E
to w i t I t h l n E e s w
f a
a n n d
c s y p G l e o n .
d d i s d
Limps---some of them new and beautiful patterns.
In short, everything advertised in his regular col
umn, has been completely filled op, with fresh Goods
from New-York and Philadelphia.
Mathewson's Horse Remedy, Gargling Oil, Mus
tang Linament, and several new and popnlar Medi
cines which will be sold extremely low for Cash.
Paints,Oils Varnishes, Glass, Wines Liquors,
&c , as usual.
60BARRELS ofo!d Ohio NV hiskey just received
and for said wholesale and retail, at Reed's
Drug St,.re.
18 Ql (.f COdft,h, 20 hoc ei of Hernng,
5 barrels of . Saleratus, Warrented in prime
order. left on sale at New York cash pnces at
REED's Drug. Store. Towanda, fan. ISa.
1 (la ENIP Barrels, suitable for Cider, Pork
UlJand Beef Tacking. Arc, in good order. for
sale cheap at REED'S DRUG STORE.
Sept. 4, 1933.
Stands of various kinds, Chairs
and Bedsteads of every description, which are, and
will be made of the best material and workmanlike
manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper
than can be bought ,many other Ware room in the
on hand on the most reasonable terms. A good
HEARSE will be furnished on Funeral occasions.
Towanda,•June 1, 1854.
Cash and Ready Pay Dealer In
FANCY and Staple Dry Goods ; Cloths, Caul.
mere. and Vestings ; Hats. Caps & Straw
Goods—carpets and ci.l cloths ; Yankee Notions—
BOOM and Shoes—Paper Hangings—Transparent
Window Shades, &c.
all of which are offered , for sale for CASH or
BRADY PA rat the lowest possible prices.
Among his stock. of Dry Goods will be found a
large assortment of Black, Fancy and Plain Dress
Berazes and Braze de Laines—De
begel,Monslin de Laines and Lawns—Plaid and
Plain Poplins—Plain black, white, pink, blue and
corn colored Delaines—French. Scotch and Amer
ican Gingham■—English and American Prints—
Black, blue and white Bereze de Lains, Lawns
Prints. ace.
Swiss and Jaconnett Edgings, Insertings and
Flouncing., &e. Wrought Linen Edgings—Cotton
and Smyrna Edging.. Wrought and lace collars
—all prices—Lace and muslin ondersleeves—[in-
der handkerchiefs—all prices—Mourning under
hdk'fs., collars and hillfe.—Embroidered, hem
stitch & plain linen hillefs—Plain mourning and
black lace Veils—Plain and figured cotien and silk
jaces. Jaconnetts, Swiss and Book Muslin, Bishop
(awns, 'radians, &c., Lace & embroidered
Best quality of Ladies and Gents. Kid Gloves—
white, black & assorted colors—Best quality silk
gloves, kid finish—Plain silk tf lisle thread, do.. as•
sorted colors and qualities—French silk mitts, long
and short, for ladies and Misses. Black silk, white
and clouded merino hose—White colored, unbleach.
ed, mixed and black cotton Bose of every quality—
Misses white, colored and mixed do.. all sizes—
Boys mixed cotton half hose, assorted sizes : Men's
lambs woof, unbleached and mixed cotton half hose,
assorted qualities.
Black Italian, fancy silk and linen, fawn and
gingham Cravats, Silk and Satin stocks—common
and 3 ply Collars—silk and Linen landkerchi.efs.
ALSO—A large stoek'cf plain black and colored
1112.27.M31 ®lraatilin
Plain 1,11 doeskins, fancy cassimetes and vestings.
Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, cottonades and other cot ,
ton and linen Goods for men and boys wear.
Watered Moreens, assorted colors Damask for
curtains, lounges, dcc., double and single fold.—
Worsted embossed, damask linen and worsted and
cotton table cloths. Bleached linen :napkins.—
fileached and brown limn damask table Scotch and
Bossism ilispo and crash, bleached and unbleached
and colored Muslin and almost every otherarticle of
family dry goods.
A great variety of Boots and Shoes for mens,
bor s, ladies, misses and chddrens wear.
11rocha long and square Shawls. Cashmere, silk
and delatne do., assorted colorn, of an tinalitielh,
In addition to the above enumerated articles,Will
be tonne a good assortment of merehandize. of al
most every dei.eription to which the attention of
t he public is respectfully ed.
Tou arida. April 18, 1854.
.. q
r: 7..,,"
. - stebitl.'' '-, ':q-. ', :::i ',l
THE subscriber would an
.iunce to the public that he
ive now oh hand, and will make
order all kinds of
Cabinet Piirniture,
ich as Sofas,Divans, Lounges
enter, Card, Dining and Break-
st Tables. Mahogany,
~t, Maple and Cherry Hureaus,
. .
Now being opened by
ntruslh; Window Drapery.
T ioftihi `~ r.
- -
OTIVIRr- -4146/0
ivouLD respectfully call iltiattention of the
P4bhctOihile hinge, sto,cl4lpfenti'and;lolite!
trolAiniGoa4:6oriitsting every 4atiety of
roarleloths v CasOneres,, Doc skins. l'seeerk Kentucky
Jeans, Lsnens,'Shii-ti, - esilars, Stocki, Cravats,
Hosiery, Suspenders: Rats, Carpet '
Bags, Thud* Canes, 4? 4.c.
which will be sold cheaper disc the same quality can
be wild in any other egtablielunent in this country.
They save also on welt manufaitured as.
xortmen t of "
to which the . attention' of buyers. Our
Clothing is mostly made op in the shop—and pot
purchased at t' alop•Shops"—as tome we wot of. '
Orders in the TallOring lige eseititert in theinoit
Fashionable manner, at the shortest notice, sod war
1:0• The public will please notice ono fact, that
KO oxs not practically acquainted with the b,isiness
is capable of judging of the quality and make of a
earmenti, hence the reason why the community
have been so much imposed upon by a certain class
of community who deal In the article, who. if they
were not practically end pmfessionally cheats, could
of necessity. know nothing about the I:liminess.—
They are certzin. if the public would consult their
trueinterest, they would purchase only of those ace
quainted with the business.
Towanda. April 12, 1224.
The Waverly. .Ready Made Clothing,
Matt' & Wells, "Merchant Tailors,
j AVE the honor of announcing to the citizens of
1.1 Bradford County, that they have just received
the largest and most fashionable stock of
ever brought into ' old Tina; consisting in part of the
following articles:
Over. Dress, Frock and Sack Coats ; Vests, Pants,
Shins. Drawers, Wrappers, Overalls, Stocks,
Cravats. Collars, Pocket h'dkfs,&e..
Cloths and Trimmings constantly on hand—also
the rail fashion of Hats and Caps.
Our stock of Furnishing Goods is unsurpassed In
Tioga, and comprising everything necessary for a gen
tleman's outfit. Particular attention will be paid to our
a3Cri24M I - JarkarigigWASta9
Having received the latest New York Fashions, we are
prepared to get op suits on the shortest notice and in a
superior manner. CUTTING done on shod notice,
and warranted to fit if properly made ne.
'. Broad st., first door cast of the Post Office.
Waverly, Nov. 10, 18531
A NY man orsbny, or any body else wanting any
1 - 1. kind of CLOTHING, will do well to call on
Gronoa B. Pat:at:es, and see how
he is selling his new cock. He has now the
Largest Clothing Store
in Athens, and his Goods were all bought cheep an.:
v. ill be sold cheep. Clothing is much lower in the
city, and Perkins is bound to let his customers ha - 'e
the benefit of it.
The Store is new and just fitted up. Two dons
above the brick block, in• Athens.
Hats, Caps, 4c., new and cheap.
Athens, April 26, 1854.
The subscribers have just received at their old
stand in Mereur's Block, l'owanda, a new and good
assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, consist
ing of
Ready-Meade Clothing,
ever imported into the County—all of the latest
styles in market, which are being scattered far and
wide. In the way of Furnishing Goods, we have
a complete assortment—Cravats, Collars, Shirts,
Under shirts, Drawers, Wrappers, Gloves, Suspen-
ders, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery of all kinds, and a
variety of Trunks, &c,
Our Ready—Made Clothing embraces every thing
desirable in that line, and as we boy for Caen, we
can and will sell 20 per cent. lower than any other
Clothing Establishment in Towanda.
Towanda, April 20, 18S1. 8. ALEXANDER.
South Corner of Mercur's Block, Main Street,
ATtE now opening their stock of GOODS for the
Spring and Sommer trade, comprising a full
and complete assortment, and of the usual variety,
which will be sold at a very_ small profit for Ready
Pay. Among the assortment of
will be tonna a great variety of Ladies' Dress Goods
consisting in part of
Dereges, B rege Detainee, all-wool Detain, Lawns,
plain and printed ; Ginghams, English,
"Scotch and American '• Poplins,
Prints of a ll shad es and
colors tyc tc.
Also, for men's wear may be found Broad Cloths,
Cassimeres, Tweeds, Kentacky Jeans, silk, Satin
and Summer Vestings.
Also, Sheetings, Shirtings, bleached and brown,
Summer Goods for boys' wear, Cotton
Yarn, Carpet, Warp, Cotton Batten, &c., &c.
A fall stork will he kept on hand. Those in wan
of Sugars. Tew, Coffee. Molasses , . Stewart's bes
Syrup, Spices. Pepper Ginger, Saleratus, Flour
Fish, salt, Tobacco, or any other article in this line
will do well to call on us before purchasing else ,
A large a splendid assortment., Crockary, Glass
and Stone-ware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps—
Nails, Paints, Oils, Class and Putty.
Thankful for4he liberal patronage of the past sea
son. the undersigned feel n pleasure in inviting
public to an examination of our Spring stork, be.
having that good Goods and low prices will insure
a speedy sale for ready pay. TRACY & MOORE.
Towanda, May 12, 1854.
D. BARTLETT, is now receiving a large
and carefully selected stock of
bought for cash since the GOO late D decline in prices,
which he will offer for ready pay at prices which
cannot fail to give satisfaction—among other things
ho invites particular attention to his assortment of
Dress Goods.
Towands, April 15. 1833 .
ES Now opening a Nsw STOCK or GOODS, consists
log of fall and complete assortment of all kind•
which will. be sold as cheap as the same quality o
Goods can be bought anywhere this side of New
Towanda, Dee. 10,1853.
3 n NEW BARREL% fit for Pork or Cider
Ovi for sale at 75c each, by S. FELON 4 CO
Tuwauda, Aug. to, 1833.
q .. 3t•..
.I ~ t%.s~
Bradford County. Petinaylvani a
Straw Cutters.
I'OVEY'S Patent vital knife Ilayotand Straw Cut
ter', of varietal, sizes. NM -1. 2, V, 4;8 and 6.
Prics—s9, $9, $10„ $l2. $lB and . $2O. These Cut—
ters are better and cheaper than the straight knife Cut
ter, with knives set diagonally on the shaft.
The knives on Hovey's Cutter are spiral, which
enabler them to cut et right angles against the row hide
roller' They cut steadily, with no jerking—ar, easily
kept in repair. Each knife can be taken off and shar—
pened without disturbing the shaft (or other knives)
and if necessary each knife can be set out or in, Kt as
to keep them all true, if one knife should wear faster
than anothfr. Every farmer should hate one of these
labor and feed saving maehines.
Cr For sak wholesale and retail—a liberal discount
made to those who buy to sell again.
11. M. WELLES.
Athens, Pa., November 10, 1855.
Bradford County Premium Corn Shelters,
IVHOI.EBALE and Retail! The very best article
to be found it the county, and clicapeet—(erar—
rantrd)—for sale at the Agricultural and stove store of
Nov. 10, 1859. R. M. WELLES.
COOK STOVES, of various and excellent patterns
and sizes—several patterns of superior Elevated
Ovens, amon which is a combination of the Clinton
and National Air Tight; called the EAGLE. Also a
well selected stock of elegant parlor, ball, shop, church
and school house Stoves, both for wood and coal—of
sizes and prices to suit all classes of customers. Call
and see. Nov. 10. R. M. WELLES.
Sausage and Mince Meat Cutters.
PRICES $4 and $5 Every farmer should have one
of Muse exceliant labor saving articles; they are
capabliof totting from 100 to 200 pounds of meat per
hour, and arc very simple, portable and easily kept in
repair, for sale by
Atbens, Nov. 10. 0152. R. M. WELLES.
ItA3ll3nt & 1913=15111,
A"just receiving st their largo and commodious
New Store, opposite the Court House, a large
assortment of
Piorisians, Groceriis, raiikte Notion.i, Toys, Fruit,
Confectionary, Willow ware, tic.,
making their stock the largest, most complete and best
in Northern Pennsylvania. And the very liberal pat
ronage they have received from the public during the
year past, establishes the fact that they either Nell
cheaper or sell goods of a better quality than any oth
er dealeta.
To merit and induce It continuance of so liberal pat
ronage we shill still follow our old motto--“snact.
se or slyest."
Below we name a few of the articles that always be
found in our stock :
Black and green tea, Rio and Java coffee, chocolate,
cocoa, sugar, molasses, syrup, ginger. pepper, spice,
cloves, nutmeg, Marmon, mace, soda, saleratus, cream
tartar, peppersauce, sperm and tallow candles, hard
soap. Vinegar, starch, tic.
Mesa pork, dried beef, hams and shoulders, mackerel,
codfish, shad, picketed herring, smoked herring, wheat
dour. buckwheat floor, corn meal, cheese, rice, beans,
potatoes, butter, lard, crackers, die.
Fruit di. Nuts.
Prunes, citrons, figs, Eng. currants, raisins, dried
peaches, apples, almonds, filberts, &sill nuts, Greno,
ble and Madeira walnuts, pea nuts, shestnuts, &c.
Trench and American Toys
s ksincy Goods, &a. &c.
Tin wagons, rocking horses, boys' sleighs, China &
pewter toy tea setts, dolls, trumpets, accordions, hanno.
nicas, &c. Glass, paper and wood inlaid work boxes
and toilet cases—toy bureaus, secretaries, w riling desk r
—plain and embroidered work baskets, knitting, do
pearl, ivory, papier macho and leather port moniaes,
wallets and purses, ivory, horn and wood pocket combs
toilet combs, ivory fine combs, pocket inkstands, poet
et and mall fancy mirrors, tobacco and snuff loose.,
agar cases, perfumery and hair oils.
Brooms, mopatieks, clothes pins, bench screws, ail•
low clothes baskets and market baskets, igagar and spice
Candy of all kinds.
Dairy and table ball, Salina Do. etc. etc. etc.
Country dealers supplied at a small advance from
New Yuri; prices.
gj Most kinds °tenantry produce taken in exchange
for goods. BAILEY & NEVIN&
Towanda, isevary 2. 1854.
THIS Institution, for the education of young ladies
was opened on Tuesday the 20th September, in
the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Mercur.—
It is now under the charge of Miss Ottva& D. HAN.
sow, aided by her sister. Miss flumes D. HARROW.
The number of pupils is limited to thirty. The
scholastic year consists of forty-four weeks.
Taasts--$6, $9, sad $l2 per quarter, according to
the studies pursued. -
No extra charge for the Latin Language. French,
$3 per quarter.
Ratantriets—Rev. Dr. Meetterr, Vice President
of the College of New Jersey. Princeton.
Hon. DAVID Wreascrr, loss LAPORTE Esq., C. L.
Wenn, Esq., Hosr.Gso. Sesivansos, Towanda.
IV.111"11L,TSI 71411 C •
MISS REBECCA D. HANSON proposes to give
instruction to the young ladies of this place
on the PIANO. Terms-1110 per quarter.
Application to be made to Miss Hanson at the
Ward House, or at the Towanda Female Seminary
September 22, 1853.
Pacific Balm.
TUST received, a new supply of Dr. Farwell's
eGreat medicine for the cure of Consumption.
Persons threatened with the alarming disease would
do well to apply this medicine before It becomes too
late. Price SI per bottle, sr six bottles for $5.
May 24, 1654. J. KINGSDERY.
Farmer's Union Insurance Company.
Office, Athens, Bradford County, Pa.
OAPITAL, $200,000, secured by bond and mon—
k.' gage on the real estate of the stockholders, in—
sures against loss by fire, houses, stores, end other
buildings, goods, wares and merchandise, on as fa.
vorable terms as any similar institution.
Directors—lion. Horace W ill istbn, Francis Tyler,
George A Perkins. J T D Myer, C N Shiptnan,,C
F Welles jr. J E Canfield, Athena; Hon John La
porte, Towanda; Gen. Bradley Wakeman, Lacey,
Dille; Geo. M. Hoilenback. Wilkesbarre: Michael
Mellen, Laporte.
Officers—Ron. Horace Williston, President; J E
Canfield, See.; C F Weller , jr. V. Pres and Treas.
o:7' Address; G. A. GAYLORD, Agent, Wyatt's
ng, Bradford Co. Pa. Jol7 1, 1834.
this vicinity, with a fresh stock jest coming in
at unusually low prices. 0. D. BARTLETT.
Towanda. April 21 1853
iLOYER STMT)—A first rate artiele.just recetv.
ed and for sal , at Pus:cr.:vs.
In the South-end of the, Ward House,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
CULOCIOUZIR, LX,Q1703111, eta
Paints, Oils, Varishes, Window Glass,
Dye Stuffs and, Burning Fluids.
Regular Agent for the following genuine popular
Dr. Jaynes' Medicires— rry Ayre's Che Pectoral
Alterative, Vermifuge . Schenck's pal.'syrup
Erpectorant, tiniment flootland'a bitters
Hair Dye, &c. Pepsin (for dyspepsia)
Dr. Fitch's Medicines Acoustic oil
Dr.Swayne's do Indian Cholagogie
Dr.Keeler's do 'Lyon's rat pills
Brant's Balsam & Est Pile Medicines
Orrick's Vermifage Salt Rheum and Tetter
Graefenberg Medicines ointment
Gargling Oil Trask's mac do
Pain Killers Spavin & founder do
Galvanic belts, &c. i McAllister's do
Heave & Condition pow. lEye waters
Rock Rose Cephalic snuff
Uterine Catholicon Corn salve
Tooth ache drops Sticking do.
Hair invigorator & dyes Wistar's bal. wild cherry
Bed bag poison Female Pills
Townsend's Sarsaparilla Bollard's oil soap
Plasters and Pills of allißalsam Lire
kinds. Harlem Oil
And many others, not enumerated, all warranted
Remember Dr. Poarta's Drug and Chenties
%rely in the South end of the Wari House. front
mg the Public square. H. C. PORTER. M. D.
PEOPLE of Bradford County wishing anything
nice in the way of Monuments, Headstones,,
Tomb Tables, Centre Tables of Italian and Amer.,
ican Marble. or Black Stones of all sizes. can
have tbern on the . shortest notice by sending in'
their orders, cheaper and better than can be
chased elsewhere.
(Z'Chester Wells, Cabinet Maker and underta
ker, nearly opposite the Ward House, Towanda,
Agent. • G. W. PHILLIPS
Towanda, March, St, 103.
Important to housekeepers:
. . -,•,,_ , THE'irubscriberrhankful for the
": .- -- ,,,, - , -s.- liberal patronage heretofore 'te
--'-:-71. ceived. begs leave to inform hie
rr„ 11l friends and the public genetally,
i; TA fij . and those commencing H0u5e
.( ; - , 1 -_ - _ -• -_'keeping in panicular"that he has
a , now on hand a large assortment
.. " .11 of FURNITURE, which he will
warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of
the beet materials.
BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut dress
ing bureaus, marble and plain tops ; mahogany 'and
fwalnot washstands, marble tops, and plain, of dif
ferent patterns, Card and end tables,Sofas Couch
es, whatneks. etc.
BEADSTEADS.—High, Field, French and low
post beadsteads, finished in handsome style and of
approved patterns, together with other furniture usu
ally called for, all of which will be sold on the most
accommodating terms.
• cc:7. The subscriber is also provided with a plain
and fashionable HEARSM, and will hold himself in
readiness to attend to all orders in undertaking..
He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid
of which the corpse may be kept for a week. COF
N. 13.—F u rni tore of all kind: made to order, and
warranted to be of the best man rials and workman•
Towanda. January 17. 1852.
THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that
they have taken the shop formerly occupied by
Adam &entwine, on Main street, nearly opposite
Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all
kinds of BLACESMITHING upon reasonable terms.
Thew are dettrmined by doing their work well and
promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a abate of
HO4BE—SHOEING done in the best manner. All
kinds orrepairing ?dada:toy, executed in the most skil
ful manner.
WOOD WORK for wagons will also be made and
repaired when desired.
AU Work done at their shop, will be warranted to be
well d ne, and manufactured from the best materials.
The p blic are requested to give us a trial, and judge
for the celves. ESENWINE & SEEBISCHIL
T ands, May 2, 1851.
1 . 1 LEAVE Towanda for Mertur's
, Smithfield
Ridgebery, and Wellsborg de
pot on the N. Y. & E.R. R., every Mosoaa, Wan
arslisit and nutrias at 8 o'clock A. M, and arrive
at thedepot in time to take the evening train of cars
either' east or west, same day.
after tho arrival of the Eastern train, and also the
Wert;rn cats from Jefferson, Elmira, & c., and ar
rive t Towanda same day.
Rana :—Towanda to Martin's mills, 37i
to Burlington, 50
" to East Smithfield, 02}
to Ridgebery, 1.00
" to Wellsburg depot, 1,25
Express packages to or from the Rail Road care
fully !delivered at moderate charges.
Tdwanda, Oct. 8, 1852. Proprietot
John W. W il co;
Et removed his establishment to B. Mies store,
corner of main street and the public square, and
ontinue the manufacture of Boots and Shoes, as
• has just received from New York a large assort
of %men's, Children's and Misses' Shoes, which
offered at low prices. The attention of the Ladies
aricularly directed to his assortment, comprising
following new styles :—Enamelled Jenny Lind gai
ts; do. shoes; black lasting and silk gaiters;
'rtg shoos. buskina,ttec. Misses' gaiters and shoes ,
cry description. A large assortment of Children's
gaiters, boots and shoes, of all kinds.
.r the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and
• This stock has been personally selected with
and he believes he can offer superior articles at
losable prices.
The strictest attention paid to Manufacturing,
he hopes by doing work well to merit a confine
of the liberal patronage he has hitherto received.
'owanda, May A, 1853.
THE Ekbseriberstaving tinniest a copartnership
ender tbv 'firm offil. FELTON & CO , for do.
tars- itypeoltakittor - businesn; would respectfully
ask Hotel keepers and all others in want of any.
thing-iittheirline to giva them a call. We intend
keeping on hand a general assortment of Porei ta
Liquors, which tre can Sell cheaper than a n y cou
else' in the county r froni the fact that we buy diriet
from theiroporters. and thereby save.' large profit
charged by tbeN.Y. Jobbers ; Linton are warren.
ed pure and free from adulteration. Aker coasta l %
if on hand Whiskey of the best quality. We have
made arrangements by whidh we can famish our
customers with any wren tity of Binghamton BEER
fresh from the Brnwert. Fleece give tts a call.
The notes and accounts of the old firm of B. Pe
top & Co., are in our bands for settlemen.
Towanda. Dec. 1, 1852
Xa.lll l / 1 1[110011VJIIL.11Las
Saddles Harness & Trunk Manufactory
TERE CULP & Co., tespectfally inform th e public
that they have removed to the shop on Main street,
recently occupied by Smith & Boa, newly opponn
the Ward noose, where they will keer on band t
largo stock of
atarloTAgeo eza , baaet, Maracza
All articles in their line manufactdred to owlet, and
made of the best material,and for workmanship e'en*
be surpassed in Northern Pennsylvania, They wilier
a call from those wishing to purchase, confident tbs
they can give satisfaction both as to quality end price
(Difides and Sheep Pelts received for work and as,
account. atthe lowest rates.
Sale Leather, Upper Leather, Harness Leather in
Calf skins, for sale in any quantity.
N eccounfof loises sustained at the late fire, w
ore obliged to call on those inkebted to tis fur a
prompt settlement, as we are under the..,ineeessity
having what is owing to us, we trust this notice
be sufficient without resorting to other means.
Towanda. Dec. 2, 1952.
L_ _ _
Removed to B. Kiogsbery's Block!
._._ r
• TF*.i. Chainbertin,
-- 4.... jj - A 8 just returned from the city
Fift:- IA of New York with a large
1116, ii C, es k supply pply of Wattles,. Jewelry Ind
/ , Silver ware, comprising in pan,
b( the following articles:—Lever,
'-•,:. L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
'\. "- )•S -• - - -s'' ' ,•
7" - ' . a complete assortment of Gold llip
Jewelry, each as Ear Rings, Fin
ger Rings, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains,
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantity of Steel Beads—all pf which he off er ,
for sale exceeedingly cheap for CASH.
Washes - repaired on short notice, and warranted
to run well,or the money will l'e refunded, and a tane
ten agreement given to that effect if required.
N. B.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Produe
taken in payment for work; and oho. learn now, an
orcrer, that the Produce must be paid when the woe
is done—l war against credit in all its forms.
W. A . CHA MBERLINr Agent.
Towanda, April 28, 1852.
—7.-- - -
LOOKING GLASS PLATES cut and fitted o r
any size, to be bad at the l Jeweiry store of
May 15, 1832. rA. CHAMBERLIN
A horse ! a horse ! my kingdom f 4
R ~
a horse and customers to take away
the goods. Notwithstanding the hot
4-1( , disastrous fire, A. M. WARNER ta
himself again!
And at No. I Brick Row you'll find
Most anything that's in his line,
Froth a cambric needle of the finest kind.
To a jewelled watch of eighteen karat fine.
Clocks which keep time accurate and true;
Breast tuns ()revery style and hue.
Gold, silver, steel and plated chains.
Selected with the greatest pains.
Finger rings, my gosh; why what a pile °
Of every shape and every style.
To suit the old. the young, the grave, the get
May there be seen in elegant array.
And WARNtII, who is himself a " host."
Is always ready and at his post.
To wait upon his customers and all
° W ho chance upon 'irn to give a call.
So with good advice make up your minds.
To call on him and there you'll find
Such sights, my eyes, 0 ! what a view
Jewelry of every style and hue.
Don't mistake the place No. I. Brick v.'s.,
where he is prepared to do all k ads of
J B — W K
in his line of busines, at the cheapest rates that can
possibly be afforded He will also sell his jewelry
at 20 per cent lower, than was ever before offered in
this market. il:r Call and see. `p
Towanda. Nov. 12, 1852. A. M. WARNER-
URN OR for Bradford County, is prepared t^
LI attend to the above business in all its branches.
His office is at. Monroeton. AU letters addressed tr.
him athat place, will meet with prompt attention
April 4. 1854.
T HE firm of Lamoreux, Hall & Russell, harm:
taken in H. L. Lamoreux as a partner, will
continue the Foundry business, generally, under the
name of I. L. dr, H. L. L•noncox & Co., at their
pfd stand, known as the Eagle Foundry, in the south
part of the Borough of Towanda, where they will
manufacture to order and keep on hand a large as•
sortment of the following articles, to wit :
of all kinds. including Mill irons, Mill gratings
the Rose & Johnson Water wheels, 4-c. 4c.
Box, Coal, Cooking and Porlor stoves, of all kind•
sizes and prices.
North Branch, Nos. 1, 5 and 7-131ah.hly Nos
and 2—Binghamton, Wayne County, Excelsior,
Side-hill and Corn Ploughs, &c.
Cora-Spellers di Straw Cutters.
Wagon boxeg, Sleigh shoes, Plough points. gearing
for Chain pumps, Grindstones, Fjc., and other arts,
cies too numerous . , to mention.
Having secured thesery ices ofJ. B.IRVINE,weiI
known as a skillful Muchinest, the firm feel emit] ,
dent ilutt they can manufacture and repair all kinds
of machinery in as workmanlike manner, and on a s
easy terms as any establishment this side of New.
York. s s
Steam Engines will be repaired satisfactorily, on
si ort notice. Particular attention will be paid to the
Pattern Department, and all ordero fulfilled on the
shortest possible notice,
137' Particular attention is called to J. B. Irvine's
celebrated Excelsior Plough, which took the first
premium of the Bradford County Fair, of lila. Also,
to the Elevated Oven Eagle Stove, the best now m
()Id Iron s Brass, Copper, Zinc, Pewter, and Grain
and all kinds of Country produce taken in payment.
N. IL—All Notes and accounts due the firm of
Lamoreux, Hall and Russell, are left in the hands of
I. L. & H. L. Lemoreux for collection, and immediate
attention is c4lleil to the same, which soca; as r ,ts
by May Court nest.
C. S. R velum- 5
Towanda, April 1. ISM
TONS more of those cheap Sugars just reed
J and for sale by ' PHINNE Y.
lITANT . ED—all kinds of grain & lumber for
I which some cash will be paid by
Oct. 24,1853.
RIED APPLES.-40 bushels Dried Applei
- grafted fruit—on lian,l and for sale by
March 15, iRrll. n%P.n . & ticvlN,
E. T. PDX.
sI. L. Laxosial,
t H. L. L.►xoasr