Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 01, 1854, Image 2
The Wtst;iitte The accounts from eariconfiectionsoftheecumirt of the candijoa of the wheel crop, being utiltertilly colored watt a sombre lose, might induce titecaintel' observer to imagine that we are going: to :hare ti genuine feinine ! There is no such , prospeet. tact, it is almost out of the question fur a:general larnine ever to occur in the .United Slates, giving to be great diversity of climate; soil and production!: and futilities of interchange between the mime. sec.nettri. . Accediter to the Mete earefill .observatitms that We can an examination (if all that is said by cur exchanges anti corrMfondente °pan the subject of the crop now undergoing harvest or at teetly secured as she south; now riperriii,g 'in the middle stales ; now beginning to head out the ton hero does ; now putting on the green livery ut promise to the Canadian farmer; we bare cone to the conclusion that the general crop of the United S - ates ti ill be a fair average one. lit Ohio, Indiana and Illitinis, paint:nit/1y the southern parts of these stales, this wheat was dtijur. ed by winter killing in Michigan this was par tielly the case ; yet in all those state., utiles* The grain 'rayed by rust, or tlight;notreithiamiding the fly ha- tthentitted same wages, there will be More cheat raised' than Will tie needed for home come:orlon, In the lower part of Virginia the wheat hire kieh serioltdy destroyed by the knot worm, aided by the fli. in some counties—Fat:Noire, for instance -‘-*the tie:election has been very serious and, if it hadprer.,iled all over themeless lathe Paine shnuld havd sewn fey few rinotaions of Virgi.. ni fl.itir tbiA year In several of the southern state., not heretofore cowed in the wheat growing ones, they hare made T ea , crops this year. In toga and Wisconsirf all accounts concur in savint; that the prospect of a gond crop never equaled th I present. In northern Mittel= and sea there is not as much land sown as:formerly in while( wheat, but the prospect is fair, anti they never !rid a fitter season to sow spring wheal, and the f trmers improt ed it to good advantage. in our own state we think we shah make` it Mond average crop al least ; and so in New Yolk,' beta .w.tre, Nlar) land and New Jersey. In Vermont the farmer's prospects are most en couraging; high prices have stimulated them to stunt largely of. everything ealcalated to increase the product of human food. The eastern states ate wheat growing ones. but such crops as they do grow are promising, anti trill Irave,them fum drawing so largely upon the o tiers for breadstuff. It is true that nutters and speculators are connect i-g for 'new wheat at unusually high prices—in . lame places at two dollars a bushel; yet that is no rem that they believe the general crop is a short one They know that door is high now, and that new II int always sells readily, and they expect to m Ike a profit otr line purchases at a high price, and by t.fier Mg high at first, induce farmers to bring the crop early into market: We do not expect that wheat or flour will be as taw th neat fall as it was last one, but we do ex pect a fair yield of %%eat, and that the price will come down. We know that farmers have planted an unusually large number of acres of oom, potatoes and-ether edibles, null we see no reason yet why we may not expect an abundantharvest. 01nraas we have never had a better pro.pect of a vest 3 field than we have now all over the soon. try, and tbarwill help to make good and cheep bathers meat, and somewhat relieve the pressure nprni the breadstufk maiket, if any should occur. , finally, we ate constrained, from the data before n•, to believe that we shall not suffer any marked diminution of any of the staple articles of food, notwithstanding, the usual amount of periodical crop croaking; and the only article that we tear di minution-in is hair; and of the more substantial kind., of this, we still hope that some of the states, once fir off, but not so now, will grow us an ample supply. As there is still time to sow buckwheat, rutaba ga. and turnips, we again urge fainters to pay at tentiln to these valuable auxiliaries of the corn and wheat crops, and then, with the blessith,s of Provi dence, we shall trust that all now here, and all that Europe can pour upon our shorts of hungry people to feed at out ;misery, wilifind ample stores for the next year. Kossutli oil the btate of Europe. Kossuth made a speech at Sheffield, Engtarvi, recen:ty, on the occasion of a manifestant(' tri ft. sin 01 the nationality of Poland. Alluding to the universal opinion enter ained in England that Rus r is had grown dangerous to the freedom of Europe, and that she main bo checked in her encroach ment. u?on die independence of nations, he threw out a warning that diplomatists and phi clans were calltid upon to define what they meant by the "freedom of F.ntope," and state in what manner they intended to cheek the power of Ens. it teout4 in,the end be discovered that English blood bad been sited, and millions of England's money spent, in Producing a result quite the can tray of what was _expected. contended that either there was no sincerity, in that profession, or no political meaning in the design, that Turkey is to be maintained as necessary to the peace,ot Europe, and Russia to be without Poland being at the same time reconstructed an indepen— dent nation, and Hungary made independent and tree. Thetis aims, he wild, would be entirely sub verted by England taking Austria Tar her ally, and ). that a fatting peace could not be secured without Poland, Hungary and ltaly being restored to their national tights. The London Tunes maids this declaration of Kossuth as sufficient evidence of the identity of the interests oldie revolutionary party in Europe with those of Russia. These very wrongs of which M. Itossmh complains—the partition of Poland and the •mttimatiatt of Hungary—it says, are mainly anti biatable to The preponderance of Russian counsels ever the real interests of the Austrian empire.— That if the tithed printers of Europe could Succeed in detaching Austria from Russia and Russian poi. the chief antagonist of _liberal opinions in Europe would be checked in his designs. h ac cuses Kossuth of a desire td gratify his own vindic. tiveness against Auspia. It adds— " No doubt the disappointment and mortification of g Kossuth and Mt accomplices are extremely great at such a destruction of their hopes. They had confidently relied on the outbreak of hostilities MHo the world in fldmes, and to spread alt over the continent the horrors of revolutionary war.. star this purpose it was essential not only that AO. iris should be the object of -their attacks, but that France and England should be leagued spina her and prepared to favor the internal disruption of the empire. But the fault hisehown that their expec tations mare as toile ani theirinfermadosi minas sect on this point as they have proved AD be on so many others. Nothing remains m theist disband. ad i soldiers of sedition but to attach themselves openly to the service of the Em or of Russia, who will'probably not despise their assistance; while their ahead end unmeaning threats against the Whine* of the feet greatest powers lit Europe am the best moot that the, conneolion of Austria with England and Fiance has, in reali ty ,- disarmed and defeated the bitterest of her enemies." 1? A. lady of Rochester, N. Y., swallowed, what she supposed to be a pid,_in December fast, and soon after suffered c3usiderably (vim acute pains in the stomach. A. few days ago, ehe was attacked With severe pain in the knee, so intense to*teseler to faint.' *pity 'skim was called, who succeeded in extracting from theliinb a Ine. dium Axed needle, which - had worked, nearly to the skin, the eye being foreitdai The needle was much corroded, as thaitoint bed become nearly u inach r bititnedlas &Ilea Staivenow.-41. German fatuity timed •Fleut, oartaistiug httabaud, wifikatud daughter,. rank on W,talnesdun fogad its the store. in Jamey staraleg•coaditiou,haeing for seas daps, lived aillitely %tee lesva and new mei lielfta3e , rCL piety eared fog. . Wien or GOT. Bigler & Judge roIle& ",.-• The advocates of a', , tutiihitory Liquor taw ea presvangvine hopes o sweepieg the State by a treenendoui majority in Ch.;robar ? !th this question; many Clili4l as high as 50,t30C1 - meinrityt• Provillesi, an abundance of tickets be prititha end placed se every poll on election day. To wbal'extent those engaged in ihn mankLicture and Niteroi liquors, will oxen themselves to rata an oppositionhas nos thus far transpired. The fact is apparent however. that this question of liquor or no liquor i s destinerr-to terieire touch suet-lion in the can. rasa. We literature give below the interrog,itories of the Committee of the late State Temperance con. ventral', and the replies of Gov. Ihnecu and lutlbe Pawns. INT =Roc STORMS et Tilt PROIIIIIITORT LIQUOR LAN tnSIMITTEC 1. Do you a law, prohibiting the many. facture Ilia sale of iritoximeiim igoate t except toy eaciamem, medical, mechameal or artist+r■l. per• poses, to be coniiiimtional 1 and vrt,ukl Oa constitu tionality, in )oor_opmiiii, be yffectril by a subtui.• inn of it repeat to a vote of the people, provided a majority voted in tette of the taw 2 lo the event of your election, should the log Wallace roam itovh a law, will it receive your ese. entire sanction • The Philadelphia Sanday,"Dispardijosily remark., that these vague inquiritti'Were propounded with curt any explanation of the 'nature ot the law which, *as purposed, further than the general idea of a Prohibitory law, robe deduced from the queries and the respective •toininees were asked to, giv e categorical answers to questions a birth were not dogmatical., It is perfectly plain that a draft of a law may be prepared which is liable to no constitutional (Alec. stun t but which may. nevertheless betbrrectly styl ed a Prohibitory lair, It is equally apparent that a Prohibitory:law May he proposed which violates. every riglitecured by the consinntion. It the con• vention had purposed she plan of the law, or refer red to any known enactment as a general model, they might have fairly asked an expiession °fop it 10, but, as they preferred to make - their question as uncertain as possible they should r.ot have ex pentad a precise reply. Governor Bigler seems to have been sensible of this, and, acting with some degree of conscience, he has expressed himself as one should who is asked to aptness of a subject which is not explained to him. CorMOR 111121. a. ILIMTLIL. HAIRIKIIVRa s June 6th, 1854 Geer.Lasteir 1 have been honored by the re ceipt of your communication of the 18th propounding to me certain questions touching the subject of a prohibitory Liquor Law. o your first inquiry, f reply that the Sapreme Court of the Sate have repeatedly held, end I con cur in the doctrine, that the Legislature can exer cise all lavv-making, power not expressly lot bidden by the State or Federal Constitution. finder this construction, I believe the Legislature have kuthor ity to control the manufacture and sale of epiritous liquors ; but in the use of that power, it must be ob vious that aJaw might be pasted, which, in its de tails, would be a manifest violation ot the Constitu tion, end hence the impossibility of answering your question distinctly, without seeing the exact terms of the proposed law. , As to the second point in the infinity, it Must be very clear that a law s constitutional in itself ; would not be rendered otherwise by allowing ,the people to eeeitte by fee whether the It should repeal it or not, no matter what the vote might be. To your second inquirt ,I answer that I sincetely deplore the evils of intemperance, and am now willing, as I have always, been to sanction any proper measure to mitigate, and ii possible, entire ly remove the vice, but I cannel pledge myself to sanction a law, the- details of which I have not seen. The termini the Constitution and oath of effice would seem to forbid this course on this part of an Executive. He should be free to lodge of constitutionality and wisdom of a proposed Jaw after having fully examined and constdeted visione. Yery respectfully, your ob't 'servant, WM BIGLER. jt , l , POLLO9I ' 6 marts. MiLtos, May 30th, 1854 Gatvt:Emell communication in refinance to a prohibitory law has been received, and in re. ply, I would say that the consitolionalny of a prohibitory taw similar in its essential femme to the one referred to in your interrogatories, having received a judicial determination by the highest Courts of several ol our Staler and the princi. pie having been recognized by the Supreme Coon of the United States, lam relieted from the res. ponsibility of a first decision. These Courts bay• tug affirmed the •.constituilottality of a prohibitory law, and being of lbabighest authority, I believe upon principle and authority. such a law to be con. sultnional ; and its constitutionality, in my opinion, would nor be affected by a submission of its tepeel to a vote of the people. Every measure of moral or pstitical reform,sant tioned by the representatives of people, with in the limits of the Constitution, should receive my official sanction. The expediency and propriety of such laws are for the people, through their repro& etitativesi—and their will constitutionally declared should be respected by the Executive. If the peo pfe demand, and their representativerrensa such a law, their uiR should not hb resisted by the exer cise of the veto power.gai pnwei purely consetva• tive and only to tr exercised in cases clearly un comfit mional, or exhibiting indubitable evidence of hasty, injurious and imperfect legislation. Such being my views of official dot in the premises, should the legislature, the constitutional exponents of popular will, enact such a law, it would, in the event ol my election, receive the executive sanction. Yours, very respeetrolly, JAS. POLLOCK To Stephen Miller, :Esq., Chairman, and others, Committee. SficycriNO FATALITy Hopkins, of this city, a brakeman on the Western Railroad came to shocking death on Tuesday morning. He was anachecito one of themprning trains from this city eastward, and on approaching the bridge, about twenty rods this side al .- West Brookfield, the train met and pawed another from Worcester and Boa. top,`antl as the deceased was Waning from the platform of a ear, and looking back tease the train which bad jest passed, his head came in contact With the poem of the bridge with..sueo knee as to knock him round so that his head broke a bole through Me aide Of the ear. The blow, which beat his head show toe jelly, undoubtedly caused instant death. The body fell beneath the wheels of the train, which cut °kens arm, broke the leg, and otbsr.ise frightfully mangled it, after which it tell through the timbers of thO bridge into the river below, from which it was loon alter Mot era The deceased was a son of Joseph B. Hop. tins of this city, and was about twenty years of age.—Springyield (Afars.) Republican. Tug DiPLONATic Dacse.—A tumor is afloat it Washington to the effect tbat Mr. Seymour, the United States Apister - et St. Petersbotg, bus got into a serious difficulty with the Cur Nicholas, in consequence of his refusal to appear in Court dress an state occasions - to suoti'an extent, indeed, as to tbreatenot interruption of diplometimeletions be tween Duels and the United States. The-despatch es received at the State Department from, St. Pe. terisburs direct, on Saturday lait, mention that the reception,ol Mr. Seymour b.! the Czar was inns• gaily cordial and graciour, but asyncit a word in cc- Irian to any difficulty. - ' • Monday the . Idelen body of Mr. Josiah Ito'brook, of Weabiegtpucity; Ira*. feeed in Black witer,Creek, near Lypohbolg i hie SUP POW) g att his ad W death by tilts& dOstri ► chg atter** crab, whihreearchinit for geoliogirret - ape: . Vratiriirts l'iLeportor. E. O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. Towanda, Saturday, July 1, 1854. Teresa et The Reporters OS AO per annum-..ifpajd within the year AO enlif witl be deducted—t 6, <IA paid actually to *demure 11l 00 will be mooted. No paper. seat over two years, unless prod for. MIVILIMISIOICCTS, per etioare of ten Hors. 50 'mots for the drat and ',Acmes for eisch enbarquentineertkur. ItrOdlee to the " Limon Week." north slde 01 the Mite oNeare, next door to the Bradford Hotel. Enhance bftwees emirs. Adams' and Etwell'a law *Sees. DentocraUe State Sdatinatioaa ton sOVIIRSOII, WILLIAM BIGLER, or CLEARFIELD CO POD JUDO. or 'nu srrrintirg corn', JEREMIAH S. BLACK, or SottrfesEr Co • Vali CANAL volexisstowEs. HENRY S. MOTT, op PIIEE COUNTY Nb Papti Nei l Week. We shall not issue any Reporter next week. The anniversary of our National Independence occur ring witbin that time, we suppose that our subscri bers wilt so busy celebrating, that they will not miss the newspaper for one week, an I we shall improve the opportunity, by taking a short respite from our labors. Our next number will be dated July 15: frr Our paper this week is dated on the outside lime 31. This 's probably wrong, as the almanac • •..1 es but tbir y days in June. July 1, is the proper date. Address of the Autl.Nelbraskik Mensbors fat Centeems. On our outside will be found an address issued by the Members of Congress adverse to the Ne. braska bill. It is calm, a dispassionate paper and will commend itself to the sound judgment of ev• cry man.. his mainly historical, and gives a plain view of the encroachments of the Slave Power, and of 1114 plans in progress for the perpetuation and extension of the evil. We are glad to see that in issuing this address, all former differences of opin. ion are merged, in view of the huge interest which now threatens to overthrow the policy of our forefathers, and seeks to build up on this continent tv mighty oligarchy, legalizing and encouraging he. man slavery, It is time that the patriotic of every creed should unite to check the usurpation of that Power, by every constitutional right which they enjoy, while they have constitutional rigida lelt to employ. CONGRDISIONAL —The most important ptodeecling in Congress has been the communication to the House, by the President, of the Mexican Treaty-- The amendments made by the Senate, have been accepted by Santa Anna, and the President now asks of Congress an appropriation of $t0,000,000, to enable ,him to comply with the terms of the Treaty. The subject was was referred in the Hobe to the Committee 01 the Whale. Mr. Benton at tacked the proposition as a breach of the privilege of the House, the Treaty having been ratified before Corvette Wail entistilled as tO the propriety of the forge ippiopilaiitin required. A long discussion is no doubt involved, bin it iii expected the , appro. 'priation will be granted. (4r Two of the tiauphin• County papers, call ingthemselves Democrafin t ara at loggerheads, and endeavoring to increase the harmont of the party. We respecuully suggest to them whether suchcoa duct, just upon the eve of an important Mate elec. Lion, is not only oni of pike het calculated to seri ously injure oar prospects of aucceas l We propose that they shall drop all their personal- difficulties until after election ; or if they are otherwise irre. concileable—have the State Central Committee beer their reliance* recd arbitrate cad RUM their difficulties. Q 1-111. Vresident hart appointed A :IL' Rama, of Easton, Governor of the new Territory of Sao. ass. We suppose Mr. R. is sound upon the tg ger question" or to could hardly have been ap pointed Governor of a territory into which Slavery proposes to carry its human cbatdes. Be this as it may—Mr. /Ulnae has been long and. favorably known as an able, consistent and radical Democrat. Daring the Tariff discussion, be was one of the few\ public men of this State, who had the courage to stand upon principle. His appointment, will, we presume, be generally well Veteived. FATAL. ACCIDICST AT Wsrmiir N V.—Ca Friday afternoon last, while raising a building for Mr. Peck, at Warmly, a man by the name of Win. H Lewis, in stepping on a sill slipped and struck a pole which threw him. As he fell, his back struck upon a crow-bar, which run into him between four and fire inches, causing his death en Sunday mom• ing. He wet about twenty.four years of age, and leaves a young wife to lament his loss. THE Toovass Lama-•Tbe teams of Engi neon upon the New York and Erie' Hoed twosome to an end, and the Engineers hate masily returned to their. rations. Explanations haring been mile as regarded the obnoxious regulations, she anal news expressed themselves satisfied. The loss to Abe Company has been about swop°. trr The dentocratio : nominating election was recently held in Westmoreland county, which is a part of the Ccmiressional district now represented by lion. A. Dams, one of the five democratic mem bers who opposed the Nebraska bill. The tank was a majority for him of more than 1500 votes over his competitor, who stood upon the Nebraska platform. . • O'-'Oregon will probably be admitted as a stati of the Union before the eloseof the pi WerinWassiort of Conroe. las Tete of the people of ibe Terri tortktut berri*cen ;es the question and the - Ilion will to& be-given. ty... 4 Mail Canter-may any "sit meat tee. Eels the asStl,' when enclosed' in atamped atieektet AfriCifituria Notice. The follow inglmmeMe wereentlinted a commit* tee of judges on inch eitly Fraitapd Vegetables as cannot be kept froin decaying noillibe Fair. The committee tirdl meet it the Pord, of ?oared* as often as they toey deem it tiecestiry. Alt articles of this class entered for Festal:mins or exhibition most be left at the store at H. S. Melon, in said born, Who will take charge of the same t.• 11. S. Harm, J. D. biontanye, D. F. Barstow, B. Rouen, and C. M. Manaillei. LUIT OF ARTICLE/ I P>4 tiarattenv.—vtansx tr i m. Largest and bast variety of tarty apples, not less than siz croak Second but do. Best dos. early variety, . . sit Larkest end best vanety of eartyyears , daub. 1 AO Second best do. 116 Best dos. early variety, - be Lastest and best early variety of reachati .is of each, i 00 Second best do. , , f , 50 _ _ Best dos. early varistr. 60 Largest and hem variety of Cherries, I 00 Second best 'do. . 50 Best sines specimen. 50 Best epeeitned of Strawberries, 4 00 Second best d 0 .60 Largest and best variety of plum% I 00 Beeped best do. 50 Best dos. do. ao Best three water.melions, 60 Best three musk ructions, 50 The European Advice'. The steamer At/antic, of the Collins line, from Liverpool, Wednesday, June 14, arrived at her dock , st New York, on Sunday morning. The ac• counts are thirteen Jays later than by the Canada. They are not nf a decisive character touching the European War. Much interest, however, at•aches to the military movements before Siligtia and con- Orderable importance is given by the Paris and:Lon de* press to the personal conferences between the Ong of Prussia and the Emperors of Germany. Thus far the Turks bare decidedly disadvantage in the siege of Saimaa. Every demonstration by the Russians had been repulsed, and with a heavy loss of life, including a number of distinguished of cars. One account places the killed at 10,000 men ; but an allowance must be made, of course, for the vagueness, as well as the interested charac ter of the channels of the report. There is little question that the Russian commander has had enough of the siege, until he can be reinforced He bad retired and established his head-quarters at Jassy. It is said that the Principalities are swarm• Mg with Cossack soldiers, and the approach of the decisive struggle is rendered stilt mote Interesting by the alliance of the French and English land forcsi, to join the main body of the Turkish army. It is possible the Russian commander may give the allies battle before they effect dila union, though we see it stated that it will be their policy not to go out of the way to provoke an attack. The slow movement of the English army is much complain ..e4 of, and there is a well authenticated rumor that Napoleon is restive under the delay of his Corn• mender in the East. So much unnecessary time appears to be consumed on the Danube, as welt at by Sir Charles Napier end his fleet itt the Baltic, as to haie led to the impression that the expects- Con is still indulged by the Governments' of the Wen that diplomacy or a change of purpose with the E'm'peror Nicholas, after be shall definitely un derstand the sande of Germany, may yet avert the real struggle with Russia. The London Press, the organ of the Derby party, asserts pos.iively that ne gotiations for peace have been in progress for some weeks, and that hopes are entertained of a favora ble result. It must be remembered that the hostili ty of the Press to the Ministry would be Vary like. • ly to color its statemects. The diplomatic maneuvering between the King of firassia and the Emperor of fitritr?a amounts to nothing that promises a general settlement of the Eastern Question., The tamer sotereigo is regard. ed as the mete agent date Czat, iu his recent tit- it to Francis Joseph, while the later is now so closely preeseJ on all sides, that he is believed to have made op his decision in favor of making common cause with Turkey and the Western Pow. era. His overtures to the Patten; the reply of the latter; the previously uttered sentiment of the Austrian Envoy at Constantinople, and above all the military dangers to which his longer silence renders bun liable; all point to this result. From England we have the definite re-arranga went of the Cabinet, and the aprearance of Lord John Russell before his London constituents for re 'election. The formal reopening of the Crystal Fe lines at Sydenham is also reported; with all the im posing ceremonies; the Queen and Prince Canaan, with the younger members of the Royal family, participating. The establishment has tura become a commercial "osculation, and with fair, though not extravagant prospect of success. On the see and day, there were only about - 4,100 visitors, of which somber 2,000 were on season tickets. A dreadful 'and fiendish case of infanticide is reported in the London papers-the murder of w whole fa mily of children, six in number, by their mother, a Mrs. Balogh, once the nurse of the present Prince of Wales, and well known to the Royal household, and also the Royal French exiles at Claremont. TaaarroataL Arrow/ma nn—The following is a complete list of the Territorial appointments for Nebraska and Kansas, sent into , the Senate. on Thersdey, aft of which were confirmed : For Rdeforbz—Gen. Wm. O. Batter, of Ky., for Govesnoi Mr. Cumming, of lowa, Secretary; Judge Fergerron,of Mieligan,Chief Justice ; Messrs Bradley, of Indians, Ina Hanlon, of Georgia, Air. mists /barrel ; Mark brnard, of Arkansas, Mar shal ; K. Emmert, of Wisconsin, DisirictAttorney. For kausas—A. 11. Reeder, of, Pa., Governor; Daniel Woodson, of Va., Secretary; Messrs. El more, of Alabama, and Brown, of Maryland, Arno crate Justices; Mr. Isis, of Louisan:is, District Attorney; Mr. Doneldion, of Illinois, Marshal. (Kfr A brutal and disgraceful exhibition of/fogy ism took place in the House of Representatives, on Tuesday a week, between two toffiane (tom Ten. neesee, Culloni and Churchwell, who area double reproach to their country and their constituents.— Colima sprang et Chinas/ell, with clenched atua and horrid profanity, and the latter advanced to the contest with,* pistol presented in bity.hand... Met a spostarli, in the Congress of the nation! Why were not theurfellowe kiokad front theospitot they disgraced, and their names expunged from the of the Rents - , Con. :greys hero Pennsylvania, atia the -in4i,sordiate -pre. docesoor of Hon: Mr. residence, in Beriver county, Pa. , Peasoosso—Wfaso i tendioff,.. Om Mr l obo Van Buren expects to sail wimp* au the Ist p ro si. mt', WU absent SOM Mee* fair inontbe After doings little shooting *lib some of his Weeds; in Sootlital,itis =dammed tor be his intentker w p a y flying visits to St. - Pettuabingla and Ctinstaminople When he tainuttire *hall probably lino* whether Ow Cur iiiktrund'arpon thettebtukabillibil whisk ; et the Suluuslheittiaro support the admintaustitm candidata for senator is New Haripshire iii goal faith. ' • - We but Me - Viiit'llutem's demonic* will have a favorable effect open the Van Sureephobis which bias committed sub lames in some ilusiterlt of the coontty for the put few years. There will aow be but one member of the family left in the counirrabdiat ia, Smith Van Surat, and hho we Must keep lot seed.,. . -:. . The ex President, as our reader. sue scare, bu been Sorapcsometime; be expects to - pus the coming winter in &East, • and :to MUM the tot. lowihg sismnter.: His son Martin is with him. Major Van Buren sailed for - Europe about. two weeks since irith bus Wihr s aid mit*, 74iss MeDef• fie; dsughter ofthe tate Senator MclUdie. They go to Petit sal 'expect to be absent sample of years. II tuba lotto= we do not ses any good reason why the country should not base price once more We shall expect that the proceedings of the sp• proaebing state conventions-will be set to moist, they will,be so densonlons....N. Y. Eve Pod. oo so so bunt or Allimmate,Sontiod—h is our painful duty - to record one of those melancholy occurren ces, the announcement of which too frequently de wolves of journalists. Madame Scntrig, - of whom it seems but yesterday we were speaking in terms of admiration and delignt, is dead--spdilenly torn limn us for ever ; treacherously smitten by the Fell Desiroyrr in the midst of active life and triumph. The scanty information furnished by the telegraph acquaints us that returning to the United States from Mexico, and whilst on bo ard the steamer running between Yens Cruz and New Orleans, Madame Sontag was attacked by cholera, and after a short illness perished. The profound sensation of regret which this me lancholy catastrophe most awake, will not be con fined to those who have been delighted with Ma dame Sontag as an aniat. 4 wide circle of mour ners will be found in all those who have read the eventful history °Obis estimable lady's life, and learnt from it to appreciate the devoted heroism of • wife and mother battling with the rough World for competence arid a home. Whilst Art bas most one of her most brilliant luminaries, society has been deprived of a Nally cherished ornament.—a. Y. Daily Tunes Suwon Menus KT Rout --The Chicago Jour nal of June 12, says: A foolish rumor got in cir• culation on Saturday, that Senator Douglas wades pected-here that evening. A eonsidetable feehng was excited, and a very general disposition mani fested not to welcome him very cordially. We re. giet to have seen the popular wave running so high, bordering as it woulJ, had Senator Douglas made his appearanee, alrfrotn on personal insult. While, hotel:mei, this stale of things is to be de plored, Senator Douglas himself is answerable fur producing it. Over-riding and stronger than all party ties, the popular aentimen: is not expresseJ by dissali.luction—it is deep-rooted displeasure, shared in as well by his taco& as political oppo nents, who look upon his course wink feeling akin to sorrow. It may be proper to state in this con nection that it is not the intention of Mr. Douglas to visit Illinois until September, when he will find that we have not misstated the beating of popular puke at his own hometead. A Stogy Ustrecomax—A story was malted vomit mouths since in Chicago, to the effect that a little Norttegissi boy of that city, named Kited Iverson, hard been drowned by sOmb larger boys for Fele - sing to steal. ftWas aeon after . Contradicted, and a fierce newspaper war moment of the matter, some piths editor charging it to be a fraud gottip by the Press of that City. Notwithstanding the dental, the Sun. day School popile abate the togntry write Induced to contribute over one (he:wand dollars to erect monument to this noble example of virtue Beion; the money was used, a committee of the Leading citizens ofchicago wadi an investigation. That committee hasjust made its report, rind * they came to the conclusion that iliere " is odt sOfficient evidence to challehge endoutning belief," anti hence under the circumstances, they recommend that " the money be, returned to the danora." The difficulty will now be to find the donors. Arittnita gintelsoa or tat iltrouirtod.—We have been favored by a friend with theinkennation that there resides in Pleasant Mount Borough, Ibis county, a Mrs. Benjamin, at the very advanced age of ane hundred and ten years, with erospecis of liv ing many, years longer, equally fan before She is quite intelligent and seems to retain her me mory ieenarkably well, and evinces a clearness of judgment of the present, and a mind, yet distinctly uncaused with the scenes of the past. She has been married three time/4; her first two husbands were killed in the. Revolution, and her last we e named Benjamin, died about thirty years ago. At the time she was employed at West Point cooking for the army, and was present at one of the battles with Burgoyne, and assisted in distributing amonition to those of the soldiers who were near. at destitute. She wassail° wilt, the army when it wu disbanded at Newberg , by General Meshing ion ; and at which occasion the General asked her if she was not skald of the bullets, when she re r plied: g‘ Oh, the sword never robs the halter."-- Wayne County Herald. Farm %Vacuums —lt seems to be expected at Washington that the Homestead bill will pus the Senate. The New York Express learns that the autiNebrayka Senators have determined tosupport it upon the ground that it is an antidote to the Ne braska clause of the Nebraska bill, and will give the country to free labor. A caucus Wes held by the Senators on the subject, at which it was agreed to take op the bill yesterday, or as soon as the vole on the Indigent Insane Bill can be taken up, and keep it before the Senate until disposed of. The doctrines of the veto on the Insane Bill must be fa tal to the Homestead Bill. Woman's Amtvra.—A few evenings since, a young woman-made her appearance , in the par. qualm of the Broadway Theatre, New York, in male aline. She wore a straw hat, a son of sum mer sack coat, light vet, dash pantaloons and boots. She Orr had on a byron collar, and black neck rib bon. , Her ham and features at once divulged the secret of her sex, and, she was soon surrounded by a number of young men. WHIT MC FILLIIIVeraiI bfaT Ettescr.—The judge of the district coon of New Orleans bas call ed the attention of the jury to tbereported more. meat of the nits:stets, and has said that he would hold a session of the court during the summer should his measure be found seamy to check them. Tau Paestnewr of the U.S. accompanied by Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith of New flampshire, her re lativ6, tvuether with the Secretary of the Navy, General Ciss and Sydney Webster, Esq., the Pre sident's priviiie secretary, felt the city yesterday morning on &brief visit to Old Point, the party to return nest week.--Sentistel. (Kr The New York police have arrested 11011111 plump, and ate activelr in pursuit of ahem, im pffeated Keening the to the clothing aline of Jen nings &Co., in Stoadwdr. the man namedillart, who coasted his goiltownow in Suite prison. OtrThe Wisconsin decioion ot the oneolunito. tionstity of Ike Fugitive Stale tow it to be 'tested in the United States Supreme Coert,-, kit - Attorney Generail-at,Wesbington baringetkenstepe tainsure the ,urea aPd Itials4. llool h th a Undid $OllOl •Cpuff tor mieting that edlitifil se r gepti in the nes. cation ottlia Wursuito Batons.--00 the the application of the Attorney Gellert! sod Mr. Stamen of Pittaburg, an *Donation was on Monday lint allow. id by his lee Qrier, of the Supreme Court of the U. S., ott the Complaint of the State of Pennsylvania, against the Wheeling and Belmont Bridge Com pany, Or risectin them from rebuilding their Mike, et r tees elevation than was dtescribed by the de fuse of the Supreme'Court of the U. S. We un dimitard application will also be made for an east cadet, swims* the Bridgh Company tot the costa demaed againsethern by the Supreme Court; ro,the amount at eighteen thousand &illus.--Etc Bulk. Toe 011alte Surr.- ,, Thls celebrated contest is not yet ended. Mr.. Gaines isiabout to make applies lion to Ile proper tribunal to have the missing will of her deceased tether 'dibbled toprpbate She was induced to take this course by intimation given by the Supreme Court that this e ff ort might succeed. end in date it should, her Claim to the , property would meindabtiahle JudgetCarnpbett, in an elaborate opinion, has favored the, application, and Gee. Walter Jones, of Washingtor4.Gco. Wood, Esq. and Judge Kent, of New-York; concur in that opinion The pereeverance of this lady is certainly without a parallel. Tug Musoithea.—Behan, the murderer o: the Wickham fanny, le paid to have becOme very uu. tidy in prison—so much so that he has to be tied down to- the floor. The Sheriff at the county has received sit i intimanon to. th e e ff ect that. some of the prisoner s countrymen are making preparations rescue Behan. This is believed to be true, and ar rangements have been made to prevent any Inch attempt being successful. CuoLzaa.—The cholera has made its appearance in several of the Miler., and seems to be very pre valent in the Wes\ At Independence, Mo during the three days previous to the 20th, twenty five deaths had occurred. Several fatal cases of the disease are reported at %Vegan, St. Joseph and the places along the river. Drain or Jona May.—This once inimitable dawn, attached to the National Circus under the management of General Weigh, died a few days since; at the atiertshouse, from the effects of die nute of the brain. • tri , Hon. G.lbert Dean, member of Congrers from the Teeth Dianiet of New York, has been appointer) by Governor Seymour to the feat in the Supreme Coon made vacat.t by the death of lodge Seward Barad& Crrawisss RAILROAD —A letter from Tamagni infotms US that the locomotive commenced running over the Catawissa R4droad from Cetawissa to the int/colon with this Little Schuylkill Railroad, a dis tance of forty miles, on Saturday often:mon bat. Tile ntaTn Oi bfit.,S.Nootia.i:a —The Wheeling Gazette ent,fisma she report of %be leash of the Non. J. F Stio,'grass, a member of Congress from lin giosa. Is appears that on Monday lift.; he was en gaged in buisinee6 before lbe ct ! uri at Paskeraburg, when he fell dead without a bstuggle. (0— Immense qoantaties of hatter arrived at Bosom last week On flit ratlry, by the ice cars via the Nor hero Railroad ; there «•ere some 3000 parkagcs or butter iecerved from Northern N Y. and Vermont Sate. The Traveler se)s that from 18 to 20 cell•', is now the whnieskie price for N. Y. and Vermont Carus. —Sugar is now cheaper than fit.ur in New Orleans. A balm{ of the best sugar at the present prices—say 200 lb*. at 3i cents, is 87 ; while flour weighs 196 Iba , sells at $B. —The Cholera continues .to prevail to a consid erable extern in various pans of Tennessee. —The British obit) Kne,wh, which arrived al New York on Wednesday, in* days iron ) Liverpool, with 527 passengers, report. having had seven deaths. —Charles %V. Welsh. Esq , bas been appointed acting Secretary of the Navy during the absence of Secretary Dobbin. —Charles S Lewis, an infin?ntial and Iti2h finn ed Democrat, is a candidate lot Conveys in Palk.. *nem% district, V 3, in place of Mr Snodgrass. —Ott Wednesday week, the scaffolding of the railroad bridge over the Tennessee river, at 1.0,m don, fell, wounding five men, one of whom bas since died, and another is nor expected to live. frr Flour is now selling at $ll per barrel at Danville, Pa.; and wheat grain at 5;15 per bush el. Ngtar° NOTICE.—The Nonh Eastern Convo. 0110 1 17. elation of the Diocese of Pennsylvania. will bold its sessions (D. V.) in this Borough, to corn' menee on WEDNESDAY evening,/ nly 5, and will tenths , e over Sunday. Religious services may be expected at the Episcopal church at least three times a day. Sermons to Young Men, on Missions, 4e , will be preached. Early morning service at 6, A. M., in the Lectttre Room. The public generally are invited to attend. - refTEMPERANCE CELEBRATION.— The Fourth of July nest, will be celebrated at MONROETON.on Temperance principles, under do' joint supervision of the Mons of Temperance and Good Templar*. Oauantio Luso, of [iliac*, it is expected will deliver the Oration, a good band of music will be in attendance. and the proceedings will be enlivened by some beautiful temperance odes by the Monroetcrn Temperance Choir. Dinner will be provided by Mr. ff.Bhaw,of the Monroeton Tem perance Exchange. In short, our friends may be assured, that neither trouble nor expense will be spared to make the proceedings what thy should be to form a Grand Temperance Jubilee, The t of T., G. T. and the friends of Temperance general. ly throughout the county, are respectfully invited to attend. • CO.II3IIITTSZ OP taIIANOZWZNTS H. S. Salsbury. H. K. Fowler, A n 'bony Mullen, C. M. Knapp, Patrick Dupree. C=3 June S. 1854. GREATEST DISCOVERY OF Tif. Planters, Fawners, Families and others, can par. Chase no Remedy equal to Da. Toaras' Vase:lan Liwursirr, for Dysentery, Cholic, Croup, Chronic Hbetimatissi,Elore Throat, Toothache,Sea sickness. Cuts, Burns, Swellings, Bruises, Old Sores, Head• ache, Mosquito Rites, Pains in the Limbs, Chest, Hack, etc. Ili t does abt give telief.tbe money will be refund. edvß that is asked, is a trial, and use it ac"rdiag to directions. It is an English remedy, and area used by William the IV., late King of England, and certified to by him. as a anew for rheumatism, when every thing else had failed. . . Dr. Tobias has put op s Bosse traumas in pint bottles, which is warranted cheaper and hatter than any other for cbolic, scratches, old solos, galls, swellings, cuts, bruises, etc. Over 10,000,000 bottles have been sal in the Uni ted States, without a single failure, cud marry have atatedthey would not be without it it it wss SW per bottle. in ease of Croup, as it is as certain Is it is aPlaed- It cures Cholera, when first taken, in a few hours' Dysentery in batten hour—toothache in five minutes. It is perfectly innocent to take internally, and is re commended by the most eminent physicians to United States. Price $6 and -5 0 cents. Dr. Tobias could fills dozen n ewspaper* 'ebbe/r -ebates and letters niatitig to the wonderful cares accomplished by hie Liniment. but confident war. ranting, it mamma, as any person who does not ob. min relief neeiltot pay for it. • - Price 50 &at & Dr. Tobias i .Ofte. 940 - Gretna wadi West. New York. Per sale at Dr. H. C. Porrsa's Drug Store. Tows arida, Pa. Level's Kellogg, Miss E. Salsbury, Mrs. H. K. wowler, .1. 13.1ilmith, 8. W. Alden, Smith. J. 13.150a4.x, See.