`F~: ~ _ riii : ienitint Olissiiiation App_ - rir the different persona sugaged;jo the. IRO of Goods. Waren arid Mendhuiditaginillir Coniny of Bradford tot the - year - 18%7*A WersiXiniit Oen:4 *hereunto annexed : .}lcirogg & Co EMI a SS P - )P g°l2r r • asaaxr. , !..--•• • ; aiTLI7N. John Horton GH.4e..l : ll4farrow Horton ,¢ Stone •:_ Aiyals,s, , ro.sw'ssarr.„ David'Oarda4r :" . 4 Jobn Waisyo, • ' "• -- liqnor I 4 • „ liquor ATMS DOIOCON. J P Jacksun A Bitfitaran, liarriSa Page Gbaritilr - -Perkins Belt dtlartiith 0 Park - & Sob '- C C Brooks Hilerrtek W H Frutebey 84wyer H M Welles Edward Averill , C Certnetoek3' , ri : .•A Perkin.- , , 111:1141201 4 0111. A Morley & Brothers - Morley & Campbell .•`.- Long 1E Merry M C Meteor ' C4XTOS. Hall 4 : Co , " tri V ll i e l y dy 4 l,e C i o r ltfl q 1 W.Rogens Maier & FG&AGManley 'A H Kiss N Totes COLVXII I / 1 . Ronoiford do lifelterrick,•) D S Alexandr - L Dodge jr, 11 Austin I=l B Laporte . O . Co U Moody ii* U!. J W Mercur. R K Hawley CO osiarvtzut. L D Taylor H 8 Holcomb 11 81.1111 CR. Asa Brown LZWY. Parkbort & Lamb Smith & Wilcox Ezra Holcomb I =3 Newton,, While & Co Brown & Rockwell o"P•Lyoni • J V Rice Smith & Creamer °SWELL E C ¢ 1 Potter T Homthrey Co ECltubbaek Ea 1044. Stevens D Bailey & Son P WitteGeorge George H Little Black 4- Pierce RIOCISEIRT• B F _Buck H C:Evans' Wept 4-Voorhis r F Wilson H u C-ornell Judson Holcomb Washburn & Frost Woodburs BTANDIXOJITOSIG II W Tracy Gerirge Stevens Jared Rant L L 5116317! Ir. 0 HP'Kitiney dgCo liquor 14 w-n Canipbell dr. CO do 14 T Hutt hins t 4 8311ITIIn LLD, Bullock-dc Phelps E t*, Tracey Puiree 4 Friteher. liquor 13 SPIII Elm: DaCy & Tian J 9 Blakeslee: , C Murphy Hiram,lElpear TROT sasoutur. 13 W Paine 13 C IC Spqncer 4 Co 1 p Newberry 4. Peck - - . 12 . Herrick 4. Pomeroy 12 Alvin Stephens liquor 12 VM&HFLong ':l2 13 W & D F Pomeroy - : It II P Ballard • 14 E F Ballard 13 James Adams F L Ballard J E Goodrich liquor 13 do TOW DL 110101701). II 8 Meteor Montanyes & Co Tracey & Moore 14 Alexander 4 Solomon l4. Collins 4* Powell • ' 13 W A Chamber H ui . , 14 Burton %W e lsher,' _ , "l3 0 D Bartlett . ' * •'- _,.' .19 Hilly 4: Nevins , -.. , - .14 H C Porter , - .--. /liquor 14 - ' SI Felton &Co di 14" i Hall 4 ,Russell Joseph Kingsbury .1 - 111 Reed liquor 14 . Joseph Powell 13 - 6 H Bunt* 14 A Id Warner 14 Jll Phinney - ITLSTIII. Gay Taney J ¢ T•Maiber - C Rockivell'& Co Gibson Ils.Gessetine RAIIIIIIG i. .1 A Ide RtTprell P Rogirs Talmidie Cooplt WINDIAX. w Fi lt C Kpykendill . . $1317111; Benedict M C dc7 B Merdougb John &pert& - _ Int?gar.! Ebene* • - liquor,l4, - • "•..witracnsice. '• •;- J. Wenn , V,Pizby ' 'l3 Augnspas Lewis , • 14 ; • • 14 Cyrus:Avery - ' 14 , V $ +el Biutel 14 Letviiltlitidilk-,-; • • • L 13 Myer 4: Rao liqiior 14 ' do : 14 ,„ . , Alttst,int4..Chtesificauott of the Beer Houses, Eat ing Homes. &c...for Aber..connty of Bradford for the "Sir Itts4, uildertbe act of Assembly of the lath of APtil,lB 4 o,lolllkleti - ik an - set to create a siotriegland,t &o. Town. • • Rama.' Glut. _ ,Amocuit Albens'BOrcough,:.',.Cmier &It s 45 t 8 5 ifosbefirg r • .. - 6 'Thomas ' - OW oii "alit& 5 Bttigei • - , JP' lionree.,.., fr Anther • • '•••• • , • V Co ME ME . • 700 7. 00 7.00 14 ;.it-'; H 7.00 7.00 10 50 10 50 NM 14 14 ' 14 14 , 14 EIII 7 GO 7 li 7 00 7 00 - 13 - 13 13 .14 14' 13 ' -. • ~14 10 00 10.00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 EMI OM T 00 7 00 7 60 7 00 M 7'60 T 00 liquor 14 14 10 110 7 00 7 00 7 00. 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 liquor 13 10 00 10 00 lb 00 700 7 00 13 13 13 14 7 00 16 00 10 00 14 liqapr 13 13 ffffi 10 00 12 LO 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 50 7 00 10 50 to 50 19 50 liquor 14 14 liquor 14 do 14 do 15 = 10 00 7 00 7 00 liquor 11 14 10 50 7 00 7 00 10 50 10 50 7 00 10,04 10 00 15 00 10 00 7.00 10 50 7 00 INnor 14 .14 10 00 7 00 t 2 50 12 50 18 75 12 50 12 50 7 Ob 7 00 7 00 15 'OO 18 75 95 00 ss°oo 10 50 7 00 10 00 7.00 -10'00 1000 7 00 10 50 40,50 lo 00 10 00 10 50 10 00 7 00 7 00 JO 00 7 00 7 CO 7 go 15 00 14 14 liquor 13 7 fr 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 50 liquor 14, WSLLS. 7 00 7 90 7 tl/41 NM 10 50 10 00 7:00 7'oo 10'50 .10 00 . 10 50 10 50 = Toirands Bersugh....A. / Noble 8 - Miles Carter . 2 I; km 6 •,..*'!‘-' 7 7 itt carires > tt - F E Pose .4 21 5 iroyßorrigb.,4iiiii`&l l / 1 44i 5 5; 1 %, ... . Plriten• 8 • '.- 9 i l- • - • 1 5 • Cr Drabs Stsa a n ... hm«cT o >•8 • & J 0 Gerould 81 Pike.... - W Morley ; - 4 5 DTripir &Co. • . 8 ...:... H Seymour-. • - 8 ® 5 14 Pike ?.G RP Mi , S Daniel Watkins • © rkV 5 ... %V 8 A List-and Classification Of the . fiersinis engaged' - ibe sate of Duirtrofis., - Piiint , fur the county iat 'Deadfall. for the'year'l444;iiii= der-the - actLur Aoierribly OrAprit 10;, = •• - - - • C h Amount. Athens 80r0ugh....0 H Herrick 4 $5 - -..; • George A - Perkins! 5' eenton....F Hall 4 , Uct.- • • • - 4 Leßoy Purkhorat'st Lamb • ; Ezra .Hplcomb • ' Monroe....Newtoni White Co umnhry Cu - - 4 •I 5 Pike....D Son - 4 . 5 Rome...,Judson Holcomb- 4 Towanda Borongh:„...ll C Porter 4 5 I M Reed ',•• 4 5 Troy Borough.... 'bong 4 5 ;.• Drake-• L.: . 4 . Ba Hag 4 Standing titene. - ::::.ll:VrTracity • A Vet inidt Lessifielitionnf the different Distilleries in Bradford County. for the year 1144, per act of : Atnembly of April 10. 11148. t., Town. : Springfield ..W in Dricif,.. 1 Troy: Goodrich. niteshequin....D Seinen 0- Son A List and Chhisitliation: of the Bankers in Brad. ford'e.euisty,,feethe year • Tosva:"-:- ' -..-. • Amount. 'Lfc. Towanda born'. ..Leporteaitasori 4r_Co. $l5OO $45 . - Notice. is hereby g iven ihaten.aPPeal wi ll be held et the Conitnissiene i a Office. in Towanda, on the tbitankotlaly next; time and place any person . aggrieved by the foregoing" classification can attend if they think proper. E. L, BROWN, June 13, 185 4 . Mercantile APpraiNer; mcbical. •; • sy cavil • ' DRUG I s now beingreplenished with a full and complete 1 aback of. • . Drugs,"M frediiiries, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Pure Winer anti Diguors; 44, 4.c.," Together with Paints. Turpentine, Varnish, Dye. Woods & Dye-Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries, pure Wines and Liquors , for _Medicinal purposes.— Also, , Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con nected with. the trade. la short, every thing connected with the trade.: The Goods have been bought extremely low,-for cash, and will be sold accordingly. . N. B. A superior article of Manner's and Neat's Foot Oil just received. ca• Rrallnlsta the place--1 doors south of Mon. tanye's earner—same buildingof the' Argos Office.' An of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pec. torial, sithencks Pulmonic Syrup 'of Yellow Dock Root,Ornck's, Hobensacks, and Jaynes' Vermifuge. Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines now in MO Uonstantly.on hand and for sale at - REED'S Drug Store. Three.Driews;helow Montanye's :orner. Towandnolanoary 3,::11153. itEED'S DRUG STORE IS"W. being refurnished with a new add splendid Stock of DRUGS dc; MEDICINES, Fancy Goods, Lstims---4sme of ihem!'new and beautiful patterns. In shod, everything adeeriiseitin his regular col umn, has beetturimpletely•filled up, with fresh Goods from New-Yorir and - Philadelphia. Mathewson's Horse" Remedy; Gargling Oil, Mus tang Linamenti and Several new and popnlar Medi 'eines which - will be sold extremely low for Cash. Paints,Oils Varnishes, Glass, Wines Liquors, Etc., as usual. • 6/VIARRELs °fold Ohio Whiskey just received 1./ and for said wholesale and retail, at Reed's QUINTI:ttf er Ciulfi*,2o boxes of Herring, IC7 6 barrels of Baleratas, watiented , ln 'prime order, left on sale, at New York :cask. :prices at REM' Drag Store, 7)6W/fade. lea, 28, 1853. 6 • EMPTY Barrels, citable for Cider. Pork 1.9 .and Beef packing, &e, in good. order, for sale eheapat RE iS DRUG STORE. Sept: 4, 1853..' -.• MEW OLD sTAND. STILL` IN OrER,ATION! • • -- THE subscriber would an ' • gaigy nounee to the- public that he /Mt have now on head, and will make • , a t i og e, to order kinds. of . 1 111W'• Cabinet Parldture _ such as Sofai.tlivans,•Lounges CenteriCard,Diniotand_ffteak -V: .0 fast Tables:': • '',Cut:Maple end Chan? •IFtureaus, . • - - . Stands of, Veritni:bib44 chair* 'and. Bedsteads of e v ery deseriptiOn; which are, and will be madent the hest material and workmanlike manner, and which they will 'self lik•ceeh - cheaper than pan canbe_ bought IC say othei.Were-roops in the country •. • • , „ "NUM! . 0 0 1 2 7:11nk. on-hand on the . : most T reasonable ter ms :: " good HEARSEmilltietuntiithcitoit . Fitinerato4osit,Ons: • J itOIithiA:CKINBON. —Totitstida;Junel;-11115V.' • 00, teietvidc- 4upidy, taiwews • • Orsat :medicine for emit:re: 'Con sitiptlink Persona threatened With theiliiittilbeillaesse would apply, this tnediefottiletbrifif ts 1654_ t.. t NGSIUERt- , I ATTORNest : .AT , WcTO*AND " Ai &eta 6410.4 isiforthe /4#:%61 bY Letwirielbsclik,C*l.: • Tawasda, March,l4 104 4 4 n'.7 ? 4 5 Cas• Amount. 10 $5 10 5 - 10 6 STOR E i ZESIE3 ‘IV ,S * 'r4lol3l4,..retiPeetfullsr - call of" , the vivf pablit tolkiriorge stobltfaMetit4nd boys? antilitiatialocid r ‘ttraiisting.6fefery variety:Ott: itithithiftti; CerAiiiirir;-"D4 gins, Tweetri, ltenfitcky lean; Watts, Collail, &cal: Viatidt+P i . ROS.LeIY4 , CiPet '...v-tilagtrinW4,lo 7 l 2l ol4c - ff.r&rrer , Irt A which' Wilt , be sold . cheapei than Ai slime gisaiity r can be" Sold in ant other c,tabilibmeat in'thiscountry.t , Tberhavaitlio 'calmed a well•meaufaeturedas* aortMeittbr agadvAkelid-fikitidnice to which ire, trieite:tlicatieittion or buyers. Our -0194hieLis mall) , Made op ' in the jaltpand 4 l3l2t potebsseil "-elop•shpirts • Orders iii theffailoringliitaxecuted in the most fashionlible tllBl3l3e4ag the aborted notice, and War . f amed. ••. (0 6 -Thekpablielwill please notice.T.cme fact,: that' noose not practically acquainted with the- boslneu le capable:r judging ortbe lustily and. make of a barment;kbence the ieitsitittvt why the, tommunity ile bica stitaucti,iinpaselinport by a certain class af community wno deal in the artielet, who. if.tt.ey were not pmeticallysnd professionally cheats, 'Could of neelssity..i know nothing-a bait Ithe , .:buitiness.— They are certain. irate Ohne would consult limit, !rue late riot they would phichasi Vali of t howl acr quairsted with the bultinees. ' ' - rawandiaiptil 12,1834.0 : • QLOTHING:: STQT,B. dk ai.jailiCAMMar Irthe Brick Mack: nest door to Hereon store have just added to their utock, a Igme, and ,fasiiictut- Ms assortment of • XLeadrinadoclothisier:. . • ... ADAPTICI3 !MASON. • -- of 'every variety. bosh of style and price. to : which they ask the Attention of the public.. 'rbisii host theist-gest stock c.- . : Ever Offered in lbwa tzda - ti and will be sold at prices considerable;.,lower than rser befora known in an*, place. Our: goods are selected with a regard both,to style and price, and oiler inducentents,not be inetwithst any other establisbutent.. • ' strangers visiting Towandain . want of Clothiog will fin _ THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT • at our establishment, in this section of the coyntry i and made.in such style and materials as to ensure satisfaction. We shall endeavor by LOW nutria is GOOD ammo:ora, to seducefetrcinage t felling confident Oat oar arti cles give satisfaction to the purchaser. The assortleent comprises overy amide - required for a gentleman's outfit. TERMS—.CABII. Overcoats, Coats-Pants, Overalls Caps 4c. Locx•nous.—Next 'door" south of Mercur's Main sC• s rowanda ; and NO. 7 Witer at. Maoists Hall. •' • 07A11 kinds of Country Produce, , WooLikc.; tak en is exchange for Goods. 'l. ALEXANDER, • • 8. ALEXANDER, - Towanda,Dctober 13. 1853. `• TWICE BURNT. OUT ! COMPOROM 13)TuMWEla Oyer 1. kinkrbery',B Sfere--sEntrance next dot)) to Montano?' ¨ tip Stairit. • riBATEPUL •for, , past ravers,. annonnces to his friends.and. the peeps!, that he_ still. kieps on band a gOod assortment: oritiADT klsOz, Czar:into; which' be will self chestifor Wm. 10 believes, that a . ' Nimble siinenCtsla worth More than a Slow . He also .has_ commenced manufacturing . Clottring-t-sclecting the elotbkhim self in the city, ar.4 employs nine but 'the bept of workmen in making them up. He would assure his customers that his Clothing is manufactured un der his bran eye, and in bis own shOp, and not let out by the job tonnersperiencedor incompetent work. then. Thus; persons (wishing a sail or any portion thereof, tan order the same with a perfect certainty of getting a good , fit. . • , lie has also on hand a general. assortment ot tlemen's Shine and Collars, which he will sell cheap for cash. • • Custom work promptly done as. usual..: He invites his friends to call on him at his new quarters, over J. Kingsbery's store, and immediately opposite U. Mercur's-Law Office, before buying elsewhere. Now if yon are wanting;you surely can find, Coats, Pants and Vests just made to your mind. So nice and so snug they'd snit to a T„. Ba perfectly fine, there's no room fora flea. lf y our I i nen wants changing .and sometimes it will, null find shirts and collars fora very small bill; Come then one and all, who ore out clothes hunting, And you can be fitted by Gnomes. H. Buarrracri. N-. B. He - is sole Agent for Eusallowa's Sr. Patent Bearing Machine; ' for the counties of Bradford Oidtilpsattehanna. Any person wishing to purchase the right for using the above Machine is said cotiaties. can be De:comma dated by calling on him, where they can see it ope. rate. It is well demonstrated that this machine is the best patent now , in use. its validity has been established by trial at law in Boston, in July, 18b2. This trial resultedin-fullycandrmingarid establish. ing the claims of Howe 's °rights' Patent to the4t elusive right and use of all needle and shuttle Ma chines; or theirequivalents,and the stitch and seam formed thereby.. - G. 11.,11. • The , public 'are cantioned:against putchasing ape- Omit 111achities;as all sewing Machines now in nse iortinga , upon this invention, and - altparties-,who have infringed, , by using Machines or otherwise. whoWishto save legal expenses . ..may obtain proper license• under the origitial patent by applying as Towanda, August 15, • , s-LATEST'NEWS ;ism The, Iyayerit. - teak n4a de Clothing ,_ Ate GENTS FIBNISHINt tSTABLISHMENT. Mott & Wells, Merchant Tailors, HAVE the bonoi:Of.:anlocritting to the citizens of „Bradford County, that they have, just received the lamest and most fashionible stock of FALL: 8t: WINTER - CLOTHING , ever.biofight i n to' ftld Tioge; epusisthig in.paft of the tailoring articles:, • _ Over. Dress Frock and ,ttlack • Coate; Vests , F aits, Shirts, brasters,Wrapfamc Overalls. Stocks. . Cravets.Coltap,P,Ocketb'Afsrlse..... = 'Mai mud Trimsnmoi , coestantly on her4—also the fill lesbian of HUM cad Caps. Our stock of raarisishing Gooch „is unsurpassed in Thom and Imprising everything necessary lota gen. ileum's outfit. Particular attention will be paid tem , ten= ' WlWAireSeagfik I Neving melee:3om latest. New Yealt-Pashione k we are prepared to get up suits ens theskortest notice and• in a. superter.manner.: Corruto done ,en,short notice, and warracterttefit If properly wade no e - ;• , • -MOTT , -.lllV.W,Ulllokris Dried su s fir* door easteithetestDißee. WaverlY. Nov.lo, 1853. y F t AP HE on(r.ssiigtiientirtPapee , lhthgisigt kept in ' *faint%with` s *Eh' igocirloaredmink tll at minimally low DAIARTLErriL Toiandaj"Apritlli 47'; - 0. - "Titilitti - 6' elle - 0' j'as - te . " a - n 4 for sale - r. OCIC13:414:14-4003 - illiitAiVilinifiali 4.1, , for sale 'BALITArt E t , • •-- 11„011. • ' vattediiii r 0 reletkift it 1 / 4 ' II DAlLlSTlrrizvum ••• I - IS !,'..llWV.EfibiliSEM2lor, 4 . pradford _ • Alltraio Crutter9;: • k -7( " i i . TjOVEY'S - Patent spina knife Ray and Strew Cot- - ten, oriviakjustibteisk, Moat 6 . 1 2 ,0F0 1 .411,0410,,14t2;5it1aiia, "rhese.ool,7_ tem are better. itia Abetter thiu cat' ter, with holies . set diagonally on the Shift, •The knives- on-Hovers cutter-me siPinit'ithielt itiMbles MUMto kittattright c utigles eigaiguAitet raw bide roller. They nillerkitgirreA, "easily kepi 'Zieliknitts'can be Viten off anditutt ;wad shale (Orsinhir knives) and if neeeimily-riela oatimin, so ea to keep thent if-pne knife should eonwhister .;hen another. Everpfsraterahould hoot:Me Of these labor sod feed saving. inaehlees. . ‘ 'arj•Tor Sale Wholeeale made to those who tiny tniell WELLI4/.' Athens, Pa.. November 16;$868. ' Iltadkird wactimsALE •and Retail! : , Tbe very best snide ,beloond it, the courityout4 cheaper {-( war= rautteclPL.for sele.et the Agricultural and sum store of - Nov, 400851 , E. M. WELLES. • STOVES STOVES C 9" • STOVES, of various and casgllant patterns and . sfies,-isitiorar plat:WsLi of sisperioi Elevited Owens. amon g which is a combination of the Clinton and NatioPal Mt Tight, called Ike EAGLE. - Also a well ; selected stock of elegant psclor, hall, shop, church tindschal house Stoves, both ror wood and coal-of sicea `prices to suit all.claises of customers. and see. Nov. 10. R. M. WELLES.- .. Sausage .aad Mince. Meat Glitters. PRICE* $4 an44s.: ; .,gearyFlMller should here . of thaim excellent lahoi' saving mildest they capable of 'cutting froM 100 - to 200 pounds of meat per hotir, and are very simple, portable and easily kept in repair, kr sale : by Athens, Nov, LO, 1R53. NEW ARRANGEMENT I L. & 311.-.L.-ZAILMORZILVX & CO. THE firm of./..amoreux, Hall & Russell. laving taken in - 11. L. Lamoreux as a partner, will continue the Foundry business, generally, under the name - of TA. &H. L. Lstecineux & Co., at their old stand, knOwn fl& the Eagle Foundry, in the south part of the Borough of Towanda, where they Will manufacture to order and keep on hand a large as. sortment of the.followins articles, to wit:—. Maur eery, of stritinds.7. including irons. Mill Bearings—. the Rose & Johnson. Water wheels...4.c. 4e. dtoves. Box, Coal, Cooking and Porlor stoves, of - ail kinds, sizes and pricer. • !.'loughs: North Branch, Nos. 1, 5 and 7—Blatt.hly • Nos. 1 and 2—Binghamton, Wayne County, Excelsior, f Bide-hill and Corn Ploughs, &c. , Corn-Shellers Qt Straw Cutters. Wagon boxeg.Sleigh-shoes. Plough points, gearing for Chain,porrips, Grindstones, §c, and other ant. cleg'too numerous to mention. Having secured the services of 1.. B. IRVINE, well known as a.skillful klachinest, the firm feel confis dent that they can manufacture and repair all kinds of machinery in as workmanlike manner, and on as easy terms as any establishment this side of New- York. Steam Engines will be repaired 'satisfactorily, on al mt. notice. Particular attention will be paid to the Pattern Department, and all . ordere fulfilled on, the shortest possible notice, :7•Porticular attention is called to J. B. Irvine's celebrated Excelsior Plough, which took the first premium of.the Bradford County Fair, of 1853. 'A lso, to the Elevated Oven Eagle Stove, the beat now in • Uld Iron, Brass, Copper, Zinc, Pewter, end Grain and allkinds of Country produce taken in payment. N. B.—All Notes end accounts due The firm of Lamoreux, Hall and Russell, are left in the hands of L.L. & H. L. Lamoreux for collection, and immediate attention is celled to the same, arhicharnsr. as PAID by May Court next. D. C. HALT., I. L.. Laxosstrx, C.B. &mum. S ZH. L. LAIWORIAIX• Towanda. April 1. 1851. 119111 '3IC I AC Sid '3IIE• '3llLr • 3." WERWOBER, - CONTIM, , , HAVINO entered into an arrangement by which . be can have BLOCK TEETIJ furnished to or der, informs the public that he is prepared to mount suction plates in Ibis new and improved method, The great superiority of the block style of mount. ing plates is at once apparent to those who have for hay length - of time worn artificial teeth. To those who have yet to be initiated, it is only neceeeary. to say; that !elite old method of mountiirg the plate w,th * Succession of single teeth, it was do unusual thing file a tooth to drop off ; by the new method no such adcident can take place, the • teeth being all connected by each-other. In the second place, the plate with block teeth is always clean and sweet, be. cause there is no chance for deposits of food being made, however small, the upper rim being capped, thus effectuallyprecluding even the saliva from ma. kings lodgefent,Und in the third place, the adapts• Lion of the grinding surface is betterfitted for mas ticatory perposes, the irregularities being inade ex actly to correspond with those of the teeth of the op. posing jaw. With a properly fitted suction plate, having an air chamber, and mounted with block teeth, a person may crack kickOry nuts with impunity, "And sleep in spite of"--toothache. WORK WatelliANTlll. ' Towanda,lifirch 10, 1854. ' VALUABLE FARM O&M% TATlSlingq dispose of hia l property; in Sheshe., quTiti, township, Dradfa4 county. , Penzisylen !. nit, tbe sub - scriber ants it for, sale.upon the most reasonable terms; and invites the attention of those Wishing to purchase. . : Theiropeity Contains two hiimircd au l aerea . of land; bring along • the busqtiehtinnt river,' With a large portion of river Oats. of the very best quality of grainjandoutd.welradipted fora daisy. . • ,The improv,eirtentanre a large two gamy BRICK 1101.T.SN. built lasi year, and an. 9 - f isbed io the keit stile, with tack :kitchen and.wood house attached. 'There are also thsee,other Dwelling houses and three aft's, apd reofed sliide for Stables and cattle, areiliictlireeOßCFlAßDgarehOiCeappla. lireett, L andi young Teach, oraltardols4 trees, red with 'Care. One hundred antreletty 7 filre tie.:o4:ate tonderiut. :prostartent.-and the balance is Covered . with daller, such aviiiir:hieTtrify4elrOw being well suppliedwitivspringiOr water. _ This property was 'fintiiiiTyln three fi'rms and :will n tifille..vattilltit ftlitire:' or aeparatalytirid•terntiotpayriietie-inadebtisp='it"of ' fen inducements rarelymes-with, being *Alb 3j niits.:or gull/ands, (the county. leal):,opposite_the fiat .ara.nerh'aiutd;; :York andlrie Railroad, and itarbediatelturimilhe; 'line of the projected North? PcaniiivatiiaßeitrOad ..d . ppitmiqintlitarlartnatte to tirrtor.itki,c`inortc, 11 01630Aittilieititicribervppotittrrea.kig .. *Anti • imarmltatioN. - • . Ei DRUGS,'-::111E loot,: rifliti;;Oils t '" Virit _MA PM:MERV, Staffs: and-Bu iteguleyAgent 'Tot :the folio , ;,1 3 ATENT., r Jaynes', Medicices.,-1 ~Alterative. Veratiinge,l Expeetareht, Liniment "Hair Dy e. &c., Dr.Fitch'a Medicines Dr.Swayne's ~. , do. lan Chol3gogle, I Dr.lteeler's, do ,Ly res.rat pills Brant's Balsam & Ext Pi -Medicines Orrick's!-Yerrnifuge •. Sa Rheum and Tetter I- Graefenherg Medicines intment Gargling Oil "., "- -. Tr sles mak - do Pain Killers " , Sp yin & founder do Galvanic-belts, &c. M Allister's - do Beare & Condition posy'.. E; waters Rock Bose ...- .. - . C balicAnnff Uterine Catholiton . Corn salve Toothache drops . String- - do. Hair invigorator& dyes. W star's , bal. wild cherry Bed;bug poison 'Female Pills 'Cownsend's Sarsaparilla Btillard's oil soap Plasters and Pills of allißaissin Life . kinds. • . Harlem Oil And many others, not enuaaerated, all warranted genuine. . O. Remember Dr. Poirrsit's Drug and Chemical Storeis in the-South end of he Wan House. front,. ing the Public square.. . '. O. PORTER. M.D. R M- WELLES --- r PEOPLE of Bradford Ctiunty wishing anythin : nice in the way of Monuments, Headstones, Tomb Tables, Centre Tablks of Italian- and Amer. ican Marble. or - Black, otteS of all sizes. can have them on the stmrtes9 notice by sending in their orders, cheaper and better than can be pur chased elsewhere. • (I.Cfiester Wells, Ca net Maker and underta ker, nearlyopposite the Ward_ House. Towanda, Agent. i .0. W. PHILLIPS. Towanda. March. 31, 1.-.53, EVAI2)7MVII, YeaII.TEMOD.I,A. Important. to lirousekeepers: L.,.. st.. THE sObscriber thankful for the " 7 '- -` ' liberal patronage heretofore re - , ..;_,..7-•- • ,- ; - ,„-- - „ceived,'begs leave to inform his i „:- if-. 4, friends and the public generally, t ill . and th se commencing House _'`_- --_,;;;,•,-- leepin in particular that be bas ~a"al now o hand a large assortment ""• 6 of FU NITURE, which be will warrant to be made in a sitbstantial manner, and of the best materials. BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut dress ing bureaus. marble and p/ain tops • ' mahogany and (walnut washstands, martice tops, and plain, of dif ferent patterns, Card and rud tables, Sofas. Couch es, whatnots, &c. BEADSTEADS.—Higti,,FieId, French and low post beadsteads, finished in handsome style and of approved patterns, togethek with other furniture usu ally called for, all of cvhicli will be sold on the most accommodating terms. t;Q• The subscriber is also provided with a plain and fashionable HEARSId, and will hold himself in readiness to attend to all birders in undertaking. He will furnish ice boxes,/when desired, by the aid of which the corpse may be kept for a week. COF FINS READY MADE. i CHESTER WELLS. N. IL—Furniture of allprindi made to order, and warranted to be of the bes,Omatt rials and workman ship. , ) Towanda, January 17, 852. .. NEW BLACK MITH SHOP.' THE subscribers tespee ully inform the public that they have taken the rib%) formerly occupied by Adam ,Esenwine, on Meta street, nearly opposite Drake's wagon shop, whet - Athey are prepared to do all kinds of BLACKSMITHING upon reasonable terms. The* are; determined by !doing their work well and promptly, to merit, as they ape to receive a share of pablin.patronage, , HORSE-SHOEING d eln the best manner. All kinds orrepairing Machine ,executed in the mostskil- Cul manner. WOOD WORK for vfons will also be made and repaired when desired. , All work done at theirs op, will be warranted to be well done, and manufacturul from the best'materials. The public are requested to give use trial, and judge for themselves. . " ESENWINE & fiEEBISCHH. Towanda,. May 2,' 1851 LEA 4,041=-1, - mills, Ridge pot onthe N. Y. it= D'AL tiasasiratid Fainis. aC at th e depot in time to to either east urwest, same ' Returning Tessnar, I after the - arrival , Of -the ;i Wetlern care from ie.& rive at Towanda same ~ Faun:—Towanda to . . 0, Express •packages to,o j fully delivered at mcider OCt• 'IBB. ,SH4ESI So INN T_TAffremoted hi d e establishment to if. lifiVs store, I.i corner of Main atiWtt' kid the public sonani, and will,continnothe utinirfitetare of Boots and Shoes, as heietofore:' ' • lld traiyat teeelVedfrolir NSW YOrra•Tirge assort ment orWomen'i,Childieeititid ails, which are offered at lop-prices' Theattrintiowcf the Lsdies is,parieularly directed to .his ,assciitmcnt, comprising the following nodsstyles i.;-.Briardelledlenny Lind gal ter tobotsv.doialtoesvitlacir'listing ihd silk gaiters; walking shoes,tuskins,dre. ,. .-.Missestspriteis andaboes, 'finery stewtriptiOne.f. -Margo assortmente Chiblzen's fancy gaiters, boots and shoes, of allinxida.....; r•:Fbrthe aentremeti: !dwelt every aityla of gaiteni and' l%hoese 'This stock - hal . been :personalty -salaried with' are, and hr believes 'ketiseoffet saperiorvaticies at rellsonsb*Tokest . • : i o:7llungrieteat atteritiottOld_ Ifirtreetthroing. and ydato l ecior weltA 9 weititicorttitrw , ands ol ` liitit#l9 — ,!Stli4,ett4; Mai 8, 1111421., 10INES" . ~ ... _i,vo34r - dri . p-)Vill4ow. Glass, 'Miff tititllB, • ning Ralik:; '..• • . . ietegeattitte , popular e i s Oberry.reetoral etteit's pi* syrup Dilana's bitters sin (for dyspepsia) bogie oil . OWE MARBLE iFACTORY. TA GES .E Towanda for Mercur'a urlingtcua.gast .-§naltbfrehr .ery, and Wellsburg 4 It.eeverY Moansr, Wanes o'clock - A. M., and arrive the evening train of cars day. onstan“ and SATIIIIDAIr s stern train, and also the :oneEhnirttrdtc., and ar p. ercer's mills;:. - nrlington,• 50 ast 43m ithfteld, -62 i idgebeiy, lOO ellsbart. depot, 1.25' from the Bait Road cam : te, cfiarges. .. w lIN ay lituparatiou hits been - ferms. _Oat: certain and speedy- remedy c f _ _ , ... 10. _ . 4 1 ... . grnix Il a. sioricatzesarncts s;ii...,lxilirssasss six Casale . AND LINOS. To iluirmaniferingfons finite and confirmed Cough s , they give the most tnmediate and p,erfectielkef, an t , when great liabilit to take cold estate, ind'a troub lesome Cough, sueeCids the' slightest exposure. these IVAlPE,lol,ptiodneeAbe,mostmarked results , .They at once relieve the, ugh and other symptoms, ari d entirely remove, that' atorbilk irritability and weak. tress of the Lungs which Ore rise to the complaint. The medical properties ares.canhined luau agreea ble forty aatkpleasant to thejaste t so that any child will readily take them : and they are cwarranted to give relief in ten minutes ahem use in all cases. Price 25 cent& par box. :For' sale.byi)r. H.. C PORTER, Towanda, Pa. Tp wind°. Feb. 9;;1853. ...LIQUORS ! LIQUORS - 1 THE Bnbscribers having formed a:copartnership under the firm of B. ELTON •ACCO',f for do. ing • general Liquor business, woeM ' resp ectfully ask Hotel keepers and all others in Want of any. thing in their line to gtva Omni a call."'iWeintend keeping on hand a 'general assortment of Foreign Liquors, , which we can sell cheaper "than any one else lathe wanly, from the fact that we bay".direct from the importers,end thereby save alarge . profit charged by the N.Y. Jobbers ; Liquors are warrant. ed pure and free front adni4mfton. Also:Conitaiit ly on hand Whiskey of the best quality. We have made arrangements by which we can furnish our customers. with anY'quantity of Binghamton BEER fresh from the Brewery. Fleece. give us a call._ The notes and adeounte of the old' firm of 8. Fe xin - ek Co., are in ode hands,for settfemen. B. 'FELTON. E. T; FON. Towanda, Dee. 1,1852 e xualmiewarsiv - .4a.x.;• • Saddle, Harness kTrunk Manufactory TERE CULP & Co., respectfully inform the public e/ that they have removed to the shop on Main streel, recently occupied by Satith & Son, Overly opposite the Ward House, where they will kect. on hand s large stock of mtazautti sa.sttilacx, oworta33 TUMULI!. VALISES . , wares, LTC. Ay articlesi in their line manufactured to ores, and made of the best material,and for workmanship canno be sutpasseil in Northern Pennsylvania. They solici call from those wishing to purchase, confident dm they ran give satisfaction both as to qualit, and price o:7lliilcs and Sheep Nits received for work and oa account, at the, lowest rates. Sale Leather, Upper Leather,liarness Leather an Calf skins, for sale in any quantity. ONaccount of losses sustaineil at the late fire, w ore obliged to cation those inkebted to us for.' prompt settlemen4 as we are under the neeessity at having what is owing to us, we trust this trtiee wilt be sufficient without resorting to other means. Towanda. Dec. 2, 1952. Removed to B. Kingsbery's Block ! WA. Chamberlin, -- m o TT AR just returned from the city , F jp.,•_ II of New_ York with a large supply of Watches, Jewelry and ci. 49 5 ..1:14.4:, jaewel / .. ...., 4 ,.. 4 Silver ware , ,comprising in part, \ll & „: (, the following !article - at—Lever, ..;completed Phan Watches with ry,suchass°3B it t rEl ar en n t in o g sf:GF in ger Rin pr, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains, Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware, and any quantity ofSteel Beads—all of which he offers fur sale erceeedingly cheap for CASH. Watches repaired on short notice, and warranted to run well,or the money will be refunded, and a wri' ten agreement given to that effect if iequired. N. i3.—MAPLE SUGAR, and Country Priodue: taken in payment for work ; and els). learn now, an orever, that the Produce must be paid when the taco is done—lwo, against credit in all its forms. W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent. Towanda, April 28. 1852. LOOKING GLASS PLATES cut and sued or any size, to be bad at the Jewelry store of May 15, 1852. W. A. CH A3IBERLEV HANG OUT THE BANNER! A horse ! a horse ! my kingdom• for oe a horse and customers to take awaj Aif the goads. Notwithstanding the late chsagt•ous fire. A. M. WARNER is himself again ! And at No. 1 Brick Row you'll find Most anything that's in his line, FrOnt a cambrieneedie of the finest kind, To a jewelled watch of eighteen karat fine. Clocks which keep time accurate and Met: Breast pins of every style and hue, Gold, silver, steel and 'plated chains, Selected with the greatest / pains.- Finger rings, mg gosh, why what a pile Of every shape and every style, To suit the old. the young, the grave, the ga May there be seen in elegant array.' And Waimea, who is himself a " host," Is always ready and at his post. jj'„,o*ait upon his_costorners and all Who chance upon 'int to give a call. ' So with good advice make up your minds, To call on him and there you'll find Such sights.my. eyes, 0 ! what a view Jewelry of every style and hue. C'Don't mistake the place , No. .1. Brick row, where he is prepared to do all kinds of, B—W 0 R K in his line of busines, at the cheapest rates that can possibly be afforded He will also sell his jewelry at 20,per tent lower, thin was ever before offered in ' this market. (t 7. Call and see.,ol Towanda. Nov. 12, 1852. A. M. WARNER. SEIMAIDIT. TIS Institation,for the education ofyoung ladies was opened on Tuesday the 2.othßeptember,in the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Mercer.— h is now under the charge of Miss Ousts D. RAE' EON, aided by.her lister. Miss Dunce, D. Hasson. The number of pupils is limited to thirty.. The scholastic year consists- of forty-four weeks.. Taints-46, $9; and $l2 per quarter, according io the ,studies pursued. • No extra charge fdr the Latin Language. Freud, $3 per quarter. .. REVERENCES—Rev. Dr. MACLEAN, Vice President of the College of New Jersey, Princeton. Hon. Damns WitioT, lonic LAPORTE Esq., C. L. liVsan. Esq., lios.Gso. fAsentasos, Towanda..., D. ALBULL, . Proprietm MISS REBECCA D. HANSON proposes-widen ILL ,instruction to the young ladies of this plaea on the Pratto.- Terms-,sto per quarter. , Application Jo be made to Miss Hanson at tha Ward House.`or at tba Towanda Female Seminary September 921053; , 3.4SYMM7 Flo Wnig SURNEVOR foi Bradford is prepared to attend to the abov - elinetnesilii all its branches. His office,br at lionroelon., , All Inners eddroao_ is Hip at 'that place , TAII meat prompt . , April 4,11954,; . • , • G. , ROUND PLASTER.--30 tons Cayuga Ground Plaster, on band and forsate by Mkrch 15,1955: 11/sll.EY_ds NEVINS. :~t~~:~itot~~' ~.~~:~-~a .-,I3TRY:Atii, 7 .B pm: norm - WAFER S. -PARTICULAR NOTICE. TOWANDA MZT~~~~ 'S'UftVEYINO.