Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 29, 1854, Image 3

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    New rilhvettietiitelft.
angliZIED B "W i t '
BY virtue of writs of Vend. Expo:awned nut444e
Court,of Cortornpn pleas:of Bradford chanty. add
to me directed, will be exposed to public .arde :at
the Court House, in the bore of Towanda,
of Mori'
day 7tb day of August. at I o'clock P..M.thsfoV;
lowing described lot, piece or parcel, of land situ.
ate in Pike tp. and bounded nu the north by land of
Cyrus Tyrrell. on the east, by the county line bet
tween Bradford and Susquehanna counties, on the
south by lands of Seth Blakeslee, on the west by
rands of the estate of Solomon Bosworth, deceasid.
Containing about 70 acres. more or less; cre old
framed house. one old framed barn and an orchard
of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in mention at the suit of C.L.
Ward vs. Chauncey G. Gridley, administrator of F.
I. Waterman, dee,'d.
ALSO, The following described lot, piece or par.
set of land.situated inIA Arany township,arul bound.
ed on the Northerly side by lands of Samuel Van—
Dyke, an the Bast by.the Berwick. Turnpike, and
the South Branch of the -Towanda Creek—on the
South by lands ofJamed Wilcox, eta Ph the' West
by wild lands ; containing one hundred tieres,b,e tho
sane more or less, about two acres cleared..
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of P. N:
Wilcox. to the use of Ire:Smith 4-Co., v.t. Benjamin
ALSO. By virtue of a writ of fi t fa.,, a piece or
parcel of laud, sitnated in -Towanda Boro.. begin.
p ing at a chesnot post, N. West corner of John H.
Geiger's lot South side of State streetrunning South
erly sixty four-feet to a Omer: then Westerly, two
feet; thence Southerly to a corner. twelve feet from
the North line of fra H. Stevens' barn.;,loti thence
Westerly and paralej with the North line of fra H.
Steven.. barn lot Othirty eight feet to a corner—
hence Northerly to the South side of State street,
hirty-three feet to the place of'beginning, be the
same more ore or less, all improved, with a framed
dwelling House and Board shed attached theveon.
seized and taken in the snit of Sam ;
uel Bunting. vs. Geo. H. Bunting.
• C. THOMAS, Sheriff:
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, July 13, 1954.
Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to
the costs will be required to be paid upon each sale
when struck down to the bidder, and upon a failure
to comply with this regulaiion, the tract of land will
again be cred for sale.
LIST OF LETTERS, Remaining iu the Post Of
fice, Towanda, July Ist, 1854.
Allen David King Thos & John
Arnout John Kennedy •
Blake James Loomis Wheaton
Birtletit Hannah Leonard Lona
Bisbey Hervey 2 Luther J H
Barrett Mrs. or G Thompson
Bostwick Cliarlott McCabe Catharin
Burnham Lev tra McCall Laura S
Beloud Henri Morgan E
Bro , 'rick Mary McClu-ky Chas
Bruchard M;kria McHood .fra
Bennett S. Newell Albert
Connelly John 4 O'Keeffe Patk
C..n !ey John Ovid t. 4
Cooly Davi.l Pulver Bartiaoloma
Colter Garret Platt C
Craft George Pattersnn Wm
Cote Francis M tiniggle . Kate L ,
cole `area Man' Michael
K J Richardson C E
for. Gen, ReilyJamcs
Davidson Geii L Straach Bernhard
Dore Michael Speric-r J a •
Davidson Bvnj Nieves J S
Eastrtriirooks Julia A Stevens Mary
Emery J sh•ill Andrew
Ft. ler Lois Mi.s Sprinz
I;.,gq:n Wm L • Enoch
(;..f Wa- rein slocu B P
Green Nathan tilinithJH
G••i•dwin Benj C Stiicklarol Susan 3
(;,.m ley W A Short E•ter
Hunter R P Smith Abigal
Horton ',arm Shores Steohen
Holm Rata Tattle Geo
Herikle Philip Thurston E
ilecerta Michael Utz John 2 •
W It Wilcock, Nancy
liii.thain 'rho; I.Vilcoz Hannah
Kilittaind John Wiggins E
kinc•fon saml Wantzzabapht Pete X
Persons calling for letters, wtlll please say
thee are Advertised. WM. H. PE RKINS, P. M.
Bituminous Coal.—Barelav Coal Bed.
HE undersigned is prepared to furnish at the
beds, any quantitf'of this superior COAL, at
the reduced prise of $1 25 per ton for Blacksmith
c , :. and 1 1 .1 75 for picked Grate .t.oal. Paynient in
cash or country produce. but no credit will he given.
HENRY GA 1 . 1:01. Agent
for the Barclay Itsll, and Coal Company.
Franklin (Old Ucial Bed) May 25, 1851.
TIE partnership heretofore existing between La
throp & Chubbuck is this day dissolved by mu
itial consent. The.honks and accounts are all to
t.e settled by C. F, Chubbuck, wich must be done
immediately. lrsons owing the late firm must
cal! and settle—the same. and those having demands
a2atil.t said firm wit present the same to C. E.
(' hubbuck for payment. 8. B. LATHROP,
ALly 20, 1854, C. E. CHIJBBUCK.
The subsclibercalls attention of the old patrons
the above firm and the community generally. to
the carefully selected Stock of GOODS now being
rereived at the new Store recently occupied by C.
& 1.. where he may be found at 01l times ready= to
exhiba his goods, not fearing to compare them and
their prices with' those of any other Store in the
c•untry. Call and satisfy yourselves.
Administrator's Sale.
Y virtue of an order issued by the Orphans' COTrf
of Bradford county, will he sold on the 29th of
:May next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, al the Man
s,,,n house on the premises, all that lot of land ait
uate in 'Monroe tp., , containing one hundred acres,
described as fullows ; Beginning at a black oak, the
north we.t corner of the farm of which D. H. Owen
died seized, thence north 56° east 121 and 3-10 per.
ch.-4 to a,po,t, thence south 33° east 94 -perches
thence south 13° west 160 perches, thence north 32°
wsst 148 perches to the beginning, with about 30
..res improved, and a framed house and barn there
on. Perms made known at the day ~f sate.
THOS. Ef. LroTT,
Adm'rs. D. H. Owen, dec'd.
The above sale stands adjoirned till Saturday the
dly of lone, a! 2 o'clock ih the afternoon at the
hou,e of Hiram Shaw. in Monroe.
May 1, 18.54
The above sale is further adjourned until
Saturday, September 2d, at the same place and time
of day. -
Resuience. on Pine Street opposite the old Presbyterian
fll'ie,s his professional services to the people of
atinda and vicinity. Can a lwapi he fultnill at his
:}ice, in Dr. PnirrEn's Drug Store, when not pro
siiinnally engaged.
Pun! Furst
clantily of Fur VietorineN and Cuffs of different
qnslities. for sale AT COST by
Jan. 19, 195 i. H. S. INEROUR.
armor's Union Insurance Company.
o,fiee. Athens. Bradford Comity, Pa
_ _
s2oo,oOrt, secured by Lond and mort-/ gag. oh the reel estate of the stockholders, to
re!' a gait.i toss by fire, houses. stores, and other
tidings• goods, wares and merchandise;on as fa.
, rable terms as any similar insillialiOth
bireeturs—Hon. Horses Wininon, Frannie; Tyler,
, urge A Perkins, J 1) Myer, CI N Shipman. C
Welles jr. J E Canfield, Athens ; lion John
'ne, Towanda; Gen. Bradley Wakeman, LaCeya
le ; Gen. M. Hollenback. Wilkesbarre: Michael
!ylert, Laporte.
Officers—. Hon. Horace Williston, President:. I E
•sr,field, See.; C F Welles, Ir. 11.. Pres and Tress.
Address, G. A. GAYLORD, Agent, liVyalits..
3, Bradford Co. Pa. July 1, 1664.
din 21latotitg
, z I. 44.ther
SE. • 44.t., A , 1 A41104441*.t, s e
4$ 41 Ird* . .it.4bll4, ' tb of.
Pen ; ; papt,t 1 Astiet i t the
tollotitogiiltrOtihttbetlUftil -are hereby
prop ( F t I : l o ll stiticlikr : OtOtrerekillOtiellk.
under fit, • 15 . 6e7plitiihirriiiiiiiiiiiourof the
Beer ear). 'Ste amdidtaebMaere
exceed the sum: otW atuitifekithosktault ars,
except: -in ease of war to repel
insnlrrptliell; or fto , tedeem thet : pubiwdebt the
ContionitiFealtttiitiokiliejukiliOltliralied-Olit be
aPPROdi° the Poi**:Pt PhiCkilw:dekt;tutit be
coottiaetefi; Ratsttuh)jetts;atid.tcliko oltelipur•
pose. V, "
8111034: 1 1N! ds* et .4* ( 0m -
ontireal Ciwar.iiffiebts'olideb-toWhiCreiiiiatMek.on
trotted in case of war ,to; repel invasion,, suppress,
insuereetion, and to redeerwthe public "dobt,', the
Legislature shall at vex!, session after the ad
option of this section iiito the Constitution, provide
by law for the .oreation of a, sinkiog land, which
shall hot 'be•abolished until the said public debtit be
whully paid, to consist el all the net annual income
from, the public, worke r -owl stockw : se,pod- by., lb&
qtftwiiiptoopeth; ot alhj(tpt ltr fo n 0 411904 , SOO
any revenue law .puts extihog or that. Rug Ste lie re
after inseted, so far as Th e same 404 be 4einired
to pai;tbe.imereit of said debt. semi-inquajly, and
annually to reduce the principal thereof b' a sum
trot less than five hunttred th;iizsatiel iloattri v awes.-
ed yearly by compounding at a rate ofoot, less than
five per cent= per annwa—the said smhing fund
shall be invested in the loins of the commonwealth
which shall be cancelled fronitimatotime in a man
ner to be provided by law—no potion of the took.
ing fund shall ever be applied to the debt of five
hundred thousand dollars mentioned in the first sec
tion of this article, but the said sinking fund shall
be applied only to the purposes herein specified.
SEcrwur 3. The credit of the Commonwealth shall
not in any way be givewor loaned to or in aid of
any individual, company, corpoiation or lissom.
non, nor shall the commonwealth hereafter become
a joint owner or stockholder in any company, asso
ciation or corporation in this commonwealth, or
elscuitene. formed for any purposes.
Stvrtost 4. The commonwealth shall never as
sume the debts of any county. city. bow' or town-
ship, or of any corporation or association, unto a
such debts shall have beon contracted to repel inva•
sinn, suppress insurrection or to defend, the State
in war.
earipostrrov 11T.COVD-..-TO DE A RITCLI 'lf.
Prohibiting Municipal Subscriptions.
The Legislature shall never authorize any city,
county, borough or township, by a vote of its citizens
or otherwise. to become a stockholder in any joint
stock company, association- or corporation, or to
raise money for, !or loan its credit to, or in aid of
any such company or association.
Speaker of the Renee of Ilipieseotatives,
M. M'C 451.1 N.
Speaker of the Striate.,
In the Senna., April• 28, 18:A Resolved; .That
this resolut;on pass. Yeas, 22, Nays 6.
Extract from the Journal,
T. A. MAGUIRE, Clerk.
In the House of Representatives, April 21, 1854
—Resolved, That this resolution pass. Yeas 71,
Nays 20. Extract from the Journal,
K'9l. JACK, 'Clerk.
Secretary's Office—Filed 41401 29, 18 1 4.
Secretary of the Cownuoucealth.
Sscact►ar's Orrict,
• Harrisburg, July 1, 1831.}
eN.A..ev Ido hereby edttify that the abova.and fore.
s. going is a true and correct copy of "the ori•
t.,•„ti gins! '• Resolution relatPre to an amend ?
meta of the constitution," as theiiiitud#94itist:oll
6le in this °Rice.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto get my
hand and caused to be affixed the seal of , the liiecrei.
tary's Grime the day and year above written.
9 A. 13LACK.-
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
"Resolution No: 662. entitled • Resolution propo—
sing amendments to the constitution of the com—
monwealth,' was read &third time. On the ques
tion, V. ill the Senate agree to the first proposition I
the aye. and nays were taken agreeably to the COl3-
slitulion, and were as follows, viz—
Yeas—Messrs. Buckalew, Darlington, Deride,
Ferguson, Foulkrod, Frick, Fry, Goodwin, Halde
man, Hamilton, D. H. Hamlin, E. W. damlin,Hiea
ier, Hoge, Jamison McClintock . , M'Farland, Platt,
Quiggle, Sager, Slifer, and M'Caelin, speaker-23.
N•ra—Messrs. Crabb, Cresswell, Handricks,Kin
zer, Kunkel and Sbinner-6.
So the quemion was determine,' in the affirmative.
On the question. Will the Senate agree to the se
cond proposition the yeas and nays were taken
agreeably to the constitution, and were as follows,
reag--Messrs. Bnckalew, Darsie, Furgution.
Fon&rod, Fry. Goodwin. Haldemab, B. D. Hamlin,
E. W. Hamlin Hendricks,Biemer, Hoge, Jamison,
Kinzer, Welmtock,- M'Farland„ Pia'', Price, Quig
gle, Slifer, Wherry and'M'Cail in. speaker-22. •
Nays—Messrs. Crabb, Creeswell, Dar(lawn,
Hamilton, Kunkel and Skinner-6.
do the question was determined in the affirmative
The question recurring upon the final passage or
the Rea.,lotions, the first proposition izas,ttgreed to
ea fidlows. viz—
YEAS—Messrs. A bnham, Adams, A therton,Hall,
Barton, Beyer. Bigham, Boyd, Bush, Byetly, Cali!.
well. Calvin, Carlisle, Chamberlin. Cook, Crane,
Cummins. Dougherty. Davis, De 'ranee, Dunning,
Eckert. Edinger, Eldred, Evans, Foster, Frey, Gal
!entitle, Giboney, Gilmore. Gray, Groom, Gwiri,
Hamilton, Hart, Herr, Hiestand, Hiitier,
Horn. Hummel, Hunsucker, Hunter, Hurt, Jakrnan,
Kilgore, Knight, Laury, (Lehigh) Lmn, Magee,
M at: u i re,Ms nuerfield. M'Con nen, M'Conn el I, M'Kee,
Miller, Monaghan, Monigiimery, • Moore, Moser,
Muse, Pihner, Parke, Pasamore, Patterson, Barter,
Putney, ZRawlins, Roberts, Row - e, SaHada, Scott,
Soldle, Simonton, Smith, (Berks,) Smith, (Ctawfoid)
Stewart, Stoelidate. Strong. :Struthera, Wheeler,
Wiekleint, Wright, Ziegler, and Chase, speaker-495.
NA Te—t None.
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
On the question, will the House agree to the sec
ond proposition, the aye. and nays were taken,
agreeably to the provisions of the 10th article of the
conetii ution, and nre as follows—
VEAS—Mes.ns. Abraham, Atherton, Ball, Barton
Beck, Beyer, Bighorn. Boyd. Caldwell
Chamberlain, Cook. 'Crane. Cummins, Dougherty
Davis. Deegan. De fiance. Dunning, Edinger
Eldred, Evabs, Fry, Gallentine. Gibboney, Gilmore
Gray, Groom, Gwin. Hamilton, thestand, Hillier
Hippie, Hun'ueker. tinnter,'Horts, Jackman. KO
gore, Knight, henry (Lehigh) Lowrey (Tioga) f l inn
Magee, Maguire, Manderfield, M'Cotmell, H Kee
Monaghan, Montgomeiy„ Moore,Moser,ltt gee, Pad
tan, Patkg.:l!:tratire. Pint Hirai,* PO*
Raititiris: - Rolierts; - Rowe—Sallartit. Sidi; Sitiforiiiin
Sinith.(Berks) Smith (Crawford)lEhimkdale. Wheel
er, Wickleio, Wright and Chase Tee/tie-71.
N At s—Messrs. Adams, Baldwin, 'Beans, Bush
Byerly, Eckert:Bilis, Hart, Heir,. Horn, Hummel
M'Combs, Miller, Poulson, Putney, Sidle, Stewart
Strong, Struthers and Ziegler-20.
So the question was determined in the alßrataftve.
' Orrtce,
Harri-burg, July I, t 8544
" Ido certify that the 'holm and fiiregoing Is
a. s. a true and correct copy of , the 'Yeas and
%.••••%".0 Nays taken on the Resolution relative
an Amendment of the constitution of the Common.
wealth, as the same appear, on the /piirtials of the
two Houres'or 'the general Assembly of this Com.
monwealth for the,year 1854.
Witoesis my hand and tba - seal of said office this
first day of July, 1851. ' C. A. BLACK.
July 1. m 3 Secretary of the ComatmstouthA.
4tor , in*Niti.M.
'At'e e ts Ss A
effhAlityystiare '4l et bnt
7 . PXji attl obi Vfo,liticei , , 1 Ohl! '. of
to "teßict is Mai" diattillve'd 8 'intituat Ina
,Me Dodoes,. gill hereafter be conducted by
. 01 91.1 1 . and etrillialtretan,,Wollnd at the
..-0 . 84111440: 3 l i ta in
debte4'.4re .' , =l :mew,: itierflr :tall
end eel , , liuSir-,,,lii* fi efiti:::Mg l o
di cta
.E' l ''' o :' ; . Z . :.. 1 0 0 - 110 E -8 iti,
e.t0,... 4!-- ;:r- - -'6' - 1. , ":,.3041;11:41102if::'; 44. 1
- '""-., ':,- • - 1... % c -- 3
'. ' ;alin. ' W".'-'7l ..,11::;.!.Arin"?' ;'),.. •C!: , ?' ' t , IV 4
lop '4.31014 - 111011t Mal& VW,
"Attarnei "'"
onus WlTtinralslETSS_Atra.lll.oollDill.
7 R I P /fl ier .1 r1 44 3n1 ; '1; ltlir •
reeeiving ahl sortiot NEW 11001)8 # whiatil,
.1:: Will be: soM verArlbilt toe'Canh. •:* ' - 4.-
May 3, 4854.
. ,
ff4 , 3ligo
WOULD intone . ittr friends , that she haiiiust
VV . uirrind Vern' the city, with a !urge; aiserunent
d , IMCULTagNAresit . GOODS, •
which she offers at reduced, prices,. Produce of-es.
cry kiml taken, in mount for goods: •
161A8qN hai reinoved .
his offal to on 'Pine street.
the old.P eshyterhsa Church.
Towanda, May 13, 1854.
Plows and Plow castingsT
pLATCHLEY ; ;Wayne county, Alba or. Curtis
Plows,-bide hill, subsoil and darn plows net
Castings, tar sale cheap.
I take particular pains In del good well made
plows and tough caloings. I would invite partidu
lar attention to the Alba, or Curtis plow.
Call and see. - R. M. WELLES.
L10L 1.. :t . 1 ., :L ..... : , ` . 1
The subscribers have just received at their old
stand in Mercer's Illock,Towanda, a new and good
assortment or gpring and Summer Goods, consist
ing- of
Heady-Wade 'Mottling,
ever imported into the County—all of the latest
styles to market, which are being scattered far and
wide. In the way of Furnishing Good%, we
a complete assortment—Cravats, Collati,. Shirts,
Under Shine, Draweri.,..Vrappers v Gloves. Sultren•
den, IllosieorallPrindCand a
variety Critelli*" ','Acetl• • ,==.
Onr Ready-Made Clothing embraces every thing
desirable io It'll' .itrieford its-ia.r4tay. forCAsn, we
can and will sell 20 per cent. rower than any other
Clothing Establishment in Towanda.
Towanda, April 2.5, 1854. S. A LEX 411:DER.
Cistern and Well Pumps !
LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Rams ! of any kind,
size, &c.. cheap for reedy pay, for sale by
Jan. 8, 1A53. R. V. WELLES.
Now being opened by
Cash and Ready Pay Dealer in
FANCY and Staple Dry Goods; Cloths, Ca.ssi
meres and Vestingsi Hats. Caps & Straw
Goods—carpets and o:1 cloths ;"Yankee Notions—
Boots and Shoes—Paper liangings—Tran4pareut
Window Shades,&c.
DRUGS,•PAINTS„OILS, 4-c., 4r.,
all of which are offered for sale for CASH 'or
HEAD Y PAY at the lowest possible price:4.
Among his stock of Dry toode will be found a
large assortment of Black, Fancy and Plain Dress
Bersges avid Braze de Lai 11PN—De-
Monslin de Latnee and Lawns—Plaid and
Plain Poplins—Plain black, White, pink, blue and
corn colored Dela inesl—French, Scotch and Amer—
ican Gingharns—ErigliNki and American Print. , --i
Black, blue and white Dereze detains . ; Laterfil
Prints, dtc.
Swiss and Jaconnett Edgings, Inserting.s and
Flouncings, &c. Wrought Linen Edgings—Cotton
and Smyrna Edgings. Wrought and lace collars
—all prices—Lace and muslin unclerslreveg—tin
der handkerchiefs—all prices—Mourning under
hdlefs., collars and hd'ias.—Embroidered, hem•
stitch '& plain linen !Idlers—Plain mourning and
black lace Veils—Plain and llgnrrd rotten and silk
Ores, Jaconnetts, Swiss and Book Muslin, Bishop
Lawns, Tartu - ins, &c.. Lace & embroidered
Muslin Window Drape
Best (utility of 'es and G . Cid Glowee—
white, black &• assorte en ore—ggs) qunlity eillr
gloves. kid finish—Plain silk .} lisle threadolo.. as ,
sorted colors and qualities--French silk mittsdong
and short, for ladies and Black silk. white
and clouded merino-hose—White colored, unbleach.
ed, mixed and black cotton Hose of every quality—
Misses white, colored and mixed do.. all sizes—
Boys mixed cotton half hose, assorted sizes: Men's
lambs woof, nnbleacheit miffed colton tialf liose,
assorted qualities.
Blank Italian, fancy silk and linen, lawn and
ginaharn Cravats, Silk and Satin stocks—com mon
and 3 ply Collars—silk and Linen handkerrh.efs. •
AL: 4 O—A large stock cf plain black and colored
- li =
Plain Inc doeskins, fancy caissimeres and vestings.
Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, cottonades and other cut.
ton and linen Goods for men and boys wear.
Watered Moreensi assorted colors Damask for
curtains. lowiges, &c., double and single
Worsted embossed, damask linen and worsted and
cotton table cloths. Bleached linen napkins.—
Bleached and brown linen damask table Scotch and
Russian diaper add crash, bleached and unbleached
and colored muslin and almost every other article of
family dry goods.
A great variety of Boots and Shoes fur wens,
troy s. ladies, misses and chi ldreos wear.
Brocha lone and square Shawls. Cashmere, silk
and delaine do., assorted colors, of all qualities,
In addition to the above enumerated articles, will
be foone a good assortment of merchandise, Of al-
most every de.crlption, to which the attention of
the public is respectfully le 101 ed.
Towanda. April 18, 1854. ,
UST received by Jo,epti Kingsbury. ;large and
complete stock of NEW GOODS, for sale as
rourrinds. April 213. 054.
Fork i
o o Cider, 4o
300 f N or 6 :: Ar alo U nt 4 7 ll .s ll r t. ea l : h, fi by t yf f" S.
' acriende. Atir. 0).4853. •
tITANTED-1111• kinds of grain & lumber for
VI which some cash will be paid by
Oct. 24. 1853. PHINNEY.
_ IST AEC your
ZlP3llllce 6(9)01004
s now receiving one of the ;argest and best selec
ted as sortmentuf Ilterabandine aver before brought
to Bradford county--Ronsisting of DRY GOODS o f
Avery descriptions An extensive assortment irif
common liardware. Also. Saddlery, Harness and
Carriage trimmings. 7 • • •
Beffinps,, Asinifs, Vises, Tongt, ;
Iron, Steel and Naity. Groceries, Oil;, Paiute,
and Dye-s , Crockery tpigss . tectre,
which wilt be sold as °toil, very bkeap b",..r.
Towanda, April Is, .4t54. •
A - 1,4109.4' eitio the
i.a'l36ll4le:oteseC late of anton tw Rre
ereby..tahtielelfikeihan Jana4l4lii_kithiDee and
imenhofrimi,aleiflp 11 11414# 1 114 I , llsitiTlef ice 40 4
PtelieDV lberWailtlYr-apthei*eateefot,settle -
Olen 4, - , • • I_ l lo.4*A . 6 140 11 iL •
• - . BA , ~A A 81.4.1".0t0a
EMI! 7441ifElbeintide.
!A LL persona lainwiutftheinnerseeindebted to the
estate . of, l'tiornas_lurk, deceased. late o!
ILilWlß,l*Wfttbip. , , are , beirlig #quesfesl , to, make,
i mmg4tata, Fitment,. attil:tlnalghavirtg I prink against
said estate will please present them duly -autlicatt
owed for settlement.. .
• 'Jed.' 111-,Afiff4.• • ' Administrators.
a,- ArDmiNisrpwroleo.rioncE.
Li k atersopa tudektxd. to , themstate of JOHN
TEED, deceased, late Of ifcltdeld township, are
ttqrebY:r4(luested 4p , rnaksi,ppy glen without delay
.ataloll persona: bAviag,tdefitAnds,a,gaipukt said,eatate
Arecrequested to • vesent, them duly tittlheoticated
,for settlement.- 13ETV. Adm,s:
, , 7 ‘ . 8A14%.1 . 414V1D50N,
• Jan nary. 29..1E4. .
A"peraune.inlebted to, the estate of P. D
ilayenq.g.lec'd, Late ofStending tone,itrz hereby
requested io make piyanint without delay, arid those
having claims against yaid estate, will please pre—
sent them duly authenticated fur settlement.
t !AV BILES. - Adraiiistrri:Ort'.
. - Ive(IRAY 1 1'Al"
A uz: ' 27, 11153.
Stnylein Pierre . vs. Parr' Perlman. la lirrdfori
Corn than Reds. -Nii 188, 1114 y Term, 1854
TIM undersigned having been appointed by the.
Court oftlominou Pleas.uf ldradfard County,
an Auditor to distribute the fund raised by the
Sheriff's sale of rest estate, in the above entitled
case, hereby give notice, that .he will attrnd to the
duties of his appointment at his office, itt Troy boro,
on Saturday . the ?,9th day of July next, at 1 O. Cioe
P. s!:, at which time and place all persona having
claims upon said fund, are requested to present
them for adjustment, and distribution, Or be debarred
from coming in for a share of said fund.
Troy. June 17, 185 t. ' F . SMITH. And iirr.
_ _
.A.udjtor's Notice.
In the m tiler of the estate of Bet ),Intin Boffington,
deceased. " '
IJA VING been appointed an Auditor, by the
0 phan's Court of Bradford County, to hear
and report upon exceptions filed to-the final ac—
c4llllrOtthe estate of tltnjaalip Butftrigton, deeeas
ed, late of Warren township; I will attend to the
duties of the appointment, at my office to the Daro
of Towanda, on the 15th day of August neat, at
one o'clock P. M., of which all persona interested
will please takonoti ce.
Jane t 9, 1954. WM. ELWELL, Auditor.
Administrator's Bale.
my virtue pf an order of the Orphan's Court of
Bradford County, will he exposed to sale at
public vrndue, at the Court House, in the Boro' of
Towanda, at 1 o'clock Pt NI., of the 31. t day of
July next, all the interest which Northrup Rory, in
his lifetime, had in a tract of land, sitnated in Or
well towmhip, containing one htiodred and filly
,.even acres, bounded on the lkiileth by lands of
Aaron Chubbuck ; Fla , t by lands of Nathaniel Ilusi
sel--Sontbward by lands of Henry Lent—about sixty
acres liiproved, with a barn and two houses and an
apple orchard thereon'
A MMIAA STrirtl l o 7 l, A,tintnitratrir,
W N. H.,PUN11.04. Administrator.
June 26, 1854..
aTTOR.VEY •,4T LA Ti ,
' Office wilh the Register MO Recorder,
Tow•xua, Pa.
OFFICE in the second story of the Union Block,
I .—fr north side of the Public square, over the office
of 1, C. A.lnutn, Esq. Sept. 24.
Auditor's Notice.
Anna Dicknim, Aro John Rpm!. John
11l Read, Margareg tll. Rc id who sartnecd Prpil•
4.11 Read'; ts. Arm.l,l J. Vlrgi.son und Jahn
Wood 4- Leci ;Lod !erre lennnls
Li the Common Piers of Bradford County. ..Vl3. 3:7,
Der Term. 1...550.
THE underAgtmsl A uditcroppointed by the Court
to distribute funds in the hands of the Sheriff,
will attend to the duties aseigned hun, at his
in the - beetrof , Townoula. on Monday, Ihe'ittli day
or Atiglq, 4954, nt 2, o'clock' F!, Where and
whereraltpersOni , havingaltiirdi upon said.. Mud.
must present thein.-or else be-forever debarred fr , .rn
the sauna. The above case having been referred
back to the Auditor.
Ju'y e, 1A54. G. R. %VAT/CIS:3, Audit ir.
Aiministritor's Notice.
ALLpersona indetit . ed to tlte estate of Turner
McNilo, decd fate of Durell twp., are reques
ted to make payment without delay: and thoe hav
ing ,lemands,agatnat:pattf estate wilt pte-ent them
duly authenticatedlor settlement.
July '5, 1951. 181 f %Et SMITH', Adminktrator.
Williamsport, Lycbming Counly, Pa.
(VFW E—Oppnsito U. S. Hotel-Up SNirs.Al
HAVE come to the conclusion that the time his
come; that debts can l e cottectrd„ and after
wafting patiently (r Years, and finding the Good
Time has arrived. when farmers are realizing almost
double for their Products, they hope this limier will
suffice for a more a ttensire one and that payments
will either twt made in Grain at the present high pri
ces or in Cash.
Their Assoitment of GOODSis replenished week
ly front I\rw y ink City, and "will be sold cheaper
than at ietail in the Great Emporium itself.
Towanda, I auusry 3 1, 195 1.
Ls Now opening a NEW SToca nr Goons, consists
ing of Cull and complete alsortamt of all kind
which will be sold as caeap as the same quality of
Goods can be bought ,anywhere this sole of New-
'rowan.ln. Dee. 10,1853.
IXTOULD respeltfollyittforen.,.,
citizens of re-
VI ( wanda and 'staidly, that he has opened a
Grocery & Provision Store.
on the south title, of the Public Square. where he
would be pleased to. waitupon those that call upon
him. He has all kinds of articles kept in a country
Grocery. Hueb -as Nuts of all kinds; Oranges, Le.
mons, and Candies of all varieties and shapes, Ci
gars of the beat quality.
He also designs to keepon hand Parovisioxsolie.
- ere., alt of whiehite ofTyrs cheap fur Cash or Coun
. prodtice. His mottodso that 0" nimble si*rpence
is better than s slow
Towanda, May t, 1854
JHARVEY PIIINNEY is Just receiving s no
nsibrtmetit elf titistiel#n`ljtOimang.oon's which
Se sold as usual, ette4reft , t r mm.
To ‘i ands, April 20, 1854. '
27,rotting.the. ralic
TN atliscrit r, thinttal (Or 0.16 I:L(7:A -por, rere'ved ti e pa-t Ve , r.i In l,rrp r , n9l9rti!7 nn
hand bit awsortmenitof tho ; very hest art,-;es usnai!y kept ut eur iutr, 1,A1)1( hn E w l ~ !un
siidi terms as wilt NI fatisractory•t4 all who 'tar , The n:a.T.e chart) %%it'l r.'-`I
in hand, and for the gagn our ettstoirTrir IA id T.J n e ncfit ..f a g.“ at a
not answering OUT reepinmendationylWill lie takf it h,•c a 1 , , !.
r i 1 '
MediettLidvirc gratuitously piien at tile Office, eliarT;:v , fcr lily ~lrt;icinrs.
Pure AVine4 Liquors, for 31( al Ilse, port 7 6totell 2,14‘.
ALL 711 E 111 - OST P0P17,3R P. 177: NT .7 IC' S
.711Y.1 FililD--- NEW & T.F.L FA T ICJ F [Aro!
American Pocket. Cutlery, (Warrant a
Superior TCLIFELCCO dG =PM' '27lc - ere ray
and ,11:4ra !
I'AINT4 b OILS, '‘''All.a.NrsitE . B:::* w;Nix)w
Black rim! Green Ten , . ; Rio nria .Tn ;1 ; rn
Ma,•kert I, :-::lrcl.lle , s,
" Th e hey( Quality of Go ~ i s—Full , :e.
Atiltlteration () Goo , l:—Cootted twice v,
No.ornbeT 12, I ?CI I
Awarded to Mill 31ftehtne et the Fair of the Atuei Ir an 'institute, Sew York, Oee. lsaw
A Diploma at the Franklin Lout Itute, Pleat Premium at the Stat.
Pair. Ellen, New York, anti at tile Cot o lAA and it etts..e er County Sew York, Failed,
and a Diploma at /he AV es t. he st e r County Fair at 1.1;111:e
•1 A
,11 i
.4 ;r5• 171 1 . C.fq
- . • •
- ; '';: ""•••Q
y l
'71 4
A r
ZIA. . • z.
• - I rfS^
..1 ' • , ,„: .;_
. , "f="t*- -
r. •
'2, All'grit.
- r ti r • •
- •
_ ~.~.::v
To the pint urnalernarnt i thin: ct; es: t
minable 111111, the lat.or %.; •
Cy'hider to brruk t!‘. 1{14',/ ia 6.'
lower Cyltralers to 1.. i•
ranprornt the wort. I, i rt :..rtnnl art. eitti
Iran Inbnr.
The Preen in arranned arl•h tn ft.,: 11.TP, t`Artit
tnnnerly. and j•N 111,, ••1 ••• •,t c 'el
dittitentwal with nl.l thr •Tio, t•, flyer the poninyr, wh;:t. 11,1 ' • t :
dear aid the *WI: can haal,iint
by that eh? umaind, ;the tj Mr! • bl,rett t• h. y
sheet Vine, both on ilirfr I-- • in' . 1 ' h. 1 t I ‘ , .t
In them to nrtartoil ad 1.4 14 , t t• •• • 1 ; •.n^. •
on the Nll . l ntxl I•nt+ nit 1 • •. • t , It.. • •
itiri t atirq .11•11 e•pirt . lll . •
No Farmer ed.., t?... ti••• - • •I •
to direeticms will be distant...3llllrd, fan , -
Itzuc.l he will (int' this otw. 1.1,1 ton alp! ••
Inarbinea on hIP
The machine la made to out le) bt.ITP. •trtm. r
power, andwhen tim apt.los and, n site.; L.; :
Teem el age e , tiePec. , the Pit ewe. .
In all former times it ass that'a furfir s
of Cider mull only bo insde jwindimenti , "
that slowly eTttehed tho apple. with P:I4V I . 4d.filg,T
They wen then made rata a mat,: ro cheers l• s'•_l . I,t, o
most severs and long pre..nre .1 i „
porttrn of the Cider. a con:Ho-01' • • !
hy lha straw and the ma. of .•
unastislbetory result the fanner hat to rake 1,1 his
and perhaps hist-IX-horse team. end aim we n T.l
mild hare been limn: proPtst) em;.l t 0 yob,. ti
Ids to eight barrels of Cider. To nhstate the ditourtv iho
Fanners have tioretoftiro lab rot thas 31...icioult has
been invented, and the rf
that it ls not only the hest of Ow kind in 'misses,.
but Ibis the-moat profitable that, n Faun eat hare ,s
hrm. - The apples ere 47 - I.llto Ntrl rid me grated ep ' . ll •
pulp, MO thatit requires but a onsiptinith sty It,-ht
and that but a minute tr two, to r, tract all the tiller. It
being amertained by practical. i :nen 01, Vol,. 'a
tronsfodes min her obtained limn i.r ih' ro. I f r.,c,.• 14-
Adler this, it only requires taro hands to grind up Real In
into Cider a larger quantity of sprig., thso n ly
done on the old-frabbntst ragebiner. f.rk
to the compactness of the pomace in the (II b, ovdthe Ley:-
pieta whleb It to grapnel. a prrosur, ci f •curi 3 to
h tons—that can easily he obtalood—wlll produee es mato
Ihrorable result than fifty tOrla pressure on the ottlinary
Intend awarding is act of Congress, is Its year 104. II
TWO Citynga Ground Plas- !x"111; to-pattnerltip heretofore existing betereen
ter. 100 Barrels Salt. 100 Biala. White Slane 0 lt , e b....C10 , r• 111,def I hel.ii(gt . o f Al exan de r &
Lime, SO bushels Orwell Ar. West . Branch Cluier :vO.l mutual untisent on the
Seed, 30 bushels Timothy Seed, 500 lbs. - Allegany h day of May. M. E. Solomon retina;. The
County Chee se . just received aria for sate by b,,sine,c will hereafter be curled on under the Hama . _
B Attn .- i of J. & S. Alexander.
Towanda. 1911. ' . Towanda, May 27, IVA,
the stock consibts of a rornp 4 Lte ap I ct aiLixtrunt
- - -
, -
1 ' - ; - 4
jil ---,-----_,_
, ---------7-------.7- r54;1, ; ,;,--;
‘" 0 .0.. .-,. 1::;-477;,1 ,.. 7.?-,-1: 16 ,•,;'t . ]!",..... f . 4
:4. . r ' fr- 111: " 'L . tgyrai
--.1-4,r-•=2 - .:!, , . -'_';_ , (2r. - . -- -_ , .....'
c, D - Rar4K.
4.07 „le
( i .;11, I , lv ,s 1
11. C. P0',111:!- , ., 1)
••• It• fold, ea 0111
• s. r. pri,s,rt of 000
• , :• did an-id... 1
1 Pa i
..1 ,
1 -
vt • • ! I'
I':t , ! • . • a:ie.-fourth of ycliOr
i• Ale 1,131.1”;„ pple-litulte.r.
mid • i, re I II lalt,
et nil 'inv... Cider tliat
• •, .. 1104 At
• - •I t • . • t .to .m .a n t I. i ..rt t.trt id U..
I,nrd lobor ntt cut! I It.; the tualting of
-!)it tter S If ;, ; hi. hi..lime. and our word
. • • p t I • ‘..A.‘t
. 1
L.! t.
• •• fir, minor portable
• •• ' ••• •r at nny time,
r • ll , t'e.l n nI h•rily Portal:le
nuuulu.• I Ills •
I.Kfore yon buy any other.
rnnot,ro t•i rt . Lil ot her,
tr.* h %. ill ht,t choke op, anti hard or Fort emu..
I. al • •, 1 li, C.....h!er , oit remain
All nie:a he filet. r In they ere
re •,•,•: v,••••*t. l 4 them .In Well to
• • . I t ~taco at allot time tlkey want
ch.. VO.l
TL. itar. lel by 2 men - . hen properly aortal
nerga iin7tnairt.-tiOnt. rlata d b. 12 barral4 of elkhn- a da7-•
an I will grind akue Ly liurse-power (COLA iW to SW buabola
of A .
I:rt The of the HIR.L. - $4O, free ef freight,
fiattlausi:to. 1 i. 113. W. 0. IiEfOKOR
the Idl.txtet coon of the. Ensterm ristr!.l or ruautrua.
Goo 3,)
t'LLU U)JLi t
',ale, Nail with much
I i titer LLnn aay
ti s. t: IL. !MI .0. 11 2
G tot 1.1.1
r .rmtltt. Cberrien,
fU,. as/
.sa IL Is
haelligent rummer