Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 15, 1854, Image 1
',-.--- -'', ° - . --- -:: -- 4:: -- •.:z - c . :1',‘ . ., - : v 3A Vi.-. , ..... ME ! ! 1 ; r ,i `.,, i 12) . I , H ( 4 • . 1-1 IM Tratto=M tlo TOWANDA: ecitaraap fl otninn .11nIg'15, 11354 i eitittiO Vottzl. THE MISSION OF DEATH. The early springessofkmorning breath Around. a cradle played, Where lovely in the arena of death • A little child was Midi kid scattered o'er the cradle lay Violets and snow-drops fair, Spring's` earliest flowers--emblems they, - Of the pare infant there. But mournfully, to that spring sky, On that sweet morning air, Rose sr young mother's frantic cry, Of anguish and despair: • For with that babe's frail life had fled, The light of hers—the ray. A little angel's presence shed, Forever passed away I- It was the first time death had crossed The threshold of her Leaving behind the'early lord, A shadow'ever more! The spring is gone—.years pats—ithe glow Of stioniees evening skies, Upon a t tlying girl's fair brow, - Like a bright glory lies. • Orer that roof, had death before With a desolation swept, When a young mother sorrowing o'er Her first born, there had wept. Awl now again, that mother keeps With sad and bitter tears. liekF,ieial by the conch, 'where sleeps The hope of riper years. And yet. though now to frenzied prayer, No nturrnorings,lood and deep, In the hushed sitedt chamber there, Disturb that peateful sleep. lfasked," how is ft with the child?'; Bull would her lips rebel,: With heart subdued in accertit mild; To answer," it is well i" Sommer is glineyears pass—the snow Upon the, pathway lies, Winter Is come—and sad and low, The bleak wind Moans and sighs. hronnd that home, where death again, With stern relentless will. Co. - aes with the winter's solemn train, •His mission to folfil. • And now his shadow rests, where A youth, whose spirit eye ' Beams as his mortal vision dies, With immortality ! Alone, at midnight. watching there, Time's snows upon her head, Again that mother kneels itt prayer, Beside a dying bed. ; ' Resigned and calm—tho' she had leaned, On him tier last sole stay. ••• But God's pale messenger had warned The spirit from the'clay. GENERAL SAMUEL DALE. HISOREAT CANOE It1611"t In 1784, when Samuel Dale was vet a boy, his father moved from Virginia, and made a settlement near the site of the present town of Greensboro, Geo. But a few days elapsed, when the subject of our Sketch—a you'h (I( .sixteen summers—found himself an orphast ; and, in virtue of his seniority, guardian of seven brothers and sisters. Disposidg of them in the best manner his limited resources would allow, he joined a company of volemteers, raised to repel the invaaions 'of the Creeks; and here commenced that military career, which only closed when the difficulties of his country teased. We do not propose to follow it up. Whoever is acquainted with OA history of the Indian Wars —with the bloody battles of Burnt corn and Holy Ground—The terrible mas-acre of Fort Min:lll—the hazardous expedition of Clairborne, and the Semi nole campaigns of Jackson—knows enough to ap preciate the iron nerve and daring intrepidity of Gen. Dale. We will only notice a few of those ré. matkable adientures with which his life is PO replete. • His celebrated " Canoe Fight," in the Alabama river, in which he and two of his company, brain ed, with clubbed rifles, nine Indian warriors, in fair and open combat, is a Quid of household word with our old Settlers. Every old crony on the river, could relate to you the incidents of the bloody con. flirt; while her aged partner, wnosehead had whit: ened with the growing improvements of his State; would hobble down to the bank, and point out the very spot in the bright waters where the two ca- noes met; and it, perchance, the reader has ever made a trip down the river, on that elegant boat, which bears our hero 7 aname, (Sam Date) he has doubtless had designated to him, by the Courteous Captain, the time honored old beech whieh marks the spot, as well as the high projecting bank which had prev!ously sheltered the namesake of his boat. from the fireetsf the htdians. Soon- after the bloody tragedy ,Of Fort - Mims,. many of the whites, urged by their defenceless cort.:, &ion, and the increasing hostilities of the Indians; took refuge in Fort Madison. As Gen. Clairbome was prevented from marching-to their aid, by the . hostile mpvements of the enemy about Si Stephen's, Capt. Dale and Col. Carson were left in command of the. Fort As soon as his wounds, received at Burnt Corn, were sufficiently healed, Dale disterm ined m change his line of'conddet from defensive to offensive. With seventy men he proCeeded with westwardly to Brasierri landing on the Alaba ma. Hem they found two canoes, belongink to 1' negro, named Cesar, who Informed theinthitthere were Indians' above, there,:tai.eiaoh.side,:or 011.#"*_. ef.. He also tendered ' the the Ilse of the . owe., and pcoffaied to . 101. - ' 'their , pilot. Captain D i ce. immediately planted the canoes inishirge 0 T. - ' .! .T. 1, 7•:, • :4t- , , , z•121. i ' ' '..q- ' tITY.-3 - 4? -4 1. 0 .tifiMi• - A C "- . - ixa - v-oktnnit.Xls , 4,.i. , ',---:,- ••• •-; ..,........g.• :.,,, „ ~....,....„ . ,-,--....,.,:,.. „.•.•,., ~t ~,.....„.. .„.. • ~..t , . .-. .-,—__ _ .. _; .. 4-r.,• . 44.E- I t r ii" l :''''' Z. : .i. ". ~. . 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T „... _.• ~..: ..,,..,.,,,,.....,,,....,....,,.....,,....• ..1...,..4;1..,....,.. T ~..,./„..,....!,.:..._._:...5,....„,...;,....t.„:„.1....„....„....„..„......,....,..,,,..,.!..1,..................,..„....,...........,..,4,:.„.......„...,.....,....:1...,,,.....,.....„......i.i.::::,...„..,......!:tt....21::,_...,,,,,..../ . „,„'i!.,,i,,. i.,„ • , x -. r I MEI =II • miah Anse and 'tihrtnenj'telna were 'ordered , to keep, them parallel:44'4AM pariy -Astir thn'mnuitt:pf party dhicoven4e howeviir, immediately paddled-to 'the 'shore and vie'tand tacon- Lino! it route, okaccourn or the think cane and vines!, Srere_ordeied to,orosenverdind proceed up on the other aide.' %Vhile 'they:were • effecting a. passage, Dale 'and several of his men kindled afire a shoit:distance from the river, , to prepare their day's meal Thus engaged they. were fired 'upon bra,party ofCreeks,from an:ambuscade. Retrertt• ing to the rivet)'so ae ' i gain the'cover of' tbe . pro. leatine bank they' discovered a large fiat-bottomed canoe,, containing elevek armed and painted war riors. -Theparty behind there now retired, leaving Date to choose his commune towards those in the boat. ASV:lth of hiicanoes *erect! the' opposite aid, Dale ordered . 144 larger one. to be Manned.— Two of the warriorsnowLieft their boats and swain for shore; but a ball from the unerring rifle of John Smith perforated the skull of one, whd immediate ly, sunk ; the other gainedilie 8110TE1 . , and, egg:aped. Eight men had, in 'the meantime, nnanntkl the large canoe,- and were approaching the Indian boat; but coming near enough to see the number of rifle. muzzels over the'edo ofthe boat, they bastily.pad. died back to the shore. I= Dale, exasperated by this clear back out,' es he Permed it, of his men shouted to them in a anomie! tone, " to look arid see three brave men do what eight cowards had shfunk horn;" and followed by Ansill and Smith, sprang into' the smaller canoe which the faithful 'Creqer had pat brought over— Paddling their centre directly towarda their enemies, they aouncommenced the" Canoe Fight" proper— so celebrated in Alabama tradition. ' When Within twenty paces of the Indians, om heroes arose in their canoe, togive them an onning broadside: but unfortunately, the priming of their guns was *et, and they failed to fire: Had' nor the same accident befallen the' enemy, the result of the canoe fight might have been very _different. Dale now ordered Cmsar to bring his (mat alongside the other, and hold them together. The warriors, confident of their strength, and eager to grapple with three men whose suits would not fire, allow their heaths move leisurely along with the current. At the two neared each other, the Chief arose, and with an ejaculation of defines. to " Big Sam," ley , elled his gun at Smith's breast; but before he could draw the trigger, the litter directed a blow at him which would have linotred-hstati''had it not been adroitly avoided.. The canoes came together with a jar, which threw Jinni! slightly off his balance ; and ere he could regain it, a- well , directed blow , from a war-club, protirated him across the twat. A half dozen•poweiftil arms were raised to com plete the work, when the heavy rifle of Dale came down upon the head of the Chief, with a force which sunk it deep into his skull. Smith had been not less active, and his trusty barrel had fallen with like effect upon the skull of another warrior, and the two now fell their death throeti ; in the bottom of their canoe. Austin had, in the meantime, re covered, and added his strength to the work tildes ,ruction. The bold Cmaar. held the boats together with an iron grasp, and with one foot in each, our heroes fought. Two successive blows from Austin's rifle, despatched two of the enemy, and one or whom felt overboard. Thinking to make sure of his foe by a second stroke, Austill leaned forward to strike when he was again prostrated by an In. dian club. ,The exulting savage never forgetfid of a scalp, raised the war whoop—seized his eictim by the haii—the scalp-knife glittered in the air, when another timeif blow, loam Dale's dabbed rifle divided- his skull. Tradition says, that from the force of the bloW the skull was-split even . to the .vertebral colmnn. In the meantime Smith, at the other end of the canoe, g,rappled " with two lusty Warriors. Tie was a powerful man; but the chan ces now were against him. lhe iron-clutches of one of his assailants are. upon hie throat—the tome hawk of the other is above. bier head! He sees his danger ; one foot is in one canoe, - one in the other; with a desperate effort he gets both feet in one canoe,. and draws one Indian after him, while the sudden movement separated the end of the boats and leaves the other behind, to Meet the fate of those who had already come' within the range of Dale's and Austin rifles Smit i h tidtv had the erielny in his power, and soon dispatched him. The con flict now became equal—three, to three. The rev ages, reduced in bomber from nine to three, now fought the energy .of despair. Light end- active, they avoided may of the blows of the whites; and dealt, in return, such well directed ones;'that they were beginning to tell' in their! favor; when Dale, calling to Closer to hold the bdats firmly together, sprang upon :One of -the seats and dealt a .blew which shivered a club which had bean directed to meet it, and leveled another warrior. The remain ing two'ivere' left to have destruction mewed to them at the hinds of the victorious whet, while Smith and Austin leaned upon their broody and brattOespattered e rifles; despatched them at two incentive blows. onring, the whole of this aanguinar; • conlliet, the heroes were encouraged. by the continued cheers of their comrades on either. bank. 01 the nine warriors Smith killed two, Aus. till two, and IYale:fire. "Having laidsthent , lovh" •sayi Mi. Pickett,'" these nhdannted4tineficaus be; . win to east 'bethink; the bright waters of fhb . Ala ! bama4—their native stream, now to be their 'grave. Every tiros a Wage .wrut raisertuplrom, the:bot tom of the-canoe, , and along-into-the water, the Americans 14( . 1111 the banks set op Aunt, long - and load, as tiepin *fight 'reterige' lot Ate .:tragedY,pf Fork Mims: The, Indian:canoe presented. a• unusually revolting•;-several inches der+ln savage bfeadi-thickened With clods'of Whine and bunches Of 64. • ","" tb Ge .. ot canoe -fight,. a. Dklajwastogaged In anotherhand•in-hand'rencon. trei'hirdfi less egeitliii. - AlletelellOilito of the ':11041 are - seririted Atte: it has not,; EffFMM ! , ;;:,v0t . .; , .! . C•.:',i:,:,,, y OEM =MEI _•„: - ,•-•1 ) -ITIMISIEEIY•lVERY-IATURDAY4T'IOWANDA - BRADFORDiMUNTUfk Wi i E. IYMEAR - A-'OOODEIe .... • 7. .• Zt:C* l t c -4 - MEN MEI CRS =EI ere this, beep ,mtide,thet-baele aerie of,nor,thritling borde9alea r ,Whgp the Indian hostilities first be. !q • aesume;b ; threatenl iuitpde,inCana,equen. Caef,Me.Gelphinton.treely,,,,a ,white. woman wee eeiueri bit o,ParlY 0( tudWilliund MAO cep• ritity. 1 411 attenapte.towerde recapturing hereeMili erf froitietejindeed,, , eo ipany,similar Caael ,cccuy red,-that,they failed to mite that interest _,which Would tworilly,oxpeo.ti Doles having gained some information to ,tier.,whereaboute, delerm ined-, , reed with,him deterruipation. ts; but .inothet.wordfor aecemplishment.,to rescue her, Setting out eleno,.hie. experience-in trailing loon' by:ought Iglu upon the.heels of the savages. Find. ing.faintee.lf near them with his charecterielio- cool nese he slOpped,,at a, spring to drink and refresh ¢itneelfprev.ious,to ; beginning his work. While Mopping to drinkOwo of the party, whit were near. er than he thought, Smog upon him- Without at tempting to rise, he drew .hie .hunting knife, and with an . under stroke, killed one of .his assailants; then rising suddenly, he threw the other from hint, and ere he.could regain his feet, dispatched him. Thus much accomplished, he'took the trail of the others—followed them many_ iniles—came: upon them asleep—knifed three of them—Mille thongs of the captive woman, and was about to commence . his triumphant march. hpmeward, when ,another warrior, whose position behiqd a log.had screened him from view, sprang upon him.. Weak:from the loss of blotid, arid in the deadly, grasp of the sav age, Dale would now have fallen in the hands of foe,.wliom.he,had ever conquered, had not the lib crated woman snatched up a tomahawk and split the indianre ekulf. The :naval 'deliverers, having exchanAed — eoligratulatione open their Aortunate escape,- were soon in the. midst of their rejoicing friends. General Dale in after life, often said 'he had. given op all hope'ef life in this insteke, could hardly believe that , the weak emaciated fe male, whose captive throngs he had just • cut, was his deliyerer.. , The biographer of Clen. Dale, John ij. F. Clai borne, of Mississippi; cite the above incident, and vouches for its troth. The tales of Knight Errantry could hardly equal it in romance and wildness of adventure; and no Bois-de-Gilbert of the Middle Ag e' s , hi a panoply complete," could boast greater triumphs of hie lance, than Gen. , Date of his hunts ing knife. . Ater the treaty of peaee with the Indians, Gen. Deld settled to Landerdale county, in the northern part of Alabama, where his-log cabin was the seat er so ostensive hospitality. In 1836 he was eleell ed to the Slate Legislature, in whith he served with his characteristic openness and independence of character. An Interesting anecdote of him is re. hued by Mr. Claiborne, in hni biographical Memoir; We give it in the authors own language : " Some time ago Gen. Dale was held, in Mobile, ender. sor upciti a note. The debt was in the hands of a /stringer. Accompanied by an officer he aught the creditor, and tumid him in the saloon of ELTl lam's far•famed hotel. " Sir," said the General, it I have no money to pay this debt. The princi. pal has property—make him pay it, or let me go home and work tt out." The Shyloek hesitated u Very well,'? said the veteran, with tones that rang indignantly - through the apartment, 1, Very. well, sal Look at my scars I I will march to jail, down Music street, and • all Mobile shall witness .the treatment of an old soldier !" These simple , words fell like electricityppon the high•toned people: In half an hour a dozen of the brightest names of the city were upon the bond 7 and-before morning the debt was paid, and a lull discharge handed to the General. Gen. Vale died in 18f, at his residence, rr With the fortitede of a soldisn, and the resignation of a Christian." We know no better how to 'close this article, than by quoting from the well written bi• ograpny, which we have already used: In many respects, physical and moral, he re sembled his antagonist of ihe'Woods. lie had the square lOrehead'and high cheek. bones, the com pressed lips, and in fact, the phisiognomy of en In dian, relieved, however, by a fine benevolent Sax on eye. Like the red man, too, his toot fell light. ly upoo the ground, and turned neither to the right or left. Be was habitually traeiturn; bis face.grave —he spoke slowlyand hi low tones, and seldom laughed. I observed of him, what I had often not ed as peculiar to border men of high attributes, he entertained the strongest attachment for the Indians —.extolled their courage, their love of countryoind many of their domestic *lilies; and 1 have of ten .seen the wretched remnant of the Choctaw.s -r encamped around his plantation, and subsisting upon his crops. In p'ettee, they felt for him the strongest veneration—he bad been the friend both Of Tecumseh and Weatherford—and in war the name of" Big Sam" fell on the earof the Semi noble; like that' of Marius en the borders of the Cimbri!"—Georgia Unierrsiig ' ORIGIN OF VARI6OS harre. l rw heal was brought from the 4ntral table land of Thibit, here its re • preSentatile yet exist's! a grass, with small mealy seeds. ' i • _ _ Rye exists wild iq sibetia. . . Oats wild'in Norli-Arrtca., • Farley exists wild in the mountains of Himala• ( e' ya. i Milletyonti species is a native of India,' another ',Egypt and Abyssinia. Maize was brought froth America. • Canary Seed, from the Canary islands. Rice from Eitiith'Afitei Whenceit wee teken : lo India, mid thane's to Europe and America. Pease are ot unknorre origin.. . Latititgrow,Wild on thirottords of the bfediter rantian. '' lobett . lP? 4, .nieitire..of, Jrn and. , . C;hiok :Pegy,was brought:learn, the South . -af t Europe„ s - The seeders Bean Bait the Eist B.,s l o l whtifigi.ult#. l o. l .ll74,#°, 2l :Ai**. 100 MBMEMM , -.4.areikainzs3' osc DENlTTicuenorz Ell =ME= 1:7; -, 1:014:Aijf1 - C; . TO=RIPMIL '• No kdrnmed merit•!..noLlenglii.of serVide—no el gvelfon o,rili;ten,Oretik.this !Ink *filch he is ever ready td.strike - theis'ealpable , or-dialeyaf--= To maintain the diSeipline of his troops he is in the habit' warning and Picieifing„ at once to their irispeetion , r-whim !, Kittle officet nv private detected, in fault He. has,been known. on the instant" of discuiritiveurtitumen otinattentign, to tear off with his co f tin . haudstbe epatilettes and de corattve badges.of a vetemn and lavorite . offieer.— There revels in hie temperament.what may be called a dash of romance ; which set oft by a form great elegance and' nnisenlarrlingth, gives mhis actions grace, vivacity and utterer!". When repre. !muting .he imperial chief, hip details may be full of grandeur" and magnificence may be truly and orientally gorgeous- 7 th, audiences, banquets, the 1 imposing . and dramatic as those in the AtabiritlNights—yet often ,from them - he breaks abruptly away-travels through his kingdom, un known and onobserve&---gaining, perhapr, admis sion to the' palace of sortie neighboring sovereign under-fictitious name; or, as a nnedicant. by the way side, Oarints the charity of iheZinpress-or, it may ,be i as the avrii and captain ore steamer,affectr to run dovrn come lubbering captain of a small craft on the Baltic—and while ,suppcsed io be thus roam ing otter lite Empire, 'alarms his ministers by as suddenly presenting himself amongst them. A few yeata ago an American frigate—alikece lebrated for the beauty 61 her proportions—the` so lidity of her firm—and quickness of sailing—en, tered, the harbor of COnsiarull. Her arrival was at once communicated ... to Nicholas; and, before her anchor was fairly down, one of the richly ornamen ted steamers was observed approaching across the wide bay. The steamer*stopped about 100 yards distance from the frigate, a dazzling group of of ficers was seen to enter a , barge, the course of ' which wassimmediately directed towards the ship: Acting as coxswain to this barge, ani seated him self at die stern, appeared a Conspieuous a small white cap, encircled by a red barA and attired in a single" breasted dark green frock coat—the alike coiresporiding with the individual's sub ordinate capacity, and presenting a singular contrast to the epaulettes and other finery of those under whose orders he seemed stationed. Al -vays prepared to receive appropriately such visitors, our naval commander met Them at the gar gway and gave them a cordial welcome. Among them wee the Vice chancellor of the Empire, the minister of Marine, and number of admirals and general of ficers, who went " aft" into the cabin of the coin. modore, whilst their coxswain, as it conscious that he must look out for himself walked " forward" and Mingled carelessly with the common sailors. As he examined the battery and scrutinized the buo,varks, asking now and then some questions, the hardy tans," trained to discern The air and tone of real authority, instincily touched their iarpaulian hate, and winked knpwingly to each other whis. pering their conviction that it . 1 was the old , boy Itiinsell!" This suspicion circulated with rapidity tilt - otter the frigate, but noone deemed it decoroos by the slightest word br took, to intimate his exis tence to him' who thought himsell, as lie wished to be absolutely unrecognized. Alter inspecting this proud specimen of of naval architecture arid ar mament, the splendid cavalcade re-entered their barge. • find now arrived the moment when the comnie dote was to deCide whether he ehorrld give the or dinary salute at twenty one guns, or twice that number, constituting an imperiafsalute. The sus. peeled coxswain was then observed alone, and leaning okthe whealof the steamer, as the man of war's heavy cannon thundered from tier ports. He remained silent until oldie sound of the twenty. second dttn—ire matted With surprise—gathered his officent emend him, and atter he had explained to them that the "Cute Yankees" had seen through his disguise, he issued his orders for theresumption of his true character. Signals were immediately noticed to - he eichanged with the Fa trooqing forte, and tea or twelve Russian ships in - the haibor. The , etar spangled banner Was then hoisted at the mast head of the steamer, gracefully playing across the bows of the American ship, while every other arm ed 'hip commenced firing answering salutes— When these ceased the flag of the Union slowly descended, end Nicholas proclaimed his personal presence by hoisting in in its stead the standard of his houieJ—the dark, double-headed vazle, on a yellow grotiti&.- wiliest) appearance, as if by magic; awoke the cannon of both 'on' the shore and the bay produced the deafening roar of 2000 guns. The self-Confidence Which leadsto those eccentric move ments characterizes the - deportment-of- the sover. eign everywhere-and - at all titaee. Our fancies are apt to imagine him always moving in state, and hedging himself around with guards and attendants with all the - show and pomp of the appurtenances of tyranny. Such is not , the case. Why, the el. eeted citizen king of !ranee ; with power expressly defined and reetricted, feels' safe only within his. palace walls, or amt6o;ided by his aokliere, whilst Nicholas,' the ontestrieted end' irreeponsible despot, maintains, in'all hie intercourse with his people,' the freedom and- -harelessnese ttnimporterntri vapy. He is eeen at allliours—in a small tangle horse eleigh . in - xn'Operi ciarlage;cin horseback or on foot tinacconiPariled;iml undistinguished; ex-. cept by the/4 familiar with his general perstinaliV [marina - Of Physitrgnomyrst meters often, unaware' of hit preseneer,"Pietirig hittiWithotil respect. Qtr" How well be- plays -for tine so young," esid Panington, , ,ai the' organ boy sod his meekey-pettonnisk,neat her door; (6.and how :mneitt his little brother looks like'him, to be sure." Atm Ito report that a achoolmaater chasiiseM a boy with a railroad awilobria doabtedj.. : ~•:~ r* WM !MEI /M .Thetaucaslan Bait -.+ _ ,•• , The following eictract is , taken\ ern the Life of 'Alfred the Great. • It ehowsiti a striking light the immense energy of the Calioasian, race and their 'aernmanding influence.opon the destiny of the ho. man family • - 7For three•thonsand years the Caucasian :ace, ,have continued tinder all cirounislancea.anti in ev. ery variety of situation, to, exhibit the same traits and the same indomitable pro t wegs. No calamities however greava-mi.tiesotatinp ware, no destructive pestllence;no westirietinifne, no night cif darkness however universal and, ever Amon able to keep them digratlation or barber. Therela not novra b4blitons people to. be found in the Whdle - racp ) tint there has not been one for a thoueetni Year!:'" 1" ' • • ' • ' , Nearly all the great,exploits, and achievements too, Which, have signalized the history of the world, bevel:leentenor - Med by This branch of the human family. "They heie given'ealebrity td, every ‘ ttge in which they have hied; and to every country that they have ever possessed, .by some great deed .or disc over!i; or aeltievernent, whfeh their intellectual energies;have accomplished: As Egyptieni:they built ine pyre - 0k atidleared anemone Monoliths which returainis perfect now •as , ihey•wire when first completed thirty - Centuries ago. ' As Plateni clans, they constructed' ships, perfected navigation and explored,. without c.ompasa or chart, every known sea. As Greeks they modelled architemg ral embelliehmentsi-cut sculptures in marble, and wrote poems' and history, which have been ever since the admiration of the world. As Romans, they carried a Complete and perfect military organ ization over fitly nations and a hundred million 01 people, with one supreme mistrese avet all, 'the rums of whose splendid palaces and monuments ha4e not, yet 'passed away. Thus has this race gone, alWays•distinguishing itself, by energy, ac tivity and intellectual power, wherever it '"has dwelt, whatever language it has spoken, and ire whatever period of the world it has lived. It has invented printing, and filled every eonntry that it occupies vrith'perniarient records .of the past, ac cesaible to all. It has explored the heavens, and reduced to precise and exact calculations alt the complicated moikins there. It has ransacked the earth, systematized, arranged and classified the vast melange of plants, and animals, and mineral pro. ducts to be found upon its surface. It makes steam and falling water lb do• more than half the work necessary for feeding ankclothing the human race —arid to the howling winds of the ocean, the very emblems of restlessness, destruction and terror, it steadily emdloye in interchanging the products of the world and nearing the means of comfort and plenty to every clime: The Caucastan tace has thus, in all ages, and in all the varieties of condition in which the different branches of it have been placed, evinced the same great characteristics, marking the existence of some innate and constant constitutional superiority, and yet, in the difiet'eru branches subordinate differences appear, which are to be acconered for, perhaps, partly by difference of circumstances, and partly, perhaps, by similar constitutional diversities, by which one branch is• distinguished from other branches, as the whole race is from die other races with which we have compared them. Among these branches, we, Anglo.Sazona ourselves, claim for the Anglo Saxons the superioria over all oth• ere. Mom Homes —The Albany . Register, Speak ing of riding hobbies, says: h is this same riding hobbies, that has made philosophy, science, got , ernmental policy, the arts, what they are. Newton mounted his hobby of Gravitation, and ,mark the splendid theory developed by his ride lFaust rode "Printing, and nine the light that has beamed upon the world. Herschel( mounted the Stars and con templated the mighty worlds laying' away off on the outside boundary of thelTniverse that he dis covered. Our Pilgtim Fathers atrided Republican ism, and looked around upon this magnificent couniry, Mut - they wrenched from tingly rule, and sent it forward upon its lofty mission. tulton threw his leg over Steam, and a jolly ride he had. Hark to the scream of the steam whis!le, the snort of the iron horse, and the thunder of the hoofs. See the steamboats stemming the currents of the great Rivers, end the great steamships booming over the Ocean, going with ar straight wake, right into the wind's eye. BADLY CORNED.-A, traveler, fatigued with the monotony of a long ride through a partly settled section of the dountry, rode tip to a small lad who wap engaged in trimming and drestir* out a slat) looking field, and relieved the oilireeion of his spirits thus.' "My yoong . fricrtd, it storms to tratiyou corn is rathersmall."' " Yee, sir, daddy planted the small &int! " ' ll Ah, bin it appear, to look rather yellow too " " Yes, eir, daddy planted the yellow kind." • " - From appearances, my lad, on won't gel More than half a Crop." , `" Just halt, strang er—daddy ,planted 11 on halves." The horseman litteeetledon - his' way, and has not been knoWn to spealtto a boy tiince.. He con. shiers them bores. Orr " How. la husband, dear I" asked one lady ol'another. "0; he's in a very bail state," wart the reply. ft And pray; what hind of a elate is he in I" atilt persisted the Other. "In Stab pris on,", replied the lady .blushing... Inr A sada once had o high dial:five with hie who wished him to the devil. " Plague oh me, Peg," etti,d . e, don't think that t should fare pretty well. with the.old , teltoor, as I married into his - ..oZrltmen4,4l fyiso's tito-foilegyeiTho sod of vromeo's life is about two and thirty. • • MEE MOM tt = "2. ' ; ' .. '- fci to' TA ..~ t :7;.'i , _ ME c~,.., ~. -. -~; . 1.. , ~ c Ea =I ?site on a Ansi. Massy saikailisie" klbie' back bil - rn says cousin• gaily, running. into the ketchen In Marm Green, who, op to her 'elbows in' doogl , gi dropl'all," and came out to dee hei kapethl stali - inici the porCh as big as sit ottititiiant. " Whet' on airih, Eb, hey you been.!". 11 .7 1 the old lady.' ,1 Where her I been? "Why, 'Oat daown to Bossing;' blsssy Balks, Eb, What on airthdid yeudaw— had-You a good time, Ebenezer?" " Good time? Ch-o•e=ugh, - persimmons! hadn't a time?' Cute time, by golloy ; a eland, marm, I made the money. fly—did by gikly," gi Why how , you taLk, eh ?" says Marm Green. " I hoiie, son Ebenezer, pot ,didn't break any of the com'man'dments, or- nothi ng?" "Break .the conirmindments Wa-a•alt, aro diAn't break Ruth-in."- Everlasdn' salvation, rearm, peon don't sliose . a r feller's igoln' down deowl to Boating and Goi eat a shine nor aoili in. You see warm, Lwent inteu , a shiwp to get a thinkof that almighty good stuff, slime beer, and two gals, elepk critters , axed me ten ten& Lind 'since 'idive! : —yeon Met den it tbough Eb !" " Wa-a all I did though neow ! I was trout on a tune, mann, and , I didn't care a dam whether eibool kept .or not, ~ a s the:boy told his boss." " Ebenezer, don!t yon swear I" Haim a gone to, Mum ; but you see them gals axed me to treat; trull did and don't keer a darn who knows it ! You paid for the two glasses of sprime beer and ine, that was a fel ( pence, slap dab ; then I bonght two dents Worth of reesinsdor 'em, and, by Bunker, I'd rather spent that hull nine-pence than gone off sneakin'. Arrscrtsterr To Hoare.—ft has been said of Americans that they manifest lest Wad:talent to the place of their birth, and less ret,,rird for their friends of other days, than any people in the civilized world. The leave"their friends and their homes; and cast themselves upon the 'tide of uncertain, and often anpropitions adventure; but not because the society of friends has become irksome, or the home of their childhood hart lost the charms of its pristine beany : No !deep, bitter, and abiding are the sor rows that entwine the heart of a dutiful sen and affectioate daughter when perhaps for the last time, they look upon the form of an aged mother, whose years admonish, all, that ere long the cold hand of death will consign her to a resting-place forever =- Who that has ever beheld the streaming eyes of a fond and lot ing mother, who, with stricken heat t and heaving bosom, would clasp the hand of her departing child, and, as the last maternal office, point him to a Faith which leads to a happy spirit land; who on the whole earth that has seen this, can say that an American does not love home and friends? Thank Heaven, our countrymen are indus trious; and enterpiising and bold, though they are generally poor; and their footsetps are directed for fortune and for honor. And the homes and the friends that they love are henceforth remembered in their elysian dreams of pleasure forever gone.— He who does not wander back in sweet recolection, and live again the sunny hours of times gone by, sorrounded by friends whom he can never forget, is a 6 human icicle," and never enjoyed the society of a true friend, or knew the care of a father and the love of a mother. Should any one ask me why home Was the spot which, above alt others on earth, we cherish the undying memory of, I would answer, because it is the place where we have felt the smiles and enjoyed the love of Our mothers. Wno OUGHT TO DRINK LIQUOR —Not the rid), for in it there is no refreshment. Noi the poor, for it irk:ties their purse, their cred• it, their health, their moral., and their Nut the idle man, for he is lazy enough with- out it. Not the merchant, for it will probably render him a bankrupt. Not the mechanic, for it will Cause him to make promises which he cannot keep, and so lose his customers. Not the farmer, for it will make his cattle lean, his sheep hide-bound, his barn empty, and fill the windows of his house with old bats and old rags. Otr Mrs. Partington's niece, upon being told by a young lawyer, that in the country whets he re sided they held Court, four times a peer, " La me ! why you aint half up to the business—the young fellows here come a courting three times a week." oz:r _ mo t late trial, the delendent who was not familiar with the multitude of words which the law employs to make a trifling charge, after listen. ing.itophile to She reading ol.the indictment, jump ed up and said," Them 'ere alligatirms is false, and that, 'ere alligator knows it I" iti*" tell, Mug, how yon Belt dem broom so' much cheaper dan die inderwideral can do, when, between you and me, I steal de stuff to makedent wid '• Way, you black fool, Pomp; I steal' mine ready make." Kr U Curve out here and ni liult the whole of you," as the boy sail when he eaw a bottle lull of sugar sticks in a shop window. Oz The man whdltied to sweeten his tea With one of his wifs's smiles, has' fallen back" on su. gat. Nothing hke first principles, after all. (Itt. There are two cures for love—an extra's , gaol wile and eixpenee worth of arsenic. The for , mer, however, is the most certain. • Ettp An editor don eulinOts that the oottstant murmur of 'the sea reminthi hini of his wile. And no doubt the squalls of old ocean temlud him of hra s i • childrep. FEM MEM s==6. ito