'to the Ye era of Pennsy lvania The following Act in regard to a rrollitlcalt. Law, was passed by the last Legislattlie, aorp aP proved by, the Governor, to wit : AN Acr for the Suppression of the MetntrAtttrti4land Sale latoxicatsng Liquors, at a Berirage;ll Whereas, All laws to be elheifkit jihoulii_bare the approbation and sanction of ititi peopl e: - And Wheres., it is represented that a large num ber, if not a maim'' , at the en' !zeal, of this Com mourietilth," deeply Reprieved with die necessity of the passage of a P. ot) ibil ory Liquor Lan : • And IVherea4, ft impoAsible to obtain a dr ain intliedtion of pnpul.tr sentiment relative theretit, by means of-petmotts and remonstrance.: Therefore 41. Be it enacted by the the Senate an d H owe of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn Sylvania, in-General Assembly met, and tt is here fsrenacted by the authoritrot the SHIM', That the qualified voters of this Commonwealth are hereby authorized al the I faces of 11-Lime the oerieral elec. lions in their Jetspequve wards, boroughs and town ships, on the second Tuesday of October next, t o vote for and against a law which Shall, entirely pro hibit by proper and constinitiorial regulations and penalties, the manutaetnre and sale ni intoxicating liquors, except for medical, sacrainental ; merhani• cal and rvtisoifral pn poses 42. That the officers authorised bylaw to hold elections in each ward, bOrOtigh and township of this Commonwealth, are hereby directed and re quired at Ihe place fired by law, in the several this trims for the holding of the general elections it. Itairit distlicta, on the second Tuesday of October next, when they shill be niz,rinized as All Electiou Board to receive from each qualified voter of their said districts, a ticket written or printed on the outside, ar Probibitoq Liquor Law," and the tickets in ta• Tor of the proposed law shall contrii:n in the imide the words, " For s P ohibitoty Liquor Liw," those opposed to the proposed law shall contain in the inside the wards, Against a Prohibitory Law' which votes shall be counted and returned In .ne court house of the counties or city, in which said election shall be held, on the folio:mina-Friday, by the return judges, who sittll cast up and certify all the votes polled in 5 , 11 cotiotir or city, 0r'.40 the office of the S'.?oretary of ihe Commonwealth at directed and transmitted in 'he same manner the ewes for Governor are required to be directed and transmitted, and the said Sectelaty shall, on the thiri Friday of January neat ensuing, commpnicate the said returns to the Legislature, to be opened and counted in the same manner: the votes for Governor are opened and counted, and considered l as the prayer of the voters of this Commonwealth relative the Prohibitory Liquor Law. 42. That all the election taw of the Sate pre scribing the hours of npening and clossMg of th polls, the reception of voters, the punishment for voting, the defraying the expenses of publt• cation, and holding of the general elections and return 01 the same, and all other matters incident thereto, be and the same are declared applicable to the election above authorized. 44. That !shall be the duty of the Sheriff's of the several counties of thvi Cduimotivvealth, to insert a onpy of this act in the prnelarnalinn tnr the gen eras elec'ion to be held on the second Tuesday of October next. And the . State Temperance Convention which met at Harrisburg on the 7,h day of June last, among others passed the following resolutions : Resnlved, That though the Legirda'ore forced a different issue upon the friends of Temperance than the one they asked for, we will nevertheless ac cept it, but under the circumstances we will: not consider it a final test of our rrengt upon this point. ' Resolved, That as the question of Prohibition is based upon the affections of an overwhelming ma jority of the people of Pennsylvania, we most ear nestly recommend to our friends throng,hout the State to organize at once in their respective coon ties, and use all lair and honorable ;beans not only to increase the vote in favor of prohibition. but to carry it by a triumphant majority at the ballot box in October next. The adoption by a yoke of the people of these resolutions by an emphatic m: , jori , y, is important to the beat interests ol humanity, a ,r 1 to our balm ed Commonwealth. We therefore urge upon tho friends of good order, that they take such measures in 11124 respective counties; cities, bo'foughs, wards, and districts as will secure a full yarn out at the polls and the largest possible majority in favor of this important measure. • iYe respectlully urge upon the lithnils of Tem perance arid a Prohibitory Law, thiat they make this their only and great object at the October elec tion; that they suffer no other issue to interfere with their efforts in this cause; and we warn them against permitting themselves to be drawn in 'o entangling alliances with any of the political par ties of the Jay, who desire only to use this great popular and growing cause for the advancement of their partisan views; to the successful carrying out by the popular vote of these resolutions, and to th)s only should temperance men tun! their mien lion. Upon this everything depends. NoLegisla tnre will dare to refuse to refuse the passage of a bill in the face of the demands of a majority of the voters, fairly expressed at the ballot boxes; and we havi the pleasure of assuring our 'temperance friends - that we are satisfied that any one of the distinguished gentlemen who are candidates for Governor will promptly give his sanction to such a law. Again we beceech our friends and fellow•citi zens to ratty to the polls and carry this resolution of the Legislature by a clear and decided majority —organize in every election district, appoint your vigilance and other committees, prepare to get out the vote, do your duty in accordance with the mug. nitride of the measure, and it will be sustained by 50,000 majoritx. THOMAS WATSON, JOHN CHAMBER., EDWARD PAXSON, F. A. VAN Dtice, M. D., ROZERT M. FOUST, JOHN Zltra.Nruss, E F. fir.ecc, • A. RO3T, E. H. FirArrtsne, J. PATRICK, WM. NICHOLSON, Was. H. dorms. Was F. GEDDES, MARSHALL J. F. Bram M. D. DEZibTEL RIOT AMONG Tim. PHILADELPHIA FIRE MEN ....IZ/lILADELPIIII, July, 28 —A riot took place this morning about one o'clock this morning. on the corner ot,Foorth and Catlowhill streets, between Fairmornit engine and Moyameeing Hose Cos. A German who was on hie way home from a wed. ding, was shot through the thigh, and was convey. ed to gm hospital. John Kane, aged 20, was - shot in the back, the ball lodging in his right breast. The wound will prabably prove fatal John Raltree received a pistol bidl in his right atm. They both belonged to theOlfoyamensing Hose Company. Several arrests' weremade—among them, Elisha Reed, belonging to the Fairmount Co., with - a - dig. charged pistol in his hand, tnd John Dean, of the IHsourensing Co. The fii,ht was of short duration, but many shots were fi r ed before th e police interfered to quell the riot. ' ASSILIATION 07 TM 5A.7.011)711-10LAmos.—A dee. patch Iron 3 Waehinvon, to the New York Tribune, announces on " posture and ondentable t _ informa tion, from the highest-source at Honololu," to the ether that a Treaty le being concluded between Mr. Group, the United States Commissioner and the Government of the Islands, for their annexation to the United States forthwith. The only unsettled question in relation to the srineituton, it is Sind, is whether the Islands shall come in- ass Territory or a bus. Mr. Gregginsists on the former, The Ad• ministration, it is added, at Washington, ty, advised as to the position of the negotiationi. -- 111liffiesoltRallraid BlitEteitement. Quiig,an.4uutilmepi•exian,•in the-1 ooseagißep reiiitnaiiveiiind • 'anifing potitica),,,eiteles Wiigitgtoutfiie We, in 'ornsequengal 6C-, the 'At :Ae i rt allenilon ii, thel'billVaniilg lad& tfkaitt4 -comliructinjahe DlngielintiOail6stl. The bill inuluied on IA 20th i rt., *id Mr. Virlplibtun lif itfput , cArt4l a neoon as_'l6l- Minnesota had chartered A company with most extraoultow-powens, gaming. to st--all the= tan& which have been 01 may hereal'et be Jimmied to that territory tor construction of railroads. The House, to avoid this add a proviso that said lands shall be sutiPct to 11:e &volution of any (ulna leg islation ; for ihr purpose atoressiq, nor shall !hey in ore to the benefit Or AV thmpatty bergatter to lar constituted or org o iiii7ed. This 'was the way the bill .wasfulginally_itamed r uxenableAte company to receive the benefit of the grant. The first alter alien hetnotieed was the'striking nut of the word future,:' but tine he lreireved was made by the committee_ The second aberinion which he charged with being made Slf er bill WWI er,gror.sell Wlr chnosin; the wind . 4 or" to the word'" and" to read Consti tuted and organized. This company not being eon. slimed and organized . espec:a to hal-.1 these lards under the bill, and hence he char':,eil this object in the alt.-faint'. The word war in a hand different from Unit of the engrossrneat. A corn mivee nt investigation has been nprriinted and was in session. 'The sergeant at-suns has been erit to New Yolk fur witnesses. Mr. Stevens. of Dlichigan, admitted he hail, with• ant any impropet tnotire, made the al.eration, but before it passed the committee on ipnblir lands by striking out the word future, and that he had intend ed at the same time to have stricken out the word l• or" a('d to have inserted the ward " and," bly hat' Rut done so inadvet tante. Ile made tUll statement also of the circumstances relathnt to the alterations which was made after the bill passed the House. In answer to in ima.ions that Ccl. J. F. Forney, Clerk o 4 the House, was implicated, ilr S'evens entirely exonerates hint from all censnre He had called upon Mr. Forney in company with General Patton, a clerk of the Senate, in eider to know whether a clerical error could be corrected alter (he passage of a bill by one house. Mr. Pa inn raid that each alteration. had been made freqnently. Several renamen also it.trirmed him that these correction. were mere vernal 'theta ationa and mieht be made. The only wteteet I have in Ihe bill .a that it benefits my State, and in dome; this beitefita other States, Accident at Ike Illatt4ttan Gas Works. Three Men Killed and several Juju/ ed. There were exaggered rumora in circulation yes terday afternoon in regard to a terrible calamity at the Mahattan Gas Winks, at the foot of Fourteenth Fueet, East River Onr reporter visited the scene at the accident last evening, and found that the rem( of the large building in process of erection by the company had !alien in, between the hours of I and 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and buried a num ber of woukmen in the mine. The following, are the deteils of the disaster, as near as rook! he aocertained The Eighteenth ward pollee were early on the rpm. arol when they arrived, a scene of almost in• extricable cnnfu•inn was presented—wives and children anxiously inqrtiring for their husbands and fatheis, and workmen searching for their comrn,!er. The poliJe, who were anon joined by those anther wards, formed a cordon round the ruins, and the laborers went vigorou•ly , to work to r the dead and wounded. The body of Cornelius Wyck. off, foreman of the bricklayer., (residing, at %Vit. hamsburg,) was the first found, then that of Patrick Shea. of 259 West Eeighteenth at., and then that of Jas Gilhooly, both masons. The names of the' maimed, seriously. severely, and sligh.ly wounded, are as follows: John Flan tragan, both leg. broken ; Robert Jank, m e leg and boll' arms broken; Daniel Suilia an. injured intern ally, taken to the Bellevue hospital, with scarcely a hope of his recovery ; Jernes Sullivan, iliLgh broken ; George White, Thomas Kelly, Thomas 'McGuire, Win. Squires, and James Mahoney These were all internally bruised, and cut extern ally, but with no, limbs fractured. Petrick Caroll, William Harris, and Sides Burns, were badly burnt, with internal bruises, and had cuts externally Henry Fmigan and Thomas Mulligan were slight ly bruised and cm externally. All the men, with the exception of Daniel Sullivan, were taken to their respective home.. During the excavatinns, beneath a shell as it is termed—in other—words, a furnace—were discnv. eted eight masons and fuer laborers. (nrwe of the latter of whom had his thigh broken ) They Rate that at the moment of the fall of this building, they heard a loud crack, and nne of them looking op. he saw the vast columns bending the roof descending., as it were, in one vast sheet He showed to his campanions, and they, with one accord, rushed for the shell, and thus escaped the almost inevitable death which seemed impending over them. When all the bodies which could be found were removed from the ruins, the men were mastered, and it was at first supposed that more were beneath the rubbish ; but it was eventsfiy ascertained that all the injured were recoverett. Two horses were also crushed under the ruins The eslimu'ed cost of the building is between $3O, 000 and 5.10,000. The actual and precise cause of the falling of the roof could not be ascertained with any degree of certain'y. The building in coarse of erection VCR! , shout four hundred feet long by about two hundred [(set wide, with brick v:alls and a sla.e roof. sup ported by an iron frame work. The Plate had been put on the north aide, and some suppose that its weight caused the Mot to careen to the north, and, by thus losing as balance, fell drawing the walls with it Others assert that the walls were not suffi ciently strong to support the roof, and that ire weight fairly crushed the feeble mason work. Yesterday nothing (termite coati? be known, but the coroner's inquest will probably develope the facts of the case The brittleness of the mortar was a general 'abject of remark it being so easily broken that tt 'miser -hied with the fingers —New. York. Sunday Times ; 30th K mow Norinsos —We are oppossed to all secret political organizations, says the Louisville Times , be. cause in a Republican g overnment all political action should be public. Our political institutions are based upon public intelligence, and they are only to be perpetua.ed and made popular by a free, frank and open inter change of opinions, and a fear less exposition of the principles of free government, whether federal, State, county or city. And then we must have suitable agents in each and all of these governments, to administer and execute the the !awe, and to act as conservators of the public peace, and guardians of the peoples' rights. it is lust as important to discusathe principles and ()noti fications (*candidates fur office as it is to discuss any measure of public policy., Secret organizations subvert all the rules and regulations which have heretofore been deemed sufficient in determining what shall be done to promote the public good, and who shall be tl.e peoples' representatives in the various employments and pusitione deemed neces sary to carry into effect our system of government Viewing the Know-Nothing organization in the light it has yet beet, presented to no, ire are op posed to it, and we shall feel bound to oppose the election of those candidates believed to be favor ites of the secret faction, although otherwise we might regard them as the best qualified end most worthy of the place. Pirrsuciton entrEsstwilsaaosts.—At an election held in West Greenville, on Monday the 24th oh, it was decided by a vote of itt for, and I against, to authorize the Burgess and Town Council to sob scribe 120 shares, or'll6ooo, towards the comple- tion of the Pittsburgh and Erie Railroad. The Greenville Press says that confidence in the ability of the comthuky to'pat the Work Atones is now sttengtheiting. MI Wrabforo %k s potter. E. 0. 0000 RICH, EDITOR, Towanda; -Baturdayi- August -4,18 n Terme of The Reporters ell 30 per erinton-rifpisid within the yrnr 30 eeu:a wiil e dedactsd—for eash‘pild settrallytnidestree 01 °O'Neill be !ducted. No paper sent over two years, unless paid for. - Arivairrtsamv.r. rs. per 'lotto of ten lines. SO tents for the 4rst and 510 centalbr each subsequent - infernal,: - 117 Office in the " Unton Block." north side of the Pitblic Square, next door to the Bradford lintel.- Entreste between . Adams!' and Elwelildhar offices. . Democratic State Nomination& rin 00VVIII011. WILLIAM BIGLER, or CL'EARF4LD CO ►D6 31111011 O► Us rritsvcr ootrwr o JEREMIAH S. BLACK, or SommEr Co volt 'CANAL enxvismossn, lIENRY S. MOTT, OF Piss COUNTY Sleeting of the Standing Committee. The Democratic Standing Cianunittea of Brad ford County, are requested to meet at the Ward House ; in the Borough of To•.canda, on Wednesday August.9M, 1854, at 2 o'clock. P. M , for the hur• pose of appointing Committees of Vigilance, for the ensuing Delegate elections. The following, persons compose said Committee H. L. Scott, P. D. Morrow, Samuel OWBII, A D Spalding, Beecher Morgan, C. H Ballard, S. B Lathrop, Geo. Stevens, H. C. Baird. Prohibitory Liquor Law. We publish in another column, the address from the hien 'a of the Prohibitory Liquor Law, contain. ing the act of last winter, submitting the question to a vote of the people. This address is signed by some of the best known friend* of Prohibition in the Commonweal-h, amongst whom we might mention Rev. JoHIS CHAMBERS, • EDWARD PAARON, Tar F GEDDts, and others, whose voice is certain ly entitled to be heard, and whose suggestions, are beyond all question prompted by a sincere desire to forward the great cause in which they have so long and earnestly been engaged. We call the attention of every friend of a Prohibi• bitory Liquor Law to this address. It has been disadvantage under which the friends of this great reform had heretofore labored, that selfish and the. honest poloitions have sought to drag it into the arena of political warfare, in such a manner as to derange the purposes of its true friends. To be see. oessfni, the Temperance movement must not be made to minister to the party schemes of arty man or set of men. It should rely upon its own justice and morality, and;when its advocates go to the polls, ihey should be very careful that they are not strik ing a blow which will do infinite harm to the cause they wish to prosper. The Whig politicians have already commenced their plans to secure the Temperance vote for Pot. trot, by procuring from him pledges in regard to Prohibitory Liquor Law. The answers from the Candidatespor Governor, we published some weeks since, anti :he reader could hardly fail to have been struck with the desire on the part of POLLOCK to bid high for the Temperance vote, and with the manly and conscientious reply of Gov. Bicr.Ert. If the vote of the people should decide in favor of such a law, we have not the least doubt, either would sign it, provided its provisions were not unconsti tutional. A pledge in advance, before a bill is ev en drawn, that it will he signed, is sheer nonsense ; an! both undignified and dishonest. The address to which we refer, places the tem• perence question upon the right grounds. Let its friends keep it there, and they will meet the appro bation and secure the support of the 'honest and upright of all parties They have a question upon which they can now go 'the polls. Let them be ware of all parties and all pledges. They need nothing but the moral effect of a majority of 50,000 rotas to ensure them a triumph. That majority, or more, they will receive, if they do not minister pa. izan schemes. We commend the following from this address to the especial atienian of Temperance men. Let them ponder it well, and consider if it is not the voice of wisdom and of truth : "We respectfully urge upon the friends of Temperance and a Pro- hibitory Law, that they make this their only and great object at the October election ; that they suf fer no other issue to interfere with their eflorts in this cause; and we ware them against permitting themselves to be drawn into entangling alliances with any of the political parties of the day, who de• sire only to use this great, popular and growing cause for the advancement of their partisan views; to the successful-carry ing out by the popular vote of these resolutions, and to this only should temp. ranee men tarn their attention. fJpon this every thing depends. No Legislature will dare to refuse the passage of a bill in the (ace of the demands of a majority of the voters, fairly expressed at the bal lot boxes; and we have the pleasure of assuring our temperancefriends that we are satisfied that any one of the distinguished gentlemen who are candidates for Governor will promptly give his sanction to such a law 7" Cos gr emielosag. In the Senate on Tuesday, a resolotionwas adopted, requesting the President to inform them whether anything had arisen since the date of his Message to the House of Representatives ol the 15th of March last, concerning our relations with Spain, which would render t the provisional measures then recommended unnecessary. During the day a message was received from him, stating that our affairs with the Spanish Government are still un settled, and expressing art opinion that provisional measures by Cpngreas wou l d be proper. An ap. propriation, to be under the canto)l of the Presi dent; of probably len MiltiOns, Wilt biptiesed im mediately, as an amendment to The Ariny Apprct priatiOn bill. The River - and Huber Bill will be passed. " In the House, theVenriral appropriation bill was discussed at great length, and nearly all of the Senator's amendments were rejected. During the day Mike Walsh and Mr. Seward, of Georgia, bad a fight, in which Mike to all to dove tecisi*ed severe punishment. Impoitant bealstin. -4:he SoFare 49dul v io r aession4PhiladelphA, heie*scetlily hid iihrarleito '' co,' affectir th e / piiier O the iliaiorito4nd, er ilavern per crApsvit for fieping ~ is 1.., ,, dr v. use ip,f.. wise qtiVic4Afhislelling nors4m tday. , AViiyor 111 t- ;.{, . '''.'•. -.,- a .., clek C ''' ad thia.bean actingilinder-a . metweciston of the Supreme Court, which in generaelerms was said to be that a license ict.salliitrior 41),ea riot opv-, eiltirtifhirlkermagif,rlitlireiiiiiiWithat .-- AellAhrisoton Asticle . r, is illegal, And that the person doing so is-indictable for keeping a tippling litintlo, - oillible 'td the - Penalty:6f sso' for se it llig,'; pillar wl3hotitla I:tefinse3 :!..4611bp -,Sppreme Court bait that iti fermir'slectsioti 'Wes mistinder ertiortrhar-akravenr:ieopev-weih,s--.lmensw,aith. - aells on Sunday:oannof'be iodieted for keeping a: tippling.house;• is not liable to the- penalty of-$5O, and thathe remedy is under the act of 1794, which. impose*. a fine el $4 for carrying on worldly busi ness on the tibbittli. The counsel fey the defeodantA,argued, that the evidence did not establish, any indictable offence: that although theact of 1794 punished by a a fine of $4, the following of worldly employment on Sunday, yet it was not emapetant to take the prohi bition from that act, and inflict the punishment con. tained in a totally different act.; that where two acts exist ,opon any one subject, they must both be ex• ecuted .where they are not in conflict. The law im pned a penalty for selling liquor without a license, or oiler it had expired. and a person having a fi cerise could not be justly exposed to a penalty on det this law, although he could be fined for a vio lation► of the Sabbath. Several acts of Assembly and cases decided, were cited, to show that where one punishment is provided by law, no other pun ishment can be inflicted, nor other proceedings had. The real question in the care, it was contended, was—whare there are two existing watutes appli cable to a diflerent stale of facia, as to the following of a paritcular i business,can,ilie penally in one sta tute be applied to the infringement of the other sta. cute? The Act of 1794 fixes the infraction of the Sunday law al 64, while the penalty under the Act for gelling liquor•wi.thout license is $5O for the first offence, and imprisonment for the second: It was contended that each of these statutes must have an application to the offence it was designed to cure, and could not be made to bear alike on both of fences, by municipal construction. in this view of the case, the Supreme Court seem to have coincided, and Judge Lewis, of er a short consultation won his associates, said: I am in strucied to say that it is the unanimous opinion of the Court that an indictment will not lie against the deft. for the offence charged. The remedy is an der the act of 1794. The decision in Omit's case has been misunderstood, and Judge Woodward will write out the opinion of the Court, and explain in that particular the c'ecision in that case has been misapprehended. The deft. is thierelore die• charged. Alone Fm m:ram—Telegraphic reports in Wall street, announce the failure of the Montour Iron Works, and of John Tucker, Esq , the President of the Reading Railroad Company. The Montour Iron Company are large holders of railroad bonds, for which they have sold iron rails, at a great nominal profit, but the impossibility 01 converting bonds into money, even, at a great and losing depreciation, has led to thit suspension of the company, and as Mr. Tucker was a principal pro. prietor, his private affairs are consequently com promised. Mr. Tucker has been well known as an even sive stock operator both in the N. Y. and Philadel phia sock market, and in this way, besides those sustained by him by the failure of the Montour Company, sufficiently account for his failure. He had endorsed the acceptance of the last named company to a large amount. The Philadelphia Ledger also says,that Mr. Tuck era friends have proffered him means to reinstate him in credit, so that it is probable he may retain the Presidency of the Reading Railroad. His real property in iron works and coal land, is said to be large. tie is a holder of unavailable seca rilies, but he is, it appears, under heavy habili ties on account of the Cataw•isea railroad and other enterprises. OPINION ar SUPREME COURT.—Hazen et al vs The Commonwealth. Error to Allegheny coun ty. Judgment affirmed. 1 his is the famous con spiracy case for uniting and confederating to obtain notes of a less denomination than five dollars from agents of the Pennsylvania railroad company. The plaintiffs in error, Hazen, Morris, Lawson and Davis were indicted and tried before Judge Mttu re, and having been found guilty, they were sentenced to three months' imprisonment each, and a fine of one hundred dollars. The law should be a punish ment to evil doers ; and in this instance these spec ulators have had but their deserts. MCKIM'S IMPROVED CIDER Mt t.r..7—Ntre take plea sure in calling the attention of our readers to the advertisement of this celebrated and very useful miff. This machine has already acquired a wide reputation and is fast coming into general use. As arranged for MI, many improvements have been made, which experience suggested to the very in• genious inventor, and it is not unequalled by any similar piece of machinery for cheapness and dura bility. It is an almost indispensable aitiele farmers and any one who will see it in operation, will become satisfied that it is all that it is repre sented to he. Messrs. Lamereaux, Hsll & nessell, are Agents „for this County ; and will furnish all necessary in formation in regard to this mill. it it is rumored that dispatches from the Rus sian Goternment arrived in the Pacific on Atkin day, offering to sell to the United States the whole of the Russian territory in North America, cotnpris ing the western littoral of the continent from the Arctic Ocean to Observatory !filet in 1at.55 and ex tending inland ae far ae long. 63 deg. Tux Fuarrac Si e ve Lit w.—Tbe Milwauk ee Wisconsin says, tithe habeas corpus ase, decided by the Supreme Court of the State co/Wisconsin, 'a teas days,ago',is tiibei carried 4 . 19 the Supreme Cciart - for the'Unitea States; when .ihe question as to the - constlintiUnajity of the fugitive slave law will be definitely settled. '' ORPHAN'S ASTLOM Bvaecn.—The German Ca tholic Orpbste Asylum, near Allegheny City, Pa ) was gestroyed by fire on, Wednesday morning.— The about $2;000, on phial there is 0,000 insurance in the Harrisburg Mutual. teeter trots* Goy. Bigler. tly, Ah . follo• •. • otter from Goi!.....Bi ti tirr,o, l . Ktss4 tl*Chf,,, .an of the &oten Co' . i . 1.. • -,.. i ton e e - wrOse ~, n that he is ready m et 0.,,• - .. , be i lfrin . people, and trlsc a piri rux ..,„„,,,, i t i‘ , of the day, 1 ; ,1- 31 ~:- 0. , ' -"; 1,01010 -4 ' e Citasissa, itgy,ff,:185.1..5,..t I. ElniNnharit, Dealt Stn—the manner of condocting the Go •bernalptisieeneeas hark..l - pheirreloePoine. a sisp' of 'newspaper 'diainviiion, and I have deemed it proper, on that account, to place my views on the subject in the possession of the State Cen:ral Com. minim.. . . . Von will remember that when traveling tne dale, in IllgjiLdepfeiated the stumping system' ea liable to - iiiatiifist - ind 'weighty objections That - . embutgailanOteramkstatiaDol.nscesaityillartntrf choice. The appolierila of. the Democratic party hard earintrieneed rho Prirciire' end 'hen' again in. 1851, and 'there-seemed in be no enema. tistileft buLto rrieeyihenvitr,their own chosen way A similar alternative may be again presented In deed, t if the opposition p r es s to be regarded as good autharityiludge Pillecli, one of the et oot 'pro. mittent and talented of the opposition' candidates. has already determined to canvass the State by holding a series of public meetings. The Committee will, therefore, regard the- De. mociatte candidate as subject to the pleasure 01 his triemla, as far as the performance of his (Metal du. l'es may permit. I shall most cheerlinly meet and address my fellow citizens, touching die present aspect of political aflairs, at such times and places in the State as may be deemed proper. have no opinions to disguise on any subject to be in the least affected by the election nl a Govern or—am willing and anxious that each elector should understand, as far as possible, the effect of the vote which he is 'about to . cast. Besides, my official acts are mailers of.public concern, and it, passing npon their wisdom, justice and prEicy, the people have a right to all the (acts and information than can he thrown before them I shaft therefore. Pistol prepared to account for my stewardship by speaking to nor party friends in the usual way, nr, if preferred, by meeting Judge Pollock before the people, without distinction of party, and discus-nn; political topics, past sold present, Stale anti Nation al, great and small This lam_tvilling to do io he extent of my spare time and limited abilities, and during the continnence of my health, which, thank God, is now excellent. Very truly, Your otit serv't. «'M. BIGLER. (tom The Wavhlngtnn Union of the 2tl, defends the destruction of Gtey.own, and says : " When all the circurnsiances are considered, we are unable in see how the ends to be obtained could have beep accomplished by lees harsh measures than those adopted by Carain HOLLINS." IMPEACHMENT OF JUSTICE GRIER —A Washing ton correspondent of the New Yolk Tribune writeit that a memorial containing serious and _rave char ges against Justice Grier, of the Supreme Court of the linited,S:ates, had been referred to the judicia ry corn %Mee. QfW'sr C. Toacr,w Only known as a writer an der the cognomen of" John of York," and former ly a resident of this place, died at Harrisburg, on Tuesday last, of consumption. Kr The Franklin Fire and Marine Insurance Company of Saraiog,a, N. Y., has failed. DEATMXTIvE FIXES IN TOF. ‘tionm.—The Ro cheater (N. Y ) American say+ t— We have come recently trom• Putter county, Pa , and have pasqed through a portion of Allegheny county, in this State. The drought in that section is intense. No rain has fallen for weeks. Streams are city, spr.rigs are nez, and the fields are parched and sere Thou sands and thousands of acres are on fire. and ;:eat destruction of property is taking place. The inhab itants are out fighting the Fite, which slowly and re sistlessly is moving on to fur :ter ruin. and !tirp.o. ening houses and burns It sweeps over meadows with the speed of the wind, and it up the vege tarion of the (mews. leaving the blackness of deso lation in its path By day titi4e clouds of smoke fill the sky, and at night, the heavens are ogle x with the blize The highways of en pass between the fires on either side, and travellers are exposed ro frequent danger. Fires ako are raging in McKean and Warren courvie;. Pa , in the exten sive lumber distrinis of that wild region. We heaid of single losses of several thousand dollars, in stand ing timber, and of many small losses in the same and in lumber, shingles, &c. it is tearful to see a vast section of the Country Mai given Op to elestritC 'lion. One may ride for buy or fifty mites together and never be out of sight of the fires that rage every direction. A drenching rain will put an end to the ravages of this element THE CHOLERA AT NIAGARA SU.PESCION BRIDGC We learn from the most reliable source that the ravages of the cholera at the Suspension 13ridge, on the Canada side. have been far worse .hat here tefore represented Our informant vnuted the scene yesterday. and found that almost eve l ry soul capable at moving had deserted the vicinity, leav ing the dead without banal ' .He discovered in one shanty a woman so far gone as to he uriatile to move, and a dead body—her child, seven years old—lying in bed, by her side,in an ad - vaneed stage at deromposition. In another house he found two men, one dead and the other dying, witham succour. The latter died shortly alter. All three of these bodies he in. 'erred with the aid of a lad s employed at the tete. graph of fi ce. In yet another share% he found three unburied bodies, so much decayed that he could not ven'ure to disturb them This morning he set fire to the shanty and consumed the bodies We learn, as a reliable fact. that several bodies only partially consumed were Imilay being rooted up and devoured by a parcel of hogs, which found their way to the spot. We can rely fignly on these horrible statements, whatever may be said to the contrary —IV. V. frerphl. 29th. THE CAFE Or MIAS DELTA WEBATEIC --We have already noticed ibe discharge of MIAs Delia Web ster, lately arrested at Madison, Indiana, at the in stance of a man named Craig, who was the warden of the Kentucky penitentiary while Ali~s NVebster was confined ihere a few years ago, previous to her pardon by Grix. Crittenden. Craig, it appears, en deavored to revive against her the old indictment on which she was originally convicted of aiding in the escape of slaves This gave rise to much feel ing, at Madison, and during the examination of Mtn Webster an ahempt was made to assassinate him. He was fired at receiving a ball in the back, inflicting a very dangerous wound. A man named Randall, formerly in the employ of Miss W., is un der arrest, charged with the outrage. ILLINOIS WNW* AND OAT CROPS..-A Her from Northern Illinois, written last Sunday, says: "The weather has been excessively hot rand dry of late. Many people sutler great inconveni ence from the went ot water. There has not been rain enough to satura:e the ground, for a whole year. Crops were never better bnt corn and pout toes will stiffer if we do net have rain coon. Wheat and oate'are so heavy, that a sufficient number of laborr:s cannot. be 'rocured to harvest them in season. ESCAPE 1.11 , A aStISO DI sending the " in Mrs. Allison, in Ci their lis , es, has not y Cro'ml; lowa, on the the - post.office, and p whither he was pore tor some cause, olio% 14 —Wm.1-1 Allison, accused ernal machine" to . Mr. anti Icinnati, .by. which they Jost I been arrested.' He was at It sth instant. look &letter from oestederl to his father's house, e 1 by several. eitizipne, who, i him to et=c4e. Mottstoamt is said to be making great progre. i in Denmark, there are now Mormons an the smar I eigiaTletp - kettle Isle of Amack, which isßiw a% firitoOentiagen, almost all the woma n hife adoptted the worship of the Mormon.. ET, Wafted Jetjanders, recently converted to M0rr0,,,,. isj are *pi to emigrate to the Mormon colony irtthe UAW States. The great ecclesiast i c,,l e ,,,,,. attopenhagen has received orders horn the Government to make researches as to the 1) , ( . pag,atton of Mormonism in Denmark. Tee STEA3I%IIIP FanNatier.—lntellig.ence ho rn its vessel in the 26th Institut; present her as un changed in position Of cnntittion. About 7 500 pack. ages have been landed and shipped to New York leaving about GOO still in the vessel, which are being got out as fast as possible. DriKt-er Es PrITADIMITIines "RtitIVICI. Sullain. July 29 —A dispatch has been received m dux Ctiv from a reliable source, announcing 'tri death. of ex-President Fillmnre's brothe r ci, a ,;, who (died yesterday at St Paul, Mitineaota,auJder,- ly;stprinscr.4l of cholera FATE OF TUE HARDOI CMINTT karma —Tb. I.om.vdle Courier states that the-Grand Jury Elardto coorify him indicted (nor of the notorio us persons who composed the Ward jury on a charzl of perjury. The names of only two could be a.,cfr tamed, and these were ?Admire and Eidson. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE! Planters. Farmers, Pamßies and others. can par. chase no Remedy equal to Dn. TUNIA.S' V6IDlTii• stv zsT, rot . Dysentery, Cholic, Croup, Cbro.o.lr Rheu mat 'sett, Sore Throat, Tootbarhe,Sea Cuts, Borns, Swellings, Bruises, Old Sores, Head ache, Mosquito Biter, Pains in the Limbs, Cbeo, Back, etc• t dOes not give relief, the money will be refund. ed—all that is asked, is a trial, and use it aecortlin 4 to direction<. ft k an English remedy, and was used by William the IV., late King of England, and certified to by him, as a Nita for rheumatism, when every thin= else had failed. Dr. Tobias has put ups HORSE LIYIMIXT 10 p:w bottles, which'is Warranted cheaper and better thin any other for cholic, scratches, old sores, gal:: swellings, ruts, bruises, etc• Over 10.000.000 books have been sold in the U. ted States, without a single failure, and many bar. stated they would not be without it it it was $lO p.• bottle, in case of Croup, as it is as certain as it applied. .ft cures Cholera, when Grft taken, in a few hoar Dysentery in halfan hour—toothache in five minute It is perfectly innocent to take internally, and is r , "commended by the most eminent physicians in the Untied States. Price 25 and 50 cents. Dr. Tobias could fill a dozen newspapers with ce. tificates and letters rclating to the wonderful cure, accomplished by his Liniment, bat considers NVIV. ranting it sufficient, as any person who does net ob. rain relief need not pay for it. Price 50 cents. Dr. Tobias' Office, 240 Greer. with street, New York. For sale at Dr. H. C. PORTER'S Drug Store, Tow ands, Pa. SHERIFF.- T, the voters of Brad( County ; —Fellow .Citizens-1 hrough h• urgent soli ctiatiuna of :many friends, I hereby moo: respectfully offer myself a. a candidate for the offlcs of Sheriff, at the next e!ecti.sn :Ind earnestly solic • your support. If. ,throuith your part iallify, I sh": 1: • he elected, I pledge myself to promptly and faithfully discharge the duties of the office. IRA H. STEPHENS. North Towan4a, June 23, t8:14. MASO:Il; —The re.r:ollr . mnnthly Cu rr. munications of UNION LODGE. No. 10S. A . Y. M., are held Wednesday on or preceding the full moon, at 3 o'clock, P. M., at Masonic Hall, in the borough of Towanda. The meetine fur September will occur on Wed nesday, September 6. Vt,sttng brethren are tort: ed to attend. W. H. PERKINs. secr,tary. Ncto 2onatisrmcnts Southern Military Academy Lotter) ! (AI Arnoßcir OF TOE STATO OF ALIO:MAO Conducted on the Ilar,zna Pion 10,000 Numbers-238 Prizes!—all the Prizes drawn at each Drawing. CLASS D--TO BE DRAWN 19111 CAPITALS $7500 iOOO 301 , 0 15t,0 In all 238 prizes. amounting to ...$30. 00 1 Tirkets ss.—Halves and gm - triers in proportion. Bills on all solvent banks taken at par. All communications strictly confidential. , SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager • Simn of the Bronze Lions. Mon.gomery, Ma. July 20, 1854. LrsT OF' JURORS drawn for SeptermberTern, 1854. onasniacaons. Burling:ton—Enoch Blackwell. Columnia—James Wilson, Peter McClelland. Durel—Ulysses Moody. Gil.e—lsaac Putuam. Huck—George \V Elliott. Mue—Zera Rockwell. North Towanda—Means Watts. Orwell—Jacob Chuhbock, Levi Fusible. Pike—Chauncey Sey tnour , Samuel Buclr. Ridoberry—P D Curd, Floyd Duty, John Slurtoo Springfield—l. D Beardslee South Creek—Peter Dean. Troy tp—W S Dobbins, Alorzo Morse. Ulster--H S Davt,leim. Warren—W' p Chatt•e. Wyalusme—John H Black. Wysor—W W Goodrich. Wilmot--Jeptha Rider. TRAVERS": ICIIO7II -TIRST Athens horo'—C N Shipman, Moses Sawyer. tp.—Nathan Edminster. Burlington—Emanuel (lover. H B Pratt.' Canton—H N Webster, J A Rogers. Columbia—Griffin Dailey. Durell—Wm C..olliaugh 2d, Madison Decker. Franklin—Wm Crayton, Francis Morse. Litchfield—Milo Merrill, Elijah Wolcott. Monroe—Hiram Sweet. North Towanda—losevh C Powell. • Pike— Henry Pepper. Rome—Oscar Elliott, T Lent, W Towner. D Miller • Bazaka I Gates, Smithfield—S G French, John Bird, A ndrow Seward M F Ransom. Springfield—John Parsons. Tusearora--Wyllis Ragess, Bela Cogswell Towanda horn'—G 11 Drake. dater—Ru. , el McKinney. Windham—Julius Russell. Wysor —Harry Strope, Alvin Nichols. Warren—Wm C Bowen. Wells—Lorenzo Grennell. June, Wood, by her next friend William Frisbie, rc George IFood. Lib"! snr Dirorre. In Bradprd Corm Pleas. No 119. Feb T 1854. rO GODRUE WOOD, defendant in the above cause. You are hereby notified that your anfe Jane Wood, !by her next friend Wm. Flishie,) ha' filed her petition for A divorce from the bonds of matrimony. And an alias subpoena ha% been re turned and proof made that y i ou are not to be found in said county. You are therefore herrhy required to appear at the Court House in the Borough of Towanda. Monday. the 4th day of Sept. next. being the first day o( Sept., term of said court of common pleas, tq answer the said complaint, and show cause if any you have, why said lane shall not be divorc ed from yea. C, THOMAS. Sherif. Sheriff's office. Towanda. Aust. 3, 1634. .11F-4 EC. PM 71 4 ABOUT the lest of Jana. a pocket MEMORAN DUM„ with blue black tuck cover, the tuck broken and nearly worn out. Whoever will return the same.to the undersigned, at Towanda, shill be liberally rewarded. S. . SHIPM AN. Towanda, July 20, 1851.