Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 22, 1854, Image 3

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    MnIMIALb. ',Pep**
TN cciiekteapeof the severe ioaese ,tiflifrllissr
sos, the Simmer Vacation, Which :was ,SPlitive
commeimed tiro weeks_hence, has commented dds
day. iThi Session will be resumed about the mid
dle of September next, of which Asa -
will !Attire°.
Tolland., July:l3, 1854. r •
fik haSingcoinPlitidDieli
offir for'aale six span Of gine -Yonrg
Horses,l with' Harness and 'Vagina: Any perion
desirona pure!issing such'ptoperty; Still find this
an excellent opportunity. MEANS & BDWARDS.
Tovrinda. July 20, 1854: - • ' •• •
lizeoliter's Notice.
ik",persons indebted to the estate ofJ. N. , Pratti
dee'd late of Burlington , township, are hare=
by requested to make payment without delay r• anc
_all persons having claims against said-estate- will
,please present them dais , authenticated for settle— .
mew .. ;- 1 B..PlissTD,-Execsnor. • -
July 15,1854.
• • •
swinum Wait
Bv virtue of writs of Vend. Exlio. bunted Oliiut
Court of Common Pleas Bradfordcountir;and
to me directed, will. be exposed to ,public sate at
the Court House, in the . boro' of Towanda. oirliton.
(la/ 7th day of AutPikat‘ -11 11 07cdock P. Mahe fob"'
t ow ing described lot, piece or parcel of land situ;
ate in Pike tp, and bounded tut the. north by land of
Cyrus Tyrrell, on the
,east4y the' county ilna l be„
tween Bradford and Stisqnehanna coonneik on , the
south by lands of • and,
Blakeslee, on the west-by
lands ol_thfi estate of Solomon Bosworth, deceased. .
Containitr 4 about 711 acres,imore or less, one old
framed h;se. one old framed barn wad an orchard
of fruit tre4s thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at. the'snit of Vas.
Ward vs. Chauncey G. Gridley, administrator . of F.'
V. Waterman. dec'd. , . • •
'ALSO, The following described lot. piece or par.
cel of laud:Situated irdAlbany, tovnship,and bound,
ed on the Northerly side ; by lands of Samuel Vito—
Dy cn the East by the Berwick ,Turn pike, and
the South Branch of the Towanda Creek—on the
South by , lands ofJaMes Wilcox, and oh the West
by wild lands ; containing one hundred actes,he the
same more or Ifss, atidut loin iteres cleareW
Seized and taken to execution at the. suit of F. N.
Wilcox, to the µse oflra Smlth 4Co.,•vs. Benjamin
Wilcoi. • '
. ,
ALSO. By:virtue of a writfa., a piece .or
parcel of land, sitnat b d in Towanda Boro., begin
n lag at a chesnut past. N. West corner of John E.
Geiger's lotshuth aide of - State strect.running South
erly sixty , four-feet , to a corner; then Westerly, two
feet ; thento 'Southerly tit a comer. twelve feet from
the North line of Iraqi. Steiera' barn lot; thence
Westerly and paealel with the Ninth line or Ira H.
Steven barn lot; thirty eight feet, to a corner— .
thence Northerly to the South side of Stateitreet.
thirty.three feet to the -place of beginning, be the
same more ore or less . ..all improved, with .a framed
dwelling House and Board shod attached the:eon.
:. 4 etzed and taken in execution at the suit of Sam
no! Bunting, vs. Geo. H. Bunting.
C. THOMAS, Sheriff:
SfierifFs Office, Towanda', July 13, 1954.
Notice is hereby given, that an• amount etitta a
the costs will be required to be paid upon each Sale
when struck down to the bidder, and upon a failure
to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will
attain be offered for sale.
T NT OF LETTERS, Remaining iu the Post Of
fice, Towanda, July let, 1854.
' King. Thos dr 4 John
Loomis Wheaton
Leonard Lorin ! _
Luther J H 7
or G Thompsod S
McCabe Cathatiu
McCall Laura S
Morgan E J
Met:lusly Chas
McHood Ire
Allen David
.Irt/utit John
Blake James
Dirt Lew Hannah
ni,bey Hervey 2
Barrett Mis t
Burnham Levira
Reload Henri ,-
DroOrick Mary
Bennett S.
Connelly John 4
Cvniey John Ovid 8
er,ly David Pulver Bartholama
CL,tter Garret Pialt C
Craft George Patterson %Vm
l'oh! Francis St Quiggle Kate L
role :Sarah Ryan Mirhael
(•,.mlit.ell K J Richardson C. E
Cra alert. Geo, Reily James
D.ividson Geo L , Straueh Bernhard
1l ere Allchao • Spence rJ S
David , :no Benj Stores J S
I:a.Aernrooks Julia A Stevens Mary
Emery S Sboll Andrew '
Fuller Lois Miss ' Spring*Ostas .
u..ggin Wm L Stout Enoch
G"fr Wa-rrn Slocum B F
Green Nathan Smith 1 H ,
Goodwin Etipj U Snickland Susan 3
c;amley W A .. :chart Ester
Hunter R P Smith Abigal
Horton Isaac ' Shores Stephen" •
II .we R r ts ' . Takle Geo.
11-rikle Philip Thurston E
ikverfa Michael Utz John 2
Ilatt!eye W B Wileocks Nancy
Incham.Thos Wilcox Hannah -
K 1 a gsla i hd John • Wiggins E a • •
Kingston Sarni Wantzzabapht Pete X
aj" Persons calling for letters. whin please say
they are Advertised. WM. H. PERKINS, P. M.
LANNELS—:-Frencif, DoMestic and Balm ory
1 for sale by " PRINNEY.
W ANT . E1)—all Weds lot' grain. &:lifiriber for
V which some cash will be paid by. ' .
Oct. 24,1853." . . ,PHIISTNEY.
ImiziALElr MO' (GllO9
South Corner of Mercur's - Block, Main Street,
A hE now opening their stock of GOODS for the
11 Spring and Slimmer trade, comprising B. fulf
and complete assortment, and of the uenal variety,
which will be sold at a very stnallprofit for Ready
Pay. Among the assortment of
Dili - GOODS,
will be found a great variety of Ladies' Dresi Goods
consisting in part of ' I
Bereges, B•rege Delaines, all-iroorDelaines,
plain and printed; Ginghams, English,
Scotch • and American • Poplins,
Prints of all des and : ,
colors - - - -
Also, for men's wear maybe found Broad_ Cioths,
Cassires, Tweeds, Kentticky4eayis: SRC - Satin
and 8 turner Vestings. - • ' " .
Al . o, Sheetings, Shirting. •bleached :and brown, 'Fidelity, Summer Goods . for•brds' treat, 'Cotton
Yarn, Carpet,.Warp, Cotton Ratteri,'Acc.;
A full stock will be kept' Thoie Wapt
of f'ugars, Teas; Coffee, Mali - Lases. • Stewart's ' best,
syrup, Eipices. Pepper Ginger, 'Saleratus;
F 41, Salt, Tobacco, or any other irtietelli this - line,
will do well to call on us before purchasing Chef
ZUL3U)Wait.t3... •
A large a splendid . assortment; Criteitiry, Glass
and titnne-ware. Roots and Shoes; Rats and Cips-- .
Naito. Paints, Oilo,,Glasi ;tilt/ :Puny.
Thankful for The liberal Tetronage.of the past sea
son. theAndersigned feel' a Pleasure in inciting r thi
public to an examination - of air Spring stock. he-
I ievine that good Goods and Imirpricpa will
a +.13,-edy stile fur ready pay,. '- TRAOreir, MOOR E!,
Towanda, May 12, 1854; ; ; +.; •
OD. BARTLETT, is Atm- retard I% a: large
• and carctOlT selected Tamil ; of
~ . ,
bought for eaatiiittee the - tate': 640 in:',Po.._.,eesi,
which he will Offer far ieedtilay--tt st,tie:4lllPElbl_u
canqot fail to give aatisfaction—amonotbeilb6l6s
he itivitopanOutar ilttetttlefl464.ll4,-;
~.;: • ' • -: ' t:.:1-15 174,41 i; 1 ;1 .
TOWanda, APOI.:INIS,T4. ' - ..
Newell Albert
O'Keetre Patk
- 4 %.v!: • •
ethatia . fi t g ni kkl :
- ,
- •
„ ,
£T i .=D AWzikila) AMNON ;
4 .• J iniiicitiie*Tetfliaiag.ko4tkeiaaaititi,eoaing
leaviag:-TOtaida at_ tiewi.,
carrifistimitbriicrodlite* to :a 0 4 1 •
gen a - aatEfrant the-depot. •-;;
caerfill.ptoptiejar•itill - „alsa cattf,ligOteight
from Ntravetly to yaar . aadkittidio,terafeatite_poiati,
at re able-. 1 4 ? .; Lgilkiff•
irllEvinifitirtiiied'ls4ii i rai r et to lathea the
- 1 .;-bedit;tioylvia`ritiky!or:thfs‘ sapirior.VOngi at
the tedub - edlaiaii -or $r per ion Tot' Blaaliimith'
coal, end7s fokiticheil4rate.;;;Oil. Payment in
cash or co untry produce.-but-no credit will be given.
f - r.• HENRY GATIEIB; AgenK
'= foethe Barclayß.R. to coo Poaipaiy:
Franklin'(Old - Cdal Red) May 45;1851. • .
between LS.
• throiditlitibbilekis" day:disWaliedliY mw
tuit Consenti ;books:n[4 accounts,ire all "tri
be settled ty,C. E., • Chubbuck,.. wich moskbe,done
immediately: AU persons owing the lak - firmieUst
call - and settle the same; and-those having 'demands
againstaidd firm. wit preseol,;tile:Asme,to.-CLA;
C hobbit - eh for payment. . et. B. LATHROP,
• Orwell, May' 20,11354, -"- B. CHUSBUCK.
Thiaabiertbei calls attention' of the ofd pelves
of the'above firer and the.COmmbnity'eneralli,-to
the carefullY selected Smelt. of --GOODS.--nots , being
received at the new - Strife' recently occupied by C.
L I . where he may be found at -sallintei ready to
exhibit his goods, not feertag to compare them and
their prices with those of; any other Store in the
country. Call and-Sitiify yourselves: •
Atizninistrator's Ba le
BY virtneof an order issued by the Orphans' Court
of Bradford enmity, will be sold on'the 29th of
May next, at 10 o'clock-in the forenoon,at the Man
sion house on the premises, all that lot of land sit
uate in Monroe tp., containing one hundred acres,
described as Itllows : Beginning at a black - Oak, the
north west corner of the farm of which' D. ILOwen
• died seized, thence north 56° east 124 and 3-10 per
4hei to a-post; thence south 33° east• 94 perches
thence south 13° west 'l6O perches, thence north 32°
west 148 'perches to the heginning, with dant 10
acres improved, and a framed house and barn there
on. rearm made known at the day of sale.
Adlet t s. D. H. Owen,
Mail, ►854.
• The above isle stands adjourned tiltBatorday the
ID day of June, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the
house of Hiram Shay', in Monroe.
cj- The above sale is further adjourned' until
Saturday, September 2d, at the same place and time
of d
PIItTSIC.TAN & 1511111 MON,
Resillente„on:Pine Street.oppasile the OH Presbyterian
Offers his professional services to the people of
Towanda and vicinity. Can always be found ethic
office, in. Dr. Posrsn's Drug Store, when not pro
fessionally engaged.
13111I2IT& NEMMIS T ,
AREjust receiving at their large end commodious
New Store, opposite the Court House s a large
assortment of •
Provisions; Groceries, Yankee Notions, 7ous, Fruit,
' Confectionary,• Willow ware, (ye.,
making their.stock the largest, most tvmplete and hest
in Northern Pennsylvania. And the very liberal pat
ronage they have readied from the public during . the
year past; establishes the fact that they either sell
cheaper or selll goods of a better quality than any oth
er dealers. -"-
To merit and indurre a continuant:sof so liberal pat
ronage we shall still follow our old motto--" await
Below we name a few of the articles -that always be
ountl in.our stock :
Black and green teailtio did Java coffee. chocolate,
cocoa, sugar, molasses, syrup, ginger, pepper, spice,
cloves, nutmcg, einamon, mace. soda, ealeratne, cream
tartar, peppersauce, sperm and tallow candles, hard
soap, vinegar, starch, 4c.
Mess pork, dried beef, hams andel:molders, tnackerelp
codfish, shad, picketed hersing, smoked herring, wheat
floor, buckwheat floor, corn meal,. cheese, rice, beans,
potatoes, butter, lard, cracken% Asc.
Fruit df. Nuts.
PrWIC3, citrons, figs, Eng. currants, easing, dried
peaches, apples, almonds, Mel o, Brazil nuts, Greno.
Me and Madeira vialnuts, peahuti,chestnuts; &e.
German,_ - Tzench and American 'rays,.
Palley Goode, Ac. dtc. •
Tin wagons, rocking horses, boys' sleighs, Ckino-dt
pewter toy tea setts, dollsonntspcts,acconlions, bartno,
nicas, &c. Class, paper: and wood inlaid' work boxes
and toileressesi—toy Vacate, secretaries; Writirigasskr
—plain and embroidered - Work baskets; knitting, do
pearl, ivory, papier macho-and leather, prirt.montaes,
wallets and purses, ivory , bait and Wood pocket combs
toilet combs, ivory Ape combs, pocket inkatands; pock'
et and small fancy mirrors, tobacco and sniff lions , ,
cigar cases, perfumery and hair " ' ; • '
Brooms, inopaticks, clothes pins, benchicreark WO
low clothwehosketiand marketliasketa, sugas:Srid since
boxes. - • '
Caddy ' •
Dairy and table alt,' Salina' DO S , etc.:etc:etc.
Country _dealers supplied it. al small adrani:e from
New York prices. - , r•
Most kinds of country Producetaken in excharsys .
for goods. - a &NEVINS.
Towanda, January: 2..1954.' „. ,
, - Persil Vera!
Agant°l of , Fur VictoTineaurul Cuirsofdiffetunt
looliOeiSf.or sale AT cost
Jan. 19, 1851. ,• %I BOUM
partnership'..between E. P. Dawson and
■ -A. Gay, is this day dissbtved by atonal con.-
senio=the secant:ails - rt. ihe.• bands-of L.
Jones, Esq., for settlement.z:
June 22: 1054,
Horses, Harness & Wagon for sale.,
T whetirante tolatehaiii a Ptien et"
'1 Yvan. Home' Hainies;:tiad-Litmbit - Wagtin;
very raOrable terms, etatttear of an opportani.
ty, by this 2 / 1 „ 1854.:
FannerrB=a MHO InSnranee -COMPOY.
t Qffice, Atkins, Brudjn frquily, Pa,.
CAPIT*O 2 ixo 'll cal. nenure 14 and,
esteterd** o o ll 4 l derne in
sures ags!usi tiffire; hoUses, stores,-aud other
bugolings•lnadnornrcu - And nrcliAtutin% nu its res
. .. , .. 3 4.). 1 11)11 , R;a0lurriltimr? us TAD,. AltDi 1 14 1 n 6 1 - :',, ,
• Direders—Hon. Horace:Willistaii,Foicia Tyler,
aerate T A-firkios. J T4D-Myeill:Cli-Shipman. C
Er: we 1 tes jr.;'..J;Z Canfield,. Athena; lion John La;
porteiTorandi;:Cen«.l3radleys.. - Wakeman;. Lacer'
pe yfiek,
willai.Vienz. bte , Jdedlea - , ,Wilkasbarreviliebael•
lifeylect,,Lapartn - .-,... ~.t ..i:-..._--.." 5,.:-.-: :„4.... , ..;
~. ,_, , ~. .., .
_ offieen... - .lfo . ra ce , illiston • •:Pieekieilii 4E'
Canfield; gee.; ell Wellaitijt;q.litainid ?mai.
fog. Bradford Co.- Pay , -N. , - ... ':, jolt 4,41154€,v,
w. tx,,,yusolodi-or
. • - , ••i=
-•- -
pin 0-6 , 4•Tlooaf f iortioo6- 4 b,6,000.
.„00,03,Ealehaa o w _ 00.
glitidi &lice. is this ilsylisbi sroki.:
sent. eoductikbYl
,: lphst , Wlti oll attOteirito 6l rcadit
AebtefX4o sild Wok Sibs 17 will Pr*** I
aria sOtile: tha
11EORGLEM urn.'
30 N.:4 1 -9-0.4'01.-00:*****Atli f il 0 14
- "Atti - ntiley
91 , 71011
, Tcrirairdo, - Peiiji;;^,
,: , -.;• ~,,z.-_,_ , --,-....;.. t,•,..:• z • ~', - ,-.,••• •
i p ,
Ts' noir; iiieivititait iimisterre poopeophich
4 ' wilt twsold very low for Calk ir.''' - ',
_.' -" ', -,
' ~11 4 4.9;• 1 0 5 4! ~ ' - '.l , :;_,--,.,, - ', '
' 111314:1114-11611114ZOSTii:
WottILD infOrm ths - Catiii . hss jostle.
' tu rned. from the - city, wiqt'ileigi r essinitent.
of - --21111=Iffstire:600/24'.. ,
which she offers it redoesd:. '-'-Produce of ev.
cry kind taken in fisymernt for •
IRXIMOVATIN-41L, .MA9Cr$ has removed
hie office to his dwelliott,#4.4o.street.. 9ppovit e
the old Piesbyterian:Church.
May 1.3 . :.1854. • '
Plows. and !loin n*stinW•
lIQLATCHLE.-2.Wirna- edtanty, - #lbtf . or'Cartie
Plciwa„Side bill, station end, corn plotni- and
Castings; for cheap. t• • . • - •
- I take penlinlav pains to get goti4- well titian
plows and tciaglienittings. I would invite itattiii
let attention to the Alba; or cuittlie plow.
Call and see. -.- • ' WELLE S . _
500 'AMIN' WiUM3;D Ul
The subscribers -loWasjust received at their old
stand in Meredni Blbek,Towailai anew and good
assortmentrof - Spring and .gionmer GoOdi; Consist
ing of ~ ' -,. . -.. 1
ILeady-21Cade Clothing, - -
ever imported into the ~County—all of the latest
styles in atarkey which are being scattered far and
wok. - frCtlie d ray of Ftirniebing`Goods, we
~ have
a complete assortment—Cravats, Collars, Marti,
Under Shirts. Drawers. Wrappers. Gloves. Suspen.
dory,,. Handkerchiefs, Hosiery of all kind:y-11nd
variery.of i'runks.47e.
=Oer Ready—Made Clothing embraces every thing
desirable in that line, and as we boy for CAse, we
can and - will 'sell 20 per cent. !Giverthin any other
Clothing Establishment in Towanda. •
Towanda, April 20, 1854. 8. ALEXANDER. •
Civics's and Well "tulips I ,
T EAD PIPE! Hydraulic Rams ! of any kind,
-Ls size, &c.. cheap for ready pay. for sale by
Jan. 8, 1853. R. 10. WELLES.
xrd, being opened by
Cash and Ready Pay Dealer In
FANCY and Staple Dry' Goods; Clotbs.' Cant=
meres , and- Vestings• ' Hats. Caps & Strait;
Goods—carpets and o:1 clo ths;Yankee Notions , —
Boots and 840e57-Paper Hauginge—Thnoptwent
Window Shades,&c.
DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, 10. 0 1 e.,
all of which. are offered for sale for:CASH- or
READY PA Yet the lowest possible Trines.
Among his stock of Dry lioods will be found a
large assortment of Black, Fancy , andPisiti Dress
Silks—Challis, Berazes and Braze de Laines—De
beam Mouslin de Lent.. and Lawns—Plaid and
Plain Poplins—Plain black, white, pink, blue and
corn colored Delaines—Preneb.. Scotch and Amer
ican Ginghams—English and American --Prints—
Black, blue ind white Bereza de Loins, Lawns
Prints, &c. •
Swiss."-and Jaconnett Edgings, insertings and
Plouncings, &c.' Wrought-Linen Edgings—Conon
- and Smyrna Edgings. 'Wrought and lace collars
—all prices—Lace and, muslin underaleeres—Un.
der handkerehiefs—all prices.-Mourning under
hdk'fa., collars and• hdlfs.-.Embroidered, hem.
stitch & plain .linen bdk'fs—Plain mourning and
black lace Veils—Plairi and figured cotters and 'silk.
jaces. Jaconnetts, Swiss' and Book Muslin, Bishop
Lawns, Tarnow, &c.. Lace 6a embroidered
Illtzslin 'Window Drapery.
Best qtrality 'of Ladies and Gents. Kid Gloves—
white, black &. assorted colors—Best quality silk
gloves, kid ,finisk:4Plsin silk 4. lisle tbreadolo.ear
sorted colors arid qualities--Wrench silk mitts,long
and short, for ladies andllisires: Black" silk, white
and clouded merino hose—White colored,onbleacb.
ed, mixed and black,colton liose,of every qualiiy
Misses white, colored and mixed do.. all Blies—
Boys mixed cotton half hose, assioned Size's: Men's
lambs "wool, unbliaCheit and mixed cottentalf hoie,
assorted qbalities.
Mick Italian, fancy. silk, and linen, lawn , sod
gingham Cravate,t3ilk and Satin elocks;—comiscin
and 3 .PIY enrlsrssilk cud Linen handkerchiefs.
"ALSO—A' large Stock sf and colored
2 1 11BUiYfetg CLIMIET.M. • ' '
Plain'brk dOeskini, fancy dassimeres and eestings.
Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, cottonades and , other coo
ton And linen , Goods for men and boys wear. • -
, Wateretilloreens, assorted colors Damask for
buitains.litinges,Atc.,, double and single, fold.—
Worsted embossed, &intuit linen and wonted , and
cotton tablecloths.
~Bleached Jinen
Bleached and brown linen damask table , Scotch and ,
Rtimian diaoer and crash, bleached And onblea,ched
every colOred muslin and almost eve otherarticle of
(unify dry goods. ,• • - ,
A great. variety of Boots, and Intoes for was,
s, ladiei, Misses and childrens ,
itrocha long and sqqaret3hawls., Cashmere, silk
and.delathe do., assorted colors, of all qualities.
In addition to the above enumerated _
be (once a good assortment of - merehandize, of al.
Most ettelydesterption,Ao which At ( attention . of
the publre respectfully,invf ed. ' .
- Tdwaridif. April 18; 1834. i.
31P , *IL Ar. •
STORE; ging go
tar Arirliar
A NY man or boy, or :any body else :wanting any
kind_ of _CLOTHING. mill do Tett,to call .oa,
agOlkai i!-Slutfigq*At!4a are bo a - • .
VERY , e'REA . F,
!, •he is 'belling his ittraistock,''.Ne_lnit note the
Largest Clothing , - Store
in Athins,iind tun (foods wireellbeeght Cheep a 44
trill hijohtcheilli . . • • Clothhigis much I°lo fnMet
tityijend Petintists'hhundto , let his customer hale
the benefit •
The Stare is'ne4tind tetetail. 1 1 ‘4.1,34*
aboee the brick block, in Athena. 4 ;-7-
• nos, new and;
• ' 114 1 Eit1001.' -
AtheitstApril tfi.;
Sr i
irtiSTrametvid by Josepb•Kinpbmy~+. Blair 414
- -o:4eompletirstock,ot-NEW:Gl*lPSilo . rilikil
0 14 4 Oitiar nit Ciao'
• Iliritedy - Alrillte. p154; - • , :: t-eb,
- • iv 44•10-, r
x: _
_ -
—riot- I. •
'l•' 144 are
Intlebtalw eo*lon%- "%aid
ed. late o f_
iinmediatrtilkfalw - •
Bp 19Z‘dititiii°
„toast ' roatd)..ti
~.autheo „oink
thou - h* 7,6lji.Viiiit
SARAH. iityalo,46
-• •
A Ll t persitetitifoseittit.tberelielvilietrebted to the
ri - estate, - of. Thomas TerkOleceiSediAate
.I.itehfield towashipwereAterebrreotesteti to Make
jrnmectieterpaymeak; and thosethivingojaimsegairtst
said estate will please present them dolrautbeatp.
sated for settymeet. ' • - •
. Jae. -111."1,854;,:. -,,:•.- , , - ;Adtainistratorst •
161;persons, indebted to -the estate, of.. JOIN.
TEED. deeesseClateofLitelfield township. are
liereby requeited tq make.paiment . Withnutlelay ;
and all pereont'having.demm4s againet said estate
ate requestett .to - .
.present. them duly' authenticated
for settlement: SE.TEIT.TEED, kith, •
< • -
January 29,:1e54. - , .
ALL:, persons. indeblesLto l ithe , estate of P. V-
Havens. dec'sl.lsie ofSeendingStoneotre hereby
requested tq make payment withoutdelai. 804 OW
having claims against saidestate, will please ,pre—
sent them duly authenticated for settlement •
• .'S.,'W.
11159; •
Roehrieree. ' , ',lOhn'iripilliger.'. le asi
' Common 'Preas;.l • of Bradford. Coiudy. No. 181, -
May Term, 1851.
THE undersigfiedAtiaitir, - appointed by the Court
to distnbtate fonds seeeitad hy Sheriff's sale at
deferithings Teal estate, treiieHl - ersentihn - issued in
the aboresuit, wit) attendlo'-thelloties W . said up- -
pointatent at his office in Towanda borough sin . the
28th day . ft :4 1 108 5 , 4 . nt2 &clock:P. M., OM ail
persona interested" ate;required to preserittheir . efahne
or be deitaried'frotelnsid fund. • 0 '- •
June 184:1854. P. D. MORROW, Auditor;
Auditor's 'Notice.
In the matter of the estate of John Welsh, demised
In the .Orphans- Court of Bradford Coimtg.-
/11HE undersigned. Auditor, appointed by the
Conti, tOldaiihill aiseits and distribute fonds
in the hands dills' Administrators •of said estate,
mill attend to the duties assigned •him, at hid offiee
in the both' of Towanda, on Thursday the 27th of
Daly 1854 o'cloek P, itl. ',Atl_persons_ having
claims ppon said funds. Mese,. present them at the .
time and plate rforessid,or, efse beforeietttehirred
from the same. ' D. MORROW.,Auditor...
June 14, 1854 t, •,
Main NOTICE- '
J. *utiles, ..dtiaitnistrator of ehelstate of D. M.
Wattles, deed., vs. Daniel Hill, Jr. In the Cow
mon Pleas ofßradtord .County, 1q0.186, December
Term, 1850.
THE - undersigned Auditor, appointed by the court
to dikyibnte funds,-in the hands of the Sheriff•
will attend to 'the duties assigned him, at hi, office,
in the' Dora' of Towanda, on Tuesday the 251 h ?Jay
of .fulyi 1851, aril:4lodr P. M. Allpereodll - hays
ing demands upon said Janda', - Must - present 'ahem
at the time and place aforesaid, or else be forever
debarred (tom the same.- I
June 18. 1854. P. D.' MARROW. Atlitdr.
In the matter qfthe Estate ofilumphry'Brown, deceas
ed. In the Orpfuing 'Court 4Bridford County.
THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the court
to make distribution ofifunds in,the hands of
ihe - Adminititratora of said estate, will attend' to the
duties *lotted him, at his',ollice; in the Boro' of
Towanda, 'tali Friday, the 28th of . July, "1854;at 2
o'clock 'P. M._ 'And all pelons having elaints 'upon
said fund, Most present th 'M it the time and place
aforesaid, or else be foreirerdebarred from the same.
June 16, 1854. P. U. MORROW. Auditoi.
Stephen Pierce vs. Peter. Perhamtn. let. Brrstford
Common Pleas; No 188, May Term, 1854.
'THE undersigned having been appointed by the
'Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County,
an Auditor to distribute *the fund raised by the
Sheriff's sale of real estate, in the above entitled
case, hereby give -notice, that he will attend to the
duties ofbia appointment at his office, in Troy boro,
on Saturday the 29th day of July next, at ./ o'clock
P. M., at which time and place all persons having
claims upon said fund, are requested to present
them for adjustment in and distribution, or be debarred
from coming in for a-share of said fund.
Troy, June 1/, 1854. P. SMITH, Auditor,
In the matter of the estate of Benjamin Nfingiforo,
, deeeasea.
, - .
HAVING been appointed en Auditor, by the
Orpltatee'Ociutt of Brat;c l.
ord , County, to hear
and report upon exceptions fi ;V to the final ac—
count of the estate Of Benjauti Barrington, diceae•
ed. late of Warren tovinshipi Ir‘wlWattend_ to the
dories of the ippobilment; of my'Officein the Duro
of . Towanda,cn the lath day, of Augost next, at
one o'clock P. M.;of whch all persons interested
will please Irk...notice.' -
Jane 19, 10 : 1. - • W.W.VLNYELT., Auditor.
Administrator's, Bale.
IDT virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of
Bradford. County. will be oesposed to
public sendue. at , the Court-House, in the Dore ; of
Towanda, at 1 o'clock Pi M., of the 3114. day. of
July neat, all the InterestlwhichNorthrup ?dory„ - its
his lifetime, had in a tract °Hand. situated Hl' Or
icell one:hundred and Shy
seven acres, bounded on the North ;by lands, of
Aaron chabbuck ;:East by lands,of Nathaniel Res.
seir-ScOthward by lauds of lienry.Lent-rabout sixty
acres inproved, with a barn and two houses mien
apple orchard thereon.'; - , -; :
A StELIA - STEVENS, Admtnis tratriz,
W6I:SE. JaINHAkt, Adchipisttator.
June 26, 1854. •
" n•
L A yr'',
:binge wilt:
. ,
.-TOWAXMO fic . .'. •
rViFICE in the Vniaiil3lock,
lorib - zideartheil'abliavaisare,:oy're Me COO
C. , ,„ •
i i ti „ijid nl • j or l a Notice.,
som , iollorMuedalli "John Rea. John
,Al..Read,Afargard AL•Rectd, toksureived
la if Read; te. Araos.-.1. Yargison and lohii
Wood Atl!i i Weixl,lerre tweeds.- . • ; :*;
Inikefanenton.-Pkremfßradfur . (l County, No, 3g;
Term, , lBso.- •
HE proleraiguedladitorAPPOnlCd by thee:mu
i to iiittilbme/fihils in handilitthe'llteriff,
!ill! -attend idilveduilevailigned bitii. ailla oiler;
in Abe , bordorrevanda; 'as , -Idoaday, -the 14th day
Ofiltagual,: , lBs4;,:at $ AVbere - and
*here al! persons 'lariat - eh itrite %tipod °< 3sid fond;
;11111114' present thein;:&ilse be Thrower debarred from
ihassaiel . .-ITbe *bore sail! 14%4 WO ..referyfd
pack to the,Auditor. : 1 -;1 -•:, ,
t Makumanit oricaratiases...
i A lA , IseniontAPdt bled •: to Me estettof Tomer
4.14 - IfePriefi'Ated bite of Doren fiip.; are mimes-)
'd to make pqMeat wititaat-debt
rg demmadragaiost said - estate yiltreleattiteT
, -
.1. , air - foig "--. JoN'Ll-,44-,. --.4.111.,..;A4.irri--
_7;4 f •••,,,, 1.0. -,
1 * 1114 1 40 4 1 81* '-- • 11 1 4 st rii , at'fos . 1 , - -4 -
I • ' .„,,, • "' 8; gitdetp.soll94l.l
131 0 oyr - -
j'rt - 1 , ., .'::'r
I.JA," •
AiditWs= NatiCC
Auditor's Notice.
Auditor's Notice.
Anditoee Notice.
n • -..
. -`"
Wholesale an >Reuiil Diaaleers gin,,
„.. I
pe and '
Ulna 'Ware,
imilintnings, , Cartiago-Stbranimes, Mynas dilkadalery ,
-,••• Ware, Carpenter's and Joiner's Tools, •
L'E.RD PIPE AIM: PUMPS - - of all kinds and triz,"
WARM, ' l . forqs, API r fr n i,,lo Hutt theae are .onl y ; part of the; general heaths under whieh may clasjet.t
they eitensieetias
- ottineni s anti 6 - Which they are_conitantly receiving additional itippliei,,direee'fronkther,
irayorters4ndinalipfacturers i iblett inaillea.them to oar such inducetuents in their large etockapdlow
Ora*, twillchu,llenge_cottipetition;fr?rixriny .quarter:. We woulikask the particular attentiott of •
. ELMeilligaßTZe ' - ottY/31): TELISMENIZOSt
•••': ';
it in exaadoation,otour stack; whieb.haeingheen selected with Age greatest Care, we artceouldetit
satisfy even The moat particular; , • . •.•' •
• - el' Don't,forget the place—South side of.the public square. • ,
• Old Iron, Coppor and Ureaspaud ult kiods of Country Produce tnlen In exchange for gciode.-7 4.,
,-Towanda, May 2'41854. , • . , ; HALL & RUSSELL.'' , '1
T •
. •
IIE svbecriber , thankful for e liberal patronage received the past year, intends to keep conistantlY
hand wfull assortment.of the ee best articles - Usually kept in our line, which ua,:yrtat..dispose of ow
such terms as wiltticuiatiiracto7 to all who may 'patronize him. The purchases are made entirely with cash
in band, and for the Casa out cut - tomcat 'will receive the benefit of a good article at a low price..- articleis
not animating our rectimmendatioo, will be cheerfully taken back, and the money refunded.
07- Medical AdVice grataitoally given at the- Office, charging caly for thr Medltintt?
The stoik tmasists of a complete and select•assortment o '
Pare Wine Sk Liquors, for Medicinal nse, London Porter & Scotch Ale,
American Pocket . Cutlery, (Warrant_d Good.)
Superior S!,O.II4I.CCO•dt.STOW !----Choice brands of Euro Savanna, Principe
~and Tara CIGARS 1
Black add Green' Teas ; Rio and Java - Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, &c. &u
Saimott,,Mackerel, Sardines, &c.
The best Quality of Woods—All Assortment—Modarate Profits—Ready Attesitiort to C'utomcrs—no
Adulteration of Goods—Candid Advice as to Patent `lionedies;--and Close Attention to -.Business." •
Towanda, Novomber 12, DM. 11.. C. POILT:EIi s M. 111. •
Awarded to this Machine at the Fair ot the:American Institute, New York, Oct. 111511-
A Diploma at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. First Premium - at the Sisk
Fat* Vides, New York, and at the Cidumbla and Rensselaer County (New York)Fairle
and a Dipl•assi S at - the Westchester County Fair at White Plates. .
. . In %praises% arrammenent ottlde Wetly apProvid Mull Cider Polo., even if the or 1 ,00 W. .
c .. gi . ound /3..13, as im
• walkable mu, the labor la divided by arranging a entrant: the Improved 11111; and t. the. antiaa wen inara l y crw ou s.
' ' Cylbsder to break the apple', and then deliver thew to the rue cm the % ut Machine ,it o „ add nquira • prwiari of one
lower Cylinders to up reduced to tenuare. Ilyltrit'ar. buudred tons to prr Ince th e reanit
am. brow.
=ln the work is Performed faster and with much Patent N:ilL Tbe folio , - int , ~,,i b. a u nnad u the *died
.; - . , . ~,. • :-,.'i, 1 • 1. , : advantages or t' A ti mr . ,. . .
She Press Is arranged with a much larger own.. than .1 irst-lt n '
,1 ray , . m . ,,,, q .„, , , cr th..___,,__.,a___,. wi t h
. ibrineely; and - by a veryinccuiouldertre the ureof the lag a riven due miry 4 . iapi ,, a _ in . givm tim e, end end:AZ..;
„ le dispraised with atoll thalutemade to open Well:to de. lesv, later_ and •, ap „„ r . a . ---'
threr-the pomace, while at the name time the t'tder is cat SertvA-lt n ili „aka cleaner and moat , coar than eiy
. clear and the work can bottoms with much lea labor than ollti. aim
by the old.nethol , , IllweTlindet• ere.7oelriet withheti__
wood Third - -ton eartmake the Cider all you want it and when -.
sheet Zin%lioth - ell 'their PertPherie' ere - 0 1 r; the w e'''. Yee ^"nt it-and In uttautlthn from one gallon to 6or 10
' r '", lavihaus Is artanirtio as not to Fatll; - and Um whole warp. t or . bi ,
,'1 ettke Mlit'ainet vies Made In tin:inky 1 .4 W minium: • • , d fourth-With it you ran pi-ess your C : urranta, Ohleilet t ,
swinged with especial view to their durability and ner etas. derf,,,,, ch.„,,, t a m e , `L ar d , an d , a m- n.
No Pstramer who inSeilhis 3101 rarefully and tr_ordine- pum-11 ith it you ,a, ~ a re one-fourth of 'Mr
todlreatkos will be alleeppolittedAuton ,y , ,e or',4 time In making Apple-butter. . ..
' Wallis will lad this one of aWS"' 0 • 10010 . * - 3, 1 alp „ant Sixth-With it a tore you can at all times hare Pro&
istweblnee ow. hislend: ' ... and Sweet Cider.' . .
...t ~; Tha tweddiee b b , to nal' •2__„/Wiwyalistm,. er band With all tbeadvanteges mollies from the postmasters and
powerond nheatter meow ant 0 4 f......;. 4 . 420 ".4 boy of It With
matt a maelrine-et a peke m low that ft latilthhaL,
pan of age ean press the pomace with:all erg;" the mach of ail . -raa it be that any. intelligent Sanwa, .
Ale all lisreser times *twits supposed that'. targe s oestlty "world do wit horll its
&Cider child indylie ensdr; by strip . ; a pro:demur machine, Do you wbb to hare in your bow, at all time Cider that
• '., dwisitwii , ,,,___ewill__„• l th e
~..., apples Irnhout grinding - 11mm fine. il sweet and fret , !ha only time It Is really healthy sad lit
•=' www www ww".."-s. • Ur *ate dime tri stow, end a for use;-sad do you wish to mete a great pwrtkotof the
. wan and tong Viagra . ° r.. 4 retuned to extract itrwil labor - attending the ateilittne of
dMe CideMW www'oterispuntitytelorbaerb l el ; A ppi c..ibutte r 1 1 fro.buythla nunddne, and our wend '
-.. . , =Arms Wad Abe - r4asa of , and up datn Me far ft,, yen will not be disappointed,
, -
___willuddtwq i nimil,,,_, ~ fats tersuer hal to take wit intends, ; "Ildt Mill Is Warnuded superior to any ether'pertible
- re ttug's ."E.:Tatingi.lnituaind den: ot4usboledAy that . 'MI in existence , end the Proprietor to ready etrant aloe.
swum 'Yam.' *stagy inipTh r ed, to Make t re %r
em :len fair nnliotor, given,) to tart it with anykortalihr -'
, - • 111 W - bilighS bairnas c. 2 ilitkren :.-To elide" thedldrulty 'the "Mii) Unit in not an infringement on it.
" darner* tm', ber,dogve ham m y , entocri.tyykyktehtue hill ,Parmers, ennui ble thin newly I3IP/X
OVEil l
, " been larer.tedVend the Shtbrient. of a few Neil will prone. IiXILL, lbefore you Inapresay other.
! ''' T. Allakitir.nekettlythelwitklar/dnetif the kind .lninartatur,„ . , One great sdrantego,of this nueldno over all Otte" lk,',
bat lt,'M the most profitable that a man ran Insre:On - his that ikt,will not clank. up; and hard'or spa amble ,
Ihrr ii..„.-The WOO alw bitles,,Almgerded..urtu a Ina Cala' beig-round, and yet the CyAndere will alwaya , ..nnude"
Mskonthei Slanting' bit aletteetyltg 't
pressure. Afar turd In grinding elder.
- - USakbla•atesd".
_lira to eats:irk all. Ctder,:it ' All orders will be flied in the order In whirls ' tbei ens
''' b M fg Wesertalued by Orectleal experiment that thseYetotte recelsnhand all persons wanting them would do well le'
'''''to•WW/ISOL 0 •W be. 41 0 1 Ped Uttrl , V the-ea PVneetil: - :Bei:lend thele,orders early, and-elate sawhat time they trait
' '/Wdeelblksektulyrekidree two bands to grind no sad make :the Mill sent. , _.,
into Cider I larger quantity,tdepnlea, theft can be mealy 'lbis 34131iettended • by 2 inen. williwilswidWirlYWotll
dome es thlt.ol-641011a-scuiddsuio. - Chi-thls- pre:keying &fording todirectices. make fitol2.horele ef lidera& X
1 - - to atinzapstetweetef. the pomace hithe tub, and the cam. and will grind, alma hy herarrywonr IncenlootwiliCk 7
.: . plate manner brirltieh'tt/egrugud, epressurs or from Ito Id unpin a dal'. • ' . ._ , . ,_,
.. _
;...11 tail -thee, eba meaty be obtalbub-will %freak, As mesa , gas The Pries otthbldlil le s4o;ireeiretteight.' 4 -
: *TWIN" Man :eau Aytteet-Paieure 011;.ordlaary , .Bouneetrea, Pa., May, 1,123. -W. O. =ZOE"
Itatered *Naomi" Act et at Ike tunes Diarist et lreenartnalse .
. . .
_ __________
- - -:'' fIIASTgR; , SALT;(44C; -.- ' . ' . -1
t ii6-5164)
'Rib TONS cajragi drogiad 49as--1
ter44lo Alandsla% icoo iibWVrtcstone
a i
lime. 56 - giairiS rA7fO 4' vrot ..;tapc,,h, .glaiter,.
81WW6Virlfelirryt. Bied:=SW MEG- tiliiiitail
7 :Cti4nYSlMlSikifed aniirfor ode bi. , • -
~ , ' .• ,-, , BAPorrk.tigirir
1 ,. - - foilliii; April Si; ISBE • ,'"- •• -. 'f'''.. ll, •-=' '
Troirtiug the Public Square.
• ...0r....
,:~ .
. .•- D SSOLUTIO , . ••• •
•TITE co4partnershilflidretoforeetagok k.
'the aubseribers, odder:the Orro,".al ittlezindesAy )
Solomon, was dissolved by.rottlaar rienitirifoll3 . .
•1 27tb day of May. M. E./Script** kediffik. ' Tiow ..
, bilsraesa Will hereafter bae l 4lo:goi*lrjrigkills k)
11 • ell . do &Alexander. ••(:..4 - • ~:, , , „,,,lf,
li''''''- r • 'Towanda, May 97 11lEt.' "" '' "<• : .: r
t . l • ::
4.4,4 g
';`, .--(r,
• . :
r' -