Nov • ,bitdiscuttsis Giii as Appraisement -sad Diastsificatios nr the different persons , engird In the sale of OGoods. Wares and Marc h Is e. in the County of Bradford for the year 1854, with the Amount of license thereunto annexed: noire., £LIAT. D Kellogg & Co ►ttLIIK. John Horton GiHdtHlMPrro w Horton 4. Moue: 0.0" ATIILSO TOWIISII I f ;.David Gardner John Watson J P Jackson A Bidleman liquor 14 liquor 14 ATMs 'oilman. Harris &Page • twrge B Pettit:it Dell & Smith 0 Park & Sort C C Brooks C B Bemck W Frotchey 14 Sawyer It M Welles Edward Averill C Comstock •lIILISOTOS. A Morley & Brothers Morley do Campbell Long & Merry M C Mercur CANTON F Hall 4 Co J Vandyke jr ¢ Co Gridley ¢ Colwell G W Rogers A Co' Miller & Doty F G& A G Manley A H Kiss ". N Tittle COM! litA. Runniford & Mclierriek D 8 Alexander L Dodge it A B Austin DVAZI.L. B Laporte , ¢ Co Moody• ravelms. W Mereur CuR K Hawley & o V'. L D Taylor 11 8 llok.osalo lII= Au Ihowa I=l Parkhort & Lamb Smith & Wilcox Ezra Holcomb I =1 Newton, White & Co Brown & Rockwell 0 P Lyons J V Rice Smith & Creamer =ES E C 4 J Putter T Humphrey &Co 7 7 ' liquor 13 C E Chubbuck 13 Baldwin 4. Stevens D Bailey & Son FH McGeorge George H Little Black ¢ Pierce =DM B F Buck H C.Evens West 4. Voorhis F Wilson • H G Cornell - Judson Holcomb Washburn & Frost .1 W Woodburs 1121111011C111 stets. H W Tracy George Butlv's Jared Hart SAMS ter H A . inney & Co kquor 14 %V D 434pbe1l &Oo • do 14 T Hutchins 14 S~(?YTIEt Bullock & Phelps E'44 . Tracey Burke 4 Fritcher Fr al Nevis Lit Haut G Blakeslee C T Murphy Hiram Spear TROT II 01101;011 K W Paine C K Spencer Co Newberry 4. Peck Herrick 4 Pomeroy Alvin Stephens V Al ticH F Long OW/EDF Pomeroy 0 P Ballard E F Ballard James Adams liquor 13 do 12 TOWANtiI •010001. F L Ballard J E Goodrich H 8 Mereur Montanyei & Co Tracey & Moore Alexander 4. Solomon Collins 4. Powell W A Chamberlin Burton Kingsbery 0 D Bart lett Bally 4 Nevins H C Porter 8 Felton & Co Hall 4. Russell Joseph Kingsbury M Reed Joseph Powell G H Bunting A M Warner J H Phinncy Sl= Goy Tracey J ¢ T Mather C Rockwell & Co Gibson & Gctseline =TM J A !de 31 4. R Tyrrell J P Rogers G W Talmadge R Cooper WINDIll!I W H Russell C Ruykendall Ethan & Benedict M C & J B Merdotigh John Roberti =2 Ebenezer Horton WY ALVIIIXO. Wells 4. Augustus Lewis Elisha Lewis Cyrus Ayrry V E . er 7 E Piellet Lewis ir Madill Myer 4 Reed 7 Allen , liquor 14 10 f. " 13 10 ~ liquor 14 leo do 14 tit 0 / A List and Clam,ificatton of the Beer Rouses, Rat. log Rouse., dm., for the county of BradfordPi the year 1654, ender the act of Aas,embly of tbi 10th of April, 1849, entitled 7 asst to create s linking fund," die. Town. - Mums. - / maa A mount Athens B orough , ....CarnerAißell. 8 Obi !scab filapler, 11 Burlington.—Henry Voaburg • ' 5' ....... 4 Thomas Ryon. 8 -61 Canton..;. .11 Tutt/e . 1 5 5 •• 1 s 3' •• • • ...... . . G &adder - 1 ................ Canfield e . .. c0 10 4011....L Gregory i, i S 5 Moline., • •Autheety Mullin6 5 Towanda 8 11140014,4•11 J Pjuipn r • 8.... . 75 MUD 7 •00 7 00 7 00 . 7 00 7 00 7.00 10 50 10.50 9 14 go, 1 1 3 14 14 14 14 , • 14 ' • 14 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 elb 14 14 14 10 00 10 00 10 00 '7'oo 7 00 10'00 7 :00 7 00 t 3 1 13 14 14 13 14 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 50 7 00 liquor 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 liquor 13 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 10 00 = 10 011 12 50 00 00 4 0. 10 50 7 00 10 50 10 50 10 50 liquor 14 licpmf 14 do 14 do 15 I JO 00 7 00 7 00 liquor 14 11 10 50 7 00 7 00 10 50 .10 50 VOO 10 00 10 00 U• 5 00 liquor 18 111 TOO 7 00 10 50 7 00 liquor 14 14 ID 00 760 FI 50 111 60 JO 75 C It Signor 12 12 50 12 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 IS 73 liquor is liquor 14 do 14 liquor 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 liquor 13 lEE 14. 7 14 ' 7 14 7 1 14 . liquor 14 10 =MI 14 7 11 14 7 14 7 liquor 14 ' 10 13 10 14 7 14 1 14 7 Li= - ~: ... • ... : - ...44ilerearter •,` " 8 ' 6 ••• 1: — vaticiss.. ...., , ,i,,, .. 8 6, . . , .• ' i,..... t .,M.T.Cartier -. . 8 .. i 6: •` ea • k ••' ...-. 4.. • • i' - • el l B ?Oa - ' *-- 8 - - • 6 TrofloronBb....Pialefistrobbina • 8 6 : p••;i_P 8 Borders', . 7 -.-•.''.',.. 8 ' 6: :..._....4.-.. C Drake -_:l`. , ' , 8 - .5 StandEtB Strir.ChistioiTaylor = -8 -- 7 5 Smithfield.. 3463 & J-0 Geroulds 8 6 .1.-4 Higgins ' 8 1. Pike....W !Softy . • , 8 . 6T - . •, " D- r ai.c . 8 45 11 Seymour • 8 ii 1715ter....111 Pike • 8 5' ... ...... Daniel Harkins 8 ai .. *: ..... ry ti Plowman 8 f! iClassification of the persons entageli r of Nostrums, Patent Medicines, &c., alt.! Of Bradford ; for 'the year 1854, an d of Assembly of April ] 0,1845. • NUM , ' Clam Amount r0mh....0 El Herrick 4 1 115 .. • George A Perkins 4 ' , 6 l Hail * Co 4,' 5 „Parkhurst & Lamb '4 ' - 5 .Herallolcomb 4 ' 5 Newton. White 4 Co I' liumphry * Co Bailey 4 Son ildion Holcomb lorongh....H C Porter 4 5 I lorßeed 4 5 rogh....V M 4- H M Long 4 5 t 0 ..... ...... C Drake , 4 6 . K ... 1.-4 .. .... . . F L Ballard Branddigatone....H W Tracey ...4, A List an. in the s for the der the Tows/. Athens B =ZEE Canton Leßoy. Monroe Omit. Pike... Rome.. Towan. lii=l A 1.1L,,ad Classification of the different Distilleries in Bir4ford County, for the year 1854, per act of linely of April 10, 1849. Name. Bprialkrld ..Wm Brace Troy& J E Goodrich. SheaOtain....B Newell Pon nd Classification of the Bankers in BradA ounty, for the year-1851. n. Name. Amount. Lic. • boro'. ..Laporte, Maven ¢ Co. $l5OO $45 - is herehy given that an appeal will beheld ;ommissioner's Office, in Towanda, on the, .y of July next, at which time and place any aggrieved by the foregoing classification can f they think proper. E. L. BROWN, 19,1854. ercantile Appraiser. ILTOMILI22" - SAUL Idue of writs of nd. Expo. issued out of the art of Common ' leas of Bradford county, and 'directed, will be exposed to public sale at on Rouse, in the boro' of Towanda, on Mon. e 3d day of July. at I o'clock P. M. the fol • described lot, piece or parcel of land situ- Pike tp. and bounded on the north by land, of Tyrrell, on the east ,by the county line . be. Bradford and Susquehanna counties, on the ..y lands of Seth Blakeslee, on the west by I the estate of Solomon Bosworth, deceased. ining about 70 acres, more or less, one old 1 house one old trained barn and an =hard trees thereon. •ed and taken in execution at the suit of C.L •s. Chauncey G. Gridley, administrator of F terman. dec'J. 'O—A piece or parcel of land in Shesheguin tinned north and west by lands of Obadiah on the east by the public highway leading on -t side of the Susquehanna river. from Athens 'soda, south by a lane leading from said high. • Davidson & Gore's mill. Containing about •irth of an acre, more or less, all improved, med house thereon. • .11 and taken in execution at the suit olGeo. et, to the use of Thomas Maier, vs. James 8 ..O—A piece or parcel of lend in Burlington ended north by lands of Mrs. A. P. Smith, on t by the old Berwick turnpike. south by J. F. west by lands of Addison M'Kealloontaining °girths of an acre, all improved, one (tamed one framed barn and shed and cow•house,and fruit trees thereon. ed and taken In execution atihe silt of Thos , to the use of John V. Daniels, ve. Almond hots. C. THOMAS. Sheriff. undersigned is papered to furnish at the s, any quantity of this superior COAL, at ced prize of $1 25 per ton for Blacksmith $1 75 for picked Grate Joel. Payment in country produce. but no credit will be given. HENRY Carla% Agent for the Barclay H.R. and Coal Company. klin (Old Coal Bed) May 25, 1854. Pacific Balm. T received, a new supply of Dr. Farwell's eat medicine for the cure of Consumption. s threatened with the alarming dlsease,would I to apply this medicine before it becomes too Price $1 per bottle, ar six bottles for $5. 24. 1 S . J. KINGSBERY. I - DISSOLUTION., partnership heretofore exist(ng between La , op & Chubback is this day dissolved by mn. .nsent. The books and sccounts are all to be led by C. E. Chubbuck, wich must be done 1w ;lately. All persons oaring the late 6rm must cal ~d settle the same. add those haying demands a t said firm wil present the same to C. E. eh .uck for paymeat. S. B. LATHROP. ell, May 20, 1851, C. E. CHUBBUCK. 7 subscriber cills,attention of the old patrons of • above firmind the community generally, to the mildly selected Stock of GOODS new being recd ed at the new Store recently occipiyd by C. dr where fie may be found at ell times ready to esti' it hisigoods, not fearing to compare them and their prices with those of any other Store in the couatty. Call and satisfy yourselves; " C. E. CHUBBUCK. _ t l AlAhniniiitratimos Sale. BY hirtueof an order issued by the Orphans' Court of Bradford county, will be sold on'the 29th of May nest, at 10 o'clock in the forendon, at the Man sion house on the premises, all that lot of land sit nate in Monroe tp., containing one hundred acresi lescribed as follows: Beginning at a black oak, the forth west corner of the farm of which D. H. Owen lied seized,, thence north 56° east 121 and 3-10 per hes to a poit, thence south 33° 'east 96 perches once south 13° west 160 perches,thence north 32° eat 146 perches to the beginning, with *boot 80 unimproved, and a framed house and barn there- Terms made known at the day of sale. THOS. ,ELLIOTT, - FAL COOLBAUGII,2d, Adm'rs. QM. Owes, dB6'd, k Tbe 'aboic male stands adjourned till Baturdaythe day of Sale, at 3 o'clock in-the afternoiin at the tie of Hiram 81taer. in Meanie. • , a The • above sale is ftnthe'e= adjourned until lanill7 September 2d, at the same place and time .__ May 1,1854. assourncik..: HE arlartnenthiplieietoroie ezilitbny.: between' T of Geo. eolith and John V. Rite under the firm & is ibbidii.,4lisetail wial* *l ** -1 sent. Theiwelasi insteafter be Ointdoeted by emit Banks earl bgfpaad u the' Storeorinedy necupiiiiby "aid All &mein. debtor to said Arm by boa is&lount will please call endlettle the same wtthnus"gfelay. GEORGE SUIT/I. • • _JOHN V. RICE: Montneton. May 29. 104. ilPo• 111011FO'ZINDICINEIL*1111011W ,/ attorney at Lam. ojwts WITS Tax asszarat atm ascoszosa. , Towande;.Penna. NEW SPRING* SUMMER GOODS ••••••••111M BURTON KINOSBERX - issiowireeeiving all sorts of Ng W GOODS , lib ic b will ha sold very low for Cash. May 8, 1854. X 39. Igo uni rumasr, TATOULD inform her friends, that , she has just ra il' itimed from the city, with a large moment of DISILISMAT GOODS, which she offers at reduced: prices. Produce of es.. ery kind talon in payment for gouda. SLESSOVILtio—DR. MASON' has removed his office to his dwelling, on' Pine street. Opposite the old Presbyterian Church. Towanda, May 13,, 1854. 4 5 4 5 4 6 4 5 4 5 4 5 TWA t. C FEMALE SEMINARY. THE fourth quartir will commence on Tuesday the 10th day of May next. April 29. 1851. • Class. Amount 10 $5 10 5 10 5 PLASTER, SALT, AC. TWQ'FIIUNDRED TONS Cayuga Ground Plas ter, 100 Barrels Salt, 100 Ibis. While Stone Lime, 50 bitshels Orwell & West Branch Clover Seed, 30 bushels Timothy Seed, 500 lbs. Allegany County Cheese. just received and for sale by BAILEY & NEVEM'. Towanda, April 27, 1854. BOARDS & SHINGLES WANTED. FIVE HUNDRED Thousand Feet Pannelßoarda. 50,000 Cid Common do. 100,000 feet Collin boards 300;000 long Pine shingles, for which Cash will be paid on delivery ' tl. S. BAILEY & CO. Towanda, April 27. 1851. Phan and Plow castings! BLATCHLEY, Wayne county, Alba or Curtis Plows, Bide hill, subsoil and corn plows and Castings, for sale cheap. I take particular pains to get good well made plows and tough castings. I would invite particu lar attention to the Alba, or Curtis plow. Call and see. R. M. WELLES. WAVERLY & TOWANDA R. ROAD! 500 Mm! WANT ! A T ADEICANDE RS' & SOLOMON'S, sums sorss to J. 41 S. Alexander .1 Co.'s Clothing EME!!! The subscribers have just received at their old stand in Mercer's Block,Towanda, a new and good assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, consist• ing of GENTLEMANS' FURNISHING GOODS ever imported into the County—all of the latest styles in market. which are being scattered far and wide. to the way of Furnishing Goode, we bare a complete assortment—Cravats. Collars. Shirts, Under ;shirts. Drawers, Wrappers, Gloves. Seven. dens, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery of all kinds, and a variety of Twits, &e, Oar ReadyJ-Made Clothing embraces every thing desirablefin that line, and as we buy for Cu*, we can end Will sell 20 per cent. lower than any other . Clothing Establishment in Towanda. J. ALEXANDER, 8. ALEXANDER. Towanda, April 20, 1854. M, E. SOLOMON. Cistern and Well Pumps ! LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Rams ! of any kind, size, &c., cheap for ready pay, for sale by Jan. 8, 1853. :U. M. WELLES. • DISSOLUTIONu THE co-partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of Alexander Solomon, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 27th day of May. M. E. Solomon Tenth g. The business will hereafter be carried on ander the name of J. & 8. Alexander. Towanda, May 27,'18t4. ,• EW SPRING & SUMIIIER GOODS ! Now being opened bq JOSEPH POWELL, Cash and Ready Pay Dealer* in FANCY and Staple Dry Goods t Cloths, Caul metes and Vestings; Hats. Caps & Straw Goods—carpets and o',l cl oths ; Yankee Notions— Boots and Shoes—Paper Hangings—Transparent Window S.hadesi&e., HARD-W ARE, CROCKERY, GROCERIES ; DRUGS,'PAINTS, 01L5."70.,"4-c%, all of which are offered for late for CASH or READY PAY at the lowest possible prices. Among his stock of Dry Goods will be found a large assintment of Black, Fancy and Plain Dress Bilks—Challis, Benzes and Braze de Laines—De begs", Moulin de Laines and Lawns—Plaid and Plain Poplins—Plain black, white, pink, blue and coin colored Delaines—French, Scotch and Amer— ican Gingham—English and. American Prints— Black, blue and white - Beres" de Lains, Lawns Prints, &c. , Swiss and Jaconnett Edging", Inserting' and Flouncing', &c. Wrought Linen Edgings—Cotton and Smyrna Edgings. Wrought and lace collars —all prices—Lace and muslin undersleeves—Un der handkerchiefs—all prices—Mourning under bdk'fs., collars and hd'kfs.=Embroidered, hem• stitch & plain linen hilk'fs—Plain mourning and black lace Yeils—Plain and figured cotten and silk jaces. Japannetts, Swiss and. Book Muslin, Bishop Lawns, Tarlton', &c.. Lace & embroidered Malin Window Drapery. Best quality of Ladies and Gents. Kid Gloves— white, black & assorted colors—Best quality silk gloves, kid finish—Plain silk it lisle, sorted colors and qualities—French silk mittalong 'and short, for ladies and Misses. Black silk. white and clouded merino hose—White colored. unWeach. ed, mixed and black cotton Hose of every quality— Misses white, colored and mixed do.. all sizes— Boys mixed cotton half hose. assorted sizes: Men's lambs wool, unbleached and mixed cotton half hose, assorted qualities. Black Italian, fancy silk and linen, lawn and gingham CravataSilk and Satin stocks—common and 9 ply Collars—eilk Ind Linen handkerchiefs. ALBO—A large stock cf plaid black and colored 11111112511erilE (1111DIKEEM Plain blir - doeikina, fancy tiassimentsind vestingo. Tweeds. Kentucky Jeans, cottonades and other-ebb ton and linen Goods for men and boys wear. Watered Moreens, assorted colors Damask for curtains, lounge., Az., double and single fold.— Worsted embossed, damask linen end worsted-and cotton table cloths. Bleached linen napkins.—.— Bleached and brown linen damask table Scotch and IRussielt diaper and crash, bleached and unbleached and colored muslin and almost every otherartiele of fatally 1117 goods. A great satiety- of - Boots sod ' Shoes for mans, boys, ladles, misses and chitchats .wear. brocha long and square Shawls: 'Cashmere, 'silk and delame do4assorted colon. of MI qualities. la addition to the abo►e enumerated letiefeeotill be fosse &good emortment of •merchandise, of al. maid evity : dercription, to which the attention of the public is respectfully lotted. Towanda. April 18, 1854. st er d mil a t h e • - Ready-Mado Clothing, • r ADMINISTUTOWS NOTICE.. ALL venous indebted to 'Abe: , estate - _.of B. - H. deeesuied. tale - :olCantore top, Are hereby requested tomato iminediale pay tent Mid Ahem having claims against said, „estate: - will please present them duly aothenticatedvior settle meat:: • HIRAM HOLCOMB. - • SARAH H. BULLOCK. March e, 104: , Administrators. • ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.. ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the • estate of Thomas_ Turk, deceased, late of Litchfield township.. are bereby requested to make immediate psyment. and those havlngclajar against said'estate will please present them duly aultienti• sated for settlement. - ' CORNELIA TURK. SAM'L DAVIDSON, Jan. 12, 1854. Administrators. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ALL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN TEED. deceased, late ofLitchfield township, are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having demands against said estate ars requested to present them,dnly authenticated for settlement. BETSY TEED, SAM% DAVIDSON, P idin's. January 29, 1854. N. 1. =lZ' eirTORArElk• .IT LAW Office with the Resister and Recorder, Towanna. Pa. D'A. OVERTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. TOVITANDA, PA. OFFICE in the second story of the Union Block, north side of the Public square, over the office - of J. C. Adams; Esq. Sept. 24. MORE NEW GOODS. BURTON KINGSBERY I 8 Now opening a New *rocs or Goons,.consist inrof full and complete assortment of all kinds MERCHANDLZE, which will be sold as cheap as the same quality of Goods can be bought anywhere this side of New- York. Totiranda, Dec. 10,1853. Notice to Collectors and l'ax-rayers. YOU are hereby authorized to make a deduction of eve per cent. upon the State Tax, of every :ndividoel who shall pay his or her State and coun• ty tax in full,on or before the 21st day of Julie next, and the same shall be allowed you in your se Ile meat, provided the same is by you paid into the County Treasury, on or before the 22d or 23d days of June next. Bp order of the Commissioners, E. M. FARRAR, Clerk Towanda. April 12, 1854. TO THE PUBLIC ! BATLET & NIIIVINIII, A"just receiving at their lare and commodious New Store, opposite the Court House, a large assortment of Provisions, Groceries, &nitre Notions, Toys, Fruit, Confectionary, Milan? ware, pc., making their stock the largest, most complete and best in Northern Pennsylvania. And the very liberal pat ronage they have received from the public during the year past, establishes the fact that they either sell cheaper or sell goods of s better quality than , any oth er dealers. To merit and iodine a continuance dap liberal pat. tonne we shill still follow our old motto-"Illt•LL nonce, (tome a mruaaa, Asa a ratqvgar stanza/ at or STOOL." Below was name a few of the articles that always be found in our stock: Groceries. Blatt and green tea, Rio and Java coffee. chocolate, cocoa, sugar. molasses, syrup, ginger, pepper, spice, cloves, nutmeg, cinamon, mace, soda, saleratus, cream tartar, peppersauce, sperm and tallow candles, hard soap. stnegar, starch. to. , Vrovistom Mess pork, lried beef, tunes and shoulders, mackerel, codfish, shad, pickded herring, smoked herring % wheat bockwheat soar, corn meal. cheese, rice, hems, potatom;'botter, lard, cracker,, &o. - • Trait di. rfuts. Prance, citrons. £p. Eng. carrot% raisins, dried peaches, apples. Mamas, filberts, Snail nuts, Greno. Me and Madeira walnuts, pea nuts,elestrruts, &e. Trench and 4.mericali Toys, German P array Qoods, Alta. &c lin Wagons, rocking bones, boys' sleighs, iChiera & pewter toy tea setts. dolts, trumpets, accordions, harmo. &e. Glass, paper and wood inlaid work boles and to let area—toy bureaus, secretaries, ar riling desks —plain and embroidered Work baskets, (ratting. do pearl, ivory. papier mach, and leather pan moniars, wallets and purses, ivory , horn and wood pocket combs toilet tombs, ivory fine combs, pocket inkstand', pock et and small fancy mirrors, tobacco and snuff boxes agar eases, perfumery and hair oils, Brooms, mopstieks, clothes pins, bench screws. sail. low clothes baskets and market baskets, ,agar and spice bosm. Candy, or all Muds. Dairy and table thilt, Salina Do. ete, etc. etc Country dealers supplied at a small advance from New York priers. a Most kinds of country produce taken in 'Pietism". for gloat. BAILEY & NEViB. Towanda, January 2. 1854. Pun! rurs 1! Aqantity of Fur Vietoriees and Cuffs of different qualities. for sale AT COST by Jan. lg. 1854. H. 8. MERCUR. ADMINISTRATOWd NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of P. D Havens.deed, late of Standing Stone,are hereby requestedto make payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate, mill please pre— sent them duly authenticated for settlement 8. W. RILES. Admit) istratorp. DEBORAH HAVENS. A ug. 27. 1853. Orphans' Court Bale. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford County. I will expose to sale by pub lic vendue on Tuesday June 13, at one o'clock, P. M.. a piece or parcel of land situate in Pike twp lidtinded north by lands of Charles Dyer and 8. P. Rockwell, east by 8. P. Rockwell and C. W. Rey, colds. south by J. 8i Roberts and E. W. Durgy.west by J. H. Marsh, containing about 100 acres, glom 70 acres improved, with a funned house and barn and shop thereon. J. H. MARSH. Administrator of the estate of Elliott Marsh, deed. lei of Pike twp. This sale isto be held upon the premises. NEW SPRING GOODS. IIUST received by Joseph Kingsbury, a large and J complete stock of NEW Gomm, for sale as usual, C.aa roa CASII Towanda, April 28. 111$1. uo 'ow alp it : , 'IN( cwf (t, Co um. IL S. 111ERCUR, T 8 now receiving one of the largest and best seise led aSsortmeotof Merchandise ever before brought to Bradford courity--consisting off, DRY 0 ODei of every description . An extensive :assort tat ,of common_Hardverc. Also, Saddlery ,` har n e ss arid Darrisge Trimmings. 1 Blaskonias' Beliores, :Anvils, rues, Tonshistedges, Zion,StetituldNerls, Gracia' ,Oils, raii4. l , . ii CUldrhit-ShA *Wary tarsi sure, libich wail be sold as maul, very cheap for Goo _ , Towanda * April IL 1861. n. ,= , XIATS. Capi, de Bonneti, L hit t, assoitmist and cheap, by— '; PHINNEY. HARDW RE - lit -IRON „Y • EMI DARE AND - STOVES , Tin Japanned and Britannia . Ware,: "Issirtardngs, Canis's: Trimmings, - Ilarness di. Saddlery Ware, Carpenter's and Zorner's • astmin TOOLS, FARMERS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL PPLENIENT, LE AL? PIPE-AND 'PUMPS, of all kinds and sizes, STEEL, LEATHER BELTING, &c. B;.c. Would inform astir hien& that these are only a part of the general bead. 4 tinder which may be c:a!ac d their extensive assortment, and to which they are constantly receiving additional ouppliet direct from ;ht importers and manufacturers, which enables them IS offer such inducements in their large stork and In% prices, that Wit challenge:competition from any qua.ter. We would ask the particular attentioti of , . ~. 120110M1SSilOn di.= D'ikila€lll - IEO9 , . .. to an examioatiokof our sleek, which barlitit been selected with the greatcat care, we are conßdcat will satisfy evert the mot particular. ' ocy Don't forget the place—South side of the public square. Old Iron. Coppor and Brim, and all kinds of Country Produce taken In exchange for goods. Towanda, May-'27. HOC NAIL & RUSSELL. DR. PORTER'S OFFICE & DRUG STORE, SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE, Fronting the Public Square. HE aviwcriber, thankful for the liberal pinsnage received the put year. intends to keep constantly'Vin J. hand a full assortment of the very best articles usually kept in our line, which as WILL dispose' of on such terms as will be satisfactory to all who miy .patronize him. The purclemes are made entirely with cash in hand, and for the Casa uur customers will receive the benefit of a good article at a low prier:. All articles not answering our recommendation, will be cheerfully taken back, and the money refunded. f?-111edical Idviet gratuitously given at the Office, charging sally for the Medicines. • The stock consists of a complete and select assortment o MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, DRUCS, Pare Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal nse, London Porter & Scotch Ale. ALL 71IE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES ! FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID--NEW & BEAUTITUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS ! American Pocket Cutlery, (Warranted Good.) Superior TOSACCO & SNITTP!---Choice brands of Pure Savanna, Prineipo and Para CXGAILS VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, &c. &c. PAINTS., 013, FAMILY GROCERIES : Black and Green Teas ; Rio and Java Coffee; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices,. &c. &c Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &c. REMEMBER THE.•TORE-SOUTIT END OF THE WARD HOUSE! —AND IT IkkOTTO— " The best Quality of Goals—Full Assortment—Molirate Profits—Ready .4ttention to Camila.* —no Adniteration of asod.,--Casidest Aides as to Patedt Remedies—and Close Attention to Business." Towanda. Novomber 12, 1883 The War .Question Being Settled in AMIE," Mai MP"' .114. 1 "...1 MONTANYES & CO. have come to die mmelu siun to enlarge their business, io view of the unparalleled prosperity that must result from a state peace. They therefore. after returning thanks for former favors, invite the attention of the citizens of this and adjoining 031111dt-s to the examination of their Pall and Winter Goods, consisting of all the varieties of Fancy and Dress Goods, as also heavy staples, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Harness and Car riage Trimmings, Iron, Leother, all of which will be offered at wholesale or retail, at prices that cannot fail to please. - Sept. 1, 1853. y~ NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. OD. BARTLETT, is now receiving a large . and carefully selected stock of EMIT GOODs, bought for cash since the late decline in prices, which he will offer fur seedy pay at prices which Cannot fail to give satisfaction—among other things he invites particular attention to his assortment of Dress Goods. Towanda, April 15. 1/453 THE NEBRASKA BILL A LAW. M. T• CARRIER, WOULD reSpectfully inform the citizens of ra.- wanda and vicinity, that he iIPS opeued a Grocery, dr. Provision Store. on the south aide of the Public Square, where he would be pleased to wait Upon those that call upon him. He has alt kinds of article,. kept in a country Grocery. Such -as .Nuts of.all kinds; Oranges, Le. mons, and Candies of all varieties and shapes, Ci gars of the best gliality. He also designs to keep on hand Pnovisioxa t ere &c., all of which be afters cheap fur Cash or Coun try produce. His motto is, that " nimble six-pence is better than a slow shilling." Towanda, May 1, t 854. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. THE subscriber will sell on reasonable terms the property owned and occupied by her in, the Borough Of Towanda.- -Said property consists of a lot of land situated next above A. D. Montanyes. in the Northern•Liberttes,boarided north by Nits- fill son's lot, east by William street south by Division street, and west by Min street—being oak hundred and thirty feet deep, and'finy feet wide. The streets recently opened; make this as desirable a building lot as any in the borough. There is- nriw upr n the lot a small dwelling house. Application may be made to Catharine Kromer, or to Emanuel Kromer. Towanda: And' 21; THE GOOD TIME HAS COME! •lIMONTANT3IS & CO. IjAVE come to the atkclnsion that the time has AA come, that debts esk_be collected, and lifter Wilting patiently fin. Years, and finding the Good Tints hem mired, when farmsts are: realizing almost doable for their Products, they hops this italics - will wiles for a more ultimate was and :ttistl , psyments 'will either be mods in ersio scats present bighPri eon at In Cash..:. _ This Assortment of GOODS is reesitsd cheaper Iy ham New Yoh Cily.soll will void cheaper it retail in thithinatElpotiont Towanda; ?enmity 341954. • • ' '•ciMAl..‘ -44'::-.-iRUSSELL4 Wholesale and Retail '/Zlealets in • SFLIMRID •SSORTME.NT OF SP-RING GOOD'S! yam 5ECV...1311E.59 South Corner p 1 'femur's Block, Main Sleet! AEE now opening their stock of GOODS for 114- Spring and Summer trade, comprising a !Li:l and complete assortment, and of the obitsl curirly, which will be, sold at a very small profit fur Re,: b Pay. Among the assortment of DRY GOODS, will be found a great variety of Ladles' Dress Goods consisting in part of Bereges. 8 Detainee. all-wool Detains, Lawns, plain and printed ; Gingkams, Englids, Scotch and American ; Poplins, Priids if all shades and . .j. colors he , 4rs Also, for'men's wear may be found Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, 'Kentucky Jeans, silk, Satin and Summer Vesting& Also, Sheetings, Shirtings, bleached and brown, Tickings, Summer Goods fur boys' wear, Cotton Yarn, Carpet„ - Warp, Cotton flatten. &c. &c. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A full rock: will be kept on band. Those in want of Sugars Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Stewart's best Sysup,Spices. Pepper Ginger, Salcratus, Flour, Fish, Salt, Tobacco, or any other article in this tine, will do well to call on us before purchasing else. where. A large a splendid assortment. C..'rockory. Class and , stoni , ware. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps— Nails, Paints, oils, Glide and Puny. Thankful for the liberal petronage of thepast sea son. the undersigned feel a plerwure in inviting the pub! c to an exartination of our Spring stork, be lieving that good Goods and low prices will insure a speedy sale for ready pay. TRACY & itloosp. Towanda, May 12. 1N54. 85Bushels of Ncw Laud Clover seed, jog!. receiv ed and for rale cheap by •B. K.PiCalEfOr. Towanda. March l, 1851. • Iltri JIM Xit. MIL. MC 11116. 1- Mil 9 CLOTHING STORE, A.MICEIN ! ANY man or boy, or any body else wanting any kind of CLOTHING. will do call on GI:ono' B. PZILLINS, and see how: - VERY CHEAP he is selling his now'slock. He has now.the a Largest Clothing Store' Largest - . an Athens. and his Cords were all bought cheap gni will be sold Cheep. Clothing is much lower in me city 4 and Perkins is bound to let his customers ha:m the benefit of it. The Store is new and fitted up. Two dors above the brick block. in Athens. Hats, Caps, 4tc., new and cheap. GEORG*,I3. PERKINS. Athens. April 2s. 18E4. JHARVEY PHIfiNEY is just rec'etying aft's. . assortment of Want* APD Rimini' Guava which will be sold as usual. city eh ..ap fur cAsH. ' Towanda. April 10. 1864. riLonit gIBED—A first rats ittiele.jest we iv, ed safer see at ' -PHINNETO. 110EANEw-Tooenty-fiswbuskls for Wok, _U.. PHINNEY. U. C. PORTER, M. D ZULILDW.ARE. New Land Clover Seed CHMP GOODS. El ki