INlatCrtilll 2:70 TOWANDA: %turbo Morning, 3.ngnst 20, 11124. Stitthlt iottrt THE TIDE OF DEATH. ■T a. N. eamwrox. The tide roll. on, the tide rolls on— The never ceasing tide, That sweeps the pleasures from °urbane, The loved ones from oar side— That brings afflictions to oar la, And anguish and despair, And bears from youth's unniffied brow The-charms that lingered there. The tide rolls on : wave after wave, Its swelling waters dom.- Before it all is bright and fair. Behind it all is wo ! The infant from its mother's breast, The gay and blooming bride. Are swept away and borne along By that resistless tide: The tide rolls on ; the soldier's eye Grows dim beneath Its swell; The scholar shuns the mystic lore That be bath loved so well; The monarch pats the crowo•sside. And Labor's weary sla7e Rejoices tbot his limbs will know The quiet of the grace. The tide rolls on ; like summer brook, It glideth to the sad : But like dark winter's angry tide. It rushed' to the glad. From kingly ball or lowly cot. From battle field and hearth. It sweeps into oblivion's sea . The dwellers on the earth. Roll on, thou dark and turbid ware ! Thbu can'st not bear away The record of the good and brace, That knoweth not decay ; Though fierce may rash the billow's strife. Though deep thy current be, Still faith shell lift thy beacon high. And guide us.through the sea. V olitical. ADDRESS 1:=13 ST ATE CENTR IL COMMITTEE. No. & 7 c the People of Penn..l l 4oA ea Fet.triw-Ctrircirs—The manner of or t rantring nt Nebra,ka and Kansas, you will e_ , ,,ee wih us, a not necessarily an IMAM in this Nitest—it is not It :cutlet.' connected with the du .esof a State Etecutive. It is scarcely possible ;tat the election of a Goirernor, whoever may suc ceed, is to have any practical bearing upon the In oue policy of those territories—and eurely no man s‘.ll be so unreasonable as to hold the Governor of Pennsylvania accountable in an official sense for a. tat Congress has &heady done on this subject. It a subject with which that officer has had, and .1 in have, officially, nothing whatever to do. •As a member at the Democratic party it must be presum• al that he takes an kneiest in public affair; and has not been an inattentive observer that there has ea:s..ed a diversity of opinion in re:Ation to certain features of this measure. since the origin of our government, with omit intervals, the question of slavery in some of re phasei,hat been a subject of violent and at times i'a-gerons controversy in Congress, menacing the resce of the people and the existence of the nation al confederacy. Its adjustment within the testate rms has :led to the most threatening struggles.— These were invariably renewed by every new ac quisition of territory. In 11120, the act of Congress !icing the Missouri line was adopted, interdicting toe extension of slavery norh of 36 Jc., 30*, as a means of sealing the controversy growing oat of the acquisition of Louisiana from Francs in 1803. In 1845 this line was extended over Texas, which had ;oat been annexed to the United &atee and seemed .a answer the purpose of au adjustment_ In 1848. oawevet, when it was proposed to:we:tend this par a.:el of 36 Je,; 30 min. from the Rio del \arta to toe Pacific, a was defeated in the House of Repro sentaiives, after having passed the Senate, by a ma jori ty of ten votes. The agitation to the country' ,, sluo became general, and by 1850 it had assumed en alarming aspect. The good and great men of kit partiii, forgetting former differences and cow strained by a olbte sp;nt of patriotism, canted in a common eff.trt ;o a:lay the mighty surging of an ' excited public sentiment. Foremost in this great work was the eltiquerd and patriotic clay, sustain e l / 4 . by C. Webster, Klng and whets. A series of acts were ittassedoamtliarly known as the Coin promise Nleasuteel, which were acceptable to the peo,-; e arid were [ ardently maintained. 0.. e of these acts organics(' the territories of New Mexico and Utah, on the principles"of non-inter vention—on the plan of allowing the people to de .- for themselves whether they •wcitild have the thstitutice of slavery or not. The whole country teemed satisfied with the doctrine of non interven tion by Congress, in the initiation of the gloat's:is tzsttto ions of the territories, including that of eta very Without to inquire into the COMO tnaocal power of Congress to ler,islata 011 the sub lent or to what extant that point might he minis 'ed, the people regard it as wise and politic to re tr.ove this tape of angry and dangesoni omitterer si- oal-of Cisogress, and confide it to these who N'tt tenitones. We may however re roa3 that the question o f authority in the passage of the OrtimaacA el 1767 under the old Ccefedera tim, is a very diderent one hem the passage of the sftsinri Compromise or any slave restriction whit ewer; under our preset Constitution. Under the Cr=afedervion the institution of slavery was net re ...ygrilied—imiler the Corieritutica it is, in three see r-11 particulars lc In fixing the basis of tcptesenlaueci and dist , C 3 la .Itri ..-----_ , .4111i' ,1, ; , , , K , .1,-11 •,...i:_ff -iiL44, -r- vAxt. , ,,:, mi. ~ - . ,.*}.- . 1 4'1Ce1...., - / ear : ~i:114.7...t.;,.; ti• - •,•,:./ - , !h..2.:.. , ... • ~ 2 . , 1 , 5 ,' ', '..'. ' .i . .': .l -`;:.' : 'I .- .. '...; 6 -.'''''d' 7„ . .. ',' - - . . . . „ . V -• ." • , . - . i . . ~. , . . - . - . - . .... ..,' • !i:C4 ... .: ''' ';.. '• - I ...., '4 t „ . ~1 - • :1:: : ,r• - ; ' ',..,;.', .'' . :, ;, , ' ,.1 .--; •;. ':,...'/,,;:... V 4 1) I Yd. In tolerating the fineigit slave trade until IEOB. 3d. In providing tot the reedlike' of fugitives frees labor. • If it even be clear that Congress is possessed of ample power to legislate on the imbject(and this is stoutly denial by Clan. Cass and other eminent men of the reentry) it was proper to forego its exercise. The resort to this mode of allotment in 1850, seemed moat suspicions for the honor, the dignity and peace of the states—tor die happiness and pros perity of the people, and above all, for the stability of oar National Union. And is not this policy right and jut in itself ac cording to all of oar theories of government 1 In deed we should never allow ourselves to fear the consequences of trusting any queition of politics or morals with the people, whether they be resident of a State or territory. This mode of adjustment rests on great principles, which in their application will be ce-extensive with all c the territory we have now or ever can have, and which are as enduring as the race of man. It is a principle in beautiful harmony with our republican institutions—the prin ciple of self-government—the basis of our entire system. It was for this doctrine that our forefath ers petalled their lives, their fortunes and their sa cred honor in the Declaration of Independence— that they snuggled and bled, and left their bones in bleach on the battle field of the Revelation. It was for this principle of self-government, that they in voked the interposition of heaven and accepted the preferred aid of the generous stranger. Foi seven long years did they labor to impress upon Lord North and George 111, the virtue and power of this great fundamental truth in the science of govern ment. The attempt of that monarch "to bind the 1 Colonies in all things whatsoever," and to impose taxes without representation, gave this principle 1 growth and vigor, and cost him armies and an em pyre. Since that day to the present time it has been gaining strength in all civil countries. American experience has fully solved and settled the problem lof man's ability for selt.govemment. Where can be found the initance in which governmental af fairs have been submitted to, or intrusted with the people, that the results have not been salutary ! Who will then at this day doubt the fitness ot the American people to dispose of any question of governmental policy found within the limits of the Constitution 1 Who will contend for the absurd Klee, that a man loses his capacity for self-govern• mem by emigrating from •a State to a territory I Who will say that a man residing in Massachusetts should, through his representatives in Congress, be permitted to adopt and mutate institutions of local government for his fellow man in Utah, New Mexico, Minnesota, Nebraska or Kansas ! Will our Whig or Abolition friends agree that when they shall have emigrated to any of these territories, their Democratic fellow.citizens whom they leave behind, shall decide for them what kind of local in sanctions they shall have!—that their judgment and not that of the emirates themselves shall control as to, the institution of slaver, 1 Or who will contend that the people will be careless of their own true interest I—th'it their government will be feeble or ", injudicious! IVhaever says this, doubts all the I principles of out institutions, and disregards the lessons of experience and the teachings of theses !gee of the revolution. We have already intimated ; that we will not discuss the abstract and somewhat difficult ques tions of Congressional power, which have grown tonal the slavery controversy in the Halls of the National Legislature. Wil care not to decide, where so many eminent then have differed, whether Congress has the power to establish or abolish the institution in the territories Be that as it may, we assert that it was wise in 1850, as in 185$, to refer i the whole q u estion to the sovereign will of the pen. I Ede, to be *Oiled through the action of the local Igovemnienti as all o th er questions of domestic policy are settled. The rights ot property, the re latiore between husband and wife, parent and child, I guardian and ward, are so confided, and lie can conceive none more sacred and important in the social state ; aid we see of no good venom why the question of domestic slavery, the !elation of master I and versant, 'honk! alone be withheld ham the ac- I, Lion of the people. It minThot be forgotten, , that we have not the creition of circumstances for ourselves, but that we must deal with existing fasts. The same diacolty occurred in - the early history of the cower,. We had the institution of slavery entailed upon es, and the only matter of 'Equity lies long been, how it ware be managed to the greatest advantage of both the vthite and black races. The latter number several millions, and we are faced to the dilem ma of retaining a large portion of them in bondage, or make them our companions and equals, and per mit them to share the honors of the State and in- termarry with our daughters and friends. In the forcible language of Mr. liftmen, " ere have the wolf by the ears, and we can neither hold him nor safely let him go." *And yet much has been done in a legal consti tudimal way kit the ameliontsion of this unfortun ate race ot people. The men of the revolution bad so dad with the in of slavery es they band b, and they so acted in the formation of the goyim meat. When these States wens eolith's! of Gnat Britian every one was • slave holding pentinea— At the time the Constimion was framed, twit, not of the Midden wets alamt.holdiag Stases.- Set of the anginal thirteen have Dow become free, not by abolition agitation in Colegress, bet by the action of the people of the several Stases in their sover eign capacity at home. This Malin the queafiest to the people was first adopted by Congress in 1850, and was intended to be general in its application to ill territories there after to be ovine:ld—that it was to be a finality as to the principle to be invoked, but not a finality es to its appheation—for that would imply that no move territories were to be organised. This peti tion is sustained by the fact, that in loaning the boundaries of Utah and New Mexico, tin regret PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E. O'MEARA ,GOODRICII. itSeaItDLESS OF DENONCIATION FROM -ANT QUA&TICII." seems to have been paid to the act of 1820, filing what is termed the. Missouri line, nor, the act of 1845 eztending that line to the Rio del None. The larger portion of the territory included in these acts of organization was taken from the Mexican acqui sition, but they include also a portion of ihe Texas temicny north of 36 deg. 30 mixt., end a part of the Louisiana purchase, which was covered by that line. This territory was taken from ander the act of 1820, interdicting slavery north of E 6 deg. 30 min., and subjected to the action of the principles of the Compromise of 1850, that the territory thus embraced should be admitted into the Union, as States with or without slavery as the people there of shall determine. These facts are claimed as a precedent for the act organizing Nebraska and Kan sas. It la for these reasons, and in this sense also , claimeil that the principles of non•interventioo as adorted in 1850 should be regarded as a final ity. As Pennsylvanians we are not the advocates of the extension of slavery, and we deny that the principles of the Nebraska and Kansas bill produce that effect. It merely leaves it to the people to de termine this question for themselves. But the soil, climate and productions of that region are not adapt ed to slave labor. It is our firm belief that slavery will not enter those territories. Those who are sensitive on this point should not close their eyes to the evidence that surrounds them. The indica lions are all opposed to its extension to that coun try. Such is the belief of the ablest men in the na tion, those who advocated and voted for the Ne braska and Kansas bilt,,u well as those who voted against it. Mr. Douglas said : " I do not believe there is • man in Cougfeas who thinks it would be permanently a slave-hold ing country ; I have no idea that it would." Mr. Badger said : " I have no more idea of seeing a slave popula tion in either of them (Nebraska or Kansas) than I have of seeing it in Massachusetts." Mr Edward Everett said : "I am quite sore that everybody admits that this is not to be a slave-holding region." Mr. Hunter bald : " Does any man believe that you will have a slave holding State in Kansas or Nebraska? I con fess that for a moment, I permitted such an illusion to rest opon my mind." Mr. 801 l said, that as respects the South, " it was a contest for a mere abstraction." Mr. Benton said u his'first speech against the bill : " The question of slavery in these territories,_ if thrown open to territorial action, wilt be a question of numbers—a question of the majority for against slavery ; and what chance would the stave holders have in such a contest? No chanew at alt. The slave emigrants will be out numbered and compelled to play at a most unequal game, not only it point of numbers, but also in point of States." in his second speech Mr. Benton agnin said : " I believe in the !utility of this bill—its absolute futility in the slave holding States, and that not a single stave will ever be held in Kansas or Ne braska cinder it, even admitting it to be passed." Gen. Houston said : " There was no more probability' of slavery be in¢ introduced into those tali:Duet than into mi. nova." Even Mr. Seward, who is astute on this subiket, thus expressed himself : " I feel quite sure that slavery al most can get nothing more than Kansart; while Nebraska, the wilder region, will escape, for the reason that its soil and climate are uncongenial with the staples of slave eelture—rice, sugar, cotton and tobacco Moreover, since the public attention has been so well and so effectually directed towards the sub. Oct, I cherish a hope that slavery will not be able to gain a foothold even in Kansas." But to reader assurance doubln t sure, we have even a stronger opinion from lodge Pollock him self, the Whig candidate for Governor, who says in letter dated June 19th, 1951. " Slavery can have no legal existence in those territories, either by act of Congress, oz under the false pretence of popular sovereignly." It may in fact be safely said that of all the re quisitions of territory from Mexico, there will not be a slave Stale in the Union, and that the territory embraced in the Lniisiana patches* not already admitted, will come in as free States. It should also be borne in minal,that any territory that the United States may bereabet acquire most be Snot of 36d. 30m., and that this principle of popular sovereignty may drive the institution far ther south than any positive act of Congress could do. Nor should it be forgotten that the interdietioo 01 slavery north of 3&J- 30m. is a virtual dedication of the territory sooth of that line for slave purposes . This has been the moral influence of each legisla tion, and it would no doubt continue to , have that effect. It would in all probability have been a happy event for this country, had this doctrine of popular sovereignty in the territories been *dop ed in 1820_ We should most likely have bad a larger portion of hee states than we now have. The Missouri bite was never a favorite measure - with the old DemocMtio statesmen. It suited • temporary papas', and quieted agitation fora time, bet in was manikely wrong in principle, and leg islationpl a dangerous character, calculated to di. vide the contury ieto geographical sections, and awns dimensions and divtsioas among the States and the people. Homes hamlet% once said : "'lbis Mimonti question, by • geogriphical be. of division, is the most portentous one that I have everconteseplated." In 1820 he wrote to John Holmes : " A geographical line coinciding with a marked principle, moral and political, once conceived and held up to the envy passions of men, will never be oblitetated." lames Madiscti said I moat own that I hare always leaned to the belief ;hit .the restriction was not within the true scope °ldle Constitution." Junes /doom said The proposed restriction u to the territories which are to be Aimined into the Union, if not in direct violation of the Constitution, is repugnant to its principlu." We might swell the list of authorities on this same point, from eminent American statesmen, living and deed. It is diff.cult to force from the mind the belief this this whole subject of slavery in the territories is greatly magnified. The right of a sovereign State to control this subject is not disputed even by abolitionists. Toe right to establish or abolish the institution is admiued. The only effect that the legislation of Congress can possibly have must be confined to the territorial probation of a State, dur ing which time it can exercise but a limited in fluence upon the social or political attains of the I country. When once admitted into the Union with slavery, a State can abolish it—or admitted without it, she can establish it. Should the people north of 3641 30m in Nebraska become numerous enough to be admitted as a free State, they could after. wards establish the institution, even if the Missouri line or the act of 1820 bad not been disturbed.— Suppose, for example, that any of the States cover ed by the ordinance of 1787, were at this time to establish slavery, where would be the remedy There would be none. II the people of a territory should desire to have the institution, but perceiving that Congress might object to their admission into the Union, they could forbear to establish it until after their admission, and then do as they might deem best. Hence the wisdom of allowing that power to control in the beginning, that will most certainly control in the end, or at a subsequent pe riod. It is not to be de:lied that th,..e is a most violent sad unwarrantable spirit evoked by this slavery con flict, that should be discountenced by the good men of all parties . It is one of the enigmas of human nature, that it can become so unreasonable in some of its manifestations. Our Anti-Nebraska friends should take care lest the mania of a *wild and un governable fanaticism should possess them as it has already possessed many others The inflame tory, and treasonable proceedings of an abolition convention in the City of New York, not long since, calls for the earnest condemnation of every lover of our national Venom Wendell Philips said : "The Union sentiment W the great •ortez which swallows op the great minds, and they have pow. er enough for the time being to influence the peo ple. The remedy for the slave is the destruc tion of the government. I challenge any man to tell me what the Union has done for as." Wm. Loyd 0111TiaX1 proposed the following reso lution: " Rescind, That the one grand vital mite to be made with the slave power, is the dirsolution of the existing American union." Henry C. Wright spoke to the rem:scion and said : " I like that resolution very much. This coun try denies God, or it it believes in God, 130 not.— The Christian God is the most accursed of demon/. No man's rights can be ascertained by reference to a Bible, a law, or a Constitution. I dont ears :flu (mapping his fingers) for any such book or Con stitution, when the question of liberty ar slavery is to be considered. The only thing of importance is that the mass of people venerate the Constitu- lion. We should endeavor to do away with this. 1 thank God that I am a traitor to that Constitution. I thank God also that I am an infidel to the pope• lar religion of this country and of all Christendom." The Hon. EdmundAtiiney said that : " The con stitution displayed the ingenuity of the very devil, and that the Colon ought to be dissolved." This was during the pedency of the Nebraska and Kansas bill before Congress. At the same time the leading Abolition joornafi were loud in their denunciations of the bill itself, and treason able in their opinion to the action of the govern meat. Horace Greeley, through the New York Tribune, said in reference to the contemplated pas sage of the biLl: • " Better than conlasicie should ensue—better &hat discord should reign in the National Councds—bet tet that Congress should break up in wed disorder, nay, better that the capitol itself should blaze by the torch of the incendiary, or fall and bury all its inmates beneath its crumbling ruins, than that this peifidy and wrong be finally acsomplished." - There were many treasonable exhibitions also. by the same class of men, during the recent Anni versary of American Independence. At same places the bells were tolled, as if mourning for some great National calamity. At Farmingbam. Massachusetts, treasonable speeches were deliver ed, after which Garrison, above named, burned the Cnnistirurion delis United Sates and the Fugitive Slave Law, amid the applause of men of as little patriotism as Benedict Arnold or himself. Such are the incendiary and inflammatory EMl meats with which despicable fanatics are endeav oring to indoctrinate the minds °filth Northern peo pie. Such sentiments axe the fit precursors of the recent riots and murder in Boston, trampling the Cancatution and Laws under loot of violence. Let us thendore, fellow citizens, discard the doc trines of the Abolitionists aodani-slavery agitators, and look ripen the opinions which they have pro mulgated and are row promulgating, as the false lights thrown out by the snow Federalist% during the aliewrorieontroreary, to mystify the people and again hut power. We have great confidence in the doctrine of popular sovereignty, and in the iustice and wisdom of the people. They have saved the country in many important aims in our affair* Ii was the people that settled the government upon the repub lican platform efler the Federalists of 17 1 .13 were driven From power. •It was , the people who Fes. Yrkror. againts . he mammy-h bank 12 ••as the mass of the people who base always upheld the country in time of war. It is to the people that we must look for protection against the miser able treason and despicable wiles of the enemies of the republic. The people of Pennsylvania will be Inn to the republic. The people of Pennsyl vania will be true to their constitutional obliptionr, and their triumph in 1851 and 1852, are evidences, that they are not only willing to be so, but also that they have the power to be , so. The Jay of wild fanaticism and mild bigotry on the (petition of slavery has passed by in this State, and her De mocracy and net people generally have planted themselves upcT the ptinciples of the Compromise of 1850, and t here, they will continue to mend, whether victory or defeat awaits them. They are willing to see the citizen" of. the territories deter mine in their primary assemblages, the question of domestic slavery for themselves, without the control or dictation of the Central Government, which may by a usurpation of power pretend to de fine the lines of freedom and slavery by degrees of latitude and longitude, or by geographical boun daries. The Democracy of Pennsylvania guarding the destinies of the great central Commonwealth of this Union, will adhere faithfully to the princi plea ,of the Constitution, the'sovereigtty of the States and of the people, and the stability and re pose of the nation. The people of Pennsylvania are nnselfidi and unambitious, but they are just— they are modest and unpretending and slow at ar riving at conclusion, bet they are powerful for good. The'people of Pennsylvania are patriotic by instinct, and will crush to atoms all the feeble banters to a healthy flow of public sentiment Penns)lvania has always been a patriotic : union loving State. She ties always stood by the flag of our common country. She is the Keystone of the Federal Arch, and standing midway between the North and the South, she constitutes the great break water, against which the waves of northern fanati cism and southern folly have long surged and will continue to surge in vain. • 3. ELLIS BONUAM, Chairman Geoust C. WA LEER, SECTthrl 10. Letter from Hon. David 'Wilmot [The following letter from lien D Wltwor WILLARD graramwrosi of Sosgoehanna roun.y, ap pears in die Montrose Democrat Towarroi, Jane 29, 1954 DEAR St..—Ydor favor of the 27th has just come to hand. ; would be much gratified to be with ydu on the 5 h proximo, and to raise my feeble voice in an earnest appeal to yon• citizens, to united ac tion in defence of our free institutions 41 goiern ment. lam under an engagement to *dikes, the citizens of Tioga county, on the sribject of the Ne braska outrage, tin' the 4bh, and shall go from there to Potter county. 1 rejoice that you are to hive wish you so able and zealous a champion of Freedom as Mr Gate LET In making the .lisps es of parry subordinate to the interests of freedom and humanity, he has nobly 5 tell himself to render the mei eminent service to his country in thus cribis. The people must come op to the like high and patriotic e:eya lion of purpose, or there is no hope for our country's libentee. The policy of Slavery crinnot be mistak en—indeed it is boldly proc 'muted. TI e recent high handed outrage, is but the precursor of a series of measure., designed to gibe 'he Slave o'.lzarchy complete domination—to crush out forever the pa bey and principles of Feedom in this government, and to establish on the American coalman the meet powerful and mighty Slave Empire known in the history of the world. - Submission--acquiesceize in the policy of Slavery islets!, actlhe who preeth es it. preaches treason to Liberty. Aeigoieseence in the legislation of 1 1 150, enaboide , ted Slavery to invade in 11154. the Lnarantied rights of Freedom in Kansas and Nebraska; and to day, Slavery tanks forward with exulting confidence to the aegeisitton of Cuba—the absorption of more Mexican dares— the re-establishment of slavery in Fan ftomingo— tthe revival of the Pi:reign Stave trade—ard to an alliance oflensive arid defensive art h for the protecico and aggrandisement of Slavery, and to enable it to defy the public opinion and power of the troAd. In proof of all this. I have bet to point to the proceedings in Corg•ess, and o leading public journals of the f.L.itith In 'his vas. , programme of Slavery, where do the 'of to-day l tiopose to make a star d 1 Ti must be i made' now—to d _, The Free Men .hE REFEb tic, !bank GZI,I, have btili lel' in their nand- a peace ! tot and remedy—the ba!:o2 t.rx The power and deSe4l.lls of Slaver) most t.e rhecked,and rho original policy of the Government on this sob ject re.‹.nred. To this end we roust lay aside- 7 postpone for a time, the trrlies rf parr over mina: t points of controverted policy, and unite in 'his gre.r wrnk of riVlLerrintoUt Flee fut.:to:ten.; Gran int pending destrc.ction. The first blow mos: be aimet: r:: .!,e ()ter r,-en of the present National . :nairai , n—the mere tcol and puppet of the Slave power Throngs. the corrupting influence of is patronage u r n .b e ree _ pie's Representatives, Freedom has been betrayed It most be overwhelmed at every point art h minims defeat. We cannot &bonen i:S, rant-zi.n honel term of office, but we must write down is allies, in , every Stare, District and Cowry. 1: most have no props in :he Sae upon cvhseh to le an ter the support of its inignitious prificy. No man s.hcnid be elected to a reeponsible office—Governor, mem - tier of Congress, Representative, ninsse reia:ions of friendship and alliance wry the Na.minal Ad ministration are open to rospicien. We most at cep: of nothing, in :he manthdates presented fm oar suffrages, -short of uralistOsed horifry to the ,e 03,. ultra pro-slavery plower at W ) ;Ivan_ Arirdsn 2 ; thOrt of this is -top), A' rifling, shiily ahally nonsense ; and designed al the end. to lead the people step by step into-4-riAtileseoce in the pot:el and plans of slavery Lel no can't fare preieni 'o cenderrin lb* recent lergslaice ct t ingress, and !v• h^:-.! httn.6 1 a! rany elan:* A 4-8 .I , * rneee =I; administration. He cannot be awned and so sore as he is trusted,llo sure will the people, and their rights, again be betrayed. The man who will net face in open and manly:resistance, the eggrersiono of the slave power to-day, cannot be relied upon to do so, on the occagi-In of a future provocation.' He is hopelessly, rotten—umtoond to the cote, end will Ilacrifice his Country 's highest interesra and glory, for some paltry partizan considerations. Slavery iv deaf to the voice of our remonstrance. In TIM we point to the history' ot the country—in vain we invoke the name , " o 1 VS'arthing , cm, Jeer- eon, Madison and their corr.patriots, in defence of the early policy and settled maxims of the Govern ment—in yam we appeal to the eternal principles Jl jottice and right—all, all are unheeded, unseal:- ing. In the absorbing selfishness of a yea; inter est, Slavery pushes - onward in its barbarous an•t destructive policy ; subverting every principle that gave life, vigor and success to our Revolutionary struggle, and defeating all lie great ends for which the Government was established. It has broken down the highest precedents of Constitutional law, in opening to its ingress, the territories of the na tion. Tu-day, Slavery is prostituting :be hohest functions of Government—endangering the public peace, and provoking on the country the horrors of war, for its extension and aggrandizement. Now, at this present writing, it is insid:ously undermin ing one of the most valuable and sacred Constitu tional rights of the people, in its efforts to pat the National treasury. through the treaty-making pow er, at the virtual d , sporal of the Executive and Se nate. The Constitution designed that the irnmedt• ate Representatives of the people, should be tba especial guardians oldie treasury of the nation : now (as a mere matter of form) they are called upon to vote in the dark, enormous 611111 6 of mo ney, an fulfillment of treaties for the acquisition of foreign provinces and State•, without even having laid before them, the incructlons end correspon• dence under whiten the treaty was negotiated. When, I again enquire, are the encroachments and azgreasions of slavery to be resisted, if not nnw ? The Consti:crion is invaded--aubject to constant change, in the violent interptetatiors put upon tt !rem lime, to meet the grog rigdemand. at dac;:y of S:a•ery, and et.L:ced upAo coun.ry, tinder threads of cirsunion, and tbtecorrupt ing appilances of Presidential patronage. The in dependence of the House of Representatives unblushingly assailed, by p•omises of Eseco - trs favor to each members as would bet:ay their con• It:roe:vs ona goes ton •,'a: to the instirnivort of Free iom—Legislative enactments the meet solemn and binding, after being en :owed open :he country by the power and votes of 'gavel - , are repealed under pretences false in face, and insul::ng to ACT Intel; • Bence. Party platforms are erected at the bidding of Slavery, and when upon the faith of 'lieu honest observance its candidates are elected, they . IT* treacherously •iolated. and new and lucre eegred• ing test of pary fealty imposed. lam a demoerat—deep l y imbue.] aril. we Wets and doctrines of that polvical school My print. plan are set —I here no fears of !zsirg them. I know what they are, and whither they point ;wad when assailed shall deteod them with :be eamert cress of • thonanzh conviction in their sneadoesa and TT 101. I repel wi h scorn insclem mantla- les of :he A.lmiLis•ratior., Tw i nning adiesion to es cneaveres as a test of Jemocra!se orthodozy. De mocracy bsil a !Ife tett history rome flmo before this at.u.e.3 iu name and principles, and wilt a:Jr/A.6 r.a !..:.ef Jay of mivethevoes pow. I er. Not the leabt of .I.e cr,mea of Slavery, is thoi attempt n has mule to prostitute ire natee tcei principles of democracy, In its assarlta epos the, Conatitution and liberties of e country. This Congressional Disstict gave neat 2,rni ma pritr for Gen. Pierre and tc 'tits vestal I costirtb• sled by my me. I troll :he future wilt shot" fin e' 1 I grossly he has op - raged die pfincyles of i!s ire< - gent voters. S:avery deMILDJe e5;1111 submission ; to its policy, as a evrahlicufof is suppcnt—let eau didres hencefonh !earn, oltalle-e st lrastoolPeen d tot" - bere el :e 14.1 h:rt S re, cve ts ; clone of 'Lem 131 fitleli'y to .le.. ! ries and r•gh.s ul Freeiom. ISM= R - 17 , r, IL f Pe A Bltz - 1.-1 - 3e Poughk , •erle Dai!). P‘es• soya —As dos ylocking co!ored cbltd aber tea year's of rgo, aft , i !r--..srn The zreert. seafivi,L-g ( I.! e ere: e; a' t. co-me: cf Mare a^d Cat! art:,e 0.t,,e, ; d.y, a k carr.e n. str,:k er , o h-s-:.soil 10-4 broke to lwrt. He was s - atnell tor a moraer. , . t soon rec•ore:eJ st:.fficlea iy t. met r,B •!..a ; ara.l , sh.L. had ga:heze..l slogar.,l h'l4l ea e rear et • auz'ver . ' I .ay, yon while man op Jar. of yen Jon't cr,n :r.Of bf,rks Dr-ke. ifro Leer 't ! my hes.' ' To Ca-Cll R. ra.—Tale bea an..! place it or. the rats are tnc•-.. , . .iri.Nesorne then oatt , a NI of cileel•r, 51'eeqrjeata, , no the 4 pikes Dn.! tic hel , • get , in be:: and blow cat the 11;!it :my a i:1 , , tta res t'l 1..00rt =take t&rtr anearazre an.: when try g I fa...) a. work en • zte ehee Ft.. make a czar,' 1 1- -.2" . '“Tir. T.:XL•3•INICIM —A nal deatrn inaluez a ! , ffic ~ c a dstr.gne;co)ol, arm rent - al -xpe;:ar, a •he usua: '• Ine cfta to go erl . rr;e:•. ' 3 "Cks yes," liaul the itzek man " 1 am oak: t•,e the 111,1-44h-4 - 5 ve I AT ICC tc4ll TOR LF As... LA —An ir-ikkovis !•-air In s g accu3enTal pansof itaTte, leas InalTivi :ha Yrs: cf h.s 'ray oc: ^F vrthl ; bat 61; side a malch cm hart. and bas t ,: wiz, j t y +ha cellar. rlclaifeed j Tem broke my , :m, :1 , 11 36z. nal ' I Tc: ewe 1 dtd, — oaA Fat. r eita-2 chi yr.vr. , - 1 . sTsji . !r, Efiglairali flo U wiLWIr CIE