Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 01, 1854, Image 4

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Appraisement. and Dlassifitation
iv the differettl, fttratelt"gtioittla the,aale of
‘.." Goods, Wonsan:l Ifintunnittal i n.the,Countyi
of Bradford fur the yea! I 844„wjqt,tha oostoutt 9;
license thentlnto annexed :
. ~~ r
Kellogg & Co
J ! .htt Horton _
'G II di dr ft Mort ow
Barton Stone' ''
- 411Itt
David Gardner
Juba Wat.s.:n
3 P Jackson
A 13itileinan
liquor 14
• liquor i 4
Har.ks dr, Page
Georti Pirkisti
Bell & Smith
C Park & Boa
C C Brooks
C H Herrick
W H Ftutcher
14 Sayer
R Pd Welles
Edward Aced!!
C Comstock '
G A Perkins
A Morley & Brothers
Morley & Campbell
Loot & Merry •
M C Meteor
F Hall 4 Co,
J Vandyke jr4' Co
Gridley 4 Colwell
G W Rogers 4. Co
Duller & Doty
F G & A G Manley
'A H Kiss'
N Tutt!e
Itunniford &Herrick
b 8 Alexander
L Dodge jr
A B Austin
Lapoitti 4. Co
U Moody •
W Mereur
B IC Hawley & Co
J. 1) Taylor
H 8 Holcomb
Asa Brown
Parkhurt & Lamb
Smith & Wilcox
Ezra flo!comb
Newton, White & Co
Drown & Rockwell
P Lyons
.7 V Rice
smith & Cramer
E.O h J Potter
1 Humphrey, & Co
C E Chubbuck
Bahlecin i• Stevens
Bailey & Sou
F H 'McGeorge
George 11,Litelo
Black ¢ Pierce
BF Buck
11 C Evens
West 4- Voorhis
f: F Wilson
11 G Cornell
Judson Holcomb
Washburn St Frost
J W Woodburs
irrisvzxa crass.
ti W Tracy
George Sievert,
Jared Hart
H P Kinney & Co liquor 14
W B Campbell &Ca do 14
T Hutchins (4
bullock& Phelps
E tit Tracey
Durfee 4 Fritetker
Daly as Hart
G Blakeslee
C T Morph'?
ifirara Spear
TEO? 10100013
8 W Paine 13
C K Spencer 4 Co
Newberry 4 Peck ' 12
Hernck d FornerOy , 12
Alvin Stephens liquor 12
S WeeDF Pomeroy
0 P Ballard
E F Ballard
James Adams
F L Ballard
E Goodrich '
liivtin l
do IS
Tow/mai Donovan.
H 81 . Memur
Montmayes & Co
Tracey & Moore
Alesander 4 %Limon
Collins 4 Powell
W A Chamberlin
Burton Kingebery
OD %Wets
Billy 4 Nevins ,
C Potter •
8 Felton & Co •
Hall 4 Russell
Joseph M
Joseph Powell •
G H Bunting
A M Warner
J H Phinney
Goy Tracey '
J ¢ T Mather
C Rockwell & Co
Gibson, & Gcrseline
J A Me
M 4 R Tyrrell
J P Roger,
G W Talmadge
R Cooper
C Knykendall
Edna!! & Benedict
M 1.;-& J 8 Merdough
John Roberts - • -
Ebenezer Horton
'Wells 4 Bizby
A ugustukLewis
Elisha, Lewis
Cyrus Amy .
T .4* 4 R Piollet
Lewis & Madild
Nyer' ¢ Reed
A Lint aid ClaisificitiOn of the Beer Muses, Eat
ing House*, &c., for the county. of" Bradford for
the yest4 - 1854; - undef not of of the
10th of April, 1849, entitled " an act to, create a
Town. Name. Atriqual
*vie 'Ainittigh,:,o;ietttker Sell, •• 8
.4 - - = Judi Hager,
Ilurliegton..:.lllearyolfasbiti " .15"
i.v.Thootifilyan 3 ' 5'
Canton H Tuttle T r* " 6
, Colavitia,;; VilLtit* "
zj Ittoiniii.-,kAtaborrigultin
♦X Mitt,
7 ‘ f 9
'7 'Ott
7 CO
Asivami -
„-7 00
10 50
tO Sti
- 14
7 00 •
7 1M
7 00
CAlrros ,
10 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
, 10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
Liquor 14
10 50
7 00
7 00
17 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
15 00
liquor 13
10 00
10 OG
to 00
7 00
7 00
7 00'
cs 00
to co
M 33
TO 00
12 BO
7 00
10 00
10 00
liquor 14
10 50
7 00
10 60
10 50
10 50
liquor 14
do 14
do 15
10 00
7 00
7 00
liquor 14
10 50
7 00
7 00
10 50
10 50
7 00
10 00
10 00
15 00
liquor 13
10 00
7 00
10 50
7 00
hckuor 14
liquor 14
do 14
liquor 14
7 00
7 00
7 00
15 00
, 14
liquor 13
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
' l4
liquor 14
7 00
10 50
7 00
7 00
liquor 14
10 50
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
liquor 14
liquor 14
do , 14
10 50
/0 50
10 50
4 6
' 4 11' • A o^ ,
Tuwenik Borough....A J Noble 8
Miles'Ca rEttr/' 5
i..H Set)t 8 5
- Cefir62 -- . Lv4l - 4 5
e .11artitifi, .:,.81!'' 4-1 .•1 5
C Drake B7;
thandi S4O C harles Taylrir
,Nt J 3 skJ,G tjereblds
H'if,tgin. • a
Pike.. W Morley 8 ' 5
o•TrivYrk Cis • -8 -- 5
~L'J '
Daniel Harkins
.... . W H -Plowman
. , . ,
AList and Claasiftr4tion .of. Me persons_yngsged
, in the sale of ,Nostrums P Patent Meiticines, - Ae ,
for ilmeounty of Brailfor.l, for the year . ISM. in
der the ac't of Assembly of April 10, 11345.:
fiuos., .- ' -.: tut._ . ; - _ • Clang. A tnount.
Ailteds 80r0ugh....0 D Herrick 4 1 ,5
' - '" - %or&i . 4% i`eikiiVs -• 4' ' 5
Canton. ... r Hail 4 , :sieo '
telloy— ... Partchu rst Sc.', Lamb ' • '4: * 5
1 ' . Ezra Holcomb' , 4 ' 5
Monroe.. .Newton, White - 15. Co : . 4 ' (1'
Orwelt....T • umphry 4. Cu ~ - A . 5
Pike.....D Bailey 4 lion 4 5
.Borne....Judio - ii Holcomb ; 4 5
Towanda Borough... Al C Porter 4 • 5
• ... .1. M'lleed '-';-' 4 5
Troy Borough..:.V M. 411 M - Loog A 5
C Drake... 4 5
.„. .. 4 ... •.• • • Pzl. Ballard 4 5
Standing etdne...."1 . . , 4V Tracey 4 5
A L'et and Classification garble different DisttHerres
in Bradford Cconty,Tor the year 11354,per act of
Alsemllly of Alai! 19, 1819.
Town. Nam. Class. Amount.
Springfield —Win Brace 10 $5
Tmy....J E Goodrie4 • . 10 5
- slreshrquiu....B liewell :ion • , 10 5
A Lest and Classification of *he Bankers in Brad,
ford county, fur the - year 18M.
`Name. • •. • Amount Lie.
Towanda buro'. —Laporte, Mason 4. Co. $1500'545
Noticeris hereby siven•that an appeal wilt be held
at the Commissioner's °Coe, in Towanda, on the
fsth day , of July next, at which time and place any
person aggrieved by the foregoing classi final ion can
attend if they think proper. B. L. BROWN,
June 13, 1854. 'Mercantile A pprai.:er.
ISM. X0..7. 15F - .±:110b 9 :136
Tsnow being:replenished with a full and complete
stock of
Dregs, Medicines,
Paintg, Oils, rurmshes, it Glass, Pare Wines
and Diquors, @.;
Together with Paints, TurOntine, Varnish, fDye
, Woods & Dye Stutrs, Glass, Putty, choice Gruderies,
! pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.—
Also. Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles sou
t - nected with the trade: '
In short, every thing connected with the trade. The
Goods have been bought extremely low, for cash,
and will be sold accordingly.
N. B. A superior article of Tanner's and Neat's
Foot Oil just received..
CU; RamEnnsa the place-3 doors &mob of Men'
tanye s corner—same building of the • Argos Office.'
AB of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. kyrei Cherry Pec
torial, scheneks Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow Duck
ItCoot, Orrick's, Holionsacks, and Jaynes' Vermifuge.
Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines
now in u.a constatitly en hand and for sale at
REED'S Drug Stare. •
- Three Doors below Moutanye's ;,oruer
Towanda, January 3, 1853.
L 'baps—some of them new and beautiful pdtterna.
In short, everything advertised in his regular col
umn, has been elimpletelyfilledm, with fresh Goods
from New-York end Philadelphia.
Mathewson's Hale Remedy, Gargling Oil, Mus
tangtinament, and several new and popnlai Medi
cines which will be sold extremely low for Cask.'
Paints,Oils Varnishes, Glass, Wines Li4uors,
&c., as usual.
601UARREI,d of old Ohio Whtslet, just received
and for salt wholesale and'retail, at Reed's
Drug Store,
11191. QUINTLEB of Codfish, 2.0 boxes of Herring,
5 barrels of SaleratuS, warrented in prime
order, left on sate at New. York cash prices at
REED'K Drug Store. Towanda. Jan, 28, 1853.
1.96 EMPTY Rarrels, suitable for Cider, Pork
and Beef packing.lec. in good order, for
sale cheap at REED'S DRUG irroßE.
Sept. 4, .1853.
STILL I INO'cI p7ri Akio ?
TIDE subscriber would, an
inane to the p ublic that he
se now on hand,and willmike
-order all . kinds,
lch as Sofiallvana, „twinges
ienter,card,Dinitig . and Break
fast Tables. Mahogany. Wel
lut, Maple and Cherry. Bureaus,
Stands of various kinds,,Cbairs
and. Bedsteads of every description,,which•nre,nnd
will, be made of the best material and. workmanlike
manner, and which .they win sell for cash cheaper
than can be, bought in any ptherWare-room - in the
country. . • ,
on hand on the most reasonable terms. A good
HEARSE will be furnished on Funeral occasions.
z - - ' ' iAhtE3 MACKINSON.
Towanda, Inne - I, " ' '
• *, racifie
TUSTv received,' a aew -supply of D. Farwell's
Oreat.raetlicirto for Meaure of Oodsumptiott. ,;••
PersOna-thrsate.ne4 witLthaalarming.dlsesse,would
do well to apply thisatedicine before-ib becomes too
late. ..-Price..l par liktlwisvaiWlottlettior4s.'l.
16541.. 10N,,050F.11-Vi.
• - miermadorzt
non, eti4 oittui Watt
-1)// 4 Dom, sou& Co.) • - - -- - 1 4 " ,111te g•
Toiriuida, Nardi, '
OINEEMAWY:4', 0) co , 9
rt , ?4 , 111 1 X,737
vOOL VAN STlcif'. O. Wet LITT:-
u : ob .
'' . VailfAitirv:fttih - fc#Qiygeiclottenflfirrenn
irnishibg GO - 014"tcfnitk,;#4 of every of ---
ro4tultz4,4:4B'3riticie;i,.toi skins, Twyed4: Kenttyks
.. jeizziir-4"q - eiie :Shirts Collars -Skisl4
Ilosti6i;tfi'itillendereilats eairt
Bags, Traub; Conehic- fcc: '4 • 2%.
tv'fiiliC t inti) - ch - COperVtlinti' (be same
.tie °lke r eVildiattntenritt - Plis cottntry: '
• Tliey ltOte . • n'ivellitt'atitiftie*Cd ay
.4 - Ortinent Or .,
. 5
8 „ 5
to whieh. we' ,invite the-attention of buyers. Our
Clothing is-ntestly made up in the'shop-r-anti,not
rchased at "slop-Otolta 7; r:-as some we mot of.
• ord e r%lit 'fife - Tailoring tirie,eieettfed'tn the most
YishicinableAstiner, at the" itairte..4 flatlet, andwhr
Tlwpyiblii will please one fact that
tt ose nor pea 'with the trisinitai
is capable of judghtt the _ quality and of -a
garment ; hence `reason :Why the 'Crinincutititi.
have hien so' nincti unposed upon by a certain etaas
of community who deal in the article ; - they
were not practically,iut4 pmfessionally cheats, could
of pecessity. !maw rilfithingtabaut The business.—
They ire eertr_hi. if the Public- iWohld'iionitutt-thitir
true interest, they would-pnrchue,onty of.those act
gestated with the business,
Towanda. April 12, 1854,
ar. de, S. ILLElZarirDta,
N the Brick Block, next door to Metcurs store have
I just added to their stock, a large and fashiona
ble assortment of ,
of every variety, both of style and price, to which
they ask the attention of the public. This is now
the largest stock
Ever Offered in Towanda!!
and will be sold at prices considerable lower than
eeer before 'known in this place.' Oar goods ; are
selected with a regard both to style and price, and
offer inhicements,Dot to be met with at any other
Strangers visiting Tosvandaito mint of Clothing
will find
at our establishment, in this section of the boyntry,
and made in such style and materials as to ensure
satisfaction. We shall endeavor by
to secure petronage. feeling confident that our arti
cles will give satisfaction to the purchaser.
The assortment comprises every article required
for a gentleman's outfit. TERMS--.CASH.
Overcoats, Coals Pants, Otrcralls Caps 4c.
Loomosrs.—Next door south of ?demur's Main
St. Towanda ; and No. 7 Water st. Arnouts Hall.
GJ All kinds of Country Produce, W0014c., tak
en in exchange for Goods.
Towanda, October 13, 185 a.
II ( 1 ) De a iPI k ki[4lll
611 - 0:11M ErraTlMlraD
Over J. .Kingsbery s Store—Entrance neat door to
Montanpes' Store, up staff s.
GRATEFUL for past favors, ann es to his
friends and the public in general, t at he still
keeps vci hand a good assortment of /trans Manz
CLOTHING, which he wi!l sell cheap for CASII. He
beltevet that a . Nimble sis pence is worth more
than a slow shilling.' He also has commenced
manufacturing Clotning—selecting the cloths hint.
self in the city, a-d. emptnys none but the best of
workmen in making them up. He would .assure
his customers that his Clothing is manufactured un
der his own eye, and in his own shop, and not let
out by the job to unexperienced or incompetent wark.
men. -Thus, persons wishing . n suit or any portion
thereof, can order The same with a perfect cenaitity
of getting a good fit.
He has also on hand a general assortment of geni
tlemen's Shirts and Collars, which he will sell
cheap for cash. . .
g'Custom work promptly done as usual. Ile
invites his friends to cation him at his new quarters,
over J. Kingrbery's 'tore, and immediately opposite
U.3lcreur's Law. Office, before buying elsewhere.
Now if you are wanting. yon lively can find,
Cosh, Pants and Vests just made to your mind.
So nice and so snug they'd suit to a T„
8. perfectly fine, there's no toorn for a flea.
If y ourlinen wants changing, and sometimes it will,
ou'il find shirts and collars fora very small bill;
Come then one and all, who are out clothes hunting,
And you can be fitted by Grams H. Hurrutu '
N. 13. He is sole Agent for ELIAS /LOWS'S Jr,.
'atent Sewing , AX.achine,,
for the counties of Bradford and Susquehanna. 'Any
person wishing to virchase the right for using the
above , lachine in said counties, can be accommo
dated by calling AD him, Where they Can see it ope•
rate.-- It is well demonstrated-that thityrnachine is
the best patent now in use. Its validity has been
establiblied by trial at law in Boston, in July, 1852:
This trial resulted in fully confirming and establish
ing the claims of ilowe's Original Patent to' the ex
elusive right and use of all needle and shuttle Ma.
chines, or their equivalents, and the stitch and sear
formed thereby! , . O. 11. 8..
The public are cautioned against purchasing spu
rious Machines, as all sewing Machines now in use
infringe upon this invention, and all parties who
have infringed, by using Machines Or otherwise,
who Wish to save legal expenses, may obtain'proper
license under the original patent by applying 'as
Towanda, August 15, 1853.
The Waverly Ready Made Clothing,
Mott at Wells, 'Merchant Tailors,
"TAPE tbo !tenor of announcing to the citizena Of
Bradford Coanty, that they,havo , just received
the largest and‘tnost fashionable stock of"
ever brought into old -toga, consisting in part of the
following.anicles: ,•. _ vv.
Over, Dress ' '
rock and Beak Coati t..'irests,,, Pi t{q
Shirts, Dress,
rappers, Overalls, stocks,.
Cmvats.Collaty, Pocket h'dkfs, &c.
Cloths and Trimmttgi.centistantly, on hand—also
the ,fali.faitiblrof Oafs: rind - :;;;• , ;!,;:f:
IttOclOor - Ptirifiskitig amidt' ir'utiatttpase (n
Tioga, and compriking everything necessary for a gen
dentar4 outfit. Particular attention will be - paid - lb oil
ow-a - aatz
Having received received the latest Nar,York PtishiOnsi vve'sre
prepated to get up suits ini - thiAshottest notice and a
superior manner. CUTTING 4iiie on 'hart notice,
and itinittited;tu'dt thade up.
: - = - MOTT AVELM"
Broad et., first door east of the Post Office.
Waverly, Nov; tO, •
timin stastratataii.
flE.on*liatiit,naentigPa l i,er 'lane*
'N ;ibis VIChl Ek. fre§trefock jOsUcomog, 0,
ptie4: O. D . .
•• TotrandtWApril' 21'""1853' ' '
. t farnT~ _
aoss ihoFiicheAp,ltutiri jaw ifoo'l
am} lot" s ale' •. •
D QClC l SALT.÷4:luantily'pf - T (nitre Tgaudfielt
"%Plot tilevbf" :IVAtg;;ETWIMIXS‘
gragyalf4ilt-=on batarind for r 1e by
Mrzcli IC/854. BAILEY & NESINE:
- , ~~~os~
~_ ,_ ._
'Toady made Vicrthing,
tit §
'''"AovEtplstrvitNY'''' "
Bradford -CowsCy. Peiniylvapiet. •
1.1,41 f.. L. l•
StraigNutters. .1 •
HOVEVO.4l . .4euk.sp_ol...knjicApmeaUtraw Cut.'
tern, orianotitiitisesr* 1,-*C. , 6 and 6. •
ters aro better and +abaft - kr than4hevritightlinifirCit
ter, with knives set diagonally on the Asir; -
Thi knives
_fin • Ffoyey's erti 7 4 - it'alr
en ablei thins lo'..nt Strightrangteit gsinst Matins hidr
roller. They cat-steadily, witla•sa_jarking-t4ari.eitaity
kept in repair. :.Each knife 4tuale,takett off and ehtir-t
pened withostidistnrbing thaLahaft, a (orotisar knives)
and if necessary knife - earl Vti ger or„in,en
lelkeep theta eu true, if one knife ''shOttta 'Wier faiiiec
than another. 'Every farmeishonidteriennit of thise'
'labor and feed itsvinvmabhinex.
.41. For sole' wholesale and retail-..a liberal discount
made to those who buy to sell aged&
R. hi. WELLES.
Athena,. Pa., November 10,1855.
Bradford County Premium Cora, Shellers, ; •
UTHOLESALE end Retail! The very bait article
V V to be found is the.county.,_eqd chespest—(wiii—
ranted)—for this Agrieultdrat end Stove store of
Nov. 10, 180. ' R. M.iVVELLES:
COOK STOVES, of various and eztellent patterns
and sizes--several patterns of :superior Elevated
Ovens. =On r -WhiCh ill &combination of the Clinton
and National Air 'Fight, Milled the EAGLE% -Also a'
selected stock, of eygiutt Offlor t haji,,eb9p, 4stirch.
arursiliool house Stcivesi fiaftlr fin. *mg ciall4—of
sizes and-prices-to iiuit ail-chase 'ciitairielki
and sea. Nov. 10. '
sausage and mi n c e Meat Cutt,ekk.
DIZIC,ES4 and $5. EverylkinteY;ebould have one
ofthcse'eicelfant . tabor saving artieleii they, art
capable of cutting from 100 to 200 pounder - of meat per
hour, and are very simple;litirtaista and , ettaDY kept in
repair, for stale'hy ' •
Athens, Nov. 10.1R53.- • •It M. -WELLF.§.
zusanonruitrit a do.
#rra of Latuorettx, Hffii & Unseen. having
taken in 11.1,..Lamoreux as a parfner, will
continue the Foundry business, generally, under the
name of 1. L. & IL L. LA stotitm& Co., at their
old .stand, known as the Eagle Foundry, in the soOth
part of the Borrnmh of Towanda, where they will
manufacture to order and keep on hand a large as.
sortment of the following articles, to wit
ofiAll kinds. including Mill irons, Mill gearings—
the Rose etc Johnson Water wheels, 4-c. 4-c.
Stoves- .
Box, Coal, Cooking and ?odor stosesoit all kinds,
sizes and prices.
North Branch, Nos. 1, 5 and 7—Blatr,hly Nos. 1
and 2—Binghamton, Wayne County, Excelsior,
Side-hill and Corn Ploughs, &c.
Cora-Shelters di, Straw Cutters.
Wagon hogeg,tileigli-shoes, Piough , points, - gearing
for Chain pumps, Grindstones, *e., and other' artii
ties too numerous" to. mentiond , - -
- Having secured the services ofJ. B. IRVINE, well
known's! a skillful lfischinest, the firm feel eonfil
dent thzt they can manufacture and repair all kinds
of machinery in as workmanlike manner, and on as
easy . terms as tiny establishment this side of New-
' Steam Engines Irrilllsp, repaired. satisfactorily, on
el ort notice: Padiculat attetitioi ba,paid to the
Pattern pepartment; and all ordere fulfilled bn' the
shortest possible notice, •
( rj. Particular attention i# called to I. B. Irvine's
celet,rated Exce)sior , Pleogb,. which ;took the first
premitutbof 1116 13rOdfOrd County Fair: of 185.3. Also,
to the Elevated - Oven Eagle Stove, the' bist r.iw wn
Uld fron, Yirasa, Copper. Zinc, Penlet, skod,Grain
and all kindi i fConntry produce taken in payment.
N. 11.—All Notes and accounts due, the 'firm of
Lamoreux, Hail and Russell, are let! 41 The handl of
1. L. & H. L. Lamoreux for - collection, and immediate
attention PI calls!! !co Iba sarue, w, bleb rtttai; caw bY Connt "' ' "
D. O. r
~_„...11011EC ,
C. S. Itv . IL L. LAzonsvx
°lt" icrirgii6iitir..sor.
teßago leaffgat ,
1 AVlNCrentered into an ariangeinetit
he can havellLfiCK TEETH fliinishekto ors
der, informs the public that he iepiepareil mount
suction_pjateip,thismew,and-improved, meth od,;..;' The greid'itip'eriisFlV brilfOlocleityle of *mount.
log plates is at once appirant to those who have for
anyiength of -time-worn artificial teeth: To those
who have yet to be initiated, it is only-necessary'to
say, that in the old Method of mounting theplate
wall 4 succession of single teeth, it was no.unnsual
thing for a tooth to drop off ; by the new method no
such accident can take -place ! the teeth belng - -all
connected byeach other. - In the second place,. the
plate with block teeth is always clean and sweet, bet
cause there is no chance for deposits of food being
made, however small, the upper rim being capped,
thus effectually precluding even the saliva front mi.
king a lodgment, and in the third place, the adapta
dots of the grinding surface is better fitted for mas.
ticatory purposes, the-irregularities being mode ex
.4actly to correspond with those of the teeth of the op.
posing jaw. .
With a properly fated suction plate, having an air
chainber, and mounted with block teeth a person
may crack hickory nuts with impunity.
And.sleep in spite of"—toothaehe.
WOILIC wattasarran.
TAlTV§Rl4lo,disioso.Of property; 4,4411tes
V V„4utngisnslyip,*a4fos4 coati ty,,,,gloasylsa s
offafs .sale ,upou itoft : most
real* abliterms, slut iskiltet -tbq-atteo dot) those
'Phe prO p say ., contains two hundred siiorl:orkpilues, aikalop;, iko:Ausauellaonst river,
with largerrtiog ofp:Amritats,,of,titellwrheiq t
ift ll 44-,of grawiaticc 414irttikadaptett deity,
•- • The. im PrOVelne.rAssrtklattejsko, StOrY
unfcx HOUSE, built, .Ist„year: .._and fin-
I : - ifiiitiii.thicklat4iirt•liith.,6tiCiAitchen
and wood, ho asa. r atoched. are, also
girea - 146' Diielittle 4Ooses:itaa
iso large clOS`blO' roofed sheilifpr'iiialilss eodoatt e.
Tht!Ketiire also ilirakOtPloo.B ofaholpealp le fre44o4a
AOss, sc,lso !
014 lido . ea aigti . Olfe acjss, 4odes
FaieraOrit; „tialancq sr/kilos byr;
idilf,Vcßell Ms p~ic4 .460,0i*p1ie„411:61:4,,,741kim
rii sot n 5
pr4etty'isas formerly - trtreo;ra*a,..*
win:,,tottktofAnit pa;sosssri 4' . 4004401 i Or
412,44 MAXpm ax 5 . ..ti4.4,fmr.01.04"
CP * P O i 1 00.4 -9=9 (5 mrsivßegifi.„.4.,M,FAtkin4n
cipi*rfeafil 912-Pzde the
-- °4O
rEatia RAW I 6:41; qt.
line of
.Applicationmay be .frisae-ws4saaan:aialicsoisq,
at Towanda. or the atabseribir uyitirtilielorerafielai
lan 2 , t 854. lOHN.I4'?&AIi
...,,._'`;,': ; . ':Ttiyt,ANDA,
tOR: . ::-,-11:.::,:t:.:POItTE.R;
Wholesale and Desleiin °
-_ , -.4flumasz,!o,-zsotrons,
Paints, ;Oils,Pain .Varishes, ,Wiadoy Glass
81M3, PERRIMERY,FANCY ARTICLES , D 3r e Stuffs, and Burning - Pads.
Regular Agent for the following genuine popular
Dr. Jaynes' Merlicires'— Ayre's'Dherry Pectoral
- Alterative, Verrill - Air, Schenck's pal. syrup
Expectorant, Linident Hoofland'a bitters
I .
HaieDye,&c. Pepsin (for dyspepsia)
Dr.Pitch's Medicines Acoustic oil
Dr.Swayne's " -do Indian Cholagogue
Dr.Keeler's• do Lyon's rat pills
Brant's-Balsam &Ext Pile Medicines
-Orritk'S Vermifuge - Salt Rheum and Tetter •
Gniefenbet Medicines ointment
Gargifiig 'Oil', ' '- • Tta§k'amag do
Pain Killer* • ",,' '' Bpavin & founder do'
Galtittitie belts,•&e. • . cAllister's . -do
- Heave & Condit - lei - O,W i iEye'Wetera
- Rock' Rase • - -'' • ' ' 'Cephalic snot!
Uterine Catholicon I Corn salve . "
Tooth aehe:dreps ' ; Sticking: do.
Hairin.igorator & dyes Wistar's bal. wild cherry
Bedbug poison • !Female Pills '
Townsend's Sarsaparilla Dullard's oil soap
• • .
Plasters and 'Pills of allißalsam Life
, kinds: (Harlem Oil - •
And many others, not enumerated, all warranted
geifiline. - '
• fry Remember Dr. PORTER'. Drug and Chemins'
Btore'is in the South end of the Weri House. front.
ins the Public square. • H. O. PORTER, M. D.
PEOPLE of Bradford County wishing anything
nice in the way of Monuments, Headstones,
Tomb Tables, Centre Tables of rtalian, and Amer•
ican Marble, or Bllck Stones of all sizes, can
havd them on the shortest notice by sending in:
'their orders, cheaper and bitter than can be pur
chased elsewhere.
Chester Wells. Cabinet Maker and underta
ker, nearly opposite the Ward House. Towanda,'
Agent. G. W. PHILLIPS.
Towattd „March, 31, 1853
aitnavannve laz.ammaroata
Important to Irousokeepers:
THE subscriber thankful Tor the
'liberal patronage heretofore re
ceived, begs leave to inform his
friends and the public generally,
and those commencing House
keeping in particular that he has
now on hand a large assortment
, - which he will
warrant:to:be tittle 1114 eubttantial manner, and of
the best - rnaterials.-
BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut drrss
ing bureaus. Marble arid plain tops ; Mahogany and
(walnut washstands, marble tops, and plain, of dif
ferent patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas. Couch
es, whatnots, &c.
BEADSTEADS,—jIigh, French and tow
post beadsfeadA, finished in handsome style and of
approved patterns, together with other furniture 1251:1-
airy called for, all of which will be sold on the most
accommodating terms. ,
The "subscriber is also provided with a plain
and fashionable HEARSE, end will hold himself in
readinei.s to attend to all orders in undertaking.
He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid
of which,the corpse,may be kept for a week. COF
'N."13.--Furnittire of all kindc made to order, and
warranted to be of the best, matt rials and Workman
ship. •
• Towandi, January 17; 1852. •
..„,iiii„. .. •
„..... 7 ..40,.......,,,,,,,.„:„
1.„7:1,; .....,..,
14_,:._..„..; Al ,
►jlHE'eubatu'bem'respectfully inform the public that
11 they heir, taken the shop formerly occupied by
Adani Esenwine,, on -.Main - street, nearly opposite
Drnkrea wagon shop, where they aie prepared to do all
kinds ofiII.,ACKSMITHING upon reasonable terms.
eThev - are determined by doing their work well and
promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of
public patronage.
IfOROE—SHOEING done in the hest manner. AU
kinds of repairing lifachinery,execnted in the mostskl
fel manner. .
WOOD WORK for wagons will also be made and
paired when desired.
All work done at their shop, will be warranted to be
welt done, and manufactured from the best / materials.
The public are requested to give us a trial, and judge
for themselves. ESENWINE & SEEBISCHII.
- Towanda, May 2, 1851.
LEAVE Towanda for Mercer's
.lmills,Borlington,Easr Smithfield
,ARidgebery, and- Wellsburg de
pot on theN. Y. 4 E.R. R.. every MONDA r, Wan-
Isamu.: and Fatah at 8 o'clock A. M., and arrive
at the depot in time to take the evening train of cars
either cast or treat, same day..
Returning Tl;lSDA.T,TnuitanAir and t3avenn-as,
after the arrival of. the Eastern, train, and alt - o the
Western cars .from. Jefferson, ElMira, &c., and ar
rive at Towanda sameday,:
~r,,,,:-r - T o w a ndato 'demur's mills, - . 374
41 '
„toltidgebery, 1.00
•. to Wellsburg 'depot. 1,25 ,
Express, packages. to itir from the Rail Road cars
fulkii t dslfrereti at. moderate . charges .
-TP;Gin Oct. 1852.
11 Astinilated his establishment to If. M ix's dote,
corner of main street and the public aquare , and
will continue the mare facture ottloots - and Shoes, as
tesetokte, „
Rita* receitied from Nee tork . et large attend
meat Vroateit'si Chffdren's iota - Aliases' Shari, which
are offered at low prices. `The attention of the Ladies
is partieularly diteeted to hisaseortmenti composingthe fo llowifivievritylett;—"Enentelleillinny Lind gat.
ter boots; doAdusea;N: black! lasting itild silk' gaitets ;-
walking shoes,buskins,&c. ldistiate gaiteraand shoes,-
etmrdestription:: A lois orrumnitef Children'e
feli d 3 agatekbrioientadlifiois i nfill4nndei - 1 -
oesFor theliketsnrien:altnoit every ityloartliiters and
sh. 1 ,. Tideetcielt-hae- beetuiereernaily,treletted•witts
iiire,'atid a 'herieimi he can offer superior plida at
' " • -• • 1: -
T sCa lll e•-*Wilkiktiil4l l 34 ;Aiti4acituing,
and haluipeei:* aoh N eivork. wen trt we* tiltaltintl
anee /XIV Hbe_ref palmetto -lie has hittge4e received.
Tommie, 1411 n, tsp.
, u 2
• - - Prop;ieto
( Z` ; 4 , ' •
trims extraordinary preparation bas been forms.
.L ny years -the most certain• and speedy remedi
FA, AND Diseasas or ma GRIST LTD Loxes. To
those suffering from obstinate and confirmed Coughs,
they give the most immediate and perfectredief,ano
when'great liability to take cold exists.arid *troub
lesome Congh succeeds the exposure, these
WAITR§. produce the most'marked results.. They
at onee'refieve the Cough' and other Symptoms, and
entirely remove that morbid , Irritability and weak,
seas of the Lungs which give rise to the complaint.
The medical properties are combined in an agrees
bte form and pleasanrto the taste, so that any child
will readily take them : and they are'warranted to
giverelief in ten minutes aftet use in all cases. -
Price 25 cents per box. For Dr.. H. C.
POI R, Towanda, Pa.
Towanda, Feb. 9,1853.
HE Subscribers having formed a copartnership
under the - firm of S. FELTON dr. CO tot &)-
lag a general. Liquor business, would respectfully
ask Hotel keepers and all others in want of any in.their tine to giva them a call. We intend
keeping oil hand a general assortment of Foreign
Liquors, whicti.,we can self cheaper than any one
else in the county, from the fact that we boy direct
from the importers, andthereby save a large profit
charged by th'e N.Y. Jobbers ; Liquors are warrant'
ed pure and free from adulteration. Also constant
ly on hand Whiskey, of the best quality. We have
made arrangements by which we can furnish our
customers with any (pawky of Binghamton BEER
fresh from the Brewery. Preaee give us a call.-
The notes and accounts of the old firm of 8. Fe
ton & Co., are in our bands for settle:sten.
Towanda. Dec. 1, 1852
1~ I~Y~~iT.3L.
Saddle, Harness & Dina Manufactory
'TERE CUP & Co., respectfuny form the public
that they have removed to the shop on Main street,
recently occupied by Smith & Sou, nearly opposite
the Ward House, where they will kee ir on hand s
large stock 'f '
ahaaw. - 14%
All arrreles in their line manufactured to order, and
made of the best material, and for workmanship canoe
be surpassed in Northern Pgrinsylvsoia, They Iloilo
a call from those wishing to purchase, confident the
they eau give satisfaction both as to quality and price
C - "lnTides,und Sheep Pelts received for work and us
account, at the lowest rates.
Sale Leather, Upper Leather, Harness Leather an
Calf shins, tar sale in any quantity.
/ - AN acciitrut of losses sustained at the late fire. w
V ore, obliged to call on those inkebted to us for s
prompt - settlement, as we are under the neeesaity ot
having what is owing to us, we trust this. notice wilt
Le sufficient without resorting to other weas.
Towanda. Dec. 2, 1962.
Reinoed to R. Kingsbcry's Block!.
o'4. Chamber/in,
TJAS just returned from the city
E. 4- IA of New York with a large
oft supply of Watchea, Jewelry and
SOYA; wave, comprising in part,
I a ?‘ the following articles:—Lever,
• .I,'Epineand Praia Watches, with
Cy:, 9
- a complete assortment of Gold
Jewelry, such as Ear Rings, Pb.n .
ger Rio ;a, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains,
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, all sorts of Silverware,
and any quantityofSteel Beads—all of which he offers
for sale esceeedingly cheap for CASH.
Watches repaired on short notice, and .toarranted
to run well,or the money will he refunded. and a arri'•
ten agreement given to that effect if reqUired.
•N. —M A PLE SUGAR, and Country Produf
taken in payment for work ; and ale,. learn nota, : an
orerer,Mat the Produce must be paid when the woe
4.3 done—l waragainst credit in all its forms.
- "W. A. CHAMBERLIN, Agent.
Towanda : A pril 28, I 852.
erty size : ice be had at the Jewelry store of
May 15, 1852. W. A. CHAMBERLIN
-- A horse ! a horse f my kingdom for
R a horse and-customers to take away
ii rff - - the goods. Notwithstanding the- late
, s disastrous fire, A. M. WARNER to
. , ..
1., . 4#1 himself again r
And at No. 1 Bride Row you'll find
Most anything that's in his line, , • '
From a cambric needle of the finest kind, -
To a jewelled watch of eigkteen knot% fine.
Clacks which keep time accurate and true;-
•• Breast pins of every style and hue,
Gold, silver, steel and plated chains,
Selected with the greatest pains.
Finger rings, my gosh, why what a gile
Of every shape and every style,
' To suit the old. the young, the grave,- the p
May there be seen in elegant a rray.
And Wanksa, who is himself a " host," •••
Is always ready and at his post, •
To wait upon his customers and all
Who chance upon 'im to give a call. -6 .
So with good advice make op your. minds,
To caR on him and there you'll find
Such sights, my eyes, 0 ! what a view
Jewelry of every style and hue.
Ca Don't mistake the place No. 1. Brick row,
where he is prepared to do all kinds ef .
in his line of busines, at the cheapest rates that can
possibly be afforded He wilLalso sell his jewelry
at 20 per cent lower, than was ever before offered to
this market. irj> Call and see. ...0)
Towanda, Nov. 12, 1852. A. M. WARNER.
MEWS tnstitntion a foy the education ofyoung ladies
was opened on Tuesday the 20th StpleMbersiD
the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Mercur.—
It is now under the charge of Miss Ouvis D. Has
soy, aided by her sister. Miss REDECCA D. HASSON.
The liumberof pupils is limited to thirty. The
sstiolastic year consists of forty-four weeks. .
Twaxs—'s6, $9, and $l2 per quarter, Recasting to
the studies pursued. •
No extra charge for the Latin Language. French,
$3 per quarter.
RzystszienzsDetr. Dr. NtAct.t.t.s, Vice President
of the. Coliege of New Jersey, Princeton.
Dtrio - Wrywo , r, T. tronTs E 4, C. L.
Want). Esq., HoN G 50.3.h...90E.11.507.ft
Ili- instruction to the young ladies of this place
on the Pia No. Terns—slo per quarter.
Application to be made to Miss Hanson at the
Ward House, or at tba Towanda Female Seminary
September 22, 1853.
JAVIKEEP I Alc, • Taanglia
QIIHNEYOn for Bradford Countt s , is' prepamd to
attend to the itioire-btisiness in all its branches.
His ofbeeis_ at Monroeton. All letters addressed to
him at, that place, will , meet with prompt imam.
GROUND •PLATER.-30 tons Cayuga Groind
'Planter, on hand and for sate by
March 15, 1854. BAILEY & num.
E. T. FOX.