1 ! .14,V; 0 1.011'1 ,, tr1i Iv, bllft • 'll , cox, :-ft ;; 11:147 Nen: .••1:•)on•IIti7,4 7'l'o t ; EMI 1.: .1.: • 1:1 !id 14:11 to2e:i,, • • ."-WeValolllli 2.70 5.., ~,... r .,.,...,,.,, ~. • I '1 ; T.,0 W*NI,D A: .77 eataTim Morning, 311116 12, ~~ ~~~~ ~~'e~~#t~~~` aexr~. 'MIDNIGHT RHYMES. 0 ! Itin•nietry• when 'stamate; bright • •To 'sing as-yon pa aTodg, Of the ge that , atedteltmt by night; Tci thoiton oPtimbe old song; ' r . For-tilefat.; of-Mortals -lefts - , a - • Wbethat they•wake With tigtires that stint:ole dreams, ' "Then—dein tlmAlarliness-deep. i • 0! 'meriretre Christmas timesi ' And nsetrY'the betty chimes tl .13tit the'tintrriest things -' That a man e'er sings • ' ' Ait his midnight rhymes. _ 'Tie nightsiben - the tatters feel • . That thEir money is thrice repaid ; nigftt *herr, adorers. kneel, By scares; to the sleeping maid ; x Mktg when the ipthor deems 43 , *That - hts•Critics are all at bay, ' - And the gatge,tter regairia•in dream; Te gbldihat he lost by day: • P!...nierrY.are Chcistmas tinAs 3". At night both the del and the lame — . 5 kbendirn Ikeir w r ritild of care ; , It thetresturCtbitt droops with abets) rairtretieth' bee pledespatri tlhe bby 04.1116 neirtg'deep , . , liiiukkiilotid'thiitl i e ekies are %dart " ' I- Jacettieknelid c. feett . inis' alep And dreams that a pardon's near! "0 V- inerty are'Ohtratmas Acs! , : • 4t night all wrongs are right s ' • periff•cififfe;grow smonel; Then why cement •the-fterce day Irgit - When faberts - brtglit as truth! • All hearts, i tween the earth and riven, Recover ; • Ah! 'tis pity ao sweet a tune 'Should 'ever be jarred by pain! Yet—merry are Christmah ,imes, tit.ttetr Ealt. Itobber of Le Alavvais Tao. We lonnged,aboutin the.hotei of Lana 10. bong (ring the hot hours of' summer's day } . ..en and tomes Were taking their rest; arid•l6tar any tnoveinente.Olanitnite, werer.tonsern ,., it might have been Midnight. In the eveing: )wever, the timid seemed to come alive, line 'ettiratibns were Made for our ll journey; over Mons anis- .1V 4,4ke,additionnquides,potstiiiie dire, we formed a feitfil shone brightly it - pen - our: prith t hicrightijo tear and son, so Slivery andi so'ehistened, that it ontrasted most, pleasantly wi:h the dazzling and eorehing.heat of the past day. The almosphexe Akas as'caint Es nature's rest could be; and the pa rity of : the air gave an elastic ,7 and frestuicks „to • our spirits that we could searcely haie iniaghtird. Fire flies sported around us like animated dia monds; and the , side - of the road was sometimes besp'angleA with , gloWworme. 'Under such tircurn ; stances, one feels what is the pleasure of mere an imal lifo, where them is the heght of corporeal en. 'oyment without the aid of any stimulant bat that which heaven's pure breath 'affords. It appeared -Imest treason against the majesty of nature to die. turb the silence which reigned ;hrough her.dontin ions ; arid when are spoke, it was in a subdued one. We walked on toot the greater part of the ascent, up three !Ong windings Made in the face of the mountain. Then-the extra horses were turned rift to find their vim way back to the stables,and . entered the carriage to gttllop down the Pied montese side of the dectivityte My nearest companion, art elderly Frenchman, who was usually yery gatrultas, bad been on this occasion much.absorbed in thought, andhad pre. served silence Tor an extraordinary length of Atte, though theiwitchings of his couruenancis and he shrugs of, his shouttlerewfainly told that be, was bohlnig an intereating - conv.ersanun iith.hirs own heart add memory: At leng th 1 arlied'4hO'cause „Ohl!' musingeani frequent ejaculation!: "' - " A different are the , ch.. -. UM sta h n i igi""de e s elofth i iel li ttii '‘ hi ‘ how fro those l experienced i ~ t hirty years agO, when 4 traversed this mountain :was on a wintry flag, when th e ground' was rio. rued with snow,,Which lay in some planes to the epth o f forty feet, and filled up many of t h e re . eines so that'we were in Constant danger of griiii,3 :' O lPr a precipice. ,The mind.blew the snow dtift liq.fiercely es to blind our eyes, and Me huities:were . 11te9uently at a lose to discover the r g h,' t r eekc Ste 'trpe were obliged to hold: up the . !arriage, 'with topes flied to the top, to prevent iii being bi ti ein over ;. add the' patiolft 'bonies-. poor. brutes ! tilieri fitiortd,their lanes from &ha iimadlol /dome We :: istiziiihtichit frozen with cold, alihougi l we ope&d ' ;liar portmanteaus r e* pet on ourlardrobe. Hee ierldefetui me frorwanoter Foch' journsii , slid th l i he t tlibi l r'fiiit that folloWed in .matiritirilerous: , it i. !„ •., 2 1-1. .., . _ • r 'l'.'"o4iiilighil Co , he much e t ri i 4 . 4 1 1; /the .a uNtklie;ioils.toinsow ,thei strange tents to Which heAlWedf iimit!mke4.l - :arliat could rave • tempi] hitil l iakrikel'Ut'iniCh'ditiMal . weal tr''ACks4al hairitle hircumsiancei had occur . _ on the, ray. ''. ths•thewgake Mariberiollewing now ive:— . • J,was then young, an 'Officer in it math:ll'lAm time When.triozleoicTeariled on Isis last ware, apt! ill all was: in 4 very troritileiticoridifioli.. ••,' t Illel;PkihnX-Fl!firied 4 0 , .1 nes 1 1 0ftv jib Au:elder I:! jifiast.tcr,imar;amma Aeapa.c. hecol'importino# to Aft Was an Anayi,aolint beep': 4er, pFieOettit ;Anci,lniti jeinexi the a rmy of the Emperni. 111114l*oieverpereonroithvhom minhennfidantee saamabibcplaced, bat in vesso , i-,arf an s etanapt. cir se iticad afeeomeitaiala enAnie4lo tghteAmo. oghtte* bat-I wii4ilfalrir,lMm and er)OWRI, I , :"rtm . . • 0- • ,-.-.--„,„-:., .::,..s--3,--.3..-- - :..r ., • ) 4.,.3 1:-z . '. - t 7 4:1 74.- ti ,,, ••4- - t4 . ~-... -:-.,-,-`..‘,,--•-•'•• - . .• , - .. .. ^.„, .• •:... .. . ..:,- - - --, - • .., • _:- -•-•,,,,!•• • • ••4..---- _,-. a, • . .:::4:. :"••• ;-• , •":::-7...--, , ;:: --.•-• ._, - - . ~--.. .. , . ,... .... - ' ,,, ...,.."1 ,,,, 1. , *--- --'.?•- , --., .-- -,•#?,-.., •- ' a . 1 . ' - - " - -" - ' '.;•".-• , ' .'. ' -- - "'" • ' '-' ' ' '--..' '''- --".....'-- . 11 .".." -- i: : •• • •'-•"*.i'; - : , .. , _:-.4, ,, „-e -- -Zi:.(t - .•st - , fif -- .5,9 3•. , ..,;:; 1 :.,';, ... t. • , , • --,_ f , . ~ . . . • - -•- ...-..-: -: - ' ---7 4,i-`:'?-Q-eti.,-.,-'••••1-•.7.'. :...--;•.,• • , . . • • •''.... ' . - 4 . . ..___.,.... -....._._..--.................,..„,„..--,,-- 7 - ~.----„, - ---, - ----.i--,.-!---.-..,,, . .----------, 7 .---..-.-, ------,--;„- •" ----------..,',7r1"`1r'.33-..-1777--.:-.1,..- - .;:2,- ,• ........;•;; 1 ,1 1. '%44: 1 •': - -,-,1- L-C----- -.7 f r---- ------ • I . 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' t" - -'. ' ."' ' -- e . : '.'"" " .":"'!.''' - kj . '...... -.;:'.....P::'','''`Z., * ( 4. ; ._ , •t . t :. ,_ •;..-; 1•..1 ..t . . - 1 .- ~z . ; SEEM Eliiin MMiM=I MEI MWMMI • - e • o • s ; -- " * " . " . " . " w " -- *" . " --- " - " 4 7 . 1 ; 4 .'T ---------- PIREISEEER - EVERY :SATURDAY AT TovikitiA, B . 4 0 .2 .arinir; f9iSsihietttiasennkftiNiiii 11 41 1 Prttthfrilc .me with Itico-oh that_ .courney.. These.-mountains were gieatlpinfeatedi by robberarchiefly disbanded' 4410,r1 701., safety: ' IniteholvtltnAwe r tiftall'pastrO,T ' .;4lllace: called Le Mantrals.?as,' welt -known idor t htt in at- , 464 101;41k:liiiii; been there soa►mtlled~ `, A,woodq marsh lies on thelelt 'Vend of the read; and 'the! reirisfifenme,bugtling!dimiltnye4ip thn , war ?ill the to non—a nd amongst these the bandits -lurked, and -suddenly pounced' hpon , h passer.hy, =Or: sho(hiin Vries of his danger. LlAlleaurther on, where two toads .meet; yon will see schlielaige houses, Which 'chide , were inns, apd.the landlord was in communication . withithe,robbers' of Le - Mattlitia Pas; )14 ' mar the traveller who escaped from Scylla fell into Chary& dis., , sir, -I-have- told loll:about the (ken NI weatherrin which we were obliged to cross Mons Cenisohe passage Of erbich'.occupied the whole day:;, and-as our . erders mete peremptory, we push ed.forvyard at all hexard.until nearly midnight,when We reached the door of ,the inn I have - mentioned, where we .were. to pass the night. - I seppose.trie escaped all preirious•dangers by the-lateness.of the hour, as no gentlemen-were expected to travel on these roads alter 'dark; =‘, Glad we were when — Wifartived at the hotel. the -•• • . , very thought of a .. warm fire and het , soup gave me life. We c.196.1,,,i long and lead b efore the :ivaS,ope9e4,,and the carriage pissed inte,the th s e * .eapiain told our servant, whd was also • dtere • to ring his little pbornanteau and a . small' Car en ofProvisions into ! the:f.ooM where, we were io baggage was !`eft in the ctileche. 7 ;-. 1 saw saw , the r landlorunairowli 'eye the portineMitin bdt`he 'Said nothing, and hisiened tegei ready,, , our, en tertaiument. ~ A small stove was lighted ai bee end of a large roo m, the other end of whichlceuld scarcely see so that it was far from Comfortable, but it Was not' ter tis to complain, after what we had suffered ir.the Cold. , Q thin candle was Plac• ed on a table, a cloth Wasi,spread, and some buoil lon was soon served up. But the captain could not . eat 1., and ordered Giuseppe to bring some ,compote out of the canteen, from which he made a savory ,soup. The ., host then brought us a fricasee; but it 'also was rejected, and a cold fowl substituted for it. This rather displeased me, and I was begin• !ling to intimate that I should prefer the hot dish, when a scowl of ,ille Captain'i made me shrink into insignificance, and I let him do as he pleased As he doggedly refused to eat anything lurnished by the landlord, on thlirilea of a weak stomach, 'which t had never known hini to complain of be- fore, for he was a great gocirmanai t - guessed Mat ie Wits - afrald Cif policti, and secretly execrated his 'suspicions temper, rejoicing that i was not a jealous Italian:-! • " Have you any other guests here to•night '!" ask 'ad the captain, appearing to take no notice of the prying octriositk of the latirlio'rd, who 'in vain tried to akertiiin wira'anthiliai we were. "Only a priest on his way to Turin. Pommel, hd has beim stopped lierefoilOto days by the storm is be ft:diets on foot."' • . • -14 Add what may be the - teieremd hitheria!tanieP °AO my coMpapiori. ' 1 ! Pra Onlo'Benevoluto,n replied' thetithar. Ah! that is a' distinguisliedlianie." 'l' dank I have met with itinviti:padrei of the ' i! Very likely," said thetinnkeepdr.. others ofihe family high °Met's; tad'a bro. ther killed at the battle-of Marengo, as be went to administer the consolations of religion io'sonie dy ing soldiers: -They are a devout family." " Ha! is Padre Carlo gone to bed? Perhaps he would do as the honotlo drink with us P The host replied, ihai tie had retired to say his prayers and count his rosary, Which he did several times a day, holy man! bat he might not yet be gone to steep. Presently, the padre made his appearance, with -an air of meek devotion crossed - himselt, -- and bles. tied vs in the name of' the holy Virgin and' his pa. troattaint Carlo. The captain gave him one spatiih ing'glance, so piercing as-almost to discoMlithse how; but it passed over, and we entered Into friendly conversation. A couple of bottles.with fa. , cettous talk warmed ns thoroughly, and we proticis• ed retiring to rent. The captain was showvintot a bed chamberwhich he did not at all fancy.' • We had before conversed about , the Italian imns, and he had cautionechirito always to lock and barricadethei domat night:' Now hewas - himself put a room whiCh had three.doore bbsides- the one.by which ' we entered frtim the Stair, and none of them could be locked, as the chamberwas a perfect thorough ; hire. He looked mach-. discompoied, atid Asketi which oldie roornsl was tooccupy. - The landlord apologized toe taking me a - litile‘tsiey off, arthe neighboring beds were alreadroainpiecl,' andoii too late to make alterations. , . One of the, adjoining grooms wair-taken 'train piing' another belonged to:himself, andthieurifirwastinhedl-irul'ihstoiffe'r . door led to apassageandsmall'apartment:to which his-daughter. and rmiid serVanthect Ohio, giving:op ..their.beds mitre nointlanl.-I-weir thew oonducteil to a toomon the OtheCside , of Abe 'padre'sjblit had Wareely got' interbei, 'whim dot 'captain , banieln, ;bringing: his little - lxirtnianntati and tiandle, , • He broke oat •intia a furious" invectiiir egoiluntihe tier. mini:shirt in his ted,:whieb"i Would render it impassible for him; to 'ileeptherki. As;thisrmiii• feature was no`uncornnionittlog iertliesetorintrilla, it ezoiteddn nae twi sorprise, *sr t4d dier should be danted. briaach"-AirhinittrOweiti mies. Upon -my-instantly Miming to resign 'my couch, PlAtt sea if i;ouid.not altleVamortg*U arse niimonitisragder., kliropersively Akniageti, , Rid. ks:w9lild I Ale 4* ;lAA itline4tbstAgoll end-found riAbad - _ , ..an I 34 51 ,0,01gt*d_ , Laitt464 , irocrthe padro'colpm ber, „j! co*, no! I ke . barricaded? on,. , outilde.i., Be Vas, icirtiblYAlifF9aoAfled., l3 4Walli.o4 Abouliirica4 Alma 45/Iliplit 6041111dd stuiii ifk)h*/f!IIIASPIIIII4 1 4 Mr: !bcdoori.beseatitil kul*1 1 :001 1 , u 5.14.10 Amitidi tar tobtavlnt mittichtli placed twitloaded.pirnade and- alcarbinboabiab Ain lIIPMMI ,iaimined abil cocked, and laid my r siyMet, nmy tied. A number of curious tlaroughte,.peased :through my brain, tickled with the idea of a horo'of many fights being dislodged heft hireindah#ttitilit'hi l ,a fee insects; e and my ircstgiFetiol:sMgi!iteif a g 10414 'Pieta te"ot tam Paigrt;iii hiqh fpißth r it'ifONt And then his timidity—to be afraid ofe lonely:landlord, with three women and a haly'privist , !-416:ivould pulse another Don Quizotte,4lolllng,'!)4ll(ii ',wind. mill or a flock of !sheep.: I !Ks - relished the thought the sight, that I wastitwillingtolield to Mor. philys, whose magic influent:felted tteutne heavy, but - was beginning to doze, wheel:flitiUght lbeard the creaking of the door, and looking through the curtain, saw, a faint shadow 'dimly - reflected upon the yrall. Turning to the captain, Lpereeilittilh l tiis eyeing the door, with a pistol-grasped:in his : hard, which he was just raising, when the door Was qui. etlyi closed and all was silent; fAbotl(iinistfur af terwards the same was repeated ' ; tildsleep Vanish• ed froin my eyes. I dared,not speak. to the cap. tale, who didetul close his eyes for an Instant, but kept them fized . With 'sentinel - 'keetwese . 'lipon thel (loci'', and his hand upon •lie .called us early, ordered horses to boleti ro the carriage, and told Guiseppe to make coflee in the way he lilted it. Giuseppe looked in rin entilitring'way,caught his eye, and immediately obeyed. • The padre joined us, and 'very! inreektresked 'permission to occupy a seat an - otir ealeohe, which, to my sttrptilie, was courteously' granted r and he was invited to partake of. out:early repast. The captain kept him in constant '.conversation, and al• thohgh he changed his sear einee"Or twice, always managed to rise tor - something, d sit opposite to him, and never to be beyond rem of his pistols. I vies confounded, for they'seemed to . be playing a game at movements. At length the word was given, Let us go !'' and I warcurions to see bow theigame would now be played, especially as some additional pieces had appeared on the board,'in the shape of the latidlord's'w tie, daughter, and chain ,beilmaid, all big &MOM dimes, 'whose tall figures I; much admired, but of whom mycompanion seem ed las suspicious as of the holy father. He passed no compliments, and appeared , much chegrined.— Yet he managed matters most 'adroitly, his 'object, as l thought, being to let nobody 'walk behind us. "Signor, run and tell the postillion to mount the white horse, for the white one sometimes kioks..-- Signore, please take these cloaks, indspread them on the seats of the carriage., Girl, take the:Candle. Father Benevoluto,.be kind enough to take charge of this bottle of eau de-vie, and put it Into the far pocket of the carriage. Guteeppe; bring this port manteau. Andiamol" Bali he, pushing all of. us before him, as he followed with his fire arms. In * trice we were at the carriage door. " Father, don't get out again ; pray be setided r —' 0 signor, pray hold that black horse! Up, Giuseppe, and keep this carbine in your hand, and look 'about you for rubbers. li is a bad road. Ladies, addio ! Va!" We were off before we knee , where an were, and the captain urged the postillion forward ; but wd had not proceeded a quarter of a mire wheelie called out to stop, and in a hurried tolie, liddress• ling Fra Carlo, said : Pardon me, Father Benevoluto; Lheye left some papers of importance on my bed;-10, Jitity, go end fetch them.: we wait your return ;" en with out stopping for his reply,. opened the doer and helped him to descend. I was just beginning to offer my own services, when a grinding oath, half emit led, silenced me. " Good Father, do be luick ; for Lcan trust no body with those papers on this trite road but your ttelf ; no thief would rob a priest." ' It was irnpobsible to refuse ; and Era Carlo i 4et .01 at greater speed than Nad deemed ;bina , astpa• Die of using. When .he mM:out otreighti-mreolb pa'nion ordered the postillion to diy,e . pri , Be replied that we were to %miff:4 Oicipaclt . e; but the captain thundered out:: (.- ;f1 " Hark you! make no noise with ybut- Whip; tint !Tor your horse! iti - a gatieri; , and keep them gpt loping till I bid 3bil i gic illoWer. The Mottihrit:oo stop or crack your .whip, I shall sena a bullet : through your head. Val" • - Of we _ went, al9detth 4 ;bOicilking:l'litiow hot, tor was overwlielenied *ob . aurpriaq, afraid : thaybe captain had become derangetl, and that I might be the first victim ei Ws :violent lemper- .t At lengttfbe called ow : is Piano ! piano aild Wifinstintli'paMe through st. Antonin, where we met ,a . ‘ military .4)atialeto whom the cap'ain,showed his passport, and said that there were suppie;ons characteraon on : toad between this and Le Manvais”Pasa. The officer , bowed teed to keek sharp lookout. As we pnaceected; Old e=• claimed : —thanks to the .holy and all :the luardan Saints for our deliverance I" I ventured to say, that thouihi pome :, thic!gs chid; look ratbertgsgigioukir,, the ion, .Yee,i,coeid-flot firt upon anything really Tillainook atol'abouldqtor have imagined any harm, unless I liairlieWiiiii;d; 'him , totxtten mootrotii hit guard f•sthat'l . • , ..itid not: ye . the *Meier/toe Otoid. , . 4 c i *.k ig t VAAPC l6 77,l i ii'4o ,l !#!tt!.f4VEl4t 4l but tfie•pried and himself seemed isibeiiiityinz a game at seats- and Iglac.aa # :: and ha bati;oetlitinli / ohs ek-tnatetiliitnaelflt "Yes," said - liVoltivri a game for life. Sp' 'carlp • filitOolotO , tnitillititif!4(Ktit, 1406'110*0 tioe,NOi"iititi • the , t. 41..; hat '49.B l fatiClAnY ,PilhaN4 l .vibegttit:Wint oilth:thb • ;Austrians, :Aindehe , Atrairponikatanottoo:laittivior :Iffect !iiiniptilitleY . Ointitititt4tyriftigti'Aktrilttpa 811 440/Z00 , 5"PtI00044i0h 1 0 - 44# 1 , 6 4° , tiii,faisPiViffiol-$111.44.011 ottaangtotthitni%ittniabat lalbrlnclbis tombola, Aieti , tAw!qtifittotiqvolikiqpf :14*4:44, 1 ****4. 1 tiCiattilkfh mi40414-.kyogioptithspi4 L L. ltgor , ,,siouss , or, DENUNCIATION FROM ANY Q,IIANYED.." 1, • • : , gi Nese ARO are airiNaseLeen.iake , breath a little rs; AVORD'''COVNTY; IPA'4,ltrEi but Leaftreinell , hilood:anyikhersea fitetantlyl steel fed it, and trabed it to dienigit r iiiiiar - Whielirfciurid all stained with gore. Had I fallen"asleep, we should both have slept thereoutlast sleep, as many I fear, have done &fore; but we shall hear If Cap. fain Cocci, who paasei*last weelsi.has arrived:s4W .fy ; if not, they shall ah be broken on.thesirheel. Those handeifitiVitintiolii fitiviitiatitOehltifrnen 'in Italy before. In such times ea, these,`, ! young Than, you must be always watching, if , yew value fife and love Mademoiselle Fouchetto and remem bar that walls have ears, and . eyes IUD:" ' • I intimated that 1 thtingbt so when .. I leaf him pointing a pistol ells shadow -twice during the night. I , A shadow ! it was the shade of Fia Carlo, and 'eueh shadows play willtistilettoest I saw one when Istfcloak was off as 1 passed throtigh hie room to come to you. Ghoits do not flinch from a levelled pistol as he did." i• At this moment, the Frenchman bade nie took, for we were approaching the dreadful spot. There, indeed, stood two ruinous houses forming a large mass of building, with small grated windows and la high court, all shut op and going : to decay. He 'Waked and'shruggetthie shouldet auticontintsed ci The cursed bandits they met with a dettelyed late. The manner of their capture I • have beard only by report, for we returned to France by anoth .er route. One evening, at dusk, two horsemen Rode up to the ion ;but when the jarge gate' Was opened, one of the beasts.becarne frisky, and refus• edlto enter. This frightened the other, ;and they capered about, to the'great discomfort of the lead lord and his people ! , whocould riolcome ititO' the gateway or shut the door because of their antics.--: As they were becoming more quiet, it posse of gen. darmerie dashed in and' took poiseetion of the premises. A search was instituted, and the re mains of 200 or 300 human bodies, were found in the grounds, besides a great deal of concealed plan der. I need scarcely sag that Italian justice did dreadful work with the murderers; and the inn has been shut up ever since No 'one will venture into it—it is haunted ; but the Mauvass lIPSS is stilt a den getout place for lone travelers.", : . A carbinier. at-this moment rode up, and asked our party if•wehad . seen any persona oat the road, for a robbery hurl been committed a few days ago in that place.--Yearns!. - Teernet. - BONA PA RTE'S PovESTrin EARLY Lira —M.Thiers in his history of the Consulate,irecitet some very strange and previously unknown particulars respect. ing the early lite and penury of Drapoltspn Bona parte. It appears thy al:erhelad obtained a sub altern's commission in the French service, by his skill and daring at Toulon, he lived for some time in Paris, in obscure lodgings, and In such'extrema• poverty that he was often without meariti9l .. paying ten sous (ten cents) for his - tlinner„ and frequently ,went without any at all. He was under the neces- • bity of borrowing small sums ' , anti even worn out clothes, from his acquaintanCes. He sod his brother Louis, anetwatda .Ktog of llollana, . hai, at one time, only a coat between them, so that the broth. era cool¢ only go opt alternately, lime about.. At Itis - crisis the chief benefactor of the futurerEininer or Ind conqueror, "at whose mighty namillhe .wolltl grew pate," was the Seto:. Tal Man; tilm,Olten gave him food and money. Napoleon's face, slier wards so famed for its classical mould, was during that period of starvation, harsh and - dilgtilar iri" lineaments, With ,projecting - _cheek bones.. His meagre form brought on an unpleasant and 'lnsight ly cutaneous disease, of :a type so virulent and me lignant, that it took, all the skill and assiduity °this ' accomplished physician', Corcivart, to expel it, al ter ,a duration of more thin ten years. •• The ppplid„ beggar then,. theapiendid Emperor afterwards—the thread-bare habilinients and Impe ititil man ii the Meagre fond arta 'Olga of* btiniinet 2.5 a • —the friendsihp of . a poor actor, the honng!, and terrOf the J Wl:uld—:it . exite • such aril the ups and downs of this chinge ‘ alliAtti,srath are the lights and shadows of the great inifutighly. , 1 A RICH Poen biro.—Ono wintllyart'omoop y T went with a friend , iiktv,aßuntry There tfa . !lliteg t bcls4o F, fecble,fire,a,sery aged men, who was deaf, and so shakenwithihit palsy That one wooden shoe constantly pattered' on , the 1)64 floor. „_ l l 3 , Et deaf , hOI - 01 , #1 , tf, , it tur4ed out thet - ge wa's' ' , 'What are you. doing IVishy 1" said my triend. " Waiting f aii " what ?" Fpr the n appearrati Ctr:nriY'Loria?.. l l Wiifitonlisappearifierf!i.go,tiee, .sir, I expect great thing. then He has proinistd 'brown of righteousness Ict'all - rliat'reire ,, hl6• ll aiipAr on e And to fourida :iion on which ee rested that tJcitiousl'ope;,wcatk red old Wisby what it was. , BYidegxeasinSgol'lan 'lia spectacles, and opening pein x tcdta , t l be'teiii,' "I"yerelpre, beingiest by raid, we hase r itelkei.blifitca thrpuilioatirtgrd .Jesus Christ : by. whom also we haysolatcassal faittrltiteleti gracCWhirein''Vresisifa e 7d ,in the hope of the glory of God." ;„„a fThGegtE yow RommintifAttLweillkili ParlhaVe not old Wiaby'e faith, you area :liar, that . (aittir,ty ar,e *aft j oy it you are lief:TUT - affAmarui L uy s. N4fip -`worldly goods. Your ' inheritance isfraTs:,sare%rts God's promise, and as gloricripriliiii - thfoilil !aril a crown can make it. 4han pitete, -purple. Better is pozetlit-V,ithipirtlyirrAack riches; with perdition. ;lb WHAT'S re iishman, in porn; pOnce with• fashionable the Falls of Niagara. On taking,aapole: Arbor., rounding wonders, he asked saltOltinditi ft:traul at is there here to make auoh-tittiitiii,lboutlo s , gphy," said,' the person arldreseq4,",l4o4 your are the mighty river y thei deep:B4o,o*e great , sheet of water poring down V' rafOhbiing itr tics water, rsphed hefritlgyl#l42 , 44Mgat,' (Of E hinder . 1.4-1 4(; EU= miss 1/11/1 11,11ZWOXIMiX,Vigir' , 1:1 0 f:l4 ; ;11 11:1 . ;• fa( • .4:111 , l• 1 6 4..7 4 • . .7irrt f -0777 ,xvt :; 4 44; &35 , 111* IMAAAb-GOtieal!" t /stT vO• t 4( e mi :H. !L,- • p.. 1; . .P l 4cfsPiiP l B 3l 2NT 4 l7Roug4 -111 19P9 I nk!up:.04 P . 1, cutting, are sold at .tt 13s. 4d. to £2 the carer:m..4 'tiaraela 'rather mare than three giatesiatta 155 cai it:S:6O4 to rintl 'Ertjrfo , o if tbiti:sitticeit tire :above one l carat, the,aqharit :plied bytbe priciof &single cattdi so 'tut: forte. ample a rotrerstabe'OPtbrerretitatitcoste 3131.£3 or 18 popnds., . . • It 1 4 gllTlllar ,wuttcul!.allYno443sAo.l.llllB:so the purest brilliant of one ;carat, broughl;more than eight pounde, , a brilliruct two carduw2x2xfkort 33 When glao4m,ate c hstirfilght,rit tenAirhla,..haiv ,ever, this id altered, , su , ,thaf: they , . are - valtied , atiH 'more highly , . Diamonds - 01a) quaryerotait;hotice weight are sktritordithifilY . bdt, stilr"bikker ones are met with; and one of the larges(ktio*n to that ,of tbe• Rajah..fileuutn; in Borneogsstplk, weighs nearly two ounces and a half ; Aerial the Sultan of Turkey,.weighs two ounces; ,pnet itf the Russian sceptre, more than an ounce'and a quarter. The greatest diamond of the last,' is one inch, tie thickness ten fines. " The Xtn , PUrchased it in the "year,1:174,,fiqm:43444,3,f0r it was paid $75',1300.and anesinuitrof-X651. monde. weighing an ounce EIXIIII4II the-French and Austrian'rr+ alto ; One of The Mosi•Ottict Is the FrenCkintilin es the pill'Nisit , ril„ . ,Di4ft ? ,o4;)t was bought for Lonia-tir.i frcim,iun :.Flnglishman n anted" Mu r ices the Para $135,000, in t: has been valued at half a milliga.• , e' r • One of.the moat' ienewntul Lasi, ,irs the Koh-i•noor, or Mountain of Light, now in posses. akin of the Queen of .England. It came from pol. .eoptiale Periii, and' while undat;'weighed-mpre five 04 . 110# ''1114" signed it 2 000,004 Pounds sterling.- look may- to the cornruou modes of estimating the value, a perfect brittiant weighing bat fit - pciatid,'Wrinili:l' he worths2U;dotr,ooo.,.,Some have stateil, that akialtk diaiparirt ex to among the royal (meanies of Portugal, aslarge us ten's egg; according to others this is only a topaz. - • Catisic oi)Tutitiois Claps''are the el• lect of ligloilag,,wlijej) iiusys„a woo in the at. mospipiidthrboih Wtribh'it rages; ftie it rushing on to restore the equilibriem, may cause much of the noise thkt is heard in the clap. An' esey ex periment on the air pump illustrates this. Take , a glass receiver open at bathk ends, over Ciiap.end tie a sheep's bladder, wet, and let it stantLimtil thor. ()uglily dry. Then place the open end °tithe plate of the air.pump and eihanst" the air . sloWly Tram under it. The bladder soon becomescopeive,PW ing to the pressure of atmospheric air. upon,il, the supporting air in the receiver, beirg partly thrown .out. Carry on the exhaustion, And the air preettek 'at the rate of fifteen pounds to the square inch,— The fibres of the bladder being no hirtgArait4le 0 ,ollcaring.the pressup of the _turpoppherie ooluMn ppon the receiver, are torn to pieces with a.noise equal to the report - of a mbsket, which itoccasinn. ed by the air rushing in to restore the equilibrinin. Imagine a rapid succession of such experiments, on a large scale, and you have the peal of [hinder, the ruccure of the first bladder being the clai..",Bat the explosion of the gases, oxygAn and hydrogen, of which water is composed, will also account for the noise. SPIRITUAL RAPPING'S-TIE LAST WONDER.- We have an acquaintance, an excellant and sensible fellow generally, but almost as strongly effecnedby the medium business as his honor Judge Edmonds. Oar friend, whom for the nonce we shall defignine as Ili, tome time ago tot 'a 'muck lidded, hand. some and antelligent.dog. Long he grieved' over poor C irlo's death, the faithful friehti of many years. A week or two since, a circle .(1.1, mediums met at his house, and poorliiatillthinkingolVallo in the course of the experiment, requtid mien: l ;w .4the best naerfluni present; to tiv'eter. the it o departed animals might not be induced-.Ao.answer." The experiment was made, and sur&anongtr , the 'table began to move, expresising reply. " But if this be the spirit of MY:44, 1 '40e 41 1 , how will I know him I can only- recognise him by his bark !" "True," replied , the merliilm, "t but the table cannot bark, 08 the barkl'Aiailaken off the world before tebte''sras made." " But •willtarlo's spirit ims*er - artothervityr* In an instant one end of the table (which was a Parf - that turned down) began to:wag, violently, the table began to move at a dog trot straight towards the doorpost, there raised one leg. and— 11 was con• rinsed that this.was the spiral of Curio ! ON , E HAPPY Ili:Ar.r.—Have you made onchap- RTheart to day t envied privilege ! Witt calm ly you can seek yout,pillow i how, sweetly bleep! In all this world, there is nrithing so sweet ing comfort to the - distressed, as getting wenn:- raj , info a gloomy heart. Children of sorrow-meev-ns } wherever We' turn ; there ie note moinetit th4trtliars ire not shed and siglip..altufed, Ant Jlow„n!any,iol those sighs are caused by our own thettightleamees ffew many a daughter veringit thliottlyentil - of a Yord mother by acts of unkindness aria t iiiiiiritude? How many husbands by one 'little word,, make a ..whole day ot sad hours and unkind du:141141 flow many wiyesoby rarriminationp sittings-,and; em bitter loving hearts 1 flowitttatiy'brtithers•artit'sis tars meet but to yes' and.itjure each other, making 'wounds not no humarpheart , carr beil.4 , oAb f if each one worked upon this maxim strive to make - some heart liaiity. 7 .pialOnsy;re. Nang., readness,hate, with l thure kindred ev il elites, would forever leave the earth. • I GOOD PAY —One of thirniiitilointed:Posfmistars, 'mit in sockerdom, who fourfi*tigihifyia , -jaws a clause to the e ff ect may be allow . c,d monilloig,dctivering• from his office to a subscriber each newspaper not,chayos• able with postage," sent in his bill tp...Ate Depart. -mint for delivering the only papa - VR - 40watt mai tpi p 4 office: and told them that, as bisylfti a v. itr3 .J. 14 $1 he ankle, they might tend bim a pogesplmef_ milts 1- 41.54 o=iiiitifAiiio; i tmi - doi#•::talitoo, ~iy*Feu i 44. 4 4- t r!3:94l i lig`tOs, a (oo,6 6 l4 7- -• wi , h women, auperfi;r to talent? What tedneaahat - womanr,who litednatortfedlotienat iht the. . . cotitpiey43fitiiin,=l l ho4OiAtiftiii:4 jtiltilfitill, • Why , fle..# l 9..wo-m . kiiiplfiligi, ' o, 4 :ppfitOß.,4x .. ea mired 00 , oilii, 1,004*-41ormilstprowoogo• , dy_becauktuthity are in: t heleiterof a fret' iii,ao Mkt = _. and continual' cariiiifteddiriingeibY k./. 61114 1, . Woiiieti'iti thii'a4 Igier t ihTiniv i OlilY,liiticAtp• nines awaken,-theitdelimmkgaiumbpeceliatitietne• ~,, .lohtitillheirrbeattl, sod- oaptirlatiOn,intAterfpltit ot 4uteliectnal tivaiirel AndtteTrinemlbartttiOh.litt: 1121tiel'iedit,dieleihaleii; or Orelloifirmiti, # :;le 651 0 ‘;t ki" unileiaidin#,; lA' iiit as hi;',Fl),:iiiiir• : lerPhanged , corlllaPiti/t ,ilittt;lisPaliiittltf BM *,-, . bed ofti , their materiertiktlithed eindi-brighta 4 ; • -; and their ttehneisti like fuleVA.ikl'afrritighilfttici ;.-" • tier work rearfihip by the up t , o tin ,it.ever could be by ittoaa, t Of•roep t Atisitoit awa -steel_ el our iharactere•ara:,laidzastidepiike -the harebnese of - a warder' in Mitt liketitiiflielitelti,d ' - eecnrity., - ,• ! ' 3 '" ;"'"* "'", ':: '''.''''':rl l :3 An.ELenustrz Ealeacrfelite sexisArt Latest ofeemeierieelatid hi eleitibefent ) ileapi , pfdidrdlqa - `iticinnthalit, A i( g iat e .'y)iiiis)4jitl bt:klififilt. ifffir anniiiiiiinhOl "Ydiaiiiterti n between tie item' aiid , , , Y ,.. 0 !..n,......~.. the amall;the rich anti the pool; but in ihaiAcein cemetery the king and thaclown the prince and tie -perisant'are all slits entliarifireitlied:s'iTtier!iiitt:ea 'roll over elt:-4tief"eaiiite:rlr3ititiitt:ii:cOgrjr4,tyal:4l- iitieley el the Ocean friiritt:o,ilicif,tiOrtsr 3 AEVtlytir remains , the: sameaterm•betur,-.andr the reanittien , e t shines ;andothere; onMerked; , tha..zweilVlitil 4 1 • iiii'werfrit, 21* . pldirced:aitifenhcieetedetiWbC, , unlit aii•alieried biitegameliiiiiip:44,4P / • tut Ica will 'give up ita dead.:,, , , Sat/xi:ill—Much hajury donte-10 , 4415ki114k iculdiog. :It tbe st , inirhe' objeet 4 tifibl the I - eauheti as osell as filo pifenti:.liitaln:flickeep . cliftiut 'of Ida . ''cliitlien`; and frerpierdaGopillnl..rpOtiips:e f ltes almost impossible. -Itislieriates the Ofystung obildren. Depend upon it ibey inuring O trVartaka w' Ychr bade liditifed'ilialtdia l • , r o.T t You nt ,y l liltAmntaa, an d tießisiou Y ctik tnitY Po isi;•ll)oo)..with sevgclly , e quatee to the nature of their offences; anitsber.urill feel the justice of your conduct, and love you not _withsianding all. Bombay, haws/voiding:off? ex. lao,-,(Ad • . r 6 ,13 Nen! . 11 4; or motto-, 4 l4 o TretwilldfPteAli4 o Brauleborougb Eagle-tells arefollowirtretiatrAaft a witness upon a liquor trial: 7 ft yoNlitiot t v lv braid) ' RIO ' o ll o,*Fte • pliedd i thP ' 1 !: 11 Ple01, 1 `,.. 1 0 1 01 1 iit9JA1441WO then I tirdromed about a glass of it 9_: , ,Tbeuriezpebt. ed verb wholly upset the gravity of the court, , tury. antlinoitseellanerniipeophifirad Ifiet'fiei‘Frittiat all assi v ed in, IfcOVF _ l i ft. tTIi,MOI 94 , 4 1 a1P MAP wltoinullitt,. B 4MAY ataUk.of bimaelfY taller vnisfciuiel artlt&iwi" LIP Sgiiiieitil:ll,s6,7liirlilllC*o44lltl'oBll - finder ; #iii .'.._*wispi7pcp hibiting kissing. .Ifitte,offeitdets,wertt:Sitteh Tuttle and Jacob Newlicw.lt'apriests.thstliaishatotoped ,her gloves end Jacob ttitnidl titeitt.C,'*ll4ittifib ; asked for them,Jacoh.detnittailatla,-Ityisfl4olll3 and as tite.dem and did- nikreeekiqpiabi.k,4oolFS gaol, she adjusted ii forthwith. The taetsleje clearly proved, and thepattles 7wcre.fineti twenty 'shillings. • ' • ' ' f 77 LVVV?,t IZIEINIZ : &TS ,11111 r. THE , ;HVITS."7A, school; NY* Wells etho thought his pocket money. came rather seldom, thus addressed ITO father 't-tleasei papa ti,4tlime if the words, E pleribus deem?' treratilrenzoptirer ter titulars?" ''Of boy," said papa i " 49t ." Becapse,'.' it iff i llOW tongng; time e lyc~ got.' I ef.) laNze I, 1 1 7 i f ., • . •,•.• , A .s.. . - —,—. Palt tt , • Aet.., ) " ke 1 r "laql,co4l' f i t t e 0 .0 40 o s. ark *Lillie Oklithilto"" Ilere,was laugtv apairt•w4iikihwaddactsAtatiti for.this ithyttiiiSib:titfoffafs rip 4. by cansupiag, it,!! Theta, wa*,.lnaqtj-AilAol - -ill the • Warder r, 7 7,1 4 - • ,;04 • TOUCHING PROOFS OF Rifiktp,..4 eai!'Titrnarsh, for every teirtChitikV' 4, born the ca i i!aiu : 4e— j 1 c! ibe 44: 4 1.i'sceltirio the eobk; . -tailb tainted: armai, maaarinfartaert6 the •stneepthie in thlriatty,""trire AK' tsedfiti iBiel • 4 64 P1 - • ~C=^ ittifF4:so- et.l,-I6: et rf9, .7 ttlyr)o,' , 4 AS Titolkonatatios.-rllie peec44:14,401:443 , 4.as -a poisonous, almond.. tits fleeby,,partositeteith*e used to tnfitisorf'ittot4.4s'hriilliWfdt_fliiiii_rn - tecultice‘t in s *? ) s tlsfil • tivaiion; towever, not only reiit - oveitll;,poisbnone qualities, btitlikodue . 64ltib ono trull we novi . fter . , ,r ) , • 1 ~r 4,1 413 . riA 9 4 ^%14.91" in sAeari•ofivaret, wit , er wiwet , cokliplkilewattllti -flow iioilkfixiiike ie , torqtle tontiOtid ei;*lavu h' ""itteigßoirti i 4411 , o BS ft pow * [O I .IfI4, , on,IS4!ii9B):ItIOSAMM94III t° • .w„consistenceistiaisi„ , sll, - .,tbeilooteauilitivAMlP tar taelre iftlibihiiptb4•Vbeii;detras}Ptit siellkoWd , re,t,14,44 • _ .I•4lit A --GP/P4 s T , , geologist was.boastirig thalria 11A aIIR • rriilieir id iliffilis'atriphabet:;iiitaitidy,cariotwas yieftilb be, cried Caleb!, in a age te it is - * ussopp, vir," replied ItisFladeQ-Carle aslaisalted.' _ `; - 11.42_ ,, ,t , 401101:: !NJ, - 1.117 • • i tg l iE b t#lot4 64s4. .• Ali r g lifi l4itig*VAAoet .„ 1 -441 "v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers