Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 05, 1854, Image 3

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    New 2bocril;cmatta.
,31egister's Notice,
NOTICE -is hereby given thXtA there 'Wiz been
filed and settled in the office , of thellegiatet of
Wills in and for the county-of Bradford, accyunts
administration upon the following estates, viz;
T . /valid account of Daniel Brink Jr.executot.of the
last will and testament of Abraham FretZriele of
Sbestieguin. deceased.
Account ol Samuel Davidson, guardian of Mary
Ann Demaresti minor - child of John N. Demaresd
late of Windham deed.
Final account of Abram Westbrook administra.
torof the estate of Levi Westbrook late of Athens
Final account of H. S. Salsbury administrator of
the estate of Martin Wilden late of Monroe dec'd.
Partial Aecount of Charles Stockwell and Betsey
Holcomh. administrators with the will annexed 'of
Sterling Holcomb. late of Leroy dee'd•
Final account of Guy Tracy administrator de bo
nis non of A rvine Cleric 2d. late of Itidgbury deed.
Final account of Benj. Park. Orson Rickey and
Maria Park administrators of Reuben Park late of
Litchfield deceased.
Final Account ofJames Gordon adult igratorof
the estate of Samuel Gordon late of South Creek
Final account of John Vandyke and Mardeenah
Waker. administrators of the estate of Peter Wal
tees lite of Leroy deed.
Final account of Josiah M. Cranmer administra•
for of the estate of Rachel Grimmer tate of Dureli
dere s,cd
Final ac7onnt of Monne Pyne administrator of
the estate ol Patrick Pyne late of Athens deed.
Final account of Dennis McGill and Marinda
Patterson administrators of the estate of Edw'd Pat
terson late of North Towanda deed.
Final recount of Charles Hornet and John Elliott
administrators of the estate of Humphrey Brown
lama deceased.
Final account of John Rogers guardinn of Orrin
D Roberts, Charles B. RuNerts, John Roberts. A rlet.
to Roberts and Marc E Vanderlip laie Mary E
berts, of Fleming Roberts deed.
' Final aceaunt of Thomas Elliott guardian of Mery
Cook. Daniel Cook, Sally Ann Cook. Reuben Cook.
G. \V. gook, Emeline Cook and Adeline Cook,heirs
of Elizabeth Cook iteeeaset.
Final nccuunt of C. G.Griciley administrator with
the will annexed of the estate of Francis V. W , te:-
man late of Pike deceased.
Final account of C. G. Cr adminioraior of
the estate of Lydia P. G - fidley late of 01 wr , l r'd.
Final account of Reuben Delon:: and Maria
ville admitlistrati.oit of the estate of Silas
late of South Towanda deceased.
Final Account a Ann E. Grinnell end Miles B.
Grinnell, adminisrrators of the estate of William 1..
Gunnell late of Burliugton deed.
And the sante will ho presented to the•Oephan's
Court of 13r.klford county, on gouda's , . the 4th day
of 6eptembernext,l , a confirmation and nllnwonces
LAWII EN (1-1 SC,OT r, Reg tster.
Register's Office. August 1, 1854.
WTHEREAV4 the Hon. DAVIT) WlT.MlT.President
v V
Jodie of the 12th Judicial District cons , s'ing
of the counties of Bradford, Susquehanna and Sollt-•
van, and the Hona. MYllnv BALLArin find HARM
AeRrAT. Associate .111.1.-zes, in and for said cont.ty - of
Brad ir rd have is-sued th e ir precept hearing date the
Ist day A IV'Ft! 19 - 1. to inc f.r h. hJih4
(:Dort of ()vet . sod Terminer,Conern! Quart:v . 4-r ....a
con of the l'eaee, Common Picas and Orphan's
l'otirt. at Towanda, for the county of lira.:ford t n Mon.
-day the 4th day of Sept. next to continue three v.:eel.s..
Notice is therefore, hefehy liven, to the Coroners
and Justices of the l'eacx an 1 Cons-tahles of the coon.
tv of lir olfor.l. that they he then an 1 Vee in their
proper persons. at 10 o'clock in the foreno fn of said
day. w ith their record., inquisitiovs, and other ra
inemherances, to do those Mime.; which to their office
appertain to he done—and those who are bound by
recognizance or otherwise to prosecute against the
i.ris.'ioers who are or may he in the i fit of said «thrVy.
ot who shat! he I. , tunt; to appear ii the said a met, are
to I. then anti there to prosecute against them as e.hri'l
tar lust. Jurrora are requested to he punctual in their
attendance riereen..lV in their rattier.
d at Towanda. the Ist day of Auz. in the year of
•tr one ih.olaand eight hoodred and rif?y
16or, and ref the Independence of the United ettite.4
the seeenty-seventh.
4:HESTER Timm IS, Sheriff.
ultif lianna Collegiale Institute,
11,(1 cjamcnrc nn /4 Gth of septsmber next .
?. \ vir.•ular will be issued ner week. giving the
inlv 29. 1/.IM.
p tir: %Ott:ern - ter% are in want of a ynuniz man na
an•alipreove tti the Troman's trade. 17 or 18
year , of agF, of g•nta halos, who they will bind
rhnmselves th learn the buttine%%.
Towanda. July tl5, 18.31.
TA', M.llO OSTI:, a)T7INITZ.BT.',
110. J. ALLEN. late Professor in the nhioCollece
1 of Denial riurgeons, his discovere.. a methiid
offrkertinz Artificial Teeth tin plate, which makes
aux further impfnvement
It combines i.itrrintfth and durability with perfect
cleanliness. The porn is COlllintlqlf, and can he
made to -nit' any race, however difficult. No „life
like is the exrire9iion, thtt the most familiar with
artificial teeth faiyiii determine they are fake; the
teeth appearing as they actually grew out of the
I have secured iett.ers patent fur Bradford Co.
Cf . ' Office in Mercur's Block.
Towanda, July 29, 1854.
Engine and Fixtures for sale.
ONE second hand ENGINE and fixtures for a
SAW MILL, capable of driving two or more
saws, all in gco I order, and will be sold cheap, on
a long credit, if desired. The Engine is now run—
n ne, and thin be seen by calling on• H. S. Ilikvzn•
rsier, or C. F. WELLES:Jr. at Athens, Pa.
Ulster, July 19. 1851.
Rurlin2ton Mansfield Plank Road Co.
vi THERE :Hy the .Act of Assembly inearpnrat
‘ inz this company," Aclitt•on MeKean..khn F
" Lone. John Blackwell, Hirano Ga maze, Scep'len
••• H, F. Loot, Seth W. Paine, U. F. Red
+ '• Melon. 0. I'. Ballard, D. F. Pomeroy. A.Stephens,
" Wm. H. Perk, D. M. C. Herrick, Reuben Wit
- her, Peleg Perk and Curtis Merritt. riif Bradford
It , llll Fox, James Hosted, Joseph P.
Morris and I S. Hourd, of Tioga County, or any
"fire of them." were appointed Commis.ioners to
'' open books, receive subscriptions, and organize a
" CLaipaCy by the name and style of the Burling•
ton and ManOield Plank Road Company, with
pcwer io construct" said road 4-c. •
Now, therefore. the undersigned, a poriion of the
ennrnt , aioners,appointed in sa“', act of incorpora•
tion, herelty notify the public and all petsr ns Inter
ested, that there will be a meeting of the Commis
vioners at the house of L. B. Morse, in Troy Bow',
on Saturday the 12th day of August next, at one
o'clock in the afternoon—for the purpose of open
ing hook.; for receiving subscriptions to the capi
tal stick of. and organizing said company, egreea.
Me to said act of iccerporaiion.
Troy. July 15, 18:4.
Towanda Female Seminary.
consequence of ihe severe illness of Mr. ILN..
-I- 'ON, the Summer Vacation, which vitas to have
ccrnmenced two weeks hence, has commenced this
day. The fites‘inn will he resumed about tbe
die of September nest, of which due public notice
will be given.
Towanda, July 13,1854. . .
LANNELB—French, Domestic ,and
for sale by PHINNEY.
BEANS—.Tirenty-flee bushels for mile by
• New 24vetiteemeate.
Blr '" eirictictf writs of Irend.t ipettiruedoit of the
Court of-CoMmoti,PWattntitdsctutY, and
to me direatekifrill tte;.. - .:.•dltr„.iiiblictasle at
the Cgail'4oo o /;hithtt.sw. Arotoilid4l* Mon.
de / .111Idaj*Ot r -Mlllloo.4oVnitteliJK-hkithe fol
lowitiOte,s(#4l piece Tit.-Ta*SCittlith.C . situ.
ate br#4llo, , ,lp..alul,Seeeldell: tagft,:is'ar) Iliad of
CyKriO3irrelkoti the ..east',bljtyki,-, eot lo 4 lEtitia be.
tereorerreaked and iftitittnehimititeitiptespen the
sou ill .Beth*:Blakettecv_,oll the vest by
landsol - flatt elitblelParatj4ilPol*ortb, deiessed.
Con Weill &Feint If 'fete% ono old
framed' koifia. one oldfitii ‘ td 'barb and,tit(rnchard
of frititiefeit'theritili;`:'; t
kiettojkandlakiii,oLexpeoticiniif the atilt 4 .
erfel*Pliiance) G. G#ol,ey t Ora iailipttbrOf F.
r. Airstataliin.deed.•
ALSO, Tba folfdaelagle4ribad lot, Piece iliPar•
sal orfand,Situatett.itelkibitishipaind nd.
ed unite PlortheAr Oildi by Ittindk_oflittainellr a n -
Dy keittitAtia Eaarttik r 3bej3erWlek; Tama r a* and
the Elottaaltmlat Ofillies2nijanftinti the
South by lands of James Wilcox, and ou the-West
by wild lands I. contain in tr-one hundred sites, be the
same more or less, abed' two : acres cleared..
Seized and taken in execution et the suit of F. N.
'Wilcox, to tie use of Ire Smith *Co., vs. Benjamin
ALSO. By virtue of a..writ of 11. fa.. a piece or, sitnalett,in Towanda Borg.. In4ls
ninicat a chissout l poit, N. Nyest corber:of bhp t,4
Geiger's lotSoishaide of State str&Crtitin lag %UM=
erty sixty ft:Mr-feet to ail:inters then MesterlY, two
feet, thence Southerly to a corner. twelve feet from
the North line of Ira If. Stevens' barn lot; thenco-
Vv'esterleand paralel with the North line of Ira H.
Steven-' bsrn lot; thirty eight feet to a corner—
hence Northerly to the South side of State street,
hirty•three feet to the place of beginning, 'be the
same more ore or desa..all improved. with a framed
dwelling House and Board shed attached theoeon.
creized and taken in execution at the suit ofSam
uel Bunting, vs. Gee. H. Bunting.
,C. THONI AS. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Otflce. Towanda, July 13,, 184,4.
Notice is hereby given, that an amnont equal In
the e., , sts will be required to be paid upon each sale
when struck down to the bidder, and upon a failure
to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will
acain he offered fur sale.
LIST OF LETTERS, Remaining in the Poet Of
lice. Towanda, July let, 1854.
..11en David King Thos & John
Amor John Kennedy
Blake James Loomis Wheaton
'lantern Hannah Leonard Lorin
Bisbey Hervey 2 Luther J H Z .
Barrett Mrs. or G Thompson S
Bost wick Charlott McCabe Catharin
Durnhain Levira - "McCall Laura 8
Behind Henri Morgan E .1
Bro••rick Mary McClu•lry Chas
Bruchard Maria Mc Ihi Ji II
Bennett S. Newell Albert
Connelly John 4 ' O'Keeffe Patk •
Conley John Ovid S
Crcrly David Pulver Bartholoma
Cotter Gorr et Plait C
Craft Georg.. Patterson Him .
Cole Francis M gnigg,le Kate L .
Cole Sarah Ryan Michael
Campbell K.l . Richardson C E
Cra wiort. (leo, Reily James
Davidson Gen L Strauch Bernhard
Dore Michael Spencer J S
'Davidson Beni Sieves J S
Easterhrooks Julia A Stevens Mary
Emery J Shot' Andrew
Fuller Lois Miss Spring ()shin
Coggin Wm L Stout Enoch
Goti Wa• run Slocum B F
Green Nathan Smith J 11
Goodwin Benj G Strickland Susan 3
Gamley W A ' Short Ester
I-Hurter R P Smith Abigai
Horton Tc:titt Shores Stephen
ll,iWe Ret‘ Tattle Geo
Herikle Philip Thurston E
Hcverra Michael Ute Joltn 2
Hartley W B Witencks Nancy .
Ingham Thos Wilcox Hannah
Kingston(' John Wiggins E li
Kingston Sam! Wantzzabapht Pete X:
rt... 7 Persons calling for letters, wind please say
they are Advertised. WM. H. PERKINB. P. M. •
Bituminous Cool.--Barclay Coal Bed.
THE undersigned is prepared to furnish at the
beds, artirqUantity of this superior COAL, at
the reduced pri.te of $1 25 per ton for Blacksmith
and $1 75 for picked Grate .toal. Payment in
cash or e . ottrery produce. but n' credit will be giyen.
for the Barclay R.R. and Coal Company.
Franklin (Old Coal Berl) May 25, 1851.
THE partnership heretofore existing between La
throp & Chubbuck is thtS day dissolved by mu
tual con•ent. The books and accounts are all to
he settled by C. E. Chubbuck, wich must be done
immediately. All persons owing tt.e late firm must
call nod settle the same, and those hawing demands
against said firm wil present the same to C. E.
Chobbnek for payment. S. B. LklllitOP,
tlrtveil May 20, 1854, .C. E. CHUBBUCE.
The snbscribe'r calls attention of the old patrons
..f the above firm and the community generally, to
the carefully selected Stock of GOODS now being
received the new Store recently occupied by C.
& L. where he may be found at all times ready to
exhibit his goal, not fearing to compare them and
their prices with those of any other Store in the
country. Call and satisfy yourselves.
Aidministrator's Sale.
Byirtueof an order issued by the Orphans' Court
of Bradford county, will he stild on the 29th of
May nest, at 10 o' in the forenoon, at the Man
sion house on the premises, all dist lot of land sit
uate in Monroe tp., containing o n hundred acres,
described as follows t Beginning at a hlack oak, the
north west corner of the farm of which D. H. Owen
died seized. thence north 58° east 121 sod 3-10 per
ches to a post. thence south 33° east 94 perches
thence south 13° west 100 perches. thence north 32°
west 148 perches to the beginner, with about 30
acres im proved, and a framed house and barn there
on. Perms made known at the day of sale. - .
THOS. ELIA() rr,-
NT ay 1,1854. WM. COOLHATIOH. 2 d.
A dm'rs. D. H. Owen, deed.
The above sale stanch adjourned till Saturday the
10 by of June, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the
bowie of Hiram Shaw, in Monroe..
n"" The above sale is further adjourned until
Saturday, September 2d, at the same place and time
of day.
Residence on Pine Street opposite the o!•l Presbyterian
Offers his professional services to ihe people of
Towanda and vicinity. Can always he fund at hie
office, in Dr. PoRTIRR'S Drug Store, When not pro
fessionally engaged.
Para! Furs !!
,Fir Vietoriaes sad CFA of diffkail
a ties. for rile vireos.? by •
A 4;
Jan. 19, 1854... • •• H. S. MERCUR.,
AVE come to the conclusion gnat the time has
come, that debts can be collected, and. after
waiting patiently tor Years, and finding the Good
Time has arrived, when" farmers are realizing almost
double for their Products, they bOpe this notice will
since for a more asiensive'One sod" that pa7ments
will either be model!) Grain liPthe present. high pri
ces or in Cash.
Their Aisortment of GOODS iireplenisbea week
ly from . NO York City, aftl wilt be wild cheaper
then it titail in the Great' Enti6thMi 4itelE
Towanda, Tannery SI, 1954. . • ,
im INK SKlNB.—Tbsidgbast Olen *HI be paid in
Nab in Say quantity of Mink sitina, - by
Jab 4 4 1084. . MONTAVY . er & CO.
iikrtlmienit,' gr.
,--, --7,DWIATIPtI-7.-----t-.,
r*-- ii#l'fiephip:iiiinfittire
,ezintin, 'llYtlill
- ' lilattlit audloCis T. jticee . pkierilta nit of
Busidikftice: is alai* dimovetwiintumti 11')
sent. Thebusittess will hereafter be conducted by
lotin&.: ict. and their Books can be fogad at the
nal b,
stor&-101, y , lid lifaaitt dm. All those in.
denteiL , * tiala::fiiirc look . aunts:at iiikplease„,cati
sod' ilit -0 1 f 3 4 1 *: tit ttelay.:: L' :___''
..-f , .2_ , .-1 ,-..,-.-. .., .7:::-.7i ! -- ;;;;OCCIRGTE4MiIIif-;:
i - ,:ik- ~..iii: : s l 4 ,: ;:- -, - = ':-._ '.. , ; , :401Eig V,RIUg. r ,.:
,f..: -._: • ' - . ,AIA I O--- - , , ;-;,::':......-:.-.- 4?
- -
otrlet wira r Tqa AzoisTit ,4sa . 1111 COR DM'
l ititi{til: F r i -1114. t
1, s now receivig4 ell acirls.o( NEW 900DS„ivb;e1L
will be sold very low f9r Cash.
May 3, 1334.
111111 , ..•
WOULD inform her friends. that she has just re-
Vlf turned from the city, with a large assortment
she offers et redued' pticds. Preatke of ev
ery kind taken in . psYtiiint fur gotr . ds.
RZINEOVAL...-1)R. MASON has removed
hisAlfusi to his dwelling, on Ptne street. -Opposite
the old Presbyterian Uhorch.
Towanda, May 13, 13541.
Plows and Plow castings!
BldautiLElc. ' Wayne county, Alba or Canis
, Plows,,Side hill, subsoil and ooze plows and
Castings, for vale cheap.
1 take pßrticglar pains to get good well made
plows and lough castings. I would invite particu
lar attention to the Alba, or Curtis plow.
Call and see. R. M. WELLES.
The subscribers have just received at their old
stand in Mercur's Block, Towanda, a new and good
sasomnent of Spring and Summer Goods, consist
ing of
B.eatiy4Mltado Clothing,
ever imported into the County—all of the latest
styles in market, which are being ecattered far and
wide. In the way of Pprnishing Goods, we have
a complete assortment—Cravats, Collars, Shirts,
Under et.hirts, Drawers, Wrappers, Gloves. Suspen
ders, Handkerchiefs Hosiery of all kinds, and a
variety of Trunks, Ztr,
Our R..ady-Made Clothing embraces every thing
desirable in that line, and as we buy for CAis, we
can and will sell '2O per cent. lower than any other
Clothing Establishment in Towanda.
Towanda, April 20, 1054. S. ALEXANDER.
Cistein and Well Pumps !
LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Rains ! of any kind,
.ize, &c.. cheap fur ready pay, for sale by
Jan. 8, 1853. IL NI. WELLES.
JUST received by Joseph Kingsbury; a large and
complete stock of NEW GOODS, for sale as
usual, Cutar ron Casa !
Towanda. April 28, 1854.
300 (NorEs
W B a . t A 7 R 5 R c E ea L e t
, fi b t y fo s r P F o r l o o l.: 4 ld c e o r
Towanda. Aug. 10. 11353.
VTANTED—siI kinds of grain & lumber for
which some cash will be paid by
Oct. 24, 1853
2111 T 31IM 111 CW
0 , 1 5 a3V5 , eiT4CJZA
, 11. S. 31ERCUR.
T s now receiving one of the :argest and best selec
te.l aosortmentof Merchandise ever before brought
to Bradford criunry—ctiinsiNting or DRY GOODS of
every description. An extenlice a‘aortment of
common Hardware. Also, Saddlery, Harness and
Carriage Trimmings.
Illackirniths . Bellows, Vises, Ton v. sledges,
leon,Steel and Nails Ororfrriec Oils Pi ivis,
and Dye-quiff, Crockery Was; van,.
which will be sold as usual, very cheap 1,,r Cssn.
Towanda, April 19, 1854.
The War Question Being Settled in
ARIL 41:11311"
ri4ONTANYES & CO. have come to the ccnclu-
IN/ stun to enlarge their business, in view of the
unparalleled prosperity tha . t mast malt from a state
peace. They therefore, after returning thanks for
former favorp, invite the attention of the citizens nl
this and adjoining counties to the examination of
Tall and Winter Goods
cqnaisting of all lb« varteiles o' Fancy and lire's
G, , nd.. as also henry at ,plea,
Hardware. (.'roeicrrO. Genceries, ihrnert and Car
riage Trimmings, Iron, Lea 4. - c, i)•e ,
all of which a RI be.ofTered at wholesale or retail, at
prices that cannot Call to please.
Sept. I. 1853.
kNow opening a Nce, STOCK nr Goons, consists
ing of full and complete assortment of all kind-
which will be sold as cheap as the %amp quality of
Goode can be bought anywhere this side of New.
Towanda, Dec. In.
WOULD respectfully inform the citizens or Te—
wanda and vicinity, that he tins cpencd a
Groc cry dir. Provision Store.
on the south aid.- of the Public Squire, %here he
would be pleased to wait upon those that call upon
him. He has all kinds of articles kept in a country
Grocery. Such as Nuts of all kinds; Oranges, Le.
mons, and Candies of all varieties and shapes, Ci-
gar( of the heat quality.
He afsto desions to keep on hand Pftovistoacdc.
&c., all of which he offers cheap '6>r Cash or Coun
try produce. His motto is. that " nimble six-pence
is better than a slow shilling." .
Towanda, May I, 1854.
3HARVEY PHINNEY is just receiving, a fine
. assortment of Saint 42111 Scntssa Goons *Web
will be sold as usual. ve!jr cheap fur CASH.
Towanda, April 20, 1854. '
Wyahming Parochial M4hool
THE friends of Christian Education are respect•
fully informed thst—the second term of this
school s under.the care of the Session of the Presby
terian church of Wyslusing, Miss- EMIL? filaTeros
Teacher, win commence on the Ist day of August
• Term., per quarter of 12 weeks :
Reading. writing and mental arithmetic, 811 00
Gra men a r...geograpbtand bists?rja 2 00
All otl!er . Ettglialt•tirapa:bel, . 8.00
aCt.GO44 boaralairita pines families can be ob
tained at. from 04 to is par .week.
For further particulars.: address. pot void:
Gitmptown; Bradford Co. Pa.
.Toly 20.
- regal '7o,ooticleptente.
A . ).I.4eiliatis 'indebted AO the' estate- of a
.l-V-110110elto aeteisid,lite of gantoir twp., are
hereby raquested,tomake isims d iate payment and
khose claim. against skid' estate, will
pliStse present, them duly 'ibibenticatedtfor settle.
zdettt . 'HIRAM HOLCOMB,
Ma ci , les4r
A LT. perions knowing themselves indebted to the
estate of Thomas Turk, deettaseci, late of
Litchfield township., are treraty "requested to make
i m mediate . payment, and thosehaving claini4 against
said esiate•will ptease'pretentr them duly authenti
cated for settlement.
Jan. .12. 1854.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN
it TEED, a eceased;laieofLitchfield township, are
hereby requested to make payment without delay ;
alkt all persons having demands against said estate
are requested to present them duly authenticated
for settlement - BETSY TEED.
January 29, lAA
Att persons indebted to the estate of P. D
Havens, dec'd.late.of Mending Stotie,are hereby
requested to make payment without delay, and those
having claims against said estate, will please pre
sent them duly authenticated , for settlement
S. W 4 13(LE9,-.
Aug.2l, 1€1.51. •
Stephen Pierce vs. Peter Perkunat. lit Bradford
Common Pleas, No 188, May Term, 1854.
THE undersigned having been appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County,
an Auditor to distribute the fund raised by the
Sheritl's sale of real estate, in the above entitled
case, hereby give notice, that he will attend to the
duties of his appointment at his office, in Troy born,
on Saturday the 29th day of July next, at i n clock
P. M.. at which time and place all persons having
claims upon said fund, are requested to present
them for adjustment, and distribution, ur be debarred
from coming in fur a share of said fund.
Troy, June 17. 1854. F. Audio r.
t duditor's Notice.
Lithe mater of the estate of Benidmin Ildington,
HAVING been appointed an Auditor, by the
0 ph an's Couit of Bradford oounty, to hear
and upon eiceptions filed to the final ac
count of the estate of Benjamin Buffington. decea4-
ed, late of Viarren township; I will attend to the
duties of the appointment, at my office in the 13wo
of Towanda, on the 15th day f Augnt next, at
one o'clock P. M., of which q)E.T6uItS interested
will pleaqe take notice."
June 19. 1831. WM. EL% ELL, Auditor.
elpY ytrtue of an order of the Wohan's Court of
la Bradford County . , will he ex*sed to sale at
public. trt ndue, at the Court House, in the Boro' of
Towanda, at I o'clock Pi M., of the 31st day of
July next, all the intere:t which Not thrup Moty, in
his lifetime, had in a tract of land, situated. in Or
well township, containing one hundred and fifty
seven :icr( s„ bounded on the North by 1111 , 1 , of
Aaron Ch , tbbuck ; East by lands of Nathaniel Rust
.el—`southward by lands of Henn• bent—about st xty
acres inproved, with a barn and two houses and en
apple orchard thereon
AMELIA NTEVENS, .41rnlni•tta'rir,
W.M. 13. DUNHAM/Adnuntstrator.
June 1213, 1954.
EL 3. atuurzrz
TTO IR E r ✓IT 1, I VP
Office with the Register and Recorder,
OFP{CE in the second glory of the Union Block,
north side of the Public srinare, over the office
ofJ.Adam4, Esq. Sept. 24.
Office removed to John Adams'OtficP in the
Iruion 131. , ck. July 20.
IwirtLkl ;son l a. Mei edah. Rd.) L
AI RP 41. .111rz,irrt .11 Rewl tch
In 11 Relit : rimes J. rorgisuri c'l , l
W 00...! S Levi Wood !erne tenant;
In the Common Piers , f Bradford County ; \o. 3:7,
Dec Term, I 30.
'HE. undersigned Audilor,appointed ht• the ("mint
to ilwribute funds in the hands of the hheritr,
will attend to the duties assigned him, at hi. rare,
in the boro of Towanda, on Monday, the I9th day
of August, 1954, at 2 o'clock P. M. Where and
where persons having cairns upon said fu"d,
must present them, or eke be forever debarred from
the a:111". The above cite hiving been referred
back to the Auditor.
Ju'y 6, DM. G. 19 W kTKIN'q Sid t .r.
ALL persons indebted In Ihe estate of Turner
McN!el, d.ed late 411nr , 1l twr., arc requcs
ed to make payment without delay : and 'hose hav
ng demands against card estate will pre:sent them
July authentiratedfor settlement.
July 5, 1854. ISRAEL SMITH. Admini-tratnr.
.1 TTOR wlr Ji" T 1..11
Williamsport. Lycoming County, Pa.
OFFlCE—Opposite U. S. llntel-Up Stair.. 4A
Cop/von:a Beebe, by her next friend, Aaron Netefrn,
vs. George Beebe In Bradford Corn Pleas, .'1 o.
236, Fcb T 185.1--Als. sub. Divorce.
EORGE BEEBE, defendant in the above cause
k.-T—You arc hereby notified that your wife Sopronia
Beebe (hr her nett friend Aaron Newton) has
filed her petition fur a divorce from the bonds of
matrimony. And an alias subpoena has been re
turned and proof made that you are not to be found
in said county. You are therefore hereby required
to appear at the Court House in the borough of To.
wanda, on Monday, the 4th day of Sept next, being
the first day of Sept term of said court ot comtni,n
pleas, to answer the said coniplaint.and show cense
if any you have, why the said Sophronia shall not
be divorced from you. C.THOM AS, Sheriff.
Sheriff 's Office. Towanda, July 29, IBM.
Executor's Notice.
A LT. persons indebted to the estate oil N. Pratt,
dec'd late of Burlington township. are here—
by requested to make payment without delay : and
all persons having chums against said estme will
please present them duly authenticated for settle—
ment. r. B. PRATT, F..leeutur.
July 15, Mi.
THEpartnership between E. P. Dawson and
A. Gay, k this day dissolved by mntnal con
tent—the accounts are !eft in the bands of J. L
Jones, Fol., for settlement.
1b ihnot, Jnne 22, 1354.
Horsm Samos & Wagon for sale.
THE MAN wbo wants to purchase a span of
Young Horn's. Harness, and Lumber Wagon,
on very favorable term., can bear of an opportuni—
ty, by calling at this office. June 28, 1854.
THE Stibscribeitt, having Completed their work,
offer for sale five or six Span of Fine Young
Retries; with Harness and Wagons. Any person
desirona of purchasing such property, will Sad this
en excellent opportunity. MEAN S& EDWARDS.
Towanda, July 20, Mil.
Auditor's Notice.
Administrator's Sale.
Auditor's Notice
4.lministrator's Notice.
- -
TIIE thiC,ftt: •- or tt e tit , erto '
b au d a ( a l, aQ , ortrfirot the • t-I b... 1 31
Fitch terirld xa wi:l be ...xit , ,C.rt.•ry %vb.,
in hand, and for the tly.e. our. wktomers wi
not an4werina our recornrnendate , i4reil be
137- Medical Abler gratoitrifisty
The stork consist!
Pure Wine
.iLL 7 LIE .110S7' P 0
A , ;!I:` , Dlti A4,OI:TMLN • •
American Pocket at cry, (Warrant:d Good,)
Superior TOXILICCO & EN13717 br7-:n:is of Pure Unvannn, Principe
anq 11'2.1 a !
FANcy 111:1'1(1,ES,
FA3I/1..8" statOCEIRIES :
1;1,1Jc arid er.:(iti Tea, , R.() and .I.a r' :;: 4 !
"• -
"Via liect Qualihr of dv—Po: t'e P.,;.ts—Ready/ .-!ttention to Cts'o-rterg—,w
Adniteraturo of Giods—t ,ou!Ld 's to P.,/, t 1;•.111, , ,i.)---and Ctuse .Mal ,n to Bus!n,ss.'
Toorno.l4, Novom , w.y 12. Iys l. IL. C. POICTEft., 31. D.
i T .
st FR . .. =DAL
Awarded to this Machine at the air of the 'American lusiittate, Nevi York, Oct. 11152.
A Diploma at the Franklin In titute. Philadelphia. First Premium at the Stat.
Pair, Utica" New York, and at the '.II timid,* and Retio.el aer County ,Nelir York:Fairs.
aria a Diploma its the Weotchee er County Fair al IA bile Plains.
f;!! 1 %.,
Th fbe prwr.ett arrnivell.,ll • f t hi, ar•ore , .;
Valuable Mlll. the Tatar buil% erry..,iec
Cylinder to break' the a.‘ •:•••
lower Cylltidsro •-•• •11.•
ningornent the work 1 I•erforr... , l to: %AO n•
loss lab.,r.
The free t.. arro i tel .1. • • • - -
formerly. end by 1-."-i • " • .'
tlisperoteal Leith he 1.: .0, to • •• I , o
liver the Itontr-en, nl ii.. nt :he -. .•.• , ,et
clear and tie. Ca , 14 1' .1
by the tyl.l me , hod. 'I y'...'er• eeve-e 4
eiteta Zinn, both on their pr. inner", • I e.el.
In Liter. le arrant e.l a• r. ..t1
On the Sll I and frownlnreel t.r n.
amtnicoll a ith e: rl. n r .
Nn Fortntr , :t't •n. II 1
to dir,iirmi avlll b• (11%a pilot nt '
Lind he will fin.l ihi, one .1' .
machine% on hia tarn.
The machine is rustic run
power, end when Lb. ey; • n.I. n •
year,. PC we esin prow 0 lornere ek-e
In all former timer It us. ouppe.%l 1n.,. n t If
of Cider could only to) crv./....y r. olg a 1.••0der. , ...1 /• , r,..
that slowly mashed the
They well, then. made 11., a ri %/. ITC 1..1
most torero and long pre=l , :lre :IA ••-I I I • a
POrt6.n of the CiaCr..k 11a/a ' ••
by the straw and the cis,. of isininee•
Imantiefactory roio't th. termer to take sli
and pol:Lars his six h ese te6,1,151.1ite , 1)... ^. 0 • t‘ •
could hose been more iebly err r to ..-.•
eh to eight barrels of Cider. To al-slate the dt@trcltc the
Yuniers hare heretothro u 4 .tai nder. qd• sPorh me ha.
been lactated, and the statement of a fry, f.. 41.. w ;.rnue
that It is not only the be-t Nteehine of the Id,' term.
bat It is the moat profitable thl.' 6 Tll,l f 63 ha .oi
f•rus. The applee are by %hip. Nln.-t.ln..grot,l 1, 1 ,
pulp, Ito that It rointres but a oorarnestiyelf 11,4,1
and that but a minute or two, In extract all the • vier it
being esecrtainol by prae..iriel urt , rimunt. that I ourth
mersjulre mn be obtained than by the .14 i•riwo.s. Pio.
shim thin. It only requires two hands to grind and
Into Cider a larger quantity of smiles than run he reairlidy
done on the old-fashioned msetaae..
to the ocimpactneas of the }some,. in the tub. nos the cos
plate manner tu which it to ground, a pressure cf from to
5 lons—that can racily be obtained—wilt proton a mire
favorable result than fifty tons preo , lll . ll on 'he nnimar)
Volterra eetoreadi to Art of Cox:4,m lu the jest U. In the irtror.c. Court al the Eootera Pltl lel or roe.7lroulo•
1r7.8014 by L'AMEREIJX. HA LL h RUSI-ELL. Tr. wor and by C. M. wmpiG. Elmira. N. V
TWO HUNDRED TONS Cayuga Ground Pins- T"' r—partner<hip heretofore existing between
ter. 100 Barrels Salt. 100 Bbl.. White Stone ; the subscribers. under the Gun of Almeida, &
Lime, 50 bushels Orwell & West. Branch Clover i s,,lnnio,, was dtasok ed by mutual consent - on , h....
Seed, 30 bushels Timothy Seed, 500 lbs. Allege uy i .7th day of May. M. E. Solomon retirirg. Ihe
County Cheese. just received and for sale hybusiness will hereafter be carried on under the . a ma
BAILEY & NEVENe. r.f J. &S. Ateiander.
Towanda, April 27, 1854. Tcwanda, May 21, left.
Wholesale and Reiail Denim in
1, Japanned and Britannia Ware,
Caning° TrimmingP, Ilarnoss 4 Elad,l:i.try
ire, Carpenter's and Soin er's Tools,
Fr.lulls, of all. kind 3 and sizes,
..EATHER 13.r.c - rx;c, tkrt.
part Of the renrrniLhead 4 under which may ti . clalsfti
v Are conventoiy neneivine, ad , titinnal etinpites, eirect from the
1; ., 0 , ,„ A er soch inducenien to in Ihru inrltts v:tocit •ndioi
11 e u: I ::,k the par.lcular attenti, , ta at
:5;1! iiS.,2kMailscl.: , 9
rig been eeleeied with the greatest care, we ere confident win
the p , i',:ir cgulre
.t...,lC:,,iic.ry Fr , du-e iit';en in vxchanr for R 00•.
- - -
FFICT. ..5..0.... iRYe"PORE
' .g thr:Public ET: art,.
psttilmee received the pest sear, intends to ker.,• constautly on
usually kept .n our lune. telmelt nit w Li. dispose of un
tiler piorimize hnn. l'ho parch sea are made etiurely with cash
I receive the benefit of a goii I article at a low pure. All wader
tukrn hoclf, and ."0 , money refunded.
hen .al, the Office, ehnrcing t.nly for the Medicines
of n ro r 7,!ete and Meet nes. rtrr.rot
edicival London Portei << Scotch Ale.
AV: 44'
r . '. - • irr . —.4
..........-1;1". z.-,i.vserl
~ i....,:,;14,:,r,,,,.v
5.i,,..i,:;;,;..—'4.'.5-,'•ecs) l
1- 4 - ,1 - ' 4 : AJ 0
~ ' , .* .:l"*.i,
~ 1 4.1.., - .4 ,
Pl. OrktS4P-
il rA 7... ,
..Viagk --
tt• 4 ..
1:_•-•-, : , It.
•jt,l. 0114 -worth of yams,.
.. lit, in iinlltlng %ppie-i nt ter.
1.11-- 0, al. nt uit Mut, here Vreilk
t nil Sweet l We-r.
. N , • , ~. - • • ft,Kil the p0, , ,...t0n snct
_ _
_- -.---
'der ...yr, If 11.0 nfl IVO 1 - 11 1r1 , 111 , 1 .1. Eneh VP OR
1.••• 11,1... 1 • i ' ,ll 11. 11 110 11' the .7.0.1 were merely ernehed,
• a U. It a. ^ova:. i•rxeseure of one
~ .1•tr• C. • r n,romt•li...beft by tide
mg epay to rflt•ierekl ea the deckled
to :lA+ • ..
• • • n,•.,• 'vr •' ,n yoth. Tres■, with
• r •• And witit much
• *l - 1.1 -.. Net!? , kler than soy
'lt Y •,1.+4-+'ldrrn•+ , rant It awl Irlmn
- u . .t. ,0••1 or fU '
. _irf v It i% withln
It tho I sny ailriagrnt inroirr
. .
$ ; nt I.!: three. rider that,
V and fr , ..1 , :11.• •••• I, It natty h.inlihy anal ft
r tt•t• • 11 , 0.1 soli al, In ..sayo treat I.ortion thor
r r
•.labor at rndl.. the making of *
1 pptc -hut tcr ! t ; as, , Cis tn., bine, and ttur want
.• • 'II n it
Tt.,. W.; I ... arr . It-1 any other pnrhNn :
, as 1••0 •- , or n. reach ,at any Lino,
0, ad, final,n t.:nz tss Ir . will; any rt.:table
I. an iu' • it ;,,vnent on It.
Varntcr• exaintstr; et•svly IMPROVED
before you buy any other.
, , 1•1 , 1,1,•• 1,11.• ..
Line rer all $411.1n..,12..
hat it ya ill not c Linke up. find lord or I.oft. apples
'I con ,e 1 the (,)i.ntlera will always remain
skar 17 - in 7•1,..,r • nrfl,
Alt s,niare VI is flit-1 in Ili. whirh they are
and all 1 . ra na n ant ...x them mould tln well to
their oritir, Lesrls, awl otate It • bal. tang Way want
the Mill 'eat.
Thi.. •ttcn4....1 by Rll , ll prOperte worked
tec-; • 't.g •,• ;id Innen ia to 1.: herrela of elder a day
.1..; .•', Litt eistoe o.
Itttr.pocer fran lna to ate bushels
ei.pi.te a der.
rl .1- The finee al' the it 610, free of freight.
an. Pa . W. 0. suasoz.
e. So.: &C
,~ +, CLen ln+,