II II Waverly . Sta i t i ia N. & E.' R. R I X Stock Express, •x 3 40 Night Express. 8011110 BAST. H. 11. GOING WEST. N. • se 4 00 Night ElpreSS,lo - 11 1 i 38 Way Express, : u 11 40 N. Y. Express •x 5 201Batralo Ex. Le u 8 10 •Cin. Ex'p.. •x 5 111 Mail No. 1. I.x 83.1' Mail N 0.4. rxB 53 Dunkirk Ex. rat 403 IMail N 0.2 •x 7 28 Mail No. 3. AxB 24 *Steamboat Ex. exl 49 Emigrant. rK4 17 Does not stop at Waverly. THE STAGE FOR, WAVERLY. Will, until further notice, leave Towanda at 14 past 1, P M., connecting with the Buffalo Express going West, and all the evening trains both ways. Returning, leaye Waverly after the arrival of the night and morning trains, reaching Tow,anda in time fur the Tunkhannock and Onshore stages. Wednesday. Feb. 2%, Nu. Ic c in %iliac:llamado. ____......_ _ . ~ DISSOLUTION. • , T" partneiAip between E. F. Dawson and A. Gay. is this day dissolved by mama' con sent—the accounts are left -in the bands of J. L. Jones, E - q.. for settlement. _ Wilmot. June 22, 1354. Auditor's Notice. I n the maw 4 . the estate of Beelomin Buffington, deceased. TjAVING been appointed aw, Auditor, by the /1 0 ph an's Court of Bradford County, to heal and report upon exceptions filed" to the final ac..- coon t of the estate of Benjamin Buffington, deceas ed, late of NV arren township; I will attend to the duties of the appointment, at my office in the Boro of Towanda. on the 15th day of August next, at one o'clock P. M.. of which all persons interested *w ill please take notice.' Sune 19, 1,854.. WM. ELWELL, Auditor. - - Administrator's Bale. BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, will lie exposed to sale at public vendue. at the Court House, in the Euro' of Towanda, at o'clock P. M... of the 31st day Of July next, all the iuterest whic4Northrup Mory, in his lifetime, had in a tract of land, situated in Or well township, containing one hundred and fifty— *even acres. bounded .on the-North by lands of Aaron Chobbuck ; East by lands of Nathaniel Rus. sel—Southward by lands of Henry Lent—about sixty acres inproved, with a barn and two houses and an apple orchard thereon A MELIA STEVENS, Adrotnistratrix, WM. D. DUNHAM, Admiaistraipr. June 26, 1854. Horses, Harneis & Wagon - for sale. rrHE 'MAN who wants to purchase a span of Young Horses, Harness, and Lumber Wagon. on very favorable terms, can hear of an opportuni 4y, by calling at this office. June gB, 1854. Farmer's Union Insurance Company. ilthe,o, Bradford Ct fluty, Pu. riANTAL; $200,000, secured by bond and Dloll— gago on the real estatg of the atoeltholtieti, in— sures against It , JS by fire, Louses. stores, and other bwidings, goods, wares and merchandise, on as fa. vocable terms as any Similar institution. LOSStS PROMPTLI IDJUSTED LSD PAID. Directors—lion. Horace Willistcn, Francis Tyler, C ,, .r . ge A Perkins. J"I" D Myer, C N Shipman. C \V,•l:es jr. J E Canfield, Athens ; Hon John La- Toaanda; Gen.. Bradley Wakeman, Lacey v.ile ; Geo. M. Ilolleuback, Wilkesbarre: Michael M.lert, Laporte. IT.,race Williston, President; J E ( • . ,„ t i el ,i, s ec . ; C' F Weller. r. V. Pres and . Treas. A ddre-., C. A. GAYLORD, Aaeot,•Wyalus nig. Bradford Co. Pa. .Jule 1, 1854. Auditor's Notice. supke,t Pierce t 4.. Pder Peck tarts. 14 Hmlford rolltat ft Pleas. No 188, Mty Term, 1851. THE undersigned having been appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, au A toloor to dotribute the fund raised by the stir; ors sale of real estate, in the above entitled ,v O rr, berth . ) , give notice, that he will attesd to the ~utle:; of appointment . ..at his office, in Troy boro, Lot satuaiy the 39th day of July next, at t o'clock P. M., at which time and place all persons having :aims upon said fund, are requested to present theta for adjustment, and distribution, or be debarred from coming in fur a share of said fund. Troy, June IT, 185 E F. SMITH. Auditer. CHAU. :D. 3=111.11.1r, .ITTORJrEY JUT 1,, 4 us, Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pa. oFFlGE—Op . posite G. S. Hotel—Up Ett.iirs.„M. The Educational Fund Festival, postimpcd from the 4th ot)uly, to commence .l day of which. due itati.e will he elven. Auditor's Notice, L the matter of the Estate of Humphry Brown, deceas• mi. In the ()Thorns Caart`of Bradford County. THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the court to make distribution of funds in the hands of the Administrators of said estate, will attend to the duties assigned him, at his Otfice, in the Boro' of Towanda, od thel2llth of July, 1854, at 2 o'clock P. M. And all persons having claims upon said fund, must present them at the time and place afircsaid, or else be foreverdebarred from (hemline. June 16, 1854. P. D. MORROW. Auditor. Auditor's Notice. 14 the matter of the polo:dory assignment of 0. D. Chamberlin to S. Bradley. In the Com. Plea 6f Bradford Co. No. 131, Sept T. 1552. THE undersigned, - an auditor appointed by said Court to distribute motley in the bands of S. S. Bradley, said Assignee, Fill attend to said bu siness at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Monday the 26th of Jane, A.' D. 1854, st 1 o'clock P. M. When and there all persons interested a • requested to attend. ' D'A. OVERTON, Auditor Tuwanda, May 29, 1854. Auditor's Notice. Jo the matter of the ntate of Asa Ilanley, deed. . In the Orphans' Court of Bradford County THE undersigned having been appointed an an ditor to hear, examine and report upon 111 e. fi nal account of the administrators of Asa Manley, dee'd. to which exceptions are filed, will attend to the duties assigned him on the 28th day of June next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. at his office in the born' of Towanda. D'A. OVERTON, Auditor. May 29,1854. r t i.ll 4 NELS—Frenoh, Domestic and Salisbury, I: for sale by . PHINNEY. lITANTED--all kin& of & Itimbe r for r which wale cash will be paid by Oct. 24,1853. PHINNEY. B OOTS dr SHOES , the largest and cheapest as. sortment in Towanda. by PqINNEY. West Branch clover - Seed. • 5 0 E0161 of West Baruch Clover seed. just re. celved a first rate article, and for sale at lowest crab price, by DAILY & NEVINS. tbe March 1, 1854. MINK SKINB.—The highest price will be paid in cash for any quantity of Mink skins, by Jan. t, 1054. MONTANYEB' & do. 300 NEW B4RREIA, AI fiir Pork or Cider, for sale at ne each, by S. FELON 4 CO. Towanda. Aug. 10, 1853. - CHEAP GOODS. HARVEY PHINNEY * is just receiving a fine J • assortment of Banta asa Human Goons wbicb will, be sold as usual. very cheap fur . CAM ! Towanda, April 20, 1850. CLOVER SEED—A,. nvitiste artiele.juit ed and for bale at • PHINNEIPS. bnabelir for.iale by riIINNEY N,CID • 1 -. AUDITOWSIIOUki-,. if.'4l.4Waftles, Adtuntstrat . or fiatiEstate a Wailksoketi. vs. Dania Mir Jr,. Eft the Os ; ma Rai itlitakadam* 14 ; ISet Ilandar Terat t 1850: •-• • • .• • alidetnipeaAwritor. *Wow br laa WWI I to diEribute tands.in tbe bands ti me Sheriff wilt attend 1,0 the duties assigned him, at his • oMee. in the Sonia Towanda. on Tuesday the =6th day of J01y,,1M14, at o'clock P. M. • • All pumas haw. Mg demands upon said fends. Must present them et the -time and plate aforesaid. or else be &sever debarred from the same. Jane 14, 1864. P. D.IOOItROW. Auditor. CORN euMutton with steel teeth. for. sale tiy H. 8. 1118RCHR. ' . • MUM • Brown , Rocy& Att. IA! If:Mager. b the Cointnou. Pkai-of Bradfia cooly. May Term, 1851. _ . THE undendined Airditni. appidated by** Court .to distribute fonds received by Oberlin) sale of defenders& raal estate. seised an enemies boned in the above suit, will attend to the duties of raid ap pointment at his office in Towanda borough en t he 26th day of July. 1864. at 2 o'clock P. M., whore all persons Interested are required to present their claims et be debarred from said fund. June 18. 1854. P. D. MORROW, Auditor. Auditor's ;room In the matter of the amts of John Welsh, deceased...- In the Orphans Court of Bradford County. ifillE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the —L Court, to Marshall asaeats and distribute funds in the hands of the Administrators of said estate, Will attend to the duties assigned him, et his office in the boro' of Towanda. on Thursday the 27th of July. 1854. at 4 o'clock P. M. MI persons having claims upon said funds, mast present them at the time and place aforesaid, or else be forever debarred from the same. P. D. MORROW, Ataditor. June 18, 1854. ES "13 SA?. . . 13 Y virtue of writs of Vend. Expo. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county, and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the born' of Towanda, on Mon. •daj the Sd day of Jily. at I o'clock P. M. the fol lowing described lot, piece or parcel of hind situ ate in Pike tp. and bounded on the north by laud of Cyrus Tyrrell. on the east by the county line be tween Bradford and Susquehanna equines, on the south by lands of Seth Blakeslee. oh the west b y lands of the estate of Solomon Bosworth. deceased Containing about 70 scree, more or less. one old framed house one old framed barn and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. • Seixeil and taken in execution at the suit of C.L. Ward vs.. Chauncey 0. Gridley, administrator of F. V. Waterman. dec'd. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Sheahegnin tp., bounned north and west by hinds of Obadiah Gore, on the east by the public highway leading on the east - side of the Susquehanna river, from Athens to T,.wenda, south by a lane leading from said high. way to Davidson & Gore's mill. Containing about one fourth of an acre, more or less, all improved, one fratriled house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Geo. E. Lent, to the use ut,Thomas Minier, vs. James B. Warren. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Burlington tp., bountled north by lands of Mrs. A. P. Smith. on the east by the old Berwick turnpike. south by J. P. Long, west by landsof Addison M'Kean.containing three—fourths of an acre, all 'improved, one framed house, one framed barn and shed and cow-hoUse,and a few fruit bees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Thos Elliott, to the use of John V. Daniels, Almond M . Nichols. . - - C. THOMAS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Towanda, June it, IBM. Not* is hereby givers, rbat an amount equal to the cons will be required to be paid upon each sale when - struck . down to the bidder, and upon a failure to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will again be offered for sale. The North Branch Canal• Navigable ! The Packet Boat St. Loris, Will run daily between AMECTONO VIMN/0.6 4 , LEAVING Athens at 1-2 o'clock, A. M., emir log at noon, returning to Athens same evening leaving Towanda at 2, P. M. Carriage. will be in reclines. to convey passen gers to and from the depot.. The proprietor will also carry light freight from Waverly to Towanda, and intermediate points. at reasonable rates. W. LOOMIS. Towanda, Jane 10, 1854. Bituminous Coal.—Barclay Coal Bed. THE undersigned is prepared to furnish at the bed., any quantity of this superior COAL, at the reduced prize of $1 25 per ton for Blacksmith coal, and $1 75 for picked Grate coal. Payment io cash or country produce. bat no credit will be given. - HENRY GALSS, Agent for the Barclay R. R. and Coal Company. Franklin (Old Coal Bed) May 25, 1854. DISSOLUTION. THE partnership heretofore existing between La. throp & Chubback is this day dissolved by mo. toll consent. The book, and accounts are all to be settled by C. E. Chobbock, with mast be done immediately. All persons owing the late firm must call and settle the same, and those having demands amtinst said firm wit present the same to C. E. Cbubbock for payment. S. B. LATHROP, Orwell. May 20. 18t% C. E. CHUM:WOK. The subscriber calls attention of the old patrons' of the abore firm and the eommuniturenetafiV. to the carefully selected Stock of GOO flaw being received at the new Store., eeently'occupied by C. & L. where be may ba found at -all times ready .to exhibit his goods, not. fearing to compare 'bent and their prices with those of. any tither Store in the country. Call and satisfy yourselves. C. E. OHUBBUCK. Administrator's Sale. BY vi rine of no order issued the Orphan.' Court of Bradford county, will be sold on the 29th of May nest, et 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Man- sion house on the premises, all that lot of land sit uate in Monroe tp., containing one hundred acres, described as follows: Beginning at a black oak,she north west corner of the farm of which D. 11. Olen died seized, thence north 56° east 121 and 3-10 psy ches to a post, thence south 38° eat 94 perches thence south 13 0 west 160 perches.thenee north 32° west 148 perches to the beginning, with about 110 acres improved, and e framed house aid barn there on. rerme made known at the, day THOB.- zworr, WM. iCOOLBAHOO,24 Adm'rs. D. H. Owen, dee'd. May 1, 1854. The above sale stands adjourned till Saturday the 10 day of June, at 2 o'clock in the annum at the house of Hiram'Shaw, in Monroe. ' co. The above sale is further adjourned until Saturday, September 2d, at the same plus &edam of day. DR. E, H. IFILIC AN & 51M,01110107, Residence ; Pine . Sinnd. opposite the.44Pratbraiim Olen his professiooal services, to *be people of Towands.and viola ity. 'Can always be found at big oaks: in Dr. Po mmes Wu" Store. when not pew engaged. CZBOVML SINCOTIET SURD, di, LicAlhais Apieuttigui &art. - • WSW BRANCH and phi? clivel 134 d, at $7 Clews Agape!: 7lniably Seed, inid re.; tait•—riutil pries. It, Akio trod othitai of Gar-, ..1t; IWANELLES. Athen - s; Match ID, 18154. , ' • f I i I _ DINICLUTKIN: Tat co;peetairship heirioforis eilstiet be ieseshh GesHoskliaind Jobs V. Rice, calm tbs dna et Sad& lk Nee. is dab ds dissolved by atutual MIL _The Imeshiess *ill betraftet be conducted by John Hick and dale Loki can be towel at the Store comae* oettdded by said dna. AU those iw debted to said linaby book account will paw viii and settle ske-same without delay. IJEORGE 8111T11. JOHN V. RICE. Moareittos,lisy laid. 110.• MP* 11110111111111.0.71;1117, Attalla*" at lain onus wns m asetsrsa azcoansa. Toviands, Penna. NEI' SPRING & SUMMER GOODS ! BURTON. KINOSBERY, TH bop receiviog all sons of NEW GOODS. whic h J will be sold very low CU Cub. Nay 3. 1834. 2. - 1120Igo=NW. UTOULD inform her friends, that she has just re. SS tufted Susi the city, with a large assortment of aldszastaa,v Goons, which she at,. at reduced prime.. Produce of ay. ay kind Melt in payment for goods, 22DMIWVATI.•••DIL MASON hu removed bis office told. dwelling, on Pine street. Opposite the old Prestiytellak Church. Towanda, May 13. 1854. 1' WA P C FEMALE SEMINARY. ►i•BE fourth quarter will commence on Tuesday 1 the 10tb day of May next. April 20. 1851. PLASTER, SALT, &C. Two HUNDRED TONS Cayuga Ground Plas ter. [OO Barrels Salt, 100 Bbls. White Stone Lime. 50 bushels Orwell & West Branch Clovei Seed, 30 bushels Timothy Seed, 500 lbs. Allegany County Cheese. just received and for sale by BAILEY & N EVENe. Towanda, April 27, 1854. • BOARDS & SHINGLES WANTED. FIVE HUNDRED Thousand FeetPanne' Boards. 60.000 feet Common do. • 100.000 feet Collin boards 300.000 long Pins shingles, for which Cash +di be paid on delivery 8.8. BAILEY dr. CO. Towanda. April 17. 1854. Plows and Plow castings ! LATCH L EY. Wayne county, Alba or Curtis B Plows, Side bill, subsoil and corn plows and Castings, for sale cheap. I take particular pains to get good well made plows and tough castings. I would invite particu lar attention to the Alba, or Curtis plow. Call and see. R. M. WELLES. VvAVERLY 81, TOWANDA R. ROAD! AT ADEXANDERS' & SOLOMON'S, success sons to J. 4 Alexander .* Co.'s Clothing Store. The subscribers have just received at their old stand in Mereor's Stock,Towands. a new and good assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, consist ing of GENTLEMANS' FURNISHING GOODS ever imported into the Cuunty—all of the latest styles in market, which ate being scattered far and wide. In the way of Furnishing Goods, we have a complete assortment--Cravats, Collars, Shirts, Under Shirts, Drawers, Wrappers, Gloves. Suspen. den, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery of all kinds, and a variety of Trunks, &e, . Our Ready—Made Clothing embraces every thing desirable in that has. and u we buy for Cssa, we can and ariU sell 20 per cent. lower than any other Clothing Establishment in Towanda. .1. ALEXANDER, 8. ALEXANDER. Towanda, April 20. 1854. M. E. SOLOMON. Cistern and Well Pumps ! T EAD PIPE I Hydraulic, Rams o any kind, L size. lae.. cheap for ready pay, for sale by Jan. 8, 1853 . R. M. WELLES. DISSOLUTION. THE co-partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers. under the finn of Alexander at Solomon, wu dissolved by mutual consent on the 27th day of May. M. E. Solomon retirit g. The business will hereafter be carried on muter the name of 1. da 8. Alexander. Towanda. May 27. 18". NEW SPRING & SIMMER GOODS ! Cash and Ready Pay Denier in FANCY and Staple Dr Goods Cloths. easel. Wats and Vesting's; Hats, Caps & Straw Gloods—..earpeta and o:1 cloths ; Yankee Nodose—. Bootikand shoes—Paper Hangings—Transparent Window Shadesdke. HARD-WARE, CROCKERY, GROCERIES ; • DRUGS, PANTS. OILS, 0-.04 all of which are offered for sale •for CASH or READY PA Yat the lowest possible prices. Among his stock of Dry Goods will be found a Inns emortmest of Black. Fancy and Plain Dress Silk..-Challis, Bermes and Braze de Laines—De. berm:Montan de Laines and Lawns•-Plaid and Plain Poplins—Plain black, whim, pink. blue and corn colored Delaines—Preach. Scotch and A trier icanainghems—Eogibill and American Prints.r Black, blue and white Berea de Lain., Lawns Printp • &a. Swiss and Jaconnett Edgings. Insertings and Flouncing., &c. Wrought Linen Edgings--Cotton and Smyrna Edgings. Wrought and lace collars —all prices—Lace and muslin ondessleeves—Un. der handkerchiefs—all prices—Mourning under hdk'fs.. collars and hd'kf....:Entbroidered, bem• stitch ds plain linen bdkis-uPlain mourning and black face Veils—Plain and figured torten and silk juce.. Jaeonneus, Swiss and Book Muslin. Bishop Lawns,Tarltons, &c.. Lace & embioidered Maas Window Drapery. Designing of Ladies and Gents., Kid Gloves— white, black & ,assorted colors—Best vent, silk eares.,kid thildimftiPlida * thiCsi. sorted colon and qualities—French silk mitts.lo96 and abort, for Indies and Misses. Black silk, wbite and clouded merino boss--White colored.unbleach. ed, mired and black cotton Hose of every quality-- 114*es white, colored and mired do.. all sizes— Boysinised cotton half hose, assoned,sises Men's lambs wool, unbleached and mixed cotton half hose, assorted qualities. • Bleck Italian. fancy ail and linen, lawn aiid gingham Cravats, Silk and t its—eommon and II ply Collans-.4ilk and Liam handkerchiefs. ALOO- 4 41 imp sleek cf rids bleak and colored MBUIDDIE. =MG.. Plain 61'k doeskins. 6lncy'causinterea and restings. Tweeds. Kentucky Jeans, cottonades and other cot , ton and linen Goods far men and - boys wear. Watered - Koreans. assorted colors Damask for curtains. lounges. Ike.. doubts and single fold.— Worsted embossed, damask linen and worstoa and cotton tattle cloths. Bleached linen napkins.— Bleached and brown linen damask table Scotch and Ronslan diaper and crash, bleached and unbleached and colored muslin , and Anna army °thermic'e of family dry good!. kgreat wade? of Boots and Shoes for mans. bona. Wise, aims and abildrsns wear. trot* soikssoans Nails. j Caskteers, silk and &Urns de.. assisted coke's. of all rptitlities, additkostothe dove esnimststed be fags, **pod ossoltalsot or Marchindise. of, .1. moo 604 dereription„ to which thi "attitatids of the pubbe is respsetfollp inritnd. ?Outdo. April - le, 11164. itkrtlinalle. Tat. 800 nasn . Wi!LZM!IID!! Ready-SZado Clothing, Now being opened by JOSEPH POWELL, 601 eldroinisentesits. ADMINISTRATeR'S A Lt. parsons indebted io the (Mime cite. H. A Delleek., aeaeased. late Of Cameo tirp.. are hereby requested' go alike 'humatiale payment _sad theme having dame spinal said- maw eriU please present theta duly autheaticatecrler settle meat. • ' HIRAM HOLCOMB. SARAH H. WILLOCR, Aftiaistratera. Match 8. 1854. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALLpersons knowing themselves indebted to the estate of Thomas Turk, deceased, late of Litchfield township., are hereby requested to hake immediate payment, and thoolutvins claims against said estate will please preac* them duly authenti cated fos settlement. CORNELIA TURK, SAM'L DAVIDSON, Administrators. 4an. IS, Ifitit ADMINISTRATORS NOW& ALL persona indebted to the estate of JOHN TEED, deceased, late of Litchfield township, are hereby sequential to make payment without delay and all persons haying demands against said estate ate requested to, present theni duly authenticated tor nettleinetiL BETSY TEED. 7 Adsn's. . BAWL DAVIDSON, January 29. 1834. • U. S. llgiallias • ATTOSIXEY AT LAP', Office ;with the Resister and Recorder, • TOWANDA., Pc. D'A. OVERTON ' , ATTOItNEY AT LAW. TOWANDA, PA. OFFICE in the second stork of the Union Block, north side of the Public square, over the office of J. C. Adams, Esq. Sept. 24. MORE NEW GOODS. BURTON KINGS BERY IS Now opening a Nsw &roost iss , Goons, consist '. ing of full and complete assortment of all lands MERCMANDIZE, which will be sold as cheap as the same quality. o Goods can be bought anywhere ihis side of New York. Towanda, Dec. l 10.18A3. MUCCI to Collectors and Tax-Payers. YOU are hereby authorised to make a deduction of Ilve,per cent. upon the State Tai, of every :ndividual who shall pay his or her state and coon. ty lax in fall, on or before the 21st day of June next, and the same shall be allowed you in your se de ment, provided the sadly is by, you paid into the County Treasury, on or before the 22d or 23d days of June next. By order of the Commissioners. i E. M. FARRAR, Clerk Towarida. April 12. 1859. • TO THE PUf LIC ! 7-r• "XTY'W='ll ARE just receiving at their lare, 3 and commodious New Store, opposite the Court House, a large assortment of Provisions. Groceries. Yankee Notions, Toys, Fruit, Confixtionary,Willow ware, tyc , making their stock the largest, most complete and best in Northern Penns} Ivania. And the very liberal pat ronage they have received from the public during the year past, establishes the fact that they either sell cheaper or sell geuds of a better quality thin any oth er dealets. To merit and induce a continuance of so liberal pat ronage we shall still follow our old motto—" Au. reorns, twice esteems, A3D • FASQOANT RIAIEW AL OW STOCK. " Below Ire name a few of the articles that always be found in our stock : Groceries. BliCk and green tea, Rio and Java coffee. chocolate, cocoa, sugar. molasses, syrup, ginger. pepper. spice, cloves, nutmeg, chignon, mace. sods. moderatos, cream tartar, peppeneuxte, sperm and tallow candles, hard soap, vinegar. starch. 4c. Provisions. Mess pork, dried bkef, hams and boulders, mackerel, codfish. shad, picketed herring. smoked herring. wheat floor. buckwheat sour, corn melt cheese, rice, beans, potatoes, butter, lard, crackers. &e. Profit di Not& Peens.", citrons, figs, Eng. currants, raisins, dried peaches, apples, almonds, filberts, Brasil nuts, °mei bte tied Madeira walnuts, pea nuts, chestnuts, &c. German,_ Trench and American Toys, Taney Goods, &c. Tin wagons, rocking horses, boys' sleighs, Chiite & pewter toy tea setts, dolls. trumpets, accordion; harmo, nicas, &c. Glue, paper and wood inlaid work boxes 'and toilet cases—toy bureaus, secretaries, writing desks plant and embroidered work baskets, knitting. do pearl, ivory, pspier leaches and leather' port moniaea, wallets. and purses, ivory ,horn and wood pocket combs toilet combs. ivory fine combs, pocket inkstands, pock et and small fancy mirrors, tobacco and scihrses, dioramas, perfumery and hair oils. Brooms, mopetieks, clothes pins, bench screws. low clothes baskets and market baskets, sugar and spice boxes. Candy of all kinds. Dairy and table bah. Salina Do. etc. etc. etc. Country dealers supplied at s AMU advance from New York prices. 4:13 Most kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods. BAILEY & NEVINS. Towanda. January 3. 1854. • Dors! Pars I! A qantity of Fur Yietorines and Cab of &from qualities; for sale ALT COST byy Jan. 19,71154. H. t 3. I4ERCUR. ADMINISTRATOR% NOTICE A LL' persons indebted to the estate of P. D Havens, dec'd, late of Standing Stone,are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate, will please pre— sent them duly authenticated for settlement 8. W. BILES. Adutinistraton DEBORAH HAVENS'. Aug. 47. 1 853. Orphans' Court Sale. BY virtue of an order of the -Orphan? Court of Bradford County, f will erpobe to sale by pub lic vendue on Tuesday June 13, at one o'clock, P. M.. a• piece or parcel of land situate in Pike tvrp bounded norlb by lands of Charles Dyer and 8. P. Rockwell, east by 8. P. Rockwell and C. W. Rey nolds. south by 1.8. Roberts and . E. W. Durgy.west by J. H. Marsh; siontainiag about 100 ecru. about 70 acres improved. with a framed house and barn and shop thereon. J. H. MARSH, Administrator of the estate of Elliott Marsh, deed: late of Pike twp. This sale isto be held upon the premises. A 12W SPRINC. GOODS. 'IUBT received by Joseph Kingsbury. a large and J complete stock of NEW GOODS, (or sale as usual. Ontar voa.Csan ! Towanda, April Ye. Igds. IUMMIII7IIIT 111 4 2311-N.ei r .,i.9, - -, - (0, axl% ' H. S. MERCUR. /Wooer receiving one of the largest and best @elec.. .1. ted assortmetitof Merchandise ever before brought to iradford coonti—conslating of DRY GOODS of env description: Ail extensive assortment of colamon:Hattlwaro. Also, .Saddlery, names* and OarrirwiTrimminge. • Nokunithe &go".l4livib, Visa, nor, 1101 6,1 irsa,Fifedand Nags. Onkel/cab: Falk • .auf CrockgrY au' .waror which will be sold as Dana), very cheap , far Casa Towanda; April le, 1854. Capi, & Poqtrietil.4 large assortment aed LI ; cheap, , THWNEY. HARDWARE. & IRON 'STORE. RDWARE AND' STOVE Tin, Japanned-and Britannia Ware; •itrinminta, Caning. 'Srlnuaings, Itarnsss Iliadlorir Wira, Carpenter's and Joiner's Tools, BLACKSMMI'S TOOLS; FARMERS TOOLS AND ACRICaTURAE 51FLEMENTS‘ LE.I2D PIPE ..,21VD PUMPS, of all, kinds and sizes, IRON. STEEL, LATHER BELTING. &c. &c. Would inform their friends that these are only a part of the general heads Under which may be classed their extensive assortment, and to which they aft constantly receiving additional supplies, direct from die importers and manufacturers, which enables them to offer such HA:temente in their igrge stock and IoW prices, that will challenge competition from any quarter. We would ask the particular attention of zgazilmsnoz &map IFAZISMIEC32 to an examination of our stock, which having been selected with the greatest care, we are confident wilt satisfy even the most particular. t 7 Don't forget the place—South aide of the public square. Old Iron, Coppor and lints', and all kinds of Country Produce. taken In exchange for goods. Towanda, May 27, 1854. HAI 4 I. & RUSSELL. DR. PORTER'S OFFICE & DRUG STORE, SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE, Fronting the Public Square. TINE evbscrlher, thankful for the liberal pstronsge received the past year, intends to keep constantly on 1 bend a full assortment of tie very best articles usually kept in our line, which us MILL thepose of on such terms as will be satisfactory to all who may patronize him. The purchases are made entirely with cash in hand, and for the Casa our customers will receive the benefit of a good article at a low price. All articles not answering our recommendation, will tie cheerfully taken bock, and Me monry refunded. fig - Medical Advice gratuitously Oren at the Office, charging coly for the fittlielllft. The. stock consists of a complete and select assortment o DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, Pure Wine Si,' Liquors, for Medicinal nse, London Porter 8: Scotch - Ale. .ILL 711 E MOST POPUL3R P.ITEN7' MEDICINES! FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID--NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS ! • S?L•SDID ifizOTITMLNT American Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant:d Good.) Superior TOEACCO & iIiMrPS I I----Choico brands or Pure Havanna, Principe and Vara CIGARS ! 013;VARNISIIES, WINDOW GLASS, BRUSIItS, PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, &c. &c. FAMILY GROCERIES: Black and Green Teas ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, &c. &c Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &c. REMEMBER ME STORE-SOUTH END OF THE WARD ROUSE! —kND IT MOTTD— The best Quality of Goods—Rill Assortment—Modarate Profils—Ready Attention lo Cvstomers—no Atbillcrution of Goods--Candid,Advice us to Pateat Remedies—and Close Attention to•Busine.s." Towanda. November 12, 1859 The War Question Being Settled in lE3' 111C1111E 0 111EUe• .111.ONTANYES & CO. have come to the conchs sion to enlarge their business, in view of the unparalleled prosperity that must result from a state peace. They therefore, after returning thanks for formerTavors, invite the attention of the citizens 01 this and adjoining counties to the examination of their Tall and Wintet Goads, consisting of all the varieties of Fancy and Dress Goods, as also heavy eaples, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, • Harness - and Car riage 7Vinimings, Iron, Leather, tc, all of which will be offered at wholesale or retail, at prices that cannot fail to please. • Sept. I, 1853. NEW AND CHEAP - fiOODS, OIL BARTLETT, is now,receivioei large . and carefully selected stock of rnrcv GOODS, bought for cash since' the late decline in price., which be will offer for ready pay at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction—among other things he invites particular attention w his assortmen of Gress Goods. Towanda, April 15. lerl3 THE NEBRASKA BILL A LA*. M. T. CARRLER, W O ,A U ,a L n D da re a s n p d ec v l i f e tr in l? i , r i:t i f h o l r i m h t e he t i o z r e e n n s e of d are— Grocery & Provision store. on the south aide of the Public Square, where he would be pleased to wait upon those that callopon him. He bas all kinds of articles kept in - a country Grocery. Such as Nuts of all kinds; Orange*, Le. mons, and Candies of all varieties and shapes, Ci gars of the best quality. • , He also designs to keep on hand Puovisuosa.Sie. Ike.. all of which he offers cheep f:r Cash nr Coun try produce. His Motto is. that " nimble six-pence (s better than is Mow shilling." Towanda, May 1.'1854- HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. TIE subscriber will sell on reasonable terms the property owned and occupied by her. in the Borough of Towanda. said property caplets of a lot O f land situated next above A. D. Montanyes, to the Northern Liberties, boa nded north by Mrs. Gill sods lot, east by William street. wrath by Division street, and west by Main street..—being one hundred and thirty feet deep. and Oily feet wide. The streets recently opened. make this as desirable a building lot as any in; the borough. There is now upon the lot a smalOdwellinl house. Application may be made to Catbaride Kromer, or to Emanuel . rower. Towanda. April 21, 1854. THE GOOD TIME HAS COME .! MONTANTEB dt. CO. HAVE camel° the concluti.m that the time has tome, that debts can. be collected, and eller waiting patiently In Yeats, and ending thb Good 'lime has arrived, when ferment' are realising almost double for their Products, they hope this notice will suffice lb, a more *itemise one and that payments will either. to,roade is Grain et the present, high gi lld/ Matetmentof GOODS is replenished smoke IY from Nay Yerlt Cill;sed it'll . he' itoll ehearer theist retail - in theArrat 'emporia* itself. Towanda, Ta,nuary 810054. _ . '• HALL RUSSELL, %%demo aba lawn beileti in SPRING GOODS! Ottlialtia South Corner of Mercur's Mck, Melia Street, A hE now opening their stock of GOODS for the Spring and Summer trade, comprising. a full and complete assortment, and of the usual variety, which will be sold at a very small profit fur Ready Pay. Among the assortment of DDT' GOODS, will be found a great variety of Ladies' Dress Goods consisting in part of Ber•eges, Bfrege Delaintsrall-,cool Delaines, Lawns, plain and printed ; Gingham*. English, Scotch and American ; Poplins, Prints of all shades and colors tc , i'c. Also, for men's wear may be found Brond,,Clotbe, Cassimeres, Tweeds. Kentucky Jeans, s i lk. Satin and Summer Vestines. Also, %lacings, Shirtings, bleached and brown, Ttckings, Summer Goods for boys' wear, Cotton Yarn, Carpet, Warp, Cotton Batten, &c., &c. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A full stock will be kept on band. Those in want of Sugars. Teas. Coffee, Molasses. Stewart's best ffyrup,Spiees, Pepper Ginger, Saleratus, Flour, Fish, Salt, Tobacco. or any other article in this line, will do well to call on us before purchasing else. wto:re. A large a splendid assortment. 'Crockary, Glass and Stow —ware, Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps—. Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty.' Thankful for the,libelal petronagc of the past sea, son. the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the public to an examination of - our spring stock, be hoving that good Goods arid low prices will insure a :Tee(?) , sale for ready par. TRACY & MOORE. Towands, May 12. tßat. New Laud Clover Seed. Blluuhela of New Land Clover seed, just reeeW t, ed and for Pa le cheap by B. KINGUERY, Towanda. March I, 1854. 311EmasInti. JOE i MS 9 CLOTHING STORE, IN AMU= . • A NY man or boy. or any body else wanting any /X kind of CLOTHING, will 'do well to call on Gummi B. Pcasisa, and see how VERY. CHEAP he is selling his new stock. He has now tho Largest Clothing Store in Athens. and his Goods were ill bonght cheap aiti will be sold cheap. Clothing is much ewer in the city, and Perktna is bound to let his enamors ha-e the bitten of it. The Store is new and just fitted up. Two dohs stelae the brick block. in Athens. Hats, Car, 4c., new and cheap. GEORGE B. PERKINS. Athens, April 28: 1854. • ,TINTIII3O' aS.ME39 QVRNEYOR for Bradford County. it!wpreparcl is attend to the above business in all ns branches. His office is at Monroaton. All letters addressed to him at that place, will meet with, prompt attention. April 4, 18154. ROUND PLASTER..-30 tons Cams Groun4 G 'Weir, on hand and foc march 15 18 54. BAILEY ,2; tv-ma, 11. C. PORTER, DI. D ECIIRDVITARTI. SURVEYtNO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers