THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE! Planters. Farmers, Families and others, can pur• chase no Remedy equal to Dn. TOBIAS ' . VENT:tr./air LINIM'ENT, for Dysentery, Chotic, Croup, Chronic Rheu malls,", Sore Throat, Tuotharhe,Sea Sickness. Cuts, Burns, Swellings, Bruises, Old Sores, Head eche, Nfosquito Bites, Pains in 'the Limbs, Chest, Back, etc. It t di es not give relief, the money will be refund ed—all that is asked, is a trial and use it according to directions. It is an English remedy, and was used by William the IV., late King of England, and certified tolly him, as a cure for rheumatism, when every thing else had failed. Dr. Tobias has put up a Hansa Lisitagar in pint bottles, which is warranted cheaper and better than any other for choke, scratches, old sores, galls, swellings, cuts, bruises. etc. Over 10,000,000 bottles have been sold in the Uni ted States, without a single failure, and may have stated they would not be without it it it was $lO per bottle. in case of Croup, as it is as certain as it is applied. ft cures Cholera, when first taken, in a few hours: Dysentery in half an hour—toothache in five minutes. it is perfectly innocent to take internally, and is re commended by the most eminent physicians in the Unaed states. Pr ice 25 and 50 cents. Dr. T. - Nis could fill a dozen newspapers with cer :,firavg an letters rclat mg to the wonderful cures acrr-mplished by his Liniment, but considers war t acting it sudictent, as any person who does not ob tain relief need not pay for it. Price 50 cents. Dr. Tobias' Office, 240 Green. wich street, New York. For sale at Dr. IL C. Pdarea's Drug Stare, Tow. an la, Pa. Waverly Station, N. Y. & E. R. It TIME TABLE. GOING EAST. n. M.l GOING WEST. U. M Stock Express. A. s 3 40iNight Express. A . M 4 00 Night Express,r m I l 381 Way Express, r M 11 40 N. Y. Express ao-lm 6 20 Buffalo Fix. M 3 10 • Cm. Ex'p. AM 5 111 Mail No. I. rmB 35 Mail N 0.4., Pm 6 53 Dunkirk Ex. , rM4 02 Mail No. 2 • m 7 28 Maul No. 3. • m 13 24 •steamboat Ex. P M 1 99 Emigrant. r m 4 17 floes not stop at Waverly. THE STAGE FOR WAVERLY Will, until farther notice, leave Towanda at 1-2 1, P M., c., , nneeting with the Liudalo Express West, and all ihe evening, trains both ...ways. Returning, leave Waverly after the arrival of ,the Light and iuurning trains, teaching Towanda in time fur tile . I.'uni.liantiock and Dushu4e atages. -Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1854. • , Married, 111 South Tntrarsa. on the 13:h inst. , by the I: , t .Iti!itts 1111 En:ENE STEPHENS, 10 i♦lli4 ?if 111 T GRE:;ft, By ;he, in Tiiaanda Boro., on the. I ?th in t. Fur.nnicK \VI t. , 0): /3 et tzar, tu Miss P11°31111.. ELIZA WET 11 :.L.l f Franklin. In Wtml•or. Itr•wtne t.' , utity. N. June 18, 18.54, by the 1?-v. Mr.Pacrner, ,r. Pn ot 111, Uiru A. Z- 4 1 - 111:sullAM, of the for• nicr on the loth inst. ity Rev. Mr. k.• DLit Oi 1) turd¢ 10 Miss Au— ALAII, btxill t t 11.11 Wednr- , lay, Jun...Z.1.0, My Up; Vev..ltillus Fos— ?11r. s Y. %-ri,w‘ , ..t. of El , nira N. Y., t, Th , s S. N!YEIL of this place. Obituary Wh ,, reas, it ha 4 [he Great iti.p.ntr of . -0,, to r:•,u , ive hy death from liast Ttov 1 1 :v Suns ofieutpet - ance, N. '.34,Bruitiel 11 .Lett ,Orvi , . Therefore Rego!veil, That to the dead of our beloved we rec'igeize the d'epa; tore of a fat.hfill, eon nt at d highly esteemed Son of Tein,:errinee. Re,olved, That u deeply , •ympsd.r.c tde It'- end friend. , ,1 the deceased t rothert L:Jetto, uri 11.•)M t ) the (;rare of God, which h c sui • 11.. gr ,I;', I •CA. r), W. BROWN, t:.\LKIN, C. .tam ittee. f~~. C.lz.:E, r -.l.6nertlsCin..lllG. • dfter's Notice. •••• -)'!-n • Pv , - .7 r I, •is I 1 err: ford 1.11:1 P .I , IIS . 1 / ' . y T. n. 18:",1 nhder.ig lett having been appointed by the 0 Court C a Pleas of Ltt'adlord County, A od.tor t.• , •.111-tt toe the runl ral.,ed by the , ;1 rent estate, in the above entttled •'..e, hereby give! notice, t h at he will attend to the /ITS of hie appdir,:ment at ht. ••thre, to Troy hero, • a •. aturday ti•t:li div of Ittly iipxt,at 1 o'clock P N 4•• at tiin , aod place -all pe:ions 'having a. 111,3 upon bald fond, ate reTiest• .1 to pre. , nt t for adju uncut, and d•ztri . Jut.un, or be debarred coining in for a ,hare of .said fund. Troy, June 17, '15.11. •F. SMITH, Auditor, CUAS. D. EMBRY, .1 TTOR.,S"/El* .1T La WilliamopoTt, Lycotning County, Pa. F•OFFlCE—Opposit,. U. S. ftitel-Up - - The Educational Fund restive], 1S postponed from the 4th of July, to commence— iient day of which, due notice will he ail:en. B.uditor's Notice. I ,I;ic In.ilirr q f the Eslale , !1" Hunsphry Brown, drcc.l4- 1 In ins: Orphans Court of Hrudjorcl County. TIILE undersizned Auditor, appointed by the court in make distnbution of funds in the hands of Administrators of said estate, will attend to the ties assigned him, at his Odice, in the Boro' of Towanda. on Friday, the 28th 'of July, 1864, at 2 e'. :ork P. M. And all persons having claims upon •i, I fund, must present them at the time and place oesaid, or else be forever debarred from the same. June IC. 1 , 54. P. ii. MORROW, Auditor. Auditor's Notice. 1,, titc flatter tf the eLdttritarl (ism LT 'intent qf 0. D. Churnboltsz t, S S. Bradley In the Cum. Plea uJ Br• - ...yord SJ. 131, Sept T. 1b52. r Hfl under , igned, an auditor appointed by said Court to di•tributo money in the hands of 8. S. Bradley, said Asslgnee, will attend to said bid siness at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Moriday the 26th A. D. 1851, at 1 o'clock, P. M. When and .vhere all persons interested are requested to attend. D'A. OVERTON, Auditor* Towanda, May 29, 1851. • Auditor's Notice. the matter of the estate of Asa Manley, deed. In the Orphans' Court of Bradford County. • 11? undersigned having been appointed an au ditor to - hear, examine and report upon the fi nal account of the administrators of Asa Manley,' dee'd. to which exceptions are filed, will attend to the duties assigned him on the 28th day of June' Lest. at I o'clock, P. M. at his ofllce in the bore' of Towanda. D'A. GVER I'ON, Auditor, May 29,1854. tNNEI.` , 1 fir sale ht• —Preach, Domestic Si !, +!•u ry PHI?7NEV. WANTED—aII kinds of grain & lumber for I Which some cash will be paid by Oct. :lA, 1853. PHINNEY. Boor:i & SHO ES, the largest and sortment in Towanda. by " PRINNEY: West Branch Clover Send. 'F.4 - 113tnhel of West llsarich Clover seed, just re. !-. 1 ceired a first ran article, and for sale at the lowest cash price, by BAILY ir, NEVINS. March 1, 1851. MINK SKINS.—The highest prieemill,be pablin Jan. ear& for any quantity of Mink skies, by - 1, 1054. MONTANYVY & CO. Port or Ciders BARRELS fit for ,rL,Loiii.4..CO. 300 NEW W ate at 75 8 each, by B. - Toirabtla, Aug. '• 0, /853' New 9thvertispneute. -AUDITOR'S NOTICE. . Wattles, Administrator of the Estate of D. M. Watika, dec.4: vs.-Daniel Hill, Jr. In the Corn. mon Pleas of Bradford Counly, No. 136, December Tern-°1850: , THEiniderSigned At:tailor, ap - the court I to distribute funds, in the hands of the :43heriff will the doties'assigned him, at hie° office, in the iloro' of Towanda, on Tuesday, the 25th day of July, 1,854, at 2 o'clock P. M. All persOns have ing demands upon said funds,-.must present them at the time an,d plaqe aforesaid, - . or else be forever debarrWTm 'the same. '- • J uneJ0,4854. P,.D, MORRO W, Auditor. O.TtN (•uttivators m'rith steeTteeth. for wile by C H. 8. MERCHR. • Auditor's Notice. Brown, Rarkwellvs. _.1.9114 Terwilliger. ipt the COunty. Cninntcti.l t :oriliddfont. Af; 184, Jll42Vem, • T ar°4o enfinedAltditori . appo inted by' the ;Court to distribute funds receive by Sheriff's sale of defendant'a teal estate, seized in execution issued in the above suit, will attend to the duties of said ap pointment at his office in Towanda borough en the 26th day of July, 1854, at 2 o'clock P. M., where all persons interested are required to present their claims or be debarred from said fund. June 16, 1854. P. D. MORROW, Auditor. .duditot's Notice. In the matter of the estate of John Welsh, deceased.— In the Orphans Court of Bradford Canty. . THE undersigned Auditor, appointed 'by the J. Court, to Marshall assests and distribute funds in the'hands of the Administrators of said estate, will attend to the duties assigned him, at his office in the horo' of Towanda. on Thursday the 27th of July. 1834, at 2 o'clock P. M. All persons having claims upon.sald funds, must present thrill at the time and place aforesaid, or else be forever debarred from the same. P. D. MORROW, Auditor. June 16, 1954. SHIFIREET'S SALE. Y virtue of writs of Vend. Expo. issued out of the 1.) Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county, and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the bore' of Towanda, on Mon. day the 3d day of July. at I o'clock P. M. the ful lowvtg desCribed lot, piece or parc,l of land situ ate in Pike tp. and bounded nn the north by land of Cyrus Tyrrell, on the east by the county line be tween Bradford and Susquehanna counties, on the south by hinds of Seth Blakeslee, on the west by lamk of ills estate of Solotn , m Bosworth, deceased. Containing about 70 acres, more or less, one old framed hou.e one old framed barn and ad orchard of fruit trees thereon. seised and taken in execution at the FUlt of I'd.L Vt'.,rd vs., Chauncey G. Gridley, administrator of Wa•erimin, AT.§o—.l pier ey.r parcel c•C laid in She.liequin tp , bounned north and nest by land., of Obadiah Gore'. on the east be the public highway leading on the east sate of , he Susquehanna river, from Ath,-ns to Towanda, south by a lane lading from Said high wsi.• to Thyhtsrin & core's mill Containing about ne I,urth "r an acre, more or 1e , ., improved. one framed house thereon. seix.d and taken in execution at the suit of Geo. }:. Lent, io nse l'homas vs. James B Warren. ALSO--A piece or pared of 1:910. in Burlington tp., b.tuoded north t. , land.; nt Mr,.A. P. Smith, nn the east by the old liortvlct: turnptlie, south by J. F. Long, west by lan ls of WKean, containing three—fourths of an acre , all improved, one flamed house, one framed bast, and shed and cow-houtic,and a feu: frtt;t t , eca thereon. " Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Thos Elliott, to the use of John V. Dantelc, v.,. Almond Sheriff's Office, Tuwancln, June S. 1354 Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal t.t , ihe e.•ets will be required to he paid upon each sale when i.titied down to tht bitidgr. and upun a fain - ire 1,, cumply with this - tegulattou, the tract of land wit! 4!ain be ttlrered for sale. The North Branch Cau . al Navigable ! - The Packet Boat St. Louis, Will run daily between ‘.\. I .ITTZ 'II. I, OIVADT:O_2, T - E VING Athens at S 1-2 o'clock, A. H., arrir ing ai noon. rviornma to Athens same evening leaving Ton anda at 2. Carriages will he in rea line to convey passen— gers to and from the depot. The pu.prietor will also carry light freight from Waverly to Towanda, and intermediate points, at reasonable rates. W. LOOM IS. Towanda, June 10, 1854. Bitutninous Coal.—Barclay Coal Bed. THE undersigned is prepared to., furnish at ;the -I- bed., any quantity tit' this superior COAL, at the reduced pri,LT of $1 25 per ton Cur Blacksmith coal, and $175 for picked Grate :oal. Payment in cash or Country produce, but no credit will be given. HENRY (IA FISS, Agent fur the Barclay R. R, and Coal Cordpany. Franklin (Old Coal Bed) May 25, IBM; DISSOLUTION. T"Epartrfershlp heretofore existing, between La throp dr Chubback is this day dissolved by mu tual consent. The books and accounts are all to be settled by C. E. Chubbutlr, wieh must be done immediately. All persons owing the late firm must call and settle the same, and those haring demands aeaipst said firm wil present the same to C. E. Chubbuck for payment. 13. B. LATHROP, Orwell, May 20, 1854, 'C. E. CHUBBUCK. - - - . The subscriber calls attention of the old patrons of the above firm and the community generally, to the carefully selected Stock of GOODS now being received at the new Store recently occupied by C. where he may be found at all times ready to exhibit his goods, not fearing to compare them and their prices with thoNe of any other Store in the country. Call and satisfy yourselves. di.dministrator's Sale. BI" virtueof an order issued by the Orphans' Court of Bradford county, will he sold.on the 29th of May next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Man sion house on the premises, all that lot of land sit uate in Monroe tp., containing one hundred acres, described as follows: Beginning at a:black oak, the north west corner of the farm of which D. H. Owen died seized, thence north 56° east 121 and 3-10 per ches to a post, thence south 33° east 94 perches thence south 13° west 160 perches, thence north 32° west 148 perches to the beginning, with about 30 acres invproved, and a framed house and barn there on. fe ( rins made knows at the day of sale. THOS. ELLIOTT, May 1, 1851. WM. COOLLIAUGH, 2d, Adm'rs. D. H. Owen, dec'd, The above sale stands adjourned tillBatarday the 10 (hy of June, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the house of Hiram Shaw, in Monroe. In' The above sale •is further adjourned until Saturday, September 2d, at the same place and time of day. - DR. E. H. MASON, PHYSICIAN 4k BURGEON, Residence. on Pine Street. opposite the ott Presbyterian Church. Offers his professional services to the people of Towanda and vicinity. Can always be found atbis office, in Dr. POIITEIOI Drug Store, when not pro feisionallf engaged., " ozolnat AND Tnisa,rlnr MOP, •At Athens ,ifeculigd., Store. ATTE BRAN C H a n d OW, vlotter Seed, at $7 T a bushel. . . Clean Reaped nine/4 Seed, wholesale-and 113`. tail—retail price. $4. , Also a good selection of -Oar den Sark for sale cheap. •R. .M. WELLER. Athens, March 15, 1854. EON C. THOMAS. Sheriff.. MI of whls. s h are cdrered for sale for C.d.Slf or f':.X,Ett the lowest possible prices. Among hifieftck of Dry Goods win ho found a large assortnierrof Black, Fancy and Plain Dress Silks--Clitl›