24bautisnacuta ''.PEOCLANATION. WHEREAS the tion.Dstrie Wmatre,Preeident Judge of the 12th Judicial District comaistigg i of the counties of Bradford, Buequehanna sad Bra vais, and the Hons. Mums BALLMID sad H/Alll2 Acsr.zr, Associate Judges, in and fornsaid county of Bradford have issued their precept bearing date the Ist day August 11134, to me directed, for holding Codrt of Oyer sad Terminer,General Quartarter Sea. 'ion,: of the Peace.. Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, at Towanda, for the county of Bradford on Mon• day the 4th day of Sept. next, to cantinas three weeks. notice is therefore, beteby given, to the Coroners antliJostites of the Peace and Constables of the coon. ty of Bradford. that they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. with their records, inquisitions, and other rer memberancea. to do those things which to their office appertain to be done—and those who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to prosecute against the prisoners who are or may be in the jail of said county, or who shall be Found to appear at the Raid court, are to be then and there to prosecute spinet them 'withal' be just. Jurrors are requested to be punctual In their/ attendance agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the let day orAug. in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty. four, and of the Independence of the United States the seventy-seventh. • CHESTER THOMAS, Sheriff. Suphsonin Beebe, by her nett friend, Aaron Newton, vs. George Beebe. In lirculford Com Pleas, Ao. 236, Feb. T. 1854—.415. tub. Divorce. GEORGE BEEBE, defendant in the above cause —Yoti are hereby notified that your wife Sopron ia Beebe (by her nest friend Aaron•Diewtort) has filed her petition for' a divorce from the bonds of matrimony. And an alias subpoena has been re turned and proof made that you are not to be found in said county. Yon are therefore hereby required io appear at the Court House in the borough of To. %rondo, on Monday, the 4th day of Sept nest, being the first day of Sept term of said court of common pleas, to answer the said complaint, and show cause if any yon ha re,-Why the said Sophronia shall not be divorced from ydu. C.THOMAS. Sheriff. Sheriff 's'Offir e. Towanda. July 29, 1854. S U BY virtue of writs of Vend. Expo. issued out of the Court of CoMmon Pleas of Bradford county, and to .me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the boro' of Towanda, on Mon. dag, 4th day of SEPTEMBER, at t o'clock P. M. All of The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situated in Sheshequin 'township, ciunded as follows, to witlb On the North by a road known as the Hornbrook road—on the East, South and West, by landb.of luhn Bandon, containing one acre, be the same more or less, all improved, one framed house, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seizrd and taken in execution at the suit of Co r) ell d Gee, vs. William E. Campbell.. ALSO, the following lot, piece or parcel, of land, ,nutted In Shcshequin town.hip, bounded i.n the North by lands ofJerome B. Gillett, on the Ea,t by lands J. S. Spencer, on the suth by Sampel Owen, and on the West by lands of E.li , ha Newell and oth crs ; containing fifty acres more or less, about three acres improved, and a log house thereon elected. cized and taken in execution at the autt of Chas i. Ladd, cs. Davi,l .11.10, The fullowtng described lot, piece or par cel f land, situated in Troy Borough, hounded as ~ . vs viz—oil the. ',North by lands of 1. E: Steep. nerd, on the East by the public highway, and on the s..uth and west, by lands of F, LS. Elliott; con— taining about cne-half acre, to be the sims more or 1e ,, , all improved, with one fetned,,liouse thereon. zscized and taken in execution at the suit of lra saioh &Co., vs. Itarpan A. Phelps and Zephon F. ‘l.lll,:er. ALSO. The follotrine, lot, piece or parcel ofland, ituated to Monroe twp., bounded on the North by lands 1 John 11. Scott and P.Sage and J. Coofbaugh, n the East by lands of John M.Scote, on the south he j..hn Santee, and on the west byJetterson Cool baueh. containing twenty—five and a half acres: n l,out fifteen acres improved, more or less. one t•oard house, one board shed, and some fruit 'trees thereon. • • Seized and taked in execution at ihe suit of D. M. Buil, note to the use of William A. Chamber vs. vs. Joel Gros. ALSO, The following lot; piece or parcel of land F.:mated in Sprinztield Rep., bounded and described a. - Ilows to wit—North by lands of Barney Mc- G.me. and Charles lakes, East by the Joel McAfee s•uuh by John Holley and west by land of Ed "ca .1 :vlahow ; containing about one hundred acres, ihe same more or less ; about thirty acres im t,roved, one new framed house ; one old log house, arid a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John E. Goodrich, vs. John McKay. ALSO, All that certain lot of land. situated in•lhe le %emit:tip of South Creek, containing sixty-five acre■ and seventymix perches, being lot No. 2 ors E. overton's map, bounded on the North by .warrant' line ; East by lot No. 2, late Faller and Greaves, south by lot No. 6, Sthphen White's lot, and west by lot No. 1, Jesse Peitits lot ; with a log house and barn thereon; and a stna:l orchard and about forty acres improved• Seized and taken tit execution at the suit of Ed ward Overton, vs. Samuel C. Kerrick. ALSO, The following -described lots, piece or parcel of land, situated ih the township of Ridgeber ry, bounded as follows, io wit. the first lot begin ning at a post for a corner 'being thi North-west corner of the Simons lot ; thence along said Simons lot south 21 ° , East- 117 rods to s corner ; thence North 88e, West 91 TA 0 rods to a corner; thence North 11 deg, East 116 rods to a corner; thence iiouth 861 ° , East 84 1.10 toils, to the place of begin ning. ALSO, one other lot, piece or parcel of land sit u• ted in said township. bounded and described as follows—beginning at the North-weer corner of the above described lot, thence North 15°, West 71 4 rods to a corner, thence North 889°, Wert 116 rods to the place of beginning—being the west part of lot NO. 38. and the south half of lot No. 23—con taining, one hundred and thirteen acres, be the same more or less, (113 acres in both lots.) First lot containing 63 acres or there abouts, with about 45 acres improved, with a log house and log barns* and a few fruit trees thereon. Second lot contain ing about 50 acres, and about 15 acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. W. Patrick, vs. Cornelius Driscoll. ALSO—AII that lot piece or parcel of lend situate In the tp. of Smut Creek. containing about forty acres, being lot No. a on Edward Overtort's Map— bounded on the east by Edmund Mead's lot No. 5, south by lot' No, 10, the Nathaniel Campbell lot, west by lot No. 7, and north by lot No. 2, Samuel 'Kermit's lot, with a framed House end log barn. small orchard, and twenty -Bye acres of improved land. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ed ward Overton vs. Charles White. ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situate in Burlington•tp. bounded and described as follows—beginning at the centre of Sugar Creek. on the lute of Jehial M'Kean and Wm. M'l(ean, run ning north forty-two and a half degrees west fifty. ear perches to a past, thence south twelve degrees, east one hundred and fit e perches to a post a corner of Erastus Beach's land, thence north along the line of Henry Riy , p-land, seventy-sit and a half degs.. east twenty-nine perches to a post, thence north twelve degreei,o est along Jeh i al and W ni M'Kean's line fifty-seven perches. to the place of beginning. containing fourteen acres, and one hundred and nine perches strict miasurc, al( improved, two framed l'"uses, one shed, one saw mill and some few fruit trees thereon. S elzett and taken in mention at the snit of John Hanson vs. Wm. T. Bradford. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel Oland shunted in North Towanda twp., bounded as follows, viz—beginning at a stake on the North-west line of Samuel Stratton's land— thence along the line of the same, North 60 14 deg. East 117 perches to a stone, North corner of said Stratton—thence North 31°, west 106 perches to a stake and stone, the west corner of lot No. 22-- ihebee south 61 I.B° West 67 perches to the road, thence along said road south 49 14°, Ea perch. vs—thence *oath 13r, Envois perches to the Su— gar Creek — thence along sea Creek, , the several corners thereof 114 perches-4teate sou h 16i deg., Ncto eAbnatisaneuts. Eastl6 pembes-io sintalto-.thencitioulk2e, Emit 191 perches - to the begliniet--coetaintag Op-eight acres and ll„Operellegleig_parte*lntt & 33. itsameePAßliepard.47-DemeAs same or Mitt acme ~ :llsiejet vwith two smilftliosattsstd,ifluise ii4thereon erect*: 't..,;,7=- „„ liteigetXond.mheiTtieleemlas lit'tl4.: suit: alsretkissidC. tti''the*.Oflacob Myerors. - -Thomes . Malatiley. ALOQr-The 01 10 willr:desCriked lot, piece or parcel of land altnatediti Motet - twp., bounded on the North by Eitel/416 . 11440n the East by the higkoiy.leading•from Towanda , to Athens- on the south by landiorkilin Swiittfint andVeihe west by landed Edwei4-19184Wwtiawfwg6wifilltracr°' be the The, latecomers :or lac:mowed; one franiediumnie oebtipith as kawelling and grocery, (a cellar also Writ ALSO.,-Chse ether lot, - fleet. or parcel of land situated to said taiiiistipibbanded ow the-North by Charlia,Holcomb and.D. 11.r8riggi, on the East by lan&variforacellitath:MethesoutlillYilillAighway leadi- g from Ulster village to Smithfield Centre, de mi the Wet' by lauds •of c..r. sweet...ton taiga, about dee half acre, be the same more or less—all improved. one fawned dwelling house, and one stable. and a few fruit trees thereon. Seised ,and taken in execution at the out of Rohl. son & Shipmfiu, vs. lobe M. Pike. ALSO--The following lot, piece orparcelof land. situ }tad in township of Litchfield, bouatletras fol. iota!' On the North by lands of Samuel Davidson. on the East hylaiids of Lecatardllkinekest, on the south by lend of Mosey Wheeler—on the west by lands of John Layton—containing about eighty acres, more or less—about twenty-five acres um. proved- one log house, and one orchard of fruit trees thereon. _ Seized and taken in execution at the suit of N. Mitchell za. A. V. D. Teed. ALSO, By virtue of sondry writs of Leveri Pa. cies, all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land. ly ing and being in the township of Rome, and bounds ed as follows viz—Beginning at a stake and atones, nearly a North east caner from the Grist Mill, on the East bank of Park. Creek—thence south 70°, West, eight perches to a stake—thence south four teen and seven-tenths perches to a stake—etence East 18 perches to the east branch of said creek— thence North 26 3-4°, West 18 87-100 perches to the place of beginning. Containing one acre and 27 76,100 percher. ALSO-Another for a mill pond, beginning at the North side of a rock projecting from the bank,west of Park's Creek—thence North 61 deg., west 68 perches to a hemlock, on the solidi line of William Strope's farm—thence south 881 deg., West 22 perches to • hemlock sapling on the east bier of the creek—thence south 871 deg., East 471 vetches to a:stake and stones, one perch up the slopeeast of the flat—thence south 47 deg., west 29 7.10 perches to the beginning. Containing 8 acres and 38 perches. be the same more or less—with the privilege of making a race, sufficient to carry the water to the mill aforesaid, on the west aide of the creek—and also the right and privilege of a road from the mill4o the highway, leading from Wysoz to Owego. Land in both lots improved and eccupied as a mill site, the mill burned down lately. bko. ized and taken in execution at the suit of Eliz abeth Valentina. sta. James W. Mowat: and Maria Mowatt, his wife. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Aug. 12.119541. Notice is hereby given, tharan amount equal to the costs will be required to be paid upon each sale when struck down to the bidder, and upon a failure to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will again be offered fur FL Z. T TOR Jr E r L Office with the Resister and Recorder, TowAwnw, Pa. D'A. OVERTON, A IrOUNEY AT LAW. TOW*NDA,. PAL ryFFIOE in the second story of the Union Block, %.-1 north side of the Public square, over the office of J. U. Adams, Esq. Sept. 24. Mug TiMACIULRLIIMI ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOWANDA. ozr Office removed to John C. AdarneOffice in the Union Block. July 20. Administrator's Notice... Al.l. persons= indebted to the estate of Henry Vandyke, dec'd late of Albany tp., are reques ted to make payment without delay : and those bag ing demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. SAMUEL VANDYKE, JOHN HATCH August 23, 1854. Administrators. CHAS. D. EMISMILT, ATTOR.rEr AT LAw, Lycoming County, Pa. a:7- OFFlCE—Opposite U. ti. Hotel-Up Stairs.ja Executor's Notice. persons indebted to the estate al N. Pratt, dec'd late of Burlington township. aro here by requested to make payment without delay : and all persons having claims against 'said estate will please present them duly authenticated . for settle ment. r. B. .PRATT, Executor. July IS, ties 4. The aqui hanna Collegiate Institute, 'TILL be opened for the reception of Pupils, ,WV Male and Female, on Wednesday the 6th of September, when the Inaugural esemises will take place. ITETROCTODS. REV. S. F. cour, A. M. PIINCIPAt. Professor of Natural, Mental and Mnral sciences Rzy. JAMES M'WILLIAM. A. At Professor of Ancient and Modern Languages and Belles Lesiva. CHARLES R. COBURN. Prof. of Mathematics and Master of Normal School Miss FANNIE BILES, Teacher of Music and French. Miss PHEBE DAYTON, Teacher of English and Music. Negotiations ire in progress for securing the see. •ices of two other Lady tractors in time for .the opening. cO"' The Principal will reside in the Institute and the Pupils will board with his family. The academie year will coasist of three terms of fourteen weeks each. earsaiiss eta TIMM Or 1017 TTTTT WM.IS Tuition in the 4th class, Elementary English Branches. $4 00 24 Class, Higher English Branches. $ 00 2d Class, Mathematics, Natural Science and Classics commenced, 0 ob I st Class. Mental and Moral Science with the atiove continued; 7 00 Tuition in Modern Languages each, 3 00 Ornamental Needle Work and Embroidery, 200 Drawing, 2 00 Oil Painting in Landscapes, 8 00 do in Figores, 10 00 Instrumental Music with use of instrument, 10 00 Room Rent, • 175 Incidental expenses, as Boarding in the Hall $1 63 per week, or per Term. 29 73 Washing three shillings per dozen. Lights and Fuel at the actual expense. Tn addition to the above course, College classes will be organized if advanced scholars apply. Especial attention will be paid to the instruction of persons designing to qualify themselves as Tuck'. ere for Common Schools. Pupils will furnish themselves with bed.bedding, towels, &c. The Bills for the term must be paid in advance, or one half it the entrance, and the re maining half at the expiration of the half term. C. L. WARD, President. & Cot?, Sec. J. D. Mos &&&&& ' Treas. Towanda.,Augast 12, 1854. TAKEN UP. TN 'Towanda Borough, on the Bth of August. four sheep and two lambs. The owner is tequested to prove , property, psy char es ad take them away. . B. WELLMAN. Towinds, Aug. , en, C. THOMAS, Sheriff. Nei • 4.lolltllol2fatiltlik „ ' VOTICIII is anreby . Siveti•tbit ihentlitiveebees lr Abld hod Iletlred:ffiligatfiles AstitegllWsf Wills is and fur tbn coning of itnitifbitt amlontitS of idmintstrationlipon the following eitittes. _ Partial sceount of Daniel Brink Jr. czecutor of the last willemktesuustent - a - Abraham Pram, late of Sheilistirki4sMWM4 Ardmutstiollisitinel DavideetOtaardistitd Hart' Ann ihimirest minor 'child of Jana surest late Of Windham d•ea, • Final We - Min Wf..Ahilim-Wrsitthrook..adatinisita• tor itthsinditin - if tnyi Westlatitilt,trit! ot:Athenn Final itecouWo .s altn nor of 111 - iiilhuiy" the estate °Martin Wilden late , of Minute dee'd. Partial Account of Chutes Stockwell and Betsey Holcomb, adminiiitnitori sell' the will annexed of Sterling - Holton*. late of Leroy deed. Final account of Guy Tracy administrator de bo. nis non of Arvine Plsyt 2d. late of.lkidgbury dec'd. Final account of Benj. Park. Orson Bicker and Miria Park administrators of Reuben Park late of Litchfield deceased. Fival Account of James Gordon adatinistratorof the estate of Samuel Gordon late of South Creek. deceased. Final arseount of John Vandyke and Mardaknah Walters administrators of the estate of Peter Wal ters Ws of Leroy deed. Final account of Josiah M. Crantner admioistra• tor of the estate of Rachel Creamer late of Durell deceased. Final account of Thomas Fyne administrator of the estate of Patrick Pyne late-of Athens dec'd. Final account of Dennis McGill and Marinda Patterson administrators of the estate of EJw'd Pat- terson law et Booth Towanda dec'd. Final recount of Charles Hornet and John Elliott administrators of the estate of Humphrey Brown late of Wyalusing deceased. Final account of John Rogers guardian of Orrin 1) Roberta, Charles B. Roberts, John Roberts,Artg,t• ta Roberts and Mary B Vanderlip late Mary E. Ro berts,childrea of Pieta ing Roberts deed. Final account of Thomas Elliott guardian of Mars , Cook, Daniel Cook, Bally Ann Cook, Reuben Cook, G. W. Cook, Emeline Cook and Adaline Coolcheirs of Elisabeth Cook deceased. Final account of C. o.oridley administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Francis V. Water man late of Pike deceased. Final account of C. G. Gridley administrator of the estate of Lydia P. Gridley late of Orwell dec'd. Final account of Reuben Delon and Maria Sco. ville administrators of the estate of Silas Scoville, late of South Towanda deeramed. Final Account of Ann E. Grinnell and Miles B. Grinnell, administrators of the estate of William 1.. Grinnell late of Burlington dec'd. And the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, on Monday. the 4th day of September next, for confirmation and allowance. H.LAWRENCE SCOTT, Register. Register'. Office, August 1. 1854. Bituminous Coal.—Barclay Coal Bed. THE undersigned is ptepared to furnish at the beds, any quantity of this superior COAL, at the reduced prize of $1 25 per ton for Blacksmith coal, and $1 75 for picked Grata ..toal. Payment in cult or country produce. but no credit will bo given. HENRY GA FIBS, Agent for the Barclay R.R. and Coal Company. Franklin (Old Coal Bed) May 25, 1854. Administrator's Bale. BY ri n neof an order issued by the Orphans' Court of Bradford county, will he sold on the 29th of May next, it 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Man sion house on the premises, all that foi of land sit uate in Monroe tp., containing one hundred acres, described as fvllows : Beginning at a black oak, the north west corner of the farm of which D. H. Owen died seized, thence north 56° east 121 and 3-10 per ches to a post, thence south 33° east 94 perches thence south 13° west 180 perehes,thence north 32° west 148 perches to the beginning, with about 30 ' acres improved, and a framed house lad barn there- on. Perms made known at the day of sale. , - THUS. ELLIOTT, May 1,1854. WM. COOLBAUGH,2d, Adm'rs. D. H. Owen, dee'd, The above sale stands adjourned till Saturday the 10 day of June, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon at the house of Hiram Shaw, in Monroe. irj The above sale is further adjourned until Saturday, September 2d, at the same place and time of day. DR. E. H. MASON, PHICSIVICIANdt. StritGZION, Residence. on Pine Street. opposite the oil Presbyterian Church. Offers h:s professional services to the people of Towanda and vicinity. Can always he found at his office, in Dr. Polurca's Drug Store, when not pro fessionally engaged. THE GOOD TIME HAS COME! OZONTALNYES a CO. 417 E come to the conclusion that the time has 1-1 come, that debts can be collected, and after waiting patiently for Years, and finding the Good Time has mired, when farmers are realizing almost double for their Products, they hope this notice will suffice for a more astensive one and that payments will either he made in Grain at the present high pri ces or in Cash. Their Assortment of GOODS is replenished week ly from New York City, and will be sold cheaper than at retail in the Great Emporium itself. Towanda, January 31, 1954. Southern Military Academy Lottery t. (1111 ♦CTNONITT OV , IIII. STATE. Of AAAAA NA,) Conduttal on the Havana Plan. 10,000 Numbers-230 Prizes i—all the Prizes drawn at each Drawing. CLASS E—TO BE DRAWN 20TH SErBER. CAPITALS $7500 $4 6000 3000 1500 lo all 238 prizes, amounting to $30,000 Tickets ss.—Halves and Quarters in proportion. Bills on all solvent banks taken at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager Sign of the Bronze Lions. Montgomery, Ala. Aug. 20, 1854. IN WANT ! THE subscribers are in want of a young man as an shprenticis to the Tinman's trade. 17 or 18 years of age, of good habits, who they will bind themselves to learn the business. HALL & RUSSELL. Towanda, July 26, 1854. O. TWICIVVIDNE, MUMMA nR. J. ALLEN, lam Professor in the Ohio College -IL/ of Dental Burgeons, has discoverer, • method of insening Artificial Teeth on plate, which makes any further improvement impossible. It combines strength and durability with perfect cleanliness. The gum is continuos., and can be made to suit any case, however difficult. do life like is the eipressitna. tbst.the most familiar with artificial teeth fail.to determine they are false t the teeth appearing u if they actually grew out of the gum. I have secured letters patent for Bradford Co. iry Office in Mercur's Block. Towanda, July 28, 1854. DISSOLUTION. T"'partnership between E. F. Dawson and A. Gay, is this day dissolved by mutual con— sent—the acconots are. left in the hands of J. L. Jones, Esq., for settlement. ilmot,llone 22, 1854. LO Cli. Mr is ABOUT the last of Aisle. a pocket MEMORAN• DUM, with blue black tuck Covet, . the tuck broken and nearly wore out. Whoever will return the same to the undenigned, at Towanda. shall be liberally se vanied. 15.V.51511'MAN. Towanda, July le, IttS4. ittertish- 3 0 1 . 411 .- 4 gnifiC I PIE 1111 W I P I k; 1 11 11r, rave 6 5;4 onus iirra.Tair, 23011111". ' , - NEW SPRING* SUM M ER GOODS BURTON KINGSBERY, Is Dow restiviiig ell sorts of NEW GOODS, whic h will be sold very low for Cult. May 3, Mi. • • EST* Mc) I 1/1144510 VVoutp infirm het that she heti just re • turned from , the city. lOW* ,lazge . usury:tan t of 211:11=121021r GOODS, which she offers at rolusied prices. Produce of or. cry Wed Idea In payment for gouda. i4llll ICOVALC--.DL MASON has removed his °Nee to him dwelling,- on Pine sower, oppo s ite the old Presbyterian Church. Towanda. May 13. 18114. Plows Sod Plow castings! BIATCHLEY; Worm county, Alba or Curtis Plows, Side hill; subsoil and corn plows and Castings, tor . iele cheap. I take particular pains to, pt good well made plows and tough castings. I would invite panicu tar attention to the Alba, or Curtis plow. Call and see. R. M. WELLES. Cistern and WeU 1 1 011111011 LEAP PIPE ! Hydraulic Rains I of any kind, size, Arc., cheap for read; pay. for sale bar Jan. 8, 18118. R. Si. WELLES. vr x rur SPRING GOODS. TUST received by Joseph Kingsbury, • large and J complete stock of NEW GOODS, for sale as usual, quasi , lOU CALM ! Towanda, April 28. 1854. June Wood, by her next frond. Witham Frisbie, vs George Wood. Libel tor Divorce. In Bradford Com. Pleas, No 119, Feb T •18 54. Pro GODRUE WOOD, defendant in the above -L cause. You are hereby notified that your wife Jane Wood, [by her nett friend Wm. Frisbie,) has filed her petition for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony. Mid an alias subpceoa has been re turned and proof made that you are Dot to beTound in said county. You are therefore hereby required to appear at the Court House in the Borough of Towanda, Monday, the 4th day of Sept. neat, being the first day of Sept., term of said court of common pleas, to answer the said complaint and show cause if any you have, why said Jane shall not be divine. ed from you. C. THOMAS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Aug. 3, 1834. Trial Islet, Tor September Term 1954. SUCISI3 John Vanderin's adme's vs Com'th of Penn - :' John Ingham vs H H Ingham. Stephen Piercrvs Jacob Harkness. Job Shepard's use vs Athena Bridge Co. David Barber vs John Snyder. David Barber T 9 S R Chandler. Sarah Ogden et. al• vs Wm II H Brown Robert Metteer vs Daniel Webber. Sanderson & Kingsberry vs J A Waller Hugh M'Eldry vs Gilbert Gorelinc. Stephen R Chandler vs Wm and Horace Koff Phebe Ann Patton vs John M Fox. • Phebe Nun Patton vs Hiram FOX- Wm Sinsebsugh vs WITI Kid David Berber vs S St Hinman Joratban Royce vs Austin FarnarwOrth. David Boughton vs John Thompson Lyman Chamberlin vs Wm P Junes. Wm H Bell et al vs Edward Overton Clarissa Grace vs Chimney Guthrie G W Marsh vs J F Chamberlin John Ingham vs Z ¢ H Esse!tine C L Ward's use vs Nathan Coon's rem Samuel Huff vs Charles Kitchen Wyllis Christie vs Simon Smyrna et .1 Alben Van Gorder vs S S Clark et al Hiram A Case vs John Tomlinson /Co. Wm Kira use yr R L M'George A B Smith vs Israel and Emma J Smith E T Fox vs Iliavid Cash Comtn'th of Pentia. vs Andrew Hand et al D C Hayek et al vv H W Tracey Samuel Means et al VII Win Patton et al J Vanderworken's 119signew vs R Brower Geo P Crofut vs John and Philip WK. et W W Wheaton vs Lucius Humphrey • Henry Sihle vs Curtis Smith Geo W Goodell vs S A Tenant Benj T Midduugh vs John Flood Abel Goodell vs P P Sweet Hugh Caveneugh vs James Reyley Wood, Grata & Co use of vs W Coolbaugh 2d John Allen vs Elliott Whitney Chester Thomas vs 0 I' Ballard Samuel Wall vs Jetties Stevan. et al J F Satterlee et al vs Guy Tozer David Sinsebsugh's adm rs vs W Einsebaugh. Jacob Reel vs F H Arnold Joseph Gaylord et al vs Sarnorl Clark et al John Sadler vs The township of Leroy Talon WESS. Josiah Francisco vs amuel Huston. H %V Tracey vs D¢ I I uyck J B nark vs E B Luther Eandusen & Jagger vs Clarrissa Rus.all 8 C Myer vs S W DeWitt Hannah Smead rs Benj Clarkins et el John Rowe vs W Gregory W Alden v 3 R H Richard et al C T Smity & Co vs John L Cranmer Elijah Wolcott vs E R Munn, garnishee &c E A Parsons vs The Rochester Insurance Co J F Satterlee et al Guy Tozer. Wm H Ellis va Timothy Hireen Richard Brower vs H C Porter Eben Dunning vs Geo Dunham same vs H H Howe et al Josepn Van Kirk vs same E 8 Goodrich vs Jan Thompson Laura MeKean vs Pelee Peck H W Tracy vs Daniel Huyck Wm E Gore vs C M Seger A C Moore vs Ceo A Johnson et al Ru'iff Campbell vs Wm Campbell - Isaac D Cole vs Soloman Cole Edward Herrick vs C F Wells jr et al M anson Elabree et al vs George Rogers David Barber vs J H Hendershot Hiram U Johns & Co vs Wm Conley The Bloomsburg ft R and Iron Co vs Isaac Lamer . emus et al Oliver Rice vs Richard Brower C M Merriman vs Jehial Anderson et al N N Betts' use vs Lycoming Ins. Co H G Taylor vs David Farmsworth Caleb Carmalt vs Thomas Morris Hastings. Libbey & Ft:4l)y us R Brower Frastus hot ett vs Joseph Seeley • O P Ballard's use vs C T admr's same same Waltzer, Beardsley 4 eo vs D H Crane Wm H Brant vs Robert Tyrrell et t .al J H Ransom & co vs Bowman & 'Phinney Lyman Cooke 4c co vs same Faller 4 Dayton vs same Al: Madill's ears. vs Nathaniel Morgan David Barber-vs Jacks Worthing et al James A Paine vs John Reed H Williston jr vole:ere Driseoll et al Ridgway. Peaeotk & co vs Wm Kiff , E W Baird vs J M Fox E R Myers use vs C Fricke adm're. Subptenas for the 2d week returnable on Monday. Sept. 11. at 10 o'clock A. M.; and for the ad week on, thefollowing Monday Sept., 13th, at 10 o'clock A M. All matters in the Quarter session■ and upon the Argument Ltst. irtll be disposed of during the first week. ALUM AeHEAN, Prot. Engine and, Fixtures for sale. ('LICE second hand ENGINE and fixtures for a ‘J SAW MILL. capable of driving two* owe saws, all in good order, and will be sold Cheap, on a long credit, if desired. The Engine is now tan— nins. and ban be seen by calling on H. 8. Davo soy. at Ulster, or C. F. Wttl.L3. Jr. at Athens, Pa. Ulster, July 19, 1951. ILARDWARE I. 4, , .". AtDWARE AND - STOITS , Japa dita V'. , ane andl'lllll , .. Can foga .Tll„auntrir , , Zrartuns sit. Sladdlery Ware, Carpenter's Mid SoiLor'a lOKSMIWOOLS, FARMERS. , TOOLS AND Ai:RaiIMAL IMPLEVENTS P UMPS,, of all kinds and tiro, n rON, STEEL, i:EATtIER, BELTING, tte, Would inform tharfriende,tbil those are ontY 2 part of the - general head under which may be dossed c their extensive assortmenand to which they are constantly receiving additional supplies, direct from the i m p a rters and inimufactiaters, which enables them ti. olTer each ruducewents in their large eta* wed low prices, that VriU challengecompetition front any quarter. We woubl ask the particular attsotiou of atett.ts - duoli %kualzbilaza to an examinatiOn=of ouritoilt, which having btu :elected v.itiOthe venue; cafe, we art confident will satisfy even the West particular. CO' Don't forget the place-906tb side of the public square. Oki Iron, Coppot and Brae*, and all kinds.of Country Produce taken in eacAange for good'. Towanda, May fl 1851. HALL & DR. PORTER'S OFFICE &. DRUG STORE, SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE, . Fronting the Public Square. TIM subscriber , thankful for the liberal patronage received the past year, intvride to keep itinatantly on hand a 101 l assortment of the very beet articles usually Lept in our line, which us wict dispose of on such terms aa will be satisfactory to all who may patronize him. The purchaera are made entirely with cash in hand, and for the Clan our customers will receive th-, benefit of a good article at a hiw price. All articles not answering our reoommendation, wilL be cheerfully iukrn hack, and 'he money refunded. B - Medical idvice gratuitously ven at the Of rice, charging snly for the killeinrs. The stuck consist! of a complete and Meet assortment MEDICINES, DRUGS, Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal Esc, Londtin Porter & Scotch Ale. .ILL 7HE MOST POP .§l,-111 l'elTE NT MEDICINES ! FRESH CANINENE & BURNING FLIA--NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS ! American 'Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant_d Good,) Superior TOBACCO & surtrrr !----Choice brands of Pure Savanna, Principe and Yara CIGARS Paints, 01Is, Varnishes,. Window Glaoat. lieuSikes, Perfamery. Slut% la; Soap, Fancy Articles, Sic. ft,c. FAMILY GROCERIES : Black and Green Teae ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Mot: vote., Syrups, Sugars, spices, dre . &c Salmon, Mackerel, Sardiues, N7o. REMEMBIft THE :TORE-SOUTH END OF THE WARD BOUSE! (‘ 71st hit Quality of Goo,ls—Full Assortment —Mod , srats Froths—Ready Atleofton to Crstomer Adniteration of Goods--Candul Aciruc as to Patent Iternedies—wai Close 'land on to Bu.ane. " Towanda. Nnromber 12, IASB. . U. C. PORTER, M. D. Awarded t• this Machtne at the Fair of Cho A martens' Ilniattute. New Vork, Oat. l fie a • Diploma at the Franklin institute, Philattelphlia. First Premium at the tat rids, Otlea;Nitor York, and at the Columbia and RenSlir 1 fter County New 'Work Valve. and a Diploma al the Weeteh County . Fair at White Plains. /IN HICKOK'S PATENT IX To the prwenf arrangement of thIA hL bly e rpm, ea uad nimble 11111, tie labor LIP di. Med 1 y +rr.ogtm n cui tin% Cylkeder to break the apple*. nn.l. thou 'lei. , tl , on to Om btwer Cyllodere to to retincr,l 1n r..rro , oe Itv tH kr reasetoent the *ork .1.11 performed Le.ster and *ht. rutroll ban labor. The Perm ii arranged with I. much •crew than Ihrenerly, and be bra very ingiliku , din Ice the of the Ing dhiPtitistd wtth and the Toth mode to open t will to thc liver the postmos, while at the tame time the 1 uter Is left their and (ho work ran be done with much :.5 Inter then by the old method. This ei 'loiters are cvver.l with hery shawl %.Ipe., both on their isnikheric• tied en•ts: the wood In then - is arranged so cos not to suoil . and tL. oh. to u,t on the Mill and Presa made in the erry hest winner nod arranged with especial slew to their thin:l4llft- nod ,irsise. No Fanner who us. the still caruftillitoul .11,1 sling to dlrartitma will be dies pole t etl , un the other hand b will earl Mkt ens of ()minuet Talent le and efbcient mashicam on him fit.rtm The Iterbine La made to rob by Imre., atetm...e band power, and Wheel the apples am erm od, a .moll boy of It years of age can prom the pomace with ad oa-o. In all toner flame It wee supposed that a large quantity of Cider could only be made by u-beg a ponderous umelalua I that slowly crushed the apple. without erlahng them fine. i They were time made tote • to wave sheen. in 4:11M, and a I most severe and long Prersitre was required; to *street a =of the Cider, a conaidemble quantity tieing theorbed straw and the men of pomace; and to obtain this { neutallellietory molt the farmer but to take , ell his bauds, andhis all-horse tee m end de iote a whole day that coed ' re n more profitably employed. to make from eta blanch of Oder. To obviate the difficulty the bands Taxmen hams heretothre labored wider. title Machine ha. been invented, and the Statement of a few filets will prove that it le not wily the beet Machine of the kind in embracer, bet It is the mad profitable that a man MA hem on his ' throb The apples are by this idethhie grated op into a fine pulp, go that It requires bet agemparetively light preeaure. and that but • minute or two, to extract all the eider, It Wag asnittainad by prartkal experiment that Nu Fourth mere Airs tan be obtained than by the aid pcperse Etc Odin this, it only requires two bands to grind up @miens ke Into Cider a law quantity of apples than an be powdbly dons en the oid-hiettioned machines. On this peas, owing to the eatnpretneie of the pomace in the tub, and the econ ghee menner fit whistb It is a pressure of from 3 So b tone—that can easily be will thewprxl a more enceabbiateolt than fifty tau pterar• on oriburry rowel ameming ts get at Omagreen la lb* year Mil. la Vertld by HALL 4 RUSSELL. Towand PLASTER, SALT, &C. Two HUNDRO 1431.13 Cayuga Ground rims. ter, 100 H is Salt. 100 abb. White Stone Lime, 20 bushalifOrwell 4* West Branch Cleves Seed, SO buabala I rinsithy Stet 500 lbs. Allegany County Chews. just 'waived and for sale by BAILEY & NEVEM'. Towanda, AFnt 27, 1.34. HALL St 'I -RUSSELL,' Wholesale and Retail Beware in I=l -AND ITS MOTTO,-- MWlrr. 7 W wl l2l • . IRON STORE. AND CROCERIES, PROVED CIDER MILL titer Preto. even if the apple. were ground u Reeky u or lie iniprored Mill: and if the apples% wore marely,tnalbol s a• on the \ Ut tier-hies, It would recialre,e pressure of ono Iniodred tow to produce the mink reconiplistpd by thli Patent Mill. The following luny be tichluced as Du chided stirenteiree of this MilL !lest—lt 1 , 11 l make runt" Cider than an! other Neu. wile t given qnsntity mole., Ina given time, and with much less Intesr and e•tt+'t:se. Second -It a.!l uttske cleaner and tweeter CLlar o:unsay other Mill. T131,1--Yntl rzol Tr.skte the rider an you wia.t . 7 balk you .ant It—ea.•l to 4uantlt.6s from ono gallon to 0 or 10 hu-rele, • . Fourth—WWl It ma ran Arent your rwniats, amnia% BeITLIN, Chown. 6uit•r. Lant, and fifth- ‘IS 4 IT ',AI ran nee oneeirotarth Taw time In malting Appleebutter. Sixth— ntth 1 , , you cm st all dines have Praia/ and Sweet Cider. nigh ail the ad cant:wee reanlting Crean the pone...mien axell ear of such a Inscl,fuc—at a price ad low that It is vrithba the each of all - qati it be Coat any intdAVl 4 Formes etiuM do viiihout it? Do you wish to boor In your homo at all times Cider that to sweet and frvah, the only time It is really healthy and Et for use—and do )ou wish to POI', • greet portion of the hard labor attending the making of A prole-butter f lf eo. buy Ode within', and our lied - for U. you will not be disappointed. This Mill Is warranted superior to any otbUL Mill lo existents, etui the Proprietor is reedy at • time. oorfair nodes being Oleo.) to test it with any %Malta iiili that to not as infringement on it. Farmers, examine this newly IIdPROVPD MILL, before you buy any ether.' One great advantage of this mutant, ore all others, h. that tt will not choke' up, and hard or soft spats, no be ground. and yet the Cylinders will always =Waft clear and in grinding order, All orders will be filled In the order in Whisk they we twodtild , and all T 4.71.01211 wanting thew would do well to rend their orders early, and Rate at what time Otei wait the Mill sent. • Thts MU. attends' by 2 Men. Ira when properly Parisi rtronrcihtg to directions, wake • to 12 barrel. of elder • day— and will grind alone by bonmeptemer from 100 to 300 bushels of apples • day. SFr The Pries of the Ma Is $lO, free of freight. FLULIUSBOII.I:4 Pa, Slay, 1153. W. 0. 111010 X. W Maoist tearr of tar tutors Muir. of reasqivard• •, and by C. M. -WIDRIG, Eimirl. N. Y DISSOLUTION. as-partnership heretofore existing banreeit tee snbseribers, under the firm of Alexander dt Solomon. vas &evolved by mutual consent on the 77th day ut May. M. E. Solomon eatiriei. Ihe business will hereafter be carried on under the nemll of 3. k S. Alexander. Towanda, May 27, ;RI